Elektroniska Spel I Tidningsfältet
Institutionen för studier av samhällsutveckling och kultur – ISAK LiU Norrköping Elektroniska spel i tidningsfältet En studie av recensenters förhållningssätt till dator- och TV-spel Daniel Ahlin, Martin Padu, Andreas Petersson Magisteruppsats från programmet Kultur Samhälle Mediegestaltning Linköpings universitet, LiU Norrköping, 601 74 NORRKÖPING ISAK-Instutionen för studier av samhällsutveckling och kultur ISRN: LIU-ISAK/KSM-A -- 09/17 -- SE Handledare: Jonas Ramsten Nyckelord: TV-spel, elektroniska spel, recensioner, media, spel, statistik, tabeller, Level, Superplay, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Sverige, EU, PEGI, betyg, Bourdieu, metafysik, textanalys, speltidning, kvällstidning, dagstidning, nyheter, datorspel, recensenter, spelvärlden, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sega, Sony, Atari, Ubisoft, speltillverkare, spelutvecklare, barnspel, ungdomsspel, vuxenspel, världskrig, fighting, GTA. Abstract in English Electronic games in the field of newspapers and magazines – a study of the critics’ way of looking at and writing about computer and video games This paper considers the roles of critics, newspapers and magazines, in the process of describing computer games and video games as either technical objects or products intended for entertainment. The making and “using” of computer games and videogames originates in small groups of people possessing a lot of knowledge in computers, during a time when these kinds of devices were very expensive. But now, the gaming culture has grown and almost anyone in our society can own and play a video game. For that reason, one could ask the questions “are the games and the people who plays them still parts of a ‘technical culture’?” and “do we need some kind of prior knowledge to fully understand the videogame critics?” The critics represent “the official idea” of what a videogame is, how it works and if it is worth playing.
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