A Concise Dictionary of Phonetic Terms
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МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ ТЕХНІЧНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ УКРАЇНИ “КИЇВСЬКИЙ ПОЛІТЕХНІЧНИЙ ІНСТИТУТ” А.А.КАЛИТА, Л.І.ТАРАНЕНКО A CONCISE DICTIONARY OF PHONETIC TERMS СЛОВНИК ФОНЕТИЧНИХ ТЕРМІНІВ Тернопіль Видавництво «Підручники і посібники» 2010 УДК 81’342(038) = 111 К 17 Рецензенти: Л.І. Бєлєхова – доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри романо-германських мов Херсонського державного університету; О.І. Стеріополо – доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри німецької філології Київського національного лінгвістичного університету; Н.М. Орєхова – доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри англійської філології Глазовського державного педагогічного інституту ім. В.Г. Короленка. Калита А.А., Тараненко Л.І. К17 A Concise Dictionary of Phonetic Terms / Словник фонетичних термінів (короткий) (англ. мовою). – Тернопіль: Підручники і посібники, 2010. – 256 с. ISBN 978-966-07-1737-4 Метою словника є формування у студентів знань, умінь і навичок, спрямованих на успішне оволодіння термінологією з фонетики англійської мови. Як нормативно-довідниковий посібник словник розрахований не лише на студентів денної та заочної форм навчання, які вивчають англійську мову як фахову дисципліну у вищому навчальному закладі, а й на аспірантів, здобувачів, які працюють зі спеціальною англомовною літературою з цього фаху, а також для тих, хто бажає поглибити свої знання з практичної й теоретичної фонетики англійської мови. Друкується за рішенням методичної комісії факультету лінгвістики Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут” (Протокол № 2 від 16 вересня 2009 року). УДК 81’342(038) = 111 ISBN 978-966-07-1737-4 © А.Калита, Л.Тараненко, 2010 PREFACE The Concise Dictionary of Phonetic Terms presents the most frequent terminology in the field of phonetics. The purpose of the dictionary is to describe the meanings of the terms rather than prescribe their usage. Since this dictionary is intended for use in Universities and Teacher Training Institutes for Foreign Languages, it gives practical guidelines on how to grasp the terminology in phonetics and to overcome difficulties in understanding and use of different phonetic terms. This dictionary is aimed mainly at students specialising in English as their future profession and who have not yet acquired technical terms current in phonetics as well as those with applications in mind studying or researching phonetics and phonology. The dictionary will also be useful and helpful for the general readers who need some information about the terms that occur in the sphere of phonetics and with which they are less familiar. Much of the material included in this dictionary has been gestating for a long time and has been used as course material with students and post-graduate students at Kyiv National Linguistic University who contributed in countless ways to the development of the dictionary. The dictionary contains more than 900 core entries, which define the most frequent terms in the area of phonetics and also some linguistic terms used by phoneticians, communicating their basic and essential meanings. The terms were selected on the basis of their importance within the field of phonetics. During the preparation of the dictionary, definitions were written in consultation with experts and the latest publications in the field of phonetics and linguistics. The terms are listed in the alphabetical order. If a term has more than one meaning, then each meaning is given a separate numbered sense. Generally, only one pronunciation is given for each term; it is usually its most common pronunciation. In some cases the authors found it necessary to give two pronunciations for the same term to show that it has two common pronunciations in RP. The list of symbols representing the pronunciation of each term includes only the ones used in the English Phonetic Alphabet. At the end of each definition of the term, a list of recommended reading is added. The Dictionary also contains information about the most prominent scholars who contributed to the field of phonetics and phonology. The authors hope that The Concise Dictionary of Phonetic Terms will be useful to its users and would be grateful to them for suggestions on how to improve it. Alla A. Kalita Larisa I. Taranenko 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge our reviewers – Professor Belekhova L.I., Doctor of Philology, Kherson State University, Professor Levytsky A.E., Doctor of Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Professor Steriopolo O.I., Doctor of Philology, National Linguistic University, Kyiv – who have read The Dictionary, made corrections and comments and suggested improvements. Our gratitude is to the colleagues of the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English, National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”, Kyiv as well as English Phonetics Department, National Linguistic University, Kyiv, whose teaching experience and competence in English Phonetics influenced our work and helped to shape The Dictionary. Our particular thanks go to the students of Kyiv National Linguistic University who have inspired The Dictionary more than anyone else. Alla A. Kalita Larisa I. Taranenko 4 KEY TO PHONETIC SYMBOLS Vowels aпd diphthongs i: as in see /i:/ as in fur // as in sit // as in ago /'/ as in ten /tn/ as in page // as in hat /ht/ as in home // : as in arm /:/ as in five / / as in got /t/ as in now // : as in saw /:/ as in join // as in put // as in near // as in too // as in hair // as in cup // as in pure // Consonants as in pen // as in so // as in bad /d/ as in zoo // as in tea // as in she // as in did // as in vision // as in cat /t/ as in how // as in get /t/ m as in man /m/ as in chin // as in no // as in June // as in sing // as in fall // as in leg // as in voice // as in red // as in thin // as in yes // as in then // as in wet // The Tonetic Stress Marks Low High \ 1. Falling (F) \m m / 2. Rising (R) /m m 3. Falling-Rising (Undivided) (F-R) m m \ Falling-Rising (Divided) (F-R) \m ()m /m m ()m /m 4. Rising-Falling (Undivided) (R-F) /\ m m / Rising-Falling (Divided) (R-F) /m ()m \m m ()m \m /\/ 5. Rising-Falling-Rising (Undivided) (R-F-R) /\/m m > 6. Level Tone (L) >m m 5 A Accent // The term used to refer to (1) the culminative auditory effect of those features of pronunciation which identify the locality a person comes from. The following types of accents are traditionally singled out: regional accents that relate to any local, including both rural and urban communities within a country as well as national groups speaking the same language; social accents based on the speaker’s cultural and educational background; (2) the emphasis which makes a particular word or syllable stand out in the speech flow (accented sound, syllable, word), or the accent(ual) pattern of an utterance. Accent is not only a matter of loudness but also of pitch and duration. Word accent is a greater degree of prominence given to one or more syllables in a word, e.g. the contrast in the word accent between 'import and im'port is achieved by the syllables that differ in loudness, length and pitch movement. Utterance (sentence) accent is a greater degree of prominence given to one or more words in an utterance being very important in intonation analysis, since it can affect the acceptability, the meaning, the speaker’s emotional state, etc. The total system of accents in a language is known as its accentual system; (3) a system of violations of the foreign language pronunciation norm in the non-native speakers pronunciation, which are the result of interference of the non-native speaker’s pronunciation habits in his/her native language. (See Accentology, Word stress, Utterance stress). Further reading: Jassem, Gibbon 1980; Gimson 1980; Bolinger, Dasher 1982; Jassem 1983; Bolinger 1961, 1985, 1989; Abercrombie 1991; Laver 1995; Simpson 2001; Clark et all 2007; Торсуев 1960; Николаева 1982, Касевич и др. 1990. Accentology // The term used to refer to the branch of phonetics, which studies the accentual system of the language, its historical regularities, functional properties of the language accentual system, the nature of stress, its types and placement, words accentual patterns, their dependence on phonological and morphological subsystems. They distinguish descriptive, diachronic (historical), and contrastive types of accentology. First fundamental studies of accentual systems of different languages were carried out in the 19th century by F. de Saussure, I. Baudouin de Courtenay, A.Maye, O.Potebnya. (See Word stress, Utterance stress) 6 Further reading: Jassem 1983; Торсуев 1960; Потебня 1993; Селіванова 2006. Accentual pattern / , or stress pattern. The term used to refer to the correlation of degrees of syllables prominence in a word. (See Stress pattern, Word Stress, Word accent) Accentual structure / / (See Accentual pattern, Word accent) Accentual system / The term refers to the total system of accents in a language. Accentuation // The term used to refer to (1) the pronunciation with great force, which shows the relative weight of a syllable or a word, or (2) directs listener’s attention to the importance of what is said. Further reading: Crystal 1997. Accidental rise / / (See Special rise) Accommodation / /, or adaptation /| /. A term used for the modification in the articulation of a consonant or a vowel under the influence of an adjacent vowel or consonant, e.g. in the word two // a non-labialised (or unrounded) variant of the consonant // is replaced by its rounded variant under the influence of the following rounded vowel phoneme //. The accommodated sound does not change its main phonemic features and is pronounced as a slightly modified variant of the same phoneme. There are three main types of accommodation: (a) an unrounded variant of a consonant phoneme is replaced by its rounded variant under the influence of a rounded vowel phoneme, e.g. moon //; (b) a fully back variant of a back vowel is replaced by its slightly advanced variant under the influence of the preceding medio-lingual phoneme //, e.g.