ACJS BULLETIN / BULLETIN DE L’AÉJC | AUTUMN / AUTOMNE 2017 PAGE 1 ASSOCIATION FOR CaNADIAN JEWISH STUDIES ASSOCIATION DES ÉTUDES JUIVES CANADIENNES AUTUMN / AUTOMNE 2017/ 5778 BulletinVOLUME 31:2 President’s Message his year promises to be a ground-breaking one for ACJS, with a leadership comprised largely of graduate students and young professionals in the field who are bringing new energy to our organization. I am honoured Tto be stepping in as president during a time of many exciting new initiatives, among them: 1. A completely redesigned and absolutely beautiful University’s “No Better Home for the Jews… ACJS logo, banner and website:, Than Canada” symposium. This forms part of thanks to our new webmaster, Jesse Toufexis. If you wider efforts to bring the ACJS into a more have any images pertaining to the Canadian Jewish visible role within the wider field of Canadian experience that you would like to feature Jewish studies and to more actively on the website, or news you would like disseminate information across the country. to include, please send them his way at
[email protected]. We invite any organization planning events with Canadian Jewish content to contact 2. An exciting year of programming me so we can partner in this way. We are conceived of and coordinated by the ACJS also in the process of designing postcards to Programming Co-Chairs and Graduate distribute, inviting people to join the ACJS. Student Liaisons, Lindsey Jackson and SJ In conjunction with this initiative, we are Kerr-Lapsley, who have planned 16 months of local working to broaden our membership base.