a. Announcement/Award Presentation by Jim Seitnater, Downtown Development.

b. Oral communications from the audience. (Please limit your remarks to five (5) minutes and to items NOT on the agenda.)


a. Approval of Minutes of the May 1, 2018 City Council meeting. b. Approval of reappointments to the Hutchinson Housing Commission of the following: Kelly Anne Lanham, 2904 Tartan Trail, for a first full three-year term from 6/05/2018 to 6/05/2021. Lisa Gleason, 3800 Fox Fire, to a first full three-year term from 6/05/2018 to 6/05/2021. c. Approval of Financial Reports for January - March, 2018. d. Approval of appropriation ordinance in the amount of $1,020,722.45.


a. Consider future road easement vacation at 4904 Cottonwood Drive.


a. Consider request for a Conditional Use Permit for property located at 128 West Sfh Avenue.

b. Consider request for approval to submit the 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Application on behalf of Sexual Assaul't/Domestic Violence Center, Inc.

c. Consider Robert Danes and Southwest Bricktown Playground RFP Recommendations. City Council Agenda May 15, 2018 Page 2

d. Consider design services for Fun Valley bleachers.


a. Council

b. City Manager

9. ADJOURNMENT C 1-1--,:~,...J..l,o___;,...,;.____ -'-- _____. HUTCHINSON


1. The Governing Body of the City of Hutchinson, Kansas met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 in the City Council Chambers with Mayor Dechant presiding. Councilmembers Daveline, Piros de Carvalho, Soldner and Inskeep were present.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited.

3. The prayer was given by Pastor Darryl Peterson of Grace Christian Church.

4. Proclamations

a. The Proclamation for Bike Month and Bike to Work Day was accepted by Steve Drach, President of the Vitality Team. Mr. Drach shared their goals for the year which include promoting the team to the community, advocating for hike & bike trails, Healthy Eating Acting Living (HEAL), etc.

b. The Proclamation for Preservation Month was accepted by Wes Bartlett of the Landmarks Commission. Mr. Bartlett said there are a lot of great buildings in our community that are part of our history; and the commission's goal is to get information out to the community about preserving these buildings and their history.

The 2018 Bisonte Preservation Awards were given to Wes and Gwen Bartlett, owners of the European Apartments at 121 North Main; and to Brian Richard of RD LLC, owner of the Pegues Building at 208 N. Main. The Bartlett's were present to accept their award.

5. Petitions, Remonstrances and Communications

a. MUNIS software presentation given by Angela Richard, Finance Director. She said this has been a long process that started in the Fall of 2016. Ms. Richard said the old software was not keeping up with , lacked support, experienced website crashes, etc. She said with the new system they will be able to customize reports, eliminate copying of materials, have real time reporting capabilities, etc. Ms. Richard said the new system will go live on May 29, 2018; and talked about changes which will include new billing cycles, statement design, shut-off's, etc. Discussion ensued. City Council Minutes May 1, 2018 Page2

b. Oral communications from the audience. (Please limit your remarks to five (5) minutes and to items NOT on the agenda.)

th Andrea Springer, 204 East 14 , representing the Reno Arts & Humanities Council, said the council is in transition with the retirement of Mark Rassette. She said a job search is underway; and they hope to get someone in place within the next 30 days. She thanked the council for their funding over the years; and looks forward to continuing serving Hutchinson and Reno County. Jim French, a member of the Council, talked about the production of "Fiddler on the Roof', saying the cast was from all over the county. He said it brings revenue, activity and enrichment to the city and county. Discussion ensued.

th Don Beydler, 521 East 25 , said he is in a group that plays pickleball. He said he has talked to the Hutchinson Recreation Commission about having more facilities but was told it's up to the City. He said the Sports Arena would be a good location for indoor matches; and suggested the tennis courts at Rice Park for outdoor matches. Discussion ensued.

Tony Finlay with the Hutchinson Recreation Commission said they do provide pickleball facilities at Elmdale, that it is popular and seems to be working well at that location. He said use of the Sports Arena is not easy as it requires displacement of other activities, working with HCC's schedule, etc. Discussion ensued. John Deardoff, City Manager, asked Mr. Finlay if there is a demand for outdoor courts. Mr. Finlay said placing several courts on the north end of town would be well received.

Zoe Schumm, 3216 Northwestern, spoke regarding Cinco de Mayo. She said the festival will be held on May 5 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Pyle Park and along Walnut Street.

6. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of Minutes of the April 17, 2018 City Council meeting. b. Approval of 2018 subsidy contract with the Hutchinson/Reno Arts and Humanities Council. c. Approval of appointment to the Hutchinson Public Library Board of Jocelyn Woodson, 1 Woodson Plaza, for reappointment to a first four-year term from 4/30/2018 to 4/30/2022. d. Approval of appropriation ordinance in the amount of $847,078.59.

Motion by Councilmember Soldner, second by Councilmember Inskeep, to approve the Consent Agenda; and authorize the Mayor to sign. The motion passed unanimously.

7. New Business

a. Consider 2018-2020 Historic Preservation Action Plan. Jana Mccarron, Director of Planning and Development, spoke. She said the last plan was done in 2016; and most items have been completed. Discussion ensued. City Council Minutes May 1, 2018 Page 3

Motion by Councilmember Daveline, second by Councilmember Inskeep, to approve the recommendation of the Landmarks Commission to approve the 2018-2020 Historic Preservation Action Plan. The motion passed unanimously.

b. Consider 2018-2020 Housing Action Plan. Jana Mccarron, Director of Planning and Development, spoke about past housing studies, strategies, removal of complaint only practices, etc. Councilmember Piros de Carvalho said she has been approached by several professionals about the abundance of land contracts. Ms. Mccarron said land contracts are allowed by state statute, but said the commission does want to educate people about the benefits and pitfalls of land contracts, etc. Councilmember Piros de Carvalho said they can be useful but seem to be predatory in our community. She said she will contact our state representatives about introducing a bill next year regarding this matter. Additional discussion ensued.

Motion by Councilmember Piros de Carvalho, second by Councilmember Inskeep, to approve the recommendation of the Housing Commission to approve the 2018-2020 Housing Action Plan. The motion passed unanimously.

8. Report of City Officials

a. Council

• Councilmember Soldner had no comments.

• Councilmember Daveline had no comments.

• Councilmember Inskeep said he has learned about a tool called "People Speak" which helps the community communicate with the council, commissions, etc. He said the City of Lakewood, Colorado uses this; and individuals are able to comment on the agenda in advance of the meeting. He said this may be an opportunity for those who feel they don't have a voice.

• Councilmember Piros de Carvalho said the committee that examined barriers for development has finished their work on the meeting side. Discussion ensued regarding having a study session to discuss the committee's work, or simply placing the matter on the agenda.

Councilmember Piros de Carvalho said she had been contacted by a resident who is concerned with the disposal wells; and how those may be impacting earthquake activity. Mr. Deardoff said there was a meeting last week with the state delegation. He said the purpose of the meeting was to give them a background on the City's two deep disposal wells that have been in operation since 2006. He said no one knows what's causing the recent activity. Mr. Deardoff there is a meeting tentatively scheduled for May 15 with KDHE and KGS to discuss the seismic activity in Reno County. He said this will be an opportunity for the community to learn more about what the experts think is causing City Council Minutes May 1, 2018 Page4

the increase in earthquakes. Mayor Dechant said he learned that the City's deep disposal wells are not pressure injected, but that many of the oil saltwater disposal wells are pressure injected. Mr. Deardoff said there are 10 to 11 Class 1 wells in the area, most of which are owned by private industry.

• Mayor Dechant said in addition to the Cinco de Mayo festival, the airport has it's fly-in event this Saturday. He also asked the City Manager to talk about the retreat.

b. City Manager

The City Manager said there will be a City Council Retreat at the Water Treatment Facility on May 8, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. He said a packet of information will go out this week.

He also said we had great weather for the community cleanup. Mr. Deardoff said the e-cycle center had over 2,200 pounds of waste collected which was double from last year.

9. Adjournment

Motion by Councilmember Piros de Carvalho, second by Councilmember Inskeep, to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM FOR ACTION INFORMATION ONLY


TO: Steve Dechant, Mayor FROM: Meryl Dye, Assistant City Manager fA-~ CC: Jana Mccarron, Planning & Development Director; Amy Allison, Housing Program


DATE: April 30, 2018

SUBJECT: Reappointments to the Hutchinson Housing Commission


The Housing Commission was created by Ordinance No. 7626 on June 1, 1999, amended on April 8, 2011 (Ord. No. 2011-6) and again on September 5, 2017 (Ord. No. 2017-21). The purpose of the Commission is to identify housing problems and opportunities for the greater Hutchinson area and to develop comprehensive housing solutions based on those problems and opportunities. The Commission is comprised of eleven (11) members, of which nine (9) voting members shall include representatives from a broad range of housing-related disciplines including, but not limited to, landlords, tenants, realtors, homebuilders and lenders, with at least four (4) positions reserved for at-large positions. Membership also includes two (2) ex-officio, non-voting members with no terms, term limits, or residency requirements who are appointed by Interfaith Housing Services and New Beginnings. Voting members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms. All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term and no person shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive three-year terms. Voting members must reside in Reno County.


The Planning Department recommends as follows:

Kelly Anne Lanham, 2904 Tartan Trail, Hutchinson, is eligible for reappointment for a first full three­ year term 06/05/2018 to 06/05/2021. Ms. Lanham is filling an At-Large position.

Lisa Gleason, 3800 Fox Fire, Hutchinson, is eligible for reappointment for a first full three-year term 06/05/2018 to 06/05/2021. Ms. Gleason is filling an At-Large position.


Approve the reappointment of Kelly Lanham and Lisa Gleason to the Hutchinson Housing Commission.

Hutchinson Housing Commission_K. Lanham_L. Gleason_2018 Planning and Development Department 620.694.2639

Date: Friday, April 27, 2018

To: Meryl Dye, Assistant City Manager

From: Jana Mccarron, AICP, Planning and Development Direct~

RE: Request for Reappointment - Housing Commission

The Housing Commission is comprised of nine members with an interest in improving the quality of the City's housing stock, as well as promoting a variety of housing options. Please consider reappointment of the following Commissioner to the Housing Commission.

Board or Commision: Housing Commission

Member Name: Kelly Anne Lanham

Term Number: 1

Term Begin: 6/5/2018

Term End: 6/5/2021

Membership Type: At Large

Please find the application for appointment attached to this memorandum. This is the first full term for Ms. Lanham on the Housing Commission, as she previously filled the unexpired term of Kevin Bleything. She is eligible to serve another full term if the reappointment request is approved. Let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.



Name of Board/Commission Preftrence: (Please complete one a,pplatlon for each ba.rd, commission, or committee membership) 1/ou.Sln '" n Are you presently servtng one Ctty d or commission? If so, which one(s)? (Please provide expiration term date)

Please advise whether you own or rent your place of residence, or pouess any other real estate property within the dty lmlts of Hutchinson. Also, please Indicate whether au current and prior year real estate and personal property taxes are paid. Residence: OWn - Rent Property (Resfdenc:e) Taxes Paid: Prior Years: t- Yes _ No

of property taxes on all real estate owned by you while ..-vlng as a member of this Yes

Please lndtatte below your reasons for wanting to serve on this particular board, commission, or committee. Tell us what spedal knowledge, skltls, experience, or badc:ground possess that you believe are appllc1ble to this board. Statement (lddltlonal pages may be Included): ~/3' ~~

I understand that I am expected to attend regularly scheduted meetings of the board for which I am appointed, and that frequent non-attendance may result in termination of my appointment. I understand that I must reside In, or own or rent real property within the Qty of Hutchinson, unless rules governing this board provide exception for me to reside, own or rent real property outside the Oty of Hutchinson but Within Reno County. I understand that all data suppHed on this application ls a matter of public record and wlH be disclosed upon request. I affix my Signature as to assure that all my taxes are up-to-date •nd/or paid in accordance with licable law.

Signature of Applicant I have lived and worked in the Hutchinson community since 2010 and have grown very fond of Hutchinson's small town feel and community spirit. As a Marketing/Business graduate from Wichita State Univenity I bring almost 20 years of marketing and sales experience to my Real-Estate and Property Management career. I am passionate about housing in Kansas and as a residential property manager I feel I am knowledgeable about every aspect of housing. Being part of a small town community means that every business transaction must be done with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail and I strive to bulld life long friendships and business relationships. I have a passion for giving back to my community and volunteering. I currently serve on the Board of Directon for both the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce and Interfaith Housing Services INC and volunteer with Meals on Wheels, The Soup Kitchen, Holy Cross Catholic Church, Interfaith Housing Services, Bullders Bargains, United Way of Reno County and Circles of Hope. Planning and Development Department 620.694.2639

Date: Friday, April 27, 2018

To: Meryl Dye, Assistant City Manager

From: Jana Mccarron, AICP, Planning and Development Direct~

RE: Request for Reappointment - Housing Commission

The Housing Commission is comprised of nine members with an interest in improving the quality of the City's housing stock, as well as promoting a variety of housing options. Please consider reappointment of the following Commissioner to the Housing Commission.

Board or Commision: Housing Commission

Member Name: Lisa Gleason

Term Number: 1

Term Begin: 6/5/2018

Term End: 6/5/2021

Membership Type: At Large

Please find the application for appointment attached to this memorandum. This is the first full term for Ms. Gleason on the Housing Commission, as she previously filled the unexpired term of Amelia Boyd. She is eligible to serve another full term if the reappointment request is approved. Let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.



l\l'Pt l

Are you presently serving on a Qty board, commission, or committee? If so, which one(s)? (Please provide expiration term date) Housing Commission

Name: Usa Gleason Residence address: 3800 Fox Are aty:Hutchlnson State: Ks ZIP Code: 67502 Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email: [email protected]

f'lrtt '1 i 1.l i'.l,lt, Vdl I. Are you presently employed where you may be reached for committee purposes: _y._ Yes _ No Name of Business: United Way of Reno County Address: PO Box 2230 aty:Hutchlnson State:Ks ZIP Code:67504-2230 Work Phone:620-669-9329

Please advise whether you own or rent your place of residence, or possess any other real estate property within the city limits of Hutchinson. Also, please Indicate whether all current and prior year real estate and personal property taxes are paid.

Residence: ..J(_ Own - Rent OJITent: Property (Residence) Taxes Paid: ..J(_ Yes Prior Years: .JI._ Yes _ No _No current: Other Real Estate Property Taxes Paid: .JI._ Yes Prior Years: .JI._ Yes_ No No Do you agree to maintain payment of property taxes on all real estate owned by you whlle serving as a member of this Board/Commission/Committee: _)(_ Yes

', l 1\ lt 1f l • ] I I J ] f ! l f J I ,, f Please indcate below your reasons for wanting to serve on this particular board, commission, or committee. Tell us what special knowledge, skills, experience, or background you possess that you believe are applicable to this board. Statement (additional pages may be Included): I have lived In Hutchinson all my life. I believe this Is a great place to live and even though I have been offered many opportunities to move away, I have purposefully stayed. I feel that housing plays a attical role In the future of this community. My work as the Director of Community Impact for United Way Is focused on working collaboratively In the community on deep Issues around Education, Health and Income. Housing Is an area that is directly Hnked to income stability and a priority for my work. I am committed to help make progress on Issues and gaps that exist around Housing for the betterment of the community.

I understand that I am expected to attend regularly scheduled meetings of the board for which I am appointed, and that frequent non-attendance may result In termination of my appointment. I understand that I must reside In, or own or rent real property within the City of Hutchinson, unless rules governing this board provide exception for me to reside, own or rent real property outside the City of Hutchinson but within Reno County. I understand that all data supplied on this application Is a matter of public record and will be disclosed upon request. I affix my signature as to a ssure that all my taxes are up-to-date a or paid In accordance with applicable law.

Signature of Appl. Date 4-IZ-S/ I g completed appllcatlon and supplemental materials to: anager's Offlm, PO Box 1567, Hutchlnaon, KS 67504 -1567

application for appolntment_rev Jan 2013.docx COUNCIL COMMUNICATION FOR MEETING OF AGENDA ITEM FOR ACTION INFORMATlON ONLY City of Hutchi Finance Department Interoffice Memorandum

To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Angela Richard, Director of Finance Date: April 26, 2018 Re: January 2018 City Council Financial Reports

Each month the Finance Department provides monthly reports consisting of 1) Statement of Cash Receipts, 2) Statement of Expenditures, 3) Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenditures and Cash Balances. These financial reports for January 2018 are submitted for your information and review.

With the addition of Munis, I have created financial statements that are not manually typed and updated each month. While the new financial statements are similar, you will notice some changes. I have added a prior year actuals column for revenue and expenses. Feedback from the changes would be welcome.

This Statement of Cash Receipts through January 2018, represents all cash received by the City. • General Fund Collections$ 7,574,758 o Property Tax $5,696,033 or 75% of revenue o Non Property Tax & Sales Tax $979,169 or 13% of revenue o Franchise Fees $ 364,312or 5%of revenue • General Fund Expenditures $2,403,318 • Special Revenue Funds Collections $1,685,659 o The 0.35% Sports Arena sales tax collected between 2015 and 2018 totals $7.4 Million, of which $5.59 Million has been paid toward the Bond and interest debt. • The Debt Service Fund is for collection of special assessments and taxes to support bonded City projects. YTD collections were $2.5 Million, consisting mostly of property tax. • The largest of Enterprise funds are the Water, Sewer and Storm Water which account for approximately 83% of the Enterprise Fund collections. The collection within these funds was $1.395 Million. • The Capital Improvement Project & Reserve Fund cash balances total $17.9 Million. City of Hutchinson, KS Summary Statement of Receipts, Expenditures, and Unencumbered Cash For the Period Ended January 31, 2018 "-·- (~-.,--:- ?:;:: {Beginning '.·,-}::.Ending , < ,,. -~-·: · Unencumbered .,_~ ~:-.. ;::tUnencumbered•·•i Accounts " Cash Balance Revenfie, Expense::~:. t£!.~h ~~-la_nC.! j ... payable: . Ending Cash 001 - General Fund S 4,144,573 $7,578,194 s 2,403,318 ~'.";; $ 9,319,449, $ 576,279 s 9,895,728 103 - Special Street Fund 295,857 148 976 :;-'. ':,•.": 1461182 5,261 152,143 109 - Special Park & Rec Fund s:728 ~':• ··· (5,728) 47 (5,661) 110 • Special Alcohol Fund 20,342 2,575 ;: 17,767 17,767 111 - Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 1,566,816 251,928 1,616,746 1,818,746 115 - Economic Opportunity Fund 150,000 12,500 162,500 162,500 130 - Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 186,273 · 106,442 106,442 131 - Fun Valley Fund 411 411 138 - Hutchinson Recreation Comm 615,711 615,711 617,885 617,885 144 - Animal Shelter Fund 71 9,842 28,441 (18,528) 3,342 (15,186) 160 - Community Improvement District 39,324 39,324 . 37,357 37,357 165 • E 911 Fund 905,807 29,419 137,553 · 797,673 66,260 863,933 180 - Grants Fund 93,901 3,172 1,545 . 95,528 6,629 102,157 183 - DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 104,387 2,086 21,429 · 85,044 21,429 106,472 185 - Police Drug Fund 45,316 1 45,317 45,317 186 - Planning Grants 98,628 17,089 115,717 115,717 190 - Gossage Trust Fund 4,876 {4,876) (4,876) 199 - Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 1,587,740 222,459 69,114 1,741,084 672,445 2,413,529 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 373,107 2,513,337 625 2,885,819 190 2,886,009 300 - Special Construction 27 27 310- Construction in Process 17,473,405 557,878 85,074 : . 17,946,210 773,351 18,719,560 400 - Municipal Golf Fund 23,371 42,198 . (18,828) (1,004) (19,832) 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 16,387 49,286 {32,900) 4,438 (28,461) 410 • Refuse Collection Fund 265,227 202,212 199,080 268,359 190,628 458,987 411 - Water Fund 4,386.274 540,241 496,311 4,430,204 224,926 4,580,995 412 - Waste Water Treatment Fund 3,157,135 465,086 427,571 • 3,194,651 29,951 3,224,602 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 2,399,005 187,871 213,662 : .• , 2,373,214 1,120 2,374,334 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 3,285,000 337,809 256,236 ~- · 3,364,573 228,732 3,593,304 421 - Risk Management Fund 2,225,537 65,949 605,056 (; .. 1,686,429 490,353 2,176,761 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 1,441,299 48,268 36,374 1,453,193 34,624 1,487,818 425 - Central Purchasing Fund 124,878 (480)( 125,358 125,358 520 - Hutchinson Community Foundatn 93,363 93,363 93,363 530 - Donation Fund 339,103 23,401 4 362,501 362,501 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 34,645 30,895 · 3,750 3,750 601 - Payroll Clearing Fund 6,301 (51,932) 602 - Municipal Court Agency Fund 55,483 13,507 5,094 63,897 2,069 65,966 603 - Agenc~ Fund 10,355 2,146 1,070 11,431 2,121 13,552

Grand Total $ 44,381,401 $ 14126\316 $ s,1141920 , $ 52,527,797 $4,101,614 $ 56,497,043 City of Hutchinson, KS Statement of Cash Receipts - Actual and Budget For the Period Ended January 31, 2018 (With Compartlve Actual Totals for the Prior Year Ended) Current % Budget_ Available Actual Funds Actual Revised Budget Budget Revenue LY Actual 001 - General Fund $7,574,758 $34,606,154 $27,031,396 37.5% $33,609,490 60 - Property Tax 5,696,033 11,507,463 5,811,430 53.3% (11,674,997) 61 - Non-Property Taxes 979,169 12,280,948 11,301,779 27.5% (11,806,780) 63 - Franchise Fees 364,312 4,957,485 4,593,173 27.9% (4,922,449) 65- Grants 0.0% 67 - License, Permits, an 86,563 470,050 383,487 31.3% (555,704) 69 - Fines, Forfeitures, 57,852 680,650 622,798 34.9% (634,722) 71 - Interest 2,594 17,200 14,606 92.4% (43,409) 73 - Charges for Services 357,112 4,416,780 4,059,668 27.0% (3,824,846) 77 - Miscellaneous and Re 28,547 152,670 124,123 24.4% (115,684) 79 - Transfers In 2,575 122,908 120,333 8.4% (30,900) 103 - Special Street Fund 295,857 2,302,264 2,006,407 19.9% (2,440,679) 109 - Special Park & Rec Fund 247,464 247,464 7.4% (202,356) 110 - Special Alcohol Fund 98,405 98,405 33.3% (97,242) 111 - Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 251,928 3,680,000 3,428,072 23.8% (3,018,984) 115 - Economic Opportunity Fund 12,500 150,000 137,500 33.3% (150,000) 130 - Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 850,000 663,727 21.9% (733,280) 131 - Fun Valley Fund 0.0% (322,529) 138- Hutchinson Recreation Comm 615,711 1,263,262 647,551 52.1% (1,246,152) 144 -Animal Shelter 9,842 489,489 479,647 20.7% (427,385) 155 - Tax Incremental Funding Fund 0.0% 160- Community Improvement District 39,324 900,000 860,676 13.4% (481,823) 165-E911 Fund 29,419 352,750 323,331 33.5% (362,736) 180 - Grants Fund 3,172 (3,172) 0.0% (342,464) 183 - DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 2,086 (2,086) 0.0% (36,108) 185 - Police Drug Fund 1 (1) 0.0% (26,703) 186 - Planning Grants 17,089 (17,089) 0.0% (80,848) 190- Gossage Trust Fund 58,515 58,515 0.0% (58,424) 199 - Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 222,459 2,628,904 2,406,445 0.0% (3,308,954) 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 2,513,337 6,097,360 3,584,023 49.7% (9,392,640) 300 - Special Construction 0.0% (485,509) 310 - Construction In Process 557,878 26,569,700 26,011,822 0.0% (12,186,154) 400 - Municipal Golf Fund 23,371 932,600 909,229 23.3% (874,504) 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 16,387 580,037 563,650 24.5% (607,728) 410 - Refuse Collection Fund 202,212 2,307,000 2,104,788 30.8% (2,317,391) 411 - Water Fund 540,241 7,055,072 6,514,831 29.2% (7,429,925) 412-Waste Water Treatment Fund 465,086 6,652,163 6,187,077 26.4% (5,762,640) 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 187,871 2,162,400 1,974,529 31.5% (2,185,679) 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 337,809 5,733,232 5,395,423 20.6% (4,265,979) 421 - Risk Management Fund 65,949 770,450 704,501 36.8% (892,565) 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 48,268 672,089 623,821 28.8% (584,973) 520 - Hutch_inson Community Foundatn 0.0% (17,011) 530 - Donation Fund 23,401 (23,401) 0.0% (93,484) 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 0.0% (62,370) 602 - Municipal Court Agency Fund 13,507 (13,507) 0.0% (126,127) 603 - Agen~ Fund 21146 (21146} 0.0% (60,2971 Grand Total $ 1412571880 $ 10711591310 $ 92;so1 1430 38.1%' $ 94,2911136 City of Hutchinson, KS Statement of Cash Expenditures • Actual and Budget For the Period Ended January 31, 201 a (With Compartive Actual Totals for the Prior Year Ended)

. ·- .. ~ ...... - ... -- ··-···· :.,.-·:=··-:·.:::.current__ .. :;:.~-v: .. ;i{j Revlsedi.·--c·:Avallable ·.. :::ia~d~~~.i:·(. -- . . ;:;# Furid Actuif7.'f~;},•··.·· .. Budget · ,··;°' · '. . Budget . Expense .. · LY Actual :I 001 • General Fund $ 2,403,318 $ 35,391,716 $ 32,988,398 6.8% $ 35,399,023 01 • City Council Department 10,492 24,000 13,508 43.7% 20,220 02 • City Manager Department 97,788 1,309,158 1,211,370 7.5% 1,276,356 03 • Human Resources Department 45,380 488,425 443,045 9.3% 446,386 04 • Finance Department 91,150 1,198,306 1,107,156 7.6% 1,181,154 05 - Information Technology Depart 54,283 853,455 799,172 6.4% 1,021,292 06 • Planning & Development Depart 47,112 503,644 456,532 9.4% 462,458 07 - Law Department 44,492 702,267 657,775 6.3% 654,304 10 - Public Works Department 188,682 2,710,352 2,521,670 7.0% 2,577,423 20 • Engineering Department 81,155 1,300,941 1,219,786 6.2% 1,327,117 30 • Parks & Facilities Department 242,997 4,481,561 4,238,564 5.4% 3,805,591 40 • Police Department 667,980 9,964,212 9,296,232 6.7% 9,654,536 50 - Fire Department 699,296 9,557,191 8,857,895 7.3% 9,094,666 60 - Building Inspection & Code Dep 38,048 624,498 586,450 6.1 % 614,694 90 • Non-Departmental 94,464 1,673,706 1,579,242 5.6% 3,262,825 103 • Special Street Fund 148,976 2,302,264 2,153,289 6.5% 2,440,679 109 - Special Park & Rec Fund 5,728 247,464 241,736 2.3% 202,356 110 • Special Alcohol Fund 2,575 100,000 97,425 2.6% 103,800 111 • Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 0 3,085,225 3,085,225 0.0% 3,026,525 115 - Economic Opportunity Fund 0 0.0% 130 - Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 850,000 663,727 21.9% 733,280 131 • Fun Valley Fund 0 0.0% 322,529 138 • Hutchinson Recreation Comm 615,711 1,263,262 647,551 48. 7% 1,222,240 144 - Animal Shelter Fund 28,441 489,489 461,048 5.8% 427,314 155 • Tax Incremental Funding Fund 0 0.0% 741,270 160 • Community Improvement District 39,324 900,000 860,676 4.4% 481,823 165-E911 Fund 137,553 704,510 566,957 19.5% 334,800 180 - Grants Fund 1,545 (1,545) 0.0% 389,883 183 - DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 21,429 (21,429) 0.0% 24,286 185 - Police Drug Fund 0 0.0% 36,915 186 - Planning Grants 0 0.0% 37,122 190 - Gossage Trust Fund 4,876 58,515 53,639 8.3% 58,424 199 - Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 69,114 2,628,904 2,559,790 2.6% 2,761,089 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 625 6,154,734 6,154,109 0.0% 9,562,296 300 • Special Construction 0 0.0% 751,947 310 • Construction In Process 85,074 26,569,700 26,484,626 0.3% 18,935,371 400 • Municipal Golf Fund 42,198 932,600 890,402 4.5% 864,453 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 49,286 580,037 530,751 8.5% 607,728 41 O- Refuse Collection Fund 199,080 2,304,843 2,105,763 8.6% 2,288,215 411 • Water Fund 496,311 8,452,760 7,956,449 5.9% 7,403,865 412 - Waste Water Treatment Fund 427,571 6,547,903 6,120,332 6.5% 6,285,077 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 213,662 1,559,461 1,345,799 13.7% 1,170,571 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 258,236 4,672,635 4,414,399 5.5% 4,333,880 421 • Risk Management Fund 605,058 774,600 169,542 78.1% 749,327 422 • Workers Compensation Fund 36,374 518,100 481,726 7.0% 484,998 425 - Central Purchasing Fund -480 480 0.0% 3,875 520 • Hutchinson Community Foundatn 0 0.0% 15,564 530 - Donation Fund 4 (4) 0.0% 156,771 600 • Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 30,895 (30,895) 0.0% 27,725 602 • Municipal Court Agency Fund 5,094 (5,094) 0.0% 121,766 603 - Agency Fund 1,070 (1,070) 0.0% 59,294 Grand Total $ 6,114,920 $ 107,088,722 $ 100,973,802 5.7% $ 102,666,081 · City of Hutchinson, KS Composition of Cash As of January 31, 2018

Cash Accounts Account Balance Checking Accounts $ 36, 154,629 Hutchinson Community Foundation 93,363 Petty Cash 6,017 Municipal Investment Pool 3,733,417 Investments 16,509,617 Grand Total. $ . 56,497,043 · City of Hutchinson Financ,e Department Interoffice Memorandum

To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Angela Richard, Director of Finance Date: April 26, 2018 Re: February 2018 City Council Financial Reports

Each month the Finance Department provides monthly reports consisting of 1) Statement of Cash Receipts, 2) Statement of Expenditures, 3) Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenditures and Cash Balances. These financial reports for February 2018 are submitted for your information and review.

This Statement of Cash Receipts through January 2018, represents all cash received by the City. • General Fund Collections $ 10,041,871 o Property Tax $5,732,665 or 57% of revenue o Non Property Tax & Sales Tax $2,444,365 or 24% of revenue o Franchise Fees $ 923,222 or 9%of revenue • General Fund Expenditures $4,778,073 • Special Revenue Funds Collections $2,398,555 o The 0.35% Sports Arena sales tax collected between 2015 and 2018 totals $7.6 Million, of which $5.59 Million has been paid toward the Bond and interest debt. • The Debt Service Fund is for collection of special assessments and taxes to support bonded City projects. YTD collections were $2.6 Million, consisting mostly of property tax. • The largest of Enterprise funds are the Water, Sewer and Storm Water which account for approximately 84% of the Enterprise Fund collections. The collection within these funds was $2.37 Million. • The Capital Improvement Project & Reserve Fund cash balances total $18.3 Million. City of Hutchinson, KS Summary Statement of Receipts, Expenditures, and Unencumbered Cash For the Period Ended February 28, 2018 : ! :Beginning I Ending · .-.:\.Unencumbered l Unencumbered Accounts -~---'---"------·.:..: _C_as_h_B_a_l_an_c_e___ .;...;...;...;.. ___E_x_.p;.:e.;..;n.;;..sec.-• ·..... I Cash Balance Payable Ending.Cash 001 - General Fund $4,146,253 $10,041,871 $ 4,778,073 ·$ 9,410,051· $ 283,733 $ 9,693,784 103 • Special Street Fund 295,857 305,695 (9,838) 8,498 (1,340) 109 • Special Park & Rec Fund 11,901 (11,901f 531 (11,370) 110 - Special Alcohol Fund 20,342 5150 f, 15,192 15,192 111 - Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 1,566,818 641,109 2,207,927 115 • Economic Opportunity Fund 150,000 25,000 175,000 130 • Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 .. ,:;,, ;f£':~~~l::il 0 131 - Fun Valley Fund 351 351 138 • Hutchinson Recreation Comm 615,711 615.;11 rt:. 2,174 2,174 144 • Animal Shelter Fund 71 18,744 66,548 ; :, (47;733)' 8,170 (39,563) 160 • Community Improvement District 79,088 79,086 37,776 37,776 165-E911 Fund 905,807 59,059 174,606 790,261 31,644 621,905 180 - Grants Fund 93,901 3,172 2,672. 94,401' 0 94,401 183 - DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 104,387 3,157 21,429 ' 86,115 66,115 185 - Police Drug Fund 45,316 1 362 ; 44,956 44,956 186 • Planning Grants 98,628 18,216 116,844 116,844 190 - Gossage Trust Fund 9,753 ~ (9,753) (9,753) 199 • Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 1,587,740 453,168 141,808 : <; •,.,,, 1,899,099 369,657 2,268,757 200 • Bond and Interest Fund 373,107 2,616,643 1,250 ~{%:: 2,988,5,00 2,988,500 300 • Special Construction 31 O • Construction in Process 17,473,405 1,308.421 414,444 ~I;i ::.18,367,382: 711,729 19,079,112 400 • Municipal Golf Fund 37,283 118,111 : ' ~ •::\ (80,828f 18,395 (62,433) 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 39,790 84,950 ;'• '. ;;":, (45,161) 6,989 (36,172) 41 o - Refuse Collection Fund 265,227 387,352 366,063 , 286,515 170,063 456,578 411 - Water Fund 4,386,274 1,074,860 1,399,427 4,061,707 261,315 4,248,887 412 - Waste Water Treatment Fund 3,157,135 935,837 969,957 3,103,016 36,889 3,141,905 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 2,399,005 365,680 331,114 ' 2,433,571 774 2,434,345 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 3,285,000 674,527 569,896 3,369,629 15,763 3,405,392 421 • Risk Management Fund 2,225,537 155,939 622,904 1,758,572 14,119 1,772,691 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 1,441,299 96,572 97,258 · 1,440,612 1,440,612 425 • Central Purchasing Fund 124,878 (480) 125,358 125,358 520 • Hutchinson Community Foundatn 93,363 93,363 93,363 530 - Donation Fund 339,103 28,001 6,372 360,733 1,411 362,144 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 34,645 5,850 30,895 9,600 9,600 601 - Payroll Clearing Fund 5,730 (58,125) 602 - Municipal Court Agency Fund 55,483 29,863 19,498 , ,:; , 65,849 2,372 68,221 603 - Agency Fund 10,355 5,135 6,a1s ~ ,:-c:•r•" · •. < s,e10• 466 9,Q78 Grand Total . • $ 44,383,081 . $ 20,202,177 $11,457,606.93 $53,127,651 · $'1.990,552 $ 54,980,213 City of Hutchinson, KS Statement of Cash Receipts • Actual and Budget For the Period Ended February 28, 2018 (With Compartlve Actual Totals for the Prior Year Ended) Current . %Budg,t...... : . --·-~ ···~:_· _·:: . _ :. · .. ·- ..... ~~/.Available . --Act~a.f .·.: : Funds·,~•':::. Actual - Revised Budget ·· : Budget Reve'n'i;'e · LY Actual 001 - General Fund $10,041,871 $34,606,154 $24,564,283 37.6% $33,609,490 60 - Property Tax 5,732,665 11,507,463 5,774,798 53.3% (11,674,997) 61 - Non-Property Taxes 2,444,365 12,280,948 9,836,584 27.5% (11,806,780) 63 - Franchise Fees 926,222 4,957,485 4,031,263 27.9% (4,922,449) 65- Grants 0.0% 67 - License, Permits, an 117,428 470,050 352,622 35.9% (555,704) 69 - Fines, Forfeitures, 134,959 680,650 545,691 34.9% (634,722) 71 - Interest 6,299 17,200 10,901 92.4% (43,409) 73 - Charges for Services 643,100 4,416,780 3,773,680 27.0% (3,824,846) 77 - Miscellaneous and Re 31,684 152,670 120,986 25.6% (115,684) 79 - Transfers In 5,150 122,908 117,758 8.4% (30,900) 103 - Special Street Fund 295,857 2,302,264 2,006,407 19.9% (2,440,679) 109 - Special Park & Rec Fund 247,464 247,464 7.4% (202,356) 110 - Special Alcohol Fund 98,405 98,405 33.3% (97,242) 111 - Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 641,109 3,680,000 3,038,891 23.8% (3,018,984) 115 - Economic Opportunity Fund 25,000 150,000 125,000 33.3% (150,000) 130 - Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 850,000 663,727 21.9% (733,280) 131 - Fun Valley Fund 0.0% (322,529) 138 - Hutchinson Recreation Comm 615,711 1,263,262 647,551 52.1% (1,246,152) 144 - Animal Shelter 18,744 489,489 470,745 20.7% (427,385) 155-Tax Incremental Funding Fund 0.0% 160- Community Improvement District 79,088 900,000 820,912 13.4% (481,823) 165 - E 911 Fund 59,059 352,750 293,691 33.5% (362,736) 180 - Grants Fund 3,172 (3,172) 0.0% (342,464) 183 - DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 3,157 (3,157) 0.0% (36,108) 185 - Police Drug Fund 1 (1) 0.0% (26,703) 186 - Planning Grants 18,216 (18,216) O.Oo/o (80,848) 190 - Gossage Trust Fund 58,515 58,515 0.0% (58,424) 199 - Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 453,168 2,628,904 2,175,736 0.0% (3,308,954) 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 2,616,643 6,097,360 3,480,717 49.7% (9,392,640) 300 - Special Construction 0.0% (485,509) 310 - Construction in Process 1,308,421 26,569,700 25,261,279 0.0% (12,186,154) 400 - Municipal Golf Fund 37,283 932,600 895,317 23.3% (874,504) 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 39,790 580,037 540,247 24.5% (607,728) 410 - Refuse Collection Fund 387,352 2,307,000 1,919,648 30.8% (2,317,391) 411 - Water Fund 1,074,860 7,055,072 5,980,212 29.1% (7,429,925) 412-Waste Water Treatment Fund 935,837 6,652,163 5,716,326 26.5% (5,762,640) 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 365,680 2,162,400 1,796,720 31.6% (2,185,679) 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 674,527 5,733,232 5,058,705 23.5% (4,265,979) 421 - Risk Management Fund 155,939 770,450 614,511 36.8% (892,565) 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 96,572 672,089 575,517 28.8% (584,973) 520 - Hutchinson Community Foundatn O.Oo/o (17,011) 530 - Donation Fund 28,001 (28,001) 0.0% (93,484) 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 5,850 (5,850) 0.0% (62,370) 602 - Municipal Court Agency Fund 29,863 (29,863) 0.0% (126,127) 603 - Agency Fund 5,135 (5,135) 0.0% (60,297) Grand Total $ 20,202,177 $107,169,310· - $ 86,967,133 :' 38.3% $ 941291,136 - City of Hutchinson, KS Statement of Cash Expenditures -Actual and Budget For the Period Ended February 28, 2018 (With Compartive Actual Totals for the Prior Year Ended)

Current ,:: ::~\:_·· :. : _, ·· .. Revised . :+: Avallab.le °/4: ~~a,u,,.,,t ·. ~ . .. .. _::~~ Actual · Budget · . . Budget Exp"nse . . LY Actual ':"' 001 - General Fund $ 4,778,073 $ 35,391,716 $ 30,613,643 13.5% $ 35,399,023 01 - City Council Department 11,829 24,000 12,171 49.3% 20,220 02 - City Manager Department 202,035 1,309,158 1,107,123 15.4% 1,276,356 03 - Human Resources Department 73,785 488,425 414,640 15.1% 446,386 04 - Finance Department 178,839 1,198,306 1,019,467 14.9% 1,181,154 05 - Information Technology Depart 105,387 853,455 748,068 12.3% 1,021,292 06 - Planning & Development Depart 75,883 503,644 427,761 15.1 % 462,458 07 • Law Department 97,100 702,267 605,167 13.8% 654,304 1 O • Public Works Department 370,367 2,710,352 2,339,985 13.7% 2,577,423 20 - Engineering Department 172,862 1,300,941 1,128,079 13.3% 1,327,117 30 - Parks & Facilities Department 554,168 4,481,561 3,927,393 12.4% 3,805,591 40 - Police Department 1,347,314 9,964,212 8,616,898 13.5% 9,654,536 50 • Fire Department 1,366,840 9,557,191 8,190,351 14.3% 9,094,666 60 - Building Inspection & Code Dep 76,216 624,498 548,282 12.2% 614,694 90 - Non-Departmental 145,448 1,673,706 1,528,258 8.7% 3,262,825 103 • Special Street Fund 305,695 2,302,264 1,996,569 13.3% 2,440,679 109 - Special Park & Rec Fund 11,901 247,464 235,563 4.8% 202,356 110 • Special Alcohol Fund 5,150 100,000 94,850 5.2% 103,800 111 - Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 3,085,225 3,085,225 0.0% 3,026,525 115 - Economic Opportunity Fund 0.0% 130 - Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 850,000 663,727 21.9% 733,280 131 - Fun Valley Fund 0.0% 322,529 138 - Hutchinson Recreation Comm 615,711 1,263,262 647,551 48.7% 1,222,240 144 - Animal Shelter Fund 66,548 489,489 422,941 13.6% 427,314 155 -Tax Incremental Funding Fund 7,830 (7,830) 0.0% 741,270 160 - Community Improvement District 79,088 900,000 820,912 8.8% 481,823 165-E911 Fund 174,606 704,510 529,905 24.8% 334,800 180 • Grants Fund 2,672 (2,672) 0.0% 389,883 183 • DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 21,429 (21,429) 0.0% 24,286 185 - Police Drug Fund 362 (362) 0.0% 36,915 186 - Planning Grants 0.0% 37,122 190 - Gossage Trust Fund 9,753 58,515 48,763 16.7% 58,424 199 • Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 141,808 2,628,904 2,487,096 5.4% 2,761,089 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 1,250 6,154,734 6,153,484 0.0% 9,562,296 300 - Special Construction 0.0% 751,947 310- Construction in Process 414,444 26,569,700 26,155,256 1.6% 18,935,371 400 - Municipal Golf Fund 118,111 932,600 814,489 12.7% 864,453 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 84,950 580,037 495,087 14.6% 607,728 410 - Refuse Collection Fund 366,063 2,304,843 1,938,780 15.9% 2,288,215 411 - Water Fund 1,399,427 8,452,760 7,053,333 16.6% 7,403,865 412 - Waste Water Treatment Fund 989,957 6,547,903 5,557,946 15.1% 6,285,077 413 • Storm Water Utility Fund 331,114 1,559,461 1,228,347 21.2% 1,170,571 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 569,898 4,672,635 4,102,737 12.2% 4,333,880 421 - Risk Management Fund 622,904 774,600 151,696 80.4% 749,327 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 97,258 518,100 420,842 18.8% 484,998 425 - Central Purchasing Fund (480) 480 0.0% 3,875 520 - Hutchinson Community Foundatn 0.0% 15,564 530 - Donation Fund 6,372 (6,372) 0.0% 156,771 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 30,895 (30,895) 0.0% 27,725 602 - Municipal Court Agency Fund 19,498 (19,498) 0.0% 121,766 603 - Agency Fund 6,879 (6,879) 0.0% 59,294 Grand Total $ · 11,465,437 $ 107,088,722: $ · 95,623,285 10.7% $ 102,566,081 City of Hutchinson, KS Composition of Cash As of February 28, 2018

Cash Accounts Account Balance Checking Accounts $ 32,741,929 Hutchinson Community Foundation 93,363 Petty Cash 6,017 Municipal Investment Pool 5,629,287 Investments 16,509,617 $ 54,980,213 City of Hutchinson Finance Departm:ent Interoffice Memorandum

To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Angela Richard, Director of Finance Date: April 26, 2018 Re: March 2018 City Council Financial Reports

Each month the Finance Department provides monthly reports consisting of 1) Statement of Cash Receipts, 2) Statement of Expenditures, 3) Statement of Cash Receipts, Expenditures and Cash Balances. These financial reports for March 2018 are submitted for your information and review.

This Statement of Cash Receipts through March 2018, represents all cash received by the City. • General Fund Collections $12,332,325 o Property Tax $6,128,187 or 50% of revenue o Non Property & Sales Tax $ 3,381,818 or 27% of revenue o Franchise Fees $ 1,366,791 or 11 %of revenue • General Fund Expenditures $7,688,280 • Special Revenue Funds Collections $3,347,999 o The 0.35% Sports Arena sales tax collected between 2015 and 2018 totals $8.0 Million, of which $5.59 Million has been paid toward the Bond and interest debt. • The Debt Service Fund is for collection of special assessments and taxes to support bonded City projects. YTD collections were $2.9 Million, consisting mostly of property tax. • The largest of Enterprise funds are the Water, Sewer and Storm Water which account for approximately 84% of the Enterprise Fund collections. The collection within these funds was $3.6 Million. • The Capital Improvement Project & Reserve Fund cash balances total $18.3 Million. City of Hutchinson, KS Summary Statement of Receipts, Expenditures, and Unencumbered Cash For the Period Ended March 31, 2018

B,~ginnlng . Unencumbered Accounts:,:, 'Cas~ Balancf: Revenue t.~. Payablf, .. Ending Ca.~h 001 • General Fund $4,146,253 $ 12,332,325 $ $ 208,777 $ 8,999,075 103 • Special Street Fund 444,115 1,518 1,518 109 • Special Park & Rec Fund 32,771 47 14,446 110 • Special Alcohol Fund 20,342 32,771 33,750 45,388 111 • Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 1,566,818 876,556 2,443,374 115 • Economic Opportunity Fund 150,000 37,500 187,500 130 • Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 186,273 0 131 - Fun Valley Fund 0 0 138 - Hutchinson Recreation Comm 658,291 658,291 0 144 • Animal Shelter Fund 71 92,237 92,308 1,237 1,237 160 • Community Improvement District 120,189 120,432 (243), (243) 165 • E 911 Fund 905,807 89,184 188,633 806i359 6 806,365 180 • Grants Fund 93,901 10,698 2,672 •::, 101,927 0 101,927 183 • DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 104,387 4,967 21,429 ,.. :57;9"25 87,925 185 • Police Drug Fund 45,316 2 362 '44956, 44,956 186 • Planning Grants 98,628 21,305 4,302 :fi5;ei1: 115,631 190 - Gossage Trust Fund 14,629 '(14~629)' (14,629) 199 - Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 1,587,740 741,140 378,359 . 1,95M21: 441,965 2,392,485 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 373,107 2,931,023 881,622 · 2,422:iroe 2,422,509 300 - Special Construction 31 O • Construction in Process 17,473,405 1,752,677 886,736 ,, 1a,339,346 563,121 18,902,468 400 - Municipal Golf Fund 189,290 189,290 0 1,890 1,890 401 • Municipal Airport Fund 122,883 122,883 ,,, 2,022 2,022 41 o - Refuse Collection Fund 265,227 588,689 559,621 294,294 170,287 464,581 411 • Water Fund 4,386,274 1,631,466 1,952,726 '4,065,014 215,069 4,205,947 412 - Waste Water Treatment Fund 3,157,135 1,448,872 1,477,565 3, 128,442 12,108 3,140,551 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 2,399,005 542,330 449,822 2,491ii13 236 2,491,749 420 • Health and Dental Insurance 3,285,000 1,012,912 948,936 . , ~,348,~]7 955 3,349,931 421 • Risk Management Fund 2,225,537 220,694 628,578 ~. :: ,,, ., 1,817,653, 174 1,817,827 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 1,441,299 145,727 150,210: Ll,·;),1A36;B17 1,436,817 425 • Central Purchasing Fund 124,878 (780) ::: ,;;· , \'.; 125Jl58 125,658 520 • Hutchinson Community Foundatn 93,363 ,~· ', . 93;353 93,363 530 • Donation Fund 339,103 57,131 40.62s ;I:.. :35.~,eos: 171 355,780 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 34,645 5,850 30,895 ,, · 9,600,: 9,600 601 - Payroll Clearing Fund (58,066) 602 • Municipal Court Agency Fund 55,483 43,446 22,701 203 76,432 603 - Agency Fund 10,355 9,040 8,872 662 11,185 Grand Total $ 44,383,081 $ 26,382,355 $ 18,210,234 · $ 52,555;201 $1,654,198 $ 54,077,199 City of Hutchinson, KS Statement of Cash Receipts - Actual and Budget For the Period Ended March 31, 2018 (With Compartlve Actual Totals for the Prior Year Ended) ::·:•H1t\- :'-},t~f,'., 0 A!tl;•i~~~=~l~;ll;,:}:{!~!:0l~];f;!}, .· •. ):\ijf/ ·· i·djgj): :> · ,·-/);;.·-~ ·j~;. : ... .•. F.unds· .-,::;:Actual ~ vised Budget~t¼'.·{ Budge(. 'I;"Revenuilf2,l1~:tLv ActJ,ii·,. 001 - General Fund $12,332,325 $34,606,154 $22,273,829 37.6% $33,609,490 60 - Property Tax 6,128,187 11,507,463 5,379,276 53.3% 11,674,997 61 - Non-Property Taxes 3,381,818 12,280,948 8,899,130 27.5% 11,806,780 63 - Franchise Fees 1,366,791 4,957,485 3,590,694 27.9% 4,922,449 65- Grants 0.0% 67 - License, Permits, an 159,512 470,050 310,538 35.9% 555,704 69 - Fines, Forfeitures, 203,338 680,650 477,312 34.9% 634,722 71 - Interest 15,816 17,200 1,384 92.4% 43,409 73 - Charges for Services 1,033,931 4,416,780 3,382,849 27.0% 3,824,846 77 - Miscellaneous and Re 35,207 152,670 117,463 25.6% 115,684 79 - Transfers In 7,725 122,908 115,183 8.4% 30,900 103 - Special Street Fund 444,115 2,302,264 1,858,149 19.9% 2,440,679 109 - Special Park & Rec Fund 32,771 247,464 214,693 7.4% 202,356 110 - Special Alcohol Fund 32,771 98,405 65,634 33.3% 97,242 111 - Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 876,556 3,680,000 2,803,444 23.8% 3,018,984 115 - Economic Opportunity Fund 37,500 150,000 112,500 33.3% 150,000 130 - Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 850,000 663,727 21.9% 733,280 131 - Fun Valley Fund 0.0% 322,529 138 - Hutchinson Recreation Comm 658,291 1,263,262 604,971 52.1% 1,246,152 144 -Animal Shelter 92,237 489,489 397,252 20.7% 427,385 155 - Tax Incremental Funding Fund 0.0% 160- Community Improvement District 120,189 900,000 779,811 13.4% 481,823 165 - E 911 Fund 89,184 352,750 263,566 33.5% 362,736 180 - Grants Fund 10,698 (10,698) 0.0% 342,464 183 - DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 4,967 {4,967) 0.0% 36,108 185 - Police Drug Fund 2 (2) 0.0% 26,703 186 - Planning Grants 21,305 (21,305) 0.0% 80,848 190 - Gossage Trust Fund 58,515 58,515 0.0% 58,424 199 - Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 741,140 2,628,904 1,887,764 0.0% 3,308,954 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 2,931,023 6,097,360 3,166,337 49.7% 9,392,640 300 - Special Construction 0.0% 485,509 310 - Construction in Process 1,752,677 26,569,700 24,817,023 0.0% 12,186,154 400 - Municipal Golf Fund 189,290 932,600 743,310 23.3% 874,504 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 122,883 580,037 457,154 24.5% 607,728 410- Refuse Collection Fund 588,689 2,307,000 1,718,311 30.8% 2,317,391 411 - Water Fund 1,631,466 7,055,072 5,423,606 29.1% 7,429,925 412 - Waste Water Treatment Fund 1,448,872 6,652,163 5,203,291 26.5% 5,762,640 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 542,330 2,162,400 1,620,070 31.6% 2,185,679 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 1,012,912 5,733,232 4,720,320 23.5% 4,265,979 421 - Risk Management Fund 220,694 770,450 549,756 36.8% 892,565 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 145,727 672,089 526,362 28.8% 584,973 520 - Hutchinson Community Foundatn 0.0% 17,011 530 - Donation Fund 57,131 (57,131) 0.0% 93,484 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 5,850 (5,850) 0.0% 62,370 602 - Municipal Court Agency Fund 43,446 (43,446) 0.0% 126,127 603 - Agenc~ Fund 91040 (91040) 0.0% 601297 Grand Total · \;, '..·$ 2613821355 'yf:$107z159z310~1fi(; $ 80z776!955 ,r 38.3%}~\/¥$ 941291!l136 City of Hutchinson, KS Statement of Cash Expenditures • Actual and Budget For the Period Ended March 31, 2018 (With Compartive Actual Totals for the Prior Year Ended)

Jiz<:,.-r::, 'Fund .. ,····Ac:tual 001 - General Fund $ 7,688,280 27,703,436 35,399,023 01 • City Council Department 12,054 11,946 20,220 02 - City Manager Department 395,480 913,678 1,276,356 03 - Human Resources Department 114,426 373,999 446,386 04 - Finance Department 267,794 930,512 1,181,154 05 - Information Technology Depart 213,282 640,173 1,021,292 06 - Planning & Development Depart 104,324 399,320 462,458 07 - Law Department 145,878 556,389 654,304 10- Public Works Department 546,631 2,163,721 20.2% 2,577,423 20 - Engineering Department 263,078 1,037,863 20.2% 1,327,117 30 - Parks & Facilities Department 875,226 3,606,335 19.5% 3,805,591 40 - Police Department 2,057,768 7,906,444 20.7% 9,654,536 50 - Fire Department 2,072,510 7,484,681 21.7% 9,094,666 60 - Building Inspection & Code Dep 119,024 505,474 19.1% 614,694 90 - Non-Departmental 500,806 1,172,900 29.9% 3,262,825 103 - Special Street Fund 444,115 1,858,149 19.3% 2,440,679 109 - Special Park & Rec Fund 18,371 229,093 7.4% 202,356 110 - Special Alcohol Fund 41,475 58,525 41.5% 103,800 111 - Sports Arena Sales Tax Fund 3,085,225 0.0% 3,026,525 115 - Economic Opportunity Fund 0.0% 130 - Convention and Tourism Fund 186,273 850,000 663,727 21.9% 733,280 131 - Fun Valley Fund 0.0% 322,529 138 - Hutchinson Recreation Comm 658,291 1,263,262 604,971 52.1 % 1,222,240 144 - Animal Shelter Fund 92,308 489,489 397,181 18.9% 427,314 155 - Tax Incremental Funding Fund 0.0% 741,270 160- Community Improvement District 120,432 900,000 779,568 13.4% 481,823 165 • E 911 Fund 188,633 704,510 515,877 26.8% 334,800 180 - Grants Fund 2,672 (2,672) 0.0% 389,883 183 - DHRP Revolving Loans Fund 21,429 (21,429) 0.0% 24,286 185 - Police Drug Fund 362 (362) 0.0% 36,915 186 - Planning Grants 4,302 (4,302) 0.0% 37,122 190- Gossage Trust Fund 14,629 58,515 43,886 25.0% 58,424 199 - Municipal Equipment Rsrv Fund 378,359 2,628,904 2,250,545 14.4% 2,761,089 200 - Bond and Interest Fund 881,622 6,154,734 5,273,112 14.3% 9,562,296 300 - Special Construction 0.0% 751,947 310 - Construction in Process 886,736 26,569,700 25,682,964 3.3% 18,935,371 400 - Municipal Golf Fund 189,290 932,600 743,310 20.3% 864,453 401 - Municipal Airport Fund 122,883 580,037 457,154 21.2% 607,728 410- Refuse Collection Fund 559,621 2,304,843 1,745,222 24.3% 2,288,215 411 - Water Fund 1,952,726 8,452,760 6,500,034 23.1 % 7,403,865 412 - Waste Water Treatment Fund 1,477,565 6,547,903 5,070,338 22.6% 6,285,077 413 - Storm Water Utility Fund 449,822 1,559,461 1,109,639 28.8% 1,170,571 420 - Health and Dental Insurance 948,936 4,672,635 3,723,699 20.3% 4,333,880 421 - Risk Management Fund 628,578 774,600 146,022 81.1% 749,327 422 - Workers Compensation Fund 150,210 518,100 367,890 29.0% 484,998 425 - Central Purchasing Fund (780) 780 0.0% 3,875 520 - Hutchinson Community Foundatn 0.0% 15,564 530 - Donation Fund 40,625 (40,625) 0.0% 156,771 600 - Fire Proceeds Agency Fund 30,895 (30,895) 0.0% 27,725 602 - Municipal Court Agency Fund 22,701 (22,701) 0.0% 121,766 603 - Agency Fund 8,872 (8,872) 0.0% 59,294

'.Grand Total 'i:;i,\'t :.. ··· i. >$<• 18,2101234 ·k$ 107,088,722W$ 88,878,488~~:: ;. 17;0%(·,$ ,102,566,081 ~· City of Hutchinson, KS Composition of Cash As of March 31, 2018

Cash Accounts Account Balance Checking Accounts $ 31,412,072 Hutchinson Community Foundation 93,363 Petty Cash 6,017 Municipal Investment Pool 6,031,451 Investments 16,534,297 Grand Total · $ : 54;077,199 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 1 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshclsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHIC DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC 314 05/10/2018 WIRE 249 COBRAGUARD, INC 5891461 05/01/2018 180028 051018 233.50 Invoice: 5891461 CobraGuard 233.50 420 52170 Health & Dental Plan Admin CHECK 314 TOTAL: 233.50

315 05/10/2018 WIRE 764 LDF SALES & DIST INC 173504 05/03/2018 180004 051018 176.00 Invoice: 173504 BEER 176.00 40030309 53240 Golf Alcoholic Beverages CHECK 315 TOTAL: 176.00

316 05/10/2018 WIRE 226 CITY BEVERAGE COMPANY INC 345352 05/07/2018 180005 051018 322.00 Invoice: 345352 BEER 322.00 40030309 53240 Golf Alcoholic Beverages CHECK 316 TOTAL: 322.00

3182 05/10/2018 EFT 20 ADVANCE TERMITE & PEST CTRL, INC 238,304 04/15/2018 181339 051018 600.00 Invoice: 238,304 Installation and monitoring of termite stations 600.00 00130302 52980 Zoo Misc Contractual CHECK 3182 TOTAL: 600.00

3183 05/10/2018 EFT 64 ANDERSON ALIGNMENT SERVICE LLC 37050 05/02/2018 180084 051018 417.14 Invoice: 37050 repairs & alignment - #547 417.14 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 3183 TOTAL: 417.14

3184 05/10/2018 EFT 137 BLACK HILLS ENERGY 6530106906MAY18 05/07/2018 180063 051018 178.79 Invoice: 6530106906MAY18 MAY 18 SERV/CTC 178.79 00150500 52620 Fire Gas BLACK HILLS ENERGY 1004043301MAY18 05/07/2018 180059 051018 34.39 Invoice: 1004043301MAY18 MAY 18 SEERV/DISPOSAL WELL GENERATOR 34.39 41110143 52620 Water Production Gas CHECK 3184 TOTAL: 213.18

3185 05/10/2018 EFT 311 DATAPROSE, LLC DP1801365 04/30/2018 180077 051018 11,302.84 Invoice: DP1801365 Statement Processing for April 2018 9,030.98 00104043 52210 Utility Billing Postage 2,271.86 00104043 52980 Utility 1ijJJiog Misc Contract COUNCIL COMMUNICATION FOR MEETING OF AGENDA ITEM FOR ACTION INFORMATION ONLY 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 2 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHIC DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 3185 TOTAL: 11,302.84

3186 05/10/2018 EFT 474 GOLDSTAG SECURITY 9131 04/26/2018 180260 051018 600.00 Invoice: 9131 Security service monthly fee for zoo 600.00 00130302 52980 Zoo Misc Contractual CHECK 3186 TOTAL: 600.00

3187 05/10/2018 EFT 540 HOMETOWNFOOD STORES 34485 05/01/2018 181340 051018 41. 04 Invoice: 34485 Janitorial supplies - Zoo 41.04 00130302 53204 Zoo Cleaning Supplies CHECK 3187 TOTAL: 41. 04

3188 05/10/2018 EFT 691 KANSAS ONE-CALL SYSTEM, INC 8040300 04/30/2018 180527 051018 651. 60 Invoice: 8040300 April 2018 Locates 217.20 41110145 52980 Water Distribution Misc Contra 217.20 41210155 52980 Sanitary Sewer Misc Contract 217.20 41310160 52980 Storm Sewer Misc Contractual CHECK 3188 TOTAL: 651.60

3189 05/10/2018 EFT 724 KIMBALL MIDWEST 6308672 04/25/2018 181126 051018 1,349.21 Invoice: 6308672 clamps - stock 1,349.21 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts KIMBALL MIDWEST 6307336 04/25/2018 181126 051018 190.02 Invoice: 6307336 clamps - stock 190.02 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 3189 TOTAL: 1,539.23

3190 05/10/2018 EFT 927 OFS, INC 90778 04/26/2018 180332 051018 2,732.40 Invoice: 90778 Blanket Order for Ferrous Chlo 2,732.40 41210150 53203 WWTP Chemicals CHECK 3190 TOTAL: 2,732.40

3191 05/10/2018 EFT 986 PRAIRIE FIRE COFFEE 1032836 05/04/2018 180419 051018 83.80 Invoice: 1032836 Coffee 83.80 40030309 53241 Golf Other Beverages CHECK 3191 TOTAL: 83.80 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 3 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CBK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

3192 05/10/2018 EFT 990 PRAIRIELAND PARTNERS 15721 76 04/11/2018 180534 051018 99,481.08 Invoice: 1572176 2 Mowers - Forestry Bid 18-79 99,481.08 E 199300003-303-1-4300 199 54316 Other Equipment CHECK 3192 TOTAL: 99,481.08

3193 05/10/2018 EFT 1011 PUR-O-ZONE INC 747133 05/04/2018 180924 051018 228.80 Invoice: 747133 Install of dispensers, Station 228.80 00150500 53204 Fire Cleaning Supplies CHECK 3193 TOTAL: 228.80

3194 05/10/2018 EFT 1028 RAMSEY PROPANE INC 73704 05/01/2018 180122 051018 85.00 Invoice: 73704 propane - fork lift central garage 85.00 00110105 53229 Central Gar Shop Propane RAMSEY PROPANE INC 73707 05/02/2018 181361 051018 23.76 Invoice: 73707 Propane for patching 23.76 10310120 53229 Street Propane CHECK 3194 TOTAL: 108.76

3195 05/10/2018 EFT 1069 ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 326645B 05/01/2018 180140 051018 23.76 Invoice: 326645B lamps - stock 23.76 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 326665B 05/01/2018 180140 051018 62.99 Invoice: 326665B parts - #249 police 62.99 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 326671B 05/01/2018 180140 051018 25.80 Invoice: 326671B parts - Engine 1 25.80 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 326802B 05/02/2018 180140 051018 15.82 Invoice: 326802B wiper blades - stock 15.82 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 326812B 05/02/2018 180140 051018 34.39 Invoice: 326812B parts - Brush 32 34.39 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 326830B 05/02/2018 180140 051018 269.62 Invoice: 326830B parts - stock 269.62 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 4 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDORNAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 3195 TOTAL: 432.38

3196 05/10/2018 EFT 1087 SALINA SUPPLY CO S100115281.001 04/20/2018 181326 051018 1,487.75 Invoice: S100115281.001 8" x 6" tapping saddles 1,487.75 41110145 53218 Water Distribution Pluming Sup CHECK 3196 TOTAL: 1,487.75

3197 05/10/2018 EFT 1108 SCHULTE SUPPLY INC. Sll36344.001 04/10/2018 181108 051018 2,499.00 Invoice: Sll36344.001 16" Gas Powered Chainsaw 2,499.00 41110145 54317 Water Distribution Maint Equip CHECK 3197 TOTAL: 2,499.00

3198 05/10/2018 EFT 1327 WARNKENENTERPRISES 4P-GW2018 04/27/2018 181270 051018 524.50 Invoice: 4P-GW2018 Contract Mowing 524.50 00130303 52980 Forestry & Hort Misc Contract WARNKENENTERPRISES 1L-GW2018 04/25/2018 181338 051018 76.00 Invoice: 1L-GW2018 LAND BANK MOWING 76.00 E 186061502-060-1-2980 186 52980 Planning Grant Misc Contract WARNKENENTERPRISES 5F-GW2018 05/02/2018 181157 051018 374.00 Invoice: 5F-GW2018 Blanket PO for mowing services 374.00 00150500 52980 Fire Misc Contractual WARNKENENTERPRISES 5W-GW2018 05/03/2018 181107 051018 236.50 Invoice: 5W-GW2018 Mowing (water wells and towers 236.50 41110143 52980 Water Production Misc Contract WARNKENENTERPRISES 1P-GW2018 04/06/2018 181270 051018 524.50 Invoice: 1P-GW2018 Contract Mowing 524.50 00130303 52980 Forestry & Hort Misc Contract WARNKENENTERPRISES 5P-GW2018 05/03/2018 181270 051018 524.50 Invoice: 5P-GW2018 Contract Mowing 524.50 00130303 52980 Forestry & Hort Misc Contract CHECK 3198 TOTAL: 2,260.00

3199 05/10/2018 EFT 1379 WRAY & SONS ROOFING INC 04262018-1 04/26/2018 181359 051018 20.00 Invoice: 04262018-1 WRAY & SONS - INVOICE - AIRPOR 20.00 40130307 53214 Airport Minor Equipment 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 5 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 3199 TOTAL: 20.00

149512 05/10/2018 PRTD 25 AETNA-HARTFORD 04202018 04/20/2018 180032 051018 13,523.50 Invoice: 04202018 Aetna - Hartford-April-Cust No 0284009 13,523.50 420 52170 Health & Dental Plan Admin CHECK 149512 TOTAL: 13,523.50

149513 05/10/2018 PRTD 44 ALLIED PAINTING 2 05/01/2018 181036 051018 7,315.00 Invoice: 2 FTC Interior Painting Bid 18-9 7,315.00 E 310500001-500-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay ALLIED PAINTING 3 05/01/2018 181344 051018 1,355.00 Invoice: 3 Interior painting at CTC 1,355.00 E 310500001-500-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149513 TOTAL: 8,670.00

149514 05/10/2018 PRTD 67 APAC, INC - SHEARS DIV 8001725300 04/20/2018 181343 051018 267.23 Invoice: 8001725300 Asphalt-Gutter Rpair (Street)/Prep chip seal (Eng) 71.04 10310120 53202 Street Asphalt 196.19 E 310100004-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149514 TOTAL: 267.23

149515 05/10/2018 PRTD 86 AT&T 2100721744740MAY18 05/03/2018 180161 051018 ll7.06 Invoice: 2100721744740MAY18 MAY 18 VOICEMAIL 117.06 00105050 52640 Information Tech Telephone AT&T 6206649897MAY18 05/03/2018 180065 051018 177.87 Invoice: 6206649897MAY18 MAY 18 FUN VALLEY CREDIT CARD 177.87 00130305 52640 Fun Valley Telephone AT&T 6206635051MAY18 05/04/2018 180069 051018 106.83 Invoice: 6206635051MAY18 MAY 18 SERV/EASTSIDE 106.83 00130317 52640 Eastside Cemetery Telephone AT&T 0207114137001MAY18 05/04/2018 180070 051018 42. 71 Invoice: 0207114137001MAY18 MAY 18 SERV/EASTSIDE 42.71 00130317 52640 Eastside Cemetery Telephone AT&T 2100740551106APR18 04/25/2018 180794 051018 244.57 05/09/2018 11:47 !City of Hutchinson IP 6 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHICDATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC Invoice: 2100740551106APR18 911 Circuit Charge 244.57 E 165401101-406-1- 165 52450 E911 Trans Fee AT&T 0744402258-042518 04/25/2018 181376 051018 132.36 Invoice: 0744402258-042518 AT&T 911 Circuit APR18 132.36 00140406 52640 Dispatch Telephone CHECK 149515 TOTAL: 821.40

149516 05/10/2018 PRTD 88 ATHCO LLC 0021790-IN 04/26/2018 181351 051018 76.00 Invoice: 0021790-IN ATHCO LLC - ORCHARD PARK - INV 76.00 00130301 53201 Park Maint Ag & Hort Supplies CHECK 149516 TOTAL: 76.00

149517 05/10/2018 PRTD 170 BUILDING CONTROLS & SERVICES 28826 02/10/2018 171874 051018 3,754.00 Invoice: 28826 BCS- AIRPORT 3,754.00 40130307 52963 Airport Software Maintenance CHECK 149517 TOTAL: 3,754.00

149518 05/10/2018 PRTD 180 CAIN 051218 PER DIEM 05/03/2018 181358 051018 276.00 Invoice: 051218 PER DIEM 05/12/18 per diem/Nashville, TN 276.00 00150500 52340 Fire Travel CHECK 149518 TOTAL: 276.00

149519 05/10/2018 PRTD 190 CARL VINCENT SERVICE 42613 04/27/2018 181346 051018 40.00 Invoice: 42613 monthly portable 40.00 00150500 52980 Fire Misc Contractual CHECK 149519 TOTAL: 40.00

149520 05/10/2018 PRTD 1808 CAROSELLI MARYANN 2018C49 05/02/2018 181354 051018 1,000.00 Invoice: 2018C49 2018 SculptureWalk 1,000.00 E 530020000-020-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149520 TOTAL: 1,000.00

149521 05/10/2018 PRTD 193 CARQUEST OF HUTCHINSON 6869-249300 04/27/2018 180109 051018 -97.73 Invoice: 6869-249300 returned parts - Engine 5 -97.73 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts 05/09/2018 11:47 !City of Hutchinson IP 7 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

CARQUEST OF HUTCHINSON 6869-249538 05/01/2018 180109 051018 842.40 Invoice: 6869-249538 brake pad - Engine 1 842.40 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149521 TOTAL: 744.67

149522 05/10/2018 PRTD 211 CENTRAL WELDING & MACHINE, LLC 6795 04/11/2018 181355 051018 1,443.00 Invoice: 6795 Cage & bolts-17th & Main (Phase III Main Street) 1,443.00 E 310201701-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149522 TOTAL: 1,443.00

149523 05/10/2018 PRTD 212 CENTURY LINK 313937254APR18 04/25/2018 180542 051018 293.00 Invoice: 313937254APR18 CenturyLink - Wireless Phase 1 293.00 E 165401101-406-1- 165 52450 E911 Trans Fee CHECK 149523 TOTAL: 293.00

149524 05/10/2018 PRTD 268 CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201058 04/17/2018 180936 051018 344.75 Invoice: 90201058 11th & Cochran 344.75 41310160 53205 Storm Sewer Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201076 04/19/2018 180936 051018 2,167.00 Invoice: 90201076 11th & Cochran 2,167.00 41310160 53205 Storm Sewer Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201086 04/20/2018 180936 051018 197.00 Invoice: 90201086 11th & Cochran 197.00 41310160 53205 Storm Sewer Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201047 04/16/2018 180225 051018 566.38 Invoice: 90201047 CONCRETE/ 8th & Van Buren 566.38 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201088 04/20/2018 180225 051018 217.00 Invoice: 90201088 814 E. 30TH / FLOWABLE FILL 217.00 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201069 04/18/2018 180225 051018 295.50 Invoice: 90201069 CONCRETE/ 209 E. 9TH 295.50 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201060 04/17/2018 180225 051018 158.00 Invoice: 90201060 209 E. 9TH / FLOWABLE FILL 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 8 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC 158.00 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90201068 04/18/2018 181362 051018 246.25 Invoice: 90201068 Concrete for plumbers cut 1818 246.25 10310120 53205 Street Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 9020159 04/17/2018 181362 051018 127.00 Invoice: 9020159 Concrete for plumbers cut 1818 127.00 10310120 53205 Street Concrete CHECK 149524 TOTAL: 4,318.88

149525 05/10/2018 PRTD 279 COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250626 04/30/2018 180131 051018 613.60 Invoice: 1-250626 2 new tires - #574 water 613.60 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250741 05/02/2018 180131 051018 38.63 Invoice: 1-250741 tire repair - #9 street 38.63 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250786 05/03/2018 180131 051018 17.00 Invoice: 1-250786 tire repair - #304 park 17.00 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250787 05/03/2018 180131 051018 21. 63 Invoice: 1-250787 tire repair - #537 Sewer 21.63 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250827 05/04/2018 180131 051018 40.67 Invoice: 1-250827 tire repair - #325 park 40.67 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC l-GS250742 05/02/2018 180131 051018 269.40 Invoice: l-GS250742 2 new tires - #240 police 269.40 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149525 TOTAL: 1,000.93

149526 05/10/2018 PRTD 294 CULLIGAN WATER TREATMENT 50658MAY18 05/01/2018 180209 051018 73.20 Invoice: 50658MAY18 Water for Dispatch 73.20 00140406 53101 Dispatch Office Supplies CULLIGAN WATER TREATMENT WWTF - April 2018 04/30/2018 181356 051018 136.00 Invoice: WWTF - April 2018 Lab and drinking water 52.40 41210150 53209 WWTP Household Supplies 83.60 41210150 53213 WWTP Medical & Lab CULLIGAN WATER TREATMENT May bill 05/01/2018 180199 051018 41.75 Invoice: May bill Water for staff/volunteers 41.75 14440409 52840 Animal Shelter Office Equp Rnt 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 9 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL fapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

CHECK 149526 TOTAL: 250.95

149527 05/10/2018 PRTD 304 DAN DEE AIR INC 74264 04/19/2018 181335 051018 300.00 Invoice: 74264 SS box and aluminum bar 300.00 41210150 53214 WWTP Minor Equipment DAN DEE AIR INC 74291 04/26/2018 181335 051018 45.00 Invoice: 74291 SS box and aluminum bar 45.00 41210150 53214 WWTP Minor Equipment CHECK 149527 TOTAL: 345.00

149528 05/10/2018 PRTD 314 DAVIS 050118 per diem 05/07/2018 181388 051018 46.00 Invoice: 050118 per diem Deliver Tricaster loanerTULSA, OK 46.00 00105050 52340 Information Tech Travel DAVIS 040918 PER DIEM/TOLL05/07/2018 181389 051018 64.50 Invoice: 040918 PER DIEM/TOLL CONFERENCE/OKC 64.50 00105050 52340 Information Tech Travel CHECK 149528 TOTAL: 110.50

149529 05/10/2018 PRTD 340 DOONAN TRUCK & EQ OF WICHITA. INC WP366604 05/01/2018 180096 051018 115.48 Invoice: WP366604 parts - #0 Street 115.48 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149529 TOTAL: 115.48

149530 05/10/2018 PRTD 350 DYE REIMB MILEAGE 04251805/03/2018 181360 051018 221.27 Invoice: REIMB MILEAGE 042518 Mileage for KACM Spring Confe 221.27 00102020 52340 City Manager Travel CHECK 149530 TOTAL: 221.27

149531 05/10/2018 PRTD 1620 EAGLE COMMUNICATIONS 507950 04/10/2018 181241 051018 1,117.80 Invoice: 507950 Airport -- Advisory Commit Flyin Radio 1,117.80 E 530300001-307-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149531 TOTAL: 1,117.80

149532 05/10/2018 PRTD 397 FASTENAL CO KSHUT213253 04/26/2018 181327 051018 24.12 Invoice: KSHUT213253 Janitorial supplies - Park 24.12 00130301 53204 Park Maint Cleaning Supplies 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 10 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHIC DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

FASTENAL CO KSHUT213344 04/30/2018 181342 051018 29.64 Invoice: KSHUT213344 Marking Paint - Engineering 29.64 00120200 53217 Engineering Paint & Supplies

FASTENAL CO KSHUT213345 04/30/2018 181357 051018 65.76 Invoice: KSHUT213345 Janitorial supplies - Public Works 21.92 10310120 53204 Street Cleaning Supplies 21.92 41110145 53204 Water Distribution Cleaning Su 21.92 41210155 53204 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning Suppl FASTENAL CO KSHUT213252 04/30/2018 180107 051018 44.43 Invoice: KSHUT213252 fasteners & hose clamps - stock 44.43 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149532 TOTAL: 163.95

149533 05/10/2018 PRTD 1423 GPS INSIGHT LLC 1042969 04/30/2018 181375 051018 550.00 Invoice: 1042969 GPS Units - Animal Control #219 #220 550.00 00140408 53214 Animal Control Minor Equipment CHECK 149533 TOTAL: 550.00

149534 05/10/2018 PRTD 491 GREGORY JOHNSON FINE ART, INC 2018C51 05/02/2018 181379 051018 1,000.00 Invoice: 2018C51 2018 SculptureWalk 1,000.00 E 530020000-020-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149534 TOTAL: 1,000.00

149535 05/10/2018 PRTD 523 HELENA CHEMICAL CO 64220751 03/09/2018 180781 051018 3,455.00 Invoice: 64220751 Chemical/Fertilizer Bid 18-85 880.00 00130303 53203 Forestry & Hort Chemicals 2,345.00 40030309 53201 Golf Ag & Hort Supplies 230.00 40030309 53203 Golf Chemicals CHECK 149535 TOTAL: 3,455.00

149536 05/10/2018 PRTD 532 HILL'S PET NUTRITION SALES, INC. 230466527 05/04/2018 180245 051018 39.08 Invoice: 230466527 Food for Shelter Animals 39.08 14440409 53206 Animal Shelter Animal Food CHECK 149536 TOTAL: 39.08 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 11 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149537 05/10/2018 PRTD 703 HUTCHINSON RENO CO ARTS/HUMANITIE 2018C91#1 05/01/2018 180229 051018 8,650.00 Invoice: 2018C91#1 2018 Subsidy 1st Quarter 8,650.00 E 001900003-900-1-2980 00190903 52980 Non Dept Misc Contractual HUTCHINSON RENO CO ARTS/HUMANITIE 2018C91#2 05/01/2018 180229 051018 Invoice: 2018C91#2 2018 Subsidy 2nd Quarter 8,650.00 8,650.00 E 001900003-900-1-2980 00190903 52980 Non Dept Misc Contractual CHECK 149537 TOTAL: 17,300.00

149538 05/10/2018 PRTD 579 HUTCHINSON TOWN CLUB TownClub-April 04/30/2018 180186 051018 86.80 Invoice: TownClub-April Monthly dues and meals for April 60.00 00102020 52453 City Manager Dues & Mernbersh 26.80 00102020 53207 Food CHECK 149538 TOTAL: 86.80

149539 05/10/2018 PRTD 583 IBT INC 7236470 05/01/2018 181370 051018 120.92 Invoice: 7236470 Medical supplies, stations 120.92 00150500 53213 Fire Medical & Lab IBT INC 7234349 04/27/2018 180105 051018 262.10 Invoice: 7234349 filters - stock 262.10 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149539 TOTAL: 383.02

149540 05/10/2018 PRTD 1682 INSURANCE CENTER, INC. 9110 04/23/2018 181320 051018 2,075.98 Invoice: 9110 360 Safety-May 2018/Mileage for mtg 4-19-18 2,075.98 00110100 52980 PW Adrnin Misc Contract CHECK 149540 TOTAL: 2,075.98

149541 05/10/2018 PRTD 589 IDEXX DISTRIBUTION, INC 3023724924 11/14/2017 181353 051018 150.90 Invoice: 3023724924 Vessels 16.51 41210150 52220 WWTP Freight 134.39 41210150 53213 WWTP Medical & Lab CHECK 149541 TOTAL: 150.90 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 12 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149542 05/10/2018 PRTD 633 JCS INDUSTRIES, INC 6804 04/27/2018 181337 051018 726. 00 Invoice: 6804 Chlorine Feeder Kit 726.00 41110143 53214 Water Production Minor Equip CHECK 149542 TOTAL: 726.00

149543 05/10/2018 PRTD 652 KA-COMM INC 160594 04/16/2018 181341 051018 97.08 Invoice: 160594 Parts - Tender 4 97.08 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149543 TOTAL: 97.08

149544 05/10/2018 PRTD 680 KANSAS GAS SERVICE 510227480APR18 05/03/2018 180182 051018 39.20 Invoice: 510227480APR18 APR 18 SERV WTC 39.20 41110143 52620 Water Production Gas CHECK 149544 TOTAL: 39.20

149545 05/10/2018 PRTD 1051 KANSAS MAYORS ASSOCIATION 18-275 04/18/2018 181366 051018 50.00 Invoice: 18-275 2018 Membership Dues 50.00 00101010 52453 City Council Dues & Membership CHECK 149545 TOTAL: 50.00

149546 05/10/2018 PRTD 711 KANSASLAND TIRE OF HUTCHINSON 199906 04/25/2018 180151 051018 28.00 Invoice: 199906 tire repair - Truck 3 Fire 28.00 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149546 TOTAL: 28.00

149547 05/10/2018 PRTD 1813 ROLLIN KARG 2018C52 05/02/2018 181380 051018 1,000.00 Invoice: 2018C52 2018 SculptureWalk 1,000.00 E 530020000-020-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149547 TOTAL: 1,000.00

149548 05/10/2018 PRTD 731 KONECRANES INC. WIC001025483 04/24/2018 181369 051018 400.00 Invoice: WIC001025483 Overhead Crane Inspection (do not pay tax) 400.00 41210150 52980 WWTP Misc Contractual KONECRANES INC. WIC001025484 04/24/2018 181142 051018 600.00 Invoice: WIC001025484 Crane Inspection (do not pay tax) 600.00 41110143 52730 Water Production Plant Eq Rep 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 13 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHIC DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

CHECK 149548 TOTAL: 1,000.00

149549 05/10/2018 PRTD 753 LAMBERT VET SUPPLY LVSI02035653 05/04/2018 180216 051018 490.46 Invoice: LVSI02035653 Medical Supplies 490.46 14440409 53213 Animal Shelter Medical & Lab CHECK 149549 TOTAL: 490. 46

149550 05/10/2018 PRTD 760 LAW OFFICE OF BENJAMIN FISHER 4/30/2018 04/30/2018 180174 051018 1,716.67 Invoice: 4/30/2018 Municipal Court Defense Counsel for April 1,716.67 00107075 52130 Municipal Court Legal Services CHECK 149550 TOTAL: 1,716.67

149551 05/10/2018 PRTD 803 MARK BORECKY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 18094 05/01/2018 180276 051018 62.50 Invoice: 18094 Board up unsafe structures-600 S Elm 18-774 62.50 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual CHECK 149551 TOTAL: 62.50

149552 05/10/2018 PRTD 1712 MIDWAY MOTORS SUPERCENTER 105806 05/03/2018 180153 051018 25,120.00 Invoice: 105806 New truck - #122 Hort & Forestry 25,120.00 E 199300003-303-1-4300 199 54316 Other Equipment CHECK 149552 TOTAL: 25,120.00

149553 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 ALEXIS COHEN 2905COHEN 05/03/2018 051018 SO.OD Invoice: 2905COHEN DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK SO.OD E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149553 TOTAL: SO.OD

149554 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 ANNASATCIA DUNN 3014DUNN 05/03/2018 051018 SO.OD Invoice: 3014DUNN DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149554 TOTAL: SO.OD 05/09/2018 11:47 !City of Hutchinson IP 14 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149555 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 CECILIA LOZADA 2895LOZADA 05/03/2018 051018 50.00 Invoice: 2895LOZADA DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149555 TOTAL: 50.00

149556 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 CYNTHIA TRACY 2478TRACY 05/03/2018 051018 50.00 Invoice: 2478TRACY DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149556 TOTAL: 50.00

149557 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 DAWNKALISH 3001KALISH 05/07/2018 051018 50.00 Invoice: 3001KALISH DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149557 TOTAL: 50.00

149558 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 HUTCHINSON HIGH SCHOOL 2953HUTCHINSON HIGH 05/07/2018 051018 50.00 Invoice: 2953HUTCHINSON HIGH DEPOSIT REFUND 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149558 TOTAL: 50.00

149559 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 JACQUE STRAWN 3038STRAWN 05/03/2018 051018 50.00 Invoice: 3038STRAWN DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149559 TOTAL: 50.00

149560 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 JIM COOK 3046COOK 05/07/2018 051018 50.00 Invoice: 3046COOK DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 15 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149560 TOTAL: SO.OD

149561 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 MARK HUNTER 3004HUNTER 05/07/2018 051018 50.00 Invoice: 3004HUNTER DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK SO.DO E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149561 TOTAL: 50.00

149562 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 MIRANDA ACKLEY 2864ACKLEY 05/07/2018 051018 SO.OD Invoice: 2864ACKLEY DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S SO.DO E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149562 TOTAL: SO.OD

149563 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 RHONDA REIBERT 2990HEIBERT 04/25/2018 051018 67.50 Invoice: 2990HEIBERT CANCEL RESERVATION - RICE PARK 67.50 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149563 TOTAL: 67.50

149564 05/10/2018 PRTD 1403 ROSA MARTINEZ 2979MARTINEZ 05/03/2018 051018 SO.OD Invoice: 2979MARTINEZ DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK SO.DO E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149564 TOTAL: SO.OD

149565 05/10/2018 PRTD 913 NISLY BROTHERS TRASH SERVICES, IN 0000128079 04/26/2018 180576 051018 298.00 Invoice: 0000128079 Roll off monthly service fee 298.00 41210150 52660 WWTP Landfill Assessment CHECK 149565 TOTAL: 298.00

149566 05/10/2018 PRTD 913 NISLY BROTHERS TRASH SERVICES, IN 0000128940 05/04/2018 180111 051018 650.79 Invoice: 0000128940 MAR 30-APR 20 TEMP CONTAINERS 650.79 41010130 52980 Refuse Misc Contractual 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 16 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHIC DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149566 TOTAL: 650.79

149567 05/10/2018 PRTD 921 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 0283-461058 04/30/2018 180141 051018 95.48 Invoice: 0283-461058 shocks - #134 Garage 95.48 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 0283-461281 05/01/2018 180141 051018 101. 22 Invoice: 0283-461281 shocks - #249 police 101.22 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149567 TOTAL: 196.70

149568 05/10/2018 PRTD 936 ORKIN - SALINA 169295375 04/19/2018 180340 051018 23.00 Invoice: 169295375 ORKIN - RICE PARK COMMUNITY BU 23.00 00130301 52980 Park Maint Misc Contractual CHECK 149568 TOTAL: 23.00

149569 05/10/2018 PRTD 944 PARADIGM GROUP, LLC 18102 04/24/2018 181348 051018 2,400.00 Invoice: 18102 Asbestos inspection condemned properties 2,400.00 E 310600001-600-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149569 TOTAL: 2,400.00

149570 05/10/2018 PRTD 945 PARK SEED WHOLESALE Cl18116861 03/19/2018 181328 051018 426. 80 Invoice: Cll8116861 Live Plants 426.80 00130303 53201 Forestry & Hort Ag Supplies PARK SEED WHOLESALE CI18199674 04/18/2018 180071 051018 658.77 Invoice: CI18199674 Flowers 658.77 00130303 53201 Forestry & Hort Ag Supplies CHECK 149570 TOTAL: 1,085.57

149571 05/10/2018 PRTD 959 PEPSI COLA COMPANY 53356266 05/02/2018 180723 051018 355.47 Invoice: 53356266 Cafe Beverages 355.47 40030309 53241 Golf Other Beverages CHECK 149571 TOTAL: 355.47

149572 05/10/2018 PRTD 989 PRAIRIE VISTA VETERINARY HOSPITAL Apr State 04/30/2018 180203 051018 240.43 Invoice: Apr State Vet Services 145.43 14440409 52140 Animal Shelter Outside Medical 95.00 14440409 52959 Animal Shelter Spay/Neu Refund 05/09/2018 11:47 !City of Hutchinson IP 17 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

PRAIRIE VISTA VETERINARY HOSPITAL Apr Med exp 04/30/2018 181377 051018 106.20 Invoice: Apr Med exp Medical expenses using Petco G 106.20 E 530401801-409-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149572 TOTAL: 346.63

149573 05/10/2018 PRTD 1049 RENO COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT SO April 2018 04/21/2018 180473 051018 384.10 Invoice: SO April 2018 RNSO Verizon AirCard Coshare 384.10 E 165401101-406-1- 165 52450 E911 Trans Fee CHECK 149573 TOTAL: 384.10

149574 05/10/2018 PRTD 1063 DAVIDE. ROBERTS 2018-04 04/30/2018 180175 051018 1,716.67 Invoice: 2018-04 Municipal Court Defense Counsel for April 1,716.67 00107075 52130 Municipal Court Legal Services CHECK 149574 TOTAL: 1,716.67

149575 05/10/2018 PRTD 1105 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 208120306663 04/25/2018 181336 051018 33.38 Invoice: 208120306663 Janitorial supplies - Zoo 33.38 00130302 53204 Zoo Cleaning Supplies CHECK 149575 TOTAL: 33.38

149576 05/10/2018 PRTD 1809 JODIE BLISS Bliss2018 05/02/2018 181365 051018 1,000.00 Invoice: Bliss2018 2018 SculptureWalk 1,000.00 E 530020000-020-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149576 TOTAL: 1,000.00

149577 05/10/2018 PRTD 572 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 84898285 03/29/2018 181374 051018 1,832.60 Invoice: 84898285 Mulch 1,832.60 00130303 53201 Forestry & Hort Ag Supplies SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 85351675 04/24/2018 180749 051018 Invoice: 85351675 Chemical/Fertilizer Bid 18-85 1,792.60 67.40 00110101 53203 PW Maint Chemicals 1,398.04 00130303 53203 Forestry & Hort Chemicals 236.08 00130317 53203 Eastside Cemetery Chemicals 91.08 40030309 53203 Golf Chemicals 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 18 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECKNO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC

CHECK 149577 TOTAL: 3,625.20

149578 05/10/2018 PRTD 1159 SOUTH CENTRAL TELEPHONE/SCTELCOM 358004114MAY18 05/01/2018 180210 051018 59.20 Invoice: 358004114MAY18 SC Telcom - 911 Circuit Charge 59.20 E 165401101-406-1- 165 52450 E911 Trans Fee CHECK 149578 TOTAL: 59.20

149579 05/10/2018 PRTD 1160 SOUTHEAST SAND 85252 04/06/2018 181331 051018 616.80 Invoice: 85252 SOUTHEAST SAND - INVOICE - ZOO 616.80 E 310301608-302-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay SOUTHEAST SAND 85418 04/27/2018 180221 051018 203.36 Invoice: 85418 FILL SAND 203.36 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete SOUTHEAST SAND 85401 04/27/2018 180221 051018 435.12 Invoice: 85401 FILL SAND 435.12 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete SOUTHEAST SAND 85416 04/27/2018 180221 051018 310. 71 Invoice: 85416 FILL SAND 310.71 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete SOUTHEAST SAND 85399 04/27/2018 180221 051018 430.81 Invoice: 85399 FILL SAND 430.81 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete SOUTHEAST SAND 85394 04/26/2018 180221 051018 197.14 Invoice: 85394 FILL SAND 197.14 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CHECK 149579 TOTAL: 2,193.94

149580 05/10/2018 PRTD 1170 SPRINT 114506024 MAR18 05/03/2018 181349 051018 5.06 Invoice: 114506024 MAR18 MAR 18 SERV/FIRE TRUCKS 5.06 00150500 52640 Fire Telephone CHECK 149580 TOTAL: 5.06

149581 05/10/2018 PRTD 1076 STRAWN CONTRACTING, INC 4997 04/30/2018 180275 051018 292.50 Invoice: 4997 Nuisance Abatement-615 E Ave B 18-281 292.50 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 19 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

CHECK 149581 TOTAL: 292.50

149582 05/10/2018 PRTD 1197 STUTZMAN REFUSE DISPOSAL INC APRIL18 05/01/2018 180502 051018 169,548.55 Invoice: APRIL18 Refuse Collections for April 2018 169,548.55 41010130 52960 Refuse Refuse Contract CHECK 149582 TOTAL: 169,548.55

149583 05/10/2018 PRTD 1213 SURENCY LIFE AND HEALTH 04302018 04/30/2018 180029 051018 1,011.75 Invoice: 04302018 Surency April Inv.-Group 40285 1,011.75 420 52170 Health & Dental Plan Admin CHECK 149583 TOTAL: 1,011.75

149584 05/10/2018 PRTD 1810 KNITTING SAVANT, LLC 043018/IWW LOAN 05/07/2018 051018 20,000.00 Invoice: 043018/IWW LOAN REIMBR WORK COMPLETED/CITY CONTRACT/DHRP 20,000.00 E 183041801-040-1-2980 183 52980 DHRP Revolv Misc Contract CHECK 149584 TOTAL: 20,000.00

149585 05/10/2018 PRTD 1250 TITLEIST 905735236 04/20/2018 180439 051018 55.34 Invoice: 905735236 Golf Clubs, Balls, Bags, Acces 55.34 40030309 53950 Golf Shoes CHECK 149585 TOTAL: 55.34

149586 05/10/2018 PRTD 1278 UNDERGROUNDVAULTS AND 168500 01/31/2018 181291 051018 60.00 Invoice: 168500 Shredding for January 2018 2.15 00102020 52980 City Manager Misc Contract Ser 2.14 00103030 52980 Human Resources Misc Contrac 2.15 00104040 52980 Finance Misc Contractual Serv 2.14 00104043 52980 Utility Billing Misc Contract 2.14 00106060 52980 Plan & Zoning Misc Contract 2.14 00107070 52980 City Attorney Misc Contract 45.00 00107075 52980 Municipal Court Misc Contract 2.14 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual CHECK 149586 TOTAL: 60.00

149587 05/10/2018 PRTD 1281 UNIFIRST CORPORATION APR18 04/24/2018 180500 051018 3,064.91 Invoice: APR18 APR 18 UNIFORM CLEANING 130.48 00104043 52954 Utility Billing Laundry 148.60 00110101 52954 PW Maint Laundry 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 20 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC 231.88 00110105 52954 Central Gar Shop Laundry 49.88 00120203 52954 Traffic Sign Laundry 309.20 00130301 52954 Park Main Laundry 128.96 00130303 52954 Forestry & Hort Laundry 16.12 00140407 52954 Radio Laundry 225.36 00150500 52954 Fire Laundry & Uniform Clean 471.63 10310120 52954 Street Laundry 16.12 10930320 52954 Swimming Pool Laundry 86.20 14440409 52954 Animal Shelter Laundry 66.92 40030309 52954 Golf Laundry 35.52 40130307 52954 Airport Laundry 130.80 41110143 52954 Water Production Laundry 183.16 41110145 52954 Water Distribution Laundry 286.72 41210150 52954 WWTP Laundry 512.20 41210155 52954 Sanitary Sewer Laundry 35.16 41310160 52954 Storm Sewer Laundry CHECK 149587 TOTAL: 3,064.91

149588 05/10/2018 PRTD 1283 UNITED INDUSTRIES, INC. 0068618-IN/2 04/10/2018 181190 051018 2,000.11 Invoice: 0068618-IN/2 UNITED INDUSTRIES - INVOICE - 2,000.11 10930320 53203 Swimming Pool Chemicals CHECK 149588 TOTAL: 2,000.11

149589 05/10/2018 PRTD 1665 MCNISH CORPORATION INV015007RET 05/01/2018 171602 051018 32,750.00 Invoice: INV015007RET Heat Exchangers (2) for WWTP B 32,750.00 E 310101705-150-1-4200 310 30003 CIP FB Res for Encurn CHECK 149589 TOTAL: 32,750.00

149590 05/10/2018 PRTD 1337 WEIS FIRE & SAFETY EQ CO INC 157534 04/23/2018 181345 051018 975.00 Invoice: 157534 Class A foam 975.00 00150500 53203 Fire Chemicals CHECK 149590 TOTAL: 975.00

149591 05/10/2018 PRTD 1338 WELLS AIRCRAFT INC 143491 05/05/2018 181382 051018 565.57 Invoice: 143491 Airport -- AdvisoryCornrnit_Flyin18 JetA 565.57 E 530300001-307-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual WELLS AIRCRAFT INC 143492/3/4 05/05/2018 181393 051018 1,329.98 Invoice: 143492/3/4 Airport -- Advisory Commit Flyin18_JetA 1,329.98 05/09/2018 11:47 ICity of Hutchinson IP 21 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC E 530300001-307-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149591 TOTAL: 1,895.55

149592 05/10/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 3338726849MAY18 05/07/2018 180047 051018 24.39 Invoice: 3338726849MAY18 MAY 18 SERV/DILLON PARK 24.39 00130301 52610 Park Maint Electricity CHECK 149592 TOTAL: 24.39

149593 05/10/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 5184110982APR18 05/03/2018 180055 051018 44.68 Invoice: 5184110982APR18 APR 18 SERV/22ND & MAIN 44.68 00102025 52610 Street Lighting Electricity CHECK 149593 TOTAL: 44.68

149594 05/10/2018 PRTD 1344 WESTERN SUPPLY CO 5007748 04/23/2018 180789 051018 316.31 Invoice: 5007748 BID QUOTES 316.31 E 310301501-300-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay WESTERN SUPPLY CO 5007751 04/24/2018 180789 051018 30.51 Invoice: 5007751 BID QUOTES 30.51 E 310301501-300-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149594 TOTAL: 346.82

149595 05/10/2018 PRTD 1346 BERRY COMPANIES, INC. 05182875 04/25/2018 181350 051018 775.00 Invoice: 05182875 WHITE STAR - INVOICE - PARKS D 775.00 00130301 53214 Park Maint Minor Equipment CHECK 149595 TOTAL: 775.00

149596 05/10/2018 PRTD 1717 WSP USA, INC 2 04/25/2018 172152 051018 9,343.71 Invoice: 2 WSP - Bicycle Blvd Consultant 9,343.71 001 30003 General Fund FB Res for Encum CHECK 149596 TOTAL: 9,343.71

149597 05/10/2018 PRTD 1806 GLENN ZWEYGARDT 2018C47 05/02/2018 181347 051018 1,000.00 Invoice: 2018C47 2018 SculptureWalk 1,000.00 05/09/2018 11:47 (City of Hutchinson IP 22 shellyhs (A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL (apcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC E 530020000-020-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149597 TOTAL: 1,000.00



*** GRAND TOTAL*** 477,534.27 05/03/2018 11:38 ICity of Hutchinson IP 1 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC 310 05/04/2018 WIRE 281 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 050418 05/03/2018 180036 050418 10,085.59 Invoice: 050418 ICMA Retirement Trust-457 10,085.59 601 22320 Deferred Comp Payable (ICMA) CHECK 310 TOTAL: 10,085.59

311 05/04/2018 WIRE 1120 SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNION LOCAL 050418 05/03/2018 180027 050418 678.52 Invoice: 050418 Service Employees Union Local 678.52 601 22290 Payroll Clearing Union Dues CHECK 311 TOTAL: 678.52

312 05/04/2018 WIRE 562 HUTCHINSON GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE 050418 05/03/2018 180037 050418 19,057.80 Invoice: 050418 HGECU deductions 19,057.80 601 22280 HGECU Payable CHECK 312 TOTAL: 19,057.80

313 05/04/2018 WIRE 419 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 179 050418 05/03/2018 180034 050418 3,494.90 Invoice: 050418 Firefighter's Local 179 3,494.90 601 22290 Payroll Clearing Union Dues CHECK 313 TOTAL: 3,494.90

149509 05/04/2018 PRTD 420 FIREFIGHTER'S WELFARE FUND 050418 05/03/2018 180039 050418 3,986.72 Invoice: 050418 Firefighters Welfare Fund 3,986.72 601 22240 Fire Dept Insurance Payable CHECK 149509 TOTAL: 3,986.72

149510 05/04/2018 PRTD 564 HUTCHINSON LODGE OF THE FOP 050418 05/03/2018 180038 050418 3,124.75 Invoice: 050418 Hutchinson Lodge of the FOP 3,124.75 601 22290 Payroll Clearing Union Dues CHECK 149510 TOTAL: 3,124.75

149511 05/04/2018 PRTD 1286 UNITED WAY OF RENO COUNTY 050418 05/03/2018 180026 050418 650.76 Invoice: 050418 United Way of Reno County 650.76 601 22270 United Way Payable CHECK 149511 TOTAL: 650.76 05/03/2018 11:38 ICity of Hutchinson IP 2 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb




3158 05/03/2018 EFT 20 ADVANCE TERMITE & PEST CTRL, INC 254070 04/17/2018 180257 050318 400.00 Invoice: 254070 Blanket PO - rodent/pest contr 400.00 00150500 52980 Fire Misc Contractual CHECK 3158 TOTAL: 400.00

3159 05/03/2018 EFT 56 AMERICAN FENCE COMPANY 2061132 04/06/2018 181172 050318 481.00 Invoice: 2061132 Trip charge for temporary fenc 481.00 10310120 52980 Street Misc Contractual CHECK 3159 TOTAL: 481.00

3160 05/03/2018 EFT 137 BLACK HILLS ENERGY 0442079455APR18 04/26/2018 180052 050318 606.81 Invoice: 0442079455APR18 APR 18 SERV/ANIMAL SHELTER 606.81 14440409 52620 Animal Shelter Gas CHECK 3160 TOTAL: 606.81

3161 05/03/2018 EFT 209 CENTRAL POWER SYSTEMS & SERVICES 05 054895 02/12/2018 180098 050318 19.12 Invoice: 05 054895 seals - Reserve 2 19.12 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 3161 TOTAL: 19.12

3162 05/03/2018 EFT 432 FOLEY EQUIPMENT CO. 1055478 04/23/2018 180108 050318 1,554.66 Invoice: 1055478 Replace Front Window - #24 Airport 1,554.66 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts FOLEY EQUIPMENT CO. PS000128519 04/27/2018 180108 050318 80.03 Invoice: PS000128519 switch - #567 Water 80.03 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 3162 TOTAL: 1,634.69

3163 05/03/2018 EFT 433 FOLEY INDUSTRIES 38709017 04/20/2018 181263 050318 1,287.23 Invoice: 38709017 Service for WTC generator 1,287.23 41110143 52730 Water Production Plant Eq Rep CHECK 3163 TOTAL: 1,287.23

3164 05/03/2018 EFT 530 HIGH-REACH EQUIPMENT RENTAL SALES 45849-2 04/19/2018 181300 050318 259.92 Invoice: 45849-2 Excavator rental 259.92 41110143 52850 Water Producation Machinery Re 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 2 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 3164 TOTAL: 259.92

3165 05/03/2018 EFT 721 KENNY'S ELECTRICAL CO, INC 53032 04/20/2018 181268 050318 330.00 Invoice: 53032 Cut wires to drop pole at Hobart Detter 330.00 421 52905 Risk Mngment Uninsured Loss CHECK 3165 TOTAL: 330.00

3166 05/03/2018 EFT 724 KIMBALL MIDWEST 6305313 04/24/2018 181126 050318 1,050.08 Invoice: 6305313 parts - stock 1,050.08 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 3166 TOTAL: 1,050.08

3167 05/03/2018 EFT 776 LINCOLN NATL LIFE INSURANCE CO, T 3666317118 04/20/2018 180033 050318 3,956.52 Invoice: 3666317118 Lincoln Financial Group-May Vol Life STD 3,956.52 601 22230 Payroll Clearing Lincoln LINCOLN NATL LIFE INSURANCE CO, T 3666318852 04/20/2018 180033 050318 414.00 Invoice: 3666318852 Lincoln Financial Group-May AD&D Stand Alone 414.00 601 22230 Payroll Clearing Lincoln CHECK 3167 TOTAL: 4,370.52

3168 05/03/2018 EFT 843 MID-AMERICA REDI-MIX INC 42797 03/31/2018 181188 050318 492.53 Invoice: 42797 Concrete Repairs on Residentia 492.53 E 310100004-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 3168 TOTAL: 492.53

3169 05/03/2018 EFT 986 PRAIRIE FIRE COFFEE 1029204 04/19/2018 180419 050318 43.90 Invoice: 1029204 Coffee 43.90 40030309 53241 Golf Other Beverages CHECK 3169 TOTAL: 43.90

3170 05/03/2018 EFT 990 PRAIRIELAND PARTNERS 1577027 04/23/2018 180142 050318 165.64 Invoice: 1577027 weedeater parts - stock 165.64 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts PRAIRIELAND PARTNERS 1573250 04/13/2018 180142 050318 50. 64 Invoice: 1573250 Electrical parts - #532 50.64 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 3 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 3170 TOTAL: 216.28

3171 05/03/2018 EFT 1004 PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS, LP 1412085-00 04/10/2018 181205 050318 84.26 Invoice: 1412085-00 Mower parts 84.26 40030309 53224 Golf Construction Equip Repair CHECK 3171 TOTAL: 84.26

3172 05/03/2018 EFT 1069 ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325436B 04/23/2018 180140 050318 85.90 Invoice: 325436B Battery - stock 85.90 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325623B 04/24/2018 180140 050318 115.96 Invoice: 325623B parts - stock 115.96 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325627B 04/25/2018 180140 050318 231.92 Invoice: 325627B parts - stock 231.92 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325640B 04/24/2018 180140 050318 8.38 Invoice: 325640B switch - #88 Park 8.38 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325568B 04/23/2018 180140 050318 118.59 Invoice: 325568B exhaust parts - tanker 4 118.59 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325612B 04/24/2018 180140 050318 -51.99 Invoice: 325612B exhaust parts - Tender 4 and credit on returns -51.99 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325657B 04/24/2018 180140 050318 78.26 Invoice: 325657B parts - Tender 4 78.26 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325874B 04/25/2018 180140 050318 8.38 Invoice: 325874B filter - #558 8.38 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts ROSE MOTOR SUPPLY CO INC 325971B 04/26/2018 180140 050318 6.95 Invoice: 325971B Diode - #532 6.95 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 3172 TOTAL: 602.35

3173 05/03/2018 EFT 1087 SALINA SUPPLY CO S100114919.001 04/17/2018 180496 050318 128.87 Invoice: S100114919.001 Misc. Plumbing Supplies 128.87 41110145 53218 Water Distribution Pluming Sup 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 4 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CBK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

CHECK 3173 TOTAL: 128.87

3174 05/03/2018 EFT 1096 SAYLOR CLEANERS APRIL2018 04/27/2018 181334 050318 1,385.50 Invoice: APRIL2018 Dry cleaning 1,385.50 00140403 52954 Patrol & Invest Laundry CHECK 3174 TOTAL: 1,385.50

3175 05/03/2018 EFT 1223 T & E OIL COMPANY INC 000486694 04/26/2018 180139 050318 19,030.42 Invoice: 000486694 unleaded fuel 19,030.42 00110103 53228 Central Gar Rev Gasoline CHECK 3175 TOTAL: 19,030.42

3176 05/03/2018 EFT 1450 THE HUTCHINSON NEWS 624087 03/20/2018 181309 050318 444.45 Invoice: 624087 Advertising Main Street 17-03 444.45 E 310201701-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 3176 TOTAL: 444.45

3177 05/03/2018 EFT 1265 TRUCK CENTER COMPANIES 819171e 04/26/2018 180132 050318 355.40 Invoice: 819171e fuel filters - stock 355.40 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 3177 TOTAL: 355.40

3178 05/03/2018 EFT 1269 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 030-13931 02/28/2018 181312 050318 533.33 Invoice: 030-13931 CAD Upgrade 533.33 E 165401101-406-1- 165 52980 E911 Misc Contractual CHECK 3178 TOTAL: 533.33

3179 05/03/2018 EFT 1306 VERIZON WIRELESS 442038697-00004 041804/01/2018 180405 050318 543.28 Invoice: 442038697-00004 0418 Cellular Service Account 4 of 13.02 00101010 52640 City Council Telephone 13.02 00105050 52640 Information Tech Telephone 39.05 00120200 52640 Engineering Telephone 13.02 00120205 52640 GIS Telephone 13.02 00130300 52640 Park Admin Telephone 26. 03 00140408 52640 Animal Control Telephone 149.59 00160600 52640 Inspection Telephone 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 5 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC 50.20 10310120 52640 Street Telephone 13.02 40130307 52640 Airport Telephone 38.45 41110140 52640 Water Admin Telephone 49.36 41110145 52640 Water Distribution Telephone 86.50 41210150 52640 WWTP Telephone 26.00 41210155 52640 Sanitary Sewer Telephone 13.00 41320160 52640 Storm Water Admin Telephone CHECK 3179 TOTAL: 543.28

3180 05/03/2018 EFT 1306 VERIZON WIRELESS 442038697-00003 041804/01/2018 180384 050318 571.10 Invoice: 442038697-00003 0418 Cellular Service Account 3 of 15.63 00130300 52640 Park Admin Telephone 15.63 00130301 52640 Park Main Telephone 265.79 00150500 52640 Fire Telephone 96.73 00160600 52640 Inspection Telephone 177.32 41110145 52640 Water Distribution Telephone CHECK 3180 TOTAL: 571.10

3181 05/03/2018 EFT 1327 WARNKEN ENTERPRISES 2P-GW2018 04/13/2018 181270 050318 524.50 Invoice: 2P-GW2018 Contract Mowing 524.50 00130303 52980 Forestry & Hort Misc Contract WARNKEN ENTERPRISES 3P-GW2018 04/23/2018 181270 050318 Invoice: 3P-GW2018 Contract Mowing 524.50 524.50 00130303 52980 Forestry & Hort Misc Contract WARNKEN ENTERPRISES #F-GW2018 04/15/2018 181157 050318 374.00 Invoice: #F-GW2018 Blanket PO for mowing services 374.00 00150500 52980 Fire Misc Contractual WARNKEN ENTERPRISES 3W-GW2018 04/23/2018 181107 050318 236.50 Invoice: 3W-GW2018 Mowing (water wells and towers 236.50 41110143 52980 Water Production Misc Contract WARNKEN ENTERPRISES 4W-GW2018 04/27/2018 181107 050318 385.00 Invoice: 4W-GW2018 Mowing (water wells and towers 385.00 41110143 52980 Water Production Misc Contract CHECK 3181 TOTAL: 2,044.50

149398 05/03/2018 PRTD 15 ACE FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO IN-22331 04/12/2018 181286 050318 21.74 Invoice: IN-22331 Repair and charge two fire ext 21.74 10310120 52980 Street Misc Contractual CHECK 149398 TOTAL: 21.74 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 6 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149399 05/03/2018 PRTD 30 AIRGAS USA, LLC 9952469608 03/30/2018 180620 050318 4.65 Invoice: 9952469608 Cylinder rentals 4.65 40030309 52980 Golf Misc Contractual Serv CHECK 149399 TOTAL: 4.65

149400 05/03/2018 PRTD 1799 AKRON BRASS COMPANY 3986947 01/03/2018 181305 050318 26.52 Invoice: 3986947 Postage 26.52 00150500 52210 Fire Postage CHECK 149400 TOTAL: 26.52

149401 05/03/2018 PRTD 46 ALLSTATE BENEFITS/PMT PROCESSING 0123243113 04/23/2018 180024 050318 1,127.61 Invoice: 0123243113 Allstate-April Invoice 1,127.61 601 22170 Payroll Clearing Aflac Ins CHECK 149401 TOTAL: 1,127.61

149402 05/03/2018 PRTD 89 ATLANTIC PACIFIC 12002 04/12/2018 181296 050318 386.10 Invoice: 12002 Frozen fish order 386.10 00130302 53206 Zoo Animal Food CHECK 149402 TOTAL: 386.10

149403 05/03/2018 PRTD 92 ATRIUM HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER CARPET MTG SPACES 04/26/2018 181301 050318 78,505.56 Invoice: CARPET MTG SPACES Carpet Installation in meeting 78,505.56 E 310900001-900-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149403 TOTAL: 78,505.56

149404 05/03/2018 PRTD 1416 BELL AND ROBINSON LLC City of Hutch 04/18 04/26/2018 180189 050318 3,850.00 Invoice: City of Hutch 04/18 Municipal Court Prosecutor for April 3,850.00 00107075 52131 Municipal Court Prosecute CHECK 149404 TOTAL: 3,850.00

149405 05/03/2018 PRTD 157 BRENNTAG SOUTHWEST, INC. BSW953736 04/19/2018 180234 050318 1,210.00 Invoice: BSW953736 Chlorine for Water Treatment D 1,210.00 41110143 53203 Water Production Chemicals CHECK 149405 TOTAL: 1,210.00 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 7 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149406 05/03/2018 PRTD 182 CALLAWAY GOLF SALES COMPANY 16940 04/16/2018 180834 050318 139.14 Invoice: 16940 Clubs, Balls, Bags, Accessorie 139.14 40030309 53945 Golf Golf Bags CHECK 149406 TOTAL: 139.14

149407 05/03/2018 PRTD 206 PET PARTNERS LLC 252974 04/30/2018 180202 050318 20.00 Invoice: 252974 Rabies 20.00 14440409 52140 Animal Shelter Outside Medical PET PARTNERS LLC 252973 04/26/2018 180202 050318 115.00 Invoice: 252973 Spay 115.00 14440409 52959 Animal Shelter Spay/Neu Refund PET PARTNERS LLC 252972 04/30/2018 180202 050318 310.00 Invoice: 252972 spay/neuter 310.00 14440409 52959 Animal Shelter Spay/Neu Refund PET PARTNERS LLC 252971 04/30/2018 180202 050318 149.60 Invoice: 252971 Health Certs1/Rabies 149.60 14440409 52140 Animal Shelter Outside Medical PET PARTNERS LLC 252638a 04/22/2018 181283 050318 72. 31 Invoice: 252638a Fabrice Exam 72.31 E 530401801-409-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149407 TOTAL: 666.91

149408 05/03/2018 PRTD 268 CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90197551 03/29/2018 181169 050318 541.75 Invoice: 90197551 Concrete 541.75 10310120 53205 Street Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90197542 03/28/2018 181169 050318 372. 00 Invoice: 90197542 Concrete 372.00 10310120 53205 Street Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90197559 03/30/2018 181169 050318 418.63 Invoice: 90197559 Concrete 418.63 10310120 53205 Street Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90194879 03/15/2018 181274 050318 3,627.00 Invoice: 90194879 CONCRETE ENTERPRISE - INVOICE- 3,627.00 E 310301608-302-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90198614 04/06/2018 181227 050318 237.38 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 8 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RON NET INVOICE DTL DESC Invoice: 90198614 Concrete for plumbers cut at 1 237.38 10310120 53205 Street Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90199646 04/09/2018 180225 050318 479.25 Invoice: 90199646 CONCRETE/ 620 E. 4TH 479.25 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90199671 04/13/2018 180225 050318 248.00 Invoice: 90199671 2704 DERENDA DR/ FLOWABLE FILL 248.00 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90199672 04/13/2018 180225 050318 263.50 Invoice: 90199672 22ND & JACKSON/ FLOWABLE FILL 263.50 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90199673 04/13/2018 180225 050318 237.38 Invoice: 90199673 2704 DERENDA DRIVE 237.38 41110145 53205 Water Distribution Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90196220 03/22/2018 181186 050318 566.38 Invoice: 90196220 Residential Street Concrete Re 566.38 E 310100004-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90199653 04/11/2018 181186 050318 320.13 Invoice: 90199653 Residential Street Concrete Re 320 .13 E 310100004-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90194017 03/08/2018 181329 050318 197.00 Invoice: 90194017 Drainage Reapirs by street dep 197.00 E 310200003-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90194024 03/09/2018 181329 050318 197.00 Invoice: 90194024 Drainage Reapirs by street dep 197.00 E 310200003-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90198599 04/02/2018 181329 050318 221.63 Invoice: 90198599 Drainage Reapirs by street dep 221.63 E 310200003-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90197558 03/30/2018 181329 050318 270.88 Invoice: 90197558 Drainage Reapirs by street dep 270.88 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 9 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC E 310200003-200-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90199654 04/11/2018 180936 050318 2,265.50 Invoice: 90199654 Concrete-Storm 11th & Cochran 2,265.50 41310160 53205 Storm Sewer Concrete CONCRETE ENTERPRISES INC 90199664 04/12/2018 180936 050318 221.00 Invoice: 90199664 Concrete-Storm 11th & Cochran 221.00 41310160 53205 Storm Sewer Concrete CHECK 149408 TOTAL: 10,684.41

149409 05/03/2018 PRTD 271 CONRAD FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC 527048 04/25/2018 180097 050318 361.22 Invoice: 527048 Cab Latches - Truck 3 361.22 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149409 TOTAL: 361.22

149410 05/03/2018 PRTD 279 COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250156 04/17/2018 180131 050318 21. 63 Invoice: 1-250156 Tire - Repair - Fun Valley 21.63 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250223 04/19/2018 180131 050318 44.20 Invoice: 1-250223 Tire - Repair - #135 airport 44.20 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250285 04/20/2018 180131 050318 30.12 Invoice: 1-250285 Tire - Repair - #27 30.12 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250401 04/24/2018 180131 050318 21. 63 Invoice: 1-250401 Tire - Repair - #135 Airport 21.63 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250443 04/25/2018 180131 050318 58.80 Invoice: 1-250443 Tire - Repair - gator park 58.80 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250449 04/25/2018 180131 050318 42.24 Invoice: 1-250449 Tire - Repair - #1 Street 42.24 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250457 04/25/2018 180131 050318 79.61 Invoice: 1-250457 1 new tire - #558 Water 79.61 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250498 04/26/2018 180131 050318 198.40 Invoice: 1-250498 2 new tires - #308 Park 198.40 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 10 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250525 04/26/2018 180131 050318 87.50 Invoice: 1-250525 Front End Alignment - #267 police 87.50 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts COOPER TIRE SERVICE INC 1-250533 04/27/2018 180131 050318 19.06 Invoice: 1-250533 Tire - Repair - #34 WWTP 19.06 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149410 TOTAL: 603.19

149411 05/03/2018 PRTD 324 DIAMOND DRUGS, INC. 812119 03/31/2018 181332 050318 25.97 Invoice: 812119 Meds for inmates 25.97 00140400 53213 DTENT Detent Medical & Lab CHECK 149411 TOTAL: 25.97

149412 05/03/2018 PRTD 344 DPC ENTERPRISES, L.P. 282000154-18 04/09/2018 180238 050318 1,726.43 Invoice: 282000154-18 Caustic Soda for Water Treatme 1,726.43 41110143 53203 Water Production Chemicals DPC ENTERPRISES, L.P. 282000164-18 04/16/2018 180238 050318 2,589.64 Invoice: 282000164-18 Caustic Soda for Water Treatme 2,589.64 41110143 53203 Water Production Chemicals DPC ENTERPRISES, L.P. 282000171-18 04/23/2018 180238 050318 Invoice: 282000171-18 Caustic Soda for Water Treatme 2,589.64 2,589.64 41110143 53203 Water Production Chemicals CHECK 149412 TOTAL: 6,905.71

149413 05/03/2018 PRTD 374 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. 1982040 04/19/2018 181303 050318 810.50 Invoice: 1982040 Tourniquet and other medicals 810.50 00150500 53213 Fire Medical & Lab CHECK 149413 TOTAL: 810.50

149414 05/03/2018 PRTD 378 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, PA 18-008A 04/03/2018 181272 050318 440.00 Invoice: 18-008A ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS- MCQUE 440.00 E 310300006-300-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149414 TOTAL: 440.00 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 11 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149415 05/03/2018 PRTD 402 FE MORAN SECURITY SOLUTIONS 1002270 12/15/2017 181260 050318 564.00 Invoice: 1002270 FE-MORAN SECURITY SOLUTIONS-IN 564.00 00130305 52980 Fun Valley Misc Contractual CHECK 149415 TOTAL: 564.00

149416 05/03/2018 PRTD 406 FELD FIRE 0008215-IN 04/19/2018 180799 050318 20,470.00 Invoice: 0008215-IN Two (2) Brush 300 gallon skid 20,470.00 E 199500002-500-1-4300 199 54316 Other Equipment CHECK 149416 TOTAL: 20,470.00

149417 05/03/2018 PRTD 480 GRAINGER 81648069 04/17/2018 181288 050318 30.26 Invoice: 81648069 GRAINGER - INVOICE - PARK MAIN 30.26 00130301 53221 Park Maint Wearing Material GRAINGER 9748321651 04/04/2018 181322 050318 26.49 Invoice: 9748321651 GRAINGER - INVOICE - HORT./FOR 26.49 E 310301101-300-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149417 TOTAL: 56.75

149418 05/03/2018 PRTD 483 GRASS PAD INC 160758 03/13/2018 181295 050318 1,858.80 Invoice: 160758 GRASS PAD - FUN VALLEY 1,858.80 00130305 53203 Fun Valley Chemicals CHECK 149418 TOTAL: 1,858.80

149419 05/03/2018 PRTD 502 HACH COMPANY 10920726 04/16/2018 180382 050318 344.03 Invoice: 10920726 Lab Supplies - R/O 344.03 41110143 53213 Water Production Med & Lab CHECK 149419 TOTAL: 344.03

149420 05/03/2018 PRTD 504 HAMILTON ROOFING CO INC 108.076 04/20/2018 181267 050318 157.78 Invoice: 108.076 Reinstall downspout on head wo 157.78 41210150 52710 WWTP Building Repair CHECK 149420 TOTAL: 157.78 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 12 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149421 05/03/2018 PRTD 523 HELENA CHEMICAL CO 64221009 04/11/2018 180781 050318 9,383.83 Invoice: 64221009 Chemical/Fertilizer Bid 18-85 3,175.20 00130303 53201 Forestry & Hort Ag Supplies 1,889.00 00130303 53203 Forestry & Hort Chemicals 226.68 00130305 53203 Fun Valley Chemicals 1,511.20 00130317 53203 Eastside Cemetery Chemicals 377.80 10310120 53203 Street Chemicals 692.75 40030309 53203 Golf Chemicals 1,511.20 40130307 53203 Airport Chemicals CHECK 149421 TOTAL: 9,383.83

149422 05/03/2018 PRTD 532 HILL'S PET NUTRITION SALES, INC. 230114386 04/01/2018 180245 050318 32.41 Invoice: 230114386 Food for Shelter Animals 32.41 14440409 53206 Animal Shelter Animal Food CHECK 149422 TOTAL: 32.41

149423 05/03/2018 PRTD 569 HUTCHINSON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTE 040418EST 04/04/2018 181333 050318 21.00 Invoice: 040418EST Medical for inmate Joseph Estes 21.00 00140400 52140 DTENT Detent Outside Medical HUTCHINSON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTE 040118CRY 04/01/2018 181333 050318 21. 00 Invoice: 040118CRY Medical for inmate Suzan Lynn Crystal 21.00 00140400 52140 DTENT Detent Outside Medical HUTCHINSON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTE 031318BRO 03/13/2018 181333 050318 21. 00 Invoice: 031318BRO Medical for inmate John Brown 21.00 00140400 52140 DTENT Detent Outside Medical CHECK 149423 TOTAL: 63.00

149424 05/03/2018 PRTD 660 HUTCHINSON RENO CO CONVENTION APR 18 04/27/2018 180424 050318 85,565.29 Invoice: APR 18 Transient Guest Tax 85,565.29 E 130001002-900-1-2980 130 52980 Conv & Tourism Misc Contract CHECK 149424 TOTAL: 85,565.29

149425 05/03/2018 PRTD 577 HUTCHINSON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION 2018 C80 04/27/2018 181319 050318 7,650.00 Invoice: 2018 C80 2018 C80 SUBSIDY 7,650.00 E 001900002-900-1-2980 00190903 52980 Non Dept Misc Contractual 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 13 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHICDATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149425 TOTAL: 7,650.00

149426 05/03/2018 PRTD 1800 INTL ASSN OF FIRE CHIEFS 1 04/27/2018 181304 050318 923.00 Invoice: 1 IAFC membership renewal 923.00 00150500 52453 Fire Dues & Membership CHECK 149426 TOTAL: 923.00

149427 05/03/2018 PRTD 583 IBT INC 7225022 04/13/2018 181247 050318 60.30 Invoice: 7225022 Nozzle repair parts - sewer 60.30 41210155 53214 Sanitary Sewer Minor Equipment IBT INC 7228799 04/19/2018 180105 050318 158.35 Invoice: 7228799 filters - stock 158.35 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts IBT INC 7228800 04/19/2018 180105 050318 614.81 Invoice: 7228800 filters - stock 614.81 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts IBT INC 7229693 04/20/2018 180105 050318 42.28 Invoice: 7229693 filters - stock 42.28 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts IBT INC 7229692 04/20/2018 181324 050318 60 6. 62 Invoice: 7229692 First Aid Kits for vehicles - 606.62 41210155 53213 Sanitary Sewer Medical & Lab IBT INC 7230601 04/23/2018 181325 050318 13.11 Invoice: 7230601 Warthog Repair Parts - Sewer 13.11 41210155 53214 Sanitary Sewer Minor Equipment CHECK 149427 TOTAL: 1,495.47

149428 05/03/2018 PRTD 623 J & A TRAFFIC PRODUCTS 26413 04/24/2018 180842 050318 7,047.50 Invoice: 26413 Telespar Sign Posts & Boots 7,047.50 10310120 53222 Street Sign Sign Material CHECK 149428 TOTAL: 7,047.50

149429 05/03/2018 PRTD 633 JCS INDUSTRIES, INC 6792 04/16/2018 181281 050318 285.00 Invoice: 6792 Chlorine feeder float and stop 285.00 41110143 53214 Water Production Minor Equip JCS INDUSTRIES, INC 6797 04/19/2018 181282 050318 622.48 Invoice: 6797 Chlorine feeder block Rev 4 622.48 41110143 53214 Water Production Minor Equip 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 14 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CBK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149429 TOTAL: 907.48

149430 05/03/2018 PRTD 1339 KAREN WELTMER REIMB TAXI/BOSTON 04/26/2018 181294 050318 45.00 Invoice: REIMB TAXI/BOSTON Taxi Trip to Airport in Boston 45.00 00104040 52340 Finance Travel KAREN WELTMER MILEAGE REIMB/BOSTON04/26/2018 181297 050318 54.50 Invoice: MILEAGE REIMB/BOSTON MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT WICHITA 54.50 00104040 52330 Finance Mileage Reimb CHECK 149430 TOTAL: 99.50

149431 05/03/2018 PRTD 722 KEY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY CO 252978 04/17/2018 180150 050318 308.74 Invoice: 252978 Hyd Filters - #535 308.74 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149431 TOTAL: 308.74

149432 05/03/2018 PRTD 1805 KIESLER POLICE SUPPLY, INC. 861455 04/19/2018 181316 050318 1,382.00 Invoice: 861455 Force on Force equipment 1,382.00 E 199400001-400-1-4300 199 54316 Other Equipment CHECK 149432 TOTAL: 1,382.00

149433 05/03/2018 PRTD 570 LABSOURCE INC 6462655 04/26/2018 181318 050318 89.46 Invoice: 6462655 Latex gloves - Eastside Cemetery 89.46 00130317 53214 Eastside Cemetery Minor Equip CHECK 149433 TOTAL: 89.46

149434 05/03/2018 PRTD 749 LACKEY'S LANDSCAPING/BIG SPADE IN 2570 03/26/2018 181206 050318 1,050.00 Invoice: 2570 Tree transplanting 1,050.00 E 310300013-309-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149434 TOTAL: 1,050.00

149435 05/03/2018 PRTD 1785 LADY LIBERTY SPONSOR GROUP 04302018a 04/30/2018 181242 050318 1,462.77 Invoice: 04302018a Airport -- Advisory Commit FlyinLadyFee 1,462.77 E 530300001-307-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 15 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149435 TOTAL: 1,462.77

149436 05/03/2018 PRTD 819 MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6689 04/10/2018 180271 050318 30.00 Invoice: Wt6689 Towing Inoperable Vehicles-701 S Cleveland 18-406 30.00 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual

MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6703 04/13/2018 180271 050318 30.00 Invoice: Wt6703 Towing Inoperable Vehicles-926 E Ave A 18-286 30.00 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6683 04/09/2018 180271 050318 Invoice: Wt6683 Towing Inoperable Vehicles-707 S Elm 18-398 30.00 30.00 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual

MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6715 04/16/2018 180271 050318 30.00 Invoice: Wt6715 Towing Inoperable Vehicles-210 S Elm 18-459 (#1) 30.00 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6717 04/16/2018 180271 050318 30.00 Invoice: Wt6717 Towing Inoperable Vehicles 210 S Elm St 18-459(#2) 30.00 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6718 04/16/2018 180271 050318 30.00 Invoice: Wt6718 Towing Inoperable Vehicles-227 W 8th 18-549 30.00 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6724 04/17/2018 180271 050318 30.00 Invoice: Wt6724 Towing Inoperable Vehicles 424 E Carpenter 18-568 30.00 00160600 52980 Inspection Misc Contractual

MCCURDY MOTOR & WRECKER SERVICE Wt6716 04/16/2018 180114 050318 55.00 Invoice: Wt6716 tow charge - #256 55.00 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149436 TOTAL: 265.00

149437 05/03/2018 PRTD 832 MEMPHIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY 0154379-in 04/24/2018 180115 050318 56.94 Invoice: 0154379-in gasket set - Bursh 32 56.94 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149437 TOTAL: 56.94

149438 05/03/2018 PRTD 1561 MID AMERICA RESCUE COMPANY 2 04/27/2018 181308 050318 1,200.00 Invoice: 2 Basic Swiftwater Boat Operator 1,200.00 00150500 52360 Fire Training CHECK 149438 TOTAL: 1,200.00 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 16 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149439 05/03/2018 PRTD 848 MID-KANSAS TENT AND AWNING 18347 04/18/2018 181306 050318 85.00 Invoice: 18347 Tarp repair 85.00 00150500 52754 Fire Other Equipment Repairs CHECK 149439 TOTAL: 85.00

149440 05/03/2018 PRTD 851 MIDWAY MOTORS 74501 04/24/2018 180148 050318 392.27 Invoice: 74501 Repairs - Car 8 392.27 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts MIDWAY MOTORS 309001 04/26/2018 180148 050318 169.48 Invoice: 309001 pump - #204 police 169.48 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149440 TOTAL: 561.75

149441 05/03/2018 PRTD 1712 MIDWAY MOTORS SUPERCENTER 105787 04/26/2018 180153 050318 28,155.00 Invoice: 105787 New Truck - #150 Storm Water Admin 28,155.00 E 199200001-200-1-4300 199 54316 Other Equipment CHECK 149441 TOTAL: 28,155.00

149442 05/03/2018 PRTD 855 MIDWEST SUPERSTORE FORD-LINCOLN 14798 02/01/2018 181293 050318 21. 80 Invoice: 14798 Wiper arm assembly - Werner auto damage 21.80 421 52905 Risk Mngment Uninsured Loss MIDWEST SUPERSTORE FORD-LINCOLN 14629 01/23/2018 181292 050318 101.85 Invoice: 14629 Key 101.85 41210150 53214 WWTP Minor Equipment CHECK 149442 TOTAL: 123.65

149443 05/03/2018 PRTD 1403 ALEXUS TURNER 2830TURNER 04/24/2018 050318 50.00 Invoice: 2830TURNER DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149443 TOTAL: 50.00

149444 05/03/2018 PRTD 1403 KATY KINGSLEY 2870KINGSLEY 04/23/2018 050318 71. 00 Invoice: 2870KINGSLEY CANCELED RESERVATION - RICE PARK 71. 00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 17 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149444 TOTAL: 71. 00

149445 05/03/2018 PRTD 1403 SHARON JOHNSON 2892JOHNSON 04/24/2018 050318 50.00 Invoice: 2892JOHNSON DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK 50.00 E 603300002-300-l-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149445 TOTAL: 50.00

149446 05/03/2018 PRTD 1403 SHARON TIDWELL 2972TIDWELL 04/24/2018 050318 50.00 Invoice: 2972TIDWELL DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149446 TOTAL: 50.00

149447 05/03/2018 PRTD 1403 STEVE ALLEN 2999ALLEN 04/24/2018 050318 50.00 Invoice: 2999ALLEN DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149447 TOTAL: 50.00

149448 05/03/2018 PRTD 1403 TAHMORAADAMS 3019ADAMS 04/24/2018 050318 50.00 Invoice: 3019ADAMS DEPOSIT REFUND - RICE PARK 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149448 TOTAL: 50.00

149449 05/03/2018 PRTD 1403 TERYSSSA BELLING 2659BELLING 04/24/2018 050318 50.00 Invoice: 2659BELLING DEPOSIT REFUND - HOMEBUILDER'S 50.00 E 603300002-300-1-2980 603 52980 Agency Misc Contract CHECK 149449 TOTAL: 50.00 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 18 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149450 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 ALLEN, BRAXTON NICHOLAS MC1600831/0503 04/26/2018 050318 50.00 Invoice: MC1600831/0503 RESTITUTION DEKEL POPE 50.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149450 TOTAL: 50.00

149451 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 BARKER, BOBBY W Pl02049/0503 04/26/2018 050318 20.00 Invoice: P102049/0503 RESTITUTION VICTORIA LOU EMMA WILLMES 20.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149451 TOTAL: 20.00

149452 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 DICK, DANIEL DENNIS 1100413/0503 04/26/2018 050318 25.00 Invoice: 1100413/0503 RESTITUTION DOMINIQUE BROOME 25.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149452 TOTAL: 25.00

149453 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 GARCIA, GERALDINE M C194579/0503 04/26/2018 050318 527.33 Invoice: Cl94579/0503 RESTITUTION JORDAN JACKSON 527.33 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149453 TOTAL: 527.33

149454 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 MCNAUGHTON, STEPHEN L Cl72660/0503 04/26/2018 050318 25.00 Invoice: Cl72660/0503 RESTITUTION AMANDAWHITE 25.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149454 TOTAL: 25.00

149455 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 NESHYBA-BIRD, DOLORES E102172/0503 04/26/2018 050318 100.00 Invoice: E102172/0503 RESTITUTION BREYHAUN BASKIN 100.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149455 TOTAL: 100.00

149456 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 ONEAL, DAVID LAMAR MC090641/0503 04/26/2018 050318 20.00 Invoice: MC090641/0503 RESTITUTION CARL WIT III 20.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149456 TOTAL: 20.00 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 19 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149457 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 TARGET AP RECOVERY/L, MC1700820/0503 04/26/2018 050318 .94 Invoice: MC1700820/0503 RESTITUTION JONIE VOGT .94 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149457 TOTAL: .94

149458 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 VERONICA ALVAREZ MC1700953/0503 04/26/2018 050318 200.00 Invoice: MC1700953/0503 BOND REFUND 200.00 602 52992 Court Agency Cash Bonds CHECK 149458 TOTAL: 200.00

149459 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 VERONICA ALVAREZ MC1800147/0503 04/26/2018 050318 200.00 Invoice: MC1800147/0503 BOND RETURN 200.00 602 52992 Court Agency Cash Bonds CHECK 149459 TOTAL: 200.00

149460 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 WALMARTREST PAYMENT MC1600896/0503 04/26/2018 050318 20.67 Invoice: MC1600896/0503 RESTITUTION CHELSEY CHAFFIN 20.67 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149460 TOTAL: 20.67

149461 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 WALMARTREST PAYMENTS MC1600785/0503 04/26/2018 050318 20.00 Invoice: MC1600785/0503 RESTITUTION CHELSEY CHAFFIN 20.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149461 TOTAL: 20.00

149462 05/03/2018 PRTD 1404 WYER, WILLIAM K MC080788/0503 04/26/2018 050318 20.00 Invoice: MC080788/0503 RESTITUTION MATTHEWBREDING 20.00 602 52991 Court Agency Restitution CHECK 149462 TOTAL: 20.00

149463 05/03/2018 PRTD 1401 MMCI, INC. REFUND MMCI 05/02/2018 050318 150.00 Invoice: REFUND MMCI ADM FEES/911 N PERSHING 150.00 00101010 47728 Gen Fund Reimbursement CHECK 149463 TOTAL: 150.00 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 20 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149464 05/03/2018 PRTD 1401 TANNER & CINTHYA MORAVEK REFUND MORAVEK 05/02/2018 050318 323.00 Invoice: REFUND MORAVEK 2ND HALF MOWING/ABATEMENT 323.00 00101010 47728 Gen Fund Reimbursement CHECK 149464 TOTAL: 323.00

149465 05/03/2018 PRTD 885 MURPHY TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. 934351 04/24/2018 180117 050318 587.99 Invoice: 934351 switch - #532 park 587.99 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149465 TOTAL: 587.99

149466 05/03/2018 PRTD 921 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 0283-458789 04/20/2018 180141 050318 87.85 Invoice: 0283-458789 Airbag sensor - #130 Garage 87.85 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149466 TOTAL: 87.85

149467 05/03/2018 PRTD 1801 OKLAHOMASTATE UNIVERSITY 67358 04/16/2018 181315 050318 2,805.00 Invoice: 67358 Swiftwater Rescue registration 2,805.00 00150500 52360 Fire Training CHECK 149467 TOTAL: 2,805.00

149468 05/03/2018 PRTD 936 ORKIN - SALINA 169295683 04/04/2018 180190 050318 23.00 Invoice: 169295683 ORKIN- AVENUE A PARK 23.00 00130301 52980 Park Maint Misc Contractual ORKIN - SALINA 169296071 04/19/2018 180094 050318 23.00 Invoice: 169296071 ORKIN- HOMEBUILDERS 23.00 00130301 52980 Park Maint Misc Contractual CHECK 149468 TOTAL: 46.00

149469 05/03/2018 PRTD 1788 TAMMYORTH 042418 MILEAGE REIMB04/27/2018 181313 050318 64.31 Invoice: 042418 MILEAGE REIMB Travel for Microsoft Excel training 64.31 00140406 52340 Dispatch Travel TAMMYORTH 042318 mileage reimb04/27/2018 181314 050318 63.22 Invoice: 042318 mileage reimb Travel for Microsoft Excel training 63.22 00140406 52340 Dispatch Travel CHECK 149469 TOTAL: 127.53 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 21 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149470 05/03/2018 PRTD 1802 OWENS CONSTRUCTION, INC. 27175 04/20/2018 181258 050318 169.72 Invoice: 27175 repairs to canopy over fuel island 169.72 00110105 52730 Central Gar Shop Plant Equp Re CHECK 149470 TOTAL: 169.72

149471 05/03/2018 PRTD 944 PARADIGM GROUP, LLC 18103 04/24/2018 181321 050318 450.00 Invoice: 18103 PARADIGM GROUP LLC. - INVOICE 450.00 00130300 52980 Park Admin Misc Contractual CHECK 149471 TOTAL: 450.00

149472 05/03/2018 PRTD 945 PARK SEED WHOLESALE Cl18162512 04/05/2018 180071 050318 1,188.99 Invoice: Cll8162512 Flowers 1,188.99 00130303 53201 Forestry & Hort Ag Supplies PARK SEED WHOLESALE Cl18036756 02/02/2018 181287 050318 72 .14 Invoice: Cl18036756 pots 72.14 00130303 53201 Forestry & Hort Ag Supplies CHECK 149472 TOTAL: 1,261.13

149473 05/03/2018 PRTD 954 PAVING MAINTENANCE SUPPLY INC 25005556 04/11/2018 180118 050318 -272. 72 Invoice: 25005556 credit for returned parts -272.72 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts PAVING MAINTENANCE SUPPLY INC 25005495 04/03/2018 181285 050318 361.97 Invoice: 25005495 Milling teeth for small surfac 361.97 10310120 53224 Street Construct Equp Repair CHECK 149473 TOTAL: 89.25

149474 05/03/2018 PRTD 959 PEPSI COLA COMPANY 53537653 04/25/2018 180723 050318 585.60 Invoice: 53537653 Cafe Beverages 585.60 40030309 53241 Golf Other Beverages CHECK 149474 TOTAL: 585.60

149475 05/03/2018 PRTD 1728 MID STATES ENVIRONMENTAL 10065 04/25/2018 180418 050318 29.00 Invoice: 10065 Monthly Pest Control 29.00 40030309 52980 Golf Misc Contractual Serv CHECK 149475 TOTAL: 29.00 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 22 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

149476 05/03/2018 PRTD 989 PRAIRIE VISTA VETERINARY HOSPITAL MAY18 04/27/2018 180368 050318 350.00 Invoice: MAY18 MAY 18 VET OF RECORD 350.00 14440409 52980 Animal Shelter Misc Contract CHECK 149476 TOTAL: 350.00

149477 05/03/2018 PRTD 1745 REBECCA PEDERSON REIMB MILEAGE/BOSTON04/26/2018 181299 050318 54.50 Invoice: REIMB MILEAGE/BOSTON MILEAGE TO WICHITA AIRPORT 54.50 00104040 52330 Finance Mileage Reimb CHECK 149477 TOTAL: 54.50

149478 05/03/2018 PRTD 1042 RENO COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY FORFEITURES 04/26/2018 050318 4,420.25 Invoice: FORFEITURES FORFEITURES 4,420.25 E 199400003-400-1-4300 199 54316 Other Equipment CHECK 149478 TOTAL: 4,420.25

149479 05/03/2018 PRTD 1045 RENO COUNTY SOLID WASTE DEPARTMEN 11072 04/20/2018 181298 050318 278.85 Invoice: 11072 March Dewatered screenings and 278.85 41210150 52660 WWTP Landfill Assessment CHECK 149479 TOTAL: 278.85

149480 05/03/2018 PRTD 1057 RICK'S DOZER SERVICE 1861 04/21/2018 181262 050318 1,250.00 Invoice: 1861 Emergency demolition of house-110 W Ave G 1,250.00 E 310600001-600-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149480 TOTAL: 1,250.00

149481 05/03/2018 PRTD 1083 SAFELITE FULFILLMENT, INC. 449105 04/25/2018 180123 050318 394.56 Invoice: 449105 windshield - #151 park 394.56 00110103 53216 Central Gar Rev Vehicle Parts CHECK 149481 TOTAL: 394.56

149482 05/03/2018 PRTD 1085 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP R00243097 04/20/2018 180136 050318 284.37 Invoice: R00243097 solvent tank rental 284.37 00110105 52980 Central Gar Shop Misc Contract 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 23 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149482 TOTAL: 284.37

149483 05/03/2018 PRTD 1100 SCHMIDT 450 04/18/2018 181269 050318 325.00 Invoice: 450 2018 Spanish Translation Servi 325.00 00107075 52980 Municipal Court Misc Contract CHECK 149483 TOTAL: 325.00

149484 05/03/2018 PRTD 1131 RAYE. SIEBERT MAY18 04/27/2018 180001 050318 500.00 Invoice: MAY18 TORNADO SIREN/RADIO ANTENNA 400.00 00140403 52980 Patrol & Invest Misc Contractu 100.00 00140407 52980 Radio Misc Contractual CHECK 149484 TOTAL: 500.00

149485 05/03/2018 PRTD 1164 SOUTHWEST PLUS I-115936 04/26/2018 181317 050318 161.03 Invoice: I-115936 Janitorial supplies - Golf/Zoo/Purchasing 30.24 00104045 53101 Central Purchasing Office Supp 79.68 00130302 53204 Zoo Cleaning Supplies 51.11 40030309 53209 Golf Household Supplies CHECK 149485 TOTAL: 161.03

149486 05/03/2018 PRTD 1225 TALLEY INC. 70219273APR18 04/20/2018 181311 050318 78.61 Invoice: 70219273APR18 Replacement part - Radio Maint 78.61 00140407 53214 Radio Minor Equipment CHECK 149486 TOTAL: 78.61

149487 05/03/2018 PRTD 1250 TITLEIST 905748749 04/23/2018 180439 050318 185.37 Invoice: 905748749 Golf Clubs, Balls, Bags, Acces .00 40030309 53940 Golf Golf Clubs 185.37 40030309 53945 Golf Golf Bags CHECK 149487 TOTAL: 185.37

149488 05/03/2018 PRTD 1257 TOPEKA SOD FARM 11146 04/23/2018 180989 050318 6,380.00 Invoice: 11146 sod for renovation project 6,380.00 E 310300013-309-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay TOPEKA SOD FARM 11147 04/23/2018 181217 050318 3,300.00 Invoice: 11147 Sod for renovation project 3,300.00 E 310300013-309-1-4200 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 24 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149488 TOTAL: 9,680.00

149489 05/03/2018 PRTD 1787 TRADER AIR, INC. 040318 04/30/2018 181243 050318 1,200.00 Invoice: 040318 Airport -- Advisory Commit Flyin TraderFee 1,200.00 E 530300001-307-1-2980 530 52980 Donation Misc Contractual CHECK 149489 TOTAL: 1,200.00

149490 05/03/2018 PRTD 1804 TRI-ELECTRONICS, INC. 232816 04/12/2018 181284 050318 1,890.00 Invoice: 232816 Batteries for radios 1,890.00 E 199400001-400-1-4300 199 54316 Other Equipment CHECK 149490 TOTAL: 1,890.00

149491 05/03/2018 PRTD 1761 TURF DESIGN, INC. 1 04/16/2018 180674 050318 150,773.94 Invoice: 1 Golf Course Sod Bid 18-82 150,773.94 E 310300013-309-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149491 TOTAL: 150,773.94

149492 05/03/2018 PRTD 1500 CODY KILLINGSWORTH 17643KILLINGSWORTH 04/26/2018 050318 13.89 Invoice: 17643KILLINGSWORTH REFUND CREDIT 208 N MAIN 13.89 411 12000 Water Accounts Receivable CHECK 149492 TOTAL: 13.89

149493 05/03/2018 PRTD 1500 COURTNEY HICKEY 17641HICKEY 04/26/2018 050318 51. 91 Invoice: 17641HICKEY REFUND CREDIT 408 W 20TH 51. 91 411 12000 Water Accounts Receivable CHECK 149493 TOTAL: 51. 91

149494 05/03/2018 PRTD 1500 JUSTIN CASE 17642CASE 04/26/2018 050318 18.32 Invoice: 17642CASE REFUND CREDIT 1401 E 23RD 18.32 411 12000 Water Accounts Receivable 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 25 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149494 TOTAL: 18.32

149495 05/03/2018 PRTD 1500 OBRIA SMITH 17609SMITH 04/25/2018 050318 3.85 Invoice: 17609SMITH REFUND CREDIT 812 E 3RD 3.85 411 12000 Water Accounts Receivable CHECK 149495 TOTAL: 3.85

149496 05/03/2018 PRTD 1500 S & S PRIME PROPERTIES LLC 17640S&S PRIME PROP 04/26/2018 050318 11. 57 Invoice: 17640S&S PRIME PROP REFUND CREDIT 3120 BELMONT 11.57 411 12000 Water Accounts Receivable CHECK 149496 TOTAL: 11. 57

149497 05/03/2018 PRTD 1286 UNITED WAY OF RENO COUNTY 17681 03/13/2018 181027 050318 3,089.00 Invoice: 17681 Check refund to United Way of 3,089.00 E 186061602-060-1-2980 186 52980 Planning Grant Misc Contract CHECK 149497 TOTAL: 3,089.00

149498 05/03/2018 PRTD 1748 WESCO DISTRIBUTION, INC. 379440 04/20/2018 181330 050318 202.20 Invoice: 379440 Electrical supplies - Zoo 202.20 00130302 53215 Zoo Electrical Supplies CHECK 149498 TOTAL: 202.20

149499 05/03/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 9344480627APR18 04/25/2018 180048 050318 24.19 Invoice: 9344480627APR18 APR18 SERV/12TH & PLUM CROSSWALK 24.19 00120203 52610 Traffic Sign Electricity CHECK 149499 TOTAL: 24.19

149500 05/03/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 0271585043APR18 04/25/2018 180043 050318 31. 63 Invoice: 0271585043APR18 APR 18 SERV/AIRPORT FUEL FARM 31.63 40130307 52610 Airport Electricity CHECK 149500 TOTAL: 31. 63

149501 05/03/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 5295117462APR18 04/25/2018 180041 050318 43.85 Invoice: 5295117462APR18 APR 18 SERV/FUN VALLEY 43.85 00130305 52610 Fun Valley Electricity 05/02/2018 14:59 !City of Hutchinson IP 26 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC CHECK 149501 TOTAL: 43.85

149502 05/03/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 9640862567APR18 04/27/2018 180057 050318 48.80 Invoice: 9640862567APR18 APR 18 SERV/AIRPORT TOWER 48.80 40130307 52610 Airport Electricity CHECK 149502 TOTAL: 48.80

149503 05/03/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 9130079283APR18 04/25/2018 180058 050318 142.03 Invoice: 9130079283APR18 APR 18 SERV/9TH & AIRPORT 142.03 40130307 52610 Airport Electricity CHECK 149503 TOTAL: 142.03

149504 05/03/2018 PRTD 670 WESTAR ENERGY 7258328627APR18 04/25/2018 180066 050318 1,533.24 Invoice: 7258328627APR18 APR18 SERV/FUN VALLEY 1,533.24 00130305 52610 Fun Valley Electricity CHECK 149504 TOTAL: 1,533.24

149505 05/03/2018 PRTD 1344 WESTERN SUPPLY CO 5007723 04/19/2018 180789 050318 1,048.73 Invoice: 5007723 BID QUOTES 1,048.73 E 310301501-300-1-4200 310 54399 Other Capital Outlay CHECK 149505 TOTAL: 1,048.73

149506 05/03/2018 PRTD 1367 WINDSTREAM CORPORATION 011101691APR18 04/18/2018 180381 050318 6.26 Invoice: 011101691APR18 Phone Lines - Long Distance Service 6.26 E 165401101-406-1- 165 52450 E911 Trans Fee CHECK 149506 TOTAL: 6.26

149507 05/03/2018 PRTD 1393 ZENOR ELECTRIC CO INC abbb273 03/12/2018 181323 050318 1,055.56 Invoice: abbb273 ZENOR ELECTRIC - INVOICE - FUN 1,055.56 00130305 52770 Fun Valley Other Repair CHECK 149507 TOTAL: 1,055.56

149508 05/03/2018 PRTD 1396 ZOETIS, INC 9005871859 04/20/2018 180293 050318 307.57 Invoice: 9005871859 Vaccines, medical supplies 307.57 14440409 53213 Animal Shelter Medical & Lab 05/02/2018 14:59 ICity of Hutchinson IP 27 shellyhs IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL lapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHICDATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC

ZOETIS, INC 9005871859b 04/20/2018 181224 050318 50.78 Invoice: 9005871859b Vaccines, tests, etc 50.78 14440409 53213 Animal Shelter Medical & Lab CHECK 149508 TOTAL: 358.35



*** GRAND TOTAL*** 501,865.79 05/01/2018 15:56 City of Hutchinson P l karenw IA/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Iapcshdsb CASH ACCOUNT: 999 18001 CB&T 256 CHECK NO CHlC DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET INVOICE DTL DESC 305 04/30/2018 WIRE 226 CITY BEVERAGE COMPANY INC 344088 04/30/2018 180005 043018 243.35 Invoice: 344088 BEER 243.35 400-30-309-000-53240 Golf Alcoholic Beverages CHECK 305 TOTAL: 243.35



*** GRAND TOTAL*** 243.35

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I , ;__ / ,_.. , FOR MEETING OF AGENDA ITEM FOR ACTION CITY OF INFORMATION ONLY HUTCHINSON Engineering Department 1500 S. Plum St., Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 694-1900 Fax (620) 694-1980


DATE: May 9, 2018

TO: John Deardoff, City Manager

FROM: Jeff Peterson, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Future Road Easement Vacation (4904 Cottonwood Drive)- Case 2018-1 BACKGROUND Bob and Ann Bush formally requested the vacation of a future road easement that is located on the east and south sides of their property at 4904 Cottonwood Drive. The required legal publication set the public hearing for May 15th at 9:00 a.m. was published in The Hutchinson News on Friday, April 13th, 2018. This easement vacation is requested to allow the construction of a residential building addition closer to the east property line. THE ISSUE Does the City Council elect to approve the vacation of the platted future road easements located on the East 30 feet and the South 30 feet of Tract 5 of the Sand Dunes Addition. A utility easement will be retained in the entire road easement that is proposed to be vacated. A map of the proposed vacation is included for your reference. The following city departments, utilities and adjacent property owners were contacted for their input on the proposed vacation.

No. Utilities & City Departments Easement Vacation

1 Fire Department Approved

2 Public Works/Utilities Department Approved

3 Engineering Department Approved

4 Street Department Approved

5 Planning Department Approved

6 Building/Inspection Department No Response

7 Police Department No Response

8 Utility Billing Approved

9 Westar Energy Approved

8 Kansas Gas Service Approved CITY OF HUTCHINSON Engineering Department 1500 S. Plum St., Hutchinson, KS 67501 ( 620) 694-1900 Fax (620) 694-1980

9 AT&T Approved

10 Cox Communications Approved

11 Nustar Energy No Response

Adjacent Property Owners

1. Oleta Lett Approved

2. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brown No Response

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the future road easements that occupy the east 30 feet and the south 30 feet of Tract 5, Sand Dunes Addition located in the SE ¼ of Section 28, T22S, R5W, Reno County, Kansas be vacated while retaining a utility easement in all locations vacated by the future road easement. CASE 2018-1


NOW, on May 15, 2018, the above entitled matter comes before the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Kansas upon the petition of Bob Bush.

THEREUPON, it is shown and stated to the City Council that Bob Bush desires the vacation of a platted Future Road Easement located in the City of Hutchinson, Kansas, and more particularly described as follows:

The future road easement located on the east 30 feet and south 30 feet of Tract 5, Sand Dunes Addition located in the SE¼ of Section 28, T22S, R5W, Reno County, Kansas.

IT IS FURTHER SHOWN AND STATED TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, KANSAS, that no private rights will be injured or endangered by such vacation, and that the public will not suffer any loss or inconvenience by the vacation of a portion of this platted street. IT IS FURTHER SHOWN AND STATED TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, KANSAS, that notice of the Petitioners' intent to vacate the above described platted street was given by publication on Friday, April 13, 2018 (Case 2018-1) in The Hutchinson News, a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the street sought to be vacated. THEREUPON, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Kansas finds that due and legal notice has been given by publication as required by K.S.A. 12-504 as amended; that no private rights will be injured or endangered by this vacation as requested and that the public will not suffer any loss or inconvenience thereby. THEREFORE, the request of the Petitioner should be and is hereby granted, and that the following described platted street to wit: The future road easement located on the east 30 feet and south 30 feet of Tract 5, Sand Dunes Addition located in the SE¼ of Section 28, T22S, R5W, Reno County, Kansas.

Is hereby vacated; provided however that the area of the vacated 30 foot future road easement shall be reserved as an easement for the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, replacement or relocation of each and every existing or future public utility and other public improvement (whether or not owned by the City) that may in the future or is presently located in, on or under the area vacated hereby.


Karen Weltmer, City Clerk Steven A. Dechant, Mayor Garber Surveying Service, P.A.

1901 :Vonh Pl"""' St. 5/ I .'Vortlt Poplar SL llS us, M•rlln HC..Uhfn,011, K11,u&s 61$02 /\'rwron, 8.01t.J1U 611 U McP•m••· g..,..., 17'60 P"o"• 610 665. 70J1 • FAX 610 66J• 7'0J Pho•< JJ6 JIJ.S05J • FAX J/6 161-507) PhotU 610UI-U•l • f,V( 610 Ul-4451

SURV'eY Falt, BOB BUSI! f"t-qje.ot No. C2018-ll0

DE&CR.IPTlON': · Tr&0l "· Sud D1.mcs Add1Uoc, • Sub-4nuton of t.b• lut $0 &cm d Uic Southwul Qual"UIT od tJu- 'l'c:st. SO Acra• of Quartc:,- of ~et.ioD a.a , To"lisbip 22 Soulh, ~c ~ Wc,t of th~ 91.h Pri.ocipaJ Marldia.ZI. A/r/44804~-

' ' ' ' ' ' ' i " '\. ~.,, ' '\. '\-"' ~ '\. '\. ' ' ' ' ' ~<" ' ' ~

! I f TRACT 5 j : ~ I ! Is i "' ~

iE ~ z Scale: 1•=60'

0 - Subdl.i•ion Mon111nc,nt f"ound (~.. l - P1ottad (C) - CcicvlO'leO ,w:i - Wl9QIIJC"lld •/\.- Wani Ot L•a DATZ or PDLD WORK.: S•pt.em.bal- 21. 201'1 aURVS'YOJit:'8 CSRTU'lCATC: ,, : \ I hereby cvt1fJ' lbD plat to be • true. coJToct. A.Dd compl•t• reprae:nta.Ua:a. of lhe property ducsfb-4 ,~~,~ uder my np,.nlldoD- ••• ,~\. . ~ ,,, D.t.ed: Fabl'\IU'J 22, 2018 ...... ~~----;Sf£'. ~


THROUGH: Jana McCarron, AICP, Director of Planning and Development

REQUEST: Case #CUP18-000003 Request for a Conditional Use Permit to convert a commercial building into a residential duplex on property located at 128 W 5th Ave.

CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED: Motion to (accept and approve/amend and approve/override and deny by at least a majority vote of 4 of the 5 Council members/return to the Planning Commission) the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the conditional use permit to convert a commercial building into a residential duplex on property located at 128 W 5th Ave, pursuant to the factors and conditions listed below.

PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On May 1, 2018, the Hutchinson Planning Commission recommended approval of this request by a vote of 7-0, based upon due consideration of the following factors: 1. Character of the neighborhood; 2. Zoning and uses of nearby property; 3. Suitability of the property for the proposed use as presently zoned; 4. Impact on nearby properties; 5. Length of time the property has remained vacant; 6. Relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare, as compared with the hardship to the land owner if the application were denied; 7. Availability of public utilities to serve the development; 8. Conformance to the Comprehensive Plan; and 9. Recommendations of the professional staff.

And with the following conditions of approval:

1. This conditional use permit shall only be used for a residential duplex at the above-listed location. 2. All parking of vehicles shall be on a paved surface.

PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing was held before the Hutchinson Planning Commission on May 1, 2018, where the attached staff report (Exhibit 1) was presented. Other than the applicant, no member of the public CUP18-000003: Residential Duplex at 128 W 5th Ave City Council Agenda Report May 15, 2018, City Council Meeting addressed the Commission and no written comments were received. The unofficial minutes for the meeting are included as Exhibit 2.

ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1 – Planning Commission Staff Report and Exhibits A-B Exhibit 2 – Unofficial Planning Commission Minutes (Meeting of May 1, 2018)


STAFF REPORT Agenda Item #: ____  Planning Commission CASE #: CUP18-000003  Board of Zoning Appeals Planning & Development Department PUBLIC HEARING: YES NO 125 E Avenue B | Hutchinson KS 67501 DATE: 04/17/2018 MEETING DATE: 05/01/2018 620.694.2639

 Comprehensive Plan Amendment  Conditional Use Permit

 Final Plat  Language Amendment  Preliminary Plat STAFF REPRESENTATIVE: Amy Allison

    STAFF Study Session Subdivision Variance Zoning Amendment Other Housing Program Coordinator

REQUEST  Appeal  Special Use Permit  Variance

128 W 5th Ave APPLICANT: Marvin Mast 1505 N Lorraine St.

Hutchinson KS 67501




ZONING: Request for Conditional Use Permit approval for a residential duplex in a C-4, Special Commercial District commercial zone for property located at 128 W 5th Ave. PROJECT


SUBDIVISION: Miller & Smiths The property is designated as Commercial on the 2017-2037 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Residential duplexes are considered a compatible EXISTING LAND USE: commercial use with conditions. Vacant Commercial COMP PLAN PLAN COMP COMPATIBILITY SITE IMPROVEMENTS: PROPERTY INFORMATION 1,715 sf commercial structure 128 W 5th Ave SIZE OF PROPERTY: 2,417 Square Feet DEVELOPMENT REVIEW: 4/10/2018 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISHED

4/4/2018, Hutchinson News


REVIEW 3/30/2018 to 16 owners of 20 surrounding properties NOTIFICATIONS & NEXT STEPS: LOCATION MAP MAP LOCATION City Council Consideration – 5/15/2018 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY  Approved  Approved with Conditions Subject Property  Denied  Tabled CUP18-000003 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RESIDENTIAL DUPLEX, 128 W 5TH AVE 5/1/2018 HEARING DATE


Factor Analysis Met | Not Met The subject property is located in a neighborhood with a mixture of uses. The property is located on a commercial corridor and sits adjacent to a residential 1. Character of the neighborhood. The properties immediately to the north and east are residential  Met neighborhood properties. Neighboring commercial uses are separated by arterial and collector streets. Modifying the existing structure into a residential duplex use at this property will not significantly impact the character of the neighborhood.

Location Zoning Use Subject C-4 Special Commercial District Vacant 2. Current zoning and Property uses of nearby North C-4 Special Commercial District Single family residential  Met property South C-4 Special Commercial District Laundromat East C-4 Special Commercial District Multiple family residential C-4 Special Commercial District Grocery store West 3. Suitability of the The property was developed as a commercial property. The existing structure property for the has plumbing for two bathrooms in place but bathing facilities and kitchen units  Met proposed use as will need to be added. Issues with the Building or Fire Code, if any, will be presently zoned addressed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 4. Extent of detrimental The property is already developed. A residential duplex will have less impact on effects to nearby the surrounding neighborhood than a commercial use. Currently there is no properties if the  Met room for parking on the property. The City Engineer has authorized on-street application were parking on 5th Ave to count towards the four parking spaces required for the use. approved 5. Length of time the property has remained The property has been vacant for one year.  Met vacant 6. Relative gain to the public health, safety Health, safety, and welfare: The proposed use will not have a significant impact and welfare compared to the public health, safety or welfare. to the hardship  Met

imposed upon the Landowner hardship: If the landowner is unable to convert the subject property, landowner if the then he will likely continue to have issues finding a tenant for the property. application were denied 7. Conformance of this The Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for this property is Commercial request to the  Met and the proposed use is compatible with commercial uses with conditions. Comprehensive Plan There are no expected impacts on public facilities and utilities, as this site is 8. Impact on public already developed with existing, water, sewer, street, sidewalk and other public  Met facilities and utilities facilities / utilities in place.




Item Standard Provided Met |Not Met Front yard setback 0 feet 0 feet (existing structure)  Met 9.5 feet N, 2 feet E; 0 feet W  Not Met Side and rear yard setback 10 feet N & E, 0 feet W (existing structure) (existing structure) Building Height 35 feet 18 feet  Met  Not Met Maximum Lot Coverage 60% 66% (existing structure) (existing structure) Driveway Surfacing n/a n/a (existing structure)  Met  Not Met Drive Aisle Width n/a n/a (existing structure) (existing structure) 4 spaces 4 spaces on-street parking Parking  Met (2 per dwelling unit) (see attachment)

Landscaping & Screening n/a n/a  Met

Mechanical Equipment n/a n/a  Met Screening Trash Bin Screening n/a n/a  Met Exterior Lighting n/a n/a  Met

Access n/a n/a  Met

DEVELOPMENT REVIEW: A Development Review Committee meeting was held on April 10, 2018. In addition to comments submitted by the Planning Department, the following comments were received:

Building Inspection [Trent Maxwell] • Architectural and/or Engineered stamped drawings may be required.

Engineering [Bruce Colle] • It appears from the drawing provided that there is a master water meter for the building. Is the applicant going to master meter water and sewer for both units? Also is the electric going to have separate meters?

PUBLIC COMMENTS: On March 30, 2018, notification was made to the 16 owners of property surrounding the site. No comments were received.











Existing Structure

On-Street Parking

Not drawn to scale

EXHIBITS: A. City Engineer On-Street Parking Approval B. Staff-Recommended Conditions of Approval


Amy Allison

From: Bruce Colle Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:42 PM To: Jana McCarron Cc: Jeff Peterson; Amy Allison Subject: RE: Parking for Marvin Mast Property - 128 W 5th Ave

I would recommend approval based on the fact that parking needs are met with the adjacent diagonal parking and parallel parking on West 5th Avenue.

Bruce Colle, P.E. Director of Engineering City of Hutchinson 1500 S. Plum St. Hutchinson, KS 67501 (620) 694-2645 direct | (620) 694-1980 fax

From: Jana McCarron Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 12:46 PM To: Bruce Colle Cc: Jeff Peterson ; Jana McCarron ; Amy Allison Subject: RE: Parking for Marvin Mast Property ‐ 128 W 5th Ave


He would need four spaces until we get our regulations changed, at which point he would only need two. We typically do not allow on‐street parking to count, but if you feel comfortable “allocating” this, due to the unique nature of the property and the available on‐street parking, we will go forward with the conditional use permit upon your recommendation that the parking needs are met. Truthfully, no one else is going to park there. Would you require the hand‐printed sign to be removed?

Let me know your thoughts on this. We had one similar case years ago and I think Brian made the recommendation that we allow for the on‐street parking to count.



Jana McCarron, AICP Director of Planning & Development Hutchinson, KS 620‐694‐2681

Please visit our website to obtain applications, find answers to frequently asked questions, and much more.


CUP18-000003 | 128 W 5th Ave | Residential Duplex Staff-Recommended Conditions of Approval

Conditional Use Permit Conditions 1. This conditional use permit shall only be used for residential duplex to be located at 128 W 5th Ave.

Standard Conditions of Approval 1. All parking of vehicles shall be on a paved surface. EXHIBIT 2 UNOFFICIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF: TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2018 MEETING LOCATION: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 125 EAST AVENUE B

1. ROLL CALL The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 5:46 p.m. with the following members present: Jon Richardson (8/9), Mark Woleslagel (6/9), Brock Wells (8/9), Tommy Hornbeck (7/9), Terry Bisbee (8/9), Valery Roberts-Ropp (8/9), and Darryl Peterson (7/9). Members Janet Hamilton (7/9) and Todd Carr (8/9) were absent.

Planning Staff present were: Jana McCarron, Director of Planning & Development; Aaron Barlow, Associate Planner; Amy Allison, Housing Program Coordinator, and Jade Shain, Planning Technician.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 17, 2018 meeting were approved on a motion by Bisbee, seconded by Woleslagel, passed unanimously.

3. CORRESPONDENCE & STAFF REPORTS The documents and staff reports were accepted into the official record on a motion by Peterson, seconded by Richardson, passed unanimously.


a. CUP18-000003 – Conditional Use Permit for residential duplex in a commercial zone, 128 W 5th Ave

Hornbeck asked for the staff presentation. Allison provided the staff presentation.

The property at 128 W 5th Ave, owned by Marvin Mast, is zoned C-4 Special Commercial District. The Comprehensive Plan Designation is Commercial. The applicant, Marvin Mast, has requested a Conditional Use Permit for a residential duplex. A duplex requires a Conditional Use Permit in the C-4 zoning district because it is not permitted by right.

Wells arrived at 5:50 PM.

Allison provided the standard factors of approval required for conditional use permit requests:


Factor Analysis Met | Not Met The subject property is located in a neighborhood with a mixture of uses. The property is located on a commercial corridor and sits adjacent to a residential neighborhood. The properties immediately to the north and 1. Character of the east are residential properties. Neighboring commercial uses are  Met neighborhood separated by arterial and collector streets. Modifying the existing structure into a residential duplex use at this property will not significantly impact the character of the neighborhood.

Location Zoning Use Subject C-4 Special Commercial Vacant Property District C-4 Special Commercial North Single family residential 2. Current zoning and District uses of nearby South C-4 Special Commercial  Met Laundromat property District East C-4 Special Commercial Multiple family residential District C-4 Special Commercial West Grocery store District The property was developed as a commercial property. The existing 3. Suitability of the structure has plumbing for two bathrooms in place but bathing facilities property for the and kitchen units will need to be added. Issues with the Building or Fire  Met proposed use as Code, if any, will be addressed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of presently zoned Occupancy. 4. Extent of The property is already developed. A residential duplex will have less detrimental effects impact on the surrounding neighborhood than a commercial use. to nearby Currently there is no room for parking on the property. The City Engineer  Met properties if the has authorized on-street parking on 5th Ave to count towards the four application were parking spaces required for the use. approved 5. Length of time the property has The property has been vacant for one year.  Met remained vacant 6. Relative gain to the public health, safety Health, safety, and welfare: The proposed use will not have a significant and welfare impact to the public health, safety or welfare. compared to the  Met hardship imposed Landowner hardship: If the landowner is unable to convert the subject upon the landowner property, then he will likely continue to have issues finding a tenant for if the application the property. were denied 7. Conformance of The Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for this property is this request to the Commercial and the proposed use is compatible with commercial uses  Met Comprehensive with conditions. Plan 8. Impact on public There are no expected impacts on public facilities and utilities, as this site facilities and is already developed with existing, water, sewer, street, sidewalk and other  Met utilities public facilities / utilities in place. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF: TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2018

The representative of the applicant, Benjamin Mast, spoke to the Board about his request. He said it has been difficult to find a stable tenant for a Commercial property. The property has been vacant for a long time. He believes that the Hutchinson housing market could benefit from a duplex with small rooms for fixed and low-income people; adding that these tenants would be more stable as tenants and the turnover at this property would be reduced.

Hornbeck asked for staff’s recommendation; Allison responded that staff recommends approval with conditions:

1) This conditional use permit shall only be used for residential duplex to be located at 128 W 5th Ave. 2) All parking of vehicles shall be on a paved surface.

Hornbeck asked if anyone from the audience would like to comment; there were no comments. Hornbeck closed the public hearing and asked for a motion.

Motion by Bisbee, seconded by Richardson and passed unanimously, to recommend approval with conditions to the Hutchinson City Council of Conditional Use Permit request #CUP18-000003 for a residential duplex located at 128 W 5th Ave. based upon a finding that the factors required for approval are met.

This item will be considered by City Council on May 15, 2018.


a. Floodplain Changes – City of Hutchinson (Barlow)

Barlow discussed the proposed FEMA floodplain changes in the City of Hutchinson. The FEMA draft map was shown.


a. None.


a. None.


a) New Antennas on Plaza Tower – Sprint WCF18-000001 – In progress b) Site Plan Review - YMCA Parking Lot Expansion (716 E 13th Ave) – Waiting for revised plans c) Site Plan Review – Drake Accounting Office Expansion (401 W 1st Ave) – Waiting for complete application. 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MEETING OF: TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2018

d) Site Plan Review – PrairieLand Partners (1800 S Lorraine St) – Variance Hearing


a. None.



a. McCarron gave an update on the Landscaping/Paving amendments. She said she hopes that the Commission will be able to consider the changes on the June 26, 2018 meeting. McCarron also updated everyone about how Wichita administers the Administrative Adjustments. Typically, staff there has the authority to administratively allow small adjustments to things such as building setbacks or height restrictions. Wichita requires that before staff make these changes, the applicant must post a sign at the property whereby the Public has 10 days to comment. If no negative comments have been made, staff in Wichita are able to administratively adjust some regulations. McCarron said she will send the Board the proposed language in the coming weeks.

12. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Jade Shain, Planning Technician

Approved this 12th day of June, 2018



THROUGH: Jana McCarron, AICP(j Director of Planning and Development

REQUEST: Request for approval to submit the 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Application on behalf of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center, Inc.

CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED: Motion to (accept/not accept) the 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Application from the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center, Inc. (SA/DVC) in the amount of $40,092.50 and authorize the Mayor to sign grant application documents (Exhibit 1).

BACKGROUND: Since 1994, the City of Hutchinson has participated in grant programs serving the homeless and those threatened by homelessness in our community. These programs are offered by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC). The City serves as the grant administrator, with sub recipient agencies performing the services. One of these grants is the Emergency Solutions Grant.

SNDVC has been a sub-recipient agency of the ESG grant for several years. SNDVC provides services to sexual assault and domestic violence survivors in Hutchinson. By providing a safe, violence-free environment, clients are able to transition to healthy lives while being supported by SNDVC staff's guidance and advocacy. SNDVC provides services to a population where aid is needed and the added support insures the safety of residents.

FISCAL IMPACT: No City funds will be expended in administering this grant. The City is eligible to receive 2.5% of the grant award in administrative costs. Matching funds, as required by the grant, are provided by the sub-recipient agency.

ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Application & Supporting Documentation "u.1u- L 1\.ansas 2019 _ ESG


SECTION I: SUB RECIPIENT APPLICANT INFORMATION (City, County) Sub Recipient is responsible for the administration of the ESG and coordination of the ESG programs in the geographical jurisdiction.

A. APPLICANT INFORMATION City of Hutchinson Sub Recipient Authorized Jana Mccarron Director of Planning and Development Representative ------Title Hutchinson Address _1_2_5_E_A_v_e_n_u_e_B_;_P_O_B_ox_1_56_7____ City Federal I.D. KS Zip 67504-1567 Number 48-6015517 State ----- Contact to whom questions about this Amy Allison, Housing Program Coordinator application should be directed: 620-694-2691 Telephone _6_20_-_69_4_-2_6_3_a ______Fll

[email protected] E-mail Address

B. TOTAL ESG REQUEST (all applying agencies)

Street Homeless Rapid ESGA~encv Outreach Shelter Prevention Re-Housin11: HMIS Totals .J~ - - l}nk, ,., Sexual Assault/Domestic Vi IV.-J•T~ . $39,500.00 $ 592.50 $40,092.50 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Sub Totals $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $39,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 592.50 $40,092.50

C. COUNTIES OF ESG SERVICES: 1. Reno County SADVC _Kingman County SADVC ------4 2. Rice County SADVC 5 .. ______Harper County SADVC 3 6 .. ______

1 Rev. 3/12/18 t; u .lH- I Kansas _z_o_t 9_f_ E~~-- - -


The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is instituting performance measures to gather information to determine the effectiveness of programs funded with CDBG, ESG, HOME and HOPWA. Information obtained on the local level will be reported to HUD which will enable HUD to describe performance results at the National Level. HUD's outcome performance measurement system has three objectives and three outcomes which are listed below.

1. Select one of the following that best fits your project objective: Suitable living environment Decent affordable housing Creating economic opportunity

2. Select at least one of the following that describes the outcome your project will achieve:

(NOTE: Outcomes show how programs benefit a community or people served.) [Z] AYailability/Accessibility (Applies to activities that make services, infrastructure, housing, shelter, or employment opportunities available or accessible to low income persons by improving or providing new services, etc.) _0_ Affordability (This applies to making an activity more affordable for low income persons.) ::::o=_: Sustainability (Using ESG resources in a targeted area to help make that area more viable or livable.)

3. Please describe the process to establish and select the above objectives and outcomes. (Must be included)

Certification: To the best of my knowledge and belief, the data in this application are true and correct. This document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant. The applicant will ensure compliance with the ESG regulations of 24 CFR Part 576, the Uniform Administrative Requirements Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CPR part 200, the ESG grant agreement and federal and state regulations if assistance is approved.

Signature of Authorized Official of Governing Body Date


2 Rev. 3/12/18 l;U.lH- Kansas 2019 ESG


EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS (ESG) CFDA Number: 14.231 Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development Office: Office of Community Planning and Development (24 CFR Part 576 - Emergency Solutions Grants Program)

Objectives: The Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG) program provides funding to: (1) engage homeless individuals and families living on the street; (2) improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families; (3) help operate these shelters; ( 4) provide essential services to shelter residents, (5) rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families, and (6) prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicant Eligibility: Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) as a State Recipient must sub grant all of their ESG funds (except for funds for administrative costs and, under certain conditions, HMIS costs) to units of general purpose local government and/or private nonprofit organizations. KHRC as recipient mu st consult with the Continuum(s) of Care operating within the jurisdiction in determining how to allocate ESG funds. Beneficiary Eligibility: The minimum eligibility criteria for ESG beneficiaries are as follows: For essential services related to street outreach, beneficiaries must meet the criteria under paragraph ( 1)(i) of the "homeless" definition under § 576.2. For emergency shelter, beneficiaries must meet the "homeless" definition in 24 CFR 576.2. For essential services related to emergency shelter, beneficiaries must be "homeless" and staying in an emergency shelter (which could include a day shelter). For homelessness prevention assistance, beneficiaries must meet the requirements described in 24 CFR 576.103. For rapid re­ housing assistance, beneficiaries must meet requirements described in 24 CFR 576.104. Further eligibility criteria may be established at the local level in accordance with 24 CFR 576.400(e). C red en tials/Documen tation: Recipients must certify they will meet program requirements and applicable federal requirements. Government recipients and sub recipients must comply with Uniform Administrative Requirements Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CFR part 200. Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature: The program regulations can be found at 24 CFR Part 576. Guidance on the program can be found at

3 Rev. 3/12/18 -'U J.H- Kansas 2019 ESG


Emergency Solution Grant Funding can be used for five program activities: street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing assistance, and HMIS; as well as administrative activities. A) Street Outreach - Funds may be used for costs of providing essential services necessary to reach out to unsheltered homeless people; connect them with emergency shelter, housing, or critical services; and provide urgent non-facility-based care to unsheltered homeless people who are unwilling or unable to access emergency shelter, housing or an appropriate health facility. B) Emergency Shelter - Funds may be used for costs of providing essential services to families and individuals in emergency shelters, renovating buildings to be used as emergency shelter for homeless families and individuals, and operating emergency shelters. gible Activities: Homeless Prevention - Funds may be used to provide housing relocation and stabilization services and short- or dium-term rental assistance necessary to prevent an individual or family from moving into an emergency shelter and prevent incidences of homelessness. D) Rapid Re-Housing - ESG funds may be used to provide housing relocation and stabilization services and short- or medium-term rental assistance necessary to help a homeless individual or family move as quickly as possible into permanent using and achieve stability in that housing. HMIS - ESG funds may be used to pay the costs of contributing to the HMIS designated by the Continuum of Care for area including the costs of purchasing hardware, software licenses or equipment, obtaining technical support, completing data entry and analysis, monitoring and reviewing data quality, training, reporting, and coordinating and integrating the system. The HMIS funds will be limited to 1.5% of the total funds awarded.

Assistance to Eligible Persons/Households funded through the Emergency Solutions Grant cannot exceed 24 months of rental assistance, 24 months of utility payment assistance or 6 months of arrears (utility/rent) during any three-year period. Evaluation and documentation of client eligibility for financial assistance shall be reassessed at least every three months for program participants receiving homelessness prevention assistance and not less than once annually for program participants receiving rapid re-housing assistance (576.401 (b)) to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria, review program and appropriateness standards and to re-evaluate the continuation of services.

F) ADMINISTRATION - KHRC as the recipient may use up to 7.5 percent of its ESG grant for the payment of administrative costs related to the planning and execution of ESG activities. This does not include staff and overhead costs directly related to carrying out activities eligible under ESG, because those costs are eligible as part of those activities. As such KHRC will provide 2.5 % ofESG awarded funds as administrative costs to all ESG Sub recipients. (576.108. (4) (B))

4 Rev. 3/12/18 -'UHS- 1 Kansas 2019 ESG

SECTION IV: ESG APPLICATION (completed by each agency providing ESG services)

A) SUB RECIPIENT AGENCY Sub recipient agency is required to be an existing Emergency Shelter, Homeless Services Provider or Other Program that provides services to homeless clients. It is also required to be a Local Government or nonprofit 501 (c) (3). , L N Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Cen~Fd l ID# 48-0936478 A gency s ega 1 ame: ______e era : ______. tJP O B 335 Washington, Suite 240 Ph # 620-665-3630 Stree . . ox: ______N one ______. Hutchinson KS . 6750 1 Reno C1ty: ______State: _____ Zip: _____ County: ______Donna Davis , Executive Dir -ech"Y'CEO E . [email protected] Chief Executive Officer:______ma1:1 ______. fF. . Offi Karen Smart, Board Treasurer . kare n. smart@1stwealthmanagement. com Ch 1e mancia 1 1cer: CFO Ema1 1: ------. ) Donna Davis, Executive Director Es G C ontact Person: ( name an d tit 1e : ______

Ema1 . 1o f. ESG C ontact P erson: [email protected] Phone # _620-665-3630______. . Chere Jurgens, Shelter Manager Alt. ESG Contact Person (required): (Name and Title): ------,..,q,-""~ ------­ o!" . . [email protected],x 1\'\#-,1 l-l- 620-665-5482 Email of Alt. ESG Contact Person (requtred): ______Phone# ______


D Day Shelter 0 Emergency Shelter - 90 days or less D Homeless Services Provider (Homeless Prevention or Rapid Re Housing) D Street Outreach • Other (Provide Description) ------Please identify the primary at risk homeless category the program wi ll serve. Please check the appropriate categories below:

D Chronically homeless Persons or families • HIV/AIDS • Elderly • Veterans D Mental Health D Youth 0 Domestic Violence Victims D Substance abuse D Other ------

5 Rev. 3/12/1 8 "'UJ.H- Kansas 2019 ESG


Please identifv and describe all partnerships with other agencies related to service delivery to your identified program beneficiaries needs. Agency contact (name of person, email and phone) information must be included. (att. 1)


Please list expected program accomplishment(s) if funding is awarded: (Accomplishments must be described in terms ofhouseholds served, people served, etc.)

PROPOSED ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Total number of households to be served: ------90 Total unduplicated individuals to be served: _1_3_0___ _ Indicate the number of unduplicated adults to be served: ~9~0~---- Indicate the number of unduplicated children to be served: _4_0____ _

Prior ESG (if previous grantee) accomplishments: YEslll NO 0 Total number of households to be served: ------34 Total unduplicated individuals to be served: -"5_4___ ~~ Indicate the number of unduplicated adults to be served: _3_4____ _ Indicate the number of unduplicated children to be served: _2_0____ _

E. Attach 501 (C) 3 status letter (must be IRS letter) (att. 2)

F. Attach Certificate of Good Standing (must be copy of current certificate from Kansas Secretary of State) (att. 3)

G. Attach Certification of Local Unit of Government Approval Statement and Signature Form. (att. 4)

Agency Certification: To the best of my knowledge and belief, the data in this agency's portion of this ESG application are true and correct.

Signature Date

8µ,~ illiw&r I SAD V{:_ Title

6 Rev. 3/12/18 L;U 1.H- Kansas 2019 ESG

SECTION V: ESG ACTIVITY FUNDING Please provide details on EACH activity your agency will provide if funded. A. Street Outreach Street Outreach Amount Requested Engagement Activities Case Management Emergency Health Services Emergency Mental Health Services Transportation TOTAL $ 0.00

Street Outreach: Please provide a detailed description of your program and service delivery.

7 Rev. 3/12/18 l:U .lH- Kansas 2019 ESG

B. Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Amount Requested Essential Services $12,000.00 Renovation Activities $7,000.00 Shelter Operations $20,000 .00 Vouchers (Hotel or Motel where ES unavailable) $ 500.00 TOTAL $39,500.00

Emergency Shelter: Please provide a detailed description of your program and service delivery

The Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Center (SADVC) will provide safe emergency shelter with basic living needs and essential services to victims of sexual and domestic violence. The SADVC shelter is a safe and secure living environment that is staffed 24 hours a day.

ESSENTIAL SERVICES will be provided by highly trained staff and volunteers who are at the house 24 hours a day. These services include personal advocacy (assistance with relocation, housing, resources, referrals, education, and other activities and supports that help toward rebuilding lives and self-sufficiency), medical advocacy, court advocacy, law enforcement advocacy, supportive counseling , support groups, and child/youth advocacy. The grant will continue to pay 15% of the Shelter Manager salary.

RENOVATION ACTIVITIES in 2018 will be focused on new guttering and the upstairs bathroom. The guttering is rotten and/or rusted in places, and has broken seams. Holes in the guttering have caused fascia damage (which we are cu rrently having repaired .) Since the guttering is on the second story, it will be imperative to have licensed professionals with proper tools and safety procedures to install new guttering . Gutter replacement estimate is $2 ,200. The upstairs bathroom serves residents of all five upstairs bedrooms and is in need of maintenance, repair, and updating. The renovation will include needed plumbing maintenance, flooring, and new fixtures. We had written this into the 2017 grant application, but did not have enough funds, so we will attempt it in the 2018 grant cycle. Estimate $5,000.

SHELTER OPERATIONS includes security system maintenance, fire system maintenance, utility costs (gas, electric, and water) , trash removal, snow removal , lawn maintenance, cell phones for staff, land/fax lines for shelter, internet access, office supplies, food , computer supplies/IT services, insurance, etc, and 10% of SADVC Executive Director (instead of 10% of Director of Advocacy and 5% Executive Director) since the ED has assumed Shelter administration.

VOUCHERS include $500 for six nights of hotel stay for those unable to access shelter (men or persons from outlying areas).

8 Rev. 3/12/18 ~U.lH- Kansas 2019 ESG

C. Homeless Prevention Homeless Prevention Amount Requested Rental Assistance (Short-Term / Medium-Term) Utility Assistance Rental Arrears (I-time payments of up to 6 months) Security Deposits (up to 2 months) Moving Costs Services Costs TOTAL $ 0.00

Homeless Prevention: Please provid e a detailed description of your program and service delivery

9 Rev. 3/12/1 8 .lU J.H- Kansas 2019 ESG

DRapt .dR e- H ousmg Rapid Re-Housing Amount Requested Rental Assistance (Short-Term / Medium-Term) Utility Assistance Rental Arrears (I -time payments of up to 6 months) Security Deposits (up to 2 months) Moving Costs Services Costs TOTAL $ 0.00

Rapid Re-Housing: Please provide a detailed description of your program and service delivery

10 Rev. 3/12/18 ..GU J.H- Kansas 2019 ESG


HMIS- up to 1.5% of the total ESG funds requested Amount Requested Hardware / Software $ 592.50 Equipment Costs Data Entry / Analysis Data Quality Training Reporting TOTAL $ 592.50

HMIS: Please provide a detailed description of your program and service delivery

Funds will be used for continued hardware/software database for client data. The SADVC shelter uses Osnium to verify program eligibility, enter shelter data, analyze shelter data, prepare required reports, train staff on appropriate data collection and entry, and verify continued eligibility of to receive funds.

The $592.50 requested for HMIS is 1.5% of the total $39,500 ESG funds requested.

11 Rev. 3/12/18 4'U J.U- Kansas 2019 ESG


ESG requires a I 00% match. The sub recipient must make matching contributions to supplement the ESG program in an amount that equals the amount of ESG funds provided by KHRC. The sub recipient must identify the source of match at the time of applying for ESG. Matching contributions may be obtained from any source, including any federal source other than the ESG program, as well as state, local, and private sources. However, the following req uirements apply to matching contributions from a federal source of funds: • The sub recipient must ensure the laws governing any funds to be used as matching contributions do not prohibit those funds from being used to match Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds. • If ESG funds are used to sati sfy the matching requirements of another federal program, then funding from that program may not be used to satisfy the matching requirements under this section. The sub recipient may count as match the value specified in 2 CFR 200.306(d) for any building the recipient or subrecipient donates for long-term use in the recipient's ESG program, provided that depreciation on the building is not counted as match or charged to any Federal award. If a third party donates a building to the recipient or subrecipient, the recipient may count as match either depreciation of the building and fair rental charges for the land for each year the building is used for the recipient's ESG program or, if the building is donated for long-term use in the recipient's ESG program, the fair market value of the capital assets, as specified in 2 CFR 200.306(h)(2), (i), and U). To qualify as a donation for long-term use, the donation must be evidenced by a recorded deed or use restriction that is effective for at least 10 years after the donation date. If the donated building is renovated with ESG funds, the minimum period of use under §576.102(c) may increase the period for which the building must be used in the recipient's ESG program. (d) Eligible types of matching contributions. The matching requirement may be met by one or both of the following: (1) Cash contributions. Cash expended for allowable costs, as defined in 0MB Circulars A-87 (2 CFR part 225) and A- 122 (2 CFR part 230), of the recipient or subrecipient. (2) Noncash contributions. The value of any real property, equipment, goods, or services contributed to the recipient's or subrecipient's ESG program, provided that if the recipient or subrecipient had to pay for them with grant funds, the costs would have been allowable. Noncash contributions may also include the purchase value of any donated building. (e) Calculating the amount ofnoncash contributions. (1) To determine the value of any donated material or building, or of any lease, the recipient must use a method reasonably calculated to establish the fair market value. (2) Services provided by individuals must be valued at rates consistent with those ordinarily paid for similar work in the recipient's or subrecipient's organization. If the recipient or subrecipient does not have employees performing simi lar work, the rates must be consistent with those ordinarily paid by other employers for sim ilar work in the same labor market. (3) Some noncash contributions are real property, equipment, goods, or services that, if the recipient or subrecipient had to pay for them with grant funds, the payments would have been indirect costs. Matching credit for these contributions must be given only if the recipient or subrecipient has establi shed, along with its regular indirect cost rate, a special rate for allocating to individual projects or programs the value of those contributions. (f) Costs paid by program income. Costs paid by program income shall count toward meeting the recipient's matching requirements, provided the costs are eligible ESG costs that supplement the recipient's ESG program.

Match Certification form (att. 5)

12 Rev. 3/12/18 L;U .lH- K.ansas 2019 ESG


A. How long has your organization served homeless populations?

0 10 or more years D 5-9 years D Less than 5 years

B. Is your organization an active member of any of the fo llowing? Please check those that apply.

0 Balance of State Continuum of Care: 0 Regional/Local Planning Meetings D State/Local Consolidated Plan Process 0 Regional/Local Homeless Committees

1. Please provide documentation of membership to organizations (letter signed by organization chair). (att. 6)

C. How does sub recipient agency staff participate in these meetings/groups? Please describe level of involvement. SADVC is an accredited member of the KS Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV) and attends their meetings and trainings. SADVC participates in community meetings that address sexual and domestic violence. SADVC participates in the Point In Time Count, the Housing Inventory Count, and is part of the Continuum of Care. SADVC also participates in Kansan Housing Resource Corporation training and meetings. D. Briefly describe the organization's board of director's fiscal oversight committee. How many members does it have, how often does it meet, and what are its responsibilities? Are there policies and procedures? If so, what entity is responsible for oversight? The SADVC Board consists of nine volunteer community members who meet monthly with a formal agenda. The board approves SADVC policies and board by-laws, and reviews monthly Profit & Loss Report, Grant Status, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flow etc.

1. Attach List of Board Members for sub recipient agency (att. 7) 2. Attach an Organization Chart of sub recipient agency (att. 8)

E. What type of financial management system does the organization have? Describe the organization's system of checks and balances in its fiscal management. What is the division of responsibilities to ensure good fiscal oversight? Explain who maintains the organization's accounting records and if there is a software system utilized, please be specific as to the type and capabilities of the software or accounting system. See attached

1. Attach a copy of the agency's most recent audit. (att. 9) 2. Attach a completed W-9 Form for Sub recipient. (att. 10)

14 Rev. 3/12/18 Page 14 Continued

E. What type of financial management system does the organization have? Describe the organization's system of checks and balances in its fiscal management. What is the division of responsibilities to ensure good fiscal oversight? Explain who maintains the organization's accounting records and if there is a software system utilized, please be specific as to the type and capabilities of the software or accounting system.

Day-to-day management of the administrative and fiscal affairs of SADVC is delegated by the board to the Executive Director (ED) and is monthly by the full board. Accounting and fiscal management are staffed by the ED and Accountant. The audited financial statements follow accounting practices set forth in GAAP and the guidelines set forth by the Office of Management and Budget for non-profit organizations. SADVC keeps correct complete books and records of accounts.

SADVC keeps a separate set of records for each program or funding source that requires documentation of income and expense. The accounting system is on an accrual basis.

SADVC's accounting records are maintained in the main SADVC office. SADVC's accounting system (QuickBooks for Non-Profits) is computerized and includes: A general ledger and all subsidiary ledgers, to include: cash receipts journal, disbursement journal, general journal, and all accounting transactions; Expenses disbursed based on funding sources; A payroll module that includes employee information, payroll register, and all payroll reports; and reports and financial management modules.

The entries recorded in the above accounting modules are posted using a real-time method. Financial statements, internal financial reports, and financial reports to funding agencies are prepared using the data compiled from all accounting modules.

QuickBooks is accessible by the SADVC Accountant, Executive Director, and Administrative Assistant. Back-ups of the software are also maintained.

This information is detailed in the SADVC Financial Policies Handbook. L;U J.H- Kansas 2019 ESG

F. Does your agency have pending civil or criminal proceedings filed or being processed currently or have been processed over the past three years? If the answer is "yes" an explanation must be provided with official documentation or court record that demonstrates the status of the issue:


G . Provide an address and physical description of the shelter and/or service delivery site. Domestic Violence providers provide only physical description:

The SADVC safe shelter house is a two-story house that accommodates 24 adults and children. It has 7 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room , dining room, children's playroom, kitchen, computer/locker area for clients, food pantry, fenced backyard, and an office for staff. It is fully staffed 24 hours a day, has a security system, and is privacy fenced.

H. Explain how agency will identify and document homeless status of a client. Per 576.500 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements (b) Homeless Status:

Residents enter for safety reasons (fleeing sexual and/or domestic violence) evidenced by a Risk Assessment and face-to-face interviews with trained Victim Advocates. The Shelter Manager has been with SADVC for over 20 years and will provide oversight in identifying and documenting homeless status of clients.

I. Are there any current HUD findings against the agency? If yes, please explain:


J. Attach a copy of all program rules and policies. (att. 11)

K. Attach agency termination / grievance policy and procedures - Per 576.402 Terminating assistance. (att. 12)

15 Rev. 3/12/18 Application Attachments:

Attachment 1: Program Partnerships

Attachment 2: 501 (c) (3) Status

Attachment 3: Certificate of Good Standing

Attachment 4: Certification of Local Unit of Government Approval Statement and Signature Form

Attachment 5: Match Certification Form

Attachment 6: Documentation of Membership to Organizations

Attachment 7: List of Board Members

Attachment 8: Organization Chart

Attachment 9: Most Recent Audit

Attachment 10: W-9 Form

Attachment 11: Copy of Program Rules and Policies

Attachment 12: Copy of Program Termination Policy and Procedures

Attachment 13: Written Standards Certification

Attachment 14: Performance Outcomes Certification

Attachment 15: ESG Shelter Habitability Checklist

Attachment 16: Certification Regarding Lobbying

Attachment 17: Statement Regarding Discrimination

Attachment 18: Statement Assuring Compliance with Applicable Environmental Regulations Attachment 1: Program Partnerships ESG 2018 Attachment 1 - Program Partnerships

• New Beginnings: Partner on housing and homelessness issues. Shara Gonzales; [email protected]: 620-663-2200 • Salvation Army: Partner on various resources. Major James Mungai; james [email protected]; 620-663-3353 • Interfaith Housing: Partner on housing for victims. Lorna Moore; lornam@ihs­; 620-662-8370 • First Call for Help: Partner on various resources for immediate needs such as health and cleaning items, school supplies, etc. Kathaleen Davis; [email protected]; 620-669-0150 • Boys and Girls Club: Partner on referrals for after school and summer children's programs, including waiver of fees. Skip Wilson; [email protected]; 620- 665-7171; • Communities That Care: Partner on prevention services and youth leadership services. Sondra Borth; [email protected]; 620-665-4419 • Prairie Star Community Health Center: Partner on mental, physical, and dental care services. This is a FQHC health center, and SADVC does not have one particular point of contact for the center; 620-663-8484 • Department for Children and Families (DCF): Partner on advocacy, information, and referrals for economic and employment services, children support services, prevention and protection services, and rehabilitation services. SADVC does not have one particular point of contact for the center; 620-663-5731 • Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence: Partner on training, technical assistance, and core advocacy services. Joyce Grover; [email protected]; 785-232-9784 • Reno County United Way: Partner on various resources. Recipient of Reno County United Way funds. Lisa Gleason; [email protected]: 620-669-9329 • Rice County United Way: Partner on various resources. Recipient of Rice County United Way funds. Roxana Cardonne; [email protected]; 620-257-3272 • Kansas Works: Employment assistance. SA/DVC does not have one particular point of contact for the center;; 620-665-3559 • Kansas Legal Services: Legal assistance for victims. Candice Bridgess; [email protected]; 620-694-2955 • Prairie Independent Living Resource Center: Partner on advocacy, information, and referrals for people with disabilities. Chris Owens; [email protected]; 620-663-3989 Attachment 2: 501 (c) (3) Status Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury District Director P.O. Box 2508 Cincinnati, OH 45201

Date MAY 2 2 1997 Person to Contact: D . A. Downing Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Center Telephone Number: of Reno County Inc. 513-241-5199 Fax Number Hutchinson, KS 67501 513-684-5936 Federal Identification Number: 48-0936478

Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is in response to your request for a copy of your organization's determination letter. This letter will take the place of the copy you requested. Our records indicate that a determination letter issued in July of 1982, granted your organization exemption from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. That letter is still in effect. Based on information subsequently submitted, we classified your organization as one that is not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code because it is an organization described in sections 509 (a) (1) & J. 70 (b) (J.) (A) (vi) . This classification was based on the assumption that your organization's operations would continue as stated in the application. If your organization's sources of support, or its character, method of operations, or purposes have changed, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on the exempt status and foundation status of your organization. Your organization is required to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, only if its gross receipts each year are normally more than $25,000. If a return is required, it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of the organization's annual accounting period. The law imposes a penalty of $20 a day, up to a maximum of $10,000, when a return is filed late, unless there is reasonable cause for the delay. All exempt organizations (unless specifically excluded) are liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social security taxes) on remuneration of $100 or more paid to each employee during a calendar year. Your organization is not liable for the tax imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code. However, these organizations are not automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes. -2-

Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Center of Reno County Inc. 48-0936478

Donors may deduct contributions to your organization as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to your organization or for its use are deductible for federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. Your organization is not required to file federal income tax returns unless it is subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If your organization is subject to this tax, it must file an income tax return on the Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return. In this letter, we are not determining whether any of your organization's present or proposed activities are unrelated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. Because this letter could help resolve any questions about your organization's exempt status and foundation status, you should keep it with the organization's permanent records. Please direct any questions to the person identified in the letterhead above. This letter affirms your organization's exempt status. Sincerely,

~~B~District Director Attachment 3: Certificate of Good Standing 4/19/2018 STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE KRIS W. KOBACH

I, KRIS W. KO BACH, Secretary of State of the state of Kansas, do hereby certify, that according to the records of this office.

Business Entity ID Number: 0726703



State of Organization: KS

Resident Agent: Camille Wuthnow

Registered Office: 335 N Washington Ste 240, HUTCHINSON, KS 67501

was filed in this office on December 16, 1981, and is in good standing, having fully complied with all requirements of this office.

No information is available from this office regarding the financial condition, business activity or practices of this entity.

In testimony whereof I execute this certificate and affix the seal of the Secretary of State of the state of Kansas on this day of April 19, 2018


Certificate ID: 1048356 - To verify the validity of this certificate please visit htms:// and enter the certificate ID number. 1/1 Attachment 4: Certification of Local Unit of Government Approval Statement and Signature Form 2018- Kansas 2019 ESG




I, _s_te_v_e_n_D_e_ch_a_n_t_, _M_a_y_o_r ______(name and title), duly authorized to act on behalf of City of Hutchinson t h e ______(name ofjurisdiction), hereby approve the following emergency solutions . . . Sexual Assault Domestic Violence . grant act1v1t1es proposed by ______(name ofnonprofit organization), which are to

. Hutchinson, KS ( 1) ,, d I ) ) be Iocate d m ______name1s o1 Juris iction1s :

By: Signature and Date

Steven Dechant Typed or Written Name of Signatory Local Official

Mayor Title

25 Rev. 3/1 2/1 8 Attachment 5: Match Certification Form 2018- Kansas 2019 ESG

Sub Recipient Agency: Sub Recipient Agency DUNS #: SADVC Safe Shelter House 177863487 Address: City/State/Zip: 335 N Washington Ste. 240 Hutchinson, KS 67501 Executive Director: Executive Director Email: Executive Director Phone: Donna Davis [email protected] 620.665.3630 MATCH CERTIFICATION: • The ESG applicant completing this Match Certification has verified the eligibility of the match item(s) to which this certification relates; • The ESG applicant has reviewed the Federal Guidelines regarding the match requirement (24 CFR 576.201 and 2 CFR 200.306) • The ESG applicant has verified that the funds used to Match the ESG Program are not being used to match any other grant; • The ESG applicant has / will collect valid documentation of Match for which this certification relates; and, • The ESG applicant Executive Director has reviewed the Match documentation to which this Match Certification relates and has verified that all the representations made in this Match Certification are true and correct.

Amount Amount Requested Activity Match Description Requested of Match

Street Outreach

Emergency Shelter $39,500.00 $46,370.00 Salary & benefits for Shelter Manager ($55,250)

Homeless Prevention - Salary & benefits paid by grant ($8,287.50)

Rapid Re Housing

HMIS $ 592.50 $ 592.50

Total $40,092.50 $46,962.50

Signature: Date: 5/7/2018

Title: SADVC Executive Director

13 Rev. 3/12/18 Attachment 6: Documentation of Membership to Organizations 634 SW Harrison Topeka, KS 66603 __against sexual & domestic violence ___ 785-232-9784 [email protected]

April 13, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV) , founded in 1982, is a membership

organization of 27 domestic violence and sexual assault programs located across the state. Each

program has a representative on the Program Council, which services as an important networking and

advisory body to the work of KCSDV, as well as other advocacy programs in Kansas .

SADVC is an active member of KCSDV and fully participates in the work of the Coalition including;

regularly attending quarterly Program Council meetings, and other state and local advocacy events.

SADVC participates in KCSDV's Accreditation process. Accreditation is a system by which the delivery

and efficacy of sexual assault and domestic violence services are assessed and monitored to ensure the

best possible outcomes for survivors, victims, clients, and communities in Kansas. SADVC has Full

Accreditation status.


Joyce Grover Executive Director

Communities united for safety & justice - Programs serving all I 05 counties in Kansas Attachment 7: List of Board Members SADVC BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2017-18

NAME WORK HOME Mark Thompson South Hutchinson Pol ice Department, Captain 4214 Brigadune Dr, Hutchinson KS 67502 President 10 E Blanchard. South Hutchinson KS 67505 (2014-2017) 620-560-6251 [email protected] Cindy Miller Home Instead Senior Care, Owner 3219 Inverness, Hutchinson KS 67502 Vice President 1515 N Lorraine, Suite C, Hutchinson KS 67501 (2016-2019) 620-662-5556 [email protected] Karen Smart 1st National Bank, VP Trust Dept. 1000 E 36th Ave, Hutchinson Ks 67502 Treasurer 1 N Main St, Hutchinson KS 67501 (2016-2019) 620-560-6141 karen [email protected] Aimee Woods Central Bank & Trust, Teller 600 W 15th Ave, Hutchinson KS 67501 Secretary 624 E 30th Ave, Hutchinson KS 67502 (2015-2018) 620-663-0680 X 1410 Sara Warren Home Instead Senior Care, Recruitment & 3311 Farmington Rd , Hutchinson KS 67502 .. Member-At-Large Engagement Coordinator/Home Care Co nsultant (2016-2019) 1515 N Lorraine, Suite C, Hutchinson KS 67501 - 620-662-5556 Melinda Young Bretz & Young, Attorney 2703 Heather Parkway, Hutchinson KS 67502 Past President 3 Compound Drive (2013- 2019) Hutchinson KS 67502 [email protected] 620-662-3435 Amy Lux Kanza Bank 528 A Avenue, Kingman KS 67068 Member 151 N Main, Kingman KS 67068 : (2017-2020) 620-532-4 725 - Eric Malashchuk Hutchinson High School, Social Studies Teacher 8 Whitmore, Hutchinson KS 67502 Member 810 E 13th Ave, Hutchinson KS 67501 (2016-2019) 620-615-4100 Susan Wilson 203 E Monroe, Sterling KS 67579 Member (2017-2020) Donna Davis SADVC, Executive Director 115 W 19th Ave, Hutchinson KS 67502 Ex-Officio Member 335 N Washington, Suite 240, Hutchinson KS 67501 620-665-3630

Revised 4-12-18

Our Mission: The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center provides confidential, non­ judgmental support to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, their families, and friends.

Our Vision: We are dedicated to developing a community that is free from domestic and sexual violence. Attachment 8: Organization Chart [ Board of Directors J

I Revised 4/23/2018 I' ' Executive Director ' Accountant I' (Contractual) Director of Advocacy Donna Davis ' Kim Garber Services ,/ I \.. / Christine Griffiths I' '- / / Administrative Assistant " CVEC Coordinator Kaitlin Tucker Jason Depew ' ( / --.... Victim Advocate # 1 t--- Shelter Manager "' I Shawna Watkins CVEC Security Chere Jurgens Jennifer Collins -- ,/ -----.., ' Victim Advocate # 2 ---.. Shelter Staff #1 CVEC Security Nikki Brooks I-- Patty Avery Mark Ude

( CVEC Observer Victim Advocate # 3 Shelter Staff #2 Silvana Albert Vacant t--- Martha Klick '-- ( Victim/Child CVEC Observer Shelter Staff #3 Advocate #4 Joyce Gibbs Patty Gier Erica Grissom I- \..._ ,) '- ( CVEC Observer Rural Advocate# 1 ' Shelter Staff #4 Anna Baker Roxana Cardonne Lisa Gillespie (Rice County) f--- ' r ""'\ Rural Advocate# 2 Shelter Staff #5 Paula Fankhauser Lora Ballard (Kingman & Harper I--- ,/ County) Attachment 9: Most Recent Audit Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc.

Hutchinson, KS

Financial Statements

For the Year Ended September 30, 2016 (With summarized financial information as of September 30, 2015)

Daniel L. Drake, CPA, P.A. 401 W. First, P.O. Box 1245, Hutchinson, Kansas 67504-1245 Telephone # (620) 662-4203, Fax # (620)662-4205 [email protected] Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS September 30, 2016


Independent Auditor's Report 1-2

Statement of Financial Position 3

Statement of Activities 4

Statement of Changes in Net Assets 5

Statement of Functional Expenses 6

Statement of Cash Flows 7

Notes to Financial Statement 8-11 Daniel L. Dral~e CPA PA 401 West First P.O. Box 1245 Hutchinson KS 67504-1245 Ph: 620.662.4203 Fx: 620.662.4205 [email protected]


To the Board of Trustees of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence, Inc. (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statement of financial position as of September 30, 2016, and the related statements of activities, changes In net assets, functional expenses, and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements . Management is responslble for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements In accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this Includes the design, Implementation, and maintenance of Internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility Our responsiblllty Is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted In the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit Involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's Judgment, Including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers Internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the flnanclal statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate In the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's Internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also Includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, In all material respects, the financlal position of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Center, Inc, as of September 30, 2016, and the changes In Its net assets and Its cash flows for the year then ended In accordance with accounting principles generally accepted In the United States of America.

Report on Summarized Comparative Information We have previously audited the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence, Inc. financial statements, and we expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those audited financial statements In our report dated May 26, 2016. In our opinion, the summarized comparative information presented herein as of and for the year ended September 30, 2015, Is consistent, In all materlal respects, with the audited financial statements from which It has been derived.

1 Emphasis of Matter As discussed In Note 6 there are prior period adjustments contained in these financial statements. The adjustment Is related to an endowment fund that was Included In prior periods and a savings account that was misclassfied. Our opinion Is not modified with respect to these matters. G:-1, 1Lc~A-, l',4. Danell L. Drake, CPA Danlel L. Drake, CPA, P.A. Hutchinson, Kansas

July 5, 2017

2 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION September 30, 2016 (With summarized financial information as of September 30, 2015)

ASSETS 2016 2015 CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 20 Cash - temporarily restricted (Note 5) 24,877 21,729 Grants receivable 133,648 82,357 Other receivables 5,224

Total current assets 158,525 109,330

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Buildings 106,277 103,131 Furniture and fixtures 11,309 11,309 Equipment 34,462 33,639 Accumulated depreciation (116,854) (111,919)

Total property and equipment 35,194 36,160

OTHER ASSETS Investments (Note 3) 22,102 20,378

Total other assets 22,102 201378

TOTAL ASSETS $ 215,821 $ 165,868

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 4,455 $ 6,376 Bank overdraft 2,860 96 Accrued wages 26,239 20,897 Notes payable - line of credit (Note 2) 64,672 28,000

Total current liabilities 98,226 55,369

NET ASSETS Un restricted 117,595 110,499 Temporarily restricted (Note 6) Permanently restricted (Note 6)

Total net assets 1171595 110,499


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 3 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year Ended September 30, 2016 (With summarized financial information for the year ended September 30, 2015)

Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted 2016 2015 REVENUE AND SUPPORT Contributions $ 37,620$ - $ 37,620$ 38,001 Contributions - in-kind 3,028 Grants 354,232 - 354,232 330,227 United Way 69,668 69,668 74,645 County support 8,750 8,750 17,220 Special events 13,780 13,780 30,998 Investment income 2,464 2,464 3,392 Other income 5,342 5,342 8,825 Net assets released from restrictions

Total revenue and support 491,856 - 491,856 506,336

EXPENSES Program and services 421,505 - 421,505 461,703 Management and general 58,875 58,875 68,237 Fundraising expense 4,380 4,380 7,845

Total expenses 484,760 - 484,760 537,785

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS 7 096 7,096 (31,449)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 4 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For The Year Ended September 30, 2016 (with summarized financial information for September 30, 2015)

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Net Assets September 30, 2014 $ 113,321 $ 27,258 $ 45,155 $ 185,734 Change in Net Assets (24,551) (5,529) (1,369) _ __,(.=31,,,_,_.4_,___,_4=-,.9) Net Assets September 30, 2015, as previously stated 88,770 21,729 43,786 154,285 Prior period adjustment (Note 6) 21.729 (21,729) (43,786) ______(4=3,...,_.7=86_) Net Assets October 1, 2015 , as restated 110,499 110,499 Change in Net Assets 7.096 7.096

Net Assets September 30, 2016 $ 117.595 $ - =$====- =$===1=1=7.=5=95=

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 5 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS STATEMENT OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Year Ended September 30, 2016 (With summarized information for the year ended September 30, 2015)

Management Program and 2016 2015 Services General Fund raising Total Total

Salary expense $ 275,686$ 27,569$ 3,063$ 306,318 319,258 Payroll taxes 20,727 3,133 241 24,101 38,469 Employee benefits 17,854 2,699 208 20,761 21,751 Professional fees 6,758 6,758 13,516 26,854 Occupancy 33,393 5,893 39,286 36,993 Insurance expense 12,119 2,482 14,601 14,522 Advertising and printing 3,994 444 4,438 11,280 Office expense 6,937 2,312 9,249 11,741 Telephone & IT services 16,153 4,825 20,978 23,165 Travel expense 7,188 7,188 9,948 Training and meetings 7,216 7,216 954 Special events 868 868 4,049 Donations and assistance 2,030 2,030 4,970 Interest expense 2,760 2,760 839 Depreciation 4,935 4,935 5,532 Miscellaneous expense 6,515 6,515 7,460

Total functional expenses $ 421,505$ 58,875 $ 4,380 $ 484,760 $ 537,785

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 6 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year Ended September 30, 2016 (with summarized financial information for the year ended September 30, 2015)

2016 2015 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Increase (decrease) in net assets $ 7,096 $ (31,449) Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 4,935 5,532

Decrease (increase) in operating assets: Grants receivable (51,292) 52,208 Other receivable 5,224 8,318 Employee advances 1,000 Prepaid expenses 1,256

Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses (1,920) (9,227) Accrued wages 5,342 (25,168)


CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of equipment (3,969) (358) Net investment activity (1,724) (23,771)


CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net borrowings (payments) under line of credit 36,672 18,000 Increase in bank overdraft 2,764 (1,872)





The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 7 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 2016

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

This summary of significant accounting policies is presented to assist in understanding and evaluating the Organization's financial statements

Organization Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Crisis Center Inc's (a nonprofit corporation) purpose is to serve victims of violence in Reno, Rice, Kingman, and Harper Counties. The main areas of emphasis are child abuse, sexual assault, and battered person.

Basis of Presentation The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles using the accrual basis of accounting. The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Crisis Center Inc. (Crisis Center) distinguish between unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted net assets based upon the existence or absence of restrictions on use as follows:

1.) Unrestricted Net Asset: Net assets that are not subject to donor-imposed stipulations.

2.) Temporarily Restricted Net Assets: Net assets that are available for use, but expendable only for purposes specified by a donor.

3.) Permanently Restricted Net Assets: Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations stating that the net assets be maintained permanently with only the earnings thereon being available to use currently for defined purposes.

Functional Allocation of Expenses The costs of providing various programs, services, and other activities have been summarized on a functional basis on the statement of activities. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among the programs and supporting services benefited according to management's estimates.

Concentration of Business and Credit Risk The Crisis Center relies on grants and contributions to operate. This reliance on the income causes the Crisis Center to have a concentration of business risk.

Income Taxes The Crisis Center is exempt from income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Since they are exempt no provision is made for current or deferred tax expense.

The Crisis Center's federal exempt organization tax returns for the year ended September 30, 2016, 2015 and 2014 are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service.

Designations on Net Assets Designations are voluntary and board approved for specific purposes, projects, or investments. Since designations are voluntary and may be reversed by the governing board at any time, designated portions of net assets are not considered restricted.

8 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 2016

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Continued

Donated Materials and Services The Crisis Center records the value of donated goods or services when there is an objective basis available to measure their value. Donated materials and equipment are reflected as contributions in the accompanying statements at their estimated values at date of receipt. No amounts have been reflected in the statements for donated services as no objective basis is available to measure the value of such services. Nevertheless, a substantial number of volunteers donated significant amounts of their time in the Crisis Center's program services.

Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Statement of Cash Flows For purposes of reporting cash flows, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and amounts due from banks having an initial maturity date of three months or less.

Property and Equipment Property and equipment are recorded at cost, and depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets ranging from five to forty years. All costs for equipment greater than $500 are capitalized. The asset cost and accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts for assets sold or retired, and any resulting gain or loss is included in the statement of activities in the period of disposal. Donations of building and equipment are recorded as contributions at fair value at the date of the donation. Such donations are reported as unrestricted net assets unless the donor has restricted the donated asset to a specific purpose.

Contributions Contributions received are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted support depending on the existence and/or nature of any donor restrictions. When a restriction expires, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statements of activities as net assets released from restrictions.

Advertising Costs Advertising costs are charged to expense as they are incurred. Advertising costs for the year ended September 30, 2016 and 2015 were $4,438 and $11,280, respectively.

Investments Investments in marketable securities with readily determinable fair values are stated at fair value.

Subsequent Events Management has evaluated events through July 5, 2017 the date the financial statements were available to be issued.

9 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 2016

Note 2. Notes Payable

Notes payable consist of the following on September 30, 2016:

Line of credit with First National Bank of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Kansas. The $70,000 line of credit is unsecured at a fixed rate of 6%. Interest payments are made monthly, and the note is due on June 18, 2017. $ 64.672 $ 28.000

Note 3. Investments

The Crisis Center entered into an agreement with the Hutchinson Community Foundation on March 17, 2000 to setup an agency fund. The agreement grants variance power to the Crisis Center. This power allows the Crisis Center to modify the terms of the agreement as they deem necessary.

The Crisis Center have adopted the fair value guidelines issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). These guidelines establish a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (level 3 measurements). The three levels of fair value hierarchy are described as follows:

Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the reporting entity has the ability to access at the measurement date.

Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.

Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

The Crisis Center's investments are valued at fair value. Fair value is the prices that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

The following tables present information about the Crisis Center's assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2016:

Investments Levell Level2 Level3 Agency Funds $ $ 22.102 $ Total $ $ 22.102 $

The following tables present information about the Crisis Center's assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2015:

Investments Levell Level2 Level3 Agency Funds $ $ 20.378 $ Total $ $ 20.378 $

10 Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center, Inc. Hutchinson, KS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 2016

Note 4. Leases

The Crisis Center has an operating lease agreement with Digital Office System of Wichita, Kansas for a Ricoh copier system. The lease payments are for $262.35 per month commencing on September 30, 2016 for 63 lease payments.

Future Minimum lease payments are as follows: September 30, 2017 $ 3,148 September 30, 2018 3,148 September 30, 2019 3,148 September 30, 2020 3,148 September 30, 2021 3,148 September 30, 2022 786

Total $ 16.526

Note 5, Restricted Cash

Restricted cash for these financial statements are related to a savings account for state unemployment. The Crisis Center is not enrolled in state unemployment, and uses a third party to fund future liabilities for unemployment insurance. Funds within the savings account cannot be used for another purpose, so the funds are treated as restricted cash. However, no donor restriction applies so an associated temporarily restricted net asset is not recorded.

Note 6. Prior period adjustment

These financial statements include two prior period adjustments. One adjustment that is included in these financial statements is related to an endowment fund that is held with the Hutchinson Community Foundation. The endowment fund had been included in permanently restricted funds when it should have not been because the associated asset is actually owned by the Hutchinson Community Foundation. The other prior period adjustment is related to the restricted cash in Note 5. It had been included as a temporarily restricted net asset when it should not have been. Total changes to net assets as a result of these adjustments are shown on the Schedule of Changes in Net Assets.

11 Attachment 10: W-9 Form Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the Form W•9 (Rev. November 2017) Identification Number and Certification requester. Do not Department of the Treasury send to the IRS. Internal Revenue Service • Go to for instructions and the latest infonnation. 1 Name (as shown on your income tax return). Name is required on this line: do not leave this line blank. Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Center 2 Business name/disregarded entity name, if different from above

C') a, 3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification of the person whose name Is entered on line 1. Check only one of the 4 Exemptions (codes apply only to g, following seven boxes. certain entities, not individuals; see a. instructions on page 3): § D lndividuaVsole proprietor or D C Corporation D S Corporation D Partnership D TrusVestate • "' single-member LLC Exempt payee code (if any) ____ a, C: i::,a. 'fl0 • Limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporation, S=S corporation, P=Partnership) •---- l; 2 Note: Check the appropriate box In the line above for the tax classification of the single-member owner. Do not check Exemption from FATCA reporting ]; ~ LLC if the LLC is classified as a single-member LLC that Is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is code (if any) .. - another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S. federal tax purposes. Otherwise, a single-member LLC that ll. ,g is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classlflcatlon of its owner. ·c:; [Z] 01her (see Instructions) • Non-Profit /Applies to ac:countt maintak>ed outside me U.SJ J1-5-=A"-d-d-res-s--'-(n-um-be_r_ , s-t-ree-t,-'-a_nd_a_p_t _ o-r-s-uite_n_o_.)_S_ee_in_s_tr-uc-t-io-ns-.- --'---'--'---'------.-R-e_q_u-es-t-er'_s_n_a_me_a..._n_d_ad_dre-ss_(_o_pt-io_n_a_O----- l i-::3=3..::..5..:..N:....W=..:::a=sh=i=n=Qto:...:.n"-,-=S=u'-40-'------i 6 Ci!Y, state, and ZIP code Hutchinson KS 67501 7 List account number{s) here (optionaQ lim g__ _ _T_ax_,p,_a_,y,_e_r_l_de_n_t_ifi_1c_a_t_io_n_N_u_m_b_e_r_,(T_I_N_,_) ______r-=--:-c - ---:-:---,------, Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid I Social security number I backup withholding. For individuals, this is generally your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the instructions for Part I, later. For other entities. it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a DJJ -[D -I I I I I TIN, later. or Note: If the account is in more than one name, see the instructions for line 1. Also see What Name and I Employer identification number Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter.

•Rffi1j• Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and 3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have fa iled to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions , item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions for Part II, later.

Sign Signature of Here U.S. person • ~Cu~ ~.lf) . Date • General Instructions • Form 1099-DIV (dividends, including those from stocks or mutual funds) Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. • Form 1099-MISC (various types of income, prizes, awards, or gross proceeds) Future developments. For the latest information about developments • Form 1099-B (stock or mutual fund sales and certain other related to Form W-9 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted transactions by brokers) after they were published, go to • Form 1099-S (proceeds from real estate transactions) Purpose of Form • Form 1099-K (merchant card and third party network transactions) An individual or entity (Form W-9 requester) who is required to file an • Form 1098 (home mortgage interest), 1098-E (student loan interest), information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer 1 098-T (tuition) identification number (TIN) which may be your social security number • Form 1 099-C (canceled debt) (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption • Form 1099-A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property) taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number (EIN), to report on an information return the amount paid to you , or other Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident amount reportable on an information return. Examples of information alien), to provide your correct TIN. returns include, but are not limited to, the following. If you do not return Form W-9 to the requester with a TIN, you might • Form 1099-INT (interest earned or paid) be subject to backup withholding. See What is backup withholding, later.

Cat. No. 10231X Form W-9 (Rev. 11-2017) Attachment 11: Copy of Program Rules and Policies Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Center Client Services Policy Handbook

Page 11 Table of Contents

Agency Description ...... 3 Support Groups ...... 7 Mission Statement ...... 3 Our Vision ...... 3 Child Visitation and Exchange ...... 7 Program Goals & Objectives ...... 3 Community Awareness/Public Education . 7 Survivor lnvolvement...... 4 Client Records ...... 7 24 Hour Crisis Line ...... 4 Client Records Management ...... 8 On Call Summary Sheet...... 4 Client Documentation Retention ...... 8 Advocacy Records ...... 8 Safe Shelter ...... 4 Shelter Client Master List...... 9 Adult Male Survivors ...... 4 Perpetrator Master List ...... 9 Survivors with Disabilities ...... 5 Funder-required information ...... 9 Minor Clients ...... 5 Client Evaluation Forms ...... 9 Child Care ...... 5 Risk of I ntrudersNiolence ...... 5 Client Grievances ...... 9 Shelter Hazards ...... 5 Fire Prevention and Escape ...... 6 Medical Emergencies ...... 6

Advocacy Services ...... 6 Personal ...... 6 Parent and Child ...... 6 Child/Youth ...... 6 Law Enforcement...... 6 Medical ...... 6 Court ...... 7 Supportive Counseling ...... 7

Page 12 Agency Description The Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Center, Inc. (SADVC) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit agency providing 24 hour crisis line services, an emergency shelter house, emotional support, transportation, support groups, children's programs, child visitation and exchange services, information and referral, public education, and other assistance to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, their families, and friends.

We believe sexual and domestic violence are a function of unhealthy power imbalances condoned and perpetuated in our society, and are the responsibility of the perpetrator.

All policies of SADVC apply equally to paid and unpaid staff, including volunteers. All policies are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.

Mission Statement Our mission is: To provide confidential, non-judgmental support to survivors of sexual assault or domestic violence, their families, and friends.

Our Vision We are dedicated to developing a community that is free from domestic and sexual violence.

Program Goals and Objectives The goals of SADVC services are to empower participants by ensuring the availability of resources, accurate information, and emotional support. The agency will respect every person, regardless of individual skills and abilities.

The objectives of this organization include, and are not limited to the following: • To provide a twenty-four (24) hour crisis intervention service through trained advocates. • To provide support-during the medical evidentiary examination, police investigation, and court proceedings to survivors of sexual assault or domestic violence. • To establish and operate a twenty-four (24) hour shelter facility for survivors of sexual assault or domestic violence or to help the person seeking assistance find a safe environment. • To offer victim centered, trauma-informed supportive services to survivors of sexual assault or domestic violence, and to provide emotional support and guidance by trained advocates or peers in a confidential and safe manner. • To provide information and referral services to survivors of sexual assault or domestic violence in regard to medical, legal, financial, mental health, and community resources. • To provide participants with follow-up contact, if requested and appropriate, with the utmost concern for advocate and survivor safety. The participant's decision concerning no follow-up contact will be respected as well. • To increase safety for victims of domestic violence or those at high risk by providing supervised visitation and monitored exchange services. • To provide public information with regard to sexual assault or domestic violence for community awareness and prevention via brochures, educational programs, and media communications. • To promote ongoing cooperation and interaction with agencies and organizations which share concerns or services. • To act as an advocate in promoting the rights and status of survivors of sexual assault or domestic violence. • To provide nonsectarian, nondiscriminatory, and accessible services at no charge or fee to the participant. • To operate as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Revision Date: September 2017

Page 13 Survivor Involvement SADVC promotes the involvement of sexual and domestic violence survivors in SADVC program planning and evaluation, as well as advocacy services.

Survivors are encouraged to participate in community education events involving SADVC staff. Survivors should be at a healthy point in the recovery process. A healthy point in the recovery process would be considered as such: being out of an abusive relationship for one year, a statement from a mental health professional indicating a survivor is prepared to be involved in agency roles, or the Executive Director or designee may make a determination that the survivor is at a place in which they can provide effective services without further trauma to her/his-self or a survivor to which the survivor is providing services.

Revision Date: April 2018

Crisis Line SADVC provides a twenty-four (24) hour crisis line ensuring access to services. Trained staff and/or volunteers will answer the crisis line twenty-four (24) hours a day.

On Call Summary Sheet (SART/DART Calls) All on call advocates must record each call received and the disposition. The On Call Summary Sheet must be filled out for each phone call and crisis response.

Revision Date: April 2018

Safe Shelter Survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, who have no other safe shelter, will receive temporary housing at the SADVC shelter. The SADVC's primary catchment areas are Reno, Rice, Kingman, and Harper counties, but no person in need of our services will be rejected because of geographical location, if all other alternatives have been explored.

Length of shelter stay will vary for each individual, based on their safety and other needs. Shelter Director will meet with clients, weekly, to assess safety and develop/assess goals. Clients will not be charged. Clients my may use the services more than one time, providing they have left each time in good standing. Reasons for dismissal or being denied re-admission include, but are not limited to; breaking the confidentiality agreement, flagrant disregard of shelter policies, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

SADVC will not discriminate for reasons of race, religion, sexual preference/orientation, gender, gender identity, national/ethnic origin, marital status or disability.

SADVC will accept residency, into shelter, any woman who is the victim of domestic violence or sexual assault. The victim's minor children will also be accepted, with her.

Adult Male Survivors Adult male survivors will be sheltered in a motel. On-Call advocates will make arrangements to house male survivors with predetermined contractors.

Page 14 Survivors with Disabilities SADVC shall be aware of, and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, to provide access and services to people with disabilities. SADVC will ensure staff and volunteers receive ongoing training about best practices in safety planning strategies for survivors with disabilities.

SADVC will provide appropriate services for every survivor based on individual needs, regardless of the disability, and/or need of service animals. Staff will reasonably accommodate the needs of survivors who have disabilities, working with community resources as needed.-(See Language Access Policy for additional information)

Minor Clients SADVC will not shelter a minor who is not emancipated, without a parent.

Once the on-call advocate is aware of the situation, services will be provided to participants under the age of 18 years. If the participant discloses abuse, staff will encourage them to report to the appropriate authorities, with support of .

Child Care SADVC staff provides childcare to clients on an emergency basis only. Clients should have exhausted all other options for child care prior to staff providing this service. Staff can provide childcare during emergencies including, but not limited to: • Medical emergencies • Filing a Protection from Abuse/Stalking/Sexual Assault Order • Retrieving possessions during a SART/DART call

Risk of lntrudersNiolence SADVC maintains the shelter at an undisclosed location. The security system in place provides for a response time of less than two minutes from law enforcement. However, if law enforcement or an ambulance needs to be called, staff will give the address of 24 E. 6th and identify the address as the location of the shelter.

The shelter is equipped with an intercom system allowing for monitoring of the front entrance. Only staff can open the front door after they determine the identity of the visitor. If the visitor cannot be identified, staff will not open the door.

Staff have panic alarms which, when activated, will automatically summon law enforcement in an emergency.

Shelter Hazards • All medications, toxic substances, and weapons are locked in a secured area. • Childproof locks on cabinets and stairway gates are utilized. • Assigned staff will monitor the shelter for safety and health hazards, daily. • A privacy fence surrounds the backyard play area and playground equipment. Adult supervision is required while children are playing. • Light and/or movement sensor lights illuminate the outside property.

Page I 5 Fire Prevention and Escape • Local fire marshals inspect the shelter. • Fire extinguishers are located on each floor and inspected annually. • Smoke detectors are located in all bedrooms and living areas. • Escape routes are posted on the walls of each bedroom and all living areas. • Emergency lights are provided in each hallway. Exits are marked. • In case of fire, staff and participants will follow posted escape routes. Everyone will meet at a designated location.

Medical Emergencies Protective gloves are available to use when caring for open wounds, changing diapers, or cleaning up vomit or other bodily fluids.

Staff or participants will call 911 if injuries require emergency attention. The caller should give the address as 24 E. 6th and identify it as the shelter location.

Shelter staff will be trained and certified in administering First Aid and CPR Appropriate recertification is required.

If an injury occurs to a child whose mother is not present or is incapacitated, staff will provide the Emergency Medical Waiver, located in the resident's file, to the appropriate medical provider.

Participants will be given the opportunity to seek medical attention at their own expense. Staff will assist as needed, with participant consent. Staff will not sign or accept legal or financial responsibility for the participant's medical care. Revision Date: April 2018

Advocacy Services SADVC Advocates will provide confidential, trauma informed, victim directed support and assistance in accessing sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking related services. Advocates will act in support of, or on behalf of survivors (if requested) to ensure that their rights are represented and upheld.

Specialized advocacy services will include, and are not limited to: • Personal -Advocates will gain understanding, through effective listening, of the survivor's ongoing, and emerging needs, assist in developing safety and service plans, assist in filing Protection From Abuse (PFA) and Protection From Stalking (PFS) orders, provide follow-up services • Parent and Child - Advocates will provide information about the impact of battering tactics on the protective parent and child, give information on resiliency and protective factors, help create a safety plan • ChildNouth - Advocates will assist in creating safety and service plans, assist child/youth in accessing systems services and accompany to visits (if appropriate) • Law Enforcement - Advocates will assist in obtaining law enforcement services, filing police reports, provide options, give referrals • Medical - Advocates will assist in making informed medical decisions, provide medical options, be present during sexual assault/domestic violence forensic exam, provide options, give referrals • Court - Advocates will discuss victim's interests and rights, provide information about legal options available, and accompany to court (when appropriate)

Page 16 • Supportive Counseling - Assist in creating safety and service plans based on survivor's needs, support victim in building coping skills, verbally affirming the survivor's autonomy

Effective Date: April 2018 Support Groups SADVC will provide opportunity for survivors and children of sexual assault and/or domestic violence to connect with other survivors in a group setting facilitated by a licensed mental health specialist, assisted by an Advocate.

Effective Date: April 2018

Child Visitation and Exchange Center The Child Visitation and Exchange Center (CVEC) was established by SADVC to promote the safety and welfare of the child or children and parents during exchanges and visits to promote the safety of a vulnerable parent. There are costs associated with this program.

SADVC reserves the right to refuse and/or terminate services at any time. Revision Date: April 2018

Community Awareness and Public Education SADVC is committed to reducing the incidences of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking by ensuring survivor safety, holding abusers accountable, and increasing community awareness. To this end, SADVC staff will effectively collaborate with law enforcement, judicial, medical, and other agencies to determine and meet the needs within the community. Up-to­ date brochures and posters about SADVC services will be placed in public areas, and kept stocked.

SADVC staff will educate the public about the effects, warning signs, and ways to stop sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking by participating in community events and presenting information and materials to schools, churches, and other community organizations.

Effective Date: April 2018 Client Records Clients will have access to her/ his records during business hours. Clients may request access to their records by contacting their assigned advocate or the Executive Director during normal business hours. Intake forms are completed for those in the shelter, support groups, or outreach programs. Once completed, intake forms are placed in the participant's file and stored in a locked cabinet. Informed consent for the release of records and/or information will be given before any release of information is requested or signed. Informed consent includes but is not limited to: advising the client about the specific information to be released, the ability to withdraw the consent orally or in writing, and the risks and benefits of releasing the confidential information, including the inability to control future use of released information and the possibility that the release may open up access to all other confidential information.

Individually identified client information will not be entered into an HMIS or other client tracking systems if the system is not under the control and protection of the program. Furthermore, program services, including crisis intervention, advocacy and shelter, will not be denied based on the participant's refusal to sign consent to release information forms of any kind. All staff of the facility will function in a manner respecting the privacy of each participant and the confidentiality of records.

Page 17 Client Records Management Client records will be kept for the purposes of data and statistical collection related to funding. Records may also be kept to document the extent of abuse or injury suffered, progress made, and for purposes of program development. The procedures below will be followed except when a program requires other procedures for record management, which must be followed by the Program Director.

The Executive Director will serve as custodian of the records. The custodian is charged with the production of records in the case of subpoena or other release. Records may not be released without the approval of the custodian. Client records will be limited to staff needing access to safely and effectively carry out program duties. Client records will be kept in a locked file cabinet at all times. After a period of no less than one year, records will be removed from the file and shredded. Contents of client files will be limited to only those documents necessary to provide effective services, supply data for statistical and program development purposes, and protect the agency liability. Each file will have no less than the following: Intake form (completed within 24 hrs. of contact), Consent for Release of Information (if consent form was acted upon) and for shelter clients, her checklist and Confidentiality Statement.

Client Documentation Retention No record of client involvement with SADVC shall be retained beyond one year after the client's disengagement in services under the terms set out below.

The destruction of all client records must be completed at an SADVC facility by an SADVC employee.

Non-personally identifying, aggregate information regarding services provided to clients, and non­ personally identifying demographic data will be kept for not more than 5 years or as may be required by any specific funder. Such non-personally identifying, aggregate data will not be maintained in any way that could inadvertently identify any individual client.

Advocacy Records During a client's participation in SADVC's advocacy services, advocates will retain the client's intake form, any signed Releases of Information (if acted upon), dating no more than twelve months prior.

Documents will be stored in a locked file cabinet in the administrative office.

Twelve months from the date of the client's last involvement with SADVC programs, all documents listed above will be shredded by an SADVC staff member.

Shelter Client Master List;. SADVC will maintain a master list of all clients who have resided in the shelter for the previous twelve months. Each month, during the first week of that month, an SADVC staff member will edit the list and delete all information for clients who exited the shelter more than twelve months prior.

Perpetrator Master List;. A list of the abusers of SADVC clients will be maintained permanently by the shelter manager/outreach advocates. Such list will not reference any individual client/victim of such perpetrator.

Funder-required information-;. Non-personally identifying, aggregate information regarding services provided to clients, and non­ personally identifying demographic data will be maintained by the shelter director advocates.

Client Evaluation Forms SADVC regularly reviews clients' evaluation forms. Each program provides an evaluation form to clients. Results are compiled and the data is submitted to the Executive Director and Executive Committee of the SADVC Board. Annually, this committee reviews the reports and may offer

Page 18 suggestions to the program directors to improve the programs. The Executive Committee's report is submitted to the full board for review. The board may adopt the report, initiate policy revisions affecting the programs, or recommend discontinuance of the program.

Revision Date: April 2018

Client Grievances All participants will be provided with a copy of SADVC grievance procedures at the time of their initial contact with the agency.

Any client having a grievance concerning the agency, including but not limited to, public conduct, manner of presentations or information given that reflects negatively on the image of the agency will present the grievance in writing to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will respond to the grievance, in writing, within ten (10) days. If the individual filing the grievance is not satisfied with the response of the Executive Director, he or she may submit a written grievance to the President of the Board of Directors of SADVC requesting further consideration and action. If no resolution or agreement can be reached following the-procedure, all written material and information relating to the grievance will be presented to the Board of Director of SADVC and its decision will be final and binding.

Revision Date: April 2018

Page 19 Attachment 12: Copy of Program Termination Policy and Procedures Access to BPRP / ESG services


The Sexual Assault/Domesti Vrolence Center (SA/DVC) will accept for services any person 'who is the victim ofdomestic vioJetice or aexual assault The victim's minor . cllllanmWllliiliGBe~

The SA/DV Center9s primary catct,rneut anas an, Rano. Rice., Kingman. Harper. McPherson. '811d Marion COUDties. but no person in. need ofour services~ be rejecmd because ofgeographical location. ifall other altematives h~ bMt explored.

SA[DV9 ~DO!~~n,iprd to~• n,~on, 8Fi. ~ ori~on, national/ctlmic origin, or mama1 status m providing semces. Staffwill n,spect 1he privacy ofeach participant and confidentiality ofparticipam. 10.:ouk.

· Victims ofclomestic violence or sexual amult who have no other safe shelter will receive fciiipOnlty !M>W1mi it tM SA/DVC biter. Staff will asses., a victim's ciroumstances and explore al1emative housing.options p.ior to offering shelter.

SA/DVC provides services ill clients who have JDCD1a,1 or physicaJ disabili1ies. S1affpuridm ~-amv.ices for·every~ctim ~ ohindlvfdnfdffl!(I f(fif(f, roprdless ofJDCl'dal or physical disabilities. Staff will reuonably accommoda1e 1be needs ofvictims who haw disabilities, working with community n,sr,urocs as massa•y.

Clients n,quc:stmg BPBP I ma services must meet HPRP Homeless definition, and risk factors, and p:orido doeuttaeida1ionifrequin:d by HPRP. . (w attached Homeless definition and risk &cton)

Clients will not be charged. Cliems may use the services D10R1 than one time providing they have left each time in good mtndirig Roasom.for ctisorissat or being danied waduriSBion include, but me not 1imi1ed to. breaking the confidcntialit; aarecmcnt,. · flaarmt dingml ofshel1er polici~ or having outstancting wammts for their amst.

Cl~.receiving ~ /BSG services from SA/DVC.will ~ expedtd to rnaimin contact with SA/DVC throughout the length ofHPRP service p-ovision. Regular .. appoinfmmds will be ..._dc,d to ilcili1Bte monituriag a successful n:solution ofthe • - client's homeless slatus.

IM plp,n,, Pelley; Tf a sbdfmember ~ievi,s a client has disrqpanl=d the policies ofSA/DVC, ifshall be repoded to the Bmcutive DircctDr who wilJ demm,inc ifdisnriS-9111iom the pogram'is apJltill'iDi. .. '

Aflnr 1Dmiuatioo. a client may not be admitted to the sbeltm., but is walcome to auend any ofthe v..ldy g1oup1and usc1he adwcacy amvices pvvidcd by SA/DCV. Attachment 13: Written Standards Certification L;U .lH- Kansas 2019 ESG


A. Written Standards for Provision of ESG Assistance 1. Standard policies and procedures for evaluating individuals' and families' eligibility for assistance under Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). The policies and procedures must be consistent with the recordkeeping requirements and definitions of "homeless" and "at-risk of homelessness" in the federal ESG regulations at: 24 CFR 576.2 and 24 CFR 576.500 (b-e). 2. Standards for targeting and providing essential services related to street outreach. 3. Policies and procedures for admission, diversion, referral, and di scharge by emergency shelters assisted under ESG, including standards regarding length of stay, if any, and safeguards to meet the safety and shelter needs of special populations, (e.g., victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and individuals and families who have the highest barriers to housing and are likely to be homeless the longest). 4. Policies and procedures for assessing, prioritizing, and reassessing individuals' and families' needs for essential services related to emergency shelter. 5. Policies and procedures for coordination among emergency shelter providers, essential services providers, homelessness prevention, and rapid re-housing assistance providers; other homeless assistance providers; and mainstream service and housing providers. The required coordination may be done over an area covered by the Continuum of Care or a larger area. 6. Policies and procedures for determining and prioritizing which eligible families and individuals will receive homelessness prevention assistance and which eligible families and individuals will receive rapid re-housing assistance. For homeless prevention, include the risk factors used to determine who would be most in need of this assistance to avoid becoming homeless. 7. Standards for determining what percentage or amount (if any) ofrent and utilities costs each program participant must pay while receiving homelessness prevention or rapid re-housing assistance. If the assistance will be based on a percentage of the participant's income, specify this percentage, and how income will be calculated. 8. Standards for determining how long a particular program participant will be provided with rental assistance and whether and how the amount of that assistance will be adjusted over time. One-year lease required for project-based assistance. Annual participant evaluations required with rapid re-housing assistance; three-month evaluations required with homeless prevention assistance. Individual assistance cannot exceed 24 months in a three-year period. 9. Standards for determining the type, amount, and duration of housing stabilization and/or relocation services to provide to a program participant, including the limits, if any, on the homelessness prevention or rapid re-housing assistance that each program participant may receive, such as the maximum amount of assistance, maximum number of months the program participant may receive assistance, or the maximum number of times the program participant may receive assistance. Note: ESG regulations limit this assistance to no more than 24 months in a three-year period. Housing stability case management is limited as specified on pp. 75979-80 of the federal regulations. 10. Participation in HMIS. The recipient must ensure that data on all persons served and all activities assisted under ESG are entered into the applicable community-wide HMIS in the area in which those persons and activities are located, or a comparable database, in accordance with HUD's standards on participation, data collection, and reporting under a local HMIS.

Please certify you have established applicable Written Standards for ESG.

(Do not attach at this time, agencies will be required to submit standards before receiving an award). (att.13)

Name_ _..;D....,. o~ tµ-,]flc...:.,{)....,__~-"--'])).,v·l c..::::~=<--. ______Title 5A:b,£C,, E:'f.. U!ll.ti Jt

Signature Date -----'------'------tD~ D~ ___£/-,;23_,____ ---'---"------/ f

16 Rev. 3/12/18 Attachment 14: Performance Outcomes Certification L;U J.H- Kansas 2019 ESG

B. ANTICIPATED PROJECT OUTCOMES The chart below describes two significant outcome(s) for each activity funded by ESG. These outcomes will apply to all projects funded for the 2016 ESG period. Outcomes: An outcome represents a specific result a program is intended to achieve. An outcome can also be defined as the specific objective of a specific program. Performance Measurement: Performance measurement is generally defined as regular measurement of outcomes and results, which generates reliable data on the effectiveness and efficiency of programs.

Please certify you understand the performance outcomes and measurements for your ESG activities. (att. 14) PERFORMANCE ESGACTMTY EXPECTED OUTCOME MEASUREMENT

75% of clients with more than 90 days in shelter exit to data quality report Shelter permanent destinations. (submitted quarterly) 75% of clients with less than 90 days in shelter exit to data quality report Shelter destination other than the streets. (submitted quarterly) 50% of clients will access housing (ES, TH, SH, PH or data quality report Street Outreach PSH) (submitted quarterly)

Service Summary Street Outreach 75% of clients will access Essential Services (submitted quarterly)

75% of clients will maintain Permanent Housing for six Agency follow up procedure Homeless Prevention (6) months. (submitted quarterly)

data quality report Homeless Prevention 75% of clients will access permanent housing (submitted quarterly)

75% of clients will maintain Permanent Housing for six Agency Follow up procedure Rapid Re Housing (6) months. (submitted quarterly) data quality report Rapid Re Housing 75% of clients will access permanent housing (submitted quarterly) l st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 7/01 / 18 -9/30/18 10/0 l /1 8 - 12/31 /l 8 01/01/19-3/31/19 4/01/19 - 6/30/19 Report due l 0/20/ 18 Report due 01 /20/ 19 Report due 4/20/19 Report due 7/20/19

Name__ uofl--=--_ n--'-.o.._ ])...... ,.1 A"'--K.U__,__,,1-S=----____Title 5 fil) VC, ~ ~

Signature_...... ,,~ J"--"""tfl:,.'------=~~ --'---r _____ Date~q_,...,~d-_3 _ ---_/ _g _____

17 Rev. 3/12/18 Attachment 15: ESG Shelter Habitability Checklist ..C.UJ.0- l\.ansas 2019 ESG


The Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program Interim Rule establishes different habitability standards for emergency shelters and for permanent housing (the Rapid Re-housing and Homelessness Prevention components). • Emergency Shelter Standards. • Emergency shelters that receive ESG funds for renovation or shelter operations must meet the minimum standards for safety, sanitation, and privacy provided in §576.403(6 ). • In addition, emergency shelters that receive ESG fund s for renovation ( conversion, major rehabilitation, or other renovation) also must meet state or local government safety and sanitation standards, as applicable. • Permanent Housing Standards. The recipient or subrecipient cannot use ESG funds to help a program participant remain in or move into housing that does not meet the minimum habitability standards under §576.403(c). This restriction applies to all activities under the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing components. Recipients and subrecipients must document compliance with the applicable standards. Note that these checklists do not cover the requirements to comply with the Lead-Based Paint requirements at §576.403(a). For more discussion about how and when the standards apply, see ESG Minimum Standards for Emergency Shelters and Permanent Housing, located at The checklists below offer an optional format for documenting compliance with the appropriate standards. These are intended to: l. Provide a clear summary of the requirements and an adaptable tool so recipients and subrecipients can formally assess their compliance with HUD requirements, identify and carry out corrective actions, and better prepare for monitoring visits by HUD staff. 2. Provide a tool for a recipient to monitor that its subrecipient is in compliance with HUD requirements. Where non-compliance is identified, the ESG recipient can use this information to require or assist the subrecipient to make necessary changes. Prior to beginning the review, the subrecipient should organize relevant files and documents to help facilitate their review. For instance, this may include local or state inspection reports (fire-safety, food preparation, building/occupancy, etc.), or policy and procedure documents related to emergency shelter facility maintenance or renovations.

Carefully read each statement and indicate the shelter's or unit's status for each requirement (Approved or Deficient). Add any comments and corrective actions needed in the appropriate box. The reviewer should complete the information about the project, and sign and date the form. This template includes space for an "approving official," if the recipient or subrecipient has designated another authority to approve the review. When the assessment is complete, review it with program staff and develop an action plan for addressing any areas requiring corrective action.

18 Rev. 3/12/18 .t;UJ.H- Kansas 2019 ESG

MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR EMERGENCY SHELTERS Instructions: Place a check mark in the correct column to indicate whether the property is approved or deficient with respect to each standard. A copy of this checklist should be placed in the shelter's files.

Standard Approved Deficient (24 CFR part 576.403(b)) 1. Structure and materials: a. The shelter building is structurally sound to protect the resi dents from the elements and not pose [Z] any threat to the health and safety of the residents. • b. Any renovation (including major rehabilitation and conversion) carried out with ESG assistance uses Energy Star and WaterSense products and annliances. 2. Access. Where applicable, the shelter is accessible in accordance with: a. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR [Z] part 8; • b. The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 360 I et seq.) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part l00;and C. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 121 3 1 et seq.) and 28 CFR part 35. 3. Space and security: Except where the shelter is intended for day use only, the shelter provides each [Z] program participant in the shelter with an acceptable place to sleep and adequate space and security • for themselves and their belongings. 4. Interior air quality: Each room or space within the shelter has a natural or mechanical means of [Z] ventilation. The interior air is free of pollutants at a level that might threaten or harm the health of • residents. l✓I I I 5. Water Suoolv: The shelter's water supply is free of contamination. 6. Sanitary Facilities: Each program participant in the shelter has access to sanitary facilities that are [Z] in proper operating condition, are private, and are adequate for personal cleanliness and the • disposal of human waste. [Z] 7. Thermal environment: The shelter has any necessary heating/cooling facilities in proper operating • condition. 8. Illumination and electricity: [Z] a. The shelter has adequate natural or artificial illumination to permit normal indoor activities and • support health and safety. b. There are sufficient electrical sources to permit the safe use of electrical appliances in the shelter. [Z] 9. Food preparation: Food preparation areas, if any, contain suitable space and equipment to store, • prepare, and serve food in a safe and sanitary manner. l ✓ I I I I 0. Sanitary conditions: The shelter is maintained in a sanitary condition. 11. Fire safety: 1 a. There is at least one working smoke detector in each occupied unit of the shelter. Where ...... possible, smoke detectors are located near sleeping areas. 0 y b. All public areas of the shelter have at least one working smoke detector. /J C. The fire alarm system is designed for hearing-impaired residents. '( d. There is a second means of exiting the building in the event of fire or other emergency.

12. If ESG funds were used for renovation or conversion, the shelter meets state or local government [Z] • safety and sanitation standards, as applicable. [Z] • 13 . Meets additional recipient/subrecipient standards (if any).

19 Rev. 3/12/18 L;U .lH- Kansas 2019 ESG


I certify that I have evaluated the property located at the address below to the best of my abi I ity and find the fo ll owing: 0 Property meets fill of the above standards. D Property does not meet all of the above standards.


ESG Recipient Name: Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

ESG Subrecipient Name (if applicable): _C_it_y_o_f_H_u_tc_h_in_s_o_n______

Emergency Shelter Name: Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Ct,fl-fe.r

Street Address: SADVC office is 335 N Washington , Suite 240

City: Hutchinson State: KS Zip : 67501 -----

Evaluator Signature: ::J::) {j~ Date of review: 1-;;;3 -f 8

Evaluator Name:

Approving Official Signature (if applicable): ______Date: ______

Approving Official Name (if applicable): ______

20 Rev. 3/12/18 Fire Dept Violation Notice

May 21, 2014

SADVC 335 N Washington ST 240 Hutchinson, KS 67501

Congratulations, an inspection of your facility on May 21, 2014 revealed no violations.

Inspection Note This is a copy of inspection done on 04/30/2014.

156 Michael Cain Candace Dixon Inspector Ace Fire Extinguisher Co. Inc. NOV O2 2017 ~: I N V O I C E :1 600 West 5th Hutchinson KS 67501 No.lN-20902 Phone:(620)665-7285 Fax:(620)665-0176 "======7

Page: 1


Invoice Date 10/26/17 0 Ship Date 10/26/17 Sales Person Ship Via Terms Order No Verbal FOB ID N um b er Qt[V Descno· . f I0n p·nee E a T oa t I '-ioABC CK 4 FIRE EXT. SERVICED 5.50 22.00 5ABC CK 1 FIRE EXT. SERVICED 5.50 5.50 SC 1 SERVICE CALL 8.50 8.50

~. ., (: ~nt'ur Co~e Amount ------100%~~ -

- ...... -----.-., -~--~------:it. E'-flte ~- ····~···

- --

Payment Method: Placed On Account 36.00 X: -~ THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS Sub-Total 36.00 Tax- 0.00 Tax- 0.00 Shipping 0.00 COD 0.00 Total " 36.00 Amount Tend 0.00 Balance Due 36.00 \._ ~ .Jn.2018 08:19 AM .\ PAGE. 2/ 2 Backflow P reven f10n A88 embly Tes tRepor t - .SeJVlce Address -- Location: ' Test Due Resident flro system basement Rebuild ,2848. ;Jt>P 05/20/18 . Check If Correct Corrections

Hutchinson, KS 67501 Serial #: 48961 18: Mil!log Asl511:11H Mfg: WATTS 18' Model: U007QT cx:>7 A2<2T ·' • Type: DC E Size: 1.600 15\ .. Resident

Hutchinson, KS 67501

Exlstln~~ Removed •, Commercial l:6l_ MunlclpalO I Domestic• Flre)gl New Replaced • Residentlal D Industrial• Irrigation• Bypass D Reduced Pressure PrlnolDle Ass~ ~VB/SVB Double Check Valve Assembly Check Valve #1 Check Valve #2 Reilet Valve . AIRINLET Di~ • Initial Test Opened ot PSID Leaked D Leaked D~notOpen ~ Date • Opened Fully '§!_ Closed Tight ~ Closed Tight Esl' CHECK Time VALVE Leaked 0 Pass • Fail 0 Held at 1-J ==-2' PSID Heldat 1,S PSID Opened at PSID '-i:feld at PSID Repairs Cleaned ~ Rubber Kit - GYH~ ('et5ktd Date t{~fl:15£ Rebuild Jc Other - Flnal Test AIR Did not Open INLE'f • Date 9-)7-IY Opened at PSID Closed Tight EH Closed Tight BJ. Opened Fully Time y?co~ 0 CHECK • Heldat { ~ PSID Held et l. b. PSID Opened at PSID VALVE Leaked Pass ©Fail D • Held at PSID• Air Gap Orientation Date Supply P.Jpe Diameter Separation Horizontal D Vertlcal .. 0 Other Pass D Fail D comments Yes No Proper Install Jsl • RV Exercised • • Service Restored l2s:I Yes No I certify all Information on thte report Is true and accurate, acknowledging that Incomplete reports • ~ D wlll not be accepted. Line Preasure c,o Tester Company t. l.t1.-,e, .6cr-)Cl~"' Meter Reading 1;;e11mceuon .,, 1·11one CP/!7yo (bC,3 -9'~)5 Test Kit Mfg Expire ,<.OcJ(J Test I\Jt :;erIat " /'-tt~J't ~,onature va11nratIon LZ. uate ,16() Test KIi Model gy5 ~ ~ r - \,II y l. ,,- MU 11..,M::-::::...·~! Inspection Department PO Box 1687 Hutchinson, KS 87604·1 &87 Phone: 820-694-2632 Fax: 620-694-2681 STATE OF KANSAS



March 20, 2018

Chere Jurgens Sexual Assault/ Domestic Violence Ctr, Inc 355 N Washington, Ste 240 Hutchinson, KS 67501

Re: The Soup Kitchen/Food Bank Program (SKFB) Monitoring Visit on 3/16/18

Dear Chere,

Sexual Assault/ Domestic Violence Ctr, Inc., a commodity feeding site for The Soup Kitchen/Food Bank Program (SKFB) located in Hutchinson, KS, was visited by Anna lstas, Commodity Program Consultant for the Kansas Department for Children and Families, Economic and Employment Support/Food Distribution Unit.

The purpose of this visit was to monitor the ongoing operations of The Soup Kitchen/Food Bank Program (SKFB).

Findings: No findings were made during the visit.

Your facility is found to be in compliance with Federal and State regulations. We appreciate your cooperation and dedication to serve those in need.

Sincerely, Anna lstas

Commodity Program Consultant DCF/EES Food Distribution Unit 785-296-2072 785-296-0146 (fax) [email protected]



Date: 03/19/18


Name of Site Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Ctr, Inc Physical Location ~utchinson, KS 67501 Mailing Address 355 N Washington, Ste 240, Hutchinson, KS 67501 Director Chere Jurgens Phone#------=--=-~--=-=-=--=----- Nameffitle of Person(s) Contacted --=C=h.:.:e:.:..:re~J=u=rg.:a.;e=n.:.:s;,______

Email - 2-''""•--«''.,"'''___ ... ___ ---" - -


1. Is the site exempt from federal tax? ______

2. Does the site have an Agreement with DCF to receive/prepare meals with USDA-donated food?

3. Does site serve prepared meals to needy people in a congregate N setting as an integral part of its regular services/activities? Food is made available to clients to prepare for them selves on site. Use of food is monitored by site manager.

C. CONGREGATE MEAL SITE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES YES NO 7CFR250.13, 7CFR251.10 1. Are meals containing commodities served to clients without charge? _J__

11Page 2. Do activities unrelated to Commodities comply with program regulations? (i.e. be clearly identified as non-Commodity, non- disruptive, non-political, etc.) ______


1. Does the site have an adequate system to ensure it orders only _:t_ quantities of food that can be served within six months of receipt?


1. Have all required health inspections been obtained?

2. Storage Area - Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U)

Condition Cleanliness Tem12erature Dry s s RoomTemQ 50-70° F Cooler s s 33° 36-40° F Freezer s s oo 0 or below

3. Is area free of insect, rodent, and other infestation?

21Page 4. Are USDA commodities stored properly and safeguarded against theft, spoilage and other loss? ______


1. Is the "first-in/first-out" concept used? ______

2. What procedures are used if food coming in has an older pack date than the same food items on hand? ------CHECK DATES, USE OLDEST FIRST

3. Is the current inventory of each USDA-donated food item less than, _:t__ or equal to, a six-month supply? If no: a. list product, amount, pack date and date received.

b. Is this due to: Excessive Ordering Undesirable Commodity Other (explain)

c. What action is being taken to reduce the inventory?

31Page 4. Are commodity losses properly reported to the State agency?

5. Are monthly physical inventories taken and adjusted? _:t_


1. Are accurate and comprete records maintained on the quantity and types of commodities received, stored and used?

2. Are records kept on the number of meals served to needy persons? _:t_ Explain method: 17 beds / Keep track of number of people in facility that will be eating there that day.

How many served last year?__ 4..... 0 ___ 1 ___9 ______

3. Are records related to Commodities maintained for the required period? _:t_

4. Does the organization receive more than $500,000 in federal funds, including the value of USDA commodities in a fiscal year? _:t_ If yes, is an annual audit conducted? _:t_ Were there any audit findings concerning the organization's partici­ pation in any USDA commodity programs? (0MB Circular A-133)

41Page If so, what were those findings? ______

Were these findings rectified? Explanation: ______

Any follow-up needed?


1. Do potentially eligible persons have an equal opportunity to participate in the Program? ______

2. Is the required USDA non-discrimination poster displayed in a conspicuous location for participants and visitors to view? New poster given at review

3. Does the site have an appropriate procedure for handling com- _:t_ platnts of dtscrtmination? ______

4. Are commodities served to participants without regard to race, _:t_ color, national origin, sex, age, or disability? ______

5. Is the USDA non-discrimination statement displayed on all agency _Y_ printed materials such as applications, pamphlets, forms or other materials that describe USDA program benefits? ______

... ···--···· 5JPage 6. Is program information made available to potentially eligible persons _Y_ and to organizations within the community that may assist the organization in reaching potentially eligible populations?

7. Has the need for reasonable accommodations been met to facilitate __:t_ the delivery of services to participants with disabilities?

8. Has the organization conducted civil rights training for its staff? __:t_ Civil right training material and link have been sent.

Comments: ------

X 03/16/18 Signature of lnterviewee(s) Date

• Follow-up letter Date: 03/20/18 • Corrective Actions Deadline: ------N/A • Corrective Actions Complete: ---'N'""'/__'A..__ ___ • Close-Out Letter Date: __,;...... ;N/A______*Attach copies of letters

DCF is an equal opportunity provider. Revision 01/2011 ---- ························-·····•················· 61Page 6. Is program information made available to potentially eligible persons N/A_ and to organizations within the community that may assist the organization in reaching potentially eligible populations?

7. Has the need for reasonable accommodations been met to facilitate _y_ the delivery of services to participants with disabilities?

8. Has the organization conducted civil rights training for its staff? _y_

Comments: ------

Signature of lntervieC(s)~ Date

• Follow-up letter Date: 11/25/14 • Corrective Actions Deadfine: _...... ,NIA ______• Corrective Actions Complete: ----'-N=/A______

• Close-Out Letter Date: ...... ,____,;;...._N/A ____ _ *Attach copies of letters

DCF is an equal opportunity provider. Revision 01/2011 ··················-················--- 61Page Attachment 16: Certification Regarding Lobbying 2018- Kansas 2019 ESG

CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements

The undersigned certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief that: a. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the undersigned to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or any employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of an cooperative agreement and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. b. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form III "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying", in accordance with its instructions. c. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans and cooperative agreements), and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352 title 31 U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure.

Authorized Signature Mayor Title 5/15/2018 Date

21 Rev. 3/12/18 Attachment 17: Statement Regarding Discrimination 2018- Kansas

2019 ESG I


The applicant agrees and warrants that in the performance of an executed third party contract with the state that it will not discriminate or permit discrimination against religious creed, age, marital status, national origin, sex, mental retardation or physical disability including, but not limited to, blindness, unless it can be shown by the applicant that such disability prevents performance of work involved in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the State of Kansas, and the applicant further agrees to provide the Commission on Equal Opportunities with such information requested by the Commission concerning the employment as they relate to the provisions of this section. I, Steven Dechant (the duly authorized representative of the applicant) do hereby certify that all the facts, figures and representations made in this application are true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Authorized Signature Mayor Title 5/15/2018 Date

22 Rev. 3/12/18 Attachment 18: Statement Assuring Compliance with Applicable Environmental Regulations 2018- Kansas 2019 ESG


The use of federal funds triggers the requirement of compliance with federal environmental regulations developed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These regulations, contained in 24 CFR Part 50 and Part 58 "Environmental Review Procedures for Recipients Assuming HUD Responsibilities", require compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as well as several related federal laws, regulations and Executive Orders. In order to ensure compliance with these environmental regulations, the state shall require a complete description of all physical work to be undertaken, including specifications and drawings where applicable. This information is necessary to ensure that all environmental reviews and paperwork can be completed by the state in order to satisfy HUD requirements. No funds will be released, or vouchers paid for physical activities unless environmental clearance has been obtained from HUD. NO construction activities may occur without formal notification from the City that the release of environmental conditions has occurred. All physical projects must comply, where applicable, with environmental requirements, guidelines and statutory obligations in the following areas, as outlined in 24 CFR Parts 50 and 58, Historic Properties Protection; Flood plain Management and Wetland Protection; Coastal Zone Management Requirements; Sole Source Aquifer Protection; Wildlife, Endangered Species, and Wild and Scenic River Protection; Water Quality Regulations; Air Quality; Solid Waste Management Regulations; Farmland Protection; and other HUD Environmental Standards. All work plans will be reviewed to ensure compliance with applicable environmental standards. The following sections briefly outline the statutory compliance areas which will affect most physical activities undertaken with CDBG funds. Historic Properties: All properties to be rehabilitated, renovated, demolished or physically changed in any manner will be reviewed to determine if they are contained on the State of Kansas Historic List. If a structure is contained on the Historic List, rehabilitation or renovation activities must adhere to the National Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Any proposed activity which does not adhere to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards must be reviewed by the Kansas State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) prior to commencement of the activity. All requirements outlined by SHPO and, where necessary, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, must be met before funds can be released. These requirements also pertain to demolition activities. Air Quality/Asbestos Abatement: Prior to any rehabilitation, demolition or heating and ventilation improvement activity, all areas to be disturbed must be inspected for the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM's). If asbestos is found in areas to be disturbed, all asbestos-containing materials must be completely removed by a NESHAP certified asbestos removal contractor and disposed of in accordance with all local, state and federal laws and requirements prior to the commencement of any construction or demolition work. All records documenting compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations must be presented to the state prior to the commencement of any construction activity to obtain the release of funds. If the inspection determines that no asbestos is present in the areas to be disturbed, a signed letter stating the date of inspection and the absence of asbestos must be presented to the state. Lead-Based Paint Abatement: Prior to the rehabilitation of any residential structure or non-dwelling facility commonly used by children under seven years, all applicable surfaces of units constructed prior to 1978 shall be inspected to determine if lead-based paint surfaces exist. If defective lead-based painted surfaces are present, notification and abatement, in accordance with all local, state and federal laws and regulations must occur prior to the release of funds. If no lead-based paint is present, a signed letter, stating the date of inspection, the name of the inspector, and the absence oflead-based paint, must be presented to the state.

23 Rev. 3/12/18 2018- Kansas 2019 ESG

Other Applicable Statutory Requirements: If a property to be rehabilitated is located within a flood zone, wetland area or coastal zone, the proposed project must be reviewed to ensure consistency with applicable local, state and federal regulations. If the subject property is located in an airport clear zone or within an industrial/commercial area, the project must be reviewed to ensure that any potential site safety hazards are addressed.

To the best of your knowledge: Does the proJ>osed project area contain lead-based paint? D Yes [Z] No D Unsure

Does the proposed project area contain asbestos containing materials? D Yes 0 No D Unsure As the applicant, the undersigned assures the commitment to compliance with the environmental Regulations outlined by HUD.

Authorized Signature Mayor Title 5/15/2018 Date



TO : City of Hutchinson City Council, John Deardoff

From: Justin Combs, Director of Parks and Facilities ✓C Sean Thomas, Assistant Director of Parks and Facilities 9

Date: May 8, 2018

Subject: Carey Park Robert Danes & Southwest Bricktown Playground RFP Recommendation


The Parks and Facilities Administration staff, Planning department staff and neighborhood leaders have reviewed the bids received on 4/27/18 . The recommendation is to award both Robert Danes and SW Bricktown Playgrounds to Athco, LLC. A provider of Landscape Structures play equipment. The designs presented by Athco LLC. were preferred over bids of six other firms. Carey Park Robert Danes Playground with a budget of $75,000.00 was funded $50,000.00 from the 2018 General Fund Capital Improvements and supplemented with CIP reserves. The playground for Southwest Bricktown Park, formally known as Ashmeade Park, will be funded by a generous donation of $30,000 by Heartland Credit Union that will be matched by the Kansas Health Foundation, for a budget of $60,000.00. The City will purchase the playground and be reimbursed $60,000.00 from United Way of Reno County. The Playgrounds will be assembled and constructed by City Staff, community volunteers and one certified installer provided by Athco, LLC.


Motion to approve a contract with Athco LLC to supply playground equipment and supervision of a community build in Carey Park Robert Danes and Southwest Bricktown Park for an amount not to exceed $130,000.00

Action Required:

Authorize Mayor Steve Dechant to sign the contract with Athco LLC to supply playground equipment and supervision of a community build for Carey Park Robert Danes and Southwest Bricktown Park for an amount not to exceed $130,000.00

Bid Tabulation: BID NO . 18-93 (This is NOT an Order) Vendor: City/State Contact: Robert Danes SW Bricktown Play by Design, Inc Shawnee, KS Tian Crawford $74,999.00 $59,889.00 Playscapes Recreation, LLC. Yates Center, KS Kate Shepherd $74,886.84 $61,928.33 Athco, LLC. Lenexa, KS Matt Cline $75,000.00 $60,000.00 Play by Design, Inc Tulsa, OK Kelli Collins $74,577.38 $54,303.54 Gametime c/o Cunningham Recreation Clearwater, KS Justin Long $74,932.70 $59,376.27 AB Creative Desoto, KS Zach Herren $74,998.00 $58,535.00 VersaSport KOMPAN Wichita, KS Lee Engler $75,000.00 $60,000.00 FOR MEETING OF AGENDA ITEM FOR ACTION INFORMATlON ONLY


TO: John Deardoff, City Manager

From: Justin Combs, Director of Parks and Facilities~

Date: May 9, 2018

Subject: Design Services Fun Valley Bleachers


On April 20th 2018, I received statements of qualifications for architectural design services for new bleachers at Fun Valley. Two firms responded Landmark Architects and BG Consultants. Both firms proposed using the full $25,000 budget for the design services. Sean Thomas Assistant Director of Parks and Facilities, Jeremy Lindahl, Superintendent of Horticulture and Forestry, Ryan Haugsness, Turf Maintenance Specialist and myself reviewed the proposals. Both Firms have history of successful projects with the City of Hutchinson and both firms are capable of producing a quality design. However, BG Consultants did a better job of demonstrating successful seating projects at outdoor sports facilities. Additionally BG included two {2) bleacher manufactures that they have worked with on previous projects. The committee listed above unanimously agreed that the statement of qualification from BG Consultants more clearly communicated their ability to successfully design the project. While BG Consultants has an office in Hutchinson the Architectural division is based in Lawrence. However, the local office will be heavily involved, Sid Arpin will provide local assistance to David Devore who will be the Project Manager.


Motion to approve the contract for design services with BG Consultants for design services for the Fun Valley Bleacher Replacement for an amount not to exceed $25,000.

Action Required:

Authorize Mayor Dechant to sign the contract for design services with BG Consultants for design services for the Fun Valley Bleacher Replacement for an amount not to exceed $25,000.