11th October 2017


The first in England was enacted by Parliament at the time of Edward III in 1351, which codified the of Treason and contained most of acts defined as Treason.

It is still in force but has been very significantly amended (Wikipedia - ).

The main definitions relate to any person planning or imagined: “to harm the King or his immediate family, his sons and heirs or their companions; levying war against the King, plus actions against the King's officials, counterfeiting the Great Seal. Privy Seal or coinage of the realm.”

The definitions also included that any person who "adhered to the King's enemies in his Realm, giving them aid and comfort in his Realm or elsewhere was guilty of High Treason"

The penalty for these offences at the time was Hanging, Drawing and Quartering. The Act is still in force today (without the "drawing and quartering part")

The Act was last used to prosecute William Joyce in 1945, who was subsequently hanged for collaborating with Germany during WWII

More recently the Treason Act (1848) declared that

It is treason felony to: "compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend:

• to deprive the Queen of her crown, • to levy war against the Queen, or • to "move or stir" any foreigner to invade the United Kingdom or any other country belonging to the Queen.”

Blair and the New Labour government enacted The Crime and Disorder Act (1998) which amended The Treason Felony Act (1848) and formally abolished the death penalty for the last offences carrying it, namely treason and . The penalty for treason amended to a jail sentence to be decided by the court, with a maximum of - thus protecting himself and his co-conspirators; at least for as long as the UK is under the control of the EU.

For a more up-to-date definition of treason - Oran's Dictionary of Law (1983) defines treason as; a "citizen's" actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the parent nation"

Certainly, Edward Heath's government in the early 1970's and those who sided with Heath, were guilty of High Treason, by holding the sovereignty of the British people hostage on behalf of the EEC(EU), and that is true of any, who since that time, have aided and abetted the EEC(EU) to injure this country. Heath also gave away control of our fishing rights in our own waters to the EU, so that our fish stocks could be plundered by other EU member states, particularly Spain - but also Russia (which has an arrangement with the EU).

A short review of the just some of extent of the injury that the EU has planned for the UK - encouraged by our own elected Representatives, can be surmised from the EU Constitution which is presented as a one page summary below.

The EU Constitution

The EU's Constitution has had primacy over the UK, as an EU member, since the 1st January 2009 after the Lisbon Treaty (2007) was Ratified. Although, the Heath government gave away control of the UK to the EEC(EU) through the signing of the European Communities Act, 1972, in particular by the acceptance of section 2(1) and 2(2).

Merkel made sure that none of the member states had a Referendum (Eire was an exception) on the Lisbon Treaty (2007) because the EU Constitution was hidden inside that treaty and could potentially expose the EU Constitution.

The Constitution for Europe (2004) was previously rejected by the French and Dutch in 2005.

EU Constitution: A one-page summary

(Unlike the treaties it is in readable English, and reveals the EU's true nature)

I-6 EU Constitution and law has primacy over member states. Abolishes the British Constitution and Westminster.

I-9-2 Accepts the EU Convention on Protection of Human Rights, but not if it affects the EU's powers.

I-10 We will start with both EU and national citizenship. Yes, the EU is to be a nation in its own right.

I-12 Member states may not compete with the EU's powers ("competencies").

I-12-2 In shared powers, member nations may not exercise power unless the EU allows it.

I-12-4 The EU has power over defence. (Notice the repetitions below - the EU demands military power)

I-13 The EU has absolute power over customs; rules on the single market, monetary policy, fishing, commerce, and international agreements, e.g. treaties. (Absolute power = exclusive competencies)

I-15 Members must make their employment; social and economic policies comply with the EU's.

I-16-1 The EU has absolute power over foreign policy, security and defence.

I-16-2 All states shall comply with 16-1. So, Westminster has no powers unless the EU grants them.

I-18. If the Constitution forgot powers to achieve its ends, the Council of Ministers shall add them.

The EU will have absolute power; Westminster will have no powers of its own; not even those of a county council, because Britain’s 12 EU regions will report to Brussels. The EU will clearly have the power to close Westminster whenever it so decrees.

I-19 Institutions: The Council of Ministers ("The Council") controls all EU Parliament legislation.

I-20 Maximum 750 EU MPs, (MEPs) five-year term. Minimum 6, maximum 96, per State.

I-21 The EU Council, consisting of Heads of State, shall direct the EU and its foreign policy.

I-23 The Council of Ministers, one per state, shall direct legislative and budgetary functions.

I-26 The EU Commission is the executive.

I-26-7 The Commission has absolute power. It is only accountability is a censure vote from Parliament.

I-27-1 The Council chooses the President of the Commission, Parliament merely ratifies it.

I-27-2 The Council of Ministers appoints Commissioners. Parliament has no say. There is no democracy in the Commission, it is a dictatorship. Only the Commission may propose legislation, MEP’s function is merely to push buttons to approve the Commission’s legislation.

The EU Parliament, (the only vote we will have left,) is a sham. It's the Soviet system.

I-33 - 36 EU laws, decisions and regulations are binding on member states, and enforced by the EU.

I-41 Re-confirms military control. (Formerly French and British nuclear weapons will be controlled by EU dictators.)

I-4I-3 Each nation is to build up its armed forces. They clearly want the EU to be a military power.

I-43 The EU has the power to mobilise the military assets of all States when it declares an emergency.

I-46-4 "The principal of representative democracy": "Political parties at the European level contribute to EU awareness and express the wishes of citizens." Our Lib-Lab-Con parties will be replaced by EU wide parties with names like Party of European Socialists (PES), and European Peoples Party (EPP).

I-47- 4 Petitions: One million citizens from many countries (i.e. with difficulty) may merely invite the Commission to propose that the Constitution be implemented. ie, we can only agree. Soviet style.

I-50. Only the Council sometimes, and Parliament, shall meet in public. (All others meet in secret.)

I-59-3 If there is just a "clear risk" of a State breaching I-2 (Human rights), the EU can suspend that State's rights (including voting), but its obligations to the EU remain. (Designed for abuse!)

I-60 "Any State may decide to withdraw from the EU". But terms will be decided by the Council (they keep our oil, fishing, currency reserves, armed forces and nukes?).

Requires agreement by the EU Parliament. Article III-325 3 puts more steps in the way. A qualified majority is 72% of the Council. Like Hungary, we can never leave?

In summary, the EU Constitution is similar to the old Soviet Union’s and builds a dictatorship.

It starts with human rights platitudes, then conceals its destruction of democracy in its massive 465 pages; while the EU's Corpus Juris legal system steals our rights.

Harmonising our laws with the EU over 33 years has given us the laws of a police state, ready for the EU to enforce.

The EU’s 111,000 regulations will control our personal lives more closely than were Soviet Citizens.

The EU will become our nation, and as a result Britain will be abolished as a nation.

We can avoid this by repealing the 1972 EU Communities Act before we are imprisoned inside. David Noakes. http://eutruth.org.uk (2006)

The "Withdrawal Bill", currently stalled in Parliament is the government's attempt to free the UK from the tyranny of the EU, and it is being stalled by our elected Representatives' in the House of Commons, adding multiple amendments (~300). It is expected to be frustrated or blocked by the unelected Peers in the House of Lords each one of which has sworn an oath of allegiance to the UK.

Each one of these who votes against our withdrawal from the EU is guilty of treason - they may claim ignorance of the true nature of the EU though.

Those on the Remain side who work to undermine the Leave campaign are no different from William Joyce, when they side with the EU against the UK, and blithely spout EU propaganda and lies, without any due diligence of the EU, in order to undermine the will of people of the UK:

Those who voted in a majority to leave the EU, including in 421 out of 632 (~67%) of Parliamentary constituencies.

High Treason - Part II

The UK has been subsumed into the EU over the past 44 Years through the means of six Treaties signed by our elected Representatives:

The European Communities Act (1972) => Heath

Gave the EU Henry VIII powers to force EU laws on UK Citizens, laws which cannot be amended nor repealed, even if all UK politicians vote against the imposed law. Heath also gave away our fishing rights to allow the EU and others to plunder our fishing grounds and ruin the ecosystem.

The ECA (1972) Treaty signed the UK up to the Treaty of Rome (1957) and legislated for Community law and the jurisdiction and judgements from the European Court of Justice into the domestic law of the United Kingdom. Which are binding on all legislation passed by the devolved parliaments of Scotland, Wales and .

"It was the most significant to be passed by the Heath government of 1970-74 and is one of the most significant constitutional pieces of legislation ever passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom." (Wikipedia)

The Single European Act (1986) => Thatcher

Signed the UK up to the EU Single Market. It was the first major revision of the Treaty of Rome (1957).

Thatcher reportedly changed her mind about the EU, but was warned not to go public about her feelings. As a result of her change of mind, she was replaced by the Conservative party in favour of the Europhile John Major.

"The treaty gave the European Parliament a real say in legislating for the first time and introduced more majority voting in the Council of Ministers. Under the procedure the Council could, with the support of Parliament and acting on a proposal by the Commission, adopt a legislative proposal by a qualified majority, but the Council could also overrule a rejection of a proposed law by the Parliament by adopting a proposal unanimously.” (Wikipedia)

The Maastricht Treaty (1992) => Major

This Treaty was formally the Treaty of the European Union (TEU). The EU came into existence for the first time. Two new areas of control; justice and home affairs, and a common foreign and security policy were enacted, and added to the existing European Community, thus creating the three pillars of the EU.

EU citizenship was added (but the EU had no legal power at this stage) to allow the right to move and live in any EU state and may vote in European and local elections in any country, it also established the basis for economic and monetary union, and currency conversion.

Thus, leading to a single currency and enforceable constraints on Member State budgets, deficit and debt.

The following was also enacted: Social Chapter; the UK adopted part it, on workers' pay and health and safety and the principle of "Subsidiarity".

Under the principle of Subsidiarity the Union does not take action (outside of its competences) unless action would be more effective at national, regional or local level: effectively the Union can interfere outside its competences.

The UK adopted the EU Regionalisation Plan: Which will abolish England's 48 counties and replace them with 9 European regions, each with their own Regional Capital, which reports directly to Brussels, not to Westminster.

This effectively obliterates the country of England. For example, the County of Cornwall is replaced by the South West Region, which stretches from Lands’ End and includes Gloucestershire and Wiltshire; its regional capital is Exeter. (eutruth.org.uk)

The Maastricht Treaty (1992) Treaty was first rejected in a Danish referendum, and then after some alterations, it scraped through. France also gave Maastricht a less than enthusiastic response: its referendum approved the treaty by a tiny margin.

In Germany it was sent to the constitutional court, which in the end voted for it. In the UK, it squeezed through parliament under unprecedented pressure. It finally came into force in November 1993." (BBC News,30th April 2001, UK Maastricht Treaty)

The Amsterdam Treaty (1997) => Blair

Under the Treaty of Amsterdam, member states agreed to devolve certain powers from national governments to the European Parliament across diverse areas, including legislating on immigration, adopting civil and criminal laws, and enacting foreign and security policy (CFSP) – a disaster for the UK.

The Amsterdam Treaty handed complete control of our immigration to the EU. The European Parliament was given powers to legislate in co-decision with the Council of Ministers on a range of new issues including employment, social policy, health, transport and the environment by qualified majority voting (QMV).

"The union members also agreed to co-ordinate their approach to asylum and immigration as well as increasing co-operation on police and law enforcement."


"In 1997 net migration (the number of people coming to the UK minus the number leaving) was just 47,000. In the years that followed it rose to well over 200,000 and peaked at 320,000 in 2005. Under the last Labour government (1997-2010) an extra 3.6 million foreign migrants arrived, while one million British citizens left" (Migration Watch UK.org) despite the abolition of border checks through the incorporation of the Schengen agreements into EU law for all Member States except Britain and Ireland.

The Nice Treaty (2001) => Blair

In preparation for enlargement the Nice Treaty altered the composition of the European Parliament (EP) and the Commission, as well as increasing the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance (CFI) to mitigate the work load of the Court of Justice (ECJ).

The Treaty extended both QMV and co-decision in the EU Community (1st Pillar) and improved conditions for achieving enhanced co-operation in all three pillars. QMV was extended to included intellectual property disputes. However, education, health, social services and culture issues are all excluded.

Under EU Law:

• any act of Civil Disobedience could potentially be classified as terrorism and result in long prison sentences.

• The voting rights of entire governments can be suspended within the Council of Ministers and political party’s "which do not sing to the prescribed EU hymn sheet" (my wording) can be denied public finding,

• all courtesy of Article 7 and 191 of the Nice Treaty (2001) respectively

Opponents of the Treaty claimed that it was a "technocratic" rather than "democratic" treaty, which would further diminish the sovereignty of national and regional parliaments and would further concentrate power into a centralised and unaccountable bureaucracy.

The Lisbon Treaty (2007) => Brown

This was the last of the six treaties, all of which are illegal under English Law, and marked the real "Birth Certificate of the EU" and the "Death sentence of the EU Nation States". it was "sold" as a reform treaty to avoid any referendums, and Merkel personally ensured that none took place (apart from Eire - whose Constitution required one)

The treaty gave rise to the final form of the EU (first proclaimed by Maastricht) with its own legal personality, and an overarching Constitution of the EU member states; and formed the basis for the EU superstate ruling over its members in perpetuity - a Dictatorship with the Laws of a Police State.

As a result of the six treaties the UK is no longer an independent nation (as of the 1st December 2009) and some of the effects are listed below:

• the UK is totally under the control of a Godless bureaucracy, whose religion is the State and Man himself (Humanist) – it is "The new opiate of the masses" • we will lose our Common Law rights, Protections and our Democracy • we will live in a Police State, where the government is above the Law • we can be arrested without evidence and shipped off to any other member state on the whim of any EU national in any EU Member State • we are being systematically deprived of any say in our future or the future of our children - our government is under the control of the EU • any law can be imposed from the EU and we will be bound by its edict - even if every MP voted against it can neither be amended nor repealed • our armed forces and police will be required to swear an oath of allegiance to the EU or leave the service and all are controlled by the EU • we live in an unequal society where we are bound by oppressive laws to control our thoughts and actions • the 9 EU regions of the UK will report directly to Brussels, not to Westminster (Boundary Change Website (BCE 2018) shows overlays the proposed constituency boundary changes onto the 9 EU regions imposed upon England) • we are being systematically impoverished, and our public services and infrastructure destroyed by over population • our population demographic is being systematically changed to destroy national identity, and the indigenous population are now 2nd class citizens • EU prosecutors will be based in these regions to enforce the EU Corpus Juris legal system on the UK population • our entire society is being undermined by the EU through the use Psychological warfare, propaganda and Cultural Marxism, through its quislings and apparatchiks in the UK - Fabian Society, Common Purpose, the Communist Labour Party (PLP), SNP and LibDems etc., • we can escape through the use of Article 50 TEU and more, precisely by repealing the European Communities Act., 1972 - but we are beset with EU quislings and trolls in our establishment - most noticeably in the Commons, Lords and the Judiciary.

The above are a small part of the Articles, Declarations and Protocols which define and regulate everything that the UK is allowed by the six treaties.

Our political system is a sham - the treaties represent an international contract that our elected Representatives have signed us into - and many are trying to ensure that we cannot ever leave.

Any claim by anyone supporting the EU that they are acting in Britain's interests are unsustainable in light of even a small number of the above facts, or even a cursory read of the Lisbon Treaty (2007) - they are simply committing High Treason

Before 1972, we were protected by our own Laws, Constitution and rights, but we could not protect ourselves from our own corrupt, elected Representatives, and their appointed Peers, who have been holding our sovereignty hostage for the past 44 years on behalf of the EU. Our “establishment” has systematically worked to breakdown our society, our traditions, values and identity since the signing of the European Communities Act (1972)

When Heath was asked about his actions in 1972, he stated that "The British are too stupid to rule themselves, so there". To their shame and dishonour, it is clear that those sentiments pervade the UK establishment today.

There is no point in pretending otherwise - the EU and our elected Representatives are currently working closely together in order to ensure that Britain is unable to leave the EU.

Very few of them can be trusted, not only the outspoken traitors, but many others - probably including Theresa May.

We will only be able to bring those who hate Britain to book by getting out of the EU, and we cannot afford to be bound by any transition arrangement, whose only purpose can be to forestall leaving.

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