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Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1876

11-3-1876 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner November 3, 1876

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. COSTS JX STATE CASES. other preceding repttblies. First force, I ceb·cd in good society. i.. The nnked God's OUR XEW YORK LETTEJI . ..:\mount pah.l Justices and Com1tables in State cases ...... : ...... 713 50 and then corruption, and then comes mili· J truth is this: ,vashington City is this day • __ RE MOVED EX~IBIT " " witnesses ...... , ...... : ...... 349 08 tary despotism. In l,istory this fact a sort !if u political Barataria an island of Corre,pondcnee of the Baru,er.] " H Clerk of the Court ...... : .. _ ...... 4J2 52 "l.lAY 16th, 1876. -OF TUE- 139 05 stai1ds out in bold relief. There ha,-e been / pirates and robbers. When~ man wants • XEw YORK, Oct. ~.Jlh. :: :; ~,!{~:~~!!'iabir;;:~~~;/eJt~;~:·::.:: :::: .".:·. :::·: ::::::·::.::::: ::· .::· .::::·:. ·.::::::·::.:::::·::: 95 00 Cn,vernments in antiquity that have been to go to Washington he ought to announce free, why are they not now called free, and , in a hand-bill that he wants to go to Bara• S!OSS OF l'II.E TBIE'i. Total...... 1,7i9 24 why is it that out of thirteen hundred taria. [Langhter.] The Cabinet the There is no longer any doubt\,bout th,• l HA YE RDIOYED 1IY STOCK OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDIT'tJ'RES REPAIRS TO COUNTY AND FAR)[ BUILDINGS. millions of the human race on·ly about for- model of public dignity and public ~epule· result c:>fthe ~oming election. Tilden aud .\mount paid for and repairs to Court House and Jail, expenses, kindlings, ty millions arc free lo change our rulers the Cabinet into which no evil genius eve; Hendricks Will be the next Pre,ident and OF KNOX CJO1JNTY, &c ...... 9;;1 21 whm they rule ns wrong? Ju Go,crn- stole dttring Democratic times, as we all Vice-President of the United Slates in Amount paid for re£afrs and cxkenses for Infirmary farm ...... 107 34 ments of anlinquity that enjoyed the form know, are ouly men, that is all'. But they spite of e1·erythiug that it is the power ol :: ;; B. A. imlley .c!er to Infirmary director ...... 5 00 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 4th, 1376. for lumber for Intirmarv-...... 7 00 otfredo.m there was always tirstfraud; then ar~ somethin~ els.e when they get there.-· ~ur oppotlll';lts to do. 'J'.he;y maOse.s ...... 56;007 81 Am~~nt ~~idltu-rcyors, viewers! ch~inmen nncl markers...... 131 43 ocratic party .were to hcgi~ its reign of the Rep~blican party hai·e one hand upon quarters to unde.rstand how completely ii T?roshipVBridge purpooes ...... 218 07 an1ages to land o"ncr:i ...... , ...... 558 00 power by makmg these thieves pony up the public treasury and lhe other upon the the breakdown m the Republican camp ( 1 y and 1liage purposes ...... 20,871 94 T. PATTON. " Total...... 688 43 what they have stolen. ,lLaughter.J And sword. W ell, we want to take both of and how certain the Democrats are of vie'. ,v. then it would be. a great thing to give it to these weapons away (laughter,] though tory .. One of the se~ercurposcs ...... , .... 199,871 95 FUEL .A.SD LIGHT. STATE FUl\'D. CR. Ao10unt paid for Coal for Court House...... 306 36 the houest laboring people of the country. not for our own use. The Democratic pubhcaus ham receH ed LS the failure to By amount collected on Duplicate ...... 51,682 11 r A voice, "that's so I"] This lesson of un- party remained in power almost entirely enlist the soldiers o! the Into war in a ,ar­ 11 :: :: g~!J 1 :1 77'6. :1876. • receivcdfor8how Licen!:Jc ...... :..... 46 00 b~~fHI1~;·~:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~·. 1:g fo aermining. a <;iovernment by corruption, down to 1~60, and what man of that party tisan .movement in their intere,t. fhc and followmg 1t up by the sword, has two was ever impeached-was ~ver amugned Boys m Blue h:n·e been repudiated as re• Total ...... , ...... 51,728 11 Total ...... , ...... 505 11 BOARD OF J:;Q\JALlZATION. sidea to it, may yet be found out that bcforn the country for stealing the Nation- presentatives of the soldiers of the Union DR. swords can be drnwu in ~self defense of lib- a.I money? Not o'?e· During this long and ~h!,l Grand Army:of the Republic ha~ To State Treasurer's receipts ...... 1 •• , ...... 61,723 51 Amount p•id City Boo.rd of Equalization ...... , ...... 236 00 TreasurerJI:! 1>er cent. on Sho"· Li<'~use ...... ,, ...... , ...... 4 60 11 11 Conaty " " ...... , ...... 8 00 erty as was the case one hundred years lime the Democratic pnrty neYer drew one admm1stercC'D5C of Pauper ...... 15 00 Amount of taxes refunded ...... ,;...... 235 30 amount overpaid Sept. 4th, 1876 ...... 2,702 93 liNCLAIMED COST. , poiats of the compass, politically, no sovereign State. They say South Carolina are more earnest in their desire for peace Amount paid sundry person~&!, unclaimed cost ...... , ...... :...... 97 83 North, no South, no East, no West, and has sinned. Admit it. We are under the and tranquility in erery section ofthelland J. Total ...... 8,797 36 PRISTlNG. we only know that we are the ottly part of same obligation to treat South Carolina as than the men who fought our battle,. The W.F. SINGER DR.- Publishing annual stock statistics ...... : ...... :;o 00 the li·orld t~at has pres~rY~ liberty. for a sov~reil)n State that is imposed by the ~nion soldiers are the best friends the 0 Sh ·tr, l . To :nnount o,·erpaid Sept. 6th, 1875 ...... , ...... 2,385 16 er1 s proe amat1ons., ...... 36 00 100 years without any senotJS mtermtss10n. Constitution upon every other State. The ::,outh has, and so fur from lending them­ amount paid ou the order of Infirmary Directors ...... 6,412 20 :: a!lnua.~ e:Chlbi~ of receip.ta and expenditures ...... 176.00 We want to keep out, first, anarchy, and triumphant North tendered to South Caro- ,elvCH to any attempt to excite sectional • Commissioners proceed1n~ ...... , •..... , ...... 160 00 then despotism. Grant's first public act lin::i and the other Southern States the con- inimosity, they may always be relied upon MERCHAf~T TAILOR, Total...... : .... ; ...... , ...... 8,797 36 u notice to tn.x•payers, :l.lld of holding courts ...... 151 00 BRIDGE FUND. CR. 94 50 was for the benefit of the minor power- dition under which they would be receiv- to rebuke tho•e who noc their name for llisc1llaneo~~i~:in~Y!~~~ :: : : : : : :: : : : :: :: :: :: :: :::::: :: ::: :·. :::: ::: ::: : ::::: ::: :::: :: :: : : : :: : :: ·:.:: :: : : :: : : : : :: 266 93 the signing of a bill increasing the public ed back into the Uniou. They accepted ,uc~ an end. A~O DCAL'Crt lS By amount collecwd on Duplicate of 1875 ...... 16,656 00 amount collected by sales of old Bridge Material...... : ...... 18 95 debt $40~,000,000. For what,?. To k~ep off those cood)t)oos. They stand now uvou ew. Yor_!' State I\ i.11 .gh·e Tilden ancl balance remaining 1n Treasury Sept. 6th, 1875 ...... 4,213.50 Totnl ···~················ ...... , ...... 931 43 the Indians? (Laughter] lo resIBt the those cond1tlons, and I would ask why ,tis Hen_dricks 16,000 maJonty. We Will car­ BOOKS A.'1\'D STATIONERY. British im·asion oroneofthearmed world, that you go behind the present Constitu- ry N~w Jersey and Vonnccticut and the Totnl ...... ,.,, . .,,...... , ...... 20,888 45 Auditor's and Treatiurer's Registers...... 15 00 if the armed world behind them cnn tion to find protection for the K orthern •lect10n of Hayes and Wheeler is impos· Receist books for Treasurer...... 153 00 GENT8' FURNISHING GOODS. DR. crush out the American people? No. States and refuse to look at the present sible. To n.mou.nt of orders redee1ncd ·nud cancelled ...... 12,638 93 Election blanks furnished townships ...... , ...... :...... 106 20 balance in Trcai~ury Sept. •1th, 1876 ...... 8,240 52 Blank books and stationery for couuty officl·rs ...... ,1o, .. , ...: ...... 1,088 00 This bill si11oed was for the benefit of Constitution to find protection for th TUE RAU!CAL WAit CLAD!,. Has tile Lnrge11l and Best Stock or the bondholders of this country. It was Southern Siates? We see a reunion anC: The greatest absurdity of this ca•J1•a,,s i, Goods ror Genthm,en•s Wear Total ...... ~'01888 45 Total ...... 1,362 20 entitled a Bill to Strengthen the Public the States that accepted the Amendment . SCHOOL }'UND OFFICER'S FEES Credit, and it did so by adding firn hun- to the Constitution stood as fair as othe: .he cry rai -cd by the Radicals about South• In C'eutl'nl Ohio. CR. B.:,· balance in Treasury Se!ht. 6, 1S75 ...... : ...... 11,466 81 AuJ' \I,EJ~ 1~ Yi'runt.collectcd Duplicate of 187;; ...... candidates for the Presidency of the Uni- ~Ir. Hayes has nothing lo do with this "BWODY sumr·• ro Hit. L~l>. a ance 1n Treasury, Sep;. 6th, 1815 ...... , ...... 416 53 ---- ted States, and I do not ask you to vote conle,t, not:, thing. It is Granti•m that There is another evidence still that the Total...... 14,061 24 l. ;~'I\)\0:f ~:\:\!}\I :; for Tilden becattse I lorn Tilden, but I we are making war upon. It is all the Republican calllpaign is in the hanoi1,vi)l• ..ied 8 . .MT. V. & P. lt.\lLROAD CO. about Mr. Cooper that he is " good man, ly allow the country to overlook; these acLs closures of Gov. Hayes' tax record and o! t·onstitutc~ ouc of the rno«t (k>.ciin\W& •r. .e, a~ By arnounl overpai<.1Sept. •1th, 1876 ...... ,, ...... ~J78 68 whose voice had been silent until now in matter what its a.mount, is sufficient to worthy of the high dignity which he as- which our fathers resisted a hundred years ui• "nid nnd co-operation with Know• that locaHtv. JUrJHs m ---- tho campaign, and General Morgan, of :I.It. corrupt the ainerican people, and therefore pi res to. Some people have sense even if ago wheu it is repeated by our own Presi- .Nothing'! nearly lost him tbc State ot Ohio Ap1n11h.ei.l at $S,3v£;, Total...... :·· ...... •-· ...... · .. ······· .... . 2,478 68 lo complete the su bjection of this country. they do ham gray hair. I have seen peo- dent here in our own neighborhood, to say and we hear !cs• thnn we did about the T I,R>IS 0.1" ('r cent. ill forty.P .:r cent. rn 1um arles I., of England, in- wore the same I did when they were born. now with unblushing eii'routery never to compel him to disgorge his ill-gotten . · ·h duced the House of Commons to cause the ,r1th intc~t r,J. .. ereaft~r until, nil 1s po1ct,; h1,vc been t.•ned a NE,v GROCERY AXO PROV! lON ' d.d h . t t ' pot,sm m this countrv. On the other side ~TORI,. in George's lllock Muiu street op•,o• To t~~~t';r f~~~1~!r~~:~~::: :; ~ ::: :;: .":: ." :: :: '. ." .": ." .": ::: ::: ~:: .' ." ." .'.':.'." .".' .' .' ." ." .'.' ." :.'.'.'.': .'.': .'.' .' .'.' .'.'.': ,',': ,' ,': :: ~ : anco, ~ 1 ev~ry 011? w O was pr"-;en ° ' the entire Re ublican party indorsed the something to eat? It 1s a fearful stale of promise,;, ancl when these from, es hang burned in tires, lost in fr,,shetd or accit'lnt re,naioing iu d the compliment in a "graceful little '.rhere_ was no impeachment of the Presi­ bread; all help to hustle this poor fellow Go,·ernmeyt goes by th~ board. I have thlln the Republicans n-"ume they ought "'.It. Yernon, Od. 6, 1876. nnLount colJccted lit Ituplica.te·1s15...... 24,98-1 14 e . . dent tor that act. If thcro had been thel'o amount of fii1es and c oi:st!:I co}lccted by Jmrciccs and Clerk ...... , ...... 3 00 speech of ten mmutc,, and on the motton would oot now oe a standing army acting to jail. He is tried ru1d conYicted us a spo½:en qmlc ag long u.s I intended and hll\·e to have returned, aud who mav nuw ha,·o 1unouut lbr A.. Uen De1 ini:-,' snbtlistence ...... - ...... 312 45 of Mr. P. G. Griffin, a committee of three under order~ of the l'resident to deprive thief, rnined for life, ancl his po?r child!·en said ~11 thut I p_roposed to. say. I . tlinnk bc~ome unable, either throng!, lack of dis­ u.nt0untroad cx11e1u,es: coUccte<.l...... - .. ,., ...... 28 30 are brought to the very verge of starrnlwn you for your kind attention to-111ght.- tinct pcraonal recullection, or the lo,;:, of PATENTS. was appointed to escort the speakers to tl;e people of a ball(tt in their election. OJ.lllTOltS .\SD ATTOR'1iEY~ ---- f!"'~ because of his incarceration in prison. A LGreat Applause,] witn • or records! to prove tlidr honc:;ty 60,116 71 S -l"Olt - Total ...... the stand. This office beino- accomplish· 'fnese are not ~rillmg e,cnts, but :<'·e are a public officer is intrusted ,rith the' public !!!"'!!""!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"'!!!"""!!!!!'! -a thing not usual y required of hon t DR. , 0 • t great wavs ofl from !110 scenes that are 50,613 28 ed, General George " • Morgan was Ill ro- tra11spiri ,ig in South Carolina, althonuh money; a man in a situation which ought mcn-nll these must. be branck«l be for(\ tho U, S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS, 'fo orders rcc.lccnH·d ancl"<.1 .••.. : ..... _...... --··········· ·· ··· .. ··· .. : ...... ,, ...... to have kept him above all such things, Kor.-,vc can Hee no ,·e,liOn why community as defrauders of the re"cnuc. UlllOunt in '.frea~u.ry s~pt. 4th, lSiti ..... _ ...... , ...... · -··· 0,503 43 duced as the first speaker. H e dwelt upon we arc as much interested in them as t'i',e ,VuY \. I> P.\ TEX1' L.\ W (•.\~ES, steals a half million of public taxes out. of D. B. DeLand & Co.'• Dest Chemicul ul- All this great seri\:: of outni1sc, i11u•t b , the prominent issuea of the campaign, and I people of South Carolina can he, and as to Total ...... _ ...... _ .. , ...... 60 116 71 the public Treasury. The poor man that eratus should not be used it, all C>l•cs, as perpetrated in order to grntily " hcllt,h Dl'RIUDGl: & CO., articulary the official corruption prernil- the qttest10n whether the Government took a pone of bread is called a thicfand is it has ,upeJior, nnd ls always alike, political purpose, and t-0 try to suYe n lost l:!7 ~u1w1·ior :-tt., oppo~ite Amrri(•an IloUf{C P . . . 1shall be supported by the bayonet or by 110 ing at the present t,~e ID the Rcpubhca:' the ballot-box, the people look on and see p,rnished. The officer who steals half a _ campaigu I ( 'T,E \.J-: L.\!o.l), 0. ' million of the public money is designated )1canwhlle, all acce.,., to Go,. I r:iy,·,' Wit!• J,,,,ei.,k t.w . J .UL EXPENSES. ernor Cox who was here and addressed than that, and rebuke by our votes this [Laughter.) He is only-a defaulter-;-0ne I . l I ll· ~ 1 . .., , . ,, II b . Democratic pr ••. This lll!l'l 111<':tll tlwl AGEJTS Our l11rgt' !ifc.,ize IS·r,u,1. };"GRA· of the fashionahles. All he has to do L~ to l\\ en .Y <_ 0 ,trB or !LS \\ i,c ij 11CII "1 o~t Gov. Hryca ha.s bee11 co1nn11tt111µ: t\,., , er~• 1 AnH:~mt piwt Hlw.1 ift' f(Jt ,Jail fC'L'S and boarding ...... 1 •• H ... \ .. nm•~ .. -··*1,6W ~i '. . (1 ,, 1nost tremendom.1 wrong. If we do not, ' ty1. ·(,...; of the 1 1:.E-;n>EXTl.\J, CAX• 1 take ttlittle inkrest "~th the ofiiccrs .at Incl, feelingly 1'e11u1rkcd that ''ll l~ the mil- crime which hi, spoke,nwn h:1\\· !1<·,•n try• ... J.\"h.F n.Ifl.\TF.~ ~~11 ~nirldlr. Hnul for " " was nin~ for rri~otwri-:, scnzhbing J.ail, &c ...... : ...... -• 10-l 00 the Republican~ last .night. The .cncra ~ will WC haye any Tight to complain in ftt~ 1·1rt11lar. ); . '\. hngrn\·in.i; Co. 3:; " 81111 .drt 1trtk ,., for .la.ii ...... : ...... _ ...... - __4_9 _00_ speech wn~ _an hour ln lcagth an,l a most ture time that the American Republic has ,vashiJ1gton lo ha,·e this defulcntion prn,h- 1 liner that pr~Yent," 1n:111 bcco11il11p: a mil-I to fa.stcn on na,·. Tilden. I )Jr. I t:tF to eel aside, removccl out5irle and to be re- lionaire". be sued too 1 18 a Uaj \'nil Yt., Box 8~:JG, S. Y. ' Total...... ,, ...... , ...... ,...... , ...... , .l ,$18 2i eloquent am:l forcible one. After he had passed along the line of ruin ? Take all ~ There are 180,000 registered rnter.; A Word of Caution to Dem()('rat~. Lying- Frand-Forgery. . The Silent Yott-, llz'" The New York Tribune, by odds REDE L W .lR CLUiUS, in New York this year, out of n popubtion The campaign agrunst G-Overnor Tilden, Tilden will get an immense silent vote the ablest and decentest Republican paper The Radicals are pretending to be quiet, A Republican Ring lute~ested In Them of 1,200,000, which is probably a fair pro­ ,_, condttcted by the Radicals, has been next Tuesday, from men who baye ne,•er in the United States, takes its party to indifferent and domg nothing; but all this -The Record or Congrcs•. portion, counting n. voter for cyery six one of Yituperation, lying, fraud and for­ acted with the Democratic party, and do. taiik for heaping lying abuse l_lpon Gover• is to put Democrats off their guard. The ~ ~ \\·.tsiIIXGTO;,.", Oct. 22.-In regard to omctal Pape r of the County . persons. But in , which is gery. Indeed, the like of it has never been not wish to be publicly ranked as Demo- nor Tilden. It says : "In the case of Gov. Ii Ii the rebel war claims, about which so much less in population than • • ew York, by at truth is, their leaders were neyer more witnessed in the history of party politics. crats. They have seen the minous policy Tilden it cannot be doubted that the indis­ SOUTH CAROLINA'S WRONGS. has been said, the record compiled by L, HARPER, Editor and Proprietor. lenst 350,000, there are 185,500 names reg­ earnestly (though silently) at work than To such an intemperate and extreme of the Republican party leaders, and are criminate use of epithets, the coarse invec­ Ilenry II. Smith, Clerk of the Committee . tered, n fact which furnishes p1·ima facia they are at r,esent. Their plan of opera• length has this systr train to New 1:ork and P i a c p rn Carolina: 74,000 cxclusiYely held by original owu ­ Thei'i cnm~ a· story about one "Captrun a restoration of the "good old days of yore," consisting of seventeen pns,,enger coaches, ers. The Committee of the House of the menced reading his nonsensical balderdash emphatically declined all such disinterest­ To the People of the O,i-led takl: Oliver S. Tilden, a nephew of Go,ernor will quietly go to the polls on Tuesday drawn by three loeomotirns, and contain­ Forty-third Congress (Republican) report­ about Tilden paying the Rebel debt, the Well-founded apprehension that the ed(?) profers of friendship.· Let Demo­ Tilden," ba,ing bee;., killed in battle some· next, take a Tilden and Hendricks ticket, ing 1200 passengers, being behind time, ed such claims fa\'orably to the extent of remainder of the office-holders, who were chilization of our State is in danger of be­ about $8,000,000, including the iufamollil crats be true t? their principles, their party where in the South; and :it the request of carefully folded, from bis pocket, drop it and while stopping for water, was run into still awake, left the hall in disgust. And ing utterly oYerthrown, and an overruling cottor.·daimst_while the Cemmittee of the hfa widow, one Lieut. Miller had his body into the ballot-bolt, and then as quietly go by a coal train, tlANA. ------lican Association of Washington (backed $2,000,000 per year, or 16,000,000 in eight of dollar by refo ing to consider these "original Tilden men." Nothing can equal The Country Wants Peace. K ext we have accounts of pretended white people of South Carolina have en• by 'Boss' Shepherd aud the thieving lobby­ years. These are facts. Touch the purse claims, which were to a great oxtent ficti­ TUE ELECTORAL TICKET. the facility with which n Government "interviews" with Go,ernoY Tilden (about dured a condition of things which any tious or exaggerated, and that the cry on And-why does it not ha Ye peace? Sim­ ists,) bad printed 10,000 copies of it in of a man and you touch the tender part of clerk can adopt himself to the ·principles securing a "solid Catholic ,ote") by men "ortbern State would ha,•e been tempted this subject raised b,Y the Rcpublic:in, is ELECTORS AT LARGE. ply because the Radi<:als wish to keep their hand·bill form, and mailed th~m to post­ bis nature. So it is with the tax-payers of of straw, who write out ridiculous accounts to throw off in two years at the point of instigated by the Rrng, who hope, m the CiR.\NVILLE W. STOKES.· of the party in power. thieving party leailers in power, in order masters in Virginia and Xorth Carolina:Cor e,•ent of llayes'. election. to carry out WILLIAM L.\NG. of the same and send them to friends in South Carolina. Some of the State's rulers that they may continue to rob and plunder circulation. The beading was: the bayonet if it could have been doue in their plan af realizin~ profitB fr?m theso DISTRICT ELECTORS. ~ The Radical parers are raising a tre­ the ,vest. These letters are "misdirected," arc no better than brigands, and no won­ the people. When the war ended, and Read! Reeo­ 'letter spirits or more confident of victory clergy and laity throughout the country, When the Rebel Debt Will be Due, the other day to figure out the election of ple expect that n chnngc of administra• [Election Day, Tuesdny, Nonmber 7.) , Georgia, &c., peace and good go,·­ It is not true "that the white people of than they are o.t the prcaent time. Success and ,;uiiled at Cleveland, asking for aid from In bis speech at Chicago, Senator Doo­ Hayes, but could crowd ouly 182 Electoral tiou ot the Federal go,·crnment and tl1e ernment pre,·ail; but where the carpet­ South Caroliua are disloyal, or disaffected ndYent of tltc D~mocratic reform party t-0 ll@'" Presidential Election, Tuesday, No­ stares them in the face; they breathe it in the Catholic bodies for political purpo es, little riddled the campaign orator who .in­ votes into bis column, three less than are towards the nited States Qoyernment." baggers have control, as in South Caroli­ pow r will euure lo their pecuniary bene­ vember 7th. Don't forget it I .he air; they feel it in their bones. But, on the ground that the Democrats of Kew sista that Democrat;; will pay the rebel uecessnry to a choice; and eren to make On the contrary, they :rre loyal and well na, Louisiana; &c., there is nothing but fit, in securing for tl1cm payment for loss friends and fellow-countrymen, we mast Mexico bad taken the right position on debt. H e said : these figure~ it counted the States of Kew ~ffected toward it. They obey it at home, or damage to property suffered hy thC\11 strife and bloodshed. The election of Ti!- and would defend it promptly from foreign 4@'" Presidential Election, Tuesday, KO• not simply defeat the Grant-Hayes party, the school qnestion. Upon receiving this "Xow tbe rebel debt could not be assum­ Hampshire, New Jersey, South C11rolina, during the late war. fo reply lo tins den will bring peace and prosperity to ey­ nggrosaiou. charge, we declare tba, the Southern. peo­ ve:nber 7th. Yote for Tild.en, Hendricks but we must giYe them such an o,er­ scandalous forgery, Me. D. A .. Clarke, of ed by the Government except by the votes California and Florida, all of which wiil -It is not true lbaL Svuth Carolina or any ery portion of our bclo,·ed country, :'forth ple ha\'e no ,uch hope or cxpcctat10n.­ nn I Reform. .... whelming, C\'erlasting and eternal whaling the Catholic O:,lumbi.a11, published at Col­ of members of Congress. The first thing n probably mte for Tilden aud Reform.­ of its counties are in a state of in urrection ______and South, while the election of Hayes rheir l•h in debt, incurred in support of that they l'ill ncYer be heard of again . umbus, Ohio, addressed a letter to Hoo. member of Congress did when be took his The Gazelte'8 figures arc a confession of or domestic Yiolence against the govern­ war and caused by emancipation ,~ barred .e@" Presidential Election, 'Tuesday, No­ will be merely a continuation of Grantism, ment of the State, or that law and process EdwardF. Dunne, Chairman of the Dem­ seat, w AS TO SWEAR TO SUPPORT THE defeat. from payment hy the Fourteenth amend­ vember 7th. Vote for Honesty, Economy which means strife, bitterness, bloodshed, cannot be duly enforced within her terri­ Not a single Radical pupcr, (except ocratic Executi,·eCommittee ol :Sew )Iex­ CoXSTITGTIOX OF THE UNITED STATES, torial limits, or that there is any lawful ment to the -0nstitution of tho United nm! Better Times. robbery, bankruptcy and ruin. YOTE FOR 6- Our Democratic exchanges from Rmt s. (.'om pen. :ition for all oth r injuries the Columbus Jo,mial, ) so far a, our ob­ ico, relative thereto, which called forth which, in 80 many words, PROHIBTED THE cause or occasion whatever for the Federnl ------TILDEX, AXD GIVE THE COCXTRY PEACE. Pennsyh·ania protest against that State lo their property caused by tlic war is ri.v- The • Tew York He,.a/d of Mondny servation goes, has had the fairncs, or the the following response by telegraph: AS3UMIXG BY THE GOVERNMEYT ·oF Government to interfere for the protection prohibited by the bw of uatio11•, and cl~· being set down as "certain" for Hayes.­ of the State Government against the vio­ The effort of the Republicruis to majority in Ohio; ~100 to ~90 that Tilden The success thau they arc nt present; and yet, cJurse ofju-tice. The President ha, been plenso. Bot, above all things, don't forget Stealing seems to be the order of the ~ Remember that II vote for Hayes is T. L. Bt' !lXJ n·, find comfort in the October elections i; will be elected ; s;;o that Tilden will get their candidate for President, the illw,tri­ deceived. These clubs cxbt d with the I{eutnrk,· Dem. :-;tal • l ~-utnd ' m. to ,·ote for Tilden, Ilendricks and Re­ day. Dishonesty permeates eYery branch a vote for forced Re.sUtOption January 1, knowledge and recognition of the (l-ovcr­ about as futile M to attempt to extract. 150,000 majority of the popular vote; 100 ous General Scott, only carried fou_r States HE.·itY u:)rcH1:"1olls all day, nnd stay until tion,;. We simp y itsk whnt would tbe ,a&- Both parties in rennsylvania have crew are driYen from power. 'Remember ''0hnirinnn f:t, tc E. l'l'uth•o C'ummitt It Ii&" " itting Bull" Morton is still in those clnim.; are fraudulent, and arc held to Hayes, but still that will not elect him the last rnte is counted. l 'hcn come into ; e pie of Xewj York or )Iwsachru-eUs made a poll of the State, 1'ith the follow­ this fact when you go to the polls on ne~t think or do upon a likto application of the California. If he had the slightest hope by the "Boss" Shepherd ringirters and lob­ by any manner of me(ll)s. For every voter l\It. Vernon, and help your brother Demo­ l~rea on of Grant's Iurn~lon of ing result: The Republicans claim n ma­ Tnesday. :,nyonct policy to them under such circum­ of the election of Hayes he would be bel­ byists in 'tVashington, who are the frien,ton. at work until the election, with double who are opposed to the establishment of n about the "Rebel Claim" business made its d Ti&" The Democracy of New York had Jw- The Democrat-, have opened a Yig­ wny, whi hr •!o(u lt,~d :• ~ew York, that therefore great frau shave JOHN FOJ\REST, D. D., Pn., tor First Pre,• powor. It is their last and only hope. military despotism, should rebuke it at the ~ppear""Ce. Cause why? These 'claims,' d Th I · f a grand and imposing demonstrati~n on orous campaign all oyer the State, and are byterinn Church. For Tildcn ...... 1~ For lla)cs ...... 2!1 " -· been perpetrate . c popu atJon o Friday night last. It excelled anythmg of making it "'n l lime.Jdln" for the G. ft. BRACKE'l'T, Pastor Second Pre hy• ~Iuny ,ny they Juy nlwu)· IJl·cn R •• ballot box on the 7th of November. wbi·ch are mostly bo0!!US, arc held by n 000 Th Daniel Dougherty, Esq., 0110 of the Xew York (Democratic) is 1,200,_ . c the kind ever witnessed on the American party of plunder and broken promises.­ tcriun Uhureh. public.1n,, but thi, ti111c they will Yot for .ce.,- How can men in debt, or who have gang of Washington thieves and lobbyists, population of Philadelphia (Radical) is L. Gu.LUIDE.> U, D. D., Profe or Theo­ ablest lawyers and most eloquent speakc,s continent. There were fifty thousand 'fhe signs of the times betoken n glorious J. Tilden. mortgages on their honses and fai1ns, voic who are the personal and political friends placed at 84-0,000. There are 30,~0 more logical Seminary. in Philadelphia, and a life-time Republi­ torch-bearers in procession. 'fhe enthusi• Democratic victory on next Tuesd:1y. for Hayes, tho continuation of Grantism, of Grantaud "Boss" Shepherd. President registered Yote:,iu Philadelphia than inNew J. B. C1u ,wu,-.,, ra.tor Citadel 'any. n!.Jout 1i •·~li,l R~ulh" for Til

- MARRIED-Mr. Ezra Park, of LQgan .llarriag-e L1cot11e11. Administrator's county, Ohio, and Miss Maggie Wingard, HARD TIMES! Licenses to marry the following persons .NElV THE BANNER. of Mt. Vernon, by Pastor A. J . Wiant, at were issued by the Probate Court dttring WARE HOUSE! his house in l\It. Vernon, Nov. 1st, 1876. the month of October: 11.._'PJ', .1.r. ILR.BPE.B, Local Eclllor, :R.EA:Li ESTATE. - Two new monuments of imposing ap­ Cause of the Bi1siness Depres­ Stephen Workman and Rachel Walton. Sy h osier H. Sutton and lllaggie Weaver. The undcrsignecl haYing arrangecl a portion of hie HE UNDERSIGNED will offer for ,nlc !'1 pearance have recently been placed in the sion in Mt. Vernon! T the South door of the Court llou~r, in ~OUXT VERNON, ...... NOY. 3, 18i6 Elias W. Ogg and Lou 111. Morgan. Cemetery at the head of llfain street, o,·er Mt. VeroonJ Ohio, the graves of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wood­ ,vm. Platz and Emma Robinson. Tilden, Heudriages 1-1--1 oud entire party vote on next Tuesday. Wm. M. Koons and Ella R. Stinemates. 145 in the plat book at the Becorder's office, or good merchants, clothing men, grocerymen, him before selling. . JA.1'IES ISRAEL, - Bro. J. F. Rowe, of tho Akron A,·gus, Silas Hunter and Lydia Treese. at the Law Office of McIntire & Kirk. druggists, nod merchants generally, deriye These iots haYe been appraised ,·cry low untl HON.E.C.MARSHALL who has been making a honeymoon visit Charles.Pipes and ~Iarrilln' Snyder. their reYenue? From the laboring classes = Mt. V=ernon,=Sept.2=8, 1876=·m6 === this sale will nflord a. rareoppo11unityforihoSl' 01' KEXTL'CKY, to Richmond, Va., has written some ,-cry W. F. Sharp and Phrebc A. lllcLaughlin. CLOT '. HIER ! desiring builUB.T :1:3:C>USE. cm1>loyed ...... 100 " In tho absence of City Clerk Pyle, the A.lice nnd Elsworth Faucett; Lincoln Lybar­ a11d this, with their stock of well-kept City Solicitor, Wm. )!. Koons, was elected WORTii OF CLOTHIKG JUST RECEIY. ger j F. L. :Mol)ca; Annie Thompson; Annie A. 450 Pritchard; Horace E. Borden i Ilenry ,v. Ball; Monday Evening, Nov. 6th. horses, gives them a decided advantage in Total...... Clerk pro le,n. ED AT HIS .\. vcrage wages per day, say $2 per · Michae~ Wm. I. and Charles F. Kline; Alonzo the Ii very business, The minutes of la,t meeting were read H ees; Jacob Ilupp; Josephine, DaYid and man ...... ~ 900 r ~Tl'RX OUT A]';D HEAR THEM.~ - fhe improYements on the Hill Block CLOTHING·KING Mary Clutter; Howard Hicks; C. F. and Flora Wages for one week...... ~,400 and approved. Kerr; Gaines M. Ewers; Johnson· Cas­ are approaching completion, and about the H " month...... 23,400 1 ~ Lndie3 nre e!:lpecllllly invited to be ~80,800 A pay ordinance was passed, amounting per N. Gilmore; Susan Edgar; A. E. Dun­ present. 15th of the present month the corner room " " year...... MAMMOTH HAS REJlOVED TO THE CORNER ROOll IN THE mire; Edwin Calvin nod Lee Johnson; l•'rod• $280,SOO of money that was formerly in the aggregate to $101.72. will be occupied by Messrs. Thos. Shaw erick Bross; Matilda, Mary S., Steward, U. S. placed in circulation in our city, has The City Sur,eyor read a report of the . G.,and Denna Guumcrj Sarah B., Jennie 1'1., Democratic Rally at Amity. & Co., of Boston, as a wholesale boot and Annie L., o.nd Frank E. A. llarrod i Rebecca. now been withdrawn, by reason of the de­ surYey of the Woost-0r road, and the same JuDm: CRITCUFIELD and SAMUEL J. shoe establishment. ~, Margarette E., and Mary A. )lttgers; Chas. pressed condition of the finances throngh• was placed on file. BLOCK, Iv. J cwell; James W., Eva )!., and II' m. BREST, Es~., will speak at Amity- on - Let every Democrat, every friend of (MPORIUMI BANNING Bebout. out the entire country, and the lack of con­ Councilman J ohn llloore reported that ClOTHING Monday e,·ening, NO\". 6th. Tnrn out and Reform, every mechanic, every working• (REOESTLY OCCUP.IED BY JA.1'IE8 SA.PP,) Persons interested mny file written cxcep• fidence the people have in the Administra­ Graveyard avenue was in bad condition tions to any of o.ccounta or to any item hear them. mm, every person who desires a Change tion party to remedy the evil. from the.rains, and needed immediate re­ thereof, on or before the 24th day of Ko,·ember, of Rulers and Better Times, come to Mt. pairing. All ol which i• being sold a,Pri ce• 1~6. at which time said nccounts will be fur LOCJIL DREJ"ITIES·. Vernon on Saturday and hear the eloquent And this is not all .. By actual count, OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, heoring and ,ettlemcnt. D. A. F. GHEER, there is over ONE HUNDRED VACA~, ROUS· Mr. Moore made a motion that the '.\lay• Oct 27•w3 Probate Judge. - The IlANNEn for sale at Taft & Cu's. address of Hon. E . C. Marshall, of Ken­ or notify H. B. Curtis to pa,e and curb WHERE HE HAS JUST OPEXED OUT A SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF tucky, and Hon. C. A. White, of Ohio. ES IN OUR CITY, ~nd nearly one-fourth that SUERIF.l''S SALE, - The BANYER is also for sale at Chase number of store-rooms. his property on Graveyard avenue, and if DEFYING COMPETITION! & Cas9iJ's. - On ,vednesday, on a corner opposite the same is not at once complied with that Mrs. Adam "'caver, } the BANNER office, we counted seven idle But where shall we look for relief? Un­ ,·s. Knox Common Plcn, . - Go to the polls on Tuesday,• and vote doubtedly by VOTING FOR SAMU.EL J. TIL· the work be done by the city and charged MENS', BOYS' AND YOUTHS' J . Cooper, et al. mechanics, who are anxious to ''"°rk, but y virtue of an order of ule jc:..,ued out of' for Tilden and Better Times. DE.'> FOR PRESIDENT, and thus insuriug to the property. can get no employment. Radical misrule B the Coni-t of Common Plens of Knox coull"' - Farmers who have fat hogs for sale, BE'l'I'ER TIMES. And why? Because the The Ordinance Committee were ordered ,yf Ohio, ond to me <:t h, the North­ been organized at :\Iansfield with M. D. tion to YOte for TILDR:-, HENDRICKS AND ~ Tilden and Hendricks can be elect• off:.aic.J tion. ing the situation, we feel gratified that our ousiness has held its own beyond our west corner of six lot,; formerly ownet.1. hy Jesso Harter, Esq., as President. BETIER TIMES! ed without Ohio, but we want Ohio in the 8. Plummer, t-0-w-it: Lots No. 54--i, 515 64.6, - Deacon Fisher, of the Hardin Coun­ expectations. Although the hard times are not yet past, we fell that tho reac­ - When you go to the election next Democratic column so that she may be in tion has come, and 551, 552 lllld 653! thence on the•amc (or8outh) ty b a man among men. Hear New Telepa11h Line. Together with the large•! assortment of 264 feet to the p ace of hcginoiUJ?, <.'ontainiug Tuesday, take your neighbor with you, Democ;-at, good company. Buckeye Democrats! yon him: ,ve publicly return our thanks to We arc pleased to learn that a new tele­ an o.rea.of20,300 8quarc feet. and vote the Democratic ticket. have but to will it, and the State goes for 'fhe o.forcSll!d real eatate apprahe,1 nt t~ cnty our wife. She got the sto,·cs up, made the graph line has been established through thousand dollars. - "Joe Hooper" ,rua again successful Tilden and Reform, Honesty and Iletter People will ha,ve NEW CLOTHING. apple-butter, split the winters' wood, and Mt. Vernon, namely the Atlantic nncl Pa­ Gents' FURNISHING GOODS, Tenn• of Snle--Ca,lt. at the Coshocton County }'air, la~t week, cific, OYer the Baltimore and Ohio compa­ Times! JOHN )J. .\lDISTRO. ·o, winning in tho free-for-all trot. now gets np in the morning nncl builds the IX AXTICIPATIOX OF 'flIIS w~ n.~ YE 1 ~eritf Kn~X; Count~·, Ohio. ny's wires. Heretofore this line has been ~ George-- Alfred------Townsend telegraphs 11. II. Oll.E.n, Atty. for Pl fl. - Those long, Junk, sickly bean-poles fires, without calling on us to help. There worked by the Western Union Telegraph from New York to the Cincinnati Enquirer £\'er I,1-ought to Central Ohin. oct20w5$12 on the Public Square. will he sold cheap are a great many things in this world for the ,1ain Chance, Namely, · BlJY CHEAP Company, but lhe transfer took place on that the Republican poll of Connecticut. Ke1,t an Eye to for fire wood after next Tuesday. which we should be thankful. This is one. 8DERl.l'F'8 8.£.J,E, Wednesday, the 25th nlt., and hereafter gi ,·es the State to Tilden by a majority of - The First Ward Democrat:; are going - W c are requested to say that the F or we know that we must SELL LOW to meet the depleted purses of the MCMenger cl: Barn• ; } we will have competing lines, which will 1,600. The Kew York Times (Grant or­ ,,s. Knox Common Plcu, to make a grand charge on "thnt Fort," statement in the last Republican, that the Community, and we can and will clo it. W. T. Critchfielcl, eta!. be a great adrnntage to ou1· people. Mr. gan) ghes up the State. next Tucsday--clou't yon forget it. "condition of 1Ir. George W. Steele is not y VIRTUE' of an exerution io,uecl hopeful,'' is incorrect, lllrs. Steele, who Geo. W. Rue, has been appointed agent of B out of the Court of Cot>lDIOll Plcaa of - O,·er three hundred idle mechanics ,I@- Look out for "Bloody Shirt" djg. SEE WE DON'T! 'no count , Ohio, :llld to me dirrctcd, l will returned from Athens a few days ago, re­ the l\It. V crnon office, and the company The Entire Stock CJO~IE A.ND IF oJrer for s le at tbo rceideoecof E. '. Lyhargor, and workingmen in l\It. Vernon. How ports that the condition of her husband have made a wise selection, as he ill an ac­ patcheil from South Carolina, Mississippi, at lllwood, Knox c0unty, many will Yote for Tilden and Better has very much improved, and that there is complished operator and an accommoda­ Louisiana, and possibly Florida, between A good ~ ' inter Suit for $5,75. Overcoats, $5,00. Overalls, 011 11,~da!f, Oclobt,· 31.1, 18iG, Times? MUST AXD SHALL IlE SOLD BEFORE 1677. every reasonable hope that he will recoYcr. ting gentleman. The company will short­ now and the election. You may set every­ 50 Cts. Drawers, 50c. vVhitc Shirts, 50c. Undershirts, 50c. At 1 o'clock, P. M., de,,, the follo,,ing - How can idle mechanics, without any ly haYe an np town office, as soon as tl1e thing of the kind down as Roorbacks and chattel property to-wit: One Day Abtlnllah - The speech delivered by Capt. A. S. Colt oupposed to be about 7 wolltb olu a. tho prospect of work, and a cold, hard winter McClure, editor of the Wooster Rep1tblica11, poles can be laid. As an instance of the "last cards." property otW, T. Critchfield. before them, vote against Tilden and Bet­ TJIR 8 OJI' ALE-Cuh. at Kirk Hall, on Saturday evening last, benefit we derive from this change, we may ------ter Times? -- James Gordon Bennett, editor of A. vVObFF. JOHN lf. ARMSTRONG was one of the most abusive and vitupera­ state, that at present, the A, and P. are New York Herald, has bet $25,000 that lit. Vernon, Ohio, Sept. 8, 1870-wG. Sheritl' Knox county, 6bio. -A man who runs a butcher shop may tive of the campaign. We were surprised sending twenty words at the same price as IF YOU WANT A DRESS SUIT; II. 'f. PORTim, Attorney for Pl'tl'a. be honest and intelligent, while a fourth­ Tilden will be elected President. Of course oct20w2-.3 at this, as Bro. lllcClure has the reputation the old company sent ten words, for night he will win; but tho surprise is that any " WORK SUIT; WAliTED. rate shyoter of a lawyer may be both an or half-rate messages. ,v e are personally ,; BUSINESS SUIT; of being as mild and inoffensive as a suck­ Radical was fool enough to take such n SALE, ass and a knave. acquainted with the managers of this line, AJ.~ OVERCOAT; NEW Purcha•er• nud ing dove, or an unsophisticated rustic mai­ and can heartily recommend them to the bet. Oberlin College, } - T.he majority in Knox county for NEW AK'euts in old aud vs. Knox Common Pleas. den. patronage of the public. COAT; J. Coo1,cr, ta!. Hone t Sam. Tilden and for Better Times, Territory for our - The Radicals on Saturday put out an Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is particularly " " VEST; NEW y VIRTUB of an Otdcr of Sale i,.ucd will not fall short of GOO, if eYery Demo­ .irre11led for .For8erv. immense poster on Vine street, near the reoo mm ended for children. It cures Coughs " PAIR OF PANTS; NEW Style, Uprlarht B out of the Court of Common 1l1caa of On last Friday a laboring man named Knox county, Ohiot nnU to rue Agd 416, .book 68 d d reeord of "Flat," and recovered $175.00 of the mon• Entira Satisfaction to All! ary in South America. Send a sclf.acldresscd nble to tell you anything they saw. They broken. The rascals who perpetrated the satd Knox county, Ohio. Sa1d1n·l'.'mh.c:i.lif!'rcby ey, the fellow having spent the balance, RrnGWALT & J ENNINGS arc selling envelope to the REY. JOSEPH T. l~:MA...'"\ 1 St.a• always giYc some indefinite answer. eonvo7 d having itur.~l th_crcon t1ircc brick damage should be arrested. $40. He took his P,rlSOner to Newark, Woolen Blanket• and Yarn very cheap. tion D, Bible llouse, . dwelhug hOt.L8C!it and rns rn?mccl iately South - Patronize yom· local paper. There - John McGibeny has brought suit and lodged him in j:ul, to await the action Oct. 20-m3 of the ohl Founary a.nd ..,1 achrnl' ~hopH known of the next Grand Jury of Licking county. Nov3w4. TO THE PEOPLE. as tho Yt.. Vernon Iron \\~rk!-4; ahofo-lotd No is no single influence which does so much again•t the city of Mt. Vernon and J\led a ------Ditl You ·w1u a Hat? 90 aad,97 in the original pt•tt of J,(nid towu no~ to help the business nncl girn character to petition in the Conrt of Common Pleas, BROWNING & SPERRY make Cloaks a If so, go to Baldwin, the popular Hatter> ity oOJ:t. V cmon, Ohio. ' Teacher8' CerUlicate•• specialty. ______Appraised nt-Con1e-t Ilo,-1~c nwl Lot at a town as a well conducted newspaper. claiming damages in the sum of S.500.00, The School Examiners met at Martins­ for it. By so doing you will obtain the $1,200; the two in-loL, Oll eith r 'l'ubu1ar iects are not political; but "time will tell On Thursday, Friday 1llld Saturday need the money for them. or Flat. Single~ Double. or Ribbed, prodt1ciug and Expcnditm·Ci! of Knox county, io Sunday last, at both morning and evening J. all Yarietles of K.nittiug n.pparel. Ht>n

CALIFOR:N IA! B. F. REESE, President. 1 TH E ClllCAGO & XORTll•'i\'ESTERK RAILWAY, COLUMBUS SEWER P IPE COMPANY, ~ITISBURG~'C1~~iENAi1;s;fou1s R Embr~ces under one management the r.rcat . 0 ,,( PA~/ Hf,N9lE : ROUTE ) . 1'rtmk Railway Lines of the \Vest and North· COLU~ BUS, OHIO, In pur,un~ce of Low, I , LE\\ IS BRITTON, Tr~asurer. of ~aid, Couuty, do_hercby notify the ~ax:pay~rs thereof that the west1 and with its numerous brancl~es and con• R:itP-s ot Tax:11100 for the yenr 1876, are correctly stated m the foll,!1~·mg. fabl~, show mg the amount levied m mills _on each Dollar nechous, forms the shortest and quickest route £,fijNSYLVANINflAILfl_OAD. between Chicago nnd all points iu lllinoifi, Ne· of T<1iublc pr ,perty in ench of the iucorpop,,tcd towns and towns111ps, 1U smd county, and the amoun t of Tax levied on each one -· .- - .- --~; THE:.'._ O i RE:.CT . LINE braska, Minnesota, \Visconsi~ Michig-an, lo~rn, 1 hunclrnd DJllars of Taxable property is shown in the last column: Ca li fornia, and the \\·estern Territone-.. Jt~ UighJ~- \'itri fit tl Pipr, both Sodi.(•t and Uing, .·: ~gMl?§~~~~~~-, Omaha & CalHoruia Line, RO)! TllflEF, TO Tll'E'\T\'.J'Ol J: 1:-St'ITL~ IX 111,UIETEI:., I llATES LEVIED BY GEN.11nATE8 LEVIED BY co.'! - RATES LETIED BY TOWNSHIP . ~ r F ~ z OX ~SD AFTER APRIL 1ST, 1srn., TR.UXS Is the shortest and best route for all points in which arr used ex tcn~ivrh· for :-:1•,n•r:1~(•, H,tilr,,ad, Turnpik1• nnd C'om • ? Northern Illinois\ Iowa Nebraska, Dakotah mon Road Cuh-crt.s. ..\.18(l, Fire Clt,r F]U(.'~. for lillin,:; ('h1111111·,\·~, ~lOV('• NA":MES I I g. 1--3 ~ WILL RUX AS FOLLOW;;: 1 1 Ab8fillilLY. , COllMISSIONERS, '1 ---- A.UTIIORITIES. , ~ ~ : ~ Colorado, Utah, Vyommg Nevada, Oregon, pipe and Chimney Top1;, .. \11 orc w '<: Dresden J. 2:08 " 8:23 " 2:50 " 9:43 u -AND- 0 Coshocton. 2:46 " 8:53 " 3: 15 "~ 10:20 u 1Vinona anti St. Peters Li n e A l 1 00 B 'd 1 00 OQ ...., 5· ~~. - '° ,... i « sy um, - - • _:_/ ri gc, · _:_I _5. t:d w c - ;.. o • Dennison.. 3:-1.3 " 10:20 " 4:23 " 11:50" Is the only route for Winona.,, Rochester, Man­ 0:J:TX:EJS. I 1J ':"o, Cadiz June 4:25 " 11:10 " 5:15 " 1:18 " kato, Owatonna, St. Peter, New Ulm and all [ 15: · Stcub'ffd'e 5:25 " 12:00..\)I 6:05 " 2:30 " points in Southern and Central :l! innesota. lt5 get lt. ------11--T-ot_a_I, __·__ Total, - --- :.30: w :2 101' 50 "' 1-~-"'-:-- : 10!9-:0 - Pittsburg. .. i:10 " 2:00 " 'i"::50 " 5:20" Green Ba:r anti llarquette Linc :::~,! ~il Ha.r~ishnrg ~:4~ .,~? 11:~Q :: ~:~ 1;f l ...... Baltimore.. 1 :3...> 6:-J , :35 ...... Js the only line for Jancs,·ille, Fond Du Lac, 1. Jackson, ______····------d · l 60 2 80 3 401 9 60 96 2 \\-ashi'gt'n 0:0:1 " 9:0i " 9:07 ·u ...... "·atertowu, Oshkosh, Appleton, Green Bay, 2. B utler,______, ' 0 I 1 · 1 Ph.ilad'lp'a 7:3.3 " j 3:30 '-' 7:20 " ...... Escanaba, Negaunee, Marguette, Iloughton, HARD TIMES HAVE STRUCK US! 3. Union,______do1 ddol ~05133 8605 80 ~ 51 00111 10 3~100 111 170343 Xcw York.110,25 11 6:45 " 10:26 " ...... Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its A Ief!ll.rson doj o I I D I I Boston ...... 9:05PM G:15.rn ...... I Freeport and Dubuque Line ..1.XD L"XTI L ------~-~5;:.:B&ro;';;wn,_' ______do do 3512 551 50 3 40 9 60 96 5 Is the only route for Elgin, Rockford, Freeport 6 H d do do " 30 1 20 I 1 50 7 70 77 G and all points ,·ia }"'recport. Its 7.· Harowarrison, • ----- ___ __-_____---~- -_- .-••---•. do do 20/1 301 1 50' 7 ~,o l 771 7 Pullman Drawing Room and Sleeping Car8 Chicago nnd llilwankec Lino RUTHERFORD • I DEN 1 ATT.-\CHED TO .\LL TIIIlOC'GII TTI.\.IXS. 8 Cl do t!o' 50 2 00 2 50: 8 70 87 8 Is the old Lake Shore Route, nm! is the only lS ELECTED PRESIDENT, tbey will :stay with 1 1 u,. . ..ay;;ti;cb.e;-fto·u:s~hooC" dol do' 50 5 oo, 5 50: 11 70 1 171 " T h e Centeuninl Expo sie ian a t. the one passing through Evanston, Highland Park, City ot· Philad e lphia, Forest Lake, ,raukegau, Racine, Ken~ha lo " " to Martinsburg ~~ 5o 2 00 ~ 1~ 1 ~~ ~ Milwaukee. t: g~g ~gl ~g Opcn:1 Jlay 10, i·nd c{osa .J.Yorember 10, 1876, Pullnan Palace Cars. 1 1 1~· t~:~::t··------lr do dol 40!3 90 80 5 10 11 301 1310 E..i:cursion Tickets on sule at all offices of this This is the ONLY LIXE runn.Ulg these cnrs Iii · '·· ·7-.· ·- ______,, do doj 20 5 00 5 201 11 401 1411 }fay 1, t-0 1, 187G. between Chicago and Saint Paul, Chicago and AOL.ER 11. College and uambier, ______; i / 1 Company, from ~ovember Milwaukee or Chicago and '\Vinona. Have marked their large stock of CLOTHL-G HIGHT DOW. - TO COST. n· W1rnroe, ______II ~~ ~~ 1Jg i igl 10, ~ ?z: ~ ig1 ~: g At Omaha our Sleepers connect with the Believing that "Hone~ty u the lJiother ~( In l'entio11," and that. ".ti Rolling • 1 8 Overland Slee;>ers on the Union Pacific Hail­ 14. Berlin,e,______do do 601 70I 2 30 50 8514 road for all pornt.s west of \he :Uissouri River. Stone i~ Worth Two iii the B1~h," they will clo~e out their entire stock of On the arrival of the trains from the East or 15 ~·I · tlo do 40 1 60 2 00 8 201 82 15 South, the trains of the Chicago & Xorthwestern ·"'oms,______do do1 40 19 30 9 70 15 90/1 59" 1 ,,;.,_ Railway leave CHICAGO as follows: " attached to U. School_ do do, 50 3 00 11 1 00 i, 40 4 90 11 10 1 1116 16 FOR COGiCIL BLUFFS, O)L\U.\ .\ND READY-MADE CLOTHING, · Clinton, ______!' d d 50 3 80 4 30 1050 1 05 17 The on]v Line running Train. ~ ~~ I Frederick town,______<>, K cwark .... 11:02 " 8:20 " 2:20 " 10:40 " FOR SP.\ RTA and WIXON.\ aud points Columbus. 120.5.D.r 9:4.i '· 3:30 " 11:50 " in .Minnesota. One through train daily," ith PLACE. Indiana.p's G:20 ' 1 6:--l0P)I Jl:2.3 " ...... Pullman Sleepers to \ Vinoua. Each person charged with Taxes for th year 1876, on the Tax D~p)ieate ot: Knox county, is required by Law !,O pay one-half St.Loni ..... 2:15P)f 8:10.\.)I 8:IO.rn ...... FOR DUBUQUE Tia Freeport, h•o tlu-ou11h trains dailv ,vith Pullman Cars on night tram. 109 MAIN ST of said Tax on or before the 20th ofD~ember, 1876, and th~ remarnmg half on or before the 20th o~ J une follow111g ; but may at Through to J#ouih.-ille-, Saint Louis and FOR SPARTA and WINONA and point< iu EE • 109. his option, pny the full amount of such Tn~es on or bef?re said 2.0th of Dece~ber next. Tax-payers will be afford~ every opportu• Chica~o. Minnesota. One through train daih·, with Pul• Next Door to Armstrong & Tilton's Grocery. nity to ay their taxes, yet in order to avoid th? penalt1~s presen~d by Law m case of non-poyment at th_e proper t~e, and to ena­ W. L. O'BRIEN, man SJeepers to , vinona. • General Pa.,s. and Ticket Agent. For DUBUQUE aud L.\ CROSSE, via Cli11- )IT. YERXOX, OIIIO, AUGt:. ·T 2.;, I•~•;. ble the t reasurer to make bis settlement necordmg to Law, they will be ex_pected to respond promptly, as D per cent. Will be added to D. W. '.\LDWELL, General )lanages, lon, two through trains daily, with Puhnau care nil Takes due and unpaid on tho 1st day of J anuary, 1877. COLDll3L'S, OHIO. on night train to McGregor Iowa. .\ pril ~S, lbi'G. • FOR SIOUX CI TY .and Y ANKTOX, Two Road Receipts must be presented at the time of payment of Taxes, otherwise they will not be received. trains daily. Pulman Cars to Missouri , alley .IEi)"' Office hours from 8 o'clock A. M. to 4 o'clock P. III. B altimOI'C anti Oltio Railro ud . Junction. • WE BUY FOR CASH ONLY! FOR LAKE GENEVA,four trnina dailf, .. LEWIS BRITTON. TrnE CARD-IN EFFECT SEPT. 10, 1876. FOR ROCKFORD, J.\N'ESVILLE, KJ,;~Q. AND. BY SO DOING T reasurer's Office. October 6th, 1876 Treasurer Knox Comity, Ohio. Slf.\, STERLING and other J'ointa, you can EAST\1. .-\HD. have from two to ten tra.ins dai y. STA TJO;,;s. I xo. 1. : ,.-.o·.~a-. ~I -,_·o. J. NEW YORK Office, No. 415 Brondway ;-•· Receive a Discount of , ix Per Cent. 011 All Bills! L. W. SHG.JMPLJX, BES. P. LJPPJTT. Boston Office, No. 5 State street; Omuba Office 1 ~1rttKrssion .. l ~arcls. Le~ve Chicaio...... ~,.):?~)I j 9,5.5P.ll\ 5,0SP:\I 253 Farnhanu:trcet; San Francisco Office, 121 With the amount of Goods we huy, this di,couuL "ill nearly puy our expenses " Gan-ett...... 2,tOPJI 3,55a,-r 10,30" PRE~IDE TIAL EL ECTIO N, ~lontgomcry street· Chico.go Ticket Office, 62 Consequently we can, and do sell G,>od3 a i;1·cat deul c·ltca11cr than J, W, JU:S3ELL, M, D. CITY DRUG STORE. " Defia.nce ...... 1· 3,3-.1 fj ' 5,4i "\11,45 " Clark street, wHlcr Sherman Ilouse; Corner of u Fostori,1...... 5, 12 " \ 7,-10 " 12,36.AM Canal and :Madison streets j Kinzie street De• our competitors who buy on fout· 11011ths tim,•. RUSSELL & McMILLEN, 11 Tiffin ...... fi,J6 a 8,13 u l,4tJ 0 pot, corner \V. Kinzie an:i.•n.ey a 1; L avv, l"flHIS CRE.\T INTFJtN.\fIONAJ, EXHl­ VARNISHES and BRUSHES .!tOu ...•.. 1· BALDWIN, "THE HATTER," ,VMhi11 G,:30P:UI' 700.\:\11 9,2::iP::U to .neet at tht•ir u.iual plae<:s of. holding ~lee• •' Ba1tim0re...... 7. lJ " 8,50 " 10,4.J" ..1.:' Bl TION DESIGNED TO CO,\I.ME.MO, tious io th.cir rei:l~tiyc t0\'"nsh1~, prccmcts MOUNT Yt:RXO~, Oll!O. 1 ~hilm~clphia ... 1:1,~o ~ l_,~OP_;~ 2!35.:\~I 1tATETTIE6NE HUNDRETII ANNIVUt. IS THE OKLY D.E.\LER IX and wanls on I J AP A N DR. V' ER, .;.. ew York ...... 6,1.J.\:\I ..,,LO 6,1;,, .:l.\RY OF A)fERICAN INDEPENDENCE, Tuesday, No rcmbcr 7, .l. D. 1876, J/2)' Special ottcnlion given to Collectious _-o. 1 ::mrl .; Daily. WILL OPE:-! MAY 'l'l>N'l'll, Al>D CLOSE and the Scttlcmcu t of' Estate.if. TOILET ART I C JLES NOVE.llBER 'TEXTH 1876. All the Nations Detwceu the hour1:1 of 6 o'clock A. :\I., and .6 OBEI0E-ln Weaver's Bloc~~, Main street, WF.5TW.\RD. of the World ancl all the States nud Territories H ATS, CAPS, FlTRS J D GL()VES o'cloc'c. P. M., tbrn and to elect by ballot, I n immense quo.ulitics at fonrful low price,::. ------of the Union will participate, bringing together acz.oN.ling to the Constitution and laws of Ohio over_____ Arru~trong ...... _ & ______Ti1ton'tt store. juue23y _ STAT IOX:S_. --')'-ocx~o·~•--·-'-/ _x_o_. _8.-'-) -c:,;-:·o-=-•-J. the most. comprehensive couection of art treas. twe:Hy-two (22/ Elec1ors of E. R. EOCLL'STQS, FB.U:I:T J".A.R.S Lca~c New York ...... , 8,35,nc. 2,55PM ures, mechautcal iuvcntjons, scientific cliscO\:. IN MOUNT VERNON WHO DUYS EXOLUSIVELY FOR CASH " Philadelphia ... l2,1.3P~I, 6,00" eries1 rnno.ufactnring nchieYements, mineral J're;icle11t and Vice-President of the llOlI:ll 6,:!.iPM Park, alL highly improved and ornamented, on Vernon, this 11th clay of October<;-\• D. 1876. 11 JOUN M. ARiuSTRONG, w. M'cLJi:LI.. u m. w. c. CULBERTSON. I Philadelphia Trntsc,, Abdominal Columbus ...... 4,1.3 12,10 " 4,15" whicn arc cwiectcd the largest buildings e, <'On• A NEVT FEAT1..TRE! Sheriff of Knox county Ohio, l!cOLELL..\...'\'D & CUL BERTSON, Mount Yeruoa 7,46" 2,Z2 " 7,32 u structed-ti'°c of these coverin~ a.n area. of fiftv Oct. 13•te. Attorneys and Comll!ellor s at Law. Suppo1·lere, etc., etc. 1[nnsficl,l...... 9,42 " 3,53 '' 9,08 " acres and costing $5,000,000. 'Ihc total numbe"r " Shelbv Jun(' ... 10,10 " 4,25 " 9,40" of buildings erected for tho purpose of the E,:hi­ Ha1•i11g complete,! uu addition lo our ,t,u-o 1·011111, WJ hall' lhe ouly room .\.rrivcChica'go June .. 10,40 11 ii,00 " 10,25 " bition is over one hundred. in the city devote,! (•.·clu,il'dy 111 I n fact 20 P!r cent. saved by buring rour 11 CALL AND SEE THE j~:{o~~~nc door West of Court Ilouse. rB 11 PERFU.ttES aud e.crything aboTe ~Ionroc,illr.... 11,H H 5,50 " 11 ,40" at " Sanduskv...... 11,53 " G,30 " 1255Alf THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. mentioned of DUNBAR & LEN~ON, Lcaxe Chica.go June .. 10,-hl u 5,20 " 103o-P~r THE GREAT TRUNK LINE A.ND I p " Tiffin ...... 11,3-! " G,13 " 11,20 " Fu s t Jlail Route of' the U. States. T r unks ancl SHRIMPLIN & LIPPITT, " Fo3toria ...... 12,0lP::u: 6,4:! " 11,43 11 • ST. JOHN It is Ute most. direct convenient and cconom• Attorneys at Law aud Not~iea Fublic, ~ " Defiance ...... , 1,47 "I 8,t.3 " 1,!?7.Alt ical way of rca~hing Philadelphia and thiB su­ ~ You will find our stock much tltc l:ngc.-1, a:id dcr:,l<,ll.r th,• lo1n,t. U ·aarrett ...... 3,2,) CC 11,00 H 3,0(} H ' Proprietors of the OLD RELIABLE CITY perb Exhibition from all sections of the countrv . OFFICE-Three doors North of First Na­ . \.rrive Chicago...... 8,30 u 5, 81 30 u tional Bank, and immediately over ,vells and DRUGGISTS, DRUGSTORE, Its trains to a.nd from Philadelph.ia will ll118s W F BALDWIN tlills' Queenswae Store, Main St.{ Mt. Vernon, Ko. •1. and S. Dni ly, through" Grnud Centennial Dcpot,.__whicl1 the • • , King's Old Stand. ,\XD 1UNCF.\CTl'RERS C. QUISCY, General )faonger. ' Compnny ha,·c erected at the llain .tntraucc to 0. Will ~ttend promptly to all egal business, or w. the Exhibition Grounds for the accommodation )fount Yernon , Ohio, D~cemht'l' H\ J~;.;, mcluding pensions and J)at-Onts, intruste20 :: ...... ~,30P,~ OFFICE-In Ahinc, Chloroform., Salacylic Acid, Orrville... .. 4,4:l " ...... 12, 10£•)1 ,J§J" It has only about one-half the numlx!r Lacto-!"'ptine, Carbolic Acia, Chlorate Potas~, :YA~~-\CTt"RI~RS OF tracks of heavy steel rails upon n. deep bed of Norton Mills, Warehouse, Factory, Sleek Yarfls anil Scales, :!>IOVN"l' YEIL.'\'ON, 0. Akron ...... o,~~ :: ...... ~,~s :: brokeu stone, and .iUi bridges nre all iron of parts of any Shuttle Machine made, and is and a full line of ::French, German and Amen, Hud.....<;.Qn .... . 6,-•J ...... o,.30 c..'\n chemicals of superior quality nt or stone. Its passenger trains arc equipped with And propose doing a GENJ:ll,\I, ]IJJ,1,11\'C~ n1·r•HNJ,:,;s, nod entfrcly without Spring•, Cams or Oog Gears. "'\ prH 2, 187 5. Cleveland. 7,35 II ••••••••• • """'""" GREEN'S DRUG STORE. BOOTS tc SHOES, every known ruodcrn imprm.·ewcnt for comfort $SJ" RUNS BACKWARD OR FORWARD wd s.a.Ct,ty, o.utl ure r un at foster spee.'SSJAcco'x.1L. }'JlT.)L. J,'11T. ~outiuent. The Company has largely increased WOOL CARDING, SPINNING AND WEAVING, ·ts equipmeu_t for Centoouial tnwel and will Plly11ldao11 and Shrgeons. Nursing Bottles ruHI Breast Glasses at WHOLESALE DEALERS, Cle¥elancl.. 8,'?0A>< ...... -.-- 1 'J1i1" No threading through Iloles, either in ,,e prepared to \iuild in its own shops looomo- Rhuttle or Ma.chine, e.xcept eye of needle, so . GREE)f'S DRUG STORE. Hudson..... 9,31 u ...... 8,.38.AM DOXE IX Till.: IlEST H.\;\ ·r.n .I;\{) (}); l'.1 rn Tl·:Inr~. 0 1 r~s and passenger curs at short notice sufficient that operator can threatl up this l fachlnc and OFFICE ND ltESlDENC.E-On ('lamLier Akron ...... 10,12 u ...... 10,4.J " street, a few doors East of Main. THEDEST CIGARS in town at STORE AND FACTORY, to fully accommodate any extr a. demand. The ew a yard or more in the time tt.1uircd for GREEN'S DRUG STORE. Orrville.... 11,18 " ...... 2,15P!'ll uucq1.utlcrn.ey at; La'VV", AINTS.-While and Red Yeni A.LSO, ,rn.y au ever•ehangiug l_)B.uommR. ofrh·cr mouu• rft ~ P tian Red. Vermillion, Yellow Ochre, Col Centerhu'g 21 3~ ;; B,1~ ;; ...... , 7,1~ :: ..aiu1 and laud:sca11e v1ewit ummrpn.ssed iu our IIA '" ored pai.nto (dry and in oil). Gold Leaf and Columbus. 3,4o 10,0a ...... 10,0o 109 MILLER BLOCK, '::I\ " .\.merice. "7 CJ• M C1nc1nnat1. . ·. 8 1 00 " 4 ,·_.,.J ..... , .... , ...... DOORS, SASH, Bronzes At lowest prices at \Vestern :\tnbbc1· Agency, THE E.-\.TIXG ST• .\.TIOXS ou this line ore 1'-4 ~ I GREEN'S DRUG STORE. G. A. JO:sES-;-su"j,'i:"° unequaled. ~Jeni• will be furnished at s1titable Q HOIJNT VE RNON, 0 . t-4 I ! .... A... On 1--ine S treet , a l'ew Doors 11·est 1 FL""n.yuel 2,10 " 10,.J.J " l::!,Ot.n-1 2,.'.iO " ~hoice and Viluaol~ Suil~ing Gr o.unds, 10 1~0tii~~~,\z.r~e~~i~~,a~r'it~~l'::~ Mens' Calf, Kip and .Sto[a Boots O,, ,South J[1i11 Blreet, 1'1i,·ee Doors Xo,·tl, ~ ~ ~ of" Ma in , C Plymouth .J, 12 u j 1,36P)[ 3 00 11 5 00 " Jl!i}" Terms mntle •unable to nil .. C~l at Oils 11 biP •tock •nd low prices nt 0 Chicago... 7,20 " G,25 " " s:20 " of J/ou:ley Ilousc, ~ fj ':: Wh,rc he intends ltt>ctfully solicited. \VJLL RELL, at prin\tc i-:alc, FORTY • late of J · nox conntv, 0., deceai;;ed. All pcn;ous ca~e from its 1..le,tructivc wurk. '1\tkcn in tiuw WHITEYI new •ta~cl, om! she will insure them l?erfoc t Remember the plnco-)fain ~trcet, between I FOL:R Y.\LL\BLE Bt:ILJ,rnn LOTS indebted to 8.' E-;lnte arc requested to mnke disca.1;c, which i~ nwn•ly un iutern111t('-ll f\,nc• t haw~ '\.lcKibbcu, \'lfachon, both o.s rl'gards work nud pr1ces. immediate payment, nncl. those 11n\'i11~ claims Hok rt 1L '"-1 osburg, GAR die Bergin Ilou-;c nud Graff & Carpentt.::r'i immrdiatcly l:a~l vf tit~ 1u·rmi,-(r" of S11rnuel tion, may li(' ~Y<'rtc1l hy tlw t\ '- o · 1'at11re WINE )Iv19m6 )IRS. ,I. .\. C.\SE. Jere ) lr Kihben. .\pril 21, 1s;&. Warehouse. Snnler in il1c- Cirv of ).(L Ycrnon, running agaln~t sn.ld }.:l)tnte, wil1---prcsc-nt tlu,m d1il~• Nllletly, 1 <'clclJrated rorlts Pni-U.y,8trenathandFla-vo r . 1 --·------proved to the nndn~icrneh-.rle A«a or other delelerlotlll eubotaneee Wltl, I ew JUJU us :tne. Also for sale, TWELYE RPLEXDID papnen(, C. E.: (']H'f(.'llflllL!J, ' $.~7.3 00 f 1NY£S'r.ME~™ OP 1 $:H 2.3 ~·hlch ~'°'' Vinega:rls adulterated. Aek your Grocer ~ 8,vS':i J\.•l111111lstrato1•. It comhine~ the lll('dicinnl Jnop('rfil•s of tlh• for ti and ta.kenootbcr-, La~Vl~~rWorke 1n the t A FA.BM and HO:rtl E JIUfI,DU(G J,OTS in tho we,tern ;\.d,]itlun 'fhl' judi<:ion~ !Y. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Sande r- Said Lots will be1-old i-ingly or jn pnrcl'ls to ROLD UY ALL DUU(H1l Tl-,,. ANDERSONVIL LE , ,on, I am rcndf t-0 answer all calls for takin g XOW is tlie TIME to SECUUE It! !!nit pur<'hn.-.:cr:'I . -Thone wishio~ 1o secure LEEK, DOERING & CO. i-. 0 ~urc roncl to rapid fortnn~; Rend ~or new passengers to anlleapest lands in market nre chcnp and c.:.:k:..:.:l:.:ro:.:k:.:ru:;·•.:.:·l ______who died there, with 1..fute and rnur-ie of - buyl.'rs. :Unps, tlel'l~riptive pamphlet-:, new­ Mt. Y~rnnn, .\ui:. '..?, 187:l. 133 aud 135 \Vnter Street, lJast End of :B urgess St,, death. Hcnt on rccl.'ipt of priet•, $3.00. ..\ $ 12 a cluy at home. Agents wanted ed ition of uT HE P1ox.EER,'' ~ent fr~ every­ '1'0 ~20 per tl11y·a-ct-l'"10-,-n-e.--,S'"a-m-p"'I-e., !to$"" n ,vcek to Agents. Samples FREE '-plenditl cnmpah;-n book. Tl'KX.Bl"LL llROti., Outfit and terms free. TRUE & where. AddrtliS 0 . F . Dari~, Land Couuni~. $ 5 CLEVELA.ND, OHIO. LL \\~ORK in Rto11t•, i..u"h :1, \rind,rn W I I P. 0. VICKEUY, .Augn'ita, .\faj 11 (' worth ~l free. Snxsos & Co., ]-"ort• $ Baltimore-, i I