A Psychological and Empirical Investigation of the Online Echo Chamber Phenomenon Dissertation zur Erreichung des Grades “Dr. phil.” Vorgelegt an der Universität Passau Von Robert Luzsa Erstgutachterin: Prof. Dr. Susanne Mayr Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Detlef Urhahne Bearbeiter: Robert Luzsa
[email protected] und
[email protected] Königstr. 13 94113 Tiefenbach Passau, den 04.06.2019 Preface This dissertation is made up of three research papers that have either been already published in scientific journals or whose submission is in preparation, accompanied by introductory and summary texts. The papers are: Chapter 2: Luzsa, R. & Mayr, S. (2019). Links between users' online social network homogeneity, ambiguity tolerance, and estimated public support for own opinions. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 22(5), 235- 239. Chapter 3: Luzsa, R. & Mayr, S. (submission in preparation). False Consensus in the Echo Chamber: Experimental Exposure to Favorably Biased Social Media News Feeds Leads to Higher Perceived Public Support for Own Opinions. Chapter 4: Luzsa, R. (submission in preparation). Intergroup Bias in Online Echo Chambers: Evidence from Word Frequency Analysis of Attitudinally Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reddit Groups. Due to copyright reasons, original texts of the initially submitted pre-review versions are used. Therefore, chapters 2 through 4 are not identical to the final published articles and are not suitable for citing (e.g. the title of the paper in chapter 2 was shortened during peer-review). Moreover, the papers have been or will be submitted to different journals with different manuscript guidelines. Therefore, inconsistencies in formatting, layout and bibliographical citation style occur. For the same reason, figures and tables are not numbered continuously across chapters.