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PEOPLE'S··cOMPUTER 1 vo\. 5 no. 2 •COMPANY· aug~se p. '76 .CONTENTS. DRAGON HEMI-EMERITUS: BOB ALBRECHT RETAINING SUBSCRIBERS: Co~Editor: MARC LE BRUN John R. Lees, Jr. Contributing Editor: LARRY PRESS The Computer Corner, Harriet Shair Book Review Editor: DAN ROSSET John Rible "--~ Circulation: LAURA REININGER Bill Godbout Electronics Mark S. Elgin Complaint Department: HAPPY LADY I Subscription Information James Muysenberg Strait Front: LEROY FINKEL Daniel Dick 2 Star Trek Magic Fingers: BOB JACOBSEN Dexter Fletcher 8 San Andreas and Don Quixote Patron Saint: SAN ANDREAS George Bowie III 9 CCC Space Games Marathon Mass Hysteria' OXNARDO ALBONDIGAS Lt. Stan Jurgielwicz 10 But It's Fun, But It's Educational Joe Weisbecker 12 Some Mini Tales PenOragons Torn Albrecht Jet Raskin SUSTAINING SUBSCRIBERS: 13 One 011 One Frenk Arrnbru$ter Berbara Riker 14 Computer Building in the Classroom Arthur Arrn$trong Richard Selz Paul, Lori and Tom Calhoun Andrew A. Aronson Lee Se.hneider 16 Planets Issae. Asirnov DolJg Seeley 18 Journey to the Center of the Earth Russell N. Cassel Peter Lynn Sessions Dean Daily John Snell 20 Dungeons and Dragons Thomas Gr_ Old Soldier 23 Fortran Man Don Inman ..Ioanne K. Verplank Kurt Inman Todd Voros 24 Forget Me Not - by Isaac Asimov Steve Jae.kson Jim WelTen 27 The Positive of Power TIllnking Midleel umpl James S. White Dilvid Levine Peter Wonec:ott 28 It's All in the Body, and So is the Mind Gene Murrow Gregory Yob 30 Crossword Puzzle Mile. Oglesby •.. and a cost of thousands Oragons·;n-Residenca Our cover dragon was taken frorn B woQd block priot on 31 Hats Bill Brunllllu MilryJo McPhee hilnd-made rice paper. The design is B traditional one 32 leiters, Announcements and Miscellany Lynn Brusky Julie TOlTI8selli fOlJnd in Ihe erl of Tibet, Bhuten, Sikkim and Nepal. For Steve Gref Eryk V!ttWen further iniorlTl8tion or original prints, contat;t: 39 Computer Faire Dwight Me.Cabe Mr. Zip 40 Basic Music eregan,-.t·Lerljllt Mr. L. Tshtlring 41 ARC Publications Denni, Allison Teresa Lee Tibet Shop Jerry Brown Ann Miya 213 Californie Ave. Jay Bonner 42 The Old Soldier Turns On to Energy Judith Wessorman Pelo Alto, CA 94306 Dr. Dobb Donne Lee Wood 43 PCC Bookstore Russ Ling Leeves Atac:h lalot for the next year or IwO, will skim People's Computer Company is an inde edge of realizable fantasy, which in pendent non·profit corporation chartered ;;;~n,:;o:~m;:,puter world becomes reality 10- by the State of California. So, donations IT'S ALMOST SlItumalill or ...J for Cilristmas? h whal~er pee I We'll also try to hold on to to PCC, after cost of subSCription, are (Or ClumukP IIr. d a ear's sllbscripcio,~ ~() ear and for :ho~::':~'. realities of computers in the tax deductible. home, and in the hands ~10( gjV;ll~e;f:~llpres:nt tltat keeps ar~~f,n;u%~c;;Pti~1I tile rest I . PCC will carry series of o Reta.ining subscription @ 525 (519 tax e a w/ (If you get more (liall ~"e card from yOIl at tutorial articles in coming is· deductible) ol1IY. $6.~~ . 00 eacM) YOllr f:j~/l(J ~vtll g~~c~il)liOIl in January. in schools, or al o Sustaining subscription @ 5 I 00 + ($94 are Just.' d begin recelvl1Ig tie st/ or to yourself. tax deductible) OlristmaSllme an . ff usl Watch for: With permission, names of retaining and tile kids _ t/Jey really get 0 011 . sustaining subscribers will be published in And dON't forget • ALTAIR BASIC- primers, exercises, games for you to write Pee Subscriptions to FCC _ • TINY BASIC FOR KIDS- leading to U.S. Subscriptions: the ultra low cost computer for the o SI.OO for single copy Dr. Dobb's Journal, our sister publication, is the reference journal school or home o S6.00 per year (6 issues) for home computer users. It offers free or Jaw-cost software and • KIDS BUILDING KfTS- ALTAlRS, o $11.00 for 2 years "all meat" contents, without display ads. DDJ carries complete IMSAls & others For foreign subscriptions: systems and applications software, lots of soft and hardware pro • NUMBER SYSTEMS for the HOME AIR MAIL jects, independent consumer information, reprints, directories, hot COMPUTER-understanding how the o Add S8/year for CANADA news, and all SOrts of other good stuff. home computer works deep down in· o Add SII/year for EUROPE side. o Add Sl4/year elsewhere U.S. Subscriptions: For foreign subscriptions: • REVERSE POLISH NOTATION & SURFACE MAIL: o $1.50 for single copy SURFACE MAIL: STACKS- as used in modern calcula o Add S4/year for CANADA o SIO.OO per year (10 issues) o Add S4/year for CANADA tors and computers o Add S5/year elsewhere o Add $5/year elsewhere • PLUS MORE-computer store and com· Please send payment with your order. Back issues, @ S1.OO each, still available AIR MAIL: ''';p;".t,;;IUbb, listings, calculators, games, as we go to press: o Add $1 for CANADA lJ i art and on and on Vol. I, Nos. 1,2,3 o Add 'i;;/~;;~ fo' EUROPE Vol. 3, Nos. 1,4 o Add :Ii: elsewhere Vol. 4, Nos. 2,3,4,5,6 • Vol. 5, No. I Circle those issues you wish 10 order, and DR. DOBS'S JOURNAL indicate how many copies if more thun one of each is requested. If payment does not accompzlny order e $1.00 billing e.harge will b, edded. • Computer Company, 1010 Doyle St., Menlo Perk, CA 94025, e tax-exempt, Company are tox deduC1ible. PostmastBr: Please send Form 3579 10: 10 rnail et second-cle.s postage rates is pending at Menlo Park, CA. 2 o + i : 2 t , :3 : . : 5 -"" + 6 ~ .... 7 a : " 9 : ---------------------. _ ih En~erp~iSe . A eKl,,,90n b.t.t.le c<u,se< ~ PI federa~ion s~arb3se + el1l PI 1' • PI pinar~ S'\.3 s-&st. ,,"" - A f\o .... a r ( ) _ A nel.rt:.ron st.a , AA conle'\:.nun,' • de.d c<'J,se< % _ A cal'90 shiP ------ \..Of\'lOlUn'lot Stn,ol Scat!. ------------- 19 ! shooMfI'lo info in 9 C\ 7 t 1.03 ! 'E,(l.tttpt\.st is \n center q,u - -------------------~o .• rant. -------------------a : 12 ! -------------------i : 3 energy pool is lower than that required for mOving at the Enterprise will be moved as far as the remainlrig is dependent upon the amount of energy allocated divided by the distance energy will allow the quantity of energy which wouJd have been normally between the object and the Enterprise ra~d to some power. Therefore, the used to travel the entire distance is still removed from the energy pool and. more energy allocated or the closer the Enterprise is to the Object in Ihe jXobably. causes some stress on the dilithium crystals which supply the power beam. the faster the object moves toward the Enterprise. Docking with Star fot the entire ship. If thert is no energy for either the warp or impulse bases is possible in this way. engines, the Enterprise will not move and no stress will be placed on the If anything comes between Ihe Enterprise and the tractor·beamed objecl, aystals. The maximum warp speed is 9. the beam is disrupted and the tractor generator is shut down, redirecting its The table below indicates the bearings and their corresponding heading energy allocation to the energy pool. numbers. The bearings given by Computer Function 3 are the same as these If the Enterprise moves in the quadrant, the tractor·beamed object headings. remains in its location but the direction ot attraction is changed to account for any change in bearing. If the Enterprise leaves the quadrant at impulse 3 2 1 speed, the object breaks free and remains beJund. If the Enterprise leaves a quad at warp speed, the object is catried along and the amount of energy \ I required to move is double if the object is a Klingon or Romulan, quadruple \ I for a Starbase, and anywhere between I.S and 6 times for a random object. ,:; Starbases cannot be brought into a quadrant already conWning another Star· 4-----------0 base; a Klingon/Romulan ship cannot be brought into a quadrant containing 1:\ 4 X1ingons/Romulans, nor into Romuian/Federation space. Nothing can be also, ·7 - 1 pulled across the Galactic Barrier. / : \ ";-2 Command 7-Energy Distributor I \ etc•. Allows you to allocate the Enterprise's energy from the matter-anlimatter -3 -2 -1 pods directly to the shields, torpedo launch, tractor generator, impulse engines, or indirectly to all other devices by underaUocating the ayailable energy and permitting the excess to be directed to the energy pool. Energy caMOt be Note: 8earinp and Headings may be any positive or neotive value drained from a given device or reserve unless the dilithium crystals are shal within +8 and -8, where (see diagram) ·7 corr~ponds to +1. tered-then you are effectively on battery power and the energy allocated is If the Heading typed in is out of these bounds, you will be then directly drained from supplies and not on the timed units-per-stardate returned to Command mode. arrangement as when the dilithium crystals are in working order. If the enerl)' allocated to a given device causes the reserve storage for that device to become greater than its capacity, the excess energy is chan· Table o~ Ensine Energy Consumption nelled to a secondary device to prevent an overload. Thus, if you were to ------------------------------------- allocate lOOCl units/stardate (the maximum poss.ible) to the shields, once the .Jarp Factor 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 shields reached lSOO units the excess energy would be shunted to the impulse 30 50• 89 167 319 625 1242 reserves, and then to the torpedo launch if the impu.lse reserve was also tilled EneT'!i~ Used 18 20 If a dilithiwn crystal fractures, each allocation is reduced by a factor of ._-------------------------------------- the number of cry stab fractured divided by the number of crystals existing before the fracture .