V. ■ ''■•■'r'; s .

Averasre Didly Net Press Run » T^e Weathfer X For Ttie Weipk IQnileO Angnat 29, letOi^. Partly cloudy, cool tonight; low -In 50s. Tomorrow partly' sunny, warmer: high near 80. 15,367 Thursday, cloudy, chance of late Manchester——A City of Village Charm showers. ■.

VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 288 (TWENTY-POUR PAGE^TWO SE(TIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 (Classified Adverttsinc on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS ------:____ Ss^

South Vietnamese School News Schools open tomorrow In Manchester and most of the Release of 180 Passengers surrounding towns. Today’s Suffer Big Setbaek Herald, pages 7 to 11, con­ tains information about bus • By OEOROE ESPER routes, school calendars, and other matters of interest to SAIGON (AP) — More than 200 North Vietnamese students. A last-minute revi­ conmiandos blasted their way into a South Vietnamese sion In the 'Vernon bus routes Red Cross Is explained in a story on military distrtcrt headquarters and a ranger camp south Page. 11. of Da Nang today and rampaged through the two instal­ By ’THE ASSOCIA’TED PRESS lations, killing at least '34 government soldiers and wounding 42. Four Western govern­ Sources in Da Nang said the ments delegated the Inter­ government casualty toll was Connecticut national Red Cross today Gl Strength sUll incomplete and might rise to negotiate with the Popu­ later. lar Front for the Liberation Twenty-six North Vietnamese Accidents .of Palestine for the release In Thailand soldiers were reported killed in of the 180 passengers still the three-hour battle. help captive from two of It was the worst setback for Q a im Ten four planes involved in Sun­ Will Be Cut government forces in a single day’s hijacking plots. action since last June, when 46 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS South .Vietnamese troops were Reporting the agreement, BANGKOK, ThaUand (AP) — Ten persons died in Labor BrlUsh officials said Israel opt­ U.S. mlUtary strength in Thai- wounded by North Day weekend accidents in (Con­ ed not to Join the United States, land will be reduced by 9,8"tte bombs and flVing Chinese injured fatally in the crash. Al­ airline. deployment" in the announce: Communist-made AK47 assault bert Lutkus, 51, of Prospect, Det-wller, John, Philadelphia ment, would begin "in the near rifles and rocket-pr^elled gre- who was operating the car car­ Detwiler, Ann, Philadelphia future,” and end July 1 next nades. rying Mrs. Msher, remetlns in Joseph, LUiane, Mrs., West year. \ , "nie attack, one of the worst critical condition today in St. Hartford, Conn. When the cutbacks are com- setbacks for government forces Mary’s Hospital Waterbury. Jo­ I Joseph, Eric, West Hartford. pleted, U.S. mllitary^streng;th in fbis year, came at a time when seph Kelly, 31, of Waterbury op­ Conn. Thailand will be abdut 32,(X)0, the U.S. Command had Just an. erator of the second car, was - Joseph, Phillip, West Hart­ down from a peak of 48,(X)0. nounced new moves to disen­ ‘ in fair condition at Waterbury ford, Conn. > • "The two ' governments will gage American forces from the Hospital. Joseph, Marcus, West Hart­ continue to evaluate the level of Vietnam war. Including the rev ford, Conn. U.S. armed forces in the Ug^ht of deployment to the United States Porter, D., Dr., Los Angeles, their assessment of the progress later this week of the 3rd Amer­ A more detailed story on the Calif. of Vletnamization and the secu­ ican Air Wing. drowning of 18-year-old Edward rity of this area,” the announce­ A spokesman for the South Davidson of Manchester is on Page 6. * ment said. Vietnamese command termed Unidentified guerrilla spokesman, center, warns that passengers aboard two As the move was disclosed in the government casualties 1 hijacked planes will be released only when Palestinian prisoners are freed Guerrillas London, Sir Alec E>ouglas-Home, PANMUNJOM (AP) — 'North moderate, but said they were the British foreign secretary, Korea rejected a South Korean Fred Curry, 45, ol New Yorx from jails in Europe and Israel/^ Picture was taken at headquarters of the jthe worst sustained in "many CSty became the. state’s first Marxist Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine in Amman. (AP Photofax) summoned envoys ol six Arab plan for reunification today and months.” Agree On countries for discussions on the demanded total withdrawal of 1970 Labor Day traffic fatality Field reports, however, said late Sunday night when the car hijacking crisis. U.S. forces as a condition for 34 South Vietnamese soldiers ’The four-nation move was peace on the Asian peninsula. he was driving collided with were killed and 42 wounded, and two other vehicles on. Route 86 Cease-Fire prompted by an ultimatum frdm MaJ. Gen. Han Yong-ok, sen-, that the North Vietnamese lost the PFLP, an Arab guerrilla oTt ior North Korean delegate, also in Salem, police said. Flight Called ‘A Nightmare* 26 troops killed. Edward Davidson, 18, ol Man­ AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Jor­ ganlzation, that a woman hi­ told the 305th meeting of the Ko­ Reports from Cambodia said dan and the Palestinian guerril­ jacker, Miss Leila Khaled, chester drowned Monday in Cov­ (Jack) Priddy, was the captain and finally to Africa this way: rean Military Armistice (Com­ government troops had seized By JESSE W. LEWIS JR. being held in London and six entry. State police said some of Pan American’s ill-fated “ We had Just leveled off at las agreed today on an mission that a U.S. troop reduc­ the initiative for the first time The Washington Post other commandos Imprisoned in friends had been trying to teach 28,000 feet and were about over "immediate and final” cease­ tion plan was "nothing but Up in the Cambodian war, starting CAIRO—"It was like a very flight 93 that took off from Am­ Switzerland and West Germany him to sw im ' in a manmade sterdam Saturday afternoon and London when the cockpit door service and a cunning trick,.” their biggest operation to date pond and he was unable to bad nightmare,” said Valerie fire and evacuation of all armed be released by 11 p.m. EDT Priddy, who still appeare4 shak­ ended ns charred rubble at the burst open. ,, The rejection of South Korean to relieve Communist pressure reach a raft. forces from the capital, Amman Wednesday. en from the nearly 12-hour, end of a runway at Cairo’s In­ "This fellow had his arms radio reported. Otherwise, the ultimatum President- (Chung Hee Park’s on their nation’s heartland. In Bridgeport, Mary Ann around one of our stewardess­ three-continent forced flight of ternational . Airport. The plane The announcement came after said, the Swissair DCS and the reunification plan came in a The offensive comes at a time 0 ’Nelll,\ 28, of Fairfield, es, a revolver in one hand and Pan American’s Jumbo Jet. was blown up after it had land­ five hours of sporadic shooting ’Trans World Airlines Qoeing 707 prepared political statement. when North Vietnamese and drowned'ta a x>ond Sunday be­ a hand grenade in the other. "I had- my mind on my hus­ ed and the passengers disem­ being held at a small Jordanian Han offered no counterpropos­ Viet (Cong activity in Cambodia hind a I turnpike restaurant Right behmd him was another in and near Amman. The Inter­ als.- band -the whole time,” Mrs. barked. continental Hotel where passen­ is comparatively light. Military where she worked as a waitress guy with a hand grenade in his (See Page Six) Priddy said, “ I was worried be­ Captain Priddy, 49, of North gers released from hijacked ■Park said last AM. 15 he sources said the government according to police. Port, N.Y., described the be­ hand. The pins had been pulled cause I did not know what was Swiss and American' airliners would not oppose Nor&.Korea’s had caught the enemy troops ’The body of Casimiar Koprow- ginning of the hijacked flight in both. going on up front.” were staying was hit with mor­ Mrs. Prfddy’s husband, John that went from Europe to Asia “ This was making me kind of (See Page Six) (See Page Six)' (See Page ’Twelve) nervous,” he said. Priddy said tars during the night, but no one the hijackers told him to re­ was hurt. Guests took shelter in turn to Amsterdam, then chang­ the basemeht. ed their minds and said to fly to According to the broculcast Beirut. ‘”rhe guys were fairly the agreement had seven points. Ckirdiilal friendly once w6 got an under­ In addition to the cease-fire standing: ‘Just let us operate and evacation, it called for a the airplane and we’ll take you ban on military demonstrations where you want to go'.’, ’•’ in the capital, no intervention C u s h k ^ Priddy seiid that there were by a third party * with either no charts for Beirut or Cairo guerrillas . or the army, cessa­ airports aboard the Jumbo Jet, tion of infringement on security Resigns but that he had landed at Beirut of civilians, an end to propagan- - , VATICAN CTTY (AP) — Pope (See Page Six) (See Page Twelve) Paul VI has accepted the resig- naQoh ■'’for reasohs -of age and health” of Richard Cardinal ' CM8hing,„archbishop of Boston,. the'Vatican announced today. — -----Controversial Figure------Arabs have threatened ’The Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, 54, bishop of Browns­ to blow up two planes ville, Tex., since April 1966, was New Boston Archbishop unless Leila Khaled, appointed to .replace Cardinal above, 24^year-old hi­ Cushing as the Boston archbish­ Fights for Social Reform jacker, is released in op- - , ' London. (AP Photofax) Reached at his home in Bos­ BROWNSVILLE, Tex. (AP) ton, Cushing said "of course I ^ American Youth Organization*' — ’The'Most Rev. Humberto S. —or the Black Panthers? He knew” when asked if he was O Medeiros, who was appointed ■aware his resignation had been might not approve of everything' today to replace retiring Rich: they were doing but he wouldn’t . Egypt Calls ' accepted. ard Cardinal Cushing as the isolate Hipiself from them,” he ’Two' years ago Cushing said Boston archbishop, has strongly said. he wanted to retire when he supported social action pro­ tJ.S, Charge reached 76. He celebrated his At one time, the controversial -a m s for the, poor. bishop sa(d "I’m not going to 76th birthday on Aug. 26. Bishop Medeiros, 64, was ap­ He had said meiny times that stop these contacts—even if T pointed to the Bpsiwnsville post arn called a Communist. Be­ Mask^ when he retired he wanted to go 4 ^ in April 1966 and wasted no time to South America and work as a sides, if they Were so bad; 'well, in casting himself into a volatile all the more reason for me to be By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS missionary. farm workers’ strike in 1966 Egypt’s leaders say the u.S.- “ Oh, I can’t go now,” he said with them. That is exactly when he endorsed a minimum where I should be. But, of assertion that Cairo has violated this morning, -“rm too sick.” wage lor workers m the the Middle East cease-fire is "a ’The cardinal has had several course, they are. not the things Rio Grande Valley. they’ve been called.” mask to cover any Israeli action bouts with illness for several ’The bishop’s programs for the Upon assuming his role in against Egypt.” years. His last illness was in poor produced storms ol criti­ Brownsville, Bishop Medeiros ' ’The Middle East News Agen­ March when he was hospitalized cism but he persisted, even to immediately ended religious cy said the Egyptaln Cabmet for several days. ’The nature of the point of confronting big pro- segregation in his area and re­ made the statement Monday the illness was described as a • duce growers in a bitter Starr moved some of the more visible after meeting in Cairo with "resistant infection.” County labor union fight. forms of resentme’ht. President Gama) Abdel Nasser, - He pas suffered from asthma, "For his labor, a man has a bronchial ailments, and em­ “ When I came here, Anglos - ’The semiofficial Cairo news­ right to a fair wage, to be deter­ went to one church in a town paper A1 Ahram, meanwhile, physema. mined by his needs and the con­ His Interest in missionary and Mexican-Amerioans to an­ said Israel’s latest charge that ditions of the country and area work began while he was^ study­ other. I could not have that on Egypt has broken the cease-fire where he lives,” he said. ing m a seminary to become a my conscience,” he said. agreement by settmg up mis­ priest. He served for many 7710 bishop said he was acute­ All ethnic and racial' groups siles near the Suez Cana) is a years in the Boston diocesan of­ ly aware that the "small farmer soon began attending the . same "trick” to indicate that Cairo vi­ lives m fear of the market and fice of the Propagation of the churches. ., olated the agreement first. . Falh, which handles mission­ unions. Many farmers approve Bishop Medeiros said Ills be­ The newspaper told it#- read­ ary funds and affairs of the ■ of the principle of unions but ginning m the Rio Grande Val­ ers: "An Israeli military Ofien-, are afraid of the unionized farm church. , ley was painfully slow, a situa­ sive is near at hand.'” C:ardinal Chiding Issued a ^ worker because of the unrelia­ tion which unsettled him. f Israel, released its llth com­ statement following the Vatican t,\^ bility of crops and market "It does not show, perhaps. plaint of EgypUan cease-fire announcement in which he said, prlqes. TTie farmer ■ needs to But inside, I want to run very 'Violations Monday, ^ e United "I have completed almost 26 '‘‘Av organize Just sls much as the fast. I’ m an Impatient man,” he States has confirmed the Israeli years as archbishop of Boston Worker.” said. charges, and Tel Aviv is boy­ The a'rea served by Bishop' and I think it appropriate now ■; 1 A' native of the Azores, he cotting the Middle East peace ur Medeiros is heavily Roman ' to yield* that office to other 'Hi’ once served as chancellor at talks in New York until Egyp-. Catholic and overwhelmingly hands. 'in-''. Fall River, Mass. He was or­ tian military strength m the ca­ ‘”The uncertain health with Mexlcan^American. ’The bl^op dained in 1946. nal truce zone is restored to ^ c h I have lived for years has openly‘identified with mili­ : Bishop Medeiros worked as a what it was before Aug. 7, the makes It Impossible for me to tant factions. sweeper in a textile mil) lyltile day the truce went into effect. carry on with the energy and^ef- ’!I1 Christ lived today, do you learning Enjgllsh after arriving ’ Tite Soviet- news agency ’Pass ficlency requlr^ for the leader- Cardinal Cushing meets area residents during his services at Cloncordia Lutheran C!hurch where he think He would cut Himself off Manchester visit in August 1969 for ecumenical prayed for brotherhood. (Herald photo’ by Pinto) from the . iMAYOs—Mexican (See Page Six) (See Page Six) (See Page Six) i i ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE THREE PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Church Choir will resume . re- M O V IE R A H N O S Parents of 18 Tolland hearsEd scheduled tomorrow Hvadquaiters for THEA TER TIME FORRAREIflBAND night at 7 :30 at the church. Back-To-5ehool Shein\volfl on Bridge MTHM HAum THKILUk SCHEDULE d WIY AT ieO,*ilO-TiOO.fJO P.M. YOUNG PEOPLE Claim They - Savings REMEMBER SITUATION TO .«ossi«nn»i’o TVAA Agree to Offer NORTH “T H E W A Y The obfectfvw of fbo rellngt It fo intom Manchester Evening Herald MAKIS BEST PLAT 4 10962 Burnside — Oatch 22, 7:10, AIRPORT petentf tbom the tu H tb ^ of Had Enough TollEUid correspondent Bette ARTHUR DRUe ' By ALFRED SHEINWOLD movfo content ter viewing bf their children. 0 A K 7 9:20. OXNAKD, Calif. (AP) — First Aid Qass Series Quatrale, Tel. 876-2845. 0 4 N I T ^ DEM I H E A R D r r Bodker T. l« e , one of 34 If you want to be a formid­ David Shaw of 77 Oak St. East Hartford Drive-In — Be­ LMCASIH'MUmil able opponent you must learn to ♦ K J 10 9 5 ALL AGES AOMinEO children, Emd his wife, one of ’m e ’ToUand Volunteer Ambu- Bowling Alleys, ’mose interested appears at ’The Triangle Play­ yond ’The Valley of the Dolls, Gtnerti Audiinces Ismce Association (’TVAA) will in joining the league may con- make a certsdn kind of risky JEMSEKK nine, have become parents of WEST EA.ST house through Saturday in An 7:60; Lady in Cement, 9:46. mcoueuneusset by John Gruber It-' Eigain offer a series of first Eild tact Dick PEige or Peter Dowl- play without a qualm and with­ ♦ K.-! , 4 7.1 their 18th child. Evening of Music. classes to prospective ’TVAA ing. OF MANCHESTER out either hesitation or undue Q J 10 6 . 9 98 3 Bast Windsor Drive-In — The 6E0R6E KENNEDY ALL ACES AOMinEO Ethel Mae Lee, 39, said AIR CONDITIONED Shaw is guitarist for the all members and to others in the St. Matthew’s LEidies Guild speed. The situation arises 0 Q lO S’.Vt 0 A972 NELENUYES Panni.l Guldinci Suggtitid from her hospltEil bed Fri­ musical program which closes Lorve Bug, 7:60; Hie Jungle GP community interested in learn- will hold its first meeting o* 6 4 M S Z I when dummy has a singleton, ♦72 ♦ A643 Book', 9:46. day: "The Lord hEis been 54 McKEE 5TREET the summer season for The ing first aid techniques. the sesison on Sept. 16. A Meiss 7:10 - 9 JO BURNSIDESHU .‘'.'f*. [H A'. ( I A* 1 HAU t*( . : as in the diamonds of today’s good to us, but enough is 1 SOUTH ’Triangle. We’U conclude this series on technically. As a rule the sec­ ’Two seizes of lessons will be jvill be offered at 7 p.m. follow- Now is ttte time to bring In your screens to be repolted. fR[r PAKKtriG 578 i i hand. PretC|nd you are East, Manbhester Drive-In — the instruments of the orches­ enough." 9 ^ Sundiyi Fi«m 4 AQJ84 IAR9AIN HOUR DAILY onds play lower than the firsts RESTAimO . held, one in evenings, beginning ed by a meeting and socicU hour Storm window' glass replaced. and keep your eye on that M»A*S»H,-8:00; 'The Only Game Her husband, a 48-year-old 9 542 UNTIL 2 P.M. , . tra ifi this column. Juat below but at Umes even the seconds Undtr 17 rtquim KumpMiylnc Sept. 14 at 7:30 at the ambu- in the parish center. A demon- singleton. in Town, 10:00. EXCCTT SUNDAY ANP HOUOAYi PBeph J- and Marcia L. The Tolland Junior Woman’s From The harp does not have great teach both cello Euid violin, al- put up with this is what I plan to ^,® Alaimo for property on Wood- Club Public Affairs Committee ★ GRADED CLASSES in CLASSICAL BALLET ★ BATON .1______J ___11.. ______J ______. ______... !.___ unt wiui. uuo .0 has steadfastly backed Nixon’s land Summit ...kii ni $30 4 volume Eind la easily covered will meet tomorrow night at the though this Is commonly done find out. TTu. *1 II SoutheEist Asia policies. by the orchestra,, so it should In public school music systems. DonEild A. OBoudreault suid Ar­ home of Fran Stoeffler, Snlpsic Dlst. Atty. G e o i p ^ a ^ l n exchange of toasts be- Lake Rd! ★ TAP ★ ACROBATIC ★ MODERN JAZZ be written for with extreme The top range of the cello said he also wants to talk to SI- A!FL-CIO pres- lene .D Boudreault to John F. care. Most composers don’t sounds better UiEin the top range Sr. ,and Elizabeth G. Lee, prop­ The United Ctongrregattonal ' : easy Study With Qualified, Experienced Teacbers^ natra. ident George Meany gave rise, Church Choir will resume reher- PAYMENTS really understand the inartru- of the viola since the strings, "One remark he supposedly fact, to a jest that television erty on Peter Green Rd. INVITED ★ PRE-SCHOOL ment sind consequently write In Arthur J . Eind Anna G. Car­ sal scheduled tomorrow night at for Eill their length, Eire pro­ made to Waterman as he was season winner mediocre fashion for It. De­ portionately thinner. It Is pos­ ney to Walter A. and Beth A. 7:30 at the church. going out the doors was. Hie "Dick and George show.” The Tolland 4-H clubs will JEWELERS-GEMOLOGISTS bussy and Ravel are probably sible to produce “harmonics” on mob will take care of you,’ When Nixon introduced- son- McCabe, property on Rt. 74. 388 Main St.—Plenty of Free Parking—Tel. 643-5710, 643-6414 or 646-0729 Yost Construction Inc. to meet tomorrow night at 7 :30 at Downtown Manchester BALLET TAP JAZZ the best writers for harp. all string instruments, milking Franklin said, in-law David Eisenhower, sum- 968 Main Street Below the harps come any them sound much higher than Carey H. and Judith R. Greene, the Town Hall. Now I’d like to have a little pjertlme statistician for the The Seventh Day Adventist soloists for the work followed would ordinarily be the case. In talk with Mr. Sinatra. I ’d like to Washington Senators of the property in Valley View. REStSTRATlON AT THE STUDIO byKvr the chorus if there (ois one, asoa ‘Don Quixote’’ vrvfzs" ' Kir by T7l/iKat*r4 Richard get .. x together______with U4him.p%>. on ^Kthea American ..... biisebEilI league, Edward J . imd Rita D. Peck- ACROBATIC BALLROOM Sept. 10 and 11 — 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. — 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. for example, in Beethoven’s Strauss, the composer writes a subject of his friendships with ^eany interjected loudly, “that ham to Frederick W. and Carol ninth symphony' or any of the passage for cello that puts it up members of the underworld.” dont’ seem to make ’em win.” B. Peckham, property on Buff 2 f- ot Sept. 12 — • I P.M. to 4 P.M. Masses. If the work. is a con­ with the flutes, much to most Sinatra’s agent in Los Angeles Then when it came Meany’s Cap Rd. St. Matthew’s Notes (iFiNUil' HAUL certo, the solo part comes here people’s surprise. It sounds like said the singer weis resting at turn to toast pie President of Registration for elementary (XS(X)TT/MALIMJN also. This places, it just above a flute, too. his Palm Springs, Calif., home, the United States, Meany noted GROUP AND PRIVATE- LESSONS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS «. 0*e-f America and Dancing Teachers Club of Connecticut Many conductors have been house," is the lowest of the Sunday night’s performance at Shultz, first director of the new AFtARR McCUraT-riAMXUfll.SClUfrea ftOOUCnON thew’s Church Mdll be held Pm * |nfoniration.«r R«gistraHon CdH 647-1083 AnythiM string players and they tend to string instruments. Commonly Caesars because of “exhaus- office of mEuiagement and budg- *’**"*'FIARA ikCAAm-rujrRri)i I.sciun«a KlilVllt’inii .watch the string psul of the they exist with four strings, but Thursday at 7 :30 p.m. In the mot ivonuu'^ wMgKjun tlon" and “pain in his right et. Parish Center. Parents will be Or VisR Th* Studio Thurs. & Fri., Sept. 10 & 11, from 3 to 8 p.m. score, embracing the lowest there EU'e those with five Eind I i*ur,*iTrrT i. S s !; hand," the spokesman added. Sorrowfully, it seemed. asked to return registration. five staves, almost to the ex- rarely three. Its technique is The entertainefr underwent a n Meany explEilned that Shultz Today tit g^tOO ft 8tW forms at this time. The clEisses The Burtons have been part of the faculty of Dance Congress, New York, for 2 years, Tonlglit Hear elusion of the many staves rather slow because of its size, operation on the hand a mohth had taken a substantial pay cut hgein Sent 19 and 20 for all oViAifA OloAirtry FKa o/\1rk narf 4iiaf it3 tOZlG iS SOHlCWll&t ITIUd' hla f/\TnviOT* T\r\a(f(rkn aa laon. ^ ^ and are members of Dance Educators of America. Every L^tff In tafii-iiMiMiii above. Placing the solo part just ago from his former position eis sec- retary of labor, adding, “that ®f; bur Car. See Read Herald Advertisements above the strings helps these dy, Caesars Is trying to find St. Matthew’s Bowling L eii^ e THEATRE EAST don’t happen In the labor move­ EUlott 43ottld conductors out immeaairably. ------someone to fill Sinatra’s ■ en- for Ladies resumes its ac­ ment.” At B is Bert Thp strings are divided into gEigement. He opened a sched­ tivities Friday at 9 a.m. at - S f c - It was Nixon’s turn to Inter­ first and second violins, vIoIeis, 6 Lupine Cripples Calves uled three-week run last Thurs­ the Rockville Bowling Plaza. rupt with, "Maybe he should violonceUi, and doubie-basses. OKLAHOMA CITY—Birth de- day. Local women and those from MASH Usually there are about 16 firsts fects in calves, once laid to bad join a labor union.” BALLET/ TOE / TAP / M ERN JAZZ / ACROBATIC In 1967 Sinatra had ,an Eurgu- regardless An Ingo Preminger Production' and 16 seconds. 'The firsts all genetics, are sometimes caused ment with_M execuUye *4 ft®.., In ^ j a j ^"°J®more serious®®' vein, Nixon ------“as a ”labo?®'of ■'reltglcniB' ''®“‘^'^ ; afflllEttlon ■ are play the sanje nofoSj_M do the_ fey. seemingly. harmless--plants Sands 'iirtioi Hotel overfwor ©v—gambling------o lauded Meany ^ j *1. .. Color by DE LUXE* ... , statesman’* and asserted that invited to johi, and may call "seconds, Sere la no difference the cow eats during pregnancy. either Mrs. Doreen Shaw or - pAt9AvisroN»- "—- ■ ^ ^ “When the chips are down." the “The Only Game In Town” in the fflculty of the first and Lupine has bedh - identified as punched him in me mouth Slna- Mrs. Mary Morey to' register seconds parts, and the com­ one, Eind current research sug­ Elizabeth Taylor tra had two teeth r®Pla®®d- y g president, be he Democrat with the leEigue. monly used expression "second gests that other plans may also Warren Beatty BETTY JANE TURNER In 1 ^ he was stripped of Ws or Republican. St. Matthew’s Men’s Bowling ’’ Is really meaningless. adversely affect the developing League begins its activities Fri­ -T gambling l i c e ^ at toe Cal jjeEuiy allowed as how all six Both must be equally proficient fetus. Neva-Lodge at Lake^T^oe on executives he 1ms been as- day night at 9 at the Rockville the grounds that he had enter- with—starting with tained underworld figure Bam D. - Roosevelt—always Kicky new looks for^ Sckojol 0 j a n c s L Giancana there. He Is stUl jj-jgjj jg jg y^hat was best for the ' Ends ToihqIi F barred from holding stock in gguntry uaanTMlua •y- ! DRIVE-IN "AIRPORT" any Nevada gambUng caalpo. Jlemlnlscing about Roosevelt, FAJUCAM the young and lively and "WINNING" ------i he sEild, "h e weis just eis tricky a OKN w -.(int.c 123-J423 _ • ^ V politician Eis anyone who bore Re-Opening for ifs 17th Year — STARTS TOMORROW— Bob Hope ‘Lntertainer^ the name “tricky Dick.’’ He 17:46 AAS. I« 10 FjM. --LOS ANGELES (AP) - Bob Agnas Davif H o^has been named "Enter- "was no slouch at politics." ASSOCIATE TEACHER TWO CHILLERS to turn your D R E A M S t o S C R F A M B f talner of the Y ear" by the 10,000 members of the AmericEUi Guild If she's nof a little girl.and not .<2! ® of Variety Artists. DEBORAH RANSOM He will be presented with a yet a teenj this it.a vBFy special, ‘‘Ueorgle," a golden statuette GRADED CLASSES IN named for the late entertainer collection of shoes just for her. George M. Cohan, on a special COMPLETE Ed SullivEin television show INSURANBMITH* Sizes 4'/i to 9. Sept. 20, AGVA president Danny ciMce 1914 _ BALLET • TAP • JAZZ • ACROBATICS Thomas sEdd Monday. STUDIO REGISTRATION Other winners: Male musicEil INSURANCE FOR NEW STUDENTS star, Tom Jones; female musi­ $14 to $16 MR* STEAK ) cal star, Barbra Streisand; WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9-3-5 P.M. BATON TWIRLING and PRE-SCHOOL m ^e comedy star; Flip Wilson; SERVICE 244 Center St, Manchester femEile c'omedy stiu’, Carol Bur- ■ THURSDAY, SEPT. 10-3-5..P.M. . nett; musicEil group. Blood Phone 646-1996 SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 - 1:30-3 P.M. EXOLCaiVB AREA SHOWING—HELD OVER 3rd WEEK Sweat and Tecuv; rising stEur, Melba Moore; novelty or circus Introduces act, the Flying AlexEuiders; luil- REAL ' CLASSES s t a r t TUES-, SEPT. 22 mal act, Timya the Elephant; outstanding proiductlon. Radio "Italian — EVENING—7:W ft 9tM ESTATE City Music HeiII. CA LL 643-9319 or 643-9419 Spaghetti ‘‘AIR P O R T IS TQP FUGHT AUTIIE HAY!’’ or 643-6259 FOR INFORMATION ’’Georse Seaton hai| acriptod and Night' (DftL, Shoes, Manchester PEttkade) directed a sure-fire hit!’*- Dorofhy tAannen. IJK. HoroM'CftemtYtor Every Wednesday! ( g l o b e d aROSSHUMTU* ALL YOU a 150 CAN EAT ■ w Travel Service T BBRTUNCASTER • OCANMIUmN ROBERT J . SMITH, Includes a Tossed Salad, JEANSCBEM JAI^QUCUNE BISSET A 555 MAIN STREET J Bread and Butter .. TEL 529-8906 529-0442 — 649-0256 OEOBBE KENNEOV HELEN HAYES ^ 643-2165^ INSORANSMITHS SINCE 1914 VANHEHIN MAUREEN STAKETOIL GERTRUDE G. TYLER SCHOOL OF dT nCE ^AuthoilEed agent in BiMi-G Betty Jane Turner is a member of the Dance M ^ e r s of Conn., Inc., 2nd Vice Pj;osidont of the- BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN ^ Chester for oU Alrilnea, ~ . 649-5241 n v i STORES Of fftSHlOtt CORNER OF HAYNES & MAIN ST./ MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 OPEN 7 DAYS DANA WYNTEN lARBANA HALE V Railroads and Steamship^ Dance Teachdrs' Club of Conn., and is a mfiYiber of the Dance Educators of America. Uneo. ^ MS MAIN STRirr, MANCHESTIR 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. lflCTWI- IlCHIIieOlO.*-7™fcOi

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Hehron more unemployment is not to ignore the Connecticut Square Dance Scheduled iJlanri?PBirr fact that the Republicans, for their part, Calendar of Events Listed tupuutQ _ have been trying to,give the old Polly- Yankee Tonight at Bolton Green For Bolton^s Anniversary PZC To Consider Land PUBLISHED BY THE anna twist to all the statistics the com­ HERALD PRINTING CO.. INC puters grind forth. Llnsey-woolsey, ancestral cold day session will begin Sept. 14, . 13 Bissell Street weather fabric, would seem to TODAY For Recreation, Play Manchester. Conn. By A.H.O., and the two-day session. Sept. THOMAS F. FERGUSO^ What this means Is that it is going to, be the appropriate dress tonight 15. - Square Dance on the Green, 8-11 p.m. (free). WALTER R. FERGUSO^ if the square dance is h^eld out­ Included on the agenda for outs, 7:30 p.m Rhamjl High be little difficult, for the next seven We notice, with sentimental Children’s medical forms FUNERAL HOME Publishers doors at the Green. THURSDAY the iPlannIng and Zoning Com- School. Founded October 1, 18Si approval, that Governor. John should be completed and sent weeks to rescue the economy from be­ The dancers themselves ought Hebron Congregational Dempsey is on an official to Mrs. Ronald W. Stevens, Box Antique Show, Congregational. Church Education mission meeUng tonight at 8 in 142 East Center Street Published Every Evening Except Sunaay> ing booted and passed back and forth as mis­ to keep warm enough, put CI\urch Women’s Fellowship and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office a: sion to the land of his birth. 391, Bolton. Building, Bolton Center, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. the Town Office Building will, / TEL. t49-719« Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mat . if It were a political football. through .their paces by Frank meeting, 8 p.m., Smith-Gellert The co-op executive board met be consideration of the Conser­ Matter. ' ; And beyond the warm feeling Post of Tolland Rd., b^ecause he recently at the home of Jts presi- Art Exhibit, St: Maurice Church Parish CJenter, Lounge. SUBSCRIPTION RATES TTie only safe” set of rules is not to that one always gets vdien one calls the old-fashioned squares dent Mrs. Rigby Graham, Hebron Rd., 1-8 p.m. (free; except program). vation Commission’s proposed Gilead Congregational Church WILLIAM J. LENNON Payable in Advance smile, too trustingly, when the Repub­ contemplates the spectacle and and this Involves a lot of old- Art Show Fashion Show, Fiano’s Restaurant, 8 p.m. land acquisition of approxi­ Women’s Fellowship meeting, 8 One Year ...... 530.01 the experience of a son of Ire­ p.m.. Social Room. Director ' SL' Months ...... 15.50 licans say everything is on the way, not fashioned swinging. But specta-^ The name of Viola Sobol, was mately 35 acres In the southend - Three Months ...... tfSl' land returning to the sod, we ' tors may get chilly. ' inadvertently omitted from the FRH)AY Board of Education meeting, One Month ...... 2.61 to sink Into panic when the Democrats of town. find ourselves engaging in cer­ The dance, which begins at 8 list of craftsmen demonstrating Antique Show, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 8 p.m., Hebron Elementary answers. MEMBER OF drum out their dire economic dirges, and tain pleasant speculaUam, p.m. and is free, has . the option at the art exhibit and craft show ''James Hibbard, chairman of School, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tour of Old Homes, start at Community Hall, 11 the Conservation Commission, Well-Chlld Conference, Pub- any questions on funerals, customs, pro­ The Associated Press excj,iuiveiy en­ wait for the morning of Nov. 4 when, These speculatloiiB begin with of seeking warmer quarters , in Thursday through Sunday in St. a.m. to 5 p.m.; Silver Tea 2-4; baby-sitting available. titled' to the use of republication of alj two uncompleted pieces of busi­ the Community Hall. Maurice Parish Center. Mrs. will speak regarding plans for ng Health Nursbig A&ency, 9:30 cedures, etc. Come in, phone or write for news dispatches credited to It or not other­ whatever happens, the state of the econ­ Art exhibit, 1 to 6 p.m. wise credited in thl? paper and also the ness from the past. The square dance is the sec- Sobol, Bolton Art Club vice-presl- acquiring the property abutting am . ' ' a dependable answer. No obligation, natur­ local news published here. omy will once again have a chance to Teen-agers dance. High School, 8 p.m. to midnight. Reldy Hill and Grayville roads Podium Players open try- All rights of republication of special dis­ First, there was that guber­ ond event in Bolton’s 250th an- dent, wllL demonstrate shell ally. ■ patches herein are also reserved. speak for itself. natorial press conference, one nlversary celebration. The first craft. for recreation and conservation outs, 7:30 p.m., Rham High SATURDAY purposes. Schol. The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ What it had seemed to be saying, just Saturday afternoon last winter, WM a three-day chicken barbe­ l Entries will still be accepted sumes no financial responslhllity for typo­ in which J (^ Dempsey an­ cue, with sittings Saturday, Sun­ tonight, when art club members Indian Village program, Howard Rd. (off Rt. 44A), The Conservation Commission Hebron Congregational Perhaps this question has been on your graphical errors appearing in advertise- before it could feel itself being com­ nounced that he would not be 10:30 a.m. (free). has been sending represents- Church Senior Choir meeting, 7 mind: mem.s and other reading matter in Th^ day and Labor Day. Over 600 will bdgin hanging the entries Manchtster Evening Herald mandeered by the politicians, was that running for political office persons were fed, outdoors on at 6. Commemorative Coin Auction, Bolton Center, 1 lives to the various agency p.m. it was beginning to feel considerably bet­ again. Questioned about bis fu­ Saturday and Sunday. The au­ The paintings and crafts will p.m. meetings In town seeking their Saturday; V'' Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washlng- •approval prior to presenting Red Bam Auction, Hebron ton Post News Service. ter. ture, he said that he had no tumn weather won yesterday, be on sale during the exhibit. Art Exhibit, 9 a.m. to noon; 4 to 6 p.m. Q. My son is a close friend of the minis­ Pull ser\’lcc client of N. E. A. Service Inc new occupation in mind, Uiat and the, feast was moved inside Despite the fact that Dr. Eliz­ their request for town meeUng Congregational Church, 10:30 Publishers Representatives — Mathews, Parade, Bolton Center Rd., 2 p.m. (free). action. a.m. ter who handled the funeral service for Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency he would be receptive. the Congregational Church Edu­ abeth Alton has been hospital­ Bolton School Band Concert, Bolton Center, 4 p.m. — New York. Chicago. Detroit and Boston Also Included on the agenda Sunday; my husband. He claims it would be an Second, there was jalways, cation Building. ized, the Alton home will con­ Heritage Trail of historic sites, start at Community M e m b er aud it bureau o f circula- whenever anybody was discuss­ Back Cheerleaders tinue to he one of the dozen is a review of regulaUons con- Cub Scout Annual Family Pic- insult to offer an honorarium to the noNs The Fifth Estate - ■ Hall, 4 to 6 p.m. (free). ceming excavations, house and nic. Pack 28, 2 p.m.. Gay City ing the Dempsey career, the At a recent meeting the dir­ homes on the tour Friday and minister. I disagree. Is he right? Am I DLsplay .advertising closing hour? Few people realized during the Inno­ suggestion that It might be a ectors of the Bolton Athletic the Junior Woman’s Club, spon- ^ Anniversary Ball, high school, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. lot size, and business zones. State Park. For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday mistaken ? For Tuesday — i p.m. Saiuraa:( cent, Howdy-Doody era of television that fitting thing for it to end with Association voted .to support sors of the tour, will take over Red Cross Appeal 4-H Paper Drive. For Wednesday — l p.m. Monday this new diversion would change the him as our Ambassador to Ire­ the Bolton Tigers cheerleaders, the Silver Tea, which will be SUNDAY Ed Johnston, chairman of the Midget Football Game, He- For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday local chapter of the American bron Rams vs. Portland Dukes, For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday character of American political life. land. Mrs. Robert Thornton and Mrs. held In a tent on the Alton’s Ecumenical Service at Bolton Center, 12 noon. A. We think your son is mistaken; you For Saturday — i p.m. Thursday Television would not, as it turned out, be Now the normal thing to ex­ Richard Holcombe are in charge lawn from 2 to 4 p.m. Art Exhibit, 1 to 5 p.m. Red Cross, again appeals to 1:30 p.m,, Rham High School Classified deadline — 5 p.m. day be­ pect In the way of Job opportu­ of the girls this year. The group Bulletin Board area organizations and i.adi- Field, are right. A minister has bills to pay . . . fore publication. 5 p.m. Friday for just radio-with-pictures. It would be an Midget Football Game, high school, 2 p.m. Hebron and Gilead Congrega­ Saturday and Monday pubUcauon immense and often deciding force in the nities for retiring governors ot will perform at Bolton midget The Senior Citizens will meet Heritage Trail, 3 :80 to 6 p.m. vlduals to. help the 16,000 fami­ even while doing the Lord’s work... lies who were victims of hurri­ tional' churches Peoples Fellow­ shaping of public opinion. It would enjoy Connecticut is some vice prest-^ football games, starting with tomorrow at the Community just like the rest of us. Incidentally, you Tuesday, September 8 (In case of rain, some events will move into Com­ cane Celia. ship, officers picnic supper, 6 a power that a democratic people would dency In some great Connecti­ Sunday’s game at 2 p.m. at the Hall at 1:30 p.m. for entertain cut insurance company. This is high school field. munity Hall). The Texas Gulf Coast storm to 7 p.m., parsonage. may be surprised to know such “ contri­ have to reckon with and somehow fit into ment, refreshments and card the normal thing to expect be­ The Bolton Athletic Associa­ completely destroyed A.900 Hebron and Gilead Congrega- butions” are often used in a special fund the nation's political machinery. games. This is the club’s first cause It was the thing Ray tion was formed last year for meeting of the season. houses and seriously' damaged Uonal churches. Peoples Fellow- Hi-Jacking Becomes War This has not yet'been done. Television, to help others instead of himself. Baldwin had signed, sealed and the purpose of raislhg funds to another 13,000 houses. Accord- ship meeting, 7 p.m.. Social in fact, has thrown a monkey wrench in­ Fire Auxiliary Final Talks Under Way Until the Arab commando operators delivered when he made, back provide the town with a well-or­ The Are department auxiliary Ing to Johnson, the need is still Room, Gilead Church., to the system’s working parts, and we got into the act, the hi-hacking of pas- in 1045-46, his ,own temporary ganized and equipped athletic will meet tonight at 7 at the “ very great.” are a long way from getting it out. Established 1874—^Three' generations of service and unsuccessful effort to retire program. % firehouse to practice marching To Prevent Rail Strike Those wishing to help should Manchester Evening Herald .senger planes had been primarily a There are three major networks in the send their donations to Mrs. from politics. Periiaps such a Funds are raised primarily for the parade. Members will Hebron correspondent Anne violent method by which one or two In­ United States, all with headquarters in vice presidency is what is com­ through membership dues. Busi­ be dismissed at 7 ;4S so that WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre­ of Labor W. J. Usery said no Bodb'e- E- O. Box 67, Am- Emt, tel. 228-3971. dividuals obtained for themselves free New York City. In the early evening, ing to John Dempsey, although ness membership dues are $25 those who wish may attend the tary of Labor James D. Hodg­ such decision had been made. ston. these networks broadcast news reports per year and family dues, $5 air passage to some destination of their it has not yet appeared on the square dance. son conferred today with presi­ The Labor Department has Church Group that together reach more than 40,000,000 h oi^ n . per year. The selectmen will meet to­ dents of four railroad unions in scheduled joint meetings be- Women’s Fellowship o ■ QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE I923iilii||ii||i own choice. people. And the normal thing to ex­ The association will meet morrow at 7 ;30 p.m. In the town an effort to head off a nation- tween the union officials and , G«ead Congregational Church will meet tomorrow at impact of such news reports is un­ pect about an ambassadorahlp Sept. 16 in the Community Hall offices. yide rail strike scheduled for rail industry negotiators later The hi-jackers, once they had achiev­ in the Social Room of deniable. They can and do alter the is that It has to come, as a po­ to plan this year’s membership Writer Wanted' 12:01 a.m. Thursday. today In an effort to get a nego- P-™- . _. .. , ed their own destination, had no further drive. Dues may be mailed to "Before Losses Happen Insure Wifh Lappen!" thrust of popular opinion. They do this litical reward, from somebody The Herald is looking for a The presidents of the two tlated setUement. use for the plane or for its passengers. through the films they decide to show- of in a White House. The possibil­ P.O. Box 182, Bolton. ^ regular Bolton correspondent to Dennis said he hopes progress Nursery School largest rail unions, C. L. I>ennls In such circumstances, it seemed that Indochina, campus dissenters, and other ity of that kind of ambassador­ replace Mrs. Clemewell Young of the Brotherhood oi‘ Railway can be m ^ e through the nego- subjects of high controversey. 'They do ship seemed to disappear, for\ The Bolton Cooperative Nurs­ who is teaching part-time at iiiil the only safe way to deal with a hi-jack­ ery School will begin nevt week and Airline Clerks, and Charles f ^ ^ i The menu for the first three t:!t: CusfomPAK IS FLEXIBLE this through the matter and manner of Dempsey, when a President of Manchester Community College talks had b^ n dragged out for a In the Congregational Church Luna of the United Transporta­ iiili ing incident was to let' it follow its the opposite political faith mov­ and working toward an M A. in year and ”^ r p^ple are up in Tomorrow, their spoken copy. And the opportunities Education Building. The three- tion Union, slild before entering iiii: It bends to fit your every b.usiness need. course, and part of the course was the for subtle shadings of the news are ed into'the White House. English at the University of the meeting with Hodgson that arms this time because of the a roll, tomato soup, But, U such normal specula­ Connecticut. Call the Herald i« \ Meets you halfway with a custom insur­ granting of welcome or asylum to the greater by far in a medium that employs Advertlsement— the deadline for the strike, over long delay. potato chips, cabbage and pine- not only sound but light and shadow to tions about John Dempsey’s fu­ County Desk or Mrs. Young. wages, remains firm. Any wage Increase for the ^ applesauce; Thurs- ance plan just for you. No paying for hi-jackers once they had reached' the do its job. ture seem to have been closed Last call for Bolton’s Anni­ workers, who now average garden salad, va­ off, what about the possIbiUty 'We will strike at 12:01 a.m coverage you don't need. Just the essen­ air field of their choice. There was not, The talents of the men who make the versary coins and paperweights. Manchester Evening Herald Thursday unless something hap- nilla pudding with chocolate that he might become another Apply Bolton Pharmacy or dur­ Bolton correspondent Clemewell pp p tials. In one package, at low cost. Call SO. long as things were like this, too major editorial decisions for television pens____ .-Jtoday______or. ______tomorrow to retroactive to last Jan. 1. anim.*'sauce; TTHrinvFriday, egg- - .aaladsalad roll.roll, kind of ambassador, not as a ing celebration week. us today. are formidable. The question Is not one Young, Tel. 643-8081. cause me to change my mind,” “ They are tired of waiting, (rench fries, pickle sliced beets, : much resehtment of the fact that Castro public officer, but as some Und the cost of living Is going up and f^uit cocktail, of human competence nor of Integrity. A Dennis said. Cuba held .Its airports and its asylum of vice president in private In­ they have no cost-of-living Activlttes Set society, if it is to function at all, must “The strike deadline is firm dustry? s clause now,” Dennis said. The following meetings and May 'We Quote Rates find Assist You As We Have So Many Others? ' open to the hi-jackers. ' tolerate the errors and frailities that are Teachers Vote for Strike as of right now," Luna said. What, for instance, If there He. said his union was asking activities are scheduled for this common to humans. And there is a pow­ Nature Study By Sylvian Ofiaro. Their unions represent some happened to be a giant corpora­ pay hikes of 12 per cent per week: The Arab commandos have extended TURTLE HEADS 200,000 rail workers each. The erful competitive factor among the net­ tion which operated important In Foijr \G>nnecticut Towns year lor three years, plus cost- Tonight: the hi-jacking operation into something works that keeps them on their toes. plants not only In Connecticut, two smaller unions Involved are By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a temporary Superior Court in­ oMiving protection and other planning and Zoning Corn- John H. Lappen, Inc. far worse, far more intolerable. Unfortunately, there is not enough of in such locations as Groton and the Brotherhood of Malntena- benefits. T h e United Transpor- mission meeting, 8, Town Office a competitive factor^ Three major news Organized teachers In Middle- junction last week. nance of Way Employes with I Wallingford, but also in Ireland, They had been ordered to re­ tation Union is seeking pay Building. They hi-jack not to get themselves reports a night are not adequate to serve A Thought for Today in locations such as Dungarvan town, New Haven, West Haven about 100,000 members and the port to school bn ^ d a y , but hikes of 16 per cent a year lor Board of Admission of Elec- Insurers and Realtors some place, but to take vengeance, or a nation of more than 200,000,000. Would and Ringasklddy? Hotel and Restaurant Employes Sponsored by the Manchester and Milford voted today to re­ Hapgood said the majority did three years. tors, 6 to 8, Town Office Build- 'What If such a corporation Bartenders union with ' to gain themselves hostages. Americans be satisfied with three print­ Council of Churches main away from their class­ not show up then either. Their ------ing. 164 East Center St., Manchester o 649-5261 Inside happened to get the idea that about 4,000 rail workers. ing presses? There is something basical­ rooms on opening day Wednes­ representatives and those of the President Nixon could delay a Use young y l ^ h leaves for Passengers, to them, are not people ly wrong with the distribution of rights to An Israeli Plan “ But the Spirit produces love, It might be a good stroke of day unless contract demands school board met Saturday. strike for 60 days under emer­ a tossbd salad. To the spinach they use merely as shields while they do the airways. Vice President Agnew was joy, peace, patience, kindness, business statesmanship for it to are met. - Asked what stood in the way gency provisions of the Railway add sliced raw mushrooms and ----- ::------*- on the right track, but he erred when he goodness, faithfulness, humility, have .an Individual who could their hi-jacking, but captives to be used In Bristol, members of the of an agreement, Hapgood said: toss with French dressing. attacked the people who work In the in­ and self-control.” (Galatians serve. as an ambassador for its Labor Act, but Asst. Secretary in the lawless violence to which the • Connecticut plants to Its plants Bristql Education Association “ About $60,000.’’ dustry instead of criticizing the indus­ 5:22) Report in Ireland, and as ambassador voted 421-56 to stay away from He declined to enumerate the Palestinian extremists have dedicated try’s peculiar structure. If there were The kind of love God’s Spirit classrooms Wednesday if a joint points of disagreement, but said regional instead of national, networks. for Its Iri^ plants to Its enter­ 1970 VOLKSWAOBh themselves. By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak produces in us manifests itself meeting of the city council and the $60,000 was for teachers’ sal­ ______SE D AN witW*each serving fewer cities, Mr. Ag­ prises back in Ccmnectlcut, THINK SM ALLftm^ in acceptance of others as they smoothing out the relatiotudiip the board of finance decides not aries. Delivered bi Manchester Their, plane seizures are not in­ new would not have to worry so much to provide the board of educa­ JERUSALEM Despite the and run it the way they want, But it has one highly attrac­ are, not as we would like them and the performance, between The school board is awaiting Blquipped with leatheretlte in- whether this news program or that tion with $400,(K)0 the BEA had dividualistic pranks, but acts of war, and- while Israel controlled the Strait- tive feature: The early opening to become. We are called to all of them? the appointment of a state me­ t^or, wtadahleld washer, 2 seemed biased to the right or left. And precarious Middle East cease­ demanded as part of the educa­ these acts of war are attacks upon the of ’Tiran. of the Suez Canal is a central love others as ourselves not There might be a really at­ diator for the dispute, Hapgood speed electric w ipers, hesutor, regional networks would still be free to fire and Israel’s b^ksmanshlp tion budget. safety, freedom, and lives of innocent over Egyptian missile move­ The Israelis are now complet­ .inch of the captured territories, simply to love those who are tractive opening, good job In said. defoggar, 4-way saJety flashers, join together to transmit non-news pro- , In addition, teachers in New back-up lights, front and rtat ments, top planners of the Is­ ing a paved road from Eilat goal of the Soviet Union. Con­ like ourselves. Love does not private industry, and ambassa­ and neutral parties. grams. calculate the apparent worth of London rejected an arbitrated aaat belts,, leatherette headres raeli government are hammer­ south to Sharm El-Sheikh—a ceivably, then, V the Russians dor too. Have Impaired Hearing We can appreciate the economic prob­ another based on such incident­ agreement but agreed to report steering Wlieel lock and ri One thing that such circumstances im­ ing out bargaining postures in land bridge, as they call it, all might exert pressuiss^on- Egypt Some of the better controlled window defroster. lems that would spring initially from de­ to accept . this plan, 'or some als as looks, behavior, attitude, for work Wednesday while mediately suggest is that for the Arab case peace breaks out. the way down the eastern edge hearing studies indicate that ap­ centralization of hews broadcasting, but variation, while Egypt itself philosophy, or environment, but awaiting completion of negotia­ . The problem is vastly com­ of the Sinai to their force at tions. And in Burlington, about proximately 5 per cent of school- TED TRUDON Bt. 83 Tolland Tpk. governments whose territory is being we worry somewhat more about the ef­ plex, involving passions embed­ Sharm El^helkh. International might find it a possible Interim assumes the worth of all others Herald age children have some impair­ based on God’s love and con­ 80 per cent of the teachers at TalcottvlUe, Conn. used in such exploits merely to engage fects of the present concentration of tele- , ded in this country’s political guarantees that this road would solution in view of the canal's ment in one or both ears, ac­ vision power on the political system. ( vast money-making potential. cern for them. To be able to Lewis Mills High School remain­ YOLKSWACEN C48-2888 in verbiil denunciation and disapproval psyche. TTie men and women remain open at all times would Yesterdays ed away from school today as cording to Encyclopaedia Brltan- We. worry, too, about the use to which Copyright 1970 . love those with whom we dis­ • who nm Israel know that, In be part of the deal. the fall season opened. nica. is not enough. This kind of hi-jacking is television has been put by President Nix­ Field Enterprises Inc. agree, to feel comparable an­ withdrawing from the lands cap­ 'This possible arrangement is - 25 Years Ago About 316 members of the as criminal as any human act can be; on. Because he is the President, Mr. Nix­ tured in the 1967 war, nothing . guish over the deAth of a Viet­ seen here as a first-stage settle- namese child as over the child Manchester Grange’s second Middletown Education Associa­ no self-respecting government can af- on can have all the prime air time he ' approaching total security is ment of the two outstanding tion voted “ overwhelmingly wants -simply-by-calling a-press confer- . Quotations .. .next-. the Bar-Lev Suez Canel line to the scliool. day after erection, have the economy concentration of its power multiplies the at your first try. All this is possible with our new approach to a point well back toward the old The 1,100 students were sched­ miraculously cured, doubtless by the impace on every subject it touches. playing the organ . . . and the fact that the organ is the easiest Sinai border between Israel and uled to report at 10 a.m. The ' Television requires no patronizing school principal, Fritz Welting, of all keyboard instruments to play. stimulating news of said Democratic vic­ Egypt. Israel would insist on de­ word about its Importance and value in said school buses were bring­ tories. militarization of the IntOrvening COME IN TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION American life. 'The medium regpilarly re­ ing “ a good turnout” of stu­ apace, ■with an international dents for today’s orientation •Spinet, Home' Churqh and Concert Models^ except for Solo Pedal Unit of To say that the Democrats now choose establishes its right to our attention. And force placed between the Is­ session. About 16 staff members Conceit Model., to have a political stoke in the possibili­ so does it regularly re-establish our aCp- raelis and the- Suez Canal. That prehension of,its unique political power. and'some nonprofessionals were ty- of poorer business conditions and arrangement' would permit the — THE NATIONAL, OBSER'VER. present, he added. . Egyptians to reopen the canal The teachers were served with X V PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HiERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, -SEPTEMBER .8, 1970 PAGE SEVEN

over 60 years. He was employ­ ed as a velvet weaver at Che­ Red Cross To Seek Town Youth, IS, Drowns, ney Bros, before he retired Drug Center about twenty years ago. -nie Drug Advisory Center Manchester Bus Routes Survivors, besides his wife, Release of Passengers Att6Thpts at Rescue, F a il 81 Russell St. la observing the Public sdMol pupUs are pro- Middlefleld, Summer, West, ’Thompson, Olcott Dr., O’Leary, land Tpke. at N. Mata; Tolland Include a daughter, Mrs. Wil­ vlded. transportatloii, without Westwood, Edgerton, following summer schedule: Edward A. Davidson; 18, of 1962 ,ln Manchester, son of Lodge, ’Trebbe. Ttike. 786-629-695. liam I. Murch of North Haven: (Conttnued fretn' P age One) In Qeneva, the mternaUoiial charve, If they meet the fidlow- jCenter (238). Eric E. Nels^ member of Wapplng Commu- V “ ‘™rdcwidren"‘ Md“'tw^ Monday, Tuesday and 73 Walnut St. drowned yesterday Charles J. and Catherine Oor- Starts 7:60, stops At W. Center Red Cross said ' It had dls- Ing requlremente; starts 7:20' stops at B oa U Eric E. Nelson. 4, of jllddle- nlty Church, and PYanklln ereat S ^ d e h llrr e n ' alrfleld would be blown up with patched a special mission to Wednesday, 8:80 a.m. to 6 In Coventry while swimming clllus Davidson of Walnut St., 1. pu^i. b ™ «,id „ oc«p.r iSL.-.t'irS; “ ‘ fe- 'S , MANCHESTER mOH field, grandson of Mr. and M i ^ , . I ^ e of Masons and the Ste- Q______r a_ ^__ e__ services______will be passengers stUl aboard. Airman to try to negotiate the p.m. with three of his friends. and would have entered the sen- Ernest Anderson of Manchester, phi— “ ------. -- . -Thursday and Friday, 8:30 The accident happened at h. lor class at Manchester High ten and Grades 1 through 8 atoo wood, at Summer, Center at Ed- Falknor and Center- Center and AN D nxrNG a. a « , a Thursday at 2 p.m. at East fate of the hijackers-hMtages. Uve more than one mUe walk- gerton. Arrives MHS 7:40, RUng ^ n t e r ,md All students from Hilliard lor, Vernon (408-844), Richmond who died Saturday at Hartford ‘"v Cemetery. The Rev. Louis wplj^ves ^ ‘de the two planes mediators earUer a.m. to 9 p.m. man-made pond belonging to the Sdiool tomorrow. ing distance ftom the school. 7:46. - ™ ’ Thompson. (89-140), Dorset. Manchester Hospital of injuries he received M yors. besides Ws wt,e, ^ Concordia Lutheran n order to blow them up in case convinced the Palestinians to Mansfield Training School on Survivors, besides his parents. (164-220), Loomis, Griffin, Mar­ Saturday, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 2. All pupils from Grades 4 Arrives 8.00 a.m, garet, Irving, Lockwood (1-7) Public School ■ Starts 7:80, stops at W. Ver­ in a car accident, was buried include a son, G. Stedman offlcinte there Is no reply to Its warn- release 120 hostages, mostly There will be an answering Case Hill Rd. There was no life Include two brothers, Robert C. non and Kennedy; 128 and 182 in private services. Eric, the Meade of Cheshire; 2 daugh- guard on duty at the time. Davidson of Elmira. N.^., and through 6 who live more than nnSlSiiin BuS» Chambers (2-33), Columbus (16- H olm es, Funeral IJome, 400 ® si>okesman s^ d In the children, \riio were service every night except ono and onaHiuartar miles walk* * . . BBNNUr w a d d k M s Calendar , W. Vernon; 640 Taylor; Taylor Kindergarten Bus Routes son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. ters, Mrs. G. j. Tieman of Coventry police said the youth Lloyd T. Davidson Foley, ^3 Rnglewood; WaddeU Irving at Chambers, Columbus, orientatian. Scott. Arrive at 7:66 at Man­ first few days of school, parents T^pke.; 41 Baldwin; Bryan at. 5:55 p.m. ' Bradford Wright of Vernon, Da- tacted to help the caller if people, In the water with him, Brewer of Manchester, The family suggesU that any expedite release of^the *he United States, p^ltato. one and one-half miles Sept. 2-8: New teachers’ chester High; 8 at RUng. of kindergarten children attachofforth Cornwall; Bryan at Pond Lane; ^ Survivors also include two '-td Wright of Bloomfield and necessary. attempted to save him. Police The funeral will be -Riursday os walking (671-681), Hatha- Parkade Apt. WaddeU ^ v e s 7 :40 at MHS, 7 :46 at lU- memorial contributions be made e ^ t e reieiw^ me Germany and Switzerland.' ing. Sept. 8: Teachers’ pre­ brothers, a sister and his pater- Vernon Mendall of Glaston- said, however, that Davidson ap- at 8:16 a.m. from the John F. School. Bus 24 ( an Identification card to toe to the American C ^ c e r Society. S ^ e l ^ ^ r i ^ ^ .^ i d V e S u a s to hotel where the 120 were For drug advisory informa­ T T ^SL ^SuT^e fo ° : ? d school conference. Ccmcord; 144 Demlng; 746 Park­ nal grandparents. b“ry; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Roy parenUy panicked and started IHerney Funeral Home, 219 W. Bus 16 BUCKLEY child, Indicating the child’s er. 237 E. Center St. staying was hit by mortar Are tion caU: 847-9222. through 12 who uve more than SSteU K ^ y (H- B u s 10 The DoolitUe Funeral Home, Livermore of South Windsor; a to thrash around when his Center St., with a Mass of re­ BENNET JUNIOR HIGH Sept. 9: School opens. AU students from E. Middle name, address, and bus stop. After refusing to release Mias ^e night, but there were two miles walking distance MANCHESTER HIGH 14 Church St., Middletown was brother, Charles Meade of Au- friends attempted to assist him. qulem at St. James’ Church at 110), Perkins. AU students from Adams (479- Oct. 30: Teachers’ conven­ ’Tpke. (765-1109), Finley, Bolton, ijhig enable toe bus drivers ' Washington Khaled on Monday. thewBritlsh injuries. The attack ap- from the schotd. AN D IL U N O in charge of the arrangements, bum, Maine; 9 grandchildren. Those in the water with him 9. Burial will be In St. James’ Starts 7:60, stops at Center at 666), Crestwood, Deepwood, tion. ' Center, New Bcriton, Lake, Ly- to keep on schedule and avoid Bus 3— Leaving school 11:10 Cabinet met today to reconsider P «n «u tof be part -of the sldr- 8. PupUs attending special McKee at w OanL, AU students from Parker (746- The family suggests that any t2 great-grandchildren. Archbishop were William Oauruder, Maiilee Cemetery. Deerfield, Devon, Edmunds, dall, Lexington, Scott (230-279). having a child discharged at toe a.m., stops on W. Middle T^ke. Funeral services will be to- the sItuaUon In light of the mlshlng in the city between Pal- classee at BenUey, Bennet, w S l at South, MIU, No^ 3: Election Day. donations be p'iven to Chestnut French of Mancheseter and Pat- Friends may call at the fu- Falrvlew, Ferndale, Foxcroft, Starts 8:06, stops at 784 E. >vrong bus stop. at Downey; 226 Spencer; 668- the PFLP ultimatum. '. e»tlnlan guerrillas and the Jor- Buckley, Highland Park, Kedn- at* *^®*’ "Dwlor, Beacon, LUUan, Nov. 11: 'Veterans Day. Hill School Library Memorial jnorrow ^ 1 1 a.m. at ricia Trueman of Coventry. A neral home tomorrow from 2 to __ n-eeney at NUes. Arrives 8:06. F,Hvarda m lincoln, Ltanmore, Proctor, Saddle ’I^ke.; New Bolton, 180r children attending toe mom- 664-476 WethereU; WethereU at 400 Fights for The Arab envoys summoned danlan army, ey, Robertson, Mansfield, Tal- KEENEY Edwards, N. School,______, ,Gleason, Nov. 12:, First quarter Fund in Middlefleld.- ' holmes Funeral Home. fourth youth, Mitchell Doughty * und 7 to 9 p.m. Ridgewood, St. Jiton, St. Law- 117-103; E. Middle ’Tpke,, 943- session of kindergarten wiU Server; Packard at Chalmers; Main St., Manchester. The Rev. by Douglas-Home were from Popular Front has de- ARRESTS Hudson (14). ' ends. of Manchester, not Iq^the water -The family suggests that any c^ U e, (^ngres-Alken, Ver- Starts 8:20, stops at Keeney lta4-1066; E.Middle ’Tpke. and the regular bus which Is WethereU at McChnn. Harold Richardson, pastor of Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, manned the release of guerrillas Starts 7:80, stops at 746 and *'®?P®’ Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving > Jonathan D. West Reform Dennis Gillette, 16, of 31C at the time, also attempted to memorial contributions be made planck, and Stevens in East at Leland, Unwood Santlna; stops at Crest- Finley; 806 and 766 E. Middle arhednied for their nnriieiiinr The foUowtag Is toe schedule Wapplng ' Community Church, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. h^^ to Israel as the price of Hartford. Since these pupils are 233 K eeney, 876 Parker; Parker and ToUand “terts 7:60, recess ROCKVILLE'— Jonathan D. Garden St., charged with taking help save Davidson, police said, to _ the Manchester Memorial wood at Ferndale, Deepwood; T’pke.; Lake, 122-186-240-276-627; ^rea, and children a tto ^ S ^ toe ®*°P» **>« plckup of will officiate. Burial will be in In Bonn, the West German freedom for- the Israeli host- provided home deUvery, toe ’ , Tpke. ; Oakland at Gleason, Ul- Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Christmas West, 21-month old son of State _ , (Contlnued from Pace One) -The youth was bom May 19, H(»pital Building Fund. Stone at St. John; Center at 737 LydaU; Scott and Lexlng- afternoon kindergarten session ®»*“ dren attending .afternoon Foreign Ministry cidled on the ages. It is believed the Israeli a motor vehicle without pemils- schedule for these classes is not Bus 6 llan, Rachel, N. School, and hoUday. Troopec Joel West and Eliza- Cemetery, Roosevelt. Arrives 8:06. tan. return home on toe regular Ittadergarten sessions; beth Smith West of 101 South Friends may call at the fu- in Pall River from a Portuguese jordarUan ambassador to ox- government holds about 60 com- sion. He and a 16-year-old boy contained under toe schools list- MANCHESTER HIGH Hudson. Arrives 7:66 at Man- Jan. 4: School reopens. Jan. 28: Second quarter St., died Saturday morning at St. tonight from 7 to 9. island in the Azores. press concern for the safety of mandos. were arrested last night in said he would not sleep there ed below. -AU students from Hartford ®*'ester High, 8 at RUng. Bos 16 • Bgg 25 bus scheduled for toelr .area. . Bowers again. ends. MANCHESTER HIGH Therefore, toe pickup of toe Bus 1 — Starting noon at 61 Francis Hospital, Hartford. „ ^ “ “ ''® -^ '® ® toe Is- German hostages. Armored unite of the Jorda- , ^ Flight Called 6. PhyslcaRy handicapped P**- (816), Spencer, HlUatown Bus 10 KEENEY S’TREET Tom White land of St. Michael, he came to ^n Amman hotel where 120 toan army stood by helplessly ^ris^ by Bristol ^ ice m con chUdren. (380-806), Redwood, Ralph, All students frran Spring morning kindergarten children Scott, stop at 64 Tracy. Funeral services were this BOBER’TSON Stairts 8 :16, -stops at Hackma- SOUTH WINDSOR - The fu- Fall River with his parenta ift and ^children from the about 200 armed guerrillaa section with the theft of a car -TwO young boys struck a girl Eligible students should check HUls, Biuh Hill, BeU, Galaxy, Second Hall (214), Dartmouth/ S. Farms, ®**'^ tae discharge of afternoon morning at Our tovlor Lutheran Starts 8:06, stops at N. Mata tack, 7-87-84. Highland Park Church. Wapplng. The Rev. Don- ^om Vmte. 66. of 1931. ‘ J^i^o‘^rltoere are‘^5dn^ WM hit surrounded the planes"at Daw- from the rear of Maple Super ^ ^e was ridliy her bike on ^Nightmare^ toe streeU Usted (for toelr ad- Wtathrop, Keeney (847-780), Feb. 1: Klndergar- Thayer, Tuck, Oobb, Tlriiber, kindergarten children may vary 698-670-681; ’T ollv-d' Ttike. 496- Bus 4 — Starting 11:36 Blue aid A. Erbe pastor officiated. Brooklyn. Conn., father of Mrs. He went to adult educatlpn by mortar fire durtii the nlrtt. Field, a dusty desert air- Service at 220 Spruce St. The Benton St. Saturday night. The dress) and use the designated Santlna. Bus 16 ten change. Timrod (266), Cafhp Meeting, slightly with toe schedule of bus (Contlnned from Page One) 400-320 ; 398 OaMand; Oakland Ridge at Betti, stops cm Blue Burial was In Howard Cemetery, Caro'bie Rogers of South Wind- classes at night while working There were no casualties, and ®tolp at Zerqa, 26 miles north- boy was referred to Juvenile parents of the boys were notl- WASHINGTON Feb. 12-19: Winter vaca­ Carter, Blue Ridge, Betti, Birch etaps Usted below. bus for atten^ sclxxA. When at Sou’to, LUUan, Itachel; 169 Ridge at Birch Mt.; Highland Sutton, Mass. home Sun- at a mill for 62 cento a day, and y,e blasts appeared to stem of -Amman. -There was no Court. Court date for Gillette is fled. Starts 8:26, stops at 48 Wetoe- tion. Mt. 'Die following is a list of toe ______at the controls of a 707 and at bus routes have been estab- tord,M ., S ^ i^ , 1^77-160 ; 860 Oakland: Robertson School; Ra- at WyUys; Highland at Gard­ Survivors, besides his parents, afternoon at after learning EngUsh, complet-. continuing clashes be- gunfire, probaMy because the Sept. 28. ------rell, WethereU at McCann, Serv­ Feb. 22: School reopens. Starts at 7:30,. stops on Spring discharge stops for the morning A _A . AA Cairo at the old Pa3me Field Ushed on a permanent basis, aU chel Robertson School, ner; 267-202-96 Autumn. Include his maternal grandpar- “J® four-year high school pro- tween Jordanian troops and army was eager to avoid harm- A report of attempted arson a ^ ^ ' students attending secondary Itedwood, Redwood at Ralph er, Packard at Chalmers, Hor­ Apr. 7; Third quarter ends. a,t Dartmouth, Cobb, Tam; 10 kindergarten session; ■ oa QAftiv/iow ntffiif offAi* a Qunng ms au years as a ace at BidweU, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. gram in two years. Ing the hostages. A Palestinian Vincent D. Pallas, 25, ot 95 was filed Saturday night after a American pilot schools wlU be iasued hue tick- ®-> Aelph W.; 606 HUlstown; Bue 11 Apr. 9: Good Friday. Camp Meeting; 86 Carter; Car­ Keeney ^ ___ m _____ A A. ««• wrajji. *1% I . ■ .4 A1. ^iiafrNwi AV» IS?rl*a fPoV4kV*n Hid* ^ * Buckland Smith of Sutton, Mass., and his ^ ^ Abblngton Bishop_____. Medeiros' father, plane hijacked to fl^ fluttered over a tent, and a W. Middle -fpke., charged with customer at Ed’s Tavern dls- „in„„ eta, which must be shown to HUlstown at m ils; 291 and 871 MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL Apr. 19-28: Spring vacation. ter at Blue Ridge; Birch Mt, Bus 3 — Starting 11:80 a.m. Bus 16 Bus 2 — Leaving school 11:20 paternal grandparents, Mr. and meanwhile, gained employment the Middle East Simday, a Pan tanker truck passed out water making unnecessary noise with covered a roll of toilet paper on P toe drivers on all tripe. Bush HUl; Bush fflU at BeU; 6I 8 All students from Wedgewood, Apr. 26: School reopens. 620-501-451; Birch Mt. at Car- 68 Hackmatack, stops at 284 Survivors also include his .. .. _ .. A.»______i.____Tv_ ... ______/iv-A i« loHiflMB fwvm oeiriit lur MANCHESTER HIGH a;m., stops at 109 Buckland; 286 Mrs. Seth G. W est. of Charles- In one of the mills: Am erican World Airways to the commandos. a motor vehicle, He was arrest- fire In the ladles room. Mice The schedules show that each Hill; Bush HUl at Olen- Englewood, Dover, -Edison, W. May 31: Memorial Day. ter; arrives fl. Keeney; Keeney at Leland, Lin- wife, two brothers and two sis­ AU students from Kennedy, Burnham; 148 Croft; Croft at town, N.H. The bishop has a brother, Boeing 747, was blown up eight Inside the aircraft, the host- ed yesterday morning on Main said that soineone apparenUy excited conversaUon in Ara bus makes several trips, and In ®, (590-720), Downey. Hamilton. Bishop. Montclair! June 22: School closes. wood, Erie and Santlna; 708-648 ters. e Windsor; 130 Windsor; 957-800 The Burke Funeral Home, 76 s..courtd...S.P.,III. -.I-““ . Si t;:: order to maintain this scheJule, Santlna, Erie, Ltawood. Arrives Flilton, Jarvis, Morse, Salem, Bus 26 Bush HIU; 76 Wlnthrop; Garnet Smith and Walker Funeral Scott (4-204), Cushman, ’Tracy, One-sesslon days wlU be MARTIN Tolland ’Tpke.; 736 N. Main; 168 Prospect St., was in charge of __ __ P&38611^0r8 «ovenrw\* . . - — ------^ toe cooperation of parents and Whitney, Adams (447-691), Fox at Bush Hill; 206 Bush HIU; Home, 148 Grove St., Putnam. at B.M.C. Durfee High Sc^l, but Its passengers escaped tWrsty.^e commandos f^ ly _ _ T—" „ X , If! T.? 2.“! ally, the jumbo jet landed. Prld- Colonial. held on Nov. 26 and Dec. 28. arrangements. from which the bishop gradual- through emergency ' chutes. A, allowed the Red Cross to bring GlUes Rouoleau, 25, of 482 age was minor, pupils Is required. Buses can- g croft, W . Middle ’Tpke. (636), Starts 8:10, stops on Bruce at Adams; HiUlard at New State; Bush HIU at HUlstown; 88 HlUs; dy said that about nine men Starts 7:80 stops on Kennedy There are 91 days in the first HUIcrest; 49 Nike; 36 S. Lake- 386 Adams, was in ch a ^ e of arrangements, •• ----- , subsUtute Boeing 707 returned ' blaiteete aboart. —- Adorns St., charged with breach not go out of toelr way to pick KEENEY 8T Deerfield. at Richmond; Scott at Kennedy, 234 Redwood; 121-26 Ralph; 66 Robert J. McNellly Sr. half, and 89 in toe second wood; 357 S. Main; 36 Shallow- Another brother, Leonel, cur- to New to YorkNew MondayYork Monday night withnight with "Go and show this to Nixon of the peace. He was arreted ^ g^ ^ b jM t of^* toe** Wj^Ickere up puplU, Aor can they stop at at Glendale Starts 7:40, stops at W. Mid­ Cushman; Cushman at Tracy Buckley Redwood; Hunter ^ Terry. Edward W. Brett ' ‘ . and M elr"—President Richard last night in cormectlon with was scratched by a storp object , half. By state law, schools brook; ShaUowbrook at Pane; Robert J. McNeilly, 66, of renUy Is a custodian in the ^37 „f the jumbo je t’s 188 pas Individual houses. Pupils are ex- Winthrop; 64 Wlnthrop; dle ’Tpke at Wedgewood, Down­ W. Arrives 7:60. The funeral of Edward W. -must be in session 180 days. 676 Gardner; Gardner at Bus 1 — Leaving school 11:10 M artin' - Goslee Dr. died Saturday at „ ^?a® ’ school system at Somerset, and glnaera and cre\^ Nixon and Israeli Premier Ool- an Incident at Deci’s Drive-In on Wm^me Friday night or early pected to be on time and to trav- Garnet ; 664 and 708 Buth ey; Jarvis at Salem, Fhxcroft a.m., stops at 940 E. Middle Bus______2 — ______Starting______11:46 a.m. Manchester Memorial Hospital. ^^^s Nadine Be°a"S: T Pan Ir^ ^ k ^ s a id «la Melr-"and teU them about Center St. Court date -Sept. 28. Saturday morning. What^ mdn t^ta^^^ toe el only on toe bus to which they -jjjy. gush m il at Keeney; 490 ®* Adams, Deerfield. Arrives 8, Bus 16 Wynedlng; 491 and 466 Gardner. BUCKLEY ^ Tpke.; E. Middle ’Tpke. at Fin- phlllp at Kane, stops on Virgin- have been aa^ej- and’ 468 Keeney; Keeney at Bus 28 ley; ‘867-766 E. Middle Tpke.; m ^ r ar^to'*^ n passengerTtw o of Whom aocI ^ N T S A pickup tro^Twas abandon- S ’brSt"^. safttoel “ Bus 11 All students from Scott (196- Warren, Lakewood, Nike, HIU- la at Teresa; Charter Oak at f iTimpr ? M Sunday, was held this morning hospitalized for minor In- J* “ **® P®*"*®** ACCIDENTS P ^ Tpke. Satur- plosives aboard toe plane and All buses ¥rtU display toelr BENNET JUNIOR HIGH 75-176-632 W. Vem on; Scott at numbers on the windshield. Pu­ I^ASHINGTON 220), Kennedy, Richmond (9-23), crest- Sycamore. at toe Taylor and Modeen Fu- “ PX®,"L‘" ffj! Jo^es, were stol to Ca^ to toe scene. Police charged Leon O.' Per- day morning. Police are trying planted them downstairs.” -The Starts 8:16, W. Middle Tlike All students from Highland Lexington; Flagg at Richmond; pils should bocurd and leave the Bus 6 Dearbom Hamilton, Bishop, Starts 7:40, stops on Pine at WaddeU w^^ in toe Tewksbury Ceme- „eral Home, m_S. Main St.. !i!rd.A.ll\rtoe*‘^ ' iSr'eri^ ras. 66% r 20 Lltohfleld St. wlto to contect "downstairs” refers to toe low­ at Downey, 1006 W. Middle Woodstock, Sage. Hartford Rd.; Prospect at Nor- (263-326) WyUys, Spring (700), Richmond at Kennedy; Scott at West Hartford. Burial was In studied at the Norto ^ericmi jjg^ York. hostages told of sitting with er deck of toe multitiered jum- bus at toe stop nearest toelr MANCHESTER HIGH Betti, Blue Ridge, Birch Mt., Cushman; Cushman at TTacy. Bus 6 —Starting 11:66. a.m. Tpke. Starts at 8:16, stops on Scott wood S.; 124 Hackmatack; VeTera^ Keldi F^^Tw cTme-‘ M*®® Khal®^ ^^®® seized by Is- toelr seat belts buckled'for 16 “ VVaM eir R^^^d W^ A car reported stolen froip bo jet. liome. -All students from Litchfield, Carter and Adelaide, Boulder, Parkade Apts., stops at 86 ployed at Pratt and Whitney Di­ at Dearborn; Kennedy-at Rich- Spring at S. Main; S. Main at tery. West Hartford. Catholic University to earn a ^.^gb gegurity guards Sunday hours before a Red Cross offl Grade 9 pupils, RUng Junior Keeney (32-116), BidweU, Fran- Bus 12 (182-273)) Jean, Steep HoUow, Martin Wedgewood; 18 Englewood; W. vision of United Aircraft Corp., Ggnte- gt he car he was driv- Stafford Springs was recovered "Y___ ou____ feel_____ kind__ of______Isolated,___ in- mond. Bishop, Hamilton, Wood- Lakewood. Arrives 8. Survivors Include his wife, a doctorate In theology, Hlgh School, are listed under ®la, Lyness (164), WaddeU, T^- MANCHESTER HIGH Porter (646) Porter (866-879), ■* — Leaving school 11:06 Middle ’Tpke. at Dover. East Hartford. a ^ t ^ ‘chancellor attempt- ci^^rsu^ed toe guertllas to involved in an accident early Sunday morning In the these big planes,” Priddy said, stock, Kent. son, a daughter, two brothers that school. ter, Seaman, Pioneer, Oval, All students from S. Adams, Raymond, Richard, Waranoke, stops on 8. Main at Fern; ------:------Survivors include his wife, m ^r diocese In 1936 ^®*^ *”^® ®°"*P®"*°" ^®® P®*^^ ^ lavatory. ^ ^^ven by Frederico Howard Johnson’s parking lot “because you don’t know what’s Bus 19 and six grandchildren. Allowances must be made for H wlford Rd. (618-669), Dudley, Academy, Green Hill, Monroe, ShaUowbrook'! ShaUowbrook Mrs. Anna Semenuk McNeilly; miArt a mnnaiimor in When they tried to take Gerry Tomiatti, a beautician jjjjjjjero of South Barre, Mass, off -Tolland -Tpke. going on, on toe other decks.” Olcott, O’Leary, ’Thompson, Bus 16 mOHLAND PARK Teach Japanese ------..amed a monslgnor In ^ ^ Queens, N.Y., was aboard was te^n to Manches: ------On toe other deck was Dr. time variations since the ached- Bance, Moore, Dougherty, W. at Pane; Spring at Oobb; Spring three sons, ^ bert McNeilly Jr., ’Trebbe, W. Center (236-250), FV> BOWERS Starts 8:06, stops at 14-38 Pitkin (62-U2. HONOLULU — The Japanese of Manchester, and Wayne Mc- Casper Bertash ^ ^ w«h GC8 on a flight from Amster- the Swissair DC8. The first indl- Memorial Hospital where SomeUme Friday night, some- James Helme, a pediatrician ules are tentative and subject ley, Hyde, Lyness, McKee (20- Starts 8:30, stops on E. Mid- Camp Meeting; 108 Carter; 224 Starts 7:36, stops at Highland ®^ Tam. language Is taught in 193 U. S. NeUly and Mark McNelllv both Gasper Bertash, 89, of West He w m a mem^r M toe jjg^ g^g ^ ^ 3 caUon she had that toe jet was treated and released, one broke toe handle on a port- from NashvUle, Tenn., who said to revision later — In order to Sta^ 7:20 stops on Keeney M ci^irFm e^on, Alex- Blue Ridge; Blue Ridge at and Candlewood, WyUys; 108 at Hackmatack, BidweU at " dle Tpke. at Amott, Ludlow; Robeitson high schools and ccUleges to of Wapirfng; a daughter^’ Mrs Hartford, father of Mrs. Alice °P®,"*®‘f ® -ur* ScoUand Yard when hijacked, she said, was when g . able gas tank at the McCarthy,, he had several conversations provide a practical schedule un­ ander, Perkins, Proctor, Ridge- piaza at HlUtop. Betti; 114 Blue Ridge. Carter; Carter and Blue Ridge; Portland; Waddell at Dudley; Bus 6 — Leaving school 11:10 20,600 students by 709 teachers. waPIHng, a aaugmer, Mrs. Manchester, died Sat- CalUomia grape strike and cw- ^g pj^^^g London’s someone said over toe public “^'® »®PX^______Construction ® Co. on Dartmouth_ . .. ^ t h some of toe men, who der actual working conditons. wood. Center (476). 738 Birch Mt.; 646 Porter; Port- Joseph (Carol) Blais of East W. Center at Dougherty. Arrive Hon 20 a.m., stops at 159-223 Oakland; MorS than half toe students Uve urday at St. Fl-ancls Hospital, rently is chairman of toe Heathrow Airport. address system: "Good even- . -arj-ed car in toe Washlne- Hd. and stole an undetermined identified themselves as mem- When schedules are adopted « have a new^cap- Social Club parking lot off amount of gasoline. bers of toe Popular Front Tor a permanent basis, biuws' should- tor at Hyde, S. Adams; S. DIANCHESTEB HIGH Arrives 8. ------Mass., and toe Rev. James Me- Survivors also Include three “ le U.S. Co jg^^g been demanded are Madison St. roUed a ^ o r t dls------Liberation of Palestine. nm in accordance with toe time Bus 6 Adams at Thompson; Center at students from Bryan, Ave- AU students from N. Main,' ’Tolland ’Tpke. (1036-1108), Burn- Bus 28 Neilly of California; two sis- ®°"®. four other daughters, °P®' ______also In jail on charges Involving Another New York passenger tance and damaged some shrubs A wallet containing ^ w m Helme said his discussions schedule. ' BENNET JUNIOR HIGH Alexander, Roosevelt. Arrives D'’ ^e^dwln, ^m wall, Concord, Pond Lane, Demlng (17), Car- ham, Croft. Windsor, Meekville, mOHLAND PARK ters, Mrs. Everett Fraser of ®‘8ht grandchildren and a t •! J “‘f®®**® ®n airlines. Three of toe who asked that her name not be early Sunday morning. *^®" ***® pocketbook rt "friendly and phllo- Elementary school buses wlU AU students from Bates, 7:65. Manchester School Hours men. Tewksbury and Mrs. Carl Mac- great-grandchild. N e w s m e n .1 a ile d prisoners are awaiting trial In used said toe plane stopped ______ant**. employe « of Manchester---- - Me- gophlcal,’’soprucai," andana thatuiai. one ot toeuie make return trips between 2:46 Brent, Evergreen, French, W. Adams (109-316), Jarvis, Alex­ Starts at 8, stops at VUla Bus 12 Starts at’ 7:30, stops on bem - Louise Rd., Birch Mt. Rd., 80i- Donald of'Needham, Mass., and The funeral will be tomorrow f M®"*®** ®"<* G*® other three abrupUy to avoid colliding with A car driv/en by Lana Rawl------rnori^ Hospital whlle^e w “after we blow and 3U0 p.m.; Bennet Junior Middle ’Tpke., Penn, Tower, ander, Dougherty, Hendee. Manchester High 11 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten, r \ e ing at Baldwin; Bryan at Pond three grandchildren. at 8:16 a.m. from toe Waszkel- A t C o n f a b O f have been sentenced in Zurich toe TWA Boeing 707 already on ings of 542 E. Middle Tpke. working in the hwsekeeplng - this plane, we are going to High at 2:16 p.m .; IlUng at 2:80 WoodhlU, Grant, OUver, Broad WASHINGTON Starts 7-25, stops at 619 and 313-241; Birch Mt. at Carter, Opening 8:06 a.m. Lunch In noon to ^:30 p.m. Lane, QomwaU; Elterta at Con- _____ ewlcz Funeral Home, 43 Weto- i tvt ■ • to 12-year prison terms. toe airstrip. struck a small tree late yester- Sunday aftemocm. companies.” and 2:86 p.m .; and Manchester (96-188), Hartland, Lockwood, S. Starts 8 :05, stop at 816 Hart- 756 N. Main; 109 Buckland; 233 691 Porter, Highland at WyUys, 30-mlnute periods between 11:06 Lunch, Grades 1-3, 11 to 11:60 ford Rd; 118-162-226; Spencer, ®ord: 18« Avery. Arrives 7:46, Mrs. Della Yeadon ersfleld Ave., Hartford, with a N cU tT a l W fltlO n S High School at 2:83 and 2:40 Hawthorne (48), Hawthorne Burnham; Burnham at Drexel, Candlewood, Gardner. a.m. and 12:14 p.m. Dismissal, a.m.; Grade 4 and one Grade 6, day morning on a private road . „ at Helme said that he noticed Croft; Croft at Windsor: 906 and Mrs. Della Farrell Yeadon, 84, Mass of requiem at Holy Trln- p.m., and Cheney Tech at 8 p.m. (86). 166 HUlstown; WethereU, 642- Mcmday through ’Thursday, 2:32 11:40 a.m. to 12:30 p.m .; one 1„ a. 0„. Mt. .rt., wTX; »» »' “» .IT. 180 'Windsor: Tolland ’Tpke. at Bus 29 p.m.; Friday, 1:37 p.m. Extra Grade 6 and Grade 6, 12:10 to of New Britain, grandmother of CSiurch, Hartford, at 9. LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) — The bus schedules, by schools, Starts 7:60, stops on OUver at 628-484-260, WethereU at BidweU. b ENNET JUNIOR HIGH C ard in al ------^ Wrmev or Saturday along toe right side of toe plane. Meekville, Adams; Adams, 109- MANCHESTER HIGH help, Monday through Tliursday, 1 p.m. toe Rev. Edward M. LaRose, Burial will be in Mt. St. Bene- Five foreign journalists were Egypt Calls A written warning for failure sometime Friday y- be must are as foUows: Tower and Grant; Grant at Co­ gjjj jg AU students from Garth, Fer- 153-856; Adams at Jarvis; Cen­ AU students from Wdodalde, assistant pastor of St. Bartholo- *f*®f Ce'metery, Bloomfield. Imprisoned and another hospi- lumbus; W. Middle ’Tpke. at 2:40 p.m. to 3:10 L ° ^ a l T ^ ? o 7 i r H S Tire marks on toe a^hMJ bare been setUng toe explosive BENNET j u n i o r h i g h pison (73-328), Arnott (79-85), ter at Alexander. Hunter, WethereU, S^erver, Pack-' Manchester Green mew’s Church, died Saturday Friends m ^ call at toe fu- taiized under guard today as toe Bus 1 Hawthorne. Cushing U.S. Charge AU students from E. Middle 89- ard, Avon, Diane, Hackmatack Bennet Junior High . Morning kindergarten, 8:80 to ^ternoon at a Plalnvllle conval- neral home tonight from 7 to 9. third nonaligned nations confer- MANCHESTER HIGH (Continued from Page One) ” !d T'w iT dri th^ ’fe^^ S^^ce Station Another passenger, L. Rlch- Tlpke. (642-943), Finley. Bolton 218); Hlghwood, ' Bns 20 (247-353), Niles, Judith. Opening 8:06 a.m. Tardy bell, 11 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten, escent hospital. ------ence opened m Lusaka. AND ILUNG B us 6 Z ESene W ^H ear of 478 ^ W .^ S e Tpke. and Broad ardson Preyer Jr.. 22, toe son MAB’TIN Center, New Bolton, Dale, Lud- ROBER’TSON • 'Starts ‘7:86, stops on Hllls- 8:10 a.m. Lunch, Monday, noon to 2:30 p.m. 'The funeral was this morning Mrs. Howard A. McCarthy Three of toe newsmen—Ken- ship ® forgiven. If, oo the other s^eement "to cover up Its re------with all but one of toe guerrillas Bus 1 Finley, Overlook, Lynch, West- piodn, Parker, (33()-60O), Redwood, Rali^i, Gal­ AU students from Nike, Shal- ten, noon to 2:30 p.m. Chalmers, McCann, Litchfield, ’Tuesday and Tliursday, 11:29 Earl J.. Haraghey, 60, of at 8:15 a.m. from Rose Hill FU- Chris Munnion of toe Londop hand, anything that I have said t u ^ ” to continue toe talks. COMPLAINTS Will Be Cut that came aboard and flew on BUCKLEY land, Eastland, Indian, Green axy, HUIs, Bush HUl, BeU Win­ lowbrook, Gardner, Fem, Car­ Opening, all grades, 8:36 a.m. Bus 14 HUlstown (183-271), Keeney (128- riage, Spring (363-606), Duncan, a.m. to 12:46 p.m. C losl^ , 2:26 Lungj, 11:06 to Broad Brook, brother of Mrs. neral Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky uaiiy I'eiegrapn, based In Salu- '^u* has caused someone to "Actually,” Tass said, "Tel t s t t ' i (Continued from Page One) to Cairo. Capt. Priddy said that AU students from W. Vernon, wood, LydaU (324-868). throp, Keenly ( ^ 694), San- 187). Leland; Unwood. Cobb, Timber, Timrod. p.m. Extra help, Monday May Sunderland of Rockville Hill, with a Mass of requiem at bury, Rhodesia. from toe think kindly of me, I wiU be Aviv’s decision Is only a logical ^“ ®"® ®^^^ ^ ^ U.N. debate he circled several Umes "be- Taylor, Montauk, Vernon (424- Starts 7:65, stops on E. Mid­ MANCHES’TER HIGH tina, Erie 11:66 a.m .; .Grade 4 'at 11:86 All students from Union, Mar- Starts 7:21, stons at 8I6 Hart­ Starts at 7:30, stops on S. through Thursday, 2:30 to 3:10 u> U M p.m.; Grades 6-6, and-Mrs. Viola Miller of Elling- St.' Augustine’s Church, HarXconierence hail tols morning. grateful for toelr prayers In toe ‘**® Po“ ®y ot pn^ w^ment^ M**28^EdWMd^ 3? on u^lcaUon If toe Communist cause toe hijackers wanted to 844), Richmond (69-139), Dorset. dle Ipke. at Finley; 106 New Starts 7:30, stops at 380 HlUs- ford Rd.; Sponcer, 14-77-99-118; Main at S. Lakewood, Shallow- p,m. Grade 9, housed at Man- to 12:48 p.m. Closing, ton, died last last Tliursday Thursday atat hishis ford, ford, atat 9.9. BurialBurial will will bebe inin Rose Rose ..The „The others—Tonv otoers-Tony White White of of “®y® “®y® beforebefore us.’'us." crastlhaUon by oy means 01of which wmen r"7'V _j::'Th; , ®‘ JCvnrrTawTome" ®“'^®^“® reirime “ would accept U.N. au- make - sure It was Cairo._ . In- the Starts 8:10, stops at W. Ver- Bo.ton; 867 B. Middle Tpke.; ble. North, Kerry, N. Main (616- town; HUlstown at Redwood; ■ >me. Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Reuters ana Dan-van der Vat of ttarointd Cushing's peppery Israel tries to prevent impie- *®®‘ "‘Bbt. The ovmer saw some- f®*™ , ^ Woodslde at Terry; WethereU at home. Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Reuters ana Dan-van der Vat of dark he (toe highjacker) recog- nwi and Kennedy, W. Vemon Greenwood _ at_ Indian,„ Marion, 631), Union Pi., Kenwood,1, Tol-’Tol- Redwood'Redw ood' at Ralph E. Ralph ®* Ter^; 'WethereU at Brook; 606 Gardner; Gardner at cheater High School, same hours K-Grade 3 at 2:30 p.m.; Grades Funeral services were held 'Friends may caU at toe fu- the Times of London—were ^t ana style of speaking, his af- ^!_®®®“H‘y.G°un- *■' The South Korean leader also nlzed a landmark and we went .66-114-186-176; 612 and 640 Tay- Lynch; 844 LydaU. Arrives 8 lan d ’Tpke. (817-1087), Slater, “ w.; HlUstown at HUls; 188 and /^**)**'®“’ ^em. Carriage, Spring, Cobb, as hl0i school. ^^4-6 at 2:36 p.m. this morning at the J. M. Bes- neral home tomorrow from 2 missing wnen toe conference *®®ti®u Boston anu his out- clTs Nov. 22, 1967, resolution.’ 291; WethereU at Server, Uteh- and Tam. tor expressed readiness to begin a lor; Taylor and Vemon; Vemon Demlng (173). 371 Bush HIU. Bush HUl at BeU; Bentley _^nger Funeral Home,, Ware- to 4 and 7 to-9 p.m.. . convened but U.S- ?Ee^^ ®Snner M_qealing vrito . Tlte re8olu^n, which forms ^ . k.. oMtifi fleld; Keeney at Leland. Natiian Hale ____ a E m b a ssy - - — ’This was toe most, chilling 844-710-632-660-681; Richmond Bns 7 Starts at 7:30, stops on Union 5x9 Bush MU at Glendale, Keen- Morning kindergarten, 8:46 to house Point. Burial was in — — !“ rcT J t o e ^ w e T ^ “Pbi religious and secular sub- the basis of toe U.S.-sponsored Tti® arm oLa-stetue^ln^ yard step-by-step, removal-Ot arUfl. a t. N- Main J 681 and 670-- N. ey;..K«eri»y at--SaiiUna, Erie.. . Morning kindergarten, 8:46 to broken off clal barriers between toe (wo P®,^ ®® . and Donwtr'Vemon 424. BUCKLEY 11:16 a.m. Afternoon kindetgar- Wlndsorvllle Cemetery. ''Mrs. Helen F. Pratt Whitlna McDonnel and Mun- ^®®^® have projected an image talks by representatives of Is- ®* ^®® Main;"" N.- Main at ’TtoUand 11:46 a.m. Afternoon kindergar­ countries If Norto Korea would ^ ®!®?‘, ■"* AU students from Cushman, KEENEY ten, 12:30 to 3 p.m. ------WAPPING — Mrs. Helen nlon in a prison. canuor ana courage. rael, Egypt and Jordan, calls sometime Sunday. Bus 2 ’Tpke.; 832 ’Tolland ’Tpke.; 160 Bus 18 ten, 12:15 to 2:46 p.m. renounce force as a political In- “P "'®’ * “ad to jump Tracy, Scott (76-180), Montclair, Starts 8:06, stop at 112 Wood- Opening 8:45 a.m. Lunch, MANCHES'TEB HIGH KEENEY STREET oipenlng, 8:46 a.m. Lunch, William P. Mar(ey Frances Barry Pratt, 76, 29 Reinhardt suffered an appar- 76-year-old prelate be- for an Israeli pullout from terri- , ‘ y,e plane before It explod- Flagg. Slater; ToUand T^ike. at Union; side; Hunter at Terry; Red­ H o m e R oom s 11:45 a.m. to 12:46 p.m. Cloeing, 11:46 a.m. to 12:46 p.m. Closing, ELLINGTON — William P. Highview Rd.. died yesterday at gnt heart attack moments after ®®?®® ®uxlUary bishop of Bostwi torlcs occupied In toe 1967 war Police broke up a scuffle be- stroment. _ _ ed.” stated Mary Browning. 20. AU sbidenta from Arvin, Corn- Starts 8:10, stops on Cushman 326 Tolland Tpke.; Demlng at starts 8:10, stops at 492 and wood at Ralph; 33 Ralph; 428- Grades 1-3, 2:46 p.m.; Grades Marley, 71, of Snlpsic St. died Manchester Memorial Hospital, telline a colleague "I’ve been ana took over as arch- and for Arab recognition of Is- ‘ween two groups of youths in Force M^. Gen. Fe- Alexandria. Va. "Then I got Grades 1-3 at 2:46 p.ih-; Grades stock, S. Main (284-638), Shal- at ’Tracy, Scott; Scott at Ken- Avery- Arrives .7:66. 695 HUlstown; 88 JHUls; HUls- 846-281 HUlstown. 4-6, 3 p.m. yesterday morning at Ptockville Mrs. Pratt, who was born ^reMed ” He was taken to toe ®*®"‘'P bi he iuaue rael’s right to exist within se- ^be Parkade last night. l|x M. Itogero, chief delegate for geared. I still can’t believe It.” lowbrook, Gardner, Fern, Tim­ nedy; Dearborn at Flagg. town at Bush HIU; Bush HUl, F o r Bennet 4-6 at 3 p.m. General Hospital. He was toe May 2, 1894 in Manchester, hosnital after a 46-mlnute wait "®"'® when he requested a mis- cime boundaries. — — the U.N. CommMd, rejected- point, things began to rod (19-124), Spring (317-461), Bus 14 36-206-294-8717 Bush IQU at Bus 22 Bowers a , . t R ob ertson husband of- Mrs.- - —Florence Kuca N. H.. lived , In . „South Windsor J ___ for*^an ambulance MM was placed aionarv®‘°"®*'y • ' tuummmnnt assignment—and__ nnrt uwas m o 'T n T-rtlTel Ayly, A .r l.. an Israeli mill- The Honda Shop at------634----- Center . Han’s. ---- . ------troop Withdrawal...i- i ..------_ i de- move fast. The passengers said W. Gardner, Wynedlng. Bus 7 ROBERTSON BeU; Bush'HiU, 616-564-696. BENNET JUNIOR HIGH ’The foUowing are Bennet Jun- Morning kindergarten, 8:46 to Marley. about three years. under guard and was reported t'“‘''®“ijt<>wn py Rome. tary source said Egyptian mill- St. was broken Into yesterday mand, saying: "This Is no place the guerrillas told them " Starts 7 :86, stops at Scuth BOWERS Starts 8:10, stops at 866 AU students from W. Middle lor High School Grade 9 sec- 11:16 a.m. Afternocm kindergar­ Morning kindergarten, 8:40 to Mr. Marley was born in Taun- Survivors include Mrs. Lor- satisfactory condition this -^® Kiiowu 729-’r66. and 270 Burnham; Mot; 2tii, Mou-Q; 251, R4Sh; 187, Morning klndpigarten, 8:80 to land;land- apdntiH sixiiv grandchildren. ort-ondxMMrtrt.. mother, another brother, two Day weeKena. une person was "bleeding__ lilcers” and__ Pope ___ hlehwavhighway onenopen oinshsHclashed nriihwith ed In toe glass irlass of thetoe aonihsouth on.en- off with a "considerable” -“ ™wning said. the family food budget, Mrs. to buy one meal only may do so Burnham at 'Drexel, Croft; Sl-Z. --- ■ A _ -m a- Aa i V-.. . .. I . _ _o 11 a.m. Afternoon kindergarten. Opening, 8:46 a.m. Tsinch, The funeral will be tomorrow -e'eters, and five grandchildren. T-vantoi tri T ahor 13 o f 45 J^ "“ omL^ntoL” Ob ttot^ North Vietnamese troops Mom trance to' toe gymnasium of e'uuunt of cash, police said. JJl® WyUyi; (Porter at Ferguson;, Bust Mary UppUng, cafeteria super- by sending the money In the Croft at Windsor; 44 Burnham; Grades 7 and 8 students have noon to 2:80 p.ht. Grades l<-2 stt 11:46 a jn . to 12:16 at 8:16 a.m. from the Burke The funeral wlU be tomorrow ^ „ T>a 'rldirur his too bad. Why don’t you lafca a ^ ntities southeast of Manchester High School yes- The man, described as white, , .^® Ferguson at Mountain, Garth. ^ MANCHESTER m O fi visor, says. morning of the day they wish to A rrives 8.' 109 Buckland. received homeroom assignments , Opening, aU grades, 8:80 a.m. p.trx.; Grades 3-4 at 11:46 a.m. Funeral Home, 76 Prospect SL, ®‘ 8:15 am. from the Benjamin „„ o^k Grove S t^ S^ tittle blcarlxLte-of-Lla before ^hnom Penh just across the terday. The damage was ap- '®®‘ heavy-set ^ hljacker^'flred^ to°prr^nt AU students from Preston, Ol- Milk may be purchased at aU buy. - by .mail. Lunch, Grade l iand si>eclal ed­ Grades 1-2 at 11:46 a.m to 12:16 Rockville, with a Mass of re- J- Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 evening when he was you go to bed at night. I do and border. South Vietnamese losses parently done sometime after 25-to-30 years old, was „ ^®®*®" ^ B os 8 cott, Olcoit Dr., Falknor, Cen- schools for five - cento a half Milk money wlU be coUected B us 2S ucation, 11:16 'B,m. to noon; qulem at St. Luke’s Church at Main St., East Hartford, vrito a ^^ru^k by a ^truck driven by It’s marvelous ” were three dead and ■ seven 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon. armed with a revolver and was security men,^from ap- MANCHESTER HIGH AND p.m .; Grades 3-4 at 11:46 a.m. preaching toe alrcraft.X mOHLAND PARK ter (633-903), LoVe La., Carol, pint. Ice cream will be avail- weekly on Friday at Nathan Grades 2-3 at ll!46 'a .m . to 12:30 to 12:46 p.rti.; Grades 6-6 at 9. Burial will be in St. Ber- Mass of requiem at St. Mary’s Gregory A Johnston of 93 Ply- The cardlnL then told toe wounded, spokesmen said, while , ------wearing a stocking mask and ILLING Most of the” injuries were Starts 8:06, slope at 328 and jhomas, Edmund, Falrvlew, St. able every day at the junior Hale and Bentley Schools. p.m .; Grades 4-6 at 12:16 to 1 nard’s Cemetery, Rockville. Church, East Hartford, at 9. „jouth Lane He was taken to Pope "Your wr.Un.^.^ th»ni> 21 enemy trtx^s died. Two trailers at Trailer World, K®“ ®ap. police said. 12:16 to 1:16 p.m. Closing, 261 Autumn; Autumn at B. Ma- crostwood, Deepwood, De- high schools, and In the elemen- The foUowlng are menus for AU students from Woodstock, 2 Billion Years Bared p.m. Ckwing, Grades 1-3 at 2:16 Grades 1-3 at 2:46 p.m.; Grades “. S ? S . ? ■ ss;..5 bs- pie and Ashworth. ’ Linmore, ’ St. Lawrence, tary schools on the day it Is In- this week: W. Vernon, Kennedy (288), Tay- p.m.; Grades 4-6 at 2:80 p.m. 4.9 at 3 p.m. ' cluded-ln the lunch menu. ’Ihe W ednesday:' Hamburg p^tty- B us 8 Stone. GRAIrt) CANYON. Aril — Starts 7:2b, stops on Olcott at price is 12 cents. on roU, potato chips, cole slaw. K eeney St. MASfFIN ’The Grand Canyon, sometimes Washington High school pupils WlU be of- milk, apple crisp, Morning kindergarten, 8:46 to' A « ^ A S Adams and Faiknor: Falknor Jefferson’s Guest Bad called "the world’s prize geolog- Morning kindergarten, 8:46 to Starte 8 :20, st^ ^ S p ri^ and Center; Ceriter and Carol; fered a choice of separately Thursday: Sloppy Joe on a leal sourcebook,” displays the 11:15 a.m. ^tftemoon Undergar- Ritchie Meade, 85, of 251 Buck- 11:46 a.m. Afternoon kindergar­ a written warning for driving Cushing’s successor, was bom capital 80 miles norto of Phnpm A cash drawer containing car bearing Connecticut license Then there waa’ «n exnloelnn Cohb St. John and.Stone; Crestwood priced items Including soup,’ roll, buttered green beans, WASHINGTON — . Thomas geological history of the p a st ten, 12:16 to 2:46 p.m. land Rd., husband of Mrs. Mar- Johann Kotoch left1-" of-* center.—»— *-in •'—toe Azores------'■'-A Oct. » 6, 1916. At »*■ toe PenhPenh. 311.6O was taken from an office plates...... E. Timber W., and Cobb; Cobb oi. Jefferson, farsighted architect ten, noon to 2:30 p.m. a| Spring; 328 and 261 Spring. ®"<» Deepwood. Arrives 7.46 sandwiches, dessert, arid Ice bread, butter, milk, peaches. two bUUon years, beginning Opening, aU gntades, 8:46 a.m. jorie Felt Meade, died Sunday Johann Kotech Sr., 89, of 109 The Hartford Troop of toe age of .16 he moved with his Kompong Thom has been sur- at toe Balf Oo. on N. Main St. No one waa injured/In toe let arid b ^ e d It feevinr noth, cream. Friday: Fruit cup, tuna maca- of the U.S. Coristitutlon, ntiscal- with the base rock, part of the Lunch, 11:10 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. Opening, Grades 1-8 at 8:80 a.m. a.m.; Grades 4-6 at 8:36 a.m. mght at Manchester Memorial Autumn St., husband of Mrs. state Police which covers state family to the United States. He rounded for three months by sometime, over toe weekend. holdup. ' recognizable but anart of TlckStS may be purchased r*®*’ salad. sUced tomatoes and culated badly more than 160 earth’s original crust Closing, 2:46 p.m. Primary Bus 4 , _ . Lunch, Grades 1-2 at 11:16 a.m. “P-j „^ l^rtha Haberem Kotech, dle-1 highways in toe Manchester attended Boston College andana troopsiruopa of01 the uic Norto nurui Vietnamese vieuiamese ------^------Flirtoerrmuicr detailsueians were unavall- an engine-engine-and end thetoe'eliarred 'nhenwi re.re- weekly In a minimum number lettuce, buttered corn bread, years ago, at the time of the The Colorado River began cut- trainablea, '8:46 a.m. to 12:46 m a n c b e s t e b h i g h B” * to noon; Crades 3-4 at 11:40 a.m. 'looi 1 ! f 1 was^rn Oct. 28, this morning at Manchester area reported no serioua accl- also did theological studies In 20th Division, which also con- Police received a complaint able. Police said bank officials mains of toe tall The ex- AND ILXJNG BESNNET JUNIOR HIGH determined, by the individual "illk, ice cream. , Louisiana Purchase, when be ting this renowned chasm about p.m. .Intermediate tralnables, in Quincy. Mass., son of- Memorial Hospital. dents. Washington. He w m ordained a trols Highway 6, "toe only acces- ot a-man sleeping In a truck at were in toe process of deter- plosion occurred 3 minutes not to 12:26 p.m .; Grades 6-6, noon AU students from Bank, AU students from S. Adams. school. Money for the foUowing Menus for the foUowlng week surmised that the territory ob- 12 to 15 mlUioh years ago, ex- g:4fi a.m. to 2:46 p.91. George and Aiinle Ritchie Mr. Kotech was born May 21,— Firefighters were called out priest In Fall River, Mass., on sible land rosite to the city. T^o 1*9 Oakland St. on Saturday mining how much money was 8 minutes, after toe hijackers to 12:46 p.m. dosing, Grades CampfloW, Cooper, Cooper HIU, W. Center (387-388), Olcott, week’s lunches wiU be coUected and aU weeks of the school year talned in that transaction might posing a great series ot rock Meade, ^ d had lived In South 1881 in Austria-Hungary, and gix„ times,. 1— butu.., — nohe of ,v-toe fires <1— r..— June became blsh- Cambodian brigades are night. The mam. who was visit- taken but said toe haul was passed toe wor4 that toe plame Uncoln 1-3 at 2:30 p jn .; Grades 4-6 at^ Windsor for 30 years. He was a had lived in Manchester for -^as gerious. op of CotneU, Oourtland. Fairfield, Preston, Thomas, Flint, Falk- on Friday at 'Verplanck. Buck- wiU be published In. The Herald, be fully occupied sometime layers of aU the known eras of Bro>|ivnsvUle In 1968. trapped there. tag someone at that address, "considerable.” w as going to blow* iip. High, W. High, McKee (99-264), nor. Center (638-903), Chester,, ley, Buckland and Robertson o n ’Thursdays. around the year 2600. geologic time. Morning kindergarten, 8:80 to 2:46 p.m. .i

f *

. I i - , : r :

(' A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 - ' PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES'TER, CONN., TUESDAY;. SEPTEMBER S, 1970 Bus Routes in Vernon B U S I wood, Wellwood, Watson, Wor-Rd. at Howard, at Oakmoor, at Hyde, Center, King, Hale, East, ROCKvnxE moH s c h o o l cester, .Thrall. Vlhetta. Tolland, E. Main, Snlpslc, Ann, All studente from Prospect, Starting 7 ;40 a.m. Emma La. Raymond, Liberty. Pleasanti Lawrence, Mountain, at Dart Hill R d.; Brimwood Dr.' BUS 10 Starting 7:40 a.m. Grove St. at Cheney Tech Catholic School Cottage, St. Bernard Ter., Gay- at Skinner Rd.; Dart Hill Rd at ROCKVnXiE HIGH SCHOOL ^ flfjSoklyn St.; - Center St. at School Bus Routes for Bolton Bus Routes Listed for Tollatid nor. Park, No. Park, Elm, Lawler Rd.; Thrall Rd. at Wat­ All students from Lake, Rlch-'Eggt gt.; East st. at Tolland; tauk, Berkley, Richard, Box Mt., Brookside, Tracey, Kenneth, C a l e n d a r Chestnut, Woodland, Winder- ard, Berkley, Box Mt. ,Dr., Calendar w ith the exception of kinder- and Brookfield Rd., Gaylord Rd Center Rd. ana Brandy St., - The Tolland school bus routes Dr., Robbie Rd., Slater Rd., Kent Rd., Garnet Ridge, Kings- son Rd.; Thrall Rd. at Worces- E. Main St. at Snlpslc St., at Russell, Michael, Diane, Vine, Jonathan. Tolland mere, Oiamberlaln, Thompson, ter Rd Rosewood, Brighton, Montauk, Sept. 8 : Teachers’ Report. md-Brookfield Rd., Cider MU' Hebron Rd. at Early’s, at First Term listed here are tentative and Kozley Rd/, Eastvlew ’Terrace, bury Ave. Ext., Rt. 30 (Includ- Ann St. Brent, Jah, Scott, Echo, Gard­ Sfarting 7 ;20 a.m. Dobson Rd. garten routes, last year’s bus Ihg Harriet, Valleyvlew, Arnold Starting 7:20 a.m. Prospect Washington. Sept. 9; First day of school, routes have not been revised at Nlckar-on’s, school. Clarke’s, at Gag;non’s, at Sept. 8 : Faculty meetings subject to adjustments during Peter Green Rd., Robin Circle ner, Old Stone, -Tunnel, Susan. at Miriam Dr.; Campbell Ave. Dr.), Rt. 74 (firehouse to Ver­ St. 'at Firehouse, at Ellington BUS 6 Starting 7:25 a.m.. Lake St. BUS 14 half day. except to accommodate changes Webb’s, Webster Ln., Hebron In each school. ' the first few days of school; Tolland St. Starting 7 :30 a.m. Lake St. at at Phoenix St.; Phoenix St. at Bus 2, second run; School op- non line), Kingsbury Ave. Ave., at Thompson St, at Oak CENTER ROAD SCHOOL at Berkley Dr., at Box Moun- NORTHEAST SCHOOL Oct. 12j Columbus Day. Rd. at Tanglewood, at Hagan’s, Sept. 9: Opening day of Montauk Dr., at Berkley Dr., at Maple St,; Maple St. at Warren 2,570 Students in enrollments at the various Bus 2, second nin: School Rd. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MEADOWBROOK Bus 6 8 ; Anthony Rd., Summit St.; Windsor Ave., at Winder- All students from Crestridge, tain Dr., at Rosewood Dr., at All students from Meadow­ Oct. 30: Teachers’ conven­ at Vercelll’s, at Bahrmann’s, school. Box Mt. Dr., at Rosewood Dr.; Ave.; Valley Falls Rd.; Bolton schools'. opposite Mktiilucci’s, School Rd. (Hicks and Meadowbrook) KINDERGARTEN mere Ave. Robin, Peterson, Valleyvlew, Tunnel Rd., at Montauk Dr.; 19 lark, Evergreen (0-80), Pills- Oct. 20: Teachers’ institute. Dr., Glen Dr. (Including Cor- Tunnel Rd. at Russell Dr., at Rd. at Plnevlew; Center Rd. at tion. In order to balance out any in­ at Route 86, Route 88 at Rose at Alton’s. (Afternoon session, pickup) Brookside. Washington St. bury, Valerie. Nov. 11: Veterans Day. Grades 1-6. Bus 80 (Run 1): leaves 8:05 ^ „ rine, Carol and StuarO, Sherry BUS I Echo Dr., at Susan Rd. Peterson Jld., at Crestridge equalities caused by double runs and Bill’s, at Jensen’s, at Sav- Bus 8, stkrts about 7:20 a.m.: Bus 87: leaves 11:30 a.m.. Old-circle, Virginia Lane. Starting 8 a.m. Center Rd. at Starting 8:06 a.m. Rt. 30 at Report Tomorrow Nov. 2S: Legal day. Rt. ■‘-'A at DelVecchlo’s, at Oct. 21: Teachers’ Institute,* a.m. Old Post Rd. at Meadow- VERNON CENTER MIDDLE BUS 10 Rd., at Kenneth. at the Elementary and Center va’s, French Rd. opposite As brook, Old Kent Rd.; Garnet Post Rd., Garnet Ridge, Old b u s W : D oyle Rd., Eaton Rd., Crestridge Rd., at Robin Rd.; Meadowlark Rd.; Grand Ave. at BUS 19 ____ Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving. Olrllo’s. Old Coventry Rd., Tol­ Grades 7-1?. SCHOOL VERNON CENTER Pillsbury.St. Tolland’s school enrollmqut a 1964 graduate of Central Con- schools, howevir, the order of sard’s, French Rd. opposite Me Ridge Dr., Mountain Spring Rd*. Kent Rd., Mt. Spring Rd., y^juje Circle, Brownsbrldge Rd., * Peterson Rd. at Valleyvlew La. VERNON CENTER BUS 23 Dec. 23; Legal day. Donald’s, Camp Meeting Rd. at land Rd., and Plymouth Ln., Nov. 6 : End of first mark­ All students from , Alpert, MIDDLE SCHOOL will Increase by about 846 stu- necticut State CoUege. He holds these routes has been revised. P.M. return trip one. Kingsbury Ave., Kingsbury vveber Rd., Grahaber Rd., Hunt- MIDDLE SCHOOL VERNON CENTER MIDDLE Dec. 24-Jan. 1; Chrlstmeis p'yr-iouth Ln at Monahan’s, ing nerlod. Janet, Glenstone, Hlllcrest, BUS 5 All students from Echo, Han­ BUS 16 All students on first nms last Greenwo^’s, Clark Road at Bus 60 (Run 2): leaves 8:30 Rt. 30 (Vernon line er Rd., Bakos Rd., Sugar HUl. All students from Himtington, SCHOOL ^ dents when the doors open to- ^ ‘’!®^®® ^ vacation. Maher’s, at lAndrey’s, school. Llynwood Dr. at turnaround, Rt. t Nov. 8-14: American Edu­ Grandview. MAPLE STREET SCHOOL son, Wayne, Gardner, Old Stone, . VERNON CENTER , , , ,___ ,______. ministration from the Unlversl- year will be on second runs to firehouse), Rt. 74 (Vernon Bus 60: Moutain Spring Rd., Deepwood, Gottier, CasUewood, Feb. 12; Lincoln’s Birth­ at Keeney cation Week. a.m. Summit Dr. (at comer of Starting 7:46 a.m. -South St. All students from Legion, Tunnel (0-434), Susan, Estelle, MIDDLE SCHOOL, . All boosUnS “ le overall lo- jy ^ Connecticut In 1967, where this year, and vice versa. Bus 3, first i4m: South Rd. at at North Rd Ahthoney Rd.), Anthony Rd. line to center), Arnold Dr., Har­ Crystal Lake Rd. DUncaster, Forestvlew, Vem- day. Nov. 11: .Veterans’ Day, riet Dr., Valleyvlew Dr., Wel- at Glenstone, at Janet. Christopher, Mary. Kanter, Htfd. Tpke. (665-700). CENTER ROAD SCHOOL Ward (0-29), (10-35), enrollment to 2,670 stu- he is presently enrolled in the Kindergarten students in Sharpley’s, at Charbonneau’s, School. P.M. return trip two. Bus 62: Rt., 74 (center to Buff wood, Htfd. Tpke. (861), Hill­ W. Main, Spring, Village. Feb. 18-19: Winter recess.. Bus 6, starts about 7:20 a.m .: holiday. gold Rd., Partridge Lane, Wood­ Starting 8:20 a.m. Regan Rd. Starting 7:50 a.m. Tunnel Rd. VERNON CENTER KDG. six-year program. morning sessions coming to South Rd. opposite Stony Rd., Bus 81; leaves 8:26 a.m. Cap) Buff Cap, Plains (Includ­ BUS 1 side, Hilltop, Hillside Manor. Starting 7:66 a.m. ' Union St. Apr. 9: Good Friday. Birch Mt. Ext. at Houle’s, Volpl Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving land St., Grandview Ter., An­ at Legdon Dr., at Christopher at Echo Dr., at Drlggs Rd., at All students from Bolton (465- school and afternoon sessions South Rd. at Moriano’s, Rt. 44A Loehr Rd. at comer of Russell ing Cone),, Old Stafford Rd. (In­ NORTHEAST SCHOOL Starting 7:60 a.m. Rt. 30 at at Ward St at Villaae St * W ^® ®°*'* The number of teachers In the Apr. 19-23*. Spring recess. Rd. at Rosewood La., at Carter holidays. derson Rd. Dr. at Mary La. Estelle, at Rt. 30. 800), Lynwood, Cherry, Laurel going home will board and dis- at Quarry Rd., school. (includes Arm, Ridge, Clark) cluding Lorraine, Robbie, Cur­ All students from Ridgewood, B e " e ^ ^ ” ” sU'^,ii5;ore’ ‘^ ’birs’ Coldspring, at Hillside; Merllne Main St. at Ward at ’ Or- 8®®“ ^ ® “ l® May 31: Memorial Day. St., at Birch Mt. Rd., Birch Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Christmas Bus 82; leaves 11:30 a.m., hseecnwood, s>ycamore, euwes, r r»r d u .. >iient has jumped by at least 300 ly Ui the past year. In an at- embark at the regular bus Bus 3, second run: Hebron Rd Mile Hill Rd. P.M .return trip tis, Cook, Charter ‘and Slater Prospect Village. BUS 6. BUS 10 Mt. Rd. at PaggloU’s, Birch Mt. vacation. Reed Rd'., Mile Hill, Loehr Rd. Grier,Grier. Dockerel,Dockerel. Hatch HIU,HIU. at Huntington Dr. -chard St.; Raw St. at Spring oo. June 26: I.egal day (may stops. Changes were made •’.t Terry’s, at Ga'mon’s, Hebron Bus 61, trip two. '** Starting 8:05 a.m. West at ROCKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL LAKE STREET SCHOOL students, making ToUand, ac- tempt to keep pace with the Ext. at Chick’s, at Converse Jan. 18-22: Midyear exami­ (Including Russell Clark, Ann Rid.) Brandy Hill,' Foxcroft, Lake-' BUS 19' St. be amended). where possible to accommodate Rd. oofoslte Shoddy MU'. Web- Bus 62 (Rilh 1): leaves 8 a.m. Bus 6 6 : Rt. 74 (Peter Green Ridgewood; Union St. at Ward All students _ from Gerald, All students from Estelle, cording to i^veral statistical re- enrollment and the added re- nations. Ridge), Carter Dr., GlenVlew ^ i u i u* ' ’low- CENTER ROAD SCHOOL kindergarten students. Et<'r Ln. at turnaround, Hebron Cafro’s, Bolton Center Merrow Rd. at Rhodes, Wal- St.* John, Emerald* Eva,, Wapplng Susan, Kanter, Warren, Maple, BU8 23 ports, the second largest school qulrements of a fuU high school . ______t>,JRd. at»» Blther’s, OfRt. 88 fl*C atof Vrncir'aHoar’s Jan. 22: End of second DrT Dockerel Rd., Cedar ^ flrehouseL Lakeylew Helghte, Starting 7:25 a.m. Bolton Rd. students from Vernon, Kindergarten students in mom- Rd. at Shoddy Mill, at Dixon’s, bridge, Nedwled, South River Wood, Hayes, Skinner (261-272). Frederic. ^ NORTHEAST SCHOOL system In ToUand County. program. The high school has at Vancour’s, at School, Rd- marking period. Swamp Rd., New Rd., Blueber- Crestwood Dr., Hilltop, Snlpslc at Hatch HUl Rd.; Bolton Rd.; Hammond, Plllsbury, Bancroft, ing session going home and af- at "Tanglewood, at Vercelll’s, at Rd. P.M. return trip one. BUS I Starting 7:25 a.m. Skinner Rd. Starting, 8:05 a.m. Tunnel Rd. AU students from High, Ham- The 2,670 student enrollment a staff of 19 reg;ular teachers Traffic Guards Second Term ry Rd.. Laurel Ridge.'Whlte Lake Rd., Cervans Rd. and Bolton Rd. at Wildwood p j Olsen, South (190- temole, Ever- at AlUson Rd.; Acorn Rd. at BUS 11. In, Jonathan, Eudy, Kenneth, Deepwood, Gottier, Duncaster, Grant, Ertel, West (10-60), Park at approximately 8 a.m. from school. Brandy St. at Kendall’s, bury Ave. Ext. (including Won- TOLLAND HIGH GRADES 5-6 Mt. Spring Rd. P.M. return trip 'iracey, andy, Pearl, Wllshire, porestview, Patricia, Crest, creases are prompted In part by gtaff is bolstered with trained St., Center qnd Adams; Cedalie .■■on Rd.. Rt. 6 at Longstreth’s, Apr. 19-23: Spring vaca­ green, (0-70), Mt. Vernon, South Welles Rd.; Main St. at Elm ROCKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL the first stop and arrive at at Dupree’s, Watrous Rd. at dervlew at com er of Old Post MIDDLE SCHOOL, WINDHAM leaves school 4:16, Bus 63. HUlslde, Hillside Manor, Trout- claire, Vernwood, Quarry, Mar- Steele Crossing Rd., ^ Bailey tion. (0-37), ^White, Crown, Earl, Hill Rd.; Kelly Rd. at Trailer AU students from Phoenix, '^StL*S7'^a"m“westRd. a^ “'® *^® *°®®^ volunteer aides particularly In Bellefleur of 400 Vernon' St., school at about 8:30, leaving at Manning’s, at Maynard’s, Bol­ Rd.),/Hayde Ave. (Rt. 30) Tol­ TECH and ROCKVILLE VO AG siream, Tumblebrook. -jorie, Seneca, Rd., turnaround, Rt. ' 6 at May 31: Memorial Day, Bus 63; Leaves 11:28 a.ni. Lewis. Park. Ironwood, • Hublaurd, Church, Peterson Rd., at' Grand Ave.; f.®**®®' „°"® ^®“ ’ f ® ^he kindergarten classes and Buckley School; Norman BJark- 3 p.m. Second runs begin at land Ave., Kingsbury Ave. P.M. (Morning Pickups Only) ' _ rfwiA ufni/*n \tn 1l Via A/\mrtiAra/i __ 11.1. ton Center Rd._at Steele Cross- Valentine’s house, Rt. 6 at Ed­ Crystal Lake Rd., Snlpslc Lake Starting 7:20 a.m. Rt. 30 at Campbell, Maple, Wairren, Fred­ starting 8 a.m. Peterson Rd. starting 7:26 a.m. Merllne Rd. o„Hno- d Holbrook). lunch,, at the high school, luid at Rd., Elgin Dr., ader Mill Rd.; tjitio trip leaves 4:16, Bus 61. (37-66), Orchard (66-100)), Tal- Starting 7:20 a.m. Rt. 30 at ergreen, Olsen, Knollwood, Ox- gj Alpert Rd., at Everg;reen Phoenlx (26-104), Warren, Val- new school building, an assls- Lake $t. at turnaround, (Jlder All meals will be the same Pillsbury, Ha*.;imond, Linden, teer classroom aides. The con­ Green School. 1 p.m., after lunch, at the Ele­ price — 4fi cents for students P.M. return trip same. 3^ 3 e i : Leaves 7 :06 a.m. Snip- Hus 6 6 : leaves 11:16 a.m. cott, Harlow, R'.ieel, Groiu, . i' Coldspring, at Hillside; Merllne jg„gt Alpert. Glenstone, r j gt Bancroft. ley Falls, Cemetery, Bolton tant principal has been hired tinued use of UConn education KINDERGARTEN Mill Rd. at Fish’s, Cider Mill lage. Spare guards are Fred L. Fin­ mentary and Center schools to- and' 65 cents for adults — Bq*^63 (Run 1 ): leaves 8 a.m. gic Lake Rd. at comer Tolland Doyle Rd., Eaton Rd., Willie tel. Charter, Maple, Rd. at Huntinston Dr., at Quar- Hlllcrest. Dailey, South (200- (11), Frederic. to assist Principal Gene Hard- students will be continued In Afternoon Rd. opposite 3-J’s, Converse Rd. Starting 7:20 a.m. Rt. s30 at j y gf vinetta. BUS 21 negan of 59 Benton St. and morrow, Thursday and Friday whether” purchased-(or a week Old Stafford Rd. (Ellington line Ave., Hurlburt Rd., . Cervans arcle, Brownsbridge Rd., We- Starting 7:46 a.m. Prcspect 326), Grand, Trumbull, Spring, Starting 7:40 a.m. Washington Ing. / cooperation with the state uni­ Pick up begins at noon with at-Shady La., Birch Mt. Ext. at Bamforth Rd.; 340 Vernon Ave.; NORTHEAST SCHOOL 4dolph Snyder of 79 Edmund St. to enable students to assist with „j. individually. The family plan ^ Slater) Buff Cap Ext., Cook 3 ^^ part of Crystal Lake Rd. ber Rd., Grahaber, Hunter, St. at Oak St.^ at Thomps.n St.; W. Main (133), Village, Or­ ' St. at Church St.; CampbeU Hired to fill the assistant versity’s Department of Educa­ stops at; Rt. 86 opposite School Rataic’s, at Holland’sr at Caf­ Vernon Ave., at High St., at BUS 12 All students from Janet, and enjoy the town’s 250th an­ has also' been'eliminated. Milk, Hd„ Oiarter Rd. P.M. return (Hurlburt to firehouse). Bakos, Sugar Hill Rd. P.M.- re­ Ellington Ave. at Talc:,tt Ave. chard. Ave. at Hwy. Garage, at Phoe- prlnclpalahlp was Robert Valuk, tion. Rd. at Pellerln’s, Rt. 86 at ro’s, Bolton Center Rd. at Blth­ Grand Ave.; W. Main St., at VERNON CENTER ' South (199-208), Evergreen (80- niversary celebration. Normal as well as the lunches. Is up In two. ^ Bus 62: Leaves 7 a.m. ader turn trip leaves 4:16, Bus 67. ' Taticott Ave. i at Orchard St.; Starting 7:16 a.mi. Rt. 30 at nix St.; Phoenix St. at Maple Peterson’s, at Luck’s, at Ton­ er’s, school. M IDDIE SCHOOL 200), ‘ Knollwood, Oxbow, Ban­ hours will beg(ln next week, 9 price — to five cents a carton Bus 63 (Run 2): leaves 8:30 jjju Rd. at center, Gehrlng Rd., \Unlon St. at RheeJ St. Ward St., at Orchard St. Sunnyvlew Dr., at Meadowldrk at.; Maple St. at Warren A v e . ; ------er’s, Clark Rd. at Maher’s, Bus 7, second run afternoon; MIDDLE SCHOOL \ All students from Morrison, croft, Bancroft PI., Olsqn'. a.m. to 3 p.m.** at the lower (or students and 10 cents (or a.m. Kozley Rd. (Eastvlew Ter- Dockerai Rd., Reed Rd. (In- BU8 3 Rd.; South St. at Bancroft, at Converse Rd. at Shady La., BUS 8 Eastvlew, Ridgewood, Valerie, Warren Ave. at Frederic; Val­ MHS Homeroom Clark Rd. (Harpin, Blake, dJas- schools; 8 a.m. to 2:14 p.m. at adults. race), at Foster’s, Dtum HUl eluding Carter and Glenview). (Return Trip at noon Grades Starting 8 a.m. South St. at Birch Mt. Ext. at Rataic’s, at \ NORTHEAST SCHOOL VERNON CENTER Evergreen Rd., at Glenstone; ley Falls Rd.; Bolton Rd. at East St. at Center; East St. at Bancroft St., at Evergreen Rd., sells), Bolton Center Rd. at the high school. Rd., Bald HUl Rd. P.M. return 6 and 6) PlUsbury, Trumbull, Hlahland, Janet La., at Evergreen Rd., at Students In grades 1 through 8 Bus 63: Leaves 7:06 a.m. Old- All^ptudents from Vernon, Mc- MIDDLE s c h o o l West Rd. at Dailey, at Grand Cemetery Rd.; 119 Cemetery East Main St.; E. Main St. at at Glenstone. , Manchester High School stu- Greene’s, Hebron Rd. at Holland’s, at Cqfro’s, Birch Mt. trip one. Bus 61: Old Post Rd., Old Grand. Bancroft. Kindergarten sessions will will assemble In rooms Stafford Rd. (including Lor­ Leani’ Linden, Grand, Lawrence. Ave.; Spring St. at Orchard St.; . j Rd. Snipsic St.; Grove St. at Lewis; dents have been assigned the Lynch’s, at Gallant’s, at Gag- Ext. and Bolten Center M . Kent Rd., Garnet Ridge Dr., All students from Alien, Wil- Starting, 7:45 a.m. W. Main BUS 29 double up (or the first three (j„j Bus 64: leaves 8:20 a.m. Val raine,, Cook Rd., Curtis___ _Dr., StarUng 8:05 a.m. 311 Vem.n gjjj^g^ jjoward, Oakmoor, Vlnet- W. Main St. at Ward St. ^ BUS 21 South St. at Foxhlll D r.; Vernon foUow^ homerooms: non’s, at Potter’s, at Tangle­ (Bither), Lake St. at Box Moun­ grades when they reach school Kingsbury Ave. Ext., Rt. 30, St. at River St.; West at Grand days, with the aftemoqp session tomorrow, b^dlatributed leyvlew Dr. at corner of Har- pr.). siat'er■'!Rd.7 Char- Ave; 267 Vernon Ave.; Vernen MAPLE STREET SCHOOL BUS26 at High. VERNON CENTER tain Rd,^ Lake St. at turnaround. Harriet Dr., Arnold Dr., Valley- ta, Irene, Marjorie. Discovery, Ave., at RldgewXKKl Dr. ' BUS *17 — wood (Schappert),lappenj, ‘ at Ursin’a,ursma, -it- ’ attending-In the morning, • ar- (rom there. Harriet, Arnold, Crest- ter Rd. Ave. at Sou1h''St., at High St., AU students from 'Terrace, q En t e r r o a d s c h o o l MIDDLE SCHOOL omores at Loalbo' -vlew Dr., Rt. 74 (Vernon line MerUn (28-31) (200-350V . VERNON CENTER .’s. Brandy St. and Hving by regular bus at 8:60 In the Elementary School, Hilltop Drives, Doyle Rd., gug 5 4 . Leaves,7:06 a.m. Rt. at McLean St., at Linden; Prcs­ BUS 12 Berger, Burke, Windaor (80-84). AU students from Lake, Han­ BUS. 27 All students from Lawrence, to firehouse), Mt. Spring Rd. Starting 7 :45 a.m. At. 83 at ' MIDDLE SCHOOL 101, A-Bah; 122, Bac-Ber; 132, School Rd,. at Civedon’s. He* *’ PP°® * * a.m. and leaving by special bus Grade 1 pupils will go to Mrs. Bobln arcle. P.M. return trip 74 (center to Buff Cap), Buff pect St. Firehouse. CENTER ROAD SCHOOL Starting 8:20 a.m. Windsor sen, Tunnel, Washington, VERNON’CENTER (Cottage, Mountain, ‘ Gaynor, bron Rd. at Murphey’s, Bolton Bus 63: Crystal Ltike Rd., Aiilen Dr., at Wllshire Rd.; Mer- All students from Wlndsor- MIDDLE SCHOOL Bld-Bue; 126, Buj-Daw; 148^ High School at 11:20 a.m...... Norma Llcltra’s Room 13; sarne.^ pgp 3 ^., Plains Rd., Cone R4- All students from W. Main. Ave, at Terrace Dr.; Rt. 83 at Church, Estella, Susan, Kanter. School,,. Chestnut, No. Park,' Center Rd. at Steele Crossing Snlpslc Lake Rd., Cervans, BUS 4 ■ ■line Rd., at Oakmoor, at Mar­ vllle, Penfie d, Wapplng Wood, All students from- Emerald, Day-Doe; A-9, Don-Eng; 202, Bus 1, starts at about 7:20 Grade 2, Mrs. Eleanor Potter's ' leaves 8 a.m. Sugar Bus. 68; Leaves 7:10 Glen Dr.-, Starting 8:05 a.m. W. Main Berger Rd.; Berger Rd. at Starting 8:05 a.m. Washington Elm, Ellington, Davis. Rd. (Rose), at Lambert’s, ele- ELEMENTARY AND CENTER Hurlburt, Rt. 74 (firehouse to ROCKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, jorie, aj Dkcovery Rd. Eva, Gerald, John, Skinner George, Hayes, Wolcott, Wemer, Era-Frip; 203, Fri-Gou; 210, Gra- a.m .: Bolton Center Rd. at Room 9;.Grade 3, Mrs. Sylvia HUl at cpmer' of Kozley Rd., corrine (Carol,' Stuart) Sherry St., at Vernon Ave., at Ward Burke Rd. St. at Church St.; 22 Washington Starting 7:40 a.m. Prospect mentarjC school. SCHOOLS Peter Green) Crestwood Dr., SYKES,' ST. BERNARD’S, (231-300).. i Skinner (143-188). H a r;. 213, Hat-Jaw; 219, Jet- Preuss’, at Mt. Sumner Dr., at Patrick’s Room 5; Grade i4,- -Bakos, Hunter, Eaton and Peter circle. BUS 8 St., at Orchard St. , St.; Lake St. at Berkley Dr.; Firehouse; Prospect St. at Park Another reason for smiles Is HUltop, Lakevlew Heights. ST. JOSEPH’S Starting 7:50 a.m. Wihdsor- i BUS 22 Starting at 7:45 a.m. Skinner Lam; 222, Lan-Lof. Aven’s, at Hlllcrest Rd., at Riga Ralph Bank’s Room,2. Green Roads. P.M. return trip 3^ 3 gg. i_,eaves 7 a.m. GrO,- CENTER ROAD SCHOOL Tunnel Rd. at Echo Dr. ; Tunnel St.; Ellington Ave. at Davis ELEMENTARY AND that George Patros, principal of AU students from Bolton (479- BUS 13 ville Rd. at Penfleld; Skinner ROickVILLE HIOH SCHOOL -Rd. at Emerald Dr., at Hayes Also, 226, Lou-Mcl; 229, McK- ’ Ln., at Carpenter Rd., WiUiams In the-Center School, Grade 5 same. haber Rd. at EUltagton line, Bus 65; New Rd. (includes Rd. at Eetelle Dr. Ave.; Davis Ave. at Orchard St. CENTER: SCHOOLS the Elementary-Center, School Blueberry, Pine HUl, -Laurel 686), Lynwood, Gherry, L ure', All students from Campbell. VERNON CENTER Rd. at Gerald Dr., at John Dr. AU students from Green, Ov­ Dr., at Bruce. St., at W em er Dr. Mos; 230, Mro-Ob; 231, Oco-PU; Rd., I a d e r Mill Rd. and 3-J’s, pupils will go to Philip Roben- .Bus 66 (Run 1): leaves 8 a.m. wpber Rd., Brownsbridge Rd., d m Sycamore, Cubles, Dockerel, Tankerhoosen, Valley Falls, BUS 28 Bus 1, first run; Bolton Center combination (‘.^the K-8 com- White Birch, Holly, MIDDLE SCHOOL, BUS 17 erbrook, Kenwood, Femwood, , BUS 29 232, Pln-Ron; 236, Roo-Sls; 239, . t Gayiord Rd. and Brookfield Rd., hymer’s Room- 2; Grade 6, Gehrlng Rd.-at comer Grant Hunter Rd., Bakos Rd., Sugar Hatch, Brandy, RMervolr (600- Baker, Maxwell, - Tamarack, SYKES, ST. BERNARD’S BUS 27 Ska-Squ; 24tf, Sta-Tak; 248, Tal» Norton^ at Dlmock I^.. has an assistant. Jphn Apple, Beech, Rd.). Grant Hill, CENTER ROAD SCHOOL, , . CENTER ROyM> SCHOOL Sllverwood, Sunset, Talcottvllle, NORTHEAST SCHOOL Lake St. at Box Mountain Rd., p oim i George- Lesnlaskl’s'" Room 6 ; HUl, Laurel Ridge, Blueberry, h u i. 524),. Beechwood,' Beverly, MU- Bamforth, Phoenix (6). I— \ ST. JOSEPH’S CENTER ROAD SCHOOL niso.- nyrni / of xnoi,A_.-™>o Pctms, formerly a mathematic Ptae HUl, White Birch Rd. P.M. V-- Partridge Lane, Woodland St., VERNON CENTER KDG. AU students from Dobson, Wllshire, Irene, Allen, Hftd. AU students from Bancroft, Vln; 143^ Vit-Wig; 268-WlbZ. Atm &L jMiCK6 1 *£Otl S, fAnr\V>A«* * ^^^ to to 1 1 Grades 7 and 8, the CD room. ler. (Sykes—Old Town, Love­ Starting 8:03 a.m. Campbell [All students from Thrall, AU students from Cemetery, Mohegan Tr. at Iroquois' Tr., school ^ teacher at the high school, is rw(trim il trip two. TOLLAND mOH Grandview Ter., Metcalfe Rd., All students from Bolton, (40- Miriam, Eleanor, Harriet, Hunt­ Tpke. (120-142). Htfd. Tpke., fllgh Manor, Mt. land, Wilson, Terrace, Burke, Ave. at Hwy. Garage; Camp­ Starting 7:26 a.m. Rt. 30 at Watson, Dart Hill, Lawler. Well- Evergreen, (84-200), Oxbow. Junlora Tunxis Tr. at Carbone’s, Iro­ now a part-time assistant prin- HIGH SCHOOL Bus 66 (Run 2): leaves 8:30 ' ROCKATLLE VO-AG Elgin_Dr., Weigold Rd., Ander­ 462), Plnevlew, Baker, Max­ ington, Discovery, Gottier, Dun­ Vemdn. quois______Rd._ at McGulnley’s,___ Him 2, Bol- starts about 7:30 a.m .: clpal. He also will teach two sec- Principal x,uL...a..Norman Shaw re-f=- son Rd. Carol, Windsor, Robert.) bell Ave., at Tankerhoosen Rd., well, Tamarack, Danforth. Dobson Rd., at Green; Pleasant- wood, Neill, Brimwood, Emma, Temple, Knollwood, Country, Starting 8 a.m. 36 Bancroft; a.m. . Sherry Circle at comer of (Return Schedules Grades 9-12) caster, Deepwood, Vemwood, RangehUl. . lO^ A-Bea; 109, Bec-Cat; 111, ton Center Rd. at Aven’s, at *^'*bey’s. Flora tions of Grade 8 mathematics, ports that high school enroll^ Starting 7 a.m. 70 Va ley Falls, Baker Rd. at Starting 7:45 a ro. B oton Rd. view Dr. at Sunset Ave.; Rt. 83 Country, Emily, Heidi, Legion, Rt. sd at High Manor, at Sleep­ Anthony Rd., part of Glen Dr. Bus. 64: RockvUle Vo-Ag stu- Bus 64: Rt. 74 (center to Buff Hillside, HUltop, HiUside Manor. Starting 8 a.m. 116 Cemetery Hlllcrest , at Rlrra Lane, at Car- ^ * that parents ment figures seem to be holding Hatch Hill Rd., at Wildwood Maxwell Dr., 68 Bamforth Rd. at-Feeder Rd., at Plnevlew; 462 at AUen Dr., Rt. 83 at Wllshire (Christopher. Mary, West, Nye. ing Giant. P.M. return trip one. dents return to Tolland. Cap), Buff Cap, Plains (includ­ Starting 8:10 a.m. Rt. 30 at R d.; South St. at Evergreen ^o-F it; 128, Fla-Glo; 130, Goi- punter Rd., Williams Rd.. Rt. 6 “ *** French Rd., will, have to enunciate clearly steady also — about 275 in R d.; Tolland at Plsrmouth; Bolton Rd.; 421 Bolton Rd.; Rd. , Skinner (0-66). -• I ■ Bus 80: Merrow (including ing .Cone) Old Stafford Rd. (In- BUS 9 Hillside; Dobson Rd. at Miriam Rd.; Country La. at Regan Rd., 131, Has-Hun; 133, Hur- at Prouss’ Store, school. Sauer’s, opposite when asking (or one of them Grades 9 through 12. MEADOWBROOK Grier Rd,; Hatch Hill Rd. at Bolton Rd. at Bread and Milk Starting 7:20 a.m. ThraU Rd. BUS 29 Rhodes), Baxter St. (including eluding Lorraine, Cook, Robbie, ROCKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL £>r.; Eleanor Dr., at Hunting- at RangehUl Dr. Kep; 144, Ker-Lap. 3^ 3 4. gecond run; Birch Mt. O’^lll^s, over the phone—Was that Patros The staff seems to be holding KINGERGABTEN Dockerel Rd., at Brandy HUl St.; Baker Rd. at Maxwell Dr.; ■_...... at Watson Rd.; Dart Hill Rd. at MAPLE STREET SCHOOL Old Farm& Rd., Meadowood Slater, Charter Roads). All students from Russell, Di­ ton D r.; Huntington Dr. at Mer- All students from RangehUl, I Also, 146, Lar-Ut; 164, Loc- Rd. at Hasset’s, Volpl Rd. at „ ®*1 „ Petrus? ■ steady, also. The only new faces (Morning'^sslon, . Rd.; Reservoir Rd. at Bolton 68 Danforth Rd. Lawler Rd.; Skinner Rd at NelU Rd.), Cassidy Hill. Walbridge Bus 69; Tolland St., Kozley ane. >OchaeI, Rrent, . Foster, line Rd.(-_Merline Rd; at Dls- m i d d l e SCH0Q^._ Rd.=j.- Brimwood _ _ * BUS 28 , Man; H04j Mor-Mlm; 211, Min- Rosewood "La., Rosewood La. at Heed a, aark Rd; at Hen--Other-changes In s ^ ^ -t ^ gj-g — 'R e tim . m : Heiflii R efsiter; nnd South River Rd. - -Rd.r fliwludlBg-Haatvl^^ gcHSel 7:S8r*raHHiir“ T43t^^ BUS 13 “"coveiy' AU students from Russell, Regan Rd. at Emily Dr., at SYKES,' ST BERNARD’S, Starting 8:20 a.m. 201 Regan Om; 217, On-Pim; 224, Pln-Rln; Muro’s, Laurwood Dr. at Halo- ®®'’®"‘* K-8 caWpIex: Mrs. Lillian Mack tor; Mrs. Marion Nlcolay, art; 3 „g gn. leaves 11*30 n i i r r ___ ST. JOSEPH’S 60: leaves 1],:30 Bus 61: ader MUl' Rd., Met- f®tM‘ Green, Robin arcle, Rt. then pickups at Old Town R d. at 179), Htfd. Tpke. (665-720), Es- MAPLE S’lREET KDG. A.M. BUS 18 Poster, Vine, Jan, Hemlock, Christopher Dr.; West Rd. at R d.; Regan Rd. at RangehUl Wv-TU; 244, Tom-Was; 246, burfo’s. Volpl Rd. at Carter St., 3 stai^ alMut 7:20 a.m : grade after Mrs. Patricia BankeL math. and. Meadowbreok, Summit’Dr.. Anl calfe ”m .'' 7tacta^ “ “E l^ ), 74 (Peter’Gr^en to centerir&Ud AU students from Barbara, Loveland Rd., at WUson La.; t lie, Kanter, Susan. Startln"* 8:16 a.m. Windsor ROCKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Brent, Cross, Scott, Tunnel Nye St. V* D r.; Regan Rd. at Heidi Dr. Wat-Z. Volpl Rd. opposite Churchill’s, South Rd. opposite Sharpley s, many years teaching klndergar- shared with the Center School, thonev Rd Stuart Dr Carol Weleold Anderson Goose Lane HUl, Dunn HUl Tory Rd. Skinner (69-320). Leona, Hany, mndsor Ave. at Carol Dr., at Ave. at Windermere Ave. (AU All students from Union, Tal- (4^601). VlUa Louise H^el, Volpl Rd. ai ®PP®®“ ® H<»er’s. at Stony Rd.. ten ^ d Ralph Banks ^11 teach Lance Kozikowskl,'Frehch. Mrs. ^ L ^ t B:^ 63* Oder ^ l Gehrine BUS 9 Starting 7:40 a.m. Tunnel R d. BUS 2« Edith, Donnel, OUve, Faith, BUS SO Seniors Birch Mt. Rd., Tinker Road at »t Femwwood Dr.. Vernon Rd. Grade 4 Instead of Grade 6. Kathy Smllovltz will teach read- Dr., Corrine Dr.. Glen Dr.^sner bus 62. Tory Rd.. Tolland St., Bus 63. ader Mill, Gehrlng. Windermere Ave.- Maple Kdg.) at Burke Rd., at cott, Davis, Orchard. VERNON CENTER Gerald, Eva, Wapplng Wood. ROCKIILLE HIGH SCHOOL gj at Mikelis’, at Quarry Rd., at Miss Susan Harvey will be the Ing ry arcle, Virginia Lane, Randy comer Dunn Hill and Bald HIU, Cedar Swamp, Dunn, Mile HIU, Gardens, 201 Regan Rd., Regan Starting 7:30 a.m. Ellington at Scott Dr. VERNON CENTER MIDDLE 114, A-Ban* 116 Bar-Blo* 121 turnaround, Birch Mt. Rd. at "iiKeus', at Quarry Rd., at "u ss ousan narvey will be the Ing part-time In grades 7 Rd., Merrow Rd., Rhodes Rd. Kozley (including Eastvlew Dockerai, Loehr (Inciuding Rus- BUS 4 MIDDLE SCHOOL 8CH(X)L George. AU students from Hany, Boc-Cap; m , Car-Corn* ’ I84’ Bogner’s, at PaggloU’s, at Butterfield’s, at Lo^z’ school. «rst woman physical education through 12. WUson Ln , at Loveland; Love­ Ave. at Talcott Ave.; Talcott BUS 22 Bus 68; leaves 11:30 a.m. Ter.), Peter Green Rd., Robin seU, a a rk , Ann, Ridge), Reed VERNON CENTER KDG. AH students from Hany, land at Rt. 83; Rt. 83 at Vernon Ave.|at Orchard St.; Orchard St. CENTER ROAD SCHOOL AU students from Vernon, Starting 7-:25 a.m. Skinner Rd. Faith, OUve, Edith, Bruce, Con-Dau’; 136, Dav-Dr*' 146* pWek’s, at Cates, at Rich’s, at liMtri. tor In the K-8 complex. a new senior elective, (A.M.) at Barbara Rd., at Edith Rd., 4, starts about 7 :30 a .m .: ii. j , ,, , „ , , Meadowood, Goose Lane. Bax- arcle, Rt. 74 (from Peter Green (Including Carter and Glenview). Faith, Olive, Donnel, Edith, Gardens; 261 Regan Rd., Regan at Union St. AU students from Hany, Eva, High, Hammond, McLean. George, Wolcott, Werner, Dub-Fee.; 162, Fed-Gap; 20s ! ® ‘*'®** “ ** B**- at lus 4, starts about 7:30 a.m.: Mrs. Sandra Schenker will All students from Merllne, t®>- St.. Cassidy HUl, 9ld F ^ s . to center). Leone, Barbara, NelU. Rd. at Ran'’'ehlll Dr., at Emily Worcester, Pearl, Kenneth, Tra­ Startihg 7:56 asn. Vernon at Hany La., at Gerald. Baker, MaxweU, Tamarack. Gar-Gra;’ 220, 220,’ Gre-Hol; Gre-Hol;’ 223 223,’ Hopper' ** Oakwood, Vinetta, Marjorie, ' BUS 18 starting 7:20 a.m. Bamforth school .7:40 a.m. Skinner Rd. at Dr., at Legion Dr. , *> - VERNON CENTER , cey, ^ Jonathan, Centefu Eudy, Ave. at McI,>ean.^SL; ISgh Sf., at BUS 28 Hom-Joy. eluding Gorrino, Carol,-Stuart), Irene,- Patricia, Huntington,. Rd. at Baker Rd.; Skinner Rd. Bus Hany LSi.; at Edith Rd.,*kt'*Bar- MIDDLE SCHOOL Skinner. ^uth St.; 310 Vernon Ave. VERNON CENTER ‘ , Also, 228, Jub-Ku; 233, Lab- Sherry arcle, Virginia Leuie, Deepwood, Discovery, Duncast­ BUS 14 at Hany La.; Skinner Rd. at Rd. at ______, _ 'hara Rd. AU students from Grove (62- Starting 7:55 a.m. Skinner Rd. MIDDLE SCHOOL Mak; 241, Mal-McV; 242, Mer- Dunn'^Hill Rd., Bald HUl Rd., a a rk , Ann, Ridge), ~Reed Rd’. (Randy Rd. er, Vemwood, Forestvlew, Got­ ' SYKES, ST. BERNARD’S, BUS 2« Wolcott La. Rd. at LaFrancls, Goodwin Rd. '*’ta>d Ln., at Hagan’s, at Ver- ten session, and, shared with French 5 will be offered for the 133), Spruce, Hale Ext., Lewis, at' Eva; Skinned Rd. at Edith All students from .Berkley, Nek; 243, Nel-Paq; 245, Par- ader MUl Rd., Metcalfe Rd., (including Carter Dr. and Glen- ! Bus. 55: Baxter St. (including tier, BUS 9 ST. JOSEPH’S CENTER ROAD SOHfXH. ^ celll’s, at. Bahrmann’s, at Al- the high school, Lance Kozlkow- first time. All students from Birch, Earl, Crown, White, South (0- Rd.; Dart HUl Rd. at Worcester Lake (Or 100), Montauk, Phoenix P r.; A-7, PutrSml; 247, Smo- Elgin Dr. 'View). Meadowood and Old Farms ' Starting 8 a.m. Merllne Rd. at CENTER ROAD SCHOOL AU students from Grove, Snip­ VERNON CENTER - . ———— ------— — ton’s, Boltdn Center Rd. and French. Mrs. Marjorie Koft Milk at 10 cents and Ice cream Chiirch, Washington, Phoenix, 180), Foxhlll, Reed, Malden. Rd.; Center Rd. at Pearl, at (200-600), Ironwood, Hublard. Swe; 270, Sza-Von; 271, Wag- Bus 62: leaves Meadowbrook Bus 66; New Rd. (including Rd.), Cassidy Hill, Goose Lane, Oakwood, at Vinetta, at Mar­ 11 rtu'*enta from Betty Clr., sic, VlUage, Becker. BUDDLE SCHOOL Brandy St., School. " ’tt* handle speech and hearing at 15 cents wdll be sold starting (200-300), Ironwood, Taylor, Starting 7:60 a.m. Groye St. Kenneth, at Jonaathan; 110 Cen­ Starting 7 :50 a.m. Lake St. at WU; "161, Wln-Z. 11:30 a.m., Tory Rd., Buff Cap Blueberry, Laurel Ridge, White Merrow Rd. (Including Rhodes), jorie, at ; Crest, at Huntington, Troutstream, Tumblebrook. Starting 8:16 a.m. Grove St. at AU students from Seneca, Bus 4, afternoon trip: Bolton Problems, part-time. next week. Otherwise, students Hartl. Allison. Elm Hill. M ain .'a t Spruce St., at Hale Ext.; ter Rd.; 61 Center Rd. Berkley Dr., at Tunnel Rd., at Water Courses Added Rd., Plains Rd., Cone Rd., Old Birch, Pine HUl, HoUy, Apple, Walbridge and South River Rd. at Discovery. Brooklyn St; E. Main St. at Quarry, Glenn Crest, aalre, Enrollment wdU be about the “must bring their owm lunches, Coldspring, Center Hgts. Kelly, TalcottvlUe. Wllshire, South St. at Crown St., at Fox- BUS 22 Montauk Dr. Montauk Dr. at Stafford Rd., Buff Cap Ext., Beech Rd.), Grant HUl, Part- Bus 66: Doyle Rd., Eaton Rd., Starting 8 a.m. Center Rd. at Snlpslc St.; Village St at Ward Patricia, MerUne (52-83), (99- WASHINGTON —> Universi­ saine as last yearaccording Student handbooks wdil go BUS 6 * Alien, Irene, Kenwood, River- hiU Dr. SKINNER ROAD SCH(X)L Phoenix St.; Phoenix St. at. Willie arcle, Brownbridge, Betty Clr.. Troutstream Dr., at St 187). ties participating in the federal- to Patros-about 730 In the two' home with pupils tomorrow. It Bd., Charter Rd., Lorraine ridge Lane, Woodland SL, ' r o c k v h x e h ig h s c h o o l side, Sunset, Hublard. BUS 18 All students from Kenneth, Hublard Dr.; 219 Phoenix St.' Saudis Paving Roads state program of water re- ___1_____« t _ »'.*« __ ~ *______- GrandviewAsev Ter. Weber, Grahaber, Hunter, Tumb ebrook, Deerfield Dr. at ' Starting 7:45 a.m. Merllne Data To Be Stored schools. This includes. 11 Proj- is suggested that parents look AU students from Scott, Lynn, Starting 7:10 a.m. Washington NORTHEIAST SCHOOL Tracey, (Cindy, Wlndsorvllle, BUS 27 Bus 66: Old Post Rdf; Old Bakos Sugar HUl Roads). BUS 28 Rd. at Seneca Dr.; Merline Rd. . RIYADH — The number of ,®®“ '®*> and training have devel- ect Concert youngsters from at them. ' Vine, Cross, Jan, Echo, Hansen, Coldspring Dr. St. at Church St., at Phoenix St.; All students from West. East- Penfleld. . SYKES, ST BERNARD’S, ‘ WASHINGTON LAKE STREET SCHOOL at Crest Dr.; 76 Merline Rd. studentis In the free education- ®°"'® "®'^ water-re- Rotert H. Hartford, five continuing from Home room assignments are Landniark Ready Wayne, Gardner. Tunnel (296- Phoenlx St. at Hublard Dr., at Hlllcrest, Grandview, Al- Starting 8:20 a.m. Center Rd. ST. JOSEPH’S VERNON ELEMENTARY AU students from Montauk al system In Saudi Arabia has ®°“*'3es since 1966 and Lyddan, chief topographic en- last year in grades-3 and 4 and as follows: Grade 9. A through 406), Bolton (0-380), Plnevlew, Ironwood Dr.; Taylor St. at pgrt, South (317), Cathy, Valley- at Crestridge Rd.; Kenneth at CENTER ROAD BALTIMORE —The Star- SCHOOL AU students freon Htfd. Tpke. (91-135), Lake (0-310), Box Mt. increased from 2,300 in 1939 to added a lljke* number of new gineer of the Department of In- six beginning first grade. Bolton Glldden, Room 20; Gordon Patrol Cuts Death Rate Cemetery, Drlggs, VaUey Falls. Elm Hill Rd., at Allison R d .; Tracey; Tracey at Cindy; Wlnd- AU students from Spangled Banner Flag House In All students from Htfd. Tpke , (665-720) (965-1116), Bamforth, Starting 8:16 a.m. 129 Mon­ more than 400,000. Ten years staff members to Improve re- teridr’s Geological Survey, re- receives the services-of a full- through McDonald, Room 21; 250,000 Books Gathered Starting 7:10 a.m. Tunnel Rd, Main St. at Elm Hill Rd.; Kelly sorvillle Rd. at Penfleld Ave. Htfd. iTpke., (661-10 Baltimore has been declared •WASHINGTON — The school at Scott~Dr., at Echo Dr., at KeUy, AUen, Terence. Rt. 83, Starting 8:10 a.m. Peterson Cemetery, Baker, ■ MaxweU, So. tauk D r.; Lake St. at Tunnel ago there were onlji about 200 ."earch tuid training capahill- ports that the survey is devel- time teacher’s aid along with the Molde through Z, Room 22. Rd. at Trailer Park; Pleasant­ (0-28),. Evergreen (0-8 ready for designation as a Na- safety patrol has more than a HAY-ON-WYE, Wales - . This Drlggs Rd.; VaUey Falls Rd.; yvushlre, Howard. Oakmoor, Rd. at Valleyvlew La.; West at BUS 23 Grove, Center, Kingsbury, E. Rd., at Box Mt. university students; (now there ties. oping a National Cartographic youngsters. Grade 10; A through GlgUo, vlew Dr. at Sunset Ave.; Rt. owlarlq Inland, Reservoir. Nearly 2,000 students re- Information Center where hun- During the summer commit- Room 24; Griffin through My- tipnal Historic Landmark. It million membera serving 60,000 small ^ town (population 1,300) Bolton Rd. at Plnevlew, at Feed- vinetta. * Ridgewood Dr.; South St. at ^ Y K E S , ST. BERNARD’S, Main, Lewis, ti,arl, Reed, Fox- are nearly 3,000. 83 at Allen Dr., at Wllshire Rd. Glenstone,' at Alpert Rd., at BUS 29 Starting 8:06 a.m. Rt. 30 at A decade ano Oip h nt an ^®*''®‘* support and training as dreds of thousands of facts tees of teachers completed cur- ette. Room 29; Ogleby through was there that Mary Young schools in every state. Since has developed Into one of the er Rd., at Cemetery Rd, , Starting 8:16 a.m. Rt. 30 at « ' ST. JOSEPH’S hill, ’Thomas, South (0-190), Ver­ ROCKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Ooldspring, at Tunnel, at Sun- ____ I research assistants last year about geodetic control, place rlculum guides In math, science, Z,-Room 33. PickereglU made the 30-by-42- 1936, when records were first world’s ^eat second-hand-book I K iHinnel Rd., at Coldspring D r.; BUS 14 Janet. AU students from Dobson, non, Maiden, East. lesa -than ( 200 mUes i of paved nyview Dr., at High Manor; under the program. names, man - made features, English and social* studies for Grade 11, A through Gordon, loot ‘Rng that (lew over Fort kept," . the national pedestrian centers.^ A' quarter oi a million VERNON CENTER MIDDLE BUS 19 Miriam, Eleanor, Harriet, Starting 7:15 a.m. Rt. 30 at 'AU'students from South (200- roads; more than 3,000 mUes of vimiuoN CENTER Kelly Rd. at Trailer Park; Rt. South St. at White St.; R t. 30 at During the 1968-69 year a total water courees, woocJancIs, ele- Kindergarten through Grade 8, Room 34; GrUnske through Po- McHenry in the Battle of B^ti- death'rate for children aged 5 volumes are''housed In an old SCHOOL SYKES, ST. BERNARDS, Phoenix, (6-l(>4), Tankerhoosen, Tunnel Rd., Cemetery Rd. at 321), Bancroft, Mark, Glenstone, ^paved roads have been buUt ' 0 0 ^ 61% AAA A AM^ — _ ...... ___ «« •« a —.J____a. • m a WA a a P ___ 1 _ aA^P ^ La. ^ ' S _____.f— ..J 6 A ^ ^ A A 6% A AM A« ft 6 V Aft* A Alft A MA Aft *4 A Ift A«« A A a m J aZ^ a aa* aa a ^ Reservoir Rd., at Meadowlark of 230 theses and dissertations vatlon and boundaries wUl be tying in with recenacurriculum quette. Room 35; Potter through more in 1814 and inspired Bbrni- to 14 has been cut by more than movie house, and the owner p All students from Grove ((>■ ST. JOSEPH’S Warren, Frederic, Valley Falls, Bamforth Rd.; Rt. 30; Rt. 30 at Hlllcrest, Elvergreen (80-117). since and lanother 3,000 are im- AU students from Skinner (4- Rd.. at Terence Dr ^len ■were written on water re- stored In a computerized data guides ta grades 9 through 12, so Z, Room 36. els Scott Key to_write “The 60 per cent, and the patrol gets diets this tigure^*!^!'expand to 48), Brooklyn, Stone, Cedar, AU students from Lake, Mon- Plnevlew, Betty, Valleyvlew, High Manor, at Mt. Vemonr, Starting 7:20 a.m. South Staat -Rd. der constniction. 133)* DEUct HiU, Emma, Brim- Dr., at Wllshire Rd., -Merllne sources, bank. thateveryoneknowswhatis .be- Grade 12, Rooms 37-38. Star-Spangled Banner,’’ ^much of the credit. JiLmlUion by 1980, 1 m


Kindergarten Bus Route Revised 4 -' The Vernon Board of Education has revised the kindergar-^ REGISTRATION ten noon time bus schedule at tte Northeast School. The old FOR MUSIC LESSONS schedule appears elsewhere In today’s paper along with the i^This W eak 2— 6 P.M. rest of the bus schedules. Cot^ntry Andover Hehron Bus “ C” will take me morning pupils at noon and also pick ACCORDION, GUITAR, PIANO, ORGAN Vernon up the scheduled afternoon pupils. For tte pupils who will go Columbia Bus Routes home at n(xm; Start at 11 a.m., Rt. 30 and Mt. Vernon Dr., - Beginners Our Specially 370 Pupils Hebron Bus Routes Evergreen Rd. and Meadowlark Dr. (including Oxbow Dr.,), Bus and station wagon routes 66 SW. P.m. trip leaves 3:30. Schools Open Early Two Schools Expect South St., Glenstone Dr., Ridgevlew Dr., Janet La., Olson Schools, With New Programs, FoUowing are the bus sched­ Rt. 94 to Murphy Rd., Rtt 85 DUBALDO MUSIC CENTER this year will remain-essentially Bus 8,' 8:15, Cards Mill Rd. to Dr., Grand Ave., PUlsbury Hill (Including Vaterie Dr.) Olson from comer 94 to Gilead Hill. the same as last year. However, Johnson Rd., to Gaulin Rd., to ules for town schools, including Dr., Vernon Ave., High St. and Linden PI. 186 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. — 649-6205 Anticipated Bus 7: Burnt Hill Rd., Wall a later closing time at Windham Old WiUlmantic Rd. P.m. leaves Rham High School. Grade Serving: Eastvlew Dr., Evergreen Rd.-, Grand Ave., Grand­ St., turn around at Law’s, Wall Expect 7,400 Pupils Tomorrow P gh School makes it necessary 3 :10. For 2,300 Students 775 Pupils Tomorrow school children should be at view Ter., Hammond St., High St., Janet La., Katty Dr., * to change the time schedule for Bus 9, ;8:30, Rt. 87 to Wood­ Tom orrow St., Loveland Rd., Rt. 85 from Knollwood Dr., Mark Circle, Meadowlark Dr., Mt. Vernon Dr., By ANNE EMT . By BARBARA RICHMOND services, working with mentally, in this program last year. Start- Columbia buses. Bus stops re­ ward Rd. to Rt. 6. W. P.m. Schools here opened some- with both a BA and an-MA irom ger; the- art teacher is Rose their stops by 8 :15 a.m. traffic light to Gilead Hill, (In­ Olson Dr., Oxbow Dr., PUlsbury Hill, Ridgewood Dr., South St. (Herald Reporter) perceptually and emotionally ing this school year, tlrst grade what earlier this year- than UC^nn. John Regan, a former The Andover Elementary (Herald Reporter) Mary Cocola, the resource cluding Slocum Rd. East for He­ main tbs same. leaves at 3 ;10. h W r ON ELEMENTARY (No. 172 only), Valerie Dr. and Vernon Ave. Here is the bus schedule lor handicapped studenU, pre- repeaters who are experiencing teacher is Anne Curran; tte bron Elementary students only), All times are approximate and Bus 10, 8:18, Lake Rd. to those in surrounding to-wns, with School begins at '9 a.m. tomor- . The HeBron elementary SCHOQL Bus C for me afternoon pupils: Nortteast to school at noon, BUSY KILN CERAMIC school exceptional children and reading difficulties will be ad- it will be a week or .so before physical education teacher is Hebron Elementary. all of the Vernon elementary p^vate tutoring for those stu- mitted to the program after the Sleepy Hollow Rd., to^ Colins 2,300. students beginning department’ this y e a r !\ e was row with an estimated total en- schools will open tomorrow witt GILEAD HILL SCHOOL Bus 8: Rt. 66 (Marlborough start 11:45 a.m., 60 Bamforth Rd., South and Bancroft Rd., definite times are established. Rd., to Lakewood La*. P.m. a full-day session scheduled for* Marcia Eaton, and the music South and HlUcrest Dr., Rt. 30 at 1238, arrive at 12:10 p.m. schools, the high school and the dents who are homebound. first report card period. ' ^ their classes on Sept. 2. graduated from Keene State rollment of 370 pupils. Bus'1 : HlUcrest Dr„ Bass Lake Marjorie Or., to AND GIFT SHOP During the first week of school leaves school 3:10. approximately 776 chUdren. teacher is Emery Tapley. Serylng: HlUcrest Dr., Bancroft Rd.,’ Hartford Tpke., and services New staff members this year Bus drivers for this year are Rd., Deepwood Dr., Hebron Ele­ Brehant’s, MiUstream Rd., Rt. 540 EAST MIDDLE TPKE. MANCHESTER town’s two parochial schools. Under supportive services Another new program to ap- rhUdren“aV'request^e'd7o~b^^ ‘''biw 1L 8:40,’*Macht Rd. to Enrollment at the high school College in 1962 Paul White, principal at the' Bamforth Rd. Special note is made, by the ^idance, social pear on the scene this year will their bus stops 10 minutes early Thompson Hill Rd., to Edgar- Mrs. Suellen Stevens, will mdude: Donna Farnsworth, Bus 1; Jan­ mentary. 207, down Kinney Rd., Hebron itrrtT«lr nviH «^cnrrttir\1 A m a 1 Avomlvi- V . LX a. 1 . 1 ______. _ _ * ij^bron school, anUcipates final Bus 2: Hope Valley, Reidy Phone 649-0201 BoTr;” ; ; o i t Z ^u; -ork^-d p^chologlcal exam^n- ^ a preseWe Tord^r tTrvo7d 7M; ,, economics, j * and is Mrs. Susan Gradual of He- et Reguin, Bus 2; Gerrl Woods, Elemeintary Sche me same as used last year in new hall fields completed with Bus: Gilead Hill School, Rt. date for High Scherff. 289 Oakland Rd. AVAILABLE TO PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN This new school year in Ver- in me areas of leinguage arts basic areas were held this sum- school. P.M. leaves Por- Strickland Rd., Rt. 6 W to Rt. 6 ty offerings. ECSC. Mrs. AUeen Stenberg grades 1 to 6. The_ coat is 40 back-stops and, chain fencing School bus routes for Ando­ Route 6: Hebron Rd., School 85N, North St., Abby Drive, For­ Also, Barbara Dunn, two-time Mosey’s Com Beef Co., wltt- non will see many new pro- and mam. mer to update me curriculum, at 3:30. E- In me elementary schools, as hgg been hirgd gg a teacher-aide cents per lunch Including milk, installed ver’s elementary and high Rd., Lakeside Dr., Lake Rd., est Park, London Park, East St.j State Representative and can­ drew its application to run a grams instituted, some of me This year it will be expanded Wim me completion of me high g.gg^ vvhitney Rd., to iBus 16, 7:30, Pine St., to Ches- well as at CNHS, teachers will c n h s . She was formerly at “ i* R'^® cents per bottle of milk SEPTEMBER 16, 9 A.M. TO 11 A.M. Being an older school, sum- sch(K>I students have been an- back to Hebron Rd., to school, south. Meeting House Rd. to Gil- didate for Secretary of State, retail and wholsesale store at old pnes expanded and updated to Include me Skinner Road school science workshop this oakwood La.,'toRt. 6, to Strick- bro Bridge Rd., Doublpday Rd., be supervised jlTd Inseitviced ------^ ,------Coventry Grammar School. '° r mose taking milk ^ n e . This mer maintenance work at tte Starting time, 8:25 a.m. Stops ead Hill. and South Windsor’s State Rep­ 1239 John Pitch Blvd! AT THE and some proposed programs School, two more grades, 4 and monm, me entire science pro- tg ’jit. 6. to Edgarton Rt. 87 SE. toward a return to more tra- at: Roberts,--Boland, Hamm, . . - _ _ ,„.,4 4—., — — . _____ „ _____ New this vear at Coventry is Payable daily wim me excep- Hebron Elementary School was All children should go to tte Second Run Travelall Noon: resentative of the 46th District, curtailed due to a lack of funds 6, and one more subject, read- gram for all grades will now be leaves school at 3:30. Bus 17, 7:18, Lake Rd., Beach ditional rnamernatiesr me ver- ophonl -M-ra Atm*. ii°*i ^ tickets being soW in me Mooney, Parker, Cariberg, Bart­ MANCHESTER PUBLIC HEALTH considerably more than at the bus stop near-st to thdr homes. Start from GUead HUl School Thomas J. Donnelly Jr., who is mis year. ing. co^dlnated. ^ Bus 4, first part of trip, Rt. 6 Rd., Nuhfer Dr., Sleepy Hollow bal aspects of mam, driU in ba- bo was eraduated ®"toe on the first day of each lett, BirdsaU, Terlecki, Oliver, GUead' ■ school' and many ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 12:15, Soutt on 85, Slocum Rd. running for re-electelon. NURSING ASSOCIATION OFFICE In me area of special services. „ . . The new curriculum empha- gast at Kassman Comers, inter- Rd., Collins Rd., Lakewood La., glc numeral skills and problem week. ChUdr^^ „ 4 4 We'ingart MacDonald, Schreyer, East, north on 86 to Martin Rd., Mayor Howard E. Fitts led FOR reorganization has taken place. Jj^dergarten ReorganUrt sizes pupil activities wim a -gg^gas of Rts. 6 and 66, Rt. Hennequin Rd., Rt. 66 Colonial solving, will be emphasized in . u 1 1 /i not each day, paying either charges have occurred. 71 EAST CENTER STREET White reports that outside, tte beirinnw” of Lake Rd ^1®“ Burrlll, Cardlnl, Camp- south on West, north on West, the torchlight parade and Rich­ The department wlU not only Th® program ^lows a child to trend away from texbooks to a gg Schoolhouse Rd. westerly to Dr. * me areas indicated to faculty ticket or cash, at M^rritt^Valley, to^ au rola bell. Barton, Estabrook, Keenan ^aek of Gilead HUl. ard Rlttenband was master of MANCHESTER, CONN. take on a new look, it will also achieve and progr^s at all lev^ mulU-reference and mulU-medla Colonial Dr. P^m. trip leaves Windham Regional Technical members by me school princi- Goldstein wlUJeach first gbjdergarten < new ball field Is comnleted and Cosmetics grade. She is a graduate of Kindergarten snacks ahe fully grassed over and all nlav- Rd.. to school. Starting time, Hegener, ceremonies. Chairman of the take on a new name, "Student ®i® to language arts and mam approach. Porter School at 3:10. students will come home in two p^]g o-o o „ served each day at a cost of RHAM HIGH SCHOOL RHAM HIGH SCHOOL event-was Royal E. Cowles. Parents or Guardians Consent Necessary Development Bervices." ®s his ability allows. It also The social studies curriculum Brooklyn Ctollege. ground equipment was repaint- 8:25 a.m. Stops at: Fox, Ku- Bus 5, 8:15, Cards Mill Rd., to station wagons which wiU be at ^ innovative heaim program. Route 1: Palmer’s Garage to Bus 1 (7:30): Hillcrest Dr., Music, a magical act and Oon- IT’S Student Development Services serves to improve InstucUon for kindergarten mrough Grade Teaching second grade -will be ^^-26 Pfr month, payable in ad- ed. The new equipment arrived kucka, Dressell. Lovejov, Jean- Old Willlmantlc'^Rd., to Cherry the school when students are ^ result of recent research. School Rd., to Lakeside Dr., to Bass Lake Pd., Deepwood Rd., ’nectlcut Parachutists Skydivers Administered by will include, under instructional through ability grouping in 3 was also updated mis summer y^yg r j to Newberry Rd. dismissed. Lebanon Vo-Ag stu Miss Maureen Hurley, from ''“ ®®- i^iliKhUy over six and was installed. notte, Trczinskl, Peterson, last stop at Firehouse, to Pham. Valley Ka., to wewDeny «u . uisimaacu. vw-.e, ^ attempted at the km- ^ - cents per day. Parents may pay Framing around the outside Pratt, Traev, Hutchinson, Jean, Lake Rd., to Hebron Rd., to GU­ were all' part of tte entertain­ mese two areas. along wim me language arts p.m. •' trip leaves ’ school at 3:10. dente...... will be ’brought------—'— to ' schoo ^ergarten mrnugh fourm grade ^ Bllle Kapp, frem ™ ^ "b or b ^ yoar. but no Bus 2 (7:15): Hone Valiev ment along ivim me Connecticut Liggetts DR. ROBERT GALVIN, School Physician doors was replaced and all out- Young. Burnett, ead Rd., back to Hebron Rd., to This year - me kindergarten and mam programs. BUS 6.^ ____first___ stop._____ 8:15,_ Rt. 66 }" station wagon 4a Md NyM^Ctolleg^, ^^1^ teach kin-^ s L c T Z l^ s e L d Unless pay Reidy HiU Rd. intersection, Vagabond Band of Torrlngton. side painting is completed. Route 2: Rham to East St., to Rham. Starting time,- 7:16 a.m. ciaaoBBclasses are beingueuig reorganizedleoiTjaiuieu to uj A-- credit - adult------4....—. high between school beTween Rt. 87 and Rtr Hennequm 87 Md Heiuiequto nome oy home siauun by waeu.. station 4 wagona. 44144. Ik. exgmbiaUons Spe and hveiene in- dergarten. Mrs. Mariellen Lalor Hope Valiev Rd., Jones St. Pt. Members of the committee At The Parkade ment has been made. Inside, the gymnasium floor Webster Lane, to Boston Hill, to S t o p s at: Cody, Parker^ Jertnne, IMMUNIZATION IS REQUIRED Vernon me extent that mere will be course wUl be offered at me r ^., to Hannequin Rd., to Rt. 87. cial education students will be 4 4, bv' the clasisroom ^ach second grade and is 2, Chittenden Rd., Jones St., sponsoring the fireworks display MANCHESTER ______. ____ • ____ .. TTvanlncr .Qa >i a a 1 f h l o A A m . ’ _ _ i _____1 S IIU C L IU U UY LIIC C l t t a s i u u u i ______, ______Palmer, Tebbets, Cardlnl, Sau­ teaching on various levels. Hils Adult Evening School this com- p trip leaves school at 3:10. brought to school by station wa- a graduate of Worcester State- Last year’s lunch program op- was striooed, sanded and refin- .Turovatv Rd., to 'Boston Hill, to ~ * . . . — Burrows Hill Rd., Rt. 66E, BEFORE ENTERING SCHOOL teachers. er, Bennett, Bergeron, Four­ were Town Councilman Peter memod will tie In 'wim me non- tog year. This will provide an g .gj^ tjj.gt gtops Rt. 87, gon 4a and brought home by tv,o 4.hi44, f4>af,,.-4>. of to January 1970. Anotoer new ®rated in me black, ending me Ished; new lights were Install- Wales, to Shoddy Mill, up Rt. 6 Rham. Nicholas, Exchange Club presi­ ed in the music room: new to Wales, to ^ sto n Hill, to nier, Bd'.and, Vanty, Remesch graded program. The change is opportunity for high school drop- Doubleday Rd., to (Jhesboro station wagon 4e, me same time fh. r " o f “ rst grade teacher will be Mrs. y®“ vdth »80 to the good. The Bus 3 (7 -SO! • Corn“r of routes dent Walter Mealy, Robert Gil- Kindergarten shelves and cabinets were built school. Starting time, 8:20 a.m. and Kukucka. me result of a pre-kindergarten 0**^ pr My adult^who h ^ not j^d., to Pine St., to Rt. as last year, CNHS this year wiU be an ed- j. j. ^ bo is a 1967 grad "®'v lunch program replaced me 94 and 85, Jan Dr. West and llgan, .Donald Engle and Rich- „oo..ooucation on , -- wheels”------program- “ ‘ ^er program which over sev- for the study and media centers. Stops at: Coleman, Hurst, Lane, Route 2: Palmer’s to Boston screening test given all children ®ompl®ted his high school edu- ______Fast, Ea.st St., to Circle S. ard Starr. — A a r i A n t a o n In r n ------■ ■ ■ ■ — — ^------under me direction of Mrs., Ann HiU, to Center, to Rt. 6, to Bus Routes cation, to earn a high school Mlss Joan Buckley will teach ®”’a' y®®” had proved to be un- and new curtains hung in the of- Wordsworth, Cashm^an, Seaton, Poillce Chief John Kerrigan who will be entering ktodergar- Wales Rd., to Boston HIU, to Ranch, then nick up on East St. Bums. This will be a resource fices and media center. Knox, Crane, Slls/Oeta, Anson,' said all the festivities went well. ten next week. The tests were ‘tlplcma. mirt grade, and is a June-grad- successful. Jurovaty Rd.; Boston HIU, to from Burnt HiU to comer of Rt. KINDEROABTEN T . . i „ Becsuse it wss necessary to Columbia unit for a study tour of Williams­ All tte audlo-'vlsual equipment Duprey, Gottberg, Madore, 'Vin- Beer Garden conducted during July. y^e educaUon budget mis uate of Trinity College in Bur- ' Uunch menus for this week Webster Lance back East St., 3®- ' BUS A burg, Va. Copies of me skills, was checked out and replaced kels, Orcutt, Mulvey and Palm- The Zoning Board of Appeals This year will also see an ex­ lingm, Vt. The new nurse at • Tomorrow, tomato soup, to Rham. Starting time, 7:10 Bus 4 (7:30): Hone Valiev Rd;, VERNON CENTER KDG. A.M. .i, , year, some of me proposed pro- concepts and behavioral goals where necessary, and air condl- er. approved the request of .tte TAKE HOME pansion of me supplemen^ grams had to be postponed or me Coventry grammar school humburger on roJl, ketchup and a.m. Stops at: Staslak, Phelps, Reidy HiU Rd., GreyvlUe Rd. Students at Porter School of mis project have been filed , „ . _ relish, potato chips and peaches; tloners have been Installed In Route 8: Rfiam to Hebron Rd., Chamber of Commerce to hold Leaving 11 a.m. Merllne Rc’ . program throughout me deduced. The summer curricu- wim me superintendent’s office ® Mrs. Beverly Wagner, Gatchell, Osborne, Weir, Bon- Old Colchester Rd., turn around Thursday, cold cuts, potato me offices. to Bunker HUl, back to Rt. 6 to a Bavarian Beer Garden at at Diaijovery Rd., at Huntingten school system TWa program, study In special education, neau, Kaskela, Palmer, Moe, at town line, return Old Colches­ for study by me Board of Edu- AT ROBERTSON 1 New blackboards have also Parker Bridge, to Rt. 6, to Llnd- Ayers and Nevers roads In con­ Dr., at Crest Dr., at Marjorie, according to Albert Kerkin, as- planned for this summer, had to T> w _4 4, salad, pickles, sliced tomatoes, KoUer, Slobodlan, Lane, Hurst, ter Rd. to Rt. 85, Kinney Rd. to Will Discover Innovations cation. At Robertson School, Miss bread-butter; and Friday, fish been Installed where necessary holm comer; up Rt. 87 back to junction witt trie annual Wap- at at Oakwood. aistant superintendent, will pro- postponed. Travel and field and the stage curtains were re- Merritt VaUey, to Rt. 6, to Coleman, Parker. Rham. , . Mary Breen will be a new se sticks, tartar sauce, mashed ping Fair mis week. vide---- extra------reading------o —help------and— la ii trips,«j n were cic icuuveu reduced along. ,; yviui with Horace Porter School stu- me first day of school Lunch Counselors cond grade teacher. She is a paired and cleaned. Townsend, to GUead Rd., and Bus 5 (7:20) Burnt Hill. Wall 4 4 01 411 potatoes, green beans, bread-' Route 3: Palmer’s to Bunker TTie Ijeer garden will open VERNON OTOTf R KDG. P.M. completely funded by the state, specialized testing. There will have to squeeze meir and milk Ucketa for the first Counseling assignments to. the 1939 graduate of ECSC. Mrs. A big change has taken place back to school. Starting time, Street, turn around at Law’s, butter and fruit. Milk is served Hill, back to. Rt. 6, to Parker Thursday evening during tte PICK tlP.,_ aUldren in me second and also be a reducOon in me pur- „ _____ ^ ^ be sold in me ®®ho®to have been set up for me ^ a ry Hartnkt, who has 25 in the media center where lis- 8:20 a.m. Stops at: Eells, Re­ Basketshon Rd., Wall St., Rham. feet into with each meal. Bridge, to Rt. 6, to Rt. 87, to Democratic and RepubUcan Starting 11:20 a.m. SS'Vgllcy third grades were given priority chase of some new equipment, water-logged * caViaaI aAOA*»rIlAcr fA -A*»r»Alrl > . . . telling stations have been built mesch, Vanty, Barton, Hutchln- Merritt VaUey, to Lake Rd. as Bus 6 (7:30): Slocum and Mar­ softball game scheduled at tte Falla Rd.; Maple St. at PhCre new pair of shoes and shed meir individualmoiviauai classrooms duringuuruig passm an, f directorrTetor"*'of of Pupil teach third grade at Robert! Class assignments, bus rules, for IndlvldualizedL. study. The son, Vanorlo, Blandln, Prlola, far as Bausola Rd., to Rham. tin Road in and out Slocum, nix St.; Phoenix St. at Camnbell insurance forms, emergency Little League field. The garden faded swim suits for more ap- me morning of me first day. Personnel-ersonnei oervices.Services. Kathprine Wnf/mna a ------— 4 ....,, 4.4.,4.4e<..44.,, new area, has been expanded to Mazanik, Lee, Waller, Maneg- Starting time, 7:10 a.m. Stops Martin Rd., West St. turn wUl also be open during tte Ave.; Campbell Ave.; Washing­ Rham District propriate attire for me trek Each child should have his own At methe nignhigh scnooi,school, Ernestcrnesi graduate^ aduate'of of BemldjlBemidii State Col-Col. card®. Tfr®® l™®h appUcaUons include tte space across tte hall gla, Horton, LaFrenlerre, at: Gelde, Lathrop, Foran, Har- around at Keefe’s West St., Rt. hours of me Wapplng Fair on ton St. at Church St.; Taylor St. and information,-Md me school from tte present media center. Schultz, Goodler, Repass, Sides, riman, Ligas, GUlet, Grlfflng, 94. Rt. 85 to Slocum Rd., Rham. back to school tomorrow. ticket money on this one day. Martuccl will counael Grade 9 jg Minnesota, wUl teach Friday night and hll day Satur­ at Allison Rd.; Main St. at Elm . _ , . .... and vocational and business- ,,„ 4 calendar have beeh--.]iiailed to All staff appointments for Tlemann, Phelps, Bennett, Pel- BUlings Davidson, Pfanstiehl, Bus 7 (7:25): Rt. 6A to Marl­ Hill Rd.; Kelley Rd. at Trailer There will find some Innova- Succeeding purchases should be oriented students in grades 11 T ^ _4 4 the parents of all studeht-. bott schools are completed ex- Uer, Bergeron, Fournier, Rlch- CampbeU, LaFrenlerre, Radtke, borough town line return Rt. 6A day. Park; Pleasantvlew Dr. at Over- 960 Students Expected; . tlons which include a modified made by one child in the family, and 12 In the guidance department, The board granted a tempo­ cept for a part-time librarian at ards, McGann. Fors, Holkngton, Glew, Merritt, direct to Mlllstreairi Rd., Rt. brook, at Kt. 83; Dobson Rd. at rary and conditional permit to They will find some innova- Ticket sales after me first day Miss Huldah Mohr will coun- Martufeci and Mohan will as- tte Gilead Hill School. Route 4: Rham to Rt. 6 West Ransom, Richard, Tracy, Coda, 207, Rham. Miriam Dr.; Rt. 30 at Center (Jamile W. Torza of West Hart­ No Extra Room: Principal tion in grades 2,3 and 4 and will be held, as in me past, in gel students in Grade 10 and ®®^® *^nUes at meir respective Thirty-five teachers are on tte to Hutchinson Rd. to Hendee, Conlan Skoog, Ray and Connor. Bus 9 (7:25); Forest Park, Hgte. ------Orthophotomapg New ford, to allow a real estate of­ some ability grouping in grades the lunch room or the gym on college preparatory students in staff mis year and ttelr salar­ turning back at Pine Ridge to Route 4: Palmer’s to Rt. 6 Webster Lane, London Rd., pick fice at 83 Ellington Rd.; tte ai>- BUS B Even wim me new addition me opportunity of servicing 8. Fridays for grades 4 through grades 11- mid 12. Martucci received a BS from WASHINGTON — One of me ies, Including ttose of tte two Times Farm Rd. to Rt. 6 West West to Hutchinson Rd., Times UD East St. as far as Burnt open for tomorrow’s Influx of many more students, partlcu- The Joplin plan means mere 8 and on Mondays for grades 1‘ - At CNHS, Bernard Mohan will Unlversitjr to 1957 and slanlficant advances in principals, will amount to $295,- to Tymon’s, back Rt. 6 to He­ IHlll, Rham. plication of Bmce C. Bantle to VERNON CENTER KDG. AJtf. Farm back to Rt. 6 West to allow an addition to a building Lea-ving 11 a.m. Peterson Rd. me 960 students expected for '“ ‘y me area of gymnasUcs will be interclass groupings for through 3. Teachers of me first handle half of grades « and 6 a m&ter’s from UConn in 1969. ®‘^ ‘ ®ant advances in 745 ($297,918 was budgeted by bron ‘ -^d.. Center to school., Center, Hebron Rd. to Rham. Bus 10 (7:26): Soutt on Rt. 86, at Vtdieyvlew tia., at Center P ^ and expanding existing pro- instrucUonal reading and mere and second grades will hold a„d aH of Grade 7. Mrs. Gladys *^® ^ presently in me sixm year mapping since me aerial photo- • the Board of Education.) Starting'time 8:20 a.m. Stops Amston Village, In and out Niles 8, lUii-aay session, Kti&m riign —•** *— —^ —a i—...t— i—. ai- i._a._ ^— _j.—a—j.„ —1_ - *%«>aa>«mw. #«4- grapha>«.a*>v. 4»is e-v..,.me orthophotomap,------a Starting time, 7:15 a.m. Rd.; Center Rd. at Crestridge grams. -will be nine different levels in- tickets tor students in meir wmey .v^il counsel the remain- Pro&ram at U<3onn. There will be three kindergar­ a tf Bradley,^ Platt, Roberts, at: Williams, Adams, Turner, Rd., (turn around at Andrews), School will have "no 'extra Nicholson, -Laitson, Post, Bou­ Bolt of Lightning Dr., at Jonam^, at Kennem, at Pushee explained that Inter-^ stead““ “ “ of me usual three. "A step classes. j„ging half of Grades 5 and 6 6,, and- *— Mohan “ “ “ is “ a 1955 g;raduate of comblnaUdn of aerial or spa.ee ten teachers: Joan Haiiey, Graham, Carlson, Ferguson, soutt on Rt. 86 to Colchester chard, Graham, LslggLs, Champ, Pearl; Rt. 88 at WUshlre Rd.; room,” according to Principal gcholasUc s^ rts can also be *>°'»'ard individualized instruc- .Prices sUll hold at 35 cents all of Grade 8. , Boston University, wim M.A. de- photography wim convenUonal Christine Houle and Joan Rus- Andrade, Mills, Ursln, Russell, Line, Rt. 85N to Mansion HIU, Girard Comerford, -.Russell, Kills Two During Rt. SO at Hillside; Troutstream J. CoUn Pushee. greaUv expaj^ed especlaUv for ^®®°''d‘" « to Principal per hot lunch ticket; five cento Mohan is the new counselor S*"®®® to>m Worcester State “ coni, and five first grade teach­ Barton, Wright, Gasper, Arnold, North Pond, Rt. 85 to Rhamj. ers: Dorotty Chadwick, Natalie Massey, Bain, Rice and DTqyer. Dr. at Tumblebrook Dr., at Wim almost 1(X) more stu- gjJ,ig, prc^rai^ Richard Kells. pet lunch milk ticket ai\d five at CNHS, and has pret^ously C®>l®ge and me University of j^ig new tech- Hamm. Football Practice Center Rd. dents than last;year, Rham will , 4 4_, , 4 . "Hi® children will take inven- cents for snack milk — me lat- counseled in Willimantic. Mar- Bridgeport. He has taught for has developed into a htah Colombaro, Marian Dooley, Route 5: Rham to Long Hill, Dixie MerrlHeld ” and Evelyn Bear ^wamp, Skinner Hill, Hen- ®J again be short of classroom g p ^ ® d t a g T ^ s lfe ^ ’’p 'i S ^ a b ® ^ available to classes t'uccl, new at the high school. 10 years M d been a guidance ly gophisUcated wienc^ Ah o t- 12,000 Words New PETERSBURG, Fla. CENTER ROAD KDG. P.H. space, accormng to PusMe, pronniM^ being assigned to .through grade five and payable was a counselor at A. I. Prince ®o“ n®®tor for five years. mophotornap is made from aeri- Rowley. dee. Pine Ridge back to Lcing BlU.. Bear SwaJnp, Wheeling, ST. Skiniiei; HUl, Hendee Rd., Pine — A bolt of lightning PICKUP Pushee stated mat music “ M one 01 me “ not the groups. to me classroom teacher. Regional Vocational - Technical Angelo Gesmundo will re- al photos processed so that dls- Also, five second grade teach­ Hill to school: Starting time MADRID — The Royal Span- (AP) Ridge, rieu;k Long HUl to He- jgj| Academy has approved tte which flashed put of tte darken- Starting 11:50 a.m. Soum St. classes wilirba^ held backstage n®®t. to me state, n ie graphic in t h e departmentalized Parents are requested to send JSchool in Hartford prior to his tom to Coventry’s - music de- placements of Images due to tilt ers : Jacqueline Aldo, Barbara 8:20 a.m. Stops at: Frlsffia, at Glenstone;West Mata St. at in ’toe auditorium and two or arts program is greaUy Im- grades mere will be. one accel- money to school wim smaU appointment here. partment after serving four and relief have been removed Brown, Mary Johansson, Cheryl Sheehan, Poweli, Heon, McNa­ bron Rd., ''to^ Rham. Starting "Dictionary of tte Lan- ing sky over _a practice high Wart St., at Orchard St.; Vll three periods wlU have to use proved Md an aUtomoUve pro- grated reading group ,ln each children by sealing it in an en- In the area of special educa- y®ars in me U.S. Air Force, and The corrected photographic Im! Phelps and Jean Zeleznlcky, mara, Walton, Devoid, Duches- Ume, 7:15 a.m.'f-S.tops at: Ben- guage," which contains more gchool football gam® klUed two lage St. at Orchard St., at Wart me cafeterias as study halls, gram is being initiated. grade and two average groups, velope which is plainly marked tion, the primary special edu- Mrs. Marilyn Schmidt wUl teach agery is retained in me ortho- and lour third grade teachers: neau, Tremano, Person, Car­ nett, Donahue, HPpl(ins,- Halo- than 12,000 new words. Many players, and Injuf®^ 20 . otter St. Also, part of me library and The cafeteria will be in opera- The students will be given class- wim me child’s name, grade cation class will once again be music part-time. She is a 1956 phptomap. Linda Chamberland, Virginia ter, Parkhigton ______Leavins,_ ___ Hav- burdo, Heon, Walton,- Brown, of tte addlUons were required youngsters, two criUcally. one of me business education tion tomorrow. Studbnt lunches es in first year French and and me amount of money en- held at Coventry Grammar graduate of Hartt College. . Holt, Marion Thomen an^ Joyce erl, LltUe, MacKay,” Losee and Patch, Person, Dumschal; .^ t- by tte rapl(l. advance of science ^he bolt Monday" centered on BUS C rooms will be used for classes will be 40 cents and adult lunch- algebra 1. ^gjller. Prevopt. tie and Anderson. and technology. ^ huddle of tte Gibbs High Northeast AJM. Take Home closed wim tte Ucket order de- School. Mrs. Joan Holley will Mrs. Margaret PelleUer, a and me reading room behind es 50 cents, witlj- milk included, ------School offensive t e ^ , working All - students from HlUcrest, sired. again be the teacher. Students graduate of UCtonn in 1968, will Also, five fourtt grade teach­ ' Staff Members . wave smashed Galveston, Tex., tores on (Chinese land on tte on plays to be used In tte sea- Evergreen, Meadowlark,' Knoll- the kitchen will be us^d for a . However, since me. Federal Families witt three or more will attend on the regular teach art in tte two elementary ers: Jean Cafazzo, Nellie Man- The staff includes Su'perinten- border of Tibet and Sikkim. son opener Sept. 18. wood, Oxbow, High, Hammond, jofeteria. government will no longer reim- members who ■will be taking hot school bus, unless special ar- schools.' Edith WiHkmis^Sehodl Warren, Cynthia Royce, Doris ^odav in History having bewnd 6,000 dead and However,44UWCVC1 mere uiexe Will wi4i beuc a num-i.uii.- 4 4,. 4 4 ^ ‘^®"^ Myron Collette; supervisor lunch conslstenUy, may make rangejnents are requested Mrs. Karen Gresk will work of Monehestor Schefisch and Cyrilfa Willis, and '' millions of do)dollars of property One Year Ago Killed were senior Robert Mt. Vernon, Bamforth. ber of new offerings to this tostructlon, Mrs. Myrtle By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Israel sank two Egyptian tor- Newton, 17, an all-Plnellas Leaving 11 a.m. Rt. 30 at purchase applications at tte office for tte through the office of Pupil Per- witt hearing-impaired children four fifth grade teachers: Jenni­ damage. Teacher of Piano, Organ Today is Tuesday, Sept. 8, tte pedo boats in tte Gulf of Suez. County- (jpnference tackle last Mount Vernon; 50 Bamform year’s“ 4.4,4curriculum, 4 4^B.B„4. ^ o n g mese gtyj,...... ^.fn^nta ...... „UIUHirai «®“ ®’ reduced hot ^unch rate which sonnet Services. . - t o tte schools. She is a gradu- fer Blevins, Donna Draxler, In 1917, whlskey-maWng was i„ „ ____ 4u i~ __.«4.44 of milk, students will have to minlstrative assistant Joseph 2518^day of 1970. There are 114 year, and sophomore quarter­ Rd.; Soum St. at Glenstone, at is a sevenm grade language ^ ^ot- will go into effect not earlier The special class at CNHS ate of' tte University ot Wis- '' and Accordion Ronald MarshaU and Olivia halted to conserve grain. course. During me year, each, r marKon. than Sept. 14. No reduced rate will be taught by William Dris- consln witt a master’s from CaH 528.2852, 528-8015 Patch. days left in tte'year. back Vincent ^Ula*ns, 16. Evergeen; High at McLean. sevenm grader will have one- "Pbe teaching staff includes: Today’s HighUght in Htstory In 1935, Sen. Huey Long of More Hold Diplomas tickets will be sold tte first coll,' eind once again, students Kent State in Ohio. Also; four sixth grade teach­ Louisiana was shot in tte State Four playere remained hospi­ - NORTHEAST P.M. PICKUP quarter each of French, Latin, This year’s school staff will Miss CSieryl Dlmond, Miss Mar- three days of school. are bused regularly unless spe- -______'______ers*;ers; ‘Henry Henry -'Kelsey,- Keisey, MichaeljHicnaei On this date in 1 ^ , a S p ^ sh ih.Baton Rouge by Dr talized, two of ttem—Bruce Opanish and typtog. Include 66 full-time teachers, ja Grossman, kindergarten; , WASHINGTON — Thr^ of All students from Vernon, The school is not responsible dal arrangements are made. Chapman and Alfonso Black, Boum.Soum, isasiview,Eastvlew, niogewoou,Ridgewood, A second year of basic alge- ..1 ^ ' (ewt Ucketa. F»ch »..rrT ?fe^*rnrh ^d rA^uTs^^d^d^Tt every four American young bott 16-^listed in crUical condi- licket.. ... ' Sally .ShIU ,an.---- — whavis now 8t:-AugtBttHe;; Fla.,- POUttgal-..-OPl?Qn®nk- .U°gg-_ jj®^. GnuiavlBW, Janet, catty, 01- bra will alw be offered. This ^gneJ as i was pur- hearing teacher is Mary Berin- adulta ■ f agwl -2548)--^ta've--(tom'- tlon. SlkteeirmrieF pemuH WBTtr son, Mark, Bancroft, Valerie, course was introduced last year toree guidance teachers, one Smitt, Mrs. Victoria Wallace, ®“ "to “ ® as soon a ^ WOWIUreHENEY REOIONtt— andfounded tte first permanent two days later. ’chased. Thirty-five new teachers have pleted high school, according to treated for shocks and burns. PlUabury, Grand. for those not quite so adept as assistant principal, one/princi- Grade 1; Mrs. Ellzabett Bau- entered tte local school system VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL setUement of Europeans on tte Ten Years Ago tte Census Bureau. By contrast, Haflback Michael Washing- Starting 11:45 Vernon Ave. at otters and proceeded at a much Pal. ®lght custodians, ^slx cafe- man, Mrs. Suzanne Kaczynskl, Menus For Week ' • ttis year, representing appolnt- Norm American continent. Hurricane Donna gg ^ pg^ ggut of tte ton, 16, said he was standing be- Linden Place; Grand Ave. at glower pace so mat! students toria workers and^flve office j^ s . GeraJtoe Hanna, Grade Menu for tte first three days toents to all four schools, as 781 West Middle Tiinmike Jn 1858 at Clinton, Hi., Abra­ aw ay from tte Caribbean, where adults had completed side Chapman in tte huddle PUlsbury; West at Ridgewood could grasp tte fundamentals, workers. / 2; Mrs. Alice ^ v e sq u e , Mrs. is : Tomorrow, hot dog on roll, "'®“ guidance personnel,' mu- Manchester, Connecticut ham Lincoln made a speech, she had killed an esUmated 118 secondary schcxil. when tte lighttlng hit. Dr.; Soum St. at Alpert Rd., at Pushee anUcipates that about Deborah Le- corn, potato sticks, peaches; ®to> and special education. part of which contained tte persons, and begw raking the ______jjjg figgh came In tte mid- Teachers statement, "You can f(x>l all of Janet La., at Bancroft, at Ver- 99 per cent of ttosele whowno par- N ew_ ^each rs ^ Conche, G r^ e 3; Mm. Ataa Thuirtay, pizza with meat and ^ e high school, tte new U. S.^ coast from Florida north­ die, and tte shoulder pads tte people some of tte Ume; non Ave; 311 Vernon Ave. ficipatedticipated last year wUl again Among new teachers ttis Lesniaski, Mrs. Sandra Mp- cheese, green salad, fruit cock- ®^®^^ members include Mrs. ADULT ward. Reading System Sought looked like mey were glowing,” take me course. course year a r e ;/ r tail; raday, mini-fish, rice, Marsha Anderson who will teach some of tte people all of tte Ume; but not all of tte people Five Years Ago iwAqHmrTON — The U S Williams said. LAKE STREET KDG. A.M, The healtthealth program will also *^ Mlss/ilaneMisa^,.'if^e Gwozda, a gradu- green beans, applesauce. iylufl Milk,, tonne economics. She is------a 1970 Bed China charged India had WASHiNururn • • ,,j g^^ Bruce stretched out on be expanded to tte high school ate qfHJentral.Connecticut State , ’ . ^ ^ T^gart, Mrs. butter "are serveil Eradunte of tte University of EVENING COURSES all of tte time.’’, ' >'■ In 1900, a tornado and Udal illegally erected military struc Office of. EducaUon’s National jjg j heard'the coach tell- TAKE HOME^- -:'- , 44. ^ 4cmi, . . < b.u g g- Deborahttah^TBh Elnhorn,BUnUnm, Grade K6. CoimecUcut. Richard pednarz. TUITION FREE Leaving 11 Lake St. at Mon-.®!^®®.® The drug pri^am College in m o udth a ■’ * The departmentalized grade Center for EducaUonal Re- ing everyone to stay down. I w.ll be offered at all grade ’^ c h junior high science, The first holiday for tte stu- Sprin^eld tauk Dr.; Montauk Dr. at Ph c teachers includes: Mra. Merce- L, search is trying to develop a was shaking on tte Inqlde." levels. Mrs. Roberta Ash, a ’i97(> dents will be Oct. 30 when tte “ ftoema- Improve your trade experience with the fol­ nox St.; Phoenbe St..at Ironwoci*. . Ucs. Mra. Diane Biondo, who system to teach every child to Coach Al Campbell said prac- Dr.; Taylor St. at Haylln, at Also, tte Resource Center will lowing courses: read well enough by age 10 to tic® usually Is suspended when • In ktilBiachuaotU with a B.S., to „ „ ' o . , J.L* I*...’! - " . ' at®’ Civentlon. The achool ***® Enellah '^epait Elm Hill Rd., at HarU; Allis n ®«ton be equipped and operat Mrs. Patricia Brett, reading-lit­ HIGH SCHOOL STUUENTS ensure that he wUl become a ttere Is lightning around, but Hd. at Welles Rd.* Phoenix St. ^ full-time basis. Stu- teach business education. closes for Veterans Day NovPll graduated from Mad- Automotive erature; Johp Brodeur, French; ison Cbllege in Virginia in 1967, Inspection Metfiods NEXT CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 competent reader aa an adult, that tte bolt hit wittout warn­ at.Hublard Dr.; 55 Maple St.; d®"*® witt academic, mental Miss Barbara Jq Erckson, a am again Nov. 25 for me ing. David Chatel will teach phy­ Carpentry Machine Blueprint Reading Maple at Warren Ave.; Warren disabilities, or emotional or be- j^g,jg graduate of North Dakota Joan* Baldwin ’ mmh^’ Mtas Thanksgivto;:sgivtog recess, Schools re- * PREPABE FOB COLLEGE BOARD TEST —- sics; he is a 1970 graduate of "I heard a loud clapping noisq Ave.A..., at Frederic (East). hnvinrni nmhlAms w.^11 be Terer- ___ «z.—_n.i_ _ « z.. . _ ' **€».«*, ataioo Nov. 30. Drafting I & II Machine Shop *** ’^****^ University witt a B.S., to cSieryl Buffam,’ science;’ Dennis "P®" CX3SC. Miss Jean Mitnik, a i970 and eveiYbody was knocked CJiristmas recess is-Dec. 23 to Electricity I & II Shop Math •k and TEST TECHNIQUES rea lo uus area. teach home economics. Harvey, science-famUy Uvlng; UConn graduate, will teach phy­ WANTED down—pllayers, coaches and ev­ LAKE STREET KDG. to Jan. 4. Winter recess is Feb. * SPEED BEADING and COMPREHENSION Crafts Center Mrs.' Barbara Vann, a 1958 Mrs. Gail Gagnon, social stud- sical education. Mrs. Ellzabett Electric Code Technical English/Writing k VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT erybody] on tte field," CampbeU P.M. PICKUP 11 amd school reopens Feb. 22. ,, . r- . Clean, Late Model Starting 11:55 Lake St. at The Art Department will have ^.A. graduate froin Syracuse ie^ Electronics I & II Tool ond Die said.* Spring recess begins April 2 and ° ‘® “ ®"S“ ®** WINDOV9 This is an outstanding program in reading efficiency Robert Jenkins, who was ref- Richard, at Berkley Dr., at Box a crafts center in tte new facIU- University witt graduate work The special staff includes: is over April 12. ______'______meeUng twice wekly for six weeks—late afternoon or Mt. ty which will give them much f Framln^am State College, Ellzabett Bunk®r, art. Classes held 7-10 P.M. . USpD CARS ereeing tte game, said he saw Schools close again Memorial early evening. Taught by state cerUfled consultants in to teach part-time in mattemat- Mrs. Hazel Smitt, librarian; Monday^^iand W ednesday evenings SHADES small groups. Testing program or private tutoring may Top Prices Paid "flashing way off in tte dis­ BUE E needed operating space, Jnd Mra. Winifred Florio, a grad FOR REGISTRATION INFORMA'nON CALL: 643-9947 uate of ConnecUcut Central “ rs. Mary Gamache, assistant ®“*"toer TOKYO — Jap^ was among 7-9P.M. Bring ^oor old roUen In noise bremght bott my jaws to- Wln^emere Ave., at Burke Rd., a wireless stenographl^abora- remedial reading; John Lescoe, ™®®®“- tte first countries to establish Mve per shade. CARTER CHEVROLET getter." at Carol Dr.; Old Town Rd. at tory will be In in operation. A state College, to teach earth a c a d e m i c r e a p i n g c e n t e r science. physical education; Mrs. MU- Porter School closes early tte compulsory educaUon, and to- DoNy Registro^ion — 9 -4 P.M. IPRED KAPROVE, Director C O .. IN C . “ I felt like electricity waa in Wilson La., at Loveland; Love- course in introductory,, data dred Church, special educaUon; ttlrd Thursday of each montt day it has proportionately more my body. Everybody was "laid land, at Rt. 83; Rt. 83 at Vernon processing is also planned. One vacancy sUll exists at tte 63 E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER ^229 Main S t Mrs. June Dowling, nurse. to permit tlm,e for staff .-neet- of its popuIaUon in colleges and - Sessions start Se|)tember 28 L A. JOHNSON NEXT TO CAVEY’S RESTAURANT put 'on tte ground," said 17- Gartens; 201 Regan Rd.; Re- Witt tte opening of tte aux- high school secretary to tte ings and discussion. It’s called universiUes Jhan any ottdr (depending upon enrollment) Phone 649.5238 year-old -Walter Mott, a . line­ gan Rd. at RangehlU Dr., at iliary gymnasium in tte new principal. Mrs. Helen Brink re- PAINT GO. Hot Lunches "rihink Thursday" but tte kids country except tte United backer. Bmlly Dr., at Legion Dr. addition,! tte schoo)^ will have tired recently from tte position. The hot lunch program begins call it "Think Funday.” States. TEL. 649-5396 ' 12»HAIN ST. \

\ ' i: I ■


'PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHE^' CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Pages 13 to 24 Section Two M a « r i ) f 0 tFir !EtiFnttt 9 and the occasional thud of ex­ —^A stepped-up program of bi­ lingual education for children Hohenthals Leave Today plosions continued to be heard Duffey Seeks Massive Hike Do This If in Amman this morning. But from homes where Engli^ is not Connecticut the dominant language. life in the bustling bazaars in Tolland County —Expanded community educa­ FALSE TEETH the center of the capital ap­ In Federal Aid to Schools Hospital Phone For Okinawa Assignment tion programs. Feel Loose, Insecure Accidents peared normal. There were Heralding Politics HARTFORD, Oonrt. (AP) — Duffey, the national chairman Duffey criticized his Republi­ Don't be so afraid that your false . The telephone number for By JOHN A. JOHNSTON henthal said he had not received crowds of shoppers and business teeth will come loose or drop just at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Joseph Duffey, the Democratic of Americans for Democratic can opponent, Lowell P. Weicker the wrone time. For more security By Sol B. Cohen• (Herald Reporter) a definite school assignment. was as usuii.. and comfort, sprinkle FASTEETH* tal was changed a few Ellington Takes First in Annual Fire Muster Q a im T en candidate for the U.S. Senate, Action, said he endorses the $14- Jr., for voting last year to cut Some time ago, Eric Hohen- rf'But I will be an assistant prin- The 120 women, children and Denture Adhesive Powder on your months ago, but too late to TradltlonaUy, Labor Day has Clerks’ Association. It will be thal of 24 Munroe Si. .applied fcipal in one of the middle elderly men were taken to the proposed today a comprehensive billion a-year federal-aid-to-edu- the federal ald-to-feducaUon act plates. PASTEETH holds dentures (Continued from Page Une^ frqm five to two years. firmer longer. Makes eating easier. be listed correctly In the new By JUNE LINTON marked toe end of a lull in the Hartford Hilton Hotel. for an administrative position in federal ald-to-educatlon program catich proposal of the Presi­ FASTEETH Is not acid. No gupnny, schools run by the Eiepartment hotel Monday after their release phone books. The hospital Herald Reporter an overseas government depend of Defense, probably near Naha, ski, 36, of Seymour was found from the Trans World Airlines which he said is needed to im­ dent’s Task Force on Urban ■"rhls was opposed by gooey, pasty taste. Dentures that lit political activities and toe be- Dominic Squatrito is Education. "Considering the are essential to health. See your number Is 646-1222. ents’ school. Okinawa was not a city of about 260,0 68 Andover team. Third in the figuringiigunng oul out pumiopoints anv.and ou.-...such. both sides and ti joint commit­ Masses at' St. James’ Church six calls over toe Labor Day Maple St.; Joseph pole climbing event was Gary two small boys couldn’t resist weekend. tee to supervise toe agreement. RFD 2,.-Coventry; LeonT Brin, r, j^[gjjgj.yg Ellington. the challenge of that tall shiny will begin tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. Both toe guerriUas and toe ’Iliey extinguished a fire in West Willlngton; Jacqueline Motorized hose laying, dry. pole, and in practically no time in toe upper* church. Ralph Mac- gome burlap bags near toe new government announced similar Conlan, Lake Rd., Andover; jjy Tolland with Ell- at all 7-year-old Barry Lugln- measures at toe end of last corone, choir director, is seek- bridge on S. Main St. at 6:30 5 ^ • Mrs. Frances Ch-osky, 20 ^ ru ce second and Rockville buhl of Ellington and 11-year- week but they broke down and ing new choir members, singers Saturday morning, M haddqiMTtacs foi’ St.; Mrs. Ernestine Keith, 351 while motorized hose lay- old Terry Hutchinson of An- ot junior and senior high school At 2:30 Sunday morning they fighting resumed. W. Oenfer St.-; Mrs. Karen K. wet, was won by Ellington dover reached toe top. Then On Mbnday guerrillas kid­ age and older, and instrumen- put out a car fire at 103 Falknor dp school siipplios Lamotoe, Norwich; Laurence North Coventry second and they were- noticed and it was taltsts, who can p la / a guitar Dr. naped several aiTny officers and D. Lane, 70 Oxford St.; Stephen third. declared out of bounds by of- fired for 46 minutes on toe tadlo Masse, Enfield; Mrs. Eileen laying event Ellington, the overall winner, placed second in the midnight alarm. "in a muslcianly way." Later in toe morning at 11:23 ficials; As many people in toe con- they put out a fire in an elec- and television stations outside Massey, Amston; Eric C. Mi- marred by two accidents, ' w------' gregatlon will be unfamiliar trical motor at the Manchester the city.- ruoki, 84D Rachel Rd. When toe Andover team start- ’The new agreement was an­ Also, Mrs. Magdaline F. Rob- pumping water through-the Manchester Area Public Records with .the folk hyms, toe choir (Country Club, will lead the group. Folk Mass- Another car fire was extin­ nounced shortly after three erts. East Hartford; Mrs. Rob- j^^g^ separated from Enrichment Courses Warrant Deeds ' es are tentatively planned for guished at 1 :43 Sunday after- members of a four-nation recon­ erta S. Roy. Broad Brook; Louis ^^gg j^^g^ during the I A Five Dollar Gift Just For Lotting UsT^kloNtiu Vernon Police Julia Blretta to Norman G. one every two or three weeks, noon at Adams St., and W. Mid- Saccamando, Springfield, Mass.: .pgjigjjj team’s turn at it the ciliation committee arrived In' Start Monday at Temple Dion, Ceclle M. Dion, Raymond depending on how well they are die Tpke. I ^ Amman. It is made up of Egypt, Mrs. Patricia G. Stepanskl, 42 jjg^zla with its powerful stream Probe Breaks N. Dion and Lynda A. Dion, Otis St.; Wolfgang W. Schlefer, control received. ’There is a possibility a fire in a washing machine opcB OMndagraad friday nlghta till 0:0# Sudan, Algeria and Libya but Enrollment is now opien for stamps. Maurire Danziger, property at 23-25 Edgerton St., scheduled for was put out at 12:26 p.m. yes- toe Libya delegate did not show 46B Sycamore Lane; Mrs. Jo- knocking down toe three men Over Weekend the first session of Community Grade 4 and up. CTass of 15. conveyance tax $35.20 up. / hanne A. Schmeddlng, Souto St., jjgjdine it Although one man ~ - - Martha A. Szetela, Vernon police are investigat- Enrichment Courses, which will . Wednesday T Lrt Include Another fire in an electric The attack on the Interconti­ near the begin- rnotor, this one at toe Manches- nental Hotel appeared to be part one with a Blbll- ter PubUc Market at 806 Main of toe general skirmishing be­ of toe Commun- St., was extinguished shortly $23.65. tween toe guerrillas and units of to^M^^^d Mrer'EruOT Sieving, Tolland'“ "wo"n 'th e ‘ "midnight in rirom 'a coin machine at the< and run thru Dec. 17. Courses , and four-year-olds. Class of 10, ion Rite, and a recessional. after it was reported at 1:06 toe Jordanian army. . ° Quitclaim Deed 861D HUUard St.; a son to Mr. event which is really an Jet Car Wash on Regan Rd., „pgn to residents of Man- 9-10:30 a.m. Plnv btoud. M William R. and Isolds Y. p.m. It was not clear who fired the nnd Mrs. Howard Reid, 170B E. race in* Vernon. At the n^rby Speedy surrounding towns. Snsan Farr, ass A minor electrical fire at 381 shells or whether, they were Schaller to Herbert A. Phelon Mlddle ’Tpke.; a daughter to solving high boots. buckled Chick Restaurant on Rt. 83. an Registration may be made by Jr., trustee, property at 341 E. St. M ary’s Unit Center St. was called in ^ 9:21. aimed at U)e hotel,' :whlch has - Mr. and Mrs. Richard C u r r y ,______undetermined amount of change ggume- Mrs. Gerald, Port, 50 "olds. ' ° Class of 10 A false alarm was turned at calling Mrs 10-11 a.m .. Creative rhythms. Center St. been hit by crossfire in toe past. 20 Winter St.; a daughter to Mr. was taken from a cigarette ma- Q^ggjjy r j ., through Friday ■ Meets Tomorrow box 85 at; E. Center and Cone Bursts of machine-gun fire 20 wmier Pt., Elizabeth D. Yoga relaxation and modern Marriage Licenses and Mrs. George Hebert. East , Kenneth G. chine and at Phillips 66 Gas Sta- jg g.ni. until noon. Regis Jon Parm Shl will hold its annual Mr. and Mrs. Charlfes mined amount of charge were will be made for each course. meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at after 10 o’clock this morning to ter to folk dancing. Mrs. Elaine Gar- St. James’ Church. Mt. Vernon Apts!, Goventry. Five classes for adults and 20 St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. put out a fire in the cellar SELU N G Wolf, lOA Also, Mrs. Cecilia M. Gardner, taken. field. Ages 4-7. Class of 12. Michael Frank Levanduski, Rockville. Other Vernon police activ­ for childr/en are scheduled to „ Coventiw, and Doris-Anne Ellza- Mrs. Allan "niomas of 216 there. The origin of toe fire has 88 Pearl Dr., Vernon;, Mrs. So­ 3 :15.4:15 p.m. _Needlepqlnt YOUR OAR? BIRTH YESTERDAY: A phie T. BenzeU, Stafford Springs^ ity: meet in the morning, afternoon, beth Diehl, 129 Keeney St., Sept, Hollister St. has been re-elect- not yet been determined. Andre\* Boisonneault, 28, of nnd evening. Eleven clrisses are and embroidery, Mrs daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ David M. Halpen; 92 Tracy .Dr., ^ 9, South United MethodistMel ed president, oqier officers are We Buy dean Used Canada, was charged yester­ Goodman. Ages 8-13. Class of 15. (jjjgpgj, Mrs. Margaret Utling, vice neth Leder, Bridgewater, Mass. Vernon; Florian J. Fay, Glas­ being given for the first time. Cars Outright DISCHARGED SA’TURDAY: day with operating an over- Most will meet oncp a week, 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. Beginning David Lee Dutka, Barberton, president; Mrs. Phyllis Hopper- Extended Forecast Register Now Highest Prices Paid tonbury; Lee J. Cameron, French. Open to those with or ’The extended' ouUo<* is for Mrs. Dorothea E. Kiro, East Storrs; William Monroe, East weight vehicle and none will' be held when pub- Ohlo, and Linda Joyce Semerow. stead, secretary; and Mrs. ,WI1- Hartford: Mrs. Ellen Andrulat, Police said Boi.sonneau)t was pg gghools are closed, teachers, without previous experience. 490 Hilliard St., Sept. 12, Zion »am Kloppenburg, treasurer. variable cloudiness Friday with for Fall Fvening Classes TED TRUDON HarUord; Hannah J. Kingsbury, . . __ Ui* . . . __ .' J scattered showers. Fair and 1370 Main St., South Windsor: „ „ „ , 'River Rd (Coventry; driving/4v^«r4ncy aQ loadirtnn fiiof hayiim.v which *i»w hit m^rst r ' S f nof i wwhom n i i i i i mare e experienced l e i i u e u Will»»••• reriew.. ------Mre. Constance Oonsta — Lutheran Church. N e w corporation members 10 cooler Saturday. High (emi>er- VOLKSWAGEK Denise DeVeau, 322: Oakland Rita Cvr Somers* M. the overhead traffic signal at educators, are volunteers drawn Kaplan. Grades 4-6. (3ass of William Merle Warner, 85 elected are Mrs. Marge Me- School atures in toe ,80s Friday' and in Registration Closes Tuesday, September 15 Bonte 83, TalcottvUIe St.; Richard piode, 17 Wood- M^rk Bogdan, 88 EElizabeth u Z e th Dr.; the corner of Windsor and Win- from the community, 4:1J;5:15 p.m. Acrylics Set Broad St., and Mary Jane Mo- lindy. Miss Evaline Pentland 649-28S8 land St.. Rockville; Wesley Deborah A. Johnson 413 E. Mid- dermere Avenues, pushing the ’The following arV the- days, provides first canvas and paint rin, Vernon. Sept. 12, North and Mrs. Hopperstead. the low 7()3 Saturday, overnight Arts Etnd Sciences Coolbaugh, 46 Wells St.;, Bruce Tpke.; Kathryn E. Daum, li-ht out of place. hours, classes, descriptions, Mrs. Terry Dodge. Grades 4-6 United Methodist Church. The school ■will open Sept. 14. lows in toe mid 50s to low 60s. Business and Public Administration J. PJenzlo.^East Hartford. Glastonbury: Mrs. Leane S. Rodney Smith, 25, of 22 Orch- teachers, age' or grade levels. Class of 6. Improvisation 'Education Art Engineering Also, Richard W. Baker, 19 cswertek. East Hartford ard St., Rockville, was charged adn enrollment limitations: 4:15-5:15 p.m, Lewis St.; Dr. Genora L. Shaw. Also, Mrs. Paul Longchamps -with breach of the peace, Sun- Monday workshop. Introduction to dra- SecretEurial Science FA-MOIS Mansfield Depot; Mrs. Fannie and son, 18 Wellman Rd.;. Mrs. day night. Police 1-2 p.m. Paperback novels, through improvisations anj) Courses lead to a degree or certificate HUDSON VITAMINS H. Kieblsh, 24 Hawthorne St.; Lawrence Eaton and son, Wales charge came as the result ol an Informal discussions of con- readings, geared to age level, Classes begin Wednesday, Septem'ber 16 and Deborah M. DuBois, 83 Rachel Rd., Andover; Mrs. Henry AI‘ incident taking place on Ver- temporary books. Mrs. Janet Children helf^d to act-out their DRUG PRODUCTS Rd.; Mrs. Jennie M. Halsted, 63 dort and son, 2D Mt. Vernon non Ave. ♦ J u iii 09 jvieisnej:.Meisner. iAUUiuj.Adults. iviueujMeets mfirst ot and fantasies. Miss Hermene Her- , Registration going on Now Bretton Rd.; Knight L. Cham­ Apts., Rockville; Mrs. Eric J. James Vanoudenhoye. 16 92 Mondays each month. shey. Grades 2-4, four boys and W indsor Aye., Rockville was ar^ ),.m. and Thursday, faur glrlrf. Weekdays 11 am-8 pm Saturday 9 am-12 noon .■V\-jiil:ihlf .\t bers, 105 St. John St.; Mrs. C. Daly and son, Enfield. Ruth Flnkelstein, 353 Hilliard DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: rested Sunday ^ ® . same time. Play group, same Thursday University Hall Room 216 WELDON DRUG CO. St.; Mrs. Shirley W. Kush, Prlido Ounpuu, .11 Welcome Pi.; two counts o r g children each session. Mrs. Nes- 9 •45-1-45 a.m. Crewel em- RFD 3, Dobstjn Rd., Venion Ml'S. Mildred R. Longtin, 60 University CoUege V a S e r t io v e and Smith hre We 'DUPUy. Janice Breer. DESIGNED BY LEE EVAiiS the Sanv I^ow Also, Arthur Shorts Sr., 179 E. Meadow Lane; Mrs. Ellen J. both scheduled " to appear ih Florence Cole and Mrs. Joan Adults. Unlimited class. University of Hturtford Direct-Hy-Mail F’rice Center St.; Mrs. Irene R. Clou- Goodhue, Enfield; Mrs. Dome- Rockville Circuit Court 12 on Sheehan. Four-year-olds. Class .3 :15-4:15 p.m. Beginning, sew- SCO Bloomfield Avenue, 'West Ebtrtford 523-4811 tier, Bristol; Joseph A. Patter- of 10- ing. Making an article for school .-Vsk for Fn'c Catalog ^ , n, M fsiVe^Ts Rose 9«PL 15. Bolssonneault is sched- PLW If you’re a Lucky living on a CNG gas line, invite a CNG representative to your son, 52 North St.; Mrs. Edith Mrs. Lucille M. Nicnols, Kose- *. _____ a 3:15-4:15 p.m. Beginning wear. Mrs. Jacqueline Dugan, house for a free home heating survey. He’ll give you a handsome indoor tem­ C. Chetelat, East Hartford; Mrs. wod Lane, Bolton; Mrs. Anne B. i* oth^r area'nollce activiey: Frenc^ Open to those with or assisted by Mrs. ' Mary Jane Plays Clayre B. Hall. 165 Autumn St.; Kutcher, 291 Wetoerell St.; Rob- police^of Troop K, C9I- withour previous experience. Talley.- Ages 10-12. blass of 8. perature and humidity indicator ($5 retail value)... and tell you about con­ Mrs. Veronica Zdanls, 2727 Ell­ ert Finnegan, 157 Park St.; Mrs. Chester report 90 speLing^^ Mrs. Beverly Garoppolo. Junior 3 :15.4:15 p.m. Artis and crafts, The Pantsuit Game verting to economical gas heat. ington Rd.. South Windsor. high students. Class of 10. Grepe paper paihting, love o- 1^°P® ^* 'Phurstom 220 Center made over the four-diiy For the sportif side of your MANCHESTER TIRE, INC. Also, Martin Huber, 77 Sunset St.; M. Elizabeth Davidson 189 through radar opera- 3 ;lis-4:15 p.m. Art fun. Collage, beads, papier mache, collages, Locally, the price of,oil for home heating is on the rise. Gas is nearly 20% lower Ter., Wapping; Michael S. Has- W. M ^ I e ’Tpke.; John W. Hoff- j - potato printing, color mixing etc. Mrs. Dohothy Krascella, Autumn life, we suggest an •'iri price still one of today’s real bargains. sett. Box 283, Bolton; Jason A. man,^ 9 Union St., Rockville; TOLLAND and shapes. Mrs.. Barbara Reu- assisted by Mrs. Marcia Kelley, utterly casual pantsuit like' ------SPECIALIST IN ----^ Morin, 76 Discovery Rd., Ver­ Arline Tripp, 337 Hilliard ^t.; James Kinley, 20, of Pearl ben, assisted by Mrs. Barbara Grades 1-3. Class of 12. this. The top sports a jaunty Rent a low-cost gas conversion burner unit. Installation is simple and always non; Michael Coulombe, 147 Mrs. Francis A. Fecteau, 92 W. River,. N.Y., was charged with Freedman. Four- and five-year- 3:15-4:15 p.m. Intermediate • M UFFLERS • B R A K IS Edgerton St.; Mrs. Louise Pinto, Main St., Rockville; Raymond unsafe ’ lane change after his olds. Class of 8. ' -— ' bridge. Starts Sept. 17'for-six jumper effect; sleeves and • AUCNM ENT tree. And a Service contract is not required. In addition to the low monthly rental, F. Donahue, 297 Hackmatack (DISC OR REG.) 109 Mather St.; Ruth Chapman, vehicle was involved in a two- 3:15-4:15 p.m. Modern dance w e p k s'. Beg(inners’ bridge, a turtleneck dickey snowed (FRONT END PARTS) you only pay tor>the gas you use. St.; Mrs- Gertrude Theriap, 81 188 S. Main St.; Richard W. Par- car accident on Rt. 15 in Tol- or science club, whichever is starts Nov. Nov. 1 for elx with white. Knittec| Orion* • SHOCKS TOn, 125 Summer St.; ’Thomas Kensington St.; Mrs. Berna­ land, yesterday. most heavily subscribed. Dahce: • TAIL PIPES • BATTFRIES dette E. Rusek, Storrs; Leon F. of 12. If you are not completely satisfied with gas heating, CNG will refuncl every cent W. Knox, 715 N. Main St. Driver of the other car was 60 per cent technique, 50 per 4:16-5:15 p.m. Elementary yo­ acrylic in camel or grey. you paid'in renting the conversion urjjt after the first full year. It’s guaranteed. Also, Mrs. tiouglas Jordan and McCue, 38 Hydp St. Donald Ingram, 24, of Clinton, cent choreography. Science ga. Relaxation, body condition­ Sizes 6J0 16. — F a s / Courfeous S e r W e e — " v daughter, Mansfield Depot; Mrs. Also, Mrs. Herbert Sullivan Mass: No injuries were report- club: Pursuiit of individual in- and daughter, 24 Walker St.; ing, and breathing. Mrs. Elite MON. TUES.-WEU. 8 a.in.-5:30 p.m.—THURS.-FRl. 8 a.m.-8 p.m.—SAT. 8 a.m.-l p.m. So just talk to us. We’ll come and talk to you. And give you a $5 gift. Call your Ronald Manzo and (laughter, ed. Kinley is schedule to ap- terests, Mrs. Judifti" Krupp. Baniett. Ages 10-15. Class of 20. Wallingford: Mrs. Gregory Gor­ Mrs. Roy DeLong and daughter. gas heating contractor or CNG in Hartford (525-0111) or New Britain (224-9157). pear in Rockville Circuit Court Grades 4-9. Class of 15. more more $54.00 don and son. Rocky Hill; Mrs. 204 Terrace Dr., Rockville; Mrs. 12, Oct. 6. Tiiestlay 6:30-7:30 p.m. Elements of t o a s S S t K m Be a warm winter Lucky and relax. With comfortable, low-costgas heating. Wayne Zorger and daughter. Peter Vincenzo and son. Shoddy WE HONOR Enfield; Mrs. Denis Vigue and Mill Rd., Andover; Mrs. Gary •------— ------9-10:30 a.m. Play group. Mrs. basketball. Class location to be Limited gift offer ends October 31,1970. daughter. East Hartford; Mrs. Bergeron and son, 71 Fairfield Charged in Murder Roberta Silvemian, assisted by announced. Dr. Michael Good- ATLANTIC David Pawlak and son, 30 Nye St Mrs. Jonathan Kunz and HARTFORD (AP)—Neftali I. Mrs. Judith Baskin. Three-year- man. Grades 4-6. IClass of 12. Carriage House qt Rockville* Mrs. Edward daughter, 1174 W. Middle Tpke.: Rcxlriquez, 30, of Hartford has olcis. Class of 10. -6:30 - 7:30 p.m.. Chess club. B r o d e r ic k and'son, RFD l,.BoI- Mrs. Edward Palauskas and- been charged with murder jln 3:15-4:15 p.m. Modern dance Learning or Improvement. Fred ton Branch Rd.. Vernon. son; Middle Rd., Ellington. the shooting deo.th of his broth- Mrs. Barbara Stolzer. Grades Tilden. All ages. Pakent - child Boutique UP TO S MO^TI'QS t o PAT DISCHARGED- SUNDAY: Also, Mrs. James' Cashman er-in-law, Joe R(xlriquez, 31, al- 2-4. Class of 12. combinations welcom^ l(X)NNECn’ICUT NATURAL GAS (X)RPORATION Stewart Black, 11 Charter Rd.. and daughter. Old Lyme, Mrs. so of ^lartford, police said. 3:15-4:15 p.m. Beginning sew- 7:30-8:30 p.m. Afro-American \ George McKay and son^ 126 TTie shooting was toe climax ing. Making an article for schooT history. Study group of West 18 Oak Street in. MANCHESTER TIRE. INC. ^RVIN G THE GREA’TER HARTFORD AND NEW BRITAIN AREAS Ellington: Richard V. Zakls, 132 Lenox St.; Mrs. Louella C. Sey­ Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. Kenneth of a family feud Friday/nlght, wear. Mrs. Diana Garfinkel.' African heritage to Civil Rights Downtown Manchester . . . 295 BROAD ST. (OPPOSITE SEARS AUTOMOTIVE) TEL. 643-1161 mour, 14 Berkley Dr., Vernon; Wichman and daughter. 19 Wa(r- police said. Rodriquez^surrend- .Ag6 12 and up. Class of 8. revolution. Michael Norman, 10 (Next to House and Hale) Albert Fountaih, 487 N. Main anokie Rd.; Mrs. George F. He- ered early Saturday^ter talk-) 3:15-4:15 p.m. Stamp Club, sessions. Teen-agers and adults. S t; William Bousa, Souto Glas- bert East Hartford ing to a priest. / Sharing knowledge and e'xtra Unlimited class. ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY-, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE FIFTEEN / PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Chester, property on Rt. 44A; Coventry, lots 16-17, Sectlwi 5, Neighborhood Coventry Albert F- and Hazel R . Vltall to Lakeview T er.; Joseph and J South Windsor five are choosing Senate candi­ Josephine M. Moyer of Man-rGenevle ShUnahan to Bertha O v e r r u l e s " S i T A I t Eight States dates. ■V Chester, property on comer of E. Rappe lots 16-17, Section 6, Considerable attention is cen­ D ^ s F U e d Depot and Eagleville roads. Lakeview Ter. -ByCLAYRTOLLAN- tered on the Florida contest be­ Nightriders jOi, ARIES LIBRA Also, Virginia L. Wheeler to Pfobato' CertUlcates 21 ^ -Your Daily Aclivlly Guide M . SEEr.-OiW’ Op en Polls tween G. Harrold, Carswedl, the y^-MAR. BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS, Rudolf and Ludmilla Kamer of The three probate certificates CHARLOTTE N.C. (AP) ^ _ — A 19 According la the Start. 'i OCT. 22<^i spumed Supreme Court noml- 4th Clerk Plans Are Unveiled To develop message for Wednesday,, Bergenfield, N. J ., Lot 1, bun- of jointly owned P~Perty were ^ 005-37-38-70 42-43.51-64^ neet' and Rep. WiUJam C. Cra­ cgj^5-78-85-88 read vyotds corresponding to numbers 72-73-74 For Primary mer, who is rated a slight edge. PARKING LOTS INSTALLED, fiom a e r k Elizabeth Rych- Wangtim-, all from the upon shortly alter they became of your Zodiac birth sign. *u,g reports that during the Heather to Joseph M. Sexton to Ectoa E. ^f^ton of ^ ^ TAURUS SCORPIO Cramer says President Nixon For Wapping Fair APR. 20 1 Push 31 For 61 Artistic OCY’ Voters in eight states go to the asked him to run for the Senate AND MACHINE SEALING TOO yonth of August 29\vw T^ty Genevie Shanahan of Cov- Coventry, “ borhood have decided to remain 2 Finor>ciol 32 Deol 62 Things deeds, nine qtot claim deeds, Prope^y on Flanders ^scribed in Vol. p ^ e 87 of neighbors told : I M AY 20 33 Your 63 May HOY. polls today to nominate party seat being vacated by retiring For over 70 years the Wap- amusement rides, there will be 3 Showdowns 2 1 ^ three certificates of joinUyownl James A. and Elsa V. Coventry I^ d Records, for u^em they were welcome, |i>00-33-50-53 4 Aren't 34 Being 64 Means 12-15-17-32^ candidates for ’November elec­ Democrat, Sen. ' Spessard L. SPECIAL FALL PRICES ping F air has been an annual entertainment by the Jane Hart |j58^1-82 - 5 Keep 35 Romantic 65 Horder ed property, and one certificate Martin to Louis and Thelma B . described in ^ o l- ^ , page event and this year it will have Dancers, a flower show, art 36 Some. 66 Gronted 39-40-81-82Va Holland. GEMINI 6A 67 Success tions 'With a key race being FREE! of distribution were filed in her Godreau of Coventry, prerty 347. and tor iMd uesenoea in f^ghtened house- particular significance as South show, fun booths, animal and 7 Confusing 37 Promise SAGITTARIUS Carswell, focusing his cam­ O C i M AY 21 8 Plans 38 M ay 68 Spruce NOY. waged in Florida where squab­ paign on the Senate which re­ A Dtp atttif'u Li f a l l m u m p l a n t office in the Town Hall. on North River Rd.; Louis and , ,, wife had said then, " I don’t Windsor is celebrating its 129th other exhibits. 9 Your 39 With 69 Up NO OBUGATION. ESTIMATES - 20 70 Be bling Republicans hope to cap­ jected his Supreme Court nomi­ Warranty deeds were filed as Jane C. Oovelf to Burton W. The certificate of distribution if we’ll ever go back.” .^nlversary of the Incorpora- a Baking Contest for 1970 lOSee * 40Oppositt DEC PAVING OR SEALING. 6- 7-11-13 11 Doy 41 A s . 71 Dfows 14-1620.21 ture a Democratic Senate seat. nation, .says if elected he will follows; Carl E. Goldsnlder to and Eve A. Murray of Coven- y®,^ t Mrs. Franklin E. Williams told tion of the town in conjunction sponsored by the Association of 72 Watch U54-57-66 12Good 42 If 2644-46. In Vermont, the Democrats “raise the level of mediocrity in Lawrence J . and Katherine i . try. lots 17-19, Waterfront Park rick A. Nargl to Luci C. Narp husband with the mair, to be held Friday Connecticut Fairs, of which 13Toke 43 Indisposed 73 Your b e a t ^ thT r u s h ! CANCER 44 Opposite' 74 Diet CAPRICORN have their sights set on a R e­ Levesque of Bristol, land and on Seagraves R d.; E arl H. “ id Patricia Shea of ^von o shotgun blasts early Fri- 14 You're* the Senate.” ■ PHONE G & H p a v i n g --6«-0233 TO D ^ and Saturday. Wapping is a member, will be JUNE 21 15 Money 45 Old 75 Fulfilled publican-held Senate seat. buildings located on southerly Fullllove to Frances A. Nord- *ots 8 and 9, Block 22 in Gera a day. , Earlier they had found „a F air grounds will be open on open to all residents of Connect- 16 IfKlined 46 Sex 76 Closer WEST ST., BOLTON — 23 YEARS EXPERIEN CE JULY 22 77 Look JAN. 19 Seven of the states hold gu­ side of South St.; Annie M. gren of Hartford, lots 6 and 6, P^rk. threatening note, telling them Friday night with a teen-dance 17 Doy 47 You icut excepting those who sell 18Go 48 Papers 78 Don't 2- 3-' 4-24 bernatorial primaries—Arizona, 3,000 Learn Overseas Sadd to Stanford W. Nye of Gerald Park. To «™dy Abroad there would be trouble if they from 8 to midnight at the Wap­ 5- 9-27-29 49 W ork 79 Your ' bakery products lor profit. .3^31-36-80-84 19 Through 12628-34 ^ Wisconsin, New Hampshire, WASHINGTON —About 3,000 Coventry, Lot 13, Block 22, Ger- Quitolainui ^ ,,^®a1®®’ didn’t get out, they said. ping School, and the amuse­ A “carrot cake” with a white 20 To SOHond 80 New LEO 21 Argue 51 It 81 Sex AQUARIUS Florida, Vermont, Arkansas and Americans are studying medi­ aid Park; Gary M. and Judith Quitclaim' deeds recorded After shotgun f pellets______hit— the ment area will be in full swing fluffy frosting - is the item lor 22 Influential 52 <^y 82 Mostly JAN. 2d ^ Colorado. Georgia follows with cine abroad, nearly a third in Ann Boland to Philip and Hen- were as follows; Rockwood Twm as G. Weues, Windswept hu^e in a section from 7 p.m. to niidnlght. competition for the local con­ 23 People 53 At 83 Best g <■3^ A us. 22 84 Opening ” EE». It its gubernatorial primary on Italy. The rest attend about two rietta Stack of East Hartford, Builders, Inc., to Peter J . and * study this year a »18,000 to $18,000 houses, she Levon Parmakian, president 24 Advisable 54A4ood the Vienna center of the Insti­ test. Judging of cakes will be 0^2-54-59-68 25 With 55 W ho 85 Be I .1- 8-10-22/?,- Wednesday. dozen schools in Switzerland, Lot 8, revision of lots 7 and 8, Vera M. Gunas of (Joventry, and her husband, a truck driv­ fo the Wapping Fair Association, 86 Discover m tute of European Studies. M iss based on appearance, flavor 3^^9-77-79-83 26 For 56 Little 23-5687-89'3i' Nominations for the House Belgium, France, Germany, Read Herald Advertisements Sliver Acres; Suzanne W. property on School St.; Rock- er, crawled out of bed, down the said the affair will have a Ba­ 27 Eyes 57 For 87 Con 5 PISCES Welles is a Junior, majoring in and texture. Frosting will be VIRGO 28 Time . 58 Original 88 Surprised • are up in all eight states and Holland, Spain and Mexico. Brainard to Evelyn B. Wltham wood Builders, Inc., to Peter stairs and out to their car. varian B6er Garden on the Lit­ music at Vassar College, rated for appearance and flavor 5 X AUG. JJ 29 Open 59 Prevails 89 Help I FU. 19 of Coventry, property on School j . and Vera M. Gunas, lots 25- “We drove to a phone since tle League field grounds near­ 30 Try 60 You . 90 Surprises „ only, not for decorations. 22 MAR. 20 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. by with a baseball game sched­ SECT. 9/9 I St. and Main St. 27, B l and 19, on South St. ours hadn’t been Installed yet,” The winner of the Blue Rib- ,18-19-45-48 41-47-49-65/0 uled for ’^ursday night. (^Adverse ^^Neutral ® 67-71-76 Also, Robert M. and Rose- Also, Stephen F . Friedrich to Mrs. Williams said. on at the fair will be ellg;lble V i'5063-8690 U10 anne D. Walsh to Raymond A. Lucille B. Friedrich of Coven- Friday afternoon, several The South Windsor Historical to submit a “Carrot Cake” at Mtesmone of Covent^, Lots 29- "property of Hay- To Choose Vampire Society will observe the town's cO^VER CITY. CalS?. (AP) white neighbors c ^ e to ^ e the annual meeting of the As­ 34. SecUon S, Wa.terfront Man- Griswold, C. E ." ; Bur anniversary with a special- pro­ sociation of Connecticut Fairs After Report: X or (survlvorshiDl William P ------’ ------Miss American Vampire will ^ gram in the Council Chambers bn Nov. 7 at the Villa Capri, ^Ad ^tWeen F ^ ^ ^ to be chosen this faU to rule in the “’ey were f tomorrow night at 8. The town’s Wallingford, lor the $30 first and Kathleen F. Caruso to the First congregaUonal -House of Dark Shadows,” the corned her to the nelgh^A^- historical landmarks will be the prize award. The official recipe Mutual Fund People Feel S m l ^ ^ N J ^ r f ^ ' o r a church of Coventry,ntrv. urouertyproperty, -mmurm g m film hoo./ibased nr, on h the,. nnniiinr popular "W e’ve lived in a white neigh subject and Mrs. Bayard Bel­ can be found in the annual Wap­ S?of-w ay’ i^Liing easterly afternoon series, Mre ’WUlli^ ton will show slides of the South ping Fair program booklet. ___ , aAd southerly from School St.; WiUlmantlc Savtags iMtltute to “Dark Shadows." 7 ? ““ t ’hbo“ "We didn’t Windsor of yesteryear. Vegetables, best and largest, Prof. Friend Is No Friend Alvin E . and Lota Horton to Arnold B . and Mary Th® fUni stars Joan Bennett, cause trouble We The fair is annually sponsored flowers and livestock are some Robert M. and Roaeanne Walsh Coventry, property In High- Jonathan Frid and Grayson *1®!®^^^ ®7ace to live.” by the Wapping Grange No. 30 of the categories to be judged By DAVID BURKE The average mutual fund was of Coventry, property on Depot •“’*1 View Development. Hall. Miss American Vampire i _ husband are and the South Windsor Jaycees. at the Wapping Fair. AP Boslneas Writer up 120 per cent, he said, as com­ Rd.; George F. Pteston to Also, Louise L. Barrows to will receive a week’s role in-the When South Winds(Jr’s incor­ On the grounds. Kip Shepard pared with a 96 per cent rise In Thomas O. Sargent of Wethers- Harry Barrows of Coventry, series, along with an all-expense childless. ______poration was 100 years old, there will preside over the hamburg NEW YORK (AP) — A long Standard & Poor’s 900-stock in­ field Lot 39, Section G, Water- one-half’’ Interest in undivided paid week or two in New York, was no special celebration as and hot dog booth. Henry Way- awaited study of the mutual dex and a 99 per cent Increase front Park; George S. Nelson to lots 18-21, block P in Pine Lake Girls 18-25 are being encour- it was during the war. But this ner will pop the popcorn, and fund Industry by the privately in the Dow Jones average of 30 Thomas O.' Sargent of Wethers-, Shores; Miriam G. Provost to aged to let their imaginations Notebooks, Poper, year, on Saturday, will be the Paul Perkins will serve the endowed Twentieth Century industrial stocks over the past field, Lot 34, Section G. Water- Solomon and Miriam G. Pro- run wild in achieving their par- big day, opening -With a parade soda and coffee. Fund has drawn sharp criticism decEuIe. front Park. vest of Coventry, lots 36, S6A, tlcular “Vampire look.” The PencHs, Binders beginning at 1 p.m. sharp. School Board some ‘' TBogle ' . pointed...... out that...... about- a Also * Robert G. Lemleux to 37, 37A, 88 and 38A, SecUon J , judging wiU be baaed on origln- The parade will form at the The Board of Education will object to certain quarter of the mutual funds Robert and Theresa PelleUer of Waterfront Manor. ayty as well as charm, poise, Intersection of Sand Hill and ARTHUR DRUC hold its regular meeting at 7 :30 _____n - — oti.Hv which Friend based his sample Coventry, lots 33-36; SecUon !20, Also, Bertha B. Rappe to Jo- stage presence, and vldeogenic Nevers Rd.at 12:30 p.m. The tonight at the high school. youngsters parade will form be- concluded thatt"’“^EJi'‘'® an investor L esto ? on . were , either ______^ hea^ly__ Invested Waterfront Heights, Lillian seph and Genevie Shanahan of quaUUes for television. Supt. of Schools Charles L. conciuaea uiai. in bonds or concentrated enUre Voulgeirls to Ellas Voulgarls o f ______hind the big parade and all are Warner will give a report on would havee made rtoremore money y ^ single indus- asked to meet at the same loca­ school openings and overall over the pastoaf ia10 vpnrayears ifIf he had Coventry, property on Pros­ tion at the same time. The try. pect St.; Eleanor PhUllmore to operations of the first school invested his money equally in “Friend was comparing an till theme for the youngsters will be day. He will also discuss the every stock listed on the New Daniel M. and Naomi Turro of Story Book Characters for common stock index with a WUUmantlc, Lot 72, AUce Dr., ■ ____ — M ! progress on meeting the anti- York Stock Exchange than if he group of funds only 79 per cent bicycles and doll carriages. pollution requirements set by had invested in the average mu- (Coventry Manor; Colt Em ­ In the line of march will be of which are common stock state and federal agencies re- tual fund. ployes Federal Credit Union to stop & Shop Large Grade “A” “ L,. a color guard from the fire de­ no- based," Bogle said. Hemy J . J r . and J e w Hetu of gardlng incineration methods at it furtherj indicated that While pointing out that mutual partment and fire apparatus; the schools. Coventry, Lot 63, plot B, Sec­ the Melrose 4-H Band and the I?!'" *unds. m general, provide inves­ Uon 7 In Lakeview Ter. Manchester Pipers; Pappy the The Board will also discuss fee, performed essentially jthe tors a "convenient vehicle for the Capital Region Education same as load funds, which Also, Florence E . and John Clown, and floats entered by the spreading risk,” the study sug­ KUpper to Wayne E . w d Dar- South Windsor Women’s Club, Council’s proposal for an alter- charge customers eui approxl- gests that no-loads do the job as ‘TEN rah Swezey of Bergen County, the League of Women Voters, nate high school in Greater mately 8% per cent sEdes fee. well as load funds. N.Y., lots 80-83, Block S in Pine and the Exchange^ Club. There Hartford. The study Was conducted by Thfe average Investor seeking reasons why you should enroll in will also be antique automobiles Members of the board will be professors Irwin Friend, Mar- Lake Shores; LaCava Construc- to invest in mutual funds should , Uon Co., to Richard F . and and the'children’s parade. selected as representatives on shall Blume, and Jean Crockett, “first pick the lowest loading with this coupon and a *5 purchase Muriel B . Hill of Coventry, Lot the European Health Spa Prizes will be awarded lor the the banquet committee which is all of the Wharton School of BH- fund, and then choose from Effective thru Sept. 9. Limit 1 doz per customer. 63, southerly side of <3eraldlno best floats, best restored auto­ making arrangements for an af- nance and Commerce at the among these the fund with the Dr.; Frank P. Lockard to Isa­ mobiles and for the best entry fair honoring staff members University of Pennsylvania, best performance,” Friend said. • To lose the excess weight that shortens life. -Tone and bel Lockard of Charleston, for the children. , who have recently retired from In analyzing the performance Although past performance David Cote, parade chairman South Windsor Schools. of mutual funds, the study also property situated near LAke firm the muscles of your body .to give you the physi­ for the fair, said that floats School Menu pointed out that the Investor ^ Wwgumbaug; P JC CorporaUon cal proportions that nature intended. may still be entered in the par­ school menu m The school menu for this who placed his money in every ,, heinc enual the in to James D. wd Carol M. • To improve circulation and strengthen heart action. ade and can be registered al­ week follows: Big ^ a r d stock in proportion to ^ StuEirt of WlUimanUc, Lot 78, M\ most up to the very last minute. Tomorrow, Baked ham-mus- the value of the stock oqtstand- should seek a fun Northfields. • To relax from the tensions of the day that cause un­ Mayor Howard E . Fitts will be tard, potato salad, buttered [ng would have fared worse has done well in the past. *0 stop & Shop Sugar Cured, Sliced A spokesman for Investors Di­ Also, P JC CorporaUon to P at­ M l the parade marshal. Police green beans, pineapple upside- than the average imutual fund, due fatigue (that sleep cannot remove). versified Services Inc., a Minne­ rick J. and Jean E. McAllister Chief John Kerrigan will ride in down cake with topping, bread jjj jjj, interview. Friend said of Manchester, Lot 36, North- Ml a cruiser leading the units. and butter, and milk. apolis based mutual fund group, • To remove lactic acids and other fatigue products _ . „ , the Investment policy of most fields. Carol Emanuelson to Besides the teen-age Dance and said the load funds give custom­ from the body and insure proper elimination of Thursday, Hamburg, m a c a ^ individuals falls "somewhere in Jack O. and Norma P. SUmler nl and tomato casserole, but' ers service they don’t get from Ml between 'these two extremes," the no-loads. of (Coventry, Lot 62, SecUon 6, waste. tered whole kernel com, choco­ referring to weighted and un­ I t late brownie, bread and butter, He pointed out that the sales Block K in Lakeview Ter.; Leo • To build up new pep and energy that will enable you weighted investment in B ^ M l and milk. representative keeps his clients and Margaret V. Rancourt to to be more consistently active — without tiring. KUb Be IUZi D Friday, Frozen orange juice, stocks. Mutual fund per- abreast of how their fund is Thomas J, Crockett of Man- with this coupon and a ’5 purchase lb Si! tunaflsh grinder, potato chips, tom ance should be compared ^nd recommends changes • To keep physically and mentally alert. To slow down Effective thru Sept. 9. Limit 1 lb per customer, with some criteria .falling be- their investments if their In- pickle chips, lettuce and toma­ the deteriorations of age. to, sliced peaches and cookie, twren these points, he said. vestment goals change. “Many . and ...... milk " ““ “al funds, stung by t^ls kind of help," • To improve body metabolism and the function of in­ liIiMiIiIiIiHil(MiW>M»IiHd»IilfO fo r that ------A salad plate is served dally ™ comparison with an un- said. ternal organs — enable organs and glands to perform L . STRIKING DIFFERENCE at.the high school and Timothy weighted average of Big Board ------BQ their functions normally. in Edwards School. Student milk stocks, had some harsh words John Cunnlff is on vacation. at schools will be five cents, tor Friend’s methodology, • To build resistance to the everyday ailments of to­ BLACKTOP PAVEMENTS lunches in elementary schools, "It was strictly a study In i i 60 cents, and at Timothy Ed- academia," said Rjchard John- 2 Million Studying m day's living. for prompt sorvice, phono KULA LUMPUR—Two million Half Gallon P u^g MM Mcmdiester Hardware wards and the high school, 49 son, vice president and portfolio • To acquire a more congenial atmosphere between cents. manager for the Dreyfus Fund. children, representing nearly 20 per cent of Malaysia’s total pop­ and Supply, Inc. ------“From a practical point of Education you,' your family and your fellow-man through a gn KAIN ST. MS^ Manchester Evening Herald view, it would be Impossible lor ulation, are atfendlng school — feeling of health and well being. ^ : lanMO, Prop. 1.5 million In primary schools \ South Windsor correspondent anybody to commit fimds to ev- for an Barbara Varrick. Tel. 644-8274. ery issue on the Big Board. and 500,000 in secondary • To enjoy life to the FULL! schools. "The real standard of meas­ Orange Juice IK H Accounting Career urement for 'mutual' fund per­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT formance would be a cross-sec­ RANGE at WITH CORRECTIVE PROGRAMS WE with this coupon and a *5 purchase W m jar tion of stocks that'the indivlduEd NOTICE OF A\l! Effective thru Sept. 9. Limit 1 jug per customer. in fact invents In,” he continued. New Englandrs <5 ACCOMPLISH THE FOLLOWING... ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 7 "This would Usually-be a fairly FUEL OIL In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, S^ectiona 1 speculative - group. Including GASOLINE ...FOR MEN A ^ V Leading and 9"of the Town Charter, notice is hereby grlven of the ^option some seasoned issues as well." by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, Connecticut, I September 1, 1970 of Ordinance as follows: ' John Bogle, board chairman Accounting School We reserve the right to limit quantities ^ B 181-12-A of the Investment Company In- BANTLY Oil Sec. 12-A REPEAL OF ORDINANCE ;stitute, trade association for the COMPANY. INI . Stack a hearty sandwich with your favorite cold meats! ^ BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town mutual fund industry, said mu- :;:!l M AIN .S'l'KKKT of Manchestor that Sec. 181-12 of the Ordinances of the Town of tual funds showed "an outstand- T K L . Manchester is hereby repealed. . . . ^Yig performance" over the past l{(icUv Mil' 'This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this je c ^ e when comnared with FALL TERM pubUcaUon in this newspaper provided that within ten (10) days L a after this publication of this Ordinance a petition sign ^ by not “ e commonly used 4v- LOSE TONE CHEST IMPROVE POSTURE SOIVC MIOOlf- SHOULDERS, ARMS AMO APPEARANCE Stop & Shop Daisy Bread S less than five (5) piercent of the electors of the Town, as deter- ®rages. Begins ACf BULGE IIU S5 I’rElCHT mined from the latest official lists of the Re^strars of 'Voters . Look trim, feel fit reRardle^ of your .ige or physic.il condition. A healthy appearance will help you Ret ahead has not been filed with the Town C)erk requesting its referfence to Sept. 14, 1970 no maMcr wh.it’s your job or occup.itiori. ViRorous lookinR me a special 'Town Election. look successful . . . arc successful. JAMES F. FARR, Secretary Re^lar or Thin Sliced * Board of Directors WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRICES APPLY N O W Manchester, (Jonivecticut a c a r ...FOR WOMEN Dated at Manchester, Connecticut Enriched white Beginning Students r.Tshion your (iKutn to now lovohnoss . Y ."’’I'Vi.e this 2nd day of September, 1970. \Day In...Day Oiif... Evervthm K you wo.ir will look boltor on you . . . you II ^ o l I ko $ doinK thinRi. o.oinK pl.ic0S .iB.im, Romember, tnon adm ro the bread rushed frdrri Advanced Students wonuin who cares enouRh lo take care of hersell! 2 , STO? LOORINO our own ovens to FIRM UP fIRMriRM UP SAGGING END SPARt STOMACH MUSCLES RUST LINE TIRE LOOK SHOULDERED your Stop & Shop on PRESCRIPTIONS BUST LINE 1 lb bakery counters. loaves . . . resulting in meaningful R egu lar 2/47C- savings to you every day! # Approved for Vel^rans Single loaf 17C- N o ups and downs in your Prescription costs—no "discounts” today, “Regular # Student Loans prices” tomorrow! No “Peduoedapoclals”— no “temporary # Days— Evenings m reductions” on PresoriptlonB to lure custom ers! Request PREj-OPENINC HOURS At the same time, there Is never any 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. — Mon.-Sat. compromise in service or quality! Day School Catalog Lunch Box Specials Eve, School Bulletin Feel free to drop in or call ^7-1471 for more information This has been a hard summer for you Doggies. Hot, Humid, YOU GET OUR LOWEST Lefs work a loan together. Fleas & Ticks??? PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE We'Deliver Mini-pricing^ savings on all these famous-for-quality brands! YEA R , . . AND YOU SAVE Better have the folks call us now to get you in shape^ You It’s the perfect time of the year to buy a new or use(j car. And the best way to MORE THROUGHOUT THE Everywhere demand sq tittle care for so rhuch love you give. finance that car is to stop in for a quick personal loan at Hartforci National, It’s a HARTFORD YEAR . . . ON ALL YOUR Fast Chicken Roll 79° Bologna 68 No Dog too tough for us (We hope) PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. cinch to work a loan together with Hartford National, or, for that matter, any ap­ '^ m ic p e a n y proved HNB automobile dealer. INSTITUTE Answering Service Available 8 to 8,6 Days TRY US AND SEE Sliced Bologna ” ^79' Liverwurst 68 Hours - 9 - 5 Daily Mon: thru Sat^ OF P.S. Have you seen our Trophy Window? ilARTPOliD^^C^iIATIONAL. Nepco Twin Pack^?.i39° Nepc^ Cold Cuts 53 'Grooming all Breeds & all Sizes by appointment only. a c c o u n t i n g 515 Middle Turnpike West Bologna, Salami, Liverwurst. 6 oz pkg- Chicken), Luncheon, Olive, P&P. 8 oz pkg THE CHOICE BANK Manchester, Conn. Established 1792 66 Forest St. /• I Member F.D.I.C. NAinoio . IASI HUHoto . rnsi Hiiiiolo • iittwooo-- nncsh • m in iiu iid • mmciM mncnfsiii Slop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons lAIMlNCION • AlOOHKiD • lOttlNClOH « NAIWMION / PUHUM • 4IHIIA1 VIIA&I . HWtN UOSYlROtUll' Hartford L ROnCH . NOtWCHIOWH • HQMIVIII . CMCHtSUI • RIN lOMOON . M1SIC • NIANTC . MO SATlNOl Owned end operated by Heilth Industries, Inc. SI0NM6I0N . ISStl '• CIQfOII • N A U n m . ^llOTAIO • MOMIIOim . WRiSltD • SIAMIOIO Tel. 525-6651 A subsidiery of USI CHARTER MEMBER Representative offices in New York. London. Nassau and Hone Kong 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE W EST. MANCHESTER ^ II eei! PROFESSIONAL DOG G.RQOMERS ASSOC. AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKE. PAGE SEVENTEEN' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER.’CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER; CONN.. TUESDAY, SfiPtfiMBER 8, 1970 Methodist Church Leadership today's FUNNY She^d Rather Not Hear FUEL OIL . i t A V E I 1«70 kr NEA, Ik . ^Happy Birthday^ Blues a u t o m a t i c o r me every second since we got CALL DELIVERY 'Charles Parlin’s Way of Life By JOY STI1X.EY ■ P E R G A L . NEW YORK (AP) — Vi^eU, here.” 24 HR. BURNER By MARY V. GORDON thodox Church, and an observ­ I’ve managed to get through an­ “ You must have told her with SERVICE ^YEAR RCUND Asoclatcd Press Writer er-consultant to the Roman other birthday with, no more sign language,” I fumed, re­ Catholic congress of the lay trauma than that caused by treating Into huffy silence. ENGLEWOOD, N.J. (AP) — making the acquaintance Of the When the waitress presented the Leadership in the \Tethodist apostolkte In 1967. an I NATIONAL OIL CO. @ Friends say that Parlin, who new gray hairs that have joined check my suspect spouse insist­ Church has been a way of life the old ones I’m already on fa­ ed she tell me he had no part in for Charles Ooolidge Parlin. will admit with a grin that he is 0 i h J 0 K ^ 5 miliar terms with. the proceedings 688-5544------So, when the 72-year-old mii- a millionaire—“ I have a very lionaire-lawyer set a precedent lucrative business”—practices Not so last year. On that occa­ “ Of course he dldn.’t,” she recently by becoming the first what he preaches. sion my hilsband 'decided that said. “ I heard him making a lay president of the World Meth­ Each year Parlin and his the only kind of celebration be­ bltthday toast and thought you’d enjoy the little surprise.” ★ SPECIAL SEPT. 3 ■ 9 ★ odist Council it was really no wife, Miriam, give away about fitting the grreat event was din­ surprise. - ' 30 per cent of their Income—a ner out, complete with cham­ Back in the same. restaurant 12-PACK Parlin, gray-haired and soft- good deal of It for education. pagne cocktall.o. with another couple a few Thonx to All went well during the meal. months later, I recounted the spoken, was unanimously elect­ Parlin, according to tradition­ Gcno Corrbll ICE CREAM DIXIE CUPS 79° ed to the post by the council’s al Methodism, never smokes or Attollo, Alo. An attentive waitress hovered tale of horror. Our friend Chuck over us. The food was so much 50-member executive committee drinks alcohol or serves it in his excused himself ostensibly to SAVE 20e better than what I can cook I in Geneva. He will fill out^the home.* make a telephone call and soon term of the late Bishop Odd Ha­ T«lay’« n iN N Y will pay Jl.OO for suspected my husband’s mo­ after he returned to the table I With a smile he recalled an eoch original "funny" uwd. Sendgogi tives in insisting that I should saw the brave little band of in­ gen of Sweden. incident when he thought his • »o; Todoy’f FUNNY, 1200 West Thud His principle duty,'he' said St., CItvtIond, Ohio 4d1H. not play chef on my birthday. stant singing stars enter With a practice would prove embar­ But trouble came, along with lighted cake. during an interview, will be to rassing. organize and preside at the the coffee. So did our waitress “I wonder what p (S-8-3(M0) News and Weather COMMEMORATIVE “ never felt the call to be a min-. — Prayer and Sign Off INSURANCE PROTECTK . Ister. I always wanted to be a Channel 134 YOU CAN'T FIND A FINER/ HEATING SCHOOL SUPPLIES? lawyer,” he said. Tuesday» September 8 COIN AUCTION PROGRAM THAN FqOARTY'S A graduate of the University ) Modern Supervisory Tech­ of Pennsylvania and Harvard niques • Level, Economical Pasmients See If All Af Plaza law schools, Parlin set up the 6:S0 What*B New B law firm of Shearman & Ster­ "The Mud House” Saturday, September 12 • Payment Protection for you your fsmUy In event of 7:00 On Film accident, sickness or death. / PLUS BIG COUNT FILLER PAPER ling, now regarded as one of the "The Publicist” 1:00 P.M. 7:30 Sounds for Summer Njj(ht BIC PEN BARGAIN PACKS largest in the world with some "The Norman Gage^ptet” • This protection Is provided at no cost to yon. Of course, (ISO lawyers. 8:00 Chronicle ON THE BOLTON GREEN your account must be current. FELT TIP MARKERS "In the *Bo^nning w as the NYLON TIP MARKERS Always able to find time for Holocaust” STERLING SILVER the Church, Parlin says he was NET Festival COLORinC BINDERS /HOLE PUNCHERS "Duke Ellington: Love You most active, ironically, when he Madly" No. 2 thru 25 FOGARTY BROS^ INC. STAPLE REMOVERS X ELMER'S GLUE headed the firm from 1963 to Music Special (C) 319 RROiAD STREET—MANCHESTER "Do You Wanna Hear Some EXCEPT 17 and 20 Telephone 649-4539 C R A Y O LA . .. oiM much, much more! 1967. Ragtime?” . Fuel OU — OU Burner Insured Budget Payntent “ I could parcel out the work,” AND 19 and 70 IN PAIRS he explained. “ I had three sec­ Slightly crushed bran flakes Bales and Service „ „ ^1*“ ALL AT PRICES YOU LIKE !!! Air Conditioning ** Customer Service retaries and 200 lawyers who may be used as a “ filler’’ in AND 250 ALONE. called ^ e boss.” meat loaf.


Guaranteed TWO YEAR Savings Certificates Subject to regulations 646-1700 Savings Bank^ of Manchester

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.‘■Wvon (onveiiient Offioew to Serve You

MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH Main Office. Parjtpde an'd Bolton Noich Open Sat. 9 A.M. to Noon aiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANrHESTER. CONN.. 'TUESDAY, SET^EMBBR 8, 1970 PAGE NINE'TEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Real Cleon Jones Comes Out Pats Cut Women Stars Dowling Ask P a y’ As Mets Rally to Top Exp^ To New Set of Clubi NEW YORK (AP) — Brian Dowling, a noted' FOREST HILLS, N. Y. “ It’s been a funny kind Yale man, and Lane How- (A P)—Some of the world’s NEW YORK (AP) - in otoer NL a ^ o n - a l l dou- to the County Clob of year,” Bob Murphy ell, who learned his stuff in top ranking women tennis aeon Jones disclaims any Houston smith and Joe Pepltone cracked first game victory over the Pa- m us^ after taking down the school of hard knocks, players, including Margaret Of tor the cubs. . dres as Larry SELECTED POUB BALL knowl^ge the imposter.CO..H tTimmcd San Diego 10-6, 9-4; Howard'^ded a the $20,000 first prize in were among -the notable Court and Nancy Richey, that played left fieW e^h- Philadelphia stopped St. Louis Ferguson Jenkins tossed a pair of homers. Ramon Webster Saturday cuts by National Football plan to pass up the Pacific Low Gross — Gordon Smith, the (xreater Hartford Open »er in the season for the 3.2 in 13 innings and los An- live-hitter in the nightcap for had a pinch grand slam for the Leagye teams Monday. Southwest Tournament lat- Joe Macione,. Roger Macione. Golf Tournament. New York Mets. He only geies swept Atlanta, 4-3, 6-1. his 19th victory and also Padres. Dowllng, a record-breaking g j. this month in Los Ange- clubbed a homer, as' did Billy ■ •• • • George Benton 60; second — ’-Tve been in posiUon to win quarterback at Yale, was cut, by recognizes the fellow that's * * * Stan McFariand, Pete Teets, Bils year, finished sec- Williams. PHILS ■ CARDS — toe Boston Patriots after f a ^ ^Vb part of a new liberaUon out there now. m e t s - e x p o s — 1* * • Don Anderson, Dick Carpenter “ 'd once, third twice and Just "This is the real Cleon Jones Jones, a .340 hitter last year The Phils Jumped out for four to beat out Kim Hammond as movement on toe courts, GIANTS • BEDS-— 62 (matching cards); third — kicked toe rest away. toe backup man to Mike Talla- ..j ^ j^ ’t Intend to play there, coming out,” said the Mets left when the Mets were world first inning runs In the opener Reg CuAls, Julio Henriques, "I guess I’ve finally adjusted The Giants rallied for three ... *«*'*'®' anyhow,” said Mrsi Court, rate(l fielder after he clouted a two- champions, led a late comeback ^ ______Alex Elgner' Jr., Earl Anderson to my new clubs.” run homer in the opener and to the opener, drilling his ninth runs in the sevenm umu^ w ^ uenny Doyle and De^ Howell, 26, a six-year veteran yjg best woman player to toe 62; fourth — John Kristof, May- It’s been a long fight for toe tackle who played with toe New world and already holder of toe added a key single in the night- homer in the eighth ImUng to tie overt^e t^ Re ron Johnson added run-scoriiu nard Clough, Tom Turner, Mau- 27-year-old Murphy, whose cap as the New Yorkers swept a the score at 4-4. A pair of walks cap. Tito Puentes drov ^ Philadelphia ended York Giants and Philadelphia, Australian, French and Wimble- rice Perry 63 (matching cards); clubs were stolen from his car Labor Day doubleheader from followed and Gerry Grote first two with a bMes-lo , gjjjg losing streak, was cut by toe Eagles. don UUes. ”I think toe women’s fifth — Ed Wilkes, John Dy- to Philadelphia a year ago. He Boston Coach Clive Rush, priro money should be at least V. the Montreal Expos, 6-4 and 6-1. rlPPed a Uc-breaking single for two-out hit off shortetop ^ ”1 don’t know who that other the victory. Chaney’s glove and B^by B°wa >wn me ^ ^ ment. Jack Crockett, Dick Mel- offered a reward of “$100 a hov(®ver, left t^ " door slighUy half, and possible three-fourths, 63; sixth — Merrill Whlston, sUck” to get them back, but fellow was,” said Jones, refer- The Mets backed Jim Me- Bonds sped home when Cha- („ the lath 'inning i ajar to DowUnk’s case. He indl- “i intended to play at Los An- Bert Davis, Bill Corbiett, Sonny toey were gone for good. cated he in&y be carried on toe geies,” said Miss Richey, of San ling; to himself after he>staxied Andrew, 9-11, in the second er Philadelphia had loaded the out poorly and was still only hit- ganie with^ a five-run second in- wild. Monaco 64 (matching cards). And Murphy, who scored con- Patrioto! ■ taxi squad if not Angelo, Tex., top-ranked woman bases with none out. Bowa also ting at a .237 clip oh Aug. 6. ning as Jones contributed a sin- Bobby Tolan had a two-run SEjLEUl’ED SWEEPS secutive victories to toe Phlla- claimed by another NFL team, in toe United States.. ‘"Then toey ;y. drove in an earlier run i^th a y a--- *'I didn’t know what I was gle to the rally. Tommie Agee homer for the Reds. Flrst three teams as above, delphla and ’Ihunderblrd Clas- Dowling teamed with Calvin told me toe first prize money is «r , , - . ■ . _ ■» ___ doing wrong then and now I drilled his 23rd homer-^-a three- In the opener, Juan Marichal, single. BE8T 16 sics of 1968 — his rookie season -''Hill, Dallas’ extraordinary run- $1,500. It’s hardly worthwhile.” ’ (AP Fhotofax) now Matty Alou Scores for Pirates as Umpire Ed Sudol Leaps Out of Way don’t know what I’m doing run shot—and McAndrew scat- 10-10, surlved 11 Cincinnati hits Sunday on toe tour — hadn’t won since. ner, to give toe EUa one of toeir Moet of toe female players right,” said Jones, after hitting ^tered six hits, while Bonds and Willie Mc- DODOKBS - BRAVES — Class A — Terry SchlUtog 64- "I guess I was finaUy ready,” best scoring punches ever du^ competing in toe U.S. Open in his 14th consecutive game * » • Covey homS^ed. McCovey also Willie Crawford celebrated his 9-86, Tony Pletrantonjo 66-8-68, he said Monday after itoootlng a tog toe 1966-68 seasons. (Championships here are up to and lifting his average to .273. CUBS . PIRA’TES — drove in a run with a sacrifice 24th birthday with a two-run Bob McGurkto 66-7-68, Bud Be- final 69 for 267 and scoring by Howell, a Grambling product, arms over what they call toe ’ ’All I know is that this is the Ron Santo clubbed a tie- fly and Hal Lanier added a two- homer in leading the Dodgers langer 64-6-58; Class B — Tom four strokes over Paul Harney, was the Giants’ 16th round draft unfair disparity to men’s and. real Cleon Jones.” breaking homer in the seventh run doubl^' for the Giants. to their opening game victory. Meegan 71-14-67, Jim Horvath a 41-year-old club pro from Sut- '’pick to 1963. women’s purses. Turned The pair of victories enabled inning and hit another in the • » • Orlando Cepeda slugged a two- 67-10-67; Class C — Charlie ton. Mass. Dowling was among live play- A group set. a war council the Mets to edge into second eighth helping the Cubs to their ASTROS - PADRES - . run shot for toe Braves. Ferguson 78-21-67, Don Ander- Harney, playing partner of ers cut by Boston. The others to- meeting at toe West Side Tennis NEW YORK (AP) — for five runs in the seventh and and singles by Donn Clendenon, ’The high lasted right into the HaUonal second game victory, son 74-16-68, Jim O’ReUly 78-16- the 27-year-old Murphy, had a eluded defensiaje end Karl Club tonight to blueprint their eighth innings to pull out the Ken Boswell and Jerry Grote— second inning of the nightcap f Joe Morgan ripped five hits in In toe nightcap, m s Pwker Manager Gil Hodges, mas- League East battle, H i games Nine home runs were hit in toe s e c ^ gam r including a\ lashed a two-run double and ^ ' 68, Don Anderson 76*7-68; Low fl^ai 67, four-under-pw on toe SERIOUS MOMENT— Bob Murphy won the praise Henke, a two-year veteran. campaign for equal rights—and opener 6-4 and then riding Jim produced two runs. when Grote, who had four sin- behind Pittsburgh and one-half the two games. Bob Moose won key two-run double that put toe singles as I ^ gross — Erwin Kennedy 72; 6,668-yard Wethersfield (Country of all when he" announced a $1,000 donation from ’The Buffalo Bills raised a few money, ter of the understatement, McAndrew’s slx-hlt pitching to a Morton climbed out of that p s ta the doubleheader , ^ the opener for the Plrates-hls eyebrows by dropping safety^ The Southwest Tournament, Astros ahead to stay and toe lit- ed its sweep. A l^ F o^ r, 9-11, Blind bogey — Terry Schilling course, for a 271. his $20,000 GHO win to the Hartford Jaycees’ home surveyedId the Sheaahea Sstad- ta d - s-l victory m theme secondsecuiiu game,B«me. jamjim. butout a.. inning later he touchedvoucoeo o.ioff a five-run rally with « Pirates and Cubs split first complete game in a month ^^siros mieno m ^ ^ gjjj ^e- man George Salmes, one of ‘ons one of the' country’s top u j „ And. Just like last year, every- walked Wayne Garrett with one a single. McAndrew beat out an . . rt„„hiphpnrfpr THttphurph —and Rirble Hebner keved an tie second baseman added a B®toedgained his nrinfifth vicio^victory min asix de- 77. Tom Weiskopf, with a 67, was for mentally handicapped children in Hartford. PRO SWEEPS alone to third at foUowed by tolr steady regulars , in recent evenU staged ^ Peipr Jones, lum S scoreboard around thing turned out all right for the out and Cleon Jones followed Infield hit with two out and y,g oDener 8-3 before 11-hit attack with three and pair of hits and scored two runs clsions agalnrt Rravpa the seventh Low gross — Erwin Kennedy (jrant and Steve Opperman years. Palmes was waived along ^ ® enth in n in g o f the Mets because , Chicago took with a homer, tying toe score. Tommie Agee hit toe next pitch S c lp 9-2. drove to four n^jjs wlto rpairof to toe opener. Boyer homered for the B r^s. with veteran center Al Bemlller the men’s ^ n e r . $1,600 for toe n f lvroTUln.V'a Pittsburgh .T3ift-aKni*o>h in t\xa the secondoo/«nnH game,tramo ’’When“ Whpn IT hit that homer,”Wrtmar.” saidflAid over the wallwell for three runs,runs. " © o r ______, <—------~ 72, Ted Plodzlk 76, Bud Belan- gtockton and Doug Sanders tied first game of Monday’s ger 76: Low net — Tom Meegan . double header. enabling New York to pick up a Jones, “I knew we’d win the ”I wasn’t looking for the long ^d middle linebacker Harry ridlcu- The numbers were hardly en- full game on both teams" in the game. It was Just like last ball,” said Agee, ” I Just wanted Reliever McDaniel Shuts Door Harney was the only man to Lombardi F uneral couraging. Already posted w m National League East race. ’The year.” to get a hit and drive in a run.” Harry Elch 78 -69. make a run at Murphy, whose Pittsburgh’s 8-3 first-game vie- Mets are now in second place. It didn’t take long either. So he drove in three instead, MIXED FOUR BALL ^jtal matched toe low 72-hole to- gained some glory Wimbledon champion and one of niritLk-xilJ tory over Chicago and right 1% games back of the Pirates Clendenon and Boswell walked That’s the kind of thing that Hogan and Marion Zemaitls — tal on toe tour this year. to adequately for AWOL quM- ^ mtotant spokesmen of the next door was Montreal’s 4-0 and one-half game ahead of the and Grote drilled a single to seemed to happen all the time- Steady, Assured, Relaxed, Dick and Lorretoe D ^ko 78-22- jgujphy hgd a vdiopplng, Lures Thousands terback Joe Namato during toe ,g^gg. j.g„gg Top Form o F ^ stra lia ’ s Margaret Court lead over the Mets. Cubs. ' left, delivering the winning run. ...last year. 66; Jack mdElsleCrockett and joyr-stroke lead starting toe MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP, N. J.— Vincent ThomM ®"iL"G''anted there are some clt. the Pacific Southwest: women's division, mostly from "It looked a little dim,” Carl Morton was cruising . “That,” admitted Hodges, Garrett walked, Jones singled Austo cool, cloudy day, but took con Jack Kramer, mitotog toe Los toe California area. , Hodges decided later. along on a two-hitter in the seV- ’’was a very big game to win. and Clendenon doubled for two 67; Maynard and Ruby Clough ^ Angeles tournant^t for toe ail- “We don't intend to raise toe But the Mets turned on the eijth inning when four straight Pulling that one out gave every- more runs and McAndrew had ing Perry Johes, said he al- women’s prize money,” Kramer ^ : r n 7 ^ i 7 { o r ^ l lit ? - H® o” ce were awed by the football teams he built. lights for their skipper, rallying hits—a triple by Art Shamsky body a big lift.” all the offense he needed. Gibbs Paces Yanks’ Victory 77-19-68; and missed toe green on toe le Paul Seller, a No. 1 draft pick ggu^g jn England, for instance, ready had/W entries for toe said. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ferguson and Dick and Jan Earlier Monday, Lombardi, a 11th. Harney closed within two here at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, in 1967. Defensive tocklet . R. i- ^ where------toey love women’s tennis, American League WA'ITTTMf’TON (AP) __ ta- Bet two hits, you’re pressing with two runs to their haM. Ed Schotta 79-21-68. of Brooklyn, claimed how he loved to come' into the Haynes was put on toe Jeta to- the prize money should be East Division------WASHING 1 UN (Ar) air^dy. But if you Just tell Brinkman scored on a bases- strokes on toe 14th with a bird. BEST IS Fifth Avenue for his own for a sanctuary to serve Mass.’ Jured waive list. equal.” Mojor Letijiu? Defeat Slumping Angels W. L. Pet. G.B. Jake Gibbs is steady. Jake yom-gelf you’re going to be re- loaded gpi'ounder and Frank But toe 215-pound Xfurpby brief moment on this holiday Monday _ knocked to a 12-foot birdie putt T"”' For Monday’s final trip to toe First prize at Wimbledon this Villain Role Tagged to Richey Baltimore 89 61 .636 — Gibbs is assured. Jake laxed and not worry about any- Howard followed h ^ aass A — Bundl Tarca 54-8- ___ for others. foot of toe altar there was no year was $7,200 for the men New York 80 60 .671 9 rihho i« wpll rplaxed thing, then you won’t go out plate as Horace Clarke threw 46, Bert CarUon 56-8-48; CTaas B *i)® “ iM ^ ter^ o“n cleared from 60to DeSarro Winner $3,600 for toe women—a 2 lOyi Gibbs IS, well, reiaxea. .„ wildly to first trying to complete - - • “ 16-Iooter on toe gj^^ funeral need to search out someone to Detroit 74 66 .629 16 _ Dick Tarca 68-12-46, Mayna>"d raUo. In toe $176,006 U.S. (^ n , —American League Twins’ Alyea Belabors Brewers, ”I’ve Just been relaxed,” said ^ j^^ble play, help serve toe Mass. ’There were Boston 72 68 .614 17 motorcade traced a dotted black In Stafford Race toe world’s richest, toe ynen'a Batting (376 at bats)—R. scores of iclergy to toe sanctuary Good Guys vs. Bad Cleveland 67 74 .476 22% toe New York catcher after new-look catcher. Gibbs New York scored two to toe ^ ^am ^e" A’J had a kind of lucky week.” _ ___champion collects $20,060, toe Smith, Boston .320; Yastrzem- to pay their final respects to Wash’n. 65 74 .668 23% stroking three hits to lead toe doubled to toe third and fifth third on Clarke’s stogie, <31bbs Lombardi. STAFFORD SPEEDWAY women’s winner $7,600.' ski, Boston .320; A. Johnson, Cal­ Records Second Seven RBI Day West Division Yankees to a 4-3 victory over and singled home what proved double, an error by Howard wm The one-two men in ® ° <^eep toe ’Twins six games in and also stroked a two-run sin­ triple and Vada Pinson’s three- land (Hargan 8-2), N Yastoemskl^Md^ Tony Conlglto^ while Reggie Smith is sidelined three hitters among toe loop’s Hasel Piper 29, Cora Anderson Richey has to be toe vlllato—a Newcombe, toe Wimbledon gle as toe Royals handed toe run homer paced toe Indians Milwaukee (Pattin 11-11) at ro, toe left-right punch to toe 29. Steve Opperman, $4,400 grim. steely-eyed youngster champion, who crushed Clark Cleveland 276; Lolich, Detroit Iront of Oakland to toe Ameri- with a virus InfecUon, singled top four batters. Klock’s Mike 67-68-67-71—273 can League West since toe A’s flumping Angels toeir fourth over toe Red Sox after Cleve- Minnesota (Blyleven 9-6), N heart of toe Boston Red Sox’ a » ^ . .. lu i .hik FOUR BALL, BEST BALL Longden’s Record Broken, from San itngelb, Tex., who has Graebner of New York 6-4, 6-3, 190. Doug Sanders, $3,4 _____ : Boston at Detroit, N with death, this man won toe very great charac ■ Runs batted to—3ench, Cin­ 4-3 before Wagner and Sparky Lyle. Mc­ PRO Sh o p e v e n t s Billy Maxwell, $2,510 he brought in as toe winner one of four which will fill toe re- Nancy Richey, who is No. 1 and Cleveland trounced Boston eevWashington at CSeveland, N"*'” Day doubleheader mark. unmindful that he can now re­ cinnati 133; Perez, Cincinnati ______IVaSTfann17,837 fans. Dowell took his lOto loss to a Saturday 67- 68-71-69—276 final victory and he' will be was the winningest of his 21- malning quarter-final brackets in U.S. rankings, eUminated 8r2 after losing 4-3. New York at BalUmore, N American Driving School’s tire as toe world’s champlcxi 125. Yea unloaded his 37th homer vain bid for his 20th' victory. Low gross—A-Ray Kosak ’76; praying for all of us to Heaven,” Rrvr^BSIDE PARK year career. in toe men’s singles. Olga Morozova of Russia 7-6, 2- * • * Tom Creech paved toe league rider. Hits—Rose, Cincinnati 186; NattOnal League in toe first inning smd Ctonlglia- Cal Koonce, Chuck Harten- in home runs with six fo llo w ^ B-Dave McGonlgle 77; C-Jack Keating 144 Tenth—Helatoe Har­ •Terrance Cardinal Cooke said as * Bpb Stefanlk took the second He had five mounts at Del In toe others, top-seeded Rod 6, 6-2. TWINS - BREWERS------^— There were 20,912 fans on Brock, St. Louis 183. . East DIvlllon ro _ followed______with his 29th. How- stein and rookie Dick Mills were by Orlowski, Ron Waters and' Kearney 77; Lee Yosha 78; D- man, Gloria Cantor 144; he summed up his homily at toe of toe triple crown at Riverside Mar today and as he said after hand on a warm afternoon. It Laver of Australia plays Dennis In other matches Monday, fa- Alyea started his heroics ear-~ ^ funeral-Mass in St. Patrick’s. Doubles—W. JParker, Los An­ W. L. Pet. G.B. ever, toe Red Sox managed just tagged for 13 Hits to Cleveland’^ Ken" Feriy with five each, JcDui Sommers 86; E-Jake Hon- Eleventh—^Irma Podotoy,' Ann Park, toe 250-lap main event. setting a record...... f(jr wins—6,038* ^ was the largest crowd In 21 Ralston^of Bakersfield, Calif., vored Margaret Court of Aus- ly with a grand slam homer to •The Cardinal made frequent - - ■ slipped tralia smothered.'Pat Faulkner geles 43; Rose, Cincinnati 34; Pittsburgh 76 66 .686 — two more hits toe rest of toe second game triumph. Koonce, k IocH also led the loop in non 92. Levg, 146; Twelfth—M aiy Hes- The Springfield native held qff on Labor, D ay; " I ’ll keep years at this little track founded who Insists Rod -has toe first inning of toe opener. references to toe writing of St. Tony of Australia 6-0, 6-2; Helen Bench, Cincinnati 34. New York 73 66 .628 1% way. who gave up six nins to toe first doubleplays wito 18. b e t t e r n i n e Ito, Jo Chupas 146. toe challenges of Lou Car­ on riding as long as I feel good by Bing Crosby. some ; fourth-seeded . - , . ,.,1. j-^ He added a three-run, shot in toe Paul, who regularly used ’Triples—^W. Davis, Los Ange­ Chicago 73 67 .621. 2 YastrzemsWi needs seven four innings, suffered his fourth Other leading hitters were A-Stan Markowskl 87-3-84; B- PRO SHOP EVENT angelo. Carangelo was second and as long as as I can win The shoe had nm third in Roche of Australia' meets Tom Gouriay upset pighto-seeded third, his 15th of toe season, athletic terms to describe toe les 16; Kessinger, Clhicago 14. St. LouU 66 76 .468 9% more Tigmers to equal his ca-^ defeat in seven decisions. Bob Olschefski of toe BJV. Club Dave McGonlgle 88-4-34; Saul BEAT WALLY 77 and track point leader Bobby races.” ^ 'the second race but toe crowd Gorman of Seattle ahd Tito Vas- Judy Dalton 6-4, ^6-2^ to a^ battle then singled and reached on an mysteries of life and death. and Lesley Hunt of Home runs—Bench, Cincinna­ Phlla’phla 66^ 76 .464 10 reer of 44 in 1967. Tony C. Ken (Hawk) Harrelson, for- with a .656 average, Teleptume’s Pasternack 38-4-34; Lou Becker Monday Bard was third. ®*°® ecUpsed by seemed to sense ■what was to qiiez of Argentina faces Brian of Aussles error. In the nightcap he singled It was St. Paul who, when he in a Australia beat Ctorlstlna Sand- ti 43; Perez; Cincinnati 39. Montreal 60 79 .432 14% needs only four to better his ca- mer star wito toe Red Sox, was (j«ne Gale JS60, Mota’s Rudy 896-34; C-Fred Meurant 38-4- 'Gross—A—Ray Kosak 76; B— •The season ends Saturday one toe mark of 6,082 held since happen to toe fourth. Falrlie of New Zealand was'neaiv.death wrote: ”I have dark oerg of Sweden 6-4, 6-3. Stolen bases—Tolart, Cincin­ a run across to toe first and hit West Division reer high of 32 to 1966. back in toe Cleveland lineup at witke .526, Army & Navy’s 84;01 Jack Kearney______87-6-81; . Jett Sanborn 75; C—John Potter night at toe Agawam oval wjto 1966 by Johnny Lohgden. It roar was overwhelming meetjng • of unseeded On Wednesday It’® Court vs. nati 51; Brock, St. Louis 46. a sacrifice fly in toe seventh, CinclnnaU ’The Red Sox met up with an first base. He singled to each Waters .489 and AnnuUr Monday’s Resulto tion and teamwork, exemplary Raiders Enter New L eagu e Henry Hank Iba of Oklaho- thought he was. Willln ms traded Pittsburgh 8-2, Chicago 3-9 Randy Smith Wins MVP and commissioner, Frank Rizza. Tom Wolff 79-973; Herb Paganl F—John Chessari 4918-31; kick- (Based on 36 or more al bats) 81-6-75; Ed Dymon i 86-1976; era — Lee Yosha 83-6-77, Tom conduct and good example, re­ ma State will coach toe 1972 I**® *ht®hy outfielder from Wash- New York 6-6, Montreal 4-1 spect] for every human being Phlladelitola 6-8, St. Louis 1-2, Ave. Fred McKone 79 4-76; llrv Ert- Walsh 89977, Les Baum 83-9 United States Olympic basket- ^ugton to Minnesota shortly be- Hits-At Bats 77, Ray Bellerj-898-77, John roote(l to a firm belief to God- Lacking Only Bowl Trophy I Qj| h S O tiriQ fore toe season. 2nd game 13 innings Ortowskl,^ m ock t 28-44 .636 man 8914-76; Hugh C(ark 84-9 ball team. Second State-Wide Victory Jezouit. Klock 24-42 .671 Chessari 11933-77, Art TuUn 78- given values and principles, and Los Angeles 4-6, Atlanta 8-1 > Bagley. Wholeaale M.60 .667 76. OAKLAND (AP) — The Oak- vlded great passing protection,protection. IhI ■ * ” I Just think ’Ted undere^- 1-77, Saul Pastemeck 82-9'n, an unwavering adherence to toe San Fran. 6-4, Cincinnati 3-3 Warner, Klock 2239 .564 FLORIDA SCOTCH land Raiders begin life as a Na- Chai-lie Smith, toe lead rush- mated,” Alyea said. "I said If Olsohcfakl. B.A7-.Glub 26-tS .666 Joe Renert 87-979, Barry Tra- ultimate goal, H ous^ 10-9^ San'Diego 6^ Recorded by Billiard^Qub dale. Telephone 22-40 .660 — — Sunday Uonal Football League team er last year"with 600 yards, and he.tradcd.me he would regret It. - t HW' groia^E.. Kelliwr, T. bltz 103-34-79, Tom Heslto 94-19 ” Our world of . 1970 Ted used to needle me, embar­ '' N .: Today V 6 am es -Bonneau, W huieasle------81-40 - ;e86 with everything but a Super Hewritt Dixon figure to start ’The Manchester Center Bil­ walskl hit one ei Witke. Mota’a>« 21-40 .626* Bugnackl, T. Sommers, N. Pet­ TO; cioresrto pin“- Holmes remwedffi^^ “ (Viintog backs. But rass me and insult me. I knew Atlanta (Steme 10-9) at Los Page, B.A. CliA 18-36 .600 Action conUnues this, week­ ersen. 64; Second—J. Potter, Li Brown 6’ 9” ; longest drive — world of Saint Paul. Ana now Knihoroa hv 1*0 he was trying to get me to play Angeles (Vance 6-6 ), N liards captured toeir second WtUera, Armj, 4b Naivy 22-16 to have (bb best team to toe American Dixon has been bothered by leg end as toe Cuemen pniy ' to , iK. Wholeaaio 28-68 Wood t ! Fei^son, B. Podolny Mountain 286 yards; putts—Roy important It is for us injuries, aiid toe fullback spot harder or something, but what Cincinnati (Washburn 2-4) at state-wide slow-pitch softball Perry. American 83-18 the dynamic Christian spirit of F<»tb^ T o ll wo o d Norwich as well as to Mlodte- McGuire, AnnutU 1338 64; Hilrd—D. McRory, J. John* Conyers 16. In toe last three AFL seasons, may ■ have to be filled by Pete he really was doing was hurting San Francisco (Reberger 6-6), N Vtoce Lombardi to meeting toe ■* tournament to as many week­ town and Branford. GlTouard, Klock 23-49 ston, R. Peracchlo, J. Nathan FLAG TOURNEY 34-4-1. Last Banaszak or Marv Hubbard, my confidence.” (Jhlcago (Hands 16-12) at ends downing Preston Machine Meacham, Wholesale 23-49 challenges of our day. How Im- (be H^^®™ ^®™ Pittsburgh (Blass 9-10) Heady second baseman Ran­ Conway, Telepbooe 17-37 66; Fourth—B. Brody, W. Ftane- First — John Potter 19to cup. was toe best On defense, - toe only 1969 It’s the modern way to heat your home. The clean way. The safe Ron Perranoski nailed down of Ansonia, 26-8, to win the Bris­ Bronn, AVhoieaale 82-19 Jack Kearney 19th cup; second portant It Is. for us today to live year s U-l-1 record Houston (Wilson 8-5) at San dy Smith, by virtue of a 14-19 Quinn, Mota's gkn, B. Apter, B. Earle 66; starter missing is qutsiile Itoe- 646-1151 toe opener for the ’Twins with tol Open Slow-Pitch Tourney 17-38 —Lou Becker 6” from 19UUcup. these virtues of toe athlete In ^ . way. Diego (Kirby 9-14), N hitting performance, was the (jonvertlno, Klock 16-36 F ifto -J . Horning, R. MouAtato, But toe 1969 Raiders woii toe backer Chip Oliver, udio gave his 28th save and Hal Haydel, (AP Photofax) Sunday at, spacious Page Park. Sullivan, lOota's 19-13 our lives. How important it is Montreal (Renko 9-9) at New tourney’s most valuable player. N. Skinner, D. Merker 07. LADIES But can oil heating be economical.too? Absolutely. Because OPEN TO PUBLIC- making his m ajor league debut, A field of 38 teams steorted Kellner for us to teach to«‘'e“\^ues by wrong two games with toe I ^ - up football to Join a hippie com- THANK YOU—Plate ump M^rty Springstead sar York (Gentry 9-8), N PRO SHOP EVENTS Gross — A — Dora it bums completely. Leaves nothing behind , ^ won toe second game' with' five the tournament ‘ from all over *^® *" ' 0x„mbie as Vtoce Lorn- CltJ Chiefs, bowing 17-J in mime. ( • • 1 Mile froirt Gay City lutes Orioles’ Elrod Hendricks" who gives gesture St. Louis (Carlton 9-18) at Low gross—A-Ray Kosak 76; M; B — AUce Bantly 96; C — the voutoof today (be third and last game and Bill Laskey, a part-tlmi start- strong innings in relief and also toe state but When toe final Not only that, but oil heating is reliable. You get dependable, , Rt. 85, Hebron, Conn. Philadelphia (Wise il-12), N B-Fred Meurant 78; Ed Keat- ElUe Marsh 103; D — Merry. w ^ a fe 'toe men and women sending toe Chiefs on to Super er last season, has moved Into homered and doubled, \ __ of humble submission after he was called out. trophy was awarded. It was Report on Safety Asked llig 78: C-Tony TantlUo 82; D- Renert 109. toe totore Bowl glory. Oliver’s spot. Gus Otto Is a six- • even heat at all times. Because your fuel supply is right there in Manchester’s own Cuemen who T Sam Berman 86; E. Barry Tra- BETTER NINE ”^cC T t Iximbardl was not Ck>ach John Madden’s team year starter at the other outside your own home. You don’t have to depend on an outside source. reigned supreme. bita 96; Tom HesUn 96. A—Dore Kellner 44-936; B — ’The BlUlards defeated’ East Following Death of Rindt onlv a snorts celebrity, a great should again battle Kansas Oty position. 1 To make sure you get the best for your home, we put Mobil BETTER NINE Jo Cffupu 4912-34; C — ElUe marked for toe for a divisional title. The two Dan Donners, toe regular Englishman David Hobbs Hartford’s Daddario’s, 26-7, to Chatoe 61-14-37, ElUe Marsh 51- dass--A-Stan Markowskl 39 Hall of Fame What Is ultimate- teams, along with Denver and middlft linebacker, broke his heating oil through 21 laboratory tests. And we check it contin­ the semifinals. ’The Red and MILAN, Italy (AP) — The In- resentatlves of toe Bureau In­ 14-37; D —Nat p ’Brien 54-17-37, 986; B-ChUfk Reynolds 894-84; w imt^iWt S®" 0‘®$®. ">®>‘® “P th® West- right arm Sunday and wUl be uously in over 600 homes throughout the courh _ a aiis White knocked 132 hits to five ternational Automobile Federa- ternaOonal Des Constructeun Wins at Lime Rock Track B-Fred Meurant 38-4-84; C-Tony Claire Frier 591937; kickers— u Z t h ^ w ^ m ^ o f de“p em Dlvtelon of toe American sidelined at least sU weeks. games to completely dominate Uon announced Monday night Automobiles and of the pr^ Dora Kellner 88-1970; EUle try to prove that it gives peak performance in TanUUo 49986; D-8am Berman fLth Id flZhone^ Conference. The defensive front four of ('. IV, I . .u .. * -V. ^ ducers of racing cars and of Marsh 103-3973; closest to pin— LIME ROCK (AP).—A Surtees Just ahead Alan Lader of the field. En route^ to toe|Cham- • *Aat to toe wake of toe death of tirea 42-7-36; E-Barry Trabltz 47-12- faith and firm hope. 34-year-old coach, in nls Ben Davidson, Tom Keating, ■ every area. niONT END DYNAIHICS pionship, toe Cues ousted! Plato- . Dora Kellner W’ 8”; longest Gresham, Oro., to a Brabham- 36; Conrad Werthelm 62-17-85. ^thetoS°Z*^Srdlnal second season, has a veteran Art ’Thoms and Carleton Oats Wanttorefineyourheating system? Call us. TS6A driven by Englishman Da­ ville’s Wagoh Wheel, Ck^n-Rek Austrian driver Jochen Rindt It The industrialists, the com- nSOffllQ Oil Ford. Kickers—J. Berman, B. ’Tra- drive — Mary Heslto 220 yards; l^id T l ^ ^ a ^ s t S t H l i d line-up returning. , led a p ^ rush that spilled op- vid Hobbs coasted to victory of Southington, Bristol’s Don asked' Formula One car mission said, pledged to contln- putts,— Mary Heslto 17; Marge WhMl Balnciii blts T. Tanfillo. hone In so manv ways' As a Quarterback Daryle Lamoni- posing quarterbacks 47 times Monday to toe Inver House Con­ Cassius, Daddario’s and Pres- makers to prepare a report on **® research to Improve the l a d i e s t w o b a l l Allen 17. for KNIGHTS START FLAG TOURNEY , faltoful young son of ’ Imml- ca, toe^ AFL’s Most Valuable last seas^ _ 2$-H0UR SERVICEt • PHONE 6434135 tinental Formula A race here.. ton Machine. wavs to Increase saletv of rac- ** BEST B A IL S pa^ntsto Brooklyn, as a Player last year, has thrown 89 S^ety ^ v e (Srayson and cor- Shock Nboorben 1VEDNE8DAY ways to increase safety or rac- ggjj^ ^ report would be First — Dora Kellner 13’ from Hobbes finished 29 seconds Friday night toe Billiards bur­ First Net—Jan Harrigan, of Granite’ at Fordham, touchdown passes and gained nerback Willie Brown were All- 19th cup; second — AUce Bant- ahead of his closest opponent, '’The Knights of (JolumbuP ied Platoville’s Melody Inn, 41- ®*^- really beforo the start the Claire Frier 181; Second—Merry wl^^lchZi almost 10,000 yards passing in L e ^ e playere Nemi^ Wilron Rindt died when his tlotua^ next racing seasim. ley 120 yards from 19to green; Moriarty Brothers Brake ServiM George. FoUmer of Ardadia, pin Bowling League starts its 20, in toe first round of toe Nor­ Renert, Connie Kelly 184; Third Z Z r as a devoted husband, his three seasons with toe team, and George Atkinson were the EXPERT racer crashed on a curve during^ ------!— — EUle Marsh three inches from Calif., who drove a Lotus 70 42to season at toe Parkadc wich tourney. ’The 226 foot left- —Nat O’Brien, Mary Kearney g S X r r a Lamonlca completed 101 pass- other s^ ers in toe defensive ISto cup. Ford. Lanes Wednesday l night. All field fence makes toe field otficial trials for too Grand Prlx 188; Fourth—Carol Carlson, coach and leLler of men at.St. es last year to wide receivers backfleld. \ Wheel Aligamait WEEKEND FEATURE WE GIVE VALUABLE iirH : GREEN CTAMPS! VThird place ‘was taken by bowlers are requested to be on tempting for toe long btill and Monza race Saturday.-He was BUlle Marsh 139; Flfth-^Jora CeciUa’s Fordham, and ^ st Fred Blletnlkoff and Warren George Blanda, at 43, m ^ John Cannon of Montreal, Ca­ hwd at 6:30 to watch Grand the hometowners responded Bie 17th drived to toe In a Kellner, Kay Naktenls 139; Sixth Manchester businessman Point vrito the Giants, ^toe Wells for an average of 20 yards lose toe No. 2. quarterback Jcjjb Sports Dial George Marlow eagled toe 14th a«4-M(OAD STMEET— MANCHESTER, CONN. nada, driving a McLareen M- knight ChuWRalhburn roll toe with a lltUe eprtra tp spare. cpmpeUUon this year. —Vera Honnon, EUle Wtocze plSc;rs^d toe Redskins. With per completion. to rookie Ken Stabler but is M ANCH^TER hole playing in toe Flordla 315 CENTER STREET (BEHHfD1H^ DAIRY QUEEN) — PHONE 649-404S lOB Chevrolet. first ball. ’There'are a few open­ Burly first baseman Mark 'The annoimcement said the ■ 14i; Seventh—Enes Warmlngton, faith and hope he was at dally The veteran line, vrito such pected to confine as toe team s Scotch ’Tournament. He used a Mike Eyerly of Salem, Ore., ings. Anyone interested should Monette rapped three home International Sports, Com^nls- TONIGHT Shirley Horning 142; Ei^to— Mass and communion no mat- standouU as guard Gene Up- place Mcker. Mike No. 3 wood to performing toe won an earlier Formula B race contact Hank Wittke or come to ruhs, while shortstop Jim Pur- aioh of toe International Auto- 7 :Se Yanks vs. Senators'WINF Del Hartmann, EUle CSiatoe 142; ter where he was. and often ,shaw and Center Jim Otto, pro- in his fifth season a a toe punter. to a Chevron-Ford. He finished toe lanes Wednesday. ' _ tell, Bobi^rannlck and Bob Ko- mobile Federation met with rep- 7;4« Bed Sox vs. Indians WTIO Ninth—Faith Palozey, Claire feat. \ 4

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE TWENT7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtD, MANCHlSTfeR, CONl^.,. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 Business Services Help Wanted— Help Wanted— Mcrie 36 OUK BOARDING HOUSE . with MAJOR HOOPLE BUGGS BUNNY Offer^ ‘ 13 Fomcrio 35 Amwtr to rretTous Puikle s a l e s w o m a n and Cashier TAX/! (^WHERE TO, FU P P Syr^ PUULABPE LlWie CLASSIFIED LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also RICHARD R RITA BERRY’S WORLR needed, full and part-time. R3NT REALIZE S cra m b le r moving large ap^pliances. VJHEM6VER U/CTPy |TM/«r EPISON AAAPe Burning barrels delivered, $4. Working hours to suit your PERSONNEL SERVICES TO PIN HIAA' PCAUN, -TMo u s a n p s o f M 644-1776. schedule. Apply In person to MS ALMJAVU CLAIAAS ATTTaWPTS BEFORE ACROSS: 57 Driving DEPARTMENT STORE TjUAUTY ASSURANCE . I ADVERTISING Mr. Shenkman, Jr. Pilgrim (SETTlNS MIS F iF>ST1 coinm&nd MANAGER — Family type TECH. — Assistant to Q.C. IWAT MBS BEEN 1 Wolframite ARCHITECTURAL plans pre­ Mills, Oakland St., Manches­ I CdNSSEcjaeT 1 t o LKBMT/ /VNR, C O N - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS department store. To $16,000. Manager. Must be experi- p e s E A P a c K FIPEKTIALUV, TM ON (Cornwall) DOWN pared for houses, additions, ter. 4 Belabor ' enceed In spectrographic an- f=OB -THE TMB BRINK- OF AN lSloi>e 8 AJM. to 4:30 PJd. new construction, complete AC3TUARY (Group), to $18,- alyslst. $11,000. (gCNEPNMeNT/ EVEN /VOPE- EFOClMAU 8 Clo^in^ 2 Cupid blueprints. Dial 742-7627. WesYs P lS C C V E R y / 12 Feminine . (Roman) appellation WAITRESS wanted full or part- ART SUPERVISOR —Skilled 3 Songwriters COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED AD\”T. SHARPENING Service — Saws time. Call Tolland — 876-9960. in commercial a ^ and hand ta x i 13 Craft in 4 Laundry SUPERVISORS — TexUles. magic 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUCATIOX knives, scissors, garden and Carding, spinning, weaving. lettering with knowledge of device 40 Dry measure RESPONSIBLE woman to work type and graphic arts tech­ 14 Muaical 5a Operates treelMS Deadline lor Saturday and Monday Is 4:80 p.m. Frida.’ shop tools. Power mowers re­ To $20,000. - insu-uiiiciii.instrument Q6 Joins Utogether. 24 Gen^ of (pi.), paired and serviced. Pick up afternoon 1 to 6:30 In rest niques. $10,000. 15 Correlative of • j Wager maples 41 Soothsayers home. Call 649-6986. 42 Hideous and delivered. Sharpall, S86 INSURANCE — Casualty and MANAGER TRAINEES — A! neither ^Purposes 25 Weathercock PLEASE r e a d YOUR AD Adams St. (rear) Manchester, 16 Mono- 26 Central monster CMP areas. $12,000 plus. Many fi«elds. To $10,000. :l jV ^ 9 Capable 43 Wear into 643-6305. WAITRESS wanted — no ex­ grammed 10 European Caucasian Classified or “ W u t Ads» are taken over tbe phone as a perience necessary., pleasant \ 27 Culling shreds convenience. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST PARTIAL LASTING — FEES PAID 18 SUlest deer (pi.) working conditions. Meals fur­ ALLEY OOP BY V. T. ttAkLlN 20 Glorify 11 Couches ■ 28 Solely 44 Polynesian DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In Drae lor the CUSTOM MADE slip cover*. 21 Automobile 17 Parish in 29 Shoshonean god next Insertion. Tlie Herald is responsible lor only ONE in­ 382 - $129, in the convenience nished.. No Sunday or night P»»ESSURE ON MXJ TO ...AND PROBABLY 22 Female Louisiana Indians 46 Summers (Fr.) correct or onaitted Insertion for any advertisement and rtiAn of your living room. Choose work. ‘ Apply CHillders Restau­ 63 EAST CENTER ST. DIVULGE THE SECRET O F EVEN M O R E sheep (pi.) 19 One of the 31 Rich fur 47 Great Lake only to the extent of a “ make good” Insertion. Errors which from over 200 exciting prints. rant, 260 Hartford. Rd., 643- UMITLESS ELECTRICAL AUTOMOTIVE PRESSURE TO 24 Feminine senses 33 Compare 48 Chest rattle WILL BE TREMENDOUS, KEEP VOU FROM HOOPCe proper name SO Catch (slang) do not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be Grant’s of Vernon. 872-9171. 9940. Manchester 646^4040 DIYULOING IT/ t m P S U U K 0 corrected by “ make good” Insertion. 26 Geological 6 7 8 9 10 tl TREE SERVICE (Soucier) — U^TB^X. eskers 1 2- 3 4 5 DENTAL Assistant —! Chair- Trees cut; building lots clear­ side, full or part-time. Interest f ’ . f 27 Friench coin 13 14 (Rockville, Toll Free) 30 Hereditary 12 ed, trees topped. Got a tree in field more important than Help Wonted— Mole 36 Help Wonted— Mole 36 ,5/lisr A s'ui^wr classes of 15 16 17 643-2711 problem! Well worth phone experience. Progressive Rock- m ^N —needed to do Janitor EXPERIENCED painters want- g.fl e x a s s e p a T io n I- India 875-3136 call, 742-8262. vine office. Write Box 32 Taciturn 18 9 .Hiio. “ B,” jn evenings, full-Ume, in ed. Call 649-4343 between 6-7 or Manchester Herald. 34 Penetrates ■ TWO YOUNG married men Manchester area. Call 627-9286 apply In person, 295 (hooper 35 Dressmaker’s 21 23 Hill St. ■ L Automobiles For Solo 4 will do small repair Jobs and SECRETTARY - one g;lrl office, or apply Rudder Building Serv­ term 25 27 28 '29 ice Oorp., 187. Charter Oak 36 Legal point 24 25 painting, also cellar cleaning shorthand, typing, located at OUT OUR WAY BY J. a WILLIAMS ■ ■ DUNE Buggy — Real sharp, Avenue, Hartford. TIRE service man and ware- 37 Apportion 30 31 HERALD custom paint, many extras. and light trucking. Call 646- East Hartford center. Call 628- ■ house man for growing tire 39 L«:k openers 2692, 646-2047. ■-V.T ■ New, Positraction, t ir e s ,______9206. CUSTODIAN — part - Ume, concern. All benefits and over­ A PAIR OF NOVICES .ON WE CAN'T EITHER—AND \ 40 Gist 34 35 / , / 9-a , I 1$70 by NEA, Inc, « l»t Ut OtI SKATES, I SEE-UNDER NEITHER OFUS-IS ABOUT ) 41 Dry, as wine 1 BOX LETTERS Hurst, SW. Must sell, no rea- LiAWN MowCrs — Garden trac- WAITRESS part-Ume, Villa hours 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., Bol­ time. Apply In person. Nichols^ TO LET SO TO FIND OUT/ THE CIRCUMSTANCES I 42 Many times 36 TO^ble offer refused. Call 628- tors repaired and sharpened. Louisa Hotel and Restaurant, ton High School. Call Mr. Manchester T ire, Inc., 296 CAN'T TELL WHOS WE'RE LETTIN' WELL 45 Come in again ■ J ■ For Your Broad St., Manchester. HOLDINS WHO UP/ ENOUOH ALONE/ , 40 3342 or 289-6131. j Parts and accessories. New , Bolton. 643-2621. Veitch, Supt. of Buildings and DAVY JONES BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS 49 Muaical ■ Infomiati4» "So — you want to be a 'weatherman/ eh? TV or SDS?" Grounds, ^-2768. TSr embellishment 44 46 47 48 1967 BUICK~SkjdarkT'convertl- mowers. Hours MARRIED, no age limit to ser­ (2 words) 42 43 MATURE receptionist wanted r THE HER.\LD will w t ble blue with white top, V-8, - ® to 6, Monday to full-time, light office duties. WANTED - two dependable vice bur equipment and to IT SURE FITS THE DE­ 51 Boy’s name 49 SO 51 standard shift. Very good con- Mihl-Motors, 188 (r< SCRIPTION SCOTTY'S DAD 52 Grown coarse disclnno the Identity of Handle Incoming phones. >nen work at South Windsor learn other work. Could mean 1 GUESS 54 dltlon. Sacrifice. 647-9379. Middle Tpke., 649-8706. THIS IS re ME, MARCO 53 Asseverate 52 53 P. fashions marketing committee, Loc^uons In District I, In the Town of Manchester, LIGHT trucking, yards, cellars, pairing roofs of all kinds, new offers you Ule opportunity to Opnn.-Project No. 63- Cwmecticut RIDE wanted from Manchester ^9^5 b EL, AIR, automatic A. Thome, 649-6281. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD attics cleaned and removed. roofs, gutter work, , chimneys ______tum spare Ume Into money Robert B. Weiss, to Nutmeg Rd., South Wind- transmission, good running 260. Bulk delivery. 644-8962. cleaned and repaired. 30 years My^nCMESTER — Boutique Up to $300 In samples free. Proposals are available at the General Manager sor, 8-6. 649-6530 after 6 p.m. condition. $350. Call between 4- experience. Free estimates, HO, HOI HOW I'V E GOT shop.' Illness dictates fast sale. New wardrobe twice a year. Bureau of Administration, Pur­ SOMETHIHG! THE LABEL REWEAVING of bums, moth- CaU Howley 643-5381, 644 STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF YOUNG lady wlsR'es ri.de from ® ______All offers considered. Mu.st be For Interview call 633-2218. chases SecUon, 24 Wolcott Hill holes, zippers repaired. Win­ 8333. Town of Manchester Bolton to Hartford, Monday to ^994 CHEVY IMP ALA, 4-door, sold. Frechette Realtors, 647- Rd., Wethersfield, Conn, atten­ OH, YES,colonel! WE HAVE b e e n ! dow shades made to measure, KEYPUN(3H Operators — ex­ ..THE LATEST! BUT NO BREAK V^A^BETHE IT'LL PROVE AGAIN Friday, 8:30 to 4:30., 647-9066. fyu power, good running edn- 9993. tion: Mr. William J. Harvey, LEGAL NO'nCE I was; told you'd CHECICINO EVERY THE fAERIER I IN THE CODE - PERSONAL THAT SAVANNAH-H H all size Venetian blinds. Keys perienced, days, part or full­ BE C0/VIIN(S/WI5H CONTAINER SINCE IBIOU5 ------n ~ T ~ ujfci. dltlon, good rubber, extras. made while you wait. Tape re­ Heating and Plumbing 17 time. Immediate assignments, Room 320. ' The Zoning Board of Appeals AND NO SUSPECTS? APPEARANCE^ CAN /MAKE You FOR­ WANTED - ride to Pratt Whit- Mfl-8878 WE HAD /VtORE TH E FIRST VF GET CIPHERS AND corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 very hlg^i pay. No fee. Apply will hold public hearings on I ney. East Hartford, first shift, *®75. 649 8878. GRANT’S Plumbing Service — H elp Wanted— THINK ABOUT FIGURES Staff Builders, Suite 602, 11 Monday, September 21, 1970, 7 a.m, - 3 :30 p.m. from East jggg poR D XL Fastback Coupe. Main______St., 649-6221.______Free estimates, plus quality Female 35 -ESPECIALLY HERS./ Asylum St. 278-7610. starting at 7:00 P.M., in the Middle Turnpike, vicinity ExcepUonal condlUon through- q d d JOBS, light trucking, car- work. 643-6341 WOMEN for snack bar eve- Hearing Room of the Municipal Shady Glen. CaU 649-4314. BuUdlng to hear and consider power steering, select auto- pairs, patios, porches, retain­ Clerks and other office skills. ^ CIRCLE ^ Heating. Bathroom remodel­ be able to. work Saturday or the foUowlng petitions: STATE maUc' transmission" and full ing walls, ceramic Ule, con­ Many needed for assignments HEARING ALSO. Automobiios For Solo 4 vinyl Interior. Priced well be­ ing and repairs. Free esU- Sunday or 4:30 — 7 evenings. THIS AD crete work. Clean up. 646-0253, Apply in person Vernon Lanes, near home. Temporary, full­ Item 8—Leon Podrove, south low the market at $1,760. mates. CaU 649-3808. time or 9.3 p.m. Highest pay, I960 MGA, classic automobile, anyUme. Route 83, Vernon. side Deming Street, west of recent engine work, wire Firm. Call Mr. King at, 1-428- no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ This can be the most impor­ Hale Road relocation. Business LIGHT TRUCKING, cellar qnd wheels, radio and heater. Must 1626^______qjHVERS for school, buses. lum St., Hartford. 278-7610. tant "BdveMis^mehl o f your Zone in . Request Special Ex­ attics cleaned, odd Jobs, lawns, MHIinery, seU, moving. Sacrifice at $400. FORD, V-8, 4-door sedan, 19 7:30 - 9 a.m., 2:16 - 3:46 p.m. life — because it may change ception for gasoline service sta­ trees cut and removed. 643- Dressmaking Manchester or Vernon schools. WOMEN show latest Lisa Jew­ MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY CaU 843-1986 anytime.______automaUc, white, good con- elry. Earn high commissions. your economic picture from tion and Certificate of Approval 6000. Good pay scale. We train you. T TROUBLE finding minis? Cus­ Work with Jewelry kit and “ bleak** to “ bri^t**. for same, at above location. AS FAR A5 I KNOW, HEfe 1964 FORD, $200. Savings Bank dlUon, $796. 644-0486.__ ^ ^ 643-2414 or 872-6997. rWO handymen want a variety tom made dresses, ladles suits, color catalog. No Investment. Item 9—Wesley E. Purks, 252 LIVING IN THE FIRST of Manchester, 923 Main St., d a TSUN 4-door sedan, gowns and alterations. Prompt Operators who now run a Spencer Street, gasoline service AAONTY 19 VERY PROUD of Jobs by day or hour. We LEGAL Secretary — Manches­ ManEigers needed. Call E. A. HIGH-R19E DOGHOU9E! ' 6 4 6 - 1 7 0 0 .______white walls, radio, snow Ures service. CaU 649-1133. rpute of U.I.I. vending ma* station. Request Special Excep­ O f HI9 NEW WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU clean yards, attics and cellars. ter law firm has poslUon avail­ Botti, President, 201-678-3377, 1 ^ PLYMOUTH and Ford, 4- Included. Excellent condlUon. chines are growing from part- tion for General Repairer’s Li­ SLEEPING QUARTERS. Reasonable. CaU 643-5305. ' able. Applicant must have typ­ collect. door sedans. V-8s, automatic, CaU 742-7697. time to full time operations cense and Certificate of Approv­ Moving— nicking— ing and shorthand proficiency part-time recepttoid^ WELL., H ECe SH E I've n e v e r b e e n .B U T YOO C A N T radio, power steering, other VENETIAN blinds cleaned at with Company's financing. al for same, at above location. CCVWES AGAIN TOOCRAz y BO CK reasonable rates, cash and Legal ex^rience praferrqd but ^u doctor's office, Item 10—Robert M. Bantly, accessories. 643-2880. Storage 20 As little as $600 investment W ITH T H E 01_D ABOUT 02ACKEf26. TRADITION. Trucks— Tractors 5 carry 9-6 or home pick-up and _ not requlrtd. Salary commen- ■Wednesday and FYi- 333 Main Street, Business Zone in a' U.I.I. route of profit CRA^JCER BOX. I'D LIKE TO .<1966 MUSTANG, hardtop, 289,- b ROCSCWAY oil delivery delivery. Healy Building Main- MANCHESTER Dellvepr- surate with quaUllcaUons. CaU Monday, Wednesday TTT Special Exception appUta- HAVE eOYEIHINQ automatic, one owner. tracK ^ c X n t c « tenance Service, 461 Main St., l^lt'erSr""' producing, vending machines tion to construct, operate and B E L S E FO R A M livery. Refrigerators, washers good with figures and handling can grow to $1,000 per month maintain a new gasoline service CHANGE... . 643-7128. compartment, side delivery. Manchester. 646-4220. Like new. 2723 gallons. Call ------and stove moving, specialty. money, pleasing personality.^ income. station with limited repairer’s 1966 FORD Crown Victoria, 4 VaUey Coal Co., ask for Milt. Folding chairs for rent. 649- C a U Write Box K, Manchester Her­ license upon the demolition of new Ures, good motor, 4-bar­ RN oi) LPN part-Ume. Time requirement is 6 to 8 B 629-2649. B u ild in g - 0752. 649-4619. ald. the presently existing gasoline PJDEeWA/ rel carburetor. 1960 .Ambassa- Contracting 14 hours per week along with a station. In accordance •with' Q s i dor, 4-door sedan, make offer. BRfXiJKWAY pll delivery GE'T MY FREE catalog, earn serviceable car. No selling PRISCILLA’S POP 6Y AL VfiRMEBR d e n t a l . assistant fuU-tim?, plans submitted,, at above loca­ Ciall 649-3660 after 6 p.m truck. Good condlUon, two LEON CleszyhsTU builder—new Pointing— Pairing 21 diEiirside, no Saturdays. Write $60-$100. even more In- name or soliciting. Just give good tion. Request Certificate of Ap- . T I ~ D side delivery, homes custom built, remodel­ Box X, Manchester Herald. brand merchandise. Help your service! 1906 COMET Callente sedan, compartments, ppoyal - for service station , and 2880 gallons. CaU VaUey Coal ing, additions, rec rooms, ‘ ga* ROGER'S PAIN'nNG, Interior friends shop at home. Write ' 389, V-8, automatic. Seven Write, giving name, address, repairer's license. cCAVAUU Co., ask for Milt. 829-2549. rages, kitchens remodeled, and exterior, celling,, wall- .KEYPUNCH operator, mosUy ^ me, Alice Williams, Popular All persons interested may at­ 7 -8 good Ures, includes snow. $800. bath Ule, cement work; Steps, papering. CaU anytime, 643- numerical, 028 or 029, 6-day Club Plan, Dept. Z604, Lyn- phone, number and sufficient Must sell, owner drafted. C^aU ------’5------^------^----- tend this heating. ' l l dormers. Residential or com­ 0923. week, benefits. Gaer Bros., 140 brook, N. Y. references. Write to: Zoning Board of Appeals P/. 649-2636 after 4 p.m. Motorcycles mercial. CaU 649-4291. Rye St., South Windsor. • • CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER INSIDE—outside painting. Spe- _ AOeXJUNTS Payable Clerk — John A. CaglaneUo, (0 i Bicycles^ U l Utsery Industriet, Inc., 1966 IMPALA Super Sport, full 11 HALLMARK Building Ck). for cial rates for people over 65. (XEANING woman wanted, 3-4 experienced preferred but will 'Acting (^lairman O-w w r'J THE OLD WOOLLY PLACE FOLKE 5TILL CALL IT THAT.. power, exc?Uent condition. days weekly. Permanent posl­ train someone with excellent JI9S Empire Central, Dfpt. btarles H. McKenzie, —T----- 2y i BSA 1969, Thunderbolt, Immac­ heme improvement, additions, CaU my competitors, then call r c \ 0 } IB OVER ON THE NORTH BELONGED TO THE VWOLLY Sacrifice $766. CaU 649-3589. rec rooms, house painting, Uon. Send name, address, ablUty to work with figures. Acting Secretary EPEE OF TOWN- ALMOST FAMILY BINCB COLONIAL ulate conilUon. $1,250. or will me. Estimates given. 649-7863. ^ Pallas, Texas 75247. I gprageSi roofing,, gutters, Free phone number and references To $ioo. Fee paid. Rita Girl Dated this 8th day of Septem- ~~i \ IN THE WOOP5t. TIMEB..'.BEFOKBX)LP MR. n e e d c a r ? Credit very bad? consider offer. 638-6688, after 8, ^ 1 ^ esUmates. AH work guaran- CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex- to Box R, Manchester Herald. 99 East Center St., Maitches- 'ijer, 1970. ELDRITCH BOUOHT ITI Bankrupt, repossession? Hon- or 666-3311. ______} teed. 646-0202. terior painUng, paper hanging. AU replys confidential. Writing ter, 646-3441. est Douglass accepts lowest b ENELLI, 260 cc, low ------Discount on wallpaper. Call ability not required. ------— ------—— ~ ^do\^ N. J. LaFlamme — Carpenter Qscar Hebert, ^-3048. ^ ______STATISTICAL typist — Good Vacation days are Oh, how the time i'm here to, say When a swiry^er s where. No£ small loan finance or best offer. CaU after 8, 876- contractor. AddiUons, rem od -______W ------CLERK-TYPIST — Permanent accurate typist viriU^ aptitude ^ne and done. has -flown. it's not much fun company plan. Douglas Mo­ swinijs alone/ 5.3 2968. eling and repairs. CaU any-' JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom poslUon. Must have good typ- for figures. 8 :S0-8. To $100. Fee tors, 346 Main. time for free estimate. 876- Painting, interior and exterior, Ing ability. Experience prefer- paid. Rlta'Glrl, 99 East Center • FEMALE PRODUCTION HONDA mlnl-trall, 1969, blue '1642. ” paperhanging, fully insured. red. Diversified and challeng- st., Manchester, 646-3441. 1966 CHEVROLET 396, 376 h.p., ■f LANCELOT ^ COKER and PENN and all new parts. Good con- ___For ___ free esUmates______call___ 649- Ing work. Rensselaer Polytech------Oood tvnliur 4-speed Hurst, orange with dltlon. Asking $200 firm. Can DORMERS, ' garages, ^ i ^ e s ^ „ „ answer 643-6362.' nlc Institute, South W i n d s o r . SEOTETARY — G o ^ t^lng ASSEMBLERS / WANT TiD TAKE / HOW ^ ^ 6 0 0 0 < LET'G GET / h o l d THE’ l «5Ht \ " 1 black R * P Interior, many be seen at 161 Brookfield St., rec rooms, room addltlonsi ‘ CaU Mrs. Weir, 289-4323 be- moderate shorthand In / WALK IN THE ^ IfOMANTIQ/ GTARTEP/ 7 &TeAPV,LOKI, \ 4 extras. CaU 844-0156 after 5. . Manchester. 646-0312. kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing! b .H. MAGOWAN JR. * Sons, tween 9 and 5 p.m. centrally located Insurance of- | /lAOONLI&HT X 'P LOVE J rne&E A//OHT y 4 siding, general repairs. Quality interior and exterior painting, flee. Figure aptitude helpful. 4 to 4:30 shift. Assembly Knos. OLDSMOBILE — 1982 F-86, WITH M e , y i workmanship. Financing avajb paper hanging. Thirty years AIDE, 11-7 shift; Nurses, 3-11 To $116. Fee paid. Rita Girl, CRAWLBR& new tires, exhaust system, LORI ? / WILL /yiAke &FIEPX V i Busine s Services able. Economy Builders, Inc. experience, four generations. and 11-7 shifts. New nursing 99 East Center St., Manches­ brakes, Needs valve Job. $76. Apply: PISHIN3 BAIT//< i LITTLE SPfWrs Oflfered 13 643-6160, 872-0647 evenings. Free estimates, fully Insured. home. CaU 640-0129. ter, 646-3441. • this BYjHOirSON 849-2618. 643-7361. days ------— inn WES ROBBINS Carpentry re- COUNTER help wanted. Mon- VETEPINARIAN’S reception- ly not \ »/a OTO — 1908, convertible. 4uo ' modeling specialist. Additions, NAME your own price, Palnt- day-Friday, 11-3. Apply at ist-asslstant, part-time. Write '| IONA MFG. CO. deter- cubic Inches. 4-speed, black In- JUNK CARS removed, $10 Arby’s Roast Beef, 267 Broad Box "MM", Manchester Her- Voters eLueei>HS t/rior “ nsile. M ^t sell. In each. CaU 872-9433. rec rooms, dormers, porches, ing; paperhanging, removal, cabinets, formica, built-ins, Prom ^-service, fully Insured. St. aid. Unit of Goftorol Signal Mice to service. Make o««t. 649-9870. jj^EANING — Interior —both bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. Satisfaction' guaranteed. Call — FULL OR part-time cosmetic WOMAN to work with greeting ___ REGENT STREET '.cretary 1967 MGB excellent condition, residential and __ commeraial. Jerry' Kenny, 647-9664 department sales clerk. Some cards. Five days, including /i/wvi innVfmr car white with Satisfactory work guaranteed. CARPENTRY and remodeling MANCHESTER icut ^ 1 For friendly free estimates, ^ormera. kitchen^ experience preferred. Excel- two evenings. Reeds, Inc., call Suburban Floor Malpten- addlUoiisadditioiis and sferagea.garages. CaU lent salary. Phone for appoint- Manchester Parkade, 643-7167, ceU*./Kn>t ICT ^ a<. 5-8 '■ 643-0666 anyUme. $1,360 or best Tom Corbitt, 643-0086. Read Herald Ads ment. Store Manager, 643-1605. Mr. Reed. offer. ance, 049-9229, \ . r -

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY,' SE^EMBER 8, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-THREE PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESI>AY, SBITEMBER 8, 1970 Resort Property Out of Town Out of Town Ar tides For Sale 45 THERE OUGHT A BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Business Property Land For Sa)e ?1 Houses For Sale 72 Houses Foi Sa!e 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 For Sale 75 For Sole For Sale 70 CXiVENTRY — 40 acres, long . MANCHESTER — ■ Beautiful 6- For Sale 74 is WATER ^ storage tank, heavy Car- frontage. Reasonable, .ropm Cape with 3 bedrooms, ■VERNON — Terrific 3-bedroom. duty, $20. Stone domestic hot y>d/ - can't-'Nin - d£PT'. Trttwk T hen stand back and watch the MANCHESTER suburbs, busi­ PORTER ST. ■ WOODLAND ST. I TWO-FAM^LIES COVEN’TRY — Log cabin sum­ riage Realty, 646-1110. formal dining room, carpet^d^ BETTE DRIVE Ranch, 2-car garage, 2 full CLASSIFIED water tank, $15; wood storm UP A W AV-OUT HAME POR A CARTOOk ness location 6V4-room R a n c h ,______mer cottage, fireplaced living r o LTON Libel suns roll in « Immaculate 7%-room Colonial baths, delightful lot. Asking vdndows, various sizes, $2 1% baths, excellent condition, b OLTON Area — 22 acres land, living room with fireplace, prl- For the large family Executive room, completely carpeted, CHARACTER THAT COULDN'T P06SlB(lV Cape. First floor paneled family vatq shaded yard. Wolvertrn type- 11-room Ranch, 5 bed- 7-room custom Ranch. Main DUPLEX—6-6, newer furnaces, $20,000., $27,900. Keith Real Estate, 649- each; builder’s iron staging country store, out buildings. Brandy St. and Loomis Rd. room with many custom built-in enclosed porch, excellent con­ BELONG TO ANYBODY - floor,'3 b«edrooms, kitchen with needs some work. Centrally 1922, 646-4128. brackets,, four for $10. Iron oil 260’ frontage. Hayes Agency, call Towne Real Estate, 649- features, including, grill type Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. carpeted eating area, spacious located. Asking only $24,900. dition, treed lot. $9,000. Hayes Assume 5%% FHA Mortgage. ADVERTISING .Agency, 646-0131. barrel stands, four for $8. 116 HABHI6H MCFREAHOUT 646-0131. 4056. LAKEWOOD Circle - 7-room room, bi>-^ltchen with deluxi living room with full wall stone $134. Monthly P-iys All. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Russell 'St., Manchester. Ranch on 100x272 wooded lot built-lns a n f canned goods cab- Hrepace and glass sliding doors d UPLEX-6-6, 2-car garajge, THAT‘5 w UaT RESTAURANT business show- VERNON — 5 acres, 600' front­ large lot. Owner will listen \ Lake Prlvilcgec. Wanted— Real Estate 77 8 4JM. to 4:30 P.M ROYAL. Electric typewriter, I’ll call ing excellent net profit in high- age on West Rd. LaPenta S / e t s , work saver overlooking reservoir and iTooV?door? and ssun Ldeck/ 3 full ^ 1 baths, 9^arpeted...... floors,...... tiled...... bath...... First to offers. Asking $28,900. Out of Town Vacant 6-room Capo, enclosed ALL CASH for your property regularly $195, now $85. Royal HiMr traffic count location. Es- Agency, Realtor, 646-244Q. s * '22 fircolac0Sfireplaces, 2*c&r2-ca>^ttached gal rec room plus For Sale 75 sunporch, fireplace, Anxious within 24. hours. Avoid red portable, $75. Remington add­ tablished over 20 years. Price ------bqths. First-floor laundry jocm, formal dining room, den. rage. 16x32’ in-ground swimming office or studio and full bath. TWO-FAMILY—^8, aluminum out-of-state owners. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT wall-to-wall carpeting, central 3 bedrooms, garage. Job trans- pool.' Large treed lot. Priced in Oversized 2-car garage, treed siding, remodeled, 154’ front- VERNON tape, instant service. Hayes er, regularly $139, now $89.95. _ J — _ MAM I A4 X AM MA alAAA______WM, P A 1 AAAMk_' . A a ... A MA e O O . . . . —A. M. includes all the real estate, air-conditioning throughout. Fin­ fer dictates bargain price of the upper 60’s. lot, city utilities. Asking $38,500. Agency, 646-0131. , »:S0 PJtt. DAY BEFORE PUBIJCATIO^ Royal adder, $80. Call 649-7798 restaurant fully equipped, plus age. Excellent appreciation PAINT AND SAVE!! Houses For Sale 72 ished rec room in the basement, $28,900, Call early! Bel Air possibilities. Excellent financ­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO Deadline for Saturday and Monday is 4:.t0 p.m. Frldai after 6. sindyDull hear' a house. $65,000. Owner will Long-low 6-room Ranch with attactved garage, large patio Real Estate. 643-9332. ing possibilities. Asking $37,- from nry lawyer f take bacK~mortgage. .Phllbrlck lo ’TS OF ROOM, lot 400’ deep with fireplace. Good value, U&R REALTY CO., INC. REALTY CO., INC^ attached garage and large Realtors 649-5371 LAND—Louis Dlmock ' Realty. DARK, rich, stone free, loam)' 500. screened porch. A highly Realtors, 649-9823. VODR COOPERATION WIUL Agancy, Realtors, 646-4200. and treed. Ranch house, low $37,500. SUBURBAN Splendor, 8-room 643-2692 five-yards, $20. Sand, gravel, S) 643-2692 desirable property; private BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 20’s. Three bedrooms. Dish­ Contemporary Split In -ex­ Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Robert D. Murdock, Realtor ’TWO-FAMILY PLUS—4-4, plus stone, fill, manure, pool and built-in. yard with fmlt trees, out­ NORTH Coventry — 5V4-room WE ARE prepate4 to buy com- washer and stove U&R REALTY CO., INC. quisite setting on 1% acres. 643-6472 643-6472 tavern; Excellent Income, mercl'al property, apartment patio sand. 643-9604. Estate, 649-1922, Only three years young, 1% door barbequ'e. Living room Ranch, fireplace, bullt-ins, ga­ investment Property Keith Real 643-2692 good condition. Asking $39,- fireplace brick . to ceiling. houses, shopping centers or 646-4126. baths, basement garage. In- 900. rage, patio, nice area near C o ntinued From Preceding Poge 1970, RUPP snow-mobile, excel­ For Sale 70-A Paint and save. Mid 20’s. school, $^?0,900. Hayes Agency, other Investment property for lent condition. Call 643-8068, af­ Robert D. Murdock, Realtor numerable extras you must MANCHESTER — 3-bedroom our account. All cash. Write or CAPE COD — 6 - rooms with 643-6472 frame and brick Ranch under WALKER, ST. THE MONSTER—7-7, duplex, Mr. Lewis, 649-5306. 646-0131. ter 6:30 p.m. see. Mitten Agency, Realtors, call, reverse charges, Stoddard Help W anted--M a>« 36 Help Wanted— Male 36 .MANCHESTER close to shop­ huge master bedroom, new 643-6930 or 647-1573. 10 years young, fireplace, wall- j^ew listing - 6-room"Colonial. 60’x40’ foundation, possible 5 kitchen and self cleaning bedrooms each side, 2-car ga- Investment Co., 740 No. Main NEED tires? 40 per cent dis­ ping, 4-family with 4 room tO‘Wall carpet in living room, Spacious living, room, N^ining B &. 'W " St., West Hartford, Conn. 232- OIL BURNER service man with EXPERIENCED plastic injec- count. Premium. BHrst lAne. apartments, 4-car garage, new stove, shaded corner lot on MANCHESTER — Price re- CIRCA 1740 large authentic Co- dining room Euid hall, huge room, kitchen with birch cabi- rage. Excellent residential b a r r o WS and WALLACE Co. R c a d H c F a l d A d s quiet street, garage and tool lonial, 11 rooms, 7 fireplaces, area. One of a kind offering. 4857. experlence in all phases of No. tlon mold maker, stable non- Wide ovals. And truck tires. heating systems and roof. Mid duced, executive 2-year old. finished rec room, 2-zbne heat, nets, stove and double stainless Manchester Parkade 2 oil burner service. Excellent defense company. Iona Mfg. shed. Asking $22,900. Call own­ 2 baths, some of the original Asking $39,900. Coles Discount Station: 461 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Raised Ranch, Glastonbuty country size lot. Spotless In­ steel sink, 3 large bedrooms, full Manchester 649-5306 benefits and salary opportun- Co., Unit of General Signal West Center St., 643-6332. er 649-6668 or 872-4810. line. Must be seen, low 40’s. floors, laths, doors, etc. Can terior must be seen. ’The Paul bath, enclca^d sun porch, 2-car ______^______TOWN OF MANCHESTER Ity for y willing individual. Corp., 643-2111, Ext. 80. 0/ia^nAd.to 0-8 Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. rent upstairs while restoring If garage. Walking distance to DUPLEX—5-5. Now ready to Ha r ’TFORD __Six-room MANCaiESTER — 17 - room W. Dougan Agency, Realtors, schools, bus and shopping. Ask- start construction. ■ Call for Uniuii other land of the Town of Manchester and the northwest comer vvith SPRUCE ST. — four rooms, 3-bedroom’ Colonial, 1% baths, owner transfered. $24,900. rage, carpeting and much ZONING BOARD SINGER touch and sew matic fire sprinkler. Apply DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge chester’s most gracious cellar, oil-hot water heat. Only parcel herein conveyed: thence by an interior angl/e of 94° hems, heat, parking, refrigerator, garage, low, low 20’s. Wolver­ Wolverton Agency, Realtors, MANCHESTER home reduced more is of interest. Call Mr. cabinet. Monograms, Marlow’s. 867 Main St. homes, 11 rooms, 41^ baths . . . Sn^SIOO. Pa.sok Realtors, MLS, 5’ the line runs in an .easterly direction Seven Hundred Eighty-Five OF APPEALS excel­ stove. Winter St. three rooms, ton \gency, Realtors, 649-2813, 649-2813. for quick sale, top location, Lewis, 649-5306. 289-7475, 742-8243 and 5/10 ( 785.5’ ) Feet to a point marked by a merestone; thence There'wlU Ve'sTlhlbUc Hear- GOOp HOME wanted for 2 kit- embroiders, etc. Used HOLLISTER ST. Selling for $59,500 and well tens; Call 649-3073. lent condition. Guaranteed. heat hot water, air-condition­ MUVNCHESTER Green — ground OENEBAL OBDEB OF NOTICE economical, privacy, loaded, \ ^ turning by an interior angl/2 of 82° 31’ the line runs in a general Ing Monday, September 14th at Redecorated 7-room Dutch Colonial. 4 bedrooms, fireplace, worth It. T.J. Crockett, Real­ TOLL/^D — Beautiful and Im- southerly direction a distance of Six Hundred Fifty-Seven and Full price now $56 or 7 month- ing, refrigerator, stove, park­ floor 900 square feet, front por­ dining room, hot water heat, aluminum siding. Close to with conveniences, wall-to-wall . • B & W • • 7:00 P.M. in the Basement ing, Call 247-4046, 633-7402. tion ramrted Second floor one DISTRICT OF COVENTRY 3.S.. tor, 643-1577. maculate 4,bedroom Colonial 96^100 (657.98’) Feet to an iron pin; thence turning by an interior FREE — 7 weeks old kittens, payments of $8. 522-0476, lion carpciea. aecona iioor, one pj^Qg^^-E COURT, September 2, schools. 50x140’ lot. $27,000. 80% mortgage, 7H% Interest carpet, 2 bedrooms. 2 garages, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Room of the To'wn Building to large room, 350 square feet, al- situated onJ3 wooded acres, 2- angle of 100° 45’ 16” the line runs in a westerly direction a dis- double pawed, mother and kit- dealer, 1970 available. That Pants-Suit Monogram Trims MANCHESTER Green /section— $21,900. 649-7509. Manchester Parkade hear the following appeals. tens extremely small. 6^3-8851. LOOKING for anything in real so, three adjoining offices. Will „ ESTA® OF Emma^H. H ^ . > rnr a ttire d earage 10’ fire- tance of Seven Hundred Tfhrty-Four and 68/100 ( 734.68’) Feet to 1. Donald H. Kennett, P.O. estate rental - apartments, BOWERS SCHOOL AREA Unique 4-room Colonial, all LOVELY 5-room Colonial spa- Manchester 649-53M____ mace wallTo-wall carpeting in an iron pin; thence turning by an Interior angle of 70° 33’ 45" the SEWING. MACHINE — New rent together or one or two gS^^rlct. deceased, place, wall-to wall ^ipeim g m ^ distance of One Hundred Forty-Five and 73/100 Box 11, Merrow, Conn. Appeal­ homes, multiple dw^elli'ngs, no 6-rqpm Cape plus enclosed sun room. Wall-to-wall carpet­ new Inside, 2-car garage, treed FREE, black male puppy, 10 1969 zlg zag, unclaimed laya­ separately, Gall 649-2741 or 649- Upon the appUcalion of Nels Him- clous rooms, garage, excellent . modern living room, elecmcal applt (j-;jg. ,j- p,gej-to.a point;-thrtiee turning by an interior angle.of— ing from determination of Build­ fees: Call J.D; Real Estate As­ -ftoa ^ merlind of West Hartford, praying ing, fireplace, 3 or 4 bedrooms, larg^ kitchen with loads M B.J..S Agency. S45- 73 weeks old, housebroken. Call way, ' buttonholes, monograms, kitchen, formal dining room, ances,. aluminum siding, ro- ,ggo .gg. thd line runs Two Hundred and 9/10 ( 200.9’ ) Feet to a ing Jlnspector and Zoning Agent sociates, Inc. 643-5129. . Liiat an instrument purporting to be of cabinets, outside fireplace, patio, stone walls, raised 643-6301. hems, etc. !Now only $54. Easy ------^ t h e last will and testament of said terrace, basement garage. $23,500. ______; ______; ______Owner 646-1559. large living room with fire­ tary antennae. Owner trans- point; thence turning by an interior angle of 194° 39’ the line runs SMALL store or office. Ground deceased be admitted to probate dated July 13th, requesting year terms. 522-0931 dealer. MANCHESTER —Price reduc­ ferred. CaU 875-6483. One Hundred Eighty-Six and 4/10 (186.4’ ) Feet to a point; thence ATTRACTIVE 4% rooms, sec­ floor. Near Main St. Parking, letters testament^ be MANCHESTER — 7-room older place, one full and two-half round, occupancy In undersized . , , , T nnrt issued bs pcp application ofi lUe bath.s. Four bedrooms, lot lOOx — ------' - - — —------■ turning by an interior angle of 169° 30’ the line mns One Hundred residence which was originally FREE^-Seven week old kittens, g^wiNG MACHINES — New, ond floor, porch, stove, refrig­ 1 AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS ed on this quality 9-room, five- Colonial, 3 ‘or 4 bedrooms, Apply Marlow s, Inc., 867 Main olore fully appears, it Is bedroom, two-year-old Gar­ 180'. $31,500. Philbrick Agency, GLASTONBURY—(South) Spa- sixty-Eight and 33/100 (168.33’ ) F/eet to the point , or place of a seasonal home. This appeal housebroken. Call 649-8556. erator. Opposite Center Park. St ORDERED; That sold applkatlon REALTOR MLS 643-2325 large treed lot close to shop­ cious Ranch, attractive wood- beginning, used, repossessed, zlg zags. '______bo heard and determlnd at , the rison Colonial. Kitchen with Realtors, 646-4200. comes In imder Zoning Ordi­ Adults, no pets. References re­ ping and bus, $22,900. Philbrick ed lot,, large fireplaced living Said prejnises are bqunfled: XKC miniature bro'wn poodle Used Singer press and sew bTflRF pn'v7n’ 846' Main St 1’1’obhtfe Office, In Coventry in said built-ins, family room with nance 9.0. portables, $ .95 upr Parts and quired. 649-7529. SlUKE, 20X7U, B4B Mam Bl., ^jg^rict, on the 16th day of Septem- Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. UNUSUAL home, actually two room, dining room, oversized NORTHERLY by other land of the Town of Manchester, puppies. Call 649-5492 after 5 45 Downtown Manchester. Avail- ber A. D .1970. at 7-.30 o’clock in the fireplace, 2V4 baths, 2 garages Also, from determination of kitcjien, 3 twin bedrooms with Seven Hundred Fifty-Eight and 5/10 (758'.5’ 1; p.m. service. Ideal Sewing Ma­ ONE - BEDROOM Townhouse able September 1st. Call 522- evening imd that public notice be and aluminum siding. Now LARGEST model in' High homes, one with 8 rooms and EASTERLY by other land of the Town of Manchester, Six Building Inspector and Zoning chine, 9 Webster St., Rear, ^ ^ven of tH'R*pendency of said appU* one with 5 robms, both expand­ ample closets, 2 baths, 2-car apEirtment at beautiful Pine 3114. asking $41,500. Philbrick Agen- Ridge! 7V'2-room Split Level '^lundr/ed Fifty-Seven and 96/100 (657.96’ ) Agent dated July 24th, denying Hartford. 249-0786. cation and ine time and place of garage. Low 40’s. Owner, 633- Ridge Village, Available Oct. hearing therein, by publishing a .._.cy,.ReaUor.a,-. 646-4200. with 3 full bathrooms, 4 bed­ able. Situated on- well land­ Feet; a permit for garage on the same * • • ’ ------tlm scaped acre. Call for details. 6015. 1st. $190 per month Includes 113 E. CENTER ST. — New of- copy of oae time In rooms, tremendous 28’ family SOUTHERLY by 'ITie Hartford Electric Light Company, premises. This appeal comes in Articles For Sale 45 CLEAN, USED refrigerators, . ^juirtnoH nft newspaper having a clrculauon m $19,500. FRESH on the market Asking $64,900. Philbrick right .of way. Seven Hundred Thirty-Four ranges, automatic washers heat, carpeting, air-condition- flees, air-cqndltlonea, on- mgtrict. and by posting a copy room, kitchen has G.E. bullt- TOLLAND —Like privacy?? % under Zoning Ordinance 10.3. ing, dishwasher, range, re- street parking. Ideal for pro- on the public sign poet nearest to in Manchester, 5-room Ranch, Agency, Realtors, 640-4200. and 68/100 (734.68’) Feet; and ALUMINUM. sheets used as with guarantees. See them at o'?* 4 ins. Ideal suburban atmo­ acre treed lot surrounds loye- Location of property—Riley Mt. \ aluminum siding, garage, ■'WESTERLY by land of The Hartford Electric Light printing plates, .009 thick, 23x B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 frigerator, disposal, private fessionals. Many extras. 1,100 ^®gi^“ ®and by^leavlng^Uh, or^y sphere, no traffic yet. Close to pwO-FAMILY, 7-7, comer lot, Company, Seven Hundred Three and 16/100 Rd. off Route 44A. basement, carpeting. Owners ly 6-room Ranch, 3 bedrooms, 36", 25 cents each or 5 for $1 Main St. Call 643-2171. basement and patio. Paul W. square feet, will subditride. mailing in certified — letters, post- schools and recreational facil- Hartford R d.,. 1150’ frontage. (703.16’) F/eet. 2. Thomas Stevenson,' Route want fast sale. , Wolverton formal dining room, fireplace, 643-2711. Dougan, Agency. 649-4535, 646- BeecHler - Tanguay, 646-2212. ^®gtP^®P^^dr“ sed” to"'ei®h n't S'e ities. Professionally appraised Said premises' consist of approximately Eleven and 29/100 31 & Daley Rd., Requesting an Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. Make an offer. Keith Real Es­ scenic setting on Peter Green 30" ELECTRIC stove, built-in 1021. ------1------^ -- pciraona named bi said application for immediate sale. Belfore Rd All this for $23,900 with an (11.29) acres. ^ V e- exception from a determination jp CARPETS look dull and rotlsserle and top grill, good ______^ T ------— ------at the addresses therein Indicated tate. 649-1922, 646-4126. copy of this order all at least n : : . w MANCHESTER — Three-bed­ Agency, 647-1413. -ti' ner cent mort- The consideration for-this Deed shall be the sum of Sixty denied by Zoning Agent dated drear, remove the spots as •condition. Best offer. 649-3986. 636 CENTER ST. — 4% roo.m Houses For Rent 65 seven days before said Ume as­ assumable ^ P Rpnitv Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars, plus the conveyance by the Town July 31st, permit for a trailer they appear with Blue Lustre, duplek. V/^ baths, all appli- signed, and return make It this room Ranch, modem kitchen gage. Call Carnage Realty. Brothers of the following piece or parcel of. land located Court. - to be located on property occu- Rent electric shampooer $1. ances, fully carpeted, 2 air- COLONIAL house, six large ...1 : 4 with-built-ias. fining • • y,, fam- Lprs._For Sale' 73 646-1110. the xovm of Manchester. County of HarUord and State of Con- ...... »------DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge Who are the professionals ----- ^------' ‘ ' necUcutrmbre pafllcOlfly bounded and described as follewB: -^ed^4)y-'Rion»a5 *10 on Dale^ yphrShM^n-Wllliams Co. -Musical hfetniments S3 condlUontirs, hettt, Hof water, rooms, fireplace, attached room, fireplace, .wall-to- Road. This appeal comes in un- _ wall carpeting, garage and. DESIGNED FOR COVENTRY — Lake frontage , Beginning at a merestone marking the northwest comer of ------:------irrio-rmu' nooa tm- sound prooflt^, storage and heated garage, large yard. VERNON — Acre plus. high in the Real Estate Field? recreation room. Handy loca­ 225’, 11 rooms, 3>4 baths, car- yjto Botticejlo and the southwest comer of.land to be con- der Zoning Ordinance 8.1. Mr. IT’S terrific the way We’re parking, on bus line, near j275. per month plus uUlltles. OBDEB OF NOTICE HAPPY LIVING scenic location. $6,900. Bolton & Mrs. Stevenson, who both are ing Blue Lustre for cleaning organ, bass or guitar, black shopping, $195. per month. tion. Very clean. Assumable peting throughout, 2-car ’Tfar- v/eyed as shown bn a map entitled “ Town of Manchester, C o^ec- Lease and references'required. Lake, Vernon, half acre $4,200. over 65 years of age would oc­ rugs and upholstery. Rent elec­ with covers, 200 watts. All AT A. COURT OF PROBATE, mortgage. $29,500. Philbrick aee fireplace, balcony. Owner ticut Department of Public Works Engineerii^ Division Phone Charles Pontlcelll, 649- Call 649-5993, after 5 p.m. held at Maacheater, within and for Tolland acre, $3,000. Hayes cupy the trailer 4 months out tric shampooer $1. Olcott parts lifetime guaranteed. Call 9644. ------:------the District of Manchester, on the Agency, Realtors, 64^-4200. You'll lind charm and conveni­ ence plus prestige au'l pleasure Agency, 646-0131. of the year j - June, July and Variety Store. 875-9449. SIX-ROOM Colonial, lease and 3rd day of September, 1970. REALTORS 643*1015. ^ 8-10-70, Kohri R. O. W. Added” recorded in the Town Clerk’s SIX-ROOM flat, second, floor, references. Wolverton Agency, PROFESSIONAL man’s Ranch, in a 7 room ranch -Jesigned for August, . an^September. approximately 2,800 square happy family living. Features ANDOVER - Wooded building office,’ Town of Manchester, thence by an Interior angle of M° 3. Valeq(toe Dynes, South LOST bright carpet colors, re­ remodeled. $175. monthly, cen­ 649-2813. Trust Estate under the will of BOLTON . . .Ranch high on 27’ 15" the^ ^ line______runs northeasterly_ ___along^ the easterly property line Antiques 56 Katherine Bell Cheney, late of Man. feet of living space 15x24’ liv- fully equipped kitchen, open full lot, artesian well, walking dls- Street, a p p ^ ln g from a deter­ store them 'With Blue Lustre. tral locaUon. Adults. Morrison gj-ygj^.RQOM Raised Ranch, ot^ater. In said DUtrlct "deceMed WHY? cliff overlooking Eastern Conn, ‘ j Kohn B^rothers for a distance of Five Hundred ’fw'o and 70/100 ° firenlace attic, heat/ed .basemen, with rec tance to fake and school, very mination of the Zoning Agent Rent electric shampooer $1. 'THE BIRCHE^Antiques______Route Agency, Realtor, 643-1015. „ _ The Connecticut Bank and Trust ing room with ’ room and fireplace, l t2^ba.hs.^2 good residential area. Paul W. Nine acres in all. Utility build- (502.70’ ) Feet to a point; thence turning by an interior angl^ of Paul’s Paint Wallpaper Sup- 4 . a Ashford rcaumes reeu------Jr------room, fireplace, tw o-c^ Company Trustee, bav^g exhibit^ Because a Realtor is a member of the National Associ­ ■formal dining, luodern kilch ing! Truly a unique property xqo° 02’ 15" the line runs in an easterly dlregtlon along the dated July 27th, use o f trailer Asniora, resumes regu t h r ^ r .^e d r o OM apartment, garage. $280, per month. The its annual account with said est^e . has Agency, Realtors. 649- on land on South Street for ply. lar hours, Monday - Friday, 10- ation of Real Estate Boards. en, library ■with fireplace, xhislovefy RockleJgc horn. ---- that must be seen. Sensibly southerly right of way line of The Hartford Electric Light Coim second floor In almost new 2- Paul IV. Dougan Agency, 649- ‘° o r d e m ^ 'rtat*thT^24th*'da^ 5 three large bedrooms, spacious aluminum .siding lor low cost 646-1021. ^__ Priced in the forties. T. J. pany for a distance of Two Hundred Twenty-Seven and 51/100 George H. Beeler Sr., and Annie 3 p.m., by appointment, 742- f l a t top office desk with type­ family. Convenient location, 4535, 646-1021. September, 1970. at ten o’clock fiore- A Realtors’ Qualifications? paneled family room with fire- maintenance. This is [a quality jjEAR GAY City r-roovoft Rpnitnrs e4S:iS77 ( 227.51’ ) Feet to a. point; thence tummg by an interior angle of K. Beeler, father and mother 6607, ______^_____ noon at tho Probate Office In the secluded Crockett, Realtors, 643 5 . along the southerly right of way line writer well and glass top, vinyl basement storage, laundry _ _ _ poOM fumlahed Ranch Municipal Building In said Manches- 1413 place, 3»i baths,- - wall-to-wall • " built home in mint iconrlitlcn. multiple acre sites. 4.8 acres, of Mrs. Dynes who are both FTVE-ROOM fumisnea Kancn, g ^ g jg gsgigned for 5932 For an appointment (o Inspect, of The Hertford Electric Light Company for a distance of Sixty^ swivel chair. AssoHed trunks. hook up. 646-1858 or 649-3462. Must be approved by other members of the local board 7-li carpeting In many rooms, $6,500. 6.2 acres, $8,500. 8.2 VERNON . . .Top aged and in need of constant Typewriter, good condition. 16 Nov. 1st to May 1st for right a.. hearing on.am the Meiilowance'^ol 1 I .AM* Ah M M Hsaid H 4.4 call Doris Smith, Jarvis Really ■ Four andTzi/iooand:2;i/100 (64.21’('64.21’ ) Feiet to a ‘ point ; thence turning by an and subscribe to the rigid code of ethics of the Na­ patio, swimming pool, two-car acres $10,000. ,G. Cross, Real­ 5'i .room ranch with 112 baths, angle of 112° 20’ 00” the line runs in a southerly direction care. This appeal comes In un­ m;m. mo-vle projector.' 35 m.m. Wanted— To Buy 58 WOMAN willing ten share ' her couple,poiinlp woNo c^rhildren oren or pets.nets accountg^^ou„,g and said g^^ Trustee’s gatate. two and prior this The perfect trim for lin­ Co., Realtors. MLS, G43-1121. der Zoning Ordinance 8.1. tional Association. The cardigan-type jacket^ - garage and a 3 acre lot with a ty 228-0065. carpet In kitchen, fireplace, ^ distance of Four Hundred Ninety-Six and 23/100 (496.23’ ) slide projector. Index c a r d ___ . . . . apartment---- with same. Call af- References and security depos- court directs that notice of the Ume 1 . of thi.s hand.s’ome pants- ens, to keep or give . . - 47 Gabrllle D. Trueman and vlpw, surrounds this lovely excellent location. Tough to pcet to a point; thence turning by an Interior angle of 84° 53’ 00" files, some metal, some wood- HOUSEHOLD lota Antiques ^er 6:30 p.m. 647-9081. It Write Box "D ." Manches- and Place assigned for said hearing Do your business with a Professional, eensult a Real­ suit is treatc

TUESDAY,, SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR AY«ras:e Dafly Net Press Run The Weather ^iKanrljpaitw lEwfning Hftalii \ For inie Week Bnaed ^ Rain ending this evening, i August 29, 1970 clearing with low about 60. To­ In six contests this year, includ­ St. Anne Mothers Circle will ’The Wesley Circle of South morrow some cloudiness, warm ing the North American cham­ PASSPORT PHOTOS hold its first meeting of the sea­ United Methodist Church will with chance of showers—thund- About Town pionship held in Canada. His roENTIFICATION son tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the work on Fair projects at its 15,367 'ershowers. late In day. meeting tonight' at 8 at SusEin- other first place finishes were SALEM NASSIFF Chapman-Joy Circle of N o)^ home of its leader, Mrs. Manchester— A City o f Village Charm nah Wesley House. Hostesses at Fair Hill, Md., Lake George, United Methodist Church \rtll Thomas Collett! of 19 Madiswi Camera Shop & Stwfio The B^by Has are Mrs. George Trueman and N. Y., and Syracuse, N. Y. He meet tomorrow at 2 p.m'. at the St. Other officers Include Mrs- RAGWEED^, 628 MAln SL, nanoheater James ’ Szarek, co-leader; Mrs. Mrs. Zlgmond Olbert. was second In the ’Ihousand Is­ VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 289 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES— ’TWO SECTIONS i MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1970 (Classilled Advertising on Page S3) PRICF TEN CENTS church. The potluck scheduled land Games. 64 3-7 369 for this meeting has been post­ Donald DeCapua, secretary; POLLEN lA i r poned. Mrs. Dean Gates, treasurer; ’The Sunday School staff o f Been Named Mrs. Gary Boulay and Mrs. Vic­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran COUNT T The VFW Auxiliary wili meet tor DeCapua, representatives; Church will meet tonight at 7 :30 120 tonight at 7 :30 at the VFW Post and Mrs. Anthony Collettl, hos­ at the church. 7>/2 Home. pitality and welfare. f^ollrn Luui”. h ’■ '’ Manchester Midget Football ,) hour sonyt'hnri SCHOOL BU{ Joyner, ThomM Cameron, s»v»o»* gOVCni” ^ • mm For those under 65 not covered by Employee For those 65 and over wanting coverage to By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS for work. He said about half / In New Haven, negotiaUons the ^ y In favor of a Association has a hearing in " ^ “ “JemMdh^ uTe erte^'e me^n^^d CTerril^'^^dere ’ guerrilla committee said supplement Medicare . . . BC-65-provides the „ , . e the 6,700 pupils attended classes between teachers and the school strike but said they would con- court this morning to show why terrorists held in . .u in the fighting Tuesday night Features A Buffet 'Thrust-Bock Col/or' Group . . . DP-30 provides the following Health Public; sch ools m fo u r “ due in part to confusion about board broke off at dawn today tinue working pending prompt It should be permitted to strike. Germany, three o W s Pa^Ltinr g L ^ ^ (^g^i^a^ ‘he Jorda^ans made an uJ^p^ SERVED BY YOUR CHEF; WILLIAM JONES TOILET TANK BALL Care benefits: following Health Care benefits: C onn ecticut tow ns w ere whether or not there would be after an all-night session. Teaeh- and successful completion of ne- In the meantime. ®choo lo „ i . Switzerland and Miss Uom r e p u d ia te r Z ^ ^ e f ir e voked attack and the batUe laat- o EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Americo's la rg e tf Sellar Shut down today by a classes.” Green said schools ere picketed New Haven gotiatlons. Classes there were In cials called off classes for today. held in London eariy t X v chare^g S I T V er ^ seven hours. But Israelis The efficient Wafer Matter Initontly stops • 70 days of coverage for each admission to a general • the first $52 of hospital stay. walkout of teachers de- .would reopen Thursday), schools. session tqday. _ . in Middletown, teachers' held for the aborted hijacking of an u was supriosed to have t^ en border who sald-Uiey FROM 6 TO 9 P.M. the flow of woter after each flushing. nianding higher pay and Schools also were closed to- New Haven school officials re- Teachers m Milford voted a mass meeting at a theater Israeli El A1 plane Sunday. effect Jordanian troops at- witnessed the fighting gave.a 7St AT HAltDWARE STORES hospital.* ROUTE 83 TALCOTTVILLE • $13 per day from 61st to 90th day toward semiprivate various educational im - '® ‘ ^an an hour, but the • credit of $30 per day plus full coverage for special and all hospital special services anywhere in the thls morning but were closed a school official in Somers absence of 450 of the system’s board of finance rejected a re- ^ e d Tuesday ^ y strika Tanks and heavy artillery of were not hit. services for up to 60 days of care in specialty hospi- world. , “ due to Inadequate staff” about ggid about 20 per cent of the 533 teachers. quest for an additional appro- by teachers in Middletown and the Jordanian army’s 40th Bri- Israeli semrees re- two hours later. high school teachers showed up New London teachers met priation. set a $1,000 fine against any Jet Crashes gade lnter.-ened at dawn to re- tals. teacher who failed to show up • $6.50 per day in extended care facility for 80 days Supt. Clarence Green said this morning for a workshop af- with the board of educaUon Stamford teachers voted 919- lieve the besieged garrison.. for school this morning. • up to 45 days for care in general or specialty hospitals following first 20 days paid by Medicare. Middletown schools were closed ter classes were canceled. He Tuesday night but failed' to 224 Tuesday morning to stay At Kennedy:; Headquarters of four guerrilla sew it^ is here! for nervous/mental disorders. Talks in New Haven started groups in irbid were plunder .t^e Jor^^ when only '20 of the town’s 375 g^id no decision has been made come to an agreement. How- away from school on opening • outpatient or emergency room services in approved • full coverage for outpatient services received in a public school teachers reported on when the school will reopen, ever, teachers there voted ear- day. The Stamford Education 2 p.m. Tuesday, Just heavy b o n: b a r d me n t. the Now On the GoidenTbuch & Sew* hospital. ^ hours after a Superior Court Eleven Dead sources reported. blanketed toe member hospital including emergency room <:are, ------J------' Judge reaffirmed an earlier or- The G ue^llas’ central com- “ '“ l lery, automaUc weapons and sewing machine of the 70’!s. outpatient surgery, radiological diagnostic services, • prescription drugs up tdf a m_axi_mam of, $500 for 150 ______^.1^1 • -T ‘ der -banning a teachers strike NEW YORKAVAAVLA (AP) — Fcdcral mlttee claimed Jordanian ,. .. i. t. j Only by Singer. radiological tnerapelitic services, physical therapy days following date of hospital admission. and-set a-hearlng.-for. 3ept.,.22„ Aviaition-! -AdministratioB.....offi- - troops mutilated the bodies of 8^ , treatments and shock therapy. y In Florida,/Lrkansas on a moUon by the New Haven clals say a, DC8 jetliner that commandos killed In toe fight- , ^ t •Readmission to any hospital within 60 days following date of discharge Federation of Teachers, to dis- craished Tuesday at Kennedy ing. Sources in Amhan said toe ® •i.*"' This new sewing machine will start you on *Readmi88ion to any hospital within 60 days fpllowing date of discharge Is considered the samd admission. Solve toe inJuncUon. airport killing all 11 crew mem- guerrilfas paraded toe bodies , the sewing revolution. One touch to the ' ia considered the same admission.. About seven'hours later-toe apparently scraped its tail through the streets of Irbid, p ”, r ___ m, new Stitch Pattern Dial and you’re sewing QUARTERLY MEMBERSHIP DUES FQR BC-65 two sides adjourned to separate i-un(vay during takeoff. sparking wild public demonstra- ® es e r straight, zig-zag, blindstitch—whatever. QUARTERLY MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR DP-30 Carswell, Faubus Lose in Primaries caucus rooms and at 6:45 a,m. ^^e Trans IntemaUonal Air- tions. and government forces have Individual...... $4:1-85 One touch dnd you’re set for the new Individual...... $38.35 today the negotiations were re- plane was on a ferry flight One group of demonstrators (Se.e Page Eighteen) (Monthly rate under $4.(X)) ‘ By WALTER R. MEARS Stretch Stitches. Stitches that strrretch / (Monthly rate under $13) AP FoUtlcal Writer cessed. iq Dulles IntemaUonal Airport m “ We’re toe only ones who Washington where It- was to with the new knits they were made for.' Family ...... $73.45 Husband and. W ife ...... $23.70 Dale Bumpers, who emerged have picked up 250 youths for a ‘ (Monthly rate under $25) ' ' (Monthly rate under $8.00) fronvtoe poUUcal obscurity of a (See Page Ten) Touch again-^nd you’re sewing a '' • charter flight to Europe. smooth, straight^uttonhole. You’ve never country law pracUce, has won toe Democ.raUc nominaUpn for As It left toe runway carrying In South Vietnam sewn it so easy. Of\course, this machine has governor of Arkansas, crushing only, toe crew, it rose almost the Singer exclusive Push-Button Bobbin, ★ FULL SPECIAL SERVICES COVERAGE REGARDLESS OF COST toe cclmeback campaign of for-' vertically to a height of about Come, T^ouch this new machine today. At mer governor Orval E. Faubua. Officials Bid 300 feet, then Ulted on its left Viet Cong Steps Up Attacks; And In Florida, Rep. William side and- plunged to earth, ex­ your Singer Center. See how you’ll sew! ★ NO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OR HEALTH RESTRICTION ploding in flames, the FAA said. C. Cranier captured toe Repub­ Advance Expected on Coast lican nbrirjlnation to toe Senate, To Head Off The four crewmen and seven ending toe bitter quest by O. stewardesses aboard all were ■ M . O P E N ENROUMENT ENDS SEPTBUIBER 18, 1970 from California ’ SAIGON (AP) — North Viet- Vietnamese troops fired about Harrold Carswell for a seat In tfig cBaffiber that denied him a The plane was a Douglas DC8 “ American Rail Walkout super 61. capable of carrying ^ .stqppM up'toek arUllery tese (aJlfidL SHnsem. PLEASE NOTE: THE Ap K iCATIOiT b e Lo W IS FOR NEWnMEMBERS ONLY. place on toe Supreme Court. 2 5 r passengers. An airline 5?®, northern sector o< ^ t o then followed up with a ground Carswell, Whose defeat was By NEIL OILRRIDE spokesman said toe crew con- '^‘®‘nam, and toe South Viet- assault that heUcopter gunsWpa ______L------expected, and Faubus, loser in a AP Labor Writer sisted of ’’our most senior per- namese commander for toe and artillery helped beat back. startling upset, were toe blg- Check appropriate box for enrollment in DP-30 □ or BC-65 □ for those 65 WASHINGTON (AP) — Gov- sonnel.” * today that up to 15 en- InlUal reports said 13 men of SEX MARITAL STATUS name political casuaJUes as emment officials resumed at- por about an hour after toe ®n^y regiments are waiUng for a toe 198th Infantry Brigade were i-! or older in accordance with terms and conditions specified in the RULES □ Single □ Widowed eight states held primary elec­ □ M a l* □ Married QDIvorced tempts with railroad union and 4-20 p m crash the airport was ei'nnce to advance Into toe i»p- wounded, while enemy losses tions Tuesday. AND REGULATIONS. I understand this application will njpt be effective until □ Female □ Separated industry negotiators today to closed to all air traffic and doz- “ i^ s coeataT lowlands. were not known, The Arkansas runoff was sur­ the date of the Certificate of Membership Agreement issued to me. head off a threatened nation- ens of Incoming flights were di- “ attacks southeast of Enemy troops also attacked a Social Security Numbers prising not only for top out­ wide rail strike set for shortly verted to Boston, Philadelphia Tuesday and one to millUa outpost less Jhan a mUe ‘ ■ ' W ' come, but for toe, towering pro­ Birth Yours I I after midnight tonight. - and other points. - .tlje. north, enemy forces killed east of Mo Due. a district town NAME. Date portions of toe Bumpers victory, Asst. Secretary of Laboi^W- J. The National Transportation 38 South Vietnamese troops, 18 miles southeast of Quang Last Name (PRINT) .First Name (PRINT) Middle Initial Month Day Year With vlstoally all precincts Usery declined to say whether safety Board sent ^ a lO-man' South Vietnamese civil- Ngai City. Field reports said 10 Spouse's cowted, Bompers had. 257,385 there had been any movement team ’’ of investigators to toe ° ” ® American, and of toe enemy were kiUed along ADDRESS______votes to iS l.O flO foi'*Faubus,*who In toe stalemated wage negotia- scene. wounded 16 Americans and 49 -with two militiamen and three Street and No. served six tenns ^as governor, V Uons Involving some 500,000 AuthoriUos said toocrash was South Vietnamese. A total of 63 civilians, and two nUUUamen CONNECTICUT retired undefeated four years members of four AFL-<3IO the first fatal accident at Ken- Vietnamese were report- were wounded, BLUE CROSS ago, and became manager of an unions. nedy since July 15. 1969, when a North Aflet- City and State Zip Code Telephone amusement park called Dog- ’"Ibe White House is being twin-engine air taxi crashed on attacks Indicated that namese troops moving under r patch USA. kept Informed," Usery said, but takeoff, killing toe two pilots Vietnamese unlU cover of a mortar barrage at- LIST BELOW: Husband or wife and all UNMARRIED CHILDREN UNDER 19 YEARS of ago to be Included under your membership: Bumpers campaigned with a declined to say . whether Presir and one of 11 passengers. already had pushed out from tacked a South Vietnamese In­ FREE TOUCH-GIFT just for watching a One Touch Sewing demonstration. It’s a packet- promise of fresh, aggressive dent Nixon rflanned to,Invoke a ™ mountains toward toe popu- fantry battalion a mile dputo- Birth Date Birth Date 60-day strike delay under toe IDUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — A lated region. west of embattled Fire Base full of value, including 4 coupons to save you as much as 25% on Singer* fabrics, leadership—he seldom got more First Name Middle Initial M onth Year First Name Middle Initial Month Yaar Railway Labor Act. Delta Airlines DC9 with 94 per- The fighUng began before O’ReiUy. But South Vietnamese scissors, notions. You get free fashion booklets, tape measure, too. Come in for yours, todayl specific—and said Faubus had Husband □ Son □ nothing new to offer .l^rkansas. Usery conceded there was no sons aboard cracked open on da-wn when about 200 North headquarters said government The Singer I to 36*Credit Plan helps you have thisnew machine now-within your butteet 1. Wife □ 3. Daughter □ Bumpers, 45, apd.>maklng his progress in four hours of gov- landing at' Standiford Field Vietnamese overran toe T ra forces counterattacked and re- first bid for state office, will emme'nt sponsored talk§ Tues- Tuesday night, but the most se- Bong District headquarters and pulsed toe enemy, killing i7, \ Son □ turnon - ' ______Son □ challenge Republican Gov. day, bu). added “ that meeting rious injury reported was a bad- a jieighboring South Vietnamese while government losses were 2. Daughter □ 4. Daughter □ Wintorop Rockefeller In toe was' very worthwhile. I think it ly cut thumb. Ranger camp 60 miles southeast two killed and five wounded, Nov. 3 election. cleared toe air.” After toe 89 passengers and °r Da Nang. In toe three-hour Fire Base O’Reilly has been un- He called both sides back Into five crewmen, were • evacuated, battle. 34 South Vietnamese, one der attack for more than a singer Sign Here:. .Date: • “ We feel Very g(ood about WhatintvfortomorrowliatSlNCBRtodayl* what will happen In Novem­ negoUaUons today. the plane, en route from CSiica- American and 26 North Viet- mtmto. \ Please do not send payment with application. code No. gg ber,”- Bumpers said. Faubus T But Harold Crotty, president go to Atlanta, was coated with namese were, reported killed. The South Vletnanlese com- ^ , Foraddressol the store nearest you. see while pages under SINGER COMPANY *ATrtdemarko( THE SINGER COMRkNY of the Brotherhood of Mainte- foam by firemen. There was no ^ Souto Vfetna^es? and tnander of the 1st Military Re- Please send this FULLY COMPLETED application today to CONNECTICUT BLUE CROSS, P.O. BOX 1756, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 06507 called Bumpers "a pretty good . Former U.S. Circuit Ju(]ge G. Harrold Carswell ponders a newsman’s question candidate,’ ’ but said toe nomi­ nance of Way Employes, said fire or explosion. three, American advisers were gion, Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan last night in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., after he rah a distant seconii ^hind Con­ after' Tuesday’s fruitless talks Most passengers contacted wounded. Lam, said up to 15 North Vet- 956 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER— 647w1425 nee will find his race against gressman Cramer for the GOP no(l for U.S. Senate. Carswell sacrificed lifetime Fifteen hours later and 13 (See Page Eleven) tenure on the federal appeals bench to make the bid. (AP Photofax) (See Page Sixteen) (See Page Eleven) miles to toe southeast. North (See Page Six)
