Public Sector Releaseteam Is a Veteran-Owned, Full-Service Devops Consultancy
DevOps Tool Specialists Experienced DevOps Solu�ons for The Public Sector ReleaseTEAM is a veteran-owned, full-service DevOps consultancy. Our focus is on helping our clients adapt and mature their so�ware “ReleaseTEAM is very responsive. development environments with solu�ons tailored Within minutes I have a response to their objec�ves and culture. We have been and within the week I get a serving so�ware development teams since 1999, we detailed answer for what I need. know legacy tools and best prac�ces, and we partner with the best modern tool vendors. It speaks volumes. They make my job easier.” We specialize in migra�ons and assessments but can bring extensive experience to all of your DevOps projects, including support, staff augmenta�on, Chris O’Brien coaching, and so�ware solu�ons. Our staff will work Business Systems Manager with you to understand your unique needs, audit Raytheon Technologies Corp. (RTX) your current development process, and recommend adop�on paths with the highest return. CONSULTING SUPPORT SOFTWARE TEAM BUILDING Our expert DevOps ReleaseTEAM provides We partner with ReleaseTEAM’s consultants understand expert support services industry-leading experienced that agility shouldn’t for all our partner technology providers to consultants work with compromise reliability. products, including ensure you get the your team un�l you can When you need to advice on best prac�ces efficiencies from the hunt down the right develop and release and 24-hour availability latest DevOps solu�ons. new hire. Meanwhile, code that ensures your for emergencies. Our As a service solu�on use ReleaseTEAM’s company retains the expert consultants partner, ReleaseTEAM experts to train your compe��ve edge, support modern and can assist you with tool trainers, or mentor your ReleaseTEAM will legacy applica�ons, and selec�on, management staff, to ensure your process are always available to implementa�on, ensure the complete addresses every resolve issues remotely, migra�on, support, transfer of skills into requirement and via email or phone, and licensing, or upgrades.
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