17 June 2015 (1)
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17 June 2015 (1) MILWICH with FRADSWELL PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th June 2015 Milwich Village Hall commencing 7.30pm. Present Councillor M Baggaley Councillor Dr M Calhaem Councillor A Elkin Chairman Councillor M Ingram Councillor S Nicholls Councillor G Walker Parishioners Mr P Ritson Clerk B A Boughey 15/033. Apologies Councillor R Hocknell Councillor H Walters 15/033.1 Other Apologies District Councillors Councillor F Beatty and Councillor A Harp 15/033. Minutes COUNCIL RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of 20th May 2015 be signed by the meeting Chairman. 15/034. Chairman’s Announcements No announcements 15/035. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Declared Personal Interests and other Personal Interests. 15/035.1 Councillor Elkin. Personal Interest. Planning Application Minute Ref. 15/035.2 Councillor Hocknell (immediately prior to the meeting) and Councillor Walker completed the Register of Interest forms. 15/036. Outstanding Matters 15/036.1 Beech Tree off Sandon Lane, Milwich. 15/036.1.1 Clerk’s Report. County Highways confirmed that the tree was not on their land and subsequently not their responsibility. This information had been passed to the landowner. 15/037. Stafford Borough Council 15/037.1 Correspondence 15/037.1.1 Invitations from the Mayor’s Office. Afternoon Tea. The Upper House, Barlaston. on the 8th July, 2.30pm. For information. 15/037.1.2 Civic Amenity Visit. Saturday 20th June. Milwich Village Hall. 9.00am until 10.00am. 15/037.1.3 The Plan for Stafford Borough - Part 2 Proposals and Community Infrastructure Levy. Consultation. Agenda Item. The meeting was adjourned to receive the following report and reconvened thereafter. 15/037.2. Report from District Councillors. Not present. No report submitted. 17 June 2015 (2) 15/038. Staffordshire County Council 15/038.1 New Highway Matters 15/038.1.1 Coton Hayes to Summerhill road by the “Summerhill” road sign - potholes. 15/038.2 Correspondence 15/038.2.1 Minerals 15/038.2.2 Mobile Library Consultation. Proposed changes commencing April 2016. Milwich Village Hall. Retained but change in day - Wednesday to Friday. Fradswell Village Hall The meeting was adjourned to receive the following report and reconvened thereafter. 15/038.3 Report from Councillor Parry Not present. No report submitted. 15/039. Brick Kiln Pits 15/039.1 Clerk’s Report. The new notice presented. Requires fitting to the gate. Fishing season commenced on 16 June. Four permits issued to Milwich parishioners to date. 15/040. Finance 15/040.1 Financial Statement and Bank Account Reconciliation presented by the Clerk. 15/040.2 Clerk’s Quarterly Salary. Gross £412.50. LGA 1972 s112(2) 15/040.2.1 RESOLVED to pay the Net Salary of £330.10 to the Clerk. 15/040.2.2 RESOLVED to pay the PAYE of £82.40 to HMRC. 15/040.2.3 Executive Check List relating to 2014 / 2015 Finances completed and signed. 15/041. Planning 15/041.1 Applications returned to Stafford Borough Council - Reply Awaited 15/041.1.1 14/21370/OUT Land adjacent to Milwich Hall, Sandon Lane, Milwich Outline application for two dwellings plus access. 15/041.1.2 15/22152/PAR Park Farm, Fradswell. Agricultural Barns to three Dwellings. 15/041.2 Application Decisions by Stafford Borough Council None 15/041.3 Applications received by the Parish Council for Consultation 15/041.3.1 15/22339/HOU The Old Barn, Lymers Lane, Fradswell. Sunroom extension. 15/041.3.2 15/22352/HOU Rosedene, Milwich. Extensions and Alterations. 15/041.3.3 15/22353/LBC Rosedene, Milwich. Extensions and Alterations. 15/041.3.4 15/22393/HOU Court House, Church Lane, Fradswell. Conservatory extension. 15/041.3.5 15/22394/LBC Court House, Church Lane, Fradswell. Conservatory extension. No objections were raised to any of the above applications. RESOLVED to recommend approval. 15/041.4 Planning Appeals 15/041.4.1 13/19700/COU The Stables, Church Lane, Fradswell. Appeal against the refusal to allow change of use from a Stable to an Office. 15/041.4.2 14/21188/FUL The Stables, Wheatlow Brooks Road, Garshall Green. Appeal against the refusal to allow the conversion to a dwelling. 15/041.5 Planning Queries None 17 June 2015 (3) 15/042. Correspondence 15/042.1 Community Council of Staffordshire None 15/042.2 Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association 15/042.2.1 Weekly Updates by email. Forwarded for information to Member Councillors. 15/042.2.2 Parish Council Reform Bill. NALC proposals. Comment as required. 15/043 Matters Raised by Member Councillors / Clerk None 15/044 Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 15th July 2015 at Milwich Village Hall The meeting concluded at 8.25pm. Signed _______________ Chairman Date _______________ .