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Wv--! ■ : / ^ . ;V . : i SATUjRDAY/APRIL 8, 1954 - ...... ■< \. Average Dally Net F reu Run /■d Hie Weether PAG® TWELVE For Um Week Ended Foneaat of V. B. Waatfeor Beripu > * v/- ^ April 8, 1*54 ’ Warmer, Hght drixalo tonight to be ~answer^ “‘over ipy dead ; 11,167 «HHag hi morabig. Low SS-4S. body!” Moriarty Tops \ About Town . Mayor Proclaims Union Label Member of tho Audit TwAdiyr, elondy, warmer.. High "Staaptkes” Bureau of CIrealatloM 5e.»5.'-i - - BearS Along Mitik Sti^et M aiwhes^t^^A City of VillM ^^Charm ■nifc Auxiliary’ to the tiiaabled m glancing through Mathias C. of C. Slate Spieaa' article of date Aug. 10, j : . American Veterans. No. 17, will And on Som e of M anchester^ Side Streets, Too T" conduct a military whist. Wednes­ 1938, on pioneer roads the other VOL. LXX1H.n o . 157 (ClMtlAod AdrerUwhkg am Fag* 14) MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAli^PRIL 5, 1954 N (SIXTEEN PAGES) day April 7, 4t 8 p, m. in the VFW day, we came across the above Chamber Group NaniM / -. * V. . P R | C B FIVE C H W Home, ilanchester'Green. Prizes BiKirr»t All '* rather encounter a live skunk. heading or sub-head, and atoppdd y \ V- .-/ ' ■■ ■ will be awarded and refreshments The ApiiT Fool joke is dead. Thi^ The 'gator measuAd. IS. inchef and to read the following: Choices for Officers; /■- - served. Mrs. Helen Beebe. Mrs. serious, sober A and H bomb agAl waa sent by Stuart Munrd, Xow "After the incorporation of Want Ballots April 10 Martha Miller and Mrs. Ann Step- has taken the kick right out the living in Florida and a forjjter Turnpike companies In .1795, many Tin MuCarthy Story (1) ^ ai^ head the committee in charge. pranks that used to make^rApril' Manchester resident. , ^ of the foraakem' roads werfr S eats Job Eisenhow^ first a'day when it was exciting-to t^e fotind a fellow who said, he used as "Shunplkea,” . so-called be­ The Chamber of Commerce The Western Caravanravan will 'ap-j answer the telephone, never quite would like the alligator to show cause teamsters' would drive, out notaiinating commiJwS, haa aub- pear At Orange Hallall tonight for (knowing what to ex j^ t. his family. Lee was glad to get of their way .for many mllea rath­ mlttetlxfor approval. » »l»t« Showdown icause of their | We ran into jusL-tvino practical rw of it and"' the 'gator headed er, than na^ toll at the toli-gatei Tsm May Clariiy the fourth'time because ------^ ,. j officers «»d dlreetora headed by / popularity with local dancers. Two jokers at work on April Fool s day. west. Two boys claimed co-own on Timnplkes. . (We still pay Matthew MSMoriarty to serve Mcellent prompters will ckll the pne was a locaK housewife who erahlp of the 'gator and they toils,Jfut it ia for the privilege of Wrned the taWes on, her practical iu<|(ed for and received permission during the fls c«^ e a r 1954. Each square sets and dancing will con­ ii/thg the modern highways.) member of the Cnambdr hM re­ Tom orrow H-Qyii^tion tinue from g to 12. . joking husbah'd. to bring Vt to school. Once in - The most famous am ong- the ceived a copy of the prqjwsed offi­ Was m She ncaUy rolled up a towel and gchool. all claaaea \dewed the' Shunpikes waa known as the Sol­ he carried It to work, together -gator. X cers and a post card tnbt. will be Washington, April 6 • WasKington, April The Buckingham Ladies Aid So­ omon Road which led r from the used as a ballot. ciety will meet in the new Congrer with a thermos bottle full of clear Yeate'rday morning the/A ator Middle Turnpike to the foot of The Senate Investigations Pr^sfdentr^sfder Eisenhower willSfid water, as hia lunch. He ia a line- returned to Fraephia who Ballots must be returne.1 tOHha gatlonal House. 125 Sherman ^ . McLean Hill, to the Tolland Turn­ Chantber. offices by April 10. A subcommittee today sched­ ess the nation tonight, ahd Hartford. Wedne.sday at 7:45 p. m. man for the phone company and turned ..it over to th e^ lgh School. pike Just west of Buckjand. and - -I'- . his schedule for last Thursday iJitional nominations for candl- uled /for tomorrow (9:30 Tvas reported prepared to ,R Superintendent James F. English The alligator's Am conflated'of a -short distance, westward, at d.stea for posts ran be made by a. m., EST) 4 showdown will be the speaker. A social time called for remaining in civilization polly-wogs and yvorms. Meekville was a tollgate. The “clarify" questions raised at petition signed by not leas than meeting to determine wheth­ <- ’.X . tollgate on Middle Turnpike was fen members of the Chamber and home and abroad by dis­ Abound the Town er Sam uel’P. Sears will re­ xnMimg. . ^ I had been reassigned to a job out in a short distance eastward of the fii^ not less than five days prior closures'* of the awesome intersection o r the Solomon Road, Sock and Buskin Wins State Draina festival Title e,s a- w i the Jjiiddle of the sticks. Friendly and popular Arthur to the date -of thJ election. main as its special counsel for power of the hydrogen^mb. Seymdur, retired member of the close to th e. Hockanum river Election of officers will take Puts/Soviet George A^Tiltham. 34. has been . sj.^^ second April jokester we the inquiry into the Mc­ The President discuss^ his named county agent leader for the g.bo\it is a more deadly sort. h|anchester Police Dept.-, is still in bridge. Thus H can be readily place at the annual meeting to be imform. Following his retiremeiit-, seen that teamsters, whether Carthy-Army row. speech, to be carried at 8:36 p.m., Agricultural Extei^on S m ic e ^ l^ y ^ ^^^n the U.S.S.R.. which trie^ held Tuesday. April 20. Each divi­ Sen. Mundt (R-SD), who tem­ EST. by* major radio and TV net­ the University of Coni^cticiA. Me i world Seymour took a job on the Plant traveling eastward or westward., sion of the Chamber is represented porarily . haa replaced -Sen. Mc­ works, in a forenoon conference P r^ u ctio n da the aon of Mr. and'.2 — of"'* — V "taking ita big joke on Marejr 31 Protection staff at Pioneer Para* escaped both tollgates. This shuii- on the Board o f Control. (hute and served until the staff Carthy (R-Wis) as chairman of with congressional leaders. W, WKitham of 42 Gerard at. Wheniirii it proposed that it/should pike was abandoned after Ihe Following is the list of nomina­ the, subrommittre, told reporters dis.soIved. Now Archie is back In Turnpike companies surrendered Afterward, Sen. Knowland of becorricome a member of AKe North tions: , "aurely tliere will he a** announce­ California, the Senate Republican The M a n c h e s t e r Registered A\lanjantic Treaty Orgamzatlon and his police uniform at the Center their charters, but its course ia Matthew M. Moriarty. -presi­ to U. S. handling school children crossing ment of some kind" after tomqr- leader., told reporters: Nurses Assn, will m e e fT i esday the^West should gi?e up the idea plainly visible to this day.” dent : Bruce W'stklns, first vice row'a meeting. at 7=45 p.m. in the hospital dining­ of roarming Ge at the Nathah Hale School. . . . Mr. Spiess also referx in that irtsident: Russell F> Broderick, . To Treat World lasues .. Jack Sanson, one of the best He laid the purpose ia to ex­ London, April 5 (4’)— Prims room. The speaker will be Mrs. article to the '"Old Highway" (econd vice president: D. Lloyd plore the pledges Sears already "The President will dwell on the When then^w's was reported by dre.ssed men in Manchester and concerns that various people have inister Churchin discloMd ■ John McElraevy, who will talk^on papers’ inKNorway. readers refused leading from South Main St. to nbron, treasurer. has given that he c4d and will be for many years manager of the Keeney St., in these words: "It is Directors for two years: Har- over developmenta in the world today a secret agreemmit h« mantmlly retat-ded children and the to belleyeit. The press there is fa- State Theatre, reported that the neutral in the hearings. work of the Manchester aaeocia- moua.'for elaborate April Fool said the late Horace B. Cheney, t J. McKInhev, Willard B, *rhe announcement followed a including the nydrogen bomb. said he had with Prc«(dcnt holdup at hia Hartford theater re­ Rdgera, Harold W. Garrity, C. “The speech will certainly clari­ . tion. jo^Kis and most of the readers Sr., would walk over the road closed door meeting of Sears, cently waa the fourth time in his once a year, for many years, to Fester Harry, Thomas Colla, C. fy some of the questions that are Rooeevelt in 1943 biuiining Inought this was just another-one. career that his movie house was Mundt, Sen. McClellan (D-Ark) use of the A-bomb against The newsj^pera gnd.pews serv­ cover an old highway law and to E. Hogan. ■ and Sen. Symington (D-Mo) in In people's mind at home and Nutmeg Forest No. 116. Tali robbed. Most terrifying holdup oc­ retain municipal ownership!" rectors for one year: George abroad." third parties '“withiout each Cedara of Lebanon, will hold its ices got a lot op calls from read­ curred in Pennsylvania when the Mundt's office. H. M arl^ . Dr Alfred B. Sund- ■ McC:i;iIan and Symington de­ T h e White House indicated the other's consent." spring ceremonial on Saturday. ers who wanted' to be sure It was holdup man-ordered Jack out of qulst, C.|H. Anderson. W Robert serious—or at/least that the Rus­ Where's Tbat Pl.ug clined to elaborate on Mundt's an­ President will expand ■! on hia ' A prt 24. Gustav Peterson la gen­ his office, jvhere $7,00^ was In the If Cincinnati, Ohio doesn't have Herald Photo. Spencer.) Robert Schaller. .March 17 news conference re­ Chuijghill ^ d he and sians pretendedXlt , was serious. safe, and made him (Sanson) walk- nouncement. eral chairman of the committee in pa’-Wng meters, by now, it's safe Mayor /Sherwood G, Bowers Metpbers of the nominating Mundt said Sears waa before marks about “fears" from without Roosevelt aigned the agree* chargevof the event and the parade Som4 had /'already decided, the a half mile to ah old coal mine. to make a big entrance. We were by the unfair competition to our committee are Ru.ssill B. Hatha- Associated Press tklls us. that the to bet that the city fathers are driving a Jordon cut-out, and we signs document proclaiming ^ them for "Just about three min- and within and railing for re­ ment at Quebec. Churchill will be in charge of Bert Lehman, Here the man, guit in hand,.frisked considering the matter. industries from unorganized n'anu- wav. Chalrraan, Hobron. Harry, newed "faith in the destiny of whole business wak a joke and Sanson and cc^acted all - of 67 revved up the engine and roared next wed Union Label Week facturers who are located in areas ■utes.” 't added that he was now relcas* who promises to come up with One Cincinnati businessman was Colla and Charles f . Burr. "We told him we wanted, him in America.” Eiseimower .said then some startling new stunts to de­ they blasted the editorseditoi for poor cenU. ,< . , Police Chief Herman! down the main street, and then while lockl labor leaders took on. that have low standards of living, ing the information with con­ fpund' beating the parking situa­ turned around and roared back. Similar proclamations were being to discuss all the developments," "the world is suffering from a. light the hlddiea and their elders. .taste. Schendel repprtb "Goldwood Mi­ multiplicity of fears” —including sent of President Eisenhower. In Paris the press reacted a lit­ chael.” fa n ^ a Golden Retriever tion' for bevpral months. He used “ Well, all the men got up and issued this week in other parts of WHEREAS: The Union Label in Mundt said. "He told us he very his own fire plug to hold a monop­ much wanted to discuss them, the men in the Kremlin, "what iin- tle differently. , TTie Paria-Presae of Morgai>/Brainard of Hartford, came out to the road to see who it the/state. Purpose behind observa- any 'industry, on any product, rep-: I Manchester Fire Dept, wili hold oly on a parking stall in front of waa makfn|; all the noise, and we tioA of Union Label Week is to too." . ' •wise investigators will dp to us London, April 5 (fP)— Prime ,a drill tomorrow morning at 10:30 labeled the proposal an April Fool trained ^ d handled by the chief, resents a steadily increasing stan- his business establishment. He looked them over to see if we could urge consumeVa to bu-y union made , j ./ j -nH u-nrUino/renHi ^ m s ^ m Te r a s 4 Sears, 58-year-old Boston, law- here at home" and the possibility a t the firehouse, corner of Main Joke, but its editors were in ear-’ ia now/in retirement. "Mike” for of depression. > y Minister Churchill declared nest when they did it. ’ several' years was one of the best found the abandoned plug and had recognize any of the kids w . went products to insuro Niw England's I v4r, was picked as special counsel and Hilliard SU. the porter roll the plug out to the to school with. There was one (el- /high standard of living and corn- tions for the people, and \f ' a lr\t week. He said at the time that While the White House said the today the Soviet Union is There is no doubt about It. The show dogs in the country and WHEREAS: The Union Label k MOVIES. PARTS ^ he\had never takeh any poaitlon President plans to speak without “ very , much closer on the Russians have beat us again in Schendel earned a similar distinc­ street every morning about 6 low I remembered and another bat unfair competition from man- Phiilp P, Newcomb. .151 Pitkin o'clock. Once the boss had his car who knew my brother." ,• ufactiirers tn areas where wages assures • the employer of high IT - m s _ d publicly or privately on Sen.'Mc- SEN. JOSEPH R. McCa r t h y a prepared' text, he spent some heels of the United States" in the propaganda game. They've tion ha a handler. , . . There's but quality workmanship and delivery U r U ff w tO rR S ^ Carihy’4 methods of hunting Com­ time working on the talk during a '8t., design engineer a;t Pratt and one baseball team in Dave Gross- s.-.foly parked for the day, the plug But although the McGrath boys and standards are low. , . » , j . - , ^ the development of the Whitney Aircraft, recently became convinced the world they are our munists in the government. It weekend stay with Mrs. Ehsen- superiors in April Foolery.* / man's opinion — the Brooklyn was roiled inside where it could had rttur.ied to the scene of their At Bowers' riglit is Matthew 1 . * d*y ■ work by willing i (EDITOR’S NOTE:. If ysu are old enough to read this, you are either H-bomb than they ever were a member of the Quarter Century not ‘be seen. childhood, they'.were still a long Paton, vice .president of Local 63.1“ *'“ **tl»ned employM. and to the j developed, however, that Boston for or against Sen. Joseph R. McCsrthy and what he stands for. Just howe'r at camp Da/id, the presi­ Dodgers. Dave eats and sleeps nt^4pfpera had quoted him as with the A-bomb. Club. Brooklyn between running hia But a curious policeman began way from-home. "Tliey stared at,Te,\tile Workers Union of A m e r i - 1 *■>'', value and, about every American is. Yet the four-year-old McCarthy etory hsa dential retreat 'n Maryland’s ’Gator Pinda a Home praising McCartny In 1952. 1 ■ • ^ / H»raM Photo, ChurclUU faid the H-bomb .’’is Main Street business. . . . Haber­ a little investigation of his own to us. and w« ata:ed rt thcin. and Ijca. . Behind him la Frank Hippie. ‘ unfolded In such a rushing and often’ confusing wav that tew news­ Cstoctin Mountains 60 miles north A home has been foimd fo/ the guess we looked ctrangc to each president of Local 991, State,,; Union LAbel it , PHONE On other scores, Mundt said: , of nere. Members of the cast of "The Durnihy,’’ Bock and BitaMn prOducMn, which won top honors la the now in large acale produetloo, Z dasher Chris Olenney refuses to find out If he was seeing things or paper readers have been able to keep It really straight. Thl* is first of Coanectirut Drama Festival at New Britain April 2 qnd S. It was aanintaiced today, leave tbs auditorium alligator sent to Dog War^n Lee other. AH the .-pen were wea. ing | County and Municipal Workers ,*■. ' WASHER M1-9-4S87 1, H4 has Htd no word from any­ 1® hroad-picture articles on tho who, what, when snd where of The President alsO made two believe, in the U. 8. We a ^ be- Fracchia. It has been (Officially get excited when you speak of not. He coUidn't believe the fire one a t ^ e Pentagon concerning re­ at Manchester High School after giving a perfortnaace there for high achool students this morning. Ueve, that to a lose degree, and Sarasota and Red Sox. Chris blue dungarees, and their hair Union. At the mayor s left ia John I tices that have brought for the; McCarthy and MeCarthyIsm). trips frora Camp David to his farm adopted by a biology club at Man< plug could be there one minute and ports tiiat the Army may protect They are. left to right, ;Mnry Joe Powell, Craig Noren. Jnek Loefler, MarUya Rogfrs, Ruasell H Irtalla, COIN FOLDERS claims he. can wait until April 15 was long And came down over their E. Jacob.s. of Local 671, Team-4-P*0P*e America the world's I home near Gettysburgi Pa., to poaatbly In lass poteiit form, it is Chester High School. / gone the next. REPAIRS the apimntment of Sears to the Inspect renovation currently in all cast members, and Hazel Christiana, David Saslela. aad Richard Thorsell, stage hands. Mrs. in large scale pr^uction in Bovlet nUEE COIN APPRAISAL when the Sox plqy Waahin^on at Result: One false fire plug de­ ears, and .the good black Montana alers Union., Jacobs is a driver for , highesb^tandard of living, I By REM PRICE >• of no Communists within its ranks. The 'gator afrl^d Monday dirt waz under their flngerralls.-i he Perrett and Glcnney. Inc. .1 THEREFORE. I. Sherwood G .: specitu qounsel post. progress. Tile Eisenhowers dtrove Helen Page Skinner assieted by Misa Isabel Worth directed. (Hityty on Page S). R u s ^ " ' Fenway Park bMore he geta ex­ stroyed. Wheeling, W. 'Va., April 5 | that It would fire any it could iden- morning by air malt from Miami. cited about baseball. . . . Mailman But we were fairly well groomed;.( BowerS’ proclamation naming j Bowers, Mayor of Manchester do Frompf, Economical No FbeUng on Army Choica bade to the capital' last night Ue made the atatement in a Fla. Warden Fracchia took one It probably Is safe to assume 2. Ha (l^tundt) haa "no feeling at through heavy traffic. HOUY SHOPPE Chet Morgan hasn't been as loud the businessnan was lectured on after all, we had become citified." April 4 to April 10 as Union Label' liereby proclaim the week of April | (IP)— McCarthyism waa born i ^^e lus iist^***** uee o f (Tommona debate tn whiclk look at it and said he didn't want, Week lollows; | 4lh'-tp April 10. 1954 t.5 Union | Gnorifmtood all" concl^rnlhg the Army'a an­ I Although the talk Was not billed Oor. Ceater and Griswold this spring as in previous years violation of the city parking law, here sBmetime between 8 and McC!arthy. meanwhile, was flying re again refuted to intervene it. In ' fact, he said he would when the New York Yankees were Where'd She Go Union l.alM-1 Prorlamatinn/' | La'oel Week, and to call upon all I nouncement that It haa appointed 9 p". ih., Feb. 9, 1950. It Waa as a 'further expixhxtiuo the School Plan againat American H-bomb testa in too. WringoreRoib Roploctd Joseph N. \Wclch, also a Boston to Salt Lake City. There, in a re­ hydroge.n weapons testa in the Dulles knocking over all rivals in the This actually happened and the WHEREAS; The standard o f . citizens to observe the week in j christened in'110 words. corded radio interview on Feb. 10, the Pacific. He aaid the teste "in­ Grapefruit L ea^ e. This spring principals were members, of - the living in Connecticut is threatened!.appropriate manner. lawyer, aa\ ita apecjal counsel. In Pacific, some Democra’s called on creased the chance of world peace Come East Young Mdn the Inquiry,! In that hqur,'^ Joseph R. Mc­ he commented on _ his Wheeling, (he president to explalh what the Yanks are last In the Ameri­ Police Department, Carthy, Junior Republican Senator speech: rather than the ctiance o f world William McGrath, thb soft- Mundt aaia ha had hoped to ar­ course the nation will take if pos­ Asks Glass w a r . can Leigh’s atandinga., . . • One spoken and nattily drMsed“,new One day last week 4 certain No. 1 saw Cop No. 2 who had play­ penny postal have all gone for- from Wisconain, delivered a Lin­ 57 or 205 Reds member oi the bluecoata was met Potterton's range a Bubrommittee meeting to­ session by the United States and jbrive-In^ of Manchester's leading speakers manager of the State ,and Circle ed the prank the three |x>liceinen eve.*. coln Day speech before the . Ohio "Last night-I discussed the Com­ Almost AggressUr Armed with non-eccurlty H». ia Bill Cooper. Prudential insur­ at 4 o'clock outside the station by ISO Oeoter 8L. Cor. of Church day to diacuBs the question of Russia "neutralizes'’ the bomb. bomb Information aiqipUed by theaters, is'not, aa repprted in the and the lady friend 411 enjoyed a Anon. Basra’ retention, but gave up the Couiity Women's Republican CHub munists in the State Dept. I stated ance man. who haa offers to speak his woman friend after completing I had the names of 57 card-carry- Sen. Jackson (D-Wash), for ex­ President Etscnbowtr hlnwelf, L,# I RESTAURANT recent Herald story, w hia promo­ good laugh. ; idea after learning that one mem- of Wheeling. ample, said it teems to him such Yea^^Round at conventions from coast to coast. tion from assistanU manager, a hia dally tour of duty. The police­ At the' end there was a burst o f' members of the State Dept, 79-year-oki (ThurchiU told a tenae, man got on the driver’s aide and — "bef waa ^‘unavoidably out of the weapons are going to cite up with­ Washington, April 5 'had requested an opportunity to ait UnUl Feb. 10. 1950, McCarthy had to rely on “massive retaliation” at blll rejected demands he tell what head.” You see them everyday. the lone praire/ of Montana. _ in at any final meeting. night editor in the Associated Press nations to wily behind French') papers and got out of the car and Imbibed two at one sitting by way Bureau at Charleston, W, Va., re­ been known on Capitol Hill ae -a what be said may be the expense feet would put the Winiisor he knows about Ruwian H-bomh We. make reference to the About This iiifonwtlon turned up a of fareWcM. Since then we have Only last night, Mundt aaid the of a buildup in * conventional Union defences to teach the Com­ Get Acquainted Offer \ Town column. Hospital Notes, couple of days ago-im a chat we walked into the agehc}. ceived 4 telephone call from Nor­ man who fought in 1947 to end schools on a year round basis, testa. — Meanwliile. a fellow copper, who understood the raise In price only subcommittee would not keep Sears weapons. munists thi^ cannot smash Sldeatepp'ing a salvo of questions Local Spo.-ta Chatter, Public Rec-- had with the new nYStisger over .a If the Army objected. man L. Yost, managing editor 'o^ rationing on sugar for industrial including summer. ( dom /by /massive, suicidal asign amounted to two cents, or seven the Wheeling Intelligencer. purposes, as a vigorous opponent "It seems to me thst a new The unique proposal waa rk- 1,000 Vietminh from Lat^tM,' OiurchlU aaid: "It SPECIAL SATURDAY ond SUNDAY ONLY prds, Manchester . Date Book and late lunch at Jhe Corner Soda cents for the cup. Come to think (graham Meanwhile, Sears announced yea- statement of foreign and -military aauttk." many others used .uccasionaIIyy> Shop, the emporium . adjoining o’clock, saw the car with the -motor Yoat, part-^time ‘ AP correspon­ of the Truman administration's leaaed .today by , Warren W. Bail, a'ould not be in the public interest running and decided to have a of it. we read in an, out-of-town public housing and as the man who The' S^reta'ry made hia state-, to discloee.the extent of our in­ Thea6 are"heada” that, once^aet the State Theater and presided (Oontlniied on Page Fifteen) dent 4t Wheeling, dictated a para­ an industrial efigineer. , /rtenta ^ fore a House Foreign Af- lulled in Nigbt SOUTHERN pNiED over bjy one'pf McGrath's former iRtle fun. i'.t ,Jcmj..;d into the car. peper reccntl.v that a Cromwell j graph or two ' from McCarthy's denounced American investigators (CoBHnaed on Page Eight) He stated Jhat inasmuch as the formation.” by the Ijnbtype ope -ator are -saved Isn't A Champ -"■A fairs committee after saying fresh-1 because.' they are used «o often. bosses/and predecessors, Victor closed the door and drove around restaurateur is still selling coffee speech. in the war crimes trial of the Ger­ town's school teachers arc pajd ly vei - / The Laboritr 'grilling was at a nickel a cup and making man Storm TrooMis accused of led information showed new This saves time in setting the same Morolli, who traded in his theater the corner before the girl, who wa-s Figure' Verified every mbnth in the year, that they Comniunist radar-controlled 37 mll- Smash at Fort prompted by .GhurchUl's dierlooure rhan^cr's bow tie for Walter Hen- busy looking In the ntwsstore,' money at that, hut it won't do us " As L ^ is began writing./, the shooting down 150 American prison­ be asked to work oh' the ^aame last week *'lLhat inatrumente ia lines everj- day. ^ Yet But He Roosevelt Says ers and 100 Belgians at Malmedy llmMer anti-airqraft guns, which We are npw contemplating add­ ncqiiin's ahort-orOcr cook's apron realized w-hat was going on. any good .at this distance. .So we brief story, he came to a figure he Chinese R eds’ bcaia as, persons employed in other a r ^ bringing down French planet Britain jratorded the American H* CHICKEN crossroads in 1944. Hanoi, Indochinq/Aprll 5 (F>— bomb taw of March 1. , ing apotl e r -“standing .head" to thufe months ego. „ Seconds later, cop N )./l, amok sunnosc th.* flve-cenl cup of coffee, questioned — 205 Communists in Indpitriea.. - over Dlen Blen Phu, are'“ operated ^ ing a big cigar, .came out of the together With the flve-cent ciRxr., Now McCailhy.was in/he ban­ He said "I shall ifiake no pre­ our list, juat because we think it cGrath's fathef, we/learned, Won His Last He Wm Stay m the State Dept.? He called Yoet ner headlines. • ‘ , He atateil that those in industry b / members of the Chinem mill- / " ’* *^*"‘* High Command an. will be t'sed quite, ofton in '■onnec- had been an Irish railroad man store. He saw his car had moved the flvc-cent loaf of brdad and^he/ back and asked him' to verify it. Heroin Worth work on'‘^a basis of 250 days a ry estajilishrnent." , ‘ nounced, today the defenders of diction today,” but add^ : and believed that traffic waa heavy Soon he waa to deny aa/J:he "The Soviets were well behind tlop with the activiti'es of a local /vho Immigrated during the .treat Yoat told him to hold on and he year and by placing tha'teachers Chinese G ^ eral Seen.; Dieit Bien Phu had killed "more ' ’vestern railroading boom before and hia girl friend bed moved the would have his reporter- re-check Senate floor, and‘"later' lh'"a book the U./B- even before the Ameri­ man. “ Handles Tickets” ia the title., 15 Fights Congress Race and before a Senate committee, on a 240 days a .year basis, the, The Secretary, testifying on next than 1,060'’ Vietmlnh troops trying- All reports indicate our aubjecl the First World War and settled car around the coiiier. He rounded with McCarthy.' In a moment hfe Millions Seized can hydipgen, explosion on March DONT FORGET OUR DELICIOUS the corner amU-^dn’t see the car that -he used the figure 205 at school calendar (tould be put on year's foreign aid program, also anew t*> emaah thyir way imo the Is an accomplished ticket pQah^. on a MmRhna rancli after falling came back on the wire and said the 1, but they were very much closer anywhere. HeJooke" that mean the ’active perticipatlpn’ The High Command said the. They- couldn’t have because my girl rOTPOINT Rooaavelt, .who haa d a n 1 c d that development bf Ore H-bomb dance, be* careful'of yoiir a.nawer. juat rub on some snow; anjilt'd be ORAHAM HOLMES the etate dept. "■ reading a newspa;per, account of /.Eight persons were arreiled in you were reported to have said defenders pl'jgged every breach would not "in itself prevent wora.’’ The word is around thgt he lovea all right.” ” / w4a in the car.” _ ( AL.SO . charges of adultery, said earl.v to­ McCarthy’s speeih.'they compared UiA raid yesterday. would bring retaliation on the Just then Cop No. 2. the bloke , lYERS AND ALL^ The story continued, quoting Mc­ News Tidpits made by the Vietminh in the north- Ctaurchill appealed against what And, in tlie beatYniditlort--^of for o day: "I am .not going to withdraw Carthy; "I have here in my hand a', a recording used:>J|n a delayed TTia commissioner said the il­ (Thinese. mainland?" — who caused all the trouble, came i^RI^-GER WASHERS Called-from AP/Wlres ■w-eatern defenses and the rebels he called "hysteria" and Mid: “I country living, MpGiath and from the race." " • list of ,305 that were known to the broadcast \ylth • the’^acript of the licit heroin leized was brought -to Dulles replied -that if the ques­ left their dead daii; ling in the muaU repeat that I thall not ask r Islng down Bait-Center Street fir Condon, who haa protested being other ilttle co\/b6j-a used to- have Secretary of State (then Dean Ache- speech McCarthy had delivered to the United States for the moet tion referred to a speech he made barbed wire barricades. ® .the United States to atop their to walk thre^^-Tilles to achool. and wifMJhe car and the girl. ABC SERVICE CO. described as a security risk, said son ).aa. being members of the Com­ the Station. part by merchant sea men who got in St. Louis last Sept. 3 ’’I said The 'bar stop p ^ a n d when Cop NEWBUICK 'Thousands of the wildly scream­ through hwvy snows, too-. "When 21 Maple St:—Tel. M I^I575 in a statement he atrongly resents munist party and who nevertheless They attested that McCarthj/ it at a gambling emporium oper­ Plans i.or next step by Textron. that if the-Chinese cent their-Red ing rebels 'drove into French poei- (Coatinued on Page Eigkiy we got to'cehool there waa a little Mitchell’s view. are atill working and shaping the used the 205 figure and neither ated in Hong Kong by a man An- Inc. in its bid to comrol .\mefican armies ' On Truce Violation breach and had drive.-the Viet- ernment .decided It needed' the land V ^ $ E ^ hPIIARMACY ORAHAM HIH.MES was made available laat night to IS years in prison for a narcotics . ThirtytSlx nurses from cenfVal minh 'back. HOME more for a reservoir tban the elder a reporter here, Mitchell said in violation. ___ add northern Connecticut 4re en­ Every mjissage that reached the V.4LN FLEET. JR.. DEAD McGrath did for ranching, and on Ansiinger aaid Ezra was. ' de­ Panmunjoro, April ,'i. (A*»—The Washlagtaii. .tpril ft iFV-» Chicago he had’ written It -but rolled in 5-day institute on nursing Communists are exposed to pro­ French, command In Hanoi from family moved into town—Thompson ^ CALL Of ER SUNDAYS Fw o Good would not rele4ae it. He aaid. that Top Authorities Assure ported at the eiid of hie. prison care of polio patients'Which open­ the fortrew'. cpmman'der," ~eol.. C'apt. James A. Van Fleet* Jr., .term. He said it was expected that test officially VVcdneodiiJkagainat a Falls waa ita name, a eom m i^ty while "thbre waa no oanvaas ot ed at- Hartford Hospital . . More Christian Dr Oa’atries, recounted only ton of the (ornaer .U. 8. ftth COMFORT theri of 800 hardy koula. Ezra will be prosecuted In San five-man South Korean^dray into .\rmy eomnander, wqa officially ML9-4548 all the' members of the (Demo- than 500 Democrat'.women will -the Korean neutrkl tone Satnrda'y that his men's morale w m "aky 14 Eventually, the famiiy.i moved to 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. cratio Natlohal) committae,. the Lansing, Mirh., April 5 (4V‘- -Seine is given triple tests, ihclud- Francisco. . , listed aa deed today two yeara USED CAR! Atisllnger "'did-not say i/Whether roBvr,rge on Hartford Wednesday night in which Red guards, killed high" and that hopes of an eyen.- ' Alabama and later came North, letter represented “my o-am opin­ The Michigan State Medical So* ing injections into monkeys, sepa­ tual victory were noounting after hta twin-engiaed bomher tmt one summer McGrath, ' then W ILU AM S- Ezra had been arrested yet. Treas­ fort afternoon and evening confer­ one and wounded another. vaalshed behlad ComdnuUat Uaea ions .aa to what the national eomt • elety refused today to recom- rately by_the manufacturer, the ence’ on "Government in Connecti­ Gen. Henri Navarre, the French about If, and an older brot|ier re­ OH. SERVICE S P.II. to 9P.M. mejid use of-the Salk polio vac­ ; Public Health' Ser\-lce. and Dr. ury aidea said an' indictment I(ed (Thina'a Peiping Radio 14 Rore% mittee's action would be." against Ezra would ' be eought at cu t’’ commander in x;hief-ln Indochina, turned to Thompson Falls for a "Innocence or guilt should not cine. But Dr. Albert E.‘ Heiu|tis, ; Salk'a laboratoiy at the Unlver- termed the sklrmiah a 'serious sent, a.message to Dien Bien Phu San Francisco and that it was ex­ Senate begins debate on two- violation at the armistice. viait^“ There ^'s* s kind of hotel be the 4>urden o f the Democratic State Health commissioner, de­ i sity o f Pittsburgh; The safety pro/ lauding the, defenders. ISRAEL DEMANDS ACTION there, where the boarders ate off of pected he would be returned to this year program to_ provide two bil­ The (Tbmmunista asked a full 4(l'ntte; April. : live and dangerous virus: Armistice (Tommisslon Wednesday pfed a new position which would today that the L'. N. Security tree for an hour Or so. flection to Congress and the vot­ Ansiinger said federal narcotics President Truman says he hope.s SERVICES ers the right to elect them, but Or. Heustls said, however, he Winchell said on hia regular Sun­ afternoon, A U. N. Command, have been an excellent takeoff ,^'ouncU Foaslder alleged arada-' "We got to ! Thompson Falls, bilosiH tho1954 Buich. agents had seized, or purchased ag hydrogen bomb will be contribu­ 'U«e violations by Jordaa, iarlod- mat national committae also has * was sUcklng by„ a previous an-' day night ABC network program: tion to peace but he "knows too spokesman said the Reds probably point for a-, blow toivard the Heart which has grown to about S(Xi popu­ That Interpret The Wishes e^dence* six pounds of pure heroin lag the kUUag e f 11 Israeli m - TV SNACK? Groiram sciys ho con dolivor yoH o now BUICK for the riMht to decide how to use aouncenneat that "no "vnciclne - "Attention all doctors and fam- much about bomb to talk about will, bring up the incident. of the fortreae. But the unit waa lation, about noon, jsrtd we wantsd will be distributed untli this de­ "worth millions of doliara in the ttonals during aa attack oa a Of The Family funds available for helping candi- ‘llles in -the U*vited States . . . The illicit narcotics market." it.” ALL OUI^ INSTALLATIONS ARE KOSHER STYLE_ _ toss cosh difforonct. * , partment Is nssured o f ita Public HealtH Service tea.teci 10 • Jersey. State, Police report (Coatinued on Page Eight) (ContiflOed OB Page Eight) bus near Beetaheeha, -- - -safety aad until the questions He said "the soUrce of the heroin (ISAAC GELLIS) (Coattnned aa Faga Flftemi) batches of this new polio vaccine.. waa . . . . Com m u^jet^ina." jealous housewife kills her hus­ Grahom''says if you wmt o 9O0d used cor ho has * ' * T ( raised by the medical society The govemi ieilt’S health depart­ GIVE.4WAV. BAN EASED - (MOGEN A DAVID) band by 'eriMhlng hts skull with V FOR SALE JOMN B. BU m E most models and niakfs for Immodiote delivory. are answered,’’ ment, 1 am told, found that seven butt of shotgunVhlle he slept- . Waohlngtoii; April ft i » —Tlie_ . FUNiSAl HOME CORNED REEF of the 10 contained live--not dead Longshoremen ■ from rival unions , itopreme Court today , atruek ' EXPERTlir ENGIliERED Loom, Sond and Grcmol Graham soys ho is now In tho outomobBe businosi Attack on Ministers By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE —polio vin ». It killed several Arturo"" Toscanini Coffee Price Jump to $1*50 down ia major part a Feder­ « m EAST CENTER 8T. a “ • •' , I • work side by side to move^huge Loaded on your truck or -PASTRAMI AP Scienct^ Reporter. monkeys.7 • . piles of cargo piled up on ]^rt' of al Comimiaicatloas Couuntaataa t e l . >a-S-«868 but bo knows thot Gormon Motor Solos hos tbo New York, April 5 (dV—Three Immediately the Pi.blic Health (FCC) baa oa radio aad tola- delivered. . -J ■ SALAM I Stirs France’s Ire Lays Aside Baton New York piers during 2^day • STEAM •.HOTWATER BEST in used ceos . . . true speedometer rOodings top authorities today. gaVe their Service said in a atatement - that strikAof dock workeia. Per Pound Seen Inevitable vtatou giveaway ahowa. Call Hartford JA-7-3879 ABUUJLANCE SERVICE ROAST BEEF and ho jeon give you the nOme of the former owner. positive assurance of the safety of difficulties had been anticipated in GamblerTrank (Costello goes on Paris.-April 5 (Special)—French the Salk- polio vaccine, after Wai­ converting^Salk’c email-scale lab­ New- York, April S (F)—Arturo trial in Federal court accused of INDIA ATTACKS COLONIES warm air > : KosKof Stylo PICKLES Grohom soys to como on d ^ td Gorman Motor official circles and moat news­ ter Winchell had-broadcast that it oratory methiid to fuil-scMe com­ Toecanlni, whose name meant the evading payment.'pf $73,437 in in­ New YoH«i,;ApriU5 (F) -;-Roast-.(i be upped 50. 'cents a case o f 24 New DeUU. ladla. AprU ft (in papers expreaaeR THE REST IN SUNDAYS Blty. / will be used unless proved sao. T h e Public Health Servicq, ia ' NBC said he pianned to leave the can Federation of Labor Wtljiaiq dustry will testify at the hearings.' c^ialns were expected to \f >Ilow It was the first time on rscord The vaccine ia scheduled td be confident the focfldktien 'S'ould inot United States in May or June for : - , ! ■ ‘Y '» Vf::,- y POTTED PLAliim.L A ! i ^ AFRICAN VIOLETS, PANSHW F. Sciuiitxler prcdicta AFL. eventu­ .(general Foods -Corp.. roaster .oLjHiit, • % / "i IKE TO TOOS FIffST 'BALL 't'EOEtABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS. GIFTS, POTTERY, MOTOA SALl^e Inc; • thst a crowd motestsd a- French given soon to up to ohe million release for uK in.lt)iis maoa ||m-' a viait to ...is n4tiys Italy. It waa ally win merge with. Conjpress ot Maxwell' House, announced ad-, Where will it end? f } W’aahlagtaa. AprU ft (F) — » . LAWN ORNAMENTS. GARDEN' SL'FPMtCS premier and a membclr of Ms' children to test its effectiveness, mqnixatioii' progiraiti any vaccine' underatood he haa at present made Induatrihl Wolltcra (CTO.)'... .North Vances o f a six a pound at; ("O ur price must go up another FreaUeat' Slafahiwti’ taM aW - SEEDS. LIME AND FEBTIUZKR -/ BUtCK SALES and SERVICE Cabinet. to learn whether U actually proJ which' was not considered safe no commitments for;.any future Atlantic Treaty Organization the wholesale leypi .fbrJC regulax! IS cants 4t least to get It in line er Clark Griffith af the W a*- • SPREADERS FOR RENT o The 100 or so rioters— Identified tecU againat polio this summer. according to the moat exacting cqncefts anywhere. (NAITO) atorto afxth year with pre- cdBtje making the price $1.22* Ho-'.with the glrcen coffee market.” as supporters o f Gsn. Cksrles Dt. iagtaa Seaatara taday aaV ha y 2B5 M AIN St.. M ANCH ESTU . CO N N 4 > The vacoiiM ia niadA pt dead- •tandarda -fhat caki ba- establlshsd ’ , Official word. of hia retirement dictliIona,o< ita'continued tuMcsa by tel and rektaurant'pack coffee w in; aaid one roaatar, whoa* coffae now aa haad April ft ta threw J095 MAIN STREET- - polio ^vtrut. -Dead Viru^ cannM m S Praaidant Eisenhower and Secra- riae aeven cents a pound. And) ?— i— - - ' the first piteh af tha N im MI ^ i -mpAD ffmiiT ^. (i^padte Hig^‘School) - ^ PHONE MKM 571 . m Fags Twsx caiiaa^polio. Each hatch of yac- T IU r H O lM W t - 4M t Opdn\$tiHdays and Bvenirrgs « YfCaattiiKd 'M Ihkin Fllte®*). U ry„ff State DuUe®. Maxwell |4ouae inatant Coffee / ICmmOmmd m Fago Bgkt> I'.. ■ ■■ -'j-! -1 J / ^ q ." - - , •• -5 '. •a' U'- ■: J \ \ ’fV I# V' JtJ., Ne . V .v- v

P A G B ^ rW O MANCHESTER EVENINGJHERALD, MANCHESTiRrCONN., MONDAY, APRIl>«. 1954 . V PAGE THREV :gial party an it ntart«d to leave the. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY,, APRIL 6,X 954 Itow to make Attack oil Ministers ebremony..' . A rtu ro T orciii Lantel Klekad la Shine Teenage South African Girh Skvamch Schedule Born in North BVons, N. T. Died Stirs France’s Ire Somebody kickaii Laniel In the Metlical History, Sunday. r ^ m is it o WwHTlIiiini’ SOi* shins.'' X, police -flying wedge got Lays Aside Ssn Mateo; CaUf.-r-MiS. Ferdi­ AND INSTALUNG him to a police car which the riot- Gives Opinions of : Country Smith-McCarCliy Weddih ^ « M f M It April 6. . ' Subject of Talk nand M. Theriot, ...daughter of Rotory Club (Ceatlnned from Pag* One) ere theft tried to, overturn. The (CoBtlntied from Page’Om ) Volunteers Needed r 'Michael Deyoung, founder of the '4% •training policemen counterbal­ Midnighr«X *■ San Fran(diic0 Chronicle, social and CESSPOOLS .Volunteers Needed , Palms, white gladioli, snapdra^-*' 8 Oaulle, MonarchUita ] and posalbly anced the pushing throng aiTd the Visitor Here Eiftes Toiivn -was'withheld until after the flnal 2 a. m.-4 a> ' Volunteers Needed Hartford, April 5.— Richard H. and civic deader. Died Saturday, Lloyd BeiM*, director of 'public A complsU orgBRlsB^ of TRAINED CWAOC SPEC1AU8I8' 4 a. m.-6 a. nix ona aift^ carnations on the altar oslBg tiM BMBt BsoflerB agiilpaScBt bb6 niBclilBery—B E B U M r A lome CommunlatR--broke up a chauffeur f.nally rammed the iar concert. NBC said this was done T'hlunteera' Needed ,,v Shryock, Director of the Intitule of Sod iDiego, Calif.— Rear Adm. relations forlNBay S.t k t e^ ,*^^J**i aolemn ceremmy yesterday at the through the crowd. . And Bepplet Say$ TV at the veteran conductor's .requeat 6 a. m.-9 a. m ...'x and chilrch pewit decorated the! How-ard Le.vland Young. 52. retired Productions, w ^ be the main BETTER job B> a LOWER PRICE. 9 a. m.-Noon .. MiX Mary Close the History bf Medicine at Johns ■Arc De Triupiphe honoring the de­ Pleven was stranded under the to avoid a sentimental demonetra- ..Robert Genovesl, Mra. Robert Second 'Congregational Church 1 Navy air officer. Bom in New speaker- at the regular weekly Be$tV,. S. Intention Noon-3 p. m .\ ,... Mopkins University, will speak on • arch 'Alongside France’s national tion by tha audience or orchestra, Coleman Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock | York City. Died Su iday. meeting o, the Manchester Rotary Sump pumps lastalleA to THIS. IS WHY fenders of .Oien Bien Phu, the' shrine, the. tomb of the tipknown ’•The History of American Medi­ remove water -ifrom your formed IJ years ago especially for .. Mrs; HaHel Small. Cyril Banks for the wedding of Miss Judith 1 New 'Trrk—Dr. Ludwig Jekels. Club, tomorrow.' night at- St. Communist-besieged fortress .{n soldier anl its i>crpetual flame By EMILY W. SM! 8 p. m.-6 p. m. . . . . cine';^ April 8 at in s p.m. in. the 87, pupil of the date t)r. Sigmund cellar.. . . . more people cell IndO^Aiina. hla use. - VoliuiteeX Needed Aon McCarthv, daughter of .Mr, ’ Trinity College Auditorium. Mary's Church Parish, Locust honoring the nation's war dead. '‘Manchester is a nice town, Without turning to the audience 6 p. m.-;8 p. m...... Freud and cbnsicered dean of Street eiltranee. Bemis is a noted I a New underground water M 'KinneT Bro*. Paris councllmen called on 8 p. m.-lO p. m. .. Lloyd Davroson, Rlchnrd Harris and M,ra. Ghsfles R. McCarthy, HiatalH fourth in thia year's series Screaming “ resigi!" the croiyd 1 like'it. because it is small or a nod to anyone, Toacaninl left iria Cowles. Walty^Duggan, American psychiatrista. Bom in lecturer, photographer,' producer lines inetnlk^ (1) Prom pt Service Police Prefect Jean Baylot to ex­ 10 p. m.-Midnlght Br,„ 32 N Elm St., and Whitman of free j^bllc lectures at Trinity; a New ‘robtprobf* newer hurled stones w h i^ missed htmv .the peoplc;are friendly; TV la the' the podium as soon as the last note irothy Ntflan \ Auitrla. Died Saturday. of ed'jcational • films .and' Aim (2) . QuaUty Work plain to the municipal cduncil why Two or three knocked off his hat Harlow Smith', son of Mr. and will be nod-technical. He will trace lines tnstniled. his forces had not kept order dur­ heat thing America has- ever liv- of the concert’a flnal number died. Mra. Glenn H. Smith, 16 Clifton the history of basic ideas In Ameri- . London—Dr. Israel Mattuck; strips, end! is presently chairman | (3J Reesoiuble Too aMch ad^caosn he»rfborn, ao«r and glasses. Someone elapped him He shut himself in hla green 70, Americanrbbm leader of the • Plugged sewer Hnen elena- •teaach. cas/Bat Tamt tei rid o f ’t» ,. ing the ceremony. venled'; American young people do Ave., West Hartford! ean medicine through the past three of Educator's Film council. ed eiectricnlly. . twice. Another grabbed a Jtapdful room in Carnegie Hall and refused' Liberel Jev'lah movement'in Eng­ Since his association with Bay j ■ESAFE . . . IE CtM add aMoac before it •larti. Ther With only a'-thin line of police of his hair. not hbyp enough respect fo r' their ent Mofingas Spri-ial, Whereat th« The Rev. Arnold W. Toxer, min­ centuries. caa't aee^lkaliie roar nomaefa—or and a handful of troops on hand, to retuni to the stage, despite Mobiloil s W la l i^an adtlition to Well-known in the fields of his­ land. Died Sunday. State Film Productions in 1948.’ Pale and aaething, Pleven stood elders, 'and there are not enough lengthy cheering and ap^ause by New Car ProihicU ister bf' the church, officiated at reboand, That'i whr fail- the demonstrators mshed the offl- the Socony-vJtcuumH Mobiloil Mne.' the .candlelight service. Barclay tory, Wience and education. Dr. Bemis has devoted a major part of 1 •ri corrr Tuitii in pocket or with the police in the center of the planned leisure time' Kcti’ -ities for the audience. teen-agers,\«e just a few o f the Wood, church organist, presided Shryock'ia an historian by profea- his time to the promotion Of New.j •oeaieat top-ipeed relief crowd until reinforcements Anally NBC said he did not come out Appear on Market England, and Ifs . interests. Hirf C all arrived.- airboet half an hot:.r later. comments mad* l>y Barbara Wlllla at the organ and accompanied aipn..He received his graduate edu­ Ladies Aid Meets '^beartboro and ga n r prem re • ••*•••6 6 because he was too moved and had Use only mild aoa)^.aM water to cation in hiMpry at the University picture-tslk ‘’Dynamic New Eng-i SEWAGE DI$POSAL C< ANY bf. Miotf. Pleaiaat-tainag. Get •^•••Aaadaaa The rest of the crowd of about (•'Wllllc''), a \ teen-ager from ' • '4 0,1 ' the soloist, Mrs. Ch'arles O. Lam­ aven canceled a dinner party be­ clean the many plaa«q.\ltem# In of Pennsylvania, and taught there land." promjced by Bay State Film I lodar. • •• •ddah****, 1,000 watched the attacks with de­ South Africa who has been the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, bert of Mancheater, who' sang TEL. autckcll S-5S08—lie-ISi PEARL SY., MANCHESTER d • • • • d A.« • • aj cause of the emotional etrain of your home. Othirwlse, ymi may for many yeara' - before coining to Tomorrow Night Productiona.'under the spon.sorship •••«••••• tachment and made no move to guest- of Miss Nancy -Slover, 160 the occasion. Inc., announced today that It la "Becauae," ‘-‘I -Love YOu Truly" Main St,, for the past week, and mar or ruin them. * and "The Uord-’e Prayer.” Johns Hopkins in t9.49. of leading New England orgeniza- intervene. They dispersed -after ‘-' The only peraons admitted to bringing out a new gasoline that Throughout his catger. Dr. Shry­ Pleven departed. who lias been vialtingvclasaes at Given in marriage by her The Ladies Aid Society of the tions, has been presented to a hla room at the hall were hla two can increaae engine power up to 25 ock, has ploneeered in'the field'-of large percentage bf all of . the Manchester High .^Hqol ever daughters and two friende. father, the bride had as her ma­ Concbfdia Lutheran Church will Police Arrest Seven medical history, which he still feels service clubs in England. Police arrested seven of the since she- arrived in Mahehester TTiroegh most of the hour-and- per c4nt apd a new motor oil that tron of Honor, Mra. Joan. Colby, meet tomorrow evening promptly lest week Wednesday...... is one ^ f the tpoal neglected as­ W ith such a man as Bemis as TWM foa iM TuaHar demonstiators but later rgleaaed Hkrald Photo. a-quarter broadcast program, Tos­ in actual fleet tests in atop-and-go 29 Cumberland St. Bridesmaids pects onthe sUidy' of history. .. St 7:30 in the church parlors. "Willie,” whose home is a Mtaa-^Borbara Tallis canini conducted with his usual were Mist Peggy Patric of Elling­ speaker, Rotariana should, look for­ all but one. 'near Johannesburg. South AfrL city driving last winter,added an After the business meeting the ward to an informative and inter­ THCKrS NOTHING Lanlcl on arival at' his office st vigor. He had chosen foT the occa­ average of '23 per cent more mile­ ton, Miaa Florence, Reid of Hart­ Reih. C, E. Winslow of the Church U «R ROUND vllR CONDiTION'No came to tlila country on July sion selectiona from "Thnn- ford and Mia/i Demaria Smith of esting evening. MOBC DEUCtOUS THAN A M' once summoned Interior Minister 1962, with her family, her father ^■tatod that nhe was bort^ “The age per galloi\ dt gasoline. Weekend Deaths of the Nazarene w'ill speak and Leon MsrtUiaud-Deplat to the car­ rla sat on one aide <-f th ^ oom , hseuasr," "Meistersinger," "Lohen- West Hartford>. sister of the bride­ lihow eolo-ed slides, on the Holy NATIVE CONNECTICUT •*•*. haying accepted a job at the Unit­ These products not only improve Mr& Zoppi pet. The Frchch police opci’ate boys..on the 6ther, sn a th e giin,” "Si^frisd," and "Die groom. Lshd. Rome and Egypt. Rev. Mr. " ^ 1 MILY SATISFACTION a • a ed Nations at tliat time. Lost June Goetterdssmmenmg." the performance of both old and a a under the Interior Ministr}’. she wqa a guest of the Senior Girl orchertra wsa 'in the middle," i^e Winnifred Petig, 94 Lenox St., By THF. ,\SSOCIATE» PRESS Winslow epent several weeks dur­ •'/ ■■ a a a By tha last numter, however, he new automobiles, but also open the was fldwer girl, and Master Rich­ Oslo. Norw'ay--Crown‘ Princess . . front their polnt-of-\1ew — that le Rtiitr Md liYisor Because thefe had been no ad­ Scouts of Brooklyn, Conn., and said, ^ n d ts'hen the orchestra did way for more advanced engine ing the Christmas season in 1949 -X' sMosp Tvinr I vance hint of any demonstration, play, it dtln't play nn;rthlng famiU quieted noticeably and allowed the ard Bocchino, 211 Main St., was Martha, ,63. w»re of Cfdwn Prince touring the Holy Land with a the nlm of each Qulsh Memorial Trihale^ •f Bfreraldn Park, Acawain't la ready ia carve and eat met some of ttie membera of music to elide along with no more dcrigns'than have heretofore been only a few police were On hand. iar, and dftly .those who are goitig ring bearer. , . Olaf of Norway; born a princess friend and Is well aoqi aii\ted with \ aa«r I«catc4 at 256 Franklin Seftlor 'Troop I of Manchester at than a mechanical beat for the feasible. The only military units present that time. She accepted an invita­ steady danced.” O oti^rlng the 'lii* best, man was William G. of the Royal House of Sweden and the country and the customs- of Aaa« Hartford, aeroaa from the climax which formerly etliTad him 'The bew gasoline, Mobilgaa Spe­ granddaughter of the late King William P. Qutsh were .an Army band and a'' token tion from the local Scouts to go on dance heire wHh ones at home, ohe Cushman, of Hartford, and iishera the people of tlje Holy Land. His John Tierney A r t Ih e a te r . ■ eed ln ge bjr a p - said that at tftqoe at home there to action. cial, will be available at all Mobil­ \ were Gharles R. McCarthy, Jr.. 57 Fredei ik 'VIII of Denmark. Died message should jijove very inter­ g i l l pelataaeat only. Phene Hartford group of colonial Infantry. a two weeks hiklM trip with Rnymoiid T. 4)tiisli them on the Long 'Trail in Ver­ would be more 'planned dancing. His tread as he left the stage gaa earvice atationa east of the 'HlJJgreat Rd., brother of the bride, Monda.v. ' esting. 4A «n5. AU weleenae. ' The rioters quietly infiltrated HolaVi Sound, Fla.— Mrs. EimeSt, aae the hushed, reverent thbmg and mont in August and from this Ice-breakera to g ^ the boys and was cautious and slow. , Rockies by April 12, and at those Robert P, Cunningham of Hart- All meribers are 'nrged to be ManehBsttr WoRpapBr PHONE • • on the Paclflc Coast a.n'eek later. Kanzier, 63, wife Of a former Ford •• at • held their tongues until xLaniel quite a friendship between "Wil­ girls to mix. \ ' David Samoff, chairman of the foril. and Samiiel G. Harrison of present, also any \hX ois who Mitchell 8-5490 aaa lie" and the mbrnbere of Troop I In "WHIle'a" opinioft teenagers board of RCA and NBC, released Tha new oil, Mobiloil Special, has Rockville, couein of the'bride. Motor Co. Executive. Died Sunday.. .u-ould like o see these picture* are and FdinF Compemy a a and Pleven emerged from \ the Wobstor, dhio—Leigh Mitchell \ • at crowd to place wreaths on T)ie has developed. In this courHrj’ "do pot have the letter in which Toscanini told been placed on sale by dealers as The bride's gown was of Chantil­ ihvited. D. E rRECHETTE, Prop. , tomb. A visitor at Manchester High enough res}>«ct for their him "the sad ttens has come when they have received shipments of it ly lace over candlelight satin with Hodges. 77, author, Philadelphia Aefreahr.ients will be serve() .by School every school day since she eluding their, parenta and I must reluetaatly lay aside my ever the past few weeks. It may WED.: Janies Stewart fitted bodice and a tcoop neckline newspaper columnist, one of four the following committee; Mra. 249 Brond St^ T»l. Ml-9-j|591 For that holiday eaaek and 'Then they toased anti-EDC Icafr per.sons ,whn started the sale of lUMxpactad guaeia . . ibara't arrived in town, “ Willie" h'aa had When enterlr^; a efasarpo baton and say goodhy to my or­ be purchased now In all sections of "GLENN MILLER STORY" trimmed with mother of pearl ae- i Elisabeth Llndkloster, Mrs. Mar- OPEN EVERY EVE^ftNG • aa lets in the air, shouted anM-EDC Christnia-s Seals. Born in Denver. S Sf J! netbiag (aar Ikon a Hobart aa slogans and yelled “ vive (long an Interesting time -visiting aa many do not settle down to vyork chestra." the United States. Mbbilgas Spe­ "BLACK, FURY" quins and had long lace sleeves j garete McMullen, Mra. Anna Min- 2 25 MAIN ST. a a a Died, Sunday. UNTIL 9 , Faras taioked lurkay. Slow different classes as possible, and dlateiy hut waate time, Toscaninl’e letter reminisced cial replacea the company's pres­ tapering in Juliet style at the' nlch end Mrs. Katherine Mrosek. live) Juln." This referred to Mar­ Woodland Hills, Calif.—Ernest ■ ' aaiekad to luaeievs parfactioa has contributed to aome of them, cation doesn’t aeenr to mean wrist, The skirt of the gown had shal AlphoniM Pie(TC Juln. who about the orchestra's beginnings Vajda,\67, Broadway playwright . . . Robort Farau Turkeys was dlamiased from his French giving a talk on her native country much to them as it does to yoi:ng A wide Chantilly lace panel in the Naylor Studio. S ia r n 'p A IT years ago. "You will rerneni- and. serCyn writer; Born "In Hun­ ora the pluappat, aeotiast. nriilitary posts last week for fail­ and answering questions from the people In oUier . countries, "rhe bei^ he wrote, "how rclucUnt I front with four tiered scalloped MRS. WHITMAN H. SMITH jBiBJsi^RkiBnfBmsRiHiaiBiwiinHiuRnBflBiBiBRiinBnHmnmMBBBHMflnBaN leadatatl saokad turkeys ing to meet with Laniel and studentp. in 'a -- geography cTass teachera could be a little stricter, gary. DieX Shlurday,, was Ho, accept the invitation he skirts of nylon tulle ending in a Rome, Itkiy— Mario Corsi. 72, a o n a 'y cod buy. Sciaa- Pleven to explain an nnti-EDC Thursday, for example. aftd there ..cuM be more discipline." cauee X j* !! at that time I was too long cathedral. train,. Her chapel liScolly raisad by one oi speech. His dismissal aet off a When asked about her Impres­ Teach Politica bride wore'.a navy faille suit with journalist snX author. Died Satur- a aa old to start a new venture." Last Two Days length veil of Imported silk tlliialon pink trim, blush pink coat, blue Women’s Society New EngloDd's largest oad aa a a a political uproar \ sions of a public high school, she One thing which ahe does e^>e- day.' . . \ To Sarriofl he left the task of ending in matching acajlops to pink hat;.blue shoes and hand­ /L oa Angeles \Rear Adm. Ed­ FURNISHINGS SINCE 1899 Given On C.0.0. Deliveries best known growers ol In n statement . Tnter Juln had a few comments to make, say­ cially like about American educa­ relaying hlVX’cordlal and sincere correspond with the gown was quality turkaya Always wal- a a a washed his hands of tlje riot. He ing that' she likes the classes but tion. however, is that more is bag and virhlte orchid (mraage. Sees Easter Film ward A. E’.’ers. u ^ R , 76, who re­ a a thanks” to h^ listetners and his drape(i from a crown of lace, trim­ After April 20. Mr. and Mrs. tired two years agb from a Navy coaad as a holiday gilt. a a a said; **I do not wish to find my­ finds them much easier- than those offered in more flelcto than 'n Eng­ orchestra. -Sant parcel poet, prepaid. a a med with matching mother of Smith will be at home at 32 N. career that began asva seaman in for aa a self aaaociated with thia' in .any at the private girls’ school ' she at­ lish schools. Here politics, Voca­ Toscanini, w h^flrat conducted pearl aequina. She carried a white _ The W-omen’a Society of the aa a a a tends, Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr. Elm St. the Spanish Americart\War. Bom a a manner.-I do not wish to Incur any tions, etc., are discussed in the in public at the a ^ of 19, leaves prayer book with a white orchid North Methodist Church will hold SMOKED WHOIX TUUEY responsibility in this matter.” Pa. She also likes the fact that claaaroom, -whereas "at home it la A graduate of Manchester High its April ineeting, Wednesday at 8 in New York City. Dledxsunday. boya and girls attend the same a reputation, for miiMcal precision . and split carnations and stream­ School in’ the' class of 1951. the 'Wa.shlnglon — illsr kaai l-IB Iba. S1J6 par lb. V> against the law to even mention and a marvelous memdry that en­ p. m. The Tyler group will,have • • claaaea and that people of all social politics in school and we only study er*. bride is a member of the Second Mallon, 74. retired journalist, one abled him to achieve goal. . The matron of honor and charge o f devotions, and / Mrs. RANGE & FUEL OIL •• • a • mmMBtMn juLiwMBr levels are mixed, but she believes what ia in the books " Congregational Chuich Choir and Melvin Longfellow .will preside at of tlie organizers, long tiliie'T|ec:e- . • • YOU CAN HEAR! the better students would get more But precision-wasn’t enough. He bridcamalds were attired in similar was formerly ..a member of Man­ tary and past president of^the • • a niONt; STAFrOSD SPItINOt ’.V Mentioning other aspects - of the busineaa meeting. / a a wanted feeling too. wXItx-IengUi gowns, that of the chester Assembly, Order , of Rain­ Women's National Press cXib. a a a overlaid 4-n7I V.* .out of some of the classes if they American life, "Winie" said that The program for th^' evening ' a a TRYITIRII To singers and InatrumenUUlsts ftiatron of'honor in daffiKlil yellow a a a were broken down into degrees of she does not consider that our rall- bow for Girls'. She ia employed in will feature the movi«y shown on intelligence, although perhaps that he; wowould urge, "put your h ^ t net and those of the bridesmsids the Mortgage Loan Div. of the D a h lborg's NEW XT-100 ,road service is very good, as the into it television last Easter.' "I Beheld Ilie BOLAND OIL CO. SMMrMiMS & would not be as demt>cratic. It lb five tiroes she has had the oc­ In lilac net. The gowns were worn Phoenix Mutual LIW Insurance "Sound coNVMTfir The NBC orchestra will contin­ Over taffeta slips with maching net His Glory." It la the story of Cor­ Mor* Com fort W**ri*e gVa WEtT wriUNOTOir. coiirv. • v here belief also, that pupils taking casion to travel on the New Haven ^ # 1 i r W mKRTWAENEt-TEnVMOOK-fiUCITIOUm Co. in Hartford. nelius. tiie Centurion, who heard ♦ aaa» Pcnnnal Hearing ^,r\ice the general and college courses ue pla.ving under other conductors stole and were made with fitted ****a«aaaaaa»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* Railroad the train has been late ADDED CINEMASCOPE SHORTS and NEWS EVENTS The bridegroom is-a graduate of from Thomas the events concern­ TEL im it^ 3-A320 • aaane, the Trial and fc>o*o piste dlecomfort. PASTEETH, Of The Newest In Inlaid Linoleum for head dresses, wreaths with i jfity of Vermont..^where he wa.s a week, whereas at home if they are move has been made to And a auc- Cruclfi.xion and the Resurrection. an Improred powder, sprinkled on Need More Clubs late It ia only by a few minutes. half veils designed to match the | member of Alpha Tau Omega fra- upper end lower plltei holds them cessor to Toacaninl. A cordial Ini’ttalion is extended nrmer eo thet they feel more eom- Here at the time when all the dis­ She also dislikes blue jeans, ' al­ gowns. ’Tie matron o f honot c a r-. l.emit.v. lie ia now in the U. S. Air cussion about the rowdyism of to all to see this timely picture. As foneble. No eummy, sooey, peety though, she docs believe there is a ried a cascade bouquet of lilac ; Force. the choir is, singing in East Hart­ te*tr or feellne. It's elkallne inon- SERVICES teen-agers in Manchestar* has been apllt carnations tied with lilac rib-1 The bride's gifts to her attend­ eeidi. Does not sour. Checks "piste LOWER going on, "Willie'’ too had some time and place for wearing them, ford, the showing will be, post­ odor" (denture breethl. Get PaS. but not at school, the movies or hon, and the brideamaids, ca.scadr ants were jewelry, to the matron poned until 8:45. T z n n todey at any drug' oounur. Completely That Interpret The Wishes suggestions about that. She thinks bouquets of .vellow split carnations of hoifor a personalized compact, that there should be more organ­ downtown. The age at which voung Local Stocks I or The Family people begin to einoke, drink and tied .with yellow ribbon. j and to the bridesmaids, bracelets. ized leisure time activities for teen­ The flower girl was presented with PRICES agers, more clubs, enough to cover dale In this cbftntry It much too The little flower' jjtrl y^’ore - a NOW! young, ahe considers. In her own Oootattoae PumlslMd By a sweetheart bracelet. white orgendy ;dress wltly lilac slip every skill and interest, aa there Oobiini B MMdMroak. Im The bridegroom presented the MM FWEST M M T M H U K JOHN B. BURKE are at a private school, and more country, aa in moat other coun- *nd carried a colonial ^ liq u et of 'or Tha tries, young people do not begin to 1 p. m- pHaaa dark Violets. / best man with a tie clip and Cuff HE MAKES LENDING A 9x13 places where young people can liijk aet and-the-ushcra with cuff Room \ F U N E R A L HOME; congregate and have'a good time, date until they are 17 or 18 and Bank Stocks The ring bearer'was formally have finiahed secondary school. Bid Asked attired, aa. were tile men in thd , links. The ring bearer received ar ar BAST CEN^TER ST.*^ especially on weekends. identification bracelet. FRIENDLY BUSINESS / In her dascription of ihe sports The people In her country know First Nstionai Bank wedding group, ami carried a satin *39 TEU »n-S-686a -\ dance which she attended last Fri­ very little about the United States of Manchester . . . , . 84 pillow with the pngs. * This is.the friendly YES MANeier of the local and what they do know Is not Hartford National Immediately follo^ grade INI ID l in o l e u m : . * when she knew she was coming Hartford Conn' T rust. 87 loan is to a perion't adyantai*, he providee fotki Was held in the'church parlors, lllC0N$FICU0USiT her* 'With the needed caih. certiente^ to,- your<>^ for lonjfer service, over here she was embarrassed to Manchester Trust 60 which were decorated with palms, Phoenix Stste Bank niWilWMM He makes borrowing a limple, friendly tram- 8 a^leridid opportunity to rc- tell her friendp about^lt for fear of e t t e r S ^ e white glndioU, snapdragons, car­ tryT hT a m a z In g ^ better^ sll the kidding she would get about and T ru st...... 59 64 nations s ltd lighted candles. .While action. He makes loam to employed men and women, married or placi •rn floor covering . . . and coming to the land of “cowboys Flr4 lav Compaatea receiving,iier guests, the mother of NEW Dofc/fcerf a t tingle. He arranges convenient monthly payments. ha/e it co^plet^ly installed by factory train- and Indians, gangsters, and bob- Aetna Fire '.. .. . 66>e 59>i MotiiralaTV the bride was attired in a powder Personal Service If you deride that a loan is to your advantage, come to sae jsd mechanic^. Other room sizes priced in s T r u ^ l ^by-soxera." People know about Hartford Fire ...1.60 185 blue nylon lace gown, made with 808 Main St.-’-.MI-9-638l TW m /h YES'MANagar today./ ' National Fire Claor, Sficirp, UHF« proportion,/ America only through movies and . . . 7 5 78 n fuU akirtr over a taffeta slip, leans $39 tO $900 an gignolura Alan* comic books, some of the worst Phoenix ...... 9f 106 IV VHF RggopHeiXfroni witn pink accessories, and a cor­ ones seen here. In the movies only Life and Indenuilty lea. Oea/' sage of piiik sweetheart roses with p-r-wwww-ww^wni B ssk a ti rner tixis ro say vii- two classes of Americana are Aetna Ufe ...... ,.107 112 distant stotiom Op«n A Budget Account $1645 Buys You Thii New pink split carnation.*. The mother / fVhl^M shown, the bad and the very rich, Aetna Chsiialty .. ,;.130 /140 277 I R O A D FINANCE COa Ml-9-n24 of the bridegroom chose a green > PRESCRIPTIONS j and no average middle class life is Conn. Gen. .. , ,'r .., 300 315 and lavender iridescent silk or­ 80S MAIN ST., 2nd FI., Over Woelworth’s, MANCHESTER portrayed. ’ ' Hartford Steam Boil. . 57‘, 6O4 SALES and F c AREFULLY C»MPOt7NPED i it; COMWTET SOF-CTtflW - JWITMUi COMWin TELEVISION RADIO SERVICE ganza! gown. with lavender acces­ Mitchell 3-41S6 * AMt far the YES MANagar a- Sensational Club Sedan " One of her keenest disappoiiit- Travelers ....^...1600 1020 sories and A corsage of yellow OKN THUISDAY iyiNINOS UNTIL • P.A4. ; ments on getting to New York emuiavmutA roses and yellow split carnations. F Arthur Drug Stores 4 Itsnt NitiG U rittiMit tf olt surrMHinf Itwiii < •- i was to find no cowboys there, "not Conn. - Light Floor Covering 16 H S (tanaulj Maeea ( M l) NAME THAT I l’NB-R?(t* . When leaving on a wedding trip A Utfi «f $100 iDftt UO.M vKtR FrpiRptly WFfii In U CD TO BE ANNOI NCEII X / - : ' ■ '/•' Chaaael W Helyeke, Mae*. ^ iSS) BAY BOLGEB SHOW taxis, of all colors and deaCrip- .Hartford Gas Co. 35 CVhaaael S3 Wairrbaty,' Ceas. /, So. New England lU) GEOBGE BIJB.N8 A URACIE LTMNIED OMHIIUTN Enjoy famous Nuh Rambler tiona." She hopes to visit Texas Chaaael t l BprlaaneM. Mate. , ALLEN SHOW Tel...... 35 37 II I II ll'il I I 1>— w— S:M ' -Gom elely fn stalled I esse of hiindtins, economy, this summer,and no doubt she will '4 >4 ( M l) B. BABLOW OBLHESTRA, j see a few cowboys there. ' i :H (SI ANIMAl'T IM E ' IM) i Vl M** firlan Sullivan P comfort end safety at a A Hied. Thermal' A 42 (1S> BkB IS WE8TEBN THKA- K®ith Budget Buy! Chobsfe from a large showing of new spring coloiii and Senen & $t«i| Doon No Bad. Snakes - Ab THIB GOOTBEY's aew low price. State tad Her family Uvea on a dali^ and Am. Hardware . . . . . 13 15 — TEB 'Trontier nisltlvee " TALENT 8COETB design.s! Famous make enamel surface floor covering, eas.)’ t(> .clean . . . Arrow, Hart, Heg. . , lU) WE8TEBN P I. A THOCSB New 19S4 local Uses, if any, aitra. And 'poultry farm, which they atiU 88 41 (tU I’NCLK BO'S rCN CLfB easy to care for . . . and it’s pric^ to Rive' you" a thrilling .saving. Choose remember, only in Nash own. in South Africa. It is prac- Aseoa Spring . . . ; , , 25 >4 28 — Hatch Bristol Bnus 18 17, S:U < II BETKY a n d TME UOLDEN yours early . . . be ready for .spring! /> ~ , .K lUXi MODEL can you set Reclining Seat! ■ tically out in the wilds, but In all BEY- - . at tmall eatra coat : her life "Willie" has seen only twp Cheney Bros...... 7 ' 8 >.i s:sa I S4i> h o Wd y . immidy t im e M G, $7^ VALUk bad snakes. She says they have Collins ...... , ...... 96 108 • ;St I S) ADVENTIIBES IN INDEB- f.,SPKWJSA.h ATANOINU 4 iUl JOLLY GENE .t:SS ( I) I LOVE Li c v - r * D Amas-, LIBERAL TERMS . . OPEN AN ACCOUNT a racial problem there until ahe Stanley Works com. (U> WEATHERMAN left the country and saw how it 43)4 46 Vz tiirllle Bail -v, Terry Steam-...,..., 99 109 S:M (U> SPORTH-Blll Keating ' tSS) WRESTLING i was played up in the headlines of Torrihgton 4 ;M ( Si SPORTSCOPE^Svd Jaffee - (H) PEATL’BK BDRINO ' FACTORY TO-YOU American news|lapeni. 24 26 (U-MI DEADLINE KniTION “ U. S.'Envelope com. 70 77 (ft) SPORTS—Gerry H*aly Ralph Tlzer' Jones ■ She -. likes American., food, but’ U. ^ lipvelope pfd. , 60 66 S;4S { SI WEATHER FORECARP ' (Ul TVV tHT H E E A A t'lft T n flrida that here she does not get ,(*ll DENNIB,OAY•ernttniman vmw MMffISHOW ARE DANGEROUS yeeder-Root ...... 32 as much fruit and steak aa, at 35 com«tdy Add a FLORIDA room WOODY Tb$ Buad$r>$ Fkend S:IS ( S-i 1) srrroTrt SHOW —I NEW! THREE WAY home. One of . their favorite The above quotations srs not to c«|hpUh 1hE MIGHTY OAK Y l i l ^ A MIflrHTV FINE PLOOB.... Servlcee -. Raymoad- Maa- there, the temperature .about the. CO. TO HEALTH and PROPERTY iTtONCr AND'IEAUWUL....U6T6 fORfUfR ' same as the heat wave here early Be tread big ISjSS < SAS-Ul STL'DIO' 0N & ^ Fpida-Rola last September although the hu­ Regular "The SllrmuaV ' ABC and 1C:M (SI) TOI’B THEATER , Practical, gqod looking, a splendid value! AA«my FINE SElCaiON AT... midity is not as high, thev eat tS:lt (U) N m s A.WEATHER 1 mostly fruit, cold meats and fresh SNOW U:S* t t) OOLGLA* EAIRBANRS' Use it 3 ways .' . aa a Stroller, a Tod­ ANDERSON IROTHERS : regetablea PRESENTW-nim * " * HEALTH OFRCIALS CAUTION HOME OWNERS THAT WET CELLARS HAY BREED GERMS OF AN dler, or a Biby Walker, . and it folds SUIMIWIM WMDOW 5 DMM e ON OUR g i a n t SCREEN a Broad St. (M) In her own land "Willie" at- NEW* AT ELEVEN up for carrying with a flick Phone —Pete Stoner INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC n a t u r e : of the finger! Complete with I tended a private school, also, where- Great Action-Comedy Show ( U ) NDONUOBT MOVIES MI-9-4324 * J ill riNAL P.DmON shopping basket. Sturdy I both Afrikaans, and. the English' —Ray Drury - , , ateei frame,, easy .rolling JALOUSIES language were taught. Mogt- pM- “ Riot ^ tli« aradeMir t :U ( i) WORLD NEW* TODAY 11:1* («l) WEATBER—-John Quill W«t and damp cHlar^ an tw corroctod and mod* pBimanontly dry with SEMOLOID. ' wlaaiar 11 :U M R DWTBICT ATTOBMEV Mqwbray . , SEMOLOID is a liquid compound which is brushed o b and bBcomts port of Hit w^. It* ptnotrotBs the Girl Guide organisation In L4* Ubi^mi “SUhiK 17” ‘5MS) CAPTAI. It:SS (-■) NEWS lU.ra at noon... South Africa for six years and _____ § :« _____' (SI) NEWS DESE 11:11 (Mi and euros Hw porosity of H it concrote, cinder black, brick and other building mat«rial os it hard* Open r V r r >' Table Lamp __ m —Mark Fefnberg- NIGHTCAP EDlTIOMi ‘ ! —Fred Dwyer ' - < • TTiuniday evening corresponded with American girls W E D .: *niM> Glenn MUIer Story” Tilt (SI) w e a t h e r m a n Bfis, dMsifias dnd remlBrs Hi* wall water resisting, dry and sanitary. before coming to this country.. —John (Julll 11:JS (SS) PREVJCR8 until 9. Solid Brass. complete "Willie" believes that "America T:U (Ml MAAge A JErP with shades in choice of (»fl JOHN DALY-.Vewa U a land of opportunity and there Temornw’s Darlim* HlgMIght* SEMdLOID' IS ECONOMICAL. . . .T o each gollon of SEMOLOID you odd 3 goNons of water and Red. O w n or Chartreuse. are more advantages here, with LIGMTK ‘ •=2 *•'* HHTTY WHlTg SHOW Budgtt Splendid for any living ( SI HATE 8.MITH'SHOW ro'ore future, and many things to Titt (M) -WEATHERVANE - .Cavell S:JS (U) BOB eROSRY a litHe cehieiit te ghre it a creomy mixture. 5 gallons of-SEMOLOID wiH make enough of a mixture Terms room. Per Pair $12.95. . . see." She and her family like liv­ Jobert 4:1* (tl) ON YOl’B ACCOl'NT ' , Each, only ■ • I 1M ( I ) EDDIE, riHHBR SHOW to give 2 coots to on overage celior, (20 by 30 feetl from' Boor to ceiling ond costs only $3.00 per I .1 -* ii'gji' ing here and have made many FREE- rARKINO Iiv Keith's .friends, in fact, they like it eo •*6*»>^,JWGLAS EDWARDS — KEITH'S VARIETY .rate. Parking Lot Adjoining well they may settle here per­ «»») thiT aahie story Htore- Mo Meter ParkiHg In The al i MW lew |wiee« fM le r|-lt^ manently. . . ! DeWilde ^ $ 5 ,9 3 (St) DANCE PARTY — Kathr>-n oBd NEWS SHOF Entire Block Just flouth. - --1-Murray, hoateae SAVE LABOR COSTS . . . DO IT YOURSELF . . . NO SKIU REQUIRED, anyone who con hold q T:tt t S«l> N'EWS CARAVA.N - John DEFOt SQUARE brush con apply SEMOLOID and get the desired results. FREE moME mEmjvsrnATMOK ' ' f^mcron SwafYe -- U*Uy 6 BJB. to .8 . ' ■ ; -!■ j, . - • . -J - , . _ IS* IDMO SHOW O p H MANCHESTER CALL 24 HOURS -OlilLY F P R T H E REST IN3 OORING. STAIR SuH. 7 pjB. to 9:80 .Order yeiir SEMOLOID todoy and imjoy parmooent dry cfttors. W rite, phene er-cdli on S'- . r ' H A K T rO K D fUlLD ihiS aHtf INTERIOR HNISH SEE C H apel ' ACTION HlTS!i "W ^ m m OF MANCHESTER - 6 -56 79 ’A MKdiell 3-7691 ^ ‘‘Rigt-^4ijorL;ate CAVEY’S RESTAURANT ANDERSON BROS WOODWORKING COTJnc WENHERGREN /MNSTRUCTION COMPANY COP PICASANT VALLE Y ROAD ( ROUTE 5 UHtyflQM MKBUTKMM HCtltK FOR GOOD FOODS GENERAL CONTRACTORS and RUILDERS->EXCI-USIVE FRANCHISED DEALER WEATHER CHECK T S S S .r" 3S;" SOOrn iMNDSOP , CONN TEL . S398 'Xbchaleolor Co-Hit K e i t i t ' s <3— fa T ’-ou. ini*^s^5^*ir»a5L -KASV FBEE rARKIIIG "Border McOiW 45 EAST CENTCt STREET n op;os.u K .H -, ...1 j U ^ / U l U T t t . 91 ALTON STREET. MANCHESTER ) ' . . TELEPHONE Mle3,5803 ■< 'r: ■i: ■ ■ ■ • ' S'. \i ' . -- i • -ri, r - , - ' S fP M t \ f. \ - ■ ■V ■ /■ X ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1954 PAGE FOUR -MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAHCHESTEH, OfWH., W0NDAT» APRIL 5, 1954 P A G E F IV I^ ton, New Haven. Bridgeport and Driver U ccIibc Renewal o r HANCHESTEK work and observe. activities on a 12 noon, and 1 to 4:30 p.ri.m., and ghettl.and meat hulls, vagetable, Bolton Stomach Pain Geiil. Keiiriey Wateritury. wcoo—istp WHAT—ft* Ellington modem dairy farm in town he w^I Wapping from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Satutday. bread and peanut ibutter, fruit; Mailing Deadline Tonight Plans -are ■ underway to o p e n FLETCHER PUSS CO. MltoheU give the next month to similar A .100 per cent coflection of taxes -Friday — baked uiaXHironi and clinica in Manchester, Bristol; WKNB-lftM Daily Radio WOTH—-uie Drinking FoiintBin operaUon at a large poultry farm. Polio Shots Set will net the to\x-n 8S8.1 ,'460.87.' \ cheese, lettuce, tomato and pear SIGNS Causes Crash M*n applicatloiis for renewal jHere Tonight WDRO—ISBO School Notes . xMlad, bread and butter, frosted , 4LLKlNDa Stiff Opposition Reported driver's licenses must be post­ Greenwich, Merideh and New. 14S WEST MIUDUB TURNPIKE ____ BMteni ft^dard Ttme WTIC—lODa ticeuses Britain. Mrs. Dncharme, whq has Joined Dog licensea “'may be obtained graham crackers. E0f$ SIGN CO. marked by midnight tonight, A.UTO GLASS INSTALLED . Iiislallecl by PTA the teaching stair of the. Crystal l^or Graile Two frORi Town Cltrk Charles N. Bnes. Hheeta Needed East Hartford Man Hits the Connecticut Motor Vehi­ Former A^ir Force Chief When ready, the local clinic The following program ached-A*:**— Ttif Cancer Field Army , needs MIttliftI 3sR2M On Proposed Zone Shifts cles Dept, announced today. Will be held a t Manchester Me­ TEMPLATES FOR ALL CARS uie. are aupplied by the radio, Lake School, takes the i>lace of The new license rates call for S; Parked Car; Hold Boy Now Heads Arthritis MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) KlUngton, Aprif hi (Special)— Mrs. Bachofner for the remainder / By School Unit 82.10 fee or male oi spayed fc-' oM aheeta before its raaetlng. Motorista must. tell, their morial Hospital. management* and ore aubject to.' WDRC-Susp>mmunUy Hall on the renewal application. Assn, has t^ e n an active part in PICTURE FRAMING WINDOW PLATE GLASS 6:#*- WHAY—Thoma* Dodd drinking fountain on the^ play taking subscriptions. for maga­ Wapping, April 8 (Special)— The licensed In town' la-sjt, year. with Mrs. Howard Muir on Elling­ on April JO. TTiere will be the 'leual About 1,000,000 licensea will be V—\ ------WHAY-Polka Hop WTIC—Railroad Hour ton Rd., or arrangements may be A. sharp pain in the stomach of the establishment of the . clinic WCL'<^Reoof^on WINDOW SHADES d:se— ■ '■ ■■ WGTH—Lone Ranger were guests at the Ruckvil{e in­ Wapping corrsapondent. Mbs. An­ the subject has ^en a prime topic | afternoon to a mutual aid call from was parked ne*r Plne 'gtreet. and men received pens. A custo­ mNCHSsm • dustrial Division of Uie Chainuer Orades three and four have pro­ availaU graham crackers; 'Thursday.-por­ Zurell, who suffered possible Home. > WHAY-Polka Hop WHAY—New*: We*iem Caravan nie roilints telephone .HI 3*4419. NOTHING M more impor* of conv-ersatlon in town since the Coventry for assistance on a fire mer of the bank donated cigiCrM for d t f t f C m h r / WCCC—Record Revue WTIC—Telephime Hour ol Commerce ouring me BIE day duced some very beautlftil Snger A total of 99 second grade chil cupine meat liall*. yellow tieans. hearing was announced a week on Bread end Milk Ftrcet. rib • injury Vn the accident, w,a,s distribution to visitor*.... The public is invited to attend Grtwn, Whit* Ecru WKNB—Yankee* ve. C harlotte. N. C. WDH<;—Radio T heater program. The leacners were paintings. They are on display at dren will )>e vaccinated under drrec- spinach, rolls and butter, pekehes; (ani to you than the proper ago. Chief targets for, the o {^si- taken b.VyBurke's ambulance ~ to end hear the noted military leader WTIC-Wldder BroWa . WGTfl-iDance Mu»fc the north end of the corridor of jHbn of the Town's Health Officer.- Friday—escailoped corn, potato Teen-timers are planning a. trip Moretthan 40 baskets of flowers "War Om FvmT W tm ft WDRO—Record Shop- ... \ 8:1*- I guests at a dinner served at Lne protection of your home* tion seem to be the amendment Manchester Memorial Hospital, were received In Addition to the whose visit here is being sponsored HOLLAND nmSH CeoMS le CeiMle WGTH-r-Jack Dowlley -*'"' Elks Carriage riousc. the Center school. Dr. Arthur Trantelo,. at the Wap­ chip*, tossed salad, cranbe'rrj' which would increase the frontage to Hartford tomorrow night when where kept overnight ahd OPIM BAIir • :4a- WHAY—Newa: Wcalern Caravan ping School. Parental'consent cards sauce, bread ' and peanut' butter, 20 or more whicl- hsve bqen given jointly- by the Knights of Colum­ .e.fsie tM. WTIC—Telephone Hour Before the dinner panel uiscus- cAr. furniture and other on building lots from 150 to 200 they will (Our the Hartford Courant dischtWged yesterday. the bsnk since it opened for busi­ bus, American Legion and the Made to Order AAL TYm * H ill # CBAMB - WHAY—Polka Hop \ WDRC—Radio Theater Manchester Rventng HeraM E)-' will be sent out soon. Letters have gelatin anu cream. Milk is served plant on Broad. Street. Cars will TNWM. a WCCC—Record Revue \ WGTH—H. J . Taylor .aions were held duruii, wnicii ifine ¥ FRESH CANDY 4 property. feet. P^rolm an Kenneth Barker, who ness St the new quarters Monday. Manchester Hairdressers Assn. With T ear Rollers ♦ -* AT LOWItr POMiait MMM WKNB—'Yankee* v». Charlotte, N. C. Hngtqn eorreapondent, -Mrs. G. F. been sent to the town's two PTA with all meals. - leave the school at 7:30. #:sa- ■ ' the various problems, of the manu­ groups for their approval and co­ ¥ Whitman. Sehrafft. P. ft 8 . 4 / . Also receiving much criticism Is investigated, aaid damage to Z\ir- The Arthritis and Rheumatism WAU TO WALL IM8TALLATIOMI WTIC—The Womae WHAY—New*; We*lem (V «van facturers were explained. Rerr, telephone RorkvUlR 5-9818. Union School, Tuesday- soup ^ : Candy Cupboard ^ Expert infiurance help i> ' the Clause which would retjuire a , Boy Scout Troop No. 73 will meet car was estimated at 8350 and Foundation is a national voluntary ■T rAcreer TeAiNW w ti WDRC—Record Shop WTIC—^ iid of America operation In the program. 'and crackers, salmon salad or nea- at the school tonight at 7 o'clock. WtJTH—Jack Downey * WDRC—Radio T heater The boys and girls of the Cen. „ The BOard-Aloo submitted an/ap- certificate of occupancy be Issued Ao Morrison's at 11150. health agency founded In 1948. The E. A, JOHNSON •:aa- Wf^TlI—Deelgned for D*nclng\ ter Mchooi will visit the riail Me­ 'Wednesday^salmon loaf, msshed vital before and after tma« by the Zoning Board before a The Building Committee will meet, In anoth.fr of three weekend ar- Loi^^ine Olbert Ml tchdi 9-4343 WHAY—We»lern Caravan plication for Federal Aid for niain- /• at United Methodist Church at M Connecticut chapter was formed in SM MAIN 8T,. MANCIMfTW morial Library on the following tato. vegetable, biscuits and but- j^Aj^urJli^ Storts^ hie ntrikeg. And that’s our dwelling could be. used for living {Tidents reported by police, a 16- 1950. FAINT CO. WCCC-Record Revue . WHAx--Ne*e: Wealern Caravan dates this month. Thespians to Act tenance of schools under Sebtion applesauce; Thursday— spa- purposes. p.m. and Bolton Congregatio^I yes r-old. who' police said had never «NI HOCK NMITN OS TNt MMiaT WKNB-New*; Sport* WTtC>rBand of America 4A, Public Law 874 as amended, husineBR. Bring your pro* church Executive Committee Gui^t at Shower There are five clinics established 699 Main St.. Ml-9-4501 . COtNIR Of MtOOll tHHa. WTIC—Ju*t P lain BiU WDRCirRadIo Theater Kooin three, today; room four, Opponents to this clause, main* driven before he took His employ­ In the .state at Hartford, Newing­ WDRC—New* , WGTH-^e*lgned for Dancing tomorrow; room live, Wednes­ Original Drama w)iich provides for funds to those tection problems to us! tain that without a building code p.m. in the pariah room. / er’s car for a spin, wound up-fac-- WtSTH-Jack Downey towns where there, is an inci'eased Hot lamch MeqU / A surprise bridal shower was 8 :ia — U:M- day; room six„ April 12; room which the towTt does not-^have. ffif Ing three charges after the car WHAY—Wedern Caruvaa WHAY—News; Nile Watch seven, April 13', room eight, April \ average daily attendance brought provision would give ungovemed Menu at thc'-achool for fhe re­ struck two others on Bissell Street held yesterday afternoon at the WCCC—Record Revue WTIC—FIbMr. Molly y^Yvo Tickets to Trouble” an about by an influx of persons it de-: mainder of the week iitoludes to­ White Eagle Hall f ^ Mis* Lor­ WKNB—Baaeliall Rrndeet Uatine* WDRC—Vauittin Monroe 14; room nine, April 26, room 10, ,^wer to the issuing agent. , * near Spruce. WGTH-Frank-Edward* April 27 and room one, April 28. /Originsl one act play co-authored tense plants or at other plants Members of the Zoning Commis* morrow — hash, pickle*, spinach, raine Olbert, 98 Woomrldge St. WTIC-VParrell \ by Philip Burgess and Charles which have defense contracts. pudding; Wednesday V— cheese Police said the youth. Daniel WDRC—Reconf Shop WHAY-New.; Nile Watch i'he third grade boys and gins^ Sion have said the amendments Duffy, of 77 Lockwood St., failed Guests were present from East WOTH—Jack Downey Tlndle will be pre.sented for Work­ According to Superintendent' sauce, green beans,, stewed toma­ Hartford, Enfield, Rorkviile and i'se— WTIC—H esrl rf New* loom lour nave started a "dhkre Merle Wo^maniee, since 19S0‘‘ will correct weaknesses In- the to stop after the accident and \. \ WHAY—Hall of Rrcordt WDRC—Vaughn MOnroe Your Book Club” in conjudetion shop before the Center Thespians code which have come ^to''their toes. peach ■ cobbler; Thursday, Manchester. \ w i : t h - moo books a silv^i- a^ar and 20 of the board Include Chairman Lydall St., and-Rudolph/A. Pele* Mias flteffle Kosak. her cousin, W IIAV-New* WTIC—Three-Ring New* Theaterjirogram. the town would he in line for about' 51295.00 who will iM her maid of honor. W'f'CC—Hood Kvenlng iJfM»d Mneic W D R C —New* books is regognized with a gold P rlo fto the Workshop period, 815,000. Action Is expected in about /• Center St. Oscar JC r e y s i g. Representative say. 33, of 117 DeepwoodTDr. Dam­ Miss Olbert will be married to WKNB—Raaeball Requeet MAtInee W GTH—New*, >hlar. A...... seal Will be given the end'd Eugene Gagliardone, John C. age to all. three cMrs was estimated W’tIC -N e w * ll-.lfv ■ \readingg 25 books. a brief bualneas meeting will be two months, the superintendent Sgt. Paul E. Elliott of Cherry WDRC—N ew . WHAY-New*: Nile Welch said. TeL ' RothWell. Richard P. Morra and Results of Drive at close to 8300; inc^ding 8100 to \ 'i o date, ^1 Richard PrutUng, held. Cast announcements and Donald Tedford. Point, N. C.. on June 12, in St. WCTH—New* WTIC—jfew* of The- World committee Ssaignmenta for the ’Pax Fklla Due the car voung Diiffy was driving. John's Church. i:ia- W DRC—N ight Owl / James xL /Luginbuhl - ■ - - and - Richaru~ Payment of the 1953 taxes are 50*9*7665 Tree Nursery Ststrted Allan R. W ith ^ . 43. of 5 Hen- W'llAY- Spollifht on Sport* WGTH—Sporl* / Belanger have earned three stars May production "Miranda” will be CARTER CHEVROLET C0„ Inc. Please Rev. Olson WCCC—Rood Kveninr Rood Mtiale 11:38- X made. due thla month, Mrs. E. H. Cowles, Local business expanded last dee Rd., was clMirged with intoxi­ WKNB-- B**eh*ll Aequeit Matinee WHAY—Nile Watch 'Iwo stars have been awarded' to Penny Richter' will- be hoateaa tax collector, will be at the town 311 MAIN ST. — MI.9.S23I / week when Mrs. Robert Trehb be* cation as a r e ^ l of the third acci­ WTIC-StrIctly Sporta W TIC-^larllglH Serenade Dawn Arens, Cheryl McConville, hall thrcsighout the month, Mon­ gan retail sales at the Bolton The Rev. Carl E. Olson, pastor dent S aturd^. Police aaid his car W nne—J»rk Zalman WDRCV-NIght Owl for fhe refreshment period foUo\V- X HEARIN4 TROVILI? WRTH—Patteraon W GTH—Sporl* Roland Ludwig and Charles Blake. ing the Workshop presentation. day through Friday from 9 a.m. to Evergreen Nurseries at her home of Emanuel Lutheran CSiurch, Who was slruclr by one driven by 8:3.— 11:44- ‘ ‘ y -Khe final basketball game of the "'on ^ Ito n Center Rd. is district director for the Ad­ Arthur ^ s h a r, 25, of Somerset. Not mny ntmni WHAY—Supper Serenade * W HAY—N ile W hich I season wSq played with. Ware­ The family which includes 8* Mass., after Witham cut in front WTIC—K Cota Glee Club WTIC-Slerllghl SerenJd# \ \ vance CThriat Movement in this THE NEW DAHLBERG WDRC—(1. Lombardo W DRC—N ight Owl house poinl-. ended in a 23 to 10 year*old Richard and Jonathan, S, of hlpl too sharply on Center WGTH-Bill Stern — \t G TII "TSpOrl* victory tor tw locals. moved to town in 1950 when they ares, which benefits the Home S tri^ near Jarvis Road. lislent for yeui and Foreign Mi.-aions of the WHAY—Supper Serenade •Abe’ Leaves County purchased the property of the late Witham suffered a cut forehead Personal Hearing Seisice /lA IN G SH O TS THRIVK Abraham Aedmpanado, the 17- Charles F. Sumner. In considering Augustana Lutheran Church, was In the accident and was taken to WTIC-Threa Star Extra overjoySd at the results of yester­ 808 Mala St.—MI-9-6281 WDRC—Lowell Thnmaa year-old I'hilippihe youth who has . use of the land, it was quite Manchester Memorial Hospital Wii'TH—Dinner Dale Halinndnic, Fla. CPi Tlie Flori­ been living for thk past month in natural for Mrs, Treat to turn to day’s local iesnvass among the where he 'waa given emergency t:#e- da Derby i* gettinc to ho known the nursery enterprise since her parishioner: of Emanuel. treatmen4„. WHAY—Slipper'Serenade Vernon and Ellington ."S *n Inter­ Previous to yesterday, 84,15^.60 WTIC—Spin 'Em Aaaln aa the race fnr longahoL*. Sky national Farm Youth Exchange . fathet, George 8. Harris and I' W'DRC-tenn. Ernie Ship won the first rtiniiinc in 19.’>2 \ grandfather have been lifetime had been pledged. At the ^ two W t:TH-I'. Lewi*. Jr. visitor has gone to Orfswold in scrv’ices yesterday, in the / fore­ 8:13^ and returned ,824.10 for a 82 New London County where he will N nurserymen. WHAY—Supper Serened* miitiiel ticket. Last year Money . Conducting the business under noon, 84.116.90 was pledged and in 1,900 Visit Bank - WTIC—Spin 'Em Afain Broker • 'on and nald 833.80. This live for a month on thCx William the afternoon, 81,121. i^ r e than WDRC—Beulah , , Whitehead Poultry Farpi. hbr name, Rebecca H. Treat, she WGTH-J. Vandercook ' year Correlaition. with Willie N O IO II W IN D M Is^ grc^ng and retailing lasting 60 visitors called at ^ le homes. For Open House 1:3.-, Shoemaker riding, paid 817.20. He will return later to Tolland varKeUes of. shrubbery which she Tliere are a few call^to be made WHAY—Supper Serenade County for a abort viail with Mr; describes as having good charac- where families wer^-sbsent. How­ WTIC—Nawe of Ih. World If you were laden down 'a t and Mrs. Wallace Thrall of Vertjon. / teiiat^s the year around. Included ever, the gratifying result has al­ Officials of the Manchester WDRC—JullUa LaRo*a William Thrall, who haa been ready reached W391.40. .The na­ Trust Company report 1,898 per­ WGTH-Oabriel Heatter ' (Thriaf mAS' with enough handker­ I in the 25 to SO thousand plants T:t3- chiefs In take care of a dozen vlalting. in the Philippines, Is ex.-- ’ now under cultivations, and the tion-wide goal /fs two million dol­ sons attended the open house hcM \VIIAV—Supper Serenade na'es for a dozen years, you might pected to be home at that time:, five or thousand being planted lars. To datey20 chuiches in Con­ St the bank's new quarters st 893 WTIC—One Man'* F*mlly Abe and Bill met in the Philip­ necticut hay* pledged 859,300. Main St., Saturday an toured both W Dne-E. R Miirrow ■put home of the prettiest to a new this spring are all types of yews, W’GTH—Pfrry Como use. Make a eocktail apron (even a pine.*.- Acompanado apent several (both Biirifadlng and upright), '/Isitors/will make their reports floors of the building viewing Wednesdily evening. In the church banking facilities. nonsewer csn. it's so. simple! of days with the Thcalls when..he arbor vitae, hemlock, rhbd^en* black cotton and acatter a few of first -arrived and then several dron, magnolia, white lilac, pink office, and after the Tunday serv­ According to r count taken by Television Projframs ices mt the churchi police stationed at doors, 200 per- the handkerchiefs on it. Use one to weeks with Eh-nest Kupferschmld. dogwood and daphne. On Page Two make a pocket. Having had the opportunity to' To Repe^ Minstrel The eighth grqde class vdl) pre­ sent its Gay Nineties Minstrel for - the second time Wednesday at 8/ p.m. at the (Tomniunity Hall, / repeat perfornance has been u n ^ r diacussion ever alnce Uie aeUtoJt of the first presentation pc the Let Our Decorators Help You Change show ten days ago. dnnDw^mmsint The discussion was /i'esolved when a ai’.rvey ahowed hiore than The garbage problem in your home it You S a v e Up Jo 4 ( a pack^4 0 ( a Carton^ 100 tickets could be spid the m ^ / T i r ^ Rooms Into Interiors ment they were mad^avallAble/ no problem at all when you install the A food sale will beheld We^es* ALDO PAGANI filter tip smokers are getting what tHey day in place of Vm auctloi^that was featured at toe first p^senta- of Sparkling Freshness^ W ith amazing Calcinatbr automatic disposal. Now Every Smoker can afford America's tion. Some ticketo.wlll be available & w ant. .. much more flavor and aroma- at the door onr the night of the Creations unit. \ ' INSURANCE AGENCY highest quality and best Filter Tip Cigarette . . . with much less nicotine! After the show. / •/ . ■ - ’ . \ Coming E v ^ ts ■ Formerly at Main St.—House and Hale Bldg. first few puffs from Sd LftM, most ' ■ . ' ' . ■ ■ ' \ Ihe Ladies' of St./Matirice have / Custom Made Just Wrap it —r .Dtop it — Forget it —r \ No cigarette ever went so far — so fast quality and best filter tip cigarette. smokers sum it up this way, ‘‘THIS IS as LftM Filters. In the 85 days since Thousands of dealers in America’s IT—JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR / By Stegthen^s and that’s all. NOW LOCATEli AT they were put on sale across the coun­ largest cities (New York, Boston, Phila­ ORDERED.” ■ - ■ ■ ■ try LftMs have gained a nation-wide delphia, Chicago and Los Angeles)—-in LASSEN PRICES STARTING All your garbage and trash problems demand never before equalled by ahy signed statements report LftMs their PETROLEUM SLIP COVERS AS LOW AS ■/ 1011 MAIN STREET-CrottMl Floor . other cigarette in so short a time. largest selling filter tip cigarette. are solved automatically with the mod­ TELEPHONE Ml*3*8934 \ So naturally . . . down goes the price Why h;^ve L&M Fi|ters rolled up to you of LftMs — America’s highest " sales records like this For the first time Announces xj PIECE , ^ ern Calcinator. — - I NEXT TO THE MANCHESTER SAVINGS & LOAN lUILPING) x. Exclusive LoM Free Protection /SO FA , 3 0 U|HIONS $65 Writing AH Lines of lnstitanc^)\_ A miracle filter tip \ ■ — Calcinator disposes of garbage, bones 2 CHAIRS, onft .^iii^ien *och We’d like you to stop in when It’s convenient and hutk over our new offices. X- contains Alpha For Customers’ / and all burnable trash quickly—safely, This move to a street level location was planned for your greater con* Cellulose...for moot This offer includesHnlaterial, labor, heavy venience and we feel sure it will meet with your approval. Come . . . srt eff^w e filtratioo.* duty zippei's and Sanforized weltlhgs. Oil Storoge Tanks We have a splendid assbrtfhent of NEW right in your home without odor, npise Euily installed in kitchen, ' us soon! . ■ \ Much more flavor . f a b r ic s , v a t d y e d u r a b l e , a l l basement, utility room or ...much lass nicofiao.. NA'nONALLY ADVER.TISED. or smoke.' garage. Your heating oij'stbrage •fiSK’* - '- ''- FROM UM TO YOU-JUST tank face.Ta big danger— Your slip, covers will' be cut to order in your home. Phone CH-7-7383. Will RUST which forms inside the- call; with full line of sqntples. No ob­ insurance W H iif THE DOCTOR ORDERED t^nk as a result of accumula­ ligation, of cotirse! Remember, with ua tion of moisture. your satisfaction Is guarshteed lOO'c. Rust spells trouble. It Tftlftghoiift HltehiiH 1. THE MiaaCLE TIP...i.r causes costly leaks. CALL That's why w* put Shell ARC APPLIANCE A SERVICE CO., 21 MAPLE $T...... f.U 75 [* effective filtration. Select.* and removefi 80NITOR in every customer’s the h ^ v y |»rticleB, leaving you a Light storage tank. Sonitor is a new CH-7-7383 RAMTOW'S, 4*0 MAIN.ST...... 9.7234< aind'Mild amokc. chemical product that protecta against rust and .corrosion. There are two kinds of technicians; those who work "by the piece," harried and RENSON'S TV and APPLIANCE. 1085 MAIN ST...... 3-8790 Sonitor not only stops old riist hurried or . . . our technicians, skilled, salaried craftarpen. Skilled labor. Is one 2. PUREST AND BESTm.,^— . excellent reason to come to Stephen's for slip covers. Perhaps the'' best reason RRUNNER'S, Inc., ROCKVILLE ROAD, TALCOHVILLE Exclusive with LaM. Reault of 3 yeara from spreading, but prevents Is that we always seem to h.ve just the color, just, the texture you w.ant . . , in ...... 3-5191 new rust from forming. This our vast collection of the finest fabrics in the land. We’ll save you time, and - of-scientific research... 3 yeiGS rejecting is a free service for all our goodness knows how much money. GOODYEAR SERVICE STdRE. 713 MAIN ST...... 9-5390 other filters. This is it! customers who Use Shell Fur­ THE J. W. HALE CORP., 945 MAIN ST.____ 3*4123 nace' Oil. We'll be glad to in­ 3. MUCH MORE FIAVOR clude yo.u, too—just fiVe us~ ^tQ ^S O N MOTHERS. 1043 MAIN $T. .. a ring. ^ Custom Reupholstering . a a 3*4227 . . . MUCH LESS NICOTINE ' _ By Master Craftsmen o TT keith furniture coa. 1115 u iiH ST...... 3*4157 LaM Filters are the first filter‘cigarette We strip your old living itxm set to the frame. Reinforce and rebuild to taste thk Way a cigarette should. The with quality material*. Chbose your covering from our own large aelec- KEMF-S. Inc., 743^ MAIN ST...... •,^^3*5480 premium quality tobaccos . . . and tht tiop. of durable beautiful fabrica-.ftom America’s finest maker*. - miracle filter work together . . . to give LoFLAMME APPLIANCE CO.. 15 OAK ST. .. • a e • « * • •' e/iu • 7*4848 rso , you plenty oi good taste. Any Chair from Any Sofa from “ MARLOW’S, 847 MAIN ST. ... . ^ . . aeeeeaegeeaaa '7*5221 HIAfINO 7 4 A Name With a Reputation to UpKoU ^ MONTGOMERY WARD CO,; 82R MAIN ST; ...... :v...... 3-SU1 3f ..>■ OILS f R. D. PEARL APPLIANCE and FURNITURE^ *49 MAIN ST. .“. . . . 3-7596 POTTERTON'S, 130 CENTER S r ...... 9-4537 LASSEN -C% ■■ > tand1*rd Appliance and furniture, 205 north main st. .... 9-1259 if PETROtlUM '^vieHi’s K*mo m i TV arpuArtcEs, jm m a in st. v...... »-»*o Tour community SHELL distributor, Birch Mountain Rolad, Bolton, Phone MI* 9^121. Rockville'riistimers H I.- cb!1 at our ^^xpoue. Ask op* crateir for Enterprise 9540. v ':. .i ’ AMERICA’S HIGHEST QUALITY AND BEST FILTER TIP CIGARETTE 47 ENFlELp. STREET HARTFORD, CONN. > ^CU)€^ 14 Hftftr Burner Scrrkft. ------N. . 1 • WITH PERSONAL SERVICE A

■,x, X'- ' '.,V Al'-'” .- V ,-i: - ■

■/ '• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1934 fAGE 6DC MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY/AfRiL $, 1964 \. Ciroup will have an open meeting be until Easter. Recently she at­ Emil Dazy of 'Wimmantlc: * to 4 :30 p.' m. in the- Church fcom- people who have opposed the With thq OBt” Den 5,. accompanied er wlU. fumieh Q19 answer.'/ One Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the home tended the 200th ' anniversary cel­ Men's flrtt, Clayton Lemlre of muiiity Hoiue .with Mrs. Emil V. by a recording, pantnihtmed the w', Litany, a yonr good looks. Let nw- free you' of this to nus ^ „ Mrs. Edward $chulthelss. co-.cha.lr-' social handicap former. My mMIcally a|H ____r^'u co^ INC Phrase of (’^in John Gregory took mqvfei o f the eciousness of peraonat spiritual. | erfted a corsage during the prbi Willimantic and Henry Blanfcheite sermon by the Rev. 'njomss Far­ ; BUmU itTMt stream of American living that he man s.ald over thq, weekend. (iSialr-, prosed method is safe, permanent and and boys in Uieir costumM. growth. Doing things for God in With 16 Winsg 10 Losses of- Willimantic. There will be an­ rell of St. • Thomas* SemlnaiY, had never wet hie feet in the Cubmaster Ganftiitx presented place of His working through- us 'man, Mrs. C!harles Hv Pet,tls. and other party here Frlflay at '8 p. m. hot mar the skin. “ It wss no ghostly or heavenly . Mr. and Mr*. Emil Huebner, of Bloomfield, and benediction. Carthy issue. But we; doubt/that awards, to the foUowing boys: seems soipewhat like putting the daughter, Barby, left Thursday of WALnai^ rmaveos apparition who died upon Cal­ River Rd. will observe their 32nd With the post members in'charge. i Girl Scouts' Troop 71 / will, meet News Brent Mohr. SUv^ arrow and Bear cart before the hone. ELKS CARRIAGE HOUSE Coventry, April 5 (Spcdian—- 'Homemakers to Meet the S. S. Rydam to Visit her par- MARY C. WARD. R.N. ' 1. Ittl any such ideal character could vary's cross ss some men said. It . ents in Lancaster. England, for wedding anniversary tomorrow. Coming Evriris tomorrow from 7:30 to"9 p. m. ini Badge; James Kicke.v and -Terry If Buch be the case, prayer will The Robertson .School' girls’, Miss Cora Webb. Tolland Boy Scouts Troop 57 will meet . Certified Electrologlst have been found. And. if there is was the dlvinely-human Son of County home dei-or-»tratir • , ■ about three months. Set-bark Prizes Awarded the Robertson-School. ' PiibUiMd l^a Bxcapt Reviel, Eear Jiadge,- Gold arrow assuce us of the needful correction. tomorrow at 7:30 p. "m. in the 170 .MAIN .STREET " TEL. MI-B-2667 I at u « to be any Indication of previous God who bore in His body the Cub Pack 120 held a family pic­ basketball team ended their sea'* .*vlH conduct a work meeting on Personal Mention Prizes awarded at the set-back kiaten and Ho and Silver arrow; JameS' Bourn. ■When we really talk to God we American Legion'Hom e on Wall Manchester ' Evening Herald wrath of this world's sin. as that nic at Camp Johnson, yesterday. son with 16 wins and 10 losses. slip covers VveUutriia;' a'x' .. « Mrs. Ina Beebe of Prospect St. party Friday follow; Woman's All Work By Appointment c u M ^ r sentiment on Uie part of. the spe­ Richard Boyle, Roy Clark. Mather shall experience a more decided St. Coventry correspondent. Mrs. 1 sin was in conflict with the hol;^ Proceedings got under way shortly EViRy TU E^Y NIGHT The locals outscored their opposi-; p.m. in the Grange Hall, Route is viaitihg with her daughter, Mrs. first, Mrs. Edward Skilton hf this Free Consultations cial counsel, it is better_to have it love of God. Jesus' fifth word from after two o'clock with a Hare and Neill, a n y Joseph Marcin, W olf dedication ^o Hie will, ‘N ot my will The Little Nippers North 4-H Charles 1- Little, telephone PH-1 ^ riO N RA'— badge; Jimes Gaulin, W olf badgd 4/A; ■ Victor .Snyder, and family in town: sscodd, Mrs. James Kelley __J»a la AlTaaco be sentiment- 'for McCarthy. the Cross. 'I thIrst.Ms expressive Hound chase. The-Hares were led but thine M^done’. Prayer, indeed, tton 970 to 872. , of Willimantic and third, Mrs. Club will meet tomorrow from 2:30 ,grlm 5-6231* and GoHt arrow': James Fee, Gold becomes the spiritual dynamic Free TrarwinirUtlon by S ^er Lane Bui ’ The Pond Hill Horae Economics Greenfield. Mass., where she will Ona T a a r...... W S9 Quite obviously, we do not say of real physical • pain,” said the by Mr. Carvey and ‘Mr. Peek, and Annette Liebman has been’ 8(s Mentlia ...... ••;*•• oy eir. vejr «..u «... x arrows; Edward Greg- when It results in improving the ^liraa Montlis aao Rev. John E. Post yesterday LeavinR OYgnge Hall a t^ P . M. named captain for next year's ■ this because we favor the Mc- ^ e Hounds by M r ^ v q l e a ^ ^ Michael Gannutz. Gold quality of devotion to God rather Ona lionia ••••••••••••^••••••••** * 5 ’ morning as he preached upon the CO\.Coy. it >AAwas9 a prattypretty close chase Ri/s>*ar<4 Bnlmaa aiUrm.. mm- team. Annette and Gloria -lussiere! Wtafcir^ **oaa*aaaaaaaaaaaaa*a.aaa»*a »jW arwiw: Richard Spiess. Silver sr- side of the eonlroverey. fifth word of Jesus. with the hounds close, on the trail than in the mere quantity of things ' A -» *1; 'ifc. flBflA Copy aajaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaao* f0> rpw'. The Cubs sang ‘Good-night done.” • ■ will be coming back for their third B it, quite frankly, because The Rev. Mr. Post said that of the hares all the. Way. While bbers’ to close the meeting. fivengeline Small .year on the team. Those returning ■ould rather have McCarthy Jesua' cry '■'! Thirst" is also proof the Cubs and their leaders were THE *aSqCUTHlD^?RifiSB positive of the most vital' truth This Week liv Scouting Sponsored ..by the Mancheeter for their second year include s Tba AMbcteM Ifnm la MclualTal* me superficial advantage on the chase, the parents e n jo y ^ . Monday. Troop 73. Bolton; CtmncU of Churches. Joanne Rychllhg, Pamela Glenney. • antlllad to tiia iiaa o( rcpubUcatipa or about Calvary's divine victim: God volley, hall and a game of ho^e all na*a dlapatetaea cradited to it. or than hdye an appesraiue of an Himself had engaged In a vast Troop 91. Bowers; Troop 112 Ver- imiiHSiiiiii Nancy BIssell, Anita DIette, % J' aot atherwlaa CrtdIIrd in thU papar shoes. alibi after the thing is over. atruggle with wrong. God's, holy planck;- Pack 91 Bowers. Less than 2 per cent o f the land Martha'McCombs and Hazel Mac<§' and alao iha local n «*i publlahad hrra. Later in the afternoon, fires were Tuesday, Cub Leaders’ Round Little, acorer. AU rlafita of repuollcatlon of apaclal. A secondXouestion about the love was in conflict with the dark, in the United States is used for V dUpatcbei bareln ara alao rrarnrod. tragic story of man's disobedience.- started around the camp' and hot Table, 8 p.m., E. Side Rec .Library; urban industry and homes. • DO YOU WANT Those who played their .final probe wo would also answer in dogs and hamburgs were enjoyed Troop 47 South Methodist; TTroop '/■■ - jrull akrrica cUem of N. K.- A. iarT- The cause of Jesus' thirst was that game for the achool Include Eliza­ faX’or of McCarthy, this time on a He might win the children of men by the hungry boys and parents. 128 Emanuel Lutheran: Troop 65 beth Schwager (captain),,Dorothy . V PublUhera RerretentallToa: . The basis of principle. back to the bosom of their heaven­ The group then adjourned to the Armory; Squadron 25 Center Latimer, Roberta Vance. Carol Xnltua Hatbawa SpiKial Aw^tney — New lodge where David Aijgotta was- Church. York.lor^ Chicago. vuK»^%r, Detroit and Boatoa. Ever since the probe has been ly Father." Bridgeman, ’’ Marie Schwager, MEMBER AtrOlT BUREAU o r But the cry of Jesus " I thirst” Is awarded his Bobcat pin after being Wednesda.v.' Troop " 120 St. Karen Little, Joyce Scully and j ; CntCPLATlONa slated, there have, been\howls of also indicative of the nature of our inducted into the Pack. James School; Troop 133 :Second \ Darby Caraon. | % Tba Herald Priming Company. Inc., protest over the possibility that religious experience. Jesiis hun­ It was announced by Cubmaster Congregational. Seven girls played in rll -26 I ifc aatumas no financial raaponaiblUty for McCarthy would, durin^^ the gered and thirsted for the com­ Phil Dupont that the Pack meet­ Thursday, Troop 27 St. MSry^s; games, Dorothy Latimer, Gloria i & - typographical errora appearing In ad- panionship 'of His Father. He Troop 123 Buckland; Troop 124 Btissiere, Karen Little, Nancy Bt.s- j p yaruaem«nti and other reading matter probe, exercise the right ing on April 30 would be in the TO tV T i taught us that there Ls a thirsting form of a carnival with all the Andover, sell, Carol Bridgeman and Joanne > in The Haneheater Eranlng Herald. examine witn^es. Many FfMIve a----- quality wlthlri every human boys doing work in their respec­ UaSeMwIss Xvleeifif Rychling. • ' " / m i WE DO MAKE Dlaplay advertlalng cinaing houra: howls o f protest have come from U 4C« ------Por Uonday—1 p. m. Prlday 'breast. That thirst may be satis* tive dens during the month for The season records follows * S^r Tueaday—1 p. m. Monday individuals who, throughout Mc­ alone in the aeeking of God. this project. WAnUNS Dorothy Latimer, 218 'laskets. Is ■1 p. at. Tueaday. aaoTHBKS. mCx, ■% 5v>r Wadneaday^. - Carthy's Investigating career, have T o \ ^ a child of God, yes, to be The perfect day was rounded out fouls, 454 points; Roberta Vance. ' ; 2iff- For Thuriday—1. p. » . Wedneaday.------6ne's\true self, he| must seek to be Thought for Today For Friday—1 j>. m. Thnraday. by group singing around the fire­ TO FAT mhlwidint 4m«w. 101 baskets, six fouls, 208 points; ' i repeatedly crltij:ized his failure to xyith. and to be like God, Jesus f u n e r a l hexsilel M«nr e*S«f hls4« el bUlt. ^ 1 For Saturday—1 n. m. fr i^ y . place in the lodge with Mr. Carvey Gloria Busslere, 40 baskets. 2'i ; W c ' r c . n o t ClaaniBad daadfina: 10:10 a. m. >adi extend to witnesses before him the taught.' accompanying on the piano. The following yAs-.written by TO FAT OFF fima ooywwl mm* fouls, 107 points; Annette Lieb- • 1 ' day of MUeatlen axeapt Saturday — The priiacher referred to the SERVICE S a. in.______- ______privilege of erbsa-examining their A good time was had by ail, and William Parkesa.of New York, as choiai.iucH • « K»mitvr«. f o l—» man, 40 baskets, 1 6 'foul.s, 100] . I conquest oPsbIount Everest a year KovtFhold •FoUoMf* mrn4 (Ha lloo wharo points; Anita DIette. 12 basket.s. : - f. accu^rs. Now that McCarthy hlm- the ..tired but happy Cubs left -for a mediation fpr.M arc'i 1, 1952, in i t o d o o u r b e s t Monday, April 8 ago as snala^us to a man's thirst Onaand XVfest fiva fouls, 29 points; Kaien Little',v. ; aelf is about to come under in­ after God. "Uhless I am greatly homie around six o'clock* the Upper Room: P t m t t r Cubmaster Peter Gannutx par­ nine baakets. tiuoe fouls, 21 , vestigation, they take-the position mistaken, the two men who stood- "W ill Lent be juet a period o f Am«wfit Rmewlel !•?] ilnts; Nancy'Biasell, 11 baskets, | As We Listen Tonight aded Uih .Cub Scouts of Pack 98 .15 MO. 20MO. r v - . that he should be handled by his upon the top of tne world, are to­ time, or will It be a eeaison of •f lOAN 12 MO. iUr fouls, 26 points; Karen | ' _\ day more aware of bhelr littleness, into the Assembly hall of Man­ dearer'' spiritual insight, such : % M 1 s « , ■ -s • ' ' . T W s t h e Tonisht, Preaident KiMnhower oxxm past standards, which these IR.tS * r*t a n Eloredge, one basket, three fouls, I • V . and more impressedVwith God's chester Green School; and all the we have never experienced before ? m f • speaks to this nation. It la undar- MR M.I7 14.U fiveXpolnts; Elizabeth Schwager. same critics judged to 'b e wrong- greatness than ever belpre. Their parents and boys joined together The practice of real personal pray- * S to *soo fM 4741 s*e* 2IIS ro as aONTHS TO ■■SAT five bMkels, one foul, 11 points; gtood that the theme o f his sd- achievement did not m ^e their in the Pledge of Allegiance in the Three aihedoltt of repajaMal iiKli»4a ad charfaa. r \ ■ t h a t h o p e s t o when he - established them, rather Ther ba»ed an f rompt laaiHhlf Fannt«t». Carol Bridgeman, one ba.sket, one . dress is. to be an expansion o f the heads swell; Rather, theV must opening of the March meeting. All WRITE • TILIFHONE • VISI1 \' than by the standards which are Cubs were attired in the costumes foul, tnt;ee points; Martha Mc- reniarki on feara he made at hie be more thirsty for fell^'shlp right in principle. But If it is right for a Land of Oz program, and Combe, M e basket, two points; with the God whose home IleXbe EASY to Hoor nNANCI C0|. INC. Marie Scht^t'cr, one ba.sket, two a "Here Today, Cone Tomorrow" furniture store that ^plans to press conference on March. 17, for an accused tq have the privi­ each den presented its choice of PHONE \i yond the summit of our wort ______a loan tervice for all points. Wa commented on these re­ lege of cross-examining his ac­ the Rev. Mr. Post concluded. scene. Den I acted out "The Trip HARD to D«r*ct PREFERRED MItcheW 9-7196 Joyce ScullY- one basket, two to Emerald City"; Den 2, 'The 9t3______Main St. • ______2nd FI.. MANCHESTER • Phone: MITCHEU 1-4IM "make a killing", today at your expense, and disappear ton^lor^ow. marks, and quoUd them, at the cusers in one investigation. It is Try it . . . tha NEW points; JoanhcN^chllng, Pamela iwardly Lion"; Den 3, "The 'Visit or MItchall 3-8606 O p ^ ll^on,, Tuee., Wed., Frl. 9:30 to 5:30 e Thurs. 9:30 8 e Closed S a t time. Glenney, Darby X^arson. Roseann right in another, even if the in­ h the Oz” ; Mrs. Odell was DAHLBERG 142 Eaat Center St. Chiarizio played as\guards for the FARGO WILTO W e quote them again :oday, as dividual to whom the privilege Is narr«ator.- Personal Hearing Ser\'ioa Mancheater aa^ka aaaa to Baaiaiaia op a u waaaaT lom iti season. a prelude to our attention' to ^ e to'he extended happens to be an News Rhymes DeiK4 also presented the “ Visit 108 Main St.— Ml-1-6381 Watkins Brothers has been serving Connecticut for 80 long President tonight. A total of 443 ba'hkets were individual who has refused to ex­ made and a total of 84\rioul shots "ToU know,” he said, ” ths world - By J. P. D.— -■ tend it to others. made, making a total of ^ 0 points BROADLOOMV ■ years because, we believe, we give each and every customer the la suffering from a m\}lUpliclty of “ Gum Makers To Aid for. the season. . W e believe thia country needs to fears. Wa fear the men in the False Teeth Cheweni” . McArthur and the team\ have handle McCarthy. But to handle Bupeeee reports aee being Kremlin, we tear what they will expressed appreciation for titans, SAA\E intelligent service . . we offer the same good ' style and him by his own methods, which iie made . .. almut a chewing portation of team members p at a $3*00 a yard saving! do to our friends arOund them; we himself hfs. aped from the Com- gum... which false teeth wear­ Ided by, Wrs;'Lawrence C. L a li^ r are fearing what unwise Ihvcsti- munista, would be no creditable or ers can en joy... and make their Mrs. Eugene Rychling. M tk./Ca long-lasting quality C O N S IS T E N T L Y . . at the same low prices JaM-bones hum. synthetic gatora .will do to us h*re at home healthy victory..for the country. Schwager, Mrs. A n d rew / Lieb­ as they'try to combat subversion snappers Just won’t w ork. .. on man, ^r„ »and Carl Wjitaon, Eva The'very ieaue which he poses'is gum of present puike... It Diette and Janet Eldrewe, Mrs. to E V E R Y O N E . . but most of all, we give you T R U E value fpf^ Joe bribery or deceit within. one of maintenance o f American clings and clogs the dentures Francis A. Perrotti fo^/refereelng ” W s fear depression, we fear s o ... the chewer's muscles Low0 games and Principal Royal O. s q . y d . principles and procedures, and -if ache... the chewing sport has in contentment/ in the loss of Johs. A ll .of these, with he should tempt .-and goad us into Fisher, Oscar Miller. Ferdinand your furniture dollars . . value that is measured their impact on the human mind, been reserved. .. to those with Hausmann. Mrs, Raymond B: defeating him by abandoning teeth their own... while ail the Fowler, Mrs. Helen Chiarizio for maka us act almost hysterically, these principles and procedures he china chopper crowd/ .. could assistance throughout the season.. \Fargo Broadloom is the kind of carved carpet that comfort, in pleasure and pride of ownership. \and you find hysterical reaction. would have obtained a victory only .watch and—Biohn-.-/r soon The sum of $60 was realized all this misery, will pass. .. when ^d.s a luxurious, comfortable look to a room. Its "W e have got to look at each of nonetlieless, just as the Commu­ from the recent game between the .sculptured leaf design is created by high and low \ ■ thoaa in its proper perspective, to chemists turn the tric k ... and team and a parents' team for the nists' have a victory whenever salesmen ' demonstrate with grade eight trip fund. Thanks arc U W X T pile. This sturdy carpet eliminates foot­ make it—to understand what the Americana approve the methods glee... the new gum Just won’t extended to, Mrs. E. J. Starkel and prints and shading. Use Watkins 1? ft. widths for whole sum total means,' and re- stick this non-stick effort we topp her committee “who worked in the McCarthy uses against them. wider wall-to-wall Installations or for room size rugs. ir ember this: will hail.... as really worth the kitchen during the game, and Watkins was fir.st to offer decorating makinli;.if someone should You choose from f^andahvood. Green or Gray. All "Ths reason they are feared those who furnished refreshment.-: Decorating service in Central Connecticut . .• . / Real Security >nils{^lace their gu m ... upon the to be sold. wool; regularly $13.95 a square yard. T OU never get more than you and bad is because there is a lit­ seat we’re taking! Today our Home Planning Service offers a sensible, Play f e a t Revealed pay for. Lacking caution, tle element of.truth in each, a lit­ Even Uiciee who have leveled Coventi;v Player.s have sn- practical means of planning home decorations. We you may get less. How can you tle elemenVOf dangec in each, and most criticism at our government Swank/.. Sj^rited nouncerf-the cast of fhe play to be 9x>2 FT. SIZE 136.60 furnish floor plans with furniture arrangements an . v Tribou, Mrs. Royal IshOm, - Closed Wednesdays at Noon.// ^ : j Raiph McLeod, Mia.-J1iHX ^rs .Manchester, Goyentry and Great-, which would take this nation ciut specral visa, in which prerisc limi­ tations on her movements in this Adam G., Quandt. . / er Hartford. From, Rockville. WillimaiUi^ o f fear. After the dinner there will ito a Mightiest end most Glastonbury, .Newington, Farmington-, Sim; The catalogue of our fears.could country are defined. program of c'olor slidea of, Hbw ? W m iH ID E advanced stopping • bury and Windsor Call Enterprise. 1363. go on and on. There is nothing we The area within W.hlrh 'she may POWER BRAKB power yet devel­ England heritage, including ' l l X pictur^a of historic New England do not fear. We even, if the Pres; move is bounded by East River PiX oped for any pea- k ' Drive on the East, 28th Street on senger ear! ateeplea by Mrs. Walteir E. Corbin dent wants to expand his list, fear of Florence, Mass. Pictures of the peace. the South, Ninth Avenue, Eighth Flat Wall Paid Whlta Mountains will be Shown ' AVeniie and Central Park West on I- ^ There have been these who have also. ■" i . txtrmmmly Wathabim Jjield that the—President's words the West, and East 97th' Street on Shook Abaorbers Masons to Meet , The Gland Lodge, State of Uon- were fine, and that the personal the North. Unique double . strenntlt diock TO LE DESK n She can enter Central Park, but i^sorbcrs . . . .designed by nUctlcut, A F and Aid. . will have State of mind they reflect was Chrysler cany you gently th^lr annual, meeting Wednesday •; . fine, and that, still,-there re not go north,, inside the park, of over the roughestto road*. and Thursday in the Whttney ; - LAM P 5.98 * X ' mained a neceriuly 'for him tp the 97th Street line. , Avenue remple, New Haven. Pelei ' x.i.,;'" translate hia wbrd.s' and his feel- The jag in the'western border gates attending frbra Uriel Lodge, j- AF and AM, of Merrow, wilt- - Single oF Tw in'Arm De.sk or Table of her territory is appaj'ently'de­ V . ing into the specific acts of lead­ for hardly more* than tiie include George 't’aft. master, of lamps follow old French tole. styling. ership. Such critics;'we think, have signed to keep, her out of Madi.son price of a fully equii aped' ' Merrow;, William C. Barker, senior * YOURS low-price car! Come drive Both models in green df. rctl; single rather short memoiles, or they Square Garden and the Mu.seum this gentotional buy today! warden, .of Eaglesyllle and W. Guy light also in ivory. Reg. $6.95. ' woijld recall the consummate ,of Natural Hiatbry.' The smithem O liver,. junior warden, of Man- statesmanship and- the strong, border o f her territory jags down chestei. Clean-I'p Day Set - practical ideallsin of last 'fairs Just enough, at First Avenue, to The Fragment Society of the -.j speech to the United Nations as a Include a hospital. She had Second Congregational Church i prsciae aample o f what they want originally planned to hank down Tfin powor and ioek oMaodanKip will have a; clea.n-up day .Wednes- j day from 9:30 a m. in the Church Do you from President Eieenhower. But on Wall Street, but, after she read Alkyd type self- Community House; AH a.sslstanc' j tonight, at leSi^t, he carries the' her vi.sa, selected a midtown bank will be appreciated by the group-.' : central theme of his own being and instead. sealing wall paint — Mrs. Walter S. Keller, presiden b it presidency to the American Because we do have the- Uniterl or Mrs. Oliver M. Brown, vie: : Watkins can h e lp y o u get better sleep people once agaih. '-Let uls listen, Nations inside our boundaries, we CHRYSLER I president, can furnish further de“ « with some advance wiUinipiess to do have to let in some dangerous that (overs in a talU. The A p riri4 meeting will be an all-day session with box lunch ? step forward ourselves, in our own characters. But it is eomforting to - ap noon here. ' i ' There's no need any longer to suffer night after night because/of . living and our "own-roles, in !the ■know that Mrs. Grace-will not be single (eat! WII1 0 9 w K . H back disorders. Holman-0. D. Baker, famous 95 years for, fine cus- direction outlined, if we find it able to carry her visiting subver­ JuK think, now you can paint ' tom-made bedding, has developed two entirely different mattressffs sion. south of 28th Street or West good. anytime with Pittsburgh Wall- '' d«lux4 . . Verto-Pedic and Musco-Pedic . . so that sufferers of either mus* ^ , of Ninth Avenue or into the northr hide PBX Flat Wall Paint- ' “ T ■ f o r SALE". ern edge Of Central Park. An area one coat cover* — no primer Loom. Sond anil G m l cular disturbances or bone disorders may once again have the He Shoubl Croga-Exairtine ' of some 70 blocks inside America required.- Wa*h 'it often—out­ Loadeil on your irui-k or " deepi sound, refreshing sleep enjoyed by those with nofniaj hoajthy ' We repeat bur previous con'clii- must, it is true,, be exposed to her. last* ordinary paints — remin* delivered. 7 , backs. ; X ’ with aion that there is nq important But the rest of the country, at color*. Chooee from 12 ready- Call Hartford JA-7-3879 reason for the Senate subcommit­ least, is. safe. mixed color*. If you suffer from backaches do two things. First . . lee your doc­ tee to. change,, its mind|^ about tor, He will advise you 'which oF the$e^,^m^ should tisa VERTO-PEDIC EUunuel P. Sears as special coun- in order fo'sleep better. Secbhdiy . •. sea these mattresses at Wat­ ael for the invesUgatipn into the GaL ,i-. ; " V BENDIX WASHER truth of the charges th^Army and B d l TUCKER kins Brothers i . Verto-Pedic to give comfort to.< those who have Bssctol Ascsl and DRYER SF.RVIGE Mad-t- only by McCarthy have* leveled Mpsw VtiaK' u r k IML CO. > ED MORENCY forrheriytused-bed boards . . .Muscp-Pedic ^or those .requiring firm or- MOSGO-PEDIC agidoat each other.. W e hold, to Builneae lnte-Endowm»cnta la Veara a* Field Enalneer -y yet bod^->cort»for7ning bedding* Those with normal, healtijy backs RcUrenaent Ina. a AeeMent Iq*. BROWN-BEAUPRE; Inc. East HOLMAN-“ . / i ' . / in spite o f the fact Service Within 54 Hoorn’ Martgage Ins.— Life Inauraace HARDWARE CO. Tel. Newtnaton, MO-d-0128 also find that Musco-Pedic gives a new kind of sleeping copifo/t. Sea MjMbEion^ reyelatioas of TEL ^ collect* ’ r r . and try * . both at Watkins exclusively in Marichester. MHAT TM WOniD aCSTS oa BAKER B E D D IN G / ■ ■ FItajft* ‘record on the iasue o f Mc- 793 MAIN STREET '/0 iath{i|Mr add -to th« rimprxjsslan \ .'i % ■ 'L'" kii la an'individual who has ‘^ FinsiuMH FAilin -. 1. A i \ * - ic n t * ■ i MUtetia «qpd«BiBed\a numbar of kt*P aH iJWT M iH TioliMii i f m ^ Read Hei^d AdvB< a fia i'fq i' to. ..nar.li'. Read Herald Adva* - f m ...... Ill

' ( ; ,.-S - jy . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 8, 19M f AGE EI(SHT M ANCHESto EVENING fiERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN* MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 in 1824 journeyed by oxcart from moet everyime, but McOarttoy him­ car, suffered a brokan arm and - - had' worked in American atomic fractures-of both legs. Jarvla and Grafton, N. Y. on the Hudson to plants and/had acce*s to top self hs* said “Mc<3arthyism meant Two Sailorg Killed 1,000 Vietmmh central Kew York ataU, ndrth of ■nit ii60ar«ii «onr (i) Americanism that is ready to Otrmier were taken to the Wind­ Churchill Sdy$ Russians Obituary High Schddl Dramatists secrets. ' „ ham County Hospital in WUUman- Syracuse. At that time the terri­ Eisenhower . At the Ume McCarthy spoke, in stand up and fight Oommuntam." In Norwich Area tory was known as ‘The Western wheeling,, RfUIlkm Remington, a- , He hto caiicd it, too, "The Fight tic where It was said their injuries KiUed in Night Wiidemess.” Th'ey built their home Dept, Oommerce Economist, for Ameri'ca." ■ -' were, serious but ,n»t critical. ire Now Making H-Bomb at Dugas and Coutu were taken to there in w hat- was later know-n as Win ill State Contest also named-1>y Mies Bentley, had Former* Preei^nt Truman de- Norwich, April 5 (A*)—T»:o U. S. How McCarthyism Navy sailors were, killed in two Backus Hospital here where their the Searles District, where for been tried-and convicted.of perjury finetTMcCarthyltot as the "corrup­ Sipash at Fort separate automobile accidents in condition was reported as ’‘gqod.” '(CMttaaed froni Paf* Om ) ously impatient wiUrsome Europ­ three generations each daughter ‘T h e in danytog Communist affiliations. tion of truth./toe abandonment of Dummy’ Presented X A aecoiid trial for Remington, won our historical devotion to fa*f Ptoy the Norwich area over the week Investigating State Police said all ean .AllieiB. served her turn in teaching In the five were, aailora in the U. 8. Navy MriM experiments which will m Martin E. Soldi on appeal, was pending. He later . . . The pibandonraent -of the due end.' ol Oulles gave special attention to ^(Continued from-Pago O ) Country school, H-Questkm About Town By Sock and Buskin; and that their ship waa beUeved to I jm on throughout April." the critical Ihdochina battle where Martin E. Soldi, 64, a raembeV^ Besides the daughters abovs in 1930 waa convicted again. process of law.” In the first accident, Melvin Of the East HartfQt-fl "Board of \ be stationed at Boston. Churchill eellil "nothing could French Union forces-are desper­ mowed down by the fire of French kientloned, Mrs. I^m leaves a A daughter, Donna Rae, was Plainville /Runner-Up; Judith Ooplon, a young . woman Adlai Stevenson, former Gover­ Paul Bomsetter, 24, of West Bend, Fire Cpmmlssioners andT active in (Coattonad fi«m Page Om ) be Itra helpful to us in our prob­ ately trying to beat back m.aas tanka and machineguns. A mass grtkhddiLUghter, Mrs. Hayward born April 2. to Mr. and Mrs. / employe of the Justice Dept., had nor ,6f Illinois and Deinocratic Iowa, a sklor stationed .at the lems then penic end hysteris, ei- EMt Hartford affairs for many T o Comiiete in Maine doned, ^ the Communist party— presidential candidate in 1952. de­ Navy Submarine Base ■in Groton, Communist aaraults at Dien Bien Pluihadore of Saranac Lake, Y., Raymond Flaherty at the base (Conttnged from Page Om ) bean arrastad in March, 1949, on pedelty when the xctual physical' pi,,, rush upon the fortress's main air years, who was well known in N. policy is necessary to correct tpe Whittaker Chambers, toula Bu- scribed McCarthyism In J951 as two ^reai grandchildren and’ a hospital. Savannah, Ga. Mrs. chargee of passing documents to a was fatally injured when the auto- ^ LET US FILL YOUR le^ta are all' favorable to the atrip also was thrown back. Manchester, died Saturday night blunder that was made when it Despite '.he .atiffeat competition. denz and Elizabeth Bentley—tes­ "a hyaterical form of putrid md2Me in which he waa riding I He said it seems .obvious that niece. Mrs. Myles Dayger, Parish, Flaherty was .the former Janet Ugur# 57. They said MeCSsrthy read Russian friend. She was convicted, free world. ^ ’ Hold Key Pointa at-St. Franpla Hospital, djwas' announced that our defense in years,*the preaenUtion by Man­ tified in public that they knew of slander.” skidded on a curve and rammed a the Reds "are 'gamblihg on a au- N. Y ./ ''. Rankin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the script, but McCarthy later said aubveraion and- espionaga in nigh but a new trial waa granted and Churchill accepted in principle j prem* egprt to break the hinting .Bom in Italy, Mr. Boldl had' chester High Sohool's drama ahe was freed on the grounds that tTomorrow: The Tydlngs . Re­ utility pole. Bomsetter died shortly 1 The French said at noon the de-. been a resident, of East Hartford would be based primarily on ­ Samuel Rankin, 108 North Elm St. in a Senate speech that he did places. Laboritc calls for a high level i spirit” of French Upion troops be- fenders were still holding the key group, Sock and BJakin. of “T h i some of tha government’s wire-tap port.) after arrival at the W. W. Backus j tor 41 years. He was educated in ic retaliation,” Jackson said. Mr. Flaherty, who'is with the Air Dummy.” received the unanimous not. Soon after, the tape was Rays Reds In Wlilte Hnusa ineetiiig with Presidwt EiMnhower j^re the rainy season begins in points of entry. araaed for re-uae. evidence was inadmissible. , Hospital here. a and PremierTim*—si^e* MalenkovAiTalAf%Wn\r butKnt „e*Wm M May and the Geneva Far-East the public achoola of Windsor "Are we going U> puc all of our Force is a eon of Mrs. Ann vote of the three jtxlfea oa tha top- Miss Bentley had testi/ied a apy Eisler, identified by Budenz as ■ Another sailor, occupant of the 'Tile rebel troops thrown into the Locks and Hartford and had been ring led .right into* the White '•we murt see what happens" a U ^ ^ g r e n c e , opens April 2«. F u n e p u ls y defense eggs in that basket at Flaherty <)f Hemlock St,i and the ranking play in the Conaectlcut ‘ Frank Desmond, reporter for the one of the top Intarnationel Bomsetter car, Edward L. Kem, ,of! .'•w — --- « a Ciltc UUCllS AVI 11 AV. battle today apparently were un­ employed in the printing depart­ Intelligencer, at brat said he cov- House to Lauchlin Currie who had Com- the forthcoming Geneva Confer-1\ ..That scheme must be frus- der orders to keep the garrison oc'r the expense of building up conven­ late John Flaherty. Drama Featival, held a t New B rit­ munist officials in the U.S., had 3705 Lorraine Ave.. aevstand, - Called for aniiL delivered ence, set for April 26 to discuss set­ ment of the Travelers Insurance tional weapons, the kind that must ain State Teacher's Colisfa, April ered the McCarthy speech and been administrative/ assistant to refused to be sworn before the trated,” he declared firmly. Cupied while other besiegers, Co. for 32 yekrs. ' Presideht Roosevelt. OQrrie denied Ohio, suffered multiple la cera -, promptly at. ' no extra tlements in Korea and Indochina. Dulles reiterated what he for- strung out elsewhere around the xThomaa Moor be used to stop aggression short Mrs. Jam es Richmond, sponsoi-, 2 and 3, it aaa announced today. would stick by what he had writ- House un-American Activities Com­ tions in the. actldent. Hospital i •/ He leaves his wife, Mrs. Corrin-, The funeral, of Thornu.^ Moore, all under oath, charge. oval-ahaped plain, were fegroup- of atomic and hydrogen arms?" Mrs. Henry Matson, Mrs. Harold Plainvllie High School’s offering, I ten—205. mittee. Ha wee cited for contempt authorities said his condition was i ill to take' "Immediate initiative na Guazza Boldl; one daughter, Brown B rid ^ Rd.. Tolland, 'was Later, in a deposition taken In rae[even Communists ' had been Monday^that the possibility of all ing and moving up ammunlUbnU6 for New Policy Sees Effective Schustz, and Mr*. Robert Little of "Our Hearts Were Youhg and of Conifress, but before he could, be Special ExhlMHoM: Vot critical. I In calling a Big Three meeting. But Mrs. Francia Grant: one son Louis held yesterday 'xSftemooh kj 2 HSwever, Vice President Nixon Gay,” won aecond place, 'nieaa two a law suit brought by McCarthy put on trial - (n N*w Yoto. The na­ tried he smuggled himself out of Southeast Asia going Communist another general assault. Twp divi­ £ . Boldi, and three grandcliildren, XI Gamma Chapter of Manchester tion had beqh shocked b/th e cases „ Take Care—through April 25 In The second accident occurred PINI PHARMACY Churchill declared that with the must not . be passively accepted. sions. in the east and southeast, o'clock at the FMmeB Fun gal told a Detroit audience Saturday attended the ktate convention of plays will compete. In the New against Sen. William ^ n to n , Des-' the country. He turned up in East Avery Court and Print Rooms. Geneva meeting coming up "there ail of East Hartford, and a Sister Home, wltli the Rev. John E. Poit, of Klaus fhchs, Judith/ Copton, shortly after 1 a.m. Sunday when ' This possibility must be met, he continued to slacken Ihcir lines, night he believes the new military BeU Slgm?. Phi Sorority Saturday England Drama Festival to be held mond testitled. that since he had Germany aa a top Communist of-; j,m ea (Goodwin McManus, Spe- a car "driven by Ernest Paradis, 21, pA LL MI-9. 98H could hardly be a more ill chosen and four brothers in Italy. minl-ster of th'e North MethodUP i , an advance copy of the speech he William Remington, Gerhart Eis- said, "b y a unity of will and, if withdrawing several • "hundred policy haa “reduced to a minimum” at the Country Oub, Wllllmantlc. April 23 and 24 in Sanford, MalAe. **c*al. - . I cial Exhibition Gallery. of Merchanta ' Ave.. Taftville, moment for a meeting of the heads Funeral ser\'lces will be held to­ Church, officiating. Ek-rlal w-at In hadn't followed the words closely- ler. need be. unity of action.” yards from the barbed wire barri­ toe chance that Red China will "The Du nmy,” baaed on Elmer In the background along with all Speclal Events plowed into a car. which had skid­ of states and governments.'’ morrow mqming at 8:15 at the the Grove Hill Cemetery, Rock­ Harris' well-known play, "Johnny and couldn't be sure what Mc­ McCarthy had haul liothlnk to do this, too, were the activUlea of the 'nie Secretary made it clear he cades. D'Esopo Funeral Chapel, 23.5 solid troops Into th e ' Indochina Tuesday, April 6 at 12:30—Re ded and overturned at the inter-. Hedeclared: was not laying ddwn just his French aquadrnns roared over ville. \ Wai*., Sunset Council. No. 45. Degree Belinda,” I* the moving story of a Carthy actually aaid. *i»h I Loyalty ’Review Boards set up by “I also believe we -have time, Wethersfield Ave„ followed' by a Bearers were Walter H. Smitl)f of. Pocahontas, will hold a kitchen "\ corded music: Smetana’s "My I section of Routes 32 and 207 in SPRING BME view-point by saylngr "'phat is the the masses of rebel troops through­ Hs said that by the threat of deaf-mute and the change wrought ftorasmined in Hills president Truman to weed out Com- (Country—The Mtildau.” though not too much time, to con­ .solemn requiem Mass in St. An­ Wjlliam C o U'vt t n e y , Robert social tonight at 8 o'clock at the which climaxed the storlei munists and fellow travelers [ nearby Franklin. ^ judgment of this administration, out the night and early today, thony’s Church at 8 o'clock. BUrial "massiVk, retaliation" against ag- In her Mfe through a young doc­ McCarthy has written In his highly placed Communist linkiis\ oe- SPECIAUm IN sider the problems which how con­ and I feel confident'that that view Kraetschma(v9nd Elmer M. Thrall. grdsaqrs "we may avoid any war home of Mrs. Katherine Rutgers. tor's belief in her intelligence. Ex­ It waa into these winds of public Tuesday, April 6 at 8:00—Movie Investigating State Police Officer IS CLEAN-UP TIME front us and the whole world, and plastering them with l.OOO-poimd will "bt In St. Mary's Cemetery, i book, "McCarthjriam, the Fight tor fore McCarthy moved into; The "A Futuro for the P a st" in the John'Fresah of the Colchester B ar­ is shared by the Con|^esa-”' . at a ll." 'A ^ . hs addsd that exis­ 38 Garden St. Members attending pert use of aign language high­ America,” that before he began opinion, stirred by events in 'which M k them ovdlr in their new propor­ bombs and frtah barrages of fire East Hartford. i are asked to bring grocery prizes. Red*huntlng scene. Morgan Lecture Room. Film pre­ racks said a car driven by Henry General cleaning of cel Dulles gave notice Orngress will iss Annie Florenee • tence flif-/tIie/M-bomb "may In it­ lighted the unusual story. his attack on What he called the he bad played -no part, that Mc­ tions." bombA ' Fjuieral services for Miss Annie Hiss had held Important iw l* pared by the Brooklyn Museum de­ Cknitu, 21. of 7 C St., Taftyilie, went lark and attics. Also rubbish Front End- Frame 5li|nmeNl be asked to authoriM as much There was no mention of any self prove to ba.,the greatest force Members of the cast wers in­ "Commimlst conspiracy,” he'weiit Carthy cast hla flgurea. Were there Churchill mentioned only what he .Anderson MrBride Florence of Vernon were held Sal- tions in th e ^ ta te ’ Dept., and juiJu it 206 Oommunlsta in the State Dept., scribing the examination and out of control On a curve, struck a military and economic assistance, attacks by the,. Communist-I(;d le- for peace in World^istory’^ by con­ Douglas Pierce, business mana­ structed in the use of sign lan­ off into the Arizona hills to do 19 days before McCarthy made hlii h and ashes removed. called public and private discussion for Indochina as It did during the Anderson Shepherd McBride, 50, rday niornihg at 8:15 from the guage by a teacher from the Or 57 or even one? (Toujd McCarthy treatment of paintings. Special Ex. pole and swerved back qn the high­ "with our friends and allies." '"gions in other areas around the an employe of the Southern vincing Ruasia' tb it war would be ger of the Board of Education, an­ some soul searching and think­ Wheeling apeech -Hiss had been')een\ Take Care" will be open froili Prompt. Dependable and Wheel Jalancint last fiscal year when the. United W. P. Qulsh Funeral Home, fol­ American School for the Deaf at produce evidence to cbnvict any? way where it overturned. , beleaguered plain. ' England Telephone Ccr., died "national suicide.”' nounced today the appointment of ing. convicted on two counts of per­ 7;30-9;30 p.m. Occupadnts of the Coutu car'.-Tneo- ^ Opening the H-bomb debate a States gave more than $1,200,000,- lowed by a aolemn requiem Maas "Already the existence oP thla Peter Stevenson. 122 Walnut St. West Hartford; Mary Joe Powell, From these seeds of doubt came Service FM atloal AasMilts denly Saturday of a^ heart-’attack He wrote that he-concluded it jury. dore Cormier, 21, and Robert few minutes earlier, Attlee Warned 000 for this purpose. In St. Bernard’s ClMirch, Rockville, (massive retaliation) policy naa aa custodian of the Lincoln School. who played Belinda 4n thr produc­ did no go6d to attack ^ Commu­ tha political terce now known aa Wednesday, April 7 at 12:30--:-' that the building up of weapons of In the northwest it w-ss close At his nome on Riverddte Road, at 9 o'clock. The Rev. James Le- He had been sentenced to 8 Movie "A Failure for the P ast" In Dugas, 21. both of Taftville. were | Reasonable Rates To Ask Aid for Spain reduced to a minimum the chance 'Mr- Stevenson haa been employed tion, became so prbAcient In elgn nism In general; that the attacks years' imprisonment but, main­ kcOarthyiam.” CALL BRUW MI mitw destruction threatens all In his prepared statement Dulles eombat\with Frsnch Union Infm - 'Thompsonville. claire was the celebrant, the Rev. ^ eC aiH iy Defiae* Mc4?arth.vUm the Morgan Lecture Room. thrown out before the Paradis car : ^*-5295 that the Chlneee CommunMa will een In ilyn Rogers as her siunt, and Jack \ little (joed to argue about chang- not commenting on the legal aa- poatfbility that a "fainatic” might. $. It ia important to set aside 8S completely wrecking it before th« phone rompany. He was president Martin A: Lcban. Frank 8. Hllle effect at the time they entered the Venerable: Mrs. Emma GenoVesi; aaaistant Venerable. Mrs. Carmelk . Loeffler aa a neighbor. Hazel ■ -iitg tvhat he called "our suicidal Iiects of the cas*. He referred try to kill off the world. million dollars for, India even French drove theip out. of the Employes' Credit Union and and Ru.ssell H. Hills. Korean War it is extremely un­ Christiana, David Saslela, and foreign policy .so long as th^ men questioners to a' biblical passage Attlee' moved the Laborite mo­ though its government followa a The------frequency, ------, Pf the attacks bybj a member of the State Executive likely that they would ever have Aloisio;. Ananclal secretary, Mia* Irma E>toimofol)t,v H. would act as a narrator when^the vised him to tsik on Communists Hiss, a Harvitrd aw graduate, pressed opinion that the hydrogen “It's merely a slackening of fen.-!es in in'town ' town increased from 65 bomb may deter war. He said thpekt. But a U.S.-Japanese mutual their line, probably for regroup­ Burial will be in the Eniield Street Ave men crossed into the Red sec­ Luettgi-ns, properly a t. Harvard play Is given there. The narrator in government went to wurk ih/ Washington in doss not believe the weapon "by curity agreement ai^ed March 8 Cemetery,' Thompsonville. Friends to 71 for March over February tor of the neutral zone Saturday and Princeton St.s. will fulfill ’ a dramatic function 'Then Love, a member of Con­ 1933 and in- the State Dept. In ' j / . ing. The battle, is far from over,'-' while arrests for other types Of Itself will prevent wars.” contemplatea expandii^ Japaneae the spokesman added. may call at the .funeral home to-' night near Panmunjom and Ared Mary A. Manning to Frcdcri(1$ similar, to that of the narrator in ■ gress in 19p7-*48, added: ",He 1936.' He rose steadily and nerved "There is a danger that nebple 'defense forces with American mili­ day from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9 offenses jumped from 10 to 35, a R. Manning, property at 230 Thornton Wilder's “Our Town.” He a X didn’t know what speech he was aa executive secretary of the Dum­ N9ariy hajj^of today*$ can a n hting Today was the' sixth day of report by Police Chief Herman O. on Red guards. may change making wa^^ the tary aid. This is "a cost which will p.iifi. ’The armistice agreement per- Hackmatack St, W;ouId / speak in sign language, , \ ■ going to make when he arrived barton Oaks Conference, . which steady attack by the fanatic, Schendel. indicates. aftd when he left he didn't realize laid the foundation for the United belief it vdll not be used and the have compensating benefita. __ screaming legions of Moscow- mita Ijoth aides to police their Philip Parks Stanley and Ruth hdwever. SPECIAL Power and Miloago-^and no cinglo threat of its use is^very danger- Terrence Murphy The increase in non-MV offenses halves of the zone, which is about H. Stanley to Philip Lec.s and Besides Maincheater and Plain­ the impact of hla. speech—at least Nations. He was Secretary-Gen­ trained Ho Chi Minh in a renew­ came in breach of the peace ar­ eral of the 1945 Pan Francisco A.ttlee decigrbd. " . . . I f the Terrence Murphy, 427 Highland 2\i miles wide. (?arol B. Lees, property on Crest- ville, other schools competing isqriy Impression." al of the infantry assaults Arst rests which climbed from 2 to 12, It tha' speech, whatever the Conference at whibh the United chomical addod la gatolina can n Is at stake/ launched at the fortress March St., died suddenly Saturday night. There have been prevloua minor wood Dr. tVere New London, Stratford, • % .... Put Grassfire assault, which Increased from 1 to Florence J. Downing to Arthur Greenwich, Thoma.ston. Nathan es, held, been made. People Nations charter was drafted, a any weapon^wtll, be used.” 13, then broken off three days Bom in Ireland, he came to this incidents in the zone but this Is the He aakie#who could doubt that 7. willful damage to private prop­ first reported instance where Al­ Fallon and Mcrtha M. Fallon, Hale-Ray of Moodus, ai>d East ed an ear In McCarthy’s dl member of the small group of ad- provnt thof loiiot, i t ^ later. country at an' early age luid was vi.sers and aides who accompanied . Hitler /^uld have used such a On Grogs HigI iway employed at Case Bros, Ipaper mill erty, a category in which six ar­ lied personnel were killed. . prqperty on Sterling Place. Hartford. SrectlOn. / . , Authoritative French sources rests were made last month as Ground* for-.Concfrn President Roosevelt t> the Yalta I the H-bomb in his last estimated the Vietmlnh had lost until his letlrement 26f years ago. .. American officers said sir five I-e«ae only a compound o f all tho noodod ate days, and added; compared with none for February. Allied men in the skirmish were The nation had grpundi for con­ Conference. Firemen from the Manchester, 21.000 killed and wounded—and He leaves one brother. Thomas Mary E. Lewis 16 General-Cigar HI.SS . was I'onvicted of lying here is no guarantee that in While arrests for reckless driv­ South Koreans. Co., Inc.. 25 acres of tobacco land cern abhe threat additivos eopibinod with top octano / may not arise to power a fanatic pepartmenta battled a Stubborn —In 'the three weeks of often speeding sirrests - from 24 to 5, Korean they captured. of Crtmmtmlsm from withojit and documents to Chambers arid . nf hand-to-hand Aghting, constant Wednesday morning at % o’clock tobacco at Windsor and Eurn.iam lying when he said he had had no who hated the human ra.ee or be- /¥krass I • . . and — brush--- . Are along the a t the W. P. Qulsh Funeral Home, rules of the road cases jumped Peiping Radio broadcast the St., two years .-it $3,500 a year Hurt ill Collision within aeerhingly had growm al­ Ueywl that all civilization might Wilbur, Cross Highway near the artillery duels and massive round- froqj 18 to 27. story first and the U.N. Command contacts with Chambers after Jan. eanprovonttuchwastol the-clock bombing and straAng and at 9:30. In St. Jam es'\Church. with tW'o one-ycur optioni: for re­ most daily. destroyed.” Vernon town line Saturday after­ TT>e number of sccidents re­ confirmed it. . Relations t^th Russia, a wSr 1, 1937. from the Aghters and bombers the Burial will be in St. Jamea'^\Geme- newal. Brooklyn, April 5 f/Pi—A 'tw o- Pumpkin Paper* Attlee said the H-bomb, a.s noon. Several acres of land tery, mained virtually unchanged with The Reds said the five South car Vollialon here today sent two ally, had deteriorated steadily. ahown by American, testa in the burned. ' United States is supplying the 31 in February and 33 in March Koreans opened fire after refusing Trade NameOertlAcule To save Berlin from a Com 'I I wa.i dui ng the Hiss trials French. Friends may call at the funeral _ . , . . . Sanuiel Apter doing bu.iine.ss aa men and their wives to the Wind- NOW, MOBIL POW|B Pacific, could'"devastate the area Fire Chief John Merz said atate home from this evening until th e ! Parking violations increased by to answer a challenge. munist blockade toe United States that Chambers produced his Cofeo, a fountain supply company. ham Memorial Hospital at Willi- famou)K“rumpkin Papers". These of London and equally Moscow, police noiified the department that hqur of the funeral. 147 to 713, the report shows. ’They said Cqmmuniat police an­ mSntic. ,/ had reaorted to A tremendously Paris. Sydney or any other of the ■ Marriage License were, niibrqfilms he had concealed the blaze was threatening several swered the fire aiid three members Ho.spitalized were- Mr. and Mra. sxpqnaiev air lift C O M P O b N D / ^ world’s great cities.’' barns in the area. Other Are de­ of the Allied group fled back to Donald Binning Caldwell. 11 ■ The United States, had poured in pumpkins on hia Mar.viand /. • $1.50 Pound Coffee Mrs. Florence E. Lum August Baur of Bethlehem, Pa., farm, "niey involved State Dept, "It is capable of being increased partments were called for assist­ M ra H. B. EleWoIf. 46. Phelps the south side of the zone. Richard Rd.-and Janet Lynn Iver- out billions of Uollsrli in foreign In size.” he added. Orchards Survive and Mr.,and. Mrs. Russell Andrews docuniehts, some of which were ance. Every piece of apparatus be^ Rd., Haa returned from Saranac The Reds Said the sound of the sen, 64 Thomas Dr,, April 10, of South Coventry. A hospital aid to prevent the economic chaos An oxclutivo dovolopmord of ^ Attlee expressed , regret over Predicted in Stores firing could easily be-heard at the Identified xi being, in Hlaa' hand- longing to the MFD was rushed to l.ake, N. Y.xwhere she was called South Methodi.st Church.' spokesman said Bauer, 54. bad a on which Communism tVlves "these innocent Japanese fisher­ Freezing Weather Armistice Commission headquar­ Building Permits I t had serit' one of its heat gen- writipg. the scene and the SMFD stood by by the illnen and death of her fractured pelvis while his wife, But if th*'-Miss trial and con­ Sacony-Vacuuin lahordiorioi bringc ^ men” Injured by . adiogetive after- (Contlnned from Page One) ters near Partmunjorn. To American Horne Improvement srsla to Greece to prevent Com­ affects of the American H-bomb to cover ihe-cntire town while the mother, Mrs. Florence t»uih,'which G eo^itte. 50. had nrimerous cuts viction shocked the nation, the Are was being fought. for Charles P. Kasevich for munist seizure of that country. blast of March 1. . occurred at the home of another Recent Shilling ' temperatures As co-iipared with 1939, the CoTp. and bnilaea as had Mrs. Andrews, arrest of Klaus Fuchs IH England A car Ar< was put out with lit­ wholesales at above When alterations and additions to dil'ell- 21. Andrews, 28, had a fractured The Communist had .succeeded amiazing powor-tOying cfnd miloaga^ \ "But they will not have suffered daughter, t Mrs. Dustin Furnia, have done'little or ho damage to average Americant in 1953 ate Feb. 3. 1956-Vsix days before Mc­ tle damage.’resulting at 193 Lydall you figure, in the relitMler's mark- fnilt whoae buds 'are now b a n ­ ing at 317 N. Main St., $2,195. left leg. , in taking/oyer China. One result vain If that can bring home to Saranac Lake, N. Y.. after a short 1,250 per cent more frpzer Vege­ was bitter attacks' on U. S. for- Carthy i^ke-i^'rocked it. FuChs. St. shortly after noon Saturday. up, that meant tljfb coffee. illness. Mrs. Lum. W-idow of Leon-* ning to bloom, ohe prominent To American Home Improvement ■ The collialoh, occurred near the saving bonofits Ipr ovory matorisU/ bple the great extent of the dan- " I f we "were pricing our coffee tables, 900 pqr cen t' more baby Corp. for Alexander Kasevich for Icy in the Far East, an atomic - scientist, war charged, 'g ers," he declared. Grass Ares were extinguished’ at ard Lum, who died in 1934, lived orchardman reported today. Hamptbn town line and both ve­ today on replacement costs.” says foods, 738 per cent more frozeq^ alterations and additiohs to a dwell­ oms, three Americans who (and later convicted) of passing Both Churchill and his Laborite 198 Hilliard St. and In Buckland for 12,yqafs with Mra I^W’olf and Joseph Pero, proprietor of Pero hicles w-»re damaged extensively. atomic sec.-ets to the Russians. He another, "We would be getting fruit and fruit juices, 218 per cent ing at 43 Dover Rd.. $1,545. State Policemen Robert. Plitt hey had joined, then aban- critics already are on record in yesterday by the MFD and a was lufown to a number of local Orchai^s in. South .Windsor, added, more canned fruit juices. '80 per RBLiivis p Ri . io n It iOn pmo $1.35-1.37 wholesale.” however,, that frifid weather .in To Francis Creamer for altera: and Joseph Hart of the Danielson favor of a.^ face-to-face meeting of grass Are at Henry and Main Sts. peqi rent more canned soup and 71 pec Greeq coffee today Is selling February killed off about 60, per tions and additions to a dw-elling at Barracks, investigated »but an­ the big power go.vernmeiit'heads, was arrested about 8:45 this orn in Parish. N. ,Y . In 1867,' cent more ice cream. . -Pre-fiii|l8 of the combustion mixture is a-ma. le e o l morning. above 90 cents_^a^und , WMth mUVshe was one of six children born cent of his -crop. 261 Spring S t:,.$200. nounced no arrest. .... ~ rh e Only G asd in e Double Powered with' talks which Sir Winston him.self power w Bste’add damage to engine Piurta. M Poww first proposed. 11 -months ago.. The South Manchester Fire De­ types at around 98 cents. RoarterX to Benjamin and-Sarah A. * tvhu.iVhlt He said recent cold weatoer, X „ Recently, however, Churchill has partment was called out Ave times say they Are able.to sell at present nfy West. Her maternal grand­ which 'dropped temperatures to as Compound’s amazing chem^icalMditii^K 125, queDi pricea-only because they are/iver-: appeared to be in some doubt that for grass and brush Ares between parents, Foy and Sarah Lewis low aa 14 degrees, produce-1 only and controls glowing and fiery particl^ which are the present international atmos­ Saturdav afternoon and press time s.ging the lower costa of qorfee on Whitney as bride and bridegroom traces of.damage to hta peach and phere is right for such a meeting. toda.y. T h ey Were on Lakewood hand with what they l(a\'e to pay apple crops. responsible for this common pie^gnition/tri^ableb ' . The United States/ Britain and Circle, 'lacicmatack Streetycorner for new purch|ise8. ^ Prance on Saturday proposed an of E. Center and Lenox TStreets. Behind the/steady price rise is •arly meeting of the U.N. Dis­ Center Street and Rosemary a shortage of coffee in producing a m " CORRECTS SPARK MlSFIRlNO ' armament Commission, which Place and Thomas Drive. areas. One 'roaster, commented to­ Build this 12 ft. sailboat from MOBIL deals with control's of arms includ- day that Respite the fact that cof­ due to injurious combustion deposits. Mobil Power CoQ. Ing the atomic and hydrogen fee importers are buying lesa the pound gives new positive c o n ^ l of^such deposits *• bomba Washington observers said price keeps rising; indicating "a the proposal was timed to .take seriously short supply." Easi-Bild Pattern& It’s fun! ^ “takefi the wraps off” your spark. It acta to incieasa ' some of the sting, out of the Labor- Roasters say that because of engine power — increase the effective life of spark phjfi ahrink.age..it takes 1 U pounds of Ita attack in today's debate. up to three times. ^ X green coffee to make a- pound of > r -... roasted. ■Q—-Is there a .Semiljic race? "Roasted coffee" today costs us COMPOUNO Dulleg Holds Reds A—No. Sem ites-are those who- $1.18 -a 'pound at the end of the a m " CONTROLS STALLING OF INOINf spesk Semitic, languages. The an­ -roasting machine, w.Hbout cans, most powerful combination of ohemicdl additives ever due to icing of (»rburetor. No other gasoliiM offers yoo , Abnost Ajvgreggor cient Hebrews, Assyi'ians, Phoeni­ factory labor; de.llyei^ and sales Ypu need not be j t ship builder nor a cians and, (S|rtiiaginlans, .were expenses an d ’other costs," a", cof-- the 'protection of' clymonate, unique -de-iennf additive master craftsman either to construct Semites. 'The Arabs and "some fee man declared. developed by Socony-Vacuum and covered by patent (CoBttnned from Page Onep Ethiopians 'are ■ modem ’ Sefhitic- One recent survey show-ed sales this 12 foot sailboat. All you do is fsiot into ohy dosoline tb]cori«ct:e fro^les... speaking peoples. of regular coffee off 15-20 pdr f follow simple £asi-Bild Patterns and applications. «pt to produce action which might cent. Instant coffee, said to^ be in no time at all you've a fine boat not be confined to Indochina. Q—Which Was the first of the more economical, showed a slight' ready to .sail at lake or .shore. This is •TSchnically Ursy have not done 13 pi’iginal colonies to declare its rise in volume. ■O" COMBATS GUM INSIDE INGIM one of over 175 Eia.si-Bild Patterns we precisely the thing I defined. 'Independence from >»>eat B rit­ ain? • - have here at McKinney’s for making which causes parts to stick, wear faster, waste "They're coming awful close to A—New Hampshire, January, Still another Mobil Power Compound additive,: I t " 1776. School Plan Asks everything from toys to tourist DuUea-earlier had said the Chi­ cabins! 200, reduces engine-formed gum — cuts waste of fud nese Communists are "not open­ Q—Is the bite of a tarantula, a Class Year Round that’s dribbled sway whe'n automatic chokes and .other ly, blatantly committing new ag- type of spider, always fatal ? ' grekaion" in .Indochina "bub they to p o m iiE payts stick. T . I A-Z-NO;' •re only aaylng themeelves from (Coatianed from Page Om ) that charge/by technicalities." He Q—Did-Beetlidven compose .any Give Your Little Spaee-Men for greatest Icnodc^free p o w e rs called the things they are doing operas? that the state.- law requires only COMBINID-WITH TOP OCTANI- "rather ominous." , . A —Only one, Fldelio. 180 days of schooling each year ' < *nie Secretary ' added that the and Wjndsor now has adequate A Warmer Planet! BuUd an IIH foot,util­ of the world's most advanced refining Mobil Pbwor Compound croetos an ontitoly • -7i ■ Chinese Coiiimunists' "claim they ,Q—What ■ is unique' about the facilities for 3.000, children. With .. are not aggressora because Ho ity boat you -can row;- Chicago River? this proposal, Ball, says the num­ Chills Jiring Ills sQii even the sturdiest' little Bupemun can't stay or power with an otit- now kind of gasolino-^ , Chii_ Miiih'(the Moscow trained A—Engineers have reversed the ber could be . increased to 4,000 healthy In a damp, drafty house. ' . j . rebel leader) is. a patriot seeking board motor. Pattern : developments! river, thus making It the only with no increase'in plant, teachers We sen oil, oh a contra^ basis, that assures you ..of continuing No. 85, $1.00. , Now, Mobilgqs SPECIAL Poublo Poworod independence from the French” river in the world which' flows or custodial help. ,-f ■— and they are neipinii him. nutomatlc deliveries of Bsntly fuel oil WHEN you need It. away from Its mouth. Aa to vacations, he says that Teamed with our easy on-the-budget divided payment pIais~you "They said the samq thing re-': 1,000 pupils could have their va­ *laboratery\centr6n*d tetls in pouangw cor •ngines, ihewsd,. .Z .fhat ineroasos ongino powor up to 25% I .rgarding Korea,” he'commented. CAN’T MISS! Q---riow' accurate are lie d€» cations altomating each quarter. 'Increoiek inlefiglae pewer'output/Up to 25% whsn using Nsw/.i * . buUea named the Chinese, genr tectlng testa ? ' ' He also says that children reach­ Call MI-9~t!S95 for details on the finest .fuel aervice. this aide of " eniT at Vietminb headquarters ss toe atraiosphare. Mobilgot SPfCIAl ot cemporsdto cobvsntional promiuin gotolin*. A—'They are right only about ing the age of five .could ' atM:t SOCONY^^ lor Ctaen-Hou. a ' . ■ 76 te.86 per cent of Uie time-.-"- school the next succeeding quar­ On tlie question of the Free ter and that the' summer -recrea- ^ JCT DELIVERY r ^ World atake In Indochina. Dulles Q—What La'Un-American-coun­ tionhi problem would be lessened. Mid, "The governments of France tries were once empires? . He pointa out that'the proposed DOWN-TO-EARTH RRIQES " and of the Aasociated States ought A—Braxil, Mexico >nd HaltL current budget is $775,000 for edu­ H Vw • TO. b 0 . IT C I H T k R not to foal they stand apart in aii cation and under hia plan ’Windsor WATCH FOR IT hour of aupreme trial.” Q—Was' Chief, Justice’ Tsnej) would '’.save this amount iit th'ree ^ Pnilsn Foreign )Md once Secretary of the Treasury? yer.rs, and in six years 'would save, D^loa expressed ^ ia view in a A—^President Jackson appointed enough „ to build, two new schools. Ikr-iwigiiigIng aUUpiihtotatepiMt in which ha -faim to that office but the Senate In closing he said there-is no lum ber At All Mobilgos urgad tha House Foreign Affairs, refused to confirm his appointed!longer a histprlcal aignlflcaiica Oaosnoittee to approve tba Elsen mem that children it gfven a vacation * S U 9 RvW y C O - • 0 LTO N, N 0 TC H ttoprar Adiotoiatration'a 'requett to in the summer to work,In the I- )k«ap a foraign aid prograin aHv^ Q.—^Who Arst .suggested a gardens. , 331 MAIN SLAEET . MANCHESTER-. CONN D eo ler$ Noxt Weok I I cut dounp. Mother's Day I, hi the-v^United "We noW get "our supply* out of TELEPHO n I 9 - 4 5 * 5 waa aimed at a kudget- B u tt s ? packages og fmsaa" foods,” Ball OPEN ' A U DAY SATURDAYS^^. EASYy PARKING - ON * ROUTE 44A ■ito. t i I II ^ ■ s I II .11 »eiu i.4(ta.iiM ' r .1 -J ' Iiii ...... i ll I $ ■ i ■ (■;■

F E T M i .-7’ •-nT’-

f ■ / v '

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1954 ' PAGE ELEVEN ------^— * 7 ' ^ FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE land, rules of road, fined 512; .Ray­ Rockville-Vernon' mond Hanna, 56, 22 Tyler. Circle, Mark (golden Anniversary G o to T eg|im oi|lal / N. Mahcheater, violation city parking Sense and Nonsense ordinance,, bond 55. forfeited; For Lodge ^ fic e r .An6W*r to Praviout Punit Angelo ’Angelonl, 34, Hartford, \ AniRial Fair m oLijnluiu Flks to Install New Ruler violation city parking ordinance, .rida. rairjniui|ucs -Eureka! yourself.” The inebriated one bond 55, forfeited; Charles J. > Mr, and Mr^ R ^ e rt Genovesi, nciaacjulaQ Now up and down a waiting na­ banged the receiver down, and ^f(£Cjieet(we I,uce, 17, 604 East Middle Turn­ Mr. and Mrs. OMmo Alois’ , Mr. ACROSS 3Step tstjuiRM aacjai bellowed to the world at large, At Ceremony on Thursday 3 Animals with QQiSijiiiLjaaiK tion, , pike, Mancheeter, defective, brakes, and Mrs. Anthony Demaio, Miss - jK 1 Mdnkey C:JC3eiDIE3HatZ]|3 To mothers worn out front va­ "Tl’is phone has so echo!” illegal parking, fined 524; Paul <5 4 Kins of beastf trunks UQEaaiEiEi cation. Lavitt, 55, East 'Loiigmeadow, Clara Octmolio and Mr. Deluca of 5AT 4Hou'sfhpld ' Rockvililha ApApril 6 (Special)-T-A--^ie League baseball thii summer. thia town .attended the testimonial SYouns cow csoLsaciii Of all glad words of tongue or Bud Coilyer asked a woman pas.sing stop sign,-bond 56, for­ 12 "My - — Sal” g o ds'\ CHjaauM Daaaa y dletinctiveve Stall^te-'Police flavof will at the Superior Coiirt room to­ feited. • dinnor Saturday evening in New 5 FVoren \ udwaraaM iuacsa pen contestant On -Break the. Bank to night,, from 7 to 9 p.m. and also Haven, honorir^ J(^n OttAviano Christian Science 13 Measure of prevail at tlje installation cere Geoi/e L. Pomerleau, 32, San desserts \ cjM HaiaaRiHcjuu The gladest are these, ’’School's complete the quotation: ’’Early Thui’sday at the same time. of that city, w-ho w-as .< recently land □ □ □ u c a a In again!” to bed. early to ri.»e-makes a man monies planned by the lo<:al lodge Diego, Calif., speeding, bond 518, 6 Prayer . 'AH boys 8-years-pld'before Aug. forfeited; Virginia A.-I^nahue, 28, elected supreme orator of the Sons 14 Wins>ahaped 7 Seine. \ □□□[^InaaLT ‘ • —Louise Darcy healthy, wealthy and —” of Elks Thurscwy at the Elks of Italy In Americq at the national ^ entitled 15 High card □ciaQ lciQ aa "A father,” she answered with­ 'vho will not celebrate their Marblehead, Mass., speeding, 515, 16 Repeat 8 Minds Home at B p. m. " V / 113th birthday before that date forfeited; Charles V. O'Dcmnell, ednventibn in Tamp-.*, Fla. He was 9 Woeful cry ^'W hel 40 Humped Our queer way at saying things: out hesitating. formerly jjrand venerable of the “Christian Scionca and tho 18 Subduo —Contributed "by Rclh K. Morton Roy B.' Paige, exalted ruler-j are eligible to register. Officials 28, Dudley, Mass., speeding, bond 10 Tardy 26 Just oft" " animal We say: "Dr. So-and-So will fill elecL a State Trooper at th e ' ask that at least one parent ac- |18, forfefled. State of Connecticut. Torch of Spiritual Understondinq” 30 Placed again the pulpit of the ; So-and-So Governor John Liodge, who is a 21 Owns 11 Worry boHom, as an 41 Bravery Hertford Barracks will be Install-; company the boys when they reg- Dominic A. Pletrotes, 30, Bris­ 17 Printing anchor 42 Grant Church”— (Did you ever see one Tlie bigger the Summer vaca­ •d in his new post by p o th er; ister. tol, speeding, continued until next member of the ordjer, w-as one of LECTURER: Mafy C. Holloway, C. S;, • 32 Rowing that did? A pulpit is a big tion, the harder the ■Vail. the speakers at the dinner which implementa mistakes 27 Customers 43 Astringent Slate Trooper, Sgt. John A^Ya-| Boys must register even if they MondayF John C. Caselli, 45, 24 of Shreveport, Louisiana " 19 Badgerlike 28 Small isHinds 44 Italian painter thing!) skulka of the Stafford Barraciu. played last year and no boy will Grove St., passing stop sign, -was held at the Towne House. New 24 Informal talk We say: "The late Mr. So=and- A reporter was told to cut his Haven. Sponsored by the Gra,'d Member of the Board of Iws'tareohip'ef The Mother ChnriJi 26Mrt. animal 29 Flat fishe*\ 48 Grade The latter, a pact exalted niler,; j,e allowed, to take part In try- operating with license suspended, 33 Fragrant 31 Staid \ 47 MeUlIic rocks 8o." (Late for what?) stories to bare essentials. Hia fined 5106, 540 remitted; Council and New Haven IcxlgeS. The Flrat Church of Christ, Scleatlst, In Boston, MasaachOaetta Roosevelt’s ''^"1 * ataff In cjiarge of the ■ unless he registers on one about 450 attended the affair. . seed , 33 Caper \48 Rodents next story read: installation. these two dates, registrations John F. Deitz, 58, Tolland, sale first na'mt . A certain storekeeper reported "Q., Johnstone looked up the Supper will be served at 6;30 PLACE: Center ConKrenationaLChurch 27 Vehicle 24 Fellow 38 Cooking vessel 50 Short sleep ill not be accepted at the field, of alcoholic liquor to a minor Con­ Center Street, Mancheater. Connecticut a fire in hia establishment the elevator shaft to see If the car p. m. to be followed by the instal­ t is expected that the first tinued i-ntil April 12; Francis E. 30 Truthful very day he signed s new fire In­ was coming down. It was. Age lation. After the ceremonies, the 32 What Romans 1 i P- r " 1 1 r * r " 1 1 practice session will be held on Hopowic'z, 19, 20 High Street, city, TIME: Tuesday Eveninn, April 6. 1954 at 8:15 r surance policy. The company 52.” exalted , ruler will ■ announce his Sunday at Henry Park. purchase of alcoholic liquor by a call their suspected fraud, but had no proof. major committee appointments for country V 11 B • The next meeting of the Little minor, fined 525; Lawrence P, First Church of Christ, Scientiat, Manchester ’The only thing the manager could A loony was sitting in his cell, the present year. League V id a ls will be held Mon­ Doherty, 19, Ellington, intoxica­ 34 Oeer’a horn do was to write the policy-holder playing solitaire. Another nut Music Program Hlated EMERGENCY ■ Welcomes You '35 Mental health i 4 5“ day even! tion, continued until next week for \ the following note: was watching. At last, the The Maaonic/'Craftsmen Octet further investigation; 36 Kootlike part ■V ’“Sir! You took out an Insiir- watcher spoke up. of West Hartford w.ill present a I.,engvl^ PTA to Meet OIL lURNER . ni4t,HUkri,itai_n f S K iw 37 Embankment r 15 The meeting of the' Longview Robert A. Joseph, 17, New Bri­ i tnce„ policy from us at 10 a.m. First—Walt Just a minute! I musical program at Union Con­ tain, voluntary surrender of license SERVICE 39 Hardy heroine li a and your fire did not break out Just' saw you cheating yoiireelf. gregational Church Sunday eve­ Parent TeacheiNAaan. will be held And put in « bumbUb**— «ht jilted me!” 40 Sleeveless tonight at the sch^l at 8 o'.elock. a week ago. nolled. . 4 - S - 5 4 - until 3:30 p.m. Will you kindly Second fwhi.spering) — Shh? ning. at 7;30. The Rev. -Henry Charles \V. SuUderland, 38, Nas­ garment n t r P IT explain the delay?” Don’t tell anybody, but I’ve been Peck, pastor of the Windsor Following the b u ^eas aeaaion a [ALL ■41 French wine' film will be ahown entitled "Con­ sau. N. Y., passing stop sign, bond, 1 cheating myself at aolltaire for Locks. Congregational Church will 56, forfeited; Pauline Archacki, 23, OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE '42 Jewelers’ iA ft P years. preach the sermon. necticut, Land of Stekdy Habita.” weight Th« m an' who i^akes his own West Rd., lascivious carriage and M l;^5 4 8 MEMORY LRHEJ Members of the men's Union vegetablee g ^ h bed usually has to lie First You don’t say! Don’t To Attend Ordlnwon Joseph Cup, 38, 37 Union St., Hart­ 45 Farm machine H V you ever'catch yourself? j will assist the pastor in the wor­ Several persons from this city WILLIAMS \ I’M A BETTER FRIENP THAM rrfi ALMOST TOO 6 0 0 0 / 40 Basie i about Tt. Second- - No. I'm too clever. ship service. » . are planning (6 attend thewdlna- ford, lascivious carriage continued K S for two weeks. • ■ ■ S) ■ '«JU ARE.’ "lOU HAVE ’EM 0 UT m swiMaMS Twe 51 Age a Ai)oth^, tipsy gent dropped a Community Supper / tion of the Rey. Adolph Jcihnaon, OIL SERVkE ^ TAtOM’ CIVILIZATION TOO ;R/M0TC IHE MAC«fi OfiAtER OM THAT *500 S3t.OW sand hill P A community pot-luck supper will at the GracB Episcopal- Church, literallV- thev can NblSE.EXACTLV LIKE P nickel tnto'.the telephone coin ^ x . To be illustrious, vou must be Talcottvillf)-Items are now han­ — rtL 61 ve vtxj */oo.' 53 Singing voice dialed a number with great/de­ industrious. be . served at the Vernon Center Broadi Brook Tuesday at 10 a. tn. GET XILLEP SNOOZING tM^ DI^COeOAiOT SVMPMOhiV OF A MPeicmit Congregational Church Wednesday dled through the Manchester Eve­ ON A^ROAP 'CV kNOW.< IAB6C FActoe//— .iwi$ ■AMD vcu D B e t te r i r liberation, anAcrled. "Helloi Hel- The Rev. Mr. Johnspn, a form « ning Herald Rockville bureau lo- ''"iiimiiiuiiiiiiii ¥ .tAkE rr 8EF0KE X 55 RouSsjeau’t An egotist is ai.ybody who brhgs at 6:30 p.m. Each family attending pastor of the Baptist Church, was R t WTO \0UR1V SOONdK Iq!” A voiceXat the other end will provide one main dish. Dessert .ted at One Market St., telephone IAM6E /W/MIMD hero iT § !i of the wire carl^ back, “Hello more than you do. appointed vicar oO the Episcopal MEEDS LH ^ graduate of the-' Rmplrted and tonight at 7:45 at the Baptist Eric. It will be a .best oitt of three /And by Mrs. Lawrence' Maher, 1 festooned..wdth yellow, following m moved into their new home on church. The Senior Baptist Youth fall match with a time limit of ope Warren and Roy Larson. Arthur 4 out the symbol of the occasion. Main SL 28 IVoodbridge St, Sbutn St. Herbert la superi^Andent Fellowship will meet at the church hour. Wesner and Mr. Strickland him-1 bouquets of beautiful yellow flow- PhoM MltcIwU S-7W7 Carding at the Aldon Spidning at V. ' ■ ■ /• Two other bouts willill co|complete self, by request. ’ ers predominating. They also re­ ilia in Talcwttville. The Vernon Methodist Youth the card at the Princess'SS Bal^oom The seond part of the reception ceived many appropriate gifts. Farm Bureau To Meet They have one daughter, Mrs. \ Fellowship meets at the church to­ on Village Street. FirstI ,bbut a t^ ts followed the presentation in the The Tolland Count/ Fann Bu­ night at 6:30. at 8:30. evening at the South Methodist Anne Strickland P ratt of Newing­ .feSTERDAV , ton, who is an accomplished pia­ reau will hold a meeting this eve­ The Adult Hebrew Education ’\ Church of Bach’s St. Matthew JffWIUJAHS WA50Mtrt&j ning at 8 p. m. at the office in thp Class meets at the B’nal Israel Passion. Mr. Strickland has been nist And organist. cnvouM P* Professional Building, p a rk ' St. s member of the chancel choir for (3000 MECnClAJE . ««.»•« «LA N* m Synagogue tonight at 8. Martin to Speak KEMP'S, Inc. It will be a combined meeting of There will be a meeting of the over 30 years, He was also a mem­ Dohlbarg's BABYLAND the County- Board of Directors Senior and Intermediate Luther ber of the Men's Choral Club 768 MAIN ST. MI-8-S680 ALLEY OOP Glad To Go BY V. T. HAMLIN with, the entire membership called League at the First Evangelical On Finance Panel W-hil^ Archibald Sessions was or­ MEW XT-m to review the proposed revised by­ Lutheran Church tonight at 7. At ganist of South Church. The fam­ (SOUND CONVERnR X JQ£HT,OO0LA,AND laws for tbt> state Farm Bureau to 7:30 the monthly meeting of the ily hak been prominent in affairs wEU.oorr,BuriTS be voted upon at (he State meeting General Manager Richard Mar- (SticcBAMf f* IKb OW-SfjrJb ievykefiej Sunday School staff will take tfn will take part TTiurstlay In a of the cmirch since their arrival in tomorrow.. place. \ town in T919. While in Engla-nd. Personal Hearing Servlee The meeting will also discuss the panel discussion in New York City Mr. Strickland attended Christ 808 Main St.-:-MI-9-638l program for the Farm Family To Hold tTaSs on financing mental health authori­ I Life Insurance Co. Farm Bureau Tile .second in the series of six ties St the Northea.st Conference \ ar>d Extension budgets will be lessons In square and ball room of Mental Health Authorities. SAY GOODBYE TO I presented for approval, and the dancing for, the children of the Martin is attending the confer­ M i n i meeting will also hear a report of Vernon Elementary School is being ence aa a member ot Governor | the StaJiA Committee rth future Ex­ lield today at the school. This John Lodge’s mmltt'ee to inves- | / tension and Farm Bureau relation­ afternoon from 3 to 5 the pupils tlgate the relatlonshiip between the j KELLEY'S ships. of the tourth to si.xth grades will state and its comhuiailiec. The August J. Loehr, Jr., presj^dent take part, with the seventh and conference will be in session Wed TROPICAL a q u a r iu m : fio^COLLAf? nesday and Thursday. \ of the Farm Bureau, who will eighth grade class being held to­ T. M » ,%, F«8. OH. preside says that other matters of night from 7 to 9. 'Everything for the Aquarium Ctyf. If. »y WfR ObtAm. 1»»t. business will be included on to­ Coming Events AMESITE YOUR DRIVEWAY «SRs tfSABf “You oops can look forward to a ptniion, but fallowa night's agenda. The Maple Street School- PTA 29 SUNSET StkEET — TEL. MI.3-S705 • Pow-er Rolled lika ma gotta lay tip somathing to taka cart of ua in our Man For Election rceels tonight kt 8 with a .^Machine Spread old aga!” Local Democrat.s w ill\attend special m u s i c a 1 program and Surface CHRIS WILKIN. Planetecr Natives Are "Coy BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM the meeting of the Tolland County exhibit by the pupils of the-upjier OPEN DAILY t A.M. to 9 P.M. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Nice Guy BY EDGAR MARTIN Democratic As.sn. to be held this grades planning to take part In PERTUSSIN • Proper Draindge to evening at the Mansfield Town the Science Fair in Hartford this Closod oil day Wodiifsday and Sunday Resist Frost ^UPPSALV FBOfA OVrOF TUB Hall. President John B. Girardlrtl weelt. HWPHl A VtVl»5-MlOONID A tJX W W • Bituminous Surfac^ TkAprso wyA M^TeetovFMAOHBTic focce that ^lcyCOAAE9 VLAPiAlie VE6 6 .., MIEVV. 1 AW A6 E I^ > I; Q ssys -it Is close to the May r,Hucns . The truck at the Prospect Street Amesite ^ ^tXWHO^AHVHCHAirrEP tizanS-plutoniam .iUSTJEO S V t A CFN\Ma&. VOWO AMO P L lA S t MOrxi. V n MCfT r H a t which time delegatea are ae- Firehouse answered a still alarm PlMBTrCHO^^lXa/NB^ A CBA^H LAMOiMG... A^Viti^ V5WO NOO |>N lerted to the State Convention, a Sunday afternoon for a grass fire • Asphalt, Tarvia V O O f A « t V large attendance is expected at at 1.34 Vernon Ave. FOR THE BEST JN D R IV ^ a / c ONSTRUCTION CALlX C A R E • tonleht’a meeting. T he criminal cases at the The Coiintyt Nomlnatlng Com­ Spring session j,f the Tolland mittee will present ^ klate of of­ County Superior court will : start u im JJs ds/uieifdishuJaslilnj ficers to be vtJted upon a t, the tomorrow at 10 a.m. with Judge Thomas Colla Ctonsfruction Co. Mav meeting. _ ' ' ^ John Culllnan presiding. , v m / S 5 4 - Former Lt. Gov-, and former Court Ciisea Heard CALL FOR ESTIMATES--MAHCHESTER MI.9.S224. EASY TERMS .Slate . treaguirr William T. Car- 54htor veliicle violations again roll will be the-princlna) speaker. luarle up the • gre.->,te - part of the Register for.IJttle Leagix . business in Cit.v'Court today , w-ith •rhe Litll* League will reljisler the following cases heard: i j ; . all boys Interested in playing Lit- Louis A. Zwingelsteln, 27. Tol­ MILITARY •HotiiotHt 4-. Haw Ideas sum Simple-Jo-Sew Sundress WHIST A u to m a tic PRISCILLA’S POP/ Nose KnoVte BY AL VERMEER it • Sew-Simple And So Smart For. Your Hama - MICKEY FINN Reunion! BY LANK LEONARD 3 P C . S E T “April 7 X DISMU/ASHER Hava Your'Sulfa WHY A t II p : W OULD IwaLWERE 0H,Si*Ej BUT LETS TA RE'^ COVER NERfe, , THINGS M THE OKKH Cf THEIR ' BUY WHERE YOU CAN GET SERVICE Re-.Upholstered YOUR u c u f m ! MPOCTAlfC^MICHAEL! IVNAT V. F. W Home IE REACTION AT CLANCyS?, B<>nrflt o r D. A, V. Aux. Nbi 17 Rpfrsshmr-nts ' ABC APPLIANCE CO. Now . . Donation 50n 21 m a ple' STREET ' -TEL. Ml-9-157.5 W. Do A Complet. And Up. . Overhaul—Expert. Workmen —Newell Fabrics . According to Fabrieli RE.$TYLtNG AT NO EXTRA COST Cusfam-Mada

S» 8th [jD Covers CAPTAIN EASY There's A Way BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Car'From Grover? BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER HEV BB A LOT BETTeR OF WITH 50ME IPVOU RKKMI a ir-MieHTHT WORR'. I'VE ALREAPy MANAOEP COOL tOMVB t ANNIVERSARY- Drapes-Cornioes TO M o s t h a v e 'FOUND T h is is a 6I6a ^ 1 It'* KioieV Tgwnr t n HH3 WCl MOVNWi MR.KWHB M? TRkr,WHYPOMTIN HI5 WAV. 1 0 UB5 6 NE»G FOR HER, AMO NOW, WITH AMONVMOUB ■ Vs YOURSELF AN OIL It LNT-LkCEP MOD FMMLV PROUR, YOUna HM? /HE'6 M LOVE 'WITH letter g threatenug To ehpom her U l L ^ WEa.Yba’O O N TSA m *^:^ HOAXfSOMe BU6MTER ■'> HMB HMWIER her IP '' her NOW-MlD W0HT 6HE P0E» A6 »ME'B to ld , 1 CAM WDBN THB VJELL.,. LlVCRMOee- g DionT twinik. I'P eveie-/ IS PULU1^46 MY L6 - uJiA?in3^ w. w herw hb FORGIVE HER'. THEREB BREACH'. ANDPUTHERBJABAPUOHrVITH WR.fHUWNEl L p o n t k n o w a n y .SPECIAL MM>f>LKM 0MAVBE A WAV. THO. WITHOUT ’MAIL. OLD IM Up 6 imvolviug MBBUF Gro v er l iv c r m o r e / $00.50 ^ OPENLV'.u., - X'.

"ISglO Beautifully Tailored COLD,,vWAVE I• • Pinned and Fitted • All Fabrics Vat Dyed - Includes: (Reg. S 1.7.50) • All Fabrics Pfe-Shrunk IT » Kick Pleats—Box Pleats-:-Kuffles' ^ Conti ShamiKK) VIC FLINT More Patches BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Waminsr WILSON SCRUGGS Your tiU .iu , girl WHl I ik o u u s mindresa or beach cover-up with Sparkling Rinse • Price Includes .Material, Welting, ' its square neeWine and knitted A mokt attractive frock for day­ thbce.’now iC MW K eiGHr>.TM SURE SUE and Smart-Set . Zippers and Labor HBUE A KEV TO MV VOUlre ENGNGEO ID MIM,lkBENt VOU? waistband.' M a^e it from ^(^rnim. time or dafetime. It fita the ahort- THEBUNBE- LOUD. HACK MV *A0 a, 0 4 KK CCMPOOLFMEJOB.TMEPONT M«6H0P10Na mL,FTi€BEST 0FHSMMIU 6a n n ' . er figure \o perfection. _ K CALLIPlaOCHB^ COHEftUMBBMt- THEM KT -nm tTAcri^, **v UififUAklU terrycloth or cottons. ^Pattern No. .8085 in sixea 14^,, « UE Hi© UJiEJkPy TOLD ME B N t HEBE WXUEHieEV-ENDVOl/RE Pattern No. 6442 contains t|ssue MSHAPORPA ^ L £ ' eCTMEAROU^ TWtr IM M CUTOUTFORTtC SEPUE07P 16'a, 18?^. 20'*,. 22'i.-24^,. Sire WOT PUT EUOOW,W. X U PE AT yOURlETTER? for sundress--sixes 2, 4, 6 incl; 16'-. •i 1'® yards of 39-inch; !S-8 B U D G E T j CoHs Taktn >. JAckson 4^154 rUT/HEle M 0 PIO7TVIN6 T, materialrrequirements; sewing And ' TEL.HTH tUELMiUMlETOSEEnEMlOe , yard lace. ‘ , knitting ;t.irectlona.« For thia pattern, aend 30c . in Of a i[ekion 2.7280 C ■ cnrvm* T E R M S 1 Upfa9P.»l|. Sentt 25q In coins, .vour name, coina...your name, addreaa, aixe de-. address and . the pattern number aired, and the-Pattern Number to to .ANNE-CABOT, ITHE MAN­ SUE BURNETT, MANCHESTEB BEAUTY SALON CHESTER EVENIN41 HERALD, e v e n i n g HEftAl-D, 1J50 AVE. 1150 AVE. .AMERICAS, NEW AMBRirAS, NEW YORK .56, N. VORK 56, N. Y. Y. , . t. Connecticiics iViost Beautiful Beauty Saktn^ . 'm m m M - The colorful 1954 Needlework Send 25 eenta now for your copy Album contains 56 pages of lovely of Baaic FASHION. Spring ’'* 98.3 MAIN STREET - PHONE MI-3-8951 designs, "how-t,o” AecUons on ’ AMPLE PARKING FA0IL1TIE.S UPHOLSTERING DECORATING CO. neediewprk,.'hel|)'iul room llliiitra- Uofls Slid (tirictidna for eight fWt ' “ Ltr - “ 5ft’^A-**r: 5 * “ * * v » pattema, 25 cenU.' tlu-q^taTSununer.- . / • :r„- — .•--I—, - ■ ■ ■ X.

‘ :> •

/ ^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, A P R IL .5, 1954 PAGE THIRTEEN PAGE TWfeLVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY; APRIL 8, 1 9 ^ ■r.- THE Velerans R e a ^ for the Opening Bell u n Herald i of the ■y EARL W. YOST # # T D O O R S with Swift i^rk in, the Pants anis to ■ Sports Editor Reibcl^llc Tallies Eight Points MONDAY -needs . . . to rifolEahUe the By ED CORRIGAN with teammate Jackie Jenieb, who ■tosagd^19 straight;, acorelesa w .• Twilight Baseball J^hguo ara rs- Associated Press S p o ^ Writer As expected. Georg* Mitchell „ j^ e visit by Rec In Overtime of Fii also was d football star In hts col­ lilnEs. In W)n over Montreal Harry Agganis, the 'Golden //w With i two out in thq ninth In- pam* prancing up the sUlrs at an pj^ctor Jim w rdic . . . Witness lege days St California. Agganis early hour to inquire If I had pf the bow’ lng match be- Detroit, April''5 i/P) — Dutch Greek from Boston University, /ning, the New York Yankees Aged\in the Attic Courant - Extends Locals shouldn’t have any trouble making' scored seven runs And thereby hegrd his NhsSifr Arms basketball | Thaller's Motor Sales Reibcl, a r o o ^ flash who faded, found himself in s peculiar: spot a team had won tbe Norwich Invi-^ HerbFagani's Builders for the Cham pi^ii^p ’yin the switch from football to bgSe- saved themselves the ignominy of was out ef^•tne dog ' house todsy Twi .Geague Baseball Into Extra Period being beaten ^ Savannah of the tation, Tournament and had gained y chain^onehip . . . Billy Holmes . By WAKECN P.\OE after ahopting the Detroit Red deciding whether to Join thb N s - ) ..„ ______, ______the flnalS la the Ludlow, Mass., la b*isy punching the light bag In -Mooting Editor Meeting in Rec Before Lofling, 81*76; l^ ffs (81) r arc numerous ex-football .v^lmyers Sally Lieaglie. 'The final count was W inga^Io victory in the opening X tional FoptbsU League o r . take a 11-9. tourney.', Mitch, a yetersn of the Kaser.rent gym ant Vln Oeno- M far as ammunition is con- game -'Of the Stanley CMp hockey r. pu. tn-thc majors. The best kfiown are long senHce in World War II and vesl is down to flex hia muacles Anyone Intpreoted In reriving Knights Burke S la p tloodwhi., try St professional baseball. While, the YsiTks pulled their eefned—the fresher ’.th# better, finala. * Alvin Dark, the New 'Tork Giants' game out, the Philadelphia Phll- In the Korean War. has been an with the weight* as I chat with Y /Benched because of ineffective, the Twilight Itaaeball League Klirk^r, r/. * ' *. * shorutop from Lo^lana State; liea couldn't do a thing and were outstanding promoter since re- , Director Bill Steams abhut juve- the fresher tWe saffr. 'fack-lustra play, Reibel aet up one is Invited to an open meeting The incomparable ...... EY'EN TWO DAYS AGO, ha Jgckia Robinson, / the Brooklyn set down with four hits, 2-1,' by turning to civilian life two y e a ^ „nes at the Y . . Check In at 8 at One spring morning not long goal--and scored the winner as the tonight at 7 o'Cloi!l( at the East scored eight points In the over- Krtmpr?^ a probably wasn't quite aiire. But Dodgers' otH fld l^ from UCLA; .Tack Urban of the Birmingham ago. He haa always sponsored {h. Armory for the wrestling ego an acquaintance of mine Red-Wings copied the Montreal Side Rer. today Harry dast his lot with the time which earned Nassiff Arm* * ...... *• Ted KluS8e«dW, the Cincinnati Barons of the Southeni Associa­ teams on the athletic front, bear­ show the beat of the seaaon, with whose attitude toward finances is . Canadiena 3-1 last night to get the, . Rec Director Jim Herdic will 10 n It Boston Red Sox and with only one tion. * ing the name i^ssiffs. H^ was son Reed. He and Dr. Joe Barry’a hard fought 81 to 76 victory Wer Toiaji Redlegs' .first baseman from In; such that he should wear kilts and | jump in the best-o.f-aeven series. I outline hia plans at this- rirtie. the Hartford Courant in yester­ Cearaa year of professional experience dians and yfc Janowics, the Pitts-, The Milwaukee Braves whipped responsible for the State Base­ son, Jimmy, also eight year* old. 'a tarn appeared at the gun club' • . • • ■ . j It la hoped to form n four F PU. N^hind him, he looms as at least eat peanuU and have a grand time day's final contest of the l^dlow, Meson, f . 0 0 burgh Pitates’ Cateber from Ohio the Brooklyn Dodgers 18-14 in a ball Tournament .being stagipd in with a couple of visitors. ^ It was I IT WAS NO SECRET that thel teaun league eoraprlaed of four Mass. Invitational Tournament. /Burks. ( the part-time first baseman for State, , / . three - hour contest. Eddie Manchester for several years. He . Boris end early and I have incumbent upon this tight-fisted j Detroit management was dissatis­ ■opal sponaom with personnel Grabsk. c Loll Boudreau's outfit. Mathews, the major leaguea' home has coached or managed a num­ plenty of time before the 11 o’clock from town. Games will he naniHW’. * ...... 9 i, J-i Aggkrils won yeiterd^ ’s ball gent' to treat' them to a few fied with Reibel's showing in the PI-AYED BEFOM& the tout- 8eii»r. z ^...... 0 0 ">^d.” said Boudreau, "if he g a ^ .for'the ' Red Sojt whgn he rufi king last year, bit hla fifth ber of championship teams but news snd the hall acores, rounda of ahotgunnery. So to! second half of the season, after he played St Mt. Neho. Perry, f ...... Jk, I 13 THIBSDAY ney'a .biggest crovo the N’as^ff- happens to go on a hot batting •dj»ve In two runs In thbir S-2 vlc- round tripper In as many daya. . none have ever given him more stretch hia bucks he had brought I performed brillianJLIy In the first Courant gama Was a real battle R, Kniflit. a ...... 7 1 15 streak, he ma.'v' play, all the time. The Chicago White So>^ aCOred Largest dog ever to come into ry over Atlanta of the Southern aa'tiafaction than the current over a sack of odd shot shells, half. He was yank^ from hia reg­ from .start tp-''iinlsh. The-toaers Tf>(4i» ...... ii ti 7* Harry has shown me enough now. Association. The crepe hangers three times in the eighth Inning to coursters who wrapped up the the sports department Is the Rev. left-overs that had 5een kicking ular role' as center fpr Gordie took the inkial lead. 2 to jO in the Score al >ial( time. 41-37 Ntaslffs- Me has made my tqam. He'll ata turn back the St. Loiiia^Cardinals Norwich tourney in Impresatve Arnold Torer’s Great Dane. I re- Howe and Ted Lindsay, {he team’s fore, moving to Montreal for the Score Si end of regulatloB time, 71~71- may have tacked up their {taper 8-5. around since shortly after Noah first peripd on a baakat by Cap at first base against all rightha.rid- somewhat prematurely because faahlon. The Norwich event is marked that during the aummer built the Ark. big punch, and felegated to the third and fourth games Thuraday Perry o ^ to aee Kniglrt knot the ers. I know he hit lefthtnders^'ell Wally Westlake hlt a home run seaaon when pet shows are held 1 • and Saturday. The Red AVlngs this club is doing right well even, the best tourney annually in Con­ That old ammunition behaved bench, where he saw only spot count/2-2 momenta later. Man- Nassiffa' Knight. The latter follow-* St Louisville in the Americsb As­ and a,double to lead the Cleveland necticut.. Ray Owens follows wiir solicit the use of the dog for duty. were 8 to 5 favorites to win the chep4!er’s Norm Burke was the big without Ted Williams and J im Indians to an 8-4 victory over the ^ In three wa.v*. - It either would ed with another quick hoop and sociation last year, but might George Into the Sports Dept., arid the afternoon to enter him In a not Are at all would Azzle like Aa a native of Kitchner. Ont^ series prior to last niglit'a game. niSn for the Courpht' five in the Piersall, Us two big guns. It shows New York Giants. show feeling mire that T would Ow.»«»atS added to Goodwrin’t two free be a little rough on hipi in the a . 16-10 exhibition record, good aays the American Legion test!-'- a squib, or would go off wltR-'a home of mmny hockey g r e a t s', j Odds are expected to go over the rat quarter witX 'etght pointa and majors.” / win a prire for the biggest dog. 2 and 1 mark. thfowa, it .gave Mitchell a 79-75 enough for second pISce in the monial for Pete Wlgren and Will horrendous whnnm Indicatinft a Reibel apparently waa bruised In { with scoring /asaiatane’e from lead. Both of Knight's baaketa re­ \ Right now. the 2^< Local Sport foul line and Hannon, ended the . tinK out fires for the Yankees. (NEA). the 830,'OOfl!' bonus they paid him rampage by abutting out the Hartford Boxing Club, pull up and experienced a hang-flre, not dampness, even though they are Hia game-winner came at 1:52 { George Reaavage of Castle Shannon made the m lst^e of getting well under their- defensive board (Jourant's scoring with a tree t h r ^ ' in 1952. lastvear, leading the assault with chairs at mid-afternoon and we cago Cuba will be home April 1, 2. between the ball and Lloyd Monsen with rather palhfuKresults. Lined bi)t pdorly off their offensive Philadelphia A’s \t-fK Friend held a three-run homer, two doubles A check, of the National League a nilsflre. \ jio Well water-proofed that you of the final period. The ■ teama i at the buzzer. He Ought to get along famously the A's to four hits and now has and a -Mpgle. talk boxing and wrestling for The second can be very/dan­ ran dunk ’em In a bucket and were locked In a 1-1 tie when C hatter clear off the ground, either by Monsep's aid or own/dolng, Reaavage bctard- Although Knight' left the knight led the locals lit-/coring more than one hour as Liebert sthedule ajiows the Brpina will be managed to block the ball with his m’iddlc. Action took place during contest with three to go in the at Wrigley; Fleitl* both days.'; . . gerous because a squib load h^ay ■till shoot, and they eventuall.v Dollard St. Laurent. Montreal de- with 28 pointa foUov^d' by the Mikan Sparks found out when he noticed s park­ have only jiiat enough "poOsh" \to abeorb enough moisture to swell fejiaeman, waa caught for bokrd National Challenge Cup Eastern finals at New ^ r k . (NEA) Initial quarter. With three fouls it. steady Kleckner wiUv-l9. Tha latter Pirates’ Thomas o^ms Lefiy Bray visits nhd offers ALUMNI and Intermadiate ^ n 't matter much aa only tall ing ticket on his car on Bissell move part of the shot charge and the cardboard tubes or deaden checking. / was voted th* tpurnament’a most transportation to Fenway Park in Sporta Actrvities group will meet Kenny Goodwill/was abla to score Street. Graham Holmes, Man­ Boston bn Patriot's Day—April 19, assorted wads riesir of the gun' primers normally stable against Rel'ael got hla chance to play, Tueaday night at 7:30 at the West valuable player''award. Goodwin Laker Victory Globetrotters Snap Three Game chester's ftne lightweight. , is co­ muzzle, leaving a chunk of wad he wet. more than once from the floor for tallied 18 pptata aa well aa playing — for the Bed SoX games with rije and made the moat of It. He golfed Side Rec. . ' - the victors. For Home Run featured on the Hartford card le wilpb'e will;b'e played in in,tne atiick In the bore, perhaps, to re­ Subject the hulls to extremes a acreaming 50-foot blur into the SOO Field Lists Five.F'ormer Victors a strong^.gwe off th* boards. Tuesday night. . Father and Son ofNheat, such ss you find in sny The winners began to control - 9 * 9 Syracuse, N. Y., April 5 morning at i0:15'and the otner at sult jh a bulgefT or busted barrel nets to crack the-tie and hand the SKIDMORE, prinners of the both boards in the sbeond period I Night at the South Methodist with the next shot. sttlV and apparently ehemical Canadiena their firaU loaa in five ■'/ H ’RKE WA8 OUTSTANDING in Fnrtiea FieM will hami Minneapolis Lakera today held.a 2:30 in the afternoon 1 wo>i1d' ■ like Elka Bowling League, will roll but their passing and playmaking Jacksonville, f^a, — (NEA) Losing Streak Against All Stars I Church is an enjoyable one, 'eiipe- to accept the travel , hid hut - it The third, higher than normal changes take place In both pow­ playoff gamea. They had awept White Glass of the Y Merchants Indianapolis, lnd— (NE.\F •"The field for the 500-mHe In- feat with 21 markara and his un­ home rtma, but all Pin looklni 2-1 edge over Injury-riddl^ Syra­ left much to be desired. For som,»- FrAnk Thomas isn't interested in i dally'ao because my boys are also would be a ,day off andIhelp is at a pressures, might wpll push mat­ der and primer chemistry so that through Boaton In four atraight in League tonight in a apeclai match dlapolis Motor .H|M>edway elaaalc on Mny SI lists five fqriner Utiring floor game Was a feature of cuse In ^ their quest fo a flfth I Invited and along. They sit unknown reason they failed to the hard-fought champIcmsIUp con­ becoming the new Ftalph Kiner of j minimum at this tin^.^. . . Restful ters up over a gun's inherent they may go oft with a quite ab- the aeml-flnala. • at 8 o'clock at the Double Strike srinners of nuto raelng’a]Mggeet prize. work the ball into the bucket to at the head table and are "mighty s'lifety factor, particularly if it's a noimsl /"'■y- Tliere Isn't any Defenaeman Red Kelly clinched test. Knight, Grabek, Hannob and thA Pirates. ■ Of Thomas' 30 hombrs last National Basketball/Association Chicago. April 8 (R-'Die Harlem time. 'This despite only a token ap. I ,would ...... never. lose ..if they always; important" and do all right at'the evening *t home sp4 I read eVery . lanes. Those bark for imdther try in the danger-filled meq Include towering Burr Carlson. E?e» With line in The Hera!;Pbefnre tuning in lightweight field piece. It .cer­ such think fort he layman, as a Detroit’a vital rictory by scoring Party netted 15,14,13 and tS pointa The home-grown Pittsburgh i year, 18 were hit at Forbes Field \!hamplonshlp In alx yeaie thanks I pearance by Goose Tatiim, the I wanted to win real had. ‘ i dinner hoard Pre.id.nt Uoh three CaHfornlans, Bifi Vukovirh of Fresno, who won |hat year; their shortcomings apd'thanks to respectively tor the Iqsefa who teevee for Ihje balance of the tainly does no good to the breech­ rule of premctlon as to how long at 7ll3 of the third perii^ —i- this FIRE LAST FRID.AY afternoon slugger is content with \ merely "nfl of these seven went into the t\ th e chlpa-down playing of the bles with the current crop of slick Satchel Paige of basketball whbse i "Fra-.kly," said Abe. "this Is the Spencer oCthe Men*/Club s w / Troy Ruttman of-Lynwood; and Johnny Paraona of Van Nujra, the outaide ahooUng'of Mel Kleck- were lasing to Naaalffs for the sec­ oldNnaestro, Geprije Mtkan I college All-Stara but their famed dead-ey# ahooting and alow-motion | heat team of college boya we’ye night. / ing of any gun. it takes to\fuin shells or mske time while Detroit wsa a nian leveled two barns owned by Cliff ncr and Kn}ghti the locals man­ them iinssfe. \how much wet or eiiort. the *.32 and '50 ydnaerp. ond time Uits seaaon in six maet- remaining the old Frank ^ om a a . ° ‘ ;^ ^ * H .„ey yi.uajiaes Thoms. It vyas Mikan'is 30 pointa andid his j crowd-pleasing basketball touch is *'**8ht-or-hand have become legend;; evM ^ Msemhled f«w the tour. | the gathering, welt over* 2So'.***''To FRIDAY' One result or the other is al­ Gleason In Vernon.' Cliff is one aged to gain,* 41 to 37 advantage Taxlcalr'driver Bobby March, ways possible with shotgun fod; heat they'll sta'nd. • • • Holland and Lee Wallnrd also haVe said they'll inga. /■ The Frank Thomas who fin- ^ s darkhorse contender for the command of the backboarcLs of the best bowlers in Manchester he back foc^nother try at thr event. at the halfW-ay mark. The former ntght that piced the Lakets to *7. **J^*^* "" ever-m aybe more so. i„ the evening game, . the Trotters i of adtlTwhlch "is witat Vs i onW**had"W**telelw«fiV7s'^‘*"m^ one tii^ local amateur boxer, and der that has been sged.in the at- (Distributed bV NEA Service) REIBEL SET I'P Detroifa ITrat and a fine baseball umpire. tallied,J<) points and the latter 10. Tha locals ara expected to and Ished the 18.13 season with such home run crown, despite the .ab- their aeaaon tomorrow 'avenii^at power and earned himself a raise «ence of the Gardena. 81-67 v ie w y over the National.s fn There was some concern amongfnong played Itit straight all the way,way. win-1 inIn haskethnll,hnshetltall. of course,cour«-." i and then floriat^Harry Miner dlscu.ss the big' goal in the opening period. He Toifuny Conran, Courant coach, flg j/ at night between Bobo Olson ■ -golfed a similar 50-f6ot shot hut the East - Side ' Rec agvnst from 86.000 to 812,000, is good ■Frank has tremendous power," the world siries of pro basketball. ’ Globetrotters fans that perhapsI Abe 78-7678-78 on former All-AmericaAll-America; ; But as combination manager, 1 IX)CAL RAUINB c a r drivers ipaerted Rudy Knight in his lineup Walter Duke's hook shot in the last i owner and promoter Abe has to be remarked.. .Mr. an/1 Mrs, Ray i «Afl Kid GsvllanGavllan and both like the it waa a little wide. Capt. Llnd- pel(riod Frankie's Driva-In. The two' rivals enough for the Pirates, too. Haney points' out,'' "and Is slowly Mikgn J.asmeen the subject of | Saperstein's world travelers failed to place in the second meet "at th# atari of tha second — will batti* for the .chamidOnahip of Thomas' work this spring is an surely getting to know how to alx-aeconds. Tatum, suffering from m*?„ly wncVl^^edXrii t"rc^^ ' X ’**'*' “ 'e^'Cuban Hawk. . . Chris Glenney asy atraighten'ed it out, deflePting of the season yesterday at Staf­ and the . rtsver Hartford NegroNe some retirement talk although big ; io,)ng their touch. dysentary, didn't play at all during register end of thr enterprise i w ' w .deserved.. ----- — gold - ...... star* says he'll...... be inFenwav F( Park April the puck Into the net at'the 13:44 th* Central'ConnectlcuU^ League. Indication that he hasn't lost the best utilise it. He's a smart Ik. ______■' " I rnu OI me eniei t rise, ' M .—w.r, . 1/ . ^ ,o *k. /»„,,ki Holmes to Fight ford Springs. Whitey Brainard made his presence , felt with Ray McKenna, E a ^ Hartford’s • Members of the Epworth Leagtie ; 19' for the doubleheader and he ll\ home rim knack. The blond •S'’ ' This was occaslonc J bv tbe fact the second game rather than with ita artistic side. mark. of New Haven won the stock car Cavarretta Firin0 Stresses eight markers. Knighj also Joined youngster, eager to learn. He asks insist he has a cobple of good ^ two-game stand In served.. Two, of The HeriUd's w ear a heavy sweater and over------/ coach, haa announced that Hart­ whacked seven round trippers in The two exhibltioiis d.-ew 33,698: We're ryer* snustill theme nesibest nrawdrau in , k _,„ n .o . Ui/tAki.,...,. » i Montreal, which had looked al­ feature while Charlie Webster Biirtie and Bob Grabek in battling questions, la constantly trying to 4ons left. > \ ChicaR:o Stadiurn yeiitei'diiy, the Way Mailman ford's Joe Kubachp will be . in his 10 .games, hit safely in each con­ improve. Mikan looked like ' fans into the Stadium, making the sport*, " he declarea. "Some people ( k X J-u" . J ' most awesome in amashint the Norwich won the non-Ford the taller FaMiffs for' control of lineup forthlalmportan't meeting. test. His average is .395 and "a t « a W'T*"*»f* "PPO»‘"8 'he Negro total for the 10 gejAe*ie* playedplavcd X can't understand that. ki shlrtsYChet Morgan doe.in t say loo much Bruink, couldn't get a corcen- ture. Several'pile-ups'”'' Ridiculous Training Trend the board*.. “ If tbe Gardens were still up, the retlrlng^kind laat nli n* 1 pros on a 22-game national tour 'Tnk# U''tv^iinHRv *_ 1 pnd bUck /b ow tiAR, About thA YankAA* thin rolrl Apnl Sullivan Saturdj there Is talk, of his becoming the date 133,516—evidence of the 1-e- trated attack going. , Detroit George Mitchell'* team looked I'd say he'd have a good chance nnloOlicrs watrbed 13 had swept three straight games. v /i,r * rarHen w » ywalters —Tjoh Culver ; day and he takes a good kidding the show which found 1. / ' home run king of baseball very to win the home run title. The other points,' nine of them on tlr,.,e-p<>lnl ...... , . , . mendous. appeal the T rotter^ave Madison -.quare Garden. We had alngirtg with Fre.l from a number of Yankee hatera kept-the Frenchmen off be.Iance on hand despite the weatj New York (NEA)—So spring like a new* club in the third period. play*. In Hie thira perlml when . This string of losses was the generated in the peculiar ^ I d of to buck-'tivtl hour and a with close back-checking. *rheir rebqur.ding was good and noon. He vwuld be a very wor­ home run hitters have a better . / Rogers at the piano..,The Rev.' along Main Street. -. .Dick Nas- Two Irishmen will answer the ty cars competed. training doean't mean a thing, eh ? 1 thy successor to Kiner since he Is target In their parks, but Thomas Minneapolis built up a 5 8 ^ ad- reeorded against the combined sports and emertain- Rodgers and Hammerstein televia Bernle (Boom Boom I Geoffrion their passing and playmaking Im­ "'P ercy Smith aifd the Rev. Fred siff. a recent groom, and Fred Na.s- \ bell-for Saturday' night's boxing W'ell, it did .to Phil Cavarretta assuming Kiner's old left field post miist be. given a rhanre because vantage. .Altogether he droppisi In , ment Sa.perstein founded^27 years Ion shdw-. Practically everybody in,, — . . , j ... Davey Return scored Montreal's lone goal at Q. With one ouL' a runner on proved tremendously. Thia result­ the country was watching that— ‘^^’iirch . slff report . their sporting good,s Vhesdliner at the Armory instead of .12:16 of the second pediod, and it after 20 years in the Cub organiza­ ed In the 59 to 50 lead they man­ witirthe Pirates. of his power.” 11 field goals and eight bHiInc Hire •« "P' I •«” exeen! thi. 15 000 n.nni. ,k.y' Main address bv Hugh Greer, bss- Store is,now approaching Its 10th third base comes/home on a fly In his last' 71 games last sea­ Branch Rickey is exceptionally throw attempla j poiient or eomblnatlon-of oppon-' The c ubby littl^ ba.sketball qne as previously announced. a weird one. He took Doug tion. aged at the three-quarter mark. /, JIEBCANTILE LBAGl’E out to w . n us’^ptay ‘ ‘‘ flcetball ep8^ at Connecticut, was anniversary in Mifnchester. If.* the ball after properly tagging up at / son, Thomas turned loose 78 hits, high on Thomas as a home run Svrscuse. hobbled by Injuries ' maestro says he \y a little sur- Rocky Sullivan of Boston has been IiiT eevee BoutiS vey'a rebound, whirled and third base. ;Hie runner misses The summary dismiasal of C s ,-' Knight, Kleckner and Carlson Nassiff Anas (3i thro'igh the plsyofrs, loomed, as ai\But with the barnstorming series prised that hia ctaver proa have "In Philadelnhia Frlriav'’/ e i,,a '(<»■ "Uch an occasion. largest store of its kind In tdwn. wHtpp««J the puck at the net. It arretta once more calls attention paced the scoring aa the winn-ra It Na«iNassirr, ...... M 131 91-310 Including 21 homers and drove in hitter, although he'd prefer to have secured to replace Myrll Olmitead touching home, plate. The catcher Mitchc)Itcho)!...... S3 a» — 182 67 runs. He Ijit homers in his last him as a .300. batsman instead of aerioiis thieat to end the Western *t four games earn, the Globe- lost as many gaipe, as they have to compete wXthe E bionshrfWM ‘''’"r loolMd as thoiigh'it had no chance notices it/W 'hat .should he do? to the ridlculoi a trend, baseball's oiitsoored the loeer* by a 18 to 1^ Wlftabirki ..X ...... M M 101 993. to the All-Stary I fight on television. So we draw a out i;he program. pionship fight? from my favorite ■gainst Graham Holmes in the New York, April 5 iJPi—The training season has taken. margin. Burke and Bill Hannon four games, eight in the last 10. a homer king. , Divlaion'a inintenupted doiniha- IrdHera put Frank Selvy, Frank "tiger" is favoicd tp- claw the to find an opening but It did, A. Hiylihouid touch home plate r. Nassiff ...... M 10* 98 903 tlon of the Eastern sector in the , *nd other college greats In "But we can;t wi.j ther.i all.” he capacity-crowd there--11,958. Mat­ Tl'ESDAY" ’ living room -seat, I . acOred 12 eight round feature ' event.event, Olm- catching the lower corner. . The club* have stiAyed a long tallied nine of their team's^ IS Perry ...... M 9« 113 307 In his last 32 games, he came "If all hor.ie run hitters used the vas scratched when it was "wildcat" At Brooklyn's Eastern with m ball In hla poaaeaalon and 8. Nassiff ...... — 7* 79 through with 14 round-trippers, same field. I'd take Thomas over title round by edging the Lakers-i f^rir mace. said—a sta t^ en t that might be ter of fact, that’a 591 over ca- Number one bowling secretary ' rouncta for Olson, two foi- Gayilan stead, WI The teama will go at it again n p p ^ In the umpire, who shall way from its original purpose, | ipointa. . / in my book, Henry LaChapelle re- : 5'id one even. All told, it was found \ there would be too great ’ Parkway Arena tonight, s s s good for 38 runs batted In. ■ He any of them," declares Rickey. 62-60 Saturday at Minneapolis. ' TheyXwon yeaterday's aftertioon queatlon/1 W the fare who've fol­ paCity. Tuesday jn Olympia Stadium be- dem re the runner out. which was td prepSre the noUe 1 Totals ...... ;... .^*4ii lito 1i5 ilii “ But nbw^ that the Gardens are That evened the seriej at i-all. • 84;?L leading by as much as lowed the ^Globetrotters for years. "People will always pay to -see porta In an office visit that all | *** a difference in weight. i Ralph (Tiger) Jones, the riurdy, athletes for 154 cham.plonsbi4> j C'pNR.\N’8 HPEEDIE^quintet fiaaSel Jewstrks (I! accounted for 12 runs batted in .S.\Tl’KI»AV * ? * I Yonkers,' N. Y., middleweight who ______A ______during the last six rhonths. down. Diike Snider, Gil Hodges and 35 pointa and elownlng much of the Man.v aiV convinced the Trotters tlie Globetrotters play." teain records i nd all but one in­ games. Ca .’arretta walked the' I-.' = r /'. came to. itfe In the flnsU|tarlod and rko ...... ;. im 87 83 375 But George King, ciassy play dividual record fell by the boards Matchmaker Vito Tallarlia fcir “ I FiCLT SURE"'the boxing earned a N o.. 4 ranking by flat- plank liecauB^ the Chicago Na- _ t .» 1 R>y ...... ; ...... 75 |8 87 358 Thomas says he’s more relaxed Roy.'Csmpanella have a better, tar­ maker of the Nats, got a broken scoring the flrat eight point* of the erce ...... H4 93 89 308 during, the 1953-.54 Y Bowling next Saturday night's fight card- fans of Manchester will be more lenin'g Bobby Dykes a month ago, tional* had looked horriole losing Stanley Hark Phil <%varretta Simmon ...... 97 7* 9« 371' this spring. get dt Ebbets Field. wrist ,in that one and couldn't pt phones and reports a change in the quarter they traile/^ the' Ludlow, "Frankly, I’d rather have 1 League seaaon . . . Mike Biozow- than satisfied with Sullivan," i figures to have too much experi- 15 of 20 exhibition games. champion* by onlw one point with ciirlstensen 10| 84 95 383 "I came to camp in good condi­ at all last night. Dolph Schayes prlncipHls In the feature event. Matchmaker Vito Tallanta saijj. ence and punching power for Hurricane M ckson DoesnH tion." he relates, "with a fine con­ Thomas hitting .300 than winning {Vfayg N ot E iioU j^ ' ski, former all around athlete So some baseball managers are 7:15 remaining ^ be played. The Totals 483 430 470 1373 who also has a broken wrist, and ^unibs K ellc^ Near : from the East Side, asks how Myril Olmstead of Springfield was "Sullivan has a great record Wildcat' -lilly McNeece^ of New who last aeaaon lifted the Braves tract In my pocket, assurance that the home run title. Hitting .300 now in the position of profes- from seventh to second and a Na­ locals caught ^ e following a time­ Earl .Lloyd, who ha.s a broken Fpr Giant«—e-Campy : many times Bobo Olson -has scratched and replaced by Irish ■'ifP^^ew, England .and la.st summer Vork. Jones is s 3-1 choice over alonal football coaches, who have my job was safe and this relaxed would'jnake him s more valuable hand, were handicapped too much H ave a 0 tifiing B ut He Wins tional League attendance record. out aind ovtsrored the Courant in Jakasa* Palal (•>' j feught since winning the mlddleVRocky Sullivan of Boaton again.st knocked out tpim.stead in the first the S on gster who haa had ten to win exhibition gamea in the Schack ...... X... 91 97 me mentally. team tnan^Jfltchera, must' pitch to' to atop the vlaitors. the next tjmr . minutes, 10 to 5. Bombardier ...... ,\. W Jacksonville, Fla.— (NR.-\)— weight title sgainst Randy Tur- Graham Holmes. , “ Tob ' much round in Boston.” flghta (9-11. heat of Aiiguat to stimulate the ‘Tho Gardens coming down at him now, which is in his favor. Wally tisterkorn, leader of the Nyeight difference. Ol'mstead Is WHAT THE CUBS require is a With thra* m.(nutea to play Naa- l>wor-‘k ' Roy Campiuiella Is withhold­ : pin. I can't supply the an.swer, but Sullivan wen^ to the wars seven Dumont telecasts/the ten round­ New York — Tommy.,, >n ia just a plain animal,*’ championship gate. ■tffa led/fiS to 63 and then it hap­ Tw.rdv ..... "He ce'rtainly la one of the com­ Nats' Saturday victory, collected De^th Pi^er Accident r ...... m3 77 173 Of Big (^r Race after suffering a ^^ilgyered..,spinal his ankle. Willie Mays will 147-pound champion at the Oak­ rounda In the gym ., We have to the training'aeaeon started, he did guilty of a'long list of bad Awd, to freeze the ball and tpe Under; V.nnirl .... .'...... ,m* 97 48 393 . Vern MIkkelSbn and .‘Plater Mar­ All-Stars; and O. B. Elders, 23. ex- | surpri.sed when I walked in with Brldgeport^ln-Ohe^State Duatv tended to 16 bouts. His last two: defnse consists pf sticking 01 throw him out of the gym. The guy Wll»«n ...... 1 3 4 143 119 388 RADIATOR help, but Irvin has to be the League playoffa. stops and he of­ land, Calif.,. Civic Auditorium Wed- not pick the Bruins to flnlnh in the one; of the worst gating Branch dog Courant took over. The loeers tin, .a pair of nid reliables, gave ( oliimn -^nd other Injuries in s'" AMAN eager now pla.ving with Kig bat man. the box with the alligator inside. successes . -have - come lit main iron chin or exposing hia m i/- Just doesn't get tired.” Mikan his ifhief scoring support highway-accident near here. . the team opposing the All-Stars, fers to assist in reviving tlw Twl events in Hartford 'against Tom­ neaday night. The ten-rounder will first dtviaion; ? Rickey oft the hooM^hen he un­ moved-the ball until with 25 sec­ Totals ...... 515 514 513 1543 Willlans Grove, Ps., April 5 (fll Even the cat was in a playful bfc telecast by C?6S, startin, le. He leads with hia right,' co/n- "He likes to get hit,'* aaaerte • • • onds to play Ru-iy Knight con- for the winners. “ Mtk" delivered-14 Kellogg, former Manhsttsn Cdl- Haynes, a former Globetrotter “Johnny .Yntonelli and Don mood and - the- canary, chirped a Baseball . League at .Monday's my Tibbs of Boston and Filberto loaded Ralph fCiney and^/ihat fat SERVICE —Johnn.y Thomson, Springfield, IJddle will . help the pitching, p.m?, EST. Davey is a 2-1 favori terS with nls left, goes into/the Freddie Brown, another handler, MAGNATE 3VRIGLEY knew as contract. / / nected'wttli a long set-shot to knot na.ey Osilral <1> points and Martin 10. lege basketball star, wa.a among who organiz^.hls own independent few new notes .' . ."Three sports meeting...... Too cold to work out­ Osario of New York. ropes, “ the harder the better. I don't CarrlAr . . , ...... m iOR 41 345 Mas*., yesterday won the 30-lap Minneapolis,'holder of the NBA five Negro professional basketball team. w*s not in the car. ’The five hut* like Mays, they can’t he ride- ; I tell myself that anti I • O much about jCJavarretla last Oc­ The Cubs' front otfi c / glpfu while tha score at 69-all. Ten aeconda BlanrhanI ...... W (3 173 pages on V'ednesday are always I'et, in his last'three outings think there's a guy living who can 115 - 303 / feature AAA big car auto race crowns for 1949, 1950, 1952 and players Injured when their car, playera- were en route to Marian­ the big boys. Thai job la up appreciated, even though It re­ watch the Minneapolis Laker.s lose FIVE SEMI-PRO BOUTS will \ FRIDAY NIGHT'S tober as he did on March 25, after boasting that they^ouTd draw GlamhoIIuca- ...... 94 : i l A N I N G bout (radio-ABC, TV-: he has' k n o c i^ out Rex/Laync, put him down." he had finished the better and mo-st more than a millipn in the after- Dav.v ...... 104 — 195 ■’ 1953,; resumes the series with the blew a 4ire and overturned Friday na, Ark., for an exhibition. to l.jirry Jensen and Sal Mag- quires con.siderabir work and time to the Syracu.ae' National.s in a complete the ?ard with the first Clafehge Hqnry and Biieceroni, th* third-ranking Uptnn .99 115 91 305 here 'and aet a new time record lle.” - Well played NBA playoff game. p.-m.', E.ST), will be beam^^ out of outgalloped Clarence H9hry Important 'part of the training aea­ noon with any old kind of an out­ came Grabe.t'a tying basket. W t^ Nationals here Tlnir.>iday night. night 16 miles north of Pine Bluff. end I hunt and peck for an addi­ bout-at 8:30. stopped Dan BtreCironi. heavyweight, blasted right' hands A m es'...... 87 197 ■A IR IN G doing it. ’ The fifth' game also is; Slated for Kellogg's attending phyalrlan George King breaks hia Wrist min­ Tickets may he purcha.aed at the New York's St. Nicholas Arena aon. Stanley Hack, the new', man fit. But with the miracle Bravei less than five seconds remaining WONDER ROYR t o r e t u r n tional two houia .... Realtor Art And after Juat 18 flghis and a at a wide-open target. . He Sunk the Courant center had posseMion Total* ...... "(ii4 457 1457 The sandy-haired apeedater Syracuse Saturday aftemoor. If ithn aak/l that hla name not he Knofla. who made page one Mon­ utes before the flnpl gun on A British American Club. Hllinski's where lightweights ^ o l o Rost of must now quickly a.quaint him-1 taking the ba^k-country play away, ‘ RuaaellVIlje,;. Ark. IW—Arkansas little more than two vMrs of box­ wicked right hands to the pit of •elf with what personnel there 1*. the Cub* 1 ^ season for the first of tha ball and waa dribbling past . ..MaachMler Triwt (I> IR lN G t finished the i5-mile grind in 13 other games ^^re necessary, they, ii»ed, skid ^ther prodiirt of Porta- day night by hei-ng the first custo­ (Iriving-in .play, H«' is tfie thii'd Sunoco Station, Walnut Grill, Mil­ Italy .and -Eddie piSmpo of New the atomach, fired left hooks. 'M' 243 minutes, 7.35 a«c1>nds to JM^er th^: Tech's "Wonder Boys,” wjio won Syracuse star to suffer a broken ler's Restaurant, Ru.saell's barber -Haven-: tangle i y ’’* ten, rounder. ing, Jackson, sLx-fo<^ two, t91'/|- It'a another case of the (Jiibs' time suffered an . appieciable - de hla owii backcourt. A l ml at' San frojn his camp," ejaculates Jack- ’.'He hit me wonderful,” he said, T" Hqgsn's. subsequent probe di.i-i during, one game. AgalnM the with the'top average, 120,42. Hip­ the ^Rec bifl Hartford, refused to —we supply right out Jose, Calif.. Tuesday; night Mid­ After the upset. “ He punches closed that a score of college play-l Tigers VTc blasted a- -home run, po Correhti's 435' triple won him chase Bobby Knight and the of our own fi^irfek. dleweight Bobby Dykes, Miami., ''' The HurricaW a^9>t;etl positively w,onderful. Did those body punches ers had been approached and had] ■ double and two-singlea crowd ' was drsappolnied; ’ many meets Joe RindOne. Boaton, at frightening" quatjtles belUiig Bur- hurt? Did you'Jieai' that yell? That the award and U'alt Suchy scored Exhibition ^ascball carried out varioiia plota to fix] . ------a 98 without a marj<. have paid to see the Negro whiz Tuxedos- Cp'iaways and all Miami Beach Tuesday night. oerlno out on hla pins In the^slxth waa me. I jiist a a id ,-'l^ ew !'- I gamea. '' | Afte.r oil Is pressed frpm oopra. The Garden Grove entry won put on his show . . Talk basket; formal ^essories. round. ' like fights like that. He hits me Three other players suffered i the dried meat of coconuts, the ball over a coke witli Ray Damatp, Staiicdngs of fhe Teams Despite his "faults," he proba'dly hard. I get stronger.'* the regular season play while the TBOI^X a p l e n t y minor Injuries and were released I residue Is valuable , as stock feed local man w ho spohsors Frankies Is a lead-pipe cinch to murder Billy Graham wasn't surprised.- POWER AND HAND MOWERS Dari-Msids captured the playoff#. A.3IERICAN LEAGUE Madison, Wii. (P )—The old lady from the hospital yesterday. j and fertilizer. and Pait Bolduc, publicity man for every big guy in the business to­ “ I saw this kid sparring with -President Ollle Jarvis extended W L who lived in the shoe didn’t play greet!nga. Rec Director Jim Her- Na.ssiff Arms, before heading, BaltimuVe ...... 9 day with the exception of FUzard Mnreinno before Rocky's second west, RECAL in the same league aa lake trout. light With Wnlrott," recalled the dlc, Hsnk Larson, local printer, Boston . .-...... 16 io MEN'S SHOFS Charles ard Marciano, and he's A Spring Tonic for Your Car WEDNEilDAY Chicago ...... 1511 Wisconsin fish managers cotlect- number one weltarwe'lght - eontend- and Bill Frey were among the inp spawn for hatchery operations eager to try out his weird style on President JacksOn Crockett, of i'hilaueipiiia ...... 12 9 them. er. "He waa giving Rocky a pretty SHARPENED and REPAIRED gueats present. Hal Turkington pf 907 MAIN STREET .. got '71 >2 quarts of eggs^a poten- good tinale, and that waa a year Washington 12 13 »- , I- • The -Herald served as tnastmsster. the.Manchester High Booster (jlub tial' of 300,000 young lake trout-;- Fdiergy beyond, connprehension is .says In a two-minute intarclew Celioil ...... 11 14 Telephone MI-9-1352 ^ ago. I think he Oould fight Rocky Oil ehongo . . rodiotor Riniiod . winter Officers of fhe league jthisryear from 50 female fish. That's 8,000 what makes Jackaohi His arms right now. Can you imagine were Jarvis. Rd Mad»eji.'vice' pres­ that due .t.>, lack of interest the Cleveland-----10 14 .never stop ilumping. His legs never tiros romovo^ . motor funo-iip. scheduled election of officers cf the each.. Rocky's fare when this kid tosses AMESITE ident;‘ Bill Pagani. treasure^, and New York ...... 10 16 lose their boun^ce. He finished the that two-handed uppercut-or the In­ ENGINE REPAIRS » Hank'.Wittke. secretary. BoosU. Club on Mondky. night had . NATIONAl.. l e a g u e Bucceruni battle, one of the moat curve or oirtcurve left. Jah?” been postponed until a later date Pittsburgh ...... 15 7 .682 gruelling'witnessed in some time, He may...... have...... to he...... hk by Marcl- Our sorvico doportmont wiH do Hwm, ond o l - NBA P|.AVOFFS . , . I feel hat it’a going to take a Brooklyn ...... 16 IL .593 jvlth nothing more than a cough, j gj-io g^ows justliow tho minor ropgir jobs noctssory to put your ■'"■ -' ' ■ ■'. • V.. ■ ■' ■'* '■ im iY EW A Y S lot'Of werk to get the tbwnspeopie .Hiipday’s Result ' New liork...... 34'1 0 .583 which" came;-from a cold. well he can take It. He might even Minn8a|K)Iis' 81,' Syracu.se 67 steamed iip again over the Booster St. Louis...,rs 11 .577 ■‘■I fights better when I have a ; laugh at BUiard (3iarlea. cor in 5im^ physical condition tor Spring. AUTHORIZED SALES - - FARTS - - SERVICE " EXPERTLY INSTALLED (Minneapofis leads 2-1. in best-of-I Club'which, throiigh its drives, Cinctnn.Ui ...... ,1 4 14 .500 COPACO 100% PURE BEEF F^^ celd.” he observed. It Was just as: Tommy Jifckaon ia aomething of fc. • - • final series.) realized a sizable amount of money M ilwaukee...... 13 "15 .464 (FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE NOW GROUND FINE) well for Bucctroni that-he wain't|a big .Henry Armstrong and very Don't wait. Iiing it in today. Spring la hafil /* Bo m Grading — MochiiM Spread— Hhturdpy's Results to.’,. badly needed athletic equip­ Philadelphia 11 18 .379 ^ exciting. . „ ON BRIGGS & .STBAnON ~ CLINTON BEO— JACOBSEN Syrai'U.se 62. Minnespolis 60.- ment and . other - extra curricular Chicago . . , ------8 17 .320 1 Hiifh In Nutriti«n«l Vfilue»-Low In - ■' ■ r. Forms Sot s— Fowtr RiMtd • ^ ■ ____/ U ______8unday> Results •s- LANSON -e. CONTINENTAL, POWEB PRODUCTS ENGINES Also: Parking Lots -ves Tonnis C o u rt|~ W«lks Boston (A) L Atlanta (.SA) 2 ' CON.N. BRED PARAKEETS I .. - Chicago ll^) io, Baltimore g u a r a n t e e d 81NG|IN0/c a n ARIES (A ) ‘2 10% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS . Chicago (A) 8, St. Loula (N) 5 TROPICAL FISH—PUPPIES 2 0 / SERVICE STATION M ; Torms orrongod if dosirod. aelVeiand ihAj 8, New' York PET SUPPUBS - LB. ■ ■ y- ; - OIXIE'S (Nl.'*'- ^ , OF EVERY DESTRIPTIDN HARTFORD ROAD,' FOR LEASE New York (A) 11. Savannah Ntw andiJsed Squipment I. ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED RY . F,::MVLK CANARIES $2.50 (\SAL) 9 . DOINO EXCELLENT VOLUME BODY ' Pittsburgh (N> 2, Philadelphia AVAILAILE IMMEDIATELY (AID it’JT Grata! SUiupi Given D

7 I -* mm

■ . • ; ■ - ..f ’■•7 ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ). MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1954 PAGE F iraiN . PAGE FOURTEEN / . . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 5. J954 ' Apirtmanta—Flato-f. Houaoa For Sak 72 Suburban For Sale 75 Waifted—Rm I Estate 77 AatomobUes for Sale 4] Auto Acce88oriea~-Tfres 6 Iftuilding^—Contracting 14 Business Opportunities 32 Gardeib—Farm— Daily Machinery and Took 52 . Tenemen||i. 63 Salk ‘ShotsVSafe; Doga—Birds— Pats 41 THREE FAMILY HOME |VBRNON—Two homca near new READY BUYERS waiting. For Im- Sears Job About Town Rooi^velt Says ‘ DeCORMIER MOTORS FOR TIRES, Tubea and batteries SPECIALIZING In c a i , . . _ , . NEIGHBORHOOD Grocery store. Products 50 WE •UT-ScU-Trada-Raht.,: powar t h r e e r o o m furnished apart Vernon school. Priced belbw mar­ madlata action list jrour pronarty aji^ntsy. TROPICAL) FISH hobbyist sslling inent. AU utiUtleit' Included, $33.60 ' Authorities Sure ClastifiMl contact your Goodyear Sei^ce jobbing and alterations; Guaran­ Small but active. Good money out healthy stock of Guppies, 10c mowara, chain aaws, UUan.. gar­ and INVESTMENT ket for early sale. The’ Eacott with tha Aibart J. Gatto Raal- Tha DUVeW . will mast at the SAYS:. “ There’s nothing Store, 713 Main Street, teed work. No Job too small. Rock­ f o r TOUR Freeger, tgnder Here' ’ per week. Adults. MI. 9-854.7 after Agancy. AU. 9^768S, tora, OL 94“ “ HeWfflStayin maklnr. Priced to seU. Warren E. each. 41 Green Road, any Ume.' ford steers. Whole or part. Your den ‘ ractora, outboards, jMwar • eveBlags,' ML iShowdown home Ot Mrs. Beatrice Manning. magic about it, we merely buy 9-5390. Use our easy pay- plan, ville 5-5759. *■> Howland, Realtor, 648 Woodbridge 6.- - ALSO 2-FAMILY FLAT 3-6948. J A. Ei 47 Msiple SL, tomorrow night at $ choice from my large herd.- Sul' tools. Terms arranged. Capitol COVENTRY LAKE—5 room ranch, (Ceattaoed from Page Oae> and sell only the best in Used St. MI. 3-8600 • ML 9-4339. Equipment Co., 38 Main Strast o’clock. ' Afvertisemenb FAMOUS LIFETIME batteries, alx US Build your new home, al- kowaki, WUllmanttc HA. 3-3217. V yaar old, artesian well, hot air READY TO Sell, we need single Cars AND. then BACK UP Live Stock— Vehicles 42 for such preparatiems.” Congress Race — c l a s s if ie d ADVT. year guarantee. Self-recbaiging In ktiona,' special prices on ga- LINGERIE Manufacturer operaUng Bualneaa Locations One flat vacant, good location. heat, full price, $6300. Call ACB and two-family housea for our what we. seH.” 60 secondk. Buy the best for less. FULL LINE B< e flower and Tha Oodihined MOthars Clrclea Baid Dr. Hart E. Van Riper, . n i DEPT. HOURS etc. Free eatmiatea. retail factory ouUi;ta desires add!- WE BUY COWS, calvea 6nd beaf Musical Instruments -53 For Rent Realty. AU. >-2832. y , ' waiting cash buyers. CaU ACB Tomorrow 91 we (Mitchell) has made krpkaa rates. Eatimates gla given. SPANISH GUITAR; Ih fin# condl. \ BOLTON LAKE coop. Approximately four acres of SEDAN preferred. Ojqiortunlty' for ad­ “DE LUXE’’ FURNITURE tion., $25. Call MI. 9-8759. The lawyer ia Lawrence R. eliminated by the testing:; This promises o f help.” Omdea’n ;ad- rocK ooonnAnoN w i l l C ^ Dick at PI. 3-6695 John at Articles For Sale 45 'Completaly winterised flve room good cleared UUuL On bus line. CASH WAITINO for Shy ty^k ■'•aJ minlatrativc aaaiatant. Paul Watd, Ml. 3-5769. vancement. Write to' Box P, — ALSO — ______I Suburban For Rent 66 Cohen, also of Boaton. Another Mrs. Bessie Farris, president of demonstrates the validity ,of these BK APPKC01ATEl> Bel-Air model. Radio, heat­ CAR BURN OIL? home right on the lake. Two bed- Seven mllcs< from Manchester. eatata you have to acil. First and tests and the safety they assure to said it bad been agreed thnt.j3Mi- Herald. DELTA-DE WALT power tools and •'WESTINGHOUSE" roome; large fireplace and a hugs saoOnd mottgaga money available. asaiatant named is Russell J. Oof- Mystic Review, No. 2, WBA, re­ er, defroster, directional sig­ y . SPEXILALIZING In custom accessories. SiUas, aervica, demon SOUTH COVENTRY, heated, fum $12,500. E lu s iv e with Frances K. the,'public:"' don would not seek einowrt.i gup. APPLIANCES Wanted—To W N 58 front porch. Garage and beautiful Wagner, Realtor. MI. 9-002$. Also listinga wanted. Call ' Tha On. a Harvard law school gradu­ quests the members to. mSet to­ Diol MI-3-5121 nals. Tu-tone paint. Only $495 rages, Stanley overhead HOUSEWIVES! NEED extra straUon. Terms arraniced. Cafrttal Includes following:' Ished four rooms and garaga. Call ate. Dr. Salk declared "there is ab­ port from, the national conunitten Economy overhaul, most all money. Show Sarah Coventry coa* yard. Scnaibly priced at $11,000. Johnson Building Company, 96$ morrow at- T:30 p.m. in Odd Fel­ and th a t. MitcheU in turn wmild down. . cabincta. block Ula ceilings, Equipment Co.. 36 Main St. ■VERY PRETTY" BEDROOM WILL Bt^y Refrigerators, ranges, CHapel 6-9567., VERNOR—Six rooma, two unfum^ Main St. ML $-743$. Evenings AU. Cohen represented Jonathan and lows hall so that a dance, re solutely nothing to be concerned cars. Parts and labor $49.96. teraUons, additions. Call Fra tume jewerly on party plan and "GORGEOUS" LIVING ROOM abouL Nothing thnt contains live not interfere in the primary fiau* CHILD'S SAND Box with aluminum and / washing machines. La- ^ ROCKVILLE — Pleksant 8 room ACANCHE8TER ished, near bus and school, 94XUA David Laibell, twins, by request of hearsal may taka place before^the teaL . ■ »•'” 1954 CHEVROLET 2-DR. No money down. $4.90 month­ Contoia, Ml. 3-5333, earn t35-$50 weekly commlsaions ••a t t r a c Tt v e ” Din e t t e s e t virus is c;i>nsidered to be a aatia- Lost and Foand bottom and canvas top. Practical­ Flaihme Appliance Co. ML 9-686$. heated apartment, In^quist neigh­ Opposite Saniters Pond, a four $10,000, H. B. Grady, Broker, AU. the Harvard law faculty when the business meeting. Members inter­ Ziffren said in Loa Angelm h* SEDAN ly. All work guaranteed. No collection or de- MOHAWK ” RUGS r-8009. MODERNIZED ITirce bedroom factory vaccin?.” GENERAL Construction, altera- deposit or bond re­ ly new. Price $10. MI. 9-7939. borhood. Adults $65. Rockville, room Capa Cod In RoUlng Park. students had trouble obtaining, a ested in trying out for the May would ask the Callfomln Btata LOST—BiBok ^ p e re d change Bel-Air model. Radio, heat­ ARMSTRONG” INLAID Now vacant. Has storm windows, home, garage, possible bam or lawyer for their appearance be-, r.evue are urged to attend. Some of the tests W'hich showed puree, viclnUp Birch end M tin Uons, remodeling, plasUc tUe, samples. For personal 5:4601. ROCXVILLE —Beautiful year old outbuilding. Industrial zone, Man­ Central committee to meet this FLAGSTONE. Stona for wails, WESTINGHOUSE■’ ELEC. REF. Rooms Without Board 59 ameaite drive, fireplace and mai fore the Senate Internal Security Dancing instmetion will be under live virus. Dr. Salk said, "were ac­ •treete. Finder caJl MI. S-8SM. er, defroster, directional sig­ COLE MOTORS counter work, garage, etc. No job interview call JA. 7-1525 six room colonial, -large master chester. Writb Box V, Herald. tually, conducted ns checks oii the week to consider MltebalTs aetkm. house fronts, flreplacaa, ate. Bol­ WESTINGHOUSE" / other features. Priced at $ 1 2 ,^ . aUbcommittce. TTjey invoked the the supervlaion of Carol Quinn Ziffren indicated ha agraad nals. Tu-tOne paint. Only $495 too small. Eugene Glrardln, 16 LAUNDROMAT / NEWLY DECORATED, Beautifully bedroom, two additional twin size manufacturing procesae* and it Trotter St. MI.- 9-5509. EXEdx^rrvE s e c r e t a r y ton Notch Quarry M'. 9-0617. Summer Homes For Reqt 67 Definitely will qualify to r /k OI F ifto Amendment when appearing Koehle;. MitcheU in the Roostv 't casi. ^ IXMT—Black and white male Boa* 436 Center Street "WES’nNGHOUSE” VACUUM furnished and spacious room. Tha bedrooma, step down living room, IF READY to buy,, sell, exchanga waa knowm in advance the. resulta ton Terrier puppy. CaU MI. 1951 WILLYS 4-lVHEEL loan. / real estate, mortgages arrangad before the subcommittee. said "no individual has a right to We offer\ n attractive position BEAUTIFUL SelecUon of wool rem­ "WES’nNGHOUSE ” TOASTOR most complete light housekeeping COTTAGES FOR Rent —Private fireplace, full siae dining room, ex­ would not be satisfactory. S-B3M. Reward. DRIVE STATION WAGON cellent kitchen, 1’4 baths, jUU Consult Itoward R. Hastings The appointment of Bears' aa The Emblem Club will hold its use the Democratic party tor per- Ml-9-0980 Roofing—Siding .16 to an ag^eskive executive secre- nants at low piicea. Alao rug wool ■WESTINGHOUSE’' GRIDDLE faculties available in Manchester. lake, clubhouse, 17T acres. 30 min. M A N C H E S n ^ siatants ia subject to .approval by En route to Ann Arbor, Mich and instructiHia in braiding ruga. signals, hydramatic. Ready to Call Ml. 9-8933. aluminum doors $49.50 plus inatalv NICELY FURNISHED room, very BOLTON HILLSIDE, 4% room group and said he would not vote testing is tiaed in Inoculations, he tic cars. MI. 9-7398. fo $2 per hour without canvasaing. See It Dav Or Night 9-7929. — .. \ .Realtors on any laeuee Connected with the E. Ward Laklng. 44 McKinley war,, when he waa gotng aviraiaa, come protection plan offered by please fussy you. Only $195 lation. Manchester Home Impn'vO- clean, all conveniences. Private- MANCHESTER ranch, combination kitchen, din­ said. Rooaavelt at ona point aaid ha Write P. O, Box 661, Hartford, ment Co.. ^ Oak St. Ml. 8-8177. A—L—B— E— R—T— ’—S , , Offibe 15 Forest Street inquiry, bsit he haa insisted on ex­ St., claim adjuster in the Fidelity Mutual of Omaha. Local agent, down. ... r AUTO DRIVING instruction. All ROfiFING, Siding and carpantry. Conn. residence for s gentleman. 316 ing room, fireplace, double and Surety Lose Accounts Dept. "That la exactly the purpose waa releasing frtenda and ooppOKt- MI. S-7S75. . lessons on insured dual control Alterations and addlUons. Cell- 43-45 ALLTN ST.. HARTFORD Spruce St. WANTED—Garage, In vicinity ■ Compact and cozy six room Cape closets, sliding doors, garage, An-^7925 Anytime amining '.vitnesses. He also pro­ of the tests." ALL ALUAUNUM combihatiph win­ posed that Army counaci be al­ q( the Aetna ChsuaMy and Surety era, bu^ he haa remained m akm tf 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DR. Car. CapablS experienced-instruc­ Ipga. Workmanahlp guaranteed. 193 Oak Street. AU. 9«935. Cod in good condition. Fireplace, many extras. Lot 107 x 150, no Co., will observe h's 30th anniver­ Dr. Salk haa inoculated his own in the-race. ^ SMAIXt LOTS of ataple grocerlea, A ' A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn DEMONSTRATORS dows and doors, self-storm , save ROOM. Central. Continuous hot oil hot water heat, acreens,. etorm AIANCHESTER — Wanted bouae lowed to cross-examine him. SEDANX tor. Cordner Auto School. MI. NO NEED TO JOIN A CLUB development, Only $9,500, Carlton with five bedrboma or equivalent sary with the conqMuty on April 11. children among about 5,0(X) given RMMvelt'a campaign aaanagor. froxen fooda, aaaorted eodaa for street. ftfltch*ll 3-4860. heat, comfort,, convenience, last a water, private entrance. Parking. WANTED-:-Five or eix room rent, windows'and doors, amesite drive. W. Hutchins.' MI. 9-5132, 9-4694. \Mundt said last night he had Radio, heater defroster. Tu- 9-6010, JA. 7-3680. in East Center acetion, deairablc. the vaccine prepared in his own E d/l^beck. eaid in Lm AngaMa \sale thia week^ 35 Oak St. The House of Plastics, Inc. lifetime. Free demonstfstlon. Call Top Quality Furniture Gentleman. MI.' 3-4724. preferably in 8th SehoflJ Dlitrict. Deep lot, o ff Porter Street. Price aiiapst persuaded the Wisconsin laboratory. Dr. Van R i^ r said tone paint. Only $195 down. DRIVING Instructlims frbni your SPECIALIST in gutters and down­ NOW Pays The Highest Com­ anytime. Bill Tunakji: AU. 9-9095. John M en, 48 Woodland St. Tel. Suitable yard for\:hildren. Writa Senator to give up his right to XI Gamma Cliapt*.r oC Beta night he talked at length with Brand Name Appliances $12,300. Financing arranged. Ex­ Box N, Herald. Dr. Balk .also ha^hoeulated about horns, Dual-control insurro car, spouts. Tom Dawkins, Master MI. 9-1924. clusive with cross-etcamine, but that the naar- Sigma Phi Sorority arill meet to­ candldato and "our 'aele por- Personals 1948 WILLYS 4-WHEEL missions In The Demonstrat­ and TV at Tremendous Savings SINGLE ROOM, heat, Hot-water. morrow at 8 p.m. at the home of 3,000 childian Trith vaccine made . ia to allow tka voton et tha ■taodard or autbmatl':. Ca!l Man­ Plumber.. Phone MI. 9-9669. underat^iding waa iqieet by the commercially DRIVE JEEP chester Orivina Academy. PL ing Field. LOAM a ^ HUMUS Charter Oak street. Ml. 9-7217. WANTED—3 or 4 room unfurnished Hosi il Notes appointment o f Joseph N. Welch of Mrs. James Richmond, 33 Elro St. district to decide. 1HB FROSPBCr Hill School for FOR EXPERT installation or re CHAMBERS FURNITURB apartment or rent by young cou­ P R I C E S K. WAGNER Spokaomen for threa of Uio flvi young childran. Tranaportatlon In , excellent condition 3-7249, ToU free. Rich clean. All BoMon to nanJle the Army's ease. Condon •as barrad by tha pair of gutters and conductors on We also have the largest y\d . SALES ONE Lig h t Housekeeping room, ple. No children or pets. MI. Realtor Anna maxing the vaccine Atomic Energy Commisalen foraiahad. Mra. Lela Tybur, direc* throughout. Only $195 down. ADMITTED SATURDAY . Sear* is to be queation^ about The Stanley Group of the South mercl^lly—on a non profit l ^ s old homes or new homes, call MI. line’-for home demonstrators. types of/trench ing done. At TTie Green auitkbic for working couple, maid 9-2736. MI-9-0028 (AEC) from a test at tha Nevada tor. Pbona M l^eU 9-5767. aervlceX$17 per week. Also two neth Henry. Bolton: Albert Hew Court Casfe^ Boston t)mwm stories quoting him in Methodiet Church will meet to- for tne testa—said the taS ew is Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 9-6581. Free estimates. . ’ We are the originators of Back-l>de for hire. MitcheU 3-5187 1952 ap prtUsing McCarthy for "a morroar nt.'.'ht at $:30 at tha church proving grounds taat May 7. Say­ We. Have Many Other Fine single rooms, $6 per week. Apply WANTED—2 or 3 unfurnished SEyEN ROOMS with acreage, poul- tit, Rockville: Angelo . Vince, 1717 gukranteed by the triple tm ing. MRS. ZOPFl/reader and adviaer. the plastic party plan in New Hours; 10 to 5—7:30 to 8:30 P. M. great job"'in driVjng OotiinMuilsts and'will go from here by bus to ing that "atnle poUtical chargee" Values On Hand At BOY'S 26" Bicycle, front and rear Ehigland. /l^ockville 5-5652 Vernon Inn, ' Tsicottville. MI. rooms for elderly gentleman, im­ y y house, brooder/apple trees, ( Birch St.; Richard Hahn, 68 West Charles Bigge, 45, ot 6$ McKinlW. The firoM are Eli Lilly A d o. and were being reviewed against htin. AH welcoipe. 356 Franklin Ave., lights, basket, stahd and lock. 79 Roofing 16-A 9-8216. mediately or in near future. Phone Convenient. H. B. Grsdy. Broker. Bt | St.; Fred Burns. 11 Lucian St.; out of government/Md hailing his the Clarke House, Wllllinantla the Art theater. For DeCORMIER MOTOR Call your manager in your -AFT • •AAA / ’ St., waa fined $125 in Town Couift' ir*:dd- has not made any public an­ ark baaed must be conoldeind as ONLY DOUGLAS Will Bell you a Pantaluk, 40 Faster street. Phone and promptly installed. Jobbing. Opportunf^ for advancement. Ap­ FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, in good from $17,200 to $22,900. See ed there was nothing in the re­ ni. at the home of Mrs. Bessie U8ED;YRD0CS for aale. One to condition, reasonable. MI; 9-2977. fireproof-concrete floor. Rockville e these ment. Eiva Tyler, Realtor.*^*MI. I ** Tanner SL; Mra, ph.v. In' whose establishment the nouncement. aerious anA^ontinuing... late m o d e ^ a r as low aa $145 MitcheU 9-7303. Tom Dawkins, Master Plumber. ply in person. Maple Dry Oeaners COMMERCIAL FREEZER, 20 cu. 5-9413. today. The Eacott Agency. ML Maude Ferrin, 'Windsor; ' Walter cord, as far as he knew, to indK Vifhi, 360 Main St. ' Dr. Albert Heustls, Michigan tan-toU capacity. Suitabie for all and Launderers, 72. Maple St. ft. Suitable home or business, 9-4469. police picked up Bonino. testified "Until they are roartvod, X ahnU puipoaea at baigain prices. Carl­ down. We do mot ask you to take Phone AU. 9-9669. 9-7683. Smith, 310 Spring St.; Francis cate that. Sears had' done so in re­ State Health commissioner, aaid net propoao any action by tha an- ANT1QUE23 Refiniahed. Repairing restaurant double - sink, miac. under a direct question from Members of (Jibbons Assembly. son A Co., 44 Stock Place. MI. a loan from a bank or finance CARPENTER WANTED. Only the GE APPLIANCE SALE LARGE FURNISHED room for AVERY STREET-Colonisl ranch. Cooney, 446 Adams St.; Ralph Judge Rottnec that the defendant gard to ''McCarthylam.’’ he has called a meeting for April Uonal committee that aaight ha Company to complete your down done on any. furniture. Tieman, equipment and groceries for sale. two, also single room. Complete EIGHT ROOM house for sale direct 6 beautiful. rooms. 2*i tl|ed baths. Judd. 83___ Bigelow St. Catjiolic Ladies of Ckslumbus, are 9-4556. St need apply. Steady work. Call 35 Oak St. waa not so Intoxicated that he 14 of health officers of 14 coun­ considered aa andoraamaat af Mr. payment. Positively ■ only $145 189 South Main St. Phone MI. Millinery— Dressmaking 19 (1) LB76K REFRIGERATOR kitchen privileges. MI. 9-4776. from owner. Good condition. Oil Four fireplaces. Finest ol mater-1 ADMITTED TODAY;TODAY.* .Joseph reminded of the meeting tomor­ ties scheduled to participate, in 8-5643., ockville 5-7630 between’6 and 6 Bteam heat. Vacant. MI. 3-5636. would have been refused a drink Condon's fitaeos." 19^1 Hudson 3-Dr. Super 6 Sedan down buys a 1949 car, $195 buya ALTERATIONS, Dressmaking to^ p.m. BATH TUB, BOWL and basin. 49 Waa $239.95—NOW $199.95 iais and workmanship. Madeline Barkauskas. 247 N. Main St. at the bar. row c'vening, at which the speak­ the teats, and that Polio Founda­ 1950, $295 buys a 1952. No addition­ FURNISHED ROOM for rent near Slate Local Cases er will be Prof. Chester Obuchow' —Radio, heater and over­ lit you expertly. Quick servic* Oxford St. Phone MI. 3-6923 after $1,000 DOWN, THREE bedroom Smith, Realtor. Afl. t-l$42 or AH. BIRTHS SATURDAY: a son to In other cases this morning. tion officials had been invited to recipient of a corsage, '^b«T thlRk al side notes or loans. We guaran­ FURNITURE Refiniahtng, antique a 'j LK95 REFRIGERATOR Main St. Gentlemen preferred. 9 /9-1146. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cafazio, Arh- ski, 17 Baric SL. who berved in drive, excellent condition. furniture a specialty, chairs caned reasonable prices. Will call /a t MAN TO DO janitor work.' Call Mr. 5 p.m. Hasel St. Tel'. ML 9-2170. ranch, fireplace, til* bath, one 'Andrew Moone.v, 52, of no certain attend. you must wear it on your *tom tee to'.aell under the above terms your home if desired. CaU /M I. Hurlburt at Manchester Motor Waa $399.95—NOW $319.95 kTU ."'. ' 1 ------aton; a.son to Mr. and Airs. Ken- lu State Courts World War H, and ■will speak on Dr. Heuatis aaid he wants to be when It doesn’t lend itself to-the ll)61 Hudson Hornet Club Coupe— with notes as low as $40 monthly. and rushed. Anson F. Thorp. acre httia/flOO month for 5 years. address, was given a 30-c|ay sus­ / A one-owner car. Must be Phone MitcheU 9-5735. 9-4370. Mrs. Brunelle. Sales. MI. 9-5295. (1) LMK9S REFRIGERATOR PLEASANT,. FURNISHED room, 10 minutes out. Carlton W. *?*''• * 1 ! C«mpbcll. East Hartford; a pended sentence and placed on the French underground resistance certain the vaccine is "ahsolutely. design. Take It apart to arraag* Good credit is our only require­ six room single locet^ In a quiet daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles movement. .Officers will be elect­ j . seen to be appreciated. Ra­ Boats and Ayessories 46 Was $449.95—NOW $369.95 suitable -for two persons. One Hutchins. MI. 9-5132. 9-4894. probation for six months after A Coventry youth charged with safe" and get answers as to in your hair, or pin It to year ment. bouglaa Motors, 333 Main. DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, ALTERATIONS on womens and ACTUAL JOBS OPEN in U. S., So realdential section, haa an p„pp]p Coventry ’ ed following hiS'/talk, which will whether it would be available for purse. Or took a few o f tka flow an dio, heater and hydramatic, Am., Europe. To $15,000. Travel MARTIN Outboard block from Main St. Phone MI. pleading guilty to intoxication: larceny and a Manchester man direction signals. copied, vacuum cleimers, irons, children's clothes. A « / 9-9022. efigine, 7ij h.p;. (1) NAllJ FREEZER 9-3884. MANCHESTER —Several two-fam­ BIR-THS YES'TERDAY. /i-ton pickup. Mrs. Peliitier. paid. Write only Employment Info. I used 25 hours, less than one year "Convicted here of driving under uty 1951 lludson Hornet Sedan—Spe­ Excellent condition, $745. Carter guns, etc., repaired. Shears, Was $399.95-NOW $319.95 ily homes, three bedroom, auto­ Hartford, was found not ^ ilt y Of the influence of liquor, are sch^- ly atarta. wrist coraaga. Center, Room 963, 316 Stuart St.,| old. $185. MI. 3-4426 after 5. AT THE CENTER, comfortable matic heal, with garages located and cial paint,, radio, heater and Oievrolet Co., 311 Main St. MI. knives, mowers etc., put into con­ Bostoh. ------^------— ------screens,- — and ,storm . o , « failure to carry his operator's li­ uled to appear in the April crimi­ The American Legion Auxiliary 9-5238. dition for coming needs. Braith (1) D21K RANGE rooms, single or double. 14-18 in east and west side. The Escott cense: and Joseph Castro; 30, of 24 nal sessions of Hartford Superior will hold a brief business meeting hydramatic, 4 new whitewall ' Waa $449.95—NOW $359.95 Wadsworth St. Agency. MI. 9-7663. Plenty of shrub and shade treea. tiiM. waite, 02 Pearl street. APPRENTICE WET machine tend­ MARTIN 100 Outboard, used three See this before making purchase ter St. Oak’ St., charged with failure to and Common Picas Cdurts, • re­ this' evening at 8 o'clocjt.. in the 1947 CADILLACvSedan, radio, heat­ 20 BIRTHS TODAY:; a daughter •1961 Hudaon Hornet Sedan—Ra ers. Apply Colonial Board Co., 615 hours. A real buy. MI. 3-4540. Oiily $10 Down Delivers AIANCHESTER —Thl* agency haa ' of your home. Make appointment, pay four over-time parking tick­ spectively, which open tomorrow. Legion hall. ' ^ er, good tires, sharp-looker, hydro- COMPLETE Hand and power lawn to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborn. ets, forfeited a $20 bond when he dio and heater. Full price MANCHESTE:^ — Package Deliv­ Parker Street. Use Our Easy Pay Plan a large listing of 4, 5, 6 and 7 room call owner. All. 9-0350. James A. Koehler, 19, of Coyen- matlc drive. Douglaa Motors, 333 mower sales and service. Motors 12'- DECK Utility outboard boat, Boarders Wanted 59-A Ellington; a son to Mr- and Mrs. failed to appear in court. tW' was bound over to Hartford The D orca sS ociety o f ^ e SPECIALIZING IN $1195. Main. \ tuned ar overhauled. Pickup and ery. Local /light trucking and singles at $8^50 and up. Two faih- package «livery. Refrigerators, FOREUGN EMPLOYMENT. Con ready for the water, $125. MI. MANCHESTER — Cape Cod, fourlHorace Scruton, 149 Deepwood Dr. The case of Larry Nell Pierson, County Superior Court from Town Emanuel Lutheran Church will 1957 Hudson Super 6 Sedan-—A delivery service. Gibson's Gafage. struction work. If interested • in 3-4426 after 5. OPENING for elderly person in my ily homes, 4 and 4, 5 and 5. 6 and DISCHARGED SATURDAY: washers ^and.. stpve moving a GOODYEAR SERVICE* 6 rooms, $13,500 and up, colonials, finished rooms, expandable attic, lb. charged with evading responsi­ Court here in connection with the meet'at 8:30 .Wednesday evening CUSTOM I^ILT HOMES ' one-owner car, beautiful jet 1954 CHEVROLETS, 2-doora, beau­ Ml. 3-5013. foreign projects with high pay, licensed boarding horhe. Pleasant immaculate throughout, large Eliot Reivriiey, 22-L St. James St.; bility and carrying a dangerous tiful colors,’ 1954 Pontiac Star specialty.'Ml. e-0762. STORE seven looms at $14,800 and up. alleged theft o f ' $300 worth of following the presentation of the black, finlah. Radio, heater, write Foreign Service Bureau, % surroundings. Call the Virginia kitchen wUb> dinette are'a, fire­ Mrs. LilIian-Serettp,-73 Cooper St.; weapon, was continued for one automobile parts in February. Lenten play by the Luther C^EIOIRAL CONTRACTING Chief, Catalina, te^y-weeny mile­ ALL. KINDS of antenna work. CaU Building Materials 47 Rest Home. MI. 9-5455. Ranch homers. $11,900 to $38,000, automatic shift, overdrive. AUS’m A. . .CHAMBERS CO., Box 295, Metuchen, Nr J. 713 Main St.,. Mancheater place, hof water heat, blinds, Kathy'Hansen, 129 Lenox St.; Airs. week. He is now free under ItoO Stanley J. Brftzauakas, 45, of 53 Leaguers Thia is being presented Full price $1195. age on each. Full 90-day guaran­ Art> Pliuiey, TV Antenna ’'peclal- Please call Howard R. Haatirtga bond. ' \ ^MODELING AND REPAIRING 1st, Sales and Serince. Very fair local an'd , long distance moving, Western Framing Agency, Manchester. ML 9-1107. storm windows, himpus room in Rose Marcantonip, 585 Center SL; North St., was fined $125 by in place of the usual weekly 1950 Hudson Super 6 Tudor Sedan tee, bank financing. Bob Oliver klngi storage. CaH MI. 3-5187. e a r n t o $1500 monthly. Thou­ Phone MI-9-5390 rellar./unesite drive. Only $12v^. Harold Crozier, Jr., llO'Ruasell St.; Deputy Town Court Judge John J. has the best in cars at Center pricea. Tel. Ml. 9-4773. T.L.L...... per M $107.00 Lenten service. Following the F R E ^ ESTIMATES — MORTGAGES ARRANGED —Very good condition. Only fartford CHapej 7-1423. sands jobs open in S. America, Phony Barbara Woods Ageiicy, Peter'' Massolini. BoUo'h; Donald O'Connor on Jan. 6 orf'a charge of buainesa aeaaioii of the. Dorcas So­ Motor Sales, 46l Main St. Africa. Europe, U.S., etc. All N. C. Roofers T.L.L .. per M $99.00 VICTORIAN feofa and three match­ AIANCHESTER—New raiiCh, qual­ .$895. WEBB’S TV 17 Maple St., $3 per Shakes, all colors, 18" sq. $12.95 H ft I Rodio^TV Sprviet ity conatrucUon, no development; Myt-7702. Goehring, 155 Autumn St.; Jacob Vet Fpuiid Dead driving under the influence. Bra- ciety, the following hostesses will types' labor, trades, drivers, office ing chairs. Call between 8-8 p.m. Harolan,. .16 Hathaway La.; Mrs. 194S Naah Sedan—Beautiful black house call. AU work fully guaran/ Window Frames; complete MI. 3-7028. large kitchen, three bedrooms, zauskas, .who waa arrested while serve refreshments: Mrs. Louise teed. CaU MI. 9-6535 for quick Paintinji— Papering 21 workers. Women aUio needed. Em­ SERVICE CHARGE 88.50 full cellar, wooded lot, centrally ERE CAN you buy a home like j Iren'e-Ruqhey, 670 N.-Main SL; Ed­ sitting in a stalled car, b^ed his Bengtaon, chairman, Mrs. Lor­ / IRNEST A, RITCHIE / flniah. Radio and heater.N up­ 1940 OLDSMOBILE 4-door Sedan, ployers pay fair U hlred,, many with uniques ...... f r o m $11.95 a? Brick front, ameaite drive, On Hebron Farm holstery Just like new. Only $150. MI. 9-1836. >' honest service. DEX:ORATE' NOW. Guaranteed Flush Doors...... avg. $8.95 located. Only $12,500. Carlton W, S ward Fia'her, 42 Madison St.; Ken­ defense on the ground that no one raine Berggren, Mrs. Edith Bolen, IS U8EKTY $’i. TEL. HI-MI72, MAMCXESTER benefits. Write afonce for free in­ Hutchins, AH. 9-51J2, 9-4694. carport, six finished rooma, four]neth Taft. 108 N. Elm St.; David had seen him operating the auto­ Mrs. Agnes Johnson and Mrs. $595. workmanship. Free estimates on formation. Dept 6R. National Em­ Canadian Framing and ‘‘ TEL, MI.9.6M5 down, bath and fireplace, two up 1953 LINCOLN Cosmopolitan hard­ outside painting. FVll insurance Wiley, 100 Oak Grove St. Joan Hebron, April 5 (Special )/-^A' mobile. Elaine Case. 1949 Mercury Club Coupe—Radio, MASON—Fit'ldstone a speclwty. E. ployment Information Service, Sheathing T.L.L. .. per M\$95.Q0 Notice f a s t HARTFORD. Near present with attic Vent fan to cool it in the top, sport coupe.Two tone, all ac­ coverage. Keystone, Decorators, Gary lamonace Kleinschmidt, 42-:^Orive D; iuliL's 36-year-old veteran of World War heater and overdrive. A one- cessories, low mileage, plus sno- Toth. Phone Ml. 9-3207. / 1025 Broad, Newark, N. J. Clear Oak Flooring high School, SevCrkl homes priced hot summer. A full basement with Owner car. • ^ • MI. 9-1805. / . TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC Nagy, -Itockvllle;' Mrs. Marion II, who was receiving a disability esfis. MI. 3-8324. f.o.b...... per M $2$2J)0 in the $15;000 bracket. TTie/Escott a completed recreation room-and Powers'7 12 S. A,lton .SL: Augvsta- RUBBISH AND A she^ removed. AUCTION at Ve»-non Servicen- cellar proper. Oil hot water heat. ^ _ pension for mental injuries, was 1951 Studebaker Land C ruiser- NA'nONAL BUILDERS' ter, Route 83, Rockville, Conn., Agenty, MI. 9-7683. ' Pitkal. Rockville; Mrs. * a r y CM- fqund dead on the Mack Hill pas­ Automatic drive. Only 24.000 BEFo RE TOU Buy « . used car General cleaning of/'attics and PAINTING AND Salesmen Wanted 36-A SUPPUES All that the a v ei^ e home buyer A^lTiindaVn cellars. Call MI. 9^57. Friday, Ap-il 6.,>9,4. TWO-FAMILY 5-5, ex^Ient condi­ would want, See thia home today ture of Homer Hill by the latter milea. Full price $995. See Gorman Motor Sales. Buick 420 Davenport Avenue One’ 1936 Packard Convertible fUid son. Bolton; Cyron Boyd. 47 Saturday at 12:50 p. m. & Sales and, Service. 285 Main ; PAPER HANGING SALESMAN,. Storm wtqdows and tion inside and out, oil Steam heat, Don't delay.' E A E Realty; AH, If you lack cash tor down pay­ GONDER’S'T.V. irvics. avaUabie doors in a large development, New Haven, Conn, Coupe. Model 120-B—Motor. No, storm windows, near bus. stores, Manchester Rd.; George'' McFall. . The veteran, Fred Roberts, 36. itreet. MIt(^ell 9-4571. Open eve' G O O D JOBS 9-6297 or MI. 8-4480. 165 McKee St.; Lorraine Billings, Last Call! Only A Few Left! any Ume. Ant# X-74594. 170 Lawrence St.. Hartford had ment on theae cars, we can arrange nlnga. la conversions. JOHN M. McCANN packaged dfal, fast selling, liberal Tel. STate 7-3597 school, good income, will go G.I. Phiico factory/ ipervUed service. commission. Manchester Home Andbver; Steven Benedict, Rock­ worked at the Hill Farm one day curcosTS' for other terins. ' Carlton W. HuttHins, MI. 9-5132, BETTER THAN NEW 30 Laurel Street FOR ville; George Miller, Yt4. E. Adddle 1946 CHEVROLET Tudor, motor Tei; Ml. 9-141 Improvement Co., 35 Oak St,' MI. . 9-4694. / before he wandered off and was DO IT McCLURE AUTO CO.^ Inc.; overhauled by ,us. Radio, heater. Tel; MI-3-7388 or Ml-3-6738 3-8177. Diamonds— Wat.ches— *, This chsrrriing 3 year Jarvla- Tpke.; Mrs. Bertha Dilworth, Bol­ subsequently found by Hill. MANaHE^raR r. V. service, SKILLED ton; Mrs. Ann Maciohie, 382 E. Winthrop Porter,, first select­ TUESDAY ONLY Douglas wants you. to inspect this Jewelry 48 bUilt Cape Cod haa all the extras. 373 Main Street ^ radio apd T.V. apeciaU:fts since FOUR R o o m s Center SL; Stephen Martin, Taun- man, called in State Police after YOURSELF car. See if it isn't the cleanest, PAINTING, Exterior’ and interior,, Six rooma (two unfinished), fir#» Tel. MI-9-9442—Open Evenings I93L Hbust seivl.'e caU $3 51 Help Wgnfe^— LEONARD W YOST. Jeweler, re- MEN tph, Maas.; Mrs. Lorraine Spencer Hill contacted him about the most immaculate, original, 1946 paperhanging. CeUtngs reOnlsh- Oil heat, full cellar, ■vei’y neat place, oversized kitchen and dining[ jmd son, $4 HoU SL; M.-s. Marlori model you'll find ahywhere. Hon' KItehelJ 6-6660 day or night. Male qr Female 87 pMrs, adjusts watches expertly. d<(ath. Boys and iairis! 1953 FORD Ranch wagon?" 'AU ed. Wall paper books on request. and clean throughout.' Near b»a area, exterior shingled, flnlshedlb'NciU, 44$ N.. School'St.; Mr*, Dr.' Norman Gardiner^ medical est Douglas, 333 Main. .. ElsUmates given. FuUy msured. Reasonable prices. Open dally. metal all 'purpose -vehicle Low, COI^PLETE REPAIRS by Stuart WANTED At Once, clerk for ateady Thursday evenings. 129 Sprued line. Automatic h o f water heater examiner of East Hampton, per­ R. Wolcott .on wringer and auto­ Cali Edward R.. Price MitcheU • TOOL DESIGNERS - $9,21)0. ■ basement, lovely landscaped lot. [ ^ y l'l» “ J low down payment. Balance 36 iMTCHEVROIet,club coupe, radio, 9-1003. ' V I position on cigar and candy coiin street Mitchell 9-4387. mitted the body to be removed to EXTRA SPECIAL . tnontha. Honest Douglas. 333 Main. matic washing machines, vacuum ter in air conditioned store. Hosi $1,000 .down to qualified Dicume,, 53, StricklanC St.; Airs. Hartford. Hospital for On autopsy. heater, signal lights. Good condl- cleaners, motors, small -appli­ CairM"l-9.-7620 ’ lipn, $150. Tel. MI. 9-2858^before PAINTING AND Papering. Outside ‘ pitaljsation and other atore bene • RETAILERS 25 year mortgage available. Priced Mary Dowgiewicz, Rockville; Mri. PoliOe' said the death was believed 3. p jn .- /,— ances, Welding 180 Main , street, fits availably. No . nights or Sun Fuel and Feed 49-A at $12,300. I Har|ene Hawses, 14 Essex St.'; to have been the result Ot natural, Phone MI. 9-6878. painting estimates now , being DESIGNERS , - LARGE SIX Room colonial, | 2-car 1939 Chevrolet 2-Dr.—Runs well, given. CaU Gilbert Kickett. MI. days,. Apply Arihur Drug Store ’ garage, an older home in good re­ I Miss Carol Schubert, 17 Summer causes. SEASONED Hardwood ' for fire- .CENTRALLY LOCATED »j gt.- Mrs. Janice.Van Kavelaar and Ro'berts waa identified by friends FuU price $SS. 3-6982, , • 942 Main St. No telephone calls. ■place, furnace and range. Immedi­ • TOOL and DIE MAKERS pair. New furnace, quiet, neighbor­ 1953 Plymouth 4-Door— Like RUBBISH REMOVED and WE Buy hood. 120 x 140 lot. See this one This five room Cape Cod zhoiild Hlaughter, Manafl«l« Center; Jtobert and relativaa. He was formerly of ,1946 DeSoto Custom Sedan—Ra- yards ate delivery. Call Glastonbury, Entire or Partial Eatatep Maine. AT new, low mileage, fully cleaned. MI. 9-3969. MEdford 3-2933 aftsr S. • MECHANICAL now, 113,800. Warren E. Howland, « «. .n.«„ « xdio, heater aWd. automatic s equipped, . EXTERIOR PAINTING only. Free Situations Wanted— • ■ 3 , ReaUor, 64$ Woodbridge St. AO. shift Only $95 down. WIRING INSTALLATION and re­ estimates. MI. 9-1383. Female 38 Antiques, China, Glass 3-8600 . AU. 9-4389. needs. 23 ft. living room with firw. I green Manor Rd.; Russell 1953 Packard 2-Door— Ultra- pair of small electric appliances Complete Households • TOOL and GAUGE place, two bedrooms finished up- Billings, Andover, CLEAN-OUt SALE PRICES 1946 Dodge DeLuxe'^ Sedap—Ra­ 1 and fixtures. Clarence G. Smith PAINTING AND Paperhanging, RELIABLE Woman driver and sjj CUSTOM BUILT four room, ex­ stairs, olliheat, storm windows and. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: dio and heater. $10 down. matic drive. Priced to sell, Satisfaction guaranteed. 35 yeara Storkge 1.4>t» Store Stock INSPECTORS I 21 Knox St. Phone ML 3-8423. burban car available, ahopping pandable to six, cabinet kitchen; screens, carpeting, electric: range I Cynthia f'eeeer, 116 CHcott SL; 1953 Studebaker Pickrup^i4 experience. Ordera taken for out­ picnlca, light deliveries, small Call Anytime large living room, firefdace, oak Arnold Zurell, East Hartford; Eric RICH CASH O NLY 1946 Nash Sedan — Radio and LAWN MOWERS all types sharp' side work now. CaU Raymond I GAUGE MAKERS floors, sanitary molding, storm Included In low price o t $11,900." heater. Full price only $295. ton. Save $600, ” moving, sj>ecial dinners prepared, Swanson, 62 Summer St.; Mrs. ened and rep.fired. Delivery serV' Trudeau. MI. 9-1614. ' summer cottagea conditioned, WANTED ROBERT M. REID ft SON Windows, oU steam heat, 100' lot, Both homaa convenient to new Patricia Kulo and Mh, RockvUle; No money down. 19^1 Pontiac Catalina — Hy­ ■ ice. G. Snoiv, 336 Summit. Tel. MI. • PRECISION GRINDERS treea, near atorea, bus. Only TOPSOIL beach or lake.^ rough painting. Tel. Phone Manchester MI-B-I170' school, tianeportatlon and shop­ Mrs. Jennie Larson, 14 Laurel PI.; 1941 Pontiac Sedan — FuU price dramatic drive, radio, heat­ 3-4531. I RockvUle 5-2313. .. Small farm, 8-10 acres. $10,000. Carlton W. Hutchina. MI. Mrs. Jear. Blatter, Rockville; Several Thousand Yards 16” Convertible er. ■■■ ' Private Instructions 28 301 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER SHEKT METAL 9-5132. $-4694. ping, See them today, $145. No mondy down.'’ S'uitoble for raising of vege­ MECHANICS Henry Driver, 54 Deming SL; Mrs. Between Manchcfiter' JARVIS REALT'T CO. ' Avis^ Lloyd, . Rockville;- Richa:d and Rockville If You Can Swat A Fly 194$ Packard 2-Dr. Sedan—Radio 1951 Studebaker Champion 2- Household Servied^ CURTAINS Laundered and ironing tables, some poultry. Must 26 SALEM ROAD—Five room Cape Reg. S46.95 Door-—Radio, heater. ACCORDION, and piano taught in • Jlic BORERS Cod, two bedrooms, large living 654 Center Street Oickei.son, 228 E. Middle Tpke.; and heater,. good condition. Offered 13-A - your home. MI. 9-5144. done in my home. MI. 9-4333. ^ on main highway. Would Tel, Manchester MI-3-4112 Mrs. Antoinette Gautfeau, Bolton; You Can Maka Your Own Only $95 doWht ! room, fireplace; storm windows, $1.00 Per. Yd. Ia The PUe' I960 Studebaker Champion OORNIGX3I, Drapes and slip covera ' ...... \------^ ^ prefer to have city water. »EXPERIMENTAL serMns, awnlnga, oil heat, large John Muldoon, 235 Highland SL; SPIC AND SPAN. Six room ranch, HarmonTompkins, 101 Harlan St. 1947 Hudson 2-Dr. Sedan^G ood • Convertible Coupe — One cifstom made by Classic Decora­ Situations Wanted— '' MACHINISTS . lot,'mahy’flowering shrubs; shade attached garage, radiant heat, 100 Yds. in Pil* r ^raan Doora anil Windows ; Bonds— Stocks^ Call 'Manchester MI-9-0493 ■ d is c h a r g e d TODAY: Mrs. 26” Genvertible condition.^No m'oney'down. owner, fully' equipped. tors, 4.1 Oak St. For free eatimate Male ■■ ' 39 LOOKING FOR trees. ’ Very convenient . to bus, aluminum storm windows and Just follow our stpp by step inetructions and' you’U u v a $$% ky caU Ml. 9-2780. Meitgages ' i 31 aftir, 6 P. M. school and, ahopping. For appoint-; Rose ' ennens, 43 Dougherty S t ; 1948 Studebaker Champion— screens, $2500 cash required. Full 'Mrs. Mary Tonklnson a.nd daugh­ Tei. JA-8-0271 doing the, work yooraeU. We’U supply nil needed wntnHala. Bi- AND second mortgages MARRIED MAN,'with car, avail, „ Apply merit to inimect, cMl owner, AU.' price $14,700. Maddock A DeVoa, eluding: screen-stock lumber for frames, ecieealag, eor— r kfaek* McCLURE AUTU CO., Ihc. Radio, heater,' overdrive. able Tues., Wed..,Thura. eves. lU j OFFICE SPACE 3-6096. • - Realtors, Hartford JA 3’0355, rest- ter, 13 Ridgewood SL, Reg. $58JR WILL CLEAN atUci(. cellara, ashes bought for our own account. Fast, - ’Employment Office eta. molding, nnlla and tncka-> 373 Main Straet 1947 Studebaker Champion— contidentlai aervlce. Manchester and all day Saturdays. Exper­ WELLINGTON ROAD—Seven room deiice AD. 2-0122. removed. Reasonable. MI. 9-4291. ienced in office procedures. WUl Whetker you want one screen or n houaefuL you won't get a$uaf New motor, cheap transpor­ Investment Corp., 244 Main street. IN A 100% Saturdaya ^ . Single redecorated throughout. Hot when you buy from the W. G. Glenney Company. 3P*l- MI-9-9442—-Open Evenings Ml. 3-5416 ( consider any type of work. Write Chamber Drive tation. WEAVING of burns, moth botu 8 A. M. to 12 Noon * ‘ water oil heat, fireplace, bath aec- Lots For Sak 73 These Are Real Bargains! and tom clothi^', hoiaery runs, Box L, Herald. ^ SEPTIC TANKS LOCATION •'(ond floor. Ikvatpry first. One car Stop in for tree-'instructions )uid estimate. Stay an leng.M handbags repaired. Kipper re­ CONSOLIDATE NAGGING DEBTS Now ^ 22,000 want—tkere'e nlwkya plenty of parking apnea. . PRE-WAR CARS * into one-easy monthly payment. AND . - Weekdaya garage; W e e reduced for imme­ Ma n c h e s t e r g r e e n —wtauand M a n d D 1963 OlEVROLtBT^^-tan pick-up, placement, urhbreUaa repaired, WI’TH VAILABLE 8 A. M. to 4:30 P.rM. diate sal#. Early occupancy may St., choice half acre, excellent I BUY NOW dnd SAVEf dark green. Low milaaga, $945. $10 Down, $5 Week, men’s ahirt collars reversed m d Fair rates with a comfortable pay­ Dofis—Birds—Pets 41 GENIRAL REPAIRING ment Bcheditie. Connecticut Mort­ - i PLU8BED SEWERS PARKING SPACE? '' he had by calling the- Reuben T. view. Owner, Belcher. BU. 9-1007, j "Forward Manchester," . the C uter Chevrolet Co., $11 Main Many To Choose From replaced. MarloW*# UtUe Meiid- Mepann Agency, Ml. S-770q X St. ML 9-538$. gage Exchange, 37 Lewis St, CaU CANARIES, GUARANTEED sing- Chamber' pf Commerce camiialgn ' ^ AND ' , Uig Shop. era, all' colors, «1m ' fcmalaa. PRATT and WHITNEY CHORCHES MOTORS Frank Burke, CH. 6-8897 aijy week , We have juat such offtcos >IANCHEST?:r —tovely . rwra 7 5 1 for a budget of $25;000 and 5()0 .M l. 9-OiM. mim Suburban For Sale V WOODWORKING SX>R A GOOD Used car or a new 80 0*k!$nd St. ■— MI-9-9483 FLA*r FINISH Holland vvindow day or 'til Saturday ntlon to talk • MachiM CI I awaiting your inapeotion. Gape Cod. breezeway and ttached ______[members,, wjent ovjr the . $22,000 Oldamohile with Rocket engine about first or aecond mortgage4. (AIRCRAFT. OOVENTRT—A*brand new 4-room [ mark to S_. \' : / • ■ ' i,-' MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1964 Average Daily Net Preee Run PAGE SIZTEEH For the Week Ended TheWeathtr iiandfiriitcr lEuraitts 1| m U > < \ April 8. 1994 Feraenat af U. 8. Wenthar RMi sen Ctandy,' wtody, mOd, aeattered ITr.'A m osE. Fridqd, 79 Com- South Manchester Auxiliary sentative Ella Grasso of Windsor of political training In the League 1 1 , 1 6 7 stock Rd., has been nominated as Firemen will meat at the Sprupe Locks, and Mrs. Dorothy Bowles of of Women Votere, ahe gained her thunder ehewera tonight. Low nenV A ^ u t T o w n president of the Hsrtfbrd County St. firehouse at 7 olclock to­ State Groups Essex in the first one; Mrs. Mary first practical political experience Member ef the Audit 99.' Wedneadny; ehaac* ef. ehow m Spriif RMnMRtt--ExiDlliRt Valutt Bureau ef Olrenlntlena Medlcsl Assn. Election of officers. night. This will be the final bowl­ Brertnah of SomerSi moderator. in the second Roosevelt preeiden- Into If dny. Hgh 95-79. A d a u g h t e r / f i r s t child Will take place at the association's ing night. All membere ere urged Representative Philip Laing of tial campaign.. She was delcgati MmcheMter^—A City o f Village Charm Hear Leader u . w u bonk In Los Angs^ annual meeting'tomorrow evening ite attend^ ' Windsor and' - Senator Samuel to the National Conventions at the Hartford Club. Guest apeak' Ted.esco of Bridgeport in the -Xed- IM. OUlf., to Mr. and Mrs. Roger 1948 and 1092 and was a member er will be C. ;Joseph Stetler, secrc' A meeting of the Fellowcraft ond one, and Attorney Mary- Fltx- of the Platform Committee 1^1992 TOL. LXXIU, NO. 158 (daitifled Adverttring an Pngf 14) MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1954 J';- WUMams,^Jr. Mrs. WillHims was tary of the American Medical As­ Club will be held at the Masonic Katip Louchheim Speaks gerald M>f Hairtford, moderator. RUMMAGE\ ' ' SALE (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CRNTS and was assistant to the chairman formerty Miss Francos SUtr of sociation's Committee on Legiaia' Temple tonight a t .7:30. Democratic Women Representative Florence Ixird of of the labor division throughout \ ■ Gtaattonburyl The baby, who has tion and National Emergency Med' Marlborough, Mrs. Margaret Con­ that campaign. Sh^ haa con­ SpOHSOTMl B y b m named KUsabeth Anne, is a leal'Service. ’ Thomas F. Gauley, 29B Forest At Hartford Meeting nors Driscoll and Mias Elisabeth tributed article! to/ newspapers grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. R o ^ r St, plant service supervisor of Erwin, both of Bridgeport, lepre- Williams, 8r.,^ of ToUnnd Tpke, and on recent tripi^broad wrote StSTERHOQD OF TEMN.E BETH SHOLOM Ike Wants Charles Young, chairman of the Southern New England Tele­ Katie' Louchheim director of sentative John N. Dempaey of a report on currejxl conditiona in r this towtu / I ^ a l 381, I. U. E... C. I. O.. has phone Co., will observe his 30th Women’e activities for the Demo­ Putnam. , and Democratic Stale Germany. . . — . - - announced a meeting of ail strik­ anniversary with, the dompeny on C3iairman John M. Bailey in the IN VESTRY OF TEMPLE ' _ -'‘nie fourth and final supper Wednesday. cratic National Committee,'will be Mrs. Mae V^nard of Manches­ ing employes of the Hartford firm third one. ' / ter is chairmen of the ticket com­ A MYRTLE^ih h I LINDEN STREETS In d och in a i p e s t ^ In. .the Lenten series a t of Hanson-Whitney tonight at 7 the guest speaker at the evening -N Second Congregational Church at­ The evening meeting, scheduled mittee for/ the conference, and ns as o'clock at 106 New Park Ave.. Manchester Lodge No. 73. A. F. session when Demociktic women to start with a dinner at 6:19, is Mrs. Helen Fitspatrick is serving tracted a large number of the Hartford. The union’s strike com­ and A. M., wrill hold a special com­ ALL BAY WEPNESDAY, APRIL 7 o n /■ patiahiohcrs last evening. Mem' front all parts-of the state meet open to both men and wohien and as chairman of publicity. mittee met nith the company munication at the Maaonic Temple will include a ' pronam o f skits AU women interested, regardleu B oost bers of the Mary McClure group March 31. .. at the Hotel Bond in Hartford on tomorrow’ night a t 7:30.. . The en­ as well as the address by Katie of psrty affiliation,' are inviled to ALL DAY THURSDAY, APRIL I of the Women’s League were hos­ tered apprentice degree >vlll be Wednesday for a conference on Washington, April 6 (>P)— The State Department reported tesses. A hyrtui-sing was followed Louchheim. attend. \ v Wasbington, April 6 ( ^ — A daughter was bom yesterday conferred and Junior Warden Her­ “Government In Connecticut." today that Secretary of State Dulle,s consulted on the by the showing of two films in the In St. Francis Hoapital, Hartford, bert J. Leggett will be acting mas­ The afternoon session, which will . Active In Party OPEN AT >;30 A.M. President Eisenhower today auditorium, "The Story of the Lost to Mr. and Mrs. Bengt Magnuson ter for the evening. At the conclu­ begin at 1:30, will consist of three ' Mrs. Louchheim has been active 'Aoutheaat Asian crisis with diplomatic^presentatives of six sent Congress a SYg billion Sheep" and the “Parable of the of 12 Cross St. sion of the meeting there will be a in the Democratic Party for 19 friendly nationa in the past few d ^ . Authoritative indica dollar foreign aid bill that Ten Talents.” Tomorrow evening, social hour and refreshmenta. years, and was appointed Director tiona are that the; American gov-y' new members are invited to meet COIN FOLDERS T* ernment is seeking the formation ’ steps up help for Asia but 'The local Christian Science of Women’s Activities in Oct., \ cuts assistance to Europe by at T:80 in the church vestry. Des­ Church will present Mrs. Mary C. A daughter was bom on April 1 1993. Wlth/an early background FREE COIN ^PRAUAL of soma kind of regional grouplni sert will be served and officers of Holloway of Shreveport, La., in -a at the Hartford Hospital to Mr. to counter the Communist th; 58 per cent. About one-fourtb the church will explain about lecture entitled, "Christian Science and Mrs. Landis S. Cooper, 94 Pit­ to the area and to undertake ^celba Bill of tbe total is for Indochina. Gen. Keiiiiey Speaks at Legion Hall Church organisations. $7,500 TV and the Tbrch of Spiritual Un­ kin St. HOBIY SHOPPE action specifically In the Harold E, Stassen, Foreign derstanding", tomorrow evening at Cor. Center aad Oriewoli Indochina. 8:1S, in the auditorium of the Cen­ JUST RECEfV|P! Word of the Washington de­ C]ierations administrator, outlined Rodger E . Carlock, son of Mrs. SAVE with SAFECO Urges Italy ■P ter Congregational^ ChUrch. J . P. Carlock, 24 Deerfield Dr., velopments coincidea with dis the $3,497,700,000 program for the Bill Faced patches from Parw which quoted | has pledged Lambda Chi Alpha, Auto Insurance MORE OF THE REHER GRADE c 6 a RSE year ending in mld-1999 before the RUMMAGE Regina P ’ltalia Society will social fraternity at Colgate Uni­ French Forelgn/Minlstry sources | House Foreign Affairs Cqmmittee. hold ita monthly meeting tonight versity; Hamilton, N. Y., as saying the^nited States has' Ratify EDC at 7:30 at the Italian-American Ke compared it with appropria­ TRUSSES-BELTS i\ proposed that Britain, F ra n ce,; tions of $4,720,000,000 voted by By Senator Club on Eldridge S t ' Members of the Frank J, Mans­ CROCKETT MEN and WOMEN HUCK TOWELING •Austrslla/and New Zealand joln| Rome, April 6 (yP)--Amid8t Congre.ia last year. field Marine Corps League have Insurane* AgM ty EXPERT FITTERS , ^ | with this country In a.strong! Indochina Biggest Item ' New ^York,. April 6 (JP)— A meeting of the Manchester Em been invited to attend the Joint in- warning to "Communist aggres- jeer's from the Communist Idem Club will be held in Tinker 244 MAIN STREET toxa' Stassen said the "bigeeat single When Sen. Josepb R. Me atallation of Anderson-Shea Post ' . for 7^" V'..;- in that area. I benches. Premier Mario Scel- Washington, April 6 (A*)— Samuel P, Sears, Boston lawyer, CkHreh Hall Wednesday evening at 8 2046, VFW, and Auxiliary, tomor- Telephone MI-3-5416 U. S. Seeks Support ba introduced in Qhamber item" ia special aid to war-torn Qartby (R-Wis) flew to o'clock. All mothers, wives, daugh row night at 8 o'clock at the VFW At the same time dispatches Indochina.' He did hot mention Pbqenix, Ariz., yesterday, be vrithdrew today as the special counsel for a Senate investiga* term or aiateri of membera of Man- of Deputies today* a bill for Sotwday, April 10 Home. • 7 / 7 from Canberra said government figures, but Secretary of State tion of the McCarthy-Army row. With his impartiality under chsater Lodge of Elks are eligible Italian ratification of the .Dulles Said yesterday it would be left behind unanswered tbe \ 9 A. M. to Iz Noon fpr membership. All ladies must SWEDISH WEAVING BAGS sources, reported that the United question of wbo will pay a re­ question. Sears offered his resignation and the Senate InvMti- Members of the Dorcas. Group ^ {.-a - States is seeking a firm declara­ European Defense Communi­ ai/out S'JO million dollars. gations aubcommlttee accepted I t------rr------:------■ —— have ladiea carda and applicationa of the South Methodist-WSibS-are ported $7,500 for filming bis ^Rp^iisored By The for membership, which may be ae- tion from Britain, Australia and ty (EDC) treaty. Total aid to Europe, inchiding by a unanimous 6-0 vote. reminded of the all day work New Zeal.and that they will sup­ The treaty, which would form a some economic assistancr, was set answer to Edward R. Mur- Acting Chairmen Mundt (R- Ltdics BentTolcnt Society cured from Mrs. Helen. Edgar, 197 meeting at the church Wedneeday Autumn St. Some important itema . port France aa much ai ncceaSary 6-natlon army including West at $947,700,000 compared with row. 8D) said Seers was not asked to Quits Belore Starting with a potluck luncheon at noon.' 4 9 ^ yd* X] German' troops, has been ratified resign—"he inRiated that" will be discussed at this iheetihg. Katie Louchheim NOTICE to keep, Indochina out of Red $2,300,000,000 for the current year. The film, to be presented^ at hands. Reports from London took by West Germany and The Nether­ The new bill earmarks a total of 10:30 p.m., EST, tonight on ''the Sears. 98-year-old past presi­ Manchester Assembly No. 19, dent of tha Masaachusetta Bar panel discussions:. "Connecticut’s, Pluthlng of. tho wotor mains of Hio Towh of Mon- We are sorry not to have had this better .grade Huek but somewhat the same line. lands and. In Belgium, lacks only $1,768,900,000 for all types of CB.S-TV network will be the Senai Order of Rainbow for Girls, will the iignature of King Baudouin. Assn., had been chosen for the job vwQMIVr Pattern of Government;” "High mill has been entirely out of stock fdr weeks. In Washington, officials private­ assistance to the Far East and the tor's reply to a critical report on RANGE exemplify the Rainbow degree ly displayed little enthualasm for Italy, France and Luxembourg, hi's methods by Murrow laat only last week. work for Hope Chapter, Order of Cost of Co'-necticut Government," ehosfor Wfotor Doportmont wijl bogin April S, 1954. Pacific. \ M l the other prospective psrtneia, Hearihga Seen Delayed and "Social Legislation and the ldea of a joint declaration or In addition 85 million dollars for niontb. Murrow invited McCarthy the Eastern Star, Rockville, tomor­ ALSO FINER WEAVE, whit# of' colon ... ^ 9 c yd. warning to the Chinese Com- have yet to act. At that time, public hearings on REPAIRING FUEL OIL row night at/;the Masonic Temple Public Good.",Those participating Husiiin^ wHI coRfinuo Tuosdoyt Hirough Fridays un> economic aid to India and an un- to appear in rebuttal if he chose. lista to refrain from open in- The Christian Democratic leader McCarthy elected to put his the charges exchanged by Sen. AIC-04AATIC in Rockville. Girls planning to at­ in the panels Include: Representa­ apeclOed amount of military as­ McCarthy (R-Wia) and Army of­ GASOLINE tend are reminded that the bus will tive Clara Q’Shea of Beacon Falls, til eompiotod. ^ ention In Indochina leat they of a coalition government, Scelba sistance for Pakistan were lumped reply on film and over the _wjeek- MAYTAG 39" A.B.C. WEARPROOP SERGE UNfNG 79e yd. Buff^ from powerful Allied did re- not ask that tha EDC bill be end made a 25-niinute picture at ficials were tentatively set to leave promptly at 8 .p.m, from in moderator, Representative Mar­ t into total funds requested for the begin next Monday. lU C K S T G N E front of the Masonic Temple, They guerite Quimby of ' New London, taliatilm. given urgent consideration. He has Near East, Africa and South fox movietone news studios. Mrs. DofoUiy Satti, Democratic F. E. THRALL, Ass't. Supt. The Uni-ed States is, however, a majority in Parliament.-however, Tha resignation of Sears rubs HOTPOINT are also reminded to wear white Asia. McCarthy had as;ied Morrow’s out any prospect that the hearings BANTLY OIL gowns. National COmmitteewoman, Repre­ tiTiderstc^ to be urgently Inter­ and eventual passage ia considered sponsor, the Aluminum' Co. of ALSO ested In some kind .if plan for what likely. Stassen said .the administration can begin then as the aubcommlt DRYERS AND ALL „ I I>\W \\\ . IM wants $569,100,000 for that part of Afnei'ica, who would pay the pro­ tee is back. again looking for I OUNCE SKEINS/ViSHOPSXiiiniNG Dulles haslied "united action” Arrii Foe of Reds duction costs involved. T hat com­ WRINGER WASHERS : •! M \' s I in:ii In aotitEeaat 'Asia. the world and 47 million dollars special counsel. WORSTED . e a e e 39c ikein Arch foe of Italy's Communists, in total aid for Latin America. pany re/erred him to CBS, explain­ Sears gave his resignation at TEL L'ltchfll 9 ■)S95 \ li^iries ab^t the. Paris report he said: Rehabilitation of battle-scarred ing the network was paid a fixed closed door meeting of the sub­ ABC SERVICE CO. at/ime State D^>artmeht brought n Maids S t —TSL Ml<«-U>^ "I have the honor of presenting Korea was set at $241,300,000. lee every week and production ar­ committee which lasted for 3 hours IfL ROCKVIlLf S-2177 te following atatkpent from preas a project (of law) for ratifiration The President asked for nearly rangements were up to it. and 19. minutes. * officer Henry S’-iyMi,.: of the European Defense Com­ two billion dollars less than last CBS said it had hoi been asked -Atter the session. Sears met ■ X "In response to q\estions about munity." year for guns, tanks and other by McCarthy to pay the produc­ dispiatches this morning from Lop- with reporters and read a state SALE Proteef You^rioperias and Your Hemt Againit: There )^ere shouts from the weapons for military aid. tion costa. Although the network -<■ Herald Photo. ment. / don and Paris aboi;t sc^ e common Communists and fellow, traveling His request V aa for $1,580,000.- v.ould not Icomment on whether it Gen. Robrt-t C. Kenney, M’orld War II U. «. Air Force chief 'In "I am completetly/aatisfled In declaration of warning bf the Chlf Sociaiista. would vaj' the bill, it w ts under­ the Pacific, la shown speaking to Miss L’olanda Felice, member of the Thai4aatr tha Cold, tha Sun, the Rain nepe Communists, there is no com­ 000. compared w ith,$3,180.000.000 my own mind,'’ Seara said, "that "And you call that an' honor,” under aid now know’n as "Mutual stood in. some quarters that it Manchester Hmrdressers' Assn., which recently announced receipts I am thoroughly competent^:, to IS^ YOUR BURNER ment. \ someon. Jeered. WO'illd. i. "The Secretary of Stath. has, Defense Assistance." of $1,000 for riM, Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation-headed by I conduct the pending'tfiquify oh- On All BENDIX WASHERS . Scelba remained unruffled. This indicates rapid progress in Murrow said there was no prece­ the general. .Kriiney spoke at the Legion Home last night under the Jectlvely. Impartially and In fair- however, had consultutloiui oh the He handed the heavy sheaf of the global arms buildup,' aince the dent for suCh a case, and he could combined auspicesXh the Knights of Columbus, the American Legion ness to all. It is not In my "PROTEKTO" general situation ConfronWg pep*ra to the chamber’s presiding READY?.. .WE ARE! •outlieast Asia .with the diplomimc new figures presumably include not predict the outcome. However, and the Manchester Hairdressers' Assn. (Story on Page 7). blood to do otherwfso.; SAMUEL P. SEARS vice president, Fernando Targetti. sums for such new allies as Spain, he said he “certainly would not . representatives of Gieat Britai^ When the hooting and jeering But, he added. "I have come to The Metal Insulated Drapery Lining France, Australia, New Zeeland, Pakistan ahd Japan. Dulles said pay for it personally.” the resolute conclusion that 1 and DRYERS. FLOOR MODELS appropriations would be needed Fox Movietone News said only Thailand and the Philippines.”" should not serve.” (Continued on Page Two) for all three of these nations. Ceegletelwierisd Suydam said the most recent of its studio was used, and that ar- Seer* said he was leaving "in Textron Grabs / these consultations was held yes­ rangemehta were mada by iSven- Ik e Su e R u ssia n s view of the diacusaion and con Fm I oh Sf nriM terday but the talks had extended tleth Century Fox Film Cbrp. A troversy which followed mjr re­ 45’’ wide ever a period of several days. Th^McCarthy Story (2) spokesman for -Twentieth Century tention aX counsel and of'th e al­ 200^00 Shares x j f - i 9 y i Off white color Wants To Skip Geneva Fox said: legations which have been made; Rarlier Rep. Mbrano (R-Conn) "Aa far as we are concerned F e a r P o r of U. S. most of which ere without foun­ HotterMobillioat called on tha admlnlatratlon to Sen. McCatUgr wm.ba-hUtedUHe dation.** Of Wool Stock Protekto Is an ail weatlier drapery lining. Prefects draperies serve notice the Uniteef States u’ill booked the studio. He was ju^''an- _ _ He added; not take part 7n the April 26 Tydings Investigation dther customer — It was just an WAshington, April 6 (A*)— Presi^nt Eisenhower told the " I do ao only becauee I deem the against fading and weather damage. Won^t hike or sag, sheds Geneva Conference on Asia "until ordinary cbinmercial j«b," New York. April 6 (AV-OhMr- it Ws have the men, skill nation and the free world la.st night Russia is unlikely to risk hesring to be of the highest im­ man Royal Little says Textron, automatic delivery—free dust and dirt, resists stains, discoloring and wrinkles. Protekto it has been.clearly established that He said the coat probably would portance and would not want the and tools to service, adjust, heat-eaving tips—courteous Red China Is not engaged.In ag- yOur so long a.s this country stands readXto strike back swiftly Inc., now has more than 200.000 of insulates as it beautifies and maintains its protective' qualities be about $6,000, instead of other credibility- of the proceedings th -American Woolen Company'! 978- npair ahd eletn any type or belpidfonL trained drivers. gression in Indochina." estimates placing it around $7,9M. with all its atomic might. ”------^------be hendica-nped from the very out­ tliroughout repested dry clesnlngs. And^olitieal Eiffels The President deflated, however, \ - n • w 000 c- Hanoi, Indochina, April 6 UP)-r munists. I made the furtheri been made, at Wheeling, W. Va„ MODEL DCE DRYER ' and television netw-orks in a re- year In her drive for greater proa- Truman Claims rided 50.000 additional Americai), atatement that of one small group before a Republican women’s club. Paris, April 6 (P)—The North M ob ilh eat I Denim/ The Fre.ich High Command an­ -which had been screened by the Newspaper atories had quoted laxcd, half-hour plea for a. sober perity.,, Woolear.’6hji:-es were depoeited/by SOCONY-VACUUM MEATING OIL nounced today the Vietminh had A tlartic Council handed a severe facing of the atomic era facts, of I(i a speech presenting the Brit then. And he reported T ^ r o n wsa ' WITH FAMOUS POWER.VENT President's own security agency, “ as laying,, at Wheeling: "I and unprecedented-reprimand to esaed their fans ical charged at tbe State Dept, refused to dis­ . here in my hand a list of 209 life ,— and a fervent warning Ish' budget for the 1954-55 fiscal omic Accord filing an amended offer to extend For The Home France's Marshal Alphonse Juin ■gainst the perils of "jitteri'' and year, Butler said; 90 days beyond April 30 but on leu MODEL WCH ECONOMAT the battered defenses of Dien Bien charge approximately 200... thatW ere known to the Secretary today for his. criticism of the pVo- , ‘^The S^retary. of State prompt­ of State (then Dean Acheson) as hysteria over Communism, inves­ ‘I'The objective of my first budget attractive terms. ; . ' ■ . ■' Phu during the past 24 hours. 'A posed European Defense Oom- Still in Effect Was $239.95 $| QQi25 36’’ Sanforized Plain ly denied my statement and said being- members o^the Communist tigations. of Communism or that (tU’o.yea'rs agol was to rectify and Speaking at a luncheon at which • AGITATOR WASHER terse French communique early to- munity. s> threat of depression strengthen our balance of ' pay­ c iu i MITCHELL 3.5135 FOR TOP0UAUTY >• ' - day said that. laat night was there hot a sihgle Communist party/ahd who^'nevertheless are The action by the i. permanent he appealed for proxies -of Ameri- NOW • e • ^ Color In the I whole State Dept, still working and shaping the "We don't ha-.-e to fear!'.’ said ments. this was done." Washlagtoa, April 6 (Ah' — c(ui. Woolen stockholdera for'his at­ WITH WONDER TUI . "relatively *calm" at the north­ delegated of the 14 NATO powers the chief executive. Conserva^tfyes cheered. west Indochim. bastion where the thereafter sent a telegram to the pollpy in the State D epi’^ Sen. .Hickealooper (R-Iowa)^ tempt to unuat present m an^ e- SILENT GLbW OIL BURNERS heightened the virtual certainty “Of course, there are risks, but . Butler said tije task of his 1953 fnimer eliainnkii of the coagrea- Comrauniat-led rebel ' infantry President.” /^ A as^ a Statp^'Oepit. here that either France would ’ ■ 7 . ' ’ McCarthy read a copy of this /rite next day, Raving flown /to we do not have to be hysterical. budget had been-, to continue to for­ aional .Atomic Energy Commit­ (CoaUaned oa Page Eleveh) 6 9 c ^ yd. launched its second major, at­ have to ask that Juin be relieved We can be vigilant. We 'can be tify trade and seize every oppor­ Was $239.95 tempt to take the' fortress ' laat telegram..In It he said: Shit Lake Cltj\ he was quoted In a aa (Commander in Chief of Allied tee, today termedV^ot correet” . I have In my posaeaaion the recorded ^radio'interview as say- Americans. We can stand up and tunity of expanding production at a statement by former President Tuesday. Forces in Central Europe' or the hold up our heads and say. Ar.ieiica home. But the French Unio;i forces be­ names of 57 Communists who are /Ing: “Laift night*. . . ;I stated Y marshal would have to resign. Trumnn that the Anglo-Amer­ MOM ARTY BROTHERS NdW . . . in the State Dept, at'present. , had the names of '57 card-carrying Is the greatest force that God has i New Output Record ican wartime atomie agreement hind the barbed wire barriers and May Force Reidgnatioa ever allowed to exist on his foot- 315 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER 36” Sanforized Stripes bunkered defenses of the fortress $00 Certified for DIaelwrge / membera of the Stme Dept.” Butler outlined Britain’s steady still Is la effect. "Any military officer receiving 8tck>I. such it is up to us to lead progress from the precarious posl- Bulletins ■ / ' 7 continued to brace themselves "While the .records are nm a.vajl- If McCarthy’s limners ip the and Plaids this might be. impelled to resign," this world to a peaceful and secure tlcin of tw’o and three years ago and Kansas City, April 6 m —For­ ■ grimly for renewed assaults. able to me, I know absolutely/of Senate had expected mm to clear a NATO spokesman commented. froin the AP Wires ' Keep Up Barrage • one group of 300 certified to/the. up this seeming;aelf-c()tatradictibn, said ''last year Industrial prcxluc- mer , President Harry S. Truman Juin reiterated an earlier State­ (Continued on Page Eleven) tlon reached heights never before said today the Anglo-American ■rtie French, command -an­ Secretary/of State for disc’disctarg4 they were to be disappd|nted. In­ ment yesterday .he would quit the nounced later that Vie'tminh bat­ because 6t Communism. H6/setu- stead, he went on—for six hours recorded in our industrial history.” w-artime atomic agreement still ally only discharged 80. . ./.” post only if assured It would go to Butler said Britain's exports is,in effect. ■" MRS. ^V EN DIES 79. teries were keeping up a heavy altogether—to rake the State another FVenchman, something artillery and m»rtar barrage on The''telegram demanded that by the end of 1953 were 10 per The, agreement was disclosed Boatqh. April 6 (AV—Word waa Dept, from e.very-angle. most observers thinirls a certain­ recelyed here todi^ of , the death key defense points of Dien Bien rresjuent Trunian revokehis 'The attack continued there­ cent higher in volume’ than ^ y ear publicly yesterday for the .first We hsve over 50 psttenis and executive order forbidding dis­ ty. before. time by Prime' Minister Churchill in England o f' Mrs. Ethel L, Phu. Hc-vy rains poured down on after, not subsiding /.'entirely, even 'The NATO spokesman said'to­ News Tidbits . colors of wonderful denim.' ^ the Kttle ovaJ-shkped. valley eafly closure of the contents of'loyalty Attired in the ceremonial robes in a .House of Commons debate. Paine Moom. I(aven, S6. wha For dresses, sportswear, , today. The rainy season, which re­ files and added; "Failure on. vour day the council does not intend for Calletl from A,P Wires of ' Chancellor, -he spoke from a As a result- he; was involved to­ married Canon Cjiaries E. Rav­ (Continued oh Page Three) other than a Frenchman to corn- en, 68. chaplaiia to Queen Elira- skirts, - suits, draperies, stricts milltaiy operations, is du'e carefully guarded manuscript day in one. of the bitterest poliU-1 to .sta rt in earnest in a week oi* mand the central sector, He said which/he carried to the .sptakei-'a betb on March 24, Relatives said . spreads and slip covers. then is no specific'written com­ cal storms of his‘ career. they were infonned that Mrs. two.’ ;' ’ ' - Few voters turn_out as New Or­ stand in a' battered old gpvern- ' Jam es -Hagerty, Wh'tte' • Hpuse mitment gtylng the post to. France, Raven, a milUonaiiem, suffered a French planes ranged thro.ugh leans has choice between Demo­ men't dispatch case. Many t^n- press qecre'tary, said last night the out the night- against the feeder Speaks. on Red Threat but there is a very solid agreement crats and Republicans in city gen­ heart attack ycaterday at l^nna to that effect. servative.s w-ore silk top hats, once agreement was not in effect at Regis, DevdaiUilre.. The equple . Yq&r little gjrl wijhbe beau­ ....cooHe lines hringlng in reinforce­ eral election for first time^'since the customary - headdress on The council voted the reprimand the, present time. flew to England on March 31. ments for the Vietplinh’a attack 1930,.. . Riley Hoapital in Indian­ budget day. ■rile former President said, how-. tifully dressed in thFs coat machinery from Red China to the yesterday and it was delivered to apolis reports (wo-headed' Hartley Juin this morning. It'said: IKE. .NAMES NKW JUDGE north. baby has been out of its oxygen (Continued on Page Fifteen)- (Coatiauied on Paga/Flfteea) made of Thousand-poSndcra and delayed ‘^The North Atlantic Coimcil ex­ W^aahlagtoa, -April $ 'ulri'— tent for 24 hours and is in satis­ President Eisenhower t o d n y action bombs w'ere strewn along presses ita profound regret at- the factory condition. public statement made by the Com. nominated Robert Palmer An­ ' - You can trust your most, the road and mountain trails over Ferry-service from New London BaulingT , which the vast army of coollea mander in C2iief,of Central Europe derson, New London, to be Judga precious garment to our oh 27 March and subsequent to Long Island appears in’ dmibt for Connecticut in place of Jndgo carried war supplies to the aiege although president of the New Conservative Press Blasts • expert cleaning ataff.. ly relterate(^.'.' 'niTiiei ese statements are Carroll C. Hincks; who was el^ London Freight Lines, Inc., says \ated to the U. S. ClrcnU Court Washable Wool (Cdiitlaued on Page Two) "we want to give' service at every of Appeals. - (Coatiaued on Page Sevea) one of our' ports. . .Mayor John Chihrckill for Attlee Attack L. Sullivan calls on Presi'dent Eis­ JE T A C E .MISSING Lindy to Help Pick enhower to urge legislation ' in. Weatover .Air Force Base. I'f I and NylonT^^ (Jongreas for public works pro­ London, April 6 iA*>—Prime A and the responsibility .was 'the 43 Prisoners Fail .Minister Churchill said today he Prims Minister's." .Maos.. April 6 (Ab—Air Forco gram to relieve unempl(>yment in would bf delighted to welcome planes aearched the Atlaatio Air' Academy Site his city. The Libers], middle-road Newp 58” wide In Pardon Appeals President Eisenhower to London Chrogjcle Mid the showing of the Cuaat from New York to Vir­ New' York pier oper.'.tions nra'r for talks on tbe hydrogen bomb ginia today fo^ jet speed meo normal ; after 29-day waferfroMt 79-year-old government chief in MODEL WCN DIALAMATIC _■ Washington, April 6 (P>—The and othe: work! problema. But, the House: may foreshedow his CoL W'iUlam H. CouaciU, miss­ SPECIAL 1 DAY GLEANING SERVICE Air Force today named Claries A. 'Hartford, April 6 (iP»—The strike -that «j.st port estimated the Prime Minister added be did ing alace yeeterday oB a rontlae State Board'of Pardons in an 11- half million-'dollars’. .. . Windsor early resignation from office, fllghL , Lindbenh to a five-man board not think the President could something many observers have, ^ AGITATOR WASHER citirged with the task of selecting hour session Monday turned down Town Council and Board of Edu­ WORK AOOEPtEO UP TO 10 AW. $ 2 - 9 8 /*>• r..- p a r^ petitions of 43 state prison- leave the United Stntes right predicted would happen this' year, . MODEL WCG WASHER a site for the new Air Foire Acad­ cation members considering merits now. Mae.VRTHUR TALK SE T WITH WONDER TUI ^ errlricludlng seveh convicted mur­ pf fevolutionr.ry school ye r which OlMured, HsuIm Vote Coayerd, N. IB , .VprII $(»>) — E x a r r S a t u r d a y s ^ - I’our beautiful {Mtel colors mixed emy, The nittar pa'rtisan fight in thh 'iSvo other civilians wero ap­ derers. would rua for '240 davs instead of ‘General .of the .-kiusy Doaglaa FtiH 9 Lb. Capacity. FuHy Antoimitie Only three petitioners received London, April 6 - (A9—Even Ckm- ' wake of Sir . Winston'a charge _WIUi grey. Aqua,:..blue, yellow and pointed to the board by SecretaM 1*0- - servatlve .newtpapera lambasted Mac.Vrthur 'has aooepted' aa la- favorable action. ~ Bernard McFadden ordered by generally obscured the action of vltatloa to apeal! at the'aaaual Talbott. They are V lr^l M. Hail-; Prime -Minister Churchill today for Was $199.9^ 1.95 pfhk. \ ■ Cher, president of the University Sentence reductions->vent to: New York State Supreme' Court the Houa«;"which dn a voice vote Hhooper baaquet April 29 at Julius E. Macchio, 4$, of An- Judge to contiaue aupportiag l)Ja his charge that (Element Attlee’s called DU Churchill to take “im­ Maacheator. of- Iowa, and Merrill C. Meigs, vice Labor government, threw away NOW . . J president of the Hearst'Corp;, Chi- sonla, sentenced to^ seven to-Tl ex-wife despite her wntlijg book- mediate initiative" in seeking e ©•$0. ' • ;... years-in 1990 for the fatol shoot­ about him ,,, Sir Winston Church­ B ritain's' wartime epeebange of- face-to-face cemference with Soviet FIREMAN 18 MISSING - a • e ’24ft GJ’Mn Stanps 6iven With £ash l^lef ing of Domenic Manlacalco. also atbmic secrets with'-the United MANCHESTER ■V. The military membera are Gen. ill'to be awarded honorary'degree Premier Mateqkov and Preeident ' Stamford April 6 (A5 — Folles States,. j t Carl A, Spaat^ first Chiaf of Staff of Ansonla. Hla minimum -sentence by New Yb-k State Board of Re- Eisenhower. But the Lnboritea did disclosed today that a Staaifoed oTthe Air Force and a ii)ember of was reduced to eix y.eers, pernlit-t Kento.' The nominally Independeftt but not challenge the. government's firemaa haa heea mlaetag tor a ■ of State Jaha Foater DulWa (right) Is greeted hr Rea, ting him to l)f eligible for parole ClO United Steelworkers' 170- lutually pro-(jonservative 'rimes of ». previous academy aite aelection Jolia M, Verye (R„ aetlag abalnaaa of the Houae Fereiga Affatra stand that- tha timing of cuch kn r week, althaugh the-aaoe waa aot board, and LL Gen. Hul^rt K in July.' mah wage policy- coifimittpe - 'to .London said yesterdhy’s. House of approach should be left to^itl reported to them-' natll yaeler* DRY CLEANERS Electrical Dept.<«-(]tek St. Entrance *'• ""***'- ■YeelOjrthg before the' eominittee at, Washlagtoa. Dulles Richard nl Clarke of '^mbult, CO. meet in Kttsburgh /May 6-7 iB-tXkiJnmons debate oii. the hydrogen Churchill put the HoUe tii an day. .A IS-atate alarm hap haea a^^G rttn ■V,'- eald the Oommualat threat Ifr aoatheaat Atia mnot be met “bv inap demanda -for new contracts■ tomb .“degenerated into a stems,, 99 W R U 5 ST. JVLM .3-7254 .iM oim p i CbiM*- Stamj^ Given With Caah -Sales 4CoBttB«N ea Pago puee) ■■Ity of wui aad. If Mod be, aaity of aeUoa.** (NEA Telephoto')# broadcast dai$Ha J . Danghkh /1 ■ (CoatlBMd aa-Faga Six) in basic ateel industry,. angry and pitiful party wrangle— ‘ (Coatla'Mfi aa P si» Fear) dr,* 29, . . Mb* •KPf . ^ 1 t. . It \ ■'■‘V 'V r T - ^ - 4 X- 'J Y ■ '■f.Yx, ■A. '■i I- ■A \ \ /V- S' y->.' '•