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U-- n A Sir iiPinrtr iiP v ilk MIIllfElilESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1S56. VOL. LH-- , NO. S771. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 191 PRICE FIVE CENTS. IDUNTY LIST IS REGATTA OPENS BALLINGER IS ' A STRONG T MORNING nrnnv in iiLnui iu CARD ! Oarsmen Will Pull Good Stroke I With Public Today Sailor QUIT Boys May Be in Swim. Convention Selects Democratic Puts His Whole Case Up to the Best Men for Public TWELVE EVENTS IN PROGRAM Cabinet and Promises to Re- Offices. sign if Not Upheld. Barge. Canoe. Seawren and WEAK Will LEGISLATIVE TICKET Pearl Races Entertain MEETING WILL BE CALLED Joy Seekers. Or. Raymond Withdraws From Country-Wid- e Protests Force Of- Ka-iakie- la The rowing and paddling crews pa." Fear of the Knife ficial Action Last Trial of in most of their time last evening prac- a Candidate. tising starts and turns and expect to His Policies. be in farm for the final go this morn- when Honolulu will line the har- it ing ail BEVERLY. September 17. Secretary bor front to see them pull it off. The s DEMOCRATIC TICKET. of the Interior llaliinger, assailed with t general feeling seems to be that the a storm of disapprobation from the en- 8 Mayor Jos. J. rem. llealaci and Myrtle senior crews are tire country, has been forced to put his Supervisors W. IL McCIeilan, pretty evenly matched, but that the whole case up to the cabinet with the RDbt. Pahan, M. E. Silva, Ioela assurance that does 8 Eakahi, Lester Petrie, M. C. Myrtle freshmen have the advantage if it not sustain Pacheco and H. H. Plemer. of the Heaianis on boats. The Alfred him in his policies, he will resign his Sheriff W. P. Jarrett. Rogers, which, it was said yesterday, position. $ Treasurer R. H. Trent. will be used by the Myrtle freshmen This statement was made today from 5 Attorney Wade Warren is than Healani the "summer ? Thayer. somewhat shorter the capital" authoritatively. Clerk Chas. Baker. boat and the Heaianis said that the A midvacation meeting of the cab-ia- et Auditor J. C. Anderson. Myrtles wouid g'ua a lot on them in will be held as soon as possible to s the turn as the Koge-.- could almost consider this new feature of the Bal-iing- er DEPUTY SHERIFFS. ? whirl 'around while hey would have to .matter, the strongly unfavorable Honolulu Chas. H. Rose. take a wide turn. The Myrtles re- report of and insurgents Eva J. Kuimanu. STUNG! torted that in former events the two on the Ballinger investigation commit- Waialua Thos. Clark. clubs have signed compacts under which tee forcing official aetion. Gilliland. Waianae R. Ballinger states that unless Koolauloa Henry J. Kalawai. the Myrtles agreed not to row the the ad Koolaupoko R. W. Davis. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY PLATFORM ilMII INTO? shorter boat, but tha; the Heaianis ex- - visers of Tresident Taft fully uphold jllILL I II U I LU I Ipected to have a new barge this year!llim be resign, acceding to the de SENATE. com- mands of many insurgent. as i and they did not agree to sign the States ex The Democratic county platform, as "We pledge our legislative nominees mm pressed the primaries. Fd-ing- now at la'e This will G. Biverburgh, Judge s imnnnn pact, while not being able to get B. to endeavor to secure such modification j and Jack Kalakiela, long reported to the convention this after- uun riHnDun the new barge they want the Myrtles probably mean that the charges of Gif- - of ; term. noon, is as follows: the existing election laws as shall to make this concession anyhow. The ford Pinchot and Glavis as presented i "dispense with , the requirement of HanapL short term. a I to the - Eddie "The Democratic party of the City Mvrtles. however, don't see it that congressional committee that in- nomination fee or other payment of mem, HOUSE. and County of Honolulu hereby endorses Governor Osorio of Manila Will way. win tie again gone money by a candidate for office, and , over in substance. the territorial platform of the party. i "The outrigger race is going to be E. H. F. such as will make the certificate of the Arrive Here on Tonrth District "We point to the record of Demo- presiding officer and a! ja corker." declared Rusty Brown with Wolter. G. K. Keawehaku. G. secretary of RAILROAD DISASTER AS ! cratic members of the legislature, the bona fide convention of any organized ia burst of enthusiasm. "Thev mav Benvedos. H. G. Moore, rrea Monday. i political a j i InrrilL Sol. Meheula. mayor, the supervisors, police depart- party sufficient nomination beat us," he added, "but they il have IN MISSOURI FATAL Ed Like. S. ment, treasurer and officers an of any candidate selected by suekon- - j - go some. tiiey do. :n o Fifth Dictrict other as vention. I It I going 9 Kaohele, D. Kupihea, J. M. Foe- we earnest of what may be expected from favor construction a i ne passenge suggest that change canoes and HOLT. 's poe. Gus Keleiohanu, Lnka Ke- - "We the of belt Among aisnnguistiea Missouri, September 17. One our nominees in the direction of efficient road around the Island and the con- .fwe"il skin the life out of them." 3 aliikipi. aboard the Siberia due here Mondav dead and eighteen injured is the result and honest legislation and administra- struction of a road to Watertown. (Continued on Page Three.) morning from San Francisco will be of a disaster that occurred near here It tion whenever we shall sueeeed to the "We favor the enlargement of the After struggling for fourteen hours, present efficient lire department and Governor, Leonardo Osorio of Cavite. late last night on the Chicago, Burling- ton and tie Democratic eountv convention pro control of the several departments of the erection of additional fire stations special commissioner of the Philippine' Qnincv railroad. Two passen- ger coaches, j government of the and in the outlying districts of Honolulu, government AND E running at full speed, duced the above ticket yesterday, with Territory the to study harbor conditions MOTHER crashed . 1 I made necessary into each other head on, i i. county. by the increased growth in Europe the MiTor Joe Fern at the neaa or me of the city. and America. He is a mail coaches telescoping. No cause is pledge senators, tifket and many other of the former "We our representa- "We declare in favor of a sufficient polished Filipino, speaks very correct' yet assigned for the accident. 1 . eandidates and present officeholders tives and supervisors, if elected, to territorial appropriation for the purpose English, though a bit showy, and care- - PRIME WITNESSES of assisting in the jgain listed as eandidates. On the enact effective and binding license maintenance of the fully picks all his words. He has look-- ; RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR work of the Hawaii Promotion Com- - a whole harmonious convention laws and regulations to prevent un- ed over the harbor works of a it vra? a mittee. Genoa,; DYING OF APOPLEXY --on the surface but underneath the sightly and insanitary camps and tene I "We favor the erection and mainte Marseilles. Barcelona. Naples and other' situation was stirred by a few incidents ments. nance of a city and county hospital." Mediterranean ports, as well as many' Lu Etta Smith Traveling to San PARIS. j September 17. The Russian which brought wrath and in ports on the Atlantic. He was deeply Francisco to Condemn Trent said the exempted could j ambassador to France was their wake. amount interested in the harbor of New York, struck by be raised to protect him. apoplexy last night and is in a dvin" Doctor Ravmond was knifed in the The Philippine government is plan- - j Doctor Burke. condition. ' - pre-taatio- n ning very i V senatorial race, and he took the STAUNCH SUPPORTER extensive improvements to to withdraw his name and was E THE Manila harbor which will make it of sparing in his condemnation of the LI OF CANNON DEFEATED the highest class in the world. He had Unextradited unarrested, but shad-unmarrie- EPIDEMIC FIGURES ?oterie of politicians who --were respon a conference with President Taft at owed. Lu Etta Smith, sible for shaping things so that he CONSTITUTIONAL Beverly. Governor Osorio states in' mother of as sturdy and a handsome CHICAGO. September lfi. Three in- SHOW REAL d HORRORS would be swent aside. Doctor Raymond surgents have been nominated in the interviews that the Filipino people a straw-heade- babv bov a; ever tried laid his marooning to Road Supervisor Republican primaries, one of them de- have demonstrated their capacitv for to scratch his mama's eyes out with a Wilson and others. The withdrawal of feating Congressman Henry S. Boutell, He declares the Phil ! silver tablespoon, even in the presence Doctor our Demo- - ippines are practicallv free now. as ST. Raymond left the ticket lacking "Republicans criticize of the ninth district, who is now serv- - of a detective and a reporter, going PETERSBURG, September 17. 1 . 1 . 3 11 conditions have greatly improved dur- - , t very candidate, for it had crane piai.K in regaru io me corpora-- j :ick across l ocean voiun- - The resume of popular in? his s;xth torm in eongress a(1 was irtir the past reu vears. He savs th the acine the cholera epidemic that two-per-ce- wen conceded amon? Republicans tha. t ions' special income tax." 0I,e of th? proininent regulars. Bou r"i!i,.ir.,w ivint ;Unn,1ai,. ..nltanlv tO testify 111 Sail Tl O l has swept over Russia shows the actual L.