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IOIIANA® A Note from the Editor lIawai'i PrePares for (f"",ily) 1----------VOL U ME 4 ISS U E OCT/NOV 9 9 MEL O ZEK I, PH.D. Year~lon~ MillennilIlh Publisher I Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph.D. God is Watching over 'OHANA! Pres idem and Celebration! Associate Editor Emily Ozeki • W e ' ve m oved t o larg e r accolll Every major city in the world is Art Director I Design Diana Barclay-Crane modation s . Our business mailin g address is: OHANA. P .O. Box wooing visitors with gala extravangazas GraphicArtist I Design Maxine Hiramoto 230910, Las Vegas, NV 89 123-00 I 6. Executi ve to Publisher, to celebrate the millennium. Marketing Director Ch ri stine Bi agg i • Check o ut o ur 21 s t Century co lorful a nd dynamic website But The Aloha State is going one-up Account Executive Saon Wright produced by mico restudi os.co lll in L os Angeles. over every other city on the globe with a Certified Accoun tant Stephanie GOIO • 'OHANA is the mainland di s tributor fo r n o te d Ko na artist 12-month celebration! Comri buti ng Wri ters Aloha Joe Seiter Scott Makapali Burton's " Alemanaka Hawai' i Maoli" (The Almanac of Native Hmvai'i). w hi c h is fill ed w ith wonderful Deke Castleman photos and factual info rma ti o n. Pl ease send a $9.25 c hec k for Mina Hall & Hal Kop the beautiful cale nda r ( inc ludes p ostage handling). Steven Lurn • More malahinis join ' OHANA. The Kona S urf Resort, The Pat Morita Venetian, AUSA in W ashing to n , D.C .. Big Isla nd Candies, Z ippy's T o Go, Aloha Friday. V o lcano Wine ry, Waiakea Michael Perry tries to provide kama' a ina di scount rates as a.n incen Villas, Aloha Friday a nd Hawa i ' i 2000 h e lp to give readers nn Moloka'i Dispatch tive to e ncourage former island residents to "Come Photography Brian Jan isl Pholotechnik even greate r diversity of news and inforrna ti o n. Please kokua Home Hawai' i" in 2000. Roy Ogata our s upporters because o ur 'ohana i ~ s impl y n o kao i! "The Hawai' i 2000 celebration wi ll be a once in a life Computer Consuhant Micore Studios, Cerritos, CA • The dawning of two great unive r s ity football programs in time commemorati on to showcase the islands' people, Film Output / Printer Superior Litho, Las Vegas Hawai ' i and Las Vegas_ H ead coaches June Jones and John music, and c ulture,"' sa id Cayetano. "Before 2001 \Vcb page: www.ohanamagazine.com Robinson, respecti vely, bring incredibl y spectac ular careers arri ves, we want O Uf family and friends from around Email: ohanamagazine@ohanamagazincocom fo r a new generatio n of football to the ir school s . These veter the world to come home and join us in celebrating all 'OHANA (family)® Magazine (ISSN 1090-5 [89) an me ntors will be compe titi ve titans from the ir w inning atti the things we love about Hawai'i ," rO.r '-:ugustJSeptember 1999. Published bi -monthly tudes. A winning season in the ir inaug ural season would vault Pl a ntati on camps, high school and college a lumni (SIX ll .mes per year) by 'OHANA ® I'vJagazine, 2485 th eir programs to unprecedente d fortunes. /sallc Nokalllo. Proj eci Director W. Wigwam Ave. # 1 12 Las Vegas, NV 89 123-1684. organizations, a nd other groups are a lso being contact • The Japanese American National Museulll will present spe Ph 702-434-0544; Fax 702-435-8561. An nual sub QVernOf B en CayetanO establis hed the Hawai ' i ed to plan reunions in the 50th State. cial features and pictures about Japanese-American s who con G scriptions are $23.00. Periodicals pOstage paid at Las Mille nnium Commission (HMC) and charged the com- On-going activities s uch as the A loha Festival. Pro Vegas, NV. POSTMASTER: Pl ease send address tributed to America's hi s tory in the D ecelnbe r/January issue, mittee with that mission. Former Governor John W a thee Bowl, Great Aloha Run. and Honolulu Marathon. changes to 'OHANA , P.O. Box 2309 10 Las Vegas, Anyone is e ncouraged to s ubmit J apan ese s to ri es to 'OflA NA. an d L y nne Ma· dden , executi ve. vice President of Island among oth er events, wi ll feature incredible attractions NY 89123-00 [6. WRITE-I NS: Materia ls sent for by Septe mber 27 (Chinese-Americans. Hawaiians to follow). consideration of publication mu st include SASE. All He ritage. arc the HMC co-chans. to make them even mo re fun to watch fi rst-hand. material subject to editing. SUBSCRIPTION: • Look at your mailing label. If you have an expiration date The c0111tnitlee is planning the year-long cele bratio n. the C ultura l groups alre ady on board inc lude the Chinese. Personal check or money order only. Adverlisin o of "10/99, 12199, 2100 or 4100", we encourage you to rcnew o ffi cial th eme is "Hawai'i 2000, The Dawn of the New Okinawan. Puerto Rican. Frenc h. Scotti sh. Korean. R;:ltcs .a nd other information, please call Bu sines: your subscription. Get it done before the millennium. and Filipino. o ffi cc. A ll change of addresses should be received by M·t II enlllum.. " Cayetano is the honorary. chatr and the "]0/99" means that this is your last issue. You ' ll otherwise Sepl. 10. Nov. 10, ctc. Subscri ptions received after fOllr county mayors are honorary co-chairs. 'The mille nnium ce lebration offers the people of our be missing some shaka news about locals everywhere and cut-off date will rcceive first magazinc in the follow Thro u oh commiuee work gro ups , advisory members, state a unique opportunity to come together to show in g 60 days, unl ess an addi tional $2 is included for happenings in Las Vegas and Hawai'i. first-cl ass handling. an d voOl un t·eet·.s , Illore than 40 major celebrati ons case what is best about us and at the same time help • Junk mail. " I thoug ht 'oha na m ea nt famil y:' came the thro ughout the state have been c~ord in a t ed as a ~11 ~a n s Our econom y:' said Waihee. "We need a spec ial rea in credul o us accllsatio n . " I' m flooded w ith junk m a il : 1' 111 not to entice 500,000 more former restdent s, fonner VtSllars son for people abroad to visit 'oha na and frie nds or renewing." I humbly accept a ca ncellati o n to protes t failing 10 In everything a nd new vis itors to Hawai ' j tha n in 1999. This a mbi come to vis it - Hawai'i 2000. T he Dawn o f the New deliver e nj oyabl e. accurate information, but noL f o r selling Our give thanks; li o ll s effo rl w ill also see k to re ne w island reside nt s ' Millennium - is th at specia l reason. mailing li s t! Our Ho nor is al sta ke . See page 7. for th is is the will of God sense of pride in our Aloha State. 'OHANA Magazine readers may contact Happy Thallksgiving alld God Bless You. in Christ Jesu s The additio nal half-million vi sitors could also boost the Isaac Hokama, Program M anager at 808-550-2000, concerning you. state's economy about $800 million. As part of its mar or email: [email protected] .com. keting strategy. l-IM C plans to e ncourage a uni fi ed .effort FOI' 1110l'e infornlation: www.hi2k.net and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 among th e trave l. hotel. and food and be verage lndus- www.conleholn ehawaii.com. 4 'O H A N A 'OKA K OPA / N OWE M APA [999 5 - LETT E R S TO THE ED I TO O---------CCllel'1dCl/l' ---------- ,~(~~""~(~-T"t.," ' ....,,,- -7'," R-6~q-""...,.:tS"~'\ '-';X'~~~~, '" OCTOBER 2·3 Ho'oloule'o, Lanai City, Waikiki Shell. O ' ohu. Oct 17: Maui. '52. Eugene ALOHA, MEL! When I peeled, his face ca me off with the the fac ulty of the US Army War College. Aloha Pacific Festival, las 600-852-7690. W W w . h u J a VI 0 rid com / Takamoto, 808-456-2125. I enjoy reading the whole magazi ne from label. Wi ll yo u instruct the people to paste Please pass along my name and phone , Vegas, Diane Ohata-Sims. the label in an inconspicuous location? I OCTOBER 23 festi val . hfm Oct 18; Baldwin. ' 47. 'e cove r to cover. Really enjoyed the article and email to fo lks in th e Harrisburg area? 702·736-4917. about the "Top Who Shape Las save these wonderful magazines. I wou ld love to meet with loca ls who now Iron man Triathlon, Koiluo NOVEMBER 20 Shimizu, 3 10-391-8628, 100 OCTOBER 3 Vegas", June/July, 1999. I also li ke the Mahalo. Ted Komori, live here to find out about eve nts, halau , Kona. 808-329-0063. PolyneSia! PolyneSia ! Holoku Oct 2 0 : Hila. '55, Kiku 5th Explorations Cultural quality of the paper.