Recognizing Cognates and Interlingual Homographs: Effects of Code Similarity in Language-Specific and Generalized Lexical Decision
Memory & Cognition 2004, 32 (4), 533-550 Recognizing cognates and interlingual homographs: Effects of code similarity in language-specific and generalized lexical decision KRISTIN LEMHÖFER and TON DIJKSTRA University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands In four experiments, we investigated how cross-linguistic overlap in semantics, orthography, and phonology affects bilingual word recognition in different variants of the lexical decision task. Dutch– English bilinguals performed a language-specific or a generalized lexical decision task including words that are spelled and/or pronounced the same in English and in Dutch and that matched one-language con- trol words from both languages. In Experiments 1 and 3, “false friends” with different meanings in the two languages (e.g., spot) were presented, whereas in Experiments 2 and 4 cognates with the same meanings across languages (e.g., film) were presented. The language-specific Experiments 1 and 2 replicated and qualified an earlier study (Dijkstra, Grainger, & Van Heuven, 1999). In the generalized Experiment 3, par- ticipants reacted equally quickly on Dutch–English homographs and Dutch control words, indicating that their response was based primarily on the fastest available orthographic code (i.e., Dutch). In Experi- ment 4, cognates were recognized faster than English and Dutch controls, suggesting coactivation of the cognates’ semantics. The nonword results indicate that the bilingual rejection procedure can, to some ex- tent, be language specific. All results are discussed within the BIAϩ (bilingual interactive activation) model for bilingual word recognition. In a foreign country where an unfamiliar language is nition. Through such words, a wealth of studies in the last spoken, words such as hotel, taxi, and café can often still decade have revealed that during the initial stages of word be recognized because they possess the same or a similar identification by bilinguals, word candidates from several spelling and meaning across languages.
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