People and Parish April 2017 In this issue........... Roll up, Roll up to the May Fayre! New Minister appointed to the Team Holiday Club on June 1st 60p or £6 per year The Parish Church of St Leonard Heath and Reach 2 Team Rector: Canon Grant Fellows, 01525 373217 The Parish of St Leonard, Heath and Reach Team Vicar Revd. Noel McGeeney, The Vicarage, 2 Reach Lane, LU7 0AL, 01525 237633
[email protected] Church Wardens Br Bede Falconer CoS, 46 Chiltern Gardens, LU7 3BL 07925 364480 Mrs Val Roberts, 7 Cotefield Drive LU7 3DS, 01525 852347 Secretary Mrs Ann Gomersall, 173 Cotefield Drive, LU7 3DT, 01525 376572 Treasurer Mrs Jill Thomas, 46 Redwood Glade, LU7 3JT, 01525 374175 Freewill Offerings Mr Tony Mellodey, 12 Holts Green, Great Brickhill, MK17 9AJ, 01525 261552 / 07771 686005 Administrator and Church Mrs Kelly Burley, St Leonard’s Parish Office, Hall Bookings St Leonard’s Church Hall, Leighton Road LU7 0AA. 07502 320025
[email protected] Office hours: 10.00am—1.00pm Tuesdays, Thursdays GROUPS AND ACTIVITIES Little Fishes Mums & Toddlers, Monday 1.30 pm in the hall Contact: Parish Office Choir Sundays at 10.15am in Church, Contact: Jane Newman, 01525 237421 St Leonard’s Amateur Players, Contact: SLAP Mrs Nicole Waldock, 01908 608304 Men’s Breakfast Group Termly, Saturdays at 8.30am. Contact Neil Forsyth on 01525 377047 Magazine Editors Neil Forsyth, 01525 377047 and Claire Forsyth 07745 431356 ,
[email protected] Magazine Advertising Contact Parish Office 07502 320025 All copy to reach Editor by 15th of the month, please 2 3 In 1061, just afew years before the Norman Conquest, an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman living in Norfolk, the lady Richeldis, had a vision.