osborneseed.com | 800-845-9113 | [email protected] DTM= Days to maturity from transplant are classi"ed into 3 distinct day-length categories (Short Day, Intermediate Day and Long Day)

SHORT DAY TYPES (SD) ONIONS Short Day Best suited in the southern growing regions of the US (latitudes between 25-35) *requires 12 to 13 hours of day length to initiate development. Short day onions are most often planted in the fall and harvested in the spring. SD onions are very well suited for transplanting in November and December, or direct seeding in October, for harvest in the spring. Short day varieties have a higher water content and milder !avor compared to long day types, and are excellent as a fresh option and as a complement to salads, sandwiches and any dish where some added crunch and !avor is desired. The yellow SD types have scale/skin that is best described as golden blond in color. Will store 2-3 months.


Great for southern growers due to uni- NEW! GABRIELLA F 1(U) Yellow 155 Globe/Jumbo form, quality with great yields and resistances to general diseases.

High quality for fresh mar- NEW! 2144 F! (U) White 170-175 Globe/Large to Jumbo F, PR ket in southern latitudes. Bright white SYMBOL KEY & DEFINITIONS color with 2-month storage life. Short day to Intermediate. Adaptable, Hybrid variety: Cross between two genetically distinct parent NEW! New Addition: Varieties that are new to our catalog EARLY RED BURGER (U) Red 175 Flattened Globe PR fresh market with deep red skin and F# lines chosen for speci!c traits, using traditional breeding methods. for this edition. mild !avor. VERONICA F! Hybrids typically show better vigor, uniformity of size and shape, Consistent good performer that is early and disease resistance than open pollinated varieties. Sweet Red 175 Flattened Globe/Medium PR, Fbr RED DUKE F! (U) maturing with strong roots and deep color. Open Pollinated variety: Reproduce naturally via cross-pollination Osborne Favorite: Our seal of approval on our Very uniform onion with strong tops (OP) or self-pollination. Open pollinated varieties may lack the uniformity highly recommended products. and disease resistance of hybrids. VERONICA F! (U) Yellow 180 Globe/Jumbo to Colossal HR: PR and skin. High percentage of single centers. Can tolerate PR and DM. Organic: are grown and produced in organic systems Slightly !attened-globe/ Adaptable with strong roots, "rm bulbs Sweet 180 PR without the use of synthetic elements. RIO DULCE F! (U) Jumbo to Colossal and good single centers. Extremely Heat Tolerant

Untreated: Seeds are grown in conventional systems, but have no GABRIELLA F! NEW! 2144 F! EARLY RED BURGER RED DUKE F! (U) further synthetic elements on the actual . NEW! Extremely Cold Tolerant Treated: Seeds are grown under conventional systems and have a synthetic coating that is brightly colored (red, green, and blue are (T) common). When handling treated seeds, it is suggested to use gloves and a mask. For organic growers, treated seeds are prohibited. Storage: Proven ability to store long-term. FarMore: seed treatment provides early protection against seed and seedling diseases, as well as cucumber beetle. Cruiser: seed treatment provides early season protection from sucking, chewing and pests.a 1M 1,000 Seeds INTERMEDIATE DAY TYPES (ID) LONG DAY TYPES (LD)

Intermediate Day Long Day Best planted in the latitude range between 32-42 degrees. *requires 13 to 14 hours of day length to initiate bulb development. In the Best for northern growing regions in the latitudes range between 37-42° *require 15 hours or more of day length to initiate bulb mid-section of the US, intermediate day types can be direct seeded in the late winter/early spring to have harvestable bulbs in development. Long day onion varieties are best direct seeded in spring. Depending on location, this can be early, mid or late the summer. ID types are also very well suited for transplanting in late winter/early spring in both the mid and northern latitudes. spring sowings. Long day types have a wide range of maturity (from 90 days to 135 days). Harvest occurs during the summer Transplants of intermediate types in the northern locations o$er earlier maturity compared to long day types. and fall and LD types are typically very "rm (excellent storage ability — 5+ months) and pungent in !avor. The outer scales on a LD yellow is actually more brown in color. LD onions are perfect for cooking, adding to sauces and stews. This onion brings a wonderful aroma and spice to any meal! INTERMEDIATE DAY VARIETY TYPE DTM SHAPE/SIZE RES. DESCRIPTION LONG DAY RED LABEL F! (U) Red 95 Flattened Globe PR Beautiful, early, large . Uniform with a trim neck and erect top. VARIETY TYPE DTM SHAPE/SIZE RES. DESCRIPTION Early maturing with good bolt tolerance, works well for fresh market or short-term ICE PEARL F! (U) White 105-110 Round/ Large to Jumbo Fbr, PR Early with great yield, white skin and good for storage. White 95 Globe/Jumbo to Colossal PR SIERRA BLANCA F! (U) storage. Uniform bulbs with a classic look. Great addition to your long day lineup with resis- NEW! POWELL F! (U) Yellow 108 Globe/Large DM MINISTER F! (U) Yellow 95-100 Globe/Jumbo to Colossal PR, Fbr Good for fresh market with uniform size shape and excellent "rmness. tance to downy mildew and tolerance to stemphylium. Early long day. Adaptable with upright tops and strong interior color. High quality for short- Red 108 Globe/ Large Jumbo PR CANDY F! (U) Sweet 95-100 Globe/Large to Jumbo Sweet and mild in !avor and matures early. RED ANGEL F! (U) term storage. Medium red external color with high percentage of single centers in internal ring Yellow Red 100 Globe/Medium 110 Blocky globe/Large PR Early maturing, single-centered with a classic look. Long-term storage. CABERNET F! (U) development. Holds up well in storage. GUNNISON F! (U) Spanish

Yellow 105 Globe/Large to Jumbo Upright tops with "rm bulbs. early for full size. HARBOUR F! (U) CALIBRA F! Sweet 115 Blocky globe/Large PR Classic Spanish look with glossy skin and re"ned necks. Globe to Flat Globe/ Improved Cabernet that is slightly later to mature, but larger sized. Performs well in stressful Red 105 Yellow MONASTRELL F! Medium conditions. Bulbs can store well for 4-6 months with good color contrast. 118 Globe/Colossal Fbr, PR Can be used for transition from intermediate to long days. Holds in storage SCOUT F! (U) Spanish Yellow/ 110 Globe/Large High yielding, versatile, strong vigor with mildly sweet !avor. NEW! ELSYE F1 (U) Sweet



CABERNET F! HARBOUR F! MONASTRELL F! NEW! ELSYE F! LONG DAY (Cont’d) SPECIALTY CIPOLLA DI ROVATO RED ITALIAN TORPEDO VARIETY TYPE DTM SHAPE/SIZE RES. DESCRIPTION RED ITALIAN TORPEDO 90 days (U) Globe/Large to Bsr, DM, Yellow 95-100 Blocky globe with small necks and smooth skin. FRONTIER F! (U) Jumbo Fbr (Red long of Tropeo) 4-6” elongated bulbs with glossy vibrant pink skins and sweet, mild !avor. Slightly !attened/ Yellow 95-100 B Tight and "rm with thick necks, dark skin and nice gloss. TRAILBLAZER F! (U) Medium to Large This stunning Italian heirloom is perfect for fresh market bunches. Best suited for intermediate - long day growing regions. TREKKER F! (U) Yellow 95-100 Globe/Medium B, Fbr Extra "rm for long storage with nice dark skin and shine. CIPOLLA DI ROVATO 110 days (U) BLUSH F! (U) Pink 110 Globe/Jumbo Coppery pink skin and white interior with healthy tops and necks that dry down easily. This selection from Italy produces an absolutely classic Cipollini. Expect to harvest small, !at, almost perfectly disc-shaped onions with no indentation Tall blocky globe/ Yellow 110 PR Improved root system and high yielding with darker-skin. TALON F! Large or raising in the top-center. Bulb size will range from 2-3” in diameter and 1-1.25” in thickness. The multiple layers of skin are delicate, light gold and RED CARPET F! Red 115 Globe/Jumbo PR Red storage onion with improved shape. the necks are small. Flesh is white and barely pungent. Good storage life.

This adaptable onion can be grown both as a late intermediate or an early long day variety. Red 115-120 Globe/Large NEW! BAROLO F! (U) Strong against root diseases and can store for 3-4 months. Replacement for Ruby Ring. Blocky globe/Large Yellow 120 Fbr, PR Adaptable for Northern regions, very uniform and "rm. HAMILTON F! (U) to Jumbo GENERAL GROWING INFO

Seed FRONTIER F! TRAILBLAZER F! TREKKER F! BLUSH F! Soil temperature for germination is 50-75°.

Transplant Tops can be clipped prior to transplanting for more rigorous root growth.

Spacing Sow seed at ¼” depth, ½”-1” apart in rows that are 18-30” apart. Thin to 3-5” apart to achieve adequate size bulbs, or set transplants at 4-5” apart.

TALON F! RED CARPET F! NEW! BAROLO F! HAMILTON F! Growth Needs Onions grow best in well-drained, sandy soil with high organic matter. Make sure to choose the correct variety for your growing region. Onions need a lot of water, about 1” per week for optimal bulb growth. Avoid overhead watering and watering at night to limit the exposure to bacterial and fungal pathogens. Keeping a good balance of nutrients will help "ght o$ disease while providing their needs to make adequate size and quality.

Harvest Onion foliage will fall over when ready for harvest as necks soften. Pull the onions out of the soil and let cure in the sun in the "eld or greenhouse for a few days and up to 1 week. OVERWINTERING Storage Overwintering Make sure that onions are fully cured and dried before storage. Clip tops and store in onion bags at 35° F at 65% relative humidity. Intermediate and long day varieties that perform well transplanted in the fall for early summer harvest, primarily in the Paci"c Northwest and Midwest.


Fbr, Depends on climate Globe/Medium Early maturing for overwinter or early spring seeding. Great dark red color. RED SPRING F! (U) Red PR

DESERT Fresh market onion that can be planted in summer for !attened bulb or overwintered. Has solid Red Depends on climate Flattened Globe/Medium SUNRISE F! (U) root system and early to mature.

HI KEEPER F! (U) Yellow Depends on climate Globe/Large DM Standard for this slot, nice large bulbs that store well.

Excellent strain of legendary seed. Production in the northwest yields Depends on climate Round to !at/Large WALLA WALLA (U) Sweet large, sweet bulbs.


osborneseed.com | 800-845-9113 | [email protected]