Global Connection “Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders” Third Annual Asia Summit

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GLOBAL CHINA CONNECTION July 9, 2011 Building relationships that will change the world Wenjin International Hotel Beijing, China For inquiries, please contact [email protected] What will the leaders of today teach the trailblazers of tomorrow?

Global China Connection is committed to preparing the international student community to face the challenges of tomorrow. Join us this summer for our third annual Asia conference “Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders,” as we bring together the leading change-makers of Sino-Global relations to share their stories of personal growth and engage in discussion with 400 student leaders representing China, United States, Europe, Latin America, and more. The conference will be a large-scale one day event in which there will be a total of three keynote addresses, three panel discussions, and two networking events in order to create a thorough discussion on the challenges and opportunities for our future.

Beyond general surface differences between Western and Eastern culture, there is much for our nations’ youth to discuss and understand in order to build long-term trust and strong relationships. Many cultural differences are not obvious, yet impact international trade and professional relationships deeply. Linguistic and visual differences in Western and Eastern languages result in differences in visual discrimination, and companies including Taobao and eBay have won and lost entire markets by their abilities to pick up on these differences when designing their web interface. Whether pursuing direct localization strategies or not, multinationals are struggling to create aligned business cultures and hierarchies that fully address underlying cultural nuances. The purpose of this year’s conference is to more fully analyze what these differences mean, and bring leaders together to share how they have overcome these differences in real, and unexpected ways.

The focus of the conference is to bring perspective to the role and development of leadership. By bringing an international group of students together from many perspectives, we hope to provide an opportunity for Chinese and international college students to work together to consider real world challenges. The mission of our conference is to foster communication, cooperation, and innovative thinking among students who must take into account multiple perspectives and a complex and challenging environment.

Building Relationships That Will Change The World Conference Schedule

July 9, 2011 Events to take place at the Wenjin International Hotel in Beijing.

The lay-out will be as follows:

9:00 - 9:15: Conference welcome given by Student Representative of Global China Connection

9:20 - 10:00: Keynote One

10:10 - 11:20: Panel Discussion One

11:25 - 12:55: Lunch Break & VIP Lunch Session

1:00 - 1:40: Keynote Two

1:50 - 3:00: Panel Discussion Two

3:05 - 3:25: Networking Session and Coffee Break

3:30 - 4:40: Panel Discussion Three

4:50 - 5:30: Keynote Three

8:00 - 11:00: Evening Networking Cocktail at J.W. Marriott (Hosted by GCC Alumni Association)

*All keynotes and ceremonies to be streamed live to our sixty-five university global chapter network.

** Professional interviews will be released pre- and post- conference to debut the GCC Global

Knowledge Network, a Member of the YouTube Nonprofit Program.

This event has been made possible thanks to the generous support of our conference sponsors:

Building Relationships That Will Change The World Panel Topics

“Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders” will feature a total of three panel discussions:

I. Topic One: Dealmaking in China’s Financial Community Over the past years attention has been focused on developments in China's finance industry, particularly the growth of regional private equity and hedge funds and increasing activity of homegrown investment banks. But this development is not purely financial. Whereas in Western markets firms compete on the basis of technical financial engineering and analysis, in China, top firms are ones that can attract “deal closers” who bring operational value to firms through the connections needed to source and close deals. The panel will seek to bring together top dealmakers from the finance community to find answers to the following questions: What are the key foundations for successful deal sourcing and negotiations in China? In a society with guanxi, do negotiations matter? And what about in the West? How can dealmakers claim value at the table by overcoming potential traps/barriers? And as China’s financiers gain more experience, how will the market change?

II. Topic Two: Understanding the Local Consumer Whether in business, government, nonprofit, or even in the simplest situations, our ability to satisfy the needs and tastes of clients, customers, and partners can make or break our endeavors. Anthropologists often note the differences between the “high context” cultures of East Asia and “low context” cultures of the West that shape communication flows key for social networking, marketing and more. Complicating matters further, linguistic and visual differences between Western and Eastern languages resulting differences in visual discrimination that have tremendous impact on the way printed and electronic information is perceived. This panel will explore some of the most, and least, successful strategies used in China to serve local consumers.

III. Topic Three: New Strategies for Innovation in Healthcare Healthcare is a headline issue for China’a twelfth five-year plan. As the industry roars ahead at a annual growth rate nearing 20%, tough challenges and incredible opportunities await those who will seek to solve today’s most pressing challenges: grueling lines at hospitals, high cost for out-of-pocket care, rural/urban divides in availability of treatment, medical talent shortages, an exploding pharmaceutical industry, and more. As China and its people age, the quality of service demanded and need for smart solutions will only grow stronger. This panel seeks to bring together China’s leading health care experts from industry, academia, research, and more to discuss what is currently, according to the China State Statistical Bureau, the most pressing concern for China and its people.

Building Relationships That Will Change The World About Global China Connection

Global China Connection (GCC) is For more information about GCC, the world's largest student please see our website online at organization dedicated to providing Additionally, you can the future leaders of China and the check our social network by creating a international community with a profile at For platform to engage each other. A non- conference or sponsorship related- profit, non-partisan organization, GCC inquiries, get in touch by sending a is represented at over 65 universities message to [email protected]. around the world.

A student organization based in the United States, GCC works directly with top Chinese universities as well as a number of corporate and organizational partners to create new opportunities for collaborative, exciting engagements between the youth of China, the United States, and beyond.

Building Relationships That Will Change The World Lorem Ipsum School Selection of Past Speakers and Supporters

Steve Forbes Stephen Roach Peter Lighte President and CEO Chairman Chairman Forbes, Inc. Morgan Stanley Asia JP Morgan Asia

Bai Yansong Sichan Siv N. Gregory Mankiw Lead Anchor United States Ambassador Professor of Economics China Central Television United Nations

Zhang Weiying Kristin Gillibrand Dean - School of Management Senator - New York Professor of Economics Peking University United States Senate

Building Relationships That Will Change The World