People and April 2017

In this issue......

 Roll up, Roll up to the May Fayre!

 New Minister appointed to the Team

 Holiday Club on June 1st

60p or £6 per year

The Parish Church of St Leonard


Team Rector: Canon Grant Fellows, 01525 373217 The Parish of St Leonard, Heath and Reach

Team Vicar Revd. Noel McGeeney, The Vicarage, 2 Reach Lane, LU7 0AL, 01525 237633 [email protected] Church Wardens Br Bede Falconer CoS, 46 Chiltern Gardens, LU7 3BL 07925 364480 Mrs Val Roberts, 7 Cotefield Drive LU7 3DS, 01525 852347

Secretary Mrs Ann Gomersall, 173 Cotefield Drive, LU7 3DT, 01525 376572 Treasurer Mrs Jill Thomas, 46 Redwood Glade, LU7 3JT, 01525 374175 Freewill Offerings Mr Tony Mellodey, 12 Holts Green, , MK17 9AJ, 01525 261552 / 07771 686005 Administrator and Church Mrs Kelly Burley, St Leonard’s Parish Office, Hall Bookings St Leonard’s Church Hall, Leighton Road LU7 0AA. 07502 320025 [email protected] Office hours: 10.00am—1.00pm Tuesdays, Thursdays

GROUPS AND ACTIVITIES Little Fishes Mums & Toddlers, Monday 1.30 pm in the hall Contact: Parish Office

Choir Sundays at 10.15am in Church, Contact: Jane Newman, 01525 237421

SLAP St Leonard’s Amateur Players, Contact: Mrs Nicole Waldock, 01908 608304

Men’s Breakfast Group Termly, Saturdays at 8.30am. Contact Neil Forsyth on 01525 377047 Magazine Editors Neil Forsyth, 01525 377047 and Claire Forsyth 07745 431356 , [email protected] Magazine Advertising Contact Parish Office 07502 320025 All copy to reach Editor by 15th of the month, please

2 3

In 1061, just afew years before the Norman Conquest, an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman living in Norfolk, the lady Richeldis, had a vision. While praying, she suddenly saw, clear in her mind, an image of the house in Nazareth where Jesus had grow up with His parents Mary and Joseph (and quite possibly brothers and sisters as well). It wasn’t very big: Joseph was, after all, only a carpenter, working on building sites. Richelsdis saw the house clearly in front of her, and hard Mary telling her to have a copy built, so people Might more easily understand that this small, ordinary house, was where God Himself spent almost all of His earthly life.

Mary has always been for Christians a way of reminding us that God Himself is intimately and physically involved with every single person. Seeing a copy of Jesus’ house was another way of reminding people of the reality of God becoming man, and of the humility and lessening thatb it incolved for God and thus of the extent of His love for us.

So Richeldis had the house built, and right by the foundations a spring flowed up, a sign from God of the living water that He gives to those who ask. The house was called “the Holy House”, a sign of Jesus and of the Incarnation; the spring was a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit; of God’s life-giving power and healing love.

Very quickly, the Holy House became a place of pilgrimage. Just as we might light a candle as we pray, or make a sign of the cross, or bow and kneel, so we can pray with our bodies as well as our minds, so people have always gone on pilgrimage to Holy places, firstly because it’s always fun to go on holiday (and a holiday is a holy-day!), and secondly because it’s another way of praying with our bodies, which is always a really important thing to do, and thirdly because going to a holy place where, as T S Eliot puts it “prayer has always been valid”, helps us connect with those realities we cannot see or hear.

And through the ups and downs of British history, pilgrims have continued to visit the Holy House and the spring ever since. Even after everything was destroyed by Henry VIII some pilgrims still visited the ruins, and in 1922 the local Church of Vicar began a new Holy House, and a new spring began to flow from its foundations, just as had happened a thousand years before.

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And every year, a group of pilgrims from the churches of the Ouzel Valley team go on pilgrimage to the Holy House and the Spring. This year, we have booked twenty spaces in the accommodation from the 22nd to the 24th of September, at a cost fro each person of about £130 for board and lodging for the weekend. The 24th is a very special date: it is by tradition the day that Richeldis had her vision.

I will lead that group of pilgrims, and I invite you to come and join us, either as a pilgrim, or by joining us in prayer, and giving prayer intentions to take with us then. If you would like more information, either about booking a place as a pilgrim or about the Holy House more generally, please contact me on 01525 372149, or at [email protected].

Father Bernard

Let nothing disturb you Nothing distress you While all things fade away God is unchanging Be patient for with God in your heart Nothing is lacking God is enough St Teresa of Avila

St Leonard’s Church Hall is available for hire! Birthday parties, wedding receptions, meetings and other special occasions

Competitive hire rates, fully fitted kitchen and car parking

To book, for more information or to check availability please go to, email [email protected] or call 07502 320 025.

4 5

The Parish Registers


16th April Kimberley Elaine Yannah White

Marriage Blessing

8th April Helena (‘Linky’ ) de Villiers and Lee Angell


4th April Valerie Margaret Dexter

Daytime services at St Leonard’s

In addition to the two Sunday service at St Leonard’s and the Tuesday evening service (see back page), the church is open for Morning Prayer at 8.45am.

The church continues to be open for visitors all week during daylight hours.

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Badminton Club

Established over 30 years Friday evenings (8 - 10 pm)

Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre

01525 381337 01525 261552

 friendly  mixed abilities  non-league  Free trial


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On-site visits - office hours or evenings by appointment

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Contact: John Wallace on 01525 261381 or 07968 536068 email: [email protected] web:

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6 7

The Villager by Geoff White The early months of the year 1917 seemed to be the time of accidents in and around the village. The weather was cold and icy and perhaps the news of the war was on most people’s minds. Lots of skaters were enjoying skating on Rushmere Pond, including two discharged soldiers, Mr A Lansberry and Mr P Neal. One part of the pond was only covered by a very thin sheet of ice but two lads, not knowing this, (one named Goodyear and the other a lad from a canal barge, walked across it and one fell through. Although the water was fairly deep, the soldiers, who happened to be skating nearby, quickly made a timely rescue, one by lying flat on the thin ice and grasping the boy’s hand, while the other rescuer held his feet. Having dragged the lad with difficulty onto the thicker ice, they sent him home.

Mr Rolls from Rushmere, was on former ground but when cycling home from work on a Monday night, collided with another cyclist going the other way. Mr Rolls’ left hand was caught between the handlebars of the two machines and one forfinger was broken and was later set by Dr Harris. Neither cycles were damages or the other rider hurt.

On a Friday night, there was another accident. A large four-seater motor car occupied by the lady driver and two children, failed to go round the rather sharp bend on Bird’s Hill whilst coming from the direction, the driver not knowing the road very well. The car struck the wall outside a cottage, swerved and then struck the wall again, eventually pulling up on a heap of stones. The acr did not overturn but the two front wheels, the lamps and the windscreen were smashed and both front tyres burst. The speed limit in those dasys was 10 miles per hour! The driver was not badly injured but the occupants of the car were bruised and badly shaken. The lady received cuts about the face and Dr Square was summoned to the scene. No seat belts in those days.

Some of the children of the village were still able to enjoy themselves and an entertainment was held in the Wesleyan Schoolroom when the Sunday School prizes were awarded. It was well-attended, despite the weather and various items of songs and recitations were performed. Each child was presented with a book prize for regular attendance. Miss Lily Roberts played the piano and had also trained the children for the entertainment.

For the older generation who worried about things not being what they used to be and whose hair had turned to grey or even white, 100 years ago there was a cure. H Samuels, who had a chemist shop in Leighton Buzzard High Street, was advertising a bottle of shampoo for one shilling, which would restore your hair to its original colour and beauty. ‘It never fail,’ the advert claimed, and ‘any dissatisfied customer could return it and get their money back.’

As I look in the mirror and at some of my friends, I wonder who makes this magic potion now, so I could put in a bulk order. But on reflection, there is hope yet. I remember the Book of Proverbs, “A young man’s strength is his charm and grey hairs make even an old man beautiful.” 7


CPRE Photographic Competition

CPRE Bedfordshire, a local countryside charity, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. To mark this, the charity is running a photography competition open to all, to build a picture of Bedfordshire’s much0loved countryside and green spaces, and glimpse how these are changing. The theme is:

Bedfordshire—A Changing Landscape

Entrants are encouraged to consider the ways that Bedfordshire’s landscape, country- side and green spaces can be seen to change, throughout the year and over time, through natural or human factors. We hope people will be inspired by the theme and that we get entries from across the county.

The competition is free and open to all— first prize £100, second prize—£50 M&S vouchers.. The deadline for entries is 16th October 2017. Full details about how to enter can be found on Living with Parkinson’s and looking for local support?

Did you know there is a dedicated Parkinson's UK Local Advisor in your area, who can offer free and comprehensive support tailored to your needs? Jackie Kennedy, who covers Mid and , explains what her job is all about:

My role is about making sure people affected by Parkinson’s and their families have all the information they need to take control of life with a progressive neurological condi- tion, enabling people to play an active part in any decisions around treatments and help- ing make life as fulfilling as possible.

There are many things I can offer support with including: understanding Parkinson’s and addressing the impact of Parkinson's on daily living; accessing appropriate health and social care services; securing relevant welfare benefits; signposting to local Parkinson’s UK groups which offer friendship and a ranges of social activities, and planning for the future.

I can provide information, answer any questions and offer practical support by tele- phone, email and , when needed, through home visits, from the point of diagnosis and throughout the Parkinson’s journey.

Please do contact me - no one has to face Parkinson’s alone. Jackie Kennedy, Parkinson’s UK Local Advisor - Mid and South Bedfordshire and Lu- ton T: 03442253795 E: [email protected]

8 9

HVB WINE TASTING "Wines from around the World" Please join us on Saturday, 3rd June 2017 at 20.00 hrs for £15 per head, to help raise funds for maintenance and improvements to

The Heath Village Barn

There will be a selection of 7 Wines for Tasting Accompanied by a taster menu generously provided by


Numbers Very Limited - Entry will be by Pre-Paid Bookings ONLY, which can be made by sending a cheque, no later than 26th May 2017 and payable to ’Heath Village Barn’ to: Nigel Strofton - 19 Lanes End, Heath & Reach, LU7 0AE (Tel: 01525 237045)

9 10


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Please call 07411 136691 Please call 07411 136691 or email or email [email protected] [email protected] for enquiries for a free estimate





Telephone: 01525 237 777

Proprietors: Anne & Bob Reeve

10 11

Coffee Catch Up

A short interview with Revd. Steven Marsh, who will be licensed on 30th April as Pioneer Minister for the Church of the Good Shepherd, Sandhills and pastoral responsibility for St Michael’s and All Angels, Billington.

Welcome to Leighton Buzzard, Steve. So, straight to basics, who are you and where are to from?

My name is Steve Marsh, I am married to Jenny and we have a five year old son called Isaac, who is a delightful little chap. Though I am biased, of course!

I have just finished a curacy in Crofton Parish, Stubbington, in Portsmouth diocese. Crofton is a two church parish, one a large family focussed church and the other a more traditional Book of Common Prayer church.

Before Crofton, my family and I were at an Anglican training college called Cuddesdon in Oxford. Before that we lived in Bosham near Chichester and I used to work for Rolls Royce Motor Cars in Goodwood.

That’s quite a change, working for Rolls Royce to being a Vicar, how did that happen?

Cars and my faith have been central elements in my life but it got to a stage where I felt God saying, “well, what’s it going to be then?” and I ultimately felt more at peace serv- ing with God’s Kingdom.

What attracted you to this post at Church of the Good Shepherd and St Michaels and All Angels?

I think both communities have a lot of potential and a bright future. My experience during my curacy and a period I spent on the leadership team of a church in Chichester that had had a similar journey to Church of the Good Shepherd will hopefully enable me to encourage both communities to flourish.

So what do you enjoy about being a Minister?

I really enjoy the variety of people you meet and I feel privileged at how people share their life’s journey with you, whether that is for a moment or over a long period. I look forward to meeting those who make up the communities of the Church of the Good Shepherd Sandhills and St Michael and All Angels, Billington and sharing in their journeys.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

At the Goodwood Festival of Speed, about 15 years ago, whilst leaning on a barrier, without looking at him, I got talking to the person next to me. After about ten minutes,

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I turned to say good bye and found that I had been chatting with George Harrison!

What is your favourite joke about church life?

It would have to be the comedian Milton Jones’s comment about the church: “Sometimes people think of the church as being like a giant helicopter. They don’t want to get too close in case they get sucked in the rotas”

Good to speak to you, Steve, we look forward to seeing you around.

You too. Do come and say ‘hello’ if you see me around. Thanks for the coffee and the chat!

Remembering World War 1

St Leonard’s is remembering those on the Heath and Reach War Memorial on or around the 100th anniversary of their death.

17156 Sergeant William Banwell 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment ‘The Shiney Regiment’

Aged 33 years, he was killed in action on 3rd May 1917 and is remembered on the Arras Memorial, France

William was the son of William and Lydia Banwell, and was a carpenter living in Woburn Road, Heath & Reach having been born in , before enlisting in the army. He was killed in action whilst fighting in the third Battle of the Scarpe, a phase of the Battle of Arras, on the Western Front in France.

Sources:;; The Commonwealth War Graves Commission

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One of the pitfalls in writing is in placing inappropriate words in prose, which become clear on reading after publication! Here are a few I have managed to avoid having re-read articles .....

'We'll soon get to the bottom of this', he said, with aplomb.

'Those are all unseen places' she said darkly.

'Roses don't last long indoors' he said witheringly.

'I think that angle is only thirty degrees' he said acutely.

'I am a fully qualified masseur' he said with feeling.

'It was only a quick look' she said with pique.

'Those steps are a bit steep for me' he said falteringly.

'I can sense unease within that group' she murmured.

'This sore throat will be the death of me' he croaked.

'What on earth are we doing walking about bare-foot on a pile of grapes?' he whined.

'Well, well, well,' she stuttered.

Having noticed the gravy on her blouse she asked, 'What am I going to do?' with distain.

'I feel really left out' she said distantly.

'Has everybody gone deaf' he whispered.

..and one for Noel.... After a very lengthy, complicated church service, a parishioner who had subsequently missed her bus was said to be incensed.

Any more suggestions will be welcomed. Put them (including your name) in my pigeon-hole in the church porch. Prize for the best one...honestly.

Derek Hardman

13 14 OTTAGE TORES C S R & M Shah 297 HEATH ROAD (corner Sandy Lane)

MON to SAT 6am-6pm OPEN SUN 6am-1pm


For all your painting and decorating needs …


Painter and Decorator

4 St Leonard’s Close Leighton Buzzard Beds

LU7 3DF The most competitive prices in

Tel. (01525) 379520 the area Tel: 01525 237687 Call for free quotation and advice Mrs Emma Smith 14 15

Thursday 11th May COFFEE MORNING in the Church Hall 10am-12.00noon

Saturday 20th May MAY FAYRE At the Church Hall and surrounds From 1pm

Sunday 30th July CREAM TEA At the home of Alison and Charles Palmer, 12 Thomas Street 3-5pm


Saturday 23rd September JUMBLE SALE in the Church Hall from 2pm Start sorting out your unwanted items now!

For more information on any of these events, phone 01525 377047 15 16

A Warden’s Tale

On 1st April we held our Spring Lunch. Phil, one of our organisers, arrived too early in order to set up. Jazzercise were in the hall, and so he thought I'd 'April Fooled' him!! As if I'd do something like that!!!;)

As always the community did us proud. We had wine from Heath Inn, a hairdo from Little Emm's, two bottles of Champagne and one Prosecco from the Co-op, a manicure and beauty gift from Finishing Touch, a voucher from The Dukes, a meal for two from the Axe and Compass and a Sunday roast for two from The Star!!! Truly amazing and we are delighted with the way in which this seasonal event continues to grow.

There were around 50 people in the hall on the day who enjoyed Bede's chicken in creamy cider and tarragon sauce followed by apple pie and cream. It certainly went down a treat as I could have held the leftovers in my hands!!

Laurie Swaddling played the piano accompanied by David Cox on the clarinet and we had a sing along. The music was wonderful. I think I can safely say that everyone will be looking forward to our Summer lunch, which is to be held on Saturday 8th July.

Great news....the Co-op community charitable giving will be supporting our seasonal lunches during the next six months!!! As one of three charities chosen 1% of what Co-op members spend will go to their chosen charity. If you already have a Co-op loyalty card we hope you will choose to support us. If you are not a member you can join the scheme for £1. You also get 5% back for yourself which soon builds up. I plan to use mine to boost our Christmas yummies, of which there will be plenty to choose from I know : Easter, a time of mixed emotions but one in which the church rises up to celebrate the conclusion of the Easter Story. On Maundy Thursday we gathered to remember the events surrounding the Last Supper. It was a lovely service during which Noel washed some of our feet to demonstrate what Jesus did for his disciples the night before he died. We had some beautiful music playing and Noel showed video presentations of this event.

As we begin our Easter celebrations I hope some of you were able to join us. If you didn't then there is always next year or any time in between of course

For Bede and I it will be a busy Summer as major works on the church are set to begin. Good news is we already have Derek and Angela Hardman's 60th wedding anniversary bench placed exactly where needed; so that we can drink tea and eat cream cakes whilst supervising the work. It's a hard life being a churchwarden;)

Val Roberts

16 17

Irony in pictures

17 18 Fun Dog Show Enter your dog into our dog show at the May Fayre- just for fun! These classes are for dogs of any shape or size Classes:

1. The most handsome dog 2. The prettiest bitch 3. The cutest puppy 4. The Golden OIdie 5. The best trick 6. The waggiest tail 7. Musical Sit 8. The best ‘please take me home & look after me’ look 9. The best dressed dog 10. The most elegant walker

£1 per entry Dogs can be entered into more than one class

Owners are responsible for their dogs behaviour and cleaning up after them if necessary. All dogs need to be on a lead at all times (except if performing in class 5!)

Entries on the day1.30pm start!

18 19

The Parish Church of St Leonard’s Come and join the fun at the MayMay FayreFayre Saturday 20th May 2017 1pm at the Church Hall Train Rides (weather permitting) Heath Band St Leonard's School Dancers Fun Dog Show Grand Draw Stalls & Games

For Further Information Tel: 01525 377047

19 20

Need help with your garden?

Lady Gardener R.H.S. Qualified

Creative - Experienced Regular maintenance - One off tidy up - New planting and Design

Tel: Caroline 07867744050

20 21

LYDIA.PILATES - EVERY WEEK! Heath & Reach-Leighton- Jane’s Flowers

Feeling STRESSED, TIRED, or SLUGGISH? Would you rather be

CALM, ENERGISED, TONED & STRONG? Flowers for funerals, Come to Pilates or Barre!: BARRE weddings, parties and SCULPT an infusion of all occasions Ballet and Pilates every Monday 18:45-19:45, Friends Meeting House, LB PILATES (mixed ability) 11:30- 12:30 every Tuesday, Linslade Community Hall and every Thursday 18:30-19:30 at The Barn, Heath & Reach. City & Guilds Qualified Florist See more at or reserve a space at Contact Jane on: E: [email protected] M:07708238670 E: [email protected]

St Leonard’s Visiting Team

We are a small group who enjoy meeting people and having a chat (maybe over a cup of tea!).

If you or anyone you know is housebound, or might enjoy some company occasionally, please call Kelly on 07502 320025 and she will put us in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Anne Chapman

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Thursday 11th May

10.00am to 12 noon



Coffee mornings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month

Next coffee morning will be on

Thursday 8th June

22 23

23 24

Home milk deliveries still happen in some areas but the ‘older brigade’ will no doubt remember when both milk and bread had regular door- step deliveries.

Here is a collection of notes left in milk bottles.....

“Dear milkman, I’ve just had a baby, please leave another one”

“Please leave an extra pint of paralysed milk”

“Milkman, please close the gate behind you because the birds keep pecking the tops off the milk”

“Sorry about yesterday’s note, I didn’t mean one egg and a dozen pints but the other way round”

“When you leave my milk please knock on my bedroom window and wake me because I want you to give me a hand to turn the mattress”

“No milk. Please do not leave milk at No 14 either as he is dead until further notice”

And the following is the cream off the top of the pint....!

“Please leave no milk today. When I say today, I mean tomorrow, for I wrote this note yesterday”

Overheard after the Palm Sunday Service....

“How’s the diet going?”

“Not good. I had eggs for breakfast.”


“No. Cadburys’”

24 25 St Leonard’s Church

Heath and Reach

St Leonard’s Holiday Club


in St Leonard’s Church Hall followed by a Picnic Bring a packed lunch, cold drinks provided

Thursday 1st June 10-12noon

Activities for 3-10 year olds 3-6 year olds with accompanying adult

Activities include: Craft, Singing and Visit from a Guide Dog and other animals


Booking Essential – phone: Rosemary Young 01525 237345, or Vera Paul 01525 375095

25 26


A helpline for older people

0800 4 70 80 90

“Like child abuse, loneliness carries a stigma, especially for an older genera- tion too proud to ask for help. I hope by creating a helpline for older people The Silver Line will enable them to break through the stigma of loneliness, and thus save lives and comfort and protect older people in need.” Esther Rantzen.

The Silver Line is a free confidential helpline which provides; information and signposting to services, community and voluntary support across the country; a friendship service to combat loneliness; and a means of empowering those who may be suffering abuse.

If you are feeling isolated or lonely, there is not only the helpline, but a tele- phone befriending service, where you are matched to a trained volunteer, who will phone on a weekly basis for friendship at a time convenient to you. So if you feel that you would benefit from the services of The Silver Line, please do not hesitate to call our 24/7 helpline on 0800 4 70 80 90.

‘If you think it is for you, it is for you’.

St Leonard’s Parish Prayer

Living God, you have given us St Leonard as an example of one who extended himself to relieve the difficulties of others; help us to know in our hearts the love you have for us all so we may reach out in genuine empathy to those in our community who feel lonely, isolated, or overwhelmed by grief or loss. Help us to grow together as a people united in concern for each other and love for you. Amen

27 28

ONYX - The dynamic six piece band for your special event, wedding reception, anniversary celebration, dinner dance or corporate function. Choose your favourite songs from our extensive playlist for those magical mo- ments to make your special occasion simply the best. ONYX will ensure you and your guests dance all night to celebrated hits from the last five decades. [email protected] 01525 211019


Qualified lady chimney sweep All types of stoves and chimneys carefully swept. Birds’ nests cleared Member of the Institute of Chimney Sweeps Garden maintenance service. Grass cutting, weeding, leaf clearing, pruning and planting etc. RHS qualification Friendly local service. Public liability insurance and DBS checked. Call Sue Stokes on 01 525 850622 [email protected] 28 29

Coffee (after 11am On or For Sun Cleaning service)

7th May J&T Mellodey

A Chapman & V Roberts & 14th May S Halstead S Halstead

21st May S Darms & A Payne

28th May H&R Ramsbotham V Roberts

S Buttery & 4th June E Dickinson

11th June J Thomas & H Clark G & M White

18th June A Palmer & L Page

A Chapman & J Thomas & 25th June S Halstead A Gomersall


St Leonard’s Old Boys (otherwise known as the SLOBs) are a group of retired folk who meet once a month to help keep the church and hall surrounds tidy

We meet normally on the first Monday of each month and tackle whatever light work is needed at that time followed by a “planning lunch” at the Axe & Compass.

There is no commitment to come every month but only as and when you can and only for two hours.

We meet at the church hall at 10.00am. The next meeting is on Monday 8th May

Everyone welcome!

And finally......

A Golfer walks into the Pro shop at the golf club and asks the golf pro if they sell ball markers.

The pro says they do and they are £1.00

The player gives the golf pro £1.00

The golf pro opens the cash register, puts the £1 in and hands the player a 5p piece to use as the marker.

This economic model is also used by governments

30 31

Monday to Friday 9am—12pm, 12pm-3pm or 9am—3pm An independent preschool offering places for children from 2 years old, providing a range of activities to support children’s learning through play Contact Margaret Smithers, Early Years Teacher Email: [email protected] Phone: 01525 237172


Would you like to learn a brass instrument? Do you already learn and would like to join a group?

Then come and join


At the Heath Barn, Eastern Way, Heath and Reach on Wednesday evenings (term time only)

Free tuition: 6.45 to 7.45pm - instruments available Band practice: 7.15 to 7.45pm

For more information contact: [email protected] heath-band @heath-band

31 32 Worship at St Leonard’s

2nd May 07.30pm Holy Communion

7th May 4th Sunday of Easter 08.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 11.00am Family Service

9th May 07.30apm Holy Communion

14th May 5th Sunday of Easter 08.00am Holy Communion (Order 1 traditional) 11.00am Parish Communion (Order 1)

16th May 07.30pm Holy Communion

21st May 6th Sunday of Easter 08.00am Holy Communion (Order 1 traditional) 11.00am Parish Communion (Order 1)

25th May Ascension Day 07.30pm Holy Communion

28th May 7th Sunday of Easter 08.00am Holy Communion (Order1 traditional) 11.00am Parish Communion (Order 1)

30th May 07.30pm Holy Communion