1985 to 1989
HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Fourth Session, Forty—fifth Parliament INDEX TO l'APERS AND BILLS 1985 *These papers have not yet been referred to a Printing Committee. Paper House Number Number Abortions Notified in South Australia, Committee Appointed to Examine and Report on-Report, 1984 90 23 Adelaide Festival Centre Trust-Auditor-General's Report on 1984-85 Advisory Committee on Soil Conservation-Report, 1983-84 126 25 Ageing, Commissioner for the-Report, 1984-85 Agricultural Council, Australian- Resolutions of 120th Meeting, Canberra, 27 September, 1984. Resolutions of 121st Meeting, Melbourne, 11 February 1985 Resolutions of 122nd Meeting, Darwin, 21 July 1985 Architects Act-By-lam No. 38-Promotion of Services Auditor-General- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust-Report on, 1984-85 Pipelines Authority of South Australia-Report on, 1904-58 Racecourses Development Board-Report on, 1984-85 Report, 1984-85 4 16 State Government Insurance Commission-Report on 1984-85 State Opera of South Australia-Report on, 1984-85 State Theatre Company of South Australia-Report on, 1984-85 Australian Mineral Development Laboratories-Report, 1984-85 127 41 Betting Control Board-Report, 1984-85 60 19 Builders Licensing Board-Report, 1983-84 74 30 Charitable Funds, Commissioner of-Report, 1984-85 50 42 Citrus Board of South Australia-Report for Year Ended 30 April 1985 16 43 Clothing Corporation, State-Report, 1984-85 120 44 College of Advanced Education, South Australian- Report, 1984 107 45 Statute Amendment Committees- Estimates Committee A- Report Minutes of Proceedings
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