MANGAON TALUKA EDUCATION SOCIETYS’S DOSHI VAKIL ARTS & Goregaon Co – Operative Urban Bank Science & Commerce College GOREGAON – RAIGAD. (402 103) Est. 1998 (Affiliated to Mumbai University) Ph. (02140) 250348 Shri. Ramanlal Narayan Sheth Dr. G.D.Giri Shri. Dilip Nathuram Sheth President Principal Chairman To, The Director, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), P.O. Box. 1075, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore – 560 072, Karnataka (India) Subject: Submission of Self Study Report. Dear Sir, We take this opportunity to submit our Self Study Report to the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for assessment and accreditation. This Self Study Report is prepared by us with honesty and sincere efforts as per the directive guidelines formulated by NAAC. In this report, we have highlighted our strengths and achievements in which we have succeeded within the last five years of our college. It is a privilege and matter of great pride for us to get accredited by an esteemed body like NAAC. NAAC as an autonomous body has proved as a noble assessment institution in maintaining quality excellence in the field of higher education of India for the last 20 years. Hope that our Self Study Report will satisfy your requirements and expectations. We will be grateful to you if you convey your useful suggestions. Thank you. Sincerely yours Sd/- Dr. G. D. Giri For Reference 1. Email ID :
[email protected] 2. Website : 3. Track ID : MHCOGN23059 Encl. : 1. 5 copies (with CDs) of SSR. 2. LOI of the college dated, 12 Nov. 2014. 3. Your letter No. NAAC/WR/GH/MHCOGN23059/ 1st cycle/2014-15 dated 27 March 2015.