College Girl Vanishes Like Aucecorbett Bricks
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THE WEADUb R NET PRESS RUN* frorecaar bjr .V. S. Weather Bareaa. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION New Hareii OF THE EVENING HERALD (or the month of December, 1027 ^oudy tolilght; Tuesday proba- Dly Ugbt rain; rising temperature. 5 , 0 7 9 I PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. JANUARY 16, 1928. (TWELVE PACrES) VOL. XLIL, NO. 90. Classified Advertising on Page 10. TRAVELS 1,800 MILES COLLEGE GIRL ‘ TO SEE SICK PAL WHERE PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS MEETS. Worcester, Mass., Jan. 16.— After making a 1,800 mile liop from Georgia to see a man who VANISHES LIKE had been a “ buddy” on the bat tlefields of France, Lieut. Stew art Chadwick was in the City AUCECORBETT Hospital today at the bedside of Capt. Henry B. Stickney. The latter was injured in an airplane -f crash here when George W. Speed Opens SixHi Pan-American Congress In. HavamG Miss Frances St. John Smith, Knowlton, 3rd, lost his life. RADIO USED Daughter of Wealthy Par TO CALL OUT Tells Delegates to Be Gnided By Patience, Tolerance ents Missing Since Last BRICKS, FLOWERS and Charity— “ Onr Most Sacred Tmst Is the Estab- Friday. STATETROOPS lisbnent of the Spirft of Democracy ” He Says. ON ANNIVERSARY A- ways be-taken into consideration. BULLETIN. Bogle Call Goes Out From Havana, Jan. 16.— President Look to the Spirit OF PRmiTION Coolidge constituted himself his New London, Conn.. Jan. 16.— “ We read -that ‘theJetter killeth Frances St. John Smith, missing own ambassador of good will to but thd spirit glveth life.’ Often 18-year-old student of Smith col W nC At Hartford and Of- day. times ifi our international relations lege, was seen here this morning We shall have to look to the spirit Friends and Foes of Dry Law He shattered precedents of 150 rather than to the letter of accompanied by a young man in a ‘ fidal Orders Are Broad years by journeying 1,200 miles roadster, according to a govern We shall have to realize that the ment forester from California en- Talk on Eighth Birthday; from the capital In order to deliver highest law Is consideration, co-op route to Wethersfield, Conai. c a s t . in person to the statesmen of the eration, friendship and charity. The forester said^ he recognized Without the application of these western hemisphere a message of there can be no peace, no progress, the missing student from hei Different Views Given on photograph in a newspaper He peace-and frieh4sfill>» and to assure no liberty, and no republic. These said the girl was in a roadster ' Hartford, Conn., Jan. T6—‘Radio them that the intentions of the are the attributes that raise human the Question. relationships out of the realm of the automobile parked outside a store In this magnificent building called one of the ten most beautiful structures In the world, the Havana as well as the usual telegraphic, United States throughout all Latin- here and that the machine was be Pan-American conference will be held. It is the National Theater, fronting on Havana’s Central Park. means was used today for the first ing stocked up with provisions. Washington, Jan. 16 — Friend time in mobilization of troops when and peaceable. that borders on the divine. If we The girl who the forester . Qther^fpresidents have given simi thought was Miss Smith tore up a and foe of the dry cause came for the order of Major?Goner^ Moyrls are to experience a new era in our lar assurance^,, to Latin-America, affairs, it will be because the world letter and threw It in an ash can, ward today— the eighth anniversary HARDY’S ASHES B. Payne for the test gaffifering- of but none other ever journeyed^south he said. The forester claimed-he Mussolini In Duel various units of the Forty-Third- recognizes and lives in atcordanco of prohibition— some with fiowers, of the Bio Gi'SDde, nor chose the with this' spirit. ItS most complete fished out the letter which showed Division . throughout Connecticut, setting of a Latin-American capital the name “ Smith'’ to be written on some with bricks. expression is in the golden rule. Senator Willis, Republican of UIDTOREST Rhode Island and Maine, at 8 P. M., to give the words additional weight “ The light which Columbus fol the envelope. Ohio, one of the outstanding drys With Italian Count was given out over the air. and emphasis. lowed has not failed,” he said in New London police saia the in Lieutenant William B. Taeillo Asks For. Patience cident had not been reported to on Capitol Hill atid an active candi conclusion. “ The courage that car date for the Republican presidential \ ---------------- - sounded a bugle call to arms over, Mrv Coolidge’s speech, which ried him on stil.1 lives. They are them. nomination, broadcast this warning the Travelers Insurance Company opened the siXth Pan-American Con the heritage of the people of Bolivar London, Jan. IG.— New details^premier in the face with his gloves. station “ WTIC” here at noon, and Northampton, Mass.. Jan. 16. to “ all concerned:” Brilliant Gathering at Funer gress, was devoted wholly to a re and of Washington. “ Any political party that pro of the reported duel between Pre Seconds met and a duel was ar the official order was read by Col. statement of the ideals of Pan- “ We must lay our voyage of ex Spurred by the offer of a reward of mier Mussolini and Count Calvi, ranged in the Zoological gardens. Harry B. Bissell, chief, of staff of ploration toward complete under SI,000, efforts were redoubled to poses As its program repeal of the Americanism. He advised the dele ISth Amendment, or weakening of husband of Princess Yolanda wer.i The duel ended, according to th'is al of Noted Author at the Di-vision. gates, representing the cream of standing and friendship. Having day to find a trace of Miss Frances reported here today by the Central report when Calvi’s sword was shat !■ No Surprise taken that course, we must not he St. John Smith, 18-year-old the Enforcement Act, will be show Latin-American statesmanship, to ed under so deeply that it will News, which attributes its report to tered after it had struck a shirt of Westminster Abbey. The mobilization, which did hot be guided by "patience, tolerance turned aside by the fears of the haired daughter of a New York not be heard of again for many a Vienna correspondent, who in mail worn by the premier. Count come as a surprise to the National and charity” in the consideration timid, the counsels of the ignorant broker, who vanished from Smith turn quotes the Croatian newspaper Calvi is said then to have thrown Guard units, is the first in years. of each other’s views, and “ to judge or the designs of the malovent. college under circumstances as years. the broken half of his sword in the “ It is unthinkable that the “ Koatsky Narani Glas.” The soldiers are to report at their your sister nations not only by their Our Guides mystifying as those surrounding amendment shall be permitted to be According to this unconfirmed premier’s face. London, Jan. IG.— with the same various armories at 8:15 P. M. accomplishments, but also by* their the uufolved disappearance in report,''the duel arose out of an ar The Croatian newspaper states vWitli law and charity as our nullified, directly or indirectly. simplicity that marked hiS life, the Commissioned officers were notified aspirations.” guides, with that ancient faith November, 1925, of Miss Alice M. gument between Premier Mussolini that news of the duel was entirely first of the mobilization Dlans and Nowhere in the President’s speech “If citizens and officials will give suppressed in Rome. ashes of Thomas Hardy, famous which is strengthened when it re Corbett, of Utica, N. Y. Smith col their attention, not to work out and Crown Prince Umberto. The they in turn have notified their non did he refer to the criticism that lege student. Both girls vanished crown prince is said to have object English novelist, were laid to rest quires sacrifice, we shall anchor at means where the law can be evaded, commissioned officers whose duty it has been rampant in the press of last in the harbor of justice and on Friday, the thirteenth. ed to Premier Mussolini’s plan to Previous reports of this duel, this afternoon beside the grave of South and Central America over but to the development of the idea with numerous variations, have is to get word to the enlisted men truth.” While the frenzied search con- have his own portrait placed upon Charles Dickens in the “ Poets’ to report ready for service. The United States policy in Nicaragua. of obedience to law and respect the new two lire coin. Heated words been reporteu from other European The audience that heard Mr. liniiedi officials stated that they for the constitution, the problem Corner” of WestminE. :? Abbey, actual means of getting word to Nor was there any mention of MeX Coolidge expound the idealism of were working on 'five theories. arose and Prince Umberto is said sources but have met with staunch ico, nor Tacna-Arica, nor any of the will be solved much more easily and denial in Rome- As yet there' has At the same time in the -wind the men is left to the discretion of Pan-America was one of the most These were: ' to have summoned Count Calvi, other contro'Versial problems that quickly.” who is alleged to have struck the been no confirmation froii:.