April 13, 1935 the Billboard
April 13, 1935 LISTS The Billboard Pitman-Alcyon Park. George W. Carr. mgr.: Staten Inland - tented Beach, Wm M penny arcade coin machines, books or- PENNSYLVANIA has four Odes, pool, rink; books vaude. Young. mgr.: h. It) rides. 35 CMICe33100s. chestras. Allentown - Dens; Park, Robt. L Karr, fret acts occaalonally pool, penny arcade. coin machines. Findlay-Riverside Park. A C. Redman, mgr mar has eight rides. three co.entons, has three rides. 13 concession, pool; boo. Beween-Bewaren Bettch, Joseph Turn. mgr.: Sylvan Beach-Carnival Park, Emery Sauve. pool, rink, penny arcade, coin machine, has four come:talons. mgr.: playa vaudeville and band, orchestras. book. orchedras, vaude, free acts. Syracuse-Long Branch Park. B. F. Maurer, Stamm - Grand View Park, North Jersey Ocaug• Lake-43eauga Lake Park. W. J. Kea- Allentown-Central Park, P. A Hureardt, mgr.; has eight rides. 15 concesslons. penny Amusements. Inc., props.. has 13 rides. 20 man. mgr.; playa band, no vaudeville. mg, has 14 rides. 12 concessions, penny conceadons. pool, rink. penny arcade. coin arcade, coin machines: books orchestras, Gen.-Porest Park, C. J. Uthoff, regr . tsas arcade, cola machines; bookà orchestra, machines; books orchestras. lauds froc sets. eight rides. 12 concessions. rink, penny ar- vaude, free acts. Trenton-The Lido Amusement Park. Syracue-Boysen Bay Park. nor.. Bay. N. cade. Coln machines; books orchestras, Altoona -Allan. Park. Chas R. Mellen, Y.. Gerson Rubenstein, mgr.; has pool, mgr.: has three rides, four concenashans. pen- Trenton-Woodlawn Park: has 12 rides, 20 vaude, free acts. ny arcade; books orchestras. concesnlons, pool, penny arcade; books or- rink: books orchestras.
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