THE COPY TEN CENTS O ISSUED FRIDAY DATED SATURDAY 2 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909. exhibitors! International Films Will Increase Your Box Office Receipts

They “Are a Tremendous, a Sensational, an Exciting Success, Masterpieces of Photography, Wonderful in Interest, Magnificent in Conception and Perfect in Execution.” THE FINEST MOVING PICTURES ii the WORLD

Exhibitors projecting our films are assured of !an adequate'[supply of carefully selected subjects and a distinctively individual service.

Healthy Competition Promotes Prosperity Next Release may 17 International Projecting and Producing Company Schiller Building.CHICAGO 'HE iShOTIT HTORjLjD. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AMUSEMENT WEEKLY Published at 87.South Clark Street, Chicago, by The Shout IHorld Publishinoig^

entered as Second - Class Matter Barren A.Patrick , GeneralVirector. «* thfL p°st-°?ce at P June 25,190? under the Act ot Congress of March3.1 o<

Volumn IV—No. 2J CHICAGO May J5, 1909 THREE NEW LAWS HAVE Western Managers Get Together to Patents Company Urges Each City to Accommodate Meyerfield and Beck Appoint a Board of Film Exam¬ But Fail to Create News. PASSED IN NEW YORK iners for Good of Industry.

A contemporary, which is printed in Obscene Plays Cannot Be Presented and Billboard Advertising Must In view of the interest recently Cincinnati, offered a reprint of an art¬ Not Be Immoral. taken in the censorship of film sub¬ icle which appeared in one of last jects, the New York correspondent of Sunday’s Chicago daily papers, which THE SHOW WORLD was in¬ lias to the effect that the western Albany, N. Y., May 10. at apparent laxity as to the method structed to obtain an exclusive inter¬ andeville managers would join Three new laws which will result of conducting theatrical performances. view upon the subject from the Mo¬ lands and would thus have a circuit in reform in theatrical and amusement The Voss bill, which seeks to re¬ tion Picture Patents Company, which, if houses valued at $12,000,000, which circles, have just been created by Gov¬ strict the present methods of book¬ since the inception of censorship, has :enld include the interests of Middle-' ernor Hughes. The laws were intro¬ ing agencies in dealing with 'players, done much to further the cause of n, Tate, Meyerfield, Kohl and Cas- duced by Assemblyman C. F. Murphy is still before the governor. Through moral films. : and others. This story was man- of Kings county, and are aimed at the efforts of Senator Timothy D. When asked for an expression of P^red out of the whole cloth, conditions which are supposed to exist Sullivan, himself a theatrical manager opinion upon the present situation, an has absolutely been no settle- in Greater New York. The new laws of importance, the bill was passed by official of the company said: of this matter, nor it there any are, however, applicable to all the both the senate and assembly. Sena¬ “The National Board of Censorship iiihood of a settlement for some cities of the Empire state. tor Sullivan, is of the firm of Sullivan which has, since March 26, passed ime. The meeting of the western One of the laws makes it a mis¬ & Considine, which does an extensive upon the entire output of the ten andeville managers was held last demeanor for any manager, person, booking business. principal film manufacturers of the rday to accommodate Messrs, i director, agent or in fact any one to The broad-mindedness of Senator world, is now confronted with a situ¬ erfield and Beck, who were on Sullivan in taking such a firm stand participate in the presentation of ation that threatens to hamper its way to New York after witness- in favor of those whom he employs, future activities. fhe opening of the new Orpheum obscene or immoral plays. The law goes into effect on Sept 1. created much favorable comment “The Motion Picture Patents Com¬ n'lFrisco. The regular meeting was when the Voss hill was up for argu¬ pany licensing all of the American Scheduled for May 15, but owing to Assemblyman Murphy’s second bill, ment. Few bills of the session just now a law, is directed against the dis¬ and about 90 per cent of the European nhj presence of these gentlemen it oyer, created so much publicity as film makers, has worked hand in hand was called on the 8th. No matters of play of immoral advertising or bill did this bill which was prepared by posters. Violations of this law are with the Board of Censorship, and has 'any importance were decided at the the White Rats. not only, submitted to them all of its lime, although a discussiQp was in- made misdemeanors, .and the statute' On'the closing day of the'sessiom goes into effect oii'Sbpt. 1 also. films, averaging 18,000 feet per week, dinged in regarding the possibility of a delightful entertainment was given but has equipped an exhibition room an.amalgamation of individual inter- The third law is aimed at concert at the Ten Eyck Hotel by members in its own offices, where the films are sfs. Even if these interests should saloons and amusement places where of the White Rats in testimony of the shown as soon as they are received .tine into closer relation it would liquor is dispensed and moving pic¬ good wishes expressed to them from the factories. Not a single film mjaffect the general vaudeville situ¬ ture exhibitions are held. The law through their votes, by the members is allowed to reach the exchanges for ates to any great extent. There will provides that it shall be a misde¬ of the legislature. distribution among the 6,000 licensed he' no attempt to control outside meanor for any one connected with The bill is in the hands of the theaters throughout the United States hooking interests. The one topic of such enterprises, from the ticket-seller mayors of New York and Buffalo and until it has been examined and offi¬ importance discussed at the meeting to the proprietor, to admit children as soon as these officials have acted cially approved by the censorship was the possible retirement of such under sixteen years of age. upon them there will be a public hear¬ board. Association managers who had grown There are still several other theatri¬ ing held by Governor Hughes in the “So far this arrangement has sl^ in the service of the association, cal bills to be heard from, ail aimed executive chamber.—CARDOZE. worked admirably. Complaints about t was decided that such managers undesirable pictures have almost en¬ Mild now retire with perfect confi- tirely ceased, and there has been a epce that their work would be prop- marked improvement in the films as rjjr taken care of. PROSECUTION UNLIKELY! (Continued on page 27.) FAILS TO REACH VERDICT. The jury in the case of Herman Op- IN GOODWIN SHOOTING MARY BOLAND OPERATED aenheimer vs. William Morris (the UPON FOR APPENDICITIS. ticket scalping case) was discharged Expected That Trouble Will Be Dropped. -Kellar In a Contrite Omaha, Neb., May 11. Wednesday night, as it was unable to Frame of Mind. Mary Boland, John Drew’s leading jch a verdict. lady, playing in Jack Straw, was op¬ erated on for appendicitis at the PATENTS COMPANY IN SES¬ Minneapolis, Minn., May 11. Kellar, who had been away for Methodist hospital here on Saturday, SION. It is now considered certain that three months, hurried back to where May 8. She is doing very nicely and _ New York, May 13. Hal L. Goodwin, manager of the he had left his valise outside the door, Dr. Jonas, the surgeon, expects his i The Patents Company is in session Northwestern vaudeville exchange, took out a revolver and rushed in pur¬ patient to be able to join the com¬ h| afternoon, but from authoritative who was shot by Jasper L. Kellar suit. He saw Goodwin run through pany in a few weeks. Miss Boland Mirces it is learned that nothing of when found in the company of the the front door and fired three shots was taken suddenly ill and the opera¬ mportance is to be discussed, latter’s wife at their home last Satur¬ at him in rapid succession, only one, tion was performed in quick time. lit has been filed by the Motion day morning, will recover. The bullet however, taking effect. Goodwin Many of the theatrical profession have Jire Patents Company in the Su- entered the hip, penetrated the liver took refuge in the home of a neigh¬ visited the sick lady and cheered her ile Court of the District of Colum- and is supposed to have lodged in the bor, who called a doctor and the po¬ up.—SMYTH. against the Oklahoma National lower lobe of the left lung. lice. The wounded man was later H&.. Company, whose offices Kellar is now in a contrite frame of removed to the city hospital, while The Front Cover Picture. in Washington, D. C. It is al¬ mind and says that he is sorry he al¬ Kellar was taken in charge by the po¬ Upon the front cover of this issue ii that the Mutoscene company lowed his temper to get away with lice. is presented a recent photograph of ising a camera which is an in- him. His wife has visited him several The Kellars have three children, J. J. Murdock and E. F. Albee. Mr. fgement on the Edison patents. times in his cell, upon his own re¬ Howard, six years old, Hazel, five Murdock is vice-president and gener¬ 4 immediate injunction will be quest, and it appears that they are years old, and Mary, four years. They al manager of the Western Vaudeville Wjjht and heavy damages asked. again on the friendliest terms. Should have been married eight years. association, while Mr. Albee is gen¬ „*hc Progressive Motion Picture Goodwin recover, he probably will eral manager of the United Booking not make any complaint against his of Ogden, Utah, has been “First Arrest” in Frisco. offices. The association of these two assailant, which may result in the totalized for $25,000, and is licensed gentlemen is remarkable for its har¬ prosecution being dropped and in San Francisco, May 7. IJ" manufaclManufacture motion pictures.— mony. Both men are very popular, WALTER. Kellar’s release. Robert L. Atkins, who operates a not only with their associate officials, The shooting occurred when Kellar moving picture theater at 1426 Fell but with the artists who obtain their returned unexpectedly and on enter¬ street, was arrested today by Detec¬ Morris to Book Racine. livelihood through them. Mr. Albee ing his home, found the door to his tive Bunner on a charge of violating is noted for his geniality and fairness Racine, Wis., May 12. wife’s bedroom locked. He became the section of the penal code which while Mr. Murdock has gained an en¬ William Morris, Inc., has today ar- suspicious and effected an entrance prohibits the exhibition of an immoral viable reputation for his courtesy. ,5™!° book the Racine theater, to the chamber through a window picture. Atkins will be arraigned Through the combination of these jta S«i caPac‘ty °f 1.200. It is and was just in time to see Goodwin before Judge Shortall on Monday. two managers bookings for between Xi , bills costing seven or eight make his escape through another This is the first arrest under the new four and five hundred vaudeville dollars will be put on here. room. ordinance.—MALLABAR. houses are provided. 4 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909, THE INDEPENDENT CAMPAIGN IN NEW ENGLAND A highly successful campaign The sham Independent, who builds against the licensed exchange men is W. E. Greene Finds Loyal Support Among Exhibitors—Calls “Trust” up a trade only to make himself a val being waged, single handed in New Mandate Senseless—Urges Strong Organization. liable acquisition to the ranks of the England, by W. E. Greene, of Boston. Trust must be guarded against The Mr. Greene, who does one of the lar¬ who uses inferior films and rep- gest, if not the largest picture ex¬ goods offered and standard of service forth by the combine was impossible resents them as coming from mam,, change business in New England, has maintained. The exchange man who to the exchange man. facturers associated with : the Inde- been one of the most ardent cham¬ can get his choice of the films manu¬ “The agreement propounded by the pendent movement, the man who wit- pions of the Independents’ cause since factured and who can offer to the ex¬ Trust placed the exchange man com¬ tingly or unwittingly makes a ‘duper March 1, 1908. hibitors, whom he furnishes with pletely at the mercy of the will of the ■ of himself must be accorded the treat¬ When interviewed by a representa¬ films the pictures that he knows they combine. In an instant the thousands ment which he deserves. ■Such laws tive of THE SHOW WORLD, Mr. want, is willing to pay for the oppor¬ of dollars which he had placed in as are made for the protection of the Greene was fresh from a conference tunity, and the exhibitor is willing to films could be taken from him and him exchange man must be enforced with J. J. Murdock, in Chicago, to reimburse the exchange house for the this on the slightest pretext and en¬ and will be enforced if the proper whom he had given the highly satis¬ trouble and expense to which he has tirely without explanation by the support is given to the International factory news that, “Not in many years been to procure such films. Trust for its action. Projecting and Producing (MK has the outlook in the moving picture “In the Internatioanl Projecting A Dangerous Situation. “The Trust heads have egotisticallv field been so promising. The Inde¬ and Producing Company, under the “The signing of the agreement was predicted a speedy downfall of the pendent movement is gaining tre¬ Sble guidance of J. J. Murdock, lies the signing away of all control of his Independent movement. In place of mendous impetus in our section of the the whole solution of the problem. affairs and at one instant the business the expected decrease of support country, not only because of the the With practically unlimited capital to which he had built up could be ren¬ there has been a marked and steady heavy advertising done by the Inde¬ finance it, with the hearty co-opera¬ dered valueless. He could no longer increase and men who'jhave beeii pendents, but also because of the tion of the great majority of the exercise his own judgment in select¬ prominently associated j with i the more important fact that they are in European manufacturers who look to ing his customers. He must submit houses affiliated with the t a position to deliver the goods. I look the company as a clearing house for any new name to the Trust and re¬ rapidly becoming the i forward to one of the most profitable their films, and with a business policy ceive its sanction before he could Independents. There i„ seasons that my house has ever behind it which appeals to every ex¬ open negotiations. He must contract ring to the statements ofl known.” - change house, this company cannot to use only such reels as the compara¬ say, ‘I have been drawn into ... To the representative of THE fail to do all and more than is ex¬ tively small number of manufacturers of the Trust’s restraint of e SHOW WORLD, Mr. Greene spoke pected of it. in the Trust should turn out; he must tion long enough. I am at length. “I have been with the In¬ “Under the Trust regime there tax such of his customers as he was come numbered among the i dependents from the first,” he said. would be a total abrogation of busi¬ allowed to keep, under the Trust ents.’ ” “When the Trust movement began ness freedom. Every exchange house mandate, for something which was al¬ Proud of His Position. I made a thorough canvass of the ex¬ was required to have a standing order ready their property, and, in many hibitors to whom I had been furnish¬ with each manufacturer from whom cases where small exhibitors were To the question, “Then ing films and I soon discovered that it took films. It must take one each concerned, he would, in order to keep firmly convinced that tH] your business lies in the they were heartily in accord with the of every film manufactured by that their trade, have to pay the tax from movement of the Independent ex¬ company. If such an order was not his own pocket. It was a decree movement?” Mr. Greene ily: change men and opposed to the domi¬ placed, the price set on single reels which, in a minute, took away all his neering and imposition to which they was sufficient to cut down all hopes business liberty and individuality. It “If I did not think sol would hardly be in the p







*uoos sn«ro«^

OldSouthTheatre ‘ the JOLUETTE' THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909,

the very weight of the power which it failed to intelligently direct. His¬ power of results, l --- „alln . A TIMELY TALK ON POWER tory will repeat itself. The same fate increase except in territorial strAgth must befall the present moving pic¬ and as in the branch of vaudeville ] By J. J. MURDOCK. ture Trust. represent, results must now and al¬ Profiting by the faults and failings ways be the one great power, and re¬ of the original vaudeville association sults depend upon the power of unitv I believe it will be readily conceded the creation of this mighty power, with its misapplicatoin of power the by every fair minded individual, were ruthlessly eliminated from the new vaudeville association, which OVERPRODUCTION identified with the moving picture in- field of action and had it not been for was formedirmpH ninenirif* yearsvpar? ago,atrn. has risen _ dustry in the independent movement inaugur- to its present dignity and supremacy By Harry Rush Raver. _ Am erica, ated by the International Projecting in the field of American amusements. (General Manager Consolidated Ami.s. . that the and Producing company all their ef- Never Abused His Power Company, Baltimore). rjJ n a t i onal Projectin g pljc~ tssre I believe in the peraanencypfmov The levying of a license upon the direction of the destinies of the pres- ing pictures, the only destructive ele¬ and Pro- exhibitors and the lopping off the ex- ent association has never been abused, ment we have to fear being overpro¬ changes was but a beginning of a The association is not held together Co. has be- duction, with attendant disregard for on crusade which happily was halted by today by force but rather through co- detail and photographic perfection. • the formation of the International operative action and the. power of This state of 'affairs is bound to fol¬ fhe'^motion comPany- Had it not been for the profitable results. Show me the actor low if the exhibitor insists on using ‘ ■ 'ure advent of the International move- who will not take my word for a con- 12 to 15 reels of film every week,— p ment, the Trust would today have tract; show me the artist who has not in many cases 14 to 21 reels, thereby field. Inat iev;ed ;^s toll upon exhibitors and ex- confidence that the power invested in compelling the exchange to buy, in wields (.Ranges by claiming a portion of the me will be justly applied; show me many cases, subjects not up to the powerful exhibitors’ business and eliminating the manager who has ever suffered standard and forcing the manufacturer influence i to rush out productions on .'short re - shaping notice regardless of quality. the destiny As a matter of fact and 1 of the trade there is no sense or reason in showing Power is a mag- cannot be denied. _ - — — _ —„ more than three changes of film per nificent thing; it turns the wheels of week, providing the service is high progress and without it, nothing is class, and there are countless houses accomplished. Power of itself means still maintaining this policy success¬ little. To be beneficial, power must fully, in spite of the-feHow next doc have intelligent direction. The bab¬ who runs a big program, change bling brook, in which the child pad¬ films daily and thinks he can keep 1 dles its tiny feet, is innocent in itself, up on cheap service. as it flows along without apparent In this wild scramble for the Big¬ utility, but that same quantity of gest Show, the public is rarely taken water, harnessed by man, will turn into consideration seriously, jealousy the wheels of a mill, or condensed in¬ among exhibitors stirs up a desire to to steam, propel the mighty machin¬ out-do each other without a thought ery of industry. Think for a moment of public opinion. I say, if you prove if you please, of the billions upon bil¬ to the public how easy it is to throw lions of gallons of water that flowed twenty-one thousand feet of film unharnessed over the falls of Niagara a screen in a single week, at 5 ce..„ —a magnificent waste of power, until admission, does it not follow the pro¬ man found a means to control and fession of moving picture entertain¬ direct it into practical channels. ment begins to lose its dignity and Think of the wild waste of the elecr become cheap? trical force in the elements unheeded and unutilized until Franklin solved The “Biggest Show.”. a part of the problem of its service Take the fellow using licensed film-, for the benefit of mankind, and for example. Out of the output Thomas Edison perfected and put weekly, take six reels from the lot that power into practical uses. and how many of the remainder art Power placed in proper hands is a worth eleven cents per foot? Not good thing, but power placed in the hands of those who do not know how to use it becomes a dangerous weap¬ on to the interests of the industry at the balance count on for Jrakes which it may be aimed. The Biggest Show fellow,—certainly The Power of the “Trust.” not the quality seeker. Licensed exhibitors will tell you,, This leads me to dwell upon the without reserve, that these statements] power, which, last January was are true, and they are insisting, every placed in the hands of the moving change day, on products of the threel picture Trust a power that bade fair to manufacturers referred to and willj absolutely control the destiny of this have nothing else,—if they most important field of amusement in America. Let us see how that power I know exhibitors, in the hot-bed] was applied. Was it used for the of competition, who are using three, general uplift of the moving picture changes a week, of two reels each, one industry or for the aggrandizement reel of first run and one under six of a set of individuals, banded togeth¬ days old, who are packing their er for mutual gain—the furtherance houses daily, their patrons invariably of their own selfish ends? returning a second time with numer¬ The history of the trade which has ous friends on the following day. been made for the past four months furnishes a conclusive answer. Had Competitive houses are running change daily, using old stuff, their this power not been dissipated and theaters fitted up elegantly and oper¬ had it been judiciously applied for ating at additional expense for light¬ the general welfare of the army of men who depend upon the moving ings, signs, etc., yet their business is actually far below the man who banks| picture business as means of liveli¬ E. Damen, cartoonist for the St. Louis section of THE SHOW on quality. hood, there would have been no ne¬ WORLD, working under full steam on new ideas for the St. Louis page. cessity for an independent movement. __ The Wild Cat Exchange. The very moment that the Trust At the present time, it is hardly fancied itself armed with an impreg- the exchanges. Thus_s it shown how through misapplication of my power; possible for manufacturers to turn out nable'power and the exhibitors* and power misapplied wrecks havoc and show me one who has not benefited 21 reels of perfect film weekly, where¬ exchanges in its clutches, it proceed- creates discontent, and brings into through his association with me. as six or seven can be selected veryj ed, vampire-like, to suck the life- being a re-generating influence. I have learneid this one great les- easily. Licensed manufacturers 1 ' blood from the industry. Believing As I look back upon my vaudeville son in power—that the greater the not meet the demand and keep it its position to be unassailable it be- experience I can draw a parallel in power imposed in a man, the greater as has been proven, past and pres gan by levying an obnoxious weekly the misapplied power of the first is the necessity for meekness, gentle- The real independent makers royalty upon the very men who made vaudeville association as compared to ness, kindness and consideration of bringing out subjects that play havoc! its power and existence possible. So the motion picture Trust of today, his fellow men. Oppression is a with the licensed trade, although the conscious was it of its own strength, Twelve years ago when a number of boomerang that weakens the power wild cat variety does much to weaker it did not even wait to find the effect vaudeville men formed the first of the oppressor. The victim of mis- the genuine independent movemen of this added burden, but began at vaudeville association, certain of directed power often becomes the and will continue to do so until ex¬ once in an endeavor to centralize its the members of that association were very master of the situation, hibitors and the public are educate power by lopping off exchanges and so flushed with their fancied power, I would not have the moving pic- to insist on films bearing trade-mark exhibitors without regard to the sac- and so misled by a warped judgment ture men of America believe that I distinguishing them from the infer'0 rifice of investment involved or the that they tried to put into effect am seeking more power either for consequences entailed. Without warn- measures similar to those which the myself or for my company. I know Facts should be circulated and »°] ing, men who had spent thousands of moving picture Trust has been en- that our company possesses today the so much uncertain and inco^KP' dollars building up their business, deavoring to foist upon its adherents, greatest power that it can ever have, pioneers who had blazed the way for That original association fell beneath the power of quality of goods, the (continued 01 1 Page 27) May 15.1»09- THE SHOW WORLD 7

SAWING - AND - JAWING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO ARE NOW IN CHICAGO Eddie Black is now playing the James K. Hackett comes to the Tack Mahara is in Chicago from Sam Morris is a member of the ] comedy roles with Jack Bessey’s American Music Hall May 24. Hot Springs, Ark. stock company at the Alhambra. :] company at the Criterion. George Klimt’s Players will offer Howard Lyman has returned from Lew Silvers is a member of the ■ Ed. T. Elliotte, who has been with Fanchon the Cricket next week at the Milwaukee and will be here until the stock company at the Alhambra the¬ Ma’s New Husband, which closed at Bijou. middle of next week. ater. Dubuque, Iowa, last Saturday, is here P. C. Wheeler, who was in advance •indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lyman have Kip Elbert, manager of the Unique of The Typewriter Girl, is in Chicago returned from a brief visit to their at Des Moines, Iowa, is in Chicago ' Lazar and Lazar are laying off in for a visit. home at Spring Lake, Mich., and will for a visit. Chicago this week, having returned Ray Samuels is recovering from an be in the city for several days.' Marie Nelson was taken ill last from a trip over the Michigan vaude- operation for tuberculosis of the 1 i ville circuit. Max Weber has opened a stock week and Agnes Blial took her part glands of her throat. She was con¬ company at the Alhambra. Down at the. People’s theater without no¬ j Evelyn De Foliart, the new leading fined to her room for nearly three Mobile is the bill this week and The tice. ,1 woman at the Criterion theater, is weeks. James Boys will be the offering next J rapidly becoming a favorite with Jack Frank Chapel and Napoleon Gay Frank Rhinock, son of Congress¬ week. man Rhinock, who is interested finan¬ | Bessey’s admirers. are here, having closed with E. H. cially tvith the Shuberts, is in Chi¬ Wilson Melrose, who was with The Perry’s Kidnapped for a Million, Frank E. King and Jessie A. King cago. | Catspaw at the Studebaker, has been which completed its tour last Sunday are in the city, having come from 4 engaged as leading man for Virginia night at St. Charles, Mo. Kansas City where the Woodward Harry Wolff is in Chicago, having | Harned when she opens her season stock company ended its season last been with the Lyman Twins in The Ed Anderson displayed two bank Saturday night. in Iris at the Sans Souci Park the- books on a public street Wednesday, Yankee Drummers. He will go into t: ater. but did not give Gus Cohan, or the C. Jay Smith displays the box office vaudeville. Weber Brothers, lessees of the Ma¬ other men who had managed one- statement for A Pair of Country Kids M. C. Lester, manager of Zeke, il sonic theater in Louisville, Ky., have night stand attractions, happening to at Eau Claire, Wis., last Sunday, on Europe’s sensational novelty, is lay¬ I lost possession of the theater, through be near, a “look in.” the least provocation. The show did ing off here for a short time, prefer¬ more than $300 on the day. . a decree handed down by the United Mabel Vernon may purchase a hat, ring to rest rather than play. ■:f States Court of Appeals in Cincinnati gown and shoes made of rattlesnake Bob Martin, business manager of Ethel May, “the mystery girl,” who »j last week. skins for use in her snake dances. the National opera company, will is at the Bijou as a special feature of Frances Venita Gray has arrived in She is dickering with “Rattlesnake leave Chicago next week for the west Klimt’s Players, purchased a touring 1 Inicago from Butte, Mont., where Pete” at Rochester, N. Y. He wants where he will arrange for. the appear¬ car last week and she and her mana¬ sne was producer at Dick Sutton’s $700 for the outfit. ance of the company next season. ger, Jack Allen, are seen daily driv¬ -ulu theater. She will produce the Vernon Bestor is using strenuous Powell & Cohn have moved their ing around the boulevards. Miss May lances at the Trocadero theater in methods in boosting the publications offices from 236 La Salle street, where is contemplating a tour of the Morris Chicago the coming summer. of Cario Portello. Mr. Bestor has they have been located for four years circuit. | Elsie Ferguson, appearing in James charge of the professional department. past, to more commodious quarters E. L. Rice arrived in the city last | j comedy, The Traveling Sales¬ He was formerly associated with in the Real Estate Board building, week, having completed his work in man, at the Illinois theater, will play Chas. K. Harris and the Thompson 59 Dearborn street. advance of Tempest and Sunshine i J leading part next season in Such a Music company. Martin Sheely is well pleased with (Eastern), which ends the season • “ltl« Queen, a new production that Edith Ellis, author of Mary Jane’s the reception given the National May 15 at Clinton, Ky. Mr. Rice | U«nry B. Harris will make. Pa, is in Chicago and will remain opera company at the Marlowe. He piloted a four weeks’ spring tour of E. L. Rice and Tom Lockwood until after the invitation matinee to states that business has been very the company which turned out to be 1 j nave returned from Muskegon, Mich., be given next Tuesday. She got the satisfactory. Next week the company fairly successful. "mere they spent two days this week dates confused and arrived in Chicago moves to the People’s, where it will Harry Hilgert, a well known bass , selecting a camping point. A party for Monday night, thinking the mati¬ remain some time. singer, is seriously ill at his home, ' lC?mPers. wil1 make headquarters nee would be given this week. 1179 North 43rd avenue, this city, a60ut six miles from Muskegon. Gus Cohan and Kate Watson are Harry Rowe is here. He was man¬ appearing in vaudeville and the one- and is not expected to live. Hilgert Janies A. Feltz, who has been man- ager of Why Girls Leave Home, night stands might as well say good¬ is a Chicago boy and is very popular i8lnf one of the Stetson’s Uncle which closed at Janesville, Wis., last bye to this funny pair. They were in the profession. He has been prom¬ i „r„ms. . *n companies, is here, the Saturday night. Harry Darlington, the headliners at the Orpheum in inently identified with many quartets FiStorks>0 *N? 011D havingThe closedghow wat.n Grandopen agent of the company, Anna Tripp, Kansas City last week and are a big for the past several years, and has Hedda Lorentz, Billy Champ and hit everywhere. There are five peo¬ recently been with the Diamond Com¬ l m u™er canvas within a week or Arthur and Byron Walton, of the ple in the act and a condensed ver¬ edy Four, playing Western Vaudeville J SO, pt^ably in Michigan. company, are also in Chicago. sion of A Hoosier Girl is given. THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909, PITHY PERSONALITIES OF THE PLAYERS Irene Lee and her Kandy Kids are Carrie Elmore has been engaged by Ed. Wynn, formerly of Wynn & back from Europe, after a very suc¬ the Rowland and Clifford Amusement Lewis, and more recently of Wynn & Kyrle Bellew sailed for Europe last cessful tour over the Moss & Stoll Company for The Minister’s Daugh¬ Co. in Mr. Busybody, will return to Tuesday. tour. ter. She will have one of the prin¬ his old double act for a long iascm Ada Rehan will spend the summer Frank Losee has joined the cast of cipal feminine roles. in the west. His new partner is A1 in England. The House Next Door at the Gaiety Willard Francis is denying a story Lee, who is not a Chinamam as the printed in the daily papers to the ef¬ i rnllpo-P ~.l Gerald Griffin is enjoying a rest at Theater in New York. He is playing fect that he had tried to commit sui¬ Mt.' Clemens, Mich. the role of Sir Isaac Jacobson. John E. Henshaw is now with The cide at Iowa City, Iowa, because May Charles Richman opens in The Rev¬ Robert Edeson will summer at Sag Gibson failed to reciprocate his af¬ elers shortly. His company will in¬ Harbor on Long Island. Boy and the Girl, succeeding R. C. Hertz, who tendered his resignation fection. He claims the story is with¬ clude: Katherine Florence, Leonora Henrietta Crossman promises a re after one week with the company. out foundation. Oakford, Vera H. Finley, Emma But¬ vival of The School for Scandal. Mr. and Mrs. R. Long are visiting De Wolf Hopper, who has just ler, Cecil Korn, Reeva May, Jane Henrietta Crossman has made her closed his season in order that he Rogers, George Pauncefort, Charles own way since she was 16 years old. friends in Davenport, Iowa, where they became great favorites while may go to New York to rehearse for Harbury, Frank Gheen, Frederick Rosie Green has been engaged for with the Hickman-Bessey company. the Lambs Gambol, will play a short Truesdell, M. H. Weldon, Baker The Follies of 1909. Moore, W. S. Martin and Mary Cecil, Joseph De Grasse will end his sea¬ Sadie Raymond writes that the re¬ son this week in Reno, Nevada. port that she was ill at Palestine, Clara Pitt is recovering from an op¬ Texas, was without foundation and eration for appendicitis. her many friends will be glad to know Otis Skinner has bought a residence it., She says she is enjoying the best in Philadelphia. of health and after May 15 will be in May Irwin secured the decision in St. Louis, where she will spend the her legal battle with Flo Irwin con¬ rest of her vacation. Miss cerning Mrs. Peckham’s Carouse. will be with The Missouri Girl again Edna Wallace Hopper will appear next season, under the management next season in a new play, The Har- of Merle H. Norton. rigan Girl. Edmund Breese appeared in black¬ James K. Hackett filed a voluntary face at the Actors’ Society benefit in petition in bankruptcy last Saturday New York May 7. giving his liabilities at $126,457 and James E. Fennesey, the Cincinnati his assets at $744. He has been amusement magnate, is making a “hard up” all season and the action is three weeks’ visit to Eastern cities. no surprise. There are 140 creditors, E. H. Sothern closes his regular of whom the actor’s wife, Mary Man- season at the West End theater in nering, has the largest claim, $60,000. New York May 15. Daniel Hanna, of Cleveland, is named Lew Field’s new summer produc¬ as a creditor to the extent of $10,000, tion, The Midnight Sons, opened at for money loaned. New Haven, Conn., May 12. Clyde E. Granger has been ill for THEATER TALK. several weeks and may not be able to The Rhode opera house at Keno¬ resume his stage work. sha, Wis., is playing vaudevilles! Anna Little took Christina Nelson’s A new opera house is to be erected role in The Mayor of Tokio when at Boise City, Idaho. Miss Nelson was ill recently. The Capital theater at Little Rock, The Boganny Troupe will be with Ark., has closed for the season. Cohan & Harris’ Minstrels next sea- The opera house at Savannah,.'Mo, will be remodeled. Jane Anita Byron, comedienne and A modern opera house will be , vocalist, is playing association time erected at Mt. Sterling, Ky. • with success. A new theater will be erected on Cecil Lean and Florence Holbrook the west side of Saginaw, Mich.. will make their first appearance in The Jewell theater at Hamilton, The Mandarin at Boston some time , opened May 1. in June. The stage employes of the Grand Mary Shaw will head a company of at Fairmont, W. Va., gave a minstrel players to be seen at a new stock show on May 3. theater to be opened in New York This is the last week of the Fore next November by Butler Davenport. paugh stock company at the Majestic Will J. Dean, stage director of in Indianapolis, Ind. David Belasco’s The Easiest Way, re¬ The Valentine theater, at Toledo, cently visited his mother at Colum¬ Ohio, is playing vaudeville by the bus, Ohio. week and is ready to discontinue it Oliver Doud Byron is worrying when it fails to draw. over the renting of twelve summer The theaters at Springfield, Ohio, cottages which he owns at Long are featuring 5 and 10 cent vaude¬ Branch, N. J. ville and pictures for the coming sum¬ Blanche Ring’s new play for next mer season, and are playing to good season will be called The Yankee business. The regular picture shows Girl. It will open at Philadelphia on continue to crowd their houses., . Sept. 15 next. The Family theater at Missoula. Truly Shattuck was pronounced the Montana, the only theater of that pol¬ most popular principal boy in London icy in western Montana, opened May pantomime by the voters in an Eng¬ Day with a splendid bill, playing to lish newspaper contest. GENERAL EDWARD LAVINE I, 421 paid admissions. According to Grace Merritt will have a new play The man who soldiered all his life and infantry. the daily newspapers the opening was next year; the name of the play and the most noteworthy in the history the name of the author is, as yet, a of amusements in Missoula. The new Family is one of the Sullivan & Co"- Joe Garry was given quite a recep¬ Alice Hamilton, who recently closed season in St. Louis this summer, sidine booked houses and breaks the tion when he played Marietta, Ohio, a long season on the Sullivan-Consi- where he will revive Wang and jumps from Spokane, Wash., to Butte in The Clansman. He formerly re¬ dine circuit, visited friends at Woos¬ Happyland. J. A. Baxter is the owner and mana¬ sided in that city. ter, Ohio, last week. Mrs. Leslie Carter closed Kassa ger of the new house. H. H. McVity Herbert Kelcey will have the role Otis Harlan enjoyed his stay at after the production had cost her $82,- is treasurer, W. H. Lang (of Ro" of the husband in The Thief next Elkhart, Ind., recently, meeting some 000.. “I am done with it,” she said. Island, Ill.) superintendent, Charles season and Effie Shannon will con¬ friends of his college days at Ohio- “It was too big entirely to lug around Johnson stage manager, R. E. Ham¬ tinue as the wife. Wesleyan university at Delaware, the country and now I know it. The ilton musical director, and Robert V. Ethel Levey sang Waltz Me Around Ohio. first act I have given away; I couldn’t Hardon publicity agent. Again, Willie, to a Paris audience Murray and Mack travestied The sell it. The rest I shall keep, for a which included King Edward of Eng- Dollar Mark, which has caught on time at least, as it is too beautiful to wonderfully, at Los Angeles, Cal., sacrifice.” New Repertoire Show. Rose Royal and her beautiful steed, running several weeks instead of one, W. H. Thompson opens on the Or- One of the new repertoire-organi¬ Chesterfield, are being well received when produced in stock. pheum circuit in the fall with a zations for next season is Hyde5 in the southwest, where they are fea¬ Rose Melville will spend the sum¬ sketch, new in America, called Pride Theater Party, which has been or¬ tures of vaudeville bills. mer at her cottage on Diamond lake of Regiment. It is an unusual success ganized by L. H. Cunningham for a Lawrence Comer was entertained near South Bend, Ind. She recently in London, where at Beerbohm Tree’s tour of the middle states. Jack war- when A Broken Idol played South purchased some real estate in South His Majesty’s theater, it has passed burton will be featured and the play- Bend, Ind. He formerly resided Bend for which she paid $85,000. its 500th consecutive performance. In to be presented will be a distinct ad¬ there. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whetten lost the cities where Mr. Thompson is vance over the ordinary repertoir John M. McGuinness has been dis¬ wardrobe valued at $500 and a mov¬ booked two weeks he will probably offerings. For the business nJan?5® charged as manager of the Royal the¬ ing picture machine for which they open with Pride of Regiment and of the organization Mr. Cunmngna ater at New Bedford, _ Mass., and is paid $165 in the fire which destroyed present that other classic by Conan has selected J. Rus Smith, formerly succeeded by Oza Tesier. the Crystal theater in Alliance, Neb. Doyle, Waterloo, for'the second week. of the Murray Comedy company. 15, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD BRIEF NEWS NOTES GATHERED IN CHICAGO Sid Euson’s Closed.—Sid Euson’s Dave Seymour at Mt. Clemens.— Vaudeville Next Week.—Next week White Rats Convention.—The big theater is closed for the summer. Dave Seymour, manager of Rowland the Bush Temple theater will open convention of the White Rats will be Stock at Trocadero.—The stock and Clifford’s Phantom Detective the as a vaudeville house, with Hilda held in Chicago week of June 21 and many members of the order are plan¬ company at the Trocadero will open past season, has gone to Mount Clem¬ Thomas and Lou Hall in a sketch ens for a few weeks. Beginning week and with Nellie Revell, especially en¬ ing to get here. There will be initia¬ with a matinee next Sunday. of May 24 he joins the Murray and gaged for a short season, as head¬ tions, public meetings and a general Paul Gilmore Coming.—Paul Gil¬ Mackey comedy company under can¬ liners. Miss Revell will play several jollification. more comes to the National next vas as treasurer and concessionist, weeks in vaudeville before going to Still Doing Well.—Charles H. Ross- week in The Boys of Company B. and will be with that organization Michigan to begin her worK as press kam was up to Milwaukee Sunday to Richard Carle’s Opening.—The during the summer. agent for that state. see how the Van Dyke and Eaton opening of The Hurdy Gurdy Girl at Good Joke on Swanson.—In an en¬ W. N. Selig’s Guests.—A1 Gillig- company was doing and states that the Colonial has been postponed deavor to be metropolitan the Deca¬ ham, manager of the Vaudette Film they had a well-filled house on Sun¬ from May 30 to June 6. . tur Herald in its issue of May 10, Exchange, Grand Rapids, Mich., Phil day afternoon and capacity at night. Eddie Leonard Coming.—Eddie presented a two column cut of Wil¬ Gleichman of the National Film com¬ He says the company is an excellent Leonard will come to the Majestic liam H. Swanson. While the pose is pany of Detroit, and Messrs. O. T. one—better than many which he has next week. Edna Wallace Hopper one that characterizes Swanson’s pho¬ Crawford and Kane of the Crawford seen at dollar top prices. The Van will also be on the bill to, upon close investigation it was Enterprises, St. Louis, were in Chi¬ Dyke and Eaton company has reached Cowboy Girl Has Closed.—J. Lind¬ found that the picture was one of a cago last week and visited the Selig the middle of their twenty weeks’ en¬ say Eaton brought The Cowboy Girl promising and soon-to-be a famous Polyscope and Essaney plants and gagement in Milwaukee and up to this company to Chicago, when it closed actor. It is a question which is to were guests of W. W. Selig at a din¬ point has been very successful. last week, and will go to his home be complimented. ner given at the Union. Powell & Cohn’s Plans.—Powell & ,i Mn-1 • ■-■ ■. « . -{•••'•'!> Cohn will put out a musical organi¬ Pete Raymond’s New Act.—Pete zation next season which will be rath¬ Raymond & Co. tried out a new act, er pretentious. It will open Sunday, The Postmaster, at Bloomington, Ill., Aug. 15, in Kenosha, Wis., and will last week, and it is reported to have have a season of 45 weeks. A reper¬ toire of musical plays will be pre¬ ^Typewriter Girl Closed.—The Type¬ sented, the company playing the writer Girl closed a five weeks’ sea¬ larger towns and cities and remain¬ son at Benton Harbor, Mich., last ing a week at a place. There will be Sunday night and F. Luverne, the 25 people in the organization, accord¬ manager, is now in Chicago. ing to the present plans. The prices Broken Idol in Boston.—Whitney s will be 10, 20, 30 and 50. A Daughter Broken Idol opens at the Tremont of America, another new enterprise, theater in Boston May 31, and goes opens Sept. 3 at Mendota, Ill., and to the Herald Square in New York forty weeks’ time has been booked. later in the summer. The Yankee Doodle Boy, which New Acrobatic Team.—Frank Der- opened Aug. 16 last at Waukesha, rill and Gertrude Barcklay have Wis., will not close until May 30 at joined hands and opened at South Quincy, Ill. It opens next season on Bend, Ind., this week in an acrobatic Sept. 10. The company is claimed to have had but two losing weeks so far Yiddish Actress Here.—Mme. Ken¬ this season._ ny Lipzin, the famous Yiddish act¬ ress, who heads the Edwin A. Relkin THEATRICAL ROUTES. Ml Star Yiddish company, opens at Aborn Grand Opera—Grand Opera the Academy today (Friday) and will House, Brooklyn, N. Y., indefinite. give five performances here. Don C. Hall company (Don C. Hall, Sue Marshall Here.—Sue Marshall, manager)—Mansfield, Ohio, 17-22; who closed with The Cowboy Girl at Mai , 24-29 Nashville, Tenn., last week, was here The Alaskan (William P. Cullen, in Chicago a few days this week, go¬ manager)—Great Northern theater, ing to her home in Grand Rapids, Chicago, indefinite. Mich. Old Arkansaw (L. A. Edwards, Studebaker to Reopen.—After ex¬ manager)—Clarence, Mo., May 15; tensive repairs on the stage the Gillis, Kansas City, 16-22. Studebaker will reopen May 28 with Mary Jane’s Pa (Henry W. Savage, Beverly of Graustark, a dramatiza¬ manager)—Chicago Opera House, tion of George Barr McCutcheon’s Chicago, indefinite. novel of the same title. The Merry Widow (Henry W. Sav¬ Girl Question Closed.—The Girl age, manager)—Colonial theater, Chi¬ Question closed at Topeka, Kan., last cago, Ili., indefinite. I Saturday night and many members of Van Dyke & Eaton company (F. the company are now in the city. and C. Mack, managers)—Alhambra Harry Hanlon, the stage manager, theater, Milwaukee, Wis., indefinite. left Monday for his home in Boston. Hickman-Bessey company (Row¬ The Family to Close.—The Family land & Clifford and Jack Bessey, "ill end its season this week. The managers)—Criterion theater, Chi¬ talk about a return engagement at cago, indefinite. Chicago will certainly come to an end Mary’s Lamb, with Richard Carle I with this announcement. The com¬ (Charles Marks, manager) —- Grand pany passed through Chicago Sunday Forks, N. D., May 15; Winnipeg, eii route to Grand Rapids, Mich. Man., 17-19; Duluth, Minn., 20-22. | Four Made Round Trip.—Some one Field’s Minstrels (A1 G. Fields, has figured out that only four of the manager)—Tiffin, Ohio, May 15; Del¬ 1 popular priced shows starting out of aware, 17; Urbana, 18; Soldiers’ Chicago last fall made the trip to Home, Dayton, 19. I the coast and return in safety. The The Merry Widow (Henry W. Sav¬ VAUDEVILLE ROUTES. Kiefer & Kline—Majestic, Houston, quartette includes: A Farmer’s Daugh- age, manager)—Billings, Mont., May Texas. I ter, Why Girls Leave Home, The (For week of May 17-22.) 19; Helena, 20; Butte, 31-22; Spokane, Holy Cify and Jane Eyre. Alpha Troupe—Majestic, Ann Ar¬ Wash., 24-28; North Yakima, 29; bor, Mich. In Thirteenth Week.—With 120 per- Howard Brothers—Majestic, Mil¬ Seattle, 30. Noodles Fagan & Co.—Grand, At¬ waukee, Wis. Polly of the Circus—Goshen, Ind., I t? its credit. The Prince lanta, Ga. I of Tonight is in its thirteenth week Hickman Wills & Co.—Lyric, Bing¬ May 15; Hammond, 16; Dowagiac, Beauvais - Maridon Co. — Duval, | at the Princess theater. This musical hamton, N. Y. Mich., 17: La Porte, Ind., 18; Elk¬ Jacksonville, Fla. , fantasy displays the authors, Messrs. Hamlin and Lyle—Odeon, Clarks¬ hart, 19; Peru, 20; Wabash, 21; Hunt¬ Four Fantastic La Dells—Majestic, | Hough & Adams, in their most fan- burg, W. Va. ington, 22. i ciful mood, and provides Joseph How¬ Augusta Glose—Shea’s, Toronto, Evansville, Ind. The Burgomaster (William P. Cul¬ ard with an unusual opportunity to len, manager)—Bakersfield, Cal., May Ont. MONUMENT PLANNED I display [some of the most catchy Carr Trio—Majestic, Galveston, 16; Santa Barbara, 19; Monterey, 21; FOR CHARLES DIMMITT. 1 m”sical numbers of his career, Texas. Petaluma, 25; Vallejo, 28: Oakland, i Ride's Vaudeville Bills.—Jos. G. Byron and Langdon—Bennett’s, Buffalo,. N. Y., May 13. 30-June 1; Chico, 2; Red Bluff, 3; Rhode, manager of the theater at Montreal, Can. Plans are being considered for the Albany, Ore., 5; Portland, 6-9. j Kenosha, Wis., is playing Morris Harry Breen—Keith’s, Cleveland, erection of a monument to Charles Lena Rivers, Western (Burton Nix¬ vaudeville and business has started Ohio. Dimmitt, better known as Ridge on, manager)—Iowa Falls, Iowa, May ™ "Rely. The artists divide the Berry and Berry—Fountain Ferry Waller, of the Lafayette theater, who 15; Marshalltown, 16; Webster City, week with the Bijou- in Milwaukee, Park, Louisville, Ky. recently committed suicide on his 17; Rockwell City, 18; Humboldt, 19; the first half of this week Manager Barry and Wolford — Hammer- mother’s grave in Baltimore. In the Eagle Grove, 20; Algona, 21; Mason | K«ode offered Dick and Barney Fer- stein’s, New York. circular sent out by the committee in City, 22. Rison Eddie Badger, Leon and Ber- Harry Armstrong and Billy Clark charge of the affair it is stated: “To Aborn Grand Opera—Newark the¬ i >e Allen and Charles H. Allen and —Orpheum, Winnipeg, Man. leave the grave of. such a prince of ater, Newark, N. J., indefinite. | ae last half of the week the bill is Lee J. Kellam—Majestic, St. Paul, good fellows as Ridge Waller un¬ Aborn Grand Opera—New National i composed of the Ishikawa Japs, Jose- Minn. marked would be a stigma on all theater, Washington, D. C., indefinite. | !®me McIntyre and the Brahams. Frank Whitman—Orpheum, Spo¬ those who claim to know the meaning Aborn Grand Opera—Detroit Opera > Me prices are 15 and 20 cents. kane, Wash. of good fellowship.” House, Detroit, Mich. Vol. 4 CHICAGO, MAY 14, 1909 No. 20 THE MISSOURI BREEZE. DO YOU REMEMBER- (By the Missouri Breeze Company.) When Billy Carroll played the snare Official Paper of the City and County. drum? Issued Weekly. When Dave Seymour was with TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Mora? When Mile. Dazie was Le Domino One Year, in advance.$1.50 Rouge? Six Months, in advance.75 When Rennold Wolf practiced law Three Months, in advance.50 in Buffalo? Advertising rates on application. When Gus Weinburg was with R. W. Trelligan? Summer is here. When Louie Werba was a treasurer Clean up your yards. in Milwaukee? When J. B. Stowe was called “the Will J. Block has paid his dog tax. telephone kid”? When Henry V. Donnelly appeared in Natural Gas? Gentlemen’s spring hats are begin¬ ning to be worn. When George Nicolai was a barber at Morenci, Mich.? All eyes are now turned on the new When Mabel Bert played the mother in Ben Hur? city administration. When Will J.'Dean was a druggist in Columbus, Ohio? Oliver Martell is helping to build a barn for Harry Sheldon. When E. C. Filkins was an actor with Marsh Brothers? James Thornton is thinking of go¬ When Percy G. Williams was a ing into the saloon business. stock actor in Brooklyn? I When Lee Shubert ran a haber¬ Frank O. Ireson is now able to dashery shop in Syracuse? j 1 walk with the aid of a crutch. When Melville Kellogg was with Zo Zo-—the Magic Queen? Fred Mills, of New York City, When Will J. Deming was in stock N. Y., was in town Monday and Tues¬ in Vaughn Glaser’s company? When Frank Hurst was general day. agent of the De Haven circus? Our literary society has closed for When Phil Nash was house mana¬ the season. Everybody was too busy ger of Keith’s theater, Philadelphia? When C. B. Dillingham was dra¬ to attend matic editor of the N. Y. Evening Sun ? Miss Kitty De Lorme, an actress, When J. M. Stout played slide spent a few days here recently as the trombone in Otto Krause’s rep. show guest of Miss Louise Willis. Will Deming, the bee man, states The report of Keeper George that his bees did not winter well. Cohan of the County Farm for the The excavation of Sam DuVries’ Those in the cellar did not winter at month of April shows five persons When Pete Staunton did a juggling act with W. J. Scanlon in Miles new house is about completed and all and those on the otitside only did committed from vaudeville, four from the brick and concrete work will start fair. Mr. Deming says there never drama and one from minstrelsy. was such a poor April for bees as There were two deaths during the When Gabriel and Anna Laughlin the month just passed. month and one absconder. On May 1 did a specialty the Wilbur opera Fred G. Conrad has moved from there were 76 males and 11 females company? When Pete Conklin, Jr., was with the building on Dearborn street to The Cornet band has received its in the institution. the McCormick building on Ran¬ riew instruments from Lyon & Healy George W. De Haven’s Great East¬ ern Show? dolph street. and when they played for the I. O. Michael Mclnearney, alderman from O. F. gathering Tuesday night the the thirtieth ward in Chicago, and When Wilson Melrose played base¬ ball with the Old Arkansaw team at There are now nine^ prisoners in boys certainly looked fine. The or¬ Bobby Gay lor may form a team and ganization has been doing some go into vaudeville. The alderman is Sycamore, Ill.? the county jail. They are: Harry When Marc Robbins and Earl Bur¬ Chapell, James Feltz, W. M. Brown, strenuous practicing lately and is get¬ very anxious to make the break and ting so well known that its services Gaylor is wavering. Mclnearney gess were with Charles P. Elliot’; Nick Petit, John R. Andrew, Bernie i Bar Room? 1 Wallace, Dan McCoy, Ralph Ketter¬ are in demand from neighboring says Bobby can manage the act and Ten Nights ing and Bob Simons. counties. have his own way generally if he will just break him into the business. Maurice Kirby, Drury Underwood Last Sunday Doc Gardner met with The board of county commission¬ and O. L. Hall, deputy assessors of a peculiar accident. He was boiling ers was in session again yesterday What is beyond the shadow of a the township, have completed their coffee in his room at the hotel when and many matters of importance re¬ doubt one of the prettiest convey¬ work. The majority of the assessors the lid of the coffee pot blew off and ceived attention. We have the repu¬ ances of the dead to be found in this of other townships in the county struck him in the face. Harry Farley, tation of having the best county court vicinity, has been purchased by Max have their work well tinder way. who was with him, was also scalded in the state and the present body will Weber, our undertaker, at a cost of Thomas Hodgeman reports that he by hot coffee. fully sustain that reputation. Messrs. $600. It is the conventional black in will be through on the 15th,_ and Erlanger, Shubert and Savage are color and is beautifully decorated with Thomas Henry writes that he will be Fielding Brown was arrested Wed¬ honorable men, always on the look¬ silver lamps and hangings. The frame done by Monday of next week. . nesday, charged with drunkenness, on out for the people’s good. is all hand carved and with a large center panel of plate glass is one the complaint of his wife. He pleaded Directors’ Meeting. guilty in the court of Justice George The local aggregation of baseball of the prettiest hearses in the state. Kingsbury and was sentenced to five players took the Cross Center team Coney Holmes is now assistant to The directors of the Y. M. C. A. days in jail. into camp last Sunday and the third Mr. Weber, coming here from Cincin¬ met Tuesday night and elected the game of the series will be played nati to accept the position. following officers: A good lantern free to every sub¬ next Sunday. The lineup on that oc¬ Will A. Block, president. jB scriber paying a year’s subscription. casion will be: Burr McIntosh c, The last regular meeting of the city E. A. TTiggins, vice-preside^^^B Better investigate this great offer. Frank McIntyre p, Tim Murphy lb, council was held Monday night and Fred Wildman, treasurer. ■ Tell your neighbor about it. That is Henry E. Dixey 2b, W. L. Abingdon in spite of the opening of a reper¬ Walter Floyd, secretary. SSt a propositon few if any publishers 3b, Richard F. Carroll ss, Jack Bes- toire show at the airdome all the General Secretary W. P. Cullen was make. Take advantage of it at once. sey If, George Klimt rf, and Morris members were in their seats. The re¬ here on that occasion and stated that McHugh cf. ports of the various committees were he was much encouraged with the Harry Bryan, the grocer, is able to read and the regular monthly bills good work being done. be at his place of business, after be¬ J. J. Murdock has opened up his allowed. Councilman Augustus Hill ing laid up for several months recov¬ new moving picture theater on Main objected to the payment of a bill pre¬ Bride at Age of 15. ering from injuries sustained in a fall street and is playing to big crowds sented by Edward Stair for services Though only fifteen years 1 of age on the sidewalk near his residence. nightly. Ethel Barrymore is selling rendered the city in drawing plans for Eva Tanguay was, by her father^ , He has regained his flesh but is still tickets for him and Lora Lieb is the improvement to the town hall. consent, granted a license by BBI quite weak from his experience. singing the illustrated songs. There Councilman Hill based his objection Clerk E. F. Albee, to wed Edward V. ■ is a piano in the hall at which our on the fact that, in his opinion, the Darling. Eva is the youngest Miae What does rich blood mean? It well known musician Victor Herbert charges were exorbitant. His objec¬ that this city has turned ottf for | means brains, vitality, ambition, hope¬ presides. Mr. Murdock gets his films tion was not sustained, so the bill long " fulness, persistency, and everything from the International company in was ordered paid. worth living for. Do you feel bad? Chicago and they are very interest¬ Daily Health Hint. Perhaps YOUR blood is bad. Call ing. There is no question but what A1 Goettler went to Cincinnati last on Dr. Wright, office over George this town will support a moving pic¬ week to see his girl. He took along Keep out of the way of the auto- Lederer’s store. ture theater. a pound stick of candy. May 15,1909. THE SHOW WORLD 11 FACTS, FANCIES AND FRIVOLITIES The traveling manager of a com¬ that if J. J. Shubert has said what he pany, Swho enjoys the confidence of Facetious Familiarities Featuring Famous Folks and Fre¬ was quoted as saying, he is as bitter his employer, can make it very un- and sarcastic in talk as Worm and plaSpt for the members of the or¬ quently Filled With Fulsome Flattery for the Duce dare to be with their pens. ganization if he desires. Instead of Favored Few. beraKourteous, and reducing the dis- Nellie Reveil can no longer boast ■M of travel to a minimum, the that her two daughters have never is sometimes inclined to By WALLACE PEPPER. been inside a theater. When they look upon the performer as being in graduated last week at Notre Dame luck to be “with it” and subjects him it prices. No' theater is too fine, credited to him in print) which at¬ Miss Revell was the instigator of a to indignities which make a tour of r apparently too expensive to con- tacked the Syndicate that he has been theater party which carried the two the country unbearable. Some com- :t, for motion pictures to be profit- criticised a little. Mr. Shubert is said young ladies and a dozen of their pan$inanagers seem bent on antago- to have observed the other day in classmates from South Bend to In¬ y^Keveryone they meet and not this connection that A. Toxin Worm dianapolis, where they witnessed a only make themselves grouchy, but J. J. Shubert is the least bit afraid “writes with a club” and Herbert C. vaudeville bill at the Grand. Miss serve to bring the blues to everyone of a newspaper man nowadays. He Duce “with a stilletto.” While this Revell was also the hostess at a din¬ with whom they come in contact. has given out so many interviews (or slight reprimand may be deserved, ner, which is much talked of in the so many statements have been ac- there is no disputing the statement Indiana city, given in honor of the Such a manager has brought the graduates. relations of a well known star and the owner of the production to a part¬ There are two Nellie Revells. One ing of ways recently. It is one of who is met with in the theatrical pro¬ those cases where the play needs the HAVE YOU VOTED YET ? fession-; the other the mother of two star and the star needs the play, yet charming young ladies, fulfilling all the company manager, a most cap¬ The loving cup to be presented by the Actor’s Society of America ideas of domesticity and occupying a able man in many respects, antago¬ to the theater receiving the greatest number of votes for having the prominent place in a rural district of nized the artist he was appointed to cleanest stage and the best dressing rooms. Indiana. manage to such an extent that he re¬ fuses to sign contracts calling for his Ollie Mack don’t believe in profes¬ appearance in the play another sea- sional matinees and actors may have to pay during the engagement of Murray & Mack at the Grand in Los The right kind of a company mana¬ Angeles, Cal. He said, when the sub¬ ger keeps those under his control in ject was under discussion, “I always good spirits. He drops a word of enjoy not having actors in front; I 'encouragement here and there and know every one of them is saying to when the season ends expresses a his neighbor how much better he desire to continue relations another could play my part than I do. Why, year. The manager in question hand¬ Lewis Stone, Bill Desmond or Harry ed over the last week’s salary to the Mestayer would be apt to say it people without one pleasant word. “I right out loud.” trustJ| shall have the pleasure of handing you many another envelope,” Charles H. Rosskam, manager of would have been a forgivable decep¬ the Chicago stock company, has se¬ tion were the manager really anxious cured the Whitney theater in Detroit to have an entirely new company- next for the summer and will inaugurate season, but nothing of this kind a season of summer stock on May passed his lips. 16, following the same plan adopted by Van Dyke and Eaton at the Al¬ The Blue Mouse is suggestive to a hambra at Milwaukee and Jack Bessey certain extent. Whether it is vulgar at the Criterion in Chicago. “When or not is a question which might puz¬ three reels of pictures and four vau¬ zle censors of the stage. The major¬ deville acts are given for a nickel it ity of the dramatic critics do not is _ time for showmen to wake up,” seem to think it is a moral monstros¬ said Mr. Rosskam, who was in Chi¬ ity and agree that there is real merit cago recently, “and give the picture | to the play. shows some opposition.” Mr. Ross¬ kam will have about the same com¬ I The Great Jphn Ganton appears to pany he had during the winter sea- thave “caught on” in New York and it is believed it will prove one of the successes of the season just drawing “ a close. One writer says: “Though PARK NOTES. first flush Ganton is an unlovable Chester park at Cincinnati opened character in his hardness and love of last Saturday. , it became a portrait in the of George Fawcett in which a Electric park at Muscatine, Iowa, sense of shrewd humor and marks of is to be improved. noble generosity blended into a White City at Dayton, Ohio, opens ost sympathetic personality which May 22. ent straight over the footlights.” Riverside park at Indianapolis did not open May 2, as was planned, ow¬ While the present season has ing to the bad weather. rong||much encouragement to those If you have not yet voted, do it now. The Actors’ Society of Amer¬ In connection with the Western ho have been contending that the ica is offering a handsome loving cup to the theater in the United States Vaudeville Theaters’ new offices in the 10Pe of the show business lies in and Canada which receives the greatest number of votes for having the Long Acre Building in New York is stock companies, It is in- cleanest stage and finest dressing rooms. Up to date the voting stands a park department under the manage¬ o note that spring stock Vancouver, first; So. McAllister, Okla., second, and Pittston, Pa., third. ment of John J. Collins. The most theaters which have been The contest will close June 26, 1909 at 6 p. m., and the cup will be important summer time in the west in past years have turned awarded as soon thereafter as possible. If you have not voted sign the and middle states is being arranged badly. Those managers who attached coupon and forward it at once. Any reader of the SHOW through this source. Some of the adopted the 10 and 20 cent pol- WORLD is entitled to a vote. most famous summer amusement re¬ have been successful and that sorts booked are: Forest Park High¬ hjafw that hard times calls for lands, St. Louis; Fountain Ferry park, (Date) . Louisville; East End park, Memphis; nBr*rices. SANITATION COMMITTEE, West End park, New Orleans; Ra¬ , Present,” “announce,” “offer” and mona park, Grand Rapids; Ingersoll [similar terms are familiar enough in Actors’ Society of America, park, Des Moines, and Salt Air re¬ Programs [ and newspaper advertise- 133 West 45th street. sort in Salt Lake. pents.which seek to convince the un- New York City. Oak Summit park at Evansville; that the public judges the Ind., is getting along well under the ™ents of a play by the standing of In my opinion the (name of theater) . hands of many painters who are paint¬ I^Mcer. William A. Brady and at (name of city and state) .. ing all of the buildings white. Many Urnsi F. Werba have coined a new new attractions are being put up and E^^Rver, in the presentation of which Is managed by (name of manager) . when the park opens on May 16 it ; mJ“u3>hy, now at Powers’ theater has the cleanest stage and the finest dressing rooms of any theater in will be one of the best and most My Boy, and the ads say that the United States or Canada. complete parks in that part of the J“y and Werba “put forward the country. comedian.” (Signed) .

Jfl and Zimmerman’s Academy (Address) . Tyler and Berton Here. at Baltimore, Md., is to offer Tyler and Berton are taking a ffi;”Tllle and moving pictures com- THE SHOW WORLD Coupon. . much needed rest in Chicago this c»g May 29 with five and ten week. 12 THE SHOW WORED May 15, 1909,

PRODIGY CHALLENGES EMMA BUNTING GRANTED THE WORLD’S CHAMPION. FAREWELL LUNCHEON DIVORCE FROM BURGESS. Eddie Turner, Thirteen Years Old, Secured Separation Only—Had Asked Goes After Big Honors and May for Alimony—Charged Cruelty Win Out. TO ELMER F. ROGERS and Non-Support. Retiring Manager of American Music Hall Receives Loving Cup Emma Bunting was granted a di¬ Fairmont, W. Va., May 10. vorce from Earl Burgess by a Texas Eddie Turner, the whirlwind roller From Admiring Employees. court May 7. They were married in skater of this city, who is only thir¬ Bangor, Maine, on March 21, 1893, teen years old, wound .up the season and their relations had been strained by defeating all comers in a cham¬ The high esteem in which Elmer F. Rogers, late manager of the Amer¬ for three years. Since last January i pionship meeting at Pt. Marion, Pa., intimate friends of the couple have May 1. He won all three of the ican Music Hall was held by the em¬ Elmer F. Rogers, who is naturally daily expected divorce action to be i events as well as the State champion¬ ployees of that house was evidenced instituted. ship. He thereupon issued a chal¬ of a modest disposition, was forced at the luncheon given in his honor to listen to a volume of' personal The difference of the pair was lenge to meet Rodney Peters of St. largely one in regard to business pol¬ Louis, who is 15 years old, at Colum¬ on the eve of his departure for New praise which lacked the ring of insin¬ cerity and was finally presented with icy. Miss Bunting received $200 a bus, Ohio, May 1. York city to assume the general man¬ week and the services of a maid from There have been a series of races a handsome loving cup. agement of the Morris interests Among those present were Wm. Mr. Burgess, but objected to some in many of the West Virginia rinks of his schemes for awakening inter¬ during the season and it was decided Morris, Elmer Rogers, J. C. Mat¬ Thirty-five persons gathered about thews, W. T. Grover, Maury Feil, est in the companies with which she I to hold the final on a neutral floor. was featured. Pt. Marion was chosen on account of Miss Bunting asked alimony and the floor and the crowd accommoda¬ half of the estate but was granted tions offered at its rink. The place separation only. The grounds were was packed on May 1 by sports from cruelty and non-support. Uniontown, Pa., and Morgantown and Fairmont, W. Va. San Antonio. Texas, May 11: The championship race was won in Miss Bunting will close her season three heats. Turner took two and here Saturday and go to Seattle | James Jackson one. Arch Lilley and where she will open May 25 at the Ham. Hamilton of Fairmont made Seattle theater under the manage-! fine showings. The final heat was ment of Barton & WisweT. She left1 made in remarkable time, breaking all Earl Burgess’ management here a; records for a 20 lap floor. It was few weeks ago, went under the man¬ skated by Turner in 2:52. agement of Clinton B. Fisk for three' After the feature event had been weeks and then came under the di¬ settled, a two mile race was put on rection of Sidney Weis. -WILLEY. which was won by Turner with Hamilton second and Hilley third. SUMMER ATTRACTIONS Turner won the pursuit race with DOING FAIRLY WELL Hamilton and Hilley finished second and Frank C. McCray third. The Traveling Salesman Has the Lead with Four Other Trailing THEATER MANAGERS Closely Behind. AWAIT CITY’S ACTION. The summer attractions a& Chicago Buffalo, N. Y., May 12. theaters are doing a nice Eugene L. Falk, counsel for the the present time. Whethe&or not United Amusement company, pro¬ the warm weather will lessen the at¬ prietors of the Academy theater here tendance or not is yet to be learned. and other vaudeville and moving pic¬ The Traveling Salesman ;js prob ture houses elsewhere, has made the ably taking the largest gross receipts following statement about the plan at the present time. It comes " of the company in regard to the Sun¬ a Broadway reputation and is ai day closing law in Buffalo: “The ceptionally meritorious show.. Mary managers of the Academy and other Jane’s Pa and A Gentleman from moving picture houses in this city Mississippi, which arc equally good, will take no action in regard to Sun¬ are doing a splendid business, and day closing until they know what The Alaskan and The Sins of Society position the city is going to take in are stepping on the heels of the the matter. The city will probably leader. make some move at the end of the The Saturday and Sunday, business present month, when the licenses of at the Illinois is very big. The the theaters expire.”—McGUIRE. the festive board'after the perform¬ Ernest Young, Jack Lait, Geo. Day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sun-1 ance at the Music Hall last Saturday Wm. Ruppert, Edw. Holt, Jos. Spa- day business at the Chicago opera Late “Globe Film” Release. gat, Archie Bernard, Geo. Lederle, house is big. That house took $500! night and William Morris acted as The following films have been re¬ Geo. Considine, Max Godenrath and in money at the professionalMnatinee toastmaster. The dining room of an leased by the Globe Film Exchange Tony Raudich. last week and other matinees run'asl of Chicago: exclusive nearby cafe was handsome¬ Mr. Rogers left for New York high as $800 and $900. A Smart Capture, Cat in the Pot, ly decorated for the occasion and all Tuesday morning and W. T. Grover Indiscretion of Loving Picture, High present were in a merry mood. A assumed his duties as his successor. Held for Wife Murder. Art, Tricks of the Photographer, chair which had been reserved for an Boston, Mass.,lMay 4 invited guest who did not appear, Chester S. Jordan, a vaudeville Johnny Is No Longer a Child, Novel McLallen In Vaudeville. Invitation, The Tramp’s Luck, Italian was labelled with the name of a well- ctor, was today found guilty in the Cavalry, Artillery Maneuvers in the known vaudeville magnate. Jack McLallen and the Carsons rst degree on a charge of murder- Mountains, Milkman’s Wooing, Hus¬ Morris proved a happy toastmaster are playing the American, New York, lg his wife, by a jury in the Middle- band Goes to Market, Tragedy at the and was charged with a fund of witti- this- week. ex county Superior courta at Cam- Circus, Unfaithful Cashier, Dressed ridge. Jordan, who was for the Occasion, Jammer-Bach, The f Jesse Livermore, the wealthy cot y Deserter, An Old Man’s Honor, Filial on broker of New York City, was Devotion, Shark Fishing, Glimmer- harged with killing his wife while amm, Peasant at Photographers, hey quarreled at their home n Trick Well Played, The Magic Wand, omerville. The jury was out ntne- Chauffeur Out for a Good Time, een hours.—LOU. Frolics of the Gamins, Arrest of the Orderly. Standing Room Only. Fairmont, W. Va May 6. Manager J. E. Powell bought out, Shuberts at Minneapolis. e Three Twins, which appeared Minneapolis, Minn., May 10. e Grand on April 26. and the house, Announcement is made that the new as full to capacity. He bought Shubert theater here will be located he Follies of 1907. and The Tune, at Second avenue and Sixth street, lace and the Girl earlier in t and will be built by the S. T. Mc- in and cleared $500 on each attro Knight Company and leased to the on. He cleared $475 on this one. | Shuberts. J. J. Shubert left here last cCRAY. Wednesday after practically closing the deal and announcing that the new Sittner Will Enlarge Place. , house would open about Nov. 1 — Paul Sittner has at last smu.- - BARNES. obtaining possession of the ie the hairdressing establish" I Theater Closes. lich has for some time fgon11!1 Fairmont, W. Va., May 5. n from enlarging his theaton^J The Grand here closes the season e will within a short time be, 1 on May 5, with Florence Davis in A PUZZLE PICTURE lr down the place and will Doll’s House. The company is play¬ Find a prominent Scotch comedian and the man who made him famous large and expensive lobby . ing a return engagement.—McCRAY. in America. orth avenue theatorium. May 15, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 13

Claud usher / As l_UAS J.fA(iAN £x_ F£ArH£HW£l6Hr champ/oH. 14 HE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1%9.

THE one of the most prosperous years in MARRIAGES Edward L. Montgomery, Jr., Xheo- the history of their respective busi¬ do re L. Lane. Walraven-Norris.—J. H. Walraven, nesses, and that it is quite possible Empire Lyceum Bureau, Syracuse formerly manager of the Auditorium N. Y., formed to do a general amuse¬ they will not be sorely disappointed. in Minneapolis, and Mary J. Norris, ment business; capital, $20,000. Di¬ 5H0®i>RU> With the return of considerable formerly with Lulu Glaser, were mar¬ rectors: David H. Cook, Elmer Etta financial confidence, which was lost ried April 28. Cook, and Charles J. Staples! during the days of the depression, Smith-Feeney.—Mark Smith, who The Niagara Falls Lodge, No. 84 —Theatrical Mechanical Association there is no logical reason why 1909 is playing the title part in The Trav¬ eling Salesman in Boston, and Anna of United States and Canada, has should not be recorded in the annals Muriel Feeney, who has been playing been incorporated with the following The Show World Publishing Go. of al fresco entertainment as a red in Boston with Marie Cahill, were directors: John Courtenay,;1 Frank Qrand Opera tlouae Building letter year. united in marriage May 9. Grubb and James Junot, all of Niagara Falls. Eighty Seven South Clark Street McWatters-Boulter.—Oscar Mc- Chicago, Illinois Roller Skating Fortunes. Watters and Alice Boulter, both of Mack-Shea Amusement Company, The Candy Kid company, were uni¬ New York; capital, $5,000; directors: Within the past two or three J. Herbert Mack, Fred Irwin, M A ted in marriage during the engage¬ Shea, H. II. Feiber. . months there has been a general im¬ ment of the company at the National George W. Dennehy (Incj), New WARRBN A. PATRICK, pression that roller skating—the sport, theater recently. Both of them played General Director heavy roles with that company. York, to manage and control theaters WALT MAKEE, art or science, as you will—is about and other places of amusement, also Barnes-Bartells.—F. M. Barnes, the Editor done for all time; that it has again to conduct a theatrical and vawHUe booking agent, and Grace Bartells, E. E. MEREDITH, served its purpose of entertaining the agency: capital, $10,000. Directors: Associate Editor known as “Chooceta," were united in George W. Dennehy, Arthur N. BERNARD F. ROLFE, public for a brief period and, as was marriage at Hammond, Ind., May 1, Moeller, George C. Schnitzer. Advertising Manager its wont, fifteen years or so ago, is and spent the following week in St. Louis. The happy couple returned A “Lecturette” Library. M. s. PATRICK, about to be laid to rest for a decade here Sunday and are receiving the New York, May 12. congratulations of their many friends. With the increasing popularity of But if facts are true this im¬ They will leave next week for New moving pictures, many new btpgiess e act of Congress of March pression is undoubtedly a false one, York, where they will take passage side lines have been successfully in¬ troduced, and perhaps the latest and ADVERTISING RATES: particularly as it relates to England for Europe. F£t.e!"„c„enTtr„rr,oAfhaetei^h: and the European continent. If the figures sent in by our correspondent are correct, there have been many NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. fortunes made during the past two LAEMMLE seasons in the operation of roller The Last Advertising Forms Close rinks and in several cases the divi¬ FILM SERVICE Wednesday at Noon. Amoving picture film./!^ dends to the stockholders exceeded MACHINES? SLIDE/"S'ACCE/TURIE/ 100 per cent. 1 RENTED AND SOM)- Advertisements forwarded by mall must be accompanied by remittance, made pay¬ The credit for the popularity, past able to THE SHOW WORLD PUBLISHING and present, of the English rink is given to an American, who, accord¬ ing to our authority is now prepar¬ 196-198 take Street. ing to invade Paris with his propa- CHICAGO. May 8 Four Dollars a Tear. ren A. Patrick, Foreign: Just what this country will do next Show World, Five Dollars a Year. Chicago, ill. fall in the matter of roller skating Mr. Patrick:- DISTRIBUTING AGENTS: may yet be an open question, but you are putting up a dei good scrap on 'behalf oi The Western N0w» Company ■ing picture exhibitors all since the field found its inception in i't think for a moment that >t appreciated. Lots oi International Branches. i praised you for - it stand you have taken, this country, it is hardly likely that f these days I'll .show you there will be a noticeable diminution s letters. They'll d of interest the coming season.

The value of press clipping bureaus afraid of swelling toment getting Digger r was perhaps never better proven than from any paper at an in the case of the late Tony Pastor. it, hut for Heaven's horized correspondents, but In »p ances we will consider contributions 1 A New York clipping bureau was ' upon a topic of vital Interest to asked to gather together all the press Please use the san fession of entertainment, my future ads that you used lanuscripts or news matter will no comments upon the death of the late easy to read. sidered unless written upon one sid paper only and addressed ii well known manager, which were to left hand cornr- *y'a be made into a memorial volume. The task was stupendous in view of the fact that nearly every newspaper in America printed some comment SATURDAY, MAY 15, >909. upon the death of Pastor. The press bureau—and we will mention it, pro¬ OBITUARY most successful adventure in this di¬ EDITORIAL. vided that we are not accused of rection is being fostered by what is using our editorial page for the pur¬ Henry George, aged 34, see page aptly termed A Lecturette Library The Summer Season. pose of advertising—was the Burrelle. 15. It is located in East 14th street and This bureau gathered together a hand¬ Lawrence J. Vaughn.—“Father” is under the management oi] Gunby Brothers. Their announcementjtfves As yet the summer amusement sea¬ some volume which is ten by twelve Vaughn, well known dramatic auth¬ or, died in a Dubuque, la., hospital this excuse for the existence: of the son is not sufficiently well advanced inches in size; the leaves being of May 10. Lecturette Library: “It is a recog¬ to warrant a prediction as to its pros¬ nized fact that the public is becoming Irish linen paper with a black bor¬ William (Patty) Nolan, a stage perity. In many instances the out¬ der. The binding is of black seal let¬ tired of illustrated songs. It is true hand at the Great Northern theater that there are always new songs and door amusement resorts have opened tered in gold. The work is consid¬ in Chicago, died May 7, of tubercu¬ new slides on the market, but they under anything but auspicious weath¬ ered an historical record and one that losis and was buried May 10. have all the same sing song swing Dave Wilson, an old time minstrel, er conditions, particularly in the west¬ will be preserved for all time. to them with their tales of lovesick died in Buffalo, N. Y., recently. He maids, etc., and it becomes monoto¬ ern section of the country. The cir¬ was 67 years of age. He had had his The Orpheum Circuit and those nous. In introducing our lecturettes cuses have played against great odds own show and had been with Haver- other allied Western interests have to you we believe we are on the right and “blow downs” have been even ly. track as people never tire of lectures more frequent than in past years. been much in the public mind of late as long as they are well, read and To a certain extent the managers and have been the cause of general NEW INCORPORATIONS properly illustrated. * * *” discussion among theater folk. The The catalog of the bureau contains of such enterprises are prepared, by opening of the palatial new parent- The Syracuse Amusement Com¬ a list of fifty lecturettes. 9 reason of past experience, to lose a house in Frisco was an event of really pany, Syracuse, N. Y.; amusements, certain amount of money in the pre¬ national celebration; the beautiful capital, $16,000. Incorporators: Hal L. Goodwin, manager of the Northwestern Vaudeville Exchange, liminary days and therefore the losses brochure issued in commemoration of George Kress, Jacob Nann, Jr., and this occasion created surprise and ad¬ F. C. Sembach, Syracuse, N. Y. at Minneapolis, was shot and daSgW' to date may hardly be placed upon miration since it' conveyed to many Al Rich Production Company, New ously wounded last Saturday morning the wrong side of the ledger. the first impression of this circuit’s York City, to do a general amuse¬ by Jasper L. Kellar, a Canadian It is conceded that both park and formidable strength and wide area, ment business; capital, $4,000. Direc¬ Northern railway conductor, who » alleged to have found Goodwin > circusmen have expended more money and the recent opening of the unique tors: Al Rich, Leo H. Rich, New new headquarters of Mr. Beck and York city. Mrs. Kellar’s room at a local r«| in preparation for this current season his executive staff in the Long Acre Flushing Amusement Company, house. Three shots were fired an than in many seasons past; that they building proved a fitting and effective Flushing, L. I., New York.; capital, Goodwin is now at the cityJhospitai have sanguinely looked forward to $10,000. Directors: John K. Burke, in a very serious condition., May 15, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD

were 124 people, 39 Indians, 87 horses, 60 mules, 1 steer, 2 buffaloes and 4 TWO “BLOW DOWNS” cages in the parade. Used the Small Lot Back of the Big Pete Conklin, Jr., twenty-four hour Four Freight Station at Colum- man of Barnum and Bailey, who was ■T bus, Ohio, and Did here the same day the 101 Ranch ex¬ Business. IN A SINGLE DAY hibited here, had his own troubles stepping over poles, etc., to lay out ' Columbus, Ohio, May 10. the lot. The show ground has been List season when the Hagenbeck- Miller Brothers and Arlington’s 101 Ranch Had Unusual fenced off by the railroad until it is Wallace show struck Columbus it Experience at Indianapolis Last Saturday. hard fbr a big show to get on it, wasKhought it was impossible to which made Conklin figure the more. show, for every known circus lot was In former years a circus could unload under water. W. E. Haines, who was cert tickets might remain for that part Indianapolis, Ind., May 9. right near the lot, but owing to the one pf the twenty-four hour men at of the entertainment without charge. Two “blow downs” in a day was new viaduct, this is impossible and thatjtime, discovered a lot back of The rain continued, however, and the unusual experience of Miller there is nearly a mile haul. the Big Four freight station where Brothers’ and Arlington’s 101 Ranch no concert was - given. The storm the big tent could be erected, and al¬ which exhibited here yesterday, and increased in fury until the heads of The Side-Show. though the day was rainy the show although the elements succeeded in departments became uneasy. At A trained animal act makes a splen¬ took enough money to meet expenses. breaking up the show at night the length the people were warned to did feature for the 101 Ranch side¬ Peculiarly, the show encountered damage to property "was slight and no leave the seats and none too soon for show, which has been doing a good the same kind of weather when it ap¬ one was seriously injured. a moment later a gust of wind tore business, considering the weather. P. peared here May 5, and profiting from down one side of the tent. The afternoon blow down occurred J. Staunton is manager of the annex, iasSIeason’s experience, the same lot At night when the wind veering after the performance was concluded. A. H. Allen is lecturer, Frank Burns, was "used and in the afternoon the from its course, caught the reserved The rain was falling in torrents and outside announcer, “Butch” Cohen, tent; was two-thirds filled, while at seat section canopy, lifting it into those who remained to see the last on the third box, and William Des¬ night it was capacity. The mena- mid-air, a panic was averted by the acts of the show were huddled under mond, ticket taker. gerie tent was not put up, neither prompt action on the part of circus the canopy protecting the reserved The show is composed of: Hol¬ were the stables. The full five-pole employes. Seventeen displays had seats. The portion of the canvas den’s Dixieland Minstrels, G. W. Rol- big top was erected, however. been announced, executed and ap¬ which gave way under the strength of lin’s trained wild animals. Punch and Jerry Moody, a colored attache of plauded when this accident occurred the wind was on the side where the Judy worked by A. H. Allen, the Bay- the show, had a leg fractured during —a wild west show had been given ir¬ “admissions” were sent and the seats rooty troupe of gun spinners and the Columbus engagement and was respective of the health and comfort were not occupied, save by a few sword fighters, Gene Castero, magi¬ taken to a local hospital.—GRAF. of the actors and on a lot soaked with small boys. cian. The Ramons, Mexican jugglers rain, covered with mud and dangerous and Devere, the tatooed man. The B Springfield, Ohio, May 10. The night blow was more serious to horseman and steed. Hfeenbeck-Wallace was here May and four persons were slightly injured oriential show is in a separate tent Show Arrived Late. 4 and business was poor, as it rained by the swaying tent poles. from the side show, but entrance to all day. A few days before the show The 1(11 Ranch guards its patrons The show was late in arriving at it is obtained through the side show. tame a Barnum & Bailey car stopped with the zealous care, of a parent; Indianapolis, being held up for 2)4 herefand bills were posted announc¬ when the storm began to gather last hours at some unimportant point. It Circus Comes to Grief. Saturday afternoon Andy Nolan, the was noon before the sidewalls were ing that that show was “coming Baraboo, Wis., May 10. soon.” Since the circus played here announcer, was quick to allay all fears up. The show also got into Danville the Barnum dates for Dayton and Co¬ by assurances that there need be no late and three meals were served be¬ The Cooper & Robinson circus, lumbus have been announced and it is alarm when the rain came down in tween ten and five—breakfast at ten, which opened the season at Water- said that show makes Springfield late torrents the performance had been dinner at twelve, and supper at 4:30. town Tuesday, came to grief after the in tlm season.—GOODFELLOW. concluded but the sight-seers were hs- It was nearly eleven o’clock before first performance. The promoters .sured that there need be no hurry in breakfast was over at Indianapolis. disappeared and the financier of the I Posted 2,435 Sheets. leaving the shelter of the tents—in¬ The parade left the lot on good show is said to be out about $7,000. The Hagenbeck-Wallace show used deed when it stopped raining for a time, however, and proved a very The show was booked ot play Lodi 2,435Bheets of paper on the boards at moment, an announcement was made creditable display. Numerous small and other places in this vicinity.— ipolis, Ind. that those who had not bought bands added to it effectiveness. There COLE, ABOUT PEOPLE OF THE CIRCUS WORLD Henry Welch (“Apples”) is boss The Four Lukens are now at the George Fay, boss butcher with 101 W. Weaver has charge of the con¬ hostler with the 101 Ranch. New York hippodrome. Ranch, left the show at Springfield, cert with the No. 2 Gentry show. Jim O’Brien has an outside stand C. F. Elton joined the 101 Ranch Ill., and B. E. Rickman took his place William Gilman, contracting agent, with! 101 Ranch. Sunday a week ago to play the calli¬ temporarily. has closed with the Norris & Rowe W. E. Bullington is ahead of the ope and sell tickets. “Whitey” Jones joined the 101 show and is resting at his home at Gentry No. 2 show and Arthur Diggs Ranch at Indianapolis, being a rein¬ Will Thompson, of the 101 Ranch, Falls City, Neb. has the advance car, with ten men. forcement to the brigade of candy Robert Abrams is boss hostler with Bert Delno has two aerial acts with saw the Hagenbeck-Wallace perform¬ butchers. ance at Columbus, Ohio. A1 G. Field Hagenbeck-Wallace, Andy Dobbins Hagenbeck-Wallace; four men in each Mrs. Bill Rodden, who has been has the ring stock, and George Clause act. was also a visitor at that point. ill at Indianapolis, Ind., is better and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whetten are and Bill Walker are assistants to Mr. Gentry Brothers No. 2 show had a Mr. Rodden was enabled to join the Abrams. baby pony born at Nashville, Tenn., with Gollmar Brothers. He does a Hagenbeck-Wallace show at Athens, and a baby camel at Frankfort, Ky. contortion act and she appears in a Ohio, May 11. Mrs. Charles Fick, wife of the gen¬ Ted Roberts, who has a candy stand wire-walking number. Mrs. W. W. Gentry is visiting the eral contractor of the Van Amburg with 101 Ranch this season, was with The Eddy Family is with the Gen¬ No. 2 Gentry show, having joined at and Howe shows, saw the perform¬ M. B, Clark & Sons last year. try No. 2 this season, doing an acro¬ Louisville, Ky. She expects to leave ance of 101 Ranch at Indianapolis, Rice Brothers are showing at the batic act and the children giving a the show May 16 at Indianapolis and May 8, being the guest of Mrs. Henry Broadway lot in St. Louis this week. wire act. return to her home at Hot Springs, Tyson. No matinee performances were given Newman Bartlett dosed with the Ark. Whitey Oldknow is boss canvas¬ by that show last week. Boston Ideal opera company at Inde¬ James S. Harto and Verda Wren man with Hagenbeck-Wallace, Charlie William Bryant is equestrian direct¬ pendence, Kan., May 1, and joined join The Two Bills at Brooklyn May Young is first assistant, Lee Craig is or with M. L. Clark & Sons’ show. the 101 Ranch, being placed on the 17. They reside in Indianapolis and second assistant, Buff Terry third as¬ Charles Long has the privileges and business staff. were fortunate in seeing Hagenbeck- sistant, and Slim Rogers has the side Harry Earl is in charge of the side Wallace, 101 Ranch and Barnum & show canvas. show. Zack Miller, who is manager of the Bailey before their own season Henry George, who had charge of W. E. Wells is once more eques- arena with the 101 Ranch, was away opened. the programs with Hagenbeck-Wal¬ trianfcirector of the Gentry Show No. from the wild west recently, being Walter Davis and Winfield Sowers lace, dropped dead at Portsmouth, 2 and has put together a performance called home on business. J. C. Miller have the ice cream cone privilege Ohio, May 6. His body was taken to •oily[up to the standard of previous was the only one of the three broth¬ with 101 Ranch and at Danville, Ill., his home at Indianapolis, Ind., for in¬ years. ers with the show at Indianapolis and took $27 when towners were lined up terment. Ed Lacy is boss canvasman with Cincinnati. all around them. Davis was formerly M. C. Cookston cancelled his en¬ 1W Ranch, Mike Quinlan is first as- W. H. Buchanan has acquired 21 with Hagenbeck-Wallace and at gagement as general agent of the sistaat, “Butch” Nugent is second as¬ horses for the Yankee Robinson show Sharon, Pa., on July 4, 1907, took $73, Snyder Brothers’ Wild West to take sistant and J. F. Casey is the side from W. P. Hall, of Lancaster, Mo. which is going some for a cone man. the management of the Olympic the¬ stafflboss canvasman. He has filed the lease of the stock W. M. Goodwin, manager of car ater at Seattle, Wash. This will be Joe Miller had hard luck with the which names a consideration of $3,- No. 2 of the Barnum & Bailey show, the first season in 20 years that he spotted Arabian team he bought when 396. He is to keep possession of the is determined to collect some money has failed to be with the white tops. 101 Ranch played Lawton, Olda. One animals until Nov. 1, that he alleges is due him from some Ben Hasselman, special agent of the Barnum & Bailey show, passed °! t|e horses took pneumonia and J. B. Stowe, twenty-four hour man parties of the 101 Ranch show. He tliedRhree days after he made the with Barnum & Bailey, had his tried it at Kansas City and failed. At through Chicago Sunday with the fol¬ Purchase. lowing men: B. E. Connor, W. Petit, troubles at St. Louis, where the board Columbus, May 6, the No. 2 car of wrissey D’Estang was in South the 101 Ranch was there and so was W. Baird, Joe Smith, Tom Lyons and of health was overparticular. He Leon Reeves. The brigade was go¬ America last winter and says he had so much stuff hauled away that the Mr. Goodwin’s car. He arranged ing from Altoona, Pa., to somewhere -Ought back a snake 2754 feet long some folks became uneasy lest he for attachment papers and had them ^Bis now at New Orleans and served just half an hour before the or other. meant to move the show lot. brought north later in the time A1 Riel expected to take his car The Peerless Potters joined the summer. R. M. Harvey has some new paper to Newark. Consequently the 101 Norris & Rowe Shows in Portland, Frank Toots has the photo gallery for Hagenbeck-Wallace this season, Ranch car was detained while the of¬ Oregon, for a three weeks’ engage¬ Wffi'101 Ranch, being his third year including an eight sheet for The Thal- ficials of the show were communicated ment only. They return after the ®jji that show. In spite of the wind eros, a 28 sheet of the menagerie, a with. Arrangements, however, were Seattle engagement to , ?n? tain he has done a fair business, 28 sheet of the circus interior, and a perfected so that the car could depart Oakland, California, for a ten weeks’ “fig able to pay his $50 per week 24 sheet with pictures of Hagenbeck the next morning, but the money engagement, after which they go di¬ 'or fte privilege. J. S. Reucher and and Wallace with a circus on one claimed by Mr. Goodwin has not yet rect to New York for an indefinite ^ymond Cronan are his assistants.. side and a menagerie on the other. been collected. engagement at the Hippodrome. 16 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909.

We Rent NEW Films. Write for OUR SPECIAL PRICES -All the Feature Productions in Stock lor Shipment.-• INDEPENDENT CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE 2*4 West Filth Street. ------CINCINNATI o

THE “NUMBER OF CARS” CAN’T TEMPT ME BACK, a machine at both ends of the route Little Rock Park Opens. GIVEN A REVISION. SAYS OLD CIRCUSMAN. and will not attempt the journey Little Rock, Ark., May 10. There are some changes in the again by machine at this time of the Forest Park, which this year is un¬ number of cars with tented enter¬ “Daddy” Andress Sees Barnum & der the management of the Western prises as reprinted in this issue. It Bailey Show, but Goes Back to “I am preparing for a rather unique Enterprise and Amusement company was learned that the John Robinson Contented Domesticity. three months’ sojourn on the farm opened its doors today. J. E. Foltys show was not as large as it was given this year. The United States Tent is the manager, and through his ef¬ credit for being, and other changes Perhaps the most interested witness and Awning company are making me forts many new features have been are made. The Howard Damon of the performance of the Barnum & a complete ‘bungaloo house tent’ and added. The Western Enterprise and when completed will comprise living show is not listed, for no information Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, dur¬ Amusement company claims that this concerning its size has reached this room, porch, two sleeping rooms, is its first venture in the southwest ing its Chicago engagement, was dining room, bath room, and a de¬ and that its circuit of parks extends Barnum & Bailey 84. Charles (“Daddy”) Andress, one of tached kitchen tent, all of which is over Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Arkan¬ Ringling Brothers 83. the oldest circus men in America, being made with many novel auxiliar¬ sas and Tennessee. The following Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill 48. who, two years ago, after having ac¬ ies, such as celluloid windows, clos¬ companies are said to have been en¬ ing doors, porch in front, handy gaged to play at the park theater: Hagenbeck-Wallace 45. cumulated a snug fortune, retired to John Robinson 31. pockets, ventilators, etc., and a com¬ The Herald Square Opera company, Campbell Brothers 28. private life. Many of the old timers plete camp outfit in way of folding Atlantic City Burlesquers, John b! Sells-Floto 27. who saw Andress in the audience pre¬ beds and chairs, couches, etc. Bolte Wjjls Musical Company, Lorin J. Cole Brothers 25. dicted that the “spell” would come and Weyer, the circus light men, are Howard, presenting the Clansman Norris & Rowe 22. upon him again and he would aban¬ making me a very complete and novel and other well known and popular Gollmar Brothers 22. don his luxurious Chicago home and cooking and lighting outfit consisting 101 Ranch 21. take to “the road” when the circus of mantle lights and gas stoves for Yankee Robinson 16. left town. But the circus came and cooking and warming, all of which Island Park Leased. Dode Fisk 11. went and Charley Andress is still will be operated by compressed air Defiance, O., May 10. Sun Brothers 10. vegetating in his brick palace in South and gasoline. My brother James and If the plans of W. H. Schooley of Mighty Haag 10. Hamlin avenue. his wife will accompany me out west Toledo are carried to completion, Isl¬ Gentry No. 1, 10. A reporter was extended a warm and we will not lack for good house¬ and Park, which he has leased fer a Gentry No. 2, 10. welcome by the old man. keeping. There is plenty of good period of eight years will be one of Frank A. Robbins, 9. “Always glad to see newspaper¬ hunting and fishing, and of course the finest outdoor amusement resorts Welsh Brothers 8. men!” was the hearty greeting, as the good farm products such as fresh in Ohio. Associated with Schooley is Howard Damon. 8. interviewer was ushered into the spa¬ eggs, all kinds of vegetables, fresh W. K. Cessna of New York, and both M. L. Clark 7. cious parlor. milk and butter, and above all, fresh are experienced park men. The open¬ John H. Sparks 7. “After your forty-five years of air and the simple country life. Don’t ing date has been set for Decoration strenuous circus life, how does it feel, you envy me?” day, but meanwhile an army of labor¬ Mr. Andress, to settle down to this “So your visit to the Barnum & ers will be set to work to make this Questions and Answers. quiet, unassuming domesticity?” he Bailey show did not tempt you back the park of the state. Special efforts Query: “What is the average pay to the old life?” will be made to make this park the of a clown? Are the majority of them The old veteran, after a moment’s “No. I was there several times, meeting place for re-unions, picnics, vaudeville performers? This is to hesitation, and with a smile and dis¬ and had a very enjoyable visit with decide a bet.” tant look which told plainer than many of my old friends and ' shop- The park is located one-half taile Answer: This query comes from words that he was recalling the past, mates talking over by gones. Charles east of here. Sioux City, Iowa. In reply: The said: “To be frank and unbiased, it Hutchinson has a wonderful memory average pay of a clown is $25 a week seems like the realization of a fond and can recall with remarkable ac¬ Crowds At Lake View, Augusta. and board. Some command $35 and dream and thus far I have had no curacy every little incident that has Augusta, Ga., May 6. $40; few receive more than this—no desire to return to the profession transpired for the past twenty-five Lake View park which was form¬ matter how clever they may be. In which had occupied my mind for years and is considered a living en¬ ally opened last Monday has thus'far the winter season clowns often play nearly half a century. My health was cyclopedia and authority where mem¬ drawn big crowds and the weather second and third rate vaudeville never better and I have plenty to ory is at stake. “Old Con” Foster, has been fairly good. All things con¬ houses. keep me busy. I have, as you see, who has charge of the reserved seat sidered this property of the Augusta my workshop here in the front of sale; Dexter Fellows, press agent; Railway and Electric company should Query: “Do the three Miller my basement, and, being a natural Peter Conklin and Mr. John Stow, pay handsome dividends this summer Brothers travel with the 101 Ranch?” mechanic, I find pleasure in work¬ the twenty-four hour men, and many as it has added many admirable? at¬ Answer: Zach Miller is the only ing on inventions upon which I have others, including Mr. Otto and John tractions and has arranged for many member of the family who aims to studied for years. With this layout of Ringling and C. C. Wilson, were all excursions and picnics, particularly always be with the show. He is the tools, an electric motor, a lathe, a very kind to me and of course I en¬ those of Sunday schools. arena manager. J. C. Miller divides cabinet and a multitude of smaller joyed their hospitality very much. his time between the show and the appliances, I am well prepared for Back in the dressing rooms I met Chattanooga Park Ready. 12,000-acre ranch in Oklahoma. George this class of enjoyment, and who many old friends and familiar faces Chattanooga, Tenn., May 12. Miller spends all of his time on the knows, I may be rewarded some time and when I first entered they gave Olympia Park will be formally ranch and allows the brothers to run for my labors in this direction. Then, me a royal reception by giving the opened May 16. This announcement the show. too, I have my old route books, cir¬ old yell, ‘Here comes the old photo¬ is considered authoritative in view of cus history and circus photographs graph man.’ I will send you some the fact that it emanated from Supt. Query: “The Cowboy Circus wrote which give me considerable corre¬ photographs of my camp outfit after Miller of the Chattanooga Railways me two weeks ago to be ready to spondence and quite a little mail or¬ I get settled for the summer out in company, by which the park will be join them in South Carolina. At that der business. Kansas, and perhaps write you some¬ operated this summer. time they were in Ludowice, Ga. I His Annual Outing. thing of my experiences.” wrote and the letter came back un¬ East Lake Park Opened. “Within a week or so I. will make Chattanooga, Tenn., May 10. claimed. Do you know their route?” Gollmar Makes Marion. Answer: H. C. McKenzie, of Black my annual visit to my farm at Great East Lake park opened for the sea¬ River Falls, Wis., seeks this informa¬ Bend, Kansas, and you may be sure Marion, Ill., May 12. son yesterday. Many improvements tion. The show is a new one on the that ‘Daddy’ Andress will never rust C. D. Mclntire, contracting agent have been made at the park this year circus editor. out.” for Gollmar Brothers, was here mak¬ and it is believed that it will be high¬ “You will make your annual visit ing arrangements for that show to ly successful the coming seasonM| come May 24. The first advance car Hagenbeck-Wallace First Car. to your farm in your automobile?” he was asked. was here Monday.—JENKINS. John B. Wills and his musical com¬ The following is the roster of the “No. I had considerable trouble edy company are at the Crumps park Hagenbeck-Wallace Car No. 1: Fos¬ last year with rains and floods and Elephant Dead. casino at Macon, Ga. ter Burns, manager; John Hester,boss was compelled to go a roundabout Satan, often called “Sig,” an ele¬ George J. Elmore, late of Jas. D. bill poster, with F. O. Rossman, Joe journey which caused me a lot of phant with the Gentry No. 2 show, Cors, Dick Simpson, Bert Reiss, Chas. Barton & Co. and Mittenthal inconvenience and more than 500 died at Louisville, Ky., of acute pneu¬ Brothers’ attractions, has been .en¬ Secor, John Wingo, Ed Bucher, miles of extra travel. So now I keep monia. Harry Leslie, Chester Douthit, Wal¬ gaged by the Rowland and Clifford ter Curler, John Powell, Will Thomp¬ Amusement Company as manager of son, Joe Comte, bill posters; Jim the Eastern The Minister’s Daughters H/FICHTENBERG, W. H. SWANSON. W. GUERINGER, NAT. I. EHRLICH, company. Eviston and John Keegan, litho¬ President Viee-Pres. Secretary Manager graphers; Earl Webb, programmer; Trixie Friganza settled her suit for Harry Miller, porter, and A. A. Far¬ $50,000 damages while in Chicagoiast rar, official programmer. week against the Rambler Garage INDEPENDENT FILMS \ RENT company for injuries suffered Oct. 20, 1907, when an automobile she was Parade in Afternoon. International Projecting & Producing Co’s Product riding in collided with another on San Francisco, Cal., May 8. Sheridan road. An agreement had The first performance of the Sells- been reached whereby Miss Friganza Floto show was given at night and DIXIE FILM CO. was to receive a substantial amount the afternoon was devoted to a street Suite 720.722 Maison Blanche Bldg. - NEW ORLEANS. LA. of damages on condition that she dis¬ parade. miss her suit. May 15.19°9- THE SHOW WORLD n NEXT ISSUE Over 75 per a . They at in 318 of tl Release May 8 moving picture t Neptune’s Daughter Excellent Production. Beautifully colored and tinted. LOW PRICED*OPERA CHAIRS Lengtn About 420 Feet originated a number of styles which, though inexpensive Danish Capital Under Snow rtertstic ofANDREWS QUALITY Length About 312 Feet Release Week of^May 10th The Beggar Maid Intensely Interesting Dramatic Production.

GREAT NORTHERN FILM COMPANY the lecturette. LIBRARY Awarded First Prize: Cinematograph Exhibition at Hamburg, 1908 for full parti- culars. GUNBY BROS.. 10 E. 1 WHERE TO(]ADDRESS (Ringling Brothers Business Fell Off at New York—Shows Doing Bad YOUR CIRCUS FRIENDS turned to Rightful Owner. i in the West. ron, 25; Belvidere, 26; Bruning, 27; The circus season has not been as Norris & Rowe—Spokane, Wash., Out in California gold coin takes Ohiowa, 28; Tobia, 29. successful to date as had been hoped. May 15. the place of paper money, as every Sells-Floto—Redding, Cal., May 15; Ringling Brothers—Atlantic City, trooper knows, and Myles McCarthy, The tail end of the Ringling Broth¬ N. J., May 15; Camden, 17; Trenton, ers’ engagement in New York fell off Montague, 16; Eugene, Ore., 30; who attended a performance of the 18; New Brunswick, 19; Jersey City, Lid the Brooklyn week was much Portland, Ore., 24-35. Sells-Floto show at San Francisco last 20; Newark, 21; Long Branch, 22; te than it should have been, possi¬ Cole Brothers—Corry, Pa., May 15; week, spent a five dollar gold piece North Adams, Mass., 24; Allentown, bly owing to the bad weather. The Oil City, 17; Warren, 18; Ridgway, for a bag of peanuts, tendering it in¬ I Tew York public seemed to take fav¬ 19; Brookville, 20; DuBois, 21. Pa.. Tune 3; Easton, 4; Scranton, 5; stead of a nickel. orably to the Ringling Brothers’ per- Campbell Brothers—Junction City, Wilkes Barre, 7. As events generally go, this would Jformances, but there was a tenor to Kan., May 15; Clay Centre, 17; Con¬ have been the end of the story, but [the newspaper articles the last day of cordia, 18; Washington, 19; Wymore, SELLS-FLOTO CIRCUS Mr. McCarthy returned to the show lllie New York engagement which Neb., 20; Fairbury, 21. CLASSED “FAIRLY GOOD.” lot that night and made his mistake ■praised the Ringling show but ended Gentry No. 2.—Martinsville, Ind. San Francisco, May 7. known to Harry Earl, who introduced liiy giving stress to the announcement May 15; Indianapolis, 17-22; Kanka¬ The Sells-Floto circus opened here him to C. H. Gilbertson, who is su- [that Bartnim & Bailey would “come kee, Ill., 24; Mendota, 25; Milwaukee, yesterday and from all appearances is perintendent of privileges. (again next year.” Wis., 26-29. booked for good business. There was Mr. Gilbertson informed Mr. Mc¬ 1 The Barnum & Bailey show has Carthy that a peanut vender had [had a big business to date. The last turned in a five dollar gold piece Fweek at Chicago fell off but the St. which had been tendered him for a [Louis week was fine and the one day i A?nd be!ieving that it belonged (stands have attracted big crowds. to McCarthy it was returned to him. lU^^Bk-Wallace has also had Here is your money, sir,” were the very words of Gilbertson, “we’ are glad we found the rightful owner ” The 101 Ranch has had bad weather .] swore by all that is honest,” but has managed to break even in writes Mr. McCarthy, “that I would spite of rain and snow. let the amusement world know of it ’ The Norris & Rowe and Sells-Flo- and how can I fulfill my pledge bet- to shows have had bad business in the west, according to advices re¬ WORLD ?”'nf0rming THE SHOW ceived at this office. Norris and jRowe have fared particularly bad CIRCUS NOTES. and both shows have suffered from the opposition of the Ringling Broth¬ Charles Devere is at Watertown, ers, The Sells-Floto has been “billed to death,” as one correspondent says, son show°ln the Cooper and Robin- “from El Paso to Portland.” Gloversville, N. Y.-The opposition bngade of Ringling Brothers billed G0LLMAR BROTHERS this city May 7 for the appearance HAVE A 30-CAR SHOW. here June 28.—LOCKROW. I 11 » Rockford, Ill., May It. One of Ed. Lampson’s Leavenworth (Kans.) Theatoriums. Massillon, Ohio.—Ideal weather [ The Gollmar show with 30 cars and made the John Robinson exhibition W elephants showed here yesterday. here the last Saturday the more en¬ The big tent was filled in the evening joyable. The performance was well and two-thirds filled in the afternoon Barnum & Bailey—Louisville, Ky., the usual parade which attracted a liked. >n spite of rather cold weather. Ev¬ May 15; Cincinnati, Ohio, May 17-18; large crowd. None of the acts de¬ erything. connected with the show is Columbus, 20; Cochocton, 21; Wheel¬ serve special mention as being above Columbus, Ohio.—The Lambrigger new and bright and shows plainly ing, 22; Pittsburg, 24-25; Uniontown, the average of such shows but all are Zoo has been doing a fine business that the season has but begun. The 26; Greensburg, 27. on about the same plane of “fairly ever since its opening in Columbus Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill— good.”—MALLABAR. and will probably hold over for an¬ piticism here was directed on the other week.—GRAF. [act that the performers had to “dou- Brooklyn, N. Y., May 17-22; Phila¬ >ie” so much and that there were no delphia, Pa., 24-31; Washington, D. Nannie Ashton is one of the riders Xenia, Ohio.—John Robinson was “H acts. The number of performers C., 31-June 1; Baltimore, Md., June with John Robinson this season. here May 5 and had good business. is very small and each one is seen 2-3. Sam Joseph is press agent back The management stated that business (Several times in different costumes. 101 Ranch—Wheeling, W. Va., May with the John Robinson show. had been fine so far considering the With the addition of an aerial act and 15; Pittsburg, Pa., 17-18; McKeesport, Nick Petit, contracting agent for weather.—GOODFELLOW. die elimination of some of the ring Pa., 19; Monessin, 20; McKees Rocks, the Ringling Brothers, spent Sunday Charles Cory was at Peru, Ind., .acts the show would be more satis¬ 21; Youngstown, Ohio, 22; Cleveland, in Chicago. Tuesday, having been away from the factory. It ought to make good in 24-25; Painesville, 26; Conneaut, 27. Harry Faunce and Ray Hand joined Hagenbeck-Wallace show for a few tne smaller cities but couldn’t draw Hagenbeck-Wallace—Fairmont, W. the Ripple Brothers show at Frank¬ days making his regular visits to the a crowd on a return date at Rock¬ Va., May 15; Wheeling, 17; Uhrichs- fort, Ind. advance cars. He caught one car at ford.—SCHUSTER. ville, Ohio, 18; Mansfield, 19; Lima, L. M. Racejordon, who for many South Bend. 20; Fort Wayne, Ind., 21; South Bend, years has been with the Ringling Baraboo, Wis.—The Gollmar 24. Brothers shows is in Hot Springs, Brothers had the best attendance Dr. C. E. G0ULDING Ringling Brothers—Atlantic City, Ark., for a month’s sojourn after here Saturday which Baraboo has N. J., May 15; Camden, 17; Trenton, which he will come to Chicago for a siven them since they went on the —DENTIST.... 18; New Brunswick, 19; Jersey City, week’s stay before joining the Ring- road. The performance was excel¬ All82 State Street, Chicago, Caters to the 20; Newark, 21; Long Branch, 22; lings. lent. The Tasmanians teeth act is rA "“iwl Strictly high class services. North Adams, Mass., 24. Frank Russell, of the Cole Bros, the big feature. 1 THE SHOW WORLD when you call Gollmar Brothers—Mt. Vernon, circus, suffered a broken left ankle Pendleton, Ore.—Norris & Rowe’s ettve 50 per cent discount. Ill., May 15; Cape Girardeau, Mo., 17; and torn ligaments when he jumped circus, which performed here May 7 Poplar Bluff, 18; Campbell, 19; from a wagon during the parade last under the auspices of the local lodge Blythesville, Ark., 20; Caruthersville, Saturday at Canton, Ohio, when his of Elks, was twice attached by em¬ Mo., 31; Slkeston, 22; Marion, Ill., 24; team of eight horses became entan¬ ployes who had failed in their efforts ;.«o.TteeVeyeisTm,stp,S Westale. 25. gled in the harness and frightened at to secure their wages At least one SmSSSJTir..^ Honest Bill—Leonardville, Kan., an interurban car’s whistle. Mr. Rus¬ other employe attempted to bring K UvtoIry Graph°P May 15; Clay Centre, 17; Morganville, sell was taken to Aultman hospital, suit, but failed to get his papers ready wmnbuyWp|°sion|:Play othe 18; Clifton, 19; Clyde, 20; Cuba, 21; where Dr. W. S. Foulks rendered in time and must wait until the next nes —H.DAVIS, Watertown, ’ Belleville, 22; Chester, Neb., 24; Heb- medical attention. town is reached. 18 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909.


“Captain Lewis played our Lyric Theatre, Terre Haute, to one of the Assisted by LlllvjUl I A BIGGEST WEEK’S BUSINESS in its history. The Captain has two ALHAMBRA THEATRE, Week May 17 distinct acts; his work is totally different from any cartoon act I have ever seen; his lecture on the 1 Blue and the Gray’ was the talk of Terre Haute, and as a newspaper hustler he got stuff in our papers that money couldn’t buy. He’s a money-getter for any theatre.’’ At the MAJESTIC, Chicago, _JACK HOEFFLER. Week of May 24 Observe my cartoons in the Still Driving the Reliable "Personal Direction SHOW WORLD BUICK Model Ten HARRY F. WEBER

Billposters’ Brushes HAGENBECK-WALLACE Bernard’s New Straight Bore Opera EXTRA EXTRA CIRCUS BRUSHM75 Imported Gray Russian Bristles,Cop- * HAVE SPLENDID SHOW pe/ Wired, Right Weif„ it Block, with Si..... Screws- and-“1 Mr**’Metal Edge" Protectors. Bill ‘ ’’ " qnPainters’Brushes, Chairs Performance for Season of 1909 is the Best Yet Gotten Together by Send for Price List. Sage of the Wabash. BERNARD’S BRUSH CO.. Rector Bldo., CHICAGO Immediate The casual observer is likely to con¬ Wallace is a leader of men. He was BALLOONS Shipment clude that there is lack of “system” born to command. Had he lived in GAS OR HOT AIR BALLOONS MANUFACTURED BY US ARE ALWAYS A SUCCESS. OUR REFERENCE: with the Hagenbeck-Wallace show earlier times he would have been a ALL AERONAUTS. ADDRESS We can save you money and and those who see the “system” so Napoleon up to a certain point in much in evidence with the Ringling that leader’s career. Wallace, unlike W. F. MAGUIRE, time. Chairs from 50c upward. Brothers and Barnum & Bailey find Napoleon, has never had a Waterloo, NORTHWESTERN BALLOON CO. 1 5,000 chairs in stock. Large it hard to comprehend how B. E. Wal¬ so at that stage of the French hero’s 880-882 Clybourn Ave., CHICACO lace is enabled to overcome every ob¬ life the similarity would end. assortment to select from. Quo¬ stacle, surmount every difficulty, and In organizing a show, in control¬ performance of the Hagenbeck-Wal¬ tations by return mail. offer a performance so meritorious ling employes, in getting effective lace show for the present season is when the cost is considered, that the work from performers and in dealing tlie best yet offered the public by B. Ask for Catalogue No. 306. show is at once the pride and the with men, B. E. Wallace is a genius. E. Wallace—and that is saying a envy of other circusmen. Gruff sometimes, to those who do not great deal. E. H. STAFFORD MFG. CO. What appears to be a lack of “sys¬ know him, an impression that he is a The high school horses are interest¬ CHICAGO, ILL. tem” with the Hagenbeck-Wallace hard master may be borne, but when ing and so many equines are in the show is really the greatest “system” one knows the real Ben Wallace hid¬ display that the stranger could guesr COLE BROTHERS SHOW known in circusdom. Instead of de¬ ing in the rough exterior of Col. the proprietor’s love for horses. Mrs, TO PLAY FOR QUARTER. partments as found with other big Johnson, they love and respect one Robert Stickney and Anita Connors Canton, Ohio, May 10. shows, each boss of Hagenbeck-Wal¬ who cannot be outdone in courtesy drive beautiful steeds around the The Cole Brothers show exhibited lace reports personally to B. E. Wal¬ and whose thoughts are ever with track, Madame Bedini and Marie here Saturday and as opposition with lace and there is no detail of the con¬ those who are favored in being in¬ Bedini work high school horses in the Hagenbeck-Wallace. Very strong bills duct of the business which is unim¬ cluded among his coterie of friends. center ring, Ida Miaco and Robert Stickney ride graceful steedsj in ring were posted cutting the admission portant to his way of thinking. His 1909 Circus. price to 25 cents, and making the When J. P. Fagan thinks of taking three, while Gustav Thaleros and Mr. Wallace has formed a circus Maud Hayward display prancing price of reserved seat tickets 50 cents. the show into certain territory- he this year which is receiving favorable This was turning the tables on Ben consults with Mr. Wallace; when R. horses in the first ring. Sadie Con¬ notices wherever it appears and one nors rides around the hippodrome Wallace, who employed the same M. Harvey concludes to organize an¬ which is surprisingly fine when its method in former years when oppo¬ other opposition brigade Mr. Wallace track on a steed which is probably cost is considered. Operated at a the prettiest horse in the show busi¬ sition got exciting. is cognizant of the fact; when W. J. daily expense much less than that of Hanly can’t get along with the busi¬ ness outside of the Rhoda Royal Ringlings vs. Cole Brothers. the Ringling Brothers and Barnum, equines. ness manager of some newspaper Mr. it appears to be almost as good to Erie, Pa., May 11. Wallace personally cusses the rascally The aerial acts, the clowning, the The opposition brigade of Ringling those who do not view a show with riding, the bicycle numbers, the head newspaperman; when Charles E. Cory the insight of a circusman. Brothers’ circus struck Erie at the engages a new act Mr. Wallace knows to head balancers, the costumes and same time that the crew of the second There are no set rules governing the music are deserving of praise. just what the performers are to do the Wallace show. Last season he car of Cole Brothers was billing the and just what pay they are to re¬ The street parade is a great improve¬ town for the appearance May 14. did not carry a casting act; this sea¬ ment over that of last year,;; though ceive; when there is an extraordinary son he has no acrobatic number. He There was a great clash and the car attendance it is Mr. Wallace who still way behind that of two other remained over a day when it should depends upon fewer acts than others tented enterprises with which_ com¬ gives the order to stop selling tickets; would dare consider and by having have been in Corry May 8, losing a when a horse is ill Mr. Wallace has parisons have been made earlier m day thereby. The big show used performers double and by laying this article. a report of its condition several times stress upon displays which are inex¬ space galore announcing that the real each day and when a storm comes up The group of photographs repro¬ show, exactly as presented in Madison pensive makes a performance which duced elsewhere are scenes at the it is the same Mr. Wallace who gives is the wonder of the amusement opening of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Square Garden, would be in Erie July the word to tear the tent down, thus 3 and everyone should wait for it. show at Peru, Ind., on April 24. cheating the elements and regulating Animal Acts Important. Erie is so near the winter quarters their action as it affects the tented of Cole Brothers at Harborcreek that enterprise. The trained wild beasts provide the it is thought the Ringling Brothers thriller of the Wallace show and by with not harm their business to any Col. Wallace a Leader. stretching them out to cover a longer extent.—BERLINER. Cool in danger, with a judgment time this season they are more effect¬ seasoned by years of experience, Col. ive than in 1907 or 1908. Indeed, the Hot Opposition. Wheeling, W. Va., May 10. Circus opposition is hot here. Miller Brothers and Arlington’s 101 Ranch comes May 15, Hagenbeck-Wallace May 17 and Barnum & Bailey May 22. United States Tent&Awning Co. Rider Is Injured. Desplaines and Madison Sts., Baraboo, Wis., May 10. While practicing at the show -CHICAGO- grounds, before the Gollmar Broth¬ Buy your tents and show parapher¬ ers opened the season, a Miss Satter¬ nalia from the house that delivers Scientific flittcri® field fell from her horse and received a broken nose and an injured lip. ♦LJSoIdb The horse stumbled, throwing the rider against the ring curb.—COLE. ■40two'w8ee°hs.,us?a.. $104.00 Muixco^rtdal! Fine Billing Location. TRAVELING EXHIBITORS—We Lave i The Barnum & Bailey billers landed Write for illustrated second-hand list. a wall opposite Pembroke arcade on A book of bargains. Mention Show World f. .., that will i-i 1 Washington street, in Indianapolis, ECONOMY FILM COMPANY, Room Sheppard’s Hotel, 6th St,, Pittsburg, on which they tacked 208 banners. May 15, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD

sible for his death. The show pro¬ prietors say that Nettinger was em¬ ATTACHMENT DAY IS ployed by the cook, and not by them. Long Jump from St. Louis to Indian¬ apolis Made in Good Time, All OBSERVED IN OREGON Things Considered. FILM RENEWING The first long Sunday run of the Seven Different Employes of Norris & Rowe Circus Take Legal Re¬ OUR PROCESS THE ONLY ONE season of the Barnum & Bailey show course to Secure Salary. That RENEWS Films as well as cleans covered ‘a distance of 265 miles from them. We not only PUT YOUR OLD St. Louis to Indianapolis, and would FILMS IN THE MONEY MAKING Portland, Ore., May 8. pearance employes of the show would CLASS BUT GIVE YOU A GOOD have been made in good time had it Tuesday last will be remembered by have given him rough handling. VARIETY OF TINTS. not been for a wreck which held the H. S. Rowe, manager of the Norris Just before this incident, Deputy hying squadron for two and a half & Rowe show, as “attachment day.” Constable McCullough served papers hours at Mattoon, Ill. Seven different employes of the cir¬ for J. Harrison, W. Robinson, M. Instead of arriving at 9 a. m., the cus took legal recourse on that day to Robinson, J. Cappoe, Andrew John¬ first section pulled into Indianapolis collect unpaid salaries due them. son and C. Smith. The three former at 1:30 and the last section reached The claimant having the greatest are negro musicians who appear in INDIANAPOLIS its destination at 5:30. grievance against the circus propri¬ the side show. They had agreed to The show rad a big week at St. etor was Steve A. Woods, who had go with the show for their board and CINCINNATI Louis. It is believed that Saturday been in advance of the attraction up $10 per week. They had been with DAYTON would have been a record-breaking until a few days previous. Through the circus for over a month and had -TAKE THE- hay had it not rained. The matinees his attorney Mr. Woods alleged that received nothing but board, they said, | huring the . week were surprisingly he and his wife were left stranded in and now wanted some money. Their large, while the night attendance was Southern Oregon and had been put claims amounted to $150. The three MONON LIMITED phenomenal. off with a promise of a settlement latter are canvasmen. They worked The After "Theatre Train Otto Ringling, manager of the Bar- when the circus arrived in Portland for $3 per week and their board, the num & Bailey show, has been staying and on arrival here he says the man¬ first two claimed $8 each and the last LEAVES CHICAGO - - 11:30 P.M. one $6. All the attachments were ARRIVES INDIANAPOLIS - 4:22 A.M. dose to his car this week, owing to agement refused to give him a single ARRIVES CINCINNATI - - 7.40 A.M. J slight touch of la grippe. cent, although there was due him paid. The advance agent and the can- ARRIVES DAYTON .... 7:50 A.M. $366. An attachment for this amount vasman have been discharged and it The St. Louis Globe-Democrat was made late Tuesday afternoon is said the negro musicians will be.— seems to think the weather man is a through the Circuit Court and at LARIMORE. MONON ROUTE respecter of circuses. In the issue of night a small posse of eight deputy May 4 an editorial squib read: sheriffs went out to collect the money. “Weather Bureau prophesied rain, The advance agent warned them 101 Ranch Attached. hut this is not the Ringling circus; that a circus “outfit” was a tricky one Kansas City, Mo., May 10. on discovering which, the sun came and the officers went out prepared for The Northern Pacific Railway com any cunning maneuver. Two officers pany, through John M. Rood, county FILMS FOR SALE Twenty reels con- took charge of the ticket seller’s wag¬ sheriff, attached several freight cars taintng from 950 to 1.000 feet—$15.00 per reel. on in front of the main tent, one of the Miller Brothers and Arling¬ »n?r.-forllst- MAYER SILVERMAN, Fulton _nla»ng> Pittsburgh, Pa. seized the receipts taken in at the ton’s 101 Ranch to insure the ap¬ side show and the others surrounded pearance of Miller Brothers in th the. two men selling reserved seats Circuit Court. Bond for $3,500 wa_ inside the canvas. furnished and the show got away in Mr. Rowe admitted he owed Woods Fried# Gascone the time scheduled. Last July Harry HEINRY BROWN money and made a settlement with Nettinger, employe of the cook house Attorney Wolf, who accompanied the concession at Dickson, N. D., was Vaudeville Acts ^ officers to the circus grounds. Woods, killed accidentally by a backing train. WANTED it is said, was afraid to appear on the The railway contends that since Net¬ scene. Some hangers-on about the tinger was traveling with the show, tent said that if he had put in an ap¬ the company should not be respon¬ ADVERTISE IN THE SHOW WORLD 20 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909.


The Independent Miss Gower, by My Boy, by Rupert Hughes, Is Well Emma Beatrice Brunner, Well We are now located in our Acted by Strong Company, but Received In Chicago. Fails to Please.

Mary Mannering appeared at the When William A. Brady IboastH Garrick Tuesday night in a new com¬ New Spacious Quarters- that he would bring Tim Murphy in edy by Emma Beatrice Brunner with his pwn again he certainly the title The Independent Miss seen a performance of My jf Gower. The play is a very interest¬ and beg to announce a brand vehicle which he secured to "j ing one, well suited to Miss Manner¬ ward” this well known cotB^^^ ing, and with the changes which will new proposition which we have No one has ever disputed thelL be made during the Chicago engage¬ of Tim Murphy nor has anyone ment is expected to work into a fair doubted his drawing powers. Tim degree of success at least. in Store for you. Write at once Murphy has lacked a suitable vehicle The title has been badly selected. for these many years and still lacks The Miss Gower which is shown in that essential thing to success. -|kF the play is not independent in the im¬ My Boy is a poor play well acted. plied meaning of the word. If the Globe Film Service Co. Mr. Murphy, Dorothy Sherrod'and definition is taken as “free,” “easy,” the entire company play their parts “bold” or “unconstrained” the title is 105=107=109 Madison Street, CHICAGO perfectly. There is nothing lacking in the production. It is the play which applicable. A Miss-Misunderstood or Branch: 210 Enterprise Building, DENVER, COL. A Misunderstood Miss would giye is at fault and it is a great compli¬ the public a better idea of the play in ment to Mr. Murphy when it is stated advance and leave it more satisfied that he is drawing well filled houses The Stolen Story. once it had seen the offering. THE CASINO COMPANY in spite of his poor play and giving There is need of dramatic action at TAKES THE COLUMBUS. The Stolen Story is the title of a better satisfaction than many actors several places in the play. The deter¬ In addition to the other theaters play that is being produced this week could give under the same circum¬ stances. mination of Miss Gower to secure a controlled by the Casino company of at the Bush Temple for the benefit of letter she has written under the stress Detroit, the Columbus theater in Chi¬ the Chicago Newspaper Club, and it My Boy was played for the fourth of excitement does not make a cli¬ cago was taken over this week and is a play which should not be missed time at Powers theater last Sunday offers moving pictures and vaudeville either by newspaper men or the gen¬ night. It had been given a ‘ max sufficiently strong to carry the the road.—E. E. M. interest from the first act to the sec¬ supplied by Coney Holmes. The eral play-going public. On Monday ond. The determination of a woman- house is now managed by Will Mar¬ night, aside from Miss Keim, no one shall, a graduate of the W. S. Butter¬ in the company seemed to have any Election of Officers. hater to study the gay world which At an annual election of officers of provides the climax of the second act field school. idea of what the play was about, and The theaters now operated by the under ordinary circumstances the per¬ local No. 4 of the Actor’s National is open to the same criticism. Dra¬ Protective Union held in its rooms at matic action, not mental determina¬ Casino company are: Columbus in formance would have been bad. The Chicago, Majestic in Detroit, Eng¬ first act was a credit to stage director 64 East Randolph street May 6, the tion, is needed to bring the acts to an following officers were elected for the end. The third act climax is neatly lish opera house at Indianapolis, Vic¬ Barry O’Neill, being a beautiful toria at Dayton, Fairbanks at Spring- scenic picture, but aside from this. it ensuing year: President, Dube Dar- devised. Miss Gower leaves the row: vice-president, Jesse Bulgard; woman-hater in a huff. Her sash field, Southern at Columbus, Valen¬ was absolutely hopeless from an in¬ terest-inviting point of view. The secretary, S. D. Ricardo; business catches in the door and the woman- tine at Toledo, Grand at Cincinnati, manager, F. E. Earnshaw, prelate, Euclid Avenue opera house at Cleve¬ second act, which was laid in the city hater holds the door closed until he S. N. Devere; guardian, William Sim¬ land and the Robinson at Cincinnati. room of a local newspaper, was im¬ can declare his love. An open window mons; trustees, Julius Johnson, Matt is convenient providing the oppor¬ mense and won such an applause as might have been appreciated by the Heider and Glich Nelson; executive tunity to be heard. New Film Company. foremost of dramatic producers. The board, T. J. Schneider, E. F. Flodean Miss Mannering is delightful at all The Richmond Projecting Com¬ and F.. S. Burns. times. Her expression, her poise, her Audience on the opening night was pany of Richmond, Va., which re¬ made up of Chicago newspaper men, Secretary Ricardo was delegated to way .of speaking, every movement of cently opened a film exchange, handl¬ represent the local at the annual con¬ the head, is studied simplicity. Two their wives and their affinities, and ing independent subjects, has met there was as much interest in front vention of the grand lodge to be held big bunches of roses, so large that with exceptional success. The service at No. 8, Union Square, New York, they hid the sweet Miss Gower from of the curtain as behind it. In this is extensive, including International second act local characters were in¬ and left May 9 to be on hand for this her admirers betrayed the interest in and special importations. Evan F. week’s session. her first night and while the entire troduced, including real city editors Dardine, the proprietor of the new and reporters as well as Apple Mary, audience did not manifest its appre¬ exchange, has had a wide experience Blue Mouse Coming. ciation of her efforts by flowers the who is known to every newspaper in the moving picture business. man in the Chicago field. The city- The Blue Mouse will be the sum¬ applause indicated the reception this mer attraction at the Garrick, and will favorite star receives in Chicago. room act was repeated as a finale Lease Clarksburg House. and was the one saving grace of the be taken there immediately after the The supporting company is well Mary Mannering engagement. Mabel Worthy of praise. White Whittlesey Clarksburg, W. Va., May 11. entire performance, considered from a The Grand Opera house has been critical standpoint.—W. M. Barrison will enact the title part, and as the woman-hater, Robert Conness thus give Chicago theatergoers their leased for the summer months by as the artist, Louise Sydmeth as Miss first opportunity of seeing her in a Gower’s mother, Louise Rial, as her 'Fred and Chez Simeral and they will run a continuous show of moving pic¬ Allen to Have New Act. straight comedy role. The players grand mother, Mary Nash as her ri¬ associated with Miss Barrison com¬ tures and illustrated songs. Both Allen, late of the Diamond Comedy val, James Spottswood as her broth¬ prise the original New York cast, and er and Dodson Mitchell as her father these young men are hustlers and will Four, is having a new act made to order for his use and will soon be include Harry Conor, Lucille La are deserving of special mention. be sure and give to the public a good Verne, Jameson Lee Finney^feae seen in vaudeville with it. The Independent Miss Gower is the clean picture show.—COHEN. Laurel, Charles Dickson, Alfred Hick¬ most fascinating lesson in the world man, John Emerson, and Franklin —a study of a woman.— Hurleigh. Martin and Emery’s Plans. THE REASON WHY Louis Namety Moves. Negotiations have recently been Louis Namety, who has earned re¬ You may wonder why we talk so much about our New consummated whereby Messrs. Martin nown as “the tailor to the profession and Emery have acquired the ex¬ Independent Films, also about our Exclusive Film Seivice. of entertainment” has removed his clusive title to the producing rights of We are persistent in our arguments about our goods just establishment from 167 Dearborn The Red Mill, and Charles B. Dilling¬ as much for the purpose of stimulating a higher standard of street to Suite 209 Peacoclj building, ham relinquished all rights to this films—films of quality—as we are for the purpose of increasing 195 State street. His new quarters most successful musical comedy of are elegantly furnished and Mr. modern times. Messrs. Martin and the sale of Our New Independent goods. Namety is in better position than Emery have decided to put out two When you exhibitors begin to insist upon showing films of ever to cater to profession, in which companies in the piece next season, merit only and will deal with those exchanges only that can he has already won . an enviabte pa¬ and they are now engaging people furnish them, and at the same time give you an exclusive ser¬ tronage. and making preparations to make vice; when you decide that your exchange must give you handsome and costly productions. Announcement Coming. positive assurance on these points, then shoddy, films and the With the acquisition of this piece, THE SHOW WORLD is in pos¬ Messrs. Martin and Emery will have kind of service some exchanges have been furnishing will be¬ session of information which, at the five attractions on the road next sea¬ come a thing of the past. present writing cannot be made puo- son. These will consist of two com¬ lic, but which will be of vital interest panies playing in The Red Mill, two WE IMPORT OUR OWN FILMS. not only to vaudeville managers, but playing in Parsifal, and they will star will be hailed with joy by vaudeville Mr. Lee Kohlmar, formerly with and while we do not depend solely upon Importing Concerns David Warfield in The Music Master, We get the best they have. This is the reason we can in a new play. furnish High Grade Individual Service consisting of the latest Vaudeville Theater Condemned. New Independent Films—the biggest money makers. Clarksburg, W. Va., May 12. That we can furnish you with such service is proof that we are The Odeon, owned by the Clarks¬ already doing our part for the good of every exhibitor. Let us burg Amusement Company, has been send you the synopsis of our latest. condemned by the city officials. The owners must make a side entrance to CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE building and also provide a watch¬ 49-50 Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO man for each entrance during every performance. Unless this is done in BRANCH OFFICES—Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Denver, Salt Lake City, thirty days the theater must be closed. Omaha, Washington, Atlanta, Nashville. —COHEN. May 15, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 21

Feiber & Shea or the Bijou Circuit Company have no further business relations with the United Booking Offices.

Our 1909 Model Cannon Machine Takes your picture in 1 minuie. Tt is a great money maker at CURTAINYLINE can be painted over anything you sary; small investment; large profits. Price of machine, $15. now have on your curtain, with We also supply plates and frames for all Minute Picture Ma¬ surprising results A $3.00 carton chines on the market. Write for full particulars. covers a surface of 150 square feet. AMERICAN MINUTE PHOTO CO., All Exchanges Carry it in Stock. Dept. 1, *69-877 W. 12th St.. Chicago, Ill. Ask Your Exchange About It. II ,m want the attraction th.t will crowd your house and lb' money at every performance, write for our low re terms for the Summers-Britt Fight Pictures now. “ DON’T BITE ON THIS PIECE OF CHEESE.” CURTAINYLINE CURTAIN CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE Chicago COMPANY 401Acs&Bk,‘k

ACTORS ARE HEROES AND DESERVE MEDALS. Immense Canvas Hall Built for Tor¬ rey Attracted Wide Attention Francis Wilson Stops a Runaway and I From Showmen. Earl Flynn Saves a Girl From a Ruffian. I Tent[making is an art in itself,. To : those who visit circuses or other en- Baltimore, Md., May 10. j terprises requiring al fresco protec¬ Nearly every one in the Belvedere tion, the mere fact that the building Hotel is discussing the bravery of ! which they enter is made of canvas Francis Wilson, who appeared here may have but little significance, and as the hero in When Knights Were yet, well versed showmen will tell Bold at Ford’s theater. I you that it requires great skill to While Mr. Wilson, his daughter, ) make the average tent. An example Adelaide Wilson, and his leading 1 of the genius of tent-making is found woman, Miss Bruns, were entering in the large tent used by the Reverend the hotel, two horses attached to a I R. A. Torrey, the noted evangelist, at carriage were frightened by an auto¬ North [ Clark and Chestnut streets, mobile and started to run away. Chicago, which presented problems to Mr. Wilson ran out and seized the l be solved only by masters of the pro- plunging steeds by the reins. Al¬ [ fession. This is a 90 ft. round top, though the animals dragged the actor with two 50 ft. and one :;o ft. middle several yards, he held on until he had I makhig it 90x220 ft., with 10 brought them to a standstill. l ft. side walls. The floor was boarded ! and raised to a 5" ft. at one end, Davenport, la., May 10. | thd| affording a clear view of the Earl Flynn, the original boy in I speaker’s stand from every seat. The sonal inspection, and they expressed D. L. Martin and H. B. Emery are green, who has just finished playing I ch(|| was furnished with folding their appreciation of the entire work in New York. They expected to re¬ the Orpheum circuit, saved a young chairs for 500 people, and the seating as a marvel in its line, and commented turn next Monday. girl from assault here May 7. She I capacity of the tent was 4,000 persons. on the accuracy in which the number¬ Burt Fuhrman, well known in was being insulted by a towner when I It was lighted by electricity, and fitted less details had been carried out. amusement circles, was here a few Mr. Flynn came out of the stage door with every convenience, such as check Dr. Torrey’s meetings were con¬ days this week, leaving Wednesday and gave the ruffian an uppercut, I room for wardrobe and parcels, toilet ducted through October and Novem¬ night for Cincinnati. knocking several teeth out. rooms, and nursery, and the aisles ber, closing December 1st. In a let¬ Grace Ady and Nellie Austin are wele carpeted. A steam heating plant ter to the United States Tent and singing at the Colonial in Columbus, Season Opened Auspiciously. was installed, the boiler being erected Awning Company, he says: “The Ohio, which is offering pictures and a short distance from the tent, and Elmira, N. Y., May 13. tent has been in every way sat¬ illustrated songs during the summer during the most inclement weather isfactory. It has stood every test to The new Mozart Opera company, ! not the slightest inconvenience was which it has been put. It has been Louise De Foggi is at the Casino under' the management of Frank E. | suffered. comfortable in rainy weather and theater at La Dalles, Ore., this week, Tripp, auspiciously opened the opera The seats, in the form of folding pleasant weather, in cold weather and and is meeting with success in the season at the Mozart theater May 10, I benches, were built especially for this hot weather. I do not see how any west. The act is under the manage¬ offering a splendid production of Fra I revival by the U. S. Tent and Awn- tent could have been more satisfac¬ ment of George F. Cable. Diavolo. Josephine Isleib, Jethro ! ing Co., of this city, and have given tory. Sincerely yours, R. A. Torrey.” Dwight Pepple, who was in advance Warner, Veva De Ford and Alonzo such satisfactory results that they will of The Straight Road, during the reg¬ Price, favorites of last year’s Rorick’s be carried in stock, which will expe- Gus Lambrigger has entertained ular season, arrived in Chicago Wed¬ Glen Opera Co., made hits. After an I dite the fitting up of other like tented many of the circus folks who visited nesday morning and left for Law¬ engagement of three weeks at the meeting places. Columbus recently at his Zoo on rence, Kan., Thursday, with the Mor- Mozart, Manager Tripp will take his I The entrance to the Torrey tent High street. Lambrigger was par¬ gan-Pepple company, which begins re¬ company to the Family theater, Wil¬ consisted of three large marques, and ticularly attentive to the Wallace hearsals at that place Saturday, and liamsport, Pa., for an- all summer run. """ side entrance for the use of the performers, having served 12 years opens at the airdome on May 22. Mr. —BEERS. The tent withstood all weather with that show as superintendent of Pepple had spent nine weeks at his ons, not a drop of water pene- animals. home at Toledo between the closing Excavation Has Begun. the canvas, notwithstanding Ted Giffin has gone to Buffalo, N. of The Straight Road and the organ¬ Omaha, Neb., May 12. x inches of snow fell at one Y., to spend the summer. izing of the new company. The excavating on the new Bran- pinch was melted when the deis theater is completed and the B was turned on, foundation work will be started im¬ Jpovel feature was the interior mediately, with the hope of being ||t the top of the canvas, which Specialties, Staple Goods and Novelties ready to open by January 1, 1910. ir space, or chamber, giv- Suitable for Prizes, Souvenirs, Premiums and favors There will be a deep entrance that _ _ acoustic properties which for SKating Rinks, Games and Sc. Theatres. We have will extend across the entire back , ,-^Jcd the speaker’s vojee to be big variety J* jt Send For FREE Catalogue. portion of the auditorium. Lobby is l heardfiby every individual hi the audi¬ to be on a magnificent scale, decor¬ ence. The fire extinguishers were ated after the latest eastern designs. I P*H«d on the quarter poles. Seating capacity will be about '1,800. The fame of this tent naturally This theater will be one of the best spread to all parts of America, and in the west and under the manage¬ induced a number of prominent show¬ 220-222 Madison Straot ! WHOLESALE I CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ment of the Woodward & Burgess men to come to Chicago for a per¬ company.—SMYTH. 22 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909 RICHARDSON ROLLER SKATES used in'80 per cent of the largest and most successful Rinks in 1 llC UUUU 11.111U America and by all prominent Skaters of the world. We have everything pertaining to the Rink business. Write for catalogue. RICHARDSON BALL BEARING SKATE C0.,',ck^^rr.t’ LONDON GOES DAFT ON THE ROLLER ART

Twenty-ffve Rinks Will Be In Operation by October Next, Accord¬ ing to English Papers.

London, Eng., May 11. preference shares 155 per cent, has The local papers are certainly giv¬ been paid and on ordinary 105 per ing Chester P. Crawford a run for his money here, as, in the past few Birmingham.—Capital, £10,000. In weeks accounts have appeared almost sixteen weeks the gross takings were daily relating the tremendous growth £5,365. Average per week, £335. of the roller art since Crawford es¬ Paid a dividend of 25 per cent. tablished his first rink at Liverpool Belfast.—Open twenty-one weeks. in September, 1907. Capital, £9,000. Gross takings, £7,- A story which has just appeared in 900. Weekly average, £360. Paid OVER 2000 OF OUR MACHINES TO the Daily Mail states that there will shareholders 30 per cent. SURFACE FLOORS IN USE be twenty-five rinks in operation in Dundee.—Capital, £5,000. Open the United Kingdom by October 1st. twelve weeks. Gross takings, £2,944. This account relates that in thirty Average weekly takings, £245. Paid weeks the Liverpool hall took in up¬ 45 per cent on preference shares and wards of forty thousand dollars. Thus 22Vi per cent on ordinary. did the skating boom begin. That In an interview with the Paris edi¬ rink ran for five months last winter, tor of the New York Herald, Chester ''“FREE TRIAL “PROPOSITION. f°r °“r as did other rinks throughout the P. Crawford is quoted as saying that kingdom, which, in the total, repre¬ M. L. SCHLUETER he intends to erect a large rink in 3* S. Canal Street. CHICAGO. sented an investment of nearly a mil¬ Paris. The site is already selected, it lion and a half dollars investment. is said, in the avenue Victor Hugo, These rinks have paid dividends at and the estimated cost of the erec¬ Owning and Operating 30 First-Class the rate of 120 per cent per year. It tion of the building will be about Vaudeville Theatres, East, Northwest is a notable fact that the $100,000 $50,000. The floor plans call for a Pacific Coast and West. . ■ .=» i capital required in each case at Ply¬ space 275 ft. by 125 ft., a space suffi¬ mouth, Hull, Cardiff and Bristol was cient to accommodate about 2,000 WANTED &.VVcW5i subscribed before plans for the build¬ skaters. Crawford states that this kinds that can deliver the goods. ings were passed. will be the finest rink with which he Amusement SOLE BOOKING AGENTS: Many fortunes have already been has ever been associated. PAUL GOUDRON .... 67 South Clark Street, Chicago made in the rink game in this coun¬ In September Mr. Crawford will CHRIS O. BROWN, 1358 Broadway, SuiteS-9-10, NewYorkCity ARCHIE LEVY, American Theatre Bldg.,San Francisco. Cal I try and the present boom far exceeds also open rinks in Bordeaux, Mar¬ Company H. L. LEAVITT, Sullivan & Considine Bldg, Seattle, Wash that of fifteen years ago. St. James’ seilles, Lyons, Nice, Biarritz, Lille, Hall is given as a notable example of Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam, The December to March during the next Mr. Crawford has made an im-1 the profits of the average rink here. Hague, Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna and four years. mense fortune out of roller-skating. I The season’s receipts averaged $3,000 Budapest. Mr. Crawford, who owns Besides these rinks, the Crawford Apart from his American interests I per week and the total expenses per a rink in , New York, interests also own rinks in Bristol, and his fees as a managing director | week were about $400. entered the business in Europe in Chester, Brighton, Hull, Croydon, of many companies, he has been The following estimates of receipts, September, 1907, in Tournament Plymouth, Bournemouth, Sheffield, drawing over £1,000 a week in divi- fl expenditures and dividends is given Hall, Liverpool. This experiment Leeds, Bradford, Birmingham, South- dends upon the shares he holds in i by the Daily Mail: was so successful that he secured a port, Blackpool and Manchester, in ♦English rinks. London (Olympia).—Rink open hall at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and after England; Cardiff and Llandudno, in twelve weeks. Gross takings, £28,- that invaded London. He organized Wales; Dublin, Belfast and Cork, in McIntosh Re-Booked. 700. Average, £2,400 a week. Capi¬ a_ London company and leased Olym¬ Ireland, and Edinburgh, Glasgow, Marvelous McIntosh who played J tal £15,000. Shareholders received pia for three months. He says that Dundee and Aberdeen, in Scotland. the Normal theater here last week all this capital back, plus a dividend in thirteen weeks 785,000 persons Thirty instructors, including both was immediately re-booked. He will ! of 20 per cent. skated there, paying nearly $195,000. men and women, will be employed in now play Rochelle and DixoflBIll. Recently he has renewed the lease, the Paris rink, to give free lessons There were six other acts on the j Southport.—Capital, £5,000. Rink gaining possession of Olympia from in skating. Normal bill. open sixteen weeks. Gross takings, £3,352. Average weekly takings, £210. Fifty per cent, paid on prefer¬ ence and 25 on ordinary shares. Dublin.—Open twenty-eight weeks. Capital, £5,000. Gross takings, £8,- PREMIER ROLLER SKATING ATTRACTIONS 798. JWeekly average, £301. On FULL BAND CARDBOARD RINKS= VAUDEVILLE- -PARKS This department is not affiliated with any organizations, all professional skaters are invited to send in their press notices and reports of the condition of business in that part of the country in which they are playing, and any items of news occuring along ORGANS their route. Address THE SHOW WORLD Chicago. BERTHA D0UD MACK JACK FOTCH — ORIGINAL - Wonderful all-round Skating, Introduc¬ TAYLOR TWIN SISTERS Anna Held Premier Dancing Girl on Rollers ing Heine Gabooblie first time on Skates. Renowned Fancy and Trick Skatorlal Ar- 17 Months with Anna Held Parisian Model The Laughing Hit. Artistic, Graceful tilts. Featuring their Violine while Company, featuring Mme. Held’s famous Fancy Skating. Beautiful Costume*, La Matchiche Dance, an up-to-date and Changes of Programme. Address skating. original act beautifully costumed. The Show World, Chicago. 73 State Street, Seneca Falls. N. Y, THE SHOW WORLD, CHICAOO JOHNSON & HANHAUSER STRASBURGER, the Great OLDUS 6 MARSH and BABY RUTH age 9 BOY WONDERS America's Fav__ :e Skaters and Dancer*, In their many novelties i featuring Buck ;__„_‘ Wing Dancing,=,_ Hur- of daring tkill and balance die Jumping, __Lward and Backward Speed Skating W. English. Bkg. Mgr. Brookville.Pa. d Vaudeville Mgrs. write quick for

Something New—Original—Startling Master HARLEY A. MOORE ADVERTISE IN Juvenile Skatorlal A_ The phenomenal boy wonder, doing diffi¬ GAVIOU & GO. cult feats on his original triangular stilts. Now playing the Middle States. Address HARRY WEBER, 67 THE SHOW WORLD Chanute, Kansas. May IS, 1909- THE SHOW WORLD

An Entirely New Invention In Motography MOVING PICTURE

The building of a Our Electrically successful Moving driven Machinery Picture Machine re¬ has been installed quires the finest and our factory will workmanship of anything mechani¬ soon be in running cal except a watch. order.

The McKinney Moving Picture Machine

I Operates without a Star Wheel and Cam, without Sprocket Holes, Loop or Revolving Shutter. Has an Automatic B Rewind, which obviates the necessity of rewinding film, and Automatic Tension Spring Release, which relieves the strain jjfc on film. Steady as the Rock of Gibraltar, of simple construction and strongly built. Has only one shaft and contains only ^■one-third the number of parts of any other machine on the market. The movement is six to one, while all others are H, only four to one, which makes the picture 33 1/3 per cent more brilliant, with less light. The Dissolving Shutter in- Bsures steadiness. This is an entirely new principle and produces an absolutely flickerless picture. The mechanism can V be entirely taken out by removing two screws. Every part is accessible at a moment’s notice. The McKinney machine ■ will be equipped with oil cups to all bearings, which will only require filling about every ten days. ALL MACHINES SOLD WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS

For Further Particulars Address International Projecting & Producing Co.


Mecca—Messrs. Robertson & Co. Davenport—A carnival will be held Kalamazoo—The Majestic theater Keithsburg—The opera house was have opened a new moving picture the third week in August. is playing to capacity business at destroyed by fire. theater in the Dixon building. Dubuque—M. H. Cooley, of Her- nearly every performance, giving two Rushville—Charles Morton has sold Ft. Wayne—A new moving picture scher, has bought a part interest in shows nightly and matinees Wednes¬ the Dreamland moving picture theater theater is to be opened at 121 Wash¬ the Princess theater on Court street. day, Friday and Saturday. Great to Messrs. Nell and Ridge. ington boulevardi It will be known credit is due the local manager for Cedar Rapids—The attaches of the excellent mannef in which the Rockford—The Majestic vaudeville as the “Minuet.” Greene’s opera house have formed a house, which opened May 3, has Hagerstown—Pleasant and Gates house is conducted, as well as the closed. baseball team for 1909. George I. strong offerings. This week’s bill Davis are erecting a new theater here, Medhurst will manage the team and which is to be used exclusively as a comprises Fred Galletti’s dogs and Chenoa—C. C. McDonald will erect Arthur Franklin will be field captain. monkeys, Johnny McVeigh and four a new opera house in the near fn- moving picture house. In their schedule they have already Laporte—The Phoenix theater, La- college girls; Frank Rogers, ventrilo¬ taken on the Bloomer Girls and the quist; Bert and Bertha Grant, sing¬ porte’s new playhouse, owned and Indians.—FOSTER. Rock Island—The Illinoisltheater managed by Janescheck & Kohler, ing and dancing.—MEISTERKEI- closed the season May 10 with The will be opened with considerable cere¬ Marshalltown — Because Manager MER. Red Mill. mony on the evening of Monday, A. E. Ward of the Bijou cancelled the Robinson—Laura Hulbcrt comedy May 17, when a special vaudeville act of Lew and Lelah Waters, a KENTUCKY. company, May 6, 7, 8 at the Lyric, program will be presented, in addi¬ sketch team, the vaudeville artists pleased full houses.—BELL. ; have sued Ward for $100 for breach Frankfort—John B. Eloitt, mana¬ tion to the moving pictures. Moline—Vaudeville will be given at Bloomington—After a picture show of contract and slander.—FOSTER. ger of the Majestic theater at Lexing¬ Mason City—Sunset Beach Park, ton, was here looking for a site for a Campbell’s Island every afternoon and for one week of good business the evening, starting May 30. Harris Grand has added 10-cent vau¬ ‘ Abingdon—Mrs. Nellie Jones, of deville, and proposes to run the show all summer. Although the weather Galesburg purchased the Crystal Electric theater from Albert Clemens, was cold Wonderland opened to big and has taken possession. crowds, packing them in for two per¬ TO formances. The place is nicely fitted Watseka—The Family is doing a up and is running some good vaude¬ good business. The Friedlander ville acts. The Vaudette has closed Brothers are featured the last half of for the season, and the Star, another this week. successful picture show, will soon fol¬ Proprietors of Motion Jacksonville—The Grand opera low. The Airdome will open and house, owned by the North Iowa play stock companies as soon as the Land company of Independence, la., weather settles.—FELTUS. and managed by E. T. Coyle, has been Evansville—After a most successful leased to L. P. Anderson (^■Spring- season here Manager Raymond closed Picture Theatres field. Mr. Anderson will take charge the Majestic theater for the season as soon as the building is put into on May 8. During the summer it shape. will undergo many changes and when Marion—On May 3 the New Ro¬ reopened in the fall will present a land theater opened with vaudeville bright new appearance. The city is and moving pictures supplied! by the not going to lose Mr. Raymond as a Western Vaudeville Association of resident here as he is going to man¬ Chicago, having perfected arrange¬ age Oak Summit Park and will be ments with Manager Rolanrjifor the here for the summer. At the Wells’ Have you noticed that the big first class Motion house for the entire seasong—JEN¬ Bijou theater (Chas. Sweeton, mana¬ Picture Theatres use only LICENSED FILMS ? KINS. — ger), May 8, Babes in Toyland had WISCONSIN. I good business. At the Orpheum the¬ Just look around and see; then ask yourself WHY. ater Manager Sweeton has another If the best theatres and the best audiences demand the Neenah—Messrs. Fischer l| Baum well balanced bill for this week. have leased the Neenah theater. Heading the bill is Roberts and Ful¬ best Films, can you afford to use any other ? Cheap, Sheboygan—E. J. Sthay has pur¬ ton in a clever sketch act. Howell chased the Lyric moving picture the¬ and Webster with their singing and worn out, inferior films cost just as much, and will ater located in the Trester building on talking received much applause. Marie North Eighth street, and will make Chappelle is a character comedienne never build up a following for your theatre. extensive improvements. of much note. Bill Jones is good with his comedy musical act. The A list of our exchanges that will supply you with Racine—On Saturday, May 1, West- latest of moving pictures closed the erberg & Tiede disposed of their pic¬ bill.—OBERDORFER. all the films made by the ten greatest manufacturers of ture house, the Orpheum, X Sher- wood-Baldwin-McWilliams company, America and Europe, will be furnished on application of Madison, Wis., who will continue Change of Policy. with pictures and vaudevill^-—«| Little Rock, Ark., May 11. to the H. Henderson’s 10,000 Beautjf closed The Arkansas Amusement Associa¬ in this city Sunday night, cancelling tion with R. G. Daniels as president all dates on the Western Association and general manager has purchased time.—PRAMER. the Majestic theater, which in the fu¬ ture will be a family theater, catering On Sad Mission. _ § to ladies and children. The house Spokane, Wash., May 10. will be devoted to refined vaudeville E. Clarke Walker, manager of Pan- and moving pictures. This theater tages theater, has been called to his has undergone many improvements. home in Indiana to attend the funeral The Arkansas Amusement Associa¬ of his father, who died in Washing¬ tion also controls the Orpheum, Ly¬ ton. D. C„ May 10.—SMITH® , ceum and the Gem theater in this city.—COHN. Vaudeville for the Summer. which has been under construction at new vaudeville house. Mr. Eloitt ’he Gem theater, of Austin; Minn., Clear Lake for the past year, is now thinks Frankfort will make a good 1 play vaudeville and moving pic¬ Artists Want Salary. complete and an opening is promised town for vaudeville. The Star and es the coming months of June and The following letter is self-explan¬ the latter part of this month. The the Crystal theater are doing a very y. A continuous show will pe atory: “Ripley, Tenn., May 9, 1909.— resort will be under the management nice business with first run pictures. mi from 8 p. m. till 10. This is the Editor, SHOW WORLD, Chicago.— of J. F. Younglove, who has had The opera house is dark.—CANDI- ground floor playhouse'jn Aus- Dear Sir: Bert J. Curry and his wife, long experience in this line at Sioux OTO. Mayme Anderson, who were manag¬ City and on the Minnesota lakes. A Lexington—Good weather is bring¬ Playing Swanson’s Pictures. ing and running the Lyric vaudeville Stubborn Cinderella played a return ing out the people to the Hippodrome The Grand opera house jat Kock- theater here, skipped out with the engagement at the Wilson theater and Majestic theater. The houses are >rd, Ill., and ’Powers theater at 1*1 salaries of the people in the bill, Fri¬ May 8 and drew the usual large clien¬ both playing to S. R. O. The Prin¬ itur opened to independent films™ day, May 7, also leaving city bills un¬ tele which invariably greets Joe How¬ cess and the Bijou are doing a very ished by Swanson of Chicago. Bo paid. Murphy and Ward and our¬ ard’s clever songs in this city.— nice business with first run pictures. ouses opened Monday m8%at. selves were on the bill and mourn our BULL. The Grand opera house is dark. The u y did turn away business, at Ko salary. Yours truly, P. H. Levin, of Blue Grass Traction company has be¬ Levin & Levin.” gun to work on the new park and Season of Stock Burlesque. the same will be completed in about Cleveland, Ohio, May 12. six weeks.—CANDIOTO. ME-GRIM-INE The Star will inaugurate its sum¬ ADVERTISING SLIDES- FOR ALL FORMS OF MAKE MERCHANTS PAY YOUR RENT mer season of stock burlesque on Shubert After Glaser. Monday, May 17. The vaudeville HEADACHE and NEURALGIA 3 Slides, 3 colors, 25 words each and direc¬ J. J. Shubert has made a fine offer Write for .Fret Trial Box tions for making your own at home with¬ features and burlesques will change to Vaugn Glaser, with the idea of out paint for 3c each, for a Dollar Bill. every week. The productions will be The DR. WHITEHALL MEGR1MINE CO., starring him at the head of a capable Id by Druggiits) SOUTH BEND. W under the direction of Joe Oppen- N. W. AMUSEMENT SYNDICATE, ST, PAUL, MINN, heimer.—YOUNG. company. ■■HB^HHF.stahUshed 1889 May 15, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 25

Harnish, Mamie. Palmer, Catherine Heelow. Marie. Rowe. Hirsch, Hilda. Pucks, Betty Hollingshead, Ethel. Raine, Dorothy F. MAIL LIST Harnish, Mamie. Robinson, Felice International Films in Baltimore Johnson, Sahel. Rock, Mrs. Wm. Judge, Mrs. Ger- Rogers, Ethel. are now ready for high class exhibitors in this territory, together Searles, Mrs. Arth. with the superb weekly productions of GENTLEMEN’S list. Kresky, Marian M. Seitz, Carrie D. Kennedy, Fred C. Lena, Lilly. Seligman, Minnie. K Ar King, Tom. Leonard, Mildred. Seymour, Donna. GREAT NORTHERN FILM Appelgate Kitchie, Si Lueier, Lucy. Shields, Mrs. Frank. Kitter, Joe. Le. Pelletiers. Simpson, Cherida. for which we hold exclusive buying- rights in the city. Every foot of Kramer & Sheck Leyden, Margaret. Staley, C. our stock bought April 14th and since. Select Service—New Stock— Kelliher, Maurice Martyn, Katherine Stevens, Clara. Independent—Write Now. La Belle Trio. Milton, Mabelle Sylvester, Mrs. Joe. La Salle, W. F. Moran, Minnie Smith, Forrest. Blssetta & Scott. Le Clair & Sampson. Norton, E. S. Blessings, The. Leeds & Lemar. Norton, Mrs. E. S. Williams, Miss Mae. Consolidated Amusement Company Bowen, Harry. . Leohard, James and Noren, Stella. Williams, Mildred. (INCOKPORATED) Sadie. Gran, Llssy. Wright, Lillian. Leslie & Grady. Perrum, Mrs. Emma. Wilde, Madge. 28 W. Lexington Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Lewis & Chapin. Potts, Mildred. Bi-vant & Seville. Lewis & Lewis. Bull & Marshall. Linnie, Hans S. Burndt, Grant. Locke, Russell and Burt, Glen. Besham & Miller. Louis, King Brydon, Prof. Lucier, Paul. AMONG STOCK PLAYERS Breverian, Joe Lester Lenore. Buckley, J. J. Lucas, Harry Allen Fawcett has joined the Ly¬ Cecil Owen produced The Silver Kitty De Lorme will be a member of Burgess, Neil Manning, Arthur. ceum stock company at Rochester, King at the Park at Indianapolis last the Charles K. Rosskam’s- stock com¬ Marquis & Lynn. N. Y. Martin, Chas. H. week and played Wilfried Denver. A pany at the Whitney theater in De¬ Martin, James Louis Morrison succeeds Ben Gra¬ fine performance was given but the (Mu- McClelland, Geo. B. ham with the Belasco stock in Los bill failed to draw. The other mem¬ troit the coming summer. After a McGarvey, Bert Angeles, Cal. bers of the Holden stock, playing a brief visit to her many Chicago Burton, Thos. H. Meehan, Wm. A. Mellville & Stetson. George Webb has transferred his spring engagement there, are: Arthur friends she left this .week for the; Boyd and Allen Michigan metropolis. Bond and Benton Miett, George. allegiance from the Valencia in Frisco Rutledge, Rollo Lloyd, Edmund Carroll, Joe. Miller, Leonard J. to the Belasco in Los Angeles, Cal. Flaig, Hugh Dillman, James Harris, Grace Howard has just closed a Clark, M. L. Moore, Capt. James Edward L. Snader is now stage di¬ spring stock engagement at the Grand Connors, Geo. Montgomery, Ru- Lawrence Conover, Leslie Morrison, Connelly, Mr. and rector of the Cathrine Countiss com¬ A. P. Findley, Marie Curtis, Eliza¬ opera house, Rockford, Ill. The en¬ Mrs. Irving. Morosco, Chas. pany at the Majestic at Grand Rapids, beth Murray and Margaret Hagan. gagement would have been prolonged Morris, Fred. Mich. into the summer had it not been for Murphy & Vidocq. ' Adelaide Keim will head the Sher¬ Edna May Spooner, who went to previous bookings for Miss Hay¬ McGarvey, Bert. man Brown stock at Milwaukee, Wis., McClellan, Geo. B. Jacksonville, Fla., to play a three ward. On May 9 she opens a and her associate players will be Christopher, Gage Mago, William Nor- stock engagement of two weeks at weeks’ engagement, will remain there Robert Warwick, Allin Murnane, ’houteau, Azby all summer. the Grand opera house in Des Moines, lopeland, Carl Millar, Arthur I Beatrice Nicholls, Barry O’Neil, Olive Millman Trio la., and on the 24 goes into the Frances Nordstrom is leading wo¬ Oliver, Arthur Buchanan, Thomas Mulvey, Ben L. man of the Charles Miller stock com¬ Oliver theater, Lincoln, Neb., remain¬ MacLarnie, Robert McWade, jr., ing the entire summer opening the pany at the Baker theater in Roches¬ William Mack, Chauncey Keim, Guy ter, N. Y. first week with Belasco’s The Girl Coombs, Julia Blanc, L. B. Carleton Davidson, Walter D. Nells, Geo. Cathrine Countiss is making a big of the Golden West. Aside'from Miss and Violet Heming. Davis, C. A. Onetta, Jol Hayward the company at Lincoln Davis & Wheeler hit at Grand Rapids, Mich. E. D. Orth, Frank. Stair saw the company recently and Carl A. Winterhoff spent a day at thus far engaged include Earle C. Dieriekz, Arthur. Ott, Matt . is enthusiastic in praise of the way Elkhart, Ind., en route from Chicago Simmons; Joseph Lawrence; Lew J. Douglas, E. E. Orr, Mr. the productions are mounted. to Lima, where the Chapell-Winter- Welsh; Monroe K. Hopkins; Joseph Dwyer, Phil. Palmer, Lew. Pankleb Co. Roy D. Way is leading manager of hoff company opens in stock May 15. LaValliere; Robt. Jones; Nat John¬ Patrick, Kirk the stock company at Saginaw, Mich. He could only spare one day at son; T. C. Wilcox; Miss Mary Mon¬ Potts Bros. Pansey, George Others in the organization are: H. “home” and the same condition pre¬ roe; Miss Lpcille LaValliere; and Padin, Goldwin B. Morgan, Edward Russell, E. T. vailed last season. He closed with a Lola Axtell. The summer engage¬ Raymond uc Harper. Selton, H. G. Leming, Grace Bryan, winter company and opened with his ment at Lincoln will be under the Reed Joe. Nora Gregory, Verna Warde, Fred own organization so soon after that personal management of George M. Eckhoff & Gordon Reehan Frank. Errol, Leon. Rogers & Deeley. Lonkin, and W. T. Morgan. his visit home had to be limited. Gatts. Ewing, Clifford. Russell, Nlclc and Leda Russell & Church. THE Rutherford, James. Rice Bros. Rhodes, Ellis M. Renello Bros, ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. VI1SC0PE SPECIAL s. Reiley, Jonny franks, Prof. Chas^angrtRoy.Sampson, Roy. FIRE PROOF 1 NOISELESS! Sanders, Charlie H. DON’T PAY ANY LICENSE. Keep away Foley, 'Frank Santell, The Great. FLICKERLESS! NO VIBRATION! Faul, George Savoys, The. Sawyer, Jay M. '‘from The Trust. Come to us, we are not Schory, Chas. A. in the Trust. Wouldn’t it make you laugh? Guaranteed forever against defective I Walter Sidons, The. workmanship or material. Silver, Willie. Think of paying a license on something uunert, K. h. Somo, Little Geddes, Charles R. Spellman, Frank that you have bought and paid for—DON’T Gordon, Harry Strauss, Leo Viascope Manufacturing Co. Haggerty, Francis Sullivan, John L. DO IT—be a man ; don’t let them bluff Hahn, Will. Stuart, James H. Room 6, 112 E. Randolph St. Hall David. Sheck, Jack. you. Stop using Trust Films. Tell all Harris, Frank. Santoro, Mike CHICAGO Harris, I. D. Sandberg, Boh your patrons you don’t use Trust Films. Harvey, Wallace Tan, Araki Hamlin, Richard. Turner. W. G. THIS NOVELTY A MONEY- Hastings, Harry. Tyler, W. A. SEND FOR OUR LISTS-SEND US YOUR ORDERS NOW MAKER. Hathaway & Siegle. Thompson, Lu. Hayes, Sully. Trapnell, August Next to the fabulous sums of mon¬ Healy, Tim. Thompson, Frank Heilman, Magician. Usher, Claude & ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. ey which have been made in the Higgins & Phelps. Fannie. Horton and La Valmore, Louis. 77-79 SOUTH CLARK ST. CHICAGO film field since the invention of mov¬ Treska. Fan Bergen, Martin. ing pictures, the minute photographic Von Metzel & May¬ Hunt, David B. nard. machine for street and studio use |Hn, Val. Welch, Ben. Hutchinson-Luby Welch, Jimmy and SAM MYLIE IS HANDED He and his ma are doing well, and promises to eclipse all other money¬ Celia. HIS NOTICE AT SAGINAW. meantime every woman of the com¬ making novelties of its kind. There Vvelch & Earl. Saginaw, Mich., May 7. pany is hard at work with needle and are two styles of this camera; one is Si?; Wells, George. crochet hook manufacturing a suit¬ Westin, William. Sam Mylie, a comedian playing at known as the Sleeve Machine, and the Holland, Baby White, Jack. the Academy, with the Oscar F. Cook able wardrobe for the new member. George Wiggin, Bert. —TRAVERS. other as the Cannon Photo Machine, Holland, Alferreta Williams, Lyford S. stock company, was startled at being IjjMrlfc Frank "Tright, Edward.- handed an envelope by the clerk of by reason of its resemblance to a Hahenadel, Joseph Williams, Copeland the hotel at which he is stopping and, Moving Pictures at Church. cannon. .. Thompson. Minneapolis, Minn., May 10. It is possible with one of these ma¬ Whiting and Russee after the manner of his cult turned it Jennings & Jewell. Williams, Jack over two or three times before open- The moving picture show moved chines to take a person’s photograph Jerome, Elmer. Wolf, Harvey it. The address was typewritten, but into church here last week when the and deliver it, finished, inside of one Josselin'Trio. Wayne Comedy Co. the postmark was Saginaw, and to the Tuttle Memorial Universalist church minute. The maahine itself is suffi¬ & Dyer WincheU, C. J. started that kind of entertainment. Yexos, The anxious actor it brought suspicions of ciently light to be quite portable 'and Zouboulakis the regulation two weeks’ notice. Two shows each night in the week it is known that hundreds of men are Mylie was anxious and had gone on except Sundays and Thursdays at five touring the country from the profits LADIES’ LIST. for the matinee of the afternoon with and ten cents admission will be given. made with these machines. Travel¬ —BARNES. ing amusement men not only take A&ms, Isalibel.' Cumminj his mind filled with serious thoughts Adams, r • while he turned himself into a laugh¬ photos of individuals, but of houses, ter mill for the audience. Opening Bennett’s Theatrical Exchange carriages, pet stock and the like. A ArS iFlorence. Suit 406, 59 Deaborn SI.. Cor. Randolph, Chicago, great advantage is that no experience Mrs. Ollie. Elnore, Mable. the envelope he found a message: A. Milo Bennett, Mgr, Oldest established exchange Mrs. F E Fairchild. Ada. “Dear Papa—Please take me to the in Chicago. Does more business than most of the oth¬ is necessary to operate the machine. ers combined, in handling plays and placing people, The American Minute Photograph Foster, Mrs. Louise. ball game. Sam Mylie, Junior.” The royalty plays and Book plays. Anything wanted. Send Gardner, Mrs. and Junior had arrived at the Woman’s or Catalogue.We4 -™T please'- others.T Let ‘us us do your business. Company, a Chicago concern, Haims children. that this is the greatest novelty of its iw”™’ Ida™ May. Goldie,uoicne, Annaf n. hospital while the play was in prog¬ coate. Marguerite CoGardner, Luciel. ress and tips the beam at 13 pounds. ADVERTISE IN THE SHOW WORLD kind in the past dozen years. 26 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909. AMUSEMENT EVENTS IN ST. LOUIS

Summer Plans at the Gem. Manager in Railroad Wreck. an entire new outfit, the outcome, so T. M. A. Notes. Manager Frank Talbot, the mana¬ John D. Tippett, the general mana¬ he states, of a hard season’s work. St. Louis Lodge No. 5, T. M. A ger and proprietor of the Gem the¬ ger of the Park Circuit and Realty After a strenuous day spent in ex¬ held a special meeting on Friday ater, has just secured a device which Company, which controls parks in St. hibiting his new glories he finally fell May 7, at their headquarters, 16 South ensures a successful summer season Louis, Kansas City, Memphis and asleep on a chair outside his hotel. Sixth street. The meeting was called for him. He has had installed in the Louisville, was in the railroad wreck An hour or two after, he awoke to to initiate some new members who Gem, five Vogel Air Coolers and Air on the Frisco the other day, but find the top of his nearly bald head are connected with Mrs. Fiske’s Sal¬ Purifiers. By means of this device luckily escaped without any injury. getting colder and c.older. At first he vation Nell company. There were every ounce of air is purified and About five years ago Mr. Tippett was thought that he must have lost his several visiting members present who cooled to the required temperature. in another wreck, but was not so head in the shuffle, but at last found were very pleased with the ceremony. So it will be possible during the hot lucky, for he was seriously injured out that someone had simply bor¬ Each of the visiting members made summer months to sit in the Gem that time. _ rowed his new Dunlap hat and gone a few remarks to the good and wel¬ and believe that it is a cool spring fare of the order. The evening was day. The air is first passed through Nearly Lost His Head. on their way rejoicing. Murphy is spent very pleasantly. a mineral wool, coated with acid, this Sam Murphy, the business agent for now wearing his last season’s dip, and St. Louis- Lodge has open head¬ frees the air from all particles of dust Local No. 5 of the Billposters, ap¬ is absolutely opposed to all open air quarters at No. 16 South Sixth street, and also renders it germ proof. Then peared the other day resplendent in treatments. over the Gem theater, and all the vis¬ by means of a powerful suction fan iting members have pronounced it the air is forced through a freezing fine. St. Louis Lodge extends to vis¬ mixture and is pumped into the room, iting members a cordial invitation to but so distributed that it causes no make the headquarters their home direct draught. An additional feature when in St. Louis. The lodge has will be that every afternoon during comfortable club rooms, all the latest the baseball season the scores ob¬ dramatic papers, stationery, etc. W. tained through a leased wire will be H. Borton is the recording secretary. shown on an especially illuminated Peter Pan at the Suburban. The Harmonious Four are now in Sol Oppenheimer has just returned their thirtieth week at the Gem, and from a trip to Milwaukee, where he still continue to sing themselves into took his stage manager to see the the good graces of the public. The production of Peter Pan at the David-. other singing feature this week is the son theater. This production has just Partenope Italian Popular Vocalists. been bought outright by Sherman These singers have just arrived from Brown and Mr. Oppenheimer desired Europe and are scoring an immense to see if there was any possibility of hit from the very start. using this immense production at his Suburban Garden theater this sum¬ A New Film Exchange. mer. Mr. Mullen was of the opinion The new. Independent film exchange that although it would be a pretty which John D. Tippett has opened is big undertaking for a summer theater, going along in full swing. The Park that still it might be produced, so Film Exchange, as Tippett styles it, consequently Oppenheimer closed has its main office in the Gem The¬ with Sherman Brown and this produc¬ ater building, and has branch offices tion will be used this summer. For in Memphis, Kansas City, Birming¬ the title role Oppenheimer has been ham and Louisville. Mr. Tippett, as exceedingly lucky in securing the manager of a big circuit of parks, is services of Margaret Clark, who was able to use his own film to a very connected with De Wolf Hopper last large extent, and in this way starts season. The Shuberts intend to star his exchange under exceptionally fa¬ this young actress next year in a dra¬ vorable auspices. While Mr. Tippett matic production. Miss Clarfejwill ap¬ personally superintends all the main pear for three consecutive weeks at business of the exchange the detail the Suburban theater. end of the work is left in the hands of A. E. Bryant, who has been asso¬ Summer Notes. / ciated with Mr. Tippett for some time Dave Russell, the popular manager at the Chippewa theater. The city of the Imperial theater, is going to end and the park distribution is being take over the management of the dra¬ taken care of by A. Coombs, who has matic theater at Delmar Garden. This previously been associated with most theater has been newly builtTor this of the large exchanges in this city. season and is the best constructed summer theater in St. Louis] Mana¬ Strangers in the City. ger Russell has engaged an exceeding¬ Last Thursday George Middleton of Basil Webb. ly strong line of stars, and these, Chicago, was seen in company with coupled with a thoroughly good dra¬ Frank R. Tate and Fred Koehln, St. Louis is the fourth largest city in the United States, but, strangely matic stock, will make the Bros. Op¬ wandering around the center streets enough, until the present time, it has failed to receive adequate notice penheimer hustle to still maintain the of this city gazing at all the vacant from the dramatic papers. THE SHOW WORLD intends to give St. lead they have held in former years. lots. Is Mr. Middleton going to make Louis a chance to bask in the sunlight of notoriety and for this purpose Dan Fishell will temporarily vacate a descent on St. Louis in the shape has engaged Basil Webb as its correspondent in that city. Mr. Webb the Garrick and manage the comic of another first-class theater, or are has established a branch office at 201 Gem Theater building, where all opera theater at Delmar Garden. Managers Tate and Koelhn trying to modern conveniences will be found for the use of professionals, such as Fishell announces that the perform¬ persuade him to break into the mov¬ telephones, stationery, etc. ances will be more elaborate and the ing picture field here? Mr. Webb has been identified with the profession of entertainment for company far better than in preceding Manager Rose of the Majestic the¬ a number of years, and is recognized as a man of sterling worth,—a ater, Fort Smith, Aik., was in town keen judge of amusement affairs and a writer of no mean ability,—as has ■ The Bros. Oppenheimer will be kept this week looking for new devices s been evidenced by the fact that his name frequently appears in the exceedingly busy looking after their that he can overcome the competition leading fiction magazines of the country. theaters at West End Heights ana he is being threatened with in Fort We bespeak for Mr. Webb the hearty co-operation of all members of Suburban Gardens. The Suburban Smith. Finally he decided to take s the profession. He will at all times appreciate items of news from opens next Sunday with Julie Herne quartet back with him, and also in¬ actors, artists, managers, billposters, stage mechanics, treasurers, moving in Salomy Jane. The West End stall four Vogel Air Coolers. The picture men and others in the field. Heights opens the same day with Rice Majestic theater is one of the finest A feature of the St. Louis page each week will be the cartoons, re¬ and Kady in the Roger Brothers in picture theaters in the country, it flecting the amusement thought of the city for the current week. Mr. Washington. seating over nine hundred on ( Damen has been engaged as cartoonist. It is hardly necessary to intro¬ floor, and is built in a perfectly n duce him to St. Louis readers, as his pen pictures are too well known A New Theatrical Exchange. there to need further comment. fireproof building. A new theatrical exchange Manager MacFarland of Poplar in St. Louis the other day under the Bluff, Mo., was also in town looking name of the Mid West Theatrical for talking picture? to run as an ad¬ Exchange. It announces that it js ditional attraction through the sum- booking time for vaudeville, dramatic and musical companies; for theaters, Signor Menillo came to St. Louis airdomes and parks. This exchange to make arrangements for the great is under the personal .direction ot Italian tragedian, Antonio Maiori. He Nat. E'rber, who has been associated secured the Grand Opera house for with the profession for the past ten three nights, and Sgr. Maiori will ap¬ years. Mr. Erber has always been pear in Othello, Hamlet and Fran¬ noted for his square dealing and nas a cesca, all in Italian. host of friends in the profession, an Manager R. M. Gulich of the Bijou there is no doubt that he will nil a theater, Pittsburg, was in the city the long desired need in St. Louis, namely other day, but he failed to disclose a first-class dramatic agency^^» his business. 15, 1909. THE SHOW WORLD 27

OVERPRODUCTION. local censorship a (Continued from page 8.) VITAL NECESSITY. ■ (Continued from page 3.) ble advertising matter. To read the an¬ they come from the manufacturers, nouncement: “Independent Films, Im¬ ported from Europe,” does not follow so that recently the censorship board has found very little indeed to criti¬ that the goods were made by a butcher or a studio. Advertising of cise. But there are still some films Independent Films of European make that do not come this kind proves a lack of confidence under the license of the Patents com¬ on the part of the exchange. Makers’ pany, and which are used in about names are concealed and the entire two thousand theaters in the United effort to market this un-branded stuff FOR RENT is aimed at the fellow who has just j ^ >' Utility Limited. converted his barber shop into a pic¬ ' “Up to the present time the board ture parlor and intends to give the “Biggest show.” - 1 of censorship has been unable to reach All Subjects personally selected by Wm.H.Swanson 1 an agreement with the men who cor The exhibitor and the public should ) (rol these unlicensed films, except l be educated at once. The manufac¬ turer, as well as the renter, will carry the city of New York. INDEPENDENT SERVICE ) ' “l„ as far as New York is cor out their end in compliance, never cerned, everything has worked MEANS INDIVIDUAL SERVICE fear. smoothly between the censors and the A name on a film should mean just unlicensed film users, but in order to All of the Swanson Offices receive a full supply as much as it does on a can of beans, I make the movement national in scope, or a ham. The public has been taught I it is absolutely necessary that the un- of New Independent Subjects Weekly. to patronize other lines of human en¬ licensed firms shall agree to submit deavor by advertising, with quality all of their output to the censorship to back it up, and can be educated in the same manner, almost, along the board. . 1 “The necessity of such co-operation ALL MAKES OF MACHINES lines of motion pictures. is obvious. But, the fellow who deals in films, “If the board of censor-ship, whose Supply parts for Edison and Powers machines, 20 per ce either for sale or rental, must come i personnel includes men and women of discount. Send for descriptive pamphlet of the out in the open and make up his mind such stamp and caliber as to merit . to be clean in his methods or the Swanson Lamp House, Rheostat, and moving -pieture will go down to ob¬ the confidence of the most exacting Picture Machine Stand. 1 moralists, is 'able to control the en¬ scurity as, rapidly as the street fair tire film production of both licensed BEST ON THE MARKET and carnival, which, with few excep¬ and unlicensed makers and importers, tions, is a thing of memory. | its work will cover the entire country and its decision will be final. CHICAGO PARKS OPEN. “In that case there will be no need Forest park opened last Saturday of local censorship boards, which have and had big crowds in spite of the bad already sprung up in various parts of Wm. H. Swanson & Co. weather. 1 the country, and which re-examine AMERICA’S LARGEST FILM EXCHANGE Riverview Exposition opened Wed¬ I films that have already been passed nesday of this week. The afternoon I by the natinal board, 160-162-164 Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. crowd was fair and the night crowd j Local Boards Needed. was big. Unfortunately rain disturbed the jollities on the opening night. “On the other hand if an occasional Wm. H. Swanson Wm. H. Swanson The attractions at both parks will I undesirable film, the output of some St. Louis Film Co. Omaha Film Co. company that has not submitted its be covered in the next issue. 106 South Fourteenth Street films to the national board, shall be 200-202-204 North Seventh Street i shown, an immediate outcry will be ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI OMAHA, NEBRASKA Censorship Board Busy. ) raised against indecent motion pic- • New York, May 10. I tures, with the probable result that a THE SHOW WORLD correspond¬ local censorship board will be formed, ent happened in the office of the Great I either by the police or civic authori¬ Northern Film Company today just ties. as the Censorship Committee was "Such local censors are apt to go to passing on this week’s release and the extremes, and to work so drastically favorable comment of the committee as to not only harm the picture busi¬ on the choice of subjects and the su¬ ness in their own localities, but to perior photography is worthy of cause great loss to the renters notice, for this well known film house . through the rejection or mutilation of is doing its best to equal if not sur¬ | their films. pass the film products of the Ameri¬ , “Unless the work of the national can manufacturers. The light effects j censorship board can be made unlim- and the tinting, which is an original ited and truly national, much of- the process with this house, was well good work that has already been ac- Holds flamet? demonstrated in the pictures. Nepr | complished through weeks of con- tune’s Daughter, Winter Sports and scientious and efficient labor, will be the Danish Capitol Under Snow were I notably beautiful scenic productions. undone. INDIVIDUAL TAILOR “There is lots of roon* and a just The committee was lavish in its praise demand for local censorship boards TO THE PROFESSION and said: “Those are the kind of pic¬ j that will deal with the conditions of tures we like to see and pass upon.” the theaters in which pictures are OF ENTERTAINMENT | shown. Ventilation, lighting, safety A Film Secret. and sanitation are far more important About two hundred theaters in this right now than the pictures, and local city are using a prepartion known as boards could do much toward better¬ Curtainyline for the purpose of dis¬ ing such conditions, but the actual solving the “yellow” effect on their censoring of the pictures themselves screens and thus producing a good should be left entirely to the intelli¬ FtTye,dr Re.lnick’s song hit, Let’s Get

LOUISVILLE’S PARK PERSONAL MENTION. PREPARES FOR SEASON. Sam Spedden has a stock company Former White City, Now Riverview, at Aberdeen, S. D., for the summer. Is Under Good Management, and Emmett Shackelford has written a a Profitable Summer Is comedy entitled His Third Wife, Expected. Aaron Hoffman is working on the music of Slumming, which A1 H Louisville, Ky., May 11. Woods will produce next season. The new Riverview Park, which Harry Davis is in advance of Kolb was formally the White City, but and Dill and bills the coast cities like which, as was exclusively announced circuses used to bill. in these columns, was sold to the FILMS Frank McKee will have the Majes¬ Riverview Park company some time ago, is preparing for one of the tic theater in New York when the greatest seasons in* the history of lo¬ Shubert lease expires in 1911. cal parks. The Riverview Park com¬ H. M. Miller succeeds Bobby Foun-; pany, being capitalized at $150,000, tain as manager of the Grand at fully paid up, is in good position to Pueblo, Col. Fountain is on the road carry out every promise it has made with his tent show. to the local public. In choosing Col. FOR RENT F. H. Luger has secured the theater Lum. Simons as manager of the park, at Crookston, Minn., and will run it it is generally conceded that the di¬ in conjunction with the one at Grand rectors could have 'made no wiser Forks, N. D. choice. Col. Simons is one of, if not H. Edmondson opened the Folly the best known outdoor amusement theater in Fort Worth, Texas, last man in Kentucky. For fifteen years Monday with the Grace Cameron he ran one of Kentucky’s most prom¬ Everything NeW opera company. inent parks without having a police¬ Martin Beck has had the advertis¬ man; a fact which alone should in¬ (Except Eugene Cline) ing curtain taken out of the Orpheum sure safety to women and children at Oakland, Cal., and replaced by a' attending this park without an escort. more artistic drapery. In an interview Col. Simons said: Joe Paige Smith has severed his connection with the United booking office. His successor has not yet been named. Frank Prescott will go ahead of Stetson’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which opens under canvas in Michigan; shortly. Walter Sullivan, treasurer of the Colonial theater in Pittsfield, Mass., EUGENE CLINE is ill at his home at North Adams, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago B. M. Garfield has returned to his old stamping grounds at Buffalo and is considering an amusement invest¬ -— DISTRIBUTING OFFICE ment in that city. F. C. Smeltz opens his Star Bloom¬ er Girls near Indianapolis, Ind., May EUGENE CLINE, 168 S. STATE ST„ - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 14. He will have a 14 piece hand under the direction of Harry JMc- Gown. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beck, who are at Riverside park in Indiana^H Ind., saw the performance of the 101 Ranch Wild West in that city last Saturday. John T. Hall led the members of B00KINGT0GETHER The Queen of the Moulin Rouge to a fine supper,at Rector’s when the New COL. LUM. SIMONS, York run came to an end last Satur¬ day night. President and General Manager of William Kibble succeeded in get¬ Riverview Park, Louisville, Ky. Western Vaudeville Managers’ Assoc’n ting nice business with Stetson’s “It is my intention to book only first Majestic Theatre Bldg....Chicago, Ill. Uncle Tom’s Cabin the past season, class bands and attractions and for although the gross earnings did not our opening we have engaged Don equal those of former years. jJ Phillipini and his band. My past ex¬ United Booking Offices of America Frederic Thompson has entered a perience has taught me that the main St. James Building....New York City protest against Charles Dillingham’s thing necessary to success in outdoor use of the helter skelter device in the amusements is to give the public Coney Island scene of The Candy what it wants,—and usually the best Shop. Thompson claims all rights is none too good for Mr. Public. We under a patent issued in 1906. ■ intend to spare neither time nor ex¬ Sam H. Harris cabled from London to George M. Cohan the details of an pense to make Riverview the most dj Booking in conjunction with more than three popular resort south or north of the offer to present him in a repertoire of his musical successes in a West Ohio. We now have a force of 300 hundred of the first-class vaudeville theatres in men at work making improvements. End theater. “Give my regards to We have already booked 35 picnics, the United States and Canada, and now giving Strand street, and tell the dear old among which are the largest organi¬ chaps to wait until next year; I’m a good acts routes for from one to three years. zations in the city. There will be an very busy little fellow,” replied! Mr. Cohan. admission of ten cents to the grounds Moneys advanced to parties capable of pro¬ but with the admission will go a coupon entitling the holder to ten ducing first-class acts, when desired, or will Speculation Rife. Minneapolis, Mim., May 12. cents worth of goods upon the purchase first-class novelties outright. It will The Miles closes May 15 for the grounds.” summer. There is much speculation be to the advantage of managers of Fairs. Work on New Theater. locally as to the future of the house. It is believed that if the Morris book¬ Minneapolis, Minn., May 10. Parks, etc., to communicate with these Offices Work on the construction of the ings are continued either by Mr. Miles or by lease to Morris, that the house new Southern theater at Washington regarding their vaudeville and outdoor attrac¬ and stage will be enlarged, as the and 15th Ave. S. starts this week. tions. Address Eastern or Western Office, present seating capacity of a little Chas. S. Sedgwick, architect, is pre¬ over 1,000 makes it a risky proposi¬ paring the plans which call for a as may be most convenient. tion to put on the all-star acts that building 50x135 feet, of fireproof con¬ Morris furnishes. It is rumored also struction, costing $40,000. Four a that Martin Beck was figuring witn day vaudeville will be given and the Mr. Miles when he was here a te management hope to be in shape to days ago, but the more probable ou- open Aug. 20.—BARNES. come is that Wm. Morris will opart* For the Occasion.—One of the un¬ WESTERN OFFICE EASTERN OFFICE the house the next season.—BARINJio- usual features of the production of Majestic Theatre Bldg. St. James Building Independent Films Used. The Stolen Story at the Bush Temple Minneapolis, Minn., May 1»- theater this week is the playing by CHICAGO NEW YORK Independent pictures were used ex¬ the orchestra of a new march by clusively at the big Tuxedo MinSffas Samuel Hershfield called The Chicago Newspaper Club March, composed for the occasion. May 15-1909. THE SHOW WORLD 29

COMPETITION AND NOT OPPOSITION PROMOTES PROSPERITY INDEPENDENT Notion Pictures For Sale We control exclusively for the American market Motion Picture Films made by the following European manufacturers: Clarendon Film Co., England Comerio, Italy The product of Cricks 4 Martin, England Independent ex¬ these firms is un¬ Hepworth Mfg., Co., Ltd., England changes and ex¬ excelled and com¬ R. W. Paul, England hibitors will have bines the highest Walturdaw, Ltd., England at their disposal degree of photo¬ Warwick Trading Co., Ltd., England eighteen to twen¬ graphic perfection Williamson Kine Co., Ltd., England ty-one carefully with originality Wrench Film Co., England selected reels of subjects* Ambrosio, Italy weekly Aquila, Italy Continental Warwick Co., France Deutsche Bioscop, Germany Eclair, France The Finest Germania, Germany We Have Stella, France Pineschi, Italy No Moving Itala, Italy Lux, France Pictures Messter, Germany Exclusive Hispato, Spain in the World Drankoff, Russia Agencies

All legitimate exchanges can be supplied with our films

ExchangesShould Place Orders with us Immediately STRICTLY*CONFIDENTIAL International Projecting and Producing Company Schiller Building.Chicago

Independent Service is the Best Because Your Neighbor is not Showing the Same Subjects You Are 30 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909,


OPERA HOUSE MANAGERS ETHEL MAY Let me book your theatres for the summer with vaudeville and motion pictures CASINO VAUDEVILLE. BOOKING AGENCY Bijou Theatre.^Chicaso, “ThC MyStCfy Gifl” Republic Building, Room 924, Chicago, 111. ’Phone Harmon 2959. CONEY HOLMES, Mrnitt.

FIELD SUGGESTED FOR SALT LAKE NOTES. BRIEF STOCK NOTES. SYNDICATE IS BOOKING MAYOR OF COLUMBUS. The Salt Lake has been dark for The Casino at Roanoke, Va., opens HIPPODROME FEATURES. Columbus, Ohio, May 12. A1 G. Field has been suggested for a couple of weeks, such a long period May 31 with a stock company, mayor of Columbus, Ohio. His- name of inactivity seldom occurring at the The Tri-City stock company C E. Miles, general manager of Indianola park, has returned from is being discussed among the repub¬ “father of inter-mountain playhouses.” opened a summer engagement at Dav- lican leaders with an enthusiasm The Burns-Johnson pictures are there enport, Iowa, last Monday, New York City, where he attended the first meeting of the National which is gratifying to his friends. The this week, and an excellent business The Breton-Runkel company Park Syndicate, and has announced minstrel has been communicated with is anticipated. opened this week at the "Casino at that next summer there will be built and it will be known in a day or so At the Colonial, Daniel Sully Durham, N. C. whether or not he will permit his at Indianola a first class theater play¬ pleased good houses all last week with Jewell Kelley opens at the Chil- ing standard attractions. As the name to be mentioned in this connec¬ The Matchmaker, which is a splendid bowee park theater at Knoxville, Shuberts are identified with the Park tion. vehicle. The Climbers, at the Bunga- Tenn., next week. In several ways Field would make Syndicate the theater will no doubt low, with Mary Hall, was very favor- - an ideal candidate. He has lived in be booked with their productions. able received. A Bachelor’s Honey- The Marriage Record, \ Columbus for the last 40 years, is an The out door attractions for the pres¬ moon at the Grand was the piece de Iowa Falls, Iowa, May 11. Elk, a 32d degree Mason, a Shriner, ent season will include many New 1 resistance last week, and fair houses Iowa friends are advised Edmund and a man who makes friends at York Hippodrome features, which the greeted a company of clever people, McCray, of this-state, who is a mem- sight. He has had an exceptional Park Syndicate is booking. The including Alice DeLane, William ber of the Savage Merry Widow business experience and his calling small theater now at the park will Winterhoff and J. G. Anderson. company was recently married to has made him a snapshot reader of offer Keith vaudeville. General Man¬ The Eight Palace Girls sang and Florence Brooks of the same com- character and men. ager Weaver, of the National Park This season will probably be his danced themselves into favor at the pany at Duluth. Syndicate, will be in Columbus .’next Orpheum, headlining a bill of unusual Tbhn Carmichael, manager of the last in the minstrel game. He is Saturday, when Indianola opens.- merit. Ray L. Royce made a laughing Dreamland theater at Dows, was mar- gradually yielding his hold upon the GRAF. hit with his clever imitations, ' and l ied recently to Elsie Sheplee of active management of his troupe and Evans and Lloyd enacted a very Clarion, who will sing the illustrated it has been understood for nearly a AIRDOME NOTES. year that he contemplated an early catchy playlet. The remainder of the songs in the future at the Dream- and final retirement. bill includes: The Blessings, McDon- land. Little Rock, Ark.—The airdome aid and Huntington; Rosaire and Jay Poland, a vaudevillian, and opens May 17 under the management Doreta; Post and Russell, and the Ruby Gavin of Clarion, were married Actors Beat Opponents. of Frank Head.—ANDREWS. ■ kinodrome.—JOHNSON._at Des Moines April 24,—FOSTER. Ardmore, Okla.—The Franklin Sioux City, Iowa, May 12. stock company opened the airdome. The first baseball game of the Sioux —MASON. City Actors’ league, pulled off at Augusta, Ga.—Rose & Severn’jpmu- Riverside park between the Orpheum sical com.edy company opened the “Stars” and the Orpheum “Em¬ !- GET YOUR-1 ^ airdome May 3.—MILLER. ployes,” resulted in a score of 20 to Des Moines, Iowa.—C. U. Philley 18 in favor of the “Stars.” has petitioned the city council for a Leander de Cordova and Harry permit to operate an airdome ol the Gartell comprised the actor battery, site of the old Iowana park. and for the employes William O’Brien Macomb, Ill.—Messrs. Skinner & and Verne Spencer were in the points. Thompson, managers of the Bram- The game was spirited from start land theater, are making arrange¬ to finish, although the cheering from ments to erect an airdome here& the crowd in the bleachers, consisting Independent Louisville, Ky.—-Preliminary plans of Miss Jeanette Adler, Mrs. Guy for the Lun-Dome theater have been Hoppe and Miss Gladys Clark, was filed with the building inspector.- all for the “Stars.” Sol Goldsmith SHALLCROSS. acted in the capacity of official scorer Kansas City, Mo.—Roy Briant will and Jasbo Lorenz did the umpiring have a stock company this summet stunt. i Kansas and Oklahoma airdomes. The company opens on the Crawford circuit in May. Another Remick Hit. Film Service Mason City, Iowa.—Work on the Remick has landed a song hit with -FROM- lew airdome which was to have been the Alaskan which is playing at the built on the corner of Fourth-and Great Northern. Lawrence Coever is Main streets will have to be aban¬ singing The Face of the Girl I Love, doned, according to a ruling c© the which is Phil Schwartz’s latest effu¬ fire commissioners, rendered ffl tne sion in the song line. Phil’s smiling last city council meeting. The city face is on exhibition all day long now ordinances strictly forbid the erection at the new Remick headquarters in of the proposed structure within the the Grand Opera house building, and W. E. GREENE fire limits. Newell & Beltz, the pro¬ since his debut in the song writers’ moters of the scheme will undoubt¬ contest at the American, he has been edly transfer their plans to one ot deluged with requests for professional the. parks at Clear Lake—BULL. copies of his song. FILM EXCHANGE To Go to London. Racine, Wis., May pi TO LEASE John Wingfield, who has had charge The Oldest and Largest Independent the Racine theater for the past Film Exchange in New England. o years, will leave for London on ne 1. He will be succeeded W , HILAND THEATRE illiam Armstrong, formerly city PITTSBURG, PA. irk. The Bijou theater in this city s one of the strongest bilk this lek ever put on in this city- i Very attractive; 1100 chairs; 228 Tremont Street, long lease; #6,000 per year; splendid opportunity, Boston, Mass. “Miror Vitae” Products W. M. LAIRD, Owner, IEBERHARD SCHNEIDER 622 Liberty Avenue. May 15,1909- THE SHOW WORLD 31 mullin film service SYRACUSE, N. Y. SCRANTON, PA. KANSAS CITY. MINNEAPOLIS. WATERTOWN, N. Y.

PERSONAL MENTION. Ethel Barrymore took in a picture Meyer Cohan, who is in charge of ROOF GARDEN SURE. show at Des Moines, Iqwa, the other the opera house department of Wil- Mollie Williams will be starred day and laughed merrily at the antics liam H. Swanson & Co., is at present Cleveland, Ohio, May 13. ,„ vt season by Jack Singer. of a comedian and applauded the films on the road visiting the various hous- There have been numerous atempts Raymond .Hitchcock’s home at displayed. She was terribly bored by es and will be gone for about ten1 in the past to have a roof garden in Great Neck, Long Island, was burg- the illustrated songs. days. Cleveland, but owing to the lack of interest taken by the theatergoers, it I ■ Frederick Bowers will not star un- ORIGINAL SIGNATURES.' has always fallen through. A com¬ j r the management of Dan McCoy. pany has now been organized, with ' The deal has been declared off. John Putz as one of the main stock¬ Robert Mantell will, on May 17, holders, to open a garden on the roof make a special production of the of the American Trust Company, on Marble Heart, in which he will act the June 1, with vaudeville. Mr. Putz is . rde of Raphael, the young sculptor. the conductor of the Lyaeum theater Helen Grayce will be leading orchestra.—Y OUN G. ' I iv0nian of a stock company which i opens at the Wieting Opera house in Woodruff for Vaudeville? I Syracuse, N. Y„ next Monday. The It is rumored that Henry Woodruff, , opening bill will be The Man on the now appearing in The Prince of To¬ night, states that he will after his i B°k Frank Head has returned to Hot engagement at the Princess, Chicago, Springs, Ark., after a visit to St. appear in vaudeville at the Majestic. Iouis and Chicago, where he was in It will be remembered that Henry I the interest of the new $40,000 vaude¬ Woodruff appeared on Morris time ville house which he and other local last year. ’ | capitalists intend building to open next season. New Song by Heard and Fenton. ; Marshall P. Wilder appeared at Geo. W. Heard and Jimmie Fenton ' Butte, Mont., recently. Senator Clark have put their heads together again I invited the comedian to go down in and the outcome is a song called I’d ; his mine, and Mr. Wilder descended Like to Spend a Rainy Day With ! 11,800 feet. “Gee! but it was hot!” he You. It is in waltz time and very ; ! writes. “I had to dress as a miner catchy. Both of the boys predict that and did everything but strike.” it is sure to be a winner and they can Henrietta Crosman will appear next usually ‘dope’ out the possibilities correctly. It is an even bet as to January in a revival of The School which is the best, the words or the (or Scandal. Instead of playing Lady Jut? b— /Uthu&t music. The lyric is decidedly catchy Teazle, Miss Crosman will essay the and can be learned in one lesson, role of Charles Surface, an extraordi¬ while the music is of the whistleable nary departure on the part of a sort, and so simple that a child can woman star. operate it. George Lawrey, former manager of the Princess theater in Cleveland, and Dallas Office for S. & C. well known theatrically throughout the Carl Rettick, who has charge of Middle States, has resigned to accept the Dallas office of the Sullivan & the position as general manager of a Considine circuit, booking in conjunc¬ new vaudeville house, on the West tion with the Denver and Chicago of¬ Side, in Cleveland, which will open in fices, for the amusement places in two weeks. that section, now supplies 15 theaters, C. L. Young, a prominent and suc¬ airdomes and parks. Sullivan & Con¬ cessful film man, has been secured by sidine, according to Sam DuVriesJ Swanson to act as his special repre¬ expect to furnish Texas theaters with' sentative in the states of Virginia, the real Sullivan & Considine acts West Virginia and the Carolinas. Mr. shortly. Rettick’s office is at 312 Young is a Mason, Elk and an Eagle. ’MtrUM' Main street, Dallas, Texas. His headquarters will be 500 E. Broad street, Richmond, Va. The names above are: Oliver .Labadie, W. M. Brown, Will J. Block, Blanche Bates to Tour the Coast. Edward F, Stahle, manager of the Harry K. Duffy, Frank O. Ireson, Roy E. Ewen, Carl A. Winterhoff, F. San Francisco, May 10. opera house at Cheyenne, Wyo., is Luverne, Kittie De Lorme, Evelyn De Foliart, Eddie Black, A. M. Zinn, Fred Belasco, brother of the well- home from a trip to New York. He Charles H. RossKam, Earle Elverson, Harry Wolff, Pete Raymond, Ed. known New York manager and pro¬ jhas given out his bookings for next Anderson, Capt. Stanlev Lewis David Seymour, V. Godderis, James Wing¬ ducer, has returned from the east with season, and they include: The Merry field, Joseph G. Rhode, Earl Burgess, Mark A. Luescher, Lee Kugel, the announcement that he will make Widow, which opens his season on Charles PI. McKinney, Joseph Burton, F. M. Barnes, H. G. Farley, Melville arrangements for an extensive tour Aug. 13, The Round Up, Savage’s Kellogg, Walter M. Roles, J. L. Aton, Martin Sheeley, Ed. T. Elliotte, Lazar along the Pacific coast of Blanche Grand Opera company, Blanche Bates and Lazar, Rufus D. Johnson, Larry Larimore and Coney Holmes. Bates in a repertoire of her latest in The Fighting Hope, Dustin Far- successes.—MALLABAR. mtm in Cameo Kirby, John Cort’s Vaudeville Managers Organize. Commencement Days and King Dodo, Q Victor Moore in The Talk of New Savannah vaudeville managers have . | York, Polly of the Circus, Fifty Miles organized for the purpose of bring¬ f kom Boston, A Stubborn Cinderella, ing about any needed reforms, and YOU TALK ABOUT A “CHILD” SONG 1 The Parisian Model, The Soul Kiss, also for the purpose of regulating the I The Shepherd King, The Third De¬ rules that govern the seven different gree, A Gentleman from Mississippi, vaudeville houses in this city. Arthur Viola Allen in a new play, The Trav¬ Lucas of the Grand, was made presi¬ “Billy Boy, The Kidnapped Child” eling Salesman, Robert Edeson, dent; Paul Gonida of the Atheneum . ' Blanche Walsh, Fluffy Ruffles, Henry Roof Garden, vice-president; Joseph By exclusive permission of Mr. and Mrs, Whitla, as an object ( i E. Dixey in Mary Jane’s Pa and Wilensky of the Orpheum, secre¬ lesson to parents and children to be on guard against kidnap¬ Strongheart. tary, and W. T. Kirby of the Savan¬ pers. Mr. Whitla is a gentleman of wealth and culture and a nah theater, treasurer. The grievance good judge of music and lyrics. committee is made up of Frank W. Florence Roberts at Frisco. I Bandy, Paul Conida, H. A. Bandy, E. - CHORUS - San Francisco, May 11. H. Kingman, W. T. Kirby and M. Florence Roberts, who has always I want to go home to my mamma, oh won’t you please take me away! 1 “een a big favorite here, will appear Wilensky. The arbitration committee I want my dear daddy to hear me, when I kneel down to pray. iat “e Alcazar for eight weeks, com¬ is composed of a representative from I know that they both will be grieving. They heard not his pleading cry. mencing June 8 This announcement each of the seven vaudeville houses I’m so lonely alone, won’t you please take me home was made by Manager Belasco on his now in active operation.—ROBIN¬ Where they call me their sweet Billy Boy. return from the east.—MALL A BAR. SON. The slides will draw like a moving picture, and no objections by the authorities anywhere. No FREE professional copies, only to professionals with late program and stamp. Regular copies cents to amateurs. Be a Handcuff King"_ -12 Big Escapes for 10 ithod, simple apparatus; 3, gr ge safe or vault; 5, challenge 1 tfjSi !’ Houdini’s famous paper bag escape; 9, challenge escape from any ordinary BEE-KEY MUSIC CO CLEVELAND, O. boSy 10* Keller’s famous rope tie; 11, twentieth century rope tie; 12, excelsior rope Order Slides direct ($5.00) from “ROSE, the Song-Slide Man,” Cleveland, 0. .“SuaSde^cta Tol ‘the abo^l? efelp^s* 0ra«r now —MAGICIAN’S SUPGY CO., 215 Beanfait Ave., Detroit, Mich. 32 THE SHOW WORLD May 15, 1909.

I am as happy as a big sunflower over the way the exhibitors are receiving the Independent Films from the Inter national Projecting&Producing Company. Today (Tuesday) I saw some more Independent Films run off—a new bunch—and they are scream¬ ers, every one! Maybe it isn’t very digni fied to dance a joy jig in public like this, but who cares a doggone for dignity! Special If you are not using Independent to Users Films, you’re missing the of Trust Films: — Are biggest hits of your life you paying your license out of your and that’s absolutely own pocket? If so, the truth! Get into you are not getting a square deal. Most of the band wagon. the licenses are being paid by the licensed renters, in¬ stead of the exhibitors, and if WRITE your exchange is not paying yours, you are being worked for an easy mark. Read my advertisement. I intend to tell you the straight news of what’s going on. Then when you get good and sick of what you are up against, deal with me and forget all about licenses. Have you paid $2 for a license to have your hair cut this week?

CARL LAEMMLE, President The Laemmle Film Service CHICAGO

Write to my nearest office—see list above. Every one is in charge of a genuine hustler who will work his head off to give you better films and better service than you ever dreamed of.