Kramer Sincerity Field Road
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A Newspaper Devoted Complete News ..Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local €overage And Impartially Each Week PubllsHed Every Thursday VOL. XX—NO. 14 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1958 At 18 Green Street, Waodbrldge, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS Sweetness Lawyer? Former TeacherContinue and , Is Selected by Project WOODBRIDGE — Lewis ! the following February. Light Jacobson, Tisdale Place, Born in Brooklyn, January Hearing will be sworn as a member of 15, 1900, Mr. Jacobson moved By CHARLES E. GREGORY the Board of Education with- to P^rth Amboy with his Township Apartment in the next two weeks, Win- family in 1907. He graduated Plans to Be Aired field Finn, Board president, from Perth Amboy '. _ High The Board of Educa- said today. School and Newark State Again Monday. tion showed commenda- "The next regular meeting Normal School. He taught EDISON — The hearing on ble * judgment and in- is not until June 17," Mr. school in Perth Amboy and the application of the Absig Finn said, "but we.expect to from 1918 to 1926 taught the Corporation, an affiliate of dependence in its election have a meeting before that so-called "incorrigibles." Sommer Brothers Construc- date at which Mr. Jacobson While still a teacher, Mr. In Keasbey School*® of Lewis S. Jacobson to tion Company, for the con- will take his oath of office." Jacobson attended New Jersey struction of a three and a become its ninth member. Mr. Jacpbson, an attorney Law School, now a part of half, million dollar luxury with offices in Perth Amboy, l Rutgers University, graduat- apartment project will be was named to the Board Mon- ing in 18.25. He was admitted continued next Monday in I believe both the day night, to succeed Nathan j to the bar of this state the same year. - the Stelton School audito- Bernstein Who resigned a few rium. Board and the communi- months " ago. 'Because Mr. Mr. Jacobson is married ty will find that a happy Bernstein's term still has a and the father of two sons, The council chamber in the year and: nine months to go, Lyn Edward, who is attending' Municipal Building was filled choice has been made: In Mr. Jacobson will have to run Duke University, and who will to capacity Tuesday night the first place, no taint in February for the unex;pired be a Junior in September and when the Zoning Board of WOODBRIDGE — At the term of one year and if he Alan Donald, a Cornell Uni- Adjustment attempted to hear most unruly Township meet- of partisan influence can wishes to continue, run for versity student, who will enter ^oth sides of the case and in ing ever held by the Town be attached to the selec- the- full" term of three years LEWIS S. JACOBSON (Continued on Page 6) fairness to.both the applicant Committee, the sidewalk is- tion because — as Mr. and the objectors, it was de- j sue on Inman Avenue was eided to continue the hearing hotly debated once again. Jacobson says of himself Juvenile Decency m Jarger quarters. A group, called the Colonia —he is an independent The proposed project is off Citizens for Safety, appeared Plainfield Road adjacent to to receive the Committee's independent. This means Arrowhead Park and South- decision on its demands for that he will be free to ex- Kramer Sincerity field Road. sidewalks on Inman Avenue. press himself with com- The tract involved comprises Mayor Hugh B. Quigley 45 acres now zoned as "Resi- stated it appears that the plete candor on public dential A" and limited to sin- only method open is passage matters without the re- Schoolmate Confi | ale family dwellings. In order v of an ordinance forcing all straint which could have I for an apartment project to .* - property owners in the Town- (Note: In ; recent weeks, be erected there a "special ship to put in sidewalks on been imposed upon any- stories highlighting juve- exception use" permit would an assessment basis. one of less political inde- nile delinquency have filled have to be granted by the CAhhEJ) HAZARD. FOB YOUNGSTERS: Above is the abandoned clay pit at the rear the newspapers. Because' "It will take a great deal of Zoning Board. Such a permit of Keasbey School which residents of Shorecrest-at-Fords and Roosevelt Estates object money to put sidewalks on pendence. He is not this newspaper believes ju- requires a public hearing and to vehemently. They have threatened to keep their children home next September, venile delinquents are in Inman Avenue", the mayor bound, by any imagina- Tuesday • night marked the when they are scheduled to report to Keasbey School, unless the situation is corrected. said, "We were up there last the minority, that most preliminary stages of that ble reason, to conformity youngsters are inherently r week and since the grade will or regimentation. • meeting. have to be changed and trees good, a decision was reached Details of the project were removed we got a rough esti- on a series of stories about made public for the first time mate of between $60,000 and teenagers who, in our Nursing Students at the hearing and were met $65,000. That is a great deal It is my feeling that opinion, are models of "ju- with objections on the part of of money, taking into consid- the Board chose him for venile decency." We feel surrounding property owners. eration there are other places if sufficient attention is~ . Officials of the Sommer in the Township where the this reason—and if this given to the leadership of Brothers Company said the Patient's Side same conditions exist." fine boys and girls, teen- is the case, 4hen it cer- proposed apartment project PERTH AMBOY — A capa- and Miss Ann Szabo, R.N., dible only to the. doctor. When the delegation began agers will soon model them- would contain 280 rental units city audience of 176 high clinical instructor in medicine Developed by Philco Corpo- tainly commands t he selves after them and desert to shout at the committee and highest respect of the of from 3 Vz rooms to ' 5V2 school administrators witness- and surgery, Metuchen, N. J. ration, "Audipage" is as small at times two or three people those who wear outlandish rooms in size. The minimum ed a "first" in the use of tele- Unusual aspect of this as a cigarette lighter and were talking at one time, de- people; Our scliool needs clothes, fancy peculiar hair- rental would"- be $170 per vision in nursing education closed-circuit TV experiment weighs' only one ounce. This spite efforts of the mayo? cuts and flaunt the law.' : ? .month....,and-.'the. maximum yesterday at Perth Amboy was-that the student nurses transistorized, one-way com- who wrapped his gavel ^^0 ':- •' By; RUTH WOlK ; ' . " rental would be - $400 per General Hospital. were able to "talk back" to the munication system operates continuously, Committeeman now, and ^iil cojitinue t6 WOODBRIDGE — "Kurt month. Care and treatment of an TV monitor. By means of a on the principle of magnetic Richard Krauss, Second be for maiiy:years to Kramer has a quality that The project was described, actual hospital case was tele- two-way communication sys- induction, thereby eliminating Ward, said: begets confidence." by the developers as of "the vised Irom the patient's bed- tem, the students questioned cables or direct wire contact. come. They require' the 3rd Focal Point "We specifically explained That is how Dr. John P. campus type," featuring the side to a classroom in the the bedside instructor as the to you the last time that we collective wisdom of those zo, Woodbridge High School highest quality of construc- school of nursing, a city block patient's case was presented Third focal point of the TVhave but $83,000 in the capi- both in and out of public principal, described the 17- tion and architectural fea- awa,y. on the monitors. experiment was the auditori- tal improvement account year-old junior who was re- tures. The project would in- The case study was part of However, the patient was um in the school of nursing. tvhich we can use this year office if our full responsi- ;ently named Mayor of Youth clude a complex of many a regular freshman clinical not disturbed by these ques- Television monitors in^the au- and most of. that sum is to be bility to our childrea is Week by his fellow students. apartment buildings said by conference scheduled for yes-tions booming out of a loud- ditorium gave the school ad- Used for the construction of to be met with economic Strange as it may seem, the developers to _ create an terday and conducted by speaker since the bedside in- ministrators an unusual op- the Woodbridge Park Estates <Continued on Page 8) KURT H. KRAMER atmosphere of a college cam- Grace A. Crystal, R.N., Asso- structor wore a miniature pa- portunity to see and hear sewer. prudence and education- pus. The developers also de- ciate Director of the School ging device, known as "Audi- nursing education in action, al superiority. I think Mr. clared that the architecture of Nursing. She was assisted page". Messages from the both in the hospital and in "There are also previous would be of the "Williams- by Mrs. Margaret Simko, in-students were received through the classroom. pla'ns on the drawing boards Jacobson will be most Raritae Arsenal Iselin Residents' Object burg restoration type" of au- structor in diet therapy, Fords, a tiny ear-piece and were au- (Continued on Page 6) of the Township Engineer.