Auction 88 To take place on 7 September 2019

Please post bids to Peter McGowan, Nethergreen House, 9 The Green, Ruddington, Notts NG11 6DY Or email: [email protected] The deadline is Tuesday, 3 September 2019. Late bids cannot be recorded. Ensure you include your current address and contact details. If you are bidding alby email, please make sure you have received his confirmation of receipt. Successful bidders living outside the UK will be asked to pay for their lots before despatch. If two bids of the same amount are received for a lot, then the bid received first will take precedence, so early bidding is desirable. All lots now carry reserves, either at a default value of 75% of the estimate or at an undisclosed figure set by the seller. No bid will be accepted below the reserve. Take into account that some of our estimated prices appear rather too modest, and may be well overbid. We don’t claim that these estimates are wholly consistent, so make allowance for this. Remember that revised auction rules, issued last year, now apply. NB: See the members’ page of our website for images of this material.

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£ 1 Cyril Goldie (1872-1942): Wood-engraved, 1897 for T[homas] Edmund Harvey (1875-1955, museum 35 curator, politician, social reformer, Quaker, Pacifist). Surreal, branches, wings, and poppies, group of skulls, human fists emerge from water. Signed mid-right side. Unusual classic plate. (1) 2 Leo Wyatt: arms for Dr Colin R Lattimore, 1979, Peter Lionel Allpress, 1980, Alan Waterworth, 30 1973, & The Library of the Worshipful Company of Stationers & Newspaper Makers, 1973. (4) 3 Reynolds Stone; arms for Peter Summers FSA, University Library Liver-pool, and pict arm for E 20 Clive Rouse FSA FRGS. (3) 4 Stone: Marquis & Marchioness of Normanby, large & fine woodcut arms, 1954 & 1977 AND letter 30 from the Secretary, Mulgrave Castle 1988. (2+) 5 Stone: circular wood-engraved arm, Barclays Bank Directors Library AND letter from the bank’s 20 archivist, 1988. The British Council PLUS a letter from the British Council, 1988, re this bookplate. (2++) 6 GT Friend: arm for the Advocates Library, Edinburgh, 1956; a second arm for this library, n.s.d. 20 PLUS two 1988 letters from librarian. (2+) 7 GT Friend: pict arm for The National Maritime Museum AND letter of 1988 from librarian re the 15 creation of this plate in 1937. (1+) 8 GT Friend: Colfe’s Grammar School, arm, PLUS letter from the school’s librarian dated 1988. (1+) 12 9 Stephen Gooden: Royal College of Surgeons fine arm and the smaller crest plate PLUS interesting 30 letter 1988 from RCS librarian. (2+) 10 GT Friend: Mountbatten of Burma, superb arm (ranks amongst Friend’s finest work) PLUS 1988 50 letter from Patricia, the 2nd Countess. (1+) 11 Valentin Le Campion (1903-52): three erotic woodcuts for WVDK (Wim van der Kuylen) PLUS WE 25 Butler’s article on this artist, booklet reprinted from Summer 1981 issue of The Private Library. (3+1) 12 C Helard: Henry George Charles Vincent Lascelles KG DSO, 1922, fine full arm, large, 3 orders 30 suspended, royal arms accollé; Alan Kennedy Whitefoot, 1932, arm with much foliage; Hubert M Wilson, 1899. (3) Lots 13-20 are by George Willliam Eve (1855 -1914), some by process 13 Arms for James Frederick Chance, 1895, Richd Cyril Lockett, 1908, and The University of Liverpool 15 Bequeathed by Thomas Glaze-brook Rylands AD MCM. (3) 14 Arms for Philip Lawrence Langman, 1898; James Charles Getting of Doughton Cottage Ross on Wye 12 Co Hereford, 1904; Matthew White, Viscount Ridley, 1910. (3) 15 Arms for Robert H Mackworth-Praed of Mickleham downs , fine & large with 20 quarterings; 15 Willliam Kyle Westwood Chafy of Rous Lench, 1899, with 19 quarterings. (2) 16 Fine detailed arm for Ricardi R Holmes CVO,1898 with chained order & 2 awards, mace with helm 15 & crest to side; Arthur Dash-wood Howard MD, 1901, good full arm. (2) 17 Hugh , 1911 full arm with supporters, on large paper; arm for William Swaine 15 Chisenhall Marsh, 1895. (2) 18 Arms for William Flory, 1891; Sir Charles Jessel Bart, 1899. (2) 15 19 Fredrici Arthuri Crisp SAS, 1899, arm, in sepia; JJ Howard LLD FSA Maltravers Herald Extra 20 Ordinary, brown, 1897; William Henry Weldon, Norroy King of Arms, helm & crest adjoin shield. (3) 20 Thomas B Bowring, pict of galleon, 1911; arm for Sir John Nicholson Barran Bt, 1895; The Library 20 of the Royal Societies Club, 1903, royal arms and spread eagle. (3) Lots 21-28 are armorials by Charles William Sherborn (1831-1912) 21 The Bridgwater Library, 1898, very large full arm for Egerton family. (1) 15 22 Charles Viscount Halifax; The Right Honble Charles Lindley Viscount Halifax, 1889; changed arms 20 but same inscription, 1891. (3) 23 Full arms for Arthur Oliver Villiers Russell, Baron Ampthill, 1896; TMB Bulkeley-Owen, Tedsmore 15 Co Salop, 1893. (2) 24 Charles Francis Cole, Treworgan, Mawnan, 1892; William Andrew J’Anson, Denton Hall 12 Northumberland 1889, F15958. (2) 25 T Brocklebank, 1896; Lord Belhaven & Stenton, 1895; Robert Day JP FSA MRIA, pict arm. (3) 15 26 Henry North Grant Bushby, 1908; Joseph Bowstead Wilson MA, 1892, F32111; Cyril Flower AD 15 1885 (later Lord Battersea) F10808. (3) 27 William Bruce Bannerman 1900; George Montagu Butterworth, 1896; Aedes Carthusianae, 1903. (3) 15 28 Johannes Britze (Denmark, 1895-1960): arms for Carl H Lindgren; Rein-hold Stenbock; Kristen 12 Rasmussen; Adolph Lange, & hilltop castle. (4) 29 Coloured arms: 2 diff for John Gartner by Zdenko G Alexy (Czech Rep); John Fitzpatrick Kennedy 15 by Daniel de Bruin (Holland, 1950-2010); Iain William Boyd by Roger Barnes (NZ, 1950-); Iain Boyd by Gordon Mac-pherson (Canada); Hector Allard, 1967, by Archbishop Bruno Heim (1911- 2003, see BJ1 Vol 13 No 2 September 1995). (6) 30 Good modern arms: The Worshipful Company of Armorers and Brasiers; Michael John Fitzherbert 20 Brockholes and Donald Alfred Ramsden, both by Gerald Cobb; John Cecil Nicholson Wakeley, by GT Friend; Sir Christopher Lever Bt; The Institution of Civil Engineers. (6) Lots 31-35 are by George Taylor Friend (1881-1969) 31 Robert Thomas Boscawen, pict arm with coastal scene, lighthouse, wading bird, a tank, Alsatian dog. 15 Fine engraving. (1) 32 The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, arms on a book with Scales of Justice suspended beneath; 15 plus a small size version with just the shield within scrolled frame, two varieties on cream & blue paper. (3) 33 Arthur Earl of Castlestewart, full arm, profuse decoration; Sir Edward Boyle Bt, 1921. (2) 15 34 The , full arm with decorated border; Hubert Allan Rose. (2) 15 35 Arnold Allan Cecil Keppel CB MVO , nice circular full arm; The Viscount 15 Crowhurst. (2) 36 Graham Johnston: large arms - Robert Gourlay LLD; (Earl of) Moray 1912; Baron Hawke, 1904. (3) 15 37 William Ashley Webb 3rd Baron de Mauley, by HJF Badeley 1903; pict arm with knight & castle for 14 Edward Milsom MA Trin Coll Camb, by Ern Hill, opus XXIV; Sir Sydney Armitage Armitage-Smith KBE CB by Emery Walker. (3) 38 Sir George John Armytage Baronet FSA, by Harry Soane 1899; Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, by 12 Graham Johnston 1905; Mary E Rath Merrill, Columbus Ohio, by Will Foster, 2 shields accollé & much mantling. (3) 39 Everard Green, 1895 circular plate in orange, by GW Eve when owner was Rouge Dragon; David 15 Hubert Boothby Chesshyre, Chester Herald of Arms, by Henry W Gray (b.1935) in 1980; George Drewry Squibb BCL FSA JP (QC & herald, 1906-94) by Hugh Stanford London, 1947. (3) 40 John Sutherland (Scotland): arms for Donald Lindsay Galbreath and John Alexander Stewart; William 12 MacDougal Duncan by Alfred Scott-Gatty (1847-1918) 1904. (3) 41 Arms: Peregrine Bertie by Kenneth Hobson; James Charles Getting anon by Eve; Thomas Baron 12 Brassey; George Augustus Constantine Earl of Mulgrave (last two are both unsigned). (4) 42 Winged dragon pict for Stephanie Kelvin by Leslie Benenson; arms for George Strode of Newnham 15 Park Devon by Keith Murray (see BPSoc Newsletter 2018, p.5) with shields down sides, and Henry N Ellacombe Bitton by EB Ricketts, 1898. (3) 43 Stephen Gooden crest plate for Liverpool Public Libraries with a letter from the library; arms for AC 16 Hyde-Parker by Ern Hill (1873-1960), Stephen Friar by AJ 1985, and Patrick Morris Boscawen Savage. (4) Lots 44-50 are Chip arms and 51-53 Jac arms 44 St Clair of Herdmaston, F25938; Scroope Ogilvie, F22209; Sr John Mordaunt Bart, Watton Warwick- 20 shire, NIF; Sir Charles Mordaunt Bart, Watton Warwickshire (d.1778) F21028; John Murray, F21420. (5) 45 Simon Mills, sgd: Is Kirk Sc, F20655; Visct of Kenmure (Gordon) F12220; Richard Vincent, small 15 roses, nice pict elements, F30412; Charles Morgan Middle Temple, F21054; Vaughn, reprint. (5) 46 Patrick Scott of Rossie Esqr, F26306; Sr Jno Vanhattem, Dinton Hall Bucks, F30230; Joannis 12 Towneley de Towneley, F29650; John Sabine Esqr, F25911; John Thornton, Londo[n], damaged, F29381. (5) 47 Thos Sainsbury, NIF; John Nicoll Esq, Montfield, Sussex, F21884; Sr Joseph Mawbey Bart, F20063; 12 Robert Melville Esqr, V2780 with his separate autograph signature, governor of Guadeloupe; Mr Baron Maule, d.1781, damaged, F20044. (5) 48 John Rogers, F25406; Thomas Salwey of Richards Castle Salop, F26027; John Towneley Esqr, 15 F29657; David Scott of Nether Benholm, V3598; James Scawen Esqr, F26206. (5) 49 Scott of Balcomie, F26259; William Slodden, F27136; Isaac John Beazley Gent, central tear, F1979; 15 John Belfour, F2075 (one of 3 states); Sr Peter Thompson FRS, F29282. (5) 50 St John Mordaunt, F21031; Alex Thistlethwayte Esqr, F29191; Mary McFarlane (faded ink) F19205; 12 Henry Eustace McCulloh, F19132; Don’d McLeod Esqr Advocate, tired, F19366; anon for Morehead. (6) 51 Jac arms: Treadway Nash DD of Bevere Worcestershire, F21577; Cosmos Nevill Esqr of Holt 22 Leicestershire, F21686; William Trumbull Esqr, F29899; Thomas Stonor Esqr, F28285; David Scott of Benholme Esq, F26276. (5) 52 Alexander Murray of Broughton Esqr, F21397; Sir William Maxwell of Springkell Bart, d.1760, 22 F20102; Edward Mundy Esqr of Shipley Derby Shire, F21321; James Abercrombie Esqr, F56; Honble Richd Nassau Esqr, d.1780, F21683; Sr John Ogilvy of Innercarty, d.1802, F22218. (6) 53 Jac & Chip arms: FL Maudesley, NIF; Christopher Montagu, W Stephens Sculp Camb, F20888; W 25 Armitage Trin Coll Cambridge F704; Alexander Murray of Broughton Esqr, sgd: A Johnston Sculp, F21395; Charles Mill, Chip by RM (Mountaine) d.1792, F20544; Right Honourable James Lord Sumervell, sgd: Tho Calder fecit, in grey ink, uncommon, F27585. (6) 54 20thC picts: Simpson Ashton, SB, house & garden with arm; Frederick J Hall, Bacon, trees & 20 flowers; Northwood, large mansion; Johannes Canonici Grainger STP, scribe in library; Percy Edward Clark, Viking ship and dolphin; Harold Williams, man reading in library; WA Tope MD, books, ink horn, & lamp. (7) 55 Festoon/wreath & ribbon arms: Thomas Needham Esqr, F21620; Henry Nantes, F21539; EPN, initials 20 for Nesbit, NIF; Thos Marshall, F19814; Joshua Smith, F27332; Sargeant, Hill Ball Alley, Lomb’d Strt, tired, NIF; T Tindal, NIF; Inner Library bequeathed by Thos Eyre deceased, NIF; [Benj Bates MD, L{ower} Missenden Bucks, in MS], F1771. (9) 56 Festoon/wreath & ribbon arms: GT Nicholson, F21847; anon [Twiss of Co Kerry] F3055; Thos Drake 20 Tyrwhitt, F30117; Thos Marshall, F19814; Thos Marshall NIF; JH Barrow, F1636; William James Tyrrell, NIF; John Smith, NIF; Hugh Tuite Esqr, F29941. (9) 57 Spade shield arms: Sir Ralph Milbanke, d.1825, F20511; William Adair Esqr, NIF; Joshua Smith 12 Stoke Park, F27334; Edwd Thornycroft, NIF; T Calvert Morton, NIF; John Molesworth F20787; Hugh Owen F22496. (7) 58 Spade shield arms: George Anne Martin, d. 1842, F19847; William Osgoode, Lincoln’s Inn, small 12 corner missing, F22450; Thomas Tipping, NIF; Willliam Paget, F22575; Geo Morgan Esqr, F21063; Atherton of Walton Lancashire, F890. (7) 59 Early Jac arms: David Rae Esq Advocate, F24460; George Tollet Esq, F29548; Sr John Abdy Bart of 15 Albyns in Essex, NIF. (3) 60 Early Jac arms: Fitz Wms Barrington Esqr, NIF; Reginald Marriott of Parsons Green in the County of 30 Middx Esqr, F19750; Atchievement of Capt Robt Seton Lineal Representer of ye Family of Seton of Meldrum, by A Burdon, very stained, F26487. (3) 61 Full armorials: Sir Robert Abercromby KB, F57; Archibald Henry Mac-donald Sinclair 4th Baronet 12 of Ulster, NIF; , F21651; Earl of Ormonde and Ossory, NIF; Longleat [Thynne Marquis of Bath] NIF. (5) 62 Arms with supporters: Sir Hector Munro, d.1805, repaired, F21340; The Right Honourable Archibald 12 (Montgomerie), F20913; (Parker) J Vining sc 120 Pall Mall, F22710; John Peyto Verney Ld Willoughby de Broke, d.1862, F30326. (5) 63 Crest arms: William Menzies; John Baldwin Esqr; Atkinson; Farmer Baily; Robert Barclay, Bury 10 Hill; Lord Auckland; Sir Robert Shafto Adair; Thomas Anson Esqr, Shugborough; TT Balmer, Presbiteri; John Adams, Bromsgrove; Revd E Barlee by Warwick; Admiral Nugent; William Beloe FSA; Chas Turner, Norwich; Edward Stearne DD; Stuart & Margaret Hogg; Henry BH Beaufoy FRS. (17) 64 Ladies’ arms: Helen Frances Maxwell, Twyning Com: Glouc:, F20088; Eliz Nugent, NIF; Anne 12 Countess Dowager of Galloway (Stewart), F28130; Mrs Smith, F27353; Elizabeth Thorold, F29401; Ellen Mary Tufnell, yellow paper, F29932. (6) 65 Mixed arms: Sir Montague Cholmley Bart, pict arm by Albert Way, F5791; John Fenwick of 25 Newcastle upon Tyne Attorney at Law, by Lambert, F10356; John Harrison; Hugh F Hornby, by Soane; WC Mylne, NIF; anon (North ) F22018; George Ormerod DCL Sedbury Park by Warwick; Thos Sopwith MA FRS FGS by Lambert; JA Turner, NIF; S Jolliffe Tufnell, by King, F29936; Skelton E Wimble, F32190 lacks name; , F30537; Alberti A Wood, F32371; Lieutenant General William Thornton MP, Grosvenor Gate, F29392. (14) 66 Labels: John Baverstock, damaged; John Brown, Garith Huntingdonshire; Sylvester Macdonald; Irene 10 Catherine Cohen; Edward Talbot; Richard Douse; J Jara Almonte; Oliver St Maur Thynne. (8) 67 Sir George Nayler, Garter (King of Arms 1822) F21585; William Mitford of Exbury Hampshire, 24 F20678; SP Peach, F22981;Blayney Baldwyn AM, F1294; John Schutz Esqr, F26239; (Hay), F14196 . (6) 68 Imperial Defence College Library, process version of the Gooden plate, on tinted paper. Pict for DC 15 Bluett. Modern arms: Henry Ambrose Lediard Memorial Music Library; Chethams Library, Manchester by Father Anselm, engraved by Langton; Harrison Drummond; O Loughlin; Charles Manning McGregor; Hartwell; Victor Channing Sanborn. (9) 69 Festoon crest: GS with earl’s coronet (London in MS) F28794. Arms: Bank of Scotland, by Lizars, 14 nice; Joseph Alfred Bradney of Llanfihan-gel-Yslern-Lewern Esq 1883, F3480; Head Pottinger Best Esq, Co Berks, F2406; William Byrom Corrie, F6926; Robert Montgomery by Gavin, F20939; Joseph Neeld, F21622; HA Ormsby FRS, F22405; DK Sand-ford Esqr, F26073; Revd Francis Thackeray MA, d.1842, F29160. (10) 70 Various arms: Henry Tompkinson, Dorfold, F29562; W Tucker Esqr, F29916; anon for Tyrell by 25 Johnson of Bristol, F30111; J Finch Smith MA RD FSA Rector of Aldridge Staffordshire, F27337; Michael Morrah, Worthing, F21109; John Finch Mason, F19914; JB Barrett, F1599; Audley, F963; WW Atkinson Haverbrack, F933; 8 others. (18) 71 Miscellaneous, incl memorial tablet (bookplate?). See image online. (10) 5 72 Mark Lambert: IH Fryer, trees with cottage, F11456;CR Fryer, F11454; John Headlam MA 12 Archdeacon of Richmond (Tattersfield p.138). (3) Except #74 on copper, next 6 lots engraved by Eric Gill were on wood 73 Xenia Noelle Lowinsky (1894-1998, writer/horticulturist/prison reformer, see 32 nativity scene, 1924. (1) 74 Ralph Edward Gathorne-Hardy (1901-78, impecunious socialite and rare book expert, 2nd son of 3rd 48 ) v. good arm, 1925. (1) 75 Decoy Press (founded by journalist Joseph Peter Thorp, 1873-1962) this device apparently also served 20 as a bookplate, 1915. (1) 76 Austen St Barbe Harrison (1891-1976, Scottish-born architect, worked in India, Palestine, Greece), 30 angel & pile of bricks, 1935. (1) 77 Elizabeth Foster and Arthur Graham Carey (1892-1984, architect, silver-smith, typographer, stained 60 glass panellist), angel & book, 1928. (1) 78 Everard Meynell (1882-1925, sculptor painter, journalist, author), book and hand, 1916. (1) 25 79 Schools/libraries: Univ of Wisconsin Med School Lib’y of William Snow Miller, 1858-1939, portrait 15 by Blackburn, 1942; Overstone School, arm; City of York Pub Lib’y Ref Dept, pict of Minster & city gates; Gresham College Library, 3 arms; Guildhall Lib’y London, arm; Wolfson College Cambridge, woodcut arm & building. (6) 80 Gibbs arms: Henry Martin Gibbs of Barrow Court, Flax-Bourton Co Somerset, by Sherborn, 1891, 15 F11827; same owner, F11826; small seal arm for him; John Arthur Gibbs by Wyon; Henry Lloyd Gibbs, seal. (5) 81 Skinners Company, two anon early 18thC arms with supporters. Both NIF (neither is F34229). (2) 20 82 GW Eve: façade of Charlton House for Sir SP Maryon Wilson 11th Baronet of East Bornes, rarer 16 version not approved, never used. (1) 83 GW Eve: façade of Charlton House for Sir SP Maryon Wilson 11th Baronet of East Borne, approved 16 version. See also previous lot. (1) 84 Sherborn: Wemyss of Wemyss, arm, 1889; Carol and Elizabeth Gurney, sgd: CW Sherborn RE 1904 12 reprinted by WJW Deadman, 1982. (2) 85 JAC Harrison (for FG House of Truslove & Hanson): fine large arm for Zürich merchant (1850-1924) 10 Aug[ust] F Ammann Civ Tigur 1907. (1) 86 WPB picts: Alfred Charles William Baron Northcliffe, lake and trees with books in foreground by 15 JAC Harrison; Adeline Cecilia Lister-Kaye, 1909, moonlit sea shore with seated maiden, by Robert Osmond. (2) 87 Sherborn: shield & trophy of arms below oak tree in sepia for Robert Day JP FSA MRIA & VPRSA, 15 High Sheriff of Cork, President of the Cork Archaeological Society, 1902, home beyond River Lee, in a mount. (1) 88 Prof Francesco Carbonara, fine nude kneeling girl, books, background of trees, by Julio Fernandez 15 Saez (1924-?), Spain. (1) 89 Leo Wyatt: Shane Hugh Maryon Viscount Gough, large fine complex arm dated Sept 1974. (1) 20 90 Bierre Larsen, in brown, sgd: JV, ship’s figurehead of nude mermaid. (1) 6 91 Vitautas Jakstas (Lithuania, 1935-1994): coloured etchings for Roland Freund (alchemist), George 33 Sekine (Don Quixote), Olle Holden (nude couple embracing), Gordon Smith (standing nude), Miets Meulemans (three nudes swimming and grebes). (5) 92 Johannis Stirling Maxwell et Amicorum, circular, in red, motto ribbons and tassels in centre, one of 12 over 150 notable designs for himself. (1) 93 A Williams: etching of tree, fruit, bridge, headed Pons Asinorum, for the owner (hard to read) F 12 Carrew Gibson. 1930s? Crisp print. (1) 94 Herbert Lester Gardiner (1863-1960): Euphemia Davidson (1838-1906) who gathered an important 12 bookplate collection, pict of medieval scholar, see BJ Spring 2018 and only modern plate in Griggs’s 147 Examples. (1) 95 Full arms with supporters: Lord Camden (Pratt) Chip, F24024; His Grace James Duke of Montrose 15 (Graham) early arm, F12444; TheRt Honble William Ld Viscount Bateman, d.1744, Jac, F1743; The right Honble Charles Bruce Lord Bruce, NIF. All good. (4) 96 Pict arms: C Eleanor Thairlwall, by herself, eng by Alfred Sparkes, loz arm, books & castle; Anthony 12 , columns to sides. (2) 97 Chip arms: Thos Lucas, F18872; John Buxton Esqr, NIF; John Barton, NIF; Thos Brathwaite, F3587; 15 Richd Boult Esq, tired, F3170. (5) 98 Libraries: Chester Reference, river & church by Clarke, 2 sizes large & small (this damaged); 10 Ministry Public Buildings & Works, 1962, royal arms; Chester Pub Lib Wm Vernon Mem’l 1926; PL Lancaster Ref Dept, crossed out in biro; Stoke Newington PL; WH Smith in green; Norfolk & Norwich Lib, damaged. (8) 99 Modern picts: S Rouviere Day by Vinycomb, 1896, arm & 2 girls. 20thC picts: JH Savory by SW 10 Savory, females & foliage in green; Lightbown, tower & tram; Hailing, man reading, in red; Sabel, flowers; Clark, galleon; Tate, school in blue; Draper, Greek scene; Kerfoot, fisherman; Hill, library; Marriott, house; a Beardsley no-name universal. (12) 100 Ladies’ labels; Anne Burton of Radbrooke, mid18thC typeset in fleurons; Lady Twisden Jennnings, 15 engraved name; Miss Walker, Southgate, spray of flowers; names in garlands for Rigden, Coles, Littledale; Grosvenor, Hine-Haycock, Kearsley, Toler, Wolstenholme (cricket), & another. (12) 101 Ladies picts & arms: Sylvia Grant Lawson, garden scene, sgd: PT AS Sc, (Philip Tilden, engraved by 24 Sparkes); Mabel Ashburton, mod Chip arm & cherubs; Kathleen Lack, Muse with children, amid clouds; Edith Bessie Cook, Edwardian lady reading, by Edward J Wheeler; & 8 more - Boyce, Edwards, Maude, Palmer, Cunliffe, Nickinson, Lambton, Williams. (12) 102 Sherborn: large arm, The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, 1896. (1) 15 103 Sherborn: large arm for Downside Abbey, 1902. (1) 15 104 WF Hopson (USA): picts for Frederick W Skiff, open book against trees, stream, dog & gun, 2nd 15 state; Herbert & Mary S Heathfield 1904, scribe; Josephine ES Porter, standing woman & peacock in ornate frame. (3) 105 Hopson picts: Tobias A Wright, landscape, cottage, printing press, books; May Peabody, Oakend 19 1895, winged hourglass & pile of books, crease; plus same, better print in brown; Porter as last lot, proof but stains. (4) 106 Medical men: The Revd Doctor Thomas Drummond, fine Jac arm F9136; 19thC arms for: William 20 Henry Fitton MD, F10604; Thomas Inman MD, F16053; William Hilliard Lawlor MD, motto PERCUTE, NIF; Thomas Swanwick MD [of Macclesfield] F28623; Sam Merriman MD, F20392; AR Sutherland MD, eared shield F28572, and a diff plate with also FRS &c, F28573, each with diff impaled arms; crests for Frederick Pratt [MD in MS] NIF; Sir T Charles Morgan MD Fellow of the College of Physicians London, F21083. (10) 107 Scottish: The Right Honourable Hugh Earle of Loudoun Lord Machline &c [Campbell], early arm, 30 thin-waisted woman, F4949/F*561, succ 1694, d.1710; The Earl of Breadalbane, Chip full arm, F4946/7; The Arms of Dundas of Arniston, two diff, F9290/3;George Ross Advocate, crest, F25534; Donald McLeod of Geanies Esqr Advocate, eared shield, sgd: Kirkwoods, F19365; WH Campbell, spade shield, F5037; Charles Craigie Esqr, mid 18thC arm, F7218; Melville [Viscount Dundas] F9287. (9) 108 Assorted dates: George Fairholme of Greenhill Esqr 1779, late Chip arm, F10153; & later undated 18 state F10154 of Greenknow; John Peachey Esqr 1782, Chip arm, F22986; Scrope Berdmore DD Coll Mert Custos 1790, spade shield, F2281/2; Fr DickinsArmig 1795, early Jac style, F8625; John Legh of Booths 1824, eared arm, torn, F17986; John Sheepshanks 1852, arm, NIF; RJ 1854, crest, damaged, F16785; Robert Hovenden 1874, pounced style, F15473. (9) 109 Military: Lt Colonel Pechell, Chip arm,damages, F23071; Major General Henry Richard Legge 11 Newdigate CB, modern early Jac arm style, NIF; Captain Whinyates, eared shield, F31473; Lt Genl Sir WR Gilbert Bart GCB, arm with soldier supporters, NIF; WB Dundas, Royal Artillery, eared shield, F9315/6. (5) 110 Richd Ford [in MS, his signature] arm in scrolled frame with leaves/fruit, F10959. Celebrated author 10 of handbook for travellers in Spain. Some damage. (1) See BSN, Vol 2, pp.15-16,39, Dec 1976. Frame round arms is from that used by Juan de la Cuesta, editor Don Quixote, 1st edn 1605. 111 Scottish: Cranstoun of Corehouse, arm, dusty, F7244; JM Rubislaw House Aberdeen 1879, decorative 20 for John Morgan, bookplate collector, architect, F21075; James Russell, spade shield, sgd: J&J Johnstone Sc, stained, F25747; George R Alexander, F309 (Canadian interest); Sir Abraham Hume Bart, spade shield, F15698; Hume of Auchendelly [Dumfries] NIF; Thomas Graeme, damaged, F12438; Sir James Mackintosh, F19323; Mitchell, damages, NIF; Alexander Trotter Esqre, F29863; John Duerdin, crest, F9192; Chisholme of that Ilk & Stirches 1296, supporters in armour, NIF; James Beveridge Duncan, NIF. (13) 112 Modern post-WW2 arms (an underrated collecting area): Peter de Vere Beauclerk-Dewar; same in 14 full colour; John Lynch Naimaster; John Fitzpatrick Kennedy PhD FRSA JaaJh, pict arm by Marco Foppoli; Donal F Begley, in colour; Morris Netterville Watt, in red, small in black, both by herald painter Katherine Chart, 1960. (7) 113 Modern arms: Colonel CS Macleod of Glendale; Sir David Russell Kt LLD (1872-1956) , From the 11 library of; Edward T Roberts, by Graham Johnston; Wm R Ward; David Geoffrey Williamson (1927- 2003, of Burkes and Debretts). (5) 114 Eared shields, mostly 1st half 19thC several connected to India: Roger Lee F17909; William Wrixon 34 Leycester, F18282; Francis Law Latham, NIF; William Jeffery Lockett, stained, NIF; Thos Barrett Lennard, F18140; William Lygon, F18956; George Price, F 24121; [Palk, Bart] F22605; James Allan Park of Lincolns Inn, F22691; LL Price, NIF; David Pollock, F23777; Charles Price, NIF; Joseph Phillimore DCL, F23477; Henry Porcher, F23855 & F23856; Sinckler Porter, F23879; William Frederick Patteson, F22914; John Paley, Ampton, F22598; Frederick Wake Pretor-Pinney Esq, NIF; T&E Lloyd, NIF. (20) 115 Edward A Martin, A Dictionary of Bookplates of Irish Medical Doctors, 160 pages, well illus., 28 hardback, jacket, Dublin, de Burca, 2003. As new. Useful addition to exlibris literature. Recommended. (1) [Reserve £28] 116 Brian North Lee, Bookpile Bookplates, 64pp & 33 plates, soft covers, The Bookplate Society & The 28 Apsley House Press, 350 copies, 1992. Out of print – the two copies on ABE Books are priced at £38 and £54. (1) 117 Mixed arms: John Ramsden, eared shield, F24533; Colonel Clarke (1659 -1744) Chip wreath, F5917; 10 anon for Ward on mantle, F30832; Robt Edmond Chester Waters, F30999; Hugh Seymour; Sir Charles Gillies Payne Bart; RH Vade; Thomas Le Blanc, Lincoln’s Inn; Sir Frederick Pollock; Joseph Smith by Barnes. All with damage/defects/stains. (10) 118 Fine 18thC arm of Merchant Taylors: Societatis Mercatorum-Scissorum apud Londinates Insignia, 15 with camel supporters. (1) 119 Truslove & Hanson, specimen booklet, engraved cover front & back, 4pp text, 3 original sample 12 bookplates purportedly by FG House. Scarce. (1) 120 Famous in his time (& still so): WE Gladstone, crest, F11996. (1) 10 121 Royal: crown & WH in Garter belt, some browning, paper OK. Listed in Lee’s Brit Roy BP #169 for 28 William Henry Duke of Clarence, later King William IV (1765-1837), F33206. (1) 122 Sherborn: Carolus Henricus Kennard AM E Coll Univ Oxon Canonicus Cliftoniensis Dom Pontif 15 Praesul, clerical arm with hat & tassels, sgd: CW Sherborn RE 1901, some defects but a fine plate; well-engraved arm Ch[arles] Claude Carpenter (gas co. director 1858-1938) by Wauthier. (2) 123 Herbert Francis Wauthier ( 1881-1964, see BJ1 Vol 16 No 1 March 1998) 45 Fine full arm for himself; William Percival Griece; anon [Hoare]; Arthur Bellamy; A Ransfort Collett; The Rev H[enry] B[rackenbury] Louis MA DLitt PhD (d.1967, aged 68) sailor & Neptune supporters; Brice McAdoo Clagett; Reginald Henry Macdonald of Kingsburgh OBE; Robert Henry Ross Church. (9) 124 Same engraver: large arm, Robin and Helen Cooke, Baron and Baroness de Montjoye (and another 45 title), fine; Cooke Baron de Montjoye, single coat; Foster-Greenwood; James Hourihan; F Vauthier (the engraver); JHH Pollock; Goodenough; enry DuBois Bailey Moore; Wardell. (9) 125 Same engraver: Russell Barton; Robert Reginald Martin Honorary Canon of Christ Church Oxford, 38 large plate with 14 arms round central coat; George S Draffen; Horrell; James Birtley McNair; Seymour William Arthur John Egerton ; James Wilson Murdoch Library John Umstead Hospital [Butner, North Carolina]. (7) 126 Notable: Crest with wreath on arm holding up a musical instrument, for composer and organist Sir 12 John Stainer (1840-1901), will be illustrated in our forthcoming book Famous in their Time. (1) 127 Etching on brown paper by P[aul]S[andby] Munn (1773-1845) for him-self of books, inkwell, artist’s 12 palette, brushes & easel, F21332. A note-worthy watercolour painter & friend of JS Cotman. See ODNB. (1) 128 Moses Mordecai (d.1809) of London & Portsmouth: spade shield arm for John Boys, sgd: Mordecai 34 sculp, F3421; Heny Aston Esqr, sgd: Mordecai Sculp, F872, large oval pict arm frame between lion and winged cherub, river in background, inscription defective but remarkable scarce item. (2) 129 Peter Reddick: wood-engraved pict for David M Page of man, playing guitar, seated in stylised fruit 14 tree book & quill below. (1) 130 In Spanish: 28-page large format booklet Robert A Bell, by Alejandro de Riquer, Barcelona 1910, 16 illustrating Bell’s bookplates also much other work. Important essay. Soft cover (detached), wormholes are gratis. (1) 131 Philip Tilden (1887-1956, architect to well-known people; restored old buildings): Philip Sassoon 12 (3rd Bart 1888-1939), nice shipping scene. (1) 132 Same artist: Ivor Novello (1893-1951), born David Ivor Davies, popular Welsh composer and actor, 20 landscape & lyre, sgd: PT MDCCCCXIX (1) 133 Well-known pict, AD & lyre on sign with motto ribbon for poet/essayist Austin Dobson, (1840-1921) 15 etched by Alfred Parsons; Egerton Castle by Agnes Castle 1892, man asleep at fireside, author of English BP. (2) 134 Labels: 7 typeset for Robert Shackleton (1919-86 see Wikipedia); Charles Norris Nicholson Bart 20 LLD; from the library of AJA Symons (1900-1941 see Wikipedia); St Andrew Warde Esqr Hooton Pagnell; Edwardi H Douty AM MD, nicely engraved; Church of England Book Society; Ben Wilson, Bramley, with verse; Richard Burnie Armistead; Georgii Jameson Chitty; and 26 assorted other labels, some pre-20thC. (41) 135 Large batch of 20thC picts: Humphrey Owen Jones, Clare Coll Camb 1909; A Stanton Whitfield 30 FRHistS; Alexander Henry Higginson; Thomas R Taylor (by Moring); Wm Cudworth; RW Martin, Longbenton (2 diff); Fred M Green, male angel by LRJ; and 16 others. (24) 136 Batch of larger mainly 20thC picts: Roy Wilson Potter; Harper; William J Adcock 1894; Anderson; 20 Alexander Murdoch; WW Williamson; John E Foreman; Hermann Woolley; D Nevill-Rolfe; Richard Pearse Chope; OC Skinner; JB Melly; Bertha Brewster; no name, Bourne Orchard. (14) 137 Mainly American picts: Mantle Fielding, Architect, ruined edifice (repro of signed 18thC engraving); 25 Helen Rawson Bryce Barnhart, sgd: SB Hill 1918; nice eagle & shield for G Newman Weam, sgd: FS 06 by Frederick Spenceley; Louis Blumfield, winged woman; Martha Chamberlayne Valentine, house view; Howard Krause, woman torch, globe; Rodman Wanamaker, arm; V Taubman-Goldie; Henry T Folkard. (9) 138 Joseph Walter West (1860-1933): S Reynolds Hole Dean of Rochester and President of the National 12 Rose Society, two ladies standing, art nouveau style, signed with West’s usual compass device. (1) 139 Graham Johnston: arm for Harry Bertram McCaskie MA MD 1910(?); five on pounced background: 18 MCCH, initials & verse; Charles Home Lloyd Fitzwilliams of Gilgwyn, Frederick Macmillan, sgd: Harry Soane 1879, David Murray, James E Matthew. (6) 140 Spade shield arms: Willm L Leyborne, Oliver #262, F18274; Francis Longe Spixworth Park Norfolk, 22 with supporters, sgd: Hixon sc, F18690; Wm Constable Esqr FRS & FAS, F4646; Walsh, F30767; Warner, F30909; Robert Wright Esqr, F32641. (6) 141 Chip arms: Mrs McDonnell [Catherine O’Brien m.1760 Charles McD. Of co. Clare] F19172; Thomas 24 Barnard, F1524; Horatio Ripley, F25075; Prescott Pepper, F23245/6; Sir William Richardson, F24962. (5) 142 Jac arms: Richd Massie of Coddington Cheshire, pict elements, F19939; [Jno Francklin Esqr Great 15 Barford] lacks inscription, F11200; Rowland Blackman of the Middle Temple Esq,F2700; Wm Gery of Bushmead Bedfordshire Esqr, F11797; John Letheullier Esqr Remembrancer of the City of London, F18188; anon for Thorp, F29413. All with damages. (6) 143 Ian McCready (New Zealand, 1923-2012): his pict arms are colourful, for Lenore Satterthwaite, Jim 16 & Kit McCready, Ian Thwaites, Daniel de Bruin, Evelyn Geary, and 3 other McCready plates. (8) 144 John Gartner of Melbourne (1914-1998) printer, philatelist and bookplate collector, 8 decorative 20 printed labels, a woodcut oval calligraphic for his Hawthorn Press; 2 small labels by Will Carter for David Chambers. (11) 145 Two very nice Chip pict arms with marvellous background shipping scenes, Robt Thos Pyott (1738- 30 1804) sgd: Ed Bramston Sculp, NIF, and [Rev] Edwd Burrow (m.1756, d.1775), F4533. (2) 146 Laurence Housman (1865-1959): circular pict of sailing ship for Robert [Henry (1850-1929)] and 20 Evelyn Benson (1856-1943), collectors of Italian old masters, state without lamp, fine print. (1) 147 Irish: Arthur St George STD Cancel: Clogherensis 1717 [Chancellor of Clogher] Jac arm, 12 35 quarterings, illustrated in Griggs 1, F25943, scarce; 19thC impression on wove paper from same copper, motto removed, inscribed Thos. Baldn St George Esqr, F25951. (2) 148 Trinity College Dublin premium plates: 3 Jacobean & 2 Chippendale, but with subtle differences. 35 Thomas Ulick Sadleir gathered some 130 variant 18thC TCD premium plates, now in TCD Library. (5) 149 Irish: [Bradish] anon spade shield, sgd: E Lyons, F3469; John Foster Esqr spade shield in blue, 45 speaker of Irish parliament, glue marks, F11068; arm on mantle anon [Fitzmaurice, Earl of Kerry] damages, F10690; O’Gorman, F22232 and Thomas Kingsbury Esqr, state with face at top of shield, F17218 both Chip arms and both in Lyons Book; Richard Vincent, 2 states of his pict Chip, large (corners damaged) & small roses on shield, F30412 & NIF; Shelburne [Fitzmaurice] Chip arm, tatty, F10692/4; bookpile of George Goold, sgd: Booker 56 Bond St, damages, F12208; De Burgh Marquis of Clanricarde, full arm, collar St Patrick. (10) 150 Irish: Overstreet Grogan, delightful pict arm angel on cloud, sgd: E Lyons, F12949; Castle Howard, 40 pict arm, F15504; Dillon & Co, picture framers, Dublin, trade label (not bookplate), stained; Henry Bellingham (he d.1755), Chip arm, in Lyons Book, F2168; Viscount Dungarvon, arm on mantle [Boyle] F3386; Shelburne [Fitzmaurice] Chip arm, F10692/4; John Jebb DD FRS Bishop of Limerick Ardfert and Aghadoe (1755-1833), arm, F16335; The Revd Robert Gage, Rathlin, NIF; Richard Joseph Sul(l)ivan Thames Ditton Surrey, 2 diff eared shields. (10) 151 Sr Robert Clayton of the City of London Knight Alderman & Mayor thereof Ano 1679, early arm 20 (c.1703), state with mural crown, F6025. (1) 152 Scottish: nice Chip crest of Robert Jameson, Mercht Lieth, F16300; Chip arms: [John] Scott of 36 Balcomie, F26259; Gordon of Buthlaw, F12225; Lord Prestongrange (William Grant) F12493; Whyte of Bennochy & state as Whytt, F31669 & F31675; 18thC arms: The Honourable Charles Hope Weir of Craigiehall & Blackwood Esqr, F31243; The Right Honble John Lord Colvill of Culross, F6533; Spade shield arms: James Edward Urquhart Esqr, F30183; Lord Eliock [Veitch] on mantle, F30296; Francis Scott, F26280; Crests: Kirkwall [Hamilton] F13432; Skene Library, sgd: J Kiloh sc. Abdn. F27033; John Flether Connoll, Glasgow 185[3]. (14) 153 Aedes Christi in Academia Oxoniensi, small size repro of Sherborn’s arm for Christ Church Oxford; 10 Collegium B Mariae prope Winton (Wincheseter College) F33679/80; anon arm of Eton College, cherubs & palm leaves, perhaps not a bookplate. (3) 154 Reg Boulton: St George & dragon for WE & DJ Butler in brown; same owners, portrait by Anatoli 12 Kalashnikov op.645, and In Memoriam Darlene op.754. (3) 155 John Anthony Simpson (1938-2004, Eton, bookseller at Thomas Thorp), his self-designed fishing 12 picts of 1981 & 1984 in colour, plus a b&w. (3) 156 Portrait plate of WHK Wright, with owner’s facsimile signature, by John E Wood of Plymouth, 12 1890s, NIF; anon arm, early collector Rev Daniel Parsons (1812-1887), NIF in this state. (2) 157 Rock pool & plants for James Yates by Allen of Birmingham, imperfect, F32829; Thos Baskerfeild 16 FAS, pict arm, tree, river, church, F1718, some damages; Benjn: Way, Armr, tree, spade shield, sunburst, F31144. (3) 158 Ladies’ plates, c.1900 picts, some with arms: Lady Florence Maude; May Richardson; Hilda Beatrice 14 Fry; Alice Clowes; and 12 others. (16) 159 Present/past Society members: Sir Harry Page, arm; Frank Broomhead, a Jewitt pict; David & Frances 14 Knott, printing press; Harold Johnston Storey, 2 arms; Egerton Parker, pict; James Wilson’s Boswelliana, pict; Cliff Parfit, 4 picts incl by Benenson. (11) 160 GW Eve: William Henry Weldon Norroy King of Arms, arm 1894 (1) 12 161 Senor Ismael Smith (USA): picts for Isaac Smith 1920, man with sword; Gaston Schmdtt, Walter 16 Ralegh with ship & globe; Clarence M Allen Art Books, Jewish symbols; Maimie Cohn 1920, man with sword. (4) 162 Modern picts: JJ Verdin Cooke, knight, in style of Harold Nelson but by Maude Cooke, presumably a 10 relative; Rochester Garden Club (St Fiacre), Montagu Motor Museum, Ivor Parrott (guess what), & 7 others. (11) 163 Chip arm: Mr David Lyall Gothenburg, V2625. Lyall is mentioned at 15 as one of colony of Scots in business in Sweden. See BJ2 7:99. (1) 164 USA: Restrike on fresh paper (but most desirable) spade shield arm with a wonderful shipping scene 20 below, for Thos Hicks, sgd: Rollinson Scul. NIF. William Rollinson (1762-1842) born Dudley Worcestershire m.1782 Mary Johnson in Birmingham, but c.1790 was silversmith, engraver, and die- sinker in New York City. Died & buried there. (1) Hicks was maybe of the same Quaker family as mentioned by Charles Dexter Allen. 165 Fine arm bookpile, widely illustrated, of Saml Wegg Esqr, (1723-1802), governor of Hudsons Bay 16 Company. F31237. (1) 166 Classic bookpile for White Kennett (1660-1728), bishop of Peterborough 1718. Imposing Jac arm 18 inscribed WH De Burge St Petri MDCCXX, on large paper, F17002; and modern reproduction F17003. (2) 167 17thC anon arm of notable physician Sir George Ent (1604-1689). See Wikipedia/Oxford DNB. 45 Wrongly identified as Skene & Bell. Displays esquire’s helm despite him being knighted 1665. Whether engraved by David Loggan (who settled in London c.1657) remains an open question. F9904. A scarce 17thC item, possibly pre-1665. Findable in a lifetime of collecting, but here is not an opportunity to be missed!! The motto GENIO SURGET is an anagram of Georgius Ent. 168 Chips by Wm Stephens of Cambridge: H Harbord Esq, Christs College 1752, sgd: Stephens fec, v. 24 nice label, F13654; Thos Hesilrige, sgd: WS, F14599; Wm Abbot Fellow of St Johns Coll Camb, F12; Tho: Parslow, F22815; Tho: Whitehurst, F31607/8. (5) 169 Fine Chip engraved label of Wm Keeling, Oakingham, Berks, F1689; Mr Folliott, Chip crest sgd: 22 Kearsly Ludgate Street sculp, F10863; Egerton Leigh, Chip arm, F18004; Peter Leigh, crest, spearhead present, NIF; anon Chip sgd: Bickham, F18030; early Jac arm, anon Leigh, F18029. (6) 170 Spade shield arms: Geo Delavaud, F8420; Thomas Cowper Esqr Overlegh, on a mantle, nice, F7126; 42 Robt Woodifield, late print, F32463; Mr John Wheler, F31455; Humhry Sibthorp, F26894; Thomas Mills, F20656; Johannis Guise, Bart, F13053; Right Honourable Lord Chief Baron Smythe, F27519; Edward Roger North Trin Coll Camb, sgd: Polak sculp, F22024; E Walcott F30532; Thos Jelf Powys, F24005; Richd Palmer Esqr, F22642; George Arnold Esqr 1806, damaged, F737; David Dundas Richmond Surry, F9302; Willm Dowdeswell, F8961; John Dowdeswell, image scuffed, F8954; T Le Mesurier e Coll Nov Oxon, F18123/4; Lewis Montolieu, F20943. Extensive batch. (18) 171 Wm Heysham Esqr Greenwich in Kent, early Jac arm, F14660, Oliver #55a; The Honble George 20 Baillie Esqr one of the Lords of the Treasury 1724, sgd: A Johnston Sculp, F1162. (2) 172 Jac pict arm: Benj Didier, sgd: Bickham junr Sculp, F8660. (1) 25 173 Early arms: Sr Edward Blount of Sodington in the County of Worcester Bart, F2877; William Paston 20 Esqr Horton, corner missing, F22869; Sr Edward Hales Bart, F13257; Geo Garnier, F11695 (Surgeon Apothecary, Eton College); Richard Lockwood Esqr Dews Hall Essex, F18581. (5) 174 Family name Somerset: The Most Noble Henry Duke of Beaufort 1705, early arm, F*9/F27572; anon 16 full arm for 5th or 6th Duke, closed tear, NIF; Lord Granville Somerset, arm, F27581, 2nd son of 6th Duke. (3) 175 Huddersfield (Yorkshire): premiums & assorted labels of institutions and people related to the town, 15 incl College and Sunday School Union Prizes. View image online for fuller information. (21) 176 Frank C Pape 1928: Ex Libris Dennis Wheatley (author) pict of faun and pupil. See BJ Vol 4 pp.92- 25 94 (Sept 1986) for article & explanation. (1) 177 Sherborn: Honble Frances G Wolseley, arm fest loz, sgd: CW Sherborn Sc 1891,F32359; The Right 21 Honble Charles Lindley [Wood] Viscount Halifax 1891, fine arm, six quarterings arms in pretence, sgd: CWS, NIF; G[eorge]G[ranville] Lancaster (1853-1907, of Kelmarsh) sgd CWS. (3) 178 Sherborn: Arthur Bond, arm, sgd: CWS RE 1904; [Lady Emma Louisa Rothschild] Tring Park 1898, 21 pict, sgd: CSW RE 1898; Lord Battersea [Flower] arm, sgd: CW Sherborn st 1893. (3) 179 Sherborn: GW Reid FSA Ano Dni MDCCCLXXX, arm for Keeper of Prints at BM, minor hole, 24 F24768; Collingwood Lindsay Wood of Freeland [Perthshire] (1830-1906) arm sgd: CWS [1896]; Cecilia Widdrington, pict of Moore Hall [18thC Cheshire mansion was home to Cecilia's great-aunt, Catherine Heron] in oval with festoon, 1910. (3) 180 Jac arms: Henry Hoare, angel face in frame F14860 & grotesque face F14861; William Hoare, 28 F14879 & nice pict F14880; William Hoar, spade shield festoon, F14851. (5) 181 Jac arms, some Irish: John Lynch DD Dean of Canterbury, maybe by Wm Hulett, F18963; Robt. 30 Jocelyn Esqr, F16505; John Rochfort, (field argent) NIF; anon for Charles Boyle , F3378; anons for John Boyle Earl of Cork, F3379 & 80 both attributed to George Vertue. (5) 182 Sir Charles Holroyd (artist/curator, 1861-1917) etching of baby Hercules & snake for Frank Payne, 16 sgd: CH. Opus 77, 1894. Ranks as fine art! (1) 183 Spade shield arms: Nathl Cavenagh, sgd: Lyons [Dublin] F5427; James Hatch Esqr, F14060; The 24 Right Honble Thos Harley (see ODNB, Lord Mayor of London in 1767) F13804; John Topham Esqr FRS & AS, F29613; Thos Markham, sgd: Harmer Sculp London 1780, F19724; John Woodd, F32443. (6) 184 Chip arms: Heny Jams Pye Esqr (MP & poet laureate) sgd: Stayner Sculp (only plate known by this 24 engraver) F23451; N Toke Coll Om Ani Socius 1763 sgd: Cole sc, damaged, F29542; Bryan Faussett, F10258; Richd Wright MD Coll Regal Med Lond Soc et SRS, part pict, F32640; Thomas Edwards Freeman Esqr, F11348. (5) 185 Chip arms: Edward Hilliard, F14792; Francis Forde, F10961; nice partly pict of Thos Boycott 1761, 24 F3351; Margt. Woodifield, lozenge, F32462; spade shield for Robt Woodifield, F32463. (5) 186 Oxford & Cambridge Jac arms: Magdalen, Oxford, early c.1703, NIF; Collegium Lincolniense 1703, 40 F33435; St Catharine’s Cambridge, c.1701 F33267; Aedes Christi, Chip arm [by B Cole in 1747 for Christ Church] F33414; Lib Aulae BMV Oxon [St Mary Hall associated with Oriel] beaded festoon, NIF. Uncommon. (5) 187 Badeley 1949: Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, (1901-2004), last of the Queen’s aunts. Coronet 40 & cartouche. See Brit.Roy.BP #21. (1) 188 Sherborn: Ernest William Greg (1862-1934) cotton manufacturer family. Pictorial trophy elements & 16 seascape. Sgd: CWS RE 1902. Two small shields at top corners. Excellent, commendable work. (1) 189 Large, fine & scarce allegorical pict arm for All Souls’ College, Oxford, Codrington Library, sgd: 40 S.Wale inve et del J Green Sculp, F33394. (1) 190 William Wilberforce, the abolitionist (1759-1833) set of his three plates in Chip arm style, F31728, 40 NIF (much stained) and F31730 (the rare one with the broad eagle; plus arm for his son Samuel Wilberforce (1805-1873) F31726. 191 O’Connell, arm, supporters & coronet, F22171 Count Daniel (1745-1833) uncle of celebrated Irish 60 patriot Daniel O’Connell “the liberator” (1775-1847), plain eared arm, F22172. Important plates, the second scarce. (2) 192 Cliff Parfit, The Barrett Saga, Some research (in progress) into the life and work of William Phillips 55 Barrett (1861-1938) with a background picture of his world, 151 pages, 24 bookplates illustrated and numerous other images, Egerton Press, Whitchurch, 2001 (privately printed by the author’s brother- in-law). This attempts to rehabilitate Barrett, hugely criticised for having claimed credit for other people’s work. Much padded out with scene-setting. Important to collectors of WPB plates. (1) 193 N: Tucker of LONDON Face Painter 1740, exceedingly rare NIF Jac arm frame with caryatids 65 holding spears, artists’ palettes and brushes, faces in the tresle with vignette of two boys & a dog, maybe engraved by Charles Sherborn (1699-1753). Bottom left corner missing but repaired. Nathaniel Tucker of Sheffield, whose portraits of principal inhabitants of that town date 1765-1780, painted [in 1771], aged 82, the Last Supper in St Law-rence Church, Hatfield nr Doncaster [The Picture of Sheffield, 1824]. (1) [Illus. Misc Gen & Her, 3rd Ser, Vol II, Part IV, p.132, December 1896].
