HSNS3901_01 1/12/09 4:19 PM Page 1 EVELYN FOX KELLER∗ Organisms, Machines, and Thunderstorms: A History of Self-Organization, Part Two. Complexity, Emergence, and Stable Attractors ABSTRACT Part Two of this essay focuses on what might be called the third and most recent chapter in the history of self-organization, in which the term has been claimed to de- note a paradigm shift or revolution in scientific thinking about complex systems. The developments responsible for this claim began in the late 1960s and came directly out of the physical sciences. They rapidly attracted wide interest and led to yet an- other redrawing of the boundaries between organisms, machines, and naturally oc- curring physical systems (such as thunderstorms). In this version of self-organization, organisms are once again set apart from machines precisely because the latter de- pend on an outside designer, but—in contrast to Kant’s ontology—they are now as- similated to patterns in the inorganic world on the grounds that they, too, like many biological phenomena, arise spontaneously. KEY WORDS: self-organization, organisms, dynamical systems, organized complexity, edge of chaos, dissipative systems, self-organized criticality INTRODUCTION The term self-organization is often used to describe a paradigm shift or revolu- tion in scientific thinking that, according to numerous authors, has been in motion for the last three decades. New theoretical developments, it is argued, have finally enabled scientists to transcend their traditionally static and reduc- tionist worldview, to turn their attention to the global dynamics of complex systems, and to expand their domain of competence from the world of being *Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Science, Technology and Society, 77 Mas- sachusetts Ave., E51-171, Cambridge, MA 02139;
[email protected].