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New Ry 7(E!T4st CUL Danny new ry7(e!t4St """,fJ'fIi"$ ZOOl "T radiiional Ha waiian, Pan iolo and Island Music" Hit ~ongf : • Heart of Hawaiian MUfic • E'tai re • Yederday • WaioMina • Chalking a Hick • Heal Away • Reconfider Me • Hawaiian Cowboy • lean on Me • Ka'aahi Kahului • If/and love Olinda Road Distribution: 1300J<..iO-£, lo-fo!)l\atioll; www.HawaiianCowbog com (702) 658-6715 • SUNSET STATION HOTEL· CASINO • Tropics Broiler and Bar Las Vegas "Hawaiian o Sunset Station Live Music and Rodeo Wear" Hawaiian Feast Buffet Good Food Branded in Makawao Thursday Nights (702) 870-9858 5 - 9 pm Sunday 5 - 9 pm (808) 877-4471 C ON TE N T S •••••••••• F E AT URE S -fOEUS-> ISLE MAYOR"S" SHARE THEIR ViSiONS . ... .. 6 J ULY - I U LAE • 'A UKAKE - I UNE ISLE PASTRY CHEF STANTON HO "BEST ON THE PLANET" ..... .. .10 r CHECKING OUT CASINOS . .. 16 COMMEMORATING 60 YEARS Longs has stocked a wide selection of island favorites especially AFTER "PEARL" r our "locals", including fresh Hawaiian Bread and Poi - flown in' 10 addition, our Hawaiian grocery department carries Hawaiian · LAS VEGAN PERPETUATES LEGACY Sun Drinks, (oral Tuna, Sh yo ana Homai Rice, along with huncJreds OF 100/ 442 .. .. .... .. .. .. .20 otlter low prices! · PEARL HARBOR NEIGHBORS (SECOND OF 2 PARTS) . .. .. ... ...27 ?iCOSMETIC OEPARTMENd PAT MORITA "CATHCES-UP" • We feature a wiC/e array A NOTHER HECTIC yEAR ....... ....21 of name brand products. TEA CHERS' STRIKE .. .. .. .. .22 • Our trained Beauty Consultants are knowledgeable of th\l!;. products we sell. DEPAR TM EN T S A LOH A FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA by A l o h a Joe ® " , ..... ,', . ..... 15 CA LENDAR AND REUNIONS .. , .... 17 CL ASS I FI ED · LAS VEGAS ...... .. , .. .. 31 · SOUTH ERN CA L ... ..... 24-25 LAS VEG A S · POTPOURRI , .. ,., . .. .. , .. ,12 ·10 SLOTTIP S FOR PL A YING .. , .13 · I<AN A I<A '0 NIELE , ... , .... ,18 LETTER S TO THE EDITOR . , .,. ,., .9 "NINTH I SLA ND". , . , .,. , .,. , . , .28 SAH ARA R EC I PE S ., . ". , . , . , . , ., .... ".2 9 5 1'i N. Ste phanie SI. 4('2 0 W . Sa h ;u') Ave., (S d h ~H" lY 'i O Vi ll.lg , · «('nler { I I"< It, '! -I HI 111'1 \ ,yeh h B l v d . Stor e 4 50 -0406 Sto re 233-971 7 & D C(,. <l !lJr) In Ih~ S •.l h ;H <I I'avili,", S t ore 3 6 3 -495 9 Store 255-22:14 Pha rmac y 450-1882 S tore 8 77· 6220 Cover Photo by Pharm ac y 233-9721 P h a r mac y :i 6 3-529 2 P h ;J rI"n <lcy 255- 2 55 4 Pharmacy 8 77 · ')77 6 Photo 450- 1872 Photo 233-9720 Pho t o 3 6 3-4 9 7 11 " h olo 8 7 U- 2U2 6 George Bekich - Phototechnik 2 ' O H A N A IULAE / ' AUKAKE 2 0 0 1 3 A Note from the Editor .OHANA® MEL O ZEK J. PH.D. ---------....;.(family) to VOLUME 6 ISSUE I MaylJunc 01 I' m ha ppy a nno unce tha t V a n ce " Pu k uniahi" Canno n . a kanlCl'a ina Publisher I Ediror Mel Ozeki , Ph.D. w ith an impressive bac kground in [email protected] business in H awai ' i. h as joine d Managing Editor Emily Ozeki 'OHANA Magazine as a s ta ff emily wri ter a nd ad sales representa ti ve. H e' lI a lso pe n Kanaka An Director I Design Cindy Temple '0 Nie le, a column a bout exp a tri a tes from Hawai'i who cindy@ have ta ke n roots in L as Vegas. Som e 2S0 ,000-islander Marketing. NY Chrisline Biaggi P.O. Box 90024 Henderson. NV 89009-0024 trips a re gene ra te d a nnua ll y. T hus . H awaii ' s T V8 recently NVmktg @ohanamagazine,com did footage a bo ut the m. Marketing, So. CA Gae l Muramoto • The re's three casinos tha t a re try ing to also woo the P.O. Box 14446 Torrance, CA 90503 ·8446 Islande rs living in L V b y o Jle ring s pecia l nights with [email protected] Hawaii a n o r Po ly n esian foods. The Castaways does it on Market ing. LV & Staff Wri ter Vance Cannon Sunday, the Regent L as Vegas M o n day, a nd Sunset [email protected] Stati on o n Thursd ay. Even though The Cali forn ia doesn' t Account Executive Sano Wright have a H awaii a n b uffe t per st', like the o the r three, when Photography Bri an Janisl PholOicchnik combined w ith the o the r e ntrees, for the price you pay, pho[ they' re still a ll b a rgains ' Roy Ogata Film Outpul l Printer Superior Litho • 'OHANA a tte nded the 3 rd B i I I E ndow Fo undati on Con tributing Writers Aloha Joe Seiler, Ri ta De SC holarship Dinne r, w hic h was spon sore d by the Asian Si lva, C hambe r of Com merce a nd Boyd Gaming Corp. S ixleen Kimberly Fu, Wayne Harada, hi gh school seni o rs o f Asian A m e ri can descent were Pat MOrila, Leilehua Yuen. honored for acad e mic achievem e nt. serv ice, c haracter, athle tics a nd/or acti v ities. A m o n g the "Supe r 16", their Web site: coll ecti ve achievelne nts inc lude e ig ht vale dic to ri ans, three 'OffANA (family)® Magazine (ISSN 1090·5189) for were stude nt bod y prez. nine were K ey C lu b or Senior July/August 200 1. Published Bi-monthly (s',x t' I ) b 'Ou N Imes year y Il~ A, 2485 W. Wigwam Ave. # 11 2 Las Vegas, C lass Prez, four were vars ity sport team c aptains, three Every Aloha Airlines· fligh t to Hawai'i NV 891-3· 1684. Ph 702·434·0544; Fax 702.435.8561 were immig ra nts from Indi a, L aos a nd C hina, w ho spoke Peflod lcals postage paid aI Las Vegas NY E' . feat ures signat ure cuisine by Alan . HI ' . ntnes also nary a word of E ng li sh before coming to A m e ri ca, 111 ono ulu, , HI. POSTMASTER.' Pl ease se nd a dd ress CI langes to OffANA , P.O. Box 230910 Las Vegas NY • Saddene d to learn that the J apanese A m e ri can C it izen Wong, as well as complimentary Mai 89 123·0016. SUBSCRIPTION: Annu~ 1 S U b s c ri p;i~n is League and o the r well - respected Al A o rgani zations fear $23.00US. Personal check or money order. All change of Tais, milk and warm cookies, and free addresses mu st . be, received by Ju ly 10, September 10, a severe backl ash fro m the m ov ie, " Pearl H a rbo r" . I view etc. New subscn ptlon req uests after Periodical mai li ng in the ir voic ing negati ve concerns ill 1l1 e dia irresponsible. movies in both first and coach cabins. January, M~rc h . May, July, August, or October will get That's w hy 'OHANA Magazine h as so deliberate ly first magazine about 60 days later, un less additional $3 We also offer a choice between United fo r fi~ s t . cl ass postage sen t. Fi rst back issue, $6; all ot her printed sto ri es about the herois m of Al A in W o rld War II back Issues thereafter, 55 (postage included). - to educate, to d is pe l s te reoty p e-thinking ! Michael Mi leage Plus" or AlohaPass" miles . O 'Call agha n (p. 20 ) is a time ly, g reat example ' But make no mi sundersta nd ing tha t I ' m NOT be ing a Monday-morning q ua rte rback. I take thi s positio n even before " Pearl Harbo r" was re le a sed in May ! • The "Kam a ' a ina Com e Home" ( p . 9) is vigoro ll sly bein g For reservations call your travel agent or Aloha Airlines at 1-877-TRY-A LOHA . Or visit www.a lohaairl pursued b y the fo ur cuunti es. W e. indeed. appla ud them because it he lps to c urb the " hra in u raill". M e Kea/,,/IO PUllle/lOl/(/ /1d Okh A R L N E S · Expect more " 4 'O HANA IsLE MAYORS ShARE ThEi R Maui hosts n a ti o n a l s porli n g events, boasts several Eighl islands in Ih e Hawaiian archipeligo f orm Ih e world-re nown e d lu x ury resort properties and has Slale of Hawai 'i. Each of Ihe four county mayors is nume ro us public beaches a nd parks . Maui is also a elecled by Ih e residents of Ihal county. seven-time consecuti ve w inne r of Conde NaSI Traveler Two mayors (Kim and Kusaka) we re born on Ihe Big Magaz ine's "Best Is land in th e World" award. Island. Mayor Apana was born in Maui. Mayor Harris was born on Ihe Mainland. Mayor Kusaka was born on Ih e Ih e Big Island, raised on Maui bUI leads Kaua';, 'OHA NA Magazine asked each mayor 10 send a statement about themselves, their county's attributes and his/her vision.
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