Contents Page Letter from Co-Chairs .................................................. 1 2009 Federal Legislative Goals ...................................... 2 2009 State Legislative Goals ......................................... 2 2009 Accomplishments ................................................ 3 2009 Highlights ............................................................ 8 TFIC Officers & Committee Chairs .......................... 14 IDOT Districts and Regional Offices ......................... 15 IDOT Map of Districts and Regional Offices ............. 15 Illinois Congressional District Maps ........................... 16 Illinois Congressional Directory ................................. 18 Illinois General Assembly Directory ........................... 21 2009 TFIC Member Organizations ...... inside back cover Mission Statement .......................................... back cover How to Become a Member Membership in TFIC is open to organizations, associations, unions, local governments, regional groups and chambers of commerce from throughout Illinois. Any organization with members who realize the importance of transportation to Illi- nois jobs and the economy is encouraged to join. Contact Eric Fields, TFIC Membership Chair, at the Associ- ated General Contractors of Illinois, 217/789-2650;
[email protected] or any member of the TFIC steering com- mittee. 312 S. Fourth Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Illinois 62701 217/572-1270 For the past several years, TFIC has been working to support passage of a comprehensive