MEDICAL HISTORY Albert Cook I870-1951 : Uganda Pioneer W
738 19 December 1970 Careers of Young British Doctors-Last and Broadie MEFDICALBRImTSHJOURNAL distribution, as some doctors at both extremes no doubt versity of Edinburgh, under the auspices of the Association for worked in venues other than hospitals. A similar relationship the Study of Medical Education. The follow-up survey in 1966 Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.4.5737.738 on 19 December 1970. Downloaded from existed between record in undergraduate examinations and was financially supported by the Ministry of Health and the Royal Commission on Medical Education, and the follow-up in the number of outpatients for whom the young doctors were 1969 was supported by the Ministry of Health. Reprints can be responsible (Table VIII). obtained from Dr. J. M. Last. One would expect to find that with increasing seniority doctors would become responsible for the care of larger numbers of patients; however, the proportion of doctors responsible for a large number of inpatients and outpatients REFERENCES did not increase with seniority (Table IX). On average, junior Last, J. M. (1967a). Social and Economic Administration, 1, 20. doctors spent more hours each week at work with patients or Last, J. M. (1967b). Lancet, 2, 769. Last, J. M. (1967c). British MedicalJournal, 2, 796. in equivalent activity than their more senior colleagues Last, J. M., Martin, F. M., and Stanley, G. R. (1967). Proceedings of the (Table X); the difference was not statistically significant. Royal Society of Medicine, 60, 813. Last, J. M., and Stanley, G. R. (1968). British Journal of Medical Education, On average, junior doctors devoted more time to study 2, 137.
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