• 'll ' I ■" / ■/,■ /" Wv--! ■ : / ^ . ;V . : i SATUjRDAY/APRIL 8, 1954 - ............... ...................... ................. ■< \. AveraGe Dally Net F reu Run /■d Hie Weether PAG® TWELVE For Um Week Ended Foneaat of V. B. Waatfeor Beripu > * v/- ^ April 8, 1*54 ’ Warmer, Hght drixalo tonight to be ~answer^ “‘over ipy dead ; 11,167 «HHag hi morabig. Low SS-4S. body!” Moriarty Tops \ About Town . Mayor Proclaims Union Label Member of tho Audit TwAdiyr, elondy, warmer.. High "Staaptkes” Bureau of CIrealatloM 5e.»5.'-i - - BearS Along Mitik Sti^et M aiwhes^t^^A City of VillM ^^Charm ■nifc Auxiliary’ to the tiiaabled m GlancinG throuGh Mathias C. of C. Slate Spieaa' article of date AuG. 10, j : . American Veterans. No. 17, will And on Som e of M anchester^ Side Streets, Too T" conduct a military whist. Wednes­ 1938, on pioneer roads the other VOL. LXX1H.n o . 157 (ClMtlAod AdrerUwhkg am FaG* 14) MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAli^PRIL 5, 1954 N (SIXTEEN PAGES) day April 7, 4t 8 p, m. in the VFW day, we came across the above Chamber Group NaniM / -. * V. P R | C B FIVE C H W Home, ilanchester'Green. Prizes BiKirr»t All '* rather encounter a live skunk. headinG or sub-head, and atoppdd y \ V- .-/ ' ■■ ■ will be awarded and refreshments The ApiiT Fool joke is dead. Thi^ The 'Gator measuAd. IS. inchef and to read the followinG: Choices for Officers; /■- - served. Mrs. Helen Beebe. Mrs. serious, sober A and H bomb agAl waa sent by Stuart Munrd, Xow "After the incorporation of Want Ballots April 10 Martha Miller and Mrs. Ann Step- has taken the kick riGht out the livinG in Florida and a forjjter Turnpike companies In .1795, many Tin MuCarthy Story (1) ^ ai^ head the committee in charge. pranks that used to make^rApril' Manchester resident. , ^ of the now foraakem' roads werfr S eats Job Eisenhow^ first a'day when it was excitinG-to t^e fotind a fellow who said, he used as "Shunplkea,” . so-called be­ The Chamber of Commerce The Western Caravanravan will 'ap-j answer the telephone, never quite would like the alliGator to show cause teamsters' would drive, out notaiinatinG commiJwS, haa aub- pear At Orange Hallall tonight for (knowinG what to ex j^ t. his family. Lee was Glad to get of their way .for many mllea rath­ mlttetlxfor approval. » »l»t« Showdown icause of their | We ran into jusL-tvino practical rw of it and"' the 'Gator headed er, than na^ toll at the toli-Gatei Tsm May Clariiy the fourth'time because - ----- ^ ,. j officers «»d dlreetora headed by / popularity with local dancers. Two jokers at work on April Fool s day. west. Two boys claimed co-own on Timnplkes. (We still pay Matthew MSMoriarty to serve Mcellent prompters will ckll the pne was a locaK housewife who erahlp of the 'Gator and they toils,Jfut it ia for the privileGe of Wrned the taWes on, her practical iu<|(ed for and received permission durinG the fls c«^ e a r 1954. Each square sets and dancing will con­ ii/thG the modern highways.) member of the Cnambdr hM re­ Tom orrow H-Qyii^tion tinue from G to 12. jokinG husbah'd. to brinG Vt to school. Once in - The most famous am onG- the ceived a copy of the prqjwsed offi­ Was m She ncaUy rolled up a towel and gchool. all claaaea \dewed the' Shunpikes waa known as the Sol­ he carried It to work, toGether -Gator. X cers and a post card tnbt. will be Washington, April 6 • WasKington, April The BuckinGham Ladies Aid So­ omon Road which led r from the used as a ballot. ciety will meet in the new Congrer with a thermos bottle full of clear Yeate'rday morninG the/A ator Middle Turnpike to the foot of The Senate Investigations Pr^sfdentr^sfder Eisenhower willSfid water, as hia lunch. He ia a line- returned to Fraephia who Ballots must be returne.1 tOHha Gatlonal House. 125 Sherman ^ . McLean Hill, to the Tolland Turn­ Chantber. offices by April 10. A subcommittee today sched­ ess the nation toniGht, ahd Hartford. Wedne.sday at 7:45 p. m. man for the phone company and turned ..it over to th e^ lGh School. pike Just west of Buckjand. and - -I'- . his schedule for last Thursday iJitional nominations for candl- uled /for tomorrow (9:30 Tvas reported prepared to ,R Superintendent James F. English The alliGator's Am conflated'of a -short distance, westward, at d.stea for posts ran be made by a. m., EST) 4 showdown will be the speaker. A social time called for remaining in civilization polly-woGs and yvorms. Meekville was a tollgate. The “clarify" questions raised at petition signed by not leas than meeting to determine wheth­ <- ’.X . tollGate on Middle Turnpike was fen members of the Chamber and home and abroad by dis­ Abound the Town er Sam uel’P. Sears will re­ xnMimg. ^ I had been reassigned to a job out in a short distance eastward of the fii^ not less than five days prior closures'* of the awesome intersection o r the Solomon Road, Sock and Buskin Wins State Draina festival Title e,s a- w i the Jjiiddle of the sticks. Friendly and popular Arthur to the date -of thJ election. main as its special counsel for power of the hydroGen^mb. Seymdur, retired member of the close to th e. Hockanum river Election of officers will take Puts/Soviet George A^Tiltham. 34. has been . sj.^^ second April jokester we the inquiry into the Mc­ The President discuss^ his named county agent leader for the G.bo\it is a more deadly sort. h|anchester Police Dept.-, is still in bridge. Thus H can be readily place at the annual meetinG to be imform. FollowinG his retiremeiit-, seen that teamsters, whether Carthy-Army row. speech, to be carried at 8:36 p.m., Agricultural Extei^on S m ic e ^ l^ y ^ ^^^n the U.S.S.R.. which trie^ held Tuesday. April 20. Each divi­ Sen. Mundt (R-SD), who tem­ EST. by* major radio and TV net­ the University of Coni^cticiA. Me i world Seymour took a job on the Plant travelinG eastward or westward., sion of the Chamber is represented porarily . haa replaced -Sen. Mc­ works, in a forenoon conference P r^ u ctio n da the aon of Mr. and'.2 — of"'*— V "takinG ita biG joke on Marejr 31 Protection staff at Pioneer Para* escaped both tollgates. This shuii- on the Board o f Control. (hute and served until the staff Carthy (R-Wis) as chairman of with conGressional leaders. W, WKitham of 42 Gerard at. Wheniirii it proposed that it/should pike was abandoned after Ihe FollowinG is the list of nomina­ the, subrommittre, told reporters dis.soIved. Now Archie is back In Turnpike companies surrendered Afterward, Sen. Knowland of becorricome a member of AKe North tions: , "aurely tliere will he a** announce­ California, the Senate Republican The M a n c h e s t e r Registered A\lanjantic Treaty Orgamzatlon and his police uniform at the Center their charters, but its course ia Matthew M. Moriarty. -presi­ to U. S. handling school children crossinG ment of some kind" after tomqr- leader., told reporters: Nurses Assn, will m e e fT i esday the^West should Gi?e up the idea plainly visible to this day.” dent : Bruce W'stklns, first vice row'a meetinG. at 7=45 p.m. in the hospital dining­ of roarminG Ge at the Nathah Hale School. Mr. Spiess also referx in that irtsident: Russell F> Broderick, . To Treat World lasues .. Jack Sanson, one of the best He laid the purpose ia to ex­ London, April 5 (4’)— Prims room. The speaker will be Mrs. article to the '"Old HiGhway" (econd vice president: D. Lloyd plore the pledGes Sears already "The President will dwell on the When then^w's was reported by dre.ssed men in Manchester and concerns that various people have inister Churchin discloMd ■ John McElraevy, who will talk^on papers’ inKNorway. readers refused leadinG from South Main St. to nbron, treasurer. has Given that he c4d and will be for many years manaGer of the Keeney St., in these words: "It is Directors for two years: Har- over developmenta in the world today a secret agreemmit h« mantmlly retat-ded children and the to belleyeit. The press there is fa- State Theatre, reported that the neutral in the hearings. work of the Manchester aaeocia- moua.'for elaborate April Fool said the late Horace B. Cheney, t J. McKInhev, Willard B, *rhe announcement followed a includinG the nydroGen bomb. said he had with Prc«(dcnt holdup at hia Hartford theater re­ Rdgera, Harold W. Garrity, C. “The speech will certainly clari­ . tion. jo^Kis and most of the readers Sr., would walk over the road closed door meetinG of Sears, cently waa the fourth time in his once a year, for many years, to Fester Harry, Thomas Colla, C. fy some of the questions that are Rooeevelt in 1943 biuiining InouGht this was just another-one. career that his movie house was Mundt, Sen. McClellan (D-Ark) use of the A-bomb against The newsj^pera Gnd.pews serv­ cover an old hiGhway law and to E. Hogan. ■ and Sen. SyminGton (D-Mo) in In people's mind at home and NutmeG Forest No. 116. Tali robbed. Most terrifyinG holdup oc­ retain municipal ownership!" rectors for one year: GeorGe abroad." third parties '“withiout each Cedara of Lebanon, will hold its ices Got a lot op calls from read­ curred in Pennsylvania when the Mundt's office.
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