
DENSITY TOWER Density Tower Experiment

Purpose: What is the question?

Hypothesis: What do you predict will happened?

Materials: List everything you need for the experiment Density Tower Experiment

Purpose: What is the question?

Hypothesis: What do you predict will happened?


• 1 tall glass Variety of Solids • Food colouring (for water) • Bottle cap • Marble Variety of Liquids • Bolt • Water coloured blue • Cherry tomato or • Corn syrup or • Dice • • Popcorn • Dish • Corn Kernel • Results: Record and draw a labelled diagram to show what happened. 1. Begin by pouring the corn syrup or honey into the bottom of the jar. The layer should be about an inch tall. 2. Next, pour the cooking oil on top of the honey layer. 3. Pour the dish soap into the jar to layer on top of the oil. 4. Repeat with remaining ingredients. You may wish to colour the water blue so that it stands out. 5. For best results – each time you pour a new liquid into the jar, tip the jar to the side slightly and pour the liquid down the inside wall of the jar. Alternatively, use a turkey baster to put the liquid into the jar, again pouring the liquid down the inside wall. This will keep the pouring liquids from disturbing the liquids already in the density tower. 6. When you have layered all the liquids, carefully place the solids in to the jar. 7. Allow the all the elements to settle before drawing your observations.

Results: Record and draw a labelled diagram to show what happened. Conclusion: Explain your results. Record why and how it happened. Confirm whether your hypothesis was supported by the results.



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