IOIIANA® A Note from the Editor lIawai'i PrePares for (f"",ily) 1------VOL U ME 4 ISS U E OCT/NOV 9 9 MEL O ZEK I, PH.D. Year~lon~ MillennilIlh Publisher I Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph.D. God is Watching over 'OHANA! Pres idem and Celebration! Associate Editor Emily Ozeki • W e ' ve m oved t o larg e r accolll­ Every major city in the world is Art Director I Design Diana Barclay-Crane modation s . Our business mailin g address is: OHANA. P .O. Box wooing visitors with gala extravangazas GraphicArtist I Design Maxine Hiramoto 230910, , NV 89 123-00 I 6. Executi ve to Publisher, to celebrate the millennium. Marketing Director Ch ri stine Bi agg i • Check o ut o ur 21 s t Century co lorful a nd dynamic website But The Aloha State is going one-up Account Executive Saon Wright produced by mico restudi lll in L os Angeles. over every other city on the globe with a Certified Accoun tant Stephanie GOIO • 'OHANA is the mainland di s tributor fo r n o te d Ko na artist 12-month celebration! Comri buti ng Wri ters Aloha Joe Seiter Scott Makapali Burton's " Alemanaka Hawai' i Maoli" (The Almanac of Native Hmvai'i). w hi c h is fill ed w ith wonderful Deke Castleman photos and factual info rma ti o n. Pl ease send a $9.25 c hec k for Mina Hall & Hal Kop the beautiful cale nda r ( inc ludes p ostage handling). Steven Lurn • More malahinis join ' OHANA. The Kona S urf Resort, The Pat Morita Venetian, AUSA in W ashing to n , D.C .. Big Isla nd Candies, Z ippy's T o Go, Aloha Friday. V o lcano Wine ry, Waiakea Michael Perry tries to provide kama' a ina di scount rates as a.n incen­ Villas, Aloha Friday a nd Hawa i ' i 2000 h e lp to give readers nn Moloka'i Dispatch tive to e ncourage former island residents to "Come Photography Brian Jan isl Pholotechnik even greate r diversity of news and inforrna ti o n. Please kokua Home Hawai' i" in 2000. Roy Ogata our s upporters because o ur 'ohana i ~ s impl y n o kao i! "The Hawai' i 2000 celebration wi ll be a once in a life­ Computer Consuhant Micore Studios, Cerritos, CA • The dawning of two great unive r s ity football programs in time commemorati on to showcase the islands' people, Film Output / Printer Superior Litho, Las Vegas Hawai ' i and Las Vegas_ H ead coaches June Jones and John music, and c ulture,"' sa id Cayetano. "Before 2001 \Vcb page: Robinson, respecti vely, bring incredibl y spectac ular careers arri ves, we want O Uf family and friends from around Email: ohanamagazine@ohanamagazincocom fo r a new generatio n of football to the ir school s . These veter­ the world to come home and join us in celebrating all 'OHANA (family)® Magazine (ISSN 1090-5 [89) an me ntors will be compe titi ve titans from the ir w inning atti­ the things we love about Hawai'i ," rO.r '-:ugustJSeptember 1999. Published bi -monthly tudes. A winning season in the ir inaug ural season would vault Pl a ntati on camps, high school and college a lumni (SIX ll .mes per year) by 'OHANA ® I'vJagazine, 2485 th eir programs to unprecedente d fortunes. /sallc Nokalllo. Proj eci Director W. Wigwam Ave. # 1 12 Las Vegas, NV 89 123-1684. organizations, a nd other groups are a lso being contact­ • The Japanese American National Museulll will present spe­ Ph 702-434-0544; Fax 702-435-8561. An nual sub­ QVernOf B en CayetanO establis hed the Hawai ' i ed to plan reunions in the 50th State. cial features and pictures about Japanese-American s who con­ G scriptions are $23.00. Periodicals pOstage paid at Las Mille nnium Commission (HMC) and charged the com- On-going activities s uch as the A loha Festival. Pro Vegas, NV. POSTMASTER: Pl ease send address tributed to America's hi s tory in the D ecelnbe r/January issue, mittee with that mission. Former Governor John W a thee Bowl, Great Aloha Run. and Honolulu Marathon. changes to 'OHANA , P.O. Box 2309 10 Las Vegas, Anyone is e ncouraged to s ubmit J apan ese s to ri es to 'OflA NA. an d L y nne M a· dden , executi ve. vice President of Island among oth er events, wi ll feature incredible attractions NY 89123-00 [6. WRITE-I NS: Materia ls sent for by Septe mber 27 (Chinese-Americans. Hawaiians to follow). consideration of publication mu st include SASE. All He ritage. arc the HMC co-chans. to make them even mo re fun to watch fi rst-hand. material subject to editing. SUBSCRIPTION: • Look at your mailing label. If you have an expiration date The c0111tnitlee is planning the year-long cele bratio n. the C ultura l groups alre ady on board inc lude the Chinese. Personal check or money order only. Adverlisin o of "10/99, 12199, 2100 or 4100", we encourage you to rcnew o ffi cial th eme is "Hawai'i 2000, The Dawn of the New Okinawan. Puerto Rican. Frenc h. Scotti sh. Korean. R;:ltcs .a nd other information, please call Bu sines: your subscription. Get it done before the millennium. and Filipino. o ffi cc. A ll change of addresses should be received by M·t II enlllum.. " Cayetano is the honorary. chatr and the "]0/99" means that this is your last issue. You ' ll otherwise Sepl. 10. Nov. 10, ctc. Subscri ptions received after fOllr county mayors are honorary co-chairs. 'The mille nnium ce lebration offers the people of our be missing some shaka news about locals everywhere and cut-off date will rcceive first magazinc in the follow­ Thro u oh commiuee work gro ups , advisory members, state a unique opportunity to come together to show­ in g 60 days, unl ess an addi tional $2 is included for happenings in Las Vegas and Hawai'i. first-cl ass handling. an d voOl un t·eet·.s , Illore than 40 major celebrati ons case what is best about us and at the same time help • Junk mail. " I thoug ht 'oha na m ea nt famil y:' came the thro ughout the state have been c~ord in a t ed as a ~11 ~a n s Our econom y:' said Waihee. "We need a spec ial rea­ in credul o us accllsatio n . " I' m flooded w ith junk m a il : 1' 111 not to entice 500,000 more former restdent s, fonner VtSllars son for people abroad to visit 'oha na and frie nds or renewing." I humbly accept a ca ncellati o n to protes t failing 10 In everything a nd new vis itors to Hawai ' j tha n in 1999. This a mbi­ come to vis it - Hawai'i 2000. T he Dawn o f the New deliver e nj oyabl e. accurate information, but noL f o r selling Our give thanks; li o ll s effo rl w ill also see k to re ne w island reside nt s ' Millennium - is th at specia l reason. mailing li s t! Our Ho nor is al sta ke . See page 7. for th is is the will of God sense of pride in our Aloha State. 'OHANA Magazine readers may contact Happy Thallksgiving alld God Bless You. in Christ Jesu s The additio nal half-million vi sitors could also boost the Isaac Hokama, Program M anager at 808-550-2000, concerning you. state's economy about $800 million. As part of its mar­ or email: [email protected] .com. keting strategy. l-IM C plans to e ncourage a uni fi ed .effort FOI' 1110l'e infornlation: and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 among th e trave l. hotel. and food and be verage lndus- www.conleholn

4 'O H A N A 'OKA K OPA / N OWE M APA [999 5 - LETT E R S TO THE ED I TO O------CCllel'1dCl/l' ------,~(~~""~(~-T"t.," ' ....,,,- -7'," R-6~q-""...,.:tS"~'\ '-';X'~~~~, '"

OCTOBER 2·3 Ho'oloule'o, Lanai City, Waikiki Shell. O ' ohu. Oct 17: Maui. '52. Eugene ALOHA, MEL! When I peeled, his face ca me off with the the fac ulty of the US Army War College. Aloha Pacific Festival, las 600-852-7690. W W w . h u J a VI 0 rid com / Takamoto, 808-456-2125. I enjoy reading the whole magazi ne from label. Wi ll yo u instruct the people to paste Please pass along my name and phone , Vegas, Diane Ohata-Sims. the label in an inconspicuous location? I OCTOBER 23 festi val . hfm Oct 18; Baldwin. ' 47. 'e cove r to cover. Really enjoyed the article and email to fo lks in th e Harrisburg area? 702·736-4917. about the "Top Who Shape Las save these wonderful magazines. I wou ld love to meet with loca ls who now Iron man Triathlon, Koiluo­ NOVEMBER 20 Shimizu, 3 10-391-8628, 100 OCTOBER 3 Vegas", June/July, 1999. I also li ke the Mahalo. Ted Komori, live here to find out about eve nts, halau , Kona. 808-329-0063. PolyneSia! PolyneSia ! Holoku Oct 2 0 : Hila. '55, Kiku 5th Explorations Cultural quality of the paper. Norco, CA food , etc. And to share aloha and ta lk OCTOBER 29-3 1 Gala Benefit Barr, Grand Hyat-t Horuguchi. 702-248- 6445. Workshop by Kamehameha There is a question I wou ld like to ask, story. Maui Mardi Gras/Halloween Hotel, , CA. Oct 22: Leilehua, "54, Ao EDITOR'S PANL OTHER READERS Aloha , Hoku Paoa Stevenson Schools Alumni Assn .. Howard how come there are no ads from car ALSO SENT EMAILS OR TElEPHONED. '99 In Lahaina, 808-661-5304. Betty Chong, 408-972-0 107 Takeshima.310-378-1107. Fuller. 510-223-1666. Bob Lee. rental compani es in Vegas? I looked OBJECTING. TOO. WE AGREE! THANKS P.O. Box 1229, Carlisle, PA 17013 510-793-6077. Fronk Pinho. OCTOBER 30 NOVEMBER 2 1 Oct 23; Laupahoehoe. '64. through a whol e lot of Vegas magazines TO EVERYONE WHO CALLED AND ph 717-979-3463; [email protected] 406-252-2656. Pacific Islander Festival. Ft. Pasko! A Filipino Chri stmas Ron Kobayashi. 71S-531-3 17J and co uld not find one advertisement WROTE. WE'VE BEEN REASSURED THAT Waipahu. '52. Nicky O lio . HENCEFORTH WIKIWIKI MAIL WIL L JUNK MAIL DILEMMA OCTOBER 9 Worth, IX, Puc/ani Murillo, Celebration. Ho n olulu from any car rental company. We' ll be Academy of Arls. 808-532- 808-671-6048. com ing to Vegas in Septembe r and I USE MORE D ISCRETI ON. SORRY! HI Club of San Antonio 600-880-9725. Two subscribers wrote letters to us after 8700. would li ke to get a rented car. Would you 'Aha'cina, Bracken, TX, Lou OCTOBER 31 Oct 24: Baldwin, '45, Richo:o DEAR MEL & EMILY, receiving junk mail, and believed that Lum, 808-533-369 1. have any recommendations? 'OHANA (family)® Magazine so ld our McCabe. 210-654-0149. Xterra off-road triathlon, DECEMBER 4 - JANUARY 3 It was a pleasure meeting yo u at th e Honolulu City Ughts Display Oct 29; Laupahoehoe. '55, Th anks again for a fi ne magazi ne . mailing list We apo logize for the junk OCTOBER 9-10 Wailea. MauL Televised ESPN, Lahainaluna multi-class reunion. Now the mail , but it was not divulged by 'OHANA 806-521-4322. (Tree lighting Ceremony, Elaine Hamosaki, 808-561 -603 ' Inti. Cultural Festival for Aloha Preston Sato, Kailua, HI committee is talking about a 10 class nor the co ntracted mail companies. The Honolulu Hole Dec. 3). 808- Hilo, . 51, Herb. 808-942-5766 (1950-1959) reun ion in the year 2000, Week. Lahaina. Maul. 606-661- NOVEMBER 5-7 ED ITOR'S PANE: WE APPRECIATE YOUR U.S . Post Office told us that when anyone 527-5784, Waimea, 52, Marlene ImohIrC 5304. Hula Festival & Competition, PERCEPTION TO NOTE THE WE IGHT OF Enclosed is my check and renewal appl i­ subscribes or orders via the telephone to DEC EMBER 4-5 808-988-4908. OUR PAPER. WE THINK THAT IT CON­ cati on for the 'OHANA Magazine. Lo oking OCTOBER 10 Pleasanton, CA, Ingrid TR I BUTES TO A QUALITY PUBLlCA- mail-order, those compan ies imm ed iately Pacific HandcraHers Christmas C LA SS REUNIONS AT forward to the next issue. rent their list. The Post Office suggested - World Festival of Sacred Garlasa.650-355-6451. TION ...... WE'VE HAD BUDGET RENT-A- Aloha, Helen Fair, Honolulu, 808-637-9447 . MAIN STREET S TATION CAR AND X-PRESS RENT-A-CAR IN Music, Carson, CA. Cheryl N OVEMBER 5- 14 looking for the pe rmit number and Nov 3: Baldwin, '52. Mamo PRIOR ISSUES, AND WE'LL TRY TO PER ­ city/state that the mail was prcoessed Henderson or Clarice Nuhi Howaj'j IntI. Film Festival, DE CEM BER 11 SUADE MORE CAR RENTAL COMPAN I ES ALOHA, CHRISTINE! Morugoki. 626-962-2357. from , and request that the Post Office 310-549-5573; Sharon Pau1~ Portrait of Hawa;'i, Phoenix, IN THE FUTURE . I am glad I was introduced to 'OHANA. Honolulu.808-528-FILM. from where th e junk mail originated con ­ 213-465-2437. . AZ. 602-968-0554. Nov 6: Waipahu, '74, Ernie Read every page and must say very inter­ NOVEMBER 6 tact the entity to cease. Shimoko. 808-884-0427. 'OHANA MAGAZINE esting subjects. I can't wa it for the issue - Kaua'i Village He'olaule'a Honoka'a Taro Festival. Big DECEMBER 18 806-822-4904. . Nov. 12: McKinley, '64. Jan Please enter our subscription to 'O HANA featu rin g Ouhaylonsod Reunion. As we've steadfastly said, we made a Island. HI , 808-962-0704. Confam Filipino Party, Las Saiki. 808-732-2211. Magazine , whi ch we learned about from prom ise in 1996 to nol disclose our list OCTOBER 16 Vegas, Victor Baula, 702-656- NOVEMBER 11 - 13 the Hawaii State Soc iety of Wash ington Remie Duhaylonsod Magalian with anyone. We have kept that bond , and AlOha Festival Parade & 5750. C LASS REUNIONS AT Pete Duhay & Family World Invit. Hula Festival. newsletter. always will. FREMONT , LV Mahalo! David Green DECEMBER 19-20 ALOHA, MEL, Aloha, Mel & Emily Ozeki, PUBLIC SERVICE ANNoUNe Oct 1: Lahainoluna '57. Walt Great Falls, VA. EMENT Holiday Hula Celebration. 'GHANA Magazine, The Aloha Connection Takatsuka. 808-373-4615. HI , MEL! Please change my address. We have Kaua 'i Marriott, 808-335-6466. moved to Central Oct 14-1 S: Kaimuki. '69. Did, Th anks agai n fo r the current magazine. I DECEMBER 25 have a problem with the address label. It Pennsy lvania where J APANESE AMERlCAN Aloma. 808-733-8169. o r 734- my husband is now on Jeep Aloha Bowl Christmas 4200. was pasted across the Yokozuna's face. Football Classic, Aloha NATIONAL MUSEUM Oct 15: Maui '52, Eugene Stadium, O'ahu, 808-947-4141. Takemoto, 808-456-2125. presems rhe exh ibition CLASS REUNI ONS AT Oct, 9: Baldwin' 47, Mike TI-tE LAs VECjAS HAWAiiAN Civic Club CALIFORNI A HOTEL Shimizu. 310-391-8628. Oct 1: Farrington, '57, Charlie To petpetuate and preselVe the traditional Oct 22: Laupahoehoe '64. Kimura, 702-228-7363. Lana'i, Ron Kobayashi. 714-53 1-3 174, values. cu~u r e. music and language of Howai'i '59, Irene Seawright, 909-599- Oct 23: Kohala '50, Tomiko and to actively promote and encourage their use. 1838. FUJI Arakaki. 808-424-6215. Oct 2: Lana ' i Alumni, Irene JAPANESE RESTAURANT Hawaiian culture is our legacy - Seawright. 909-599- 1838. Calendar provided by "Ko pala" :00 - "I 010 ana no loina Howat' I" in Son Froncisco. Co/ifomfa Ho tel. ana From Bento to Mixed Plate: Oct 7: Baldwin, '51, Melvin Americans ofJ Fremont Hotel in Las Vegas. ~ 'That Hawaiian ways will endure . . apanese Ancestry Tomita. 808-395-2091 . .ffiQY.: change' oleme feleoboog '0 ~ud,i ~pecialG Daily 99¢ In Multicultural Hawai'i Oct 9: Kaimuki, '67, Jean ~ N o t all contact p ersons Arakaki. 808-543-0014. available for ClOSS reunio ns. Thirteen Kinds of Nigiri Sushi Available! Farrington, '52, Sonny The Las v egas At (he SMITI/ · Each Nigiri Piece Only 99¢ - SONL\ N INS TIT UTION Palabrica, 4 15-585-6544. Hawaiian CMc Club Alns & I N D US THY U J , Oct 10: Kapa ' a. ' 50. Yaeko A class reunion U 1I.DI NG, \'\fashingron DC - Also Serving - Ma 22 h . . Santoki. 808-732-4031 . • y . r I'ough November 30, 1999 is where everybody Established July 1989 For more Info . Oct 11: Kaimuk;' '67, Jean Seven Kinds of Sushi Roll s rmatJ on, pl ease call 800,461.5266 A rakaki. 808-543-0014 , gets together KULlA E LOA' A In tile Oct 12: Kaimuk;, '52, Clifton to see who KANA' AUAO Moromisoto, 714-539- 1907 Tuesday - FUJI• Tropicana ~ Plaza: Oct 14: McKinley, . 45. Kenji is falling apart. Sunday RESTAURANT "Strive to Obtain Wisdom" • j M>,\ NESI: A MEH /CAN NIYI"IONM. M US ElJt-. t a00 3430 East ado, 808-737-81 2 1 4:30 -10:30 u 820 Shadow Lane ..,69 East First St . ,. I A ~ Tropicana • ~ reu, _os ngel cs, Ca lirornia 900 I 2 Waialua, '49, Yasuko Shiraishi. P,M. o Bank 01 AmCllca Telephune' 113 61< O. 4 .. Ave. Suite 203A . - • _J , II 808-52 1-3144 Make new friends , f'acs rmrk 2 13.62S . 1770 EAST TROPICANA Web sire: hrtp:l/ Oct 15: M c Kinle y , ' 57 . Hilda but cherish the old. Las Vegas, NV 89106 FuJlo, 808-847- 1333 702-435-8838 • 702-435-3679 Phone; 702-382-6939

6 ' O H A N A 'O KAK OPA/ N O WEMAPA 1999 7 GASA-GASA Islanders in N evada. ~ Gs' tired at doing the some old ' r La s Vegas? Th e newest "free' GOSSIP spat IS at The MGM Grand " you C an v isit th e new $9 mfllio • Habitat where lions surround ••••••••••••••• y o u walk through a tunnel of 9 Trainer f Own e r Keith and Bev E\; STEVEN LUM have been suppty ing large Ie to Las Vegas shows for over 30 e T he Resort at Summerlin hod a soft his office, long time resident Carol Remember the orig inal roaring ~ (portiol) opening and should be Nunotani answers the phone . in the MGM movie logo? One o· open fully in the Fall. Nicholas "Nick" C lifford's wife, Rozita still has her li o ns is a sixth gen e ration deS'Ce" Nickolas is spreading his culinary dance troupe performing at th e dant of that original cot. The e _ arts to Las Vegas as the foremost Imperial Palace lu'aus. Also treating it is open from 110m to 1 1 pm 0- restaurant in The Resort. Having patients is Allergist Dr. David Tattori the baby cubs a re available ', You proudly wear this uniform, much success from Philadelphia to who is very good w ith keikis. S) Honolulu with his many restaurants, photo Opportunities from 11 am t Honolulu City Councilman John pm. The average feline consumes the new Las Vegas eatery will be an Henry Felix and CPA Reg Baker are defending your country... upscale Original Steak House under to 12 POunds of meat per day. expanding Pendleton Tax and Former Kula residents John one the guidance of award winning Bus iness Services into . Their Diane Sailing operate Sudd Chef Kevin Graham. Manager Paul firs t step is to provide tax prepara ­ Impact Pest Control. I£;l Jack .. • Andrus moved from Honolulu to help tion se rvices through the Colonial Stucki is general manager at open this new eatery. While Morton's Bank branches. Bank Manager Russ IS defending you? newly Opened Z'Tejas G rill at But who is currently my favorite steak house, lorge and loan Officer Joy Bryant Lakes. She formerly worked at Stuo Nevada Nick's may be changing offer mortgage and loon servi ces. Anderson 's in Honolulu as did Warre that very soon. 1$) Once again, Other financial services including and Cathy Seta of Muzuno's in thE' • Farrington grad Dr. Clifford lee was investment, stock brokerage and tax Tropicana Hotel. The Setos are c 'so named Best Allergist in Las Vegas by representation will also be handled AUSA IS Las Vegas Magazine. When calling opening a sushi restaurant coiled through Pendleton to assist former Malibu Chan in late October. However, in order for us to keep Whether you are Active, National defending you properly on Capitol Guard, US Army Reserve, Retired, Hill, we need you to become part civilian, or a family member, these of our team. Our strength lies in issues are of major concern to you. numbers. The greater our numbers, the stronger our voice. The stronger Join AUSA today and add your our voice, the more certain we will voice to the tens of thousands who be heard in the Halls of Congress. are working together to ensure the future of our Soldiers. AUSA is speaking out on your behalf on such issues as :

• Closing the pay gap between Soldiers and the private sector; • Obtaining better access to quality health care; • Repealing the REDUX retirement Associati on of the United States Army system; and 2425 Wil son Boul evard. Arlington. VA 22201 (800) 336-4570 • Modernization of the Army. or join online: WWWGLlsa.01:g


--~ AUSA Seeks More Support Throughout America I S L A N o by Doug C(~lJe.\' AUSA H o P P I N G Our Armed Forces today are ove r­ Instead of a pause in military activ­ The AUSA is a private, nonprofit. committed, poorly-equipped and ity, aUf operational deploy ments professional. educational associa­ COllrtesy of Moloka 'i Dis patch under-paid, The readiness chal­ have tripled s ince the downsizing. tion of over 100,000 indiv idual, lenges America faces in the 21 st Moreover, our service personnel bus iness and organization members century are s imilar to those in 1949. still endure a s ubstantial pay gap dedicated to maintaining a strong In the Korean War 50 years ago we for the past 14 years, national de fen se, A USA is rhe only DROUGHTS ON MAUl , the Puainako Center e a s t of Hilo. learned a tragic lesson about being B e fore our nation sends under­ professional organi zation uniquely The Waim e a s to re i s expected to "POI POWER" BIG ISLAND iii-prepared and sorely paid for a trai ned and ill-equipped soldiers supporting the needs and interests ope n in June . Foodland i s also n heavy price with Americans. of all components of "The A rmy" Hawai ' i athletes were simply out­ Res idents of Upcountry Maui are into the. c haotic and dangerous famil y-ow ned c hain wit h 27 S[Qres. Today we fac e the unfortunate chall enges around the world, the (active duty, National Guard, Army s tanding in the 1999 Special under a water restriction La use 25 0/0 and unnecessary s pec ter of Association of the United States Reserve. Department of the Army O ly mpic World Games in North less after the Maui Board of Water GOV. CAVETANO repeating that setbac k, In 1989, it Army (AUSA) urges Americans to civilians. retirees . and family mem­ be rs) , AUSA supports a s trong Carolina. Team members, all Supply declared a drought emer­ ON "BAVWATCH " seemed appropriate to decrease ins ist that part of the budget s urplus defense industrial base. " Powered by Poi," won a total of 54 gency in Aug ust. Lack of rain dri e d d e fen se s pending afte r we won be used to preserve our future Gov e rnor Be n Cayetano played the Cold War. national security. If we postpone Membership in local AUSA chap­ m ed als and 23 ribbons. Hawaii's the East Maui watershed. The 100 hilllsel f in an epis ode of "Baywnlch However, no one then anticipated acting, the price wi ll be hi gher in ters is o pen to anyone in national contingent earned gold medals in million-gallon Kahakapao r eser ­ Hawai·i " with serie s s tar David the rec urring freque ncy to deploy money, time and most importantly, defense issues. powerlifting, aq uatics, bowling, voirs were down to less than 20 in the li ves of sons and daughters Hasse lh off a t th e Hal e i wa Surf s oldiers, sailo rs, Marines and and SO Ccer. Molokai 's SOccer team million gall ons, a nd the 30 million ­ airmen to hots po ts throug hout who are asked to fight our nation's Center. the g lobe. wars. the 1999 Gold Medal winners g allon Waikamoi reservoirs were VETERAN'S DAY Th e gove rn or was e ntitl ed to tro unced teams from Maine, South empty. Our Armed Forces are more acti ve today t han al any other - NOVEMBER 11 - Carolina and West Africa to wi n it s minimulll pay ($ 596) for hi s Some employees at the Big Is land's time in peacetim e hi s tory_ c ha mpio nship. Returning home to appearance. Parker Ranch said they are unhappy "IN FLANDERS thei r respective islands and cheer­ about a dwindling workforce and FI ELDS" ing local crowds, th e victorious ath­ extended hours . But ranch man­ The Law Offices of letes impressed all with their deter­ agers say proble m s are related to minatio n, fortitude, perseverance, the ongoin g drought, which has Steven K. K. Lum VETERANS and good sportsmanship. HTTP:// affected the cattle stock and contin ­ "FATHER DAMIEN" ues to compli cate ranch ope ration s. • A home on the Internet designed & especially for former Hawaii locals, THE MOVIE The ISO-year o ld ranch covers Louis K. Wai Hawaiians liv ing on the mainland & IN FLANDERS F I ELDS THE POPPIES BLOW A critique inVa ri ely 225,000 acres on the Big Is land, Hawaiians-at-heart J - wid,. ...,....- was unflatter_ A Law Partnership BETWEEN THE CROSSES, ROW ON ROW , ing o f the new mov ie about Wh en owner Richard Smart died in THAT MARK OUR PLACE; AND IN THE SKY

Molokai 's Father Damien. In part, 1992, he left the ranch to four ben­ Las Vegas: THE LARKS, STILL BRAVELY SINGING , FLY eficiary groups. the rev ie w said, "The pi c has some 702892-3705 SCARCE HEARD AMID THE GUNS BELOW 702243-3741 Fax p leas ures to offer patient viewers FOURTH SUPER MARKET and Cox afic io nados, but fai ls to WE ARE THE DEAD , SHORT DAYS AGO ON THE BIG ISLAND Hawai'i WE LIVED, FELT DAWN , SAW SUNSET GLOW, add up to the S UIll o f it s pans, with 808733-3233 little to e nti ce main stream view­ The Foodland Super Ma rket c hain sit es. LOVED AND WERE LOVED , AND NOW WE LIE 808733-3232 Fax ers." The fi lm's debut in Belgium On O ' ahu is adding a fo urth s to re at IN FLANDERS FtELDS , lh e Parker Ranch Cenler in Waimea • Southern • Southern d rew e nth us ias m in its first two TAKE UP OUR QUARREL WITH THE FOE ; o n th e Bi g Island. T he s pace was California & Las California & Las Email: [email protected] weeks in Brussels. Father Damicn TO YOU FROM FALLING HANDS WE THROW created in January by Sure Save Vegas Hawa iian Vegas Hawaiian wa!-o exalt ed by the Po pe in Belgium Events Calendar Community THE TORCH ; BE YOURS TO HOLD IT HIGH , in 1995 . S uper Markets, a family -owned Directory Both Attorneys Are Licensed in Nevada and Hawa;'; IF YE BREAK FAITH WITH US WHO DIE chai n, which fil ed for bankrupt cy in EMAil: nokaOI@alohaworld (om T he fi lm was schedul ed for re lease WE SHALL NOT SLEEP, THOUGH POPPIES GROW June. Foodland a lready o perates 3753 HOWARD HUGHES PKWY in Haw a i ' i In October w ith Sack' n Save budget o utl e ts in ALOHAWORLD COMMUNICATION SUITE 200 IN FLANDERS FIELDS , Main la nd book in gs to fo ll ow. 818,901,9735 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 Kai lu a- Ko na , down town Hilo a nd JOHN MCCRAE

10 'O HAN A 'O KAK O PA / N O WEMAPA 1999 II -

Records). 1 It's a slack-key album with TH E 1999/2000 S E A SO N jazz overtones and it's VERY relaxing. Moe Keale and his trio will make a rerum NEW RELEASES ALOHA engagement on October 3D, Hope HAWAIIAN appeors for the fifth time on January 22, Cord International's History of the FROM SOUTHERN The Brothers Cazimero will once ogo:O Hawaiian Steel Guitar is doing very well. Some of Cord's music is now available grace the Whittier College Stage on MUSIC REVI EW in Tower Record Stores & Costeo Stores May 27. Everyone who's been to Whittier CALIFORNIA on the Mainland. Keep an eye peeled College knows it IS the place to be. BY ALOHA JOE ® when you're shopping . NAME C HANGE •••••••••••••• FIJI has a new release titled GRATITUDE. My on-air radio career is celebrating on A LOHA )OE ® This past Hoku Awards (MaV '99) proved well as a tune here and there on many It zoomed to the TOP OF THE CHARTS. It anniversary. I've been on the air ploying WHAZ U P? to be a musical eye-opener for some in of the albums you already own. On Fire, includes 14 contemporary songs with a who can't get enough of these Island Hawaiian MUSic for five-years. SO IT'S Howai'i. The Howo;'j Academy of the award-winning album from The "slighr Island connection. WH iniER COLLEGE in Whittier, California favorites. Whittier College has just TIME FOR A CHANGE! Since my name Recording Arts (HARA) added Reggae, Ka'au Crater Boys contained the song, PALOLO'S newest Hawaiian GIRL is a has become "the place" for Hawaiian unveiled the 1999/2000 season and "ALOHA JOE" is a registered trademark I Rock and Jazz categories to their 22nd "I Like to Play The Reggae." It's every­ "must buy." On this album China entertainment in Southern California. it's going to be another exciting time changed the name of my show to THE annual award show. where, mon! Montero sings and proves that Chino Way back in 1994 the management Of for Southern California Hawaiian ALOHA JOE RADIO SHOW ® - that way CAN Sing! His renditions of "Love Song Whittier College was cajoled into ~ try­ music lovers. there will be no confusion! R EGGA E Rock music abounds in Hawai'j (no sur­ of Kalua" and Ke Aloha 0 Anno" are ing" some Hawaiian music. Harold I know reggae is originally from the prise there) but JAll? Hawaiian Jazz? DON HO brought his entire Waikiki Show W E BS IT E ST U F F truly memorable. Troy Fernandez and Hewett, who was in charge of bringing Caribbean, but it's a huge market in Sure, the Na Hoku for Jazz performance in July. Dan's daughter Hoku toured with Any youngster will tell you "If you aren't his free-wheeling ukulele style always entertainment to the college's very Hawai'i. went to Azure McCall for her album the show this summer and her beautiful ON-THE-WEB - you're living in the dark gives me a "smile. N YOU'll like every cut beautiful Ruth B. Shannon Center, told Body & Soul - I've also sampled and voice brought smiles to both the audi­ ages." I've had an Internet presence Here are a few reggae albums: on this album including a personal the staff about his desire to bring enjoyed Aaron Aranita's Eastbound, ence and Daddy Don. The show a lso since 1994. My website ( All Natural from Natural Vibrations - favorite of mine, "Moloka'; Cowboy" Hawaiian performers to Whittier College. Vernon Sakata plays very adept guitar featured Haumea Hebenstreit, No Hoku made its appearance several years Goldmind from Jamin - Quina's album written by our Big Island friend Ern ie Production Coordinator David Palmer on Millennium, and Daniel Ho (formerly Nominee Nathan Aweau and Angel back and ever since, my traffic has Mahalo features some Island favorites Cruz. Sr . contacted and booked Mr. Hewett's of Kilauea fame) plays jazz/slack-key Pablo. been VERY HEAVY. The Aloha Joe such as, Robi Kahakalau - Polynesian P­ favorite act, The Brothers Cazimero . on his Watercolors release. KANILAU just released their fourth Every year since, The Shannon Center Willie K & Amy Gilliam brought their Radio Show is broadcast "live" on eRN Funk from the group B.E.T. and A World album! I send congratulations as I know has been filled with musical alohes from brand of hot-hip Hawaiian music to - The Cable Radio Network (Radio of Love from Sly Dog, These are only a Very different sounds for Howai';, but how hard this group works in Waikiki very enjoyable. Recently, I've been The CAZ, Hapa, Keola Beamer & Moe Whittier in August as well as slack-key broadcast over Cable Television few. On Island music store shelves you'll ond yet they still found time to record. playing an instrumental album from the Keale. Each has played to SRO crowds artists Ledward Kaapana, George Systems nationwide) and for the past find Butch Helemano with a lot of releas­ Th e new title is KE AO WENA meaning es, Tahittian Reggae from Rasta Nui as Big Island titled Island Treasures. (Palm Kahumoku, Jr. & Daniel Ho. > continued on page 27 > continued on page 27 LeokiRg for Real Hawaiian Music'?'--_ / ZI PPY'S TO GO in Waipia Ii Gen try at Food Solutions now has local Th" Fln"st In R"eordfNI Vlntag" HawaIIan Mosie favorite foods "to go" for travele rs to the r---;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~~D.:nI~"~'/7t.'nat/~U~lIRNId 7i1I1I.,nc7UI.'ctI OGr,~~!: Neighbor Islands or the Mainland. For I I HISTORY OF-@ loved ones attending college on the main­ HAWAIIAN STEEL GUITAR land and expatriates of Hawai 'i, th is is an ideal "tender loving touch" gift. This ser­ vice includes Zippy's froze n food prod­ ucts packed fo r travel or shipping to the mainl and, This service is avai lable --- through ZTG v ia l ocal telephone calls, Gloria Kelly, fax, an 800 to lJ ~free number a nd eventu­ Gel/eral Mal/agel' • Z ippy's 10 Co all y through the web site. .1'__ Zippy's To Go is simply fhe best way to get tasty If you have 'ohana or fri ends coming fro m Hawai ' i te ll them 10 local food into your stomach as fast as possib le , call us and we' ll pack your purc hases for pick up at one of our v We can ship the following products to you, seven Zippy's location before they head o ut to the airport. wherever you are on the Mainland! The following local favorite products are avail able for purcha se • Zippy's Original & Vegetarian Chili from Zippy's To Go: Zippy's orig inal c hil i. Z ippy's vegelari

12 'OHANA 'O KAKOPA /NOWEMAPA 1999 13 Hawaiian ka kfuPlac ~outhern Califomia Spike's T.. , ivnllci Aloha Cafe Hawaiian Beverly Bowl Coffeeshop Debbie's Kitchen Maui Boy Restaurant ,/ Restaurant 120) W. Beverly Blvd. / 164 17 S. Den ker Avenue /,1'73'11 Yukon Avenue (Six ~ocat i ons) 1944 S. Atlantic Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640 Gardena, Cf\ 90247 ,/ :orrance. CA 90504 0 20 N. Azuza Avenue Monterey Pork. CA 91754 (213) 728-6056Eileen Ani runs (310) 532-9571 <:. (310) 327-8506 "./ / Covina, CA 9.1722 (213) 728-9110 this place, call before heading Someone new bought this A ll da local fc;].vorltes for your ' ''' (626) 332-5979 rib plate and more.

djr.or's Note: Au crjlfANA reader email lhi ~ ist 10 us, whie we pass 011 to you.

14 'O HAN A ' 0 KAKOPA/N ~ E 15 Parlez - VOUS

q;,e Kona S£ut Resort & CoullIry Club is a self­ from the beach to the snow in the sam e day. On the contained resort situated on a 21-acre private peninsu­ sleepy windward s ide of the is land you ' ll find Hila, a Fran~ais? la . It is located on the point of Keauhou Bay on the beautiful emerald community lus h w ith tro pi cal growth. Big Island, Hawi ' i. Built on varied levels, its three Colorful orchids and a nthuriums b loom everywhe re. and w ings extend on dramatic cliffs to the ocean front, and macadami a nul orchards cover miles of hills ide. a six-story tower set back in an exotic garden setting. The State's largest and m ost covete d hula competition, Perhaps no island is more aptly named than the Big the Merrie Monarc h Festival. is he ld he re eac h April. Island. Twice the size of all the other Hawaiian islands June offers a nother g limpse into Hawaiian hi story with combined, and still growin g! Pele, th e Goddess of Fire, the King Kamehame ha Cele bration in honor of the king dwells here in the summit of Kilauea. Her flows of th at united all the islands in the earl y 1800 s. molten lava reach to the sea, adding acres of new coast­ In nearby South Kona, the re's spe ctacula r s norke ling and line. Kilauea is one of the few places on earth where you di ving at Kealakekua Bay, a marine sanctuary, and high can experi ence a volcano's awesome power .... close up! above in the hill s g rows the world-famous Kana coffee ­ Rising from this volcani c land scape are two towering a coffee so delectable, they dedic ate an entire festi val to peaks - the 13,680-foot Maun a Loa and the 13,796-foot it each fall. Maun a Kea. home of The Big Island is made the annual Hawaii up of e ndless sights Ski Cup meet held and s un-filled activiti es. e ach March. From its S norkeling . scuba di v­ base to the summit, ing . d eep-sea fi shing, Mauna Kea is th e sailing. wi nd-surfing, ta llest moulltain 10 golf, te nnis, hiking, the world. horseback riding, snow The $785 million Paris Las Vegas Casino Resort opened on Septe mber I. It brings the Because of these twi n skiing .... the li st can be spirit, excitement a nd sa voir faire of the City peaks, the Big Island endless. But then, that of Paris to Las Vegas. It features 2 ,916 g ue­ is truly a world unto should com e as no sur­ strooms, a n 85 ,000 square-foot-casino and it se lf, with c limates so pri se for 3n isla nd whose authentic re plic as of Fre nch la ndmarks. di verse you can travel first name is "Big. The resort's signature replica is a 50-story half­ scale Eiffel Tower, whe re visitors can dine in a gourme t restaura nt 100 feet above the Strip, or trave l via g lass e levator to an observation dcck Q/urf at the top for a panora mi c view of the Las Vegas Mma Welcomes home Valley. Othe r landmarks in c lude the Arc de Triomphe, Hote l de Vi ll e. as well as facades of ~sort @ all Kama'aina the Paris Ope ra HOll se and The Lou vre. (child of the land) Paris brings the Pari sian experience to life. ~untryf?ub Guests may stroll down the cobbl estone side­ Whether you're coming home to see 'ohana (family) walks of the shopping district. dine in any of the or just reconnecting with the Aina (land) resort's 10 distinc t French restaurants, rejuve­ For guests waJ1lin g to welcome [he m ill ennium Parisian-style. nate in th e European health spa. re lax by the Pari s is also takin g reservat ions for Ne w Year's Eve. Rates begin Come Home to Kona two-acre, casino-rooF-top swimming pool or at $ 1,200 per ni ght. with a three-ni ght minimum StCiy . e nj oy th e aroma of freshl y- baking bread and Your 'One Hanau (land of birth) European coffees. Pari s has a "M ill e nnium Super Party·' Pac kage featuring lu xury suit e accommodatio ns. a fabul ous ··Taste of France·· dinne r and The g uest rooms ra nge from $ 129 to $239: • 36 holes of golf • Tennis Courts • Free co ffee party on the observation deck of th e 50-story Eifre l Tower repli­ suites from $350 10 $5,000. The e legantl y­ ca. For approximate ly $ 150.000. you can host a fa bulo us ··Di nner • 2 swim ming pools • Shuffleboard • Restaurants appointed rooms feature custom-designed fur­ of the Century" by award -winning c hef Jean Jo ho fo r 32 guesb • Free Polyn eSian • Volleyball • Lounges ni shings a nd ri c h Fre nc h fab ri cs. As in France, a <.I t th e 11 th floo r Eiffel Towe r Restaurant. This magni ficent d in­ Shows state ly armoire serves as th e c loset, enh ancing ne r will fea ture the best of Fre nch win e and c ui si ne. After dinner. th e European ambiance. Spac io Li s marble bath­ your guests wi ll reti re to the Eiffe l Tower Observation Deck to rooms offe r separate bat htub and shower with e njoy Frenc h champagne and dessert while welcoming the new authe ntic European fi xtures. line n hand towels. 800-367-8011 mil lennium. www. kona s u r fr e a large vanit y with she lves and a make-up mir­ ror. Reservatiuns may be made at 888-266-5687.

16 ·O HANA ·OKAK O PA / N O W E MAPA 1999 17 - fva~k De Lif""a 'DUANA in 150 StOfC!S A Station FOR vet"vl"l} to In Uawai'i. The foll ow ing stores. &including dlllh!ir «(THE CALl) br,nches, corr y 'OHANA (family)' Maqalin •• If it is not m il,bl e. plem conldet 'OUANA. Frank De Lima will prese nt two All seasons shows on October 30th at the California Hotel/Casino, 7-11 Bestsellm Big Sm KLVX CHANNEL 10 LAS VEGAS downtown La s Vegas. • De Lima, th e affable king of comedy, ha s Book [nds Comic Center entertained islan ders w ith his cross·cul. .. tural ba rbs to every nationality in Ha wa i'i Daiei foodland rt. Shafter Masterpiece and throughout the country for more ;;;; fT ' than 25 years. No other Hawa iian comic Haleiwa Super Market II Theatre entertain er has performed longer than nJs De Lim a. His latest CD, Ethnico logy 101 ANTIQUES Old IIoase Includes a f o n Bishop Estate Handi Mart Hawai'i Kai Pantry ROADSHOW Tru stees. ~eal Hickam ArB Hilo Airport News NOVA r;)errormanrrs Honolulu Book Shop ~t./ [SESAME STREm) ifUSINES§ IMYSTERy,r J0 Jans Snack Shop IN NEVADA Kaimuki Sundries PBS Television is USesame Street" a nd more than a a w itty and dynami c commentary on King fort [nterprises Africa, past and present. "TV Worth Watching" dozen other a ward-winning childre n's KTA Super Market Lamont's series are part of Channe l I O' s unique, Sahara, a feature-le ngth film explor­ in Your Locale, Too community-ba se d Ready To L ea rn in g the natura l hi story of one of the Service, whi c h he lps parents and Longs Drugs by Debbie M c G ee last un seen pl aces on the earth. This other caregivers prepare childre n for ultimate desert; indiffere nt to the THE BEST SUSHI IN LAS VEGAS! M. Sueoka Store Magazines Plus "TV Worth Watc hing" is a good slo­ success in school. designs of humankind. remains large­ We've Moved! gan for KL VX Channel 10. The PB S Come DlJOy.e.l Fe(fs!: PBS is the best television resource in ly in visible to the modem world. Manda Mart Moiliili Sundries me mbe r sta ti o n has claimed the m ar­ 'OHANA (fumily)® Magazille the nation fo r classroom use. Each Not Jor Ourselves A lone: The Story All You Can Eat has a new home ! It's new mailing ket for quality programming through­ N[X Johnson Circle day Channe l 10 broadcast 20 chan­ oj ELizabeth Cady Stallton & Susan addres s is Box 230910, Las out it s 3 1 years of service to the P.O. ne ls of instruc ti onal programming B. AllthollY, from Ke n Bums, is a Southe rn Nevada community. SUSll1 Vega s, NV 89 123-00 16. The tele­ One & One Sundry into local c lassrooms. Additionally, bi ograph y o f the two women who As we move into the next mill e nni­ - Lunch - - Dinner- phone numbers are th e same: our Educati onal Media Center makes almost single-ha ndedly created and 702-434-0544; fa x 435-856 1. O'oka Super Market um , we're 011 the brink of a new era in $19.95 videotapes, CDs, and films avail able spearh eaded the wome n· s ri ghts $22.95 te levis io n . Consllme r c ho ices for Our web page is still th e same, Oshima Brothers Pa'alakai Mart at no charge to Clark County School movement in Ameri ca. ..lind Ollr Nnv: e nt e rtainment and learning con tinue Di stri ct teachers. LiJe Beyo11d Earth tells the story of However, if you have access to to g row. w ith more than 40 cable Pill Box Pharmacy October and November bri ng new the human it y'S search for ex trater­ Table Special the interne t, you can em ail c han ne ls offering genres th at we re 1 offerings on Channe l 10, certain to restrials. 99-- 11 . Once excl us ive to Channe l 10. But it ..,.. eac p1 ece - seleciec1 sushi 'OHANA at this address: ohana­ Pizza Convenience Shiigi Drug e nte rtain, e nl ig ht e n. educa te. a nd - 10 piece minimum _ is C hannel 10's sc hedule of PBS pro­ New York is mo re than the ep ic saga [email protected] in spire viewers, Hi ghlights include: Russell's Sack NSave grams that is cons iste ntly hono red of the gre mest city o n earth. Long American Photography. A Celltur.v w ith the m ost a wa rd s 1'0 1' di stin­ before the birth o f Ameri can itself. Star Super Market g ui she d ac hi eveme nt in le levisio n oj Images. whi c h wi ll demonstrate New York wa~ commilled to the twin how the came ra has he lped create a liI' It isn't what you 1laVe journa li sm, me ritorious public ser­ engines of mode rn life - de mocracy

by Mel Ozeki, Editor hospita li zed for seven With resolve and pur­ An incredible milestone in U.S. " He's a military hi story was set in June man in whom every months at Tripier pose, Shinseki official­ American can have faith to set the when General Eric K. Shinseki a Army Medical Center ly struc k a long-stand­ right moral ton e for th ei r army, Ja panese-Ameri can from Lih~ e in 1966-67; the second ing phrase, " Total who exemplifies the Army' s Kaua' i, became lh e 341h Army time was for one year Army," in emphasizing bedrock values of loyalty, duty, Chief of Slaff. (A " full " general's in 1970-71. He was so th a t another goal is honor, integrity, respect for others rank in signia is four stars. ) badly wounded that he 10 furth er integr ate and selfless service to the nation. th e acti ve and reser ve Shinseki's promolion also made He is a leader in whom I have com­ had to fight to remain G eneral Eric Shill seki alld wife Patty Shi ,/ seki forc es . " We a r e him the highest-ranking As ian­ plete trust and confidence." in th e service. The Army and we'l l A me rica n ever. (Army Lt. Gen. General Eric Shil1 seki U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye intro­ He has held key jobs at every staff level abroad and march into th e 21 s t century as The Army. We Allen Ono previously was lh e duced Shinseki to th e Senate Se vera l membe rs of the powerful in th e Pentagon, including Army vice chief from acknowledge th e components a nd th e ir varying highest ranking AJA. Ono, now Armed Services Committee in the committee later said that Inouye's November 1998 until his appointment as Army organizational strength s. We will work to stru cture w ilh American Savings Bank in confirmation process . Inouye said introduction wa s one of th e Chief of Staff. He has also commanded at every The Army accordingl y." Honolulu, relired in 1990 wilh that he re members a day tn most m e morable and emotional level. His las t two commands were as Command er three-SIal'S.) Shinseki , 56, now February 1942 when the Selective moments in its history, too. " On in Chief, Europe a nd Seventh A rmy, and joins olhe r U.S. military lumi­ Our Polynesian style hotel is Service classified Japa nese­ thi s day the s hame that has been on Commander, Stabilization Force, in Bosnia from nar i es as Wa shington, Grant, centrally located in the heart of American s " 4-C," th e draft our sho ulders all these years has july '97-November ' 98. "Shinseki is precisely the Pe rshing , MacArthur, Marsha ll , board' s code for "enemy alien." bee n comple te ly washed away." ri ght se lec tion at thi s point in time. It' s as if he's Hila, less than one mile from the Eisenhower and Powe ll. "It was a day of shame. It was been trained and de veloped all hi s career to be the Hilo International Airport and Shinsek i graduate d from West Some 55 famil y members of not deserved." chief of staff," said recently re tire d General situated on a beautiful blue lagoon. Point, Ne w York in 1965 with a Shinse ki s representing four gen­ Jo hnnie Wilson. degre e in e ngineering and later A ver y special offer to our erati ons, from hi s moth er to hi s Shinseki's Challenges into earn ed a maste r' s degree in friends returning home to visit fi ve month-ol d granddaughter, the 21st Century Engli sh lite ra ture from Duke ohana, class reunion or just a cam e from Hawa i ' i to Witness Unive rsi ty. Shinseki 's duties are set forth in Title 10 of th e U.S. vacation, ask for our "Keiki ' 0 Ka a mong th e ve ry grea test da y in Code, which includes, among other diverse respo n­ ' Aina" package. H awai ' j hi story and adorn him H e was wounded in each of hi s two sibilities, to e nsure that the Army provides trained w ith le is aft er th e ceremony. tours in Vietnam. Shinseki was and ready forces for th e nine combatant co mmands " I fe lt fantasti c." said o lder brother (four-star general and flag officers), to oversee the Paul S hinsek i, who li ves On Editor's Note: Army staff, and to se rve as a member of th e loint Kaua ' i. We knew th at he was a General Shinseki ' s promotion C hi e fs of Staff. Kamaaina room rates start at s pec ia l pe rson. But we didn' t kn ow in late Jun e mi ss ed 'OHANA ® Magazine'S production schedu le. A mong oth er challenges are manpower and mod­ $56 per night. Room and car how mllch he would attain ," But that was good, too, becau se erni zation. From an Arm y stre ngth of about Fude ko Shin seki . 87 and moth er of packages, group rates, Ohana suite Yokozuna Musashimaru had been 750,000 in the e arly '90s. it was pared about 40 per­ th e two Shinsek i sons, overcome \ speC ials available. promoted earlier to hi s ex alted cent to its c urre nt level. about 480.000 soldiers. w it h pride, sai d. 'Tm proud of hi s rank . Both pioneers and Native Shinseki estimates that th e budget requires $5 bil­ For Reservations, CaU: accom pli shme nt s ." The Shin sek i Sons of Hawai' i deserved to be .I Toll Free: 1 (877) 961-2841, Ext. 3 lion more /"0 1' force moderni zation. roots in the U.S. began in 1888, the 'Focus' story and grac e th e Fax: (808) 96 1-6797 cover. Compiled from Army www;hotelsinparadise. com whe n hi s grandfather. a laborer, Noting th at alllong other mi ss ion s. th e Army is Times, HOllolulu Slar 4 Bll/letill, cha rged to simultaneoll sly engage in two major came tn Hawai 'j from Hiroshim a. Hawai'i Press, an d other refer­ .-, \ th eat er wars, bes ide res ponding to hot spot mi s­ \,~AI.\KK ences . 'OHANA sa lutes General - - '''"ILL \~ O n June 22. A rm y Secretary Lou is _ ~II C 'II ' I Shin se ki fo r hi s dedi cation 10 sion s such as Bosni a and Kosovo. Shinse ki said Ca lde ra re ferred lo Shin se ki as Gene ral Eric Shinseki greetillg guests A meri ca and thi s hi storic th at condu ctin g th e sec ond is "at ri sk" in respo nse - a lead er or roc.: k so lid il1legri ly . 400 Hualani Street, H ilo, Hawaii 96720 a/tel' his Arri val Ce remollY ac hi eve ment! time and th e abi lity to ab so rb cas ualties.

20 21 'O KAK O PA / NOW EMAPA 19 99 ,--- -

spread a lauhala mat and unpacked our OUTSTANDING BUSINESSES Hanauma Bay "hao le food." W e were not familiar with the good, local things one could in 1944: A Day eat, but we had brought wine glasses1 What Makes and it was a very inviting meal. Volcano WinerY.--_-I in Paradise Kay passed me a nice thic k ham sand­ by Remy Latollr in Hawai'i so wich on Love's Best Bread. 1 was rav­ Unique? This story takes place on a special enous. I ope ned my big mouth for a by A lisa Vegas laroe bite and began to c hew and (that is a work free) day in August, o 1944. A t the Pearl Harbor Shipyard, c hew. I was having a terrible time. & 'llliufefe V olcano Winery we had every seventh day off. Early Never in my life had I e ncountered FInest Quaiity . Mad< in Hawai'i is the home of 46-148 lWwftipll SL tropical Hawaiian that morning, my friend, Peter, and I s uch a tough piece of ham. As in con­ K4n.c'ofic, O'ilfw. HIMcl'i 96744 wines and is locat­ had a dozen things to do: clean our spicuous ly a nd as e legantly as I (808) 236-1064 .fv;c (808) 236-2625 e-mail:. [email protected]\C:t web site: \.YWW.liwa...nctI-iDoGw ed between two ho use, get o ur laundry ready for pick­ could. I put m y finger in my mouth volcanoes, up, go to the bank, and then to Piggly and pulled oul a s mall rubbe r band. Kilauea and W iggly g rocery store for all th e All the while, th e gi rl s were watching The Ko'olau Guitar and 'Ukulele Company is and oioolino. To e nliven the Mauna Loa, o n things we needed - as we had planned nle 1::> 0 0 0 located in Kaneohe on the island of O ' ahu, Hawai liills Mall -Pl'or/lilgtl/onds Crfltrr this story more than 50 years ago. H .. fo r (I long time at the colorful fish and IGOO Azuza AvrtlUr # 1(9) ·Pear l Ha rbor <> Pi'o rl City with the same me nu and value we have been serving in p..vai °i LAS VEGAS, N E VADA 89101 He read the 'OH ;t NA story abuut coral , whi ch we had all to our se l ve~. CHY or Industry. CA 91748 1000 /(omr/tome/to HighlllOY fo r over 23 years. 702-366-1528 Hllllauma Bay ill the A ug ust / Bu sll1 rss/Fox: (626)331 ·6099 Pearl City. HI 96782 After that refreshing swim. we fl opped September issue and sellt his story. Aloha, Derryck Tom FAX: 702-366-1 653 down for a short rest berore getti ng reminiscencillg about lfallGUlfla Bay rC

22 O HANA 'OKAKOPA/NOW EMAPA 1999 23 FOUR ISLANDERS ARE HMrS. C oach" S he d o nated the proceeds to women's bers, Millie Misajon a nd Billie "ROBINSON'S REBELS" at hle ti cs and the Mexican-American Sabala, embraced Linda's offer. A ll by Mark lVaJlingroll, UNLV Sp ~ ra Illfo Director Shares Aloha A lu mni A ssociation, rai s ing over proceeds accrue to the Las Vegas atUNLV&UH $30.000. T hat e nterprise is called chapter to award acade m ic scho lar­ " Danny Pacheco is a bi g-time play­ A loha Gree tings. s hips to H awai' i youths. er. He is very sman and lough and by EII/ily O:eki. Assoc iare Editor But Linda doesn ' t stop th ere. She Lind a ' s has the quickness and strength that a ls o h as e legant, practi cal designer cards . Aloha is c ru cial for a center. He needs to wear, s uc h as v isors and kitchen Gree tings. a 6 be a leader, to be one of the people aprons, call ed Tutl Much Ttl Ttl. A d esig n pack­ UNLV COACH JOHN ROBINSON we re ly on," Robinson says with portion of p roceeds from these two age. sell s for convicti o n. e nterprises is donated to the Linda & 5 12 .99 or C ontinUing its tradition of recruit­ John Robinson Scholarship Fund. 52.49 indi ­ ing top athl etes from the Islands, the v idu a ll y. Uni ve rsity at Nevada Las Vegas " 1 want to rai se They can be football team currcnll y li sts four enough money fou nd al sev­ Hawaii ans o n its roster, in cluding t o fund a eral Jitters in two as starte rs. Nevada Student major­ the Las Vegas Former St. Louis Hi gh School star, UNLV Coach Robill soll ing in fine arts area a nd at Ja mes Sunia, returns as defensive to pay his/her H o m e mad e linebacker after earning First-Team tuition fo r four H eave n I n Freshman All-American honors last years. A board He nderson. Her " Robin son Re be ls season while leading UNLV in tack­ wi ll select the Rags" can be found {h e re as well. les w ith 11 5. including 5 1 solo. r ec ipi e nt : I Her c lo thing line is sold in M a ui Hal/dll/ade /-I a!.:.11 Headballd ..\': Lei UNLV Cel/ter. Danl/Y I)acheco at Maui M aka na and I s la nd by Linda !?O!Ji,I.HJII. TIIII k/lld/ Til Til won' t be part of the selection M e m o ri es. Such hi gh praise is new for Pacheco, Linda Robinson is a gifte d process." UH 'BolI's Visor a graduate of Kamehameha, onl y Linda and Coac h Robinson a lready artis t w ho is a kama' aina after have a date in earl y 2000 to re new recently emerged at hi s position. living in Hawai' i for man y Obviolls ly, Linda has tre me ndous love for ';The Rebels:' Howe ver, she the ir wedding vow s in M au i. Originall y a defensive lineman at years. In additio n to m e m o rabi ­ has much a loha for the " Rainbows," UNLV, he redshirted the 1996 season ROSSUM la of he r hus band, John, and "Jo hn a nd I s h a re a c ommo n goal - and had o nl y fi ve tackles in 1997. Realty Unlimited hi s n a ti o na l c hampions hi ps at too. She contacted Phylli s Matsuda, to w in every game! But h is is o n Pacheco was moved to the o ffense the University o f Southe rn preside nt o f the U H-Las Vegas the football field, a n d mine is last year and played in the Rebel s' Califo rnia. he r h o m e is a lso A l umni C hapter, and offered to to he lp young m e n a nd first two games before a shoulder g raced w ith H awaiiana and d esig n 'Bow g reeting cards as a wom e n gel lO coll ege." injury ended hi s season. Hawaiian mus ic fills he r li v ing fundraiser. M atsuda and board melll- UNL \I Lille /J(I (" ke l', #43. J(llI/e .~ Sill/ ill Although he made hi s first career room. Iro ni cally. Linda finds S unia. who became the first freshman stan as a ri ght guard last fall. Pac heco herself rooting for UNLV and in UN L V history to be voted a tea m was moved to center this spring by U I-I - at the sam e tim e ~ captai n. a lso was tabbed the new o ffensive line coach. Rob Boras. Linda Robinson is of Nat ive "Fres hman or the Y ear" for the Replacing the depart ed Bubba A merican and German ancestry. W es tern A thletic Conference' s Go nzalez. Pac heco excell ed in his " When I was in hi gh school. I Mountain Di vision. new spot and shot to the top of the was o n the I-Ion o r Soc iety_ a "We' re develo ping a package around dept h chart headin g into th e seaso n. Sharon Takahashi,GRI homecoming princess, a s tude nt hi m to highlight what he can do," Commercial · Land - Residential - I Mondays He will be looked upo n to an chor a body o ffi cer. etc. and didn't get 5t .va 4pm - lOpm Live HawaIIan according to defe nsive coordinato r. young line that is projected to fi eld a scho larship. Coming fro m a Thinking of Moving to Las ~BUJ~ Only Je ll Mcinerney. " I-I e' ~ a g reat blitze r. onl y o ne seni or sta rt e r. Pacheco. a famil y of m o dest m e ans , m y par­ Entertainment! Vegas? i:I slro ng tac kl er o ut o f the middle junio r, is also a top stu dent and e nts couldn ' t afford to send me lin eha<.:ke r Spot ." Ask me for a free relocation package! earn ed a spot among the e li te Rebel 10 college . BlIt Gud compe nsat­ ~~~~ $llgg Everybody Gets Academic Tup-3D. ed me wi th artis ti c ta le nt." O n u rre n!-.c. Honol ulu nati ve, Danny (800) 822-4108 -$ A Let! Linda. w ho capli vates everyone Pache{; () . i!-. ex pc{;t ed 10 line lip i:I ~ the Also suiti ng lip for UN LV in 1999 Email: s [email protected] with he r contag ious e nlhus iam in Rt.·hc ls· sta rting ce nte r. T he 6-root-3- wi ll be conven ed defensive hack Visit our website in ch. 2l)O -pound btu{;kcr has been a every thing she docs. heams. Heili Apao, a former quanerback at 3875 S. Jones, Suite 101 - tre l1l e nd()u ~ surprise under new Damien. and SI. L oui~ g rad uate las Vegas, NV 89103 He r g ift in arlisl ry 10 de s ig n LIN !. V Head C oach Jo hn Rubin son. Mi cah Ancheta. who adds depth to l!l1lU beautiful g reeting cards c nahl ecl who w a ~ hired o n Dece mber 3. the team ' s running game. he r 10 ra ise moncy during he r "te nure " al SO lilhe rn C ali fo rni a. - O H A N A 'O KAK O PA / N O WEMAPA 1999 25 ----==~====~------~~----~====~~. ====------

NEW AND HO T IN LAS VEGAS HAWAIIAN ~ CONT I NUES MUSIC REVI EW to Wo l fgang Puck, f r om This is a hands-an and fun Liberace to Debbie Reynolds. museum, where you get to > continues from page 13 The "Finale- features an ani- pose and mug and interact that time at the sunset hour when the sun has matranic Elvis and a multi- with the statues - cameras Th ese reports cont~jn the most accurate video set below the horizon but its rays can sti ll be po~e r strategies ever published, for casual, media theatrical tribute to c lick and flash from begin- seen. A nice thought to close the day . This 12- mtermediate and profess;oniJl players. Las Vegas. ning to end . song collection features harmonies. chants DEUCES WILD There's also a galle ry of pho­ Getting to Tussaud 's is a and instrumental stylings from a group you If yo u pla y video poker in Deuces WIld tos and videos that chronicle HAVE to see live on your next trip to HonolulU. D EKE CASTLEMAN, MANAGING minor thri ll in itself - a con­ Nevada yo u should learn Video Poker E DITOR, L AS VEGAS ADVISOR the painst aking process and veyor belt from the balcony geuces wild . Why? It can DEL BEAZLEY - or Do Beaz as he calls himself RESORT AT SUMMERLIN meticulous artistry involved in ~ beaten. Dancer pro- The Resort at Summerlin is being of The Venetian c limbs up has just released TRUE BLUE KUA 'AINA - II Vld~s a lri -I evel strategy _ After months of delays, inclUding a making the c reations so pre­ and over the steep-pit ched Q UI ck & Di rty, Intermedi_ billed as "Las Vegas' first off-Strip lux­ Island tunes that you will really enjoy. Del cise. More than 150 measure­ ate. Pro fesSional _ and pre- savage rainstorm that postponed ury resort: which suggests that the Rialto Bridge, to the plays and sings in his easy-going friendly style sents the most in-depth "'-J ments, along w ith hundreds of a na ly·s ~; s-' v-a-::;I"'b"I'-'e the grand Opening at the last target market is affluent vacation­ entrance; it's a cross and makes you want to listen. Especially I cards. 45 photos, are taken of the ( live) minute, the Resort at Summerlin e rs, as well as high-end locals whO between a people mover touching is his final selection Mahala Brudda celebrities; a ll vital statistics 9/ 6 JACKS opened to little fanfare in mid-July. live nearby in the sprawling and an escalator. The muse­ Is - Aloha A Hui Hau, Del sings about the It isn't an tt ' are kept strictly confidential. um is open 10 am - 10 pm ukulele being silent and thanks IZ in his liner OR BETTER a ract,on-packed Summerlin master-planned commu­ Clay, plaster, fiberglass, and daily. Admission is S12.50 for J ~cks or better is the basic megaresort and at press time only nity. This is reflected in the Resort's notes for his mana' 0 which still inspires him to good o ld beeswax are fash­ :~ ~eo ~o ke r variaTion. Learn one of two h t I . ' customer-service approach. It's adults, S 10.75 for Nevada this day, . Q UICk and Di rty stra tegy . 0 e wings was open ioned into the head. face , In .m hour. then take Ihe With the r t '1 ' early in the game, but the level of residents. and a rather e 01 promenade, spa and and body. The eyes and skin I' ve run out of space for this issue - b ut there ga m ~ as far as yO u want to pool. and thr f attention to customers has been no steep SID for children 4- 12 . ~~ ':V l1 l~ the Intermediate and _ . ee 0 the restaurants are painted, the hair is insert­ are a lot more new releases. Here's an idea stili to com Th . less than astounding. So. Tussaud or not Tussaud? ofesslonal refinements. Test yourself on . e. e casino is small but ed strand by strand into the until next time keep up-to-date by checking hands. attractive' th ' Parents with children might th ,ere s a stunning palm- This newest Las Vegas resort-casino wax skull. Most costumes are want to consider how many The Tower Records Tap 25 on my websit e - i emed dome OVer the pit. The min­ 1017 DOUBLE is well warth checking aut. To get provided by the subjects. It of the celebrity statues their and w h ile you ' re mums are unUsually high. We sow there. head west on Charleston there - you might as well listen to t he b est BONUS some SID a d takes roughly six mont hs to fin­ kids will recognize before na few S5 games mast toward Red Rack Canyon and take music on Earth - The music of Howaj'i! On-line Th is IS the pro's game> of requ Ired S25 S ' ish a statue. The staff washes springing for the extra cho ice - It'S beatabl e> and SIOOO .. ' 100, S500, and even a right on Rampart Drive. Resbrt at 24-haurs everyday, dely .wadable In terme the hair, touches up the admission. But mast adults \tlil te bets. The private Summerlin is about a mile up on the t adds h,llf a dozen en ~ hi~h_rollmlnlmum makeup, and polishes the will enjoy this museum Aloha J OE ® lancements to the Jacks or er salons have table games left. bCUer stra te,.,y p . and slots t . jewelry of the statues daily. i mmense l y. ( II Q rOTesslonal , Wo fireplaces a full bar a ~ s more than half the bOOk ~6;;O --C<.'t.!J small b ff ' , continued from page 12 u e Bonus. getting a close-up look at Tino Of b OOd, such as grilled tenderloin several years I've also been" LIVE" and archived ON­ Turner's legs or seeing how you mea­ ers ;;'f Benedict, S 14; cheese burg­ DEMAND on the Internet. ( Call1-aOO-244_2 ond su re up to the statuesque Elle pa~c 'k lamb chops with potato Recently, j ' ve added a slew of new features including all major credit cards acce~~~ a es, $36). MacPherson? Well, noW you can The Tower Records Weekly Tap 25 - Historical To o rder by mail. SC nd 10' Th e bUff t . (sort of), all ;n the same building. Hawaiian Profiles - The Ukulele Shaw - and by the time 36B7 S p HUNTINGTON PRESS' spread ' e IS now the best fancy Madame Tussaud's (pronounced . rocyon Ave. . Las Ve this article is published I will have begun to air "TERRI­ l Deuces Wild.UtI LJ gas, NV 89103 bUffet ~7 town, .easily surpassing the "too-SO-) Las Vegas has opened at 6 Belloglo. There's simply no TOR IAL AIRWAVES" starring Harry B. Soria , Jr. Visitors to 1Df7 DOUble Bonus.UtI D6Jacks or Better-S10 Way to list ev th' The Venetian. marking the U.S . . omplete Set.S2 Honolulu know that Harry B has been broadcasting ShiPPing &. hantltin S3 5 The $1 2 ery Ing there;s to eat. debut Of the famous wax museum. ParI! by .::J Ch,-,. ' V g .00. allow 4·6 weeks "Territorial Airwaves" on Honolulu 's KCCN for 20 years. U\ l isa Mas' C . Bella io : 5~ lUnch (same. price as IlloCOD, USIunc'4 21>73 g O IIbut ceviche. The only c ate- [email protected] slii/e ry th at didn't measure up is Springsteen . Mado nna . G lo ria years - Pic k up a copy o n your n e xt Irip. "P dessert 0 t Es te fan , e ven Bit ly Id ol. The Las the . n op Of the great food , Pau fo r n ow - !'I I b e talking to you o n y o ur te le lv ision Ve gas continge nt is the m ost exte n­ Se /oom Is gorgeous w ith o utdoor o r compute r n ext t im e! sive. fro m Bu gsy (sitting on a couch!) Your Internet Partner. a Ing a nd a view of the Las Vegas 26 Val ley, Phew I > continued on next page A loha J OE ®

'O H ANA 'O KAK OPA/NOWE MA PA 1999 27 Left: ''The i62 leilehua Celebrates -n Pineapple Pial/ullion ii 55 and Still Alive" by Gylene Orn ellas alld Carl Baysa Ambrosio. ([lid Mm)' A!mrico onA S(RVI((S danced a Hilla /'v/edley. "Maile for RQsidQntidl dnd Commercial ProPQrties

• Sales & Leasing • Investments • Vacation Homes • Relocations • Shopping Centers • New Homes • Retirement • Property Management • Vacant Land • Resales • 1031 Exchanges • Restaurants

Above: "The "dlllcttes." Daille £sca/allte. GylclIC Omellas, .. KIII/ia Rebe/s. " Lorna EI'GIIS alld Bernard Cabilao. Glori Nakea. N/orri.\" Al1iya. Han)' Aipia (lnd Righ!: "Wearillg their Charlie CelIO "Hachimaki" head_ ~'i llgil1g and hwu/s. the el/ ergeric strulI/millg Illeir dos.I' of 1962 danced ukuleles (IS they lite ball dance. el11e rftlilled rh e "Tal/ko 811 .\'h i." c/{l.\".ww(e.s (llId guesls.

The dynamic and talented Lei lehua Class of 1962 celebrated their "55 And Still Alive" festivities at the California Hotel in Las Vegas on Jul y 30-3 1. Classmates from Hawai'j, California, , Oregon, Washin gton, Maryland, and Georgia came to thi s special occasion to renew fr iendshi ps, laugh, cry, talk story. sin g, dance, drink and gamble. " SUPERIOR LITHO The California Dream Team compri sed of Gylene Ornellas, INCORPORATED Rachel Aniya, Carol Todd, Carl Baysa, Harry Aipia, Raymond Aguado, Judy Yoshida, Mildred Shimizu, Cheryl EXpand MacKay, and Paul Curtis planned the weekend o f event s. your horizons. Harry Aipia honchoed the hospit a li ty roo m, making sure every one had enough ono kau-kau and drinks. C harles Ceno, Paul Bellefeuille, Morris A ni ya, and Bernard Cabilao . supe nor. litho Incorporated strummed th eir ukul eles as classmates joined in to sin g th eir IS a full-seljVi ce commercial print­ er, offering large-format. state-of­ favorite songs. Le il ehu a Hi gh School songleade rs Lorna the-art electronic Evans, Karen Vue and Cher yl I\IlacKay, along with th e cheer­ pre1 re~ , a 40" press with leaders G loria Nakea a nd Diane Escala nte led th e group with . ccater and a complete finish songs and cheers. bmderYr inciuding die cutting and at Karen Vue, Diane Powell Escalante and John Evans won (illl us Toll -free foil stamping. P . 702.73305

> COl/til/lied Oil pap,i' 30 28 · OHANA ·O KAK OP A / N O WEMAPA t999 29 ------~~=---~~------~~~~~~~~~------~~~~~-=====~------

'62 Leilehua Celebrates "55 and Still Alive" > continued from page 28 -''''~~' class reunion is where , "'.,-' LHS '62 GRADS J~ A Revelations 21:1 Predicts A New Earth A n a utograph book and a CD everybody gets together Frances Abergas, Rose Sun:abit' Even tuall y b.,' .1 illl McGuire preacherjim @webtv. net "Not For Resale" was produced to see who is falling apart! Acohido, Raymond Aquado , M ary and c reated by Jerry Persall. EDITOR'S NOTE, And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first Albano Alvarieo, Harry Aipia , P'rise I'11 a Mary Lou Curtis di splayed her Orbina Ambrosio, Morris Aniya, Rose As the yeors since grodu­ heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there handq uilr of the Hawaiian fl ag ating from high school and '"Coat of Arms." Quillinderino Rallungay, Carl Raysa, was no more sea. Rev. 21:1 Paul Bellefeuille, Marcus Belles increose, the number of class­ Raymond Aguado and Paul S' I" , Imp lew Bisquera, Bernard Cabilao mates otten ding decrease. Curtis co-hosted an exciting and ' There are som e fac ts that 1 do know No testing "as overtaken Amy Ogata Cabaldon, Charl'le Ceno Ho 'omalimali yourselves at thrilling program. The entertain- abo llt the "end o f the world" - this you that is not common me nt was led by th e " Kunia Madeline Fernandez Corpus, Max De;a your ho 'olaule'a in Las We've he ard a b o llt Y 2 K and the world isn ' t going to last forever. As to evenj0/te. God is faith- Re be l" _ Bernard Cabilao ~ruz , Paul Curtis, Clyde Dai, Estrella Vegas! Capture the high­ possibility tha t compute rs w ill be w ith the Y 2K dile mma. there are a Harry Aipia, Morris Aniya: Rivero Doquisa, Diane Powell Esealant lights and have a quality flung into dis array at 12 :00 am o n v arie ty o f opinio ns about how and ful, and he will /tot let and Charlie Ceno. The Eddie Estoesta, John Evans, Lorna e, memento that recognizes January I. The re is c oncern that com ­ w he n this w ill happe n. Some make you be tested beyond everybody! puters, instead o f progress in g to year pre dic ti o ns o f the dooms-day as " Pineapple Plantati on Dee- Fukuoka Evans, Rachel Aniya G'100za, 2000, will re ve rt to "1900" and c alise immine nt. Still o the rs say th at it will your strength, but wit" Lites". Rose Ballungay Priscilla Trudy Wong Holder, Barbara Verania 'OHANA (family)@ a c o mple te "cras h" o f compute rs never happe n . They conte nd Ih at ti,e testi/tg he will also Ambrosio, and Mary Alvarico Jordan, Reuben Kaio, Stanley Magazine would be glad to danced th e hula. The showstop- Kamikawa, Eric Kanja, Gloria world-w ide. those w ho predic t the end of the provide t"e way out 50 commemorate your reunion world are "re li g io us doomsayers" pers, Gylene a nd Tammy Topangco Kelly, Fernando Labasan The re are som e who pre dic t a com ­ with 0 story such as Leilehua scaring LI S w ith o ut-dated re li gious t"at you will be able to Ornellas, surprised everyone by CI ' plete destructio n of life as we n ow Jeryl Mackay, Signe Carbon High's. Your reunIon story is rap danc ing the ir hearts Out to know it. Othe r exp e rts b e li eve that be li e f. endure it. " H Morefield, Sherry Riecken M manuahi ey Kat. " The " Mule tt es." . organ, when 25 classmates there's nothing to w orry a bo ut. The I just kno w that it will happe n 1 C;:orilltlzialls 10:13 Gloria Nakea, Lorna Evan~ Glona Nakea, Rodney Nakamura subscribe to help defray pro­ questio n isn ' t "what will or won't because G od said that it will. and He Gylene Ornellas, and Dian~ Melvin Nakata, Diana Sagun Olaiv~r, duction costs. Reunion pho­ happe n" but w ho m lo b e li eve . is never w ro ng. Escalante dazzled th e aud ience Gylene Sabihon Ornellas, .Jerry Persall, tos can also be orranged. wi th the ir rendition of " We Are Sue EllcnYoshida Rodriques, Contact 'OHANA for more Family .'" Other vocal e nt ertainers Laverne Kennison Rosander, Roland information. were E ddie Estoesta, Bernard Santos, Mildred Hirasuna Sh' . C b"1 S· Imlzu, a lao, Impy Bisquera, Paul Ronald Stanley, Carol Nino Todd Belle fe uille, lVIax Dela C ruz, Patricia Homalon Vent ' •••••••• •••••• a nd Renee Kamikawa. Jerry Conchita Carinio Wise JUdyu,rah'. P e r sall coordi nated the QTO UP , s Imoto ({gvtvX~ ..... Yoshida, Karen Pyo Ye k' a ro. k e s in g in g fa vorite SOl1oos. G e. V ES TS: Gertie Aniya Ch . W hile wearing " hachimak i" . ' nsta Baysa, 'Va;u;.erS" S/uire" t/r..e" head bands. everyone learn ed a LNao;1 ~ampbell , Lynette Ceno, Mary J apa nese Bon dance e ntitl ed ou u~ta s , Nadine Dcis Cruz, Leopoldo Sj1rif of .Aw~ ~ (7 " Tanko Bushi ." T he banquet COI1 - Doclulsa, Chris Everett, Phil Ficlds t.M o/e:JM e lu ded w ith the Le il ehu a Alma Dempsey Rivero, Renee Kaml'ka ' {'.- • < wa, ( ',(" '''--'-'' Mate r and " Hawai' i Aloha" as Che.rYI Kim , Keith Lloyd, Ralph > COllf illlf('(/ frolll p age 38 • .... f j .. "", " ' th e c laSS m <:l leS and guests J'oi ned Marushlgc, Mike Moak Ann N . k Kiki Overh o lt ze r a nd Linda I d ' .l amura lan s to treasure "The 55 and Cliff Na kca, n od Ornellas, Tammy , Ka 'a hui recapturin g th e ir Sti ll A live" cele bration " Ild O rnell < , I' youthful happy times, o the rs to as, ... es IC Rodgrigues, Ma rgaret memorable occasio n. HAPPY S,antos, Tanya Selgado, Irene Sora, Gil learn th e hula, or to to be w ith BIRTH DAY CLASS O F 1962' Sora, Linda Stanley, Prudence Ku I peopl e fro m th e ir ho me la nd, o r for th e exerc ise that hul a pro­ Todd Van Dorn, Jim Wi se. Y~()lI

30 ' O HANA 'OKAKOPA I N OW E MAPA 1999 31 Nevada Day on October 31 st, a name change was not viewed as practical will mark 135 years since at that time. the initial celebration was The seal of Nevada is two years younger held in Carson City. th an th e state itself. October 3 1, 1864 marked the origin al Two years after Nevada was admitted day of statehood for Nevada. While the into the Union the Legislature in "An sta te had insuffic ient populati on to gain Act to provide a seal for the state of thi s di stinction, Congress and President Nevada," established the design and Abraham Lincoln authorized it because of adopted as a state motto th e words "A ll a satisfactory state constitution. for Our Country". In the Act c reating it the W ith the nation e ngaged in the bloody Civil War, fo ll owing description is in the statutes: the preside nt also fe lt he could use the three e lectoral "In theforegrolllld, two large mountains, at the base votes statehood for Nevada would accord him. of which on the right, there shall he located a quartz mill, Nevada's legislature in convention in 1863 adopted its first and on the left a tunnel penetrating the silver leads of the constitution. However, this was rejected by the voters mountain, with a miner running our a carload oj o re, and because it placed a tax on mines. a team loaded lVith ore for the mill. Immediately ill the foregrollnd there shall be emblems illdicative of the agri­ The majority of the population was miners. The curre nt cultural reSOllrces of the state, as follows: a plow, a sheaf Nevada Constitution, which was accepted in 1864, changed alld a sickle. In the middle ground, a train of railroad cars the tax on mining to "proceeds" from the mines. That was passing a mountain gorge; also a telegraph line extending acceptabl e because many of the " mines" produced nothin g along rhe line afthe ra;/raad. In rh e exrreme backg round a Braddah Paul ~[S , "Call Tollfree 1- 888 - 2~5 -7J81 to Order," of value. ra nge of snow covered mOlln tains lVilh a rising sun in the The na me Nevada was originall y critic ized, because th e east. Th irty six stars to encircle the whole group. III all FREE word inc luded "snow," a n abundance of which argued oliler circle, rhe \\lords, The Greal Seal or the Stale or Visit Da Website for pricing & oar CATJ110G] o ne de legate " wou ld g ive th e impression to peopl e Newu/a to be engraved \Vith rhese lVo rds for the m olto of Alohafd daM-13105 56\h, Ave N., PIMIDo uth, MH. 55~42 through a li t the world, that s now was th e major com­ Oll r state, All/or Our Country." n's modity of the a rea" And thus the great seal was born .Nevada means "snow­ fax 612-553-2675 . Mos t Credl! Cards Accepled After hi s death in 1865, the name of Lincoln was consid­ capped" in Span ish; its ni ckname is "Battle Born Stale". ered, but the state was al ready in ex istence as Nevada, and Nevada is th e seventh largest state in area.

~ ~~ IIII §I~ ~ ~§ IIII ~ Licensed by Coco Cola USA. MTV­ In 1996 the official website was Most email messages received are The Real World. Sheraton Hotels. rolled out with great reception by from people that want to join our Aloha Tower Marketplace and Hawaiian transplants, former visi­ newsletter informing them of ttt llli »t«i »t« t{{ lll: ~ more, this song has been adopted tors, college students and service upcoming product specials and as TGIF. Hawaiian-style. Though personnel. To date, more than promotional tours. We invite yotI fo Experience the Atono Spirt'f! the song took Paul Natto only five 49.000 web surfers have logged in New designs of "It's Aloha Fr iday" WE HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION AND VARIETY minutes to write, sales of the song to enjoy our contests, the ambas­ wear will be released before the and associated clothing line since sadors of Kahuna island-Sing Hop, OF SPECIALTY FOOD PRODUCTS AT THE BEST PRICES! holidays. So stay tuned to the 1982 continue t o be shipped The Wicked Wahines and the high website, www.alohafriday,com or Cathy Lee & Judy Nitura throughout the U ,So and interna­ priest o f sun, fun and relaxation , call toll free 1-888-245-7781 for a tionally everyday, Do Big Kahuna. • Beef Steak Nuggets* free catalog. • Beef Jerky • Dried Fruits 8. Lunch Comp • $20 buy-in • Clam Jerky • Nuts 4. Snack Bar· Daily Top Ten Values 25cents - $3.50 Wild Wild West • Turkey Jerky • Candy Rivie ra Hote l/ Casino 10:30 a m - 3 pm "- In Las Vegas • Salmon Jerky • Cookies $f 5. Sunday Brunch. $13.00 9. King Crab • Li Hing Goodies • Chips 1. Comple t e Steak Dinner Santa Fe • Sunday (Unlimited) (Secret Family Recipe) ~ Binion's Horsesh oe . $3 11 am - 5 pm Elli s Island. $19.95 10 p m - 6 am O-fflIVUG\. ~\.~~ 6. Steak a nd Eggs· $2.49 Wednesday Stop by and say Hello! Bring this ad with you 2. Buffet. Daily Arizona Cha rli e's Starting at S pm for a Special Discount. * Home of the Soft tJnd Delicious $4.00 - $9.00 / $13.00 24 h o urs 10. Steve Wyrick Magician Fiesta Hote l/ Cas ino 702-388-0073 Beef StetJk Nu;;ets 7 . Lunch Buffet. $ 12.50 Show $32.9S 112-8 North 3rd Street • Las Vegas, NV 89101 We foke pride in our repuft71ion 3. Shrimp Cocktail . $ .99 Bellagio • Mon. - Fri . Lady Lu ck Hotel/ Casino (Across from the Fremont Hotel) for cusfomer service ond compefifive prices! Golden Gate. 24 h o urs 11 a m . 3:30 pm Tuesday-Sunday

37 ' OHANA 'OKAKO PA / N O W EM A PA 1999 33 -


:::J I love to buy products from Hawaii' Sh~v e O le(.. Ha ",~ "a n On eo fruu,. HAWAIIAN Diane T.T. Crawford CancJ lU. Jer~. ( of/en. t1c.. cIl-[oha Clwpiaal. I want to sell products from HawaII In my PlesK.knt c.ommcrcl~ l Ma ll s. S~c,,1 (venu. :J Carl)... KIo sks Ind Mobllc store,calalog' 'ALAEA RED SALT dt",,,"iian Cl,opicaff7J[o.nt. - ROCK OR TABLE SALT- PO Bm 91020 P(UJfIHUH • g~!J lU . cJ/,li..:OIIia • 'Jt"J . c..CC LI. Honoh,Ju. Hawa ii 96835 Karl Padua a fiN SIC Islanj P'C'juCI5 Board 8 oz. ALOHA G 1FT BAG OR 12 oz. TUB 'ry, .. illn,5- O"nanunlul.Ru,"" .... 6- rP(an ~J . or CorPOratc Olllec ( lOU 39 5·11.15 Lil1oo~ tI o fe~'ol) or P'Oj",c!S & 5e' /lees P ~.Il er r70lJ6111·15'H c4nJ c;::o1l .... "( d H",,! • • M , ' _" .. " , ~ ,. - only 56.50, S/H included Phone (8081 949-5075 1917 Gre,y Street Fa_ rlOl.) 107· 8090 Eagle J 'c - : "', " .' • Hawaiian Salt Company· Voice ,"Iaa (8081 'J4t-4·11'J P fa / 'Jao; ( 760) 941-()<;20 d/"d~ !z"&~;d, Hen3erson, NV 89014 F~ ~ P.O. 60~ 96992 E_.d ..Ik",,.O....l..- P.O. Box 5766 • Hila, HI 96720 • 808·334-3929 t808) 955-321'1 Gourmtl .. olynC'5i~n MJfmal:ldcs. ".,,$...... ,c, 1· 800·980·0123 l')S Vel,),. NV 8919)·6992 1702) EmJd lahlgodd@.'bva.nct lamS. lellies 1. Chutneys '-11'.;.01. ~// .... _"!J..z.... p.J ._ '1~ ... L-4Q rc.sJ B97-31ll ~ 6 'g , l"~ Pr~cu-'S SO.J'G 3 P5

Di!J8!lO!ltic Center of Medicine tSLAND GII?L MAI?f<'EilNG FUTON DESIGN We Design· We Build. We Sell OKYO /IOI/IEY '''ABA MAVIS N. MATSUMOTO, M.D. ~ (702) 735·7070 MOUNTAIN GUIDE Board Certified Intema! Medicine CHk'ISiINE BIAGGI Henderson: MOFID TAMAM ( 7 0 2) 5(,5·.$.\HM • Fax (702) 565·H~ Tokuzo Nagala/ Hlsoko Nagata P.o. B~ 660 1701 Green Valley Pkwy. Kapa 'au, HI 96755 3585 S. Decatur Blvd . Ste. C 1'.0. Box 90024, II cmk~lJn, NV K9009 953 East Soh:ro JW Las ~ Ne.utJ B9104 Ph (8C8) SBM9n Suite 4C (702) 220·4629 mtamam @a (702) 269-0006 151.,\ N 0;\' KTGC t:AIlTIl 1.1 NK.NET In Commercial Center F." (S08) 889-6944 Henderson, NV 89014

SLAD.'S POLYNESIAN Submit Your Business Card ROOM FOR RENT> LAS VEGAS ADV-"NCED OO/GYN LasV~ ==:;;-=~ 'L WEAR AND as artwork, plus 150 words ACC.SSORIES • 1 BR in spacious 4 BR home SE LV SPECIALISTS ~ LIMOUSINES '''fl, about your business SCOTT OLOS. M .O .. F.A.C.O.G . • Pool, washer /dryer • Near cas inos, WON TON AND SP£(IAUZING IN - only $180- ~ -..( 91 (PI Everette Duhay 286·4843 Cell TAHI TIAN PAAEAUS. !.AMQ.4.N LAVAl.AVM" tSt.J\NDACCnSOlitn THINGS bus lines, stores · Quiet neighbor· ANTHONY H . !BA Y. 1\'1.D. CEOlt.A. T. SLADE . O""ne' " ' V ~O'" lOCATIO N . 3 issues (6 months) C h aulfol 452-5934 Home 1]6bl C/'ldpm.mA'If!. _a· I S 171 7 S. Decatur Bl vd . #H-16 hood • 400/ mo. incl. utilities. G.uoen Gr ove. CA 92040 l as Vegas, Nevada 89102 Includes a one year subcription to ~.-- sow South v.-ucy V; ew Boulevard· Lu Vegu, NY 89118 RON YOUNG WT&T LTD. Bun 01 1, 750-0)55 Business: 702·309· 1516 4275 BURNHAM AVI: . S U ITF 271) ' 1.AS VI·G ,\ S N V IN II Q Tck"hon..- 702·736-1419 • F.)l7{)2·7l6-6S7J PH / FAX: (608) 8.J;·0983 212 MOHQNUA PLACE. BAY C Rrl (111) 714·811S Re side nce: 702.247.2507 'OHANA (family)® Magazine. 702-393-6167 TE LEPHONE (702) 8b2 ...U14 I' ,\("SIMIU' (70!) 8 b .:'-44()9 ' ·588-696..... 00. www.wveglo5timo.rom EMAIL: wllron@hgl' HONOLULU, HI 96819.2217

Bur"')" Gn '{' " is organically gro",,, . CU I/willing II rWI"'?l! WOMENS HEALTH CENTERS bufrJ/lce of ", i"f"J"(J l.~ . umilJ() (I cid.~ . cIJ=ymt's, chlmuplly l! & KARAOKE of SOUTHERN NEVADA l'/'wlllillS, ... illl [ 111 alkllfilll' pH M ix " 'illl '!"iIler ur jrdc(·. FOR ALL OCCASIONS Clleryl Y. Edward~ M.D. , F AC.O.G. BARLEY GREEN CMoIyn L Cornelius, M.D. 98324 Uola Sireet #E5 The Ideal Fast Food - It is an Easy Way to gel your DailJ Specio!iDng in Obstetrics lind Gynecology Greens ... Like havinl! a salad in a glass! Aie a . I·la wai" 196701 ~!G N DES GREEN VALlEY HENDERSON BOULDER CITY JOE KOSHI Tct/Fall": 808488.4835 100 N. at--. v... ., PbIy. 118 E. tAb Me.., 0.. SuI. 2«l s.... xn "'-"­SubllXi! 310-530-3513·310·530·2910·888-236-2514 Ka l hy ~ Kal" Miya-Revuelto Pager: 808 273.8780 . . Give your LOVE & ALOHA ... . hit P:llwww.wi mall .c om /barleygreen (702) 566-8070 • FIlX (702) 566-8073 Pr esident/Creative Director E-Mail: m eow@alo ha.l1 ct SIX Great Iss ll e; deli vered every two months, will remind Someone 5 ee ial email: [email protected] E-Mail Addrc:u: _ .edwMds702@oo1.«:om that YO II re sendl/lg YOllr Love & Aloha - All Year Long!! I! P ~~~- ~..,:s..... ~"- ~ ~ ""O-=-- ~ to: Nillnl.' WANT TO EARN ~~ANSONtS WATER TREATMENT AeJ :P£,Z:>JAT1<-Jes ~. 5599 W. Spring Mounta in Road ("l $1,200-$2,400 IN THE NEXT ~,,~i;.. ~-=,.1('i), ~ las Vegas, Nevada 89 103 rh J.r A d dress JERRY Y. SEa, CPA, LLC few weeks. part time? S T (702) 364-4550 ~ ~Y CPA licensed in Nevada &. Hawaii NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. 2545 S. Brwu St. 3815S. JI'IIDSJ. Cellular 498-6Q73 II CALL & LISTEN Suit. LA """ 6 ELMER P. TACHERA COd l~ (702) 396·5955 ~Sail Free SAtES ...... NAGER R.O & City. Stah:, Z ip lAr V'-8M NY 8')109 u.r VopI NY lJ9! OJ H~ NY lIIJ015 5640 N . Ailey Sireel (702) 396·5884 Fal( Wale. ConO,\IO"ers • Wilie. SOllenel Td. 702 733-0744 Ttl. 702 361-66l18 Ttl. 701564-4+44 Las Vegas, NV 89129 (702) 667-1769 Pager 800-706-8319 =--:-:"S~"l'!";.,.'!S

Em<1il cam-dall RMidIIndaI ...J Yes! P/r'flSI' LOW COST TERM LIFE INSURANCE ~' tMlriUt;:liill 1.~~J:Vil''' Air-Conditioning, \! .. ~ Telephone 102-309-2171 Vok::e 102·388-00U Fa _.- 11/( II/dr' my xdf -:;-;;;;N;;;,:;;:;:;;------Heating & Refrigeration I " I'd (tol/r You r Na mds ) EmailAddtesI ~ 112 Nort1 3rn SIr1IIIt las Vegas. Newda 89tOI Sale," Service". nslllllSI ions Independent Distributor _ Ad ditional pe rsons may be added. Itr.' "I.> 0iJII

3 ~ ' OHANA 'O KAK OP A / N O W E MA P A 1999 35 Hawaiian-icon Longs Longs e nte red the Las Vegas mar­ other to Las Vegas through event s ke t in December 1996 and by such as the Ho'olau le'a Pacific Drugs Brings "Home" February 1997 operated th ree Islands Festi val in September, the to Islanders in Desert stores. As wi th a ny new business, Hawaiian Civic Club and 'OHANA things began s lowly. Store manager (family)® Magazine. Longs by Ed Bishopi"k • Nl allogl' ,., .')'01/(1"(/ /1,,(/1/1'11 S he ldon Rosenberg received a n attended the I st Hawaiian Food It's hard to believe that the Legacy of overw he lming request fo r Hawai ian Manufacturer's Association Show Lo ngs in the Is la n ds began w ith a si m ple macadamia nul candy. at the MOM Hotel in Las Vegas. offe ring of candy. As Co-founder Joe Longs now has six stores in Las Customers now have even more Long rememb e red ... ( decided o n e m o rn­ popular Hawaiian products. ing we' re going to open , and no one Vegas a nd He nderson, and plans would come ins ide. I grabbed the first to open three more stores soon. William " Vi ni a" Rosa, department person I saw, g a ve h e r a box o f candy a nd Hawaiian food departments are fre­ ma nager at Longs and formerly a que ntl y as large as oth er depmt­ reside nt a nd e mployee of Longs in invited h e r in. From the n until 11 0W is his­ tory." J oe L o n g's initi a l offering o f me nt s in the stores, and are stocked Hawai ' j says " Lo ngs for me, grow­ T with Hawaiia n favorit es s Li ch as ing up in Hawai ' i. was part of my candy to our first c u s tomer in Hawai" i set a precedent for years to com e. T hat first pork lau lau. No h Foods, lichee day and my fam il y's day. The candy. Coral Tuna, Aloha Shoyu, Longs television commercials Longs has stocked a wide selection of island favorites especially store o n Hote l a n d Bisho p St. 111 Honolulu in 1954 became both He rshey's H awaiian Sun dr inks , a n d always started with the j in g le, for our "locals", including fresh Hawaiian Bread and Poi - flown in! and Wrig ley Gum's largest s ingle re tail of course , chocolate covered ' Make Longs a part of your day.' outlet in the world. m acadamia nut candy! Longs also Hawaiian people, movi ng to Las In addition, our Hawaiian grocery department carries Hawaiian sun carry fresh-baked Punalu ' u sweet­ Vegas, experience major changes in Drinks, Coral Tuna, Shoyu and Homai Rice, along with hundre~s of Joe L o ng g uessed that Longs would go breads on Thursdays, and fresh their li ves. It's rewarding to see from being known a s a popula r c andy poi o n Fridays: both are flown-in Hawaiians shopping in the aisles at other products. All at low prices! provider to its c urre nt famc as the overni ght. Longs, much the same way as they Hawaiian d rug s to re. With j u s t e ig ht Lo ngs and the Hawaiian communi­ do bac k home. Longs in Las Vegas Lo ngs stores o n th e m a inl and, J oe took a is now a pan of thei r day." gamble on this fledg ling compan y and ty have been able to welcome each ,:=:=:i;;U ;;;;U~S==E~RV~I(~E~P~H~A~RM~A~(4:~~' ~p opened his first s to re in Hawai ' i, despite Advanced Computer Technology -= • • We feature a wide array the presence of fi ve companies known as will alert'the Pharmacist of any of name brand products. the "Big Five," w hi c h contro ll ed all precautions or relevant warnings. • Our trained Beauty retail ing in H awai' i a nd kept mai nl anders • Pharmacists are always available Consultants are o ut. " It was a gamble:' said curre nt for consultation. knowledgeable of the Chairma n Bob Long. " J .M . be t the com ­ • Easy Prescription Transfer- products we sell. pany." But the gamble proved profitable. Simply call your longs Pharmacist. C usto me rs were drawn to L o n gs b y the • We accept over 500 Prescription • All eosmetic purchases are 100% Guaranteed! w ide range o f good s the s tore carried. Insurance Plans. Longs took ad vantage of s hifting patterns • A large selection of over the in mercha ndis ing tha t local b u s inesses counter medications. were ofte n s low in adopting. J oe & Tom Long were earl y advocates o f o ne-stop, self-serv ice sh opping, w hi c h was ve ry SERVICE & SHEalON diffe re nt from the spec ia li z ation of tradi­ ti o nal re ta iling in H o no lulu . In additio n • Fea uring 1 Hour Photo lab. a wide selection to pro duc t lines seen in drug s to res to day. • A large selection of cameras, ofllliQ1Jor" wine and beer. Longs advenised promine ntl y, attracting film, batteries, electronics • Take advantage of our custo me rs w ith Spam, sold a t ncar cost. and small appliances. stationery department and di scounted candy a n d chewin g g um ­ • Our trained photo staff can where you'll find a large sell ing fi ve, 5-cent p ackages for 19 cents. answer all of your questions selection of home and Today, still a t the corne r o f H o tel and regarding the products we office supplies. Bishop, Lo ngs. now doublcd in s ize. is sell or the pictures you take. • Hallmark - greeting cards, tucked ins ide the 40-piu!oo-stn re Execliti ve Centre, and is one of J I Longs D rug wrap, partyware, giftware Stores in Hawai· i. anti Long !oo Drugs is and more ... now a western regi onal drug s t()r ~ c hain with over JRO stores. inc luding six of the HENDERSON newest in L as Vega~. Ncvada. Lnngs' tAKE MEAD & BUFFALO SAHARA SUMMERLI N S U N C ITY Fer The l.oIgt~D aM Hallli success in Las Vcga~. over 4 0 ye urs ancr , I '> N <" t('pfldJlK' <.. , 7 4 7 0 \>\Ip!>1 I

36 ' O HANA 'OKAKOPA / N O W E MAPA 1 99 9 37 -

«;Na, X~ 'DaItCeY~" Share" ~ BIG ISLAND CANDIES Spit in" LM tVl!jM oj:Atoluv Gi~ giving is always easy with Big Island Candies, makers of Hawa ii's fin est handmade chocolates and cookies. From the popular award·wlnn",a Chocolate· Dipped Origina l Shortbread to our new Mui Cookies, we' ll delight your fam ily and with an array of mouth'watering confections elegantly wrapped far easy delivery. It's one sweet I this holiday season·! Call far a COMPUMENTARY 1·800·935·5510, ext. 62

P eople meeting peopl e, fri e nds meeting fri e nds fro m the islands at gatherings all o ver the Las Vegas val­ ley. Everyone ta lking a nd re miniscing wha t the y a ll FO llnde r of Big / sllll/(/ Can d i es AI/an / ko\\'o di d and how mueh they mi ss home . H e nry T o m pic ks dips their 1II 0S ( popula r produef - up his ukule le a nd s tarts strumming, othe rs fo ll o w and H awa i ian Ma c adalllia N u , S /w rr b rcad j o in in. spa rkling new Big Is land C andies fac to ry and sho w­ In 1996, He nry " Ha nky" T o m a nd hi s g ro up, "Alo ha The room, locale d at 585 Hinallo Stre e t ne ar the Hilo Na Leo" carri ed th e traditi o n of o ur H awaiian c ulture International Airpo rt, s tands a s testa m e nt to the princ iples by pe rforming a uthe nti c and conte mpo rary Ha waiia n of qua lity, c re ati v ity, a nd the e ntre pre ne uria l s pirit. music at several community events , weddings, lu ' a us and music fo r the " Na Kuuipo" d a ncers a t the Las Started a s a o ne -nu\n o pe ra tio n b y Hilo nati ve A ll an Vegas Seni or Center. Ikawa in 1977. Bi g Is land Cand ies has ri c hl y-earned it s The Na Kuuipo dancers began abo ut the same time a s interna tio nal re putatio n fo r its scrumptio u s , one -o f- a-kind creatio ns . th e inceptio n of the A lo ha Na Le o music ia ns led by H a nky T o m. Hilda me t a nd ma rri e d H a nky w hile Anyone 0 11 0 fo r a n unforgettable tas te o f atte nding coll ege in Cali fo rni a. They c omple m e nte d Hawai'i c an rest a s s ure d tha t Big Is la nd each o th e r - Ha nky played the ukule le, Hilda , w ho Candies utilizes o nly the finest o f ing re die nts , began da nc in g fro m age six, dance d. including ho meg rown Haw ai ian m acadamia nuts a nd 100 p ercent K a n a coffee. In 1990, w ith th e T o m's childre n g ro wn a nd s ta rting the ir own fa milie s, Hilda a nd Ha nky moved to Las Pride and cre ati v ity prov ide the fue l tha t dri­ Vegas . Both became very ac ti ve w ithin the communi­ ves Big Is land Candies ' continue d po pula ri­ ty. Ha nk y soon fo und time to fo rm 11 musical tri o, ty. Its line o f more tha n 45 mouth-wate ring "The Las Vegas Hawa ii a ns ," a nd they provided e nte r­ goodies inc ludes th e c lassic c hoc ola te tainme nt fo r spec ia l occas io ns w hile Hilda pe rfo rmed dipped m acadami a s ho rtbre a d c ookie a nd w ith the Hawaiian club 's " Grac ious Ladies." funk y H awaiia n Da Kine s ( is o pe anuts , arare, a nd ika dippe d in c hocola te) . Ne w The o ppo rtunity to s tart a hul a c lass at the La s Vega s creati o ns a re the a lmo nd wafe r c runc h, Ii Sen io r Cent e r came in 19 96. This was th e expansio n of the Na Kuuipo dancers. Ho nky playe d the mus ic hing lTIui cookies, and s u g arfree sh o rtbread fo r Hilda's Na Ha umana (stude nts). cooki es (ori g ina l or c h ocol a te dippe d ). In 1997, Jac ki e Kil o hana Ka ' a no ' i. a re now ne d hul a It used to be tha t those s he lves were the o nl y in struc to r fro m Califo rni a , j o ined Hilda in th e con­ pl ace o ne could acquire the se e le g antl y tinual educati o n in Hawaii a na. packaged tas te tre ats . B e ing an exc lu s ive pro duc t makes Bi g Is la nd C andie s pro ducts T hroug h dedi c ated e ffo rts o f Jac ki e H a'ano ' i. Hilda the ultima te Is la nd g ifl. In appre c iatio n o f T om and th e A lo ha Na Leo mus ic:ian s, they co ntinue the s uppo rt s h own b y it s many loyal c us ­ to g row s p iritua ll y, sha rin g and perpe tuating the to me rs , Big Is la nd Cand ie s reac hes o ut to it s proud he ritage a nd c ulture o f Hawa i ' i. overseas fri e nds v ia it s fre e colo r catalog, T hese seni ors a re fro m a ll stati o ns o f li fe a nd e ac h to ll fre e te le p h o n e nUlllbe r : HO() -9 3 5 -55 I O. a tte nd c lasses fo r a va ri e ty of re aso ns. Some a re a nd n ew Int e rn e t we h s it e : www. Fo rme r professio nal dancers s uc h as Man u S c hmit t. bi g isl a nd c a nd ic s .conl . GiJ( packs fI /'l' {'r eared for allllost eVl' /'Y holid(lY or occasiull.

38 'O HANA 'O KAK OPA/ N O W E MA P A 1999 39