ANNOTATED CATALOGUE 2015 PICTURE BOOKS POEMS YOUNG READERS ACTIVITY BOOKS TEACHERS’ RESOURCE BOOKS para g Supported under TATA TRUSTS ‘PARAG’ INITIATIVE 1 ANNOTATED CATALOGUE 2015 Children’s Literature & Educational Books The Tata Trusts, comprising Sir Ratan The initiative has, over the years, forged This catalogue provides an overview of Tata Trust & Allied Trusts and Sir Dorabji relationships with some key partners, various kinds of books, published since 2005, Tata Trust & Allied Trusts are amongst the resulting in high quality published material. their central themes and ideas. oldest philanthropic foundations in the A few of these key partners are listed below: country. The Trusts support institutions and The books are categorized according to initiatives engaged in developmental and Eklavya, Bhopal age groups and genres. However, the creative endeavours. Through their grant
[email protected] categorization is suggestive and their most making, the Trusts promote development effective usage lies in the hands of readers/ action and knowledge building in various story tellers/educators/parents. Books fields. In Education, the Trusts are focusing Pratham Books, Bangalore marked for ages 6+ can be well read aloud on facilitating systemic reform and
[email protected] to young children, while Teachers’ Resource strengthening elementary education as books can be read by teens. Books are listed a field of study. The Trusts recognize that under one category to avoid duplication. there is scarcity of age-appropriate reading Action Research in Community Health & material for children in various Indian Development (ARCH), Gujarat This annotated catalogue lists the books languages. Identifying this need, the Trusts
[email protected] published by the Trusts’ partners, under the launched the publication initiative, Parag, in following categories.