Community Ideas for AIM Lenten Projects United States Secretariat of the Alliance for International Monasticism ~'" '-~ .,1'" ~.~ f' .."~ ':" ;~>~J Write a letter to the monasteries included in this year's Lenten projects. If r·.~.. j ~":~ i':~:; .r ~ possible, send some photos of your monastery and the members. This would be very ~ ~ "J:>I- ~, meaningful to the mission monastics. 1." ''';s: If you are doing anything special in your monastery with regards to the Lenten "{./ '''''', a. \ +t.",,," ,(.~~~ C "., m-····'~'v .# c, "i> Appeal, share that with them. "" ••••••,.... <"".,"""" ~yt'l ?~,,~ ;{' r" '~." Our mission monasteries are very interested in the United States and Canadian ) ~j; i,,~" monasteries that are helping them. That is why we now put a short article in our news { ff letter about a US or Canadian monastery. l"""'~~3;;.> Monasterio Nuestra Senora Monastere ND AIM USA 2009 Lenten Appeal de Parana de U Annonciation de Sovu E3114XAI Aldea Marfa Luisa RP.232 This year's Lenten Appeal has two special aspects: Entre Rios Parana Butare ARGENTINA RWANDA We present grant requests from seven different countries: Chile, Argentina.
[email protected] + Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Rwanda. In all of Indo-Sri Lankan these very different places in our world a monastic presence is having a significant influence in the lives of the people there. Abbaye Saint-Benoit de Koubri Benedictine Federation 01 B.P. 123 Abbot John Kurichianil, OSB We include in this year's Lenten packet a 16-minute DVD on the United Ouagadougou 01 S1. Thomas Abbey + States Secretariat of AIM. This is the first DVD project that our secretariat BURKINA FASO Kappadu po, Kalaketty has undertaken and the initial responses are very positive.