Transcending Intersections: A Vision Zero based pedestrian traffic safety research project for Broad St. & Olney Ave. CMBP Report By: Kathleen Rowe, BA, MPH(c) Preceptor: Jonathan Purtle, MSc, DrPH Sponsored By: Department of Health Management & Policy and made possible through partners at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia (BCGP), the Mayor’s Office of Transportation & Utility (MOTU), and the South Eastern Pennsylvania Transportation Association (SEPTA). Questions about this report? The author can be reached electronically at
[email protected] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Transcending Intersections (TI) is an evidence-based assessment and improvement project that aims to improve the pedestrian safety at the intersection of Broad St. & Olney Ave.; Philadelphia’s 5th most dangerous pedestrian intersection. This study utilizes and implements components of Vision Zero, a comprehensive set of Swedish transportation policies defined by public health principles. Transportation-related crashes kill approximately 30,000 Americans per year. In Philadelphia, the rate of pedestrian fatality increased 15% between 2009-2013. This risk disproportionately affects pedestrian populations in low-SES, non-white neighborhoods. To assess and address a high-priority area of this burden, this project utilizes a sequential mixed- methods approach that 1) communicates preexisting quantitative data from municipal and local NGO sources and 2) collects and communicates qualitative narratives and observations of intersection users. Upon integrating these data,