T +64 4 499 6830 Level 12, 1 Willeston Street F +64 4 974 5218 Wellington 6011, New Zealand E
[email protected] PO Box 5963 Lambton Quay Wellington 6145, New Zealand 17 October 2016 Market Announcements Australian Securities Exchange Level 4, 20 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Bathurst Resources Limited - Update on Resources and Reserves The Board of Bathurst Resources Limited (ASX: BRL “Bathurst”) is pleased to announce an update on Resources and Reserves. During the past year work has been ongoing to update the company’s Resources and Reserves to comply with the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) 2012 code. The key indicator of total Resources shows a small reduction from 108.2 million tonnes to 108 million tonnes. While there was a maiden Resource announced for New Brighton of 0.2 million tonnes, and the Canterbury Measured Resource increased by 0.2 million tonnes this was offset by depletion due to mining at the company’s domestic operations on the West Coast and at Takitimu, in Southland. The Resource tonnages at New Brighton showed a decrease in Indicated and Inferred Resources due to a revised model of total open cast recovery with no underground extraction. Marketable Reserves increased overall due to revised economic modelling based on an improved coal price and reduced operating costs at Escarpment and Takitimu. The documents appended have been generated as JORC Table 1 disclosures as required under clause 5 of the JORC (2012) code. The Table 1 documents support both first release and materially changed Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves for significant Bathurst projects.