The Virginia Teacher, Vol. 9, Iss. 8, October 1928
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^'Virginia Teacher October, 1928 THE SCIENTIST AND EDUCATION Donald W. Davis GENERAL SCIENCE TEACHING IN VIRGINIA Fred C. Mabee DEFICIENCIES IN HIGH SCHOOL LATIN E. Marion Smith NEGRO EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES THE READING TABLE EDUCATIONAL COMMENT Published at the CENTS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE of Harrisonburg, Va, THE VIRGINIA TEACHER OSOSOSOISO^OSO^O^ESO^OSOSOSOSOSOSq O^OSiCMO^O-SOHiOSOlSSiOSsOSOMOSOgsO^OSSO Si S iln= 105 9 JUST PUBLISHED ATTENTION OF TEACHERS 3 m Fundamentals of Business i o g Practice s AND PRINCIPALS o o Q JS g by o 8 g C. E. Birch, B. S .in Ed., L. L. B., M. Accis. g; Supervisor of Penmanship and Com- Q mercial Work, Lawrence, Kansas sfa . , -r . We carry a complete line of School h O Laboratory materials for use in Junior Furniture, Auditorium Seating, Black- 9 q Business Training Courses. One hundred boards and Accessories. School Sup- g SS practical assignments with all instructions o O and practice material self-contained in the ffi plies, Maps, Globes and Charts, latest g O pad. Intended for use with the text, Fun- o E« publications. Kindergarten Supplies, g Iffii damentals of Business, by the same author, o o 6 as supplementary to other texts, or inde- g g Teachers Supplies, Playground Equip- q pendently of any text. "" ment, Gymnasium and Athletic Goods. NEW, DIFFERENT, EXPLORATORY, o o PRE-V O CAT ION AL g Any special catalog or prices mailed on request. Write us today. LIST PRICES Fundamentals of Business (Text) . .80c o Virginia School Supply Co. Fundamentals of Business Practice Box 1177 (Pad Form) 80c o Write for Samples and Other Information 2000 W. Marshall St. THE GREGG PUBLISHING CO. Richmond :: :: Virginia o New York Chicago Boston San Francisco Toronto SS ES London OSOSiOSO^OSOffiOgOffiliOffiOSOISiOiiOSiO^OiiO oaoaoaoaoaoKoaoaaoaoaoaosoao! soao a OSOSOSiOSiOffiOSO^OS^OffiOSiOSOHfiOa'iOlSiOSO S o s g iUrf a o o O o m ESS A FOOD a o O g o o TOWNS Q AND a o i P 8 o BUS LINE u AN ENERGY BUILDER a o 8 o SERVES a 8 o a s0 o 1 IMPERIAL 1 THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY o o a a THE CREAM of all ICE CREAMS a o o o ffi a o Good Transportation From o a Manufactured § Winchester to Roanoke o 8 o s Harrisonburg, Va. 8 o a SPECIAL RATES FOR PARTIES g 0 1 o 8 O and sold by all leading Ice Cream a a g dealers throughout o Phones 323—636-J g g the Harrisonburg :; :; Virginia g g Slxenandoab Valley ffi oaoaoaosoaoaoaasaoaoaoaoffioaosoffio THE VIRGINIA TEACHER OSO^OffiOSOiSOffiOSOSSOSOSOSO^OffiOffiOffiO g DR. WALTER T. LINEWEAYER S DENTIST | Foreign Language Text Books Hfi Peoples Bank Building K For High Schools and Colleges g HARRISONBURG, VA. M O Phones : Office, 85; House, 8S-M O UAJfAYETTE SERIES FRENCH GRAMMAR: Bezlat- Dey For fourfold mastery of French $1.64 P^OiSO^OSKOSO^OSOSSO^O^OffiOSOSO^OSQ LB VOYAGE DB MONSIEUR PBRRICHON: N. A. Goodyear Q ARCHITECTS DESIGNERS Q Quick reference guide 48 LATIN SERIES FIRST YEAR LATIN: Poster The Neilsen Construction Co. and Arras 9 An admirable course 1.28 FIRST YEAR LATIN (in prepa- BUILDERS and BUILDERS SUPPLIES ration) AMERICAN-SPANISH SERIES O Harrisonburg, Virginia O NOTRE Y SUR; W. B. Knight Q Phone 142 Office 90 E. Market St. o For beginners 1.38 CUENTOS MEJIGANOS: J. H. Cornyn D^CffiOESOSO^O^O^OlSSOiSOSiOiSOMiiOSiOSOiiiO Second-year 1.28 EL SOMBRERO DE TRES g^O^O^OSOKOSO^O^CHiOffiO^OSO^OSiOBiO PICOS; C. B. Qualia Classroom edition; exercises .... 1.32 LA VIDA DB LAZARILLO DE TORMES: Berkowltz-Wofsy S. BLATT § Modernized version; exercises . 1 48 ADVANCE SPANISH COMPOSI- FINE MERCHANT TAILOR TION: Castillo and Montgomery o Profitable and thorough 1.48 Cleaning Dyeing Pressing JOHNSON PUBLISHING COMPANY Richmond. Virginia. NEW MODERN MACHINERY g East Marker St. Harrisonburg, Va. S OgiOSSO!SOI!BO^CffiO^OSSiOffiO^OiiOSOSO^O^O i « laB 8 S. BRADLEY & SONS, INC. g q , . 9 ^O^OffiO^OSOKOSOJSSOlSOSO^OiiOgflOgOBiO g Iron Founders and Macninists g ) ATTRACTIVE POSITIONS o 6 240 S. High St. Harrisonburg, Va. o for 1927-'28 are being reported. Q Free registration, four offices. O OSCSOSO^O^O^OESOSSO^O^OSiOSOgiO^O^O Southern Teachers Agency SI pi 8 BECK'S Richmond :; :: Virginia a OSCffiOffiOffiOSOaC®OSSOSiOSHOSOSOSOSC®0 For HEALTH'S SAKE O^CSOSOSOSOiSOISiOSSSOSOSaSiOSOSOSOSC Eat SALLY ANN BREAD D. C. DEYIER'S SONS I § made in the Reliable Jewelers 9 9 Shenandoah Valley—Nature's Picture o Land—We Feed It Si Harrisonburg ;: :: Virginia ^ o si OESOtSOSSOMSiO^OSiOaHSOHHOSHOESOSiOSOSDgiO O^O^ESOffiOSOMHOSfiO^OSOSKIISOSIOSiOEiOSiOSiOOSiOSiOffiOEIiOSO^OSO^OiiOSiOSOgO^OSiOSIOSiO ■Nhi sp Q ENDLESS CAVERNS g O WONDERFUL AND SPECTACULAR NEW MARKET, VIRGINIA g OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Si BEGUN—-No man knows when END—No man knows where O Tea Room Service at All Hours Descriptive Booklet Mailed on Request iii THE VIRGINIA TEACHER Volume IX OCTOBER, 1928 Number 8 CONTENTS The Scientist and Education Donald W. Davis 231 General Science Teaching in Virginia Today Fred C. Mabee 237 Some Needs of High School Latin Students as Revealed in College Work E. Marion Smith 243 A Historical Pageant Linnie Sipe 245 Pageant of the Shenandoah Valley Elisabeth Knight 249 The Lingering Zest to Persecute 253 Negro Education in the United States 255 Eiducational Comment 258 The Reading Table 261 News of the College and its Alumnae 263 $1.50 a Year Published Monthly except August and September 15 Cents a Copy LOGAN AND ANTHONY'S Practice Leaves in Junior English FORM J Identical in plan with Practice Leaves in English Fundamentals, Forms A and B, the new Practice Leaves automatically come into a share of the wide popularity and high recommendation already accumulated by the earlier forms. With their use, the younger student enjoys the same economy of labor in practice and the instructor a like economy of time and tedium of correction. D. C. HEATH and COMPANY 239 West 39th Street :: :: :: :: New York City The Virginia Teacher VOLUME IX OCTOBER, 1928 NUMBER 8 THE SCIENTIST AND and conceives relations among these ma- terial objects. He reasons with more or less EDUCATION skill, cogency, and completeness concerning THIS title requires some restriction, the world about him. He makes general- since I shall consider the relation to izations more or less profound and applies education of those scientists only, them in his subsequent behavior. For some who are engaged in educational work. The of these scientific processes there is obvious industrial scientist and the research scientist need if not necessity. Others are indulged connected with non-teaching institutions in as a result, let us say of idle curiosity. have very important relations to education, This common human being is an applied but these relations I shall not attempt to scientist, but he is also a pure scientist. Yes, treat. Let us for the moment center our every man stands at some level of scientific attention upon the relation of scientists in advancement. educational institutions to the educational Some men arrive at notions at variance phases of their work and to the educational with yours and mine, notions indeed flatly situation in general. Within this scope let contradictory to those held by great groups us keep in mind especially the social and in- of individuals; these have arrived by faulty dustrial needs of Virginia and the educa- application of scientific methods, at notions tional conditions in the state. There is time that we regard as primitive, fantastic, un- in our program for only a suggestive treat- founded, untrue. Some men, early adopting ment—not for an exhaustive one. I hope a generalization that the masters or profes- it may not prove an exhausting one. sors or writers are the media of all knowl- Let us recognize at the outset that the edge, abandon their progressive scientific professional scientist has no patent upon the endeavor to observe with their own senses, scientific method, no prescriptive right to the to use their own intellects in organizing possession of scientific knowledge, no vested knowledge, and rest in utter dependence interest in its benefits, no exclusive claim upon authority. The level of scientific de- upon the designation of scientist. velopment of this numerous class of men is We are all scientists! In saying this I that characteristic of the Dark Ages. We do not mean to imply that a certain elimina- recall, in contrast with these, men who have tion has been exercised in the admission to made rigorous use of scientific methods. this hall, rejecting all who do not exhibit The seal of our Academy bears the name of the insignia of an exclusive fraternity of Clayton, the pioneer botanist and keen ob- scientific men. On the contrary, all who server of nature, faithfully utilizing every have any interest in our exercises have been opportunity to catalog the plants of the invited and are cordially welcomed. Fur- wilderness; of Jefferson, far-seeing patron thermore, even those who, by reason of in- of science, keenly appreciative of its attrac- difference to the attractions of our program, tions and its benefits; of Maury, skilled remain in outer darkness are also scientists. Pathfinder of the Seas; of Reed, the con- Every man capable of education is to some queror of yellow fever—each in his century degree a scientist. He observes through leading in the applications of the methods his various senses the animate and inanimate of science to the problems of his day. Not objects about him. He perceives processes only in the work of the pioneer or the re- 232 THE VIRGINIA TEACHER [Vol. 9, No. 8 search worker is the scientific method of catalog of facts—a fund of related facts, use.