Show World (July 24, 1909)
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ten cents THE COPY ISSUED FRIDAY DATED SATURDAY DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELYTOTHE, PROFESSION 0T ENTERTAINMENT WARREN A.PATRICK GENERAL DIRECTOR. THIS WEEKS NEWS THIS week Vol. V. No. 5. CHICAGO July 24, 1909. MAJOR GORDON W. LILLIE (“PAWNEE BILL ') WATCH THIS PAGE For the announcement of the opening of INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES We can use a few more experienced film men (Applications will be treated in strict confidence.) THAT’S THE ANSWER From the time this company entered the film field it has repeat¬ edly assured exhibitors that it intended to take care of their interests. We depended to a great extent upon the exchanges treating exhibitors as they should be treated. We believed that when an exhibitor asked for INTERNATIONAL goods, he would receive them, but we have hundreds of letters in our possession from exhibitors disgruntled by the fact that a majority of exchanges are foisting faked, shoddy and duped goods upon them, under the INTERNATIONAL label. This is not true in all cases, but we know that it is true in a majority of in¬ stances. Hence, we are forced to establish our own exchanges in order to give exhibitors what they want, that is, strictly INTERNATIONAL film. These exchanges will handle INTERNATIONAL films, American and European makes, exclusively, and they will be opened as rapidly as men and locations can be obtained. THE EXHIBITOR SHALL GET WHAT HE PAYS FOR INTERNATIONAL Projecting and Producing Company FSCHILLER BUILDING, CHICACOS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AMUSEMENT WEEKLY Published at 87 South Clark Street Chicago, by The SHOWTilORLD Publishing Co. Entered^a^Serond-CtossMattgr WaRREA/A.PATRICK, GENERALP/RECTOR. July 24, 1909 Volume V—No. 5 CHICAGO NEGRO SUES THEATER; FIGHTING THE FLAMES TEST CASE TO BE MADE. VAUDEVILLE DEAL CAUSES BIG LAWSUIT. Euclid Garden Management Admits It George A. Porter Wants $63,050 Dam¬ Drew the Color Line and Will ages From Co-Partners in Ex¬ Fight Suit to Finish. NOT YET SETTLED position Show. CLEVELAND, Ohio, July 20— O. SEATTLE, Wash., July 20.—Geo. W White, a negro, and a resident of A. Porter has entered suit for $63,050 this city, has brought suit against the Beck On His Way to Chicago, and Promises to Open Booking damages against E. Franklin Lewis, management of the Euclid Avenue Agency Within Three Months—Murdock Silent. A. L. McFarlane and George A. Hul- Garden theater for the sum of $300, ing, alleging that on June 8 they con¬ for his damaged feelings. White as¬ tracted with him to organize “Porter’s serts that the management of the Two rumors, probably emanating Murdock’s interest in the Western Fighting the Flames” show for the theater refused him admission and in from New York, reached Chicago this Managers’ Association, and he also Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition which such a manner that he and his wife week. One was to the effect that asked them to state most positively was to have been capitalized at $25,- and another woman, who was with that he would open an opposition 000, but that the defendants did not Martin Beck would establish an op7 them, were deeply mortified. The booking office in Chicago within the keep their part of the contract. theater management says that he ob¬ position vaudeville agency in this city next three months. Porter was to have been general tained his tickets by misrepresenta¬ and give the western vaudeville man¬ From those “in the know” this is manager of the show at a salary of tions, that his presence was undesir¬ agers a run for their money, and the considered as preposterous. Also, $25 per week, besides having half of able,’and that they will make this a other said that Beck would arrive here from the same source, it is learned the stock of the corporation valued at test case and carry it to the supreme Saturday and sign papers by which he that J. J. Murdock is byy no means out $12,500, on condition that he assume court if necessary. They rest their would close a deal for his purchase of of the vaudeville running, and that it management of the show and furnish hopes on a clause printed on their the entire western vaudeville outfit. is quite possible that he may appear some secret contrivances to be used in tickets in which they reserve the right Both are rumors, and at this hour it at any moment on the vaudeville map the production of the show. to revoke the license granted by‘the is not known just what will occur. as owner of his own circuit of the¬ He claims that after securing all ticket, '■£__ • ■ ..'i Before leaving New York for the aters as well as his own booking the necessary building permits and MILDRED HOLLAND SUED west on his automobile tour, Martin office. licenses, the other men failed to come BY WOMAN PLAYWRIGHT. Beck called a number of press-repre¬ At the hour of going to press Mur¬ through with the $12,500. He asks sentatives to his office and asked them dock was in Washington, and could damages for $50,000 loss of profits, Grace Hawthorne DeSantleys Says to deny that he had bought out J. J. not be reached by wire. $12,500 stock in the show, $525 salary “David Copperfield” Belongs to besides $25 in incidental expenses. Her and Asks Court to Collect. FILMS ARE OPPOSED LEWIS F. RAYMOND BY NEW PAPAL ORDER. ’BECOMES BANKRUPT. KEITH RECOVERS COST Grace Hawthorne DeSantleys, a IN KELLERMANN SUIT. playwright, has made application to His Holiness Is of the Opinion That Producer of “The Missouri Girl” Owes the New York courts for an injunc- Many Moving Pictures Are $12,000 and Has Assets of restraining Mildred Holland, the Not Sufficiently Moral. $8,000. Diver Fails to Appear When Sum¬ .... ,‘ss, and Edward White, her hus¬ moned and Court Restricts Her band and manager, from producing or Dispatches from Rome are to the ELGIN, Ill., July .22.—Lewis F. Appearance. any way exercising proprietorship effect that the Pope has issued a de¬ Raymond, a 'theatrical manager at . er the version written by the plain¬ cree forbidding the clergy to attend Annette Kellermann has failed to tiff of Charles Dickens’ “David Cop- bioscope exhibitions of any kind on Sycamore, and well known in this city, has gone into bankruptcy. His answer, demur or otherwise move lerfield.” the ground that many such exhibi¬ with relation to the bill of complaint Miss DeSantleys claims that she is tions offend religion and morality. It .'liabilities are $12,000, while his, assets filed against her in the United States ^e authoress of the version of “David ■ appears that many of the priests who are $8,000. Mr. Raymond has, had a Circuit Court by Benjamin F. Keith, “opperfield," produced by Miss Hol- loyally obey the decree against at¬ the vaudeville manager. Judge La- and during the spring season, in tending theaters, go to see cinemato¬ number of attractions oa the road, in¬ vhich Miss Holland played Little cluding “The Missouri Girl.” combe therefore has signed an order graph shows freely. , • restraining the diver, between Oct. 4, Emily. She alleges that Miss Hol- 1909, and May 1, 1910, from appearing and and her husband promised to in or presenting, either privately or ay her for the play, but they copy¬ righted it themselves, and then pro- PAINT IS CLOTHING publicly, any act or specialty in any luced it without giving her any com- place or places whatsoever other than those designated by Keith. The re¬ ensation. SAYS CHICAGO COURT straining order also authorizes Keith to recover from Miss Kelbermann the cost of the suit. Test Case Determines Much Mooted Point Regarding Bronze Claw & Erlanger and the Shubert In¬ Beauties and Other Dressless Acts. Sans Souci Case Settled. terests Have Parted Company. The fine imposed by the Municipal The jury, after hearing the testi¬ TRENTON, N. J., July 15.—Arti¬ Paint is clothing. court upon H. E. Rice for employing es were filed with the secretary of That is what a jury decided the mony, and seeing Miss Faulk, a minor in a production at the Sans ate today dissolving the United other day in Chicago, and the actress brought in a verdict to the effect that Souci park theater was paid this week fates Amusement Company, which who dons a girdle and a coat of posing in paint and girdles was nof by the lessee, G. M. Anderson. Rice indecent, according to the city ordi¬ as chartered two years ago for the bronze paint, need have no fear of was fined $100 and costs, the .costs purpose of consolidating the Klaw- arrest in the future. nances governing such things, and the defendant left the court room tri¬ amounting to $31. Jack Pember, a •‘.rlanger and Shubert theatrical in- This, will of course, be good news doortender, was fined $10 for interfer¬ umphant. ■ erests. to the Salome dancers, and those who ing with the officers when arresting want to enact Lady Godiva, Eve, or Sol Lowenthal, in presenting the The articles of dissolution give as Rice. Several members of the com¬ fficers of the company: President, any other of the famed ladies of few defense to the jury said: “When the police allowed Isadora Duncan to ap¬ pany were subpoenaed by the court L. Erlanger; vice-president, Lee clothes. and ordered to appear at Rice’s trial’ hubert; secretary, James T. McGov- The case, which was a test one, pear at Orchestra Hall with no more No one appeared and nothing was said 'n; treasurer, Marc Klaw. was heard in the municipal court last dress than a handkerchief, and Ger¬ The company at the time of its ori- Monday.