tlronur zl,; lng rule 10(1)] Ll!:k: [See K"*i}YJ;I &: s{ LIST OF CONTESTING CAIIDIDATES :t $1,:{r+7 ;+ir, r,€.\?\ d r.qqlq Uad
[email protected] itu€ &HHrr! *Party affiliation (i) Candidates of recognised National and State Political Parties Vill+PO-Nurpur GOLAMALI SEKH Bahujan Samaj Party South 24 Parganas Vill+PO-Abdalpur, DIPAK KLIMAR PS-Parulia Coastal Bharatiya HALDER Janata Party South 24 Parganas, Pin-743368 }I PANNALAL Matri Bhavan, Water tank para, All India Trinamool Flowers & Grass HALDER Ward No.-l3, Diamond Harbour Congress PRATIKUR Vill+PO-Basuldanga Communist Party of Hammer, Sickle RAHAMAN South 24 Parganas India (Marxist) and Star (ii) Candidates of registered political parties (other than recognised National and State Political Parties) MONARAMA Ananda Mohan Ghosh Road, Socialist Unity Centre Battery Torch HALDER Joynagar Majilpur of India (Communist) Vill.+P.O.- Bidyadharpur, P.S.- SACHINDRA NATH Republican Party of Mandirbazar, South 24 Parganas HALDER India (A) Pin- 743336 (iii) Other Candidates. Vill- Dakshin Dearock, PO- KISHOR KUMAR Kuleswar lndependent MONDAL PS-Diamond Harbour, South 24 Parganas, Pn-743375 238, Kalighat Road, Kalighat, BISWAJIT SARDAR Independent Kolkata-700026 Vill-Darpatra, P.O.- LATAB UDDIN Patra, P.S.- MOLLA Diamond Harbour, South 24 Independent Helicopter Parganas, Pin- 743368 R rnine Officer 143-Di nd Harbour A.C. '1ronu z^q [See rule 10(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CAI\iDIDATES Election to the *e/Legislative Assembly from the l43-Diamond Harbour Assembly Constituency Sl. No. Name rf Candidate Adrlress of Candidate *Party affiliation Symbol allotted I 2 3 4 5 Vill-Dariapurpara, Basuldanga, PS-Diamond Harbour, South 24 10 SAFIULLA KH \N Independent Can Parganas t Pin-743368 Vill+PO- Sultanpur, PS- Diamond Harbour, South 24 11 SWAPAN MON )AI Independent Tube light Parganas Pin-743332 (i)Candidates i of recol ld National and State Political Parties.