Influence of Tourism on the Employment in Vojvodina
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Influence of Tourism on the Employment in Vojvodina Influence of Tourism on the Employment in Vojvodina Anđelija Ivkov, Aleksandra Dragin, Distribution of Labour Force persons employed in handicraft constant- Tamara Kovačević, Branislav Đurđev, According to the Type of Activity ly declined and is the result of a more dy- Ljubica Ivanović namic development of industry. This is Almost as a rule, agriculture is the main where the downward progress is most ob- activity in economically weakly developed vious because since 1975. from 5.9% it fell to Abstract countries and regions. Later, parallel with 1.2% (year 2000). Certain changes in the economic structure economic development, the share of ag- The number and share of persons em- happen as part of the economic develop- riculture in forming national or region- ployed in administration and civil services, ment of a country or a region. Thus, the al product declines, whereas the share of as well as in waterpower engineering, and analysis of the distribution of labour force industry increases. After the phase of in- also in forestry and housing-municipal ac- according to the type of activity is found dustry expansion, its importance gradu- tivities changed only a bit during the peri- very interesting. Job market in AP Vojvodi- ally declines, while tertiary activities gain od observed. na is characterised by high unemployment, larger importance (Kicošev, Bubalo, 1999). high hidden unemployment and insuffi- Currently, underdeveloped countries an- Influence of Tourism cient mobility of the labour force. ticipate tourism as the initiator of their de- Tourism and hotel industry belong to ac- Tourism and hotel industry belong to those velopment (increase of employment, de- tivities that basically have a rather elastic types of activities that have a rather elas- velopment of economy, income increase and complex approach towards population tic and complex approach towards popu- – especially foreign tourism, increase in na- categories that are in a possibility to find lation categories that are in possibilities to tional income, etc.). employment in them. Different population find employment in them. Different popu- During the period observed (1975- structures are included in them. lation structures are included in them. 2000), the number of people engaged in ag- The development of tourism and hotel The development of tourism and hotel in- riculture in Vojvodina fell from 75.000 to industry is a necessary precondition for dustry is an important precondition for 44.106, i.e. from 15.3% to 10.6%; a fact that lessening employment problems in this lessening unemployment problems in indicates a large economic transforma- region. That is because tourism and ho- these areas. That is because tourism and tion of this area. However, there are still tel industry, with their own development, hotel industry, with their own develop- some settlements in Vojvodina dominat- activate the whole system of other comple- ment, activate the whole system of other ed by people actively employed in agricul- mentary activities, thus solving this prob- complementary activities, thus solving this ture. For example, these are in western and lem on a level of a larger spatial unity. problem on a level of a larger spatial unity. southeastern parts of Srem. The relation between the share of per- First of all, a larger number of young peo- The share of persons employed in in- sons employed in tourism and hotel indus- ple, and all those who are capable of work- dustry and mining constantly grows dur- try and the total number of persons em- ing, should be included in the develop- ing the almost whole period and according ployed in economy reflects the way how we ment of tourism in Vojvodina. Even older to data from 1998. it represents 40.1% of all actually treat tourism and hotel industry. categories of population should be includ- the activities, when its slow fall starts and That is why the share of those employed in ed as they could contribute to the devel- in 2000. it represents 39.7%. hotel industry is much higher and in cer- opment as much as they are able to. Financial and other services experience tain years it is almost the only bearer of the Organize different courses for domicile similar tendencies, where a share of those employed labour force, while in tourism it population from smaller places in a mu- employed in all activities grew from 1.8% goes up to a maximum of 0.11 and the min- nicipality that has certain tourist potenti- to 3.7%. The same applies to education and imum is 0.06%. alities (foreign language courses, compu- culture where it grew from 6.6% to 9.2%; It is noticeable that a number of persons ter courses, etc.), create spatial conditions, whereas in healthcare and social protec- employed in economy gradually grows provide technical equipment and appli- tion it almost doubled from 5.0% to 9.07%. from 1972. until the end of 1980s, for that ances, etc. Since 1987. traffic, trade, civil engineer- number to start constantly to fall from Key words: tourism, employment, demo- ing, tourism and hotel industry experience 1990s. graphic transition, Vojvodina, Serbia. the growth in a number of employed peo- The change in the number of people ple, while from the beginning of the 1990s employed in economy reflected upon the the share of these activities in a total econ- change in the number of people employed omy of Vojvodina decreased. A negative in tourism and hotel industry. The share of trend of persons employed in tourism in people employed in that activity was 2.46% Vojvodina is worrying since it is necessary at the beginning of the period, in order that a much larger number of people is in- to reach 3.02% until the mid 1980s. After Department of Geography, Tourism and cluded in the development of tourism. that, its share constantly falls and in 2000. Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, Handicraft is an economic activity that it represents 1.58%. In 2001. it is 1.68%; fact University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja experienced negative development in a pe- that indicates a certain growth in a number Geographica Pannonica 11/2007 Pannonica Geographica Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia riod observed. The number and share of of people employed in hotel industry and 54 Anđelija Ivkov, Aleksandra Dragin, Tamara Kovačević, Branislav Đurđev, Ljubica Ivanović tourism, which gives a certain hope for the Table 1 The number of people employed according to the type of activity in 1975, 1987, development of tourism in Vojvodina. 1998. and 2000. If we separately look at hotel industry Activity 1975. 1987. 1998. 2000 and tourism, it is noticeable that hotel in- Number 174700 243617 178354 164198 dustry experiences a constant fall of peo- INDUSTRY AND MINING ple employed (from 2.41% in 1972. to 1.62% % 35.5 39.0 40.1 39.7 in 2001). This decline directly results from Number 75000 66408 48463 44106 closing down a large number of objects in AGRICULTURE AND FISHERY the public sector that are of much larger % 15.3 10.6 10.9 10.6 capacities and opening of smaller objects Number 2800 2181 1783 1786 FORESTRY in the private sector. % 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4 The share of those employed in tourism Number 2500 2618 1963 1935 from 0.05% at the beginning of the period WATERPOWER ENGINEERING grows to 0.11% at the end of 1980s; for it to % 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 start falling again and in the last 10 years it Number 33300 42394 21835 19125 has well-balanced values of 0.06-0.07%. If CIVIL ENGINEERING this share continues to grow, tourism and % 6.8 6.8 4.9 4.6 hotel industry will represent an important TRAFFIC AND Number 27200 41252 26516 25046 economic activity, where a lot of people COMMUNICATIONS % 5.5 6.6 6.0 6.0 unemployed will find employment. Number 44100 60510 30062 24596 TRADE What to do Next? % 9.0 9.7 6.8 5.9 Deficiency of strong economy, especially TOURISM AND HOTEL Number 9600 13969 5706 4999 in rural areas, needs to be substituted by INDUSTRY proper alternatives – employment and in- % 1.9 2.2 1.3 1.2 come as the preconditions for the surviv- Number 29100 18594 5779 4861 al of the community, as well as the support HANDICRAFT % 5.9 3.0 1.4 1.2 of the community, individuals and institu- tions. Rural regions, bearing the historical HOUSING-MUNICIPAL Number 11600 8624 9519 9770 and traditional signs, created by the hard ACTIVITIES % 2.4 1.5 2.1 2.4 work of generations, provide wealthy herit- FINANCIAL AND OTHER Number 8900 22188 16642 15452 age of a strong cultural identity. Local cul- SERVICES tures stand for the source of activities, i.e. % 1.8 3.6 3.7 3.7 beneficial factor of the economic develop- Number 32500 36725 38620 37924 ment of the areas (AEIDL, 1994). EDUCATION AND CULTURE % 6.6 5.9 8.7 9.2 Cultural routes (textile and crafts – homemade products) may support the HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL Number 2466 36205 39862 40316 community existence (employment and PROTECTION % 5.0 5.8 9.0 9.7 income), for example, the women em- Number 15500 28553 19126 19447 ployed in textile production in Rethym- ADMINISTRATION AND CIVIL SERVICES no (Crete) in 30 independent, individu- % 3.2 4.6 4.3 4.7 al manufacturers, 2 smaller factories and Number 491400 623838 444230 413556 1 co-operative, where embroidery, weaving SUM % 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 and sewing skills are used in production of embroidered items, handkerchiefs, bed Source: Statistical yearbook of Serbia; 1976, 1988, 1999, 2000.