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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 10-29-1920 The aB tes Student - volume 48 number 25 - October 29, 1920 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 48 number 25 - October 29, 1920" (1920). The Bates Student. 142. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/142 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 11 ihe tnbtnt VOL. XLVIir. No. 24 LEWISTON, MAINE, 1-TIDAY, OCTOBKK. 29, 1920 'KICK TEN CENTS SPOFFORD HAS GOVERNOR MILLIKEN ELUSIVE SUPPER ENTERTAINS LITERARY PROGRAM PRESENTED BLAINE MANSION SCENE OF That tin1 Affldrosaoggin river is a JOLLY HOUSE PARTY long, lung river, and the "river bank" NOW FOR is i rather Indefinite spots fur a meet "The lust time we ever had." ex- ing, must df the membera of Spofford presses the sentiments of the members Literary Clnb now agree. Also opinion! of the Freshman and Sophomore nf the different member! as to the io Let's Dispel Forever the Old-Time Bowdoin Jinx! Classes who were guests of Miss Nellie cation of a certain Strawberry avenue Milliken '2:i ami her sister Miss Vivi- are as widely diltributed as the Straw an Millikcn '21 at a weekend house berry plants from which the avenae party at the Blaine Mansion, Augusta. presumably received its name. At a. y The alumni are back in scores to see Bates come Promptly at O'clock Saturday at 11 rate, Tuesday afternoon, Spofford Olnb ner of Campus Avenue and Col- was to hold a supper somewhere along through to-morrow on Garcelon Field. Let us not disappoint lege street, where live automobiles the river hank—and finally did hold < them. The team is fit. Coach Sullivan has organized out were waiting under the per-imal ehnrgo one but it was more than an hour and of Governor Milliken, the happy week- a half after the time appointed for the there a bunch of men that would do credit to any college. enders gathered and embarked. The Festival before the member! of the elub following account appeared in the Ken managed to find their committee, which It only remains for the Student Body to make one supreme llebec Journal an.I describes the enjoy- had gone along ahead to prepare a fire able affair: Slid get everything in readiness for the; effort, and back them to the limit! "Cats, witches, L:1I"SN, -) ks ami feast! 1'p and down the bank the differ goblins! The executive mansion "as ent groups wandered, signalling liaek \ When we line up tomorrow, ready to march on the no place for a nervous man or girls, and forth from one hill to another, that Saturday evening, and it i- a good no clue as to the whereabouts of their field behind our band and "Billy Bates," let there not be one ".ues. there were none in the jolly committee could be found, until finally bunch of Hates College hoys and girls one lone scout emerged from a thicket I missing from the 524 that make up this institution! May who got all the thrills of a real Hal- of shrubs and discovered the grain low e'en party during their week-end which his literary pilgrims were seek- the old bell in Hathorn once more peal out in wild triumph, stay at the Blaine House as the guests ing. Back up the river he went, gath-l telling to all who hear that Bates has conquered Bowdoin!! of Misses Nolle and Vivian Milliken. vred up the scattered hosts, and finally Cats as black as midnight and as •nil were reunited in the glow of a roar- fierce of mien as gargoyles, perched on ing campfire. mantels, leered from windows, humped The menu which the committee had their backs and bristled their whiskers; prepared D the meantime was atl the ghastly ghosts and scoffing scarecrows more relished and appreciated. The stood guard ill all conspicuous corners; first course consisted of clam chowder, jovial jack-o'-lanterns beamed on the. delieiously flavored with a romantic world from points of vantage, and touch of the sylvan environment; fruit HOW ALL TOGETHER! LET'S GO!! witches hurrying skyward via the salad, with a rare taste which Dclmon- broom handle air line were silhouetted ieo's experts] 1 chefs couldn't create; on the walls and doors. cake, and plenty of it, with a home- Entering the hall, one was greeted : like essence which the good cook at VESPER SERVICE " H " -' e" g ...„ , , '.. '.. :.. BATES LOSES GAME TO MAINE the doorway and a yellow fence be- Cheney House extracted into the pastry COLLEGE CHAPEL OCTOBER 31. neath which wen- more cats, while the with her motherly hands; cocoa, coffee, AT i P. M. rolls, baked potatoes, and niarslmial historic grandfather clock masquerad- lows. Not only was there all this va- The first vesper service of the year ing as a life-size ghost, looked out from BLUE GIVEN UNPLEASANT SURPRISE its corner. Past the row of jack-o'- riety, which we'll agree is quite a will he held in the Chapel next Sun "spread" for nil ordinary camp sup day. President Gray will give a short lanterns, lines of apples and of dougll- per, but there WSJ a generous amount address i. ■Well Pounded Optimism." nuts nil String!, tO be bobbed for later BY GARNETS SCORING tilled other doorways and the -tair rail <of everything. The college choir will render a fine was an intricate maze of twine which Most of the evening was taken up program, assisted by Kenneth Steady, The Garnet team was given a royal Garnet had surprised the Blue and win will give a cornet solo entitled ended in the attic. with the commissariat exercises, but a sendoS when thej started for Orono White and taken them off theii feet. Unique literary program had I n ar- ■'I'll.- Lost Chord." The following is The dialing room was festive with last Friday after |. The student The Maine line was not found invul- banks of corn stalks and grain and the ranged and while the camp fire was the program: nerable and Moulton repeatedly -.■<r-ii-.l centerpiece on the big table was a living down, it was rapidly disposed of. Prelude, "Sanctus" from Mease Bolen- body gathered at the "Corner" and through by line bucks. Maine could no: miniature house made of paper, with Bach member was given a walnut to nelle Gounod marched down College street, the band consistently gain ground through the blazing lights, and eats peeping from crack open and asked to read the Tut of Authein, "Praise the Lord" Greene led, "Hilly Hates" next, the Co-Edl Rates line. Capt. Stonier, at guard,' the windows. Still more cats and more verse or quotation whieh he found in- Response, "More Love to Thee." also participated, and the men guarded played untiring and first ealibi r foot pumpkin! were scattered over the table. side, and the young lady or gentleman Doane the rear. When the upper station was ball through the entire game. A big Rates Banner covered one wall to whom it applied was supposed to Cornet Solo, "The Lost chord," reached the Hates yell wns lustily The second quarter started by Maine of the room and a nondescript pi rson respond with a story, an anecdote or Sullivan given, each player on the team was punting to mid-field. Hates also punted, age with a vacant face was on guard original composition, Not everyone was Kenneth R. Steady '21 cheered, and tlie "Alma Mater" was t in tin- in \t play Guiney broke H over the whole. prepared because of the short notice Anthem, "Judge Me, <> God." sung as the train left. The confidence the Maine line and blocked a punt. The fun began Saturday afternoon of the occasion, but several interesting Mendelssohn in which the team was held led the Maine got the hall back on downs. A with the arrival of thirty boys and responses were acknowledged Address. "Well Founded Optimism." students to feel that Maine would he Hates fumble gave Maine the ball on girls, members of the sophomore and Two new members. Miss Katherine President Clifton I>. Gray surprised during the game. They were, the Garnet's 20 yard line. Maine com freshman classes, who made the trip O'Rrion '22. of Portland, and Mr. Ed- Postlude, "Grand Choeur in C" ami very unpleasantly so. pleted a forward pass, netting them 15 from Lewiston by motor, bringing with ward O. Stickney '22, of Xorth Sobngo, Chauvet Maine kicked off, Wiggin received yards, and in two plays Smith went them tennis rackets, baseball equip- both of whom were voted into the elub 'he ball mi tin Hates 1.1 yard line, and through for the first Maine touchdown; ment, and musical instrument! and the at a special meeting Monday evening, TOWN GIRLS ENTERTAIN made a fine 20 yard run before he was the goal was kicked. The first half knowledge that they were going to have were present. The committee which se- stopped. Hat.- gained by punting, and tin Thursday, Oct. 21. the town girls ended with the score Bate! 8, Maine 7. the best kind of a good time. The aft- lected the mysterious spot and pre resorted to straight football during of 1922 entertained the '22 dorm girls At the start of the second hall' the ernoon was passed in various kinds of pared the sumptuous supper is com the first quarter.