62 Cole Yellow Glass Ceiling
ThE YEllow GLAss CEiliNG THE MYSTERY of THE disAppEARING LIBERAL woMEN MPS After women became he 1950 Liberal mani- in promoting women into Par- festo boasted proudly liament and government, the eligible to stand for that ‘the part played Liberal Party managed to do election to Parliament by women in the so again only two years before in 1918, the first councils of the Liberal its own disappearance in the TParty is shown by our unani- merger of 1988. The reasons woman Liberal MP mous adoption of a programme for this striking famine are in for women drawn up by women some ways a familiar story from was elected in 1921. Yet Liberals.’1 Certainly, the two the experience of other parties; only six women ever main parties at that time gave a but there is a dimension to the lower profile to women’s status causes which is distinctively Lib- sat as Liberal MPs, and as an issue, and Liberal policy eral, and which persists today. half of them won only demanding equal pay entitled the party to regard its propos- one election, half were als as, in one reviewer’s assess- Women Liberal MPs elected at by-elections, ment, ‘more Radical than the Only six women ever sat as Lib- Labour Party’s.’2 These pro- eral MPs, and they had an unu- and all but one were posals were, as the manifesto sual profile: half of them won directly related acknowledged, in part the only one election, half were result of the efforts of an almost elected at by-elections, and all to Liberal leaders.
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