Rhode Island Jewish Historical November, 2000 Volume 13, Number 2 Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association 130 Sessions Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02906-3444 Publications Committee Stanley Abrams, Chairman Judy Aaron Sidney Goldstein Kenneth Abrams Eleanor F. Horvitz Aaron Cohen Lillian Schwartz Geraldine S. Foster Jerome B. Spunt Bonnie N. Goldowsky Leonard Moss, Editor Eleanor F. Horvitz, Librarian-Archivist Copyright © 2000 by the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association Printed in the U.S.A. Published for the Association by Richard Alan Dow / T echnical Communications, Gilford, NH The Library of Congress National Serials Data Program (NSDP), Washington, D.C. 20540, which operates the U.S. Serials Data System, has assigned the following International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) to the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes, a publication of the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association: ISSN 0556-8609. Front Cover Touro Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island. Photo by John Hopf Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association 130 Sessions Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02906 E-mail:
[email protected] Web Site: http://www.dowtech.com/RIJHA David Charak Adelman (1892-1967), Founder Executive Committee Robert Berkelhammer..........................................................................President Dr. Mel Topf........................................................................First Vice President Kenneth Abrams...............................................................Second Vice President Sylvia Factor.......................................................................................