
Vol. XXX [i.e.Vol. 32] August 25, 1997 Through May 4, 1998 President Thompson discusses past and future Music, comedy

" ity there lor 7 year* a good time for the college to have a featured in Fall •CTMGEnTORm CHIEF Why did you ccMoe to Haipcf? new leader" Deciding to move un K) other 'I had been in Illinois as a ptesi- Did the opportunity at McHenty A&E line-up opportunities. Harper Pivsudenl Paul tlenl, vice fnesident and a faculty CoBuniinity College have anything JayMMtotM Thi>inpson ha* aak«d the Boaid of member and kiww the Ulinou sys- to do with your decision? *41 fDf' OR Trustees not to renew hi» current len wcU..." "No, the Board of TruKtees at Harper College looks ahead to the contract, whK-h expires June 30. 1"**, McHenry were looking for someone fail semester with many exciting Thompson has served m else - events including free concerts in the ' jrper's prendent ior 10 yens and %»wmvttmaafia Why did you drop out of the run- Quad. ci>medians |ohn Stewart aiKl >tiU. some studeMs don't realize how niiwr I>an Zevin and the showing of sever- important it n to know who rht>ir 'It teemed to me that the dirvt- al movies Here is the ivst of the havcaaew I pre«iden( i» tion il was going, the fit for me and planned A4E events; In i reci-nt inlcrv mti uw HaipcrCaik^ the M-tting was not quite what I • August 28: The Chicago blues Thompson, ht- sht-d light on his past, Plaui thought It should be Iwasmrfwhat " baivl Miuissippi Heat will l>e giving present and future o( himM ring Woody llarrleson and Courtney before you came to Harper? tract I II have been here for 10 years*, Ms children are all over the country. Une, will be shown for free m A336 Thompson "I was Iht- pn-Mili-nt of wluch i» a long tenure for a commu- Ml thi» won't be a stnmg impact in at 1 p m on Sept. 3 and 12:15 p.m. on Belvue Community College m ruty college president I think it's terms o( a move fur them I think Sept. 4 The movM- is t>ased on the life Belvue. Wash. I served in that capac- probably time for me to move on and of Rmt, founder of the racy Huitirr

magazine. This him is rated K for lanfpiaije aitd nudity. • September S: Former US Scfutor Freshmen support each other Paul Simon, now a political scierKe Former senator Paul and (oumalism professor, will speak Simon to speak to m tlw Black B<» Thea'i-r in Building campus. L Vot more liilnnmatiun read Tormer US Senatiw to speak to cam- Page 2 pus ivn S'ptfmlHT ">" iin (Mgc 2 • September 10: Ihe music gn)up Fruteland |acks WHCM is in need of DJ> concert al ruxHt in tiie Quad and accepting • September 23: Comedian Dan applications. levin will give a humorous lecture on studc-nts' futures beyond college Page 3 entitled, "1 ife After College " Zevin will offer advK-e on how to find a )ob n*al world after Calendar girls .ire h.ii k on and survive in the college The lecture begins at 7;30 The Harhinb^er - p.iy^v- toi p m in |IW Admission is %'< with a

the 3()th iinnivi-rvir\ Harper student .i. tu t $7 Page 4 for non-students • October 1-31 Artists tmm The Christ College of Canterbury, tngland. will give a Int- art exhibit m ArtsAI Huildings C ami P LiKal blues band A« Melt«4 gnm •* Mmi|rt«y ai • October 8: Pink Flamingoes, the Mississippi Heat to plav giM* of tiMt mt tlw cult conu-dy directed by )ohn Waters, free concert in Quad AHgMllt. will be shown at 7:30 p m in J143 Pages This film received an X rating in 1972. Admission ls S2 with an activity pa», $3 lor non-students •^•rtsi • October 14: The Scholars of Future of football "Triangle" construction to cause London, a character vocal ensemble, deliver a concert including music resolved temporarily. will heavy traffic for Harper students from English, Scottish, Pages Stiakespearean, French atwl American iT.Offf Physical Plant Directtw Bob Getz Indian cultures. The performance SMfi WWTER handles the traffic is.«ues for the begins at 12 15 p.m in P205> Women have a soccer 15°.. Harper students from the school He estimates that of • October 17: ActcK Edward James team despite last year's students will drive thniugh Schauntburg and Hoffman Estates Harper OliiMM Will give a lecture m Building the road work at 7:30 p.m. AdmLSSion is $6-11 lack of participation. area are runrung into some heavy M The construction begins the first with activity pass discounts, dmos Pages traffic now that the construction sea- week of clas-ses and will ctmlinue for starred in the hit television series son has started The Higgms. Golf an estimated two years. "Miami Vice" and appeared in and Roselle roads triangle is bemg The workers will be adding movies such as Selena, Sttttd and widened, causing an enormous bypass pavement on the west side of Drliiyr and Wr'rr All m the Same Cang. anuiunt of blockage for the students Roselle Road • October 23 The a cappella group who use fwrth-bound Roselle Road Beginnmg m October 1W7 until Blind Man's Bluff will give a free

as a primary vein into Harper SM eamtncnan on pais 3 • onpagsS

Ucatotffeil iMT/Mi um iMT/ .

The Harbinger 1997 Page 2 H«rD*g!>l»w August 25,

Former US Senator Paul Simon to Harper Festival Chorus to speak to campus on September 5 hold rehearsals for singers Jay ,\i. jM-a singers an.- in\ r ed to (O'" ^ Harpt > FonnCT I F^val Chorus, a m>nli wcM suburban community llic t.horu.'s will bv

-1. 1 i i> will adctmv Iht' organization of over 14(1 n'h»Mr.inj; Mendelssiohn's

) 1 mk) HtNmcUticm • voices. I i . n 111 I'raiMf," and

t: , , .ng. The chorus will hold ii> K!i>,;s(jJ'» "The King of him»n retinxi lri>m tU- !:i«iulv m ials on Mondays Li>ve." for its Decembt" (It ItvB year *nd wci\ became a pnHir^ from 7 30-10 p.m. in 1*202 concert Si>utht;m Iltimits I. ni\ rrsirv m t beginning August 25 lor more informali.in polii wht-n? •*• currentlv Itjcht". Space permitting, new reyjarding membership and toumleil diul rt>urTulis>m iinj members will also be musK fees, students may university' InKtituIr at tht> accepted at the group's sec- call the Harper Music Sinmn dt^oifami hi» In a Rccnt mMmiew. ond mertmg on September Department at (M7) 925- Irachrr and his nwn id*-** h>r goals » a 8 6S68 Hf improMn^ (•ducation in America Although no auditions Non-«tudents may oon- that thenr wa» a nevd to imptuvr exprrMmJ are necessary to join the tact chorus pnmident Marcy quality oi leMning in Die daNfooom ta the group, space in limited and Heston (630) 289-6748. Atnmc». and he bettevm the school year should be lengthened 'Can we teach as much in 180 day* «» countries Uke lapan and Gcnnany (leach) in mOTO COURTESY OF MMW9 CaUGE Harper sponsors Volunteer Fair 200, 220 or 240 days? The anawer is obvious- UmmmmmnMf " IMvaralty ! ly, 'no.' he said faculty Community Healthcare, in KMnc areas of ttie US, studanki aMnd Harper College Suburban PADS, sch(»l year-round. now the Uraversity of DUiwjis at Springfield members are increasingly Northwest Clearbrook Center, "1 don't believe in that," said Simon. "1 He also lectured at the )ohn F Kermedy incorporating volunteerism the curriculum; and Spectrum Youth /Family don't think that'» necesury (but) 1 MO is loo School of Government at Harvard University into Northwest Action short- during the 1972-73 adtool ywu. In 1974 he many faculty and staff mem- Services, Against Rape, Horizons Simon twtd office as US Senator tram 1984 resumed his politicat caicar as a member of bers are mvolved in volun- Center, Talkline. until his retirement this year Befoie becom- the US House of ReprvsenuHves. teer activities m the commu- Children Coalition, American mg a US Senator, he spent two yean in the US The issues m which he was most active nity. In order to provide HIV volunteer Cancer Society, Lexington Army as a special agent in the Counter- include: educatioa disability policy aitd for- educahon about Center, Buheler IntettigHKC Corps akw^ the Iron Curtain a\ eign affairs organizations. Harper is Healthcare United Way Europe, and he entered politics aAer Ins dis- Simon became a member of the US Senate sponsoring a Volunteer Fair YMCA, Invemess/Rollinp eharge after defeating ttiree-term incumbent Charles on Wednesday, Sept 17, 9 Palatine/ -1 and nuwe. SitTu>n stTvtHi in Iht- lihn.n-. Moiis** *>f Petry in the 1>W4 ejection In I^S" he sought am p m in the Building I Meadows K«|irr»ml4liv«» MiU tUuwts :)enale lor 14 Democratic noaunalion K>r iIh- oituv of ttie lobby The fair is open lo the conunui'uty lluk is a yaars. The Independetit Voters of lllinins President of ttie United Stales biome urganizaliims entire about riectod him "Best Legislalar* every sesiuon Not only has Simon had a celebrated polit- invited to attend the Harper gotxl time to find out opportunities, during his tenure ^Mmcm also had the htmor ical career, but he is abo an accomplished Volunteer Fair include: Little the volunteer of being the hn«t Ijeutenant C^wtrrKW in wnter. He has written aitd co-written 16 City Foundation, Palatine m the area. For further infor- niirH>i» history h) be ekpctetl with a governor books including: let's put Amenca Back to Senior Center. Northwest mation, call the Commuiuty 925- fn>m another poiitKal party Work, We Can Do Beftff and TV CMIar Crisis, Special Recreation Relahons Office, (847) In 1972, Simon taught dasaes at whji is which he wrote witfi Ross Perot. Association, Northwest 6279.

Interview: Thompson accomplishes all goals during tenure


\ bn>;hl future have a needed (.h\e of fKt- idtMs .ii .i here during your tenure, what It has a er\ We great requirement, was to have hf lollf^i- would it be? lot of ctimmunity- support, a lor students become mtwe involved with the com- 1 don't know There aie things learning environment munity and give the college mote of that after you do them you flunk. and a stnmg, capable faculty and " fiuge potential an identity with tfie business and Yeah, 1 probably could have dealt staff Harper has industry sector m a positive wa\ with that differently" I'm pretty How can Harper position itself four- That was one of tl%e chai|^, they abo plpa^ied with the way things were with competition from other wanted a more aibve person on die Jfjtt Milh the leadership provided year and community colleges? " state legislative «cene Certain conflicts might have been "Competituin is good, so 1 think we or more What have yon accomplished at smoi>tl>er if different adiims were just have to be just as capable Harper? taken .I'm very confident in the way capable of delivering quality instruc- " tion. need to contmue to provide 1 think those are the two thii^ things were handled We that have been accomplished at Are you satisfied with the oat- an environment that is pleasing to our Harper We are much mi>re mvolved come of the avoided strike? students 1 think we can match In some ways we need in deveiopmg programs and ser\ we% "ies. I certainly didn't want a compehtion as can. for the business community The strike I think we had an unnecessar- to collatx>rate as much we We to be such a North Suburban Associatiim on ih king negations pentxl, but I think certainly donl want competitcw that find our- Comnveive and Industry, I was on the we ended up in a place with a mutu- strung we board and served as president for a al agreement That's when' a negoti- selves losing giKxl relationships for won vr aiAM MMWKwc/ to transfer." year, so I was very much involMsJ in ,itfd settlement ought to be, with both students who what Aft*r • le-yMt t«M«. Nmpw - what they need." What are your future goals? PwMwit Paal Tlii«» n « I* ••t that kind of community actixi! getting 'I would Ilk.' to be a CEO of ancrther !!< kto cMfTMit cMitract. was also more active in the legtsU:. What arc your feelings on Hie college That would be N* •tM wiatm* t* h* • arerva I served <>n stale-wide boards future on the football team? conununity

mil fwltog* CIO. firs! priority, I want to amtinue Hf in many different capacities. 1 think "A lot depends upon what the my working I'm open to other opportu- they kiu'w thjt thi-. h.i^ h.in .i sihkI Harper s identification in this com- other schools in our conference do

' place Th»-y an vfr\ Mjpp»>rti\f munity has gnmn tor the K-tter for The football team at Harper is toUUy nities .I'm not Uxiking for a signifi- What were your goals when you the future W'f havi- nidiif great dependent one or two of the other cant career diange I thmk 1 have a " offer hope to remam active began at Harper? strides, it is very satisfying '" >*e colleges in the omference kit to and "The Board uf Trustees had certain If you coald look back and What do you think of Harper's in educatioa" ,

TheHjuMn^n' AuguM 25, 1997 Hmwnmti>tmwm Pi«e3 Ask your Harper Wellness Advisor WHCM accepting applications Now is your chance Id ask attention to ingredieitts and for DJs, writors for Fall '97 those imporUnl. but awk- avoid products with alcohol, ward or sensibvr questioro iunce alcohol can be dryiitg that you've been wantinf; to aiKl irritating to itome peo- /CTMGEnTORMCMir ask. pie WHCM, "Palatine's number one radio Students can anonymous- Those who have dry, !>tation', IS accepting applicatiore> for the ly submit questions on welt- chapped hands will find Fall '97 sCTnfster

ness-relaled topics, and they relief it they use hand lotion Radio Htatian opportunitifs include will be answered in futurv Hinvever. tfiey «hould look news wnters, news readers, voice overs tames of TV Harhrtj^fr Uv the reason their hands are andD)s To see your que«t)i>n in in this stale Perhaps thev to "WHCM has a lot of opp«;>rtumli»~. for print, simply drop It m the housework or gardening spinng D|n. ' said L^ Sean Irudeau box located outside ot Health without glove*, or maybe It's a lot of hm, a gtvat environment,

ServKe A362. The "A** Yimr their hartds are expoccd to >M n.- friendly and you can learn valuable Harprr Wribicw Adimor' col- cheirucals in the workplace. "iinunitation krK«*ledgf "

umn IS sponsored by the Basically, they need to .\ HCM IS broadcast 7 am -7 p.m. Harper Wellness Advisors cover and eliminate the throughout the Building A lounge aitd Ctub aivl Health Services. cause of this problem Cotkrell lAning Hall All questions are thor- Petrolcuai ielly, although "We've added a lot more technology to oughly researched and meiay, is often ivcommended the station, and we are FCC regulated," raponacs will be provided by dermatoligists said Trudeau. by health caie profeauonais There is a website devot- Local cable television stations also

and aic no< related to The ed to lip baton dependency. It broadcast WHCM over Harper Access

Harbinger. is called Up Balm noon- 1 p m. and b-7 p m as audio over the PHOTO BY OMDIUtV Is hand lotion addictive? Anonymous and is at bulletin board of Harper events aiHi pro- i read in a magazine that lip http; // members aol.com / Li grams I PiwgrMi OlMctor Ckfto balai was addictive, in that pBalmA/ www html For an application come to the WHCM if yon use it regularly, you You may wish to check it office m A33» or caU Trudeau at (847) 925- will need to continue to use out, but remember this is not it to keep your Up* froai an authoritative source. drying. Health Service is not aware Hand knion ia not addic- of any documented studies tive. However, I nvould pay on Ih^sub^. Construction: delays expected to aggravate drivers

CMy one lane of RoaeUe stiitction in the area. OcioiMtr 19W. there will be Road will be open in each To avoid construction on Rre you one of those people ooralTuctian on CoU Road diicctxai during summer of Roselle Road, students and the north ieg of RoseOe. 1998. could lake Salem Road that Just want to be loued? Higgins and the south leg of "TraiiBc was backed up itorth to HiUcTVAt ra*t to Baaalla camstewctkin will for thaae Hghte on Roaalie Tlic Nardingn* Is fnolring fttr uirlters, pho Rosetle north to Algonquin begm tn CVlober tVW and because ot the workers, and east tographen and editors. Call (847) 925- will be done approximately construction hasn't even An other option is to use 6Ma M246I ts Join an oUtist orgliUzatlon. by winter 1999. natly started yet,' Amy Meacham north to PIhw for Golf and Uutdabufg, a new student, Algonquin west. HIgglm Road will kavc two said. Students plan to tamH open in cadi difectian Cook County will be should diirtng OMat a< the conatTuc- erecting digital signs to leave earlier to give enough Invest Your Credits lion. warn motorists of the coiv tune for the new delays.

Ifyoa iavt atUtp cndu ust it. Itoalth S«rvic« offers more than a placa to rest Tnnufir your lotUp countmork What if you mnd.Mtme •Student accidrnt illm-ss the resoum
peration with other cam- throat? Information about iniection» pus departments, health and birth control methtids? • Referrak tor health pnib- wellness seminars, screen- — You can gel all nf these lems mgs and sfiecial events are Antmrni) ti '»» fl^ji services and morv m the •Substance abuse informa- provided throughout the Harper College Health tion and referral year SeT>>ice •Rest area Upcoming programs Located in AViX Health • Blood pressure scrccTung include Cholesterol; Service offers students Iree or •Chtilesteiol scn!«nuig tducation. Stress

tin\ ti».i mt-dial can? admmis- •Sexually transmitted dis- Manam*ment. Time tfrcd hv ifnisti'D'd nurses ease diagnoais and tnfatment Management and Sexual triim S a m -H p m Monday •Confidential testing for Awareness Week. f- '- • educators thri.uph t >"cl 8 -pfegnano Health and -mononucteosis nurses aiv also available to question*, The 1. . . iKtfia are -hemoglobm answer your about available -tidierculosis health concerns or assist you

•Confidentui iH'«iitn counsel- -throat cultures for Strep in making lifestyle changes. ing -urinalysis Health Service can also •First aid '\ ision and hearing pro\'ide health information •Over-the-counter medica- Physicians provide med- tor speech classes, etc tions ical care for limited hours in For additional informa- • f-fealth education brochum, the Health Service tion, contact Health Service at OUjUtDPliRKCAMnr pamphlets and books The Health Service is also (847) 925-6260.

OQLiAJt (mi4M>«aao VMt t« kMMW imm about Harper College, read the Harbinger for Hirormatlon concemln)| the campus and Its community SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ieok for answers to the parlcing problems and find out houi your ADMINIiTIATIOI fauorite sports teams do tn Uit nent edition on September 8. The Harbinger ra^4 Attgiirt 25, 1997 Calendar girls of the past come Getting involved back to celebrate anniversary really pays off

STAf! vVHilfR With the new semester upon us, s-inl.! -.' Ii'hn all of us at the Harbinger believe rviui • ^ u' hip- that students should get mvulved pu- ^ S'ving in the activities our gri-al lollege advuf tuld for "!*>iy women to partid-

know where their money i!< goin>; (Mle in promiM:uou» activi- tH«s. what do the»e tlun^ til and ri\ut about the student h.ivi' tn iiimmon' They an- autivif. I. . Nou .Iff paving for pj»t tiirper happenini^ cxv the r iin Ui bi nn ihi- .111 iTixl by The HtH^nger in Ihr act ii' aj'pear here and the the last V' newspaper production losls I*' the Mth

Along with the activities, you anniMTsan •! Harper pav for the athletic learns in go C (llt-ge and ttic alv tur Hie Hjrhngrr. out and partKipalt', tluhs to j;*) Ihf cgfattetiHBt on trips and tor the nuu ics in HarbmffiT b\ continuing to be the news building A source ot Harper Ccilk^. In what needs to be dotif is Now evefy imur tN> year, we will students need to participate f^or revive some oW Har^ingfT the incommv; trcshmen, get features such as the first '^••" •'^' "~-' !,'"• involved, don t go to ilass, hop Studl-T" in your car and go honu- i.rt BI.XKt involved tng i»ii • .ini^'iis .mU i>l*n-l interesting Harper events, M All of you are missing out on well as a spvcul featurr in College has to otter what Harper Sf^'tember For one you could beionu' a part Harper tentatively plMW of the first women s soicer pro- to announce "the big ^-0" by gram Imagine being the tirst adding yellow commemora- woman to score a goal at Harper tive signs on the light poles iiiid in>; mail CUih-- ' • ni /at i>

load, but otherwise all it takes is Inspiration' i.ill Festival In

you That s right \\\\h on\\ 1 tenfatn .U [, . «,, ur m jN v\t!l js v»thcr couple of hours a wei-k \ t>u lould t\'lt»tH-r. HAHfOm-lUm PMOIOS this tti« first fM* ymr* of Ik* be building your resume vvitht>ut events vfjr thtrint Thf ILirhtn^i-' says. Htrbimgmr, calMitfar gM» w*r« really trying. clwftMi •«*ry IsMM to ran ooit "H.i|'f>\ Hirthdav Harper'" So think about it and then to tho col mior of 1 And as VVilliam Kainey C—ipU» OVOMtO. think about what you have to " Harper said m IMOb. know Aftor « fow yoaro, tko girl* woro gain. It will really pav oft in the the past bi- m touch with pkMOd OMt. Fho Hmrhimgmr long run Belies e us' ttie presfiit land) anticipate woHtfors whoro titooo girl* aro du* future." ?

Staff Writers aMI Assistants

Phil Vaiim. Brian Markiewicz. Amanda t Offenbacher, Adam Prahl. Sandy Tang The Harbinger aswsrsl Psileiss Sprir^/Stjmer Editor in Ovef OavidPunp

rrir Hwtevw « no Mudani publication tor nw Hopat CoMft eonpus eonv The Hartxnger William Rainey hiarper CoHege the idvMl year e»«pt «»«<( holic^ /toting Editor m Chief Lauren Sctiubel nwMt. puMMKi ll>- nwu|Mi4 1200 West Algonquin Road fiaa MiMnts, (acuity and and final Mm. Tnt pioK « iMtrttulaa to t« Palalme.ll 60067 7098 aommttralion. Tfo NM^far'i Mt* purpOM s to prowda the HaaM> commu nty iwtn «#om«aiion pmonnt to IM conput and Its iumMidnc cgnnura t» Phone MinbarK A&EE(fitor JayMkkfleton lusness office: (847)925-6460 LtttMt fMey oTfilx: (847)925-6000 n2461 KMonais. rne Hvtw^ar MicamM iMtars to m* tdKor and i«iM> to our far (847)925-6033 LMters max t» sifnad. StpiMuiM «i« bt «Htra«M upon riquosi AH lelten and coniant are tJbiKi to MWint. S|»rts Editor. SeanMcHu^ copyn^n 1997. the Haitlnfar. (^t>duct« and sanrice* adutniMd n nw H««e«ir are not necauarity ADntfiunNarvwL e««lorMd Dy irw edKors of tlw paper, nor by t«w roaefe admmtration or Board o< Oiraclafv mqurie* tnotad be (amMOM dractly to the ld«wtiaar. Fatality Advisor ftowordSchlossberg •Id al pmhMe* are at tne docretion e« in* conaiaw. The hUrbtnger Aagnrt 25, 1W7 Jl

Mississippi Hsat to play for free in Quad Preview: Stewart and Waters to lecture on campus CUmk Chicago biue* Wntmg m the Amencan will be fwrfonned by Harmonica NewsteMer. Phil cartn«a trcm |M(a 1 for rum-students Mii«»i|7pi Heat in a tnt Lloyd said of tacocqut- dt in the lounge • 14: Comedian " concert ruion November noon concert on Thunday, hocn players could take .> m Buildup A kntnge and former MTV star Joa Aug 28 in the Oudii few teMMW fnxn hun aiKl • October M: Stewart will perform at 8 Formed in 1W2. the lrnaiheitM»* NalyaLalalayam Dance p m in Building M. Missi>.sif>pt Heal has iccoid- MiwiMip^ Heat plas'- Company, an I asti'm Indian AdmisMon IS $12 with an ed three albums and consti^ Hues hum the SIhi and Ms lI^ daivre gn>up. will perform in aitivity pass and $17 for non- of Kenny Smith cm drums, the tradillan cMabti>hed b\ the Building I theater at H students Charles Goering on piano. »uch Mum KI

Student activity pass: What are we supposed to do with these things?

Bon Office and pur- edon plays. ipiirtinj; i-mii!- .iihaniv at the Harper Box Harper 10 movie tickets for XCTnGEDt TOR m CHEF ( Mti, r iri Building I chased The reason fur iho ^ hanm- *(-Htvh«-s .ind musiiaK At about $7.50 for ' activitv paw $4 50 each : ' t Ihc stud^it Do yt>u remember Ihow i» an upip-ade in technology It can al- t.' n^ a student ID, a full pnce ticket purchased student actiMty punch canh Harper has a new cmnputer- discounts O' -hjy ,iIm' ,t>umls as theater, the pass has c but tlu-re is no guarantiv thai at the that were given out until the i/t-d mailif^ syiMent and is penings like ari-.i in«(>lc'\ $30." It mil Iv accepted for off- already saved me end of last year? There has not able to produce and dis- Odeon and Lowe--, mm ic tn iampus discounis since theie There is a fee to replace a been a change over the sum- tribute the previous cards tickets. jdmission )s no photo. lost pass So when you get mer that not too many stu- efficiently, said Pankanin Mediexal !iiiu-> ind »thti had some early your new pass m the mail, dents have realized The With the new system, area sporting, amusement Pankanin her new student tear along the perforatum, punch cards are out, aitd the actual humans are not need- and theater attractions ideas lor fits pass. "I i<> a lot of sign it and fold it so it m student atlivitv pau is ed to staple the old cards to a Most on tickets activity ro tor future- use I wi-nt i.> iht- VKur wdlU-t I . movies. *o Harper's nrwi»st discount pieirr of paper m a mailing, il net-d t.' -ed in caid ;--",'''. 'ludues a whote pice* liH th.it >;iH-» in the WiHiam Hamey HarperH, Coltog* out as ol summer, said eiivt'Utpt' igonqunnoM Director of Student Activities The top third ol thi-> paper lewuie Pankanm "We no is the actual pass with ycnir longer have the opportunity name, address, SSN and line Jam Q. it*rfT lur ,1 si>;ndturv The bottom to give you the cards, a new 1200 Stit •! Is las« machme handles distribu- tuit-ihinis IS a bnef explana- ^sistlnt, II.'iOIM>>-7»* tion." iKxi of the pass and examplw Before, the activity card of Its use 1^^ wa* a business card-sized The new pas6 may not be piece of heavy paper with as c-onvenient and sturdy as lines for your social »ecurit\ the pfe%iou» card, but it still number Mid signatuiv entitles the holder to on and Now. the newly named oft-campus priviiegf^

pass is the top third ol a pie«:e For example, rtie passes on l«at yaar'a atiiiaat of paper with your name and can be used (or discounts TIM tmrn statfwrt acUvlty pm»» ha* tha ••*• fMtarM « addrefs automatically pnnt- on-campu» events such as

HSEA ''working for the common goal'

bins. STVFmmiTBt HSEA amititn are sIm^ WHCM rhe HSEA, Harper attempting to have additiorul campus Mudents for EnvironmentaJ ashtrays placed on MlMtlf of the ^J^ AwaivnesA. is nrbuikimg after One ol the goaLs youth in the departure of last semes- HSLA IS to get the in recc ter s president and a majority the area involved of the members dii^. In order to be eftixliv t The members have been in the struggle for environ •'- 1 - HSf A i- ,s >.. on ^setting paper mental aw

needs Ml. i larp.-r Day-Studtnts .. . >; bir«i in ev er> buiWI- Attention assistance mg, and already have them in student Night-Students and Faculty! l building D •'Its |Uftt everyc»ne work- goal," looklnfl for D/s for fall W \ew recycling bin> haco ing lor tfw common VWr* ittw to broadcast ttiro«i0h .n placed outsidt- in (ront s.iid HSF A member Heather f tho Narpar camptn. > ol buiUmg .\ The club is Smith in also Irving to replace the Students mterestc-d cardboard bins with plastic (oining the club should leave ones a message in the FISF.A mail- They are hoping to pnv box kxated m the Student •f Um m*» Mcyaia Mm mote campus awareness Ac-tivities OHice m BuiUing fvairt cf iMlMhiC * Inr tka with sturdier, more visible A The Harbinger Pagt* HarpeCJCIasslffleds August 25, 1W7

fMp Wanted Ton Free (1)800-218-9000 Ext. T 8715 for 1800. Karol & Rob. Listings. Lonely? Call tonight! 1 900-656 7781 Ext. Customer Service / Tetamar4«tin(. Various SEIZED CARS FROM $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, 5543 $2.99 per mia Must be 18yrs. Serv-U. duties rnclude inbound cailc. order entry & cus- 619/645-8434 tomer service Computer use and phone stylls Chevys. BMW^s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps. 4WD^. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext. A very important Fax resume to: 847/228-5195 Lonely? Need to hear a soft smiling voice??? 8715 for current listings. or send to: 680 Fargo Avenue. Elk Grove. 1 1-900-476 9292 Ext. 7255 $3.99 per mia Must 60007 be ISyrs Serv-U. 619/645-8434. Landscape Foreman & workers needed. Top pay GOVT FORECLOSED homes from pennies on $1. Delinquent Tax. Repo's. REOV Your Area Toll If you do quality worit & are a r\ard wort

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profossor Helper TheMer Annowxiee Math lab named for former FalAudKionsfor

Harper CoUei;e dedicated the hil to students, faculty and the Throughout the conhnued sup- Cunninghiim Rtxtm, i malhenul- community port by the Cunningham*, the TuMdBy, Seplwnbw 9 7 pm 10 7pm ics labrMory, un ThunwUy, Auguil Cunningham bwgan his legacy 9cht>lar»hip has beccHne perpetual Wsdneadsy. Septombar n (L109) 20 by donatin>; j gift lo the Harper ,md endiiwed CaKMCk: Thursday. SapMmbar 11 7pm i ,itU->;*| I iUK.iU>»n.il I itutHLitum in The naming of Ifw coinpuUr- in (L 108) (csaor in Ihc Maiheiiuticm memory of his fatiwr, Han>kl L. ued mathematics Uiwratory celr- t>rpdrtmmt dl Harper lor 21 yaant. C'unnin^^ham brates the reality of Cunningham's AudHon oonaials ol ooU iMdhig Own iha Rtirad in I99S The gift was used to tsttWiih dnMn. cilpl. Capias of Iha aotpl are on iMSMa Hit d a faculty nurmber the Cunningham Memorial The Cunningham mathenutics wm m m ma Learning nasouwa Canlar. was to cn«lr a computenztxl math MathematK^ Schematics careers

Vacant senate calls for emergency Fall election

ten.' itiition in the iCTMGCorTOfinCHKr event tivat ttiei* i* no officer, With the dLsc|ualificati4ii\ tlwre Mill be a sM«ato elec- of both the presidential arul tion The officm aw nomi- vice presidential candidates nated and then appointed GREA1M in last semester's student tram the pool of senaton A senate election and a vacant Mnator may serve more than United Parcel Servioa has part-time treasuRT se»t all senaKtnal one term, but need* to be re- loader and unloadar positions available. poaiticins ate open for fall eiarted every year election. "We would lit> 8/Hour >- No Weekend Work "The student trustee has a some diverse, stnm^; >. .kUi position on lite executive Jiip cm the serutf >4id > 3-5 Hours Per Day (Mon-F board, and as the student Pnn/ivalh "The *i-nate's trustee. I'm the only e«ecu- mtsskw n to represent, pro- »>• Comprehensive Medk;al Package tive officer, the only officer mote getteral wellness and and the only senate mem- support and encourafpe the »> Stock Participatkxi •> Employee Owned Company ber," said student tru.«tee nghta and lesponaibilitics of Pam Prinfivallt. ttw student body' toll free 1 -•••-4UM-JOB immttw «.Miai«r4ai "I've picked up the ball If the chairs are not filled CaH with CKir advisor Sharon in the electum, all of the 24 hours a day - 7 days a week Mim, md w aiv trying to above would fail until some- until we one IS elected hacp things RoioK LooaHona: Hodgkina/WMow Sprir>ga (I-5S & 1-204) have the senate election on ApplH'alH>ns will be avail- Addietxi. Palatine. NorthbrooK & Westmont Sept 4 and 10 We will then able in the >tudent seiute appomt somecaw at our Sept. office in Building A on 12 meeting from a serule August 25 tor one week pool, that's how the <-«inshtu- After two weeks of cam- tion woriu." paigning, tfie elections will \^ Equal Opponunay Eflvloyar Accotding lo the student beheld TheHubinger Sporty Page? Questions still Experience key to soccer season remain as Hawks prepare for 1997 season opener k«M McNhC:i

-.,; *- "*• • ; r* T


an* >' iid

ii>j- ire tV^t.:' ' the »pas

I . h ).ihri ' '...: >, .. . r a

t; ni'Vi nd W- .ullUSt tnm« lu imU ourM^tvc^ js a coach-

ing irtaff " Adfust^ not oiUy Miri Mcfc llMtley 4toctM« to each c4her. die coaches are to fWIMMit conttfKiing with * new faces into the stdrting role. start said I lusik that pUyed two seasons in cm tJw field suMmcDncnMOn? Wide Recpivprs Reluming QB Chri> Churrh Competition will be fierce. Chicago with theShodwn, lofui Lawlor arul Rodney has expenence and game Coach Eliasik is hoping tfut SooM could call It a two in the American Sessioa-i are fione altictg with JwareneH.<^ but he will be all this competition for start- rebuilding mmoiv othera Soccer League and one a handful of otfier key play- pushed by transfer Kyle ing spots will breed leader- would caO it typicai at Mi season with the Fort WkMlh ers from last seasons team. Hughes who left Division t- ship "1 can't choose who will ' ikiGB canoMMltjr ool- Udcers. Coach Eliasik remains confi- AA Drake after one year "I be tfw leaders on the team," hiM auch a hugt 'I will be his right hand dent tfwit wcMvl year men didn't feel like leaving," said said Eliasik. "That has to hap- , bat aoeocr ooadt flfMR. and I will step in and freshnvan will step up Hughes. "I knew I could pen within the team. Players Sam Caraa i* kMUi^ tor- whan Sun is jpm with the and create a new identity for come here to play." Also join- who want to be in that role ward to anolhci other iMm,' Moushi said. the team. ing Hughes as tranirfiers are will have to earn il from their With 6v« Along the way thr two in We're pretty good Brian Baker and Jeremiah teammates I have ito say on returning bom laat I coaches said that they " have shape." said Offeraive line- Spurling who came here after tf»t team, Garda aaid thai he ia aat for (he team man Pat Higgins. 'I'm back. COD dissolved there fool- Harper's first game will looking to thaan Id kad Hw "Our miaaion is Sam (WheeUrr) is back and ball program. be agamst Waldorf, Iowa at way Jeff Hadafak, Patrick k> bring our to the layers Chuck aiul Ben (Sekora) are Coach Eliasik is not can- WaMorf. Coach Eliasik says Hay, Rich Ivanidt. Thooiaa next level," said Garcia, " back I feel confident reding any starling piMitian» the firrt game is key to the PMwk and Andwny Ruaao "1% kind of olier a soccer Higgins alan mkI ihv ijpt<-n to anybody jusi ye*, rest of llw seatm. ~ll wr can return, bul Pjiu'W "kiuv Iran'ilL'i trjinui|( LOur%e tuf i-"-' '> ttHtkiit^ iiiiprfs- f n^man will hjvc (hf vimr gft a win our fimt game, that iBtwy) ««1 Hay (brok«n the four schools." year n. opportumtiev u- surt .1- s*v will n-mnvt' th»' stigma o( try- eoBaibone) *aw limited Morraine VUWy and '.'i». .'itenuve tine is offer- ond year players Tm will- ing to gft tfut first win We'll time last season as Itiey Praiie State could pose as ing protection to a quarter- ing to start anybody as kmg also gel a win on the road suffered usuries early on. the Hawks toughest oppo- back who is willing to step as they pro%-e they deser\'e to which IS always a bonus." *I am loolung (or lead- nents, along with rival ership from their experi- CoUegeof DuPage. ence from last season.' Gwcia said. "Momine said Garcia about the Valley had a lop seed retumees. akmg with us last yaar and

Caroa will be Msnled half of their team is retunt- this season by baac ing and we will be playing Mouihi a former five year Prane State for the first " pwfcas itmal soccer player time

TIM •ffMMiv* and i«fwi»l«« fir* wh ef prmtttf.

History: Garcia excited to Future: looks bright initate women's program for football team comnuM fnvn pa(s 8

include |odi Condill who i-. currvntlv siil contnuad riann pagi 8

fenn>{ from j bruLsed lix>t HijiIht Hall, programs it wouldn't have made any

AnRelj N'lKK'-iiw jnd Yol.inJo Muru' sense for us to keep our program if we had " \'igj;i,ini W:th torviariK Ktllv Bit'iinjii to go out of state for all our games The M.ir>, and Iiil [orskrv nninding feasibility of maintaining a program Mrilh out no intrastate rivals would have been nil. ^id that he was liiokinj; lor The cost of running a pntgram to compete

thrw thmgs, Tm very e»cited against all out of stale learns would be about that' thu^. I'm glad to be back enonnous. "We almost became a victim of

here at Harper, I'm glad to mitiate the circumstance." said BechtoU It would be

women's program and I'm glad lo be a tough pill tu swallow if Harper waa a Coop6f LiyhUny workmg with a new coach." referring to victim of circumattaiKC.

: Moushi. Ellasik, Bechtold optimistic about Harper's future Football hero to stay for 1997 as athletos transfer from COD

students pay an activity fee when vorrsEOfTQR they register for classes which goes directly to the athletic program Optimism rwgns m the other* of Another issue raised is artiletics does head footbdll c(Mch |ohn Elusik and not |u>tify its presence on campus Aihletk Director Ri^er Bechtold fmantially Teople want to compare Harper football bxf^ it» 27th ttimotx us to [JivLMon I pnigrams and that's Auf;uit 14th not right, " said Bechtold "It's a total- "1 know th» won't be our last wa- ly different atnu>sphere"Division I son." s«td coach Elu»ik ci>i athletics IS no longer just amateur "I'm an optimist and uri! intercollegiale athletics It is a busi- (Boud of Tru!>t«>e«) say foottMUl is can- ness with TV companit-. paying mil- celed I'm going to keep on doing the lM>ns sometimes billions of dollars for thmga I do as coach." And with a tfw rights tci broadcast tournaments, turnout of about 80 men the f«»ttiall

bi>vs I y;ames t'tc pnigram shows no sign ot <.Kin>: Ihf liHitball pr.^rjiii i- in .i Bechtold shares the swne vk-ws as. fHOTOBVDM'OIUll*' healthy slate." said hiiasik "We have Kliaiuk. "This » a viable program to 7 strong support from the students, the Harper community- Ifi not onlv than fust going on the fieM to com- alumni and community." And con- unportanl to Harpt-r, it s al-H" imp<>r nits ctdlege. "We'ie not in the busi- " offers camaraderie and trary to what many people have tani to the suburban community neM of just producing athk^es," said pete. AttUetics friendship and other intangibles peo- heard or believe. President Many cbserver^ do not understand Bechtold "Coaches and I ahke aiv program don't Thompson is a strong supporter of Harper may be the only option lor mterested our athletes as students plc CHilside the athletic tin- athletic pmgram. When schools students who do not qualify academ- and people as well Many ot our stu- ivalixe." Harper will be $2 million were dissolvmg their programs A.D. kalty or have the financial iMcking to denl-athlete« do not f^ on to (our- This year budget and immetlialely Bechtold and I'resident Thompson attend a four-v»*ar univfT>iit\' Harper vear univer»itK"« and participate in dollars over ' •' .1-1 . -- , retain the in hijmi-d wen> -A'anhing for ways to can .il-. f them participatr .1, sJld pnigram "lie Clluimpson) was just l«!t<.> Iwiy them nwintdir ,.\>MNidm .\iiiit-iiv i>i(ivioi ^>usan rejiling li> the situation," said to the nt'xl IfM'l but mjv mit be rtady r,» \i- ,irui (HTHjiecfive in theur acade- that we Bechtold. 'U all other junior colleges physically or mentally to take the mic Mork BechtuM say> he is moK Overland. 'U's unfortunate scapegoat for budget prob- Illinois would have canceled their step. Bechtold ai!M> pomt> out that intm^trd m helping students set ivmain a m I-,,., • not kjww is all Harper is not yinir orrfinan commu- goals and atUin them "Sports is moie ems. What many do tMnAa«onpifl>7

Historic women's season underway roOTBALL

fir An* it. oaa uu. j llUL


H iMDi nan aaamia S^l I ISa

s^^^F -'^ '"y^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ian ttlMff

nOTOBYCIMnOIMM> a Crystal MtdMll tahas a ftaa kick fra« lasBMa^ !!

I Safalawskl laaks oa.

tried out for the team. In the off season. tmrcMN Garcia was put m chaife of both the men's U IS For Ae first time in history, rtiere will be and women's program to recruit players f«w M a Harper Wi>men's soccer team, headed by the tail semester. }l second year coach Sam Clarcia. The oH season was a success except for The team cum-ntly has approximately 11 one thing. He didn't get as many women on WOMEN'S SOCCER field team as he wanted. players, the mirumum number to a the MB. ua. i«ir«TM»« nut learn is 7, so banng in|ur\ it Uxiks tike there "We are still looking for a goal lender mm- » TkB l> Sa will season. histoncal first and there are probaMy a kM of freshmen that be a The Hawks I) Mb game will be on September 11, against didn't know the preseason hai, sUrted and if IS UK a »B. Kendall College at home ttwy (oin the team this year they will be a "Our goal tor this season is to basically part of history," Garcia said. I Oct 4 fai finish the season. I want to say we had a pro- Already on the list to become a part of gram at Harper that lasted one season," history at Harper are defenders Angela Garcia said. Bonfiglio, Kell\ C olidru and Crystal Harper was to field it's hrst women's Mitchell, Lisa Viggianu Mid fielders soccer team last fall Imt only three peupW paatr .

Open meetings offer participation in accreditation Pitch in for

idaled," said Hauenrtein. "Our last made to the Commission on /CTMGEnrORINCMCF accreditation was 10 years ago. Well Institutions of Higher Education. "Sharper For the fourth hme in hislory, a wait to see what their recommenda- The CommLiMon will review the team nrpivsenting the Coauniasion tions are Harper is a quality institu- team s tmdmgs and take the fmal Harper" at on Insntutitnvi of Hi)(hpT Education tion and I'll think that's what the> 'II actkjn. o< the North Central Aasocution at fmd" This is a schedule of evenb, a-s kick-off rally CxMefin and Schools wUI evahiale During the past two years. requested by the North Central Harpfr for an accreditaUan at thr AccreditatKm evaluabon team, to 'Harper lss( asMviates deKree level. ha(^3en during the accrvditalion: /CTMCEnnWMCHEF "The whole campus has pnrpami liMaiidllllkMlhal^ Monday, September 22 The time has come for students |for the accmiitatiun) for over two aVI a.m.- Introductory meeting with «lwillM]r*ll and faculty to "pitch in for a sharper yean," said Community KetatK)n> iNc evaluation team. Harper Harper." The Physical Plant and Manager Amy Hauenstein "Harper I 'resident Paul TluMnpstwi, the vice Marketing Team are attempting to is a highly rej^arded commurufy col- |i, AmyHaucmMn (residents and members of the increa.se the awareness for the need lege. thi!> will accrcditatuHi validate I tarper NKTA Steering Committee of a pleasant-looking physical that" Harper has been in Ifie process of a Op«i Mcetinn appearance of the campus Harper has been accrtdiled four '••If'itudy to meet the criteria and 1:30-2:30 p.m.- FACULTY L109 To start the new campaign, a kick- times since l**?!. The accreditation requtnnnents for the accreditation COMMUNITY A315 off rally will be held on Friday, Sept. will entail the evaluation of the enlinp The e%aluahon learn wiU visit the 3-1 p.m.- ADMINISTRATORS A23H 19. campus. pfO|(rams and faculty campus September 22-24. tf the cam- STAFF A315 "The whole idea has been kicked "Every few years, an institution's pus passes the evaluation, an acocd- 6 p.m.- Dinner merting with around between Physical Plant and status needs to t«e evaluated and val- italH'n mommendalion will be onpagta the Marketing Team to improve tfie physical aspects of the campus," said Community Relations Manager Amy Mississippi Heat melts Quad Hduenstein "lis time- to do something to Attend a kick-off rally to stress tlw importanc-e i>f a clean cam- participate in the new pus Harper slartnJ a small aware- ness campaign to help our campus "Sharpir J l.irj'i r" T look kihhI U-t » ktvp It th.1t v\ ay If campaign. wf ail pitch m together vm- un keep " Page 2 It looking great Studies have shown that "the physical appearaniv of a campus is Exercise your right and very imp

" vote in the Student Senate efforts of a college A better-lcK>king campus could election Sept. 9-10. also benefit Ihe students' ability to Page 3 learn.

If interested, join the committee at the "Sharper Hari^" Kak-Off Rally i irbiU'i^cr traces fho i)n Friday, St-pt. 19 from 2-3 p.m. in v.iruHi-. tJitorial> abnut the firepl.ice area of Building A. thi- historv t>t abortion. rhen- will be a reception with cider and doughnuts tew those who attend- Page 4 ed after thi- rally.

"rhis IS a chance to gel people together to explain the campaign and Arts ft Ent*rtaiNNi*«t: take a four of the pniblem areas," is Comedian Dan An m said Hauenstein "People can share scheduled to perform on ideas and help pinpoint problem " aivas campus. moro ST utfCN soua During the rally, the attefvde« Pages gSSMWtflBllM Ua—twmmMm* will be asked to guess the weight of the "bag of yuckies" of garbage Sports: picked up outside of BuiUing L for Men's golf begins new one week A prize will be awarded for tfte seas<^>n with all new laces. Parking imposes problem closest guess Information will also Page? be given as to how clul» aivd oigani- zations can "adopt an area" of the dents said >€W!>««i'lR campus. It will get better after ttie first Men's soccer wins opener "Seven to nine diffeicnt trash tar- Well, folks. It happens every three weeks of clasaes. when stu- despite being down early. get areas will be given to tiiosc inter- semester The mad riish to the best dents start to drop some of their ested," said Hauenstein. Page 8 parking spot on campus has begun. course load. "This isn't to replace the Physical

Harking liHs I 2 and 12 have first or two of the "The week Plant's efforts, it's to enhaiKe tt«em." jivkjss b»i"n thf most popular, fill- sfmi-stfr thf major pnibltrns have . rag*s 2-4 If mlerested in attendmg tlw kick- ing up quicklv m Ifie morning to do with students ntil knowing A * E Pag* 8 off rally contact Amy Flauenstein in "I left mv house 10 minutes earli- where they are going," said Director Community RelalK>ns (847) 925-6279 ClasslfIctfs Pagst er, and ended up parking further of Publk Saiiety Ke\m King m a by September 17. •ports ._— i7-« jwav than the dav before." one stu- |onpatt2

Ucata4ki A, Ml iat7. iM7/ta»-«4M Nwvs M7/t2S-«000 x24«l »

The Hartungef September 8, 1W7 Page 2 Hmnmt^ new ASA enhances cultural awareness Women's Program offers workshops in SeptemV>er

ItWStDlTOB this Thf H.upT Ci>IU->;e comtMt stage tright in The The ASA, A*ian Shuiont VV..I1UI1 !'ri%r.im will be supportive workshop. i» a network o< IS $40 which includes \-.siKiiticm. ti, f,ii»; Ihf loliowing wcirk- ci»l JediCJled to I irper sluderts p^ during the month of Itmch. fnhancin); cultural jwareni-.s September Assertive Communication (IWM005MX)1) in the ctiminunil\ and Women and Self-Esleem Workshop Sept 20, legt (HVM0<11^-(11)1) meets on meets on Saturday,

th.- - . in A241 Cettiriji? in\oKi>i mth Saturday, Sept. 13, fmm •» fn>m 9 am 3 p m the ma|tw message heard public IS uof ot - I *am Have your a.m -^ p m , in A241 as goals ot the ASA how self-esteem influences withiHit bemg perv-eived participated in The club all aspects of your life overbearing different the AIDS Walk May 4. W?, Assess your Mtf-«sieem and Learn the Pacitu a.ssertive and tiwk part m AMan explore techniques to between passive, communica- Islander Month enhance your self-confi- aiK) aggressive pnesttlent o< the cost is $40 which John Lu, dence The cost IS $40 which tion The ASA. hopes to bring some includes lunch. includes lunch. new prugranvi into older. Handywoman Workshop Victim Prevention: Self- a Some students have (LWM003'»-tX)1) meets on Defense for Women meets hard time making the transi- Saturday, Sept. 13, from ^ (1WM0047-(K)U college Lu wants to Sept. 20, from 9 hon into am - 3 p m in A242a You Sahirday, help available to bene- a.m. - 3 p.m., m A242a make can fix it! Learn the nuts a practical, fit new students and bolts of minor home Learn intereNled methods of The ASA a, also Impairs and save yourself uiKomplicated §tudents that stresses in helping fellow some time aivJ moitey. self-defeiue col- awareness and with career research and This workshop will preventitm. a senes lege selection. Plan* lor thes«r touch on minor plumbing, confideiKe through in effective kind of programs are electrical and carpentry of simple and techniques The prugiess. tasks m well as the how-to's physical the have which iiKludes Students in ASA of home decorating projects cost is $40 been on outings to different Presented by Ms Fix-It, lunch. muse- cultural restaurants, Beverly Dejulio. caU (847) 397- ums and more The cost is $40 which To register, COURTESY WAS* lebte to PM01D the correct ASA members includes lunch 3377 and speafy people with different back- Never course number. TIM ASA i* to rresenution Skills: and communicate In addihon to the course grounds tk* etCwrixatlMk be Nervous Again with a cUv«ne community (IWMOlKW-tXIl) meets on fee, there is a $4 registration ..nt and be pi»!f I Kveryone is welconn- to Thursdjv Sept. 18 fn>m 9 fee charged per term sin, I. 'Ix- I u It « nut mU>miation IttiiA K»hn I further ^v»v* an .\2J 1 Le*m For nicvtuig thitt AdA Uiuuki c (ust Kir Asian hoiv nize, prepare about the Harper College scheduled yet but Multicultural Affairs at (t»47) any culture, any race, and not been call fori and deliver a winning pre- Women's Program, " in will start in the beginning of 925-6861 or stop A243 background Discover how to (847) 925-6558 Expect to meet great people! sentation. The ASA ha» about M) September Flyers will soon

Plenty of parking, not where you want it Parking: I InVeStYoUr Cf^dltS plenty of park- commuad ftom pa(> 1 people on campus "It's just "We have just not Hurinngfr story published at not where everyone wants it ing on campus, it's ifyoa iavf rolkge cndu - use tt. the begirming of the last to be," says Kevin King, where everyone wants it," Spnng semester about the Director of PuMic Safety. said King Transfer pur rollege rourseteori into the parking parking problems. There is usually plenty of Getting and compteU an acaUrated depte The kits IcKaled on the space open in parkmg lots 3 - lots isn't easy on the entrance. of Harper are tlie it IS a kmger walk to Algonquin south side 7, but Ckmmfn>mD*y.e.tmmtor most convenient, being clos- the buildings, espiMjIlv in Students are backed up for \gffflCP.SI} Omm. est to the buikJmgs the wmter hundreds of feet at the light, ta^lt* seem etui- It usually Uwks liki- tlu"ie Students who want to making the wait AJmnrntnU—n OV- are more cars than parking avoid the hassle of seardung entrance on spc^, but there an- more than for a spot m the front of ttie Try to use the less traffic eiHHigh lor th«' amount of campus should park here. Rosetle Road for

Aromatherapy We 7/ Fay now class offered For Your Every Wednesd.iv. "xftt lO-** 17-Oet IS. fntin 7 p m . Education ! those interested in herbal medicine can learn more about Aromather.ipv, healuig •iiM.>» > Ai La&tfk. wc U (KC fot m 111—itiMt ii|irnniM«f u §mm iul««M with the use I'l t-ssential m!s mti-a.^ i»% TvmoH Kom mMsmftt Classes » ill include iwS.ai. —.~.~.m .~..»«Mr» I III., nt J eaacntial mis th»'ir u.ses and .S^toUntipt .!»>««.«*'' .\v-*l»lr f-r lJo*^>^ SlmiMi the way different .ir.>mas Tnmiir U .eiiliwc »«»0«« tOMWKUM* •»*» tpw««i tax—«•«"•"" •*• affect our mental and physi- 0«L»NDPMIHC7iimK well-bemg (mcAUOcumn cal ROBERT 4M>iM4ll|IMC UHiaf Mt «r ranMil Mt*M|i )MI M« ^w WW fUIm l»N UUktMS The cost of the course i» DhcWilLMMOt ' mqrri^ OriMiPAa.iWU $27 plus a $4 registmicin fee in»22S^I)» iiOBta»«n) Mr«ii.« »»WirM far !»« iw» «««l iiM »«i«^ !»«*«*'«<» IliB law iKK) To rrgisteT K>r the ctHine. caU Mrf a Ot2)l [QDLLEGE CtUtmmmmM (OSHKf-tlB • Us identify _^— (847) 397-3377 and « |*M)4*7.1I«1 lu> IB noa the course number LPM135- Of In ii\r I A.Sdlw (.& »b LaSalle SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 001 For touchtone registra- ADMINISTIATION (847) 925-1010 and \\ Mtipte'*«« m/Odhi tion, caU fm use*5698 The Harbinger u»wfpmiAAmw Page 3 September B, 1997 meetings Accreditation: NCA requests attendance at lUCTMN CANMMTCi fflVMIVT fnum valuable input We <»niinM)n and the where all are welcome • UM (rf Sbxtanl SmM* candtdalM The foOowM^ «• self-study It would be Bturd ot Trustees attend m A238. the 1997. Harper the hB will helpful to know what it i» TucMlay, September 23 The evaluation team preliimnary report th.it Ufa ScicncM anil Human ScrvicM The events this dJV will bi- ){ive their loamal For additional informa- by the NCA eval- and make rvciMnmeiviatioas Stephen BHnat Center for Student! with clnemuned This tion, contact Amy Hauenstein uation team when Ihev amve (or final accreditation DiMbUttiM Relations at is open to the t-ntitx' in CommunifV' ButincM and Socwl Sdcrme on campus PWase be flexi- meeting Jacqueline Guacra (M7) '<2'i-*27>i NCA visitmn team campus community Icnniierjackaon LtenlArls ble, as the community stnmgly encourJi;f The Harper Studimt Ovelopinent may request impromptu "We RuH^Johnaun sh>'uld be triendly. open and groups and 'or the community to attend thf rUnger BuMnow and SocUl Science meetinj;s with »trevses as accommcxialmg to the vis- MathematicB and inJiMdu.ils lhrvHishi>ut th< i>[H'n meetings." rZcmoia Ttdaiolagy. be," " "Thts gives the iting team as they can nqrakal Science dav Hjuervstein giv said Hauenstein. Wednesday, September 24 cv>mmunit\ j chance to 10 from 9 «m Election* wiU be heJd on September 9 and De»k. BuiWing I to 7 pm at the BuikfiB^ A Inlormation B.x>k»tore Box Office Counter and the BwJding L bUxxl pressun- t.stinn and height miMt have your Student Activity Pt» »«th you to CHOLESTEROL MONTH screerung, You skin tests and Month In and weight measurement TB vote. September is National Cholesterol will be avaiUble for $1 and poetod no Uter than noon Service is offering immunizahons RHahi erf the Elccticm «riU be honor ot the event. Health any for stu- hemi>glubm testmg for W. OB SeptBnber 12 <• eMfptkm: in the event thwe cholesterol screening and information here are 10 o*er rea- poMIng of your If that usnt enough, quertkiM or concern N«M«Hni the dKtion. dents and staff 11 you don't know what Health Service molution of any tMUca). are trymg to lower sons to visit I will be delayed until chi>lesterol level is. or you free or low cost ser- 1 It's cheap It, take advantage of these call the Senate Offke at 2. It's confidential If you have any ipcationB. pkaae vices: 3. It's convenient 925-6244. • Fasting Blood Cholesterol HDL, LDL September 4 Nurses just like Mom icicening is available through female for an 5 Real doctors, male or Call Health Service (847) 925-6268 6. No elevator music appointment with a J» fee 7 Wellness programs for extra credit • Cholestenil awareness information Ubie 8 Health matenal for speech class The Harbinger is looking for writers for tfie on Thursday, Sept. 25 at 11 ami p m m the 4. Free advice /health counseling Cockrell Dining Hall A dietetic technician semesters. Are you literate etc fall and spring Performance 10 Free aspirin, Tylefu»l. band-aids, and tfie Wellness and Human screenings wiU also be important? If so. join the cholesteml The same test and and what to feel sUff will be on hand to distribute Health Service awareness and offer diet available at the award-winning Harbinger. literature and low-fat snacks table m Building L Inim 10 ami p m counseling DRIVE HEALTH SERVICE AWARENESS DAY BLOOD 1.1.' Donal.- blood cm ' " . ,v.- the gift .'I ' ' ' " "" On Wednt- from •* a m.-3 • •dnesdav. Sept 10 m A242 hold .in .•, ttarpri ThrJi-'f Vnnounie* >-i' • '-- AVv: Tiu-i. — ' Fall Auditions tor

7pm{LlW) Advisor? Tuesday. September <» your Harper Wellness liW) ?Ask Wednesday. September 10 7 pm (I is detennine v our ideal weight important, but l.>ne way to the chance »o ask those pm (1.108) Now IS height and weight chart These Callback; Thursday, September U 7 questions that youve to consult a awkward or sensitive sex and usualK give ideal weights for height, been wanting to ask is t t o(m.s a woman who comistk of cold reading fn>m the svn( ques Kxlv frame For example, Audition Students can anonymousi) submit the Ufammg Re«.uae range from 12h-154 pounds are on reserve in w ill SK- should of the *cnpt wellness- related top«.-s. ai.d ih.A tions on structure A man of the ot hf depending on bone Center in future issue- 1 be answered an ideal weight range same si.e . cmld have Harbmger Uv ;o, ;i. 22. 23. Production dates Nov Iv it I'v simpl> drop ot 136-170 ptHinds To sec your question m print, stop m To fmd out yiHir ideal weight, outside of A362 The it in the box k>cated moie ti*if««»«w«. A.T«)2. to get weighed and look C.»i»i Marv |o Willi. (M71 *»**« Iw is Health Si-rv ice, Your Wellness Advisor" column "Ask and weight chart Another Adv isors .,t a height sponsored bv the Harpt W.lliu-s- ophmum weight itu-th.xl to determine your Club and Health Vrv ices BMl This mea- range ls the bixly mass mdex, questions an- thoroughK r.s.jr.N'd .All much of your weight is • I get my education Iwallh care sure tells you how How can w ill be provided by and responses whether your body fat is high to Tli. bivdy fat and * professionals and are not related m focused fast? put vou at nsk for disease i-nough to Horimiitrr steps: 1 To find your BMl. follcw these find A. Transfer to DeVry Multiply your weight by 700 to turns to fat if you eat too Is it tree that food your height * (weight X 700=A) 2 Divide A by H. degree. food is really good for to complete your much if it, even if the ttvideS m inches to find B (A/height=B) 3 •"***'''***• w« rt iDoiiH <"«'«- •K"^ •>•'»*'" youT fmd your BMl. 11 f* ^?T!. by your height m inch«"s to IJiiteiiiiiWiiilaifcp""**^*!""""**"" I**^* calories from an\ source- o» liB«wt«i you can get food aie sfon-d as body lat So Af ml hotM tacMH ]«• lM» Inn rislHOT' r be under or over weight u • of low-fat over 25 vou mav fat on a high-><>inn >• %<*•" " Btxlvbuildiers whose Me" a • IkMm fruits and veg- be "fat rk« Calories fnwn — -'^ > i.>in hieh-fat f«xJs mi I m^ Bit ^r-" score high on BMU and weight they are high ly muscle will etables do ou.nl but bevau.se actual even though their proporhon of and are not as likely to charts m liber, vou iifl lull people may be m body fat IS low Also, M>me overeat charts . , < height and weight f«)dst the com-ct range on also healthier than high-tal The\ are too much fat low-fat or the BMl, but have bacon, cake and ice cream or such as are not overweight, but Snackwells or In this case they foods such as fat-fm- chips, This can be determined through try and eat over fat reduced-tat pastries It is best to skinfold Nxly compiKition ti-sting such as portions ot real minimalU moderate impedancx' tc-sting or under- lat measurx-meni, priK-essed fix^ls that are li'^'i in the weighing All are available through higher degree of success. water Performance lab (H47) 925-*468. D^V^^ should weigh for my Human How do I know what I 1231 N Swtfl no«d Skinfokl testmg is free *etei -aio* CMeaes. «. (Ml«-MM mttmtt. K height? (3ia)Mt-MM (7M)I . .

The Harbinger 1997 Page* S«pt>mt>er 8 Our Vtaw Abortion views cliange llttie in 24 years Get out and vote A look at tho Harbingor's covaraga throu^ tlia dacadaa surted an undue burden' stan- anonymous stuUnil wa» "of that STAFf VWRTED dard one percent that gets pregnant a change " chose to go to make A vng\e mother oi two became The social context of the while on the pill She student pregnant and did not want to United States has changed through an abortum The Senate elec- abortion isn't With Student hold the ivtponsikility fat a third. throughout the years since 1973, states, "maybe the wantpd to have an but the delate regarding abcntion everyoi\e's solution, but tions around the corner we The woman " (ust mtensf The choice should be theie encourage the Harper stu- abortion. Norma NkCorvey lived has remained as in any of the fifty in Teka», and like 46 other stale* m following (|uotes were included in A woman get involved and pregnant. Sht- dents to I97U, abortion. uiU«»t to save a The Harhngrr dating back to when states becomes student;, wants an abortion If she can p»T vote. wonun'f as RU-W6, become the of the things re»ult of Wade* eiiort*. every entitled Abortiivn is a matter hves. such

' il states, "Our focus of a future Supreme Court be doing... Sitting in traffic, woman wlvwe life was endan- death In sht' ot pre- case, another opportunity exists you i;eivd by her pregrvaiw>- m Texas potenli.ll I- lor di-stnjyir^ watching a commercial, decision to be had no accew to a doctor-attended serving the air, water, plants, for the Roe v. Wade its a frac- get the point, only abortion. extinction of species of animals, overturned Harry Blackmun, tion of your busy day that can In 1973. the court ruled Roe v and now we ate aborting our own Justice A " majority opiiuon m WaJe m favor of Jaiw Roe on the kind, human lifie-beings who wn>te the go toward eliminating school dissenting opiiuon grounds that the thenortion ille- "abortion ir the creation of m the " stu- Blackmun wn^te, "For today, the We have heard it all, but gal were in violation of three another, greater problem A this Nation still retain rights dent, whose name was withheld, women of have yet to see a change from their d*«i- A pregnant woman "would wrote a letter m tvsponse The the liberty to control student tfie signs are evident the majority of the disawer this nght (to abortion) m student's words were headed by tmies But ominous, and a chill concept of personal 'libeTt)' the title. "Abortion the ctioice and very body. the " embodied m the Fourteenth should be there " Apparently, the wind Wows Do you all realize the Ammendments Due Process the Student importance of Claiue, or in pemonal, marital, Senate to the "College familial and sexual priv ac>' said to "ABORTIONS,! Experience"? Probably not or be protected by the Bil! of Rights, or among thi>- take time most of you would rrwTved to thi- p>-or' to vole \iiUh .Vnui. In Ih.' 24 The senate i** in ch.irm- of -»->iindtrim«->lfi rti«>«» have allocating funds Id or^ani/a- btt-n legal in the L'mted States, tions, attending important case* regarding repn».1uiliM' board meetings and is a gap rights have made it to the Suprenu' Court, giving the court between students and depart- i>pportunitie«> to oM-rturn Rim- ments. Sim-e \tT\, the pi\ Where would you go if you decision has itus.-*,.; ,, ,: — . only one vote, twice a concern about a depart- had In Julv of "«« >*"• 'i'.r""'T^' ment' To the dean good luck, Court rulr their schedules are so full K<7>niJu< tfii (It.,,., ..- The court did not overturn ' they might see you next week. Riw decision: instead, it impvic^ii As you can see voting in the conditions on public funding and senate elections is a big deal. faolitating The Roe v Wait decitton was your Activity Card nWaMajR FILE CMnOON Remember almost overturned agam in 1992 Thto ea«t0«ii form th» Fabntary 2, ITTt I«ms* of rh« or you won't be allowed to be in the Planned Ptr,.ithMd r. Casry HmtUmgar daplet* Uw artlats rMi«tloii of abortiofi clhric* ! part of the action. dodakm. In ihif ane. ^w cowt Mm »««t M

Editorial Board staff Writora Aaalataata

Ted OanyluK. Kelli Hader, Brian ^4af Kiewicz. The Harbinger David Pomp. Kevm Shep»ie. Saixly Tang ttonaral Pollcias Acting EAtorn Chief Lauren Sctut)e<

nw Hsrtiir«er 4 !ne stuMni iMtlBalian fw ine tttrpw C«Mt> canwut conv The Hartxnger William Ramey Harper CoMege t)t- sii) tiw taxxn yar sucapt dtfuummaay* NewsEdHoT- _AiTwnda OffentMctw mrmi. puBawd m > tnnxOWM 1200 West Algonqun Road rnM man*. Tlw ewBi M dMtnbulM tfw to ad WuMnis. facuKy and am Palatme. H. 6CX)67 7098 aOnrastrMion Dw Hartwffir's so« ptfPM* >* to snMM tn* Hanwf comru n«T iKMtt wtaimMion panmnnf^ te tiw c*nou» ana pt» utJOMMSnt conwnn-

A&E Editor JayMdcNeton business office: (847) 925^460 laManfWHy ne«« office: (847)925^000x2461

Dan Zevin, self-proclaimed Dave Barry of Generation X, to speak on campus

Author and com^un per clipping* your patents Dan Zevin will speak about servl you? "Ufc After CoUege" al 730 Ale you hirinn mi'vcr- p.m Tuewlay, Sept 23 in the f^ext limf'"

Buiklinj; | Theater. Zevin '^v> It you answer Zevin. who graduated 'no' to most ot these ques- from NYU "with a major in tions, his book i» fur you. joumalism and a minor in "Read it as soon m you drive panic attack." it the author of cross-country, b^kpack a past-coUegr survival {juide through Europe, sow your " Entry LevH: A Compleie Guuk wild i>at> and hnd yourself to Mmqufrndum as a ^Aemher A humonsl and wnter for of ttm Keti WorU, which campuv- related features for became a #1 Boiton Glebe HoUmg itonf. Spy Us, CQ. bcst-sellet MaiermmeUr, and Sef/ ma^- The >. J Dave zines, Zevin has been fea-

Barry o( » . i X, say» tured on TV TiWay Shew, and the test at whether or rw>t you National Public Radio. An rtevd his book 15 askir^ your- eight-year veteran of "The aeU some qiu*stions, such as: Real World." Ze\in lives in "Do you save twisty taes? Boctcm. Do you ^ to the airport Tkkcts for Zevin's lecture an hour early be

Blues musician to perform in Quad Former Philharmonic clarinetist to

Acoustic blues musidan The Missi<>sip|>i nativf s give free concert on Thursday and revivalist Fruteland repertoire ranges from stan- Clarineti>l Michael such as Marlbon>. Santa Fe. Jackson will perform in a dard ballads, to )ait. folk Webster will perform in a Norfolk arvl Chamber Music free no«>n coiKert on and gospel tum-s free mini-concert at Harper Northwest. VVpdnesdav, Sept 10 in the lackson - oriijm.il w,>ri.^ i .>ll...... ,„ I),,,,. I ,^ s-pl Qu.k1 Wi»tv,ier, wht>se pn>Krams range tnwn playing Morart

"" li> - I'"" on bas,>H".t ilannel lewish rvsearche* and ItU^ >li>rie> tiunal blue'*. «tvii' 1 Si li.i- >i(Mi tlarinfli-.! with tin- |a// in his "I ox and Ucorice. about the hiMor> ot tfie blues appeared in mam tt->li\al>. Rii<:ht».ter I'hilhjrmDruc and Bagels and Blues " pn>gram. in Anterica. performs tr.idi- iriiludmg the fun-ka thf San FraiKiscn Symphony. IS conductor of tt»e Michigan tional styles played by early Springs Blui-. Festival th«- Webster has also Youth Symphi>n\ Oihestra. Afncari AmiTicans, fn>m the Pocoikw Blu»"> li'stival and appean^l as a soloi.st with Wt-bster is .il-o the end of the Civil War to post the King Biscui! Blues many orchestras, including founder ,/mu>u director of World War 11 FfstHal lackson was the T'hiladelphia Ochesira Cfiamber Muchis Ann ArKw, He plays tfwse various awarded the I "»«»*> and the Boston Pops Michigan, which presented styles. whH-h aie categorized Folk / Fthnic Hentage Award Currently Ad|unct Its first annual S^mngFest in by region. such as by tfie Illinois Arts Council. Proteasof' of Conducting at May !'»«> MissiNsippi Delta. East In the ev«mt of rain, the the UniveTHty ui Michigan. The clarimtist s Harper Ifvas. Kaghme and tree concert will be held in Webster has performed with coTKert IS free and tfw publK I'ledmont. with a "slide ' and the Student Center Lotmge the Chamber Mu.su; Society IS welcome For more mfcw- tells how the style* evolved of Building A For mon- i>l I incoln Center, the Tokyo mation, call the Harper from S<.nithem plantations to intitrmatHin vail Student and Cleveland String College Mustc Department at the urban cities of the North Actjvitie* at iM7) '^25-6242 Quartets, and music fesiivabi (fM7) 925-6568.

IS X-rated films from shoclcing director I l?F? AFT5K OiV.tA John Waters to be shown on campus lh«- Harper C olU-gc jerrs Snllrt, Ric Ocasek and cult/comedy lilm rect-ntly

with Author'coff«%«di«n l ultural .\rts Film S«-ri«-s will Pi.i /adora. celebrated its re-release after feature three tilms fn>m Hairspray runs 88 nunules 25 years director John Waters this fall and the 1488 film is rated PG The him s last includes Th* 0«n-X Oav« Barry Hiiir^miy, Wednetd-ty, Sept. The ficticious biography l>vine. David Lochary. Fdith s Zi, Femalf Trowfi/r'. ot cnmuvil IXawn Davfnjx)rt, Massey. Mary Vivian and Tuesday, September 23 Wednesii IS the sub(»\i of the second Danny Mills 1 7 30 pm lilni m the seru»s. Female 1-asting "^D minutes, the Building J Theatre Waters will [>rr>i>ndlii TrouNi- ( Vt 1 1972 film IS rated \

appear .11 Hjrper on -\ p*'rsi»nai t,ui>ri(t^ ol All of the films will he Decembt ivtor V\attTs and shown at 7:30 pm in the

in . i .1 Set -hometown cult film It star. Building I ITieater

of Hjir-pay opens Divmf I'jvid I ivhar\ Mink Fu kets are $3 few general the film xrii-s on September Stolr. M.iry \'iMan IVarciv idmission and $2 with a

24 with '.his nost.iigiL saliri- I Jilli Massey and t ookit- Harp«T student activity pass.

spoohng ti-cTi danct' ti^nipeti- Mueller No one under the age of tions. big hair-dtm, p!iychiatry The 1974 film lasts ""i mm 18 will be admitted to the X- and racism utes arul is rated X rated films Female TmuWc or The cast iikIuJo N>nn\ Ihi- film sirii-s IS Tiiunded Pink Flamh^;o$.

Bono. Ruth Brown, Diviru;. out IX t r> with the sftowing For tickets arkl inlorma-

IVbbic Harry, Ricki Lake, of Pini / lamiri)^, a notorious hon, call (fM7) 925-6100 The HarbinRCT Septrmber 8, 1997 Page 6 HMM^CIassified* .- - " II I, r=^=.r—:. - '' - ——»— f

Ext. T-8715 for 1800. Karol&Rob. Halp Wanted Tolt Free (1)800-218-9000 Listings. Lonely? Call tonight! 1-900-656-7781 Ext. Customer Service / Tetemartwting. Various 5543 $2.99 per rrm. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U. SEIZED CARS FROM $175. Porsches. Cadillacs, duties include inbound calls, order entry & cus- 619/6458434 Chevys. Corvettes. Also Jeeps. 4WD^. tomer service. Computer use and phone skills BMW^. Area. Toll Free 1 80a218 9000 Ext. A very important. Fax resume to: 847/228 5195 Your Lonely? Need to hear a soft smiling voice??? 1 for current listings. or send to: 680 Fargo Ai«nue. Elk Grove. H. 8715 900 476 9292 Ext. 7255 $3.99 per mia Must 60007. be 18yrs Serv-U. 619/645-8434. homes from penrees on $1. Lantscape ForemanA wortwrs needed. Top pay GOVT FORECLOSED Delinquent Tax. Repo^. RED'S. Your Area. Toll Guitar Students Wanted. Teacher is fluent in all if you do quality vKork & are a hard worker. Free Ext. H-8715 for current of guitar music Call Tim at (847)392- &«perie«:e helpful. Call 847/364 7771. (l)80a218-9000 styles listirtgs. 2499 SlDOO's POSSIBLE REAOIMG BOOKS Part Time. R- Great pay for reliable person to do ii^t txxae Babysitting At Home Toll Free (l'800-218-9000 Ext. cleaning great opportunity flexible hous arxj for Listings. 8715 for three children in with t»Tie ten to study 847-776-0649. Summertime care needed /Driver. Full or part time evening*. days Delivery north Hoffman Estates area ages 9, 6 and 4. wea, If you are depend- Arlington. Mt Prospect Must be awe to drive. Full time, five days /week. per JANATORIAL Quality onentated individual with able vnth a reliable car you can earn i8 $15 Call Jeanne at 847/697 1130. great attention to detail. To clean and maintain hour. Call (847)364-9400. in the comnrwn areas of residential buildings For Sale area. Must be to work inde General Office Smail office m south Arlington Schaumburg ^e pendent ly. part time mommg hours M-F 5-strinfc Hts. has opening for someone wfio is orgarvzed. ELECTRIC BASS, hard case and amp. ln¥nediate start. Good pay. Will traia Drug 405 series with hard has good phone skills & some con^xjter experi- black Ibanez Soundgear and background. cord, strap and amp. Mint condition, rarely ence. Other opportunity available. Ca« test case, Must sell for $800. C^l 847/364-7771. played, $1,100 vakje. ServioM Lauren (847) 991-780a

if you have interest m healt^ Great Opportiwty 1995 CHEVY 1500 ext cab Silverado. Alarm number below Pregnait? Need help? Adoption is an optioa A wealth & happiness. Call the system, fiberglass cover, bedliner. fully loaded, secure, kjving cot^Jle wishes to begin a family Flexible hours, free cassette. To« free 35K. maroon and gold exterior, maroon interior, by adoptir»g an infant iWe can provide a bright, (888)806-9900. tires. obo. Call Sean (847) 885- happy future for a clM6. Ail allowable medical & new $ia7K) legal expenses paid. Please call 1 800 292 9333. TYPING. Part Time. At Home. $1000*s P0SSI8LE 5363 or ca« our attorney collect at 217-352

Woman's Program offers first inspirational Dare to Dream success story on Wednesday

law from the come a bamer, ' said Smith. speak about her inspiratiorval 'She will »ht>w tu how to loratf m Havana University Law "Woriung in the areas that tile overcofnin(( bamer> put achieve our goaU and dream-s done School She will talk about she doer>, I think it would be The Harper Woman's on Iter for bemg botii a by telling how the had wh.it has m-spired her as a really important for women Proftram !»pi>r« r^ir,.,i->fv and a woman. ' ^u>n.il .1 witr and a to have role models so they tir-.t .! thrc- fV*dri>Mi will bt* rate for :.!*• nK-ti\wiln,n sh»' vmI! shjrt- who can see the success mtntiu in her lik- them as well." Wednndav. Sept. 24 af noon inspiration," saui Dif«vtor ol Bilingual Mudent Sitmh-!. has be»-n a Call (847) 925-6558 for inA238. M^Hnen's Projjram and Specialist Marilyn Hurtado. and career." would be good for information on the Dwe to Dr. Ai^lina Pedro»o, Special Services Rebecca "She came from Cuba to "This anyone who has ever over- Dream series. bom in Havana, Cuba, will Smrtli the mid-wesl with her doc-

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.ou is University The Harbtnger September 8, 1997 needs players Golf ready to get season Women's Soccer underway with high hopes Oil«M said that he has a lot of conlidence in iht- no returnees sIVF VVHIIEP membert of the team despite

or);jniyatkin» rtieri- "We have nine pUven. and ' Uiili all new new "CXir mam ttirif playen with a va»t amour.i ..-,.. comes grxiwirm pw team has just lucked oH their bul we hj\ e iither mam play- cuath s.im his players is to recruit one player a piece With only nine member-, season and coach Jim Karras ers like Brian McMahon and Sepi U thai the learn •>till li»>k.in); tor With the sfdscm beKiniung on Garcia said » ha> histi hopes lor the team Alex Linsey who are both team Carcu cKpects Crystal Mitchi-ll ajKl Hi-Jthir people to awne out tor the We have high fH>pes for consistent players Then "We don't have women's tixHball. but «• fUll to prvnide the team with le.jdership the season, il should be fun there is Justm Birkley who have mm- pl.i\ Anvorw interested m it^irunK the women's do have women's soccer, we e\en though we have a short was a strong player at '•' phone the tvMi •H;--' - tiM siKcer proj^ram, stop by or ers bill wi' invv) season." said Karras. Schaumburg High School Human Performance and Wellness DivisKWi satd Unfortunately, Coach and also Paul Wolf who is ask, for t'-ania bein|; U>w un numbt i in Huildini^ M and Ssm Dnpile ICarras doesn't have anybody also consistent." said Karras. returning to the squad fn>m Harper had competed in la>t year tfu- Highland 'V> this past Volleybaii: recruiting and winning are Icey "lis been a iiittit.ult off l^nday and wfien asked of his season trymg to find players team's performance coach cominuad Irani pif> 8 chances. since everybody from last Karras said,. "It was our fint Stauder was a former stantkiut al Harper fun." Stauder exprwaed interest in the future years learn transferred." event, 1 was satisfied, it was a aiwl All- Area honor* as well Recruiting and winning will be keys gainmg AU-ConfetwKe enplained Karras Even great experience, and we was the teams M\'P in the '89-'90 sea- to sustaiiung a volleybaU team for the long and though everybody is gone became a team over the time son term and Stauder a opttmistK about her from last years team. Coach we left Harper's parkmg lot Karras has recruited some until the tune we played, we decent prospects became a team." Football: starters ready to come together as a unit FOO"rBALL coMnad ffom pigi 8 level of intensity is key for ers and defensive backs to

Eiiastk says Crump has tlie defense. "Once we know make big plays. Lack of atteiv shown the ability to be a key who will be starting, we can dance is aitother issue raised contributor to the oficrae this come together as a uiut and by the players "We need n " raise the defensive intensity them." said liflebacker |amar OtL * n If the oftmar is not up to said Lanebacker Jamar Kelly. Kelly. "The fans help us get the task the iMnne a ready With the loss of Evans to ready for the game Their and willing to pick up the the secondary coach intensity \wip» us raises our slack. However injunes to Newcomb is concenwd hiwv inteiuity We feed off of starting safety Nick Evans, well his group of defensive th«-m MEN' S SOCCEK out with a broken nghf ankle, backs can cope. "Fvan-

and the impt-mfrs .irlfin^ I'liiugtit mjluni) and ^ «( •n

»-wi - - scopic knee surgery to no«>e ence." said N«>wcomb "We U to *.*,...*. ---r r Shaw leave to step aitd team Folkiwmg the away tackle Tenence need someone up *«» " al Waldorf. Iowa, the Hawks with little depth fill his role game "We'll miss his intensity, Sophomore leadership en Harp«T will come home for sometimes he had too much the defensive line will be two in a row Beginning with intensity " said assistant imp«irtant early on for the a mghl game at Barrington which is alumni coach \ehi\ Newcomb refer- Hawks, if the Hawks can con- High Schixjl following week lltai ring to his fiery nose tackle tn>l the line of scnmmage mghl and the Maintauung a consistent ttwy can free up tfve lineback- IS Parents Day WOMEN'S SOCCEE

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"^r—""WPWi arper Sports

Soccer wins opener despite siuggisli first half Defense and ball movement key to strong second half performance

Sptingfirid and the Hawks each had chances to win in tlie first ov«r- A come trnm ht'hiinl \Kti>r\ is time but great goal keeping by Dave nornulK .1 hu|^ wm ti>r diiy hram but Oiertarowski and a Pat Hay <>hot that fot the Hawks soccer team, it was. missed by one inch allowed the game the» first win i>f the season. to go the extra sewuon. Down >1 in the «ecand half, the Todd Bj!>table tied the game Late in deierae buckled down and the awn's the second half t>tf of a Ryan Reconnu able to the ball in dfone was move assist route to a 4-' oxerlimi- win over Jeff Ga«ier began the scoring in Sprmgfield-1 imoln -.fvond year the second half for the Hawk.s ckwing coach Sam Gaivia <>aid ttte gap to one. 'In the first half we were pUying The firsit goal of tf»e Hawk.-, young kick ball and they were full of energy season came from Rich K aniih on a as they attacked ib but tie second penalty kick Gasner was taken down half was our ti^ai domination," he iivside ot the box for the assist on tfw said, "We were able to pass and play switch Aw ball and they (Spnn)(fteld) " "Rich was a big thi«at wiirn he didn't have the same itaminj started M-rv icing the ball and Dave The Hawks won the gaim* d<> rx>ug (Gierlan>wski) some ti«n»en- Am» scored on a 30 yard »hot (olJow- nude dous saves to hold us close." he said ing a feed fn>m Anihonv Russo with !) mmutes to play in the *>udden death The defense wa. led by Vintml second mertime. Roslewski as a sweeper along with "The key was the leadership '* .Iffi-nse men Ryan R»vonnu Am>. .inj iIh- middle his abilii\ Hilligniss RusM) m and PHOTO BY OAVOIUlP JiMriKilv till- h.)ll .-11.., tiv.-l\ t Vlitc* ll*sl«w*kl woffia Ml Ma pm»»tmt Miring M ff#CMrt begin Jl 4 p ni .i>;jm>i Iriton IKactIc* • tw iMMiat** l««k on.

Injuries mental errors plague Hawks Lady Hawks open season heading Into season opener In Iowa with win, confidence soars

yailing in fiye gami- two hinir SKWTSeCXTOft match Providing leadership KiWowmg a orH- year hlJtu^ throughout the match was the Lady H.ivNt^ w>ll.yb.ill right hitter Krisdn Hollman

'Ih' It-ally stepped up and

.e us a lift when we were

d ' said Stauder Coach

*»otith 'sut'urb.iii -vvju-iii iuder IS also impressed with ich Shanm Staudei is her teams ability to move the

; about her teams win, ball anmnd the- court with pre- but reali/fs the team fus much cision "Our hitters and setters

w ork ahead oi them if they an- were in syru.," said Stauder to build oft of their tirst win "Pa-ssmg IS key to our team

What IS encouraging to and how well we play" Stauder and itu- aihlt-iii. pro- t reatmg situatuxis tor hitters

gram is the ability lo field a ludy Rossol and Melanie team. An area that remains to Kwasniewski are Effie be desiri'd is the teams Zaharopoulos and Tracy

PH3TO BT UUKN SCMJKL enduranx' Coach Stauder is Schader "Effie is a passing P^«Mr »ti r » on a JeM«t nmrn tiM r**talMll NnHw v g t IMC quick to yome to the aid of her machine out there and Tracy Etiasik Mental errors and missed assign- ti-am 'We've only had a week adds stability aiwl strength." SPORTS COnOR menN on the offensive line can lea\ e the ol practice," said Stauder. said Stauder Adding amither

Many quotiaM stiU remain unanswered quarterback and running bat. k> in \ ulner- We're still coming together as element to the is the feisty as the Hawks football team heads into the able situatKms "Those guys |usl won't a team Give us a couple more play of Bn»ke DiSano "She •leason Coach )ohn Biasik ls in a pnnran- play." said tliasik refernng to his players weeks and well b«-hne" The (Brooke) liad a great game, she " ou:< position with hjs two quarterbacks making excuses "It's unacceptable" team is back and kiokmg to was everywhere on the court

Chris Churih and Kyle Hughes have Returning fullback Robert Davidsiin is the prove themselves They took said Stauder IX-feasive spe- " StyHJdard, Sandi shown they an> capable of starting. 1 plan only certamty m the backfield Still up for their first step with a wm over cialLSts Anne on playmg b»>th guys," said tliasik "I feel grabs IS tfie starting running back spot and South Suburban. "The first iCramer and Bethany Sawatski " confident with either guy on the field backup roles lor b*»th (josilions Mental game we were a tittle nervous add all around depth to a However tfw lamborve, whkh bnnighl m errors and mi.ssed as.sigrunents also plague (dropping the game 15-10), strong Lady Hawks' team ^otit^ and Riick Valley, exposed numtTv>us the backfield "We can't fiave thiKM- kind of but they showed some tough- Stauder has mtxlest goals for areas on offense and defense that need missed assignments this close to the sea- ness and bounciil back with a team this year "1 want to have

vy I rk Tht- offensive line is the main con- son said Eliasik One bright spt>t has been win (I'i-M in the setond a winnmg season, but I want

cern !.'> Lliasik "We had s>«m«' missed the play of wide receiver Dennis Cnimp game s.iid Stauder Harper thi- season to be en|oyable and asiUgnments and menial errors " said battled S>u(h Suburbans, pn-- see VoMlMi on page 7 .


Tax caps create $2 millien deficit Jackson explains Tuition incraaso part of iong-tonn romody to cioso gap more than blues

tion. which last year wm 2 1/2 per- Last March, tfie NmNGEOrrCMMCMCF board apprmed a STUfF «MtrtER cent." $4 per cirdit hour inctvajie over finir Despite having an 8 p«tcent On the expense side, 73 percent erf ycara a* part of a long-term remedy Award-winning blues musician increase over Ust year's budget, the budget goes to salaries. This to ckne tftr gap. Hruteland Jackson perfiirmed a free early figumt for this year's profxncd year, there is a 4 percent increase to "The «fi(ect on the students has concert on campus on Wednesday, budget show a $2 nullion cMicit in the salaries. U the revenue a capped already come," said Thoreon refer- Sept 1 1 Because of weather, the con- the education hind at 2 1/2 percent and salaries ate ring to the tuition intTease cert was moved from the Quad to the Tax caps are bring blamed for the going up 4 percent, "it's easy to aev Harper is going to be ktokii^ at CockreU Dinmg Hall how there is a deficit." said Thorstm what it does and how it does it. and lacksor, an acoustic blues gui- TWo yean ago, tax caf» became "Wf have about $11 mUlion in .see if It can't deliver the same kinds tarist, coitsiders himself a "blues a ivalily. They are putting a lid on our hind balance, that's like a sav- of services in a more coat-elective activist." Dedicated to the power of our nvcnue," said Vice President at ing* account feel We like we can go way. the blues, Jackson made his perfor- Finance Judith Thofson a year or two with a planned defKit "If you do something over and nvtnoe both educational and enter- "Property taxes account for about while we work to bring down our over, sometimes you forget why you taining. 50 percent of all the money we coj- expenses and amtro] costs our with- are doing it. Or, things change and Before playmg an example of each lect. Wr only get about 18 percent out laying oU." people said Thorson. thete ftxA isn't a need for them any style of the blues, such as Mississippi from the state and "SX percent from "On the other hand, even with a longer," said T^torson. Delta Blues, Jackson spoke of the his- the students," said Thcirson. planned deficit, we are looking at "We ate not going to be kxiking at tory of each He also demonstrated "How the biggest piece of the pie ways that we can make that deficit cutting out anything, but how to the evolution from blues to " modem m being capped at the rale of infla- not happen by June make things more efficient." axk and roll and rap music With his guitar perched like a small child on his lap, he spoke of blues k?gends such as Huddy Yuddy Leadback and Robert Johnson. N«wat Above him on the small stage was American Heart a banner with Kin name Fruleland lacksnn Fruleland w a name he has AsM.H.iJluiri iicfclb i.irrH-d all hi- liti' thanks to a tnend participants for walk. of his grandtdther, a name fie now " Page 2 carries proudly "like a badge At one point during the show, Craft fair offers a variety |ack.son prompted the audience to of fine art. ask questions After wiping the Page 3 sweat fnmi his forehead lie said jok- ingly. "Come on, ain't noKxJv but us chickens" The audience laughed

Iftt I ion. .) mombtT nt ttw audi- A XooV. at the dirfiTonn'

-.•nally saw I -tiirm betwet'n pot o\ it thi' : : Aric at ; -

• ars .e4

m thf iudienciv Art* ill

; iien- An interview with . n to

II' I Ik writer/comoJian Dan , .iIh.uI I! % hill' Zevin. tn- '. .Iruiiiinmii; OriginalH trom Mississippi, Pages lackson spent most of his life in Chicago Although he had been

playing the guitar since his teens, it was only seven years ago that he Men's soccer ends lining started to play pnifessionally streak with an overtime However, thnnigh his life expen- win over Triton. ences, Jackson realized there was more to the Page? blues than simply per- Week of Latino culture to be celebrated forming Volleyball returns home "Just playing acoustic and playing

dotirs m tfie Building L Knuckle in clubs wasn't enough So I put for their opener against •cwscnrw Ar«'a, weather permitting If it does together a lecture on the blues and I Triton. Sept 22 - 26 marks the celebra- rain, the concert will be indoors tn started doing colleges," said Jackson. Pages tion of Latino History week at the Cwkrell Dimng FUU He began teaching his student Harper College Multicultural Dances will be taught, such as audiences about the history of the .Affair*. Studrnt Drvelopment. "pjlsa and merengue The live band blues Jackson expanded his educa- Program Board and the Latinos tanr. Pag* 4 will ^ak about where tfie danc(~> tional lonnat ti> include children m Unidos Student AftI Organization are and music originated Hood vendors i-lfmentary school, (unior high and sponstwuig the cultural pn>gram.« will be available high school Claaalf latla PaCa* Mondjv. Sept 22, Super Combo On M^dnesday, Sept. 24, Dolores He now travels to schools leach- Manta will perf<>nii live at noon out-

iacatatfla M7. MT/Mi eno M7/t2S-MM kMU !

The Harbinger September 22, 1W7 r^c2 HarfffO!>i»w An«rieM Itoart VIMk sMks Art, dance included in week Celebration: Harper itudmts inlereslsd in supfwit- rcwsfsmw mg the American HeMi AMKicMBon can lain Immigration and 6:304 pm. is Latmos thr fun group of walkers, or make « dons- Family The l"W7 AnwfK«B He«« Wilk is sdwd- the t 1 / n "s h i Unidos McTcado hom C 1 e p Uonbyptione uM for Sunday, Sept M. from HO •.m 1)1 ad »l "» dis- low The Sk walk (.1 mil«) will begm skeletons and toy Refugee Protection will family members Harper CoUegP has h«n «pon»onn« »be lamily WjUi lor thr past Ihiw A m coKm for Q Dm De speak at the Northeast cuss ptTM'njI Anwnc*n H»*r1 for mur* mfornMlum, lall th* 7-» and share sto- VMT* Thr go»l » to gH ihrr jrfudents Loa Muertos (Day ot Center on Sept 25. history l»S 3600 hearl durur MunKifMl t mier *t (M7) customs and iflvulvfd m watkir^ sU ovtt the Dead) cekbration p m Topics include nes i^out The artistK dispUy the histcwy of the areas values. informa- LTD-Your Rental Connection %«riU be held m A.242 immigration laws, and For moie MRK GROUP from 10-11 am the changes that have tion, contact Juanita at (M7) SPECIALS Abo on Sept 24, !> occurred m them Perez-Bassler STUDENT Angelina Pedrtwo Friday, Sept 26, ^25-6861 cnranunity actovisr tor Laptops women, minonties and comfAa pnifcMionals and (ac- uity at Northeastern Illinois Univervty will E>esktops speak to students Dare to Dream. ..Success from $7(V month Stories will be hekl in 486 color Laptops the Building L Black Laptops from $55/month Box theater 12-130 486 mono p.m. Dr. Pcdroso has with Student ID. only 5) served a» (valid Commissioner at tbt- Cd-rom. 316 modem. nimcns Comnusaion ot P166. I6mg. U Gig Hd. I6x Human Relatioi», Win."95 PrHnstalled Boanl Member of the Keyboard/ mouse. National Conference $105/ month on Christians and Jews, vice presideni of and MOID coumcsv OF timot tfiTOs Bar Phone 847-222-1900 ext.2208 the Cuban (l«ft) and AIM •1 Aaaociation of Illinois »• La C*M la u l i fciatl ta af to 847-222-9415 ask for FRANK Diego Bonesatti. Fax

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web site- ltttp://www.metrarail.coin JmrnSKaMJ^maKMSmSSK^^BsSSs ?A«k your w«iin«ss advisor? Women's program offers workshops Stud«rnt<> cdn aivinyiTU>u.v- Health often has ne)(ati\e The Harper C ollege power to thwart us let ly submit questions on wrfl- associations and many The rtegahve thinkmg hold Women s pnigram i»tffrs the is ncss-reUled topift outeide shouldn'ts (ie shouldn't cost $60 which mcludi« a you back If you are often fivllowing Wiirkshops btx>k and lunch To register, angry, the Health Service office, amokc, eat fats, etc) m disappomted or pes- Srptember and iVtober call (MT) <»2S-3377 and spec simistic, tfiis workshop A3(i2. Ancwen will appear in Health's emphasis is on ill- can hituie itanta of The Hartmtgrr ness and disease ify the ctwreti n>iir><' num hi'lp Tind out how to get Tightening Your Belt brt In addition tu Ihi' past The 'Ask Your WeUnen Wellness is unique to the these stumbling blocks, Advisor" column i» spon- individual Health informa- aWM0Ot4-a01) mc«ts on cours»\ tlwre IS a M registra- let go and move on. The cost sored by the Harper Mrllnns tum always uses "averanpn" Tuesday, Sept. 23. from 6 30- tion tif charged per term is $40 which includes lunch A:41 v,.ur Advisors Club and Health H> cummunicale (i e. the aver- »30pm Hdvv for lurlhrr intormation expenses Services age Anwrican should ) gone wild' Do alH>ul the Harper Collegi- Raising a Thinking All quetlkms are thor- Wellness is purposeful in you feel y

ouf^hly researched and direction working toward ter fot) with your household un Saturday, Oct 18 from <> responses will lie provided one's potential. mcome' Tightening \out am -12 p m in A241 Raise by health cant prnliriii;»Mih HcsMi tmds to be restnc- Bell will give you practical Caring for the Elderly: your child to be an indepen-

and are not reiattd *o Tkt live and compaics people to tips i>n money maitageiiMmt. Who can 1 Turn to? dent Ihmker! Teach your Harhngrr. other individuab and an und«*rstanding iM where (lVVMi)lN2(litlt meets on child how to think through i* What wtUncw? U it groups and how hard-earned cash ls Wednesday Oct. 1 from 9 and solve everyday prob- the ume as lic«iih? bidivKiuals self assess t>« being spent, and a plan of am -3 pm., in A241. Are lems This program will Wellness is not synony- need for a wellness goal actum to nrgulale the cash you resporvMble for an older teach children how to think, moua with health Wellness Health relies on nthen. (ie flow The cost is $30 adult? l>?am how to deal nt>t what to think Learn IS active and depends on ini- doctors) to give a prescnptum with the physical, jtnotion- how to help your child tiative action and cnmmil- tor what to do. Ending Self-Judgment dl. social and financial explore alternate solutions, menl. Good Health » a state, One can be ill or disabled lor how to stop being your changes that effect the elder- consequences, consider feel- and MOietimes achieved and stilt have wellness if own worst enemyl ly and what you can do tu ings of others and resolve without effort. there is a life purpose, a deep (LWMO(V42-O01) meets on help people feel safe, yet conflicts The cost is $30. Wellness is a process ot appreciation h>r lite aiKi a |oy Saturday. Sept. 27. from 9 independent You'll also awareness of many different of living am - 3pm. in A242a The learn the ins and outs of Memorization Magic dimensions physical, emo- The concept of wellness v "judge" is thai part of our Medicare. Medicaid, insur- (tWM0044-OOI) meets on tional, spiritual, intellectual, health » most logical because persorulity that judges and ance and pnvate and long- Saturday, Oct. 18 from 9 occupational and social. it does not advocate any pre- tritici/es whatever we do term health care The exist is am -3 p m m A242a. Conw Health is sometiung people determined prescription and tyrannizes the "iiwier $40 which includes lunch to this session to gain hps on have most of the time goals or standanfe for people child." causmg much pam how to memorize lists, between illncaaes. Wellness is not preachy, it and bUKking our true poten- Stop Negative Thinking series, names and more Wrllitess is a presence of allows individual to make tial. Wv ail have an inner (LWMCXKM^Wl) me«'ts on You'll find yourself trying positive striving. It's their own choices and devel- ludge. but we can learn to be Saturday, Oct. 4, from « them for fun The cost is $40 than the abseiKe of illnas. op a positive outlook. aware of if and its -3 reduce a m p m . m A242a Don't which includes lunch

CorrecWoo: 200 exhibits for sale at 3-day Autumn Craft Fair Axis Qroup from WiHow CrMrit Church suppbed the Pspst tit win a S*^)!' art •x.tu'l.irship I ttM MInJMippt HmM. not Program Board SIAFf WWHR "HcMs'ever," said IJomzaUlii ihi winner

Over 2(X) exhibit* will K- .it the .Autumn must be present at the show ti^ cUini the " Wonderland Craft Fair on Sept 2»v2« in scholarship Buikimg The fair's luiurs will be: Friday, Hmm iintas «*M*i«a M Sept. 26,

"There will be a wide variety of items at 10 am-H pm , Saturday, Sept 27, 10 a.m.-5

the show." said the craft fair's founder Lil p.m , and Sunday, Sept. 28. II am -4 p m. Domzalski, who has been heading the fair fur The fair is open to the public and daily five years now. admission is $3 SO lor .idults and free for chil- The exhibits feature crafts m well at ftne dren 12 and under art arwl seasoiul items Harper's sports program will provide

During the show, which is one of tf»«p coiKesMtms

fairs Donrualski puts on annually, there will For more information call I il IXmualski be a chance for one luckv Harper art student at (630) 293-3637 Fal Into Great Savings at I

Quad, westfier perarutting. Oou^uwla, caokles, uwniss, other baked goods and taffy apples willbrtokl. Pracnedswill II!. .|l If ,11. ti

' beneBt trip vfiut (ommuiiK .< the NHS to the National Collegiate hionors Council. For more \

t .trrr* Vi wV information call Trygve ThoRson at (847) 925- I.. h.«. 6489

|.>m Harper Hillcl for I 'sweets" for the Jewish New Year WMamday, I Sept 24 in the BuiUii^ A second floor fireplace aies. hlmhuiM I Contact Hillel Advisor I C.()lk'gi' Sturi Pergncht in the Building D counselii^ I office Iw tioi. The Harfeinger September 22, 1997 Page 4 Harpei^>iew ?aHiafec Despite laws, weed is still alive Student apathy a students' views remain tiie same for 27 years campus problem stances should be consistent less than 2.5 grains, will be con- STAff wmTBI throughout the states. sidered a petty offen.se and will After sMuiK the tands at sporting events '^^1 How do Harper vtudents »•-' A • the Cannabis Contnvl not go on a criminal record," said and countin)( 24 ballot» cast ui the Student ol Buft.ilo about marquana'' The laws 'v.i !!o Illinois Compihrd Officer Stopper the Police Di-partment Senate eiectiun, it is more than iibvitHi* that » illegal, unless used tor metiK.ii -.i.iiuii-^ ^lales, "cannabis jisl Grove purpoaes^ widelv used among the cituen.s A fine of less than $500 and students aiv beyotwl apatheti>. A doctor must appiv to Ihe of Illinois despite its harmful possible supervision is at the dis- big deal made Utt year when After the state of Illinois for approval to effects" cretion ol (he judge impair dnvers "A prediction is that in five fuolball was on the verge i>t dissolving, Mu- ptescnbe dronabinol, soM as THC Marijuana may or Mannol when under the influence. years vendmg machines will sup- denls vowed to attend nunv game<< rhr low-dose pilb increase the Drivers who are under the influ- ply marifuana," according to The Theiv was a pretty healthy attendance al appetite of people living with ence of mari|uana act similarly lo Harhmgrr article in IVt 26, 1970, wfui are under the mfluence Trip to Nowhere by Don Bamnglim High SchMil for bM week's foot- HiV/AlDS and cancer, reduce those nausea associated with of alcohol Cervantes. ball game, but the ma(ority erf the stands chemotherapy and kiwer inner- They weave, speed, brake fre- Almost 27 years have passed were players' parents. eye pressure from glauconu quently and behave in otfier sus- since thai statement was mad?, spite of that irn-dical rv^lnc- picious ways and the debate continues to lie U the students made such a big stink last In tion, the maiastream media wd attending the publishing articles. man)uana has gomes. been accepted a* the "soft" dnig Why do high school ar^d (tour-year sport- with the potential to be legalized In 1976, when Tommy Chong ing events have a bigger fan tunwul than and Cheech Mann came to Harper' Harper, Chotig said, "We've got a

future ahead, I think the thmg Suie, It's understood that people work big that'll really spring us will be and have lives outside ol whool, but how when they finally l^liie weed."

hard is it to support cine game? This possible change hasn't been without debate b it publicity? TV HaHwi^ runs a full- Even on the Harper campus schedule fur all sports. tMMon alone, students held vanous opin- r

Is it the cost? There is no adnusuon to ions. In a 1976 p»>ll. The Harlnnger games with a Student Activity PJs^ ftnuuJ that i>7 jierienl i>t Ih.- sur- U II l«> mu»h lo drive all lh«- way hjik veyevl students fell thai " marijua-

to school? Vou dnve hetv M least twice a na shouU be legaiucd;" M> per- cent felt that it should lemain an week for claw, what's onoe moic? illegal substance. The apathy exists way beyond sporting In that same poll, 76 percent that alcohol and tobacco events. Out of a student po|>ulation of over also felt shtmld nrmam legal 25,000 only 24 people voted in the sanale The maninty of people polled election last week 24' (85 percent) felt that the laws legardmg alcohol, tolMcco. and Do you reali/e how important the senate manjuana "should be uniform student b«xi> in ' IS? They represent the throughout the country maior decision making The senate also Today, m an informal survey, the ma|onty of the studenN polled appnwes new clubs and twganizahons feel that maniuana should be Right now our senate n^resenls 24 stu- legalized

dents out of 1,000 times monr peopk- The great mafority feel that the UUSTRATIONCOUITESY Of TfC HWftMGfR current laws on akohol and tobac- ki mm Om. la, M71 •f fft* miUrngtr, Sairta CImm »m The Harbingfr thanks those 24 people for co should remain (he same and l»tut Tkto pIctM* MflMto •tf tt» ki Mm tar—. taking two minutes out of their lives lo vote that laws regarding thtte sub- MM

•tffftif^ Staff HIMtors MM

Don Berber. Ted Oanyluk. Ryan Fretjnd. Kelli Hader. Brian MarkiewiC2. The Harbinger Mike Odahowski. David Ptnp. Kevm Shepke. Sandy Tang OMMral P0llcl*« Acting Editor in Chiet Lauren Schubel

nia ittiiattiOmtpMicmiantaivmHKtmiCimtKMrpMcan- The Klartxr^ef William Ramey I4arper CoitoCB imMtir. Is «MHy imu#«iul t(» lOMOl yMT ocaot durmc hcMain Alggnqum Road Editor Amanda Oftenbachir 1200 West News Ira* •• sludwxs. facuRir ant nw papw It tttlr«u(M to f>alatne.lL 60067 7098 n» Htoaniir't sole purpoM IS to pnxnde tne Hvpw cofmu. mtyontn ntamaMn partanng to tn* campus am) its turmmmt cavmn t» A&EEditor JayMKUIeton business office: (847) 925-6460 office: (847) 925*000 )i2461 tipim to our dttontfs ftBC (847)925-6033 Letters mist IM MfriM. SWwluM «« M oWnatd aHMtera and content sutjact toeatne Sports Editor SeanMcHu^ m ecpyn^ 1997. The Harbinger. Piwtucts « MTMcas aOMrtiastf ri rfvM«>Kerii«r Alrt^Ksr •noonMd by OK aditars of on pvier. nor br n« coatte •OnnX'X'O" w DMctora. mqurm itiouH be tonNrtM (Uractiir to me adwenisar. FactAyAdvisor Howard ScMoaabMg •OM o( ana an purcnaaas He at tn* dMoanan 0* the consular. "

The Harinngtr S«pteBib«r 22, 1997 PjgeS

Fruteland: Blues activist teaches Comedian Dan Zevin will give amusing lecture targeted at college students

AafenTOR Comedian Dan /evin author of iJw tiesl-sellinK

SUitjueraJm); j> j Member i" ihf Real World, will appear on Campus on Tuesday, Sept 2.T 7:V) at p m in the fiuiiding J ThtMt»*r /x-\u\\ lecture. lite .MU-r eollegi'." will give advKi* Ut stiidi'nt*. im topics ranging trom finding an apartment to "taking your resume The speech will aildress the ciwwems of ct>Uege grad- uates just starting out m the real world" arui put tfiem m a humorous light Zevin graduated from University with a maior in joumalLsm, "and a PHOTO COURTCSV OF HMVflt CaL£G£ PHOTO COUITESY or NNWfR CtXLtCi minor panic attack." (wsays Co— giMwtot FnrtctaMl imakamm wm w— < w In additiim to his career as eampin abo«t M* k**k * Ctm^ttm AwM* to ftM a Mwitf vf kM gnmtunuu. Ito wm Imm« ' " mm»^t—rm4lmg •• m mnmtknt mt Utm Hmml NtorML 1 kat k* Mw cartM N Hlw * katfg*. a lecturer, /e%in is a free- TMMt* aw avaUaM* wHk a »tei>e. the blues through stunn tlie students to get involved An extx-rpt. found tlie nity college Spy, Us and Outside m before a four- with chararten who have with the blues and its histo- chapter "Entry Level Office year college His book, published by was a good idea. to overcome otetades. ry. Despite Jackstm's grow- Life. " ^talt~. "Few events are "Any college is a good Bantam books, b a manual These itoriM aie lold ing succvm he will always more emotionalU charged idea," he said. for the twenty -something with a baduirop of blurs work with chtklrvn encour- than receiving that first "Go to college arvJ stay real world worker who i* ^llll aging diversity in music chivk, particularlv when vou tliere as long as you can. but wi"t K-hmd the v.it\ For the okier childivn appreciation \ou d«» fuve lo )^et (nit i>f Jack'ion " intrmliu. . mir pan-nN' ftouse blues as an im(K>rUiii and another >>i\i aut- out So how did A'vin txxiime dealing with tinanct". and aspect of today's music. before the holidays, an,: .>m- su>h an expert on life after tliete'* even a section called Jackson also pioneered a lackson is uphmistw about pei»>jtuMi f^novMi ds diiect college? "Life experieiK-e," "Your New S»Kial Lite Some program in which he per- ' deposit" he says the future lackson's CD Assembly Required forms tor high school stu- and tour Mrhedule arv ji\ Jil "With this mettiod. your "(This is| all tfie knowl- The book illustrates the dmts in the inner city. able via the Intemct at employer transfers your pit- edge I've acquired living in differences between pre- and This program. "Blues in http / /members aol com laiKe directly into t>w bank. the 'real world'." postfvssuinally wittulrawal" system youre tion call tfie Harper Box "It stiows you how lo go already usmg, it's the obvi- Office at (847) 925-6100 from a keg party to a cocktail ous choice for consistent Tickets aie $5 with a student piirtv." says i?«"vin " motwy management activity pass and $7 for non- The presentation at (§f In a recent interview. students. ^ Harper will highlight tfie tips We're V-^ _.«. FUN, puxmu Performers cancel ^7^. and Mor^i B; How can I get my education campus appearances Just bring In t copy focused fast? Cult movie director John Iff your schedule tnJ Kl Traasfer to DeVry Waters and actor Edward J James Otmos have both can- we 11 tcheJule Iwurf * ™* to complete your degree. celled their upcoming ammd your cksset! appearances on campus Waters is in the middle of filming his next film. Pnck, I • fflW'S. >•>• aivi will not be able to make his scheduled appearance on • WAITSTAFF (am/pm) Dec 5 Ouf t^WMii wl Mwlmwl oaunt* mt lontoMt bn'i taipi » aiA r^xigram will still W* oAw our H i ociatia Riubt* tdMdulas. • com- Board pMlM*\M9*. uniwdWthMlhaiauanca. 40111 plan, sftow his films Hairspray, pud vacalkMi tor tul-«MM atsocMlw and a dnmg Sept 24, frmoif TrouWrOct I, ducount al in a pmnott-tivn-mftrm •nvtrofwnanl and Pink FUmungm, Oct. 8. N ^ou'ra looking tor a tun way lo oam »«m cash. «• Olmos also gives the rea- nKinl to hear Ironi youl Apply «i parson, or sandrFAX son of a movie for ycur rs«uiii«»>..WM»lollW».mOM1.f«i: not speaking on campus Oct (M71 lt«-3«». Wtt* an aquH oppotunDy anvtoyw 17 The award-wining Olmos DEVXZ^ higher degree of tuccess. has appeared in several films includmg Selfru and stand 1X31 N SsM Naad and DflK TV's "Miami Vice" The Harbinger Pa«»« llani#tacia>slffl#ds

HUp Wanted 1996 CHEVY 1500 ext cab SHverado. Alarm system. Tiber- Hav« Fun/Moke Money 0au cover, bedlmer, fully Carlos Murphy's a lo«tea 35K. maroon and gptd exterior, now hiring Foodserven maroon interior, new tires. $ia750 obo. Call Sean full Of Poff-Time (847)885-9333. Appty In Parson 406 E. Golf Rood Schaumburg Roofn for Rent ft47/8S4M62 Housemate needed to share $1000^ POSSIBLE REACNNG quad. $350/ month. 1 /2 phone. BOOKS. Pan Time At Home. Toll all utilities covered. Basement al Free (1)800 218 9000 Ext. R- cove apartment shar4« bath and 8715 for Listings. kitchea non-smoher. Gender and ^e opea Perferably quiet. In $1000^ POSSIBLE TYPINa Part Schaumburg rwar Bode. Call Laurel at (847) 519-0004 for Time. At Home. Toll Free (1)800- more informatiorx 218-9000 Ext. T-8715 for Listirtgs Services SEIZED CARS FROM $175. WORD PROCESSING Porsches. Cadillacs, Owvys, Typing of Term Papers. Thesis. BMW^s. Corvettes. Also JMps. Tables, et. 4WD'5. Your Area To« Free 1- Laaar Printing 800^218^9000 Ext. A<715 for AMMabie Days. current listings. Evenings & Weekends GOVT FOREaOSED homes from Just Minutes from Harper pennies on $1 Delinquent Tax. Call Kim Andrews Repo's. REO^. Your Area ToH (847) 705-7488 Free (1)800-218-9000 Ext. H- Canipua Bnptoymant 8715 for cunwit listings.

Student Senate is looking For Sol* for a secretary for their office, for more information aECTRiC BASS, hard case and stop by the office located on the th«rd floor amp. 5-strin|' black Ibanez in txiiMmg A. Soundgear 405 series with hard case. cord, strap and amp. Mint The HarMrMWr is k>oking for writ- condition, rarely played, ilj.00 ers for theTall and Spring value. Must sell for $800. Call semesters. Call 925- Lauren (847) 991 7808. (847) 6000 x2461.

Save another YOU DEMAND POWER, $50 SPEED, AND MOBILITY. cMlitack* Caiw SlyWWfllM' 4SM —itWiiiiii II

cash back* Ntocintosh' 6500/35* uai» Bi niimimiMaii #$200 WANT SOME CASH Tt cash back* TO GO WITH THAT? -SS^-

Now is iti* tignt wnt 10 1*1 wi Apple Poovr MKi«lo*>i or ffpmrSaoit. Bkjuw in aMmon to iMnnt Ow compulf HmH Itu you M mot ti ipKKI att> f«b«M

•n* It a liiilM ItM* KkM aitrm <(kr. Can l^»ti Canfw Hi«a

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• (M# tM> eWMM dl b«M «M»«NMlei» 1 w *-mt iM*> Mm M» « mmmm jmm m* • aAaa m *a# mmmtn iMi^ hihwmi mm w» mm>»m m w^ am^mm wew

mm mm hi wt0. «<> 1— a m tm tvt^m^ The Haft>inger Page 7 September 22, 1997 fPPyf rises to the occasion roOTBAlX Men's Soccer D«vM Sophomore mid-fielder Anthony Russo BiU. Otf. icoted following a lead pa!>» from Todd Moushi contributed that chance on n FulloM-tng vicfiirie* over Trilcm and Bastable Kishwauki* Cotlege. the Hiwks gear their the teams conditioning play- rftbrts toward the secund half o( the season "We don't want them to be lopsided "We want them to focus throughiwit the ers, they should be composed smce every if bat- season, " Mid asMstant Coach Ishk: Mouihi, posseMiion is a battle and we win each MEN- S SOCCER "We want them to pUy ftw *) minulw, not 85 tle, we will the ultimate goal, the war" he said training, because the game is deckled in the bsl five "When people don't dig deep m i minutes" then they don't dig deep in games, but con- To go along with that theory, the Hawks venely to that we have won games on our in over- 'second tank." referring to the teams rigorous (^2 1 have had three gamt~« decidi>.ill.-r Dave Cjiertantwski defen.^' / s w iff>er BOCCEB weie led b\

•* Volleyball: games ahead Mike Hirsch was hired as men's S STo* SZ SE Key ^ head basketball coach after Kent contlnMd twn pafi 8 Coach SUuder says Payne resigned. The second match was that the games agattiot foot- ft Illinois •Joliet College voted to keep its s against Kishwakee McHenry and year. they lost both sets IS. Valley are going to be ball pn>gram for anodter m • lavnich fiw The Kendall Faber and Ryan WMHa*! VoBrytaU 9. l»-lh kev games us The Hawks la-t Lady Hawks' next were named athletes of the week. uu. match was against St home game will be Faber set a new lecurd with three i Francis JV and won against Ulincns Valley interceptions in Harper's win over both sets 15-11. l5-r at (I p m Ob I a 4 IkAm Ellsworth.

Women's soccer: Team learns from defeat

attacked and we had to contniM trtam {Will 8 we had the baU they attack them every time they had the ball, we The Hawks got 2 goats from Mary Ellen Salas, " Herring worked twice as hard l>!spite being do%vn, »^ a mm. and hrst time soccer player Nicole Caicia said that the captains. Mitchell and Oa. I «w tallied ani>ther in a 4-U shutout I heart M Mitchell .md Kelly Hall showed a lot of 4 The Hawki deteure of • "F.ven though when we were losing the * Ma Cuffaro kept the opponents out of the Ativn- • - oev« * IIM ,; '^•wed g»xxi charailPT amt sive^oneii' » M he NJld

ih«' l.-ain lix'kin^; -horl oi' ) lis.r> Condill I' ng in the tirst ganu- Hemn); and Jamie Hawks uiH cUrk came out lor the team to fill gapping The wonvt'n suttvn.'O their rirsi los-s .>! inf hole* "JamK* and NicoU- bnng aggn'ssive- season 5-1 against Collie of DuPage as the ncss and athleticism to an already skilled Hawks scored only once, and were piesaured team, and they are stepping into one of the the whole game hardest p«*iilions as mid fielders." Iv said "They leally worked us t^ rttf to Invest Your Credits TTuMf h«>me ne«t game is Tuesday, Sept. 2.3 the frame game." said Ca; tinvc jgain-st Flgm Ifyouiavtta^atdit-iutU

Tramfir your alitff amrstwori nd cumpleu a» acctltrakd dtpm

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FUR wORKMFORSTUDeNTSWHOWONKFORUS. SCHOOL Oh BUSINt56 UPiDBJVBISI '. ' i s * U « , ^ • « t Eciual Opportunity Employ- P^ i . WlWt—i Itetiwy Hmipm Collf • Hawks head into conference showdowns following strong start Eliaslk iiiid«f•at«d in Saturday night alumni gamas after 30-27 victory

well ' fllsworth committed lt\e SI>OflTSEDnQR turnovers in the game Kendall Faher Harprr's football team has iwt losi set a gairor mxird with three intercep-

its flair (or drama Following two tions come-from-bthind victories over "My comerbacks jammed them iowaaqtiads. hard," said Faber "They slowed them After a game-tying »core by down and gave me a chance to get out " EUtworth to tie the scotr at 27-27 there and makenhe interception |ohn Rogen returned the eivnung Harper's backfield expU>ded. kickoff to the Ellsworth eight-yani Leading the way was Robert line with 1..K) left in the game Davidson with a 220-yard, two- "1 got good blocks and evtwybody touchdown performance accounted for a man," said Rogers. "I |ust got out there and ran hard," Following three Robert Davidson said Davidson "The offensive tine- carries, nmning the cloirk down to men held their blocks long eiwt^ for " (W)5 ivtnaining in the gamt-, HdrptT me to get loose called for time and brought out the The offensive Ime and Davidson field goal unit Place-kicker Tony amended for weak a 106-yard perfor- Dellacqua s.-nt the ball through the maiKe in Waldorf the pre\iou» week- upnghfc. with 0:02 to go m the game The game w^ like a heavywetf^ "I went out there relaxed." said match." said Eliastk referring to the fWOIO BV BRIAN M*«KElWCZ Dellacqua "I've been cimfident all game in Waldorf M •« M« OWM M«fMptlMM «

" acaaon. I knew it would go through With \M remaining in the game game. Waldorf's option attack pun- Harper, howe>cr, gave up over 200 and Harper down 28-27 Quarterback streaked down the sidelines for at backfield judge ished Harper's defense for 206 yards yaotds on the ground for the second K.C Church engineered a game-wm- apparent, but the S»',iriv out at tfie 2-vard line on tfv? gn>und week in a row, but raised their reroni ninp drive The kev pl.iv ii»ming i^n a ralUii il with Tiwir offense had a solid metliod- K j| jppnuth,' said defensive coordi- nator Jotm Ncwcomb "The)- wore u-. head toach lohn Cliasik \Vi- Jidn t the cn>ui:ij; f't.jv *. hu' iced the down, bent but didn't break.' get off the blocks and movt- to the ball with Wide receiver Davi returned for a toudhdown we

Volleyball returns home after wdmen^ socclrfS& first in team's history two successful tournaments Ryan Frmmd

.-ui M i.M-,!

In, rrn" nr-.i in-nui-i .'t

rt>e season they split tin- two games thi-v plj\i-d Th.\ delraled Inl.Ki \'- \: !''^ and lost to WautHHisife "Even llH^ugh we lost the tn-meel wo played together as a learn and i\ever quit. Tracy tlta^ar aa4 Kr(ata« said Coach Sfwrtm Slauder ylha agalaat TritoM. Later in tfie sclwdule tfwy way. ' gante think .»f taking her out played another In-mwt and stn>ng pinnt ot the Ktmnmrm aitd " "LiM Angela They wi-re always digging |(Ki\ Kossol added. won both games The moBum's locoer tmm Viggiano had gmu baU for ever) Iom- ball and also Everytime we play a ffttne "V/t were very consistent not only played in Ihair Sat kept their head.s in the game. It's easier to trust each otf¥^ and stayed focused through- gtmrevCT, but in the ptooH* haad coach " to wotk to^Hher as a out the whtile game and that said Stauder and said. " Ihry deferted Kendall Sun Garcia AkMg wMi "The only thing that real- te«m was very imp«irtanl," added CoOege 3-1 at home on Sept Lisa and Angela, Cryelal ly hurt us was our serving last weekend tfiey t iiach Stauder M. XBlrtwIl and Heather HaU VVe were tied 12- 12 and plaved a toumamt-nt in The following day Ifiey Kendall CoMcRe •cored •lao noved the ball weU in misned serves we can t do COO and finished with two played a tiHigh COD team tm first goal, in the fini five the Hawka' first victory of th.it and expect to win t )ne losses and one wm The and almost came home with nunulet. but Hatpcr was theseaaon. pljviT in the name that real- Hawks ft»t game was a victory They lost the tir^l ({ukk to tally the «|iuU»r They canicd the moawn- ly fielpcd us when we really against McHcnry, diry gjme l»v 14 won the second The Hawks defanee took oni- tum of their ftral win over to needed it was )ody Ronsol wiwi the first set \^% then In- 14 jml lost the ImI two trol of the gMM. ABcneing the itext contact. Praiite Stale. She Um been plaving great lost the Ust two 15-<». 15-3 onpafiT ivr i4-iD •i^jr two riwk the scM of the far u» atki i louldn i t-ven "The dcfiMe is aw Sav VqMqImM flft pas' ' NCA gives highest possible reaccreditatlon ^\q\^ Recht NliM-iiMiiilMr •vahMtlon tMMi aotos strsngtks, offColtoC*

I ments to be reaccieditt>d The efforts of so many of our la>. performs free *CT»«i EDITOR IN CMTF Several strengths noted during uily, staff and admini>trali>rs owi The n'dliution leun of repiewn- di* nalualion were: the "compre- the past 10 yean lo nuiu- Har^n-r an Quad concert Utivrs from the Commi».«icin on heiwive scope of programs and ser- instituticNi of highest quality and InstitutionM of (higher EducaMon of vice** offered, the number of trans- serving to the best of its ability tht- iay MMtftotM (he North Central Avuvuition of fer agraements with other tnstitu- residents of our district have been »ie fOITOR CoUcf^es and Sch(x>ls concluded tions ao'i •>•• ^^instbiltty of com- rewarded in a most deserving fash- liilted Mmgwnter and performer their three-day accreditation visit puter |ji Ills." ion," said Harper President Paul Rick Recht Mxd Kls band performed with a preliminary rFronunendaltun Thompson. "The fact that the evalu- the third installment of tree coiKerls of alO-year reaccmiilation, the maxi- Buper .itiim team found more strengths in the <^ad on Thursday. Sept 25. mum number of years possible. than concerns is an indication of how ! The cnhcally acclaimed musicians fDT ft very Am " "I congratulate arid commend w ell our institution is regardtxl are known for incorporating several Harper Colle;^ for a very fine «id I ft vcrj stram "There were a few concerns as different musical styles into their very strong instituhon," «aid welt," said Community ReUnons tutkm. brand of hard-driven acoustic-based Pmident of ScoMsdale Community Manager Hauenstien. Amy "One rock. CoOtge. ScoltKble. Az., Dr Aitfiui was diversity Harper has made a Recht's unique sound is a result of Dcdbooler. commitment to this and has made combiiung acoustic folk leads with The accreditatKin team, cooi- Aiao mentioned ^^ progress tliis area. That pnigrv^s m harsh, alternative lyncs to give the priaed of nine college personnel frt>m dynamic array of progranu. dnd i*r- should continue, particularly among songs a pop feel and a "shady" edge. cooununity collej^es across the coun- vices offered through student ser- the staff and faculty They also had His music has been compared to try, visited the campus Sept. 22-24 to vicot," "the commimient to emplov- concerns with continuing education thai of Dave Matthews, Sheryl Crow, evaluate the effKiency of the educa- •edevckspment." and the "high level Appiarentty rtwte been an has mcon- lohn Mellencamp and Shawn Colvin. tioful process and confirm that of qualified faculty, staff and admin- sislency with il being centralized and luts fixtures " Recht pop Billy Joel Harper meets all the general require- then decentralized and Elton John as mfluences, as well as female artists like Indigo Girls

"When 1 was younger. 1 was into Soccer remains strong at home guy s like Billv |oel (jot Itirxugh ..il.-v;.- I •'•.-I .., ti..^^. NHS partiripates in into .1 lot Adopt-a-l ii^liway on ill! b.in.l - ^1 u.itiiriHl Algonquin Rd. Kixlil- V ibrani v ucals and clean guitar pick- Page 2 ing backed up by keyboards, bass, Karmonua and drums RechI has played at numerous No tuxedos required at universities across the country, and

Big Band Fall Ball. It's not uncommon for the audience Page 3 to be absorbed by the music As well as tounng colleges across the U.S., Rechi has opened for the The Office ot likes of Jimmy Cliff, America, Multicultural Affairs Marshall Crenshaw and others. Rechls 1<»4 album fUalily dis- traced since 1992. plays his musical talent and song Page 4 wnting pr»>wess "This was our first album as a group We are very prt>ud of it," Scholars of London said Recht from thai tl), "Blur", is a perform free concert on A track story of teen angst. campus. mOTDBVOWDnMP The song itself is musically sound, Pages with strong vocals and proficient la 2-« tiations. and told the 'Cause he never loved her anyway Men's golf features Justin in the quad on Tuesday. Sept 23. members they must stick together And she feels pretty much the same Birkley at A lack of pn>gtvss in contract for a contract. Member, clapped end of season. It's just one big blur. " Pages negotiations birthed tfie protest. hands and chanted for the equality CiHitract talk between the college and pay raises they want Another track of} that recording, and the union has been stalled. Cecw|^ Evans, Harper Faculty "Carmeleta", describes a paradi.se "The chief issue m this negolia- Senate president, and Phil Stewart, where one can go to ^ away and lion is fairness We deserve the faculty grievance chair, pledged gain peace of mind: salary same increases as faculty and their support for the new contract. classified employees receive," said TheHubinger H«rp#g!>l#ws October i, 1997

NHS adopts highway, cleans up Algonquin Road ?Ask your ¥ltollii«ss Advisor?

Students can Mtonymous- Fee of S60, anonymous and for at teaat four years, and ia of the NHS said. 'I wanted Honamm " ly submit questions on confidentaal testing with proud of Its success. to help, to get involved Wellness reUled topics out- counseling. The National Honors A sign has been posted in Meetings ot the NHS side the Health Service office There are two common Society sponaorrd the thru honor at the corner of usuaUy include discussion inA326 Before Adopt-*-Highway walk on Algonquin and Roaelle groups and outings methods of testing. Answers will appear in you chose a test site, you Algonquin Rd. on Stovlay, roads. The ctub has their otvn future issues of TV must decide by which Sept 21. newsletter called TV **I to method you should be test- Menbcn of the NHS wanted hdp, to CluUlengrr, which is pub- All questions will be thor- ed ipaM Ihe day cteaning up frt iBvaKcd." lahed four tunes a semestn. uughly researched, and Confidential means that, Algani|utn Rd. fnMn RoaeUe To find out mote about lw.lt iianypenny ie9^)onses will be [»ovided although your results will be 10 Eudid NHS ami the Nabonai Honors Society, by healdi care profess i onals, recorded, no one can give »udi as re()U]ntnentii, con- and aw not related to TJir them out without your per- THeNHS has been doing Btett Manypmny, a tact Betty Hull at (M7) 925- Hsfftifi^er. mission, as required state the Adopt-a-Highway wall Harper student and member 6323. by Does Harper College pro- law. vide HIV/AIDS testing? U Anonymous means that there a fttT If to, what docs your name is not recorded, Dr. Franklin presents "Quarkgrrrl' it cost? and only you can hnd out No, not on campus at this your results. Whichever Dr. Melissa Franklin of which was used to discover time The followmg method you chose, be sure liarvard University presents the sixth and last quark resouKcs are available: that you receive counseling "QudrkgrrrI The Big and (building blocks of all mat- Cook County Health both before and after receiv- Small of It" on Friday, Oct ter) Department ing the results

24,noon-l;15p.m,A238 Or Frdnkiln is said to t 2121 Em lid Ave If you think you hdM- Dr. Franklin's appear- very humorous Shi- Rolling Meadows. IL 60008 become infected with HIV ance is the setond the appears rrgularly

scries of inspiring speakers. Franklin is a consultant ing. needles and syringes, have each an exceptianal woman for llw Children's Television sex with anyone who injects who dam to dream, who Workshop, a producer of Howard Brown Clinic drugs, have sex with mulh- poaaewei the courage to "Sesame Stivct*. and to the »*5 W George St ple sex partners, or have venture forward and creates Cirque de Subel, a profes- Chicago, IL 60657 received blood transfuM> the realitv of success m her sional Canadian circus with- (773) 871-5777 or components l>efore I%~ Ufe out animals. She Will diicuM Ac barri- In addition she gives ers she haa owcRoine as a physics lectures u\ this coun- Protest: Union requests fairness woRvin icicnitst m a pre- try to dietitians, high school dominantly male field and college students and the contnjK) from |M(e 1 vice technirians Some of the [> Franklin ha» coBabo- general public. ntm caj»Trsv or mtw The "(1 mpmbtri of tlw c-mployees coordinjli- Lontin ralKt With 4S0 fhyitdiH to For more Information on pr(it<^«.iiinjl-fechnujl unit uing education programs, buikt Ihe collider director tt this proj^ram. please call work in various computer tutor students, and teach in Fenmlab. the data from (»l7)92S-6»8 labs as programmers and ser- the child care center

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The Harbinger Oetob«r^m7 Page 3 Campus celebrates Unity Through Diversity Live OffelMstra To cvlcbrale the Harper com esting and mformaiive discumon England. Austria. Mexico provides munity s diverse cultuieii and or the dancing Understanding Cultural iifetlyks. Netherlands Spend a week or two the Eighth Annual Unity Diffemires: Fomnla Success in with music at Fall Ball Through Diver»ly VNWk Harper faculty traveling m a Ott 20- Global Marketing. 6 45-745 p m . Mexico. (Greece or Chma 24. All events are open to the pub- A242a |oin international lic and. unitM noted and local field STUWIMWTDI othemrae, lie We*»««day, Oct 22 oAered schix>l!. in archeok>gical excava- fmeof chu^. Celebration Put on your of Culturts Day: An tions dancing shoes and find a International dancmg Bazaar. 11 30 a.m The partner for the 8th Annual Big Monday, Oct » Many Voices of Political 1 .TO pm. Building Band Fall Ball Ballroom * A Student Mylh. 7 Dance on Wkal to Diveruly? 9-10:30 30 p m.. Buikiing ) Theater a m Center Sahirday. Oct 18 m Building M A242a Professor Wendy Doniger presi- En|oy the 'This will excitement i>f an interna- be a uiuque ciunce for peo- In this dents an ecWctic mix of ancient expenmenul workshop, tional pte to dance bauar featuring the colors, myths to the sound of an authentic develop an increased and popular cultures awarenns of foods and fa»hion.s 10-piece band," of diverse cul- Friday, said lim Blasky. who is in your Identity and Oct. 24 beliefs and tures Harper students charge of the dance examine will pre- Natyakalalayan Dance Company mdividual uniquetiesa sent a takmf Back by an fashion show, and a presents popular demand is Vito and Bharatanatym, 7 3(J cultural uiufication p m , 'tampling of arts Buffalo and his 10-piece and crafts will be Building Theater orchestra, who Opening the Windows to J wUl Um available for purchase. pnwide music to jitterbug, waltz and World, 1130 am-1230 TMf 3,000- year-old classical dance pm. Thunday, Oct. 2) fox-trot Building style of Indu combines A Student Center a %ense of Dress Undmrtanding the Deaf Culture. will be semi-format, "no tuxedos* Students spintuality with artistic expression from the Langsion •J-lOtSOam.. or anything A242a usii^ like that," said Blasky "In Kie Hughe* School, precise hand gestures, move- Chicago, pieseni a lulie Sommen, P»st we've had Harper instructor, ments and participant^i m ttie ball multicultural variety facial expressions. The pcwgram shares the basic range in age from aspects of tlw> admisuon |20-«) years oldl, so 'inphasizing for this performance is (onign langiM^ and then- »hg $8 per person mn . noon-l:30 pm Buildins in advance, and $9 per per- Hioe '^ (847) 925^100 ITlMler son at the door The baU will start at 8 30 Agent William IC««fe. the Learn all about pm. and end at 11:30 Harper's interna- For additional pm Supervisory Senior Resident Agent information on tional study, travel and an;heok>gi- For Further ii\formation. contact with the Unity Through Diversity Wfeek. Bill Federal Bureau of cal BUsky at opportunities Spend a semes- caU Harper (847) 925-6466 investigation. *vill Student Activities (S47) present an inter- ter, with homestay. at a campus in 925^42. \*ittentlon 8tuiDlents~wfio1 Congratulations to the neiu senators elected qualify for a degree or certificate and appointed on Sept. the semester! 9-lB. You need RuMell lohmort-Presictent to petibon for graduation .J««ufer Jack.son-Vice Prt^.d.nt • Vanna Ba/..mo,-T,*asurer by mkJterm. Oct. 18, 1997 uii««-rsM~-«-^ Pet)tions| .Alexandra Sierra-WelUwss ai«! Humair PrflommcfbMMUe --^„„^ aivd Humar, Serv,c«. Danielle Z«nol». anci Language Stud.es.Heather Vocgeb-LWe Sd«K« Technotogy. Mathematka and Physical Science Health W,itch Flu Vaccine gettir^ sick FOVNDIP lt*l Doot feel like MAV^e fUlV/, this year? Get a flu shot! IVljalcie firicxmds. Northwest Community NobthCeotmlCollege wiU be on campus NtrtsvitLS. Ii.i.i"Oi» Hospital i to administer the flu vaccine 1). on these dates: Tuesday, Oct. 21, 10 a.m.-l

pm , A241a A lepiwenortive win be on your campus Wednesday, Oct. 22. 2-1 p m Wednesday. October 15 A2W The cost of the vaccine is $5 To schedute an appointment 9am - 1pm call Hfalth Service Dcprcsaion Seminar Clinical depression slnkes Amencans a the brand new Target about 17 million Jobs at treat- year, but it is highly keep sounding better and better. able. Learn more about depiessioa its treatment and

1MB MW^it • UDMWH i fc«M«l IX" •»« •" l™* how to tell if you or a kwed tit mti-Mkfmhm taii m yam waMofiLt. I one might be depressed. And fun inMWW anund dw mw hmptoftt or Foe: rnkoo • IS UaacMtpm Spora Attend "Friend Understandmg Depies«on" L^ve ZURICH on Wcdncaday, Oct , 1:30- 2:45 p m , A242a Alcohol AwatcncM Week • • l>»vtimr ( ajhien one of 'Amnct't loi Cokpi,* i irK imSnck mtt m 13-17 IS National .«' • Daytime Silts FUkm Oct. 1 hf ihifi liflmniD ,S Alcohol ^ )«»* '"** IW^!?^ "*

The Haibinger Page 4 HarpegSNews October 6, 1997

Office of Multicultural Affairs shares diversity "Boring" stories Mlnortty StudMit L«ad«rship Conf•rMic« Micowag** uiMtorstanding

written for reason sTAfFuvmro)

Tucked behind thr tHtm- i>t It may not come as a sur- Student Financial Amtstamx ut> prise to many, but Harper has thr (>ffior dedicalt>d to 'the adv< > cacy of minonly i&ium campu)^- recently been reaccredited for Mridc," the Office ol Multicultural the next 10 years (see story on Affairs. page one). To encourage understanding of diSefent cultures, the MCA Without our school being otfkt sponsors programs and accredited, ail of our hard Mrrvice« for the student and staff. work here would be pointless AS well a» (or the tturroundinf; community because the credits earned A tew upcoming event'- here would be worthless to include the Celebration ot transfer schools. Culture* Day on Wednendav. October 22 at 11:30 and a perfor- An evaluation team from mance by the Natyakalalayam the North Central Association Dance Company on Fnday, FHOTO BY BRMN IMMUEWC; Itm October 24 at 7:30 pm. of Colleges and Schools visit- LathM M*t*ry WMk la Om CmImN Recently, the MCA office « •t LatlM* UiMm tratotf «arto«M teMC**. ed Harper for three days to > brought Super Combo Mania to process of discnmmation. under- African-American Student evaluate several aspects of the Harper. Durii^ their perfor- stand ethnic identities and devel- Association, Asian Student mance, latinos Unidos members campus including: programs, op leadership skills. Students Association. Indian and Pakistani demonstrated salsa and faculty and the campus in merengue. representing each minority group Student Association, and Latinos attended. Unidos Student Organization, general. In addition to sharing facets of To further stimulate post-sec- enhance ethnic awareness for the African American. Asian, and By taking the information ondary education among first- student body. l..atmo cultur». the MCA crffice generatiim laliruis, Frank Solano, Since the opening of the Office from a two-year self-study supports student leadership diiectur of Multicultural Affairs, .>( Multiculhiral Affairs and improving where needed, di'vc'lopment in 1992, dnii luanita IVre/ Basster, bilin- the minority population at The first annual .Mmurity Harper has remained one of gual Multicultural Affairs as!>L>- has Student l.eaders)up Conference Harper grown fnim 15 4 per- tant. and [.atinos Unido> started a cent to 21. H peni-nl, a 5 9 percent the best community colleges took place last weekend, where scholar^p for graduating l.atino increase. demograpluc infor- minontv Harper itudents were No "mm mation is available regarding: . ii.t«.« .«. »S^nVHt n«Mi( .«viJkl c-i c-tKnic mat some students consider crvrv'tltncnl pnr" I^Ch schools were awarded to that year news sdMlarshipH stories about the accred- As it has been in the past, the The CWuc ot MultKullural itation to be boring when fea- goal of Office of Multicultural Affair* providfs ^.tudent^ with Affairs IS to tured in The Harbnij^er. "Ifoster) multicultur- guidance in lran.torifs, year in.sniutians and others as well recognize) tlie unique develop- Steptiame of such importance, were not Seav, advi«>r for th«- ment and sooal needs of multi- African-American published, Student cultural students" as the ethnu the Harper com- Association and Bachelor Bound make-up of Harper shifts. munity Society, would not be aware of advises students in the For an appointment with Minority Student Transfer major happenings with poten- Center, Stephanie Seay. stop by her office keeping minority issues in mind. at A243 tially drastic or call (847) 925-6881 outcomes. Using the internet and a slew Have potential schools in mind The next of other time an important, resources, Stephanie when setting up an appointmt^t helps student* prioritize college and possibly boring, story is For more information on goals and needs lor published, transfer. Office of Multicultural Affairs read it and gain Student participation in cul- programs and events, stop by some insight to tural functions why you are pmve successful A347 or call (847) 925-6861 Feel The student spending two years of your MMrt«,i«to organizations fnse to ask any queshons rpgard- sponsi>red bk the Office of mg cultural life here kypteyiag groups as new mem- Multicultural .Affairs, the bers aie always welcome

tfltorial Board staff WHt*rs and Aaaiataata

Don Berger. Ted DanyiuK Ryan Freurw. Brian Martuewicz. Michael OdahowsK). David FHjmp, Kevin Shepte, TlieJH|^^iiiger Sandy Tang. Sean Trudeau

Acting EdttofmOief Lauren Sctubei Saaaral Pollctoa

nw NvtM^ir Mating Address: News Editor AnandaOffwtwfief « tn> studinl puMicaiHm for ttw Mvgtr Crmw cwvus con> Tt..- Harbir^er A >;,,«'iRdiney Harper Collefie •««««) fmttem MudMs. iKUifM 1200 We&t Algonquin Road aamrotrwioa1!Z^.^!r^^S^ritr »*rti»l(if-i tali pursosa » tc flnwtte t»» K»»w cisnwj, Pmatme.! 80067 7098 Features Editor mi wrtn ««omwiian pert«in»n to tl» , canaus «* us ( Rwna NtfntwrK UCI«fsP«io)i tJusmess olfire (847)92564(30 A4E Editot ... JayMickMeton news office: (847) i WtvK to iWMHar aw mMM to our KMwiM. 925-6000 x24C Latttnmuubt SitniMM «« M MtftaU «<» nautKi An anion fai (847) 925-6033 andcontamm lo«>:%i|^

Sports Editor . SeanMcHugh ^ojiels oopyrtaM 1M7. The Hrtlr«ar. ««««>««, MwrtHMW ». nw HWii^iw aw not nwosMnly Morsv* ay th* odRera or tna Mwr. nor iv tl« eolhai tdrranstration 01 MiltfiUreMrved. Faculty Advisor of . Howard SchtosstMTg ^•1 OMiMrs inquriM Mua M IbnHRM Oractly to tns aOMTtiMr. mi m furtmn aw at tnoilqiwanor Hn comrm ThcHjubinger

Page 3 Campus celebrates Unity Through Diversity Uv« orchestra

To criebnte the Harper com- esting and provides mJormabve ducuwton Englartd, Austria, Mexico or the dancing munity's diverse culture* and Understanding Callural Netherlands Spend a week or two bfniyles. the Etf^hth AnnuaJ Unify Differences: Formula music at Fail Baii Success in with Harper faculty traveling in Through Diver«t\ Week a CVt 20- Global Marketing, 6 45-7 45 p m Mexico, Greece or China Join 24. All evenfet an ofvn to the pub- A242a international aivd local field STAFT WRITER lic and, unless noted otherwiae. are WcdnwMlay, Oct 22 tchoob m archeokigical excava- o0Hcd frae of charge. Put on your dancmg shoes and find a Celebration of Cultures Day. An tions. dancing inlematiorul partner for the 8th Annual Big Bazaar, II 30 a.m- The Many Vbicc* of Political Monday, Oct 20 Band Fall Ball Ballroom 'Dance on 1 .30 pm, Building A Student Mylk, 7 30 p m . Building | Theater What u Diversily? V-IO-JO am, Center Saturday, Oct 18 in Building M. Profiessor Wendy Doniger presi- •This will be a uruque A242a Eni(»y the exalement chance for peo- of an mtema- denti an eclectic mix of ancient In this exprnmental ple to dance to the sound of an authentic workahop. tiunal bajJM featuring the cokirs, myths and p<^ular cultuiw. KV-piecc develop an incrNned awaivneu of foods band," said Jim Blasky, who is in and fashions of diverse cul- Friday, Oct 24 your identity and belieh charge of the dance and tures Harper students will pre- Natyakalalayam Dance Coai|MUiy Back by popular examine individual unk^uenesa sent a talent an demand is Vito fashion show, and a pirsents Bharatanatym. 7 3(1 p m . and cultural unification Buffalo aitd his lO-piece orchestra, who sampling of arts and crafts wiU be Building I Theater will provide music to (itterbug, Opening the Window* lo the Available tor purchase. waltz and This 3.000-year-old classical dance World. 1130 am 12.TO pm, Thursday. Oct fox-trot. 23 styk' of India combines a sense of Building A Student Center UndersUnding Dress will be semi-formal, "no tuxedcw the Deaf Culture, spintuality with arti.stic expmauon or anything like that." Students from the Langston «- 10.30 said Blasky "In Itie *m.A242a using precise hand gestures, move- past we've had partinpants Hughes School, Chicago, prewnl a Julie Sonuners. m the ball Harper ifwtructor, menls and facial expressums The multicultural range in age fnwn |20-*0 year^ variety program sham the basK aspects oJd), so of the admission for this performance vs emphasizing foreign language and there should be a really diverse group of Amcncm deaf culture including $5 for Harper students " and $7 lor peopk- there intematiorwl studiett language, values, rules of behavior general admission All tickets are Tuesday, Oct 21 Refreshments and snacks will be and traditions. $7 the day of show For tfiforma- served Inlenutional Crime and ili Effect throughout the night Tickets are International Study and Travel tion call the Harper Box Office $8 per person on VS. BusincM, II a m -noon. Program, in advance, and $9 per per- mion- 1 30 p m Building (847>925-«100. HlOB son at the door. The ball will stvt at 8 I Theater 30 Agent William Keefe, the p.m. and eivl at 11:30 p.m. Uam all about Harper's intema- For additional information on For Further Super\Tsory Sernor Resident Agent iMwul study, information, contact BUI tnvci and archedogi- Unity Through Diversity Wevk, with the Federal Blasky at (847) 925-M66 Bureau of cal opptirtunlMet. Spend a semes- call Harper Student Activities (847) InveMigatioa will pieaent an inter- ter, with homcstay. at a campus in 925^42. TVttehtion Students who" qualify for a degree Congratulations to tlie nem senators elected or certificate the semester! and appointed on Sept. 9-18. You need to petition for graduation Russell Johmon-Pitfsident •Jennifer Jackson-Vice President • Yanna Ba/iaraw-Treasuiw by nr>idterm. Oct 18, 1997 Petitions nr€\ nvnilnKI/^ in thf* Rr>oi'5trnr''- •Alexandra Sierra-Wellness aivi Human Perfomumce^Stefanie Unger- Academic Enrichment and Language Studies^ Heather Voegeli-Life Sciences and Human Services* Danielle Zemola- (847) 925-6000. <» Techn«k>j;y', MathematKs and Phy&ical Science

Flu Vaccine HAve aw, Don't kel like getting sick this year? Get a flu shot! North CsimCoLLEGE Northwest Community Narstviiii. IiiiMoii Hospital will be on campus to adminisler the flu vaccine Silmmhj • NkfmHk • St Owte on these dates: Tuesday, Oct. 21, 10 ami

A Rqwcscnutive will be on your campus p m , A24la Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, October 15 A2.38

The cost of the vaccine i

• SlhcolMiatc •hnuwaiAid able Learn more about 'tMK lob fUM t. lAACniiTiH hMtM nrtj,tl chaM inmiiil deptmsion, its treatment and '*'•* . TnaAr SdHhnlMpt nn|i^kfaorh(a)d ,^iid you npKt. a'l fitted m wMh hm hm how to tell if you or a loved pcnplr And poMtawi ' TnmtnnniCicito hm Km itw mm: . Imantwfi one might be depressed. AduuMioB rukan • It iMciaiScvaK Spem Attend "Fnend or Foe: UKt ZURICH Understandmg Depression" famami on Midn««lay, Oct 8, 1:30- Wc haw ikr tilwim paaiiim oabMr VSKme-mrUKjfm 2:45 p m , A242a * Fatly am Stock • Dtyiirierjshirn noh m rm dl'Amcna't lea ( ohfo.* Alcohol Awarcncsa Week (SI .OMm Mi diflnniml) • (>.> >iinr Sala Fkwr cdmtaimm l-l0t-tU-UU Oct. 13-17 IS NaHonal Suraag piy ii tftMliu widi a $.25 iooeuc tka 30 dayv Collegiate Alcohol Wl—

p 1 I The Wellness Center . . . i ^r FitnesSy Health & Recreation! p

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• <^ The hUrbinger Pages October 6, 19«7 Harnei^AE

Chamber music ensemble performs music Recht: Lyrics evoke from 500-year span for free on campus pleasant images

The ijchoUrs o! Umdiin. a chamber musk ensemble, will ptTtorm in a trw

uncfrt Tui-sd-iv t\i W .w l\'y p m , in

The Si.-hi>liip. 1)1 l,>inJi>n, whK"h begdn in VfPd as an all-malf ){n>up whtise ungi- nal nit'inbrrs \\aA won vhoUrships to CambndgF LniviTsit\ to ^ing in the ihoir

of King's CoHcfgr Chapel, now include^- .1 tifnal*" viMce V\;th nion thjii ^^sVA concerts in

counlru'^ to it- ^n-Ji! the e""-mt include^ Ksni \ni(» socram

Davidv'n >ounliT tenoi. Kiibin ii> -ti neiD cauMtisf of HMtPoi coluge lemir; P.u ai \.in Hm S«ImIm* vf !*, a a>-y» !< alMMtor .»nd Xsch. bass. Miwl« wwaMM*, >«ffBfiiM Motats Mid Matfrtgato Their t\pi^.i! nnviTl rt-pt-rtoia" span- .< freai vartoas caaatriaa ea eaaipas TiM*aay. Oct. 14. 500-ye.i; pTUKi and includes madri^dU and motets, pieces lor huo or more voite?., PHOTO BY StAN TTUCMO from England, Spain and Itah. iolk>4>ng> Ricii Kadit aataftalaa< a aatlanatf 4 FkEE TOKENS from England, Scotland and Ireland, cvatrri at a fiaa eaacart la tha 1 French chAn»an». Romanbc music by cotn- contnuad fram paft 1 as Shak(^>eare pnwr» such Mendeluhon. "A heavenly valley escape in the desert S4ing», sacred music, and contemporary Where you can lose your miruJ work& by composers >uch as Vaughn And dn^ your baggage for a day FOR Williams JUST FUN . Take a break •* The Scholars of London have per- " — FAMILY AMUSeMENT CENTEk And climb a free, formed in the great concert halls such as Recht's music can sober an audience with Testnal Hall London, Lincoln Royal depressing lyrics, cw lift their spirits with Concert \ev> NorW, and in small halK TOWN N COUNTky MALL st'aring i^uitar s»,lite. The intensity and emo- small halls such as VVigmore and tion he puts into his wmgs makes tfwnn ctnne PAL4 TJNe 4 KANt> 4 AMJNfTON HfiTS »OS Brahm-'-.i.il alive Keiht has been called the next Dave III, .-rt 1-. trif .ind the \l.ittlu.-v\ s .invl vritKs and tans acniss the

toic€ns (ulii. , MHire intorin.itioii wnu couKJN 4 PuncuAse of 4 vountrv ^.ontiiiue t\» sup^>>rt Iiin band Call the Harslet Musk tX-partment (8471 mar am na p€»som f€» oay Thc»>e who saw the fni'e show In the Quad 925-1,568 B47/253-14&4 were given a rare trtMt bv a ver\ talented act.


• 500 cure OF COFFK «r> PWMKS *5SiiS)WsoFPApa . WK Wm-MIWTERS' • TAKES 25 TKTS


ESCAPE! TIMi^fOR A WEEKEND «+> mletras %b WEEKEND PASS .|)n!irtiite'iridesd''*ewn(iior.9 "

The Harbinger Page 6 Harp^gSfclasslfleds October 6, 1997

chHd. Ait allowable medical & legal expenses paid. Please HripWwKad ForSai* caU 1-800-292 5363 or call our attorney collect at 217- 352-1800. Karol & Rob ELECTRIC 5- il«v* Pun/Nak* Nonay BASS, hard case and amp. strmg. biacK lt>ane; Soundg«ar 405 series Curios Murphy a ia CanpiM Bnploymant with hard case, cord, strap and amp. ^nt aem hiring Foodnarvara conditior\ rarely played. $U.00 value. Student Sertate is looking for a secretary for ttwtr office. full or fart-Tiaa Must sell for $800. Call Lauren (847) 991- For more information stop by ttw office located on ttie 7808. JlfVly in Paraon third floor m Building A. 40< . Qolf llload 1995 CHEVY 1500 ext cab Silverado. Schauaburg The Harbinger is tooMrw for writers for the Fall and Alann system, fitwrglass cover, bedttner, •«7/ia«-«C«3 Sprff^ semesters. Catn847) 925^000 x2461. fully loaded. 35K. maroon and gold exterioc, maroon interior, new tires. $18,750 obo. $1000^ POSSOLE REA0M6 BOOKS. Part C^l Sean (847) 885-9333. Time. At Home. ToN Frea (1)800-218-9000 Ext. R 8715 for Listings Room forRsnt SEIZED CARS FROM $175. PorschM. Housemate needed to share quad. $350/ Caditlacs. Chevys. BMWV CorvettM. Alto month. 1/2 phorw. all utilities covered. Jmps. 4WD^. Your Area Toll Free 1-800- Basemem al cove apartment share bath 218-9000 Ext. A 8715 for current Itstirtgs. and Wtchea non-amolmt Gender and age GOVT FORECLOSED homes from pemes opea Preferably quiet. In Sctiaumtxirg near Bode. Call Laurel at (847) 519-0004 for on $1. Delinquent Tax. Repo'S. REO^ Your more information Area Toll Free (1)800-218-9000 Ext. H- 8715 for current listings. Roommate needed, big 2 bedroom Apt. 5 minutes from Harper. Gas/water /cable IbtRuttyPMcw covered. Call or page I^Mhan 359-2914 or Upscale sea-food resturaunt has opening 2101683 for food servers mterestod in maMng $$1 S«v(OM Apply in persoa 10 L Algonquin M. Arlington Hts. No experience needed. WORDPROCESSNB Typing of Term Papers. Thesis. Tables, etc. Earn MONEY and FREE TMPSR Laser Printing Atwolute Bast Spring tHali Pnrlngii No Weekend Work > 3-5 Hours Per Day (Mon-Fri) 4- Comprehensive Medical Package • Stock Participation

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The Hifbinger P«8e7 October fc, 1»*7 sbsi^ Soccer gets deserved •AMcle ai the week for the paal Works on mechanics rest following wins Birkley: ZdwnpowkM fioin the Lady Hawrk* Todd BMtable from the Men's sooocrt inp^s bm bt nwdi tD concnMHli STAnWWTCT far the f • October 18 is aU the Stadium day iltt'nui%tlbnilit a littk Wt nton cm •coring da Wt with tomr twto^ and get • Utk away from FoUowoig a shut-out vk- can K»e «HM>*. AateMOonfMtt- aMctanks «> h> toty over E^ the Hawks capdbk ol llgn ma, I din*t Mnk tel rtw «wy ttai be'* (S-2) get a well dewwved hahaaalo«o< wfll hold bKli Ma fwrfor- dotin liacwi week off bwauaa ham p«^ capdMUMw-' Todd Bailable acoivd the

hnt goal (rf the |HHr •• the Hawks canlKiilcd the RHne from tlw openmg whistle Anthony Ru»m>

Volleyball: strong home apperance

ccaninjaa from ptf/t 8 We've been pU>inn

great recently, and I believe we're capable oi rlaymg much better,' added Sara Pefley The stats of the game were Zaharopouioii with 14 Hoffman Will* . and 13 difp. had 14 ktlb. 2 aces, and 21 blocks, and ChSano had 3 aces and 14 aM4»t» The Lady Hawks next hnne game » Oct 21 i^tns.t McHenryat Spm

^^^^ 4i Save •«•nothar YOU DEMAND POWER, ^^' $5o callback* SPEED, AND MOBILITY. CatM SlytiWritM' 4Soe W^ $300 cash back* fmm MuliiiKtsoo/ay $200 WANT SOME CASH cash back* TO GO WITH THAT? - rii-osnn

Ho- » It- I** ttmt to •« a« *«* ftwtr Itemtaiii * do mon tx*n mrnat m iiMlllon la MN« M camauMt that Ms »m rm cm lnM^M. »0M can UM Ml itm. for

tflK Cat «*»!• CaafM I Is • MM aaw irtMi «•««• I aw^n-tan «• r»J *• "*»'* AppleCamptwDirea cash back* 18008774433 r$4oo/>so ^ 24 houra a day^ 7 d«f> a iMtrlv Hawks rebound after conference loss to Rock Valley

loM to Rock Valley. bcvn decided. will agree thai "Rock Valle)' f» a better Coaches winning games. >Urt!> by win- Will the W4l Harper foot- defensive team than loliet," >aid ning in tht> trervrhes ball leam please stand-up'' head coach John ElusiK pnitected well," Futlowing two kwck-to "Whenever you turn the ball We Hijsik saiJ C"Kera!l our back 30 plus ptunl perftw- over your diminishing umr

i rushing and passing) pertor- mances Harper wjs clipptnl chances ol winning the |i;,ime manu/ was gixxl by Rock Vallev > defensive "tin the other side of thai, Harper controlled not asMult However, an when were creating p<->sitive only the offensive line but Saturday the 27lh. Harper turnover*, there is a winning the Hawks' defensive line exploded for M point* m a correlation to us

iH'ld loliel to ! \ aril rushing route of M«» lunior CoUege games." tcK>k our cfvances 34-7 More importantly the loss "We "We overioadetl So what give* with tlw occurred in confereiKe. Eliasik said » on the line, but once Joliet got teanvs sduiophrvnic behav- Harper complacency was in the red zone we didn't ior^ tiead coach |ohn Eliasik non-evideni as the Hawks evening their gamble as much." explains it w his tean\s abilit>' pk The> did throw ttie baU, quarteiisack KC Church run- 27 carries and had a 25 yard but they didn't score." ning all day and forced him reception. lone The Hawks wiU play at into throwing thrre intercep- Joiiet scored their home on C3c1 U with kickoff tions. Dennis Crump also touchdown in the third quw- gainst loliet at 1 p.m had oiie fumble in the 17-l> ter well after the outcome had Lady Hawks looking for consistency had ltie> were going to do and Melanie Kwasnie%vski strctigflis to we must work logetlier to 2 aces a piece, and Ifus win." said Coach Zaharopoulos had 21 digs. .\fter winning the get men's golf team Stauder "Our team fias been luime-opener tfu- l.ad> of tfie game serving the ball great and Hawk-s' traveled to The stars Fffie Zaharopoulivs Brooke [XSano has taken STVT W IDl RiKktord to play a ttnigh were kills, cfuirge both offensively >-.< who hnished with 10 hM«n BMdty. a new coomt to K.vk Valle% te.ini Kirsten Holfman with rune and defensively The only man's golf tam. i» tough that Ihev arc the Harper's need to kills, 16 digs, Tracy Schader thing that we adpirtiiV to the mw atyW of §M. delendmg N|CAA Divistun with eight kills, and 28 improve on is mental and Justta 1MM «n IHSA McUcMl qual- III rtatiorul champs. blocks, and Relieca physical toughness," iCicr ImI y«at at SchmalnRI ffi|^ rhe first two sets kx>ked Wierdak add«Hi with 5 aces added Coach Stauder. School !> nHMortUiMf like Ihev were di>wn for the md WW y recent game 1^-*^ Ihe next game was In tlie most player. Tht hafdcsl thing for lounl livsing 15-11 Hawk's played win .igaiii^l SVIleiirv The tile Lady Justin It how to Mr agaimt Iht cot- but vame right back niinois Valley and 1 '^- l^dv Hawki.' lost in three host to cocnpcttlian. ning all thnv sets 15-11, 1^^ !; sets 15-10. 15-7. and 17 won m four sets. They won Xwt year to *• preMrt ««> 13,15-6 To cap an ama/ing atMwH The leaders for the team the first two sets 15-3, ar»d ritori if s how come-fn«n-behind victorv the\ are defetvling it's all in the gane, 15-5 wea> Schader with '» kills, 15-8 k»t the third set you (Ml dMM^' mM KxUey "This was a huge win champs When we were and 31 bUxks, Hoffman and won tlte fourth set IS- "My acwwihBvtbKWpctttymmh •or us because they are in lacmg elimination 1 told what had .x Wills Wieniak and IS. Km jMMW M ihcT w«i iHi ywr." our conference and also our team to think Hrtdcy it not Hit onijr on* who 1tiM» Hwpw wiB 4b vay

wcU ^Jwit iha vuinpiMMiMV Kaow Mid he Hm Rood Golf looks to bring back experience laboHtittoo. Some of coach ICarras's other KevlH 'Right now we wiiuld have diffi- aiitky it up Hwiitif about win- continuing to be Sivr *WTtH culty winnmg a championship prospects have been ybody JtfHUyiwgiheir JiyTf ewi who coTvustent in their style of pUy team is about because we have a young team prabtMy gH a Harper s men's golf 'A' (• we cm "Barry Wieed has also been a con- their season arid Coach il in to wrap up chMMptoMMp. . -mid we have sistent player I think he'll be a nice |im Karras is very satisfied with not iMto win.* asset to tiw team next year Gary performarKe, but all •!«»«)« (HUy his team's BMdey thinka he hM Holman (has] had a very good year, w "My battDHw of his players as well looitohi w: considering tliis is his first real expe- best player and moat consis- it n, nqr iion "My •o iw Mt MttCH w nerice in this type of competition. has been Bnan |wrt of tent player play it Iht bart my gHM, Paul Wolf hat abo shown a lot of McMahon," said coach tCairas. "Bnan bHita oader to giirt better I iiaad to duFtcteristics as well,* play- leadenhip chipping done will definitely be ot¥? of my best fH ny p«iHlng and said Karras year Akrx Unsey has had a thert wheat tw cMpping ers iwxt bacMM " We'i« Harper is now 3-3 in the confer- couple of very good events also consists of one-year players experience ence k»ing to CoUege of DuPage As well as ttus team performed looking mon at gaming Coacli |iaa Katnt aiao taid he to next ihre* times and defeatirv; R«>ck Valley duhtig the season, coach Karras has Hus year, lookmg forward hatatwg uwiidawcetntvtia times The season ended on thoughts cm wiiuung any year and bm^tng back that experi- three lot of mixed -Ha kM a Oct. 4 at tiv regional toumamenL champioraliipt. ance," said Karras. . . J^ i^ V fik ^

Dual admission piogram established with Roosevelt Blind Man's Obtain dvgrMs froM both hMtltHtkNis with ona-ttaM appllcatlmi piocass

Schaumburg campuk, with a •CWSEDITCR luruof hospitality mana)^ment Bluff performs standing. Full-time students within these College <>tu now have addi- m^^ors who are considermg tional incentive to tran»ter tv free a cappella Roosevelt are encouraged to get Roowvelt Univeraity after complete invol«-ed in the dual admissions pn>- irtg (heir aMndalHdtgMe al Harper gram. concert A duai artmJMiWM program ha> A student enrolled in the dual bOTft cstaUWitd (wtMmn the t«vo admiwions ptogram will have access MCCOITQH Khoota, gnRHng ttudents in certain to all Roosevelt events and aervicM prognnw aMurcd entry into Blind whife attendmg Harper College Man s Bluff, the fiiul install- Rooarveh when courtework at ment of free cxxwerts The student will be assigned a in the Quad, Harper is finnhed The will perform a cappella tin Dual Admission Program is coitfiselor at RiKwevett artd receive Thursday, Students admitted to the Dual available CVt. 23 at noon to students planning to gH dual program planning from advi- m the BuikJing A stu- Admission Pmj^rim compietr hnh- dent their bachelor's de|pce in several •on at both institutions lounge man and sophomore year M Harper business The Chicago-native progranu such as: biology, Students are free to use group has with a study pro|^am compliant to chemistry, been honored with envirtmmental science, RooMvelt's library, attend cultural the Harmony theu major. computer Sweepstakes' science, telecommunica- events and take advantage of other Audience Favorite, After the student leceives an aaao- tions, three Best Arrangement difleicnt education pro- resources the university offers. and Best Original ciates degice in arts or science, tiwy grams, various Awards and took first place in types of communica- Prices for coiKerts and shows at the will progKss to Roowvelt tiam majors, competihon. mathematics, actuanal Roosevelt will be at the regular stu- Univeruty, either Chingo or tdmoe, cngUah. social science* and Their defining moment came when they opened for All-4-One at the Burlington Steamboat t>iyB in Iowa in June 1995. ^1olleyball stays tough at home After their set, the 20X100 faiw on A special secticm of the hand calk^l them bark for an encofc, a ranty for an opening act, especially kvvelry I class is now »>ne so littU- kni»wti m tfv area being offered Wednesday All 4-t.>ne. themselves. lalU-J

" nights Htind \!.in'> Bluff "reallv fireat Uu b iiiiis ^ffdti, "Clivers Page 2 *\4»rth I'viTin^; and i«ii(;indl.s that really !iTS to their desire to add theu The Harper Honors .Ivor lo hit songs bv otfier artists while writing and performing Society invites \ou to a tunes that are tfieir originals at ttie spooky e%ening w ith -.mi«' time

professional ght>st hunter i i.ni :ii.iii i.wi.iihjn Minkotf •' inthmgtoa Richard Crowe. . :.-^,. it our own, Page 3 rid, then we don't

..<..ii why bother? You .in l>\ Un, ri(;ht' You've Campu .!l> Lnif\ - • rhat's thmugh l)ivtTsit\ VVtvk

\.s iiir Oct. 20-24 with many im- iirifjiiiji.s i rut goes double for our own songs," says Eric activities. Bradley-, the groups low bas* Page 4 People call nur sound 'Queen meets I'eler Labnel meets Alaius

VIomssette.' but what is that real- •pertK We iuw our roots, but Bluff is Football tontinut?s mow the sum ol its parts. We try and winning ways with u ins hopefully succeed m making some- thing unk|ue," said Bradley. over \'.i 1 pa raise's JV team Songs you can expect to hear at and loliet ttH.' show will include covers like: Campus buildings get malceovers "The LiiHi Sleeps Tonight", "RiKkin' Men's soccer prcparmg Robin", The Knack's "Mv Sherona", IO«Wmw*M thijirN ttk-Msion anN a ghost Vlornss<-tu> s Ironi. straight home losses. Students returning to Hirp.r Bi.n.i \(.n% Blutt alsii pi-rlorms

noU ' semester will find J mure th' .-.mals like "Uners of

hard fifl of Buikli- ' :. i>t>,,.;.. i-u uniting ti tan You Feel it'", Pages iicl ;hi.' jrva. nior»' >tu .vith v.ircviin^ and . 'ur- Belieye in love", "Run into the dents u ill UM.- this .iri'd In g.ithcr jnd iiiiurv to soften the tee! ot Uu- large, Ught" and "Dreamweaver" >lijd\ ^.iiJ \uf rrt-i.idi'nl lit is i The concert free lo '.» o-story area. jnd open the Admini!.tralivf Atirtirs Judith public A large-screen TV list » on the of Thoison. I For inlomi (» student new tumiturv tii be added to the Construction on Building is A j Activities iythix at (M7; y25-h2-»: unpro\ii.i Buihliii^ A II !•. ruim>red lonpafeS j

M7. iM7/tSS-MM Mm* •47/M«-M00 xa4«l '

•^ %

TheHaibinger Oc«ob«raB,1997 P«g«2

Admission: Students must meet requirements for both schools to enroll in Admission Program PHI THETA KAPPA

H-.i.tm.? C coMnuM mm paa* 1 Admi»»itm> CMticc m appli i> dent dncount rate The Roosevelt "..< >>'"• Studvnlii who are awitinutnisly waived Both instiluiii'i-' Harper College Scholarship regarding admission cfuuUed are guaranteed Kraduahim tad the student schcxd ici|uiiMMnti from both achook will to the program and the pn>gram noidiangr. "Wf re exited to have the Bnu:e Bohrer. Early financial planning and in i>peration." Mid Harper, fuMncial aid estimates tor Roosevelt director of admissnons al see how many can be received "and are waiting to advantage uf it To enrolt in the Dual AdmmkM» students talu< on the Dual Program, students must meet the For mote information contact the admission rei)uii«inents tor both Admission Program, at Harper College and Rooaevelt Harper CoUege Admissions Office or the Roosevelt University (847) 935-620t>, Admissions Offke at It is a one-time appUcjtion Undergraduate pnoceas that can be completed in the (847) 619-8*00 Campus offers Jewelry class

fctvMOix IS working as an artist A ^MCial section of lewelry 1 i» has participaled in Amd at Harper beginning and toacher and shows * Yftdniirlay Oct 22Wedn

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The Harbinger P^3 ,1917 Hl"'*^'*'**'* Construction: New furniture and carpeting to be installed

halls. The constructiun csntniaa fnim aafi t capaaty to the rooms," said lure to cause some ichwiukd to be completed by Thoreon IS expected including havmg UQCfU Idnuarv 1'*^ praMems. find places to hold clas^es Butldirif: F* thrw Wtturr to ht •H)rov«4 at Iha prrviuasiv held in the halls. hAlls will alM.1 undergo j of cHicnso nu RRT iNSTinni makecwer mcluiim^ repair- October btwri SchiK>i otficiaK have been toward this tor a ing Itw acoustic nightmaw ad work wiUbi working «m- Jan. 1, wMi *c Wfrnet long hme and the problems ASSOC IRTES iMused by the ruoms' SRLCS ill dealt wirti. crrte floors and cinder bUvk MMiyferMebjrlkcmm- w be '«" '»' are scheduled to IW» n » I— I 'Wt MM"— walk "The bids —Urn; mi* be approved at the October It • MOT r»U«. tmummr !««»»«— The Vi-vcat-t)Ui, i!X)-plus ' Vlca AfM m Judiih Thixaon Vwm board meeting/ said .«OTMWr»^ Tii»fl» iiii r«l MmMt.*mmm' seat classriHjms will be tj of Achniniattattvc AMiks lull imcawmm p*»tw»<. nM M « Thorson. "and work |on iaMk*M sf COT*«clw««lltM improved with the help o( Buildmg E| will begin about cat lli-«w-M*>.ar •inai SI 4 million m funds New carpeting and himi- •MUMMa 't^'tu Ml tMll space ready MMJ Mt U«l will be imprnving will be la-talled ti> pro- Ian 1, with the MB ana tl t. -l^ir ciwata We tuR semes- the lighting, and adding vide more cumhirt and tor use by the summer cabling and multimedia improve the look of the lee- ter" Fal Into Gnat Savings at TSRWitf

! VUrprr Honon Society nvites you lo an evening ai tfoeky fun with aacago't prafaaakxial tor tUkat* C«a««. Mark your calendar! On N»*. », 6-11 p m Chica^ Snpenutural 'bun teams up with ^Honon Society for a pn- vatr tout of Chicago'i haunted places meterin mur- aml Indian tmnal

IWcoKoSZIperpci^ ton. and money is due Oct 24 OlWv 4$ »»>ot» aie «v»il- jble CaU Beth McKiUMn tor "3^ •««« 2i— mgf MI«I

Health Watch

Wednesday, Nov. 5 noon-1 luggling pm , A2W The TVlakie Criends. Act: Balancing School, Work and Family Joyce

Nolen. Kd D . Professor. 9). Student tVvelopinent showrs how to take mventory of all responsibilities, get time maiugeinent hps and learn how to deal with the stress of juggUng mulhple roles.

Oct. 20-24 IS Adult Immunization Week. If vour immunizations are not now is a good Jobs at the brand new Target up to date, of business. time tt) get this valuable pro- keep sounding better and better tection. Check your immu- nization records or bnng Youl «Jlth ^» itlc ptrtRl (Ml i>mr fofc^lW MW •» "^"^"f'' them to Health Service, AiW J. <««*1 «»«.«• «W«»i'«« 1^ r>>*«» «,,^JiBa».-d «l A-ViZ. for evaluation. Fun p«np*c \mjfimf

For infonnatian on all events UKE ZURCH call Health Service at (M7) 925-6268

' Fjily Ml Stock

tl (Ml/Kr titttt JitlrlrnttiJ't ttmtHa Sn Ju. Correction:

^ h«-n viHj !««« thr i«i8n u*"^ »^k.ii-'!-'^ Program Board and The Office of pcrKM M caft Tl riTI' ^ Multicultural Affairs hlmhuiM sponsored the music group Super Combo ©lARGET Manta during LatirK) - ,t..r c^r^ » twtr^H. History Week. The Haibinger Jl Oeta&«t2a.l997 Campus celebrates Unity Through Diversity

Take advantage To cetebralr the Harper com- esting and intormative discussion. England, Austria, Mexico or the munity's diverse culhim and Understanding Cultural Netherlands. Spend a week or two hfrMyles, the Eighth Annual Unity Diffeiencc*. Formula of transfer week Succcas in with Harper faculty traveling in ThrouRh Divenity Week is Oct 20- Global Marketing. t>4'v745 p m , Mexico, Greece or China. Jom 24. All events are o{)«n lo the pub- A242a mtemational and local field lic and. unicM noted olhrrwiae, are ea Okay, irantfer week it Wadn day. Oct, 22 schools in aicheological excava- oMnvd frae of duige. Celebration of Cultum Day: An tions. approaching. Thai means that International Bazaar. UX) a.m.- The Many Voice* of Political there are Monday, Oct 20 1:30 pm, Buildmg A Student going to be a bunch of Myth, 7:30 p m , Building I Theater WHal is Divcnilyr 9-]a30 am, Center Profcsaor Wmdy Ooniger presi- college representaliveit sitting at A242a Enioy the ennlemenl of an intema- dents an eclectic mix of ancient In thi» long tables decorated with pam- npenmenlal workshop, tiorxal bazaar featuring the colon.. mytKs and popular cultures develop an tncrraaed awaranaw phlets and ot foods aiKl faiihion» of diverw cul- Friday, Oct. 24 papers containing all your identity and betieis and tures Harper students will present Natyakalalayam Dance Company the information we ever needed vxamine individual uniquenem a talent an fashion show, and a prewnis BharaUnatym, 7:30 p.m , and cultural unification. samplmg of arts and crafts will Building to know about transferring to be ) Theater Opening the Windows lo Ihc available tor purchase. This 3,000-year-old classical dance their school. World. 11.10 *m-12.W pm ThufMlay, Oct 23 style of bidia cominnes a sense of Buildrng A Student Cemrr This forces us to think Undenlanding the Deaf Culture, spirituality with artistic expression Students from the Langston 9-10:30 am, A242a usmg precise hand gestures, move- about that thing that happens Hughes School Chicago, pmeni a Julie Sommers, Harper instructor, ments and tacial expressions. The multicultural variety program shares after Harper bigger colleges, the basic aspects of the admission lor this performance is emphasi/ing fonpign language and American deaf culture including $5 (or Harper students and S7 for universiiy life, dorm rooms. intematKmal studm. language, values, rules of behavior general admission All tickets aie Tncaday. Greek parties, thousands of col- Oct 21 and traditions. $7 the day of show For informa- International Crime and its Effect International Shtdy and Tk-avel lege kids living and eating and tion call the Harper Box Office on VS. Busincw. U a.m.-noon. Program, noon-l:30 pm Building (847) 925-6100.

breathing and walking all over Hioe J Theater Agent William Keefe, the Learn all about Harper's mtema- the same place, day after day for For additiorul information on Supervnory Senior Reaident Agent txmal study, travel and archeoiogi- Unity Through Diversity Week, whole semesters at a time with the Federal Bureau ot cal opportunities Spend a sefne»- call liarper Student Activities (847) Investigation, will pnrsent an inter- ler, with homestay, Transfer week is just at a campus in 925-6242 another reminder that, as college students, we have to make deci- 7Ask your Harper sions. Those pamphlet-pushing Wellness Advisor? reps are here to help Students us. So you can anonymoualy submit queMtoiw on should not feel pressured to drink or aUow yourself wcUneaa-idated walk through the building, past topics outside the Health Service to feel uneasy or embarrassed. office, A362. An,nsored by the Harper WUbma Advison Qub accepted. at you. and bombard you with and Health Services. Know your personal limit and resolve to keep it All information on their school. questions are thoroughlv researched and on every occasion that you drink. responses will be provided by health care profession- How you You smile weakly respond to akohol depends on your and als and are not n-Ulcd to The Harftinifer size, getider, age, race, genes and how much and how wander out of the area, arms full I have been invited lo a patty and people will be quickly you drink. drinking, i never have. of colorful papers and compli- One drmk equals one ounce of 80 proof liquor, 12 This lime I would like to try drinking, but I ounces of beer or five ounces of wine. mentary pencils. All right, don't so want to get drunk. I am not going to be dri- Subtract 01 percent for each hour of drinking ving. maybe it's not that bad. BAC ,02.05 (1-2 drinks) Sight feeling of muscle I want to know how much I can drink wilhcnil relaxation. Slight change of mixMJ. As college students, we getting drunk? BAC 05- 10 (2 or more drinks) Moderate impairment The tact that have places to see, more gradua- you will not be driving is a responsi- of reaction time, critical judgements adn simple mus- ble decMion on your part, as well as the fact that you cle coordination. tion requirer.ents to meet and do not want to get drunk A good guideline to folknv would be to liever plans to make lor the future In experience with dnnking and driving is a dead- have more than one drinic an hour. ly combinatuYi The state of Illinois has |ust kiwered Also, before Transfer week is an opportunity you drink a.sk yourself what mood the legal Blood Alcohol Level for dnvmg from 10 to you are in Your emotional state is very imporUnt to take advantage of. .08. If you are upset or depressed, akohol might affect The use of akohol is a penonat choice. You you quicker than otherwise.

Don Berger. T«j Danyluk. Ryan Freund, Jennifer Goii. Francase Haussemot Brian Martoewicz. Mtct^ael OdahowsKi. David Punp, The Harbinger Kevin Sheptte. Sandy Tang, Sean Trudeau

Acting Editor in(>i«f LarenSchubel

Ma«li«AddrBu: m* MsfHirwir IS tlw studsM pMcaMn «9r ms Hirpsr CoNsti canwus oom- NewsE(«tof. ArmtaOffanbacher The Hartmeer William Ramey Harper CoNefla nw»f y, puManad timmtitt ttvoujnout the sctXMM yssr axcapt durii^ nowtsys 1200 West Algonquin Road an) rmsl sums. n» passr IS (Sstriauted free to M siuosnls, tacuty *« admmstralnrv r?ieNw»>«snsao«tpun>osaislopranditnsl«rpercaTm«- Palatine. 1 60067-7096 Features Editor KeMHader nMy with itforrnMion psnannt to tns campus snd Ks sunoinliiV connaira- Phone NumlMre: buMness office: (847) 925-6460 AAE Editor news office: (847) iayMKkfleton n«t nsrWuiw—icomsslttars to ttusanof and rspsss to OMsaitonals. 925-6000 x2461 Lettan must b* slfiwl S«fialins MS as wimstd t«an iwsisst. M Mttsrs tea: (847)925-6033 and contanl are sulasci to adttlnc. Sports Editor SeanMcH^ 1907. The Hatttngir. IXoducts and s«v«ss adMTtWad n nw HwMr«sr as not nscsssarHy •ndorsad by Ow aWors of ttw pspsr, nor by 0« calsts attnMstratnn or •"^r ol Faculty Advisor HoMWd ScNosstorg 8oan) Oksctsrs. mqumss should bs ibnasTdsd dbsctly u> tlis sdMrtiasr, M Ml purcnssss m SI BIS diaasuan ol tm oanawnsr. —

TheHartHngH- October 20, 1M7 P«ge5 Halp Wanted SEIZED CARS FROM $175. Harper College Frae program HARPER 0OLLI6E Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, with amial cataract monthly HOOD'S POSSIBLE READING BMWV Corvettes. Also Jeeps. rale as low as $6.95 Call Chrts TOGERHiNT PhMio at (847) BOOKS. Part Time. At Home. To« 4WDV Vour Area Toll Free (800) MoHa Camm 882-4000x224 Free (800) 218^9000 Ext R- 2ia-9000 Ext- A*715 for cur- May 21-31, 1998 I rent listings. 8715 for Listings. < Join us and travel with a private Sarvtoaa nrx>torcoach tlirough some of the GOVT FGREaOSED homes from EmSlQOOl Males a«B 18-34 WOOPROCESSMS nrKJSt beautiful regions of Genrnany! perYites on $1. Delinquent Tax, needed for sperm Typing of Tenm Papers, Thesis, Contact Renate von Keudell (847) Repo's. REOV Your Area Ton donor program. Tables, etc. 925-6786 for information. Free (800) 218-9000 Ext. H- CaUM-Fft^ Laser Printing I 8715 for current listings. 394-5670 AwaHable Days, Evenings & weetands roiint |M»rliiiiili<' ested m making $$$ Apply m amp. 5 string, blacldbane/ KMMdO persoa 10 E. Aigonqum Rd. Soundgear 405 series with hard we offer dasses m Self afin alwionu oppartoBily, (nnrtk, Arlington Hts. No experience case. cord, strap arKl amp. Mint W* rolkf* Defense (AHddo) and mind-body uui actual work aperwBc* ia needed. condition, $14.00 value. Must rfcaWmnB. sell for $800. Can Lauren (847) coonMnation Beginning classes May buMMMM, M^mlrm and profaaHMM. 991-780a are held on Tues.-Thurs. Fn. at E»n MONEY FREE TfOPSI! Caaat aa «i far »ff»nmmfm ia: mt 730 pm to 8:30 pm & Sat. at Absolute Best Sprmg Braek a—a I hitalilriliin 1995 CHEVY 1500 ext cab 4-5 pju Come and try a free Silverado. Alarm system, fiber- class of DiMch special. 6 week MOVCUALS. student ORGANIZA- glass cowr. bedNner. fuNy begmrters dass $40 & a special TIONS, or loadea 35K. maroon and gold Student rates thereafter- The small GROUPS wantedl exterior, irfaroon interior, new CMcafD Ki Society 926 E CaH mter<:ampus programs at tires. $1&750 obo. Call Sean Northwest Hwy. Mount Prospect. (800)327-6013 or (847) 885 9333. L http:/ /«iw«jcptxoin TeL (847) 67^6945 1989 MUSTANG GT 5.0 2Sth Anniveraary 5-Speed, sunroof, COilPANKMS & HOME HBJ>ERS Preffiant? Need help? btacK fuRy loaded, new muffler Adoption IS an optioa A secure, Needed nwnediately to assmt and brakes. $4,300 o.b.o. Call kMir^ coupte wishes to begin a Itiaeidarty Jim: day (800) 622-2738 night family by adoptiiv an infant We Join one of America^ fastest (847) 7980247. can provide a tjnff^.. happy (847)290-1122 rroo CMhGrantd future for a chMd. AH allowable companies . Wort* withm your expenses paid College. Scholarship. Business. medical A lafri schedule m the area of your or Medical Bills. Pleaae cal (800) 292 5363 PROSMFF' choice. Never Repay. Toll Free (800) caH our attorrwy collect at (217) Call (630) 942-0109 21^9000 Ext G-8715. 352-1800. Karo* & Rob.

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TheHartHngCT OctokOT 2011997 •port* Page 7

Football: Hawks 4 FREE TOKENS • Sunone Titwt the No 1 tennis singles pUyrr. was named athlele of the week looked to Jordan • The Hawks will finish their home season on the 26»h o< for air support October at 1 00 pm against WuMrorain-UcreBsc • Men s basketball practice started on Oct 15 with the season coniinuad Irani pa(e 8 JUST starting FOR on FUN Nov H Searq, are other benefiaaries — FAMZLy AMUSEMENT CEhfreH — • Bears tickets were raffled off at the Oct 18 football game of Ionian's relubiUty in the passing attack. "We really needed anoth- rooraAix TOWN N COUNTRY MAU er guv to go to." Eliasik said 'He'll allow us to do more ^ALATJNEi »4Nb S A/UJUfiTON HfiTS »0S ami. DO. with our other receivers," Harper must finish strong WZTH CajK)N 4 HJUCHASe OF 4 TOKEHS to guarantee themselves a UMXT ONE f€a PfHSON ^Ot bAV MEN'SSOCCEB shot at the cluttered bowl §47/253-14^ pictun^ On II ftK j^»rv WiscofiMn-Lacrasse, Rock TSA ISA cmiMa t«A Valley and Grarui Rapids WOMEN'S SOCCXH stand in the way of the Hawks attending the RC. luo. ua. Cola Bowl for the Ok a «M • Mb ««»a second straight year. JQont The Hawks must mam- tain amsistent play in the ^opnow. (MDL. Ott. defensive backfield led by Deniel Anglin aivl Kendall k« iwy nopMiF? MM nM MOk M* l-abcr nm p« of MVi « kOMori dtvce Another •nmOiVfy OuiuanBnncjn oui key to wiiuiing wndng tcaa ct iinp«niiiiin urn will be how well the offen- sive line Om dmhi m tmtt Om mi» m protects Church and allows Davidson ruiuiing room. And ««i aw year iiuw i lEul »» lou d(9n evident against the Two lO ttUeC )ff«k Ul J lit*i^ ^ ^ MMCftWl^ «> VKCMC** tt J^l OWQ «MI» A Raiders of Grand Rapids as n4u««;>HdMBil««nt«*i(*m«t Duun Mi iKluSt Mdnul uaU t)M>y lead ttie nation in rusf^ >Fial>i>( u rtir t*«ifi( ol im iiniaunt ID drtniMW (wiiilunn

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Volleyball stays undefeated at home with victory Zaharopoulous (25 kills, seven acts yMFi and 41 digs) and Hoffman (26 kills SIAff WWTEB and 30 digs) in the l^y Hawks third MKceiHiiul lounv»iTwnt» After two piacr firush and a home ranfmncv win. thr Lady Stauder said that it was the best Hawks are flying hiRh and the reaian we played in J tournament all year. succi-s* is. Mmple lor their "One player that has picked up "V*e be™ playing urejt defeme her game to a higher level is Bethanv our pasMing u bnlliani With and Sawatski She has given us a big lift, two components we can't go Ihoae said Coach Stauder hrsl-year Conch Sharon wimg," said Lady Hawks' hosted |oilet in a Stauder. key conference match-up Applyii^ played in the The Lady Hawks pressure throughout the match. lounuments Cft one o< It's the bigg<-sl Harper defeated the Wolves in year at Parkland College with tw straight sets 15-4, 15-6, and 15-6 to teams participating They Hn- eight sUy undefeated at home With that place with two wui» iahed in aixth win they improved their lecocd to 14- and three ksties. K >w ltf, tm*t w1 <* and 4-1 in the conference. agaowt Thice Riven They tpht have a couple of key tourna- 11-15. 15-2, 15-1 but "We dcfcMed WaubonMc, but kwl to Miists) were Harper's star piaycfs of 15-12 and Joliet Md up and I believe we are Lake County 15-8, ments coming Vinccnnes the tournament. lost to College of McHnvy and capable of coming in first," said Aast with a 3-1 tournament {31 kUb and 12 Lady Hawks' then partic^>at- 15-5 fiiuahing Tracy Schader The Coach Karen Duellman Kristen Hoffman (31 ed in a tournament at College of record blocking kills). The final home game of the season Leading the way for the team were kills, six aces and 38 digs) and DuPage. They defeated Kithwaukee IS on Oct. 28 against Morton College Schader (22 kills and 20 digs). EHie Ecbecca Wi«dak (su aces and 62 lS-7. 15-12. NOTth Central CIV) IS-5, Hawks look to captains to lead way in playoffs CO I> taiiK- to lUr^H-r on It w.j>. dii tJfc-u (hat we .itv I VI 15. but the game ended STMr MMTOI (Assistant coach) Isaac Wi- an- hi-nJ-< but competitive in practices," in another los». Harper Men s Soccer (Moushi) brought up so we The Hawks were on the Garcia said "He has Russosaid. The team is gearit^ up for the tried it," against D , but can help, Ivanich agreed with Russo deiensive CO post MMon, and i» tooking to good foot skills that " off»-'i-i^<' tpw.ittK ih.- saying- "The harder v I'u gc in on the cn-capUif» Rich Ivanich and but it's not etched in stone practice the haaltT \oii ^o in nefenee Xnthimv Ru>.si> in lead the Ivanich "iaid lh.it it is t>espiti' 'Strong play lor that tjk.-s gi-ttmg a game vv .n somrthinjt vmU need three-tjuarters of the game, mid-fieU- u^»d lo The Hawk- The soplKimon" VI leadership lolli-w in^ tu k»sses the Hawks lost ers "«'« be leailm); Xhe it makes it challenging may Rrconnu scored late at home against College of Rvan tf.im in scoring, but bong .m<.1 It makes me see e%'ery- and Oakttm in the in Iht- M-vonvi half after the • >ni' << pi'inl I'l \ lew on the DuPage . vpehence to a young tejm . -...,. i. , i K...... ,1... ..l.-i past H>-. ' In recent gam« rield," he sjid

:7i Carii.i ^- In rcih'tHi'

: inich ! RyM NacoMM figMs for ti' contro a !•••• ball agataat a ai\i- a k»t ot whistto and . ptay. i» out ol nsifwst awl they to COB. t»tw$t** t.

road warriors take it Women's soccer falls lo tough rivals Undefeated to conference rivals iiome fields

theu setimd win of the season om wolves The win over Joliet to CoOcge of the marked the Hawks third consecutive Uke County and Coilcgr of Coacttes say an> time your teams positive. Head victory and started their three game DuPa^, tlw Lady Hawka look to wins on the nvid it is a and his Harper homestaruj with a win. mmd their wounds. coach )ohn Eliasik well " Eliasik are now thiw "Our defense played IM Alt tiiibicuMlwg 7-0 loM at Hawks tootball team after two con- said. the hands of CLC the teem ended tor thrrt' ri the r.sul has against Joliet Indeed, the Hawks' defense Iht g*Me baUeitd and braiead, wMi s.^uiu. road vMri'. s not allowed their opponents to gain te tMB bavins to tefdt aAv being Community College and Valparaiso over 100 yards on the groutul for the tewcn piayete. guruor varsity squad dedaulMi to had out to an early 7-il past three weeks Davidson A^ant COD, the Lady Hawka 1 larper jumped ninning another solid game, running lor 174 played ««•« dcfenac for the first liad .in a 35-vard run by Valparaiso yards on 24 comes ItOTF-quwtcn of die game, but fell batk Ri>bert Davidson kickoff The surprise ol tho dav w a- tishl down die Mrrtch. answered with a '*4-vard Hawks end Marlon Jordan Jordan had tour Kdly Cottm, Crystal Milchril return for a touchdown. The ati.-r the catches for V5 yards Jordan's emer- and Angela Viggiano all played uikfd on 24 more points benefits out o» reach gence as a threat not only •Irong in die defmuve cn^ of die kick-oH putting the game quarterback KC Church Wide It^ Mmy BBn Stfaa in tngrt of die alter only a half ot play wiiining receivers Dennis Crump and Davi.t On offenM. dte goal. The Lady Hawks .«<»lv«d Harper kept with its dte kas to 34-7 marking »eF0o«brilonpats7 wci« limiied. but Lisa Vtgg|faD and solid gpal kce|^ in ways, defeating Joliet Heather Hall did a go in the parking lots to IHiblu The inciease m auto burglaries The targeted property m has mauily been cellular immediately' since Sept 1 S has man than quadru- thefts Public Safety antiiipjtf> the STWF WR1TH» pled the normal number for thi* time phone* and tteno equipment instaUation of 10 new emergency Interested in a mix of drama, come- of year. phones m al! of the parking k>te in d\ and tragedy? Our Tmim opens at "Up until September. w« wtft tile near futitn" tii .idd to the twi> Harper on Nov. 13 The Harper having a real good year We laually already existmg phon«.-s C ollege Drama Department, presents have 17-25 (aulo burglane>i| on an "It will be a direct line to the offi th.' l'*'W Pulitzer Pnze winning drama annual basis With as many cart as said King "P«>plf wntten by Thornton Wilder coming onto campu* on a cers on patrol," we have |o Willis call (Hir dispatch center at b2\\ Theater Director Mary shll tairly low." can daily basis, that's " "innova- on campwi or 925-6211 off campus described tfw play as being said Director of PuWk Safety Kevin " tive, uplifting and life affirming There is no pattern to thf nii-nt King Ti'Ufi takes place in the early break-ins i'u' during the last part of "I don't know why pct»pW leave "But I'JiKl - it> J lonn called Grovers All t\pr- of cars hj\t K.n the first half of IhiAgs visible in their car They September and c omers. N«tv Hampshire' entered during the day. to have a big might as well leave it on the roof," October, we seem "It's kxA at life nearly 100 years windows have been anasheii a have had 15 reports of said King No increase. We a^o It adds a very interesting per- the cars tiavf rithi-r brtjl. C fl phones are very easy to UkW I,. >;.iin ftitrv. .-itfwr bfeak-ins ot attemplfii >pectivo. Willis says utxliskttl or forced «ipen « ith a ^ f.i <].r tnink .! iiiurcar Weencour- Ki-n tns to vehicles Mnce Sept 1 rhe play is divided into three acts, storv \aluables m )immv, --Jid K-ing Sevt-n incidi-nt> hjvt- iviurr»\l m and centers on two families who live next door to each other The first two

ai:ts chronicle the love and mamage of the Gibbs and Webb families Their first act and Hawks return to rankings childnm fall in love in the get mamed in ttie Kcond act The play hiMviiy on imaRery. and props Study abroad pn^gram relies {tfffTK intfm.ihoriri) educatioii •, oki-n Page 2 TransUr Week provides a There aren't a U>l ol props, and it provides an opportunity lor the audi- plethora of intormation in ence to react aivl use ttieir imagina- one place tions," said performer Bub Baker

V Warren) Page 3 onstable rhf other ri-curnni; theme in the he town and

^ i> \-. th»-\ The face of the B

\ with your otc •hiiif;-

- j with Page 4 '.Vills Mid r„> ca>i ' ,; V .,„..litv and dr Arts a iMtMtalwHMiitt and crew till' Th., L .isi nu'mh«T» viiJ Comedian \on Stewart is scheduled to perform on delij;ht- campus. it i.i-t I am liiM mix i>t student, Pages ,\i ,,, ,;„ .,.iirvstmg .ind staff," WllUs said The cast expressed a newfound Many of Sp*rts: unificatKm with the gnwip merr-h-rv vi.ii.-.l that thev have Harper's the cast The futurtot paid unfairly >n a pr.iduc Maintenance employees never tell n-.. women s sports program lionbeton: each college The cast is very open with looks, optimistic .ill; -.uppittting the believe that NWKSHJ)''' AlthiHiph the mi-mS-rs plav a trther. and it's very hanl to Pages H.irp»T, recently met each other The Urge part in thf !un^tifii> -M have |ust ' Our Tau-n will run on Thurwlay, .IL.ll-. th»" empUn If • art 1,1, 14, 15, - fday and Saturday. Nov. .ibK k'--• thjn othvr' 1 imtball tinislu'-- hiniu- •1 21 and 22 at 8 p m and Sunday, ri., -tand undefeated \ov Ih and M at 2 p.m. Tickets are $8 lor Harper students and Staff, $f* tot Pages V\ilh tilt- iO>t ol ii\ th. other students, and S9 to the publw ipk»yee» at increastf estimated at 2 Our T.iuff will he running in the «:s'ru' <'t tht* ^ol thi- pn-sents an ob» lou- i Building L Drama tab, and seahng is ItU' ground^. hacultv and otfier »" . limiti-vl For more information call the 4 perci-i .\iu! r>)jirin^ the campus, HarpiT nvfne a t larptr B,.x tlffice at (847) «25^100 Contfi* ihi Knk-r ri>om, and «t»twr- iee

acT. The Harbinger NovMf^cr 3, 1997 Pag«2 Travel abroad in international Correction: The Harper Horwr Society's coordinator is Tryg studies and excliange program Thoreson arxl the phone rujmber is (847) 925-6489.

Prognuns. Headed b> )ane( appiv tor loans or the Award STOP WIWTEB Intend Mestney, the program lor Exc«dlcnce Grant, a $SO0 dollar scholar- hip to cover Ftir those students kkk- allows about 10 studenl!> a $7.00») (o 4«,i*lM> pme tag mR themseives Svt not going year to travel to the above the FOl'NDiD 1161 Rei|uiren»'nis lor -tudenl* vay to school and leaving countries fi'>r a semester, and » T^ (..PA, at „ie fnendly ctintines ol the take part in a lite ..hanging are a muumum cred- North CentralCollege 15 hours »rf college suburbs, relief has coow. experience least 1 I 1 1 1 « 1 • , o 1 I I S » I- k i i oi lecom- Thioi^ Harper, students "One mother told me that it, and two letters >;ol mt-ndation can enjoy lea and crumpft> in ihe sent avt.n .i Nn and Canterbury, England, sing back a m.ir' -..vij \\r..!nr\ rhi- idi-a ot ^.'ni!Tiunit\ >tudviiii "The hills are ahve with the "Th. vOll>'g«'> tourvJ ot mu*K ' m -^^I'txiri- .iblf .till \«r\ unu'";. proifs^ bfcin*. by Wi"sliv\ Austria, i>r cm I hi- Open House v^nh -tiuU'nts ma\ not K' cerveza m fiihi-r ^».^,.. ,>,... makini; an appointin.-m Man\ ^ivatc Ol iru- initrnationai or Mexico anu somewhere m V\e<.me\ » lieie stuu. Saturday, Novemt)er 22 vihiinge pro>;ram or how to between, try to >;et some look at the pf-' 9am - 1pm it for intcr- studying doiw lompari' tht'n .;H involved in Pfieiffer Hall sludt.it*. 1- l.in.-t Harper belong* to thi- ili'nl ^ indu Kl-.-i. i-sled .i' lllim>i» Consortium tor f fnar\v i.H ^.ituattori'^ tiimi' Iriond Weslney next students can t»5;2orathero«K» ... International Studu-s and into pla\ Vo« art nn-iicd In viut gat amfm va kara inoec atww.

"Learning aXfvIng" SI iU..iU«rc*r • hniniul \»1 Contract: Uneven distribution l-ninfimi .1rimh-rS.r».!jfslii|.s careers in the new millennium leads to employees' unrest A Career Center Open

commad tram Paget House Event diMerence from ttie muntnunce a sizable for h< mm aikmutui, ivm irjMtcmiit k> emptoyees Students. Faculty and Staff Accc«ding to the salary assignment wage Employers and Community Members chart, the starting wage lor a custodian is hour while administrators . ,4 IIS t. .u « l-MMtl-JMI only $12 14 «i Tuesday, November 18 make SdO.OtX) to over $100,001) a year The NEA-lEA has gamed the support erf 10 a.m. -8 p.m. the faculty senate at Harper, and hopes to A 347 »ein the support of tlw board >tanli Central Cdllq* As part of the Harper familv the phvsnal "Careers in ttw New plant .•mplo' in' N-rnn tn-at vU unlairlv ., lor a »trikr ai Millennium" rvjJt'^Ui* ii»inti,s (.*'>f^ TlftS the present timo i ho m.-nit'ers are kicdung Seminar at 7 p.m. for obiective tieatment. and hope to end the A 238 negolialions soon. at (8471 ftzfreaao WiWillSlKT^^a Tlie Rigiit University. Riglit Now. Riglit Next Door.

voii i-.irii \ on I oiils lan irlil oiil thi rt ' M N.ilion.tl

t i.il. or i;l.tdii.ili l(«Kni imIIkhiI

nil MU.IIl VOII II tlHIM IlK - - •9.00 llllT Mllalll * I , Where did be find time lor an hour? \. oiii i>i.>.,;i.iMiv .m pia, IK.il. t^Jil ""^ -"*« »"'' liullMdti.il .illi illi'Ml NO" ll''>' '*' ^"d Ixt.lll^ Rl •«> -W '"S <*• ••— ' ("Ol-* "" -»• .'".« 3^ l»< "

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Idm.ilioii •.!' Vii !••. aiiil N.ili..n.il< 'lliKi ol

< M .!. I kil I .ill I.hI.O I.'I vol" I'll . M k

1 888 NLU TODAY T' • ,

The Harbinger November 3, 1997 iiMMmT'jy^ ^^^^ " » Internet offers Career Center helps chose major Transfer StepS revealed material to aid The Carwt Cenirr in A37* Student* can aearch for cot- Manjr atodanla don't know financial aid and inioenailan of leges or financial aid nn the CIS I can lake the conhaion out wlMt to do what it coMs on houaing. Note my dead- students thai will match computer program or run a selecting « m^or letiiRi a< appUcalkm. I t<— ID Uiiiiii DoBowthm Unas for of their jnfc-tw li. abiUlw* and vai- print out of the occupation finpit '''P* di^lloped by their choice from the HORI- I uc». ThrCaieerCenWpKmdca 1 UpoaaMe.viritttte schools computer The Career When It comes time to traiw- individual rarerr coHnaeUnf. ZONS (hat interest vou the most; talk career tetting Mnunan, cwcr too Center ivceives hundreds of pb liT, take advantage of the 1. Sn a oounMior in ni7 or with the adm»SMins staff listmgs from local employers Internet and the college-related caner mouion, compulinaed and/or advisor m the depart- caieer every weeli Foe mow mforma- information it tiaa to oftet I educational pian. ment tt your planned maior. man. bon caU (847) 925-«>720 "Gatfwring information 2. Nanow your choke of 6. Submit all ni cessiiy appU- trom the Internet hat enhanced tour-yaar Khooto a* Mm as (Miafw to the four-year ool- the work I do," said student poHibie Tyamfer infocma- htge/uwiw riitiw of yiMir development counselor Anita Uon matertala* workanofi on choke. Bayiai l that the Crawley "I have used the tnuaicmng and vWM by coi- Harper CoUcte RagMrar's Internet ti> help students investi- Office. A213. send liMWl.ll|ltt gate loccupational research, you in this pioca» to them. transfer school home pages, 3. Obtain ihccaialag Ann the 7 File a pention lor gradua- majors, scholarship resources.)" Khooi that you anr cnmidei^ tion from Harper CoOege m Students can visit the ing and beoooie familiar with the Registrar's Office no later Harper College Student MediaOne thdr smcral oducaUon and than the midterm of the DevekipmenI Homepage kx:at- ThU ia BroadkaBd. Thta la Ih* way. acmaslcr vou plan to gradu- ed at to learn more about wit bm on cmmpum tfia tchool of yaw choke to the Khooi to wMdi you are how Harper can help when ifs requesting n> application. Monday. NovemlMr 17, i997 bme to transfer .V4ast coUegis tuve a web Com* viae our tab)* arxl axpior* t^>• many the Internet Some axcitana car**r opportunlti** i to get page on wHtty MmdttOnm: Ask questions schools waive the application important answers fee by offering an application to • Cumteommr fill out on the page students vho are still • Ask a coifege recruiler these nities? For Flmid Omruii questions to ensure full 11 Do you have an honors unsure about their ma)or, tlicie Tmchnldmn T^mlnmm* knowledK^ of the institution pronram' are plenty of siles that can aiMt such aa • ALdmlnimtermtehfm/ 1 How many students are 12 How IS the job placrnieni' making that deciston

Will I gel asststaivr' How do TmlmmmHtmtelng site IS one of 2- What IS the campus like, le sKmal schoob? 'Hlus probably best resource* siie, k>calion to inawal city or 13. Do you have career plan- tlie caieer/major out there," said Crawley ..rnntl ntmny m IH! downtown area? ning and counselmg services? Other sites tiiat can assist in 3 What IS the makeup of the 14 Are thete special facilities deciding a ma|or are The WE OFFEB EXCELUB^fT vludeni body, ic tnan wfut tn mv m»«'TP*t i e radio 5ta- AfSIO CVcupational Outlook OOMPEtSBATION aENEFrTB_ slates, commuters. iv«u)(Titi^: HSJCLtXMNO h/EC3ICAL/OENTAL/UI=E HandtHx^k ^^ IfJGURANCE mPF CARIE 4ni(Kl prliRiou^ h.ii' ii>t^'''urui mo-

, 1>1> htt(> , wwwsl.it> f;i>v AND MUCH MO«E"" popular nullify ixofuime htm^. and tlte US 4. What i» the htiutiTi: . \\A\ kind of stu- THERE! News web site at WE'LL SEE YOU lion' What are the resui»-i».. 5 What percent of the stu- and board and total cost of When It comes to kiok lor dents remain to graduate? your schtx>l' scholarships, grants and loans, 6. What are the stnmg majors 17 What knd of financial aid many people think it will be a at your school? Do you have IS avaiUbk>' Are there ment as diffwult task my maior? well a« need bawd schoUr- Visiting the Financial Aid 7 What are the class siMt? ships' Athletic scholarships' Information I'agr at classes Uught by pniles- 18 What arrans«"mcnts matt I Are chttp //wwwfinaid.org>, pro- graduate »nidrrit>'' mjk*' to \ iMt vour tampus' soes or vides a large selection of sources 8 What opportunitu's .in' 1>< What itv th«" admission to make it easier for resvjnh' Siudv deadlnws' there To find out more about com- 20 Why should 1 chiise your Abroad? puter assLsted college searches, school over similar - attend the programs offered 21 Does each room m the re»- ops? during transfer week such as have a hix* up for 10 What kinds i>* tlub* and ideiKe hall Cixnpulenzed School Searches *.tivitie« do viKj h^vi; there' a computer' and Occupational Inlormation » Greek »y»lcm or 22 Are tfien- computer labs in Is there on Niw 3-5, 10 am- 1 pm residence halls' other social •«irontie«/fraler- all of the 1117

I'\iii Makt a dittereiice in ilu- sNsinn.

llloodfield milage vvmtmmmmomjtn Kliiihui>it Col lege I4«a soir Road Schaumburg. IL 6ai75 Sunday thru Saturday The Harbinger Page 4 H«m«iai*w» November 3, 1997 WHCM future may include FM airwaves Face of board could Howtrver thf Chuivh ul Chruiuin Fnday-Sunday ST*F« WWTBi Liberty ha> also bren petitHwung tor Student D|» will ait musK'. make change with your vote the identical tn><)uency public annuurK-rmcnts, and air other In the fall of 1998, WHCM. Appnonmately three years prwr. programMdfally 12-14 hoursaday 'Palaline'i number one radio sta- The Harper Board ol Thutem elKttan on the FCC put a tieew on issumg "Thb a the biggest step we've tion*, may be bniadcaaling on the FM broadcaat licenses for lrec|umcie« taken in five yean.' Mid WViCM fac- Tuesday. No\ 4 wilt fill ihMe vacancte* out of atfwaves. punucd by moie than one applicant. ulty advisor Tom Schencke WItCM xritt not be the sole pnt- five candidaln. This left WHCM adca»t Chn!>lian Liberty will broadcast IS 9(1% guaranlred tht- FM frequency. be on (he balkrt to grant an FM bccnae io WHCM

Thne employee grixip* from Harper Uf endorsing Botterman and Sure Pumpkin Barton was tint appointed lo the boanl to Final "Dare to Dream" seminar caper resolved fill a vacancy in 1916 and has lurice won riec- presents "Daughter of Destiny" turn twice. She considert herself lo be •

" ICWSEDtTOR "behever m commumt>- ct>llen« STafFMMITS) Onkticn ui the day caic Ley was apputnled to the board one year Or Jeanne L Porter will lielivrr ar program at Harper started growing a pumpkin over the aK" Hf thinks he can oMer something to the insightful piesentation "On BeniminK .> Dai^ier of Destiny Unstxu un Unr ummwiMtnn in the garden board because of his busineM backKn.iund Power, and Seii-Cslmii," on Thursday onferide Hikr chaanom Ley "worked as an accotmtani and M-rved on Nov 17 Xhmf wese planning to She earned a Ph D ir carve it into a )ack-o-lantnn the Arlingtim Heights Mnnonal 1 ibf.in Communications from Oluo Uni\ ir'.irx for Halloween, but were disa-

Buan) Dr Porter is aMe to imparl .i ptianted when they found out

wrr of success to the teadeis of t .• it wasn't goii\g to happen. SWc, a bniogist and diiector of buamesa mstitutum* and oifanixalians. with Before Halloween, WHne- devciopment at Ameriham Health cat*, whom she works, one stole lite pumpkm right The key word tlut makes her strate- out of the ganlen. w«Hild, 'like lo do mon- community aersice-' gies unique and practical are "reme- The children posted a ^pi Botterman believet he is 'qualified for the dies." where the pumpkin once sat Thremgh relevant caae-CKamptes. "A wicked person ha* stolen board because he has a background in go\ - personal experiences aitd honest dia- our puntpkm We gi»w il •mitHTil Ivrvmii srr\ed ** chief deputy- clerk lcif(ue shr inotivales parluipant t>< CtMITtSY OF HMRfl Cai£GE ourselvfs We wanted to 4«llv*ra Or. immmmm ^•rt«r la«t carve it We an sad." ••minar apoaaersd by tlM The pumpkin iMcf pee- 'a ffrngrmm Nov. 17. Wow vailed. however. apintualit>' easier to icialelo and apply toiwl life.' careers and Harper's third shift cua- Sure has served on ttw Indian IraiU Public said Minority Traiistrr Center This » Itw last seminar in the "Date todians read the sign and tlw Library Board and worked as an altomev t»r Information Specialist Stephanie Seay Jo Dream series organized by bought pumpkin* for the day Seay describn Dr Porter as a "pn> liarprr College Women's Pivigram. and the S Railroad Relurment Board fie u caiekids U MultK^ltural AHairs ple person" the Office of The ctiildren wrote a with >p<^ilK Dr Porter will speak at noon in "concerned about the college* futunr because Bmd« dealing heartfelt thaidi you note to issues, she talks on a personal A-lll " women's' the cuatadians for liwir gen- lis mervM could be depletfd by 2000 level of diverse importance, such as Fur mon- inlormation, call tfie erous donation lu the day With tluee seats open on the board, it » tiRW management, self-ai'tuah/atian. Women » I'n.nram al (MWZS-ftS'W

crucul thai everyone vole* m this electu>n lo ensure a balanced outcome with the diverse Country Collections Craft and Art Fair features 90 exhibits demographics of the flarper oommunity carvers. ck>lhier» and more The Country Colk!ctions Craft & There will be a new face to the coitr||ge ST*FT \nr««rrH» Mike aiul Nancy Patek. founded Folk Arts Fair will be held 7-"* Hours Friday 3-9, nnt year with President Paul Thompson not The Country Colkictions Cntt * their own ciMnpany, The Great November 10-5, and Sunday 11-4 Folk Arts Fair will featuie nmety NorthwiKid* Trading Company Sahmlay renewing his contract. is $4 entrance fee per exhibiturs from a ten stale area m Which has been incorporated, akmg Then a what is today adult and children are free. If you Make a wise dccinan whei> voting on Buikiing M on Nov. 7-9. with many others, mio Craft contact Mike Exhibits iivrlude weavers, pot- krwwn as Country CoUection* have any questKms. Nov 4 Your coOegr is countii^ on you Fair Palekall-«0O-9g4-852b ters, furniture makers, wood k Folk Arts

Mltorlal Boaf4 «»! •tuff Writ< Don Berger. Ted OanyluK Ryan Fretmd. Jennifef Gdz, Francois Haussemot Brian MarktewiczXite Odahowski, David Pump, The Harbinwr Kevm ShepKe. Sandy Tang. Sean Tnjdeau r«lleiM Actmg Editor nOMf Lauren Schubel

m* f«arlsnf»n* n» siuOsni putCiMien for tne Harpw CoasfS campus can> The Harbmaer William Ramey Harper CoHege NMsEittor Amanda Offenbacher murMy. puHMhM bi-«is«M|r tMO^MUt tn* school year aKcpl aumg holidays l30O WBSt AlgpnquinRoad and final mama. n» Mpar « MsUttuiad iTM to aH studsnis. faculty and Palatine.! 60067 7098 admmstrstion Tin Hwftngar's sola aurposa is to srotuda Pie Haipsf commu raiy wrth ntormat ion psrtamini to the campus and Its suTOtfrtnl cofmnmv A&EEditor JayMddleton ffiona NtxiAws. LtdaraTClBy business office: (847) 925-6460 rfie t —ic s Mttars lo It* sdrtor and rapUss lo our siMorials Hmtn^t oma news office: (847) 925-6000 x2461 Lettars must Da Sifnsd and ncUM a phone narSiM to verify autnorsMp fax: (847)925-6033 Features &« or Si(nati«es Mil t» «wll«ickt upon ra«iasl. M letters and conter« am aufiiact tosditng

SportsEditor copyiMit 1997. The HmtH^w. . SeanMcHugh Products an) scrvicasaiMirtiiadn Has HMwifir are not flstassarHy AlrV«> andorsad Dy the sdnors of tiss papal, nor Dy the coNsga attnnMralKin or Boara of Oesctors Mqumm Should da tonnardsd (kractly to mt aonariisar. am a« purchaaas art at the diactatian of ths consianst. Faculty Advisor HomardSchlossberg ThehUrbinger Pages N«««mb«r 3, 1997

$25,000 reward if mentalisi is fraud Former MTV Star performs in Building M

can tlul he ty, i* anyone fm>ve appearance on NBt s News SIM f wf»ltf> 'ttoofpn' from the judi- ui« Mf EOnOR Radio last season playing McnUlni kraiK Kuf/et. a Former MTV *tar Ion Matthew'* dorky twin a p»ychic * In IW6. Karges wa* named cruM between tnd Stewart will perform his brother /vari- tivagidan. will perform a fnw cm of the lop five family »tand up comedy act to tfie He has also acted in uni;v Buildmg M Hawn* boyfriend, and )Urgv« will m4k« prrdH:- video/ audio tenes entitled Chicago native Mike Wi>hful Thinking, a roinantK tions and rvad the minds ot the UnJodtmg tim Pomr WKftin will open fj»r Stewart ciMTiedy teatunng Stewart JudHIKT Kai^tPt also hi>ld» wminan Luca* with hi* own stand up act along*ide Drew Barrymore He ha* read th« tenal num- that teach how to tap mto the Stewart has appeared on Stewart has be«i called ber* irff of judiencv member* unconsciou* mind Karget pnigrams, a* "Beavu and Butthead s dollar bill*, while still in their hope* to fuve a book out early various MTV aaswer to Da\ id l^teman pix'kets next year well a* HBO'i "Young ha* appeared nn K\ju>f i)f hi* cynical wit If Kargn faiK hi* fees are Karge* Comedian* Special". "The Sh

' ". and Ijrrv Kii\g I ivr often $254)00 payable tti chan- Leiio more f«c«filly, a live one- atliluile. wWaw a wtHwyr hour comedy cpecial for He IS cunvntly the guest C«a*g* M Nm. 14. develop HBO called "Jon Stewart hi«t tor CBS's "l.ate Show to appear in and /or UrJeavened" with litm Snyder" and has six new film* now, he is working He made a cameo signed a deal with Miramax Right on a scnpl based on the Jack Your Future Looks J Ftnney book The Night Rirt of Brighter «0 ^^1^^ People th« 0»co Drufl Team! ^^ Lucas, who will warm up N> •« «> ]^v» Ohm IXi kM ••> M » M «iM~ »'«" ' Dorit master of impersonation and prop-comedy stop now. An example of the quirky 'jtMtNT TRAiULLiJ humor Lucas will bring to iilage is hts proposition of ki •>%< laaB »«r "Where do lava lamps come tMfiBa «» nttfw^ "o at en** Kn rvwr maullurm ««nw>cc from?" AMK imiWM #•* • '•''' fttm tmmm Wttf wlMMMH^^^ M^tr AndMT iM«Mr vura KficduK i.i'i»i'««««i.»tJ**mi,«»ain l'«><— Mn%i Lucas ha* appeared on youl rvair i»««'««( Or «* cnoor tam aKMon argnei r "The Tonight Show" as well as A & t"''< "Thr Itrjight Dope Tk^ - '" S17 and il2 with j student L*Myi 0«JSP aflM a :^r» W»<«D II Harper *tu- ou Aaaa< c«nu a M>%>AD activity paso for (ienlB biribie the show Ticket* are $17 if pur- chased the day of the show For tickets and information Invest Your Cn^dits call the FUtper Box Office (847) 925-t.lOO CisWOMyn •MMancin«ua% 1/ you km* (olitff crtdit im it

Transfer your aUiff amrumork

and complete an attekrattd dtpte

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AJfler aU your hard work, you can afford to be rhooqr.

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TK«dneMla). NoM»mber 12 Monday. November 17 10:00 am- 1:00 pa 5:00 va-impm Biiildii«J BoildingJ ROOSETELT UNIVERSITY The Harbinger

November 3, 19f7

I kimiiKimwmmmmfm nmt. nBmmmTmxao pm

Vtou oorMcirt lOng and w« i , ou imnM Mwwr catd and gtv* I lo Vw MNMc MOMMy «• to by Ctmti • mM«ng b« •wiM and «Mti to b* part o( a wnvng tadHon at Hatpar. plana plan on aBandng •« nwaMoB. ^ • Hetoart Da»MMn and Tcdd OawabU waia nawad aihiaiaa ot 9» wafc >of t>a paai b»o n iil ii ^It'S • WornanBaakattaltafcaaenRobailMcMrtaanNov 11 andfvrnan'aiaamialwaonSaukWalayanNaw ti ^S • Carto Angato can dunk! Volleyball keeps winning ways with strong conference play following loss to McHenry women regroup to rout Oakton

home were deloated in thiw sets 15-10, 15-11, IS- 13

The Lady Hawk» |i»t keep on rolling; 1 m v4-r\ pniud i>l my ^irr> Even though

After two outstanding performance^ in Imir we k»t the game agjuist McHenr>' we still naments and a ciHiple of key wtn> they arv pUyed well." said Ctwch Shamn Stauder ndtng high The l,ady Hawks' then played Oakton and

Fresh off ttie home win the 1 *lv )iawk>' defeated them in ttraight sets. Ifvl, 15-8, 15-7- twaded lor a major C- :mamcn! "Marv pla\vr> ha\'e stepped for u«. espe- in Rock Valley aivi finj two wins cially Anne Stoddard She's been helping us and two losses and third piaLe tmish gieatly," added Coach Stauder They defeated Triton ISV, \5a}. 15-4 and The l^y Hawks' jieaiton ended with a loilrt lt>-ll, 15-11 15-12, but lost i- R.» k high note Thev defeated Morton in straight

Valley 15-10, 13-15, 15-*., 15-10, and C.liege iH set* 15-5, 15-10, 15-() The first Regional play- DuPagel5-ll, 15-1. 15-n off game is at home j^jinst Triton on The Lady Hawks' then played McHenry at Tuesday, Ntw 4 at b p m

Women's sports: making college revival

contnuM trom paft S Molitor IS quick to does not give out scftolarship*,

coaches lor that matter- is easi- acknowledge the WNBA and but Bechtold suggested tuition er said than done its asi'ent to popularity For waivers as an alternative to 'lunior ciillcge coaches many female athletes that does entice more athletes to pUy at

must tx' ver\ d<^ilcatcd to their not )ushfy sacrificing work, the lunior college level.

sport, " said Assistant Athletic social life etc.... Sports not only offers com- Director Sue Overland "We "Scliool is a big pnorily," petition, championships and can't pay them as much as said two-sport athlete Krislen local notoriety Team sports high schools can, which makes Wilson "The WNBA doesn't offers camradene, friendship

it that much more ditiicull far rven pay that much Also, a and much more ttut extends " us to get coaches small percentage of attiletes beyond ttie playing field

mlieTOional "Being involved in sports illMfc- goal h.->- made me orfianized in >l and wttrk,' satd Kusch. PHOTO BTDMIORJHr incentives tor ath- " Sports has made me mcHC MtiiMiy t«w«laU l**lia •• a* Malari a Ki really that imp.: i; ...:..> ,.i.^ ..niales as well as males. responsible as a person Some ••ta Mn a play la a racant matdi. two sport alhi. i. M.ihtor "We havf ni>b«>d\ tn In an idea vvi>rth liKtkin^ Lil my high school nvals aie

' " look up to in ifxirts into >aid Revhtold Rie N4C ruiw my fnends, its weird HEY YO"! YEAH YOT UDJ Help Wanted COMPANK)^S&HOME Business. Medical Bills Never Repay. Toll Free llll.|.-lr.i ,1. >.,; .!<,'_ ,• (800) 218 9000 Ext. G $1000^ POSSIBLE f«AD^ Needed immediately to Hfftl ll, 1m d JOiif lMil-l)l -i'vl 8715. ING BOOKS Pal Tune. At assist the elderly In *> tniiK-lhmjE ?""" •" ' Home. Toll Fre« (800! 218- Jom one of America^ Harper College Free pro llari»iif[rru(fi< r in Hiiililin:: \ 9000 Ext. R 8715 for fastest growing gram with anrual contract MMHI«JU>I l>~l compar»es. Workwithm monthly rate as low as youf schedule in the area of $6.95 Call Chris Pinek) at ov. T FORECLOSED homes your choice. Mobile Cormi 18471 882- from pennies on $1 Call (630) 942-0109 4000x224 Delinquent Tan. Repo's, Distinctive Services RED'S. Yotjr Area Toll Free Leam to Make More Money. (800) 218-9000 Ext- H- Part Time, WORD PROCESSING 8715 for current listings. tn The Financial Industry Typing of Term Papers. Call Bill Sherman Thesis. Tables, etc. Ewn MONEY ant FREE TRiPSII at (312) 832 1390 Dynamic Laser Printing AMokite Bast Sprtng Braak Earn $1000! Available Days, Packages Availabia Mm% age 18-34 Evenings & Weei«nds »S>N«»JM.S. student ORGAM- needed for spenn Just Minutes from Harper Diverse ZATIONS. or donor program Call Kim Andrews mmlURORA small GROUPS waited!! Call MF 8-4 (8471705-7489 4jNllVERSnV! CaNINTER-CAMPLS PRO- 394-5670 GRAMS at Pregnant? Need help? (800)327-6013 or For Sale Adoption IS an option. A Undergraduate and loving couple wish- trttp: /wwn(i(.icot.com secure, begin family by Graduate Programs ELECTRIC BASS, hard case es to a adopting an infant. We can RESTAURANT "DESIGN and amp. 5 strmg. black 630.844.5533 provide a bright, happy YOUR OWN - It^ian ItMnez Soundgear 405 future for a ct^ild. All allow- Past aria Hiring Cooks. series with hard case, cord, strap and amp. Mint condi- able medical & legal Dishwashers. Dining Room paid. call tion. $1J00 value. Must expenses Rease aff& Cashiers St Day& (800) 292 5363 or call our OPEN HOL SF sell for $800. Call Lairen Evening CAFFF GWA 330 (847)991-7808. attorney collect at (217) NOVEMBtR 19th E. Golf RO Arlington 3521800. KaroliRob. - PM. Heights CalM847i758- Free CashGrantsI 1414 College Scholarship. h .

T" arper Spoils

-f^vmr **^* Hawks dominate fourth ranked team in nation ^^^ hopas allva Davidson kayad balancad attack to kaap playoff ^^h^q,, ^ff spomtavm SPORTS EDITOR Playoff hop» an now in tight for tetm the Hirfrr hUwIu footbdll Harper's women's athletic teams up Ihcir Th« Hawks wrapped are experiencing a revival. three game home stand undefeated After canceling all fall sports for 31- and opened some eyes, with their women last year Harper is fielding 21 wm over fourth ranked Grand all three teams ttus fall Rapids College Coaches and play«-rs alike are "The win siv«^ them a chance li< exnted and relieved to have the have a «peoal season. Head coach opportuiuty to compete However, it these teams will John Eliasik !>aid does run guarantee The H4wk> (Till) extended '" niund next year Were constantly struggling to their win streak to tm following i teams " said Athletic win over Wiscoreun-UCriwae's juniin ii.iJ women's Director Roger BechU)ld "I'm happy \ arsity. ttui we have all three teams. We're The key to the Hawks' sxKxe** hj-. still a little slwwt of players on the been the play of nmninj; back RiiN-n s«VIDPUM> positions nf the fiekl Eliasik Mid good.' QMrt*ftocli KX. to M** in ttM S&*7 wlH ever The tennis team was un tfw Eliasik also ptnnted out in the for Jetot m* h««M. verge erf caiKeling the program 1^ -^ Hawk^' lone U»s.*» i>f the M-MMtn. .1 the season Uil.t h.Mt v(.,.J\ 'During mv m lvvrtunatel> IkvhtoU s laith was ,ti'y • lul and W4H KH ulivU-l U»i > " i\-warded when the team found 2 back up UavhiMm »diJ. Harpt-r wiil finish tfn- season on So m Dividicin goeit. so do the kncK-ked players to raLse tfie partiopant level mark for Ihf road against Rtxk VallfV and Hawks who eclipsed the I.IXX) yard to SIX "We'd like to have a coupkc - se\, C ,rand Rapids Both games fiave play As was the case in the upset of tfie *ea>ion and tHxamf i>nh lh«- more players," said Bechlold "But hinton to dii »o oit implualiorts R V, CR and Grand Rapidt Dovidson tirtaled 2^1 enlh rusher in H.i« k we're happy with what we have loss inn .nti'n-mv pijMvi 1 kiv rv»le Harper all have ont* of offetiae (6 yards carm- ott 4 (. huff h also m However we cant be satisfied We yank " ^i* yards p|j\ well screen pass from quarterback K c Ihf up«*-t I hurih thr>'« lor neeii to Uxik to ttie future as tor Ji-nl his tfam to susuming Chunh Davidson caught thr tipjx-d and two touchdowns and r.>n lam ek-meni proRrams is the schools passed and rumbled fi>r the touih- anotfuT .ir-i ' "We're ra>t goin^; down. Wi' km'w if Wf I OS v;,M . . being pursueil ' !>,, ".. ' Teams need experienced players to have success t and athlftK ability. Men return six players from previous year All-American Kusch •if »r v.irunis rea- Ryan Fraund and Wilson to lead jH't tl IJlslfisl »11

way for women. .in,-: ,., -11 as St. Viator u«.l and Bamnguwi High mg Irom last i«'as»> KevNi WiefHie " \iihnugh ni>l all ciwchiH. can Vlik.. Mii^.h •>.,!.! STAFF WRI'r- ,i.,iu..if iheir time to recruiting. ,, :. ! -ui to have tun !>!<•» (»!-('• BasfcelbalHeaiTi M.u[-vi has a handful of part-lime Uiii. ..,._... L.'uhn. Tim Oas apcomin|nowski, Mike Maloru- ..• fwis thouj;' Jensen many It's nK-e to have that assurance lav Ko2ial and l\it Higgms retunm- .iKiu; !i iliat your coath will be Itiere when aixf with a record of 1+15 lasi . iihI It is«' -an kit'i " vou nei-d to Ulk to Ifiem said twn- the Hawks jin- kxAinK to l.si. litlhtir ilMhIii-- ..lui ^ikKn ii-Tis ' thr pakk tl>e their coac:fws aren't here full tune is als»i happv with out It woukl pr. CivKh i»-nsen wn tiands they may ncK be as dedicatnl to the >•' '"" lasi Sfwrman th<- n>strr thai jJit tU5 n-tu' to bf lari-d sport and have as much n-sj^n t tor

Hirsih thi-ir f oach as tfwv should

He ;ompc'f«>> with • Athletic r>mH-tor Wayne

Urvel fKiwubk' aruf hus' r i,r.vs Rivruiting IS made

easier if vou have coaches wfio of tht^m i best III (unior much full-time The last three years C'lMchHi'- ptiints P' an- »ur ntlier tup nrtumees are Tracy solid foundation out ti .iin makes it to a four-yv.ir iini a and ICristin . !rr. (enny Molitor, turn Wayne king has seen viTsit', iJrmu.ilh ipin^ us In n Wibon, set the Harper reconl for female participation nse I' Hii-.d kfticali.. -i-^. ' inii' ol ihf \»'ar i<*T tin- Landing lull • part-time "Wc have a lal. Di,' i.KK Hawks open i^> thnr «e«- • h.'Hu ,i>;ainsi Sauk thouldbeadetin:!< / I mtxT 11 see Woman* Sport* w page fennce and the pi Board of Trastoos oloction acc|uiros throo seats Karges astounds Barton r««l«ctMl and Bottarman and Sbara alactad to aix-yaar torm on board

I am dciii^htfiJ thai tht- k4.ni(nii Ikirtiin , husband and sn ihildn-n audience with ACTMGEOITCWMCMKF I .i nitv fell the was dwng i;.>ih) .illi-nili ,t . iiiurunitv iiillc^fs and The Mdrprr BiMrd irf Trustfv. hj- I'mmRh [lib ;c> roelivt me. said s>he IS a bi-lieser m svstem mind reading » new, and perhaps impn>\ti.r Ixok R.ir1»ii (krtterman is toncemed with the two fresh with faces elected and an I m ltH>king livrw.inl !«• help wn Shure. W, ttu-v nuvt the standard that Harj^r 11,.T62 and Mi'VM-rs tn>m the lixal communi- Buffalo Grove, votes ii«.k tlurtllMTlHive has met." said Botterman their atmti for a Kix-year tem\ .it Ihi- tv Hal flu Hwper'* "Atao. I'd like to N- artiM' in thf special Karges started off the show board meeting Mondav, \tu liilure of ttw Woman's Program at with raica mind reading using audience 10 H.irper They are about to loose most partici- pation With 10-year Harper l'resnl«TU in liint V "I would als. rk on he !W0 page ru>\rl. and was IWK, tht; Kuril i> Im using nn thi Barton UvU Harper nenU to seliTtion of a m-v. (i.^iint m.iking asked to open •learch up to am pa.ni- in the t«»vel for j new pn-sident. moru'l.irv .id|ust to the changin); m'v'ils ot th. surt- that th«-\ h.i\<- ihi- >i.i..n ihat and

' mi'mori/<> .in\ ^-iven word of his problems and th»- iommunk.jlii>n ' ii'mo){raphitally, s,hi.i1Is fits Harj-H-r s nile, and the iiTiinuini hour between administrators and staff ilv and pt>liticall\ Kw TiuMaMonoageS kargi-s was then able t«i gu<-ss the chosen word "handkerchicl b\ n-ading Ft^erlein's mind Soccer finishes season at C.O.D Karges. while blindlolil.-J was Campus clubs and able lo read information ott ot \ndrea Huffs driver's licens. \\h.n organi^atiuiib h.i\ e niui h planrwHi !>»«; month Page 2

' 'I ^ >M. 1 ^t.itr \\ nil II ihi

n , nntoil m and the dollar Ihn.. , ! ars unrth i)t am. mm uItiI.- still double blindfold- condirms iwalkil t luiki .•d vou K- .If risk^ Ihrcv dudii-ncc members otferi.t Page 3 Ihi'ir rings to assist Karges in his nc»! 'ir letting w ifnesses check tt»e

make sure then- w as ru' fraud Readers react to staff to tlus stunt etiiforial in letters to the Plaiing the rings on a swi/el stick. Karges. w ith a rub of his hands, made editor all thn-e nngs interlcxk. formmg a Page 4 ihain Lsing |ust his fingertipt, Kargi-s w tiled a wcKiden table across the entire stage No strings attached,

(he table was elevated into the air.

I or Kar)(ps' final astonishment, he ljkd\ Hawks fall to Rock called upon the assistance of four \alk\ HI voiU'\hall audieiKe memliers Participant num- Regionals. ber one was asked to name any car he desired He chose a Nissan 300 ZX. Participant two was asked to Men's baskitball k>ses name a color for this car, he picked home ofx^ner to Sauk tomato red Participant number three w as a>kc-d to make up a license Valley, plate, he decided on XM 5387 Page? Participant numt>er four was asked Hop« Scholarship grants tax cradit to give a price for this i.ir she siati-d $1,922.78 DavidMin sets schixil The Hop«- St holarship covers KXI Karges then removed a sealed Nl *<) ttXTOfi rushing rtvord and runs percent of the tirst S1,(»K' sp-nt on envtHope from inside his inner jacket over Raiders hlliKible Harper students cm get tuition and tees (K K ket 1 >.i\ e drant was called upon a new break from escalating coUegpr lo read the t;ontents of the envelope Pages It abo covers 5t) percent ol tfie tuition and tm. tecondSLOOU Inside was a letter wntten b\ Karges hours describing Scholarship is ,i before tt» rhe Hope non Ihc SI hoLirship is tor students exaci i-ar. including make, c-okw. plate refundable tax vn-dit tor the lir-.t vstio h.ni' not ci»mpleti-d the tirst and price the players created two years ut ct>lle);e two yearn .,4.-..ts m,,.f i^. .,^.,,||(^ in a received a n>ar ol applauiie from the coikfgr Uxf- incurred alter |an 1. di>'J :m. audience 1MQ7

I (•7) (M7) '

The Harbinger H«rii#t3N#w Novnnber 17, W97 Hope: Scholarship used 4tCMwiiMi for financial aid college all club and otgatiizatian

nei^gMe.a*arr|t>ini t.i\ ht- ownAer* are invited lo par- Students must tlsci be ers who earn mote ihan tidpiali on Dec 5 from 10 enioUrd in * nunimum ot $UW.Ot»l ajn.-floon in A137c. Student six cmlit hours during thr Student* who have been TYusMe Pamm PruvEivaUi is hosting the diicuaalon to time the student is qudlihed convKted of a felony relat- unite the >larper student for the >icht>Urship ed fo poasesision or distribu- leadwm to diacun campus They must incur cUuned tion of a controlled tub- oul community iMues. For tuition jmd tees paid fur stance are also ineligible for J more tntennation call after Dec 31, I'm the Hope Scholarship PrinaivaUi (M7) 991-4422 or The tuition paytnent DetaiK ol the Hope RS.V.P with Shirley in deadline for eligible stu- Sdw>lar»hip are still being Student Activities at (»47) dents will be extended from worked out 93S4242 by Dec 1 Dei 8. 1997 ti> |an 5 1998 It IS possible that lax Mnt ol Vtew, Harper's stu- Students already receiv- payers will be required to d«M liitratiitc/art maga- ing federal grant aid or complete a separate IRS tax line, i* now accepting cre- scholarship funds will shil schedule to claim the credit ative work. Any Haiptr flu- be eligible for the scholar- for theu taxes. dcnl or mifkiym it rtlgtile ship, but will receive For more information, to iMhwill poMy, Adiaa, a*- reduced amounts of tuition contact the Harper College ali«* «May*, art and photog- covenge. Office of Student FinaiKial raphy for ptiblicatian. All There are wme tcslhc- Aanstance at (847) 925-2855 subBiiMiona muM be aocom- tions. Individual filers who or stop in at the office in pmM by a CkmIiv* maleri- earn in excess of $50,000 are Buildmg A •b MHMe Form availaMc in the Student Acttvitle* Office, A336 In addition to puHica- tion. two literary works and old, Trustees: Out with one one art work «viU receive a Distinctive SlOO caah awrwd. The dead- in with two new members line for wihwilaainn if Dec. 19. said Shure. with students," Tkt Stsdort S«aat* current- cation between the adminis- "I am very open and feel ly has vacMlciM for imaton Dynamic tration employees," and the I can be a listener I hope for the Canter far Students said Botterman- students feel that I can be with DiMbOtttek, Continuing Along with Barton and somecme they can turn to," Educatian and Student Botterman, Shure would he said DrvtlopaHnt. Aiao oficn like to focus on the selection The board made several are itpiucniative poaiHons Diverse /lURORA -tt the nt-v^ pn»suit»nt pA«situ>n change* at last in ttie center for Student bhure ieeis 1hoinpsun'i> Monday'* meeting as well /TljNlVEtIVEBSnV

replacement should be a Sara Bom O Riley I Educatian. Student 'aeif-starter" and lead b)- sbrpped down as chair, and Development, Technology, Undergraduate and example vice chair Richard Kolze kfath and Phyilcal Sdcnoe. is Liberal Arts and Academic Graduate Programs Shure "happy to have stepped up. I " and Enrichment Languages. been selected Other shifts included To apply for a positian call 630.844.5533 "I'm lookmg forward to Kn> Howard to vict- chair Student Activittes at and talking tary

OPFN HOL SI \0\TMBFR IMlh fKKi-m 7 P..M. MUsji \f/here^ >f $8/HpMr ^^tonow? >- No Weekend Work ^^^^^^*^i . ^^^^^^^jT Soon youl e#rt yoj Auoowr f 3-5 Hours Per Day (Mon-Fri) , raaa luOk to iucceu d/ uudcnts h*« ^ ^ Comprehensive Medical Package Sm ^tOuMo^ ^nd to good rtma\ r CXf atari at mM Ou Ubi ik L OdOKi ••> n»«jmrrt Ard Stock Partk:ipation ' un rwe 0MU tunu c^nenor ' fn wm at mr nro ttPtoM * Emptoyee Owned Company f )0u1 nae )a« agie* n no anr " Oooir tam ttaxtfi aeyeo r 1 toll • Call free 1^SS-4|m-JOB 1 tSopryson Vau<& Hxasw^ TwJnej* 1 Mvugpnm or Tcferomnxnucara 24 hours a day - 7 days a week OBAy r» re «»iy 10 *) For ro» #0 doMn ev fosa Foi * h9»r deg«e tf axcm ol (1-55 Locatior^s: HodglwWWIlow Springs & l-2d4) Addtoon. PataMrw. e OMyS Ougo an(u a 77] V*«9S0 or (uAmcnurtuxMi'M-JcaD Norttibrtx* & Westmoot t

http://www.up8.com ' — Ori/?Kdu t-y-i tOmMFOIISTUOBinWHOIKMKFORIS • iWUIWy MMmcOTCUMIr m Equal Opportunity Employer The Harbinger Page 3

1 17. WJ7 i,JJtSMUM[3UMi»3lim ff^ .Tg ii .W. Recalled condoms tested for quality lloiiiidt«bl« the publu. water Mithoul leakin); Assembly of the racaUed condoms met Ansell rurtitied are undergo infla- ^CWSEnTOII aUstandaids by contachnu customers, as Condoms well as hroadcastmn on tion tests A condom typical- Araell P^ptsonal Products An»ell decided to call inflates to tfuec fet't hi>;h AlSTe spermicidally lubri- national television Their h us one of the many manufjc- back all bctori' sitv ••' .irni one tool wido Nil club and organiza- tums of contloink cated condoim made durmg web lltl•^t>U"• I'lm burstin>; Toward the end oi the last three year* to ensure ut .\n4ell coiHloms aie trave- October, the companv thai Ansfll paKlucts met tht' Inuited to participate .ible to the consunu-r becausi' recalled a percentajte o< sper- hi|]lhesl standanK the n>i.all in this shared discus- loll-free number hotline ot idi-ntificalHm numlwrs on micidalK lubrtcaled con- rhe condomii' cumplied ti> A over 7.1)00 calls hut tht- packaging sion. This is a great Jom» carryinn the brand the standatd» of the FihkI and received had Ansell has some imptir- names Conlempo, Lif Ansell vKlunUnlv meet »tandaKls as they The the leaders. sit^gle corwiom tot holes with condoms, always check student announced the cwall after neared *eir expiration date con- electnwuc testing Sample* expiration date, store CaM Shirleii at Student receivini; rime calk fnnn con- Eight>' percent of the recalled ev erv hatch ot amdoms doms at room temperature, sumers tept>rtinn condtim condoms that would empirp from Hctiuitles tested for water leaka){f and always i^ien the package breakage m October had alread . been IS IS47) 92S-t242 must hold 10 2 oi ot at the tear strip When tested, the ma|onty void Thev

7Ask your Harper Wellness Advisor? ' fiiaaiii 'ir ' I --rf--^ spread when sores are pre- Students can anonymous- get herpes and how is her- Is there any sent, both by sexual inter- ly submit questions on well- pes spread? course and oral/genital sex ness-relateidiiri Ml »• KifamMi in 1 lafli A362 ML * immediately before a sore Answers will appear in people in the US share, the DllCB- (HSV) appears future issues of The herpes simplex virus Infants bom to women Harbmger. Four out five people fiar- is usu- with gerutal herpes can be The "Ask Your Wellness bor HSV type 1 . which tor infeited with HSV when they .Advisjir" column is tpon- ally responsible .oM pass through the infected soKd by the Harper Wellness sores, one m six has HSV gerutal birth canal I aw fBlteM W 4H*MMW MMtiMB M* t* < Advisors Oub and Health type 2. the cause <^ 1 Mi *•»« MWOM W* • The virus can also be Services herpes IMMK1I aMMiu >• !«•« a* "icinl «•< uU>y oughly researched jnd parts of the I. aiMl B l« a ttww •*««« ularly in people who arc u Ml np*p»ns*»^ will K' prtnivieii While ix>W .hcmivthiTapv = .ir nn-.iu.i imdiT ROins or wh.i have AIDS or oth«T 400 ••»« *a^ . nital hiTpi conditions lh.it wi'.ik-in the rvipt ' MU' s life tm (14') M* IMS most IMSlK immune system Cooper Ijohtmg an («fa,v What are the ways people HtTfHS IS

Great American Smoke-Out Thursday, Nov 20 is the We'll be talking about Great Amencan Smoke-out If you or a loved one is try- ing to quit, pick up a FREE QUIT KIT Tuesday, Nov 18, your career n ami pm near the Building L Bookstore. ^on Wednesday night. Health Service staff will be handing out stop smoking hf hrM. .1. ,« «h. h. < n..:. material You ought t«) bt- there, wr « i» uik,„>; kits, educational .....,i....r l ,...„ hml and m.«».m' .,....l„.„. ., .I,l,.«.t>,«,,^nrn4k. and will offer support guidance Exceptional Life-Saving llMiei *ttS Hnlldw "I s...... 1',:.^. .,»npl.-.» ,4 Smw^MdMlitdHitUi Opportunity WANTED: Compassionate men and women willing to

' fnMunq nii PratairiatMl Arts >i»sr« spare a few moments of their time to fwlp save tfw lives of and neigh- ' ttieir classtnates ^{H^ir.! ' *t»:.ini nwllt HuMin bors Great ber>efits include a mini physical exam, uplift- ed spints and treats. Position open to candidates OMHHOUU age 17-80, at least 110 lbs WHMtSOAY. with a representative., and in good health. Donate WkM. IfM. Meet .,. jlHn,i«H • I,,,,,.-,. »h»rf .j.rr-.S;-... ( blotxl on Wednesday, Nov 4 KM. 7 P.M. !« 'tarn' p m., A242. Harper Hosts Fifth Deafest

\.n I'* 22 I- Di-atfst, for- iiutIv known as Deaf Awaivness Week. The pur-

pose i>l this e\ent is to edu-

. ,iti> and increase knowledge

alHiut deaf issues. 1 or more information call UeWn or )ulie at (K47) I**? 'hOi' or (M7) '»2!>-t>2btv The Harbinfjer November 3, 1997 Page 4


t,ii tt). >., .•iig»». Dear tditi>f mote rhc candiddU^i could have 1 Student apalhy a campus pn*- dent*. I imagiiw Ihem tu be spirit can Harfmijerr or the School c about gettmg an inleresl- interviewed by TV lem' 1 say no oneemed on the next radio station. We are not a college or universitv ingleacher, a good grade legal parking They could have abo hung enhance your life dvit have dorms for the sludenisi u> test, and fuidmg a the student piMlrTS on all Ihe bulletin boards in live m pace ckne lo claas tlian eleclion all the bwldings TV Hurtwfijrr understands thai Hatprr » I hit lives are not rrvptving senate cam- Grantrd, I normally only go to around this campus Part-tuiw studanti n't on college, but whv is there but befcae a cowmunity to have a slake in buiMmgs J. 1, U H, and D, Wr are a community coBege, we pus lonn «-noush athletic Ihe elections I only saw three pasters aiw*Y» such a small crowd at our live in the community and go to col- the Student Senate Lets go hack to the 4,200 hill -time (all for the same candidate) eveids? Everytwdy used to c«ne to the ath- lege Smce the election, 1 don't remem- Many of uk work full-hme, go to students. letic event* in Wgh school, but why don't they're on ber seeing any articU^ in TV school part-time, have spotmrs They w»w eligible, unpor- that campus kmg mough lo have a slake HarkMgrr about all Ihe msfoi Aey come hete? I understand were and /or cfuUlren U> bt* responsibU- Student il terrible lanl decisions that Ihe have lull livm initside o< in tfie Studj-nl Senate Isn't four-year university, but shouldn't the fat. and not a voted out of Senate is now undertaking school to try and maintain that onlv 24 peopk- school spirit? 1 would have thinight with such •ludent body have wow Of the "student population ot 4.21X1' that tful 24 out of 4J00 1» an important organization TV Students should have a little m«Tre pride over25.0«r (whew do you pull thai Coruuimng a regular 1 percmt, that Har^ngrr wouU give them number horn') only 24 people voted approximalrly halt of in this school rather than |u»l the parents of as forum to send out all the he bad; if there was an elec- «ip«e a I checked *ith the registrars wtrnM mator decisHms they make. the student athletes It s undersUndable alfice and was WM that this senwitler tion then' was n»> Um't gel me started on the fcwt- had «ppn>«imately U,SO? What I mean i» that that some students have (obs after schcxJ. Harper were h» position* and ball issue Hul one last ItMiught; if students ttvtt weir eligit»le lo vole ctMMce Theiv couldn't they tind |u»t a little extra tune would the SIX candidates voled, and the 13 but A kmg way from over 2S.000 Of SIX people. No wntr-ln voles ime could kne people on TV Hartmjfer sUH voled- in their busy schedule to came «•• at leaat a the appn>«imately M.SiW eligible aiunt to no any dioices to who were the other five people tfuil students, 10JOS wen- pan -tune •tu- By n««t having basketball game or am Ml erf a vot- half of a no nraaon to vote votiJ in the electiiwi? dents with less than 12 cmlil h»>ur» make, there was Frank Kjnilek leytMll match' While not claiming to be The same w4\ iheie was no reason The student athletes need the support

from their fellow students to cheer them on Dear Editor, ciency of such an action DearEditiK cal environment pnde in the school you disproved at lo victory. Have I am writing to express has been The f^otrssional and becomes unreliable similar institutions that gwat Itie facullv Senate's sup- other ancnd even if you think it's rert Technical Employees We have been sad- port for the NEA/IEA and we believe that out students ctime and go lo this write to espreas support dened by reports Ifial Many negotiations sourcing of college ser- LiKal SI 2 members have Uiwrn in lt> oi the Harper 51i a everyday Is it that diffKultlo stick on lis new contract vices would rrsuh in k»* •chool lEA/NEA Custodian been threatened with Wr understand that Ifie of morale and internal around a little bit longer to ct«me and partic- lor a When »uch aclHin at event? •taUed on a salary ofkrr of athletic new contract similar instilulions has Iflpen-enl We . urge the admin- Instead of compUirung abi>ut boring Ote The currtnl negplia- proven unsuccessful and We also understand istration to settle tlus bons. which began in often more costly in kmg coOcge is. students couM be g«Ming Harper UKal 512 has negotiation so that the with thai luiy, are r»w stalled Uical tnvxvfs rveed been told that they are nwfibers of llarper in> olvwl and maWinK tvw We i limitttl "^lary utter of tMwrawmaHIr in ihrif the student body to help »upfK»H lh«» h«> tfian 1 pemnt ami • re<|ueal for a larger raue. 1^ ivundervalued by the pUn for a two-tief»d VHV-. 'rier e««ide Khool Wr ant to empf\asize college, administrators salary plars employee morale and lliat the custodians, tfie artd (he Boanl of Truatte i. Come lo athkKic events and participatr We understand dvl impede efforts to build mads and grounds people, At a time wf»en Hie col- Harper Local 512 has the internal unity and in shident activities. There ant many clubs the tfie mamtenancr employ- lege community is consid- been toM thai they are support tttal Itw college get invoK-ed with here. ees—those wht) are enng a building referen- to HMwnonabU- in their need* lo furtlier its rrsponsftile far Ihe utilities dum. It IS important tfut Sihix>l spuni not only helps your school, icKpiint for a larger rane deveiapmeni and refer- Ihe boilers— are all employees lie involved sttould endum proposal and well in and tttal liiey but II aUo boorta your abibty to do important to the owlinu- in this* effort expect no retroactively We urge you to internal curriculum ance of llie college and its We must fiave yi>ur «-\ervdav academic ivilh regard to tlie ruie duecl tfie administration Teachen cannot support before we can ask this negotulKw tiuiaion You will learn gixid (ob skills for th«» We wish to acknowl- to settle leach m cold nor liol class- for external support Wi- edge and tvi-ogruze the quhkly and fairly iio that futun- foe whatever your fieU consists of nxnns. and students can- urge an equitable settle- important t ootnbolions Harper 512 employees not kfam in Ifiem menl of this contract with Many schools do look at vour resume that the labors of our cu»- lan be nmhrmed m the Wr understand Hut in Local 512 ItKlians, roads and valued Harper partners kicking to transfer if vrni were when you're the discussions with UksI The faculty support groundv irew> and that ttiey truly are athU-tK- in M>ur S12 that an unplicil Ifireal lliese Harper employees involved in any activities or maintenance workers Only then can we Itas been made ol out- an stand with them in (unuir tollege provide for all who work truly embark on a cam- sourcinK or replacmg the tfmr effiMts to secure an and study at Harper paign of intrmal unity It you gel invol\ t\l with student alhietici custtxlians with an outside equiUbk- wage. We would be unabkr and support for the work Irforge Evans-PrrsidenI, ^ i>u II »<« that there contractor and student activiln-. m to work, teach and leam that awaits Fanillv S.-n^le Mary Aiawi We believe llial die effi- a worhi o< opportunit\ at this colkgr if altentian to our physi-

Don Berger. Ted Oanykik. Ryan Freund, Jennifer Golz. Francois Haussemot Brian MartuewictMite Odafx>i*«lu. David Pump, Thejfiftmger Kevm Shepke. Sandy Tang. Sean Tmdeau

Act»ig Editor r Chief Lauren SchuM IMfe^Mdran: r»» HBrtsrwr' » the stutwt PuWiMlwn tor «» M»ptt Coaaft ctmpui eon* The Hartwwer - wmiam Ramey Harper CoBeie ti» scftooi yaar •mam Ounnghotoairs News Editor Ami«laOffenbacher fT»jn.t». puUksiwi !».••*•» ttwmlNfct 1200 west Algonquin Road al) sluMita^ laa«ty ma ml fkwl asms n* papw IS astrteiKi In* to Palatine.!. 60067 7098 drxrastmion rue Hwtonjw's sola pirpos* » to jin>»«l» tn» Hsww cormi^ eneni»»«arle¥PifvaoWorsH». Lattars mMt M ^ (847) WlWt«fsanilcom«oia«i*i*|»ct fw; 925«)33 FeattfesEifitor. KeHtHader S«naturm wit D* •«»»id*on.sqi»st to selling

oopytftfit 1907, The Hathinger. Sports Editor ..SeanMcHuch Products ant sarMCMaOsartMHn rtwHartiewir •• not ixKasaaray Mrigita KXloriad by tn* sdnars of tl«* papsr. nor «y 0« colan aawnislfationcf adMrtnar. Board of Dractors. nvarin slaAt a* tanMrasd dMM)|i 10 n* aM W purtMws an It IM dtoOMMn ol Faculty fWmor . Howard SiMoutiarg .

^ %

The Harbinger November 3, 1997 HarD«iflaAE Pages Students permanently (and painfully) express themselves

RsMNatfar quite costly FCATUKS EDITOR A tattoo that originally Tattooing tww invaded the cost $100 can be removed for realm of unrefuted codnesi. over $1000. To lop it off, the Once considefvd a trade- procedure is not covered by mark of Harley riders and insurance. convicted criminaU. tattoos The medical world has have found their way onto been removing tattoos for > af tatta the bodies of millions striving years, however, the methods ent, so I spent months search- Many females tend to Many opt to decorate not- to keep up with the latest in the past left scarring. ii^ for the perfect symbol sport various f1o*vers aitd K> public parts. fashion trends Now dermatologists can that personified my ideals butterflies After yiHi get your tattoo It is estimated that one lemove most tattoos with a and beliefs." Desiree Males usually stray away you can impress your frieiKls quarter of Americans Corcoran laser between the ages of 15 and 25 The patient is left with no • " Mysticism, spiritualitv. have at least one tattoo But evideiKe svmlxilism " David White of a tattoo. i» a tattoo loo mucb? CVpending on the tattoo, the There are many reasons treatment usually takes two petiple decide to get tatt«x» Go ahead and gel it, ya' nut or more treatments to remove whether it be self expression, You only live once, hght^ the ink n-bellum, a sense of belong- That's true, but before we The laser feels like a ing to a group or )ust plain decide, let's consider the rea- "snapping" sensahon fun against sons tome students at the skin and can ruH remove The sue and artistic ability Harper decided to get one some red, yellow and green iieeded will determine how • "I got mine to symlwlue dyes much a tattoo is worth. my Aztec heritage" Steve Ani>theT factor involved in If you walk into one of the Simon your deasion is safety. There 20 or so "street shops" in • "I wanted to put a piece of is no state regulations regard- Chicago expecting a tattoo, my own artwork on myself." ing hygi€?ne in tattoo parlors you better have at least $100 Arme Siwv in Illinois. in your pocket. • "I wanted something differ- "Dr Dean" of Tatu Tattoo It's not uncommon for an in Chicago said, "I recom- artLst to i:har);e between $100 that everyone andi250/hr. mend who goes to get a tattoo check out It IS impt>rtant to shop the sterilization techniques. aiound to get the best price. Be sure the needle used George Papas of fade comes out of a sterile bag. Be Dragon Tattoo Studio said, responsible for your safety." 'You basically get what you Dean explained that the p.tv Un in terms of safety and people at Tatu Tattoo are quality real sticklers lor hygiene Of ronrse once v>ui \«' lr«im "frooi with tlw the rich history of Altboiiv;h thrre .ir*- no exact J>-vuUs) ti) U Ulltixail .1. rt>;hl inii> u l.ill.s.v l,itlo.tv h n . I'd (hat as hunI thon tliMtli' v%h.ii uiunt imam's such js lh«- tlamin^ arouiKl lor about s

ii'u want to earry the re»t of sAull" or the dragon Thi- word talii . . , :,,, .

MHir litf There are, ol course, many fn>m the I'olvnesidn word exceptions to this geniTaJ "latau" meaning both super- ohser%atu)n, but what vou ficial body painting and per PoUillDIO \ti\ decide generally reflects your manent coloring of the skm penonaiitv. pigments punctured or NOKraCENTmCdLBGE SI ratiht-d into the skin NtriaviiLi IiiiKoti Ta tttx>s St' r\ t*d nvan\ pur piises thriHighoul time such as t>odv decoration for hunt- ing rituals, symbols of matu A R^rcscntativc will be oo your compos ntv and class differalons

much as 40 percent of all Are You Crazy? Heptitis B and C cases are Tuesday, December 2 Befon- you grab your jack- due to unsterile tattooing et to leave for the tattoo par- 9ain - 1 pm and btidy piercing conditions. lor there are a couple ivasons Building Although there has never ) why a latliK) isn't the gn-atest been any recorded cases, in (.hiH>sin>; J liKation on idea thei>ry, the HIV virus can also your body » ar\ im[mndnt Tattoos arv meant lo be Toi r yiitiuiis inintlii|- be transmitted through tat- q step in the tattisun^ proct'ss permanetit IVrmanent toomg needles. Miist pts>pU' di> ntit want means forever • Si • itn*dil .U 1( vou are stuck on getting to be tuiTHH) down for a ftih 1)t leltrev .Altman, a Jir taltiKi • TwaiEt &liuuniii(« |>ru ketl (with a needle) because 111 years bcton- Itn'V niJtologist said. "1 would Tmsfemng Cradn Iv among the informed tat- . laimiriiB tatttxHHt .et)uences ot it see the sterilization pnKess. der hiadf Kiium' of the about piopU- fior anc aibmrniv atrat towicnng to Ihink what The tatt(x< artist should be retus.ll ot MHicty lo break may or mav not |udge sou bv ' eager to show you the ei^uip- down ivid traditions of StelWO with that tattiH. nakiaint d'Saaa't tat (.akfC ment If the artist stvms typing" said White. i here are methods ol c««k>teaI-a«MlMI*; 'I choae a spot that not r«'m<'\ ing unwant^^l l.itti»'s reluitant. it s time lo find everyone could see l».».ii.-.t 'wever, the priKedure is another parlor to be able to choose th.

pie who would see it .<" Ciwcoran. The most common placi-s iW Nonli InauRl Smo are the upper arm and the l>OI

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UNIVERSITYROOSETELT CMKAGO CAMPUS - 430 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60605 (312) 341-2000 619-8600 ALBCm A. ROeiN CAMPUS - 1651 MCCONNOR PARKWAY. SCHAUMBURG. ILLINOIS 60173 (847) TheHarbmger November 17, WW Pllftf Page? Lady Hawks upset College of DuPage^ J«iisen "satisfied'' witli first win fall to Rock Valley in Regional finals Kmrtm respectivrl> Wfule Wilson stiooting %r»ff WWT0) SIX for se\-en from tlie three-point arc at The Harp-' i^ "^-" - i^-iskedjall 85 percent on the lught team defeaii Ca^tpi "I wai> nervous craning out since it The Udy Hawks' H-WTWsdjv -. ic Coach was the first game even th«Hif;h »ve ' lennlfer was very »ati»- weie warming up for 'approximaiply MiHon tnStd liir fame Pavne Kmsen ''-i with her team's performance two hours everyone seemed n^ady to way II ttarltd: with * play We usually fall apart al Itw end. bai^. oaiin't bad for our ftn>l iHittng." "» but we didn't ti\i» tune." ?aid Wilson. Rcglonals «,.i ,.n.vn. few peopW wire slug- gish fhe>' didn I get the numbers "The shots were tei'ling pretty with a Hm round piay- and ha\ t- hut good I'm not afraid to siKxit because I oH fjune againtt Triton that Wf e»n«-ted ttiem to we know I hav I' ivbuunders to rebound for The l-ljwk* won coo- also sat aiuund im an hour m jitm); for it > giHHJ me vincinfilv 1V7, 15-2 and (he game to happen but a thing, not bod, 1-0" kiivh dl collected 18 rebounds The game was delayed lor one iumr while jt-nny S4olilor, Brooke Disario, "Thu was a team f««IOBtCMWIDi>ia» due to R(4>«n Mom> getting kluck in and Tracy Schader each had three that we dMeated thne Tracy t tlia<»r g*«* up f*r tko kM traffic, but the Hawks came ready to assists times bedwr. So I was- agniwt Trttwi ki raglMMl play. pUv The Hawks next game is at n't tvorried about this 15 and 15-10 l\ Iimi the match in four Kriolen Mc Henry Community College on Nov. team at aU." aaid Coach "This was t)w best sets 12-15, 10-15, 15-7 Heatlier Kusdi and Wibon led all Kom>> with 20 and 18 points l«at 7pm Shafon Stauder game we pbyed all sea- andl5-« With the win the scm and ev«Tythin|; just TWo players from Lady Hawlu advanced seemed to come lugrth- the Lady Hawks were to the second round at er and most important- «elw.-led to the all-tour- Hawks drop opener 93-87 the play-offs which ly we played with our nament team Knsten paind them against a heads," added Coach Hoffmann and Effie Leadmg tlie way tor the Hawks was lough CoUe{(e of Stauder. Zaharopoulos Divid HkIo with 25 points, a team IHiPage team, who has The wm o^'er COD Hoffmann waa aiao The Harper Hawks lost the season high defeated the Lady advanced them to the selected to the all- home opener to Sauk Valley last Andy Pronto contributed 23 points Htwka twice befofe in Regional Champion- ivgion team Tuesday but Coach Mike Hirsch is still and 4 rebounds while Mark Stahl ship against Rock 'We had a great sea- happy with the team s performance chipped in with 12 points and 4 From the beginning of VaUey son and our girl's The first full was not t productive rebounds the second ''l'^ In ragutar seaion showed great dedica- ti""*- one tat the Hawks, being outscoied 50- "Our stiooting has gnsady Lady Hawks cantrotled pliy Mch Maim spilt the tion through liie whole 31 unproved and it really showed in our the game and won in year," said h«a gMWs tftey played Coach They made an amazing comeback game against Sauk VaUey." said Coach four sets 15-5, 15-4, 10- Harper unfortunate- Stauder m the second half outsconng Sauk Hirsch. Valley 5<>-43. but came up short m ttie f^jr the test of November ttie end loung the game 43-87 Hawks will be on ttie road, participat- a great widi ing m two tournaments in Missouri ^Uhn noQWi WM nwnsd MhMt ol ttw wwak Atr ootoding 4 intor- 'We played game and a little more seasonmg under our belt and Florida Between the two tourna- oapliont In 41-21 vtdory onm Orand RapidB. we will win tlhne ckwe games." said ments liiey will play Morton College Ctiach Hirsih and South Suburban.

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Wiicki'd punt all game SPORTS IDITOR "We chan^^ed formations and Cn'^> \»ur tinuert jnd hope cut down on his (Dave Crandt) maajt.t>t llgpt." said Elwstk. .. . tor tht- tH-st lyilf- 1% (iih-it been the the HdTXT faithhil ami tiHrtKill Another surprise has ~ pl.i\ <>l the .iitinsivf line pkyen will be dcnnn iwi \n\ 1 seaMrti the Monday Harper will kmm it Heading; into the biggest tmy will he «tt»>iHlm»5 a Nml l>t1ensivf line was the his staff. game on D»-< concern for Ebasik and The H.1W ', wrapptd "They've progrtMed up their ^t-aMrti wiih j 41-21 win throughout the seaMm." mM over lUh-rankijd t.rand R.ipidt Elidsik. The solid play of Ifie line Robert Ct»lle){0 hO!) enabled running back Himf\t>r, th«y Wl l)av>d

gave thi- CUilden tagk-s tht-ir »irnk'rerkre titU- smcf I "EvjTvbtidv -.teppt'd Lip had an unspettaiular i)a\ but he tali h touch a4id head coach |ohn HiaMk did thri'W. run and a

retrrrin); hi the Haw lk.>' druMnn|fi down the at Grand Rapids llu' iM\l\ blemishes on " iLiMvcd Uv -"'"'•• I i '•'. Ivs II, ord arc fh«' 2 losses to

. \.ilif\ M.ir|'.T ,!n.ppt-d the " oftrnM "Hi special f«'am- oi-i imi'linK i"

|»)hn Roger* led the deUTiM- In ,1 same "

with '

in Ihi- \<-.n ' lCend.ill labt-rdh MVi-d i\llh .1 lo!

• V )r,t .. •:. ••- i PMOTOBYDiMDPUWP

'"" D«fwMl«* kMk lokN Kitfn (l«n) cmtri— i rtM 4MM Of Ms fMV ImttvpHmm m KwiteH Fab«r look* on.

Davidson breaks school record and arm in win; Church's homecoming a success

' in Ihi- pa-l lu" .'..mn- h.iJ things. I liasik i>t*f^*H|I[H s SKWTSttHTOB • tjiiaitt tb 1' t- K( tliur. h t hu.-ch perlormarwe »-• • Dellatjua • S,iph.-— - -: ,- I ri'turnnl to his honu-lown ot llacekickc-r Umy and did si> mi.s!ied two field goals in the Robert I C.rand KapuK m

'' r w in but almost had the r oi inc i\iitm>; fashion t .Mi! iiaqH i ; -u;t -..nil opf^irlunitv to tie the school Hsik. and tore it up I he Miphomorc late in the fourth quar- Midway thnnigh the third two touchdowns, one i>n .i rts ord quarter DaMds<»n, a possible pass from Davidson, and ter leading all-american candidate frai- threw lor arHitfier in the win With the IHawks 20, Cixach John Eliasik tured his rit-ht ann hut but also turned the ball over bv ball on endun-d the pam and tin tw o times decided to run the Tjnslead ished the game He did enough gcxxl fourth and 7 at the "He* about as lough as thin0 to couifM^felanop Hie of kicking the field goal

t>>ey niov and if we go to a K>wl game he will play "wid HfM^ Crvi. h lohn riij-ik

.1 : ..! Pi .

alternii -,, -... , > Uit

him with 1 .7m yards rushing on the season, vaulting pa»t

l>om«o Butler s 1 ,746 sit^jle- seaaon record set in 1*<0 'I feel gtHxl abut breakint; the rpconi." said Ltavidsan "Now I'm going for liMO." He already broke Ihi- ivcord for most attempt- in .i gime (5.1) earlier m tk- ^ j son agairwl Wisconsin- 1 .nsn

The nation's leading n«h- er doesn't wn two touch- KX. CiMrch «*llv«rs Um ball evar a Ri down», both to K C C hurch. hi Mm Itowka 41-21 victery at OraiM < «

Presidential candidates sliow all spills at the Cola potential during interviews Boi^ ••arch conmiltt** r«comm«nds four applicants

bachelor s drgm in iociology at •CWSEOITOI) ConwII Univenity HegotKisMAT The Pieatdcntial Search Advisory at Harvard Univcnity and his Ed D Cooimittee has recommended several atthrUiuversityofPtaMyKaiua. He new candidates for the pmideiKy of is the president of St. Loui* Harper College After a tO-year Community College at FlorisiMM tenure at Harper. Dr Paul N Valley, St Louis. Missouri. Thompson has decided not to renew Dr. McPhail served as university his contract in |une, 1998. prwoit at Pace Univetsity in New One candidate. Dr. Richard York and Westchnler. and Dean of Bchiendt, obtained his undergradu- Alts at Wayne County Community ate and master degrees in sernndary CoiitgF in Detroit. Michigan. He was education at the Lnni-rsity «i atao president at UMoyneOwen Pittsburgh College in Memphis, Tennessee. He completed his Ph D in hif^wr McPhail has over 20 years of education at the University o< teaching expenetwe and has pub- Michigan Behnendt has had exten- lished extensivety. sive teaching experience Dr Dr. Robert fteuder ac(|uiicd ha Behrendt has the been president of bachelor's and master's degices at Saulk VaUey Communitv College in the Slate University of New York at Illinois since I- Ulinois before Saulk Valley He was Dr. BieudCT has spent almost .10 the dean o( aiUege *)ervices at Clark years in leaching and student per- County Community Ccdlege in Las sonnei and administraMan. He spent Vegas, Nevada 17 ymr» m p— iiknt of Penngylvama 'ux l>i«auar>tiai aMran (in ;u||r 4

Stress during finals can be conquered with ease Find out what's new in mum of $4'*5 m the Harper history paper fin>t! Harper clubs. stair «M«TEn BookstcHV. Relaying on memory \Asualize positive outcomes for all It's tmais Page 2 time agam! Students akme causes errais, actlMcks and occasions. Turn. "1 can't pass this know that meaits pulling all-nighbnrs, sl>eM> final!" into "I can ace this fiiul!" cramming pots of afifme into Iheir Reduce the amount of caffeine and Fall semester finals system aiui learning a semester's Mart iHpoftuiity, ftl sugar in your diet. worth of fiMterial in a of schedule offers a matter As teti^iting as it may be to drink hours. VM.\ reference to find out not this year, actofdmg a pot of coffee without any help, to Char Padovam in Health Services don't! Too much caffeine can nuike when exams are. There ate ways ot hHulling preciom you tense and jittery. Pages time and managir^ stress levels. Most importantly, get enough Learn to live with situations that sleep and nest Ideally six to eiff^t can't be changed Translation you've "Mt one thing at a nme Do the hours a night, especially the mght Reckless drivers beware; made i( this far into the semester most impcxtant things first If the before a firul exam. Why contemplate dropping the Public Safety is on call History paper is due first, wnte it No matter how much you may try, couise now' Take the final even during the winter. and grin first. you cannot cram a whole semester and hate it. If music appreciation is your wortii of material in one rught Page 4 Get organized i>y purchasing a favoiite dass, and the paper ^'t due Good luck to all of the stressed-out moftthly/ weekly pjanner for a mira- untf two weeks lator, stall %VT>te tt«e students during finals.

Bomb threat yanks possible first win away Jon Stewart discusses sex, masturbation to audience from men's basketball. K«WI Nov. U. audieivce and delivering REAKJSS EDITOR Page? Stewart kept his audi- instantly furaiy replies

What do masttabation. ence enthusiastically cheer- "He [Stewart} is just a holiday celebrations. ing thnnighout hi<. p«Tfi>f- Men's fix>tball loses Pepsi really smart. %vitty comedi- Saddam Husjiem and drugs marKe. Having been a an who doesn't talk down Cola Bowl, but wins the have in common' stand-up comic for over ten to his audience" said audi- vote. No, these are not the years. Stewart was at ease eiKe member Rob Vega results from Pages the poll of onsUtge "No short-term memo- what Harper studtmts aiv of Some Stewart's rou- ry, so you can literally per- doing over winter break. taw consisted of prepared form for them every few The\ weie all topics cov- material, howe\t'r, he left wtvk>. and keep pilif>g up ered b\ •.f and up comedian plenty ol opportuiiits Id the money (he smirked). PHOTO BY owe PIMP lofui Sli'w.irf M-hen he per- show nM hi", cjuak wit by No, they aie probably a lit- Ix-MTV Star apmkm wHli turmed .il Marjier Frkiav. tjlkin^ to members of the lonpaotS tiwffi* hi tln Bh. #vT (•47) (M7) •»«000 xlMl The Harbinger Page 2 HarpeifJIews December 1, 1947

Activitit» OMc*. A33o In adUition bi TH E Mfl ElES?; land organiutiun mcmbm w an Dk pubbcaliaa two liHraiy week* and PlEHSt H£LP H Istian 10a.m. -fHxintnAi37c Student one ait work wHi lacaive a (100 ca*h GIUE THE GIFT OF UIRRMTH THIS SERSON lor nibaii«ian is Prmzivaib n hating award The deadbne a ee» or ttied Mintol lo tl* cqUtcme labte ia tttt BuiMing 1. comJor tiy ihe 1 ID urate the Hamcr rtu- Dec. 19 boekMerefmn 7.10 aJB-Booo. Dee S II All Maaktts coHectol »UI he donaud lo dir

io ceanpui and A faaMan thum apanaored : by the leeden dnoMi lalvaiion army I

L For mafv infanna- African American Student Aaacxiilian dwnwi Cl«fc 1) ilK Mcllcii* iT iiii i AammtM %—»»< hf en f \ iaaMon on Harpvr Mu- I catt PruunraUl (SC7) 991-M22 or wiU fcatuR SV.P with Shirley in Student denM on Fnday, Dec S Thr iihow.

t at (Mn «25^242 hy Dec. X 'Fall into Faahion with Harper PbM el View. HMfer't ahident M- CoUctgr.' wiU befwAt ttw AASA schul We don't uke e/wt iM|azin». i* now acccfH- arahip fund. Dtx>n> open at 6 pjn. tor CMriive wvk. Any Haiper ttu- the 7 p4n show. [ TO BE

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> fall search uf cngincr avatiaMt to «he Siudeni 9254HI for info. Roee-Hulfli rcchnokigy this in

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Cce I -MD- 71 •- TWT tat deMk The Container Store Th* Cor*cmwi SKwm o^mo'M a v*''«:**'f<'«0 '»jq f*»« if^Lrr'-iTtaat EOf IP uMnuvntBNicaMM V^^ Equal OppoftunKyEmptoyer The H«(biiv|(T Pag* 3

~ Roundtible Assembly HEALTH WATCH A GREAT PLACE FOR Dm. S, 10 un. • mm. AlSTe Worid AIDS Dplaye«l m the Hallway TRANSFERS TO groal opportunity to unite uilth other Harpor near the Building L a.m.-l student loadert. Botikstore fmm 11 p.m twi Monday, Dec 1 A ROOTS. C— SMrtm at tlud—t acttotUoa 1M?> 92%-U*2 RJT DOWN vigil, spon- candle light sored by STOP AIDS Semester Finals Harper and the Gay, Lesbian and Bisextial Clubs, will conclude a memorial in MondH, Tui rtM. TtuMM DmU OmU Lir OecU the Building A Student Center faim 4-«) p m MMTHOaa T-N MO- MIEN6101. M Healthy Holiday Ealing 5i6 uncMMM teoaiMkv oMoeT. aoo«is Tabic Dietetic Tech Students and MaflH war ^tptm ji «00«90 8XX>«90 1215-tao Health Service staH will * l UHWinMHr coUrfr lb«0 hand out recipes and hps »«ii<«

aJMlnl w itt (Ou I* •xht I m y SpMMy a.m.-l p m. m the hallway U30012SO l:40-2M li)0-215 Airmart near the Building L book- dbirwtan lf««iwM» f MO Earn store. MM al aw mmtkf <«wlrn« MM Sli^-M Buelcn vo« awnl kiw Mt l»nr tonlinn jOmttwrimn^'rAt rau i*» mow »4»-SiS0 23»-3d40 AmnfM Andy Howe, M Ed., vow dcfrrc >^V rr MO^ 3<»4^ Counselor. Student ilK Cham nriun «l ttv hhtnl wmI omiIh vnarwN pna Development hosts two .10 SpKMly AmngMi Easm seminars. I>eam intensive stress management tech- |ai4Mpm.«l niques to change your out- Elmhursi look and reaction to stress on Thursday, Dec. 4 al 6:30 College ^ ^ pm. in A242a or on OM.aiXM Tuesday, Dec. 9 at noon in i«a noiPi I t A\ murm ««••• A242a

MlDWfcSrhKN ijNiVLKMn OoM>Matl<«>>i liiiNii" Occupational Therapy Program

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campu. m (MOT) dcs«=c o«rh«utiful «*urbaa UiA.««»« L™v««.y. Ol l>n»»i olfcn Ac M«.er of <)ca,p..«maJ n«rvy « phy«c«r. «.««,. -ud-. .«1 phys... tbcrspy. D.^^::^!!^:TrJa^^oll^. a^ .« -«n»cH. medKin. pharmacy.

I'iO/m-em atf afcr Ckn.M'.^ ""^ 1^ " ftr /W»»^ »>>«anw. '^V— Vkii •» \M situtt mwmmidwmurm.*dm Thf Harbinger December 1, 1997 Pane 4 Winter conditions malce driving liazardous The beginning is the (omeone inlenhonally," says never been administered during a ST*fF MUTER Kinn winter. King is optimistic that it will contmtie. end is the beginning As the first stxidents are wel- 'Hlic oflkcrs MTnot "The offkjers are not mechanics comed back to Harper in JanuarN and they cannot diagnose what is It begins almost the same way they'll look out across the empty >and they wn>ng with the cars ... but we'll parking kits covered in (now and it ends. ! what is try for a reasoruble time to jump comes closer ice. As the semester wrong wtth the cars... the cars with our booster Human nature will lake ov«t surt to the end, with finals just packs," adds King As the snow a* they gnp their steering wheel> but we'll try for a rea- students flock into the corner, it's strange kit falls and around the tight, accelerate acrosi the and sooaUe time to Jump parking lots, the chance of acci- how things really don't change slam ttwir brakes while sliding start the cars with our dents will increase providing (i«r an began, and out irf ctmtrol, When the semester ")ust slow down That's basi- exhilarating expenence. but one booster pacl(s." the new students rushed in, cally it,"says King as advice to that could hold stiff consequences -OMdor at Pubic SaMy this winter. "Just slow every one was stressed out. with Harper's Safety Patrol KtMciKng students down and uw; a little common There were new teachers to get •'The officers, at their d»cie- for leck- The college's kojds and more classes tiofv could wnte a tKket u!.ed to There were a 24- l«s» drivti^" says Ke\in King, Grounds Crew works en will to lake Director of Pul>lic Safety. hour, oci- parking lot- -ind free of overexuberant Parking during Vice President of Bormie Henry ice. few weeks was absolute- providing the first "It would be a violatkin of stu- A trial program safety vehicles 'v ridiculous dent conduct to endai^ger the generator packs in this spring to assist Well, things got easier. Things safety of any other people on cam- will return are dead pus." says King Parking viola- students whose batteries slowed down. School wasn't as apprommalely tions will also tie dealt with on a "We provided HM«MGD) FLE PHOTO were more semester," hectic. Students caw-to-case tusis. 100 tump sUrts ttus fall Pliy*l««i Plairt cl*ar* mmw for thoosaiMl* relaxed. 'We (safety officers) will issue says King. to aMho way btockad Although this program iiM •f ears la tlM Iota. Of course, everyone had those lictets if we feel they've days when they forgot to study Advisor? for a test, left their homework in Presidential search: four 7Ask your Wellness the car and suddenly, they felt a amdoms or foam) candidates interviewed Students can anonymously trol (such as lack of control over their life. submit questKms on wellness- to use with your first pack of the pills t>ecause lh<- pills may not fine contlruad from ptci 1 reUti'd topics outside The next day was you from preg- Colli-se ot Technolo)0' where he is curienl- H.jllh Service afhct. A.162 fully protect students got first cycle All the new K \n..vMr- will appi-dr in tutufv n,m< \ dunnn this Tlw pill l» m«Nin« to be ii.~fil tn »hf lomrmiiMty lolU-gi- 11.- loi^i-.l iiu- merger l>«'H.^'-<-i> is«u«4 oi the Hmrhinffrr Tlw WMlness Advisor" takAfi every day in a cycle At scene V\illi.im%port t iimmunily Collcj;' \!,k Your by tiie the end of each three week Peruisylvama College of lechnoU > ..iltunn is sponiored is ending in a discontinues So the semester tiarper Wellness Advisors cycle, the user create Penn College in l^tW. People are rushing and Health Services. the drug or takes a placebo pill few weeks. Carol Spencer obtained her bache- Ch»b Dr in hor- All ipiestions are tliorough- for one week. The drop again. Teachers are at the University around br's and master's degree uterine letearched and responses mone level causes the She earned her Ph D in com- ly tightening the schedules and giv- of Nebraska disintegrate, and the will l>e provided by health lining to prehensive vocatioiul education at the menstrual ing more work out cut profeisaonals and are not user will have a State University. peruid, usually within two or up, and it's related to The Harhngn Finals are coming Dr SpeiKer was district dean of What is U»e correct way to tfiree days to cram Were going Technical and Industrial Programs at missed, take the time use the pill? U a pill is Area Technical Coilegr you remem- through out notebooks, and try- Milwaukee The birth control pill is a tablet as soon as served in not in Milwaukee, Wi«con.*in She syntlwtic hor- ber It You will probably ing to find every page of notes comtMnation of Area it is a good the same capacitv at Des Moines mones almost like those pro- get pregnant, but we've written throughout the Moines Iowa back mettiod Ccimmunitv College m IVs duced by the ovaries It pre- idea to use a up i-Jjr semester. She IS furrt-nlK pri->iilont ot I vents the wary trom releasmg of birth control. contraceptives can The time disappears, and we Valk>> Colk^ge in Lancaster, Ifxa* the egg With no egg present Oral negahvely with other Presidential candidates wiU be inter- for sperm to fertilue, a woman interact survived the finals. We relax Antibiotics, antioor*- viewed during the first week of l>cemt>er cannot l)ecome pregnant. drugs for the next semes- is vulsants and alcohol can again, to wait Everyone is invited to attend open itwums Used correctly the pill (* effective- effective Choose a diminish the pill's ter Again, it begins the same on Dec 1 and Dec. V5 m U09 {torn l\h- percent method of birth con- 2:15 p.m. tMckup way it ends.

Aaalstaata Ultorial Board Staff VMtf and Don Berger. Ted Danylut*. Ryan Freund. Jennifer Golz. Fratcois Haussemot Brian Marktewicz. David Punm Kevm Shepke. Sean Trudeau

eawral Pollelas Act** Editor fiCmet Lauren Schubel

nmHmtmmf**»t!lalm*tU«m>ai>loittmmnmCa»mem^o^ The Harbmcer William Ramey Harper College sclwol »«w Algontjum Road AinatidaOffenbachBr Bsrtty. piaSisil t^»«t* "*^ cam»»«t> mty »im ntomi^ion pmanrt «o tto cmrtut wd rts tunounsnt JayMktteton AiEEdtor business office: (847) 925-6460 to sdrton**^ . ii«t«r» to «» •Moiandiiflsw (« news office: (847) 925-6000 »2461 runbtt to otnfy mMtiemm Lonort must Us « iKtmat » cnon* fax: (847)925«)33 «uli|ac1 t«on fsquasl All Wtors tn) contoM ai« Features Editor KefcHader SitnaturastMSli* to Mktnt

oonyrt^jt 1997, The Harbir«er. in M^ti*^'' •<» not nw^ssirsy SpoftsEdJtor SeanMcHjtfi (roducts art swvicss s

December 1, 1997 P«g«5 Comedian: controversy surrounds show eomnuM fnini pafi 1 my f**king collogf'' John rvally n-lales to a younger Invest Your Credits tie more open to contrcwer- Stewart University—Where crowd He's |u»t sohip." sial topics." Stewart Mid studying comes last'." Opening for Stewart was about pla\ing pnnunly col- Many times, Stewart Second City comedian Mike Ifyom kaut attkp crmbi • mst a. lege-age venu«^ paused to allow the audu-nce Lukas, who could easily pass Tmnsftr yomr eoUtf cutrumgri C<)ntTover»ai may be the to fuush laughing befoie he for Bull, the bald guy on the only word to describe aHild continue 80's sitcom "Night Court", Stewart Off the top, Stewart After delivenf\g more combined for his routirw a asked the audieiKW who than an hour ol betly-aching unique view of everyday life WUtiam Rainey Harper was. salive, Stewart left the stage and physical humor. When an audience mem- alter a monstrous applause "I thought Lukas was a ber shouted that Harper was from a very satisfied crowd perfect match for John, he the fit«t presidtml of the Paige Ehtman. a former was hilarious and really Ufuversjty of Chicago, Harper

Slewati rapUed, "Big deal. 1 Stpwart, "I think he is a reaUy the show" said audience had a show on MTV, where'* funny guy, he's saiiriail. He member Dave Cafiertey.

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The Harbtnf^ December 1, 1997 Sportj P^^7 Hawks look to rocapturo title after ^disappointing" 1996-97 season

and placing Ihrw n rentier", m the lop hrrt I o> i-l.n i sdid, "and we want to SPORTS EIXTOR Brad Shanowski loiik eighth at the 10, coach Norm Loi eiace wants i.rtiii.a more that tradition and win a 1 58 pound clas". Many schoob would be eotatk; if 'VVe weie little a detappoinled in liampionship like wi. Ji.i Ciiach Lovelace ei^iawd some they finished fifth m the nation. the way finished, " II we Uivelace «)d i:urta.em for his athletes academicaUy. Unfortunately, the Harper f{awks "WV d like to back to njtimi.ii Lovelace* expectatiom ate ^ not so The key to the seastm is. making wrestling team doe* not ahan thow championship status." tdr-fetirh4Hl sure the wrestlers are eligible Mntiinents. It would be unfair to label last sea- t>«id MilWr plaied third m the tie next semester After finishini; as Midwest icjtion- son as a dt«appointment but nation al 177 pounds, Bynin Chandler "It everyone is eligible, wi-u oe ai champion, taking; fifth in th.- nation "We've built a great tradition took fiftti at the 150 pound clam and comfwtitive " Lovelace said The Cost of Hawks still looking for first win despite Coach Hirsch's optimism Continuing about key players, opponents By— Frsifi "We have a good team and we an capable of scoring many points, but the only thing The Harpr Hawks are lurt nfl to a gotx) Your Higlier that I want to accomplish is to gel as a defen- start, but Coach Mike Hirsch promise* many sive team." added Coach Hirsch.

more victcir . .Another tough opponent tor Harpi-r was Education TheHav. ,; i,- MisMJun U'piitui ^'uth Suburban, ranked UHh m the nation. patein theCuliege Ittumanu-nt Tt»'vpUvi\l !>!«• Hawks wen- onl\ down bv one point (wo games and at Dralfe untitrtunately lost both. midway through the stvond half whj-n a n-r r>t game w» gainst Mineral Area bomb threat cancelled the game i ..iiix«- MissoiBi. "Our whole team has been playing weU, Just Went The Hawks lost 124-101 Harper faced especially m the South Suburban game and tj»l Central College (Missouri! m the final Jay Kozial and Mike Malone fiave been com- game and gave a good effort, but was defeat- ing off the bench to help us greatly, and Dan ed 81 -63 Sui]^ and Mark Stahl have bec-n there for us •1 th»" tinjmament I believe in both games all year" said Coach Hirs«.h ime out tidt and eai-h team we played Imi \.iii "There are two things 1 want to accom- Vh^ .,.,-. . _ ^ tud hij^her imi»nsit\ than us ^jid .illnrftjhli ii. ttjiivfi) IM Or^ki StiitpK ,t\n>iy Coach plish First I want to pick up our intensity, l..r jii\ ruiiiihvr ul «tliolurvhi|i<« - up Im %T.mNI Hirsch and lastly I want to shut down ttie opening i%4il4tili tml« lo t«*initiMnii\ itt|lt|;i ifitiisfrr The Harper Hawks then traveled to team's offense. With I* III* ttK« *»Mi \\m wrltnnu irtttitfrr viuilcntx these two i-omptments Morton liiiL' ilitM vt h«ilrir ^ht|»> III College and were defealed 107-42 we cam't go wrong." I t-*uf it.tMviiion I,, lUrfki iiiMrr

J tiu\. i) fittjn«iiil AHi i« \Ur« ti I. IV»»H. M. .i|)f»lv »..«' f iM iiton MtdirniMitoii. |ilrii\r ci«ll t XIMl JJ OM VK» ..r -i^ .'^1 *t%t •Matani* KtNMMMki was nwnao aihiaia of tha lor her outttanding oNansiva partoonancaa ovar ih» pma wmk swoftng a game htgh 22 poirta and toUowtng that up Dnike with anothar doubla figure game •The toottMtf awMilt banquat wm ba haW on Wadneaday. Dae. 10. For mora informa- tion contact Wa»ndM wid Human Rmowcm Dept. in Building M.

FROM THE BENCH College G r a d r a r f s By Kevin Shepkp student a^ssislanl On the nt^b<

ttie I Urper mei team was scheduled tu play a game at South Stdnuban

College in South Holland, 111 The game started at regu- lar time and was moving con-

sistently up through tfie first A part-tire job. halt of plav Ho%«rever, with A full class schedule. 1 1 V) left in the second half. South Sutnirban, with Ifie A full social calendar. one-point lead, called a time- out Suddenly, everyone ran * ItHmitfabIc fajr«v<>( >ou Where did he find time for *9.00 an hour? out of the gym According to t VMM lo ^MtamM man IWfiH TiKlaiisaSaiaitfStiiiniaaa y—ntifoiti Mtiainianc f B aai^ itMi M>| > acu>ii««l fulurf aclen y«M tSoau. mjke •af? Handlers there was a bomb planted yu« ittlll m ihe p*upl« M somewhere on the campus •ASMatavlar riK MM and everyone was evacuated imlMaK B«.-ih>M Aa<»a>lHl WiiiyiMjIlatiSimiw^littyaM. •t »M S* Mali ar SaMSn anMiS « iJMAkWiSm "^ "* »«nw»h*Mr*Bc«M«ryssmiHMy I Ma«t «r Ns«a«a ami (nib«»• aa I JHJhn M i«1 «* h«i% *n^ Tlte police were called in ikM lot kn* kMs luaAMg («r lo search the campus for any IM« sight of a bomb, but fortu- < MiM ifonMl . A tuo-jum. i imisnlmmvt. nately none was found. What would possess a per- Ma «r an km anikc imIms> son to do such an evil thing

iii n it ir oini nlin Mis like this at something as peaceful and as friendly as a Rtgional Rccnuief basketball game? Ome Norrii fmntlm. Stiitr J50 Our game , and poasibiy Chaato. IL «<«<» our first win, was suspended Fat. lJi:i b2V .1049 Emml L£iutCHimm>ifim and will be made up at a later (^ Prudential date, but sometfung like liiis a-» IS totally ndicuious SeciuiUes NSWimt This night was truly HwaHiiiHin bizarre and the events that (M1)»T«HI fm)in-«ii* i—nwatwiUM occurred were simply uncalled for -

' ^

er hports

x.t»n Football onds soason with loss, but gains voto to contlnuo Ring back Rob«rt DavMson mwim AII-AiiMrican honors in M» rocord-MttIng last soason at Harpor

without All-.^mencan running back The ofiensive line hurt us.' rusher Davidson al.so was tiw first Robert Davidson, out with a broken Btasik said "Wr |ust got whooped at Flawk to earn AIl-Amencan honors Harper's hx>lt>«ll team end«d its arm, and startmg oflwisive linenun the line since Tom UPak, Wilbur McDonald, MMfon the way it »tart«i>d with a tnp Ryan l-ang, who also suffeivd a bn>- FUrper yielded 318 yards to the Tom Cilson and Rtxlney McCollum to Iowa to fare the Warriort of ken arm during the week o* practice Waldorf rushing attack and allowed did It in 1 decision allows |mej to years flron now.** Waldorf scored with 4 (>S lett T» jdd and 2 touchdowns recruit from a better positum." Eliasik insult to iniury. Ih*- iTi->uing kickot< "By-in-large our passing sami' Mid. "1 can look at a student-athlete biiunced o« up linrman Sam Wheeler came through," Eliasik said V\i- and tell him we will be here two " and was recovered by Waldorf Rfty- couldn't get our running gdmc Fmishin^ >ss years from now ' mne suconds later. Waldord ddd

New coach more interested in life Wrestling begins after break than wins hear, you learn 50 perctni oi whut sPomsEaTOi) you see atul hear, but you learn 95 First year men's basketball coach percent of what you teach to si>me- Mike Hirsch i» not concerned with txidy else," Hirsch said "Hopefully how many games his Flawks get they can see what a coach sees rather He IS mt>re concerned with good than what a player sees." people leaving his program By taking this approach Hirsch After spending time at belie\'es he is allowing his players to Northeast»Tn Illinois Univtrsity as a team a tittle more about their coach- student assistant, Hirsch came to and themselves as well

Harper and spent some time learning "1 gave my players a list," Hirsch from Ron Krieger and Ken Payi«. said. "Athletics is about fourth on the "I feel lucky," Hutk+i said. "I'm list. They have five things they live

surrounded by good people 1 appre- their lives by One is faith, whether ciate being here. The school bends they belie\'e in religion or themselves over backwards they do a realty then family, then school, then bav

good job. It's a very positive environ- ketball and then your social life ment. "We're at a community college. Hirsch is not your typical coach. and some of my players work 20, 30 Most college coaches want full 40 hours a week. They don't want to control of their program and will not come in here and be yelled at or budge on ttut <^nce. demeaned. They want to be . . . Hirsch takes a more laid back inspired." approach. He allows his players to Fiirsch wants his players to under-

run practice stand there is much more to life than By doing this he believes he is basketball teaching his players to understand However, Hirsch does acknowl- the game and see what he is seeing. edge the fact that winning would be "You learn 10 percent of what you nice, but winning m the game of life is see. you learn 30 percent of what you what counts.

Lady Hawks head Into December with unblemished 4-0 record •vta throw line. Kwasniewski was also rebounded Blackhawk East 53-22. do artd that was the important thing. SWFT «W)lItR four of seven from the three-point Flarper has defeated their oppo- Whether tfiey played zone or man The Lady Hawks bumped thi»ir arc. nents by an averiq^ of 27.7 points per (defense) we worked the ball around record up to a perfect 4-0 as thf\ Heather Kusch coltect»-d T4 game so far this season, only allowmg We got the ball to the open person defeated Blackhawk East m~*t> on rebournls jnd krist«-n Wilson jUo ttieir opponents to score an average and we got our runnmg game going Saturday, Nov 22. vontnhuU'iJ with five asowts respec- of 48.2 points per game early, and that's whal you have to Athlete u.-.k ,. of the M, ij; tu>-l\ "Everyone did a nice job," said do" Kwasniewski led alt Moa-n. with 2« IK" l.ady Hjwks vhot 38 percent assistant coach Jeff Jedd 'I think we The Ladv Hawks next home game pomts. shooting 10 for 1^ from the from the floor ..onnocting on 3() of had about seven out of eight people IS Tuesf!. uec. 2 against Elgm at S field .ind si» of seven from the free- their 80 shots H.irjHT jIso out scorf jiid we did wh.it we wanted to pjn. Better student hangout in Men's basketball starts off with win Building A offers more tlian L TIm iMart of campus has baan transpiamtadl

had changed to make a CDITORMCWF conicioiis e*brt to keep it aesthetically attrac- A hMTt tnuwfdant is tak^ place tive It really needed a facelift It an campus The Building A *tud«mt was a very sterile environment." center lour^ is betng tTAnsfornied The reiKivations to Building A into the new "heart and center" oi ihouki bnng a plMtant change to iKe campus in an attempt tu redirect the way student* spend their precioiM trait'ic away ftom the naturally biisy time bet«vc«n classes Building L Students now have another option A formal rMmn cuttmg ceremcmy besides cramirung for a test in the wiU Uke place to christen the new library, catching a quick lunch in the arwi at noon on IWsday, Ian 27 dmmg hall, basking in the sun m the "Prom my understanding, [the Quad or clogging a major traffu plan to lefurbish Building l\a* A| artery in Building I by standing; been in the works for a number of motioniesfi m clumps vear*,' said Coordmator of Student "Building A had always been the Xctivities Michael Neiman whtJ filled big heart and center' erf the campus n for the projert'i director. Director when; students used to always hang >t Student Activities Jeanne Pankaitm out." said Nejman "When L '.>ra week. Ihiikiing was created, that b> she«r There are other reatsons lo redeco- placemeni becaim- the center of cam- rate besides rvR)utmg students. pus. Building A liecame the one off to The btttklHig m 30 ye«m old," the side We observed thai students continutdNciflMn. "It wat becoming iwJiy liked to hang out m that ann a (torehouse for materiab. Things ' lC«MroniMas3

Fourtli president in liistory International Buffet an selected by board Amonda Offmabaclivr 'ttii' ht- gttt the option tor >tudi'nts iii thf --.'.id added new cafe. A> thr tall senu'Mer erult-d. the academic p^^>^;^Jlu^ board of trustees was left with a d«a- Page 2 "With the appoiatinent of He raised salary pay and settled sion to make about the open position many contract negohations Dr. Braider aad tfw leader- lor the Harper presidency. He acquired his bachelor's in ship Public Safety's youngest Four candidates were interviewed he « |M«iMe, we have Biolt^ at the State University of member talks about non- lor the presidencv during the last few every cwAdtM* Harper New York at Albany, as well as his weeks of school, but the outcome master's in Student Personnel traditional roles for Coltgi wiB <»atinue lo be was not determined until the begin- Services ae or Hm nert oMtatawttiv women. ning of the new year He holds a Ph.D in Higher llBllM Page 3 Ch, |an 8, ]'»8, Chairman Education Adnumstration from the Richard Kotzr annouiKed Dr Ruber! Florida State Unuersily in L Breuder as the next president of the •RichwdKaiM Tallahassee Opportunities offered for college, Chritman of Iha Board of TmMM* Breuder began his career in educa- adult students. "After considering input from tion as an mstnictor of botany at Paul vanou.<> college ton«>tituencM*s and Breuder recently completed a Smith's College in Saranac Lake, New Page 4 conducting extensive interviews, an presidency at Pennsylvania College York. on-site visit and intense deiibera- of Technology, after a tenure of 16

Pre\iew upcoming events for this spring semester Aunt Betsy brings sound home Pages FleckscI and Hannah lan^ \o, MEfSnV) this was not a coincidence at Spofftw When onginal .Aunt Betsy names. Aunt Betsy is compro- Men's and Women's members David Faro and Bruce mised of two married couples Hecksei basketball start off the wowed audtenn- tm-m- l)a\ id and Bruce forged Aunt bers at the IWl Regma lulk Betsy SIX years ago through new year with v\ ins. 1 i->-ii\ a! they did not know wh«-n> encouragement by fnends and •>.... -.. ,..,1.1 K> *'v.4 >. family Harper w •'ii'ir Aunt Beisv, the eclectic and ini- ptTi's-iii.inii" i>n original group will perfiwm on dominate at home inv ifi' iJian Broadcast campus Krida\ heb << in the Pages t " Building ) Iheater at KJ pm rubttion )ump-started Adding tu their credentials. \iii'i lV't-.\ •, ^anvr. leading to Aunt Betsy pnixiui-vd th«>ir sec- Ihi iii'.i ol thftf lull-length ond album. Kind, which was albums, entitled Water reccmled live Later in l''^4, the PHOTO CCURTES* Of KMHPER COUEQ£ Vears to come. Aunt Betsy band was awarded the 'South •toy •wsatoto mt t«** aMNrtotf added two Qycago rtatives. lulie SM Awt aMaif on pafs 5

iwi.:^ itMT) (M7) . f

The Harbinger ^aee2 Harp0t>l0w> January 26, 1996 Student center More than just coffee and chairs available in refurbished area

have a k>ung« area with tables, Supervisor ot Food Service George becauae it waa the ctnter al cam- chain and other goodies Sipp pus and there was cofice shop by "Muffins, scones, btscotti, fresh- The new coffee area will servi the bookstore." baked cookie*, popcorn, hot cocoa, between S a m -« p.m Monda\ The attempt bnng thtr Ktudents flavored teas, a cappuccino Fnd.i back to the student center is fairiy machine with t>\f ndvt>r>, a luuc 'c the dvmge. it'> impRMtve. machine, other cold dnnkj>. regular nice." said student Mike Hudet To ge* people to come back to coffee and five to s» flavors of col- "Before no one waa here because it it's {Buitdmid K, «ve wanted to make it fee will alao be offered," said waa so sterile and coM. Now, a bttle leu rigid and strnle kwk- cozy. 1 like the cofiee shop, too ing," continued Nefinan i really like the There can never be enough cofiee "Now we have all ot this won- on campus." change, ifs nice. derful carpeting, colorful flags, A formal ribbon-cutting cere- new artwork. tnBBt, aicad<- Before no one was mony wilt take place in lite new student lounge area al noon on , a tO-inch TV' a stage for < here because it was to piano and Program Bowd's n«rw Tuesday. Jan. 27 Everyone is invit- Coflthouac Serie*.' •terile and cold. ed to attend Complimentary popcorn, coffee "We want it to become the cam- Now, ifs cozy. I like pus' front room now, like a livini; and c-oi>kies will be avaiM>le from too. room where people can come and the coffee shop, Food Service hang out." he aaid. There can never be The Harper Jazz Ensemble and The Heavenly Cappuccino Multi -Cultural Affairs wiU per- coffee enough on fonn for those who attend. machine will still be located m PHOTO BY oeslCE CORCOfMN Buildii^ L for Ihoae student* who campus." "Free food and entertainment— •twitnti •twtotf to •• Mm It will be a great way to look at the A«l immI a qfiidt fix between dais, but -MhtHudK _ it will It* for stow lippcrs. Building A will new space to see what be I I 27. like." said Newman. VH WMPVy

International buffet program to tantalize everyone's tastebuds

popular Mexican bar. The kinds of cuisine cafeteria this spring, the ham- condiment bar and load wawfseomm idea was qwwned by food "The menu on the bars burgers wUl be meatier with a everything they want up and In caw atiidents have service supervisor George will switch and change all the change to new doud burgers, bring it over and they'll wrap

found aH rilcmalive to the Sipp and cfiief cook Shirley time," says Sipp, "which whic^ produces tiuee patties it in a wrap," says Sipp. cafeteria'* (cpetiiive menu, Byline means if you have ^g rolls from one pound of meat as In attempts to meet the they may wish lo reconstder "Our plans are to run this time, you may not have opposed to the old burgers needs of students, ttie cafete- Iheir lunchtime optican*. three styles and to rotate tgg roH* next tune." which yirided four patties in ria requests student input as As of Jan. 20. 1998. th* them on a 1-2-3 basis," says A* with the Mexican and one pound. to wether their new programs n,\ will bt-gin a new salad bars, the two new buf- The cafeteria will also be deaerve to be kept as well as ^'- itt,>ii.il Huthrt pn*^r.im rhi> m»Mrv*> tKdl studifnt^ • ' •" •-• .•»il% 4n tr\ ins ti» pii»h the M'rapk at new idtM> in implemcnl in

which allows stiKlenl* to who only tiave classes one :.-U!nnine th»- .l«-li b.ir this, semester. the upcoming Mmiesters

choose between a paaia bw. a day a week will have the ;.i..i .. — J. „,i. .V Jill "(Students) can go A comment box is in the Chinese bar and the ever- opporiuraty to experience aU Amoi^ the changes in the through the salad bar and the Building A dining hall HEALTH WATCH

•Ian. 29 * Feb. 5 People are talking about Weight Lo Judy SdMMMl RD. noon-l pm., A242a. •Fcbtvary The American Heart University Month Fiave your blood pressure checked A3M, Moa-Thura. 8 a.m.-8 p m., Fn 8 a.m.-4 p.m of St. Francis

•Feb. 4 Blood Drive And with gd reason. <)..rnc««,«u»«j.m.vrn,.wr.i,.t,„ur "J a m -3 p.oi., A241 tn i«it cimunHmrni ilnrrw undrrgrailiutr jnd |!r.idualr uiKlcnl pi>(Kilitii>nt and llicir

•Feb. 9-13 nmdt. Wc vt hr>i*king pcotruKMul

Sexual AwaicRCM VhA pcflgraiman'l ^ilt Itjincr^ \^V tr brcomr thr wngiurJ

ui lUMMKC Ir^i lung. )inuniim liif hrahh care prolruiimaU •Feb. 10 li 11 jtPOM thr mtHHry. And h Ciillrfit' .it Nurtiiig Safe S«i Inle TaMe ' ' miiMm jml allw.l iM-jlih r.lw jihhi wilhin \^ Health Service SUff. Secure yourfuture Chtca|;ui..ii<{ thr I ium tmiv

"•'"'•''' ' - Buildmg A student Center, >pirii ihjl ht\ tha^ml u» li« mnn 1I1.111 "S \cjn\ c

lOa.m.-l p.m. ' r nr«l loht a »urrr%»ful aiHlmi iivl ihr

I .

•Relationahips: How Close isTooCloaer Joan Durlacher, PsyD., Cliiucal Psychologist. 11 a.m.-noan, A242a " )

The Harbinger ]aniuuy 26, 19W Paflrl H«rp#i!!>l#w Student center More than just coffee and chairs available in refurbished area

have a kMinge area widi tables, Supervisor of Food Service George chairs other goodies. Sipp bcotiue it was the center at cam- and biscotti, fresh- The new colfee will serve pus aiKi there wa* coftw ittB^ by "Muffins, scones, ma between 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Mondav- the bookstore* baked cookies, popcorn, hot cocoa, The attempt bring the situdmts flavored teas, a cappuccino Fnday five flavors, a juice "I really lik* the change, it > back to the student center is fairiy machine with said Mike Hudec impiewive. machine, other cold dnnks. regular nice student coffee five to six flavors of cof- " Before no one yv as here because it "To get peopW to come back li> and fee will also be offered," said was so sterile and cold Now, it's IButkiingI A, we wanted to makt- it con I tike the coffee sfiop, too a tittle less ngid and ok- There can never be eivough coffer tiifl," continued Ne)man. ^l really like th« on campus" "Now we have all t>J this woo- change, ifs nice. formal ribbon-cutting >>n- derhtl carpeting, colurhil flags, A monv will take place m the new some new artwork, tree*, aicade Before no one was student lounge area at noon on games, a 60-inch TV. a stage Hot a here because it was so 27 Everyone is mvit- piano and Program Boud's itew Tuesday. )an to attend Co«eehouse Series. sterile and cold. ed Complimentary popcorn, coffee 'We want it to become the cam- Now, ifs cozy. Hike cookies will be available from pus' front room now, like a living and the coffee shop, too. room where people can come and Food Service The Flarper )azz Ensemble and hang out," he said. There can never be The Heaveitly Cappuccinn Multi-Cultural Affairs will per- enough coffee on form for those who attend. machine will still be iocaled m MOID BY (X5MK CORCORAN "Free food and eirtertaiiunent— Buildii\g L for thoae students who campus." S«««r«l stiitfMt* •tmitm4 to M« Om

It will be a great way lo look at the riy »«to< BiriMkig A i need a quick fix between claas, but r— iHudac new space to see what it will be iHsi for slow sippers. Building A will .17. like," Mid Nc^num.

International iNiffet program to tantalize everyone's tastebuds popular Mexican bar The kinds of cuisine. cafetena this spring, the hafi\- condiment bar and load FEATURES EUTOR idea was spawned by food The menu on the bars burgers will be meatier with a everything they want up and it aivl they'll wrap In caae students have service supervisor George will switeh and change all the change to new cloud burgers, bring over found an alternative to the Sipp and chief cook Shifley time,' says Sipp, "which which produces three patties It m a wrap," says Sipp. In to meet the cafeteria's repetitive menu, ByiTie means if you have egg rolls from one pound of meat as attempts students, the cafete- they may wish to VMOMidcr "Our plans are to run this time, you may not have opposed to the old burgers needs of in ria recjuests student input as their limchtime optioiw. three styles and to rotate egg rolls next time." which yielded four patties wether their new programs As of fan 20, 1998, ttw them on a 1-2-3 bastt," say* As with the Mexican aiv) one pound. to to well as iteteria will b«T5in a new Sipp salad bans the two new huf- The cafeteria will also be deserve be kept as lnU*n"*.ttit»rLit Hutttrt pn»>;r.irn ("his mfdn-* thai stuJ«Tit* tr\in>; tn pu>.h the wrap*, at new idejN to implement in wtuch allows students to who only have classes one Iho Jell b,u this -.cint'ster tile upt oming M*nw?slers. choose between a pasta bar, a day a week will have the huw much lh>-v w^it "[Students) can go A comment box is in the Chinese bar and the ever- opportimity to experieiKe all Among the changes in the through the salad bar and the Building A dimng hall. HEALTH WATCH

•Jan. 29 fc Feb. 5 People are talking about Weight Loaa Program Judy Schinunel, RD, mon-l p.m., A242a. •February The University American Heart Month Flave your blood pressure checked. \3ia. Mon.-Thurs 8 ajn.-8 p m.. Fn 8 am -4 St. pjn. of Francis

•Ftli.« BItMdDiiv* And with g(KHl reason. HmnrwujIusj^juimtr'.ilvrrtldlM.ur 9 a.m.-3 p.m., A242. oaniinirtrK-ni lo mii i '>;radiuic and grailtulr ttwicni pctpulatiom ami ihrir

N^ - ' nrf '".u)r(.. i -n til incliiJr fnrward-kiuking •rcb. *-13 profrtMonai

pi ' Sexual AwaiMMM Wt«k . 'HU'N. CM,. f .iitiilt Icjrnrr*. We've bccumr ihr vanguard

in tlMaiuc ir,iriiin>;, prmHlinK dtgrrr |ir<,>;t.iin >>)>|«iriuni(m lof hcalrh care pMnuoiuk •Feb. 10 a n aiT*»s th<- intjnir\ \n*i *t«r rrccor jtfiiutiof) uilh the Sainl finrph (>illc|fc ittNurung Sex Info Tabic Safe < ha* t v|Mn.i( J riijfMnj; -in.i all km 1 hcjlih rtlut jiion wilhin 'hicagiilaml Ks rhc UnivrfMU Health Servae Staff, Secure yout future 'A ^l1ll h(4tf tavt to the spirit that hav vhapril uv for rTH.>rt 7S Building A student Center, than yrar^ 10 a.m-l p.m. W iHiJ the Mipi*<'rt V'Mi nccil tti W j MUirs^ful vtu

Htrringgradii.iu « lii>,l •Feb. U Sexually Transmitted DtWAM*

Kathleen Pearson. P < Health Service PhysKi.in 10-11 am.. A242a

•Relaiionships: How Close totooCloae?

)oan Durlacher, Psy I Clinical Psychologist. U ajoiL-floon, A242a. w ,

«ll ^

The Hdrbingcr Janiury 2k, MM Page 3 iiliriflrwrTlTlWll Youngest Public Safety member does more than unlock doors

fdirK b\ tfw ntfHT members of the tious. patrol. v»hi' • "• ns willing to On top of h»T lull time school Perhjp. vou vr stvn her help her »u. schedule and her Iwo nights a

in that cvvning tradituvn where Stewart ^.i jv.ujI«-x] from wtvk on the satpt\ pjirol Stewart HjrpCT nighl-cUft!> stuiient^ ir\ to Palatine High Schtxil in l**^ jnd work-- M J vl.u i.ire in the mttm-

J . u .. . ._ .,j. ifjve the parking k* M the tSBw f,,. — ji Hjr)-*T ings bi'lor*' Mhoiii tinu' Upon completion ot Harper,

In Uw nvad rush tu );«« out tin ttiT iruri-s'. i!i !.ivv entorn-nient shi* plans Ui transfer to Western

Algofvjutn Ruad to nfet hcww. wv was vpjrktt) Jurmg h«T tir>l Illinois L'ni\ersitv where she'll

pass her tMo n.> > k s«ne~' -Iw signed up tor a continue to sludv law enforce-

Hernanwi ^ art. and bak ttmadam ment,

she is the youngest numt • -»hnol, her goal

Harper College Publu : .1 -tale tnK>per

I'jirol .11 a K-^ otticer Mew irt \^ bec.im^ !h»' With this massi\.- -ib.i""! and

"I wa«i in the lust and .i rk load Stewart Aoek foiuid looking fur a pair .i!'. .\.t>k free tin :ning this tali *.: .istom to of shoes or something, How exactly did she get the '^iri* jDii di-ilh atjon to and I Just asked them if .umnvi lan nini|X'l and in-pin'

It •. kinda Stupid. I was tn the they ever hire. 1 niled f\en the mi>s( unmi»ti\att-d among lost and found Uxiking for a pair of us out an application and shoes or something, and I |U.>t WK«n speaking ot the historic later I asked them if they ever hire. I two OMinths got vear at Harper with the first filled out an application and two the job" women's soccer team, Stewart has months later I got the job." said earned the nght to tn- included in Stewart -Holly Stewart tfu' same categivry, as she has hope- Since thei\, Stewart's )ob duties Harper PubUc Safely tulJN paved ttw footsteps for other have included patrolling the cam- wiimen to follow pu> liHiking for people doing Her family has also been equal- Her adxRi- to other women things they shouldn't be doin)^, ly supportive of her decision; espe- lookmg to break into male-domi-

openmg and locking cl^srooms aally her uncle whti wanted to be a nated fields: "C«) for it Especially

and brmgir^ order to the nightly stale trooper but never made it. for women, there are a lot of MOTO BY LAUREN SCMjeTl chaotic rush of traffic m the park- He has been the most supportive opportunities |ust because you're iitg kit says Stewart. a woman does not mean that Safety, — r » « ••> l*f tlMirMWM Although she is the youngest, If she had to be described in one you'iv handicapped. Ju^t go for she says ttiat she's been lieated word, that word wouhJ be ambi- it."

President: Breuder to take office in mid-February tM» n*MI your inpuH

Ten yooi r .endsi Teii youf students' Teli anyone! We're here for YOU!!!!

\ ania College Bi^ard of

,i the

i-v .ind

:, ; !he

;.\i w ith

thi -i.itu-- ! I'ri-sid. Intentus at the same io lion

Whrn yiHi're nr»d\ I" transfer — think Hit. Hr.iiu. -.d

— think Driikr I ni»ersitv Drake iillirs ms I'lrlils iif umit ruraduale \lu«l> and a h.i- .nd jXTtinl ]•>•> plaiimenl ratr for uradualrs. VimI taught an imuiduvtion to IransfrrriiiK I" I'raki- (list Kul lasur \Vr have Wme 1 1.1-- .!t hi> last college Nprclal sihiilai>hi))> ~ up In N'^.IKHi. iv(Kilalh .•r\ .uid hunt- Inr iiMiiiiiunil^ iiilki.1 -Judenls. with addilMHial

fiiuiki-ii aid iRKMlik' iikikuiu a l>raki' educiiiiiiii the ap(X>i' .in urn iH'Ilti »aliii Viid iKir liHUllv and slalT With Of HIWWER COLLEGE ill liilp oiu iiiaki .1 snmi>tli liansitimi. Dr Breuder and th. Dr. Robert tfmdmt Iim a !•«< history In liialHHi (k.idliiH' for sthojarships and ship he v\ili provide v\e liave boghHiiaC with posltoa • • botany iaatiwctor at aid i\ March I. I"WS. mi lunlliasrd OnaiHial I'MTV , , nt;,!. :i, i H.Uper PaMi Swith'a CoNoga hi Saraaac Laha, Haw Yottu in>»! bur iiMici- infiiniialMMi, pkasc tall j(»lil> Coi le to be l-S(HI-44l)K\h.l ..r-|sri MXI diH'sn t expire until |ulv Harper Lki-s are things I one . . ; . i-tanding 1>«H already evpenenced. to one commun - in the 1 would hope thev whc>se ^legrtv or another in inv n>i,i nation,' -^..i " t.irii'r me because I wa-- tht nio-t Drake Breuder will retene a L)k\Kl I Rsin qualified." Breuder said, Bri'Uvlir will K- the fourth \M salan, of Sl55.ail1 and take "but I suspect when all is said president since Harper 1 Ik- shirt t>t \/«/n /////(V iHfi office in mid-February done, they chose me opened It's diKirs W years although current president and because the challenges ago. Paul Thompson's contract «

The Harbinger January 26, 1997 Page 4 Harn«mething tfval side ' ply bccaaie, BOwadayB« to study architectural terhnokigy. wanted to do planning and always anxious A plethora of people have more Naturally, he is a little bit "It could be people who have a older has been put into the at ttie prospect of holding a full- effort position wluch require additKWul tfane for persoMl time |ob, having a young daugh- refurbishing of Building A. training, or it could be people cnrichmeDt" ter aiKl returning to sdirool. even larger who want to (o«n the work place With Building As SiiKe Will has already some for the first tune," she said selection of coffee and munchies experietwe in architecture, he Eighteen percent of Harper's that he, "will have a head Building L should only be used a hopes degree credit students have " sUrt for a quick fix between classes. bachelor's degree or higher For returning students, enthu- ttte The l-eamii\g Asristance those of you who like to Somettiing tfiat moat ol For workshops siasm and assessment of one's netuming students Ivave in com- Center offers tutormg, and talk, go are sit somewhere, drink spedalued services for peo- strengths and limitations mon is the challenging icspcnsi- and student center. different abilities and iwqoraaaetB. to the new t>( canng for ^ family ple with iMlity recognizes " Theresa Patanella ' ' needs. Ihjt^ what BiiiUiinn X wa^ It I* prrtty li.i li> make tune to Students can undi-rno diag that, "it i> hjrd dfSlgnoJ ti>r ti> V Hit tu tin' " at identifying Mudy life and ».li.«.. rtostic mts auned out oi class. atonal needs of students styles and their Patanella decided to see a To respond lo this well-found- their learning the hallways of counselor arvf Uke a career devd- Besides, do ed concern. Harper has set up a study betuvion. focused opment class, and now adnttis Building L have a 60-inch TV Mride range of special programs The detailed and accompanied with pto- that school "is getting much easi- No. How about a cozy fireplace? One of the services Harper analysis for unprovement er" offers parents with young dxil- (esnonal advice last time we and Not since the kit of returning stu- As Mills states, 'more dren is a flex-hme preschool for is wen by a opportunity lor more people decide to go baA to checked. tiHlet-trained children three years dents as a nva»or school, either because tfiey want The Harbinger would like to of age and up to remain competitive m the fast- Center for New Specific credit classes, such as a suggestion to those who A visit to tJ*e make are pai-ed, technological world we Students could be of great assts- PSY 106 Practical Psychology, contribute to the congestion. students in ttte live in, or simply because, nowa- tancv desiglted to help center! study days, older people have more Utilize the new student Frank says that t»»e Center, areas of tune maiMgcmenI, concentration and time for personal efwictunent." So if the head lemmings can "can help students understand »kill», memory, prospects of going t»ack to polKies, talk test Ukmg strategies The over to Building A, perhaps Harper admission come returning stu- school can t»e very lnght€?ning for abi>ut pt»>grains tfiat we have As frank states, the rest of the pack can follow. brush up on most, but, as Frank points out, here in the college and help peo- dents often need to nicest pos- "returning students usually do We mean this in the ple get started." their math skills. many remedial very well because they are very sible way. The Career Center also offer> Harper often conscientious." - individualized motivated and great setvfces for individual', tn classes with

Staff WMMiraWltostotaiito RyanFreund, Francoise Haussemot, David PtrfiR Kevin Shepte The Harbinger

Editor inChief. .LaurenSchubel

- College ni»>M>t>ifMyi»B»ttiiaOTSi«illc«wnto>lt»H»|» Coast* c»«piaw|fs«alipur|l»ie**topn»»«l*tW*H»rii»rcflnfTy SeanMcfiigh «*ri»»dint can»>««t> SportsEditor tWY witti ntanwlion gwMintit to »• lawput «» «s Runs NtfiAiars: business office: (847) 925-6460 AiEEdrtor JenmferGotz ni»«wli»^r«*c«in»sl»tt«rslol»«»«lin»««»iwi»sioc news office: (847) 925^000 x2461 «»ioi» »;»5r««w^ L«lars nuBt be Bt»i«i and »icuit a iM*« W fax; (847) 925-6033 ii«|Ki 'i^ Ss»tl«mBni»W>eim» aw noinaea lrl#ttnaan«d Besiiee Corcoran Aim Photo Editor •Klofs«l b» »• i««» o» «* P«w. norbr »• coast* ai*i««tr«»> t Boirt of Olactars. *««M «MUH b* lonMnM «ractl|r to tM •a a* »»(»«*« » at t»» awewtwB of 0» cwiwmr. Faculty Advisor Hw

The Harbinger P«ge5 January 26, 1997 Harne^AAE Plenty planned en campus fer Febraary AAE Aunt Betsy: Chuck D talks blu«> to create their uruque, l>arktiXi,ti (tu be publckhed in about "gold AUEOITQR Eclectic sound multi-harmonic sound 19W). Also he is the tcner It's the start ot the sfmnf; • La ProweJar French film, writer for The Cotor of Monty to be heard on brains" Tuesday semester, however, it »urv with English subfitit". CS Sta (^ lavt. titv y<»* Sfiwii - doesn't (eel like spring out- tmnutes) AW Dofi tHd Ciory. NigM anU campus side Utstead of walchin|; Friday, Feb. 13 730 p m the City, Ctodkrrj. Kiss of Death VOUT favorite television J143 and Ransom Sounds Standk^ Ovation reruns, check out the line up Admiasian is free 'The Celluloid Clottt Award fof Achievement' for February Stay tuned for A sensation at the Cannes Wednesday, Feb. 25 7 .30 p shortly after recording Iheir

more to come later in the Film Festival, and many oth- m J 143 third full-kmgth album, semester. ers A father and son in Adnusston b tree MMii,int99S. Belgium, struggling to sur- A seky. absurd, mfuriating AlMl Bmiy is currently •Patrick Combs vive poNt-mdustnal. piv-mil- and enlighterung overview of workiftg on their fourth Friday, Jan. 30 1-t p m AZ38 tenrual Europe a hundred years of inapt album, witti no known Motivational author /lec- •Harper Symphony depu-tion of homosexuals m ftlsM* date. "We're trying turer Patrick Combs, will Orchestra Hollywood movies. to integrate all of Aunt leach you the "secrets to suc- Sunday, Feb. IS 3 p m |143 Clips from over 102 Betsy's lidcnit,' said Dsve cess," which will help you •Passing Zone (musical act) movies are featured, as well Faro. land your dneam |ob Thursday, Feb. 19 7 30 p m as commentaries by Tom *^e*re trying to •Chuck D *Kace, Rap, and J143 Hanks. VVhoopi Goldberg, Reality' $2 for chiklrm 12 aiKl under, and Harvey Fierstein integrate aO of Aunt Tuesday. Ftb. 3 7J0 p. m. $3 for Harper students artd •Coffeehouse Series pre- Betsy's talents.*' to w>> eet to »»el>ty. 1143 ttail, $5 for general admis- sents: •Dave Faro supenlar of aion •Jonatha Brooke* Rapper Chuck D, founder Fotmdcr and Aunt Dctsy member the controversial, and •Citaiilaiianiera.' Spani!>h Friday, Feb. 27 730 p m of the rap group Public renowned rap group Public film, with Engbsh subtitles Building A Lounge Aiinl elq' Km coUeclBd Enemy aiHi special corre- Knemy, is here to examine a (104mmuies) A folk rock sensation over 25 iwtews of Hie tiand, spoTvJent for News multitude of compounded Friday, Feb. 20 7 30 p m J143 applauded by BSlboard ranging from Seattle to Chatuiel, will speak on cam- social, racial and artistic Comedy /romantic road Magazine, "loiutha Brooke ^4ew York. They aw pmud pus on Tuesday, Feb 3 at 7:30

movie This is the final film hat finally come into her to say that Aunt Betsy has p.m. m the Building ) •CflUefft Iranian film, with by one of Cuba's greatest own, both musically and pto- yet lo mccive a bad review. Theater.

English subbtin (75 minutes) filmmaker, Tomas Ciutierrez fesMofully." If a label OMiM be put on Calling his lecture after Thursday, Feb. 5 730 p m • Richard Price "Readings, 'The Coffeehouse Series will their miMic is would be a his book, fi^fct the Power: in newly Chuck D on Rap, Race and 1143 Uve by the AuthtK-" take place the reno- MdMn day hi ppie blues- An adventurous tale of Ibtsday, Feb. 24 7 .30 p m vated Building A lounge Mg|M band Divid Fwo's Reality, the former radio D) two star-crossed lovers, 1143 There will be deserts and spe- iMpifation towards Aunt will focus on the impact of Gabbeth. a beautihil young S5 for Harper students aivJ cialty coftees available. Betty, "Ylng-Yaftg, we rap music. woman from a ivomadic staff, $6 fur i>ther students. $7 Tickets, which can be •ch other. My Chuck D, whose real rume Carlton Ridenhour, desert tribe, and a daahmg for general admusion picked up at the Harper Box : inapiialion is play- m liiirsenvan. Riclvird Price is the author Office, are free to Haiper stu- ii^ with each other. preaches a message of "gold

•Aunt Betsy erf many novels Thf dents with a two tKket Umii Currently, Aunt Betsy is brains, not gold chains," aiwl asks lus audience lo dwl- Friday, Feb. * 7:30 p. m )143 WanJrren. BlooJhrolhen. All tickeiB on the da^ playing local fjiftt tn and It-ngf iraditinoal forms of I tH j! b.in^l .\ui\l B<'ts\ !.,./(, . \Un I'., (ir.-ilk-, .iniund the Chuj(toland informjtion network.'* such LOinbine> tunk. reggae and C/<3»'trrs, TTirrr Scnrmplayi and are i5 while they last area Himt-vt-r, Aunt Betsy will return to the west com as main.stn>am media television this sprii^ to continue tour- "Everytfung on Sex Awareness ing nepie!>entative of black folks n Check out Aunt Betsy is pretty much one-sided If Week you look at us on televisiofv Invest Your Credits Friday, Feb. 6 at 7J0 p. m. we're either athletes or enter- F«b»-13 in the Buikhng | Theater •Sex info table Purchaae tickets at rite tainers," said Chuck D. IfJO* have roliege cndil - ust it ^TD seminar Harper Box Office (M7) "That imbalaiwe of char- acter is poisoning the percep- Transfrr war folltgt (oarsmwi •Relationship talk 929-6100. IkkelsareSSfor Harper students mA ttiU. tion of us I try to add a -; HeaNh Service for tfW ivmpUtf an acfrleriiled depwi Cal point and SS for general admis- counterbalaiKe to that into (847) 925-6266 sion. of view that's on TV" Ctmmfnm IMi. fttwmg tr When Public Enemy wrmrvn rjmtm. od the national M»> fioT oKctca ijutrrti maw « i fniMg- OM ytf cu

I Sfmwii'i %mm% faan% Tntnca BBBBBIfflBBBIBB • "Older while Amenca has M MMfiis II or imumnttLMcn SUP < ttcnEVi div** *»" l»**y no clue about black folks and mnrf nr no aappxQ iXS' have little clue on ^cir » tiifm opgpr at vjnm. cm they anv> Chugs oxvu a cm VNaD a Ainerica as a whole 30 and oacaoo CAMPUS (mi AMiPAUK CAMPUS under," said "They look lati uMbSMM RQBEBT 4UHiwlk like in»H»«jT) aliens." General admission COLLEGE imil<4MIID0U tickets for Chuck CTs lecture are $7 with discounts for stu- SCHOOL OF BUSINESS dents For tickets and infor- ADM IfcltTtATIQN ••swDnnyn <» mation caU (847) 925^100. v

The Harbinger H«rD«r who a on Pick your okwi days-work «ave stu- with our crew as an KB-100. a M independent contractor. di. .ii->dpp me title oi the INDIVIDUALS, student PADRE b

Services ; . iTUgazine Distributing phone cards. ••rR*' CM««C*% kwaii wkrtw* to avoM fwltor ( No experience necessary. state and dtoiwe the pub- euunina- sculpture ir»door» to a pro- For more information send WORD PROCESSING UcaliaM you like best 4) Based upon the Term Papers. conserva- tected, mow controlled envi- a setf-addressed stamped Typing of Interview yourself. 5) fion of a sculpture Thesis. Tables, etc. curator ronment to avoid continued erweiope to: PrImetime Ifpule, fan and fuel your tor. Harper ColJege Laser Printing " damage." Corrmunications. P.O. Box internal tire* Rebecca Kelk?r recoitunend- Available Days. The sculpture has been 694355, Mi»ni. R. 33269- Combs will also give ed to the Harper Educatior\al Evenings & Weekends moved into the lower level of 1355 idtw on internships, turn- Foundation that Harpers Just Minutes from Harper "The Building L where it will be ing extracumcular activi- Picassi> sculpture, Kim Andrews to Donor Call indoors. conserved According SMMngCtf ties into resume material, Bather," be moved are a couple of great (847)705-7489 Catherme Brod, Executive Wb setta^ up mteniews and "Unfortunately, time aiui parents wfvj hope to have Ditector of the Educahonal cUaaes that are "worth weather have taken their loll love and Is school getting you a second chiW to Keller. Foundation, a permanent their weight in gold" m i»i (he sculpture," said through egg dona- down? Are you lonely and will care for the conser- location for the sculpture get you the H* market "Whi-n 1 met with tion This well established, need sonwone to established in ^^, .ippjri-nl i-\fnlualK be is tnrough'' CALL l900) 25^ short term ireatrrient pertomwng arts center, • rt-pairinj; tho 255 987 ji .11 done in our doctor's otiice. 0900 or l900i proposed „,i,,.... .i.'iH-. wt which IS part ot the Earn $2,000 for a com- 24hrs. 18-f. $3.99/mia dania^. to iiiom' lh»- Building W. plete cycle and help us (847) v25-«.;42 would havf

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Pmt»9 • wmUmtMrnymifm* ae.ittT Johns and Co. dominate Women earn another win, record stands 14-5 KavlN ment, in Balhmore. the Lady thoughts STAfF MRlTB) Harper Invite on Jan. 10 Hawks lost their first game to "The toughest team were Over the course of the host l-r«slenck 7t>-.'W, but won going to have to compete semeMer bntak, tho H.jrp,r iK'ir M-cond game against with is Cotfegr of DuPage in 80-58 rv tournament," SPORTS CatOM **It's g<^ng to be Women's basketball team .\nn .Arundel die l^pon competed in two tviuma- The Lady Hawks also said coach Jensen, "so we're You nev«r fgel » second a dog Tight ments, one being m defeated Triton C C 95-«9 on Idling to have to get past them chance to make a first between the Baltimore, Jan. 9, but lost to College of and 1 think we're a much impttaakm. The ladies competed in DuPage W-Sf? on Jan. 13. more talented team." Hmpet't wicstlmg Imm three of us their tirst tournament in The Lady Hawks are now The Lady Hawks next did not need a second [Harper, Lincoln Kewaiwe, itlirM>is at 13-5 and are ranked 3rd in the game is Thursday, Jan. 29 at cKancr a« they rolled to BUckhawk East nition among division HI tfie College of Lake County in dteir fint team vulorv of and Triton]. rhev finished in Jrd place junior college* and coach Grayslake with a 5:15 p.m the »ea»*>n in ihrir uwn We'll be ready." losing m the first round to Jennifer Jensen has mixed tip-off tune Harper Invilf Sjturdjy, Sauk Valley 6<»-61, while Jan. 10 -Norm Uwttee defeating host Blackhawk The HawlkJ. pLtced all i»f tcosch East '^-M to capture the ln.1 their wrestlers in the top place trophy four or bftfer anJ »n of Zac l>rrrico defeatfii Melanie Kwaniewski led H.irpfr . iiwn tiK)W tir>t t)eshawn Burks of Iriton 2- all sailers against EUackhawk place at the invito 1 to win the mi lb class. East with M point*. A^lete of the Week Mikv ki-lly (1=^)), Rl Kusch also coUcctod 31 Iwemy Jotttn ()t8) pinned Coyru- llbTl and Robert rebounds combined in both his opponent to start off Davidson (l>4n all fmuihed contests at BUckhawk East Harper N dominamv as runntTs up m thfir while Schader contnbuted With Johns at UM lb respivtiM' weight tlj.sM". with 24 combined rebounds date, Paul Chandler was Harper finished the as well. forced to move up to 12f. mvit*- with 118 pointe and He.i*^'- v..< 1- 1,^1 all even lhou|^ he nimnal^ ' closest oppo scoter- '. ,i;lf\ ..1 .Mth ST \vi!h . h.iiuU.r fourth llrili'nl Jfti and Mel kvca^;.,^ .<, ,<.^ iuJ lo Head Coach Norm nitc contenders," said mora BY DES«a CORCORAN respectively. Lovelace was iKit disap- Lovelace. "They'll be nght (S4)pMi aa Kftotwi WWaaa (12) In die Frederick tourna- Jaa. «. pointed with Chandler's their with us come region- iMka •« ki tiM «! agataat LVbCX. Taaaday, " fourth place performance al*. Lovelace was impre^ited Harper will traxel In with Chandler's "team ftntt LirKoln, lllinor-. on attttude" Thuniday )an 2^ to face Men kick off new year with wins "He's a team player." Liiwoln I olU-gc and Lovelace said. *He't will- Labette College of ST*ff VVRI7LR ing to do whatever is good Kentucky in a tn-meet " for the team Lincoln is aiwther tou^ Durmg winter break, the Harper Mens Manny Rigatiw won an opponent Harper will face basketball team improved their record to 3-

excituif; match 1 v n to uke in theiegKHtals 13 overall. first .11 ]M\b. "It's goinf; to be a dof( the Hawks defeated Illinois Valley 94-83 \<.iiiM Lopa took iiist fight between the three of but Um to Triton C C. 99-95 and Coltge of at 142 us." UtveUce said leferrii^ DuPage 73-*9 Matt Moyiuhan defeat- 10 Liitcoin ai«l Triton come Andy Pronto led all scorers against ed Josh Cannon of Triton 5- legional tune. "We have nimuis Valley with 18 pointe shtHiting 7 for 2 to win the 1.S8 lb. class. three toun\aments that 12 from the floor and 4 for 7 from the three- AU-American Todd make j JiffeiciKC to U»- point arc kttUer started where he left our m\iie, regional* and Mark Stahl also contributed collecting 10

off fmishing fir^t at 177 tt>. natianais.' rebounds for tfie Hawks. and being named outstand- "We'll be lead', "Wp have to be one of the most exciting ing wmtler of the mvile Lowwiace added. teaii» to watch," said coach Mike Hirsch. "We're averaging 95 points a game our

last SIX games, and ikiw I'd like to see the

defense pick up with it because sometiiites can nght down aiul •The men's tennis team w ltH»kir\j5 for additional we thmk that we come candidate* to participate on the te'am. Therv will SCX1IV and that does not always hapipen. have our mentality and not be an organizational meeting i>n Friday, Feb. 6 at "We need to iiist offense You win 2 p m. Check with the Athletic Office in Building take pride m our >;.)m«-> but \i'ii win chani| M tar rtxitn location. Thv fin.t practice will be by ciffense, nships " Monday, F«b. 9 at 1:3U pm. m the field hcniae. bv defense rhe are now averagmg 8fe 6 poii ^ Anyone wUUi^ to participate must be a full time Hawks while averagmg 28.8 rebound- ll#M«lent. jtr game and shcxjting 46 percent from the flo^ • Any athWt* inlere»led in trying out for tth« game tfiey're 69 the tns HMn's or women's track & field team contact Also percent frvwn 2-1 halt R«ne« Zj-'Unti at (»47) V25-MM or go to the l*OtO BV OfSaW COfKOWN throw litye and are when leading at Athletic OMce In buUdtixg M. Carta MaaWa ami Marti MaM (toft) time batk far a rateaad ki tka Hawk-* is 26 •lercnty lohna was named athlete of the weak for go «» The Hawks' next game Monday, Jan Hikiaia VaHay •4-tX kaaM wki agakMl against Indian Hills in Centerville, Iowa the week of )an.7-14. Johns t(x>k firat place at the C C ex. aa Taaaday, Jaa. •. Tka raautck •• at 7 30 p m tip-off time Haiper WtertUr^ bivile in the IIS pound cSaaa. SatiMday, Jaa. M ki <^laaky. « 5r?-tl' '!Jf.* *5?."*"**!u ".vidson u,es new Student Center "•!. *- «»• "i* busy schedule J:^.ifii!l''.'2St*^•ay iMw pvMMMit „rfits cHt«fla "-"S -

needs and address problems that ma \ NEWS EDITOR come up. Robert Bmidcr atcps lnb> office in He tielieves that Breuder a pas- Fetouary as Harper's fourth prein- sionate about education, and will dent take over as president m a positive Faculty and staff wait patkntly to manner.

see what will happen. 'It will be an inteiestmg transi- With the estimated $2 miUion bud- tKm." aaul Evans, "and (Bieuderl will gel deficit, and current contract be a very different type of individ- " negotiatiora with the physical pLint ual employees. Breuder has his work cut Breuder was chosen out about SO out (or him applicants. Breuder taced some of the same The board members were kioking problems at the IVnnsylvania College for KHneone with expeneruse in as t Technology, where he spent Ih sitting pre^idenl, or at least in a senior tears. level position George Evans, president of the A master's degree was requticd, faculty seivale, said ttut the faculty is and a doctorate was preferred comfortable with Breuder becomit^ They were kx>king for wmeone the next president witfi leadership skills and an under- Breuder intends on -ipendiitg a lot !itandtng of community relationa. of time walking around the campus, The board wanted someone who and mteractmg with faculty and staff poaaeawd teadership skills, and had IMT Evans feels this wiU give the facul- an honest, open approach. tavMasa atoaps «i AM ty a chance to communicate their w* Or. inMdv on pa(i 3

Nmvk Sex Awareness HarfH'i nUr.'.iu-- Mtiv.in Week provides infcurmetlon '' an abundance ot . " .;^i' with a quiz dmt wm American History month. 101 KIR rN CHEF ticm at the sex miu ucn- ;v1i>ih1j> pri/fs, said graduate intern Eiarb

Page 3 S-E-X: These three letters might TueMlay, Wednesday and Knday tn>m Jones, R N "We'll be giving away I- make tome giggle, squirm or grm. 10 a.m.-l p.m in the fiuilding A ^irts and baseball caps There will " The tfung about sex i<> you can never Student Center also be refreshments Fitness Center offers Bally kxKiw too much abtnit it. "This is a great cfumce to get free results at halt the price. To help students answer some dif- "This b • great dunce to malfrial on every form of birth con- Pages ficult questions about m unwanted also be available at the info table. ^eg^nancy, preventum irf STDs and -Char Padovani Learn how to reduce the risk of the development and maintairung of Wellness coordinator contracting a STD by attending a AftE " a healthy relaticmship seminar hasted by Kathleen Peanon Preview upcoming events Health Serxicc staff will provide "You can test your sexuality mm 8m onpagsS for this month. Page? Passing Zone gets 'A' in suspense

They comtnne their unusual Loprieno AaccniDH Coach leads talent* witti stx-foot unicycles. double life at Harper. Ever see the movie Addams acrobatics, music and comedy Page 10 t .^ ' ". res a Hollywood hp. (kids, don't try tha at home). I om»z were not really One of tlieir more faanoOB

>, U inch knives, tf was feat*, i* (hi home shopper's Ku^ch .still h.is tin\o tor ..;Kling team Pasmil^ Zone. dream things tveskifs h.isketball. World renowned luggUrv Morw and Wve juggle a C3iia Owen Morse and (on V\i-<- will Pet4), VVfi..iu..i. l.rv .ind Page 11 bnr45 thinrtwiTitrH -Kt tn HarptT CurpiT' on Thursd.iv t«f !^* it"; m v *• *h-,-^ ., ,,, ^t

'Th<> Je.v: MariMf AAI. 7-« ChwalfiMto. r«g«s • * HIWREBCOU-EOf PaatiNg ZotM will p«rfona tiMir worM- Xft-U fMROM* *CIUilmaw Baltof « cainaui

CMrtMt m* iiraieBvee hi atf. (M7) (M7) jOMt om^H* TheHaifoinger Dr. Bp^udeR President steps into office with a list of objectives ferent reaMins, one o< them _n iMvd Iranung wnv signiti- a compfarte icsunw a( proles- I\ M)ted nto ofticc in being hiN excetlen! rrferenccs. dannmn tetduni; e%pr- c»n« Idctors in chiwsing a siQiul, educational and coni- |.jnu.ir. rhe vice chair also ritnc«. commurocalion skiUs, picMdent munily acocieiftltshmenls and thiHii;ht |)i Biruder was an and an und«ntanding a4 Ihr The ^ppii. •n.n pr.>.->x,« .'«mTU'nri' 4-s(inu Irjiisilion. and i> thinker, with gcnnj ' O**^* jnnuj importjnor oi studcM cen- BtdtMied .. ..ibv h.- lUniultrl «ill \h a

\fi> clintnnl l>pf <>l indi\icliiul." I'nvmmmeni that's changing

in Iht- wjy education i^ deJu inni>\ The mjrk.i-( v,i: et*Hl. his abtht\' to be ' f and tt> think creativt...

, . . lit with a v»T\ important .

itnift'." ivjict Mi'wjrd Board of trustees voices expectations and identifies challenges for presidential office

• Maintain a leadvrship poattion m acaOsmic a«crtlence and encourage educational tamt c* admimstrators, innovaJion by loMwIno ^^»Sf^ rtaponalve, aocountatta (aoilty and ttitfl

• Enaim tecai aiibi^, abidanl acoau and qijtfty aducaiionai and support aer- vicet tt«rotjgh soimd tnanagamanf^ (undraiaing and the idanlNicalton of alla^ tunding reaourcea

organizattons, the lagisla- • Expimd partner^>ips witf) businesa, mdurtry. community and to tura and aducafiomrf inatMrtona lo reapond to changing educaUonal needs play a lead role in »» eoonomic dewelopment ot the community

• Collabofatively dartfy and advance the goals o( shared governance wrth an emphasis on conaencus buitding. roilegiality, open communication and mutual reapect and tnjst among all constituents in the College

• Encourage both traditonal and wmovative approachaa to taa<^ng arxt learning to meet the needs o( students ralativa to academic and vocabonal/iachnical programa and support services.

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The Hari>tnf;er Harper News Pages Sex: Health Service provides Campus celebrates African-American History Month

AuM-rkd ISItLM tlu' iiiikiUyn Madam V\.ilki'r bla/i-J an answers to tough questions African- Amencan History Dodger's Jacnie Robin»on entrepreneurial trail in Month with lf»e following became the ma|or leagut-'s Ameruan bujtirvfss and "but sometimes that's not prog^itM first African- Amerkan play- industry with her line of ctw- DO.. Hfolth Servkf ohvM- dwcaae. Respect youisctf if "A Salute to Amencan er, he persoiufu-d b«tth the metics excluMvt'ly for black cUn on VVedn«- ! 1 you Increase your self Trailbla.fer"» ' i» tfie ttieme of promise and the cfullenge of women. A» her a)mpany at 10 a.m. tn AJ4 mptvl. your partner will be the celebration of African- the American dieam. flouru>hed in the early IWO's, For lhoH> involved m a molt responsible. Show that AnwTKan History on campu» During tlvat first season, Walker extended her contri- rrtationahip, and for thone you respect yourself and during the month of lackie Robinso;i excelled as a butions to the black commu- who arm't, loan Duriachrr. c-omc get some Information." February ballplayer, but of even nity tfirough social, political Psy.O., ctiracal psychologud. Health Service also offers Aftioin-Amencan history greater importance, he and pfulanthntpic efforts will explain thr dilfefincc information during the rest instructDr Toin CX'Pjinu tell.<> caused the nation to mnam- The Harpt-r College between "wanting hesMiy of tfie year a story of conviction and ine the su|yittons of racial African-American Student intimacy and cloMnew and •free condoms courage that Had tugiuficMKe segregation. Association will showcase tfeling like you can't live •birth contnii brachtires beyond the ptaviPK fieklii ot "Madame CJ Walker their talents m song, daiKe without the other person" in •doctor referrals ttie lution wfu'n he presents America's First Black ar»d poetry in "Young, Gifted the MMTiinar titled •ptcgKuicy and STD testing "lackie Robinson and the Millionairt-ss.' a program and Black: A Celebration of 'Relatiunship«: How Cloie » (for a feel Summer of 1H61 do that ing. Take care of your whole on the bMCiiaU Adds ol knew 'Wr alt think about it, self mn* so you don't run and m an ideal world we into pn^lems later This would like partners to our be way you'll know and viw St. Joseph Mobile mammogram unit visits campus mponsible." said {one*. don't have to wonder."

Breast cancer In our litr- physician esamine her The service will be offered

time, one out of every eight bieasts legularly And if she Monday-Wednesday

women will get it. is over .15, sfie can get rjiam- Advanced scheduling is •The Stop AIDS Harper Club is tookir>g for a Is there anythii^ a woman mogram. ivnuired, caU (H47) 925-6268 new members for the Spring '98 semester. can do to prevent if Mammograms can delect for an appointment. The cost Our chief project will be the Second Annual Perhaps a lump up two y«urs before it ot tile mammogram is S65. Harper AIDS Walk. Join us at our next Reccfrt wseareh otdicates cim even be ieit. The American Cancer meeting as we plan the 'WALX'. Call Health that diet akohol and other If breast cancer is detected Society's breast caiKer !itc~ <* >^ rmt rir*,^-.*r>|i.^«> The Harper AIDS Walk wame of buRwt cancer is n.>i C ..Ik-K,- ui' and •Women 50 yeats of age *

M liiNC'f I ... .vill bring Mammogram every year I

W hal 1^ known Mi that ..t-r thfir Miibilr l>iagnostic If you have any posaSMe Is There A tain latior* such a* a lamiK St-nui" unit tc campus and sigTLs of breast cancer such as history of breast cancer pri'\ uii' mammograms to a lump, amtact your doctor increasing age and never student, emplovi-es, ami immedutely having a child can put one at community members VVomi'n who haM' had greater r»k. Th«' rm>l>ile unit is staffed breast caiKer or are at high

So what IS a wamtm to dir bv firi'ti's^U'iu!'. from St risk for the disease may need

she can do mimthlv -ill liis«-ph an>i v» . i) in rn(>r»- frequent exams and

[iri-i".! t'».Tms jnj haM' her troni ol Buiki;: . stieening The Our Greati In Your mism. Harbinger

Avu Rrnt *5 CUSTOfMER SERVICE is looking for REPRESEIMTATIVES Future ? editoiTi, staff writ- ^ .iMtl) a* auBtt, tram pmesung ers, photographers li> i If >uu'rr Ihiiikinc alMw* lr4iv>lrrnnie . ilMMIIRK wMn cu «wi liiurujr Mhi«i4. Ihmk BK. - ihink Ikakt . - . ,..,..»..« arf (or Ml and artists to join • > o«i «ll tluln. W» h»» (le«.! i iiiMr\il\ Wfiitlii maHM«snitfc1can

nr i \|uiiil \our >lii|Hii.il MhiiluiNhip^ Iwi »iiiiiniunil> nrfkiit ^' • TO imort ewwingii. «M«*- .luiit-iiU - up III iuMiii.imial want to join an 6tfrt .4lai s camptMiw Mlwy nil I it aid )K»\\iW» - iiuki iiMiMii; I" At iiMm -'« inl«»f»'*l«'«l in nprmfmnt mil . , ,., ,., ;( MMI award-winning >ihi Mii;:hl ' '* iIIiiiiIjIiIi Itun Ihink •ming OHi M our gnxe" -' ccmtntnf tAhmg Ihr j|>|iIk.iIii>ii ilrjdliiii Im m hii|jr>hi(»» mr m biw«?ekJy newspa- aittcn to jiiil nr«ii-lij»«-(l liii.imwl ml i* M.inli I. I****. PH; 773-825-4619 (ikjst ijll per, call (847) 925- Ml jppli hum' fur iiuin inluriHiilum. /.K»r of mm FAX 773-694-S061 mvctv* I HINl-44.|ll<\kl .If 5l.»yi IIKI (>iov9 mvnt snd 9*1^ 6000 x2461,orstop emittor*** 1*** by A367 for an Dnike i9pfM>Tt>n«f)r to application. likVKi.LMM.KMn AV/S. ch^ng* Cut' We tr> harder.* We are waiting /7«r' \bi>lii( \/ii>kthiin> l^f; r^Mtif MW art for you. .

\, 4t

The Harbinger Page 4 Harpet^JCIasslfldes February 9, 1996


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^ ^

TheHarbingn Fcbnuu^ % IM jOmjij^E^^BG^DISE^SaK P«ge5

ARE YOU LITERATE ? ' ©et Bally results at a Harper price at campus fitness center Harper College's auiard-uiinning ulldi fitness center offers special discounts I B m M for students student neuispaper. The fDllOOMCHCF Harbinger, is looking for Harprr ha* a sKivt and ' uiriters, editors and photogra- :t •; time to tell it Oi the bo! turn tVtot o» Building M . workout haven dv>jit» all ptiers for the Fall 1998 semester . who wish to bulk up cr ton. If you craue attention and lovsn A filncM Ctnttr Mth dozens of m.k' recognition. The Harbinger is for you! ;u 't-.ist' k.\irL. ..; lit .1^ vet ID be discovered

>:. ,iuire thjn lust a few BpplU today in fl367l hedtth-ctmscious students. ia<.uity juid communit\ mem- United airlines bera. '1 don't thirtk we re any- wherr near what we are capa- ble of handling." said fleuj Directions m Bxceffence Dinctor of the Harper Fitnes>

w B .tudent PHOTO participation." BY DESHI CaNCORAN MVy fli9MO#F J^MH AvI# f«S99 OMtt 0« The Harper Fitness Flight ' Attendants Ufa Cyel* •taUWMry Mtwa, ( Center, open Monday H9S*s ^BW^WsWCf l^u VMV M maaaa CaMtae 10 "" Thursday a.m.-S p m , Compare those pnces to options Friday 10 a.m.-6 p m any maior workout facility. The Urge two-room fit- -4 Saturday-Sunday 10 am The same results can be ness center is equip with vari- p.m.. is nfi^ht here on campus n^ached at Harper for more able resistance weight So why bother gomg off than half the pnce machines, stationary bicycles, campus to pay hundreds, or "Originally the fitness stair machines, treadmills, maybe thousands more, to center was used exclusively rowing machines and more. get a complete wcvkout? tor students furolled in a Also, a stereo with motiva- of As a port tlie student health class," said Ryan "In tional mu.sic and several tele- activity fee, student'. h the past three or tour years visions provide excellent ari>M„. t.i ihe conxirunitv rk nut atmosphere program whuh mil. tht tte liarp«.r t-itness Center

ii.i^ .t mofx' casual roooi at cost «nd gym no ; Iht' numt^T ol . .it .iintM.Hive tti.di the more

Itie fibMts center is availabU .... .- It ular equipment All expi-nsive work-out lacilities for an additii-mal low cost. of the new machines have "People aren't there for a For the Harper non-stu- heart monitors. We've also fashion show," said Ryan. dent communit), several turned our attention to "They're there to work out. package options are avail- weight reststance." We're pretty liberal in what is able. One nwnth for S25: Harper gets the equip- alknved to be worn, but no three monttts for $60; six ment diivct from tfie manu- jeans or street shoes." Cut- montfu for $90; one year for facturer offs are also not allowed for

$150. "Life Fitness is one of the safety concerns. REPRESENTATIVES Harper employees can better companies in the Also included in tfie mem- c^^ join the fitness center for only industry, " said Ryan. benhip fee are: a photo ID,

$100 a year if tttey join tfte "All of t)ie Fitness Center access to the locker rooms, Harper Wellness Program. directors from the local com- clean towels and free assis- Dmfm. ffwwnlnga A wights Students get tlw best deal at muiuty colleges are consider- tance from the professional CHALLBNe&.^XCITEMEyr...INNOVATION $5f> per semester ing purchasing more equip- personnel. IbnV rtmd ttAUAl AmtHttth!!! Community members can ment in bulk to save some The people sitting behind

a prUBlcr lawiar la tk* kigkly competitive also have accM* io the facility money. We're calling it one of the counter are trained to

rtaw—taaaat larliin, la i for $2 a day. our creative ftiumcing assist anyone who needs it," said Ryan, "in operating machines, performing exer- cises or atiytfiing like that." The fitness center is not concerned with making a ""•ht vVere concerned with wur health and the educa- tional aspect." said Ryan. The morary from the mem- will I hmn ncvlleal cuatomtr Knrlcf bership fee goes to the care I iMhMa aioni wKb baric PC and operation of the facility." In order to achieve the CaB twr Jok Una lulasr! desin-d a*sults, a minimum l-IW-IM4t41 Est. HTC-CBBA KVminute visit to ttie fitness BatWMii dM hmm mf 7 anv 1 1 pm, 7 dagpa * arrrkj laebaadMMkM center at least ttuve days a

week IS encouraged. The walk to Building M makes a great warm up For a membersfup call )im Division CHOTO BY OCSSta CORCOIUIM Ryan at thi- Harper la a wnckt o« Imbai * m "' gats as wMih axarciaa of Wellness and Human peqiieinaiKr ,

) aapaaalva haaHk ch* rigirt Perttwmance in Building M at

I •tariaat

  • The Harbinger February 9, 1998

    irdhing a college Will the lemmings Picture a student found ttieir way to one of to. This room in the bade entering the learning ttw many X-ra*ed sites, they hope to traitsfer of the web of the LRC house* Resource Center, and stanng at the monitor Regardless com- find a new sea? and site accesaed. what quali appnmmately 20 heading for the internet like a bad "Beavu fifs lor an "academic' puters, all with internet computers. Buithead" episode? krmining i»^ Do you even know what a wch site, ai«l wfio As he sits at the termi- Can these »«tf» be con reserves the authority to The room primarily Accofding to the many dutionaries in nal, maybe he'll take stdered any le** academ- this sites acad- serves as a makeshift small, pink ic? determine rodent that migrates notice at the print, a lemming w a emic qualifkations? claaaroom where LRC rectangular Mgn m the Consider two stu- teach students a Where then, do stu- personnel toward the tea upper right comer of ttw dents: one kigged onto go whcMe web sites ho*» to use the internet. »tate» e- dut room and another dents in th» CMe being Buikbng L monitor that The tea have been deemed "un- However, this room is maii and chat rooout nut logged onto flesh-o- people even know who you academk"' mil utili/ed all of the Do you be acccMcd traos these tamaxom (it's not ically could time site so dcsv t get eacil- Perhaps they are? computers a campus to build- It often sits vacant Perhaps he fail* to ed) cioH wtand in a line and the technology oi 20 You are the p«oplc who these two ings D or I and use ttw notice that sig^w either t»>' Which of internet there But d**- ',rs goes to waste. fft^ nowhere to gel nolhirtg, while oth- choior or by stmpk^ over- students utilize the ocan- acidemia .. nt access to this puto for the best "acade- ihis say that you, M-anrhmg sight. ers try to navigate aiuund defined b> room, when it is not The student begins to wiic' purpoitf^.' becomes get and geography' bemg uhlized by a class, desperate for a Mche to through chat away with people The chatter ma> be LKC's com- may solve the problem of the gtobe or getting inftwmation from Or do the their way lo cUwa. from acroK be on puters serve only acade- the academic information he becooMS immersed in aiwOv>r student about a are the people who should car pool mic studenLs. and Iniikl- as well as the conserva- You his lalHl e-mail delivery college, or they may Mm- serve stu- tton of space. pty be chatting mgs D and 1 to Khool together tratead o( parking side- when he senses a pr»- dents who wish to goof Thus, allowing stu- ence nniind tnem. The student on the by«ide, each in your own car jtisi to Ulk dents to tog onto their He turns to m« the nudie site may be enter- off? Perhaps the issue is web sites of choice and to each other; when the rest oi the stu- disapproving frown of a taining their juvenile The library hous- browse freely without libranan who informs sense of voyeurism, or space. drive around for X) dents get here and es 16 computers ttiat (ear of persecution. the internet violator ttw they may be conducting alK> near the sex- have internet access, The LRC shouM minutes and can't park anywhere web site has ito place research for a human whereas the labs in make readily available within the LRC. uality course (Hey" It » buUdmg their cLaaft » m polky. stat- Buildings D and I have their internet He lowers his head ponibte) get here per room. ing their definition of Every day we non-temmtngs and embarks toward the Even a student Uigged over 20 anyone ever "academia" and how the sees onto a university's web But has tair bccaiMe we could not find a parking doors when he been inside the computers should be ub- someone at a iMsrby Site may be just killing And there you are, • tea of people Bibliographic informa liaed. place. computer. time, or they may be standing in the way of our education Another student kiggcd onto a site that And every time we walk pa»t the new li-aturi"^ President

    Building A Shident ( . . h was

    tJKI..U- '•IHH 'fU .tiiv ' ih time

    ly riak-- 1 i r^f . dn between cUmm), there M«iim to ht- Student rvtum^ awful kx of empty chairs ainl plenty of computer where the pmk sign blares: room in front of the new dO-inch TV' "No e-mail or that The coffeehouse seru-N will hnpefully rvKim* from these cimv puten." bnng more people to ihi- -.tudent tenter imi But |;vrm>;{raph\ pet>pk' Fnday nights, but where ire yuu 11 this student t(.«>k it upm himself to inquire gomg to migrate to during the wivV :! ihiy, he would erwhflt' Is It because of the o\ ne the tabncjted

    ' of smoko and thr Nmoll ot a^tliv in Un .u; response which adapted a« ih. ' i>t Builiiinj; ! 1> it ihe w«>ndrertui view m internet policy the i^uad' The computers sei ^ only "academic" purpos- Whv i.in t \ou tmd anuthtT pl.ue to go es and the LRC don not instead of making such a fight knit wall wnwor web site* PHOTO BY DtS«H COatMRWi But then what about la that others couW not clunb raw hght their co«Mp*aaMy IM P»i • wkaa poMo^aphy have Ote students who tar at HMFaf- way over?

    Ryan Freuna Dave Piinp, Robert Vatadei rho Harbinger Kevm Sriepke,

    il Policies EditormChwf Lauren Scfubel Mrib^Adikaaa: c«ii|« Mnv_ Wtlbam Ramey Harper Collei^ ri» Hart>n|w IS ti» Sludwt puWcWioo to Ihs M«p«r Coasfi The Harbe^er NewsEditor A/nantaOffenbacher Road r™«til.,.„ jt,. pUB&iBJ ts«s*«» itwjurout »• •awo' »^ •«» **^ 1200 West Algonqum taoAty anil!II?^ n) flnrt aww. Tht p«»r IS Ostmuted Aw 10 at sludMS. Palatine. IL 6006? 7098 e«mm>. «*iin»U8ti«v !»» MwtiMif'» sole |»«pos» IS to pwi«««» l»» Hwpw AAE Editor.. JenmferGoU mWi intonnsuon pwtaSsn* to ti» tarnpus ma Its sirroirtwg con»i»nt> nrt» Phana»kfitbara: LaltasMlor buainess office. (847) 92&«4€0 Feati«sEOtor. DonBwger «• **rtMir ««*c«n»s Wisrs to ths sortor « iwaos to our sditofials newrs office: (847)925-6000x2461 isrsjor to «»ity aitlwfW*!- tsttsrs must OS wipwil « «**» enons fan: (847)925-6033 isqusst. All Wtsrs sno cortsnl » sun S.gn»ii»»s ««ill to ««»i«d upon SportsEtftof SeanMcHjgh toacMna. oopyiMit 1M7. The Hart*«ar. not iwcessanty Prooucts «l larweos idwrttswl m Wie M»t*»w »• AHrtiI rl^iU raaenad. PhotoEditor Oesiree Corcoran •*n««rat«on or •laofi«I t.y tl» odBors ol t»s iiwsf. nor B* the col»i» to the aiMwtisw. Boam o« Diweiori SWUnss ttwias l» toiwanwi aiwctiy v) an ptfcnasMi •« M the iMaatian o< tna - FactityAdvisof HotwrdSchtossberg '

    rheHarboifir F*bnwiy», WW Jl Pwe7 F«braary AAE lineup still has fresh acts for students and conununity bMcad of watchii^ your arlisti currently worlung; in favorite tetevision reruns, contemporary drawing and check out Harptr's AliE line pnntmaking up for February. SUy tuned fcw mcaie to come later in the •U Promnm French film, wtnester: with English »ubtitlc» (M3 ininute») •21st National ffint and FrWay, Feb IS 7 30 p m JU3 Drawing Show Admuision is hee Mn. 2ft-Feb. 27 BuiidinK C & A neftidtian at the Cannes P Film FMtival. and many oth- This is a natumdl competi- ers A father and son in tion showcasing a varirly of Belgium, struggling to sur- vive post-tndustnal, pte-mil- lennul Europe

    •Harper Symphoity Orchestra SttitcUy, Feh IS if. m ]U^

    •Paasing Zone Juggleri) Thursday, Feb. 19 7:30 p m

    S2 (or children 12 and under, %A tor Harper students and mOTO COURTSFr or HAHKR Cau£GE staW, i5 tor general admis«u«n r(lMa)hi m* 'Gutntanrnmrrm. Spanish eimtmt. Jl*3 film, with Ei^lish subtitles tor: The Cokrr cf Mone^. Sta of Bcnts: Jonatha Brooke* S5 for Harper students (lot minutes) Uwe. New York Storws, Mad Friday, Feb. 27 7 30 p.m and staff, $6 for other stu- tnd Clay. Friday, Feb. 20 7 30 p. m J143 Opjt N^ mid the Building A Lounge dents, $7 for general admis- Comedy /ntmantic load City. Chcken. Km of Death A folk rock sensation sion movie. andRmecm. applauded by BUIboard PMoto comsrr or RichanI Ptkb is the author >•««» TMt i* 0te final film by Magazine, "loiutha COlfSC Brooke of many novels: The •The Celluloid one of Cuba's greatest film- OosM has finally come ir.to her Wanderers, Bloodbrothen. Wednesday, maker. Tomas Cutiemz Feb. 25 730 p m owa both musically and pn>- UdHt him, 17. TV Snub. J143 fcwionally.* tolMMto Cladrrs. Time ScrttmplmfumA •Rkhard Price 'iUadiiigt, Admaakm is free The Coffeehouse Series will ie»t9- DtriOfmm (to be published Uve by the Author* in A amy, abniid, infuriating take place in the newly reno- Cmmt WH^m. I99§} •uul fnliKhtCTiirn! in.r\ ,.l I Tuesday, Feb 24 730 p m i.-w ' •'.li Building » •. Also he IS U>r Ih«*p will I ind i.illv .oil.

    ll. I>1 K >» In-

    piik.-.! .,j< ,11 II , ^ _ Ikn

    IIH.\ ,.-, .in- I- ,vfll IHtJii- ,ir<- tnv til H.ir(vr stu- dt-nts with J two ticket limit Hanlu. Whtiopi Loldberg, All tickets on the day of and Har\'ey Fi«!.tein the show. »tudi.'nts and pub- lic, an- S5 while they last. Call •Coffeehouse Series pre- th«- Box CWice (M-^. u^.; j-ioq.

    AIlf>D DitRrS BlSINtSSi fKHNOIOf.^ OPEN HOUSE Nuiulj\ • Ffhriun IMh • I:.iO pm - i:(MI pm

    You're baff way mere.


    nari » B«r«i» I dB^ ton »*>> Otf SutBti ntK m acundng

    ^nd kv goQQisfian Oif ammm ma Ow w «f «>HR) »> tqicnwt AndOtfORto son niar (nou awvs apRKncr nvtmtu ^ tare untajt joul •»» |0/ ocgve • 'K !•»• Onar tun e •

    IRtWIBBOn V"* ^::i/w», •-'O.* MaugEnun a 7«painrunuta« W*> < am«r i dcgmr ton Orvty

    fa * rn^ *yrr or sjctm tM '•W"! CHogo lanu a {771 'B*(aB a The Hait>ingeT Pages H«rP»gai>E Pt>nniy 9. IW

    quM setting. Contact Robert (847) 857-4335. Acclaimed author to speak on campus

    Students lientiaU or her life." MONEY FOR YOU! FOR SAL! Mf Hxmt Price received an Oscar Writers don't gel the same GET PMO WEEKLY Riclurd Pnce has be«n nommatKNi for the latter type of rect>};nition that EVENMGS dcKTitwd n novels (his ed many with our crew as an rvivel, the amount senes with hard case, cord, seventh jue nul in |unr) and hisnovelii. Prices first hoki name with irK)ependent contractor. strap and amp. Mint condi- eight M rwnpuv » to back hun TV Wtnierm, was picked up of screenplays that have WECANTRAW Top com- tion. $1,100 value. Must up h\- Warner Brt» in the early come out of that mind. mission, tnnuses and sal fbr $800. Call Lauren I'rirp wtll be al Harper on Overall, Price »s a real "cool" incentives. 991-7808. • \l came Prices secttrni Ca« (847) 427-4415 (847) Ti«> AskforRicn the ' entitled Ijulvi .Vld», v. heck out KuharU I'l. BEST HOTaS. LOWEST iii>wed by BloodhrolhcT'^ luesday, feb 24 at 7 .10 p rn

    PRICES. ALL SPRING8REAK .'5rrflt< in the Building Theater Earn MONEY md FREE v|uu».>s lightening Price's fourth J locatiortt. Florida $99*. TRIPS!! nruilLf his works popuUr Un lugh to be .luto- Oder tickets ahead of Texas $1994-, Cancun Absotute Best Sprmg Break tr.m^^.itiim to the screen. lime at the Harper Bnts in tn> ' >ia other students, ar>d $7 for www.icpt.com ( Call INTER-CAMPUS '.'ney add to hi* cre- ••!-. which Mvm I. i^i'DtTjl admission. PROGRAMS at CANCUN-SOUTH PADRE (800)327-6013 or http://wwwJcpt.com MAZATLAN i SPR»« BREAK'S HOTTEST! \ www.studentadvtrav.com Jugglers: Passing Zone takes risks for entertainment $30O«00 [ 1-800-7112604 Ostrttwting phone cards. I comnjM inim Ma> 1 Zone's third time back at Ask for room i experience necessary. $200 No Also, they have per- Harper. Program Board dis- discount! Offer 23 I For more information send formed in front of the Qi«en covered Passing /.one at a a self-addressed stamped ot Lnglaitd. corden?nce, being b

    Elgin Be prepared to sing tion • Harper Box Office (847) = iirvtpmoo song a cap To piac« a K) v.at UTiprov classified ad. Ketik are iS lor adults. K pieterred. By ;.. .. : cfuklnen 12 years and appointment only. Friday. Call (847) clubs under, and $3 for Harper stu- Feb 13 and Saturday, Feb This will be Passing dents and staff. 14 call (773) 929-6288 for 925-6460. appt. There is pay. MOOL Sales associate and frie«>d People are talking about ly serve positions opea Then take your career as far as you wart with a great company orv;e you start here 3590190 The University Part-time seasonal he^ School photography co. looMng for help at local dances /proms. Must St. Francis attend one training session of and have traraportatioa SBOpernitfn. Fn.and/or Sat CaHJacki(630)97l- .Xnd with gtXxi reason. IHimrwajimj. a univtr«ivrrncctt nor 2610 ext. 10.

    11 li,, rx iinfHiljlM>n'> jtoI ficir

    Public access kxal TV show .)! . uiunil), intliMi' ' (tnitcssionjl 1 iiiru MKi; caUed local Talent' look- I for atlull kJ^ntr^ \Si ir twttOTK- thr V4ngujrd ing for comediar^ singers, 1 (lancers and rock bands. i>f

    Ybu will be on Media One iln Ami i,ui mrnt jllilulMtn with iIm Sjiiil |<.v pli I lltf;r ..I Sur.in)i public access TV at a date ( ,\* I'nivrrHty i. . I iUird IwalliirtliKjium within huraptljrui the and time tba Rehearsals Secure your future I faM to rhr 4p)r« th.« ha» »hapr\l u» liir itnirc than 75 yr»T%. will be at Media One public

    access studio 200 E. . «ful wudrnt —ar«l the m eMlitiM»4M«fraNct».«*i fat tnmn Wood St. Palatme. H. top r.iilti.ilr t nn.ti !"! ^ n: M"hfw>l floor If interested/want mfo, call Victor Ov (847) 705-7224 or page (847 2030898 no later than Feb 16.


    Seeking responsibte norv smoking roommate. S2SO/monthi-utilities. 5 mirutes from campus m T

    The Harbinger Fdmiary 9, tfW Harper A&E

    DoN*rfusT Transfer Colleges^ Jonatha Brooke to perform tracks from her latest CD lO-Cent Wings

    Folk-rixk !>in)^-songwntrr |on

    » ill ii fii T il linlii|iMdni -Ua Winp. whkh feabiivs drum Mmpte* and much more electric gujUr, has nmbypiScMMhir* for .omm 4 Kak BmbomH md EnlertammaU WtMy. mmc Song* from the aSHun include; "Secrets and lim,' "CnmOw," "Because I Told You So," " CiliaiNMlI 1861 l-andmine," «id "Anme But Brooke has already «et her si^tte on or (690)637 5800 potential album: "I'd love to toy with strings •oilieht»w—have a quartet in the band so we could do some cool arrangements. "And maybe do more a cappella kinds of .College things. I'll try try anytfung. I'm always searching." I L L I M I For tickets and information about moiD COJtnSY OF IMVBt COLLEOE Brooke's concert, call the Harper Box Office at(M7)92S«100 ' km Mw lack m M«ay, F«k. tT. r^*ir' "Otf The Harbinger ROUNDTABLE is looking for staff members for the Fall 1998 semester. If you can write, edit, draw or take pictures, ASSEMBLY aCCly iQday in A367 or call (847) 925-6000 x2461. HEALTH WATCH •Have Your Blood Preaaure FEBRUARY 20, 1998 Checked This Month Health 11 ajoL-l Service, A362. p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. -8 Executive Boardroom p.m.; Fnday 8 a.m. -4 p.m Building A •Weight Training and You Doug ^iwak, ATC/L, M5.Ed., Licensed Athletic All club and organization Trainer. Feb 17, 12;15 p.m.- 130 pm A315 members are invited to join in a shared discussion focused on •Developing a Positive I m,x.M Make a difference Body Image campus and community issues, Lisa Hollingsworth, Steve in the sTstem. RoAs, Chhs Migalski; per- sonal counselling doctoral your club or organization news 'iiiini"!) JiHMi 1 .tn fjrr-

    • IMffT urn U» A < 'iiitU litMiit tiitnmutiii% iniems/extems. Feb. 18, 2- as well as an update from 3 p.m. A 242a. Student Activities. ViMt'tl hr drHii|[ MMix •Heart Healthy Eating

    KMt — tn» unMfiH' U- 1 Information Table tatii Itdj^t vini niAkt lilt Heart Healthy pamphlets, This is a great opportunity for HlH»> .*m1 »ll,4H.il'rliT.Lti recipes and treats. Dietetic us to unite with other student Tech students and Health

    I w.MiUl iw iikt- Service staff. Judy Schunel, leaders over a light lunch R.D. Feb 19, II ami pm.. Building A Student Center Please RSVP •Ottcoporoais and Bone by February 15 to Student Density Testing Information Session f%tfi*m^t**f irtnH4i»/[ hrttlintatmftf nrr^lrn Elmhurst Activities (Shirley) Receive information about College testing from a licensed (847) 925-6242 {rf.ysician Feb. 24, II a.m., A241 The Harfcinger Febniary % 19W P.Keio Harper Sports Lovelace Loprieno excited and determined to maintain standards set by orhouso wrestlers will develop acad coacK n^ht txirvs .it thi- nv;hl pl.i>i- has to believt- Uipneno 1 opnono w.int->. to instill omically, one SKMISUXTOfl The former Harper gr.ui .It !hi- n^iht timt, fuU-iimf i!i hi^ v\rostlers the impor- him Many o< you may me uate ha* come hill circlf ^iid 1 iarKird a - ,t Harper, rh.>' ,,,,.. u-ing a student-ath- As a teacher at turn around campus. After receiving hi» bache- position at IHarptT) rtot can a watchful eye •> wh. .vrestlers may he keep Whether you see him in lor* and masters degrees wherr I'm at that If tin- ^lodtest students, but over his student-athletes Buildings O or M. he always from the Universtt>' of I'll stay ate Ltjpneno will they are going Ui work just and make sure they has a smile on his face Wisconsin—Osh-Kosh, P4ext year over tcr Norm as hard in the classttwm as attending classes. Do not know who it is' LoprietM) retunted to be taking U»pnerK>'s ability to con- who will bt- rt-iir- they will on the mat. Give up? ll » Dan Ltiprieno Haiiper CoUege. Lovelace "Each student will be ivect with his wrestlers math teacher and wrestling "The tuning worked out mg after 25 year* at Harper get the Lopneno seems well pre- gis en the opportunity to get assures he will said. results he is seeking. pared to take on the chal- through," Loprieno Loprieno describes lenge of being hoatl ciiach, "The ones willing to work Lcnelace as a father ti although many will ni'tuo with me and listen to me ate " and adds he owes Lovii i. > the laid back stvk ol (;('mn ii> N' «.uc<"»"<*ful cvuiloN n>n(\ liir all he has learned as a Loprieno a«. oppused to 1 Kprionn and as a coadt Lovelaces mtense in-your- deruv He has a right to teel wrestler "When I left |Elk Gn.vel face coaching confident after sendmg all I only wrestled Loprieno guarantees 10 wiwttefS to nahonals last high school hard for six minutes." nothing will change He will season. ' to Loprieno said. "My •.triM to suNtam the c^ nd he would like wrestling improved 20C per- lent slandard^ wt MHue to send all 10 I came here to 1pm-. no and take those wrestlers to natiofuls this cent when wrestle under Lovelace." Niandards to armther level year an.t th.> voar after that way Lovelace praises LopnenoS lirst f,iia\ i> to H he only Loprieno just as much as bring back the national Ltjpii....- .".. achieve that Loprieno praiises him. championship to Harper gcNil IS by attending Uxa\ "He's been just as much He then want-s to win back- high school meets, Ulking integral part to die team to-back national titles, to c»»aches and a.ssuring the an Lovelace said something never accom- high school coacht-s their as 1 have," the Ijwelace is not blowing plished at Harper atMcies will be Uughi skills, on the mat smoke when he says this. In "We e«pect to win 1 nece^ary 1"«2 l,oveUce was named expect to win our regional aiHl m the classroom, to be Region IV Wrestling Coach and th< champi- suctvssful pteser- of the Year. onship .. i.> V«'>' The cieatwn and talent ptxil to Out of respect for l.opnen>> viiid ' ThoM on of a criti- l.oprieno's hard work, ^ k wrestlers from is iHir >;oj|s Anvthinn shi>n . IK pr<>>;r.iiii to l..\ol.Ko had Dan , ..| !,.r .in\ ii-.ii .\iii K' .1 ili-..ipp.'pt ml Lopneno s name inst:nbect the plac]iie. .r It-no, as a teactv .latiun speaks on "I wouldn't trust *n\ liarper. recognizes the tact lor itselt, Lopneno said. "If coaches] body but Danny with m\ that his wrestlers are here to thev (high school "1 education Ho does send us 3 kid they'll be kids," Lovelace said trust get an " that much acknowledgv that some of watchoii m I'l He's gomg to him Lovelace adds: "1 wish his wrestlers come to develop atadomically and " .4LMX7 the best of luck. I know H.»q>«'r because ol thoir rop- as a wrestler him Caaali Lo^Imo t* raapMtMl both «• Dm • skip a beat." WiMtUM 1 says his he wont ut.ifii'n as a wrestling p.>w When iipriono •d ki Mm clasMooM. Do vou like sports?

    PART Have you ever thought about writing or taking pictures for $8/Hour the siports section of The Harbinger? > No Weekend Work >• 3-5 Hours Per Day (Mon-Fri) Thm Bmrtoinffmr is looklaa for "- Comprehensive Medical Package writers and photographer* for aaBaatar. •> Stock Participation the Fall 1998 "> Employee Owned Company Get a press pass, go to games, Call toll free 1 -888-4UPS-JOS n«et the players and coaches. 24 hours a day - 7 days a week get the inside story to Palatine. and more! Locations. HoctgkirwAVtow Springa (1-55 & 1-294) Addison. strategies Nortl>t>rook & Westmont http://www.ups.com Tha poaslbilitlaa ara andlaaa whan you work for rbm FIR W0l«aNOF0»ISTU0fHTS*HO«C«WFO«US UPtiUVERSEDUCKnOi Equal Opportunity fc.t v*nf<« The Haithnger 11 February 9, IMS H^rpaifllpiartm Goal-oriented Kusch ready to take skills to next level

    nukie a better decmon. Lady Hawk;. offense : SPORTS ox TOR Kusch has not Kuiked fourth in the natum is I!'

    Heather Ku-H.h was rwt bd. • enrolhng at team's tloM-ne-.-- KumI

    -Lia' what she was gi>ing to }\.. finishing last Kn-ti-n WiImx- in.l Ir.: where she vns goin^; tJ learn All-

    :. I'r.iiin.it,.: f,.' after she kctball pl,H'->

    trtwix Ciwant Hiw,- imed Harf •

    The Je» 1 .isu-r w

    ihati team to a iiinti'n-nce thf t

    i'iiiKj; M Harper utleand hexoiui li s a ii.( « Jjughfer was a The ladv H.n\k^ .in v\ th teamnial.

    Lonant hjiiketball alum (iiurth in th< nation in (v>tal pl.ui-d with i ^' hiT»«'lt 1 ,1 kii~ h Wn.'ii. th. .,.1..,.-. I..,' I,, k. ,1. h . ^ ^, t, v.ii.i

    l.iniil . PMOTOBrHOeEBT VHJOIZ

    ' I wnr. ti i li ledd Vl>IlV i(K fvj NllN< aviraginj; i"> nTKiuiHi>> jx'i H«alh«r Kttkdi maliitalRS har ttrntH— avMi tlw H •chMbil* tab** mo moat of bor ttaHO. l-iarper was the right pUvf ..nntest Mr bashatball len.sen said "sm- has Jesi-I- kusih said Ihals whv t,. ,. sh. could not have Tht main reason the \,>i uiaiu |u:iior M)lle>;es ' majoring in speech have th>- liivun, ,•! thrfi iiped inti> a ureal plaver I'm blew pla\ Kiisthis Je\ eliipmenl ctmvmunicahons She

    I not thank hu: ntki the plaver she is ttxlay me away. can lid not happen overnight Iht enough. Until then I

    ' ,m>:ri; uit .'f Conanl. her had no clue what I wanted " to do !M ran Alonj; with basketball, kuN,h uill throw the shot

    ujii u- in.iK^ '111' and lavelin in track & field.

    I to man-toman kusih also manages a local

    ilclcnsc Jensen worked V ideo store in her spare ountless hours honing time, which she din's rwt kusch > delensise skills and have muv h ot .xtii.ding her range on ttw "There are |ust not ittensiM' end ol the tioor enough hours in th< day," she sighed

    kusih Is i.urrentl\ vcork- kusth has vitnii ir-. ' her assis lale s

    si,.- IS .> hOt»i N(HS-tfl llMv li- Mrs >;.'ltin>; a plethora ot

    to iiaM with bor friond* . ditticull (ask In tMiMtaig A La—

    CAREER PREPARAHON One, and Done... FOR...

    Social Wori Give IK one hoir of your time. VWienever you 1^ Have your transcripts and your (bams readjL Wei sh^ Teaching easy it is to transfer to Aurora IMversfty and finisti your de^ee.

    ^)ph credit from a t^^^ ^ Ike creAl yM taMfV gB fstlW at NU. .. you m^ even be able to Business program to your four year degf^

    ^ \bi cai dietse Ihe nojor yoa inrt. .. no c^. no waiUng lists, start r#t an^ ami rmish Communications ^ Wi're GmMnMt and we indarUari ]!•» Miii. . . you can fmish importani ihiitgs in your life dav and evening classes meet once or twice a week Nursing ^ ik foOB M piipili; for careers. .. over so percent of our faculty hove had careers outside htgber eilufatiofi. the) knovk the practice as well as the theory

    fuuiiciat aid options at At are numerous aiKi omipeutive ^ Vfe cai mkt it Mknidk. . . tdm^t^ and Criminal Justice

    We Can Make IhRsfenine as Hassle Free s PossHi Reaeation To make an ii\)[>- lir.hneir i m itie \; " 'r.i Htuversity Office ol AdimscHis •"•""'"'KAljltlMI ' " tour website: wwvi;nirota.edB 7IUR0RA Coaching AURORA UNIVERSITY.

    Red Education for the Real World. Computer Science Lady Hawks Improve racord to 17-6 Mens' basketball ends road trip at 2-4 for the Melanie Kwasniewski led all scor- yMiFraMMl The final road game College cn as the Lady Hawks defeated Hawks was agajist Tnton defeated 98-89. Hautprr WcHncn'* baakcMjoU Triton 92-77 and were Tlw record of 6-17 won't in^neas a A "I'm v«y happy about our team. team improved thrir ivrotd to 17-« Kwaafurwski was five points shy lot of people, but tlie Hawks' confer- Especially our teams scoring. It's overall defeating )oliet. and Lake of tyiitg Pascaie ODonoghue's single ence record at 3-4 might. balanced. pniblem that faces while only toaoig to ntinout game mark of 50 poii^ set in tf«e very A County After a kias to College of DuPage, night ui and night out is mental Vafley 87-76. 1987-«8 season us the Hawks played Joilet They pre- lapses Every college team has this But the season dwindles down, "I have no idea.* said M vailed "Jo-az. must solve it." said the Lady Hawks make their Kwasniewski on scoring 45 potnis. problem and we and Jated Sherman led all scorers coach Hirsch. ptayoH run, «ome traditions will "It just happened, my tarammates oU with 20 points and also collected 8 " ball seems to gave me the ball Shooting the three come to an end rebounds. occurrence for the Tracy Schader. Heather Kusch, As the season begins to come to a be a common After the wm, the Hawks had a Through 18 games the Kiislen Wilson will nut be on the ck)se, the Lady Hawks aie ptvparii^ Hawks and tough task ahead them The next six Hawks have attempted 444 threes temn for the fast tune in »ix to meet the challenge of making it to Mmm games were all away and two of the National tournament. and connected onl68 yMis after tfiis seaaon- them were ranked. A tough task for just look for the rim and let it "ItU diWerent," said Kristen "Right now we're pretty much "I be any team to handle said guard Jared Sherman. "I've got to get used to new where we expected to be," said coach go." WUion, The Hawks unfortunately lost The Hawks' final two games of people, but as long *s we're all suc- lensen "We're in second place the first three games of the road tnp. the season are at home. Tuesday, ccnrful, flul's the important thing. I behind College of DuPage and wv'rv Li>!.ing to Rock Valley «»4-78.

    bill they an- . ^rc.iit-i impt of work to do," Jedd said good against Malcom X Winning in con- It's been a pieanii* coaching "We're doing reallv well right and fuat vinang fashion with a 123-93 victo- them. now," said Kwasnirwski I ihirtk

    " ry "Next year it's going to be a com- we'll win and we'll do a gi^HJ fi* Andy Cho|nowski led all scorers different learn nt-xl year," said The Lady Hawks' next home pletely against Mak'i>m X with 28 pomts AMtstant coach "We'll m« game is Fete. 7, against College of fcH Jkdd shooting 9 of 12 from the floor and 3 what happens." DuPage wl* a 5 p.m hp-tJtf time for 3 from thi* three-point arc The secottd and final mad victory was agaiiMt Illinois Valley, with Wrestling looks forward to regionals Harper wiruung 89-«>6 Leadmg the way for the Hawks htm all seaiion was Mark Stahl. He paced the PM0TOBYO««>a»l»> SP0S1S EWTOS As a team the Hawks placed third C«rfe (M) ins Hawks with 25 points and collected AgMM* w The Harper Hawks wrestling team at Augustana, with TcxJd Miller tak- bova Ma tmmmmmtmm tar mm* 8 tebouiuls- •f Mai is gearing themselves up tor region- ing second Miller can Uke consola-

    als, hekl here at Harper Colk-ge on tion in tlw fact he lost to the no. t Feb 14. with matches -itartmg at 10 ranked wrestler at the thv HI level. Hawk-i took their road show am The •Zach Dcrrico was naoied Athlete of the Week for )an. n-28. College where tfwy defeat- to Lincoln •3 on 3 BasketbaU Laagnc "Our conditioning is 39-12 basketball ed Lincoln The Intramural Dqiaililient is kwltn^ to start a 3 v 3 noon-time excellent right now. We "Our conditioning is excellent le^(uef"rrK'o considenng h«- K*1 '" •• wit! he heW on Ibcsday and Thursday evenings starting at 730 p.m -Sould contact [im Ryan in Building M or by sdioal phone at (S47) 9^

    laras "fWy bilHards tournament will he scheduled ever)' third Wedni-^l.^ n the billiards area on the third floor of Building A staitui):

    •> to doubi. . .- .^umaawHrit* range from 8 baU and ball singles pUy ^hip. play j^HpfarliwHtlouimmenlswillbeonthespol '

    I i 4|^, C-^ J VoliMM XXX • NMNtowr 11 . F«bni«ry 23, ItM

    Campus recycling program Season ends in win over ranked opponent lacks crucial participation Marketing study shows only half put forth offort


    t- first 1 »-v t '> In the vear i>t thi' Hjrprr rec\-- pr.ii 1 .iiivi « rtn- Ml It, I'll li s.i

    '^S pniRram. 12 to»u. of i!\.itrrul t,Hiilt\ advisor ol the Harj-'i nftv c<»llect«l ptT month A. lordmg Students for Hivironmenli to Phywcal Pldnl, tiw lurTml aMT.igr AwaieneiiS Karen I ii^lij; but we i .i

    » less Ihjn einht iDrrs fvf nrnnth, jiui alw,u«i impro\e reople ni'in) to !'•

    the k»t fi>ur ti»n> ot rembhU- mjti-i- more ion>i-tent I Ihmk ui- m1^^ i ul are tvlurnin^ inln the M%i!il<; educate people cm th<' importance ' stream nfcyding."

    "It iiists. iTh>re tor IHarpt-i] to ro \ lo.iid in the alneady «imp)e task <

    it (iivt il cle than doev ti> thrt'« ,nv,n r.\ s , lin^. Harper ha*, placed sevcr-i

    is.ir >! Kaid C olli'gf s»t-up ^uf>«T\ bm> through out the campus on I \ t Chartk- H»'arn Iht- mon- that wf nwcling can rtvv* !<• the lea» that go«^ to the These bins are marked speiitii.ill\ landliir for pap«'r. mns. pla!>tk or fiijif» Ira^h Harper ntartfvl lt^ ri'vMling pK>- lho\iia n.ii K' dtopcKwd of in Ifiesr i^"**^ s.,,. gram in . ih.-n ^^veral •ipiMjIlv markett receptacles iletrui h.i !.> a list ol 'We would like thin^;s put m (i materiaLs ,,.. ,..>.i..k — i.ir imI, tin~., bins lo be ilean," said Heam, "bm hydraulu lliiid .inti trtt-ze, battene!>. wi< re not aftkii^ people to wash their white and ii>lurt

    'SJlf Non-traditional student talks about the past

    Amanda Offaakaciiar W.ls sit sf.trs old \bt>.iit spoke .iNiiit the changes

    Sex Avvarviu-'N Week V\h,r y,;~yu •tuii li.i\< ,K 1 um-d I'MT thr M'ars He

    ' K...iit.^' .li'Ill tlU-V li-.ui^,,, , „ ,. Jo*-sn t v\.ittti ti'Unisii'M he shatters .i I'l^ myth. 'Id. getting reads ti> start then liti- t»vl> lis a waste ol lirn Page 3 • i Sylvan Abbott i-- > '"- Ml- iTu-ntions that .oi ...^.jia is.

    ol Niuik-nl 1 II' iii-t tun . i.'telv diHen-nt Abbott n-mem-

    1 iiriu' when "V'low |obs" arnl t larper wants \o gi\e yini

    I >'nin\i'iil^ uiTv- l.ib.10 in the SUX1. Find mit how

    Page 4 but

    ..I ^;o;vc to lull t.Ki, .\bbott s.lld.

    • ir- He s,i\s then' is no compariscio

    el stores lor nearh ^t years K'twivn his tirsl time in college and .After retirinR, Abbi>tt spent M>me now

    Pre\ ievv the upcoming time travelling; He - Kin to I uiopt lie spuke I 'I how women have Harper A&E events in PHOTO BV OtS«a COHCOMM the Kir Kast. the MiddU- ta>t and come such a long way Women were Sylvaa Akkatt Macaaaaa tka man\ other plan-s Me e\en went not allowed in the collej^e he went to. March. scuba divuig in .Austrjji.i when be •3 Pages

    Sa«rtai Jonatha Brooke changes to new look

    tiflW duo partner lenniter Men's and Wonun s AMtCHIOR Kimball baski'tbdll ends regular (onatha Am4ie » sporting a Ih. ston kimball and season with wins. rww look since her last \ isit to the Brtx'k !- wi'Tit astrav Haq-H-r Camp js Her new short, bec.ii iiive diffiTi-nces

    s4'\\ tiair lUt, liny-lees and alter spending ten vears together Harper wrestlers leatlui p.ints .ire ver\ Kxommg tounn); and priKiu<. ing album^s

    ' dominate at regii>nal 1 1. H\ e\ . the same Brooke's newest ri'lease Id tournament lonatti.1 Bus . ..,,.. .iiside Shi" Citil WtMys. IS riiemiiK pr,use wowed audienie memK-rs ross Such publua- Pages at the board before, she II do it aj^ain tums as Hillhi

    Brooke will kick-off Harper s f ntertammcnl l(\Wi/v have taken

    COtfeehous.' S-ries on fridav, i\kU- of Bniokes talents " '0 " I et'' J" .It p m in th< According lo Bnxike ITiis is HtiilJin^; Student C enti-r A pnitvibU mv boldest album )et 1 l"^s Bi\

    LMatotf ki (MT) IMT) 1

    The Harbinger February 23, 1998 Page 2 H«rp»€CN»w

    HFALTH WATCH Tidwts: •CHleoporocii and Bone Show dates: Density Twiing Info March 2020. 21 Littlc Shop of Horrors gl^tf Session $10 General public On Tuesday, Feb 24 22. 27, 28. 29 Tickets on sale now! lla.nv-niK>n in.\241, tlvon' will be an mltwTnjtion i«»- »ion and i)sle«>p»)ri»sis test- ing. Hr l.in l.iM-finl People .irc ralkinu ;ih«uil Medical Uirectur ul the Osteoporosis Evaluation Program, will {wesenl the teminar. •High Anxiety The Universitv Have you ever wondend v»hal anxiety is and how it differs from "itre^s' Iht- answer to thi* and Kther St. Francis que«tion» about armetv of vmII be answered tbt- --'ini nar High An»u'- '^uikI rx.isoii Wednesday, March > Ami uith '' p.m. in A242a ' T'T HarptT Personal Counsielling fXxloral Intern /tfxtems will be pre- senting informatii>n on how to cope with anxiety and what campus and axnmu- I HI i youi JittuK nity resourre* are available St • Mammogram and CaK M M iiMi ns 7Me > >-«»

    • 1 rhe tee tff

    Invest Your Credits Thiak You'd Make

    It P'U « Gi«at Teacher? Ihtfikif^ ol Transfeffing? ftmiiimptfU Hit uiitknMdikpw

    Tlien join Naii<>nal-l-i»u» Llnlvfrvtry lor an education inlormation sf^sion hi^jhlightinK

    1 lur Batrhekw ol Art* programs in Flieinentarv Mutation and i:arty (hikUiood.

    Iranffrr wholarthips are available.

    Kaculty mimbtr\ Irom National c;ollege of Iduiation, as well as npri'M-iitatives from

    Student Fnrollmfnt, 1 inamial Aid, and Student

    life will be present to answer your questions.

    For more details or to reserve your place, c-ontail the Office of Student Enrollment at

    800/44.i-.SS22, ext. 222.S,

    tasiq: March 11. im &00p.in. Tmm^rr \ lull 'iiti»i tmf I* MJVC) tawMWr /m b» iljfm t .»k*M ZMOShttidMlloid rMic*oo CAMUS OUANDMMCAMHa Evanstsn. H 60701 IRN LsSdIcMrm CIIM|KlL«M>l k.11 aXLEGE (I OMrnO«Mmali Ncrtioiial-Uuis Unhrersity SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AOHINISTtATlO^

    The Hdrfoinger February 23, 1998 Harper liews Page 3 student: Class options decreasing Recycle: Saving the world is easier than you think cortmued ffom cage 1 n. .,,. i . i , , loi'l to thniw stunething that ht> uM.i to stand b\ MATERIAI^S m a ni\iU' bin th.' t(s V, lu\i' hins when UAMEJL women l.ke Carol «^Wey-Br..un I would like to ^hv • I at .h. .-n^.m^rm^; J 111 thr RECYCI^KS adiciiisi- more; espc- mI I li^Iij; tetter counlrv novN ami th.T>- Motor oil. tires, cialK iliorr b\ th.' t.xHi """"'"« ""' III- iiukIi' suri' that i>h- m..rf ..p,H.ftun.tus „^.h t,,. .„ bydroliv an-4s. tontinui'd stUiK-nts got It strairh! Ouid, I luTr should Annott still Hi'fH-lllJK with anti-freezc, lirm-N , Hid lovrsth.' t>attcr- ,»«.<„,. i^w 1. . . 1 Ills b\ sii;ns aboM- the sonu- cf MS, wliite and col- t'lns 1 don t know v;u 11,,^ rxampl. ored paper, maga- ! Ih,r,- not tnoiigh whii i.. ;-'" in thin, zines, newspapers, tiKTll , thf\ dont [He used MrAaf rl >mII not excuse? want Ih, lampus lo (;il it ..>-,u,.i I.., ir.p|,x<' difTerent types of

    .Mud>. I stiiitenls dont know pdvst.vrene. steel ' Ah.it to do rl<' -onutinu's aluminum cans, \ lordin^ to a "UlsoJ S.llJ

    four colors of ' I .tvhpro(«>ctdoneb\ Mastic thf\ MKI IW students : thi' si^ns anvl r and various Muhille ClawT. \njr,- •N f'lastu in th«- •sanli.iL-,,. and |ohn lhi'\ should Iv havinj; somv pr.>|i •s-ilemi :i)»J |-.-K.nl ot h.ui- sli;tlv .lho\, ill 1." li-nis s.Mil pn'sidrni ol lhi>s»' ol>s«T\td .ni a sin- the hins iosIckI ,>t th<- 'hv Hsl A H.-.ilh,r kIi- d.i\ in the catetena larm- on,s (n ihf anas Smith thn v\ ever\ thing awav with tiH>.l Ahovi- all I Hut there are so w ith no attempt lo recy- think thf sihool IS man\ bins thev ri so doing .le pn-ttv m>>Ki t^>n^enlent it s not a Malt ot the pwiple "Somr (i«>plf mi^ht in big deal lo walk tour the exfvfiment pixiper- !>' separated trash and retvilable material The rest ot ihtiM- (4>served

    got si)me, bul rkit all, ri\ \ > lable material in a rending bin Tm rurt happy with the amount of people w ho don't recycle," said Smith

    I hi\ vvalk past the fiiviling bins and ihiow everything in the ' •"-• 'he big Iking 0»* rkpiVMMtattv* of tiM 50 parcmt of . iiM, , loet to ttoa "aoirta • caiia» •rke rocyctos I'lii ihings in the right •tiy tfMMMtratM l Imw i aipla it is. bills'

    CAREER PREPARAHON One, and Done... FOR... Gve us one Iknt (rf yoir time. VVhenever you want, yoir pl^ Social Work Have your transcrijib and your dreams readyL lllfel si^

    easy ft IS Teaching to transfer to Aurora Univeraty and finish your d^

    ^ The credits ymi transfer go farllier at MJ. ^^<|^ 1 iiiiii ifiiiii ,1 lerlimcal [>r()i?r,iiii Iit\t>iir fmir vivir deijrec Business

    Ibu can choose the > nyjor you want... • ij-. :h! riiiht itwiiv and finisli on lime We're convenient ^ and we understand your needs. . Convnunications irk and d

    ^ We feois on preparing for careers i!ivn.j\r iitiutj' '•MCT Nursing t

    ^ Wfe can mahe it afhirdjMe Criminal Justice

    mte Can Make Transferring as Hassle Free as PossiNe

    Recreation URORA AURORA UNIVERSITY. NIVERSITY Coaching 4 Real Education for ttie Real Wtorld. 4j Computer Science . :

    The Haibinger Page 4 Febnury 23, 19W

    VI«W Paul Sipiera rans around the earth five times Do you want to Harp«r Pr0f«*«or of PlaiMtary ftciMic** ratiims from Antartlca wltk storl** Don •rgar Harper arul other prn win $100 bucks? m-titutior- r.uil Sipicra. Wmc pu- I'rotesMir ot vvjs tiilk-iji "t l>uPanv iic«>n'l hjvf mw, nt-t I'lanelarv trip to ji-i owr "xienn-s. missed the first meteorites tfval struck rtier lUik-^ (.i'lli-j;i' i>t l-iki- CounK. Oaklim dav ivl silniol thi Tntim. ElRin Cunimumtv 1 .'l!.n.-s ter w Ihtv his va. .. tv«n jrfiT "?(' vi'jis <»l exmhTK'e, HarfH-r longer then expevted olht-f lull' iMilit mail does rert hj\e nm- What are these ls However, he did tioi j|-

    lackirt);'' A nchool >ong. slay in a tant.'v hotel The task was ditficull Thrvtr M'ns-tiw <<«^ad»~- hav«» pswrn) ««c- He did not druo an emHjgh without addint*

    expensive rental . .ii nor m Ihr wialher vanabli cesstulty. jn.l .ill I't .i -u.l.l.-!! i ...nt.-^i fi.i^ did h«' land in a bt^; jir Antarctica van ea-ii, beer annouiuni with the ilvsircd outcimu' i>t plaru' .It .1 iiiiivlfm .iir K' preconceived as bat- irffkijl school sort); an port (or arn ..r... ,tt (or rrn winter wasteland,

    The guideliMf^i tor thf molfst jrt' Ihf that matter louihi'it b'l no one PHOTO BY OESMEE COWXMM lyhcs should b»' sunj^ to Jti existing or orim- "sipiera -. >.n.iiioii did except jH'ngiiin- and Prof•••«? Paul l l|ila ra taachaa Ma I not take place any of polar bean nal tune, include d(>pn>f>ndte Um^uage (i o m a»aalw< Aattaaway iOl boMoi the top 10 vacation Mle« Acct>rding to Sipiera fcaapa Ma atatewta Mtaeaataa. Harper. Hawks, nunxm aiKl gold) and be an on the gkiNv that's not so davs. iHif of a planned pnibably be maybe three appmpriale l«>gth It was tfH-rt\ ot Hdrp«"r College a bask geoloi(ical Ihfv tvperien.ed The mission's suc- "But certainly before Thf winning song will be advcled hvwn a un-«\isonablt' warmth, ii>s, howevfr, will not fall term t>egins I'll have survey. We want- " delerniineil committee irKluding a student leader, learme Ifirifuralurt's in the mid be tor eviTvthing doiHv to be able to ed month- Sipii-ra Ux>k foreword Pankanin (director of StiMlent Activities). Bob communicate hnipiTatures even Ihe tew samples to his fifth trip to Tllolscin (Professor of Music), Ann what we learned ri\u hfJ 42 degrees, nvov erixi b\ SipH'ra will Antarctica, which he Hauenstein (Community Relatums l>in\tor» which maki-s searching he passed along to many hopes will happen in to students all and Reniv Zellrw-r (Wellness and Humjn tor metis>ril<-- difficult other institutions, where approximately two

    Performantf l'rii(»-sM>r) around the Ihr iMMtluT also has their geologic and ciiem- years. to ideal in for ical will Sipiera Th«> winning s«>ng writer will receive Slim tv order make-up be As waits to them to land on the con- determined. hear of the n-sults of his for their effort If scIvmiI spirit aU>ne doesn I •PauiStpiara tinent These will tell 0(1 tests expedition, he can sit drh'e you to go tmt and compoM* a stmg. at Phe average wind in Sipiera and the missions back comfortably and least the mone>' should. Antarctica is W mili- (ler many followers an>und n-lish in a personal goal

    The deadline for application- i-. M.-nit.u *^fpnr.i spent hi* hour, so It wimld h.i . . to the globe if what he ha- achievtxj on his visit to

    M.irvh and t>e iit'mitted i. rsisii gixakigical sur\c\ ll>.' (Mlot- J|,,l II, .1 '"inie institution-l I ran around the Student Activities. \^M^ sav* Sipiera "We want land in a movlem, paved will pnibably get onto it earth tiv e times in 15 sec- Tfir Harbxn^T would like to make some ed to K- able to commu- runway either nght away, so it will onds." suugesbons to thinks it is anyone who too nicate what we learned taking off from an difficult to write a winmg song to students all around airfield in Punt .Arenas, Join The Harbinger ' •Stwigs anm't fun to smg unleris the world Chile. affixtionately thev rhvme for some good clean fun. The Sipiera's team con- kiuns-n as "lands Erni." I (if you can even find something that rhv nn-s sisted of a geological a small passenger plane is with Harper) Harbinger looking for editors, mlU'ague. a retired aslnv- will land on the •Th«- Ivru-s should K' .iU>iit Harper and artists and writers for the Fall naut and his (amilv who smoothest -htvt ol ite i

    enciiur.im- .i .; ..il nr win or something posi handled communK.i pi'N-ible whuh I- whv 1998 semester. tive tions and the vuits- w ind- have to K- ivleal Joining could make you grow • \ sp(.nLiius>iis outbreak of the s»mg would rivordinj; ot Ihi- rntHf -\nv -udilen k;usf of tnp iMjivl ,ouKi lif'pl"' the be easier to achieve with an mtro thai in. lud wings and fly. Demand Ihii k.i'pt in loni.ii t pl.tne onli' Its stdt' ed fixit stomping or hand clappin>; attention and apply today in with institution- in I he pilot- have to •The Hawk is a deadly bird of prev—C AW Japan, Caruda. Ilelgium have a 12-hour window," : A367. Little blue men may put • Make it memorable so that the -ong pop* .ind ihi- I nilo) si.it.-s sav- Sipiera, "Six days in iiiHi ' turnips in back into vinir conscious mmd when viiu I he >il>'' to a n>w we didn t gel it your socks.

    *J(lil,lK«) trip wa- tundix) Their lin>' least exptvt it We want YOU! per>*>nallv bv Sipier.i, \iitantii,i l.i-te CkxxI luck to all who enter

    ditorlal Board Staff Wrttars aMlllMlstaiit«j Ry«) Fieurw. David Pump The Hnrbinger Kevm Shepke. Rotsert Valadez

    Oanaral Policlas Editor mOiief . LaurenSchubei

    News Editor Airunda OffentMi^wr tn* MiilMWiw- » tne ttuiMni (MMaKwn iw tlw Haipw Coiia«> canpus con- The HartMTWer - WHbam Ramey Harper College murtt^ laMirMi t*-«M«Wv i»>ni|pi(W( rn* Klwoi ywv «M»pl dwH( tiiM^ 1200 West Algonquin Road ana fmM CMRK Tr» oapartsdiftrniiiad tim to all stuMnls. (KUtly am ai»ranistr«tiai Tim Mmtriteft wM* owsow to ommOe tiw Haiwr coimxi Palatine. H. 60067 7098 SiXHis Editor . SeanMcHu^ a rstv «iift tnttf^^-^ <-» v—^ •• •»» •- vrfui gnd it» surromlMC community, ^lona Nunbars^ (attars PoMcv A&E Editor Jennifer Got/ txismess office: (847)925-6460 Tnr nartm^B' »w?ici)nii>i» imtws to ir» mmot ana ivplws to flw adttarian. office: (847) LMtan muM be iHgned and (lEluae a Ition* numtMT to vwtty aitmralip. news 925-6000 x2461 Si«wiii« iM M wtttiBH upon noMat. M iMtw* and cwttant am luDiect fax: (847) 925«)33 Features Editor DonBerger toMKmc

    oopyrtght 19Mk The Harbinger. Photo Editor Desiiee Corcoran PfaJuris and sern<-»s advertised n The Hmtmivr an rot nacessanly endorsad oy ttw eOrtors o> ttwuaper. nor by Vm coHap adBiawtanon or AHrightsr Boaid at Oractors, inquirie* Mvuld tia tonnanM dvactly to n» atwerttMr, and alt piMiaaa* are at ttw diaoetian or conauner. Faculty Aihrisor nw . Hoiward Schlosst)efg 1 . «

    The Harbinger Pages February 23, 19W HmwnmtSka^E Brooke: Free show on Friday March blooms with A&E ovonts on campus

    .idmLSAiim • Lncommon l^round Showcase* ~ AM iinv.fi A play about the rape/si'xu.il Friday, March 27 '(ti p m Its Manh, its •ipnnKlinw. Ih»' assault of black women in KuildinK -\Kmnge ^h!^ hn.il sh.i Ameni.i told in right th.u i> trr shtiuld vini It* tinw to rpI nul i>» sketches r those wmlCT blues and thtvk iml blues and s

    ,.ff,-, •>. .'I' the lineup Har^x-f hj> for mhi I, • Riilh EMermanidrt ovhibiti Ain«lir'

    " H' I : March 2-27 BuiUmns t ic I' Friday, March 20 )- m ' In aftiUation with Wnnian s Hiiilding A I oun|;e W., : ' History Month. iJrawin|K;

    • - Works Show l.in i\hibit) paiitling» hy Ruth F'SM-rman will ,- -tt AirLslH- •Small v bedispfciyed March «)- \pnl :4 • Esaerman i* a taculty member i ittic stiop of Horrors P • !• Mil tjkf M The SchiKil of the Art Institute Friday h Saturday, March 20, 21. HtKlp pl.i. t- w; !M. iM^^jv fitunateJ of Chicago. 27, fc2», m lU" comiuK) >'am pag* I « ill 2<» i Building A 1 .>un>;i- IhiTc w N' Coffttkemf Stria fimttat •INietfy Sunday, March 22 * : ' p m based than previous aR>uim.' deserts and spiM,ilt\ mtliss Slam with Marr Smith* 114-1 Many critK-s have been in debate over the

    1 1 k .• i Friday, March 6 7 M^ y m nckris are S8 for Harp«rr students available. 1 theme of Bnxikes album BnK>ke believes kit students. whkh can be pitkevl up .it the Building A I iHinge and staff. i» other that whatever is touching your life at that Harper Box Office, are tr»v to Featurin); "emtee" Marc and $10 for general admissKwi moment will somehow turn up in your Smith. Harper will host j pm-tn • Colonel Nancy and Colonel Harper studc-nts with a two tu'ket music iKkets i>n the day of the slam, which add^ mernmont Jerry |aa« l.«'thal Virus»>, Ibola. limil All "Seif-Uvathinx, self-growth and self- sfhiw. students and public, are %•> competitiiwi and |U.sl a little wa^k- and TV Hot Zent" s«."anhing' aw tfie words that Brooke used to iness to unginal poetr>- readirup Wedncaday. Match 24. 7J0 p m while thev la.st descnbe her interpretations of Mi-Cmt Wingi.

    CtigMtowf Strit* j^menH: •Carta* 1143 Not only is Br[»>ke mu-sically irwlined. she Tickets, are W for l-iarper students used to be profewiotul dancer for many Friday, March U. 7 V» p m and staff, $6 other students, and \fars Dancing doesn't pay as big a pari in admission Building A I ounge $7 for neneral her music as it used to sm»»»>th Audiences will be familiar C omf rn|ov Ihi- "CharactCTs I used to liani • to vs ould usu- best sounds ot conteniporjr\ |.i// with the laaices due to the ally turn up m my music, she said artiM Carlos Cannon selling b«ik The Hot Awif atK) th.' BnH>ke's largest inspiratnms are Rtcki Lee • Harper Commnnity/Palatinc hit mosie OutimtA. This husband tones lor song writing ability, and Elise Cimcert Band and wile team played real life Kegina for her singing ability, even though Sunday. March 15 7M p m heriws in a I**** outbreak of Bnx-ike cannot understand her (Retina only

    Cutting Hall. Palatine I lx.1.1 sings in Portuguese) • Reamea McNeal "IXm't Speik In th«'tr Wtture/slkk- perfor- Bn.x>ki- may seem like she's got her life in My Mother's \am«- m Vain" mance, science meets our darkest •rd<-r now How. \ef, she claims that she's I* ~ M^ m te.irs, ywl the (aaiuni recount their >t as confused as she ever wa.s IVk up Monday, March p (HorooxjB'' ' .•^ rt-riencvs with rh.irm ind will ho*t • 111 111 tor tht' trcs' jonatha I l»W Mara SMitk 111 k

    session "Part-time secretary. 11-7 HELP WANTED 'attend one training HARPER COLLEGE THEATRE and have transportation M-F Pay determined by exp. SSOpermght. Fn. and/or Mt. Prospect area. Mail pn»ents Students Sat CallJackl(630)971- resume to: 5261 Deepwood FOR YOU! MOKY 2610 ext. 10 Rd, BioomfieW Hills. GET WMO WEEKLY Michigaa 4830Z Attn: EVENINGS ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOY- Shelby SATURDAYS The MB^T Fishing industry. ROOMMATES your own days work Pick Excellent earnings & bene iwith our crew as an fits potential. All ma)or contractor. independent employers. Askushonv! SaeMng responsible non- TRAM Top com- WE CAN 1517) 324-3115 art. smoking roonvnata Marriage mission, twnuses and A56991 $250/month-t-utilities. 5 incentives. minutes from campus in Can (8471 427-4415 Matix'e. resp. indiv. to work quiet setting. Contact Ask for Rich with a 7 yr-oW chiW with Robert (847) 857 4335. autism Loc Barrmgtoa No Earn MONEY and FREE Female of Bette exp. W. mpsy/educ A* Hoffman Estates TRIPS!! Flexhrs. Start $8/hr. Call to share w 'Female. Lg Spnng Break AbsohJte Best Kathleen (847) 202-0312 2br/2baapt. Must like Packages Awa)lat)ie dogs. $400.mo«utl. S200 Student WWVIDUALa Telesales positkxv sec dep. (847) 884-0346 ORGANIZATIONS, or and Arrar^ed appts for sales Boo wanted!! smaH GROUPS personnell. Local company, FOR SALE C«IIINTER

    After all your hard work, you ran aflbrd to hv rhootqr.

    Think I .iri'tulis' .ih'Mi' utiiTf vou ;iit iinu. .tiiil wIht'' \iMi want

    ii'll know that the ri)lhf >-lt liip.-

    RiM)s»'Vt'lt Uithc^ .iiipuscs m t)o'fi ilnuritiiwii

    Chicago and Srhaumbur^. Rmist'M'lt h.j-> ^ . -m's hi mmi*

    iiiuj'irs I pjd iiiiiltTJr.iilu-if'' ni.iior^ in all. rancinc fr-irn \i rountitu!

    tn V,\n. ,;,., . , . .,,,; ;. .,

    I 1 I , , 1 III 'ii \iiii Diir

    v\ I I '' ^i' 1 ii >' !i ... : ^ ith llari" ' : -im' nir ui^k

    '' Ulil . .Hint 1,1', <.

    '•: '1" -•' i [•lir ; , I, 1 a MUl li,-, I , 1; •III, 1I-' II lil iJIIHl il)|( i

    ' " ' ' aboiii t'lir tiii.tiK'i.il iiH) iti---i,L;i ! s.s

    i ith Uii- • ,r

    Schuiimb (HIT) (>l»-K

    MoMtoy, Februar> 2 Monda), Febraar> 9 5.-00 pm - 7:00 pm 10:00 am- 1:00 pm BuildinK J BaUding A

    Monday. Febniar> 16 lYiesday. Ffbraary 24 Jf 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 10:00 am 1:00 pm Building A flttilding J ROOSETELTUNIVERSITY The Harbinger Frbrujry 23, 19W Jlaa»or SnAcia, Page? Wrestling: Attention; continjed from pdge y Burk.s Miivi- hi«h N*hi.. or ish IS mo-i ini(>rcsMM. better jf the rutum.ii ,i,,.- t. If you Km I .i,,l.i I 1.1... ,1 , , have rurra-nt to reach hi^ • th.il (u school spirit, TiHJd Miller I! ,inJ Derrui' il4»!i write the new "1 kiww I had the

    Dem, k)Ji-n iJniir.ihl., i school fight edge over him befort death in,,,, Bill Ktepping song. Walter oj Tntcm to comt- .us lU out onto the .\ in ' I ;:- 111,1;; with \ • the o.ltu,,., fhf Hi!, i~ The winner llit-i! n Mill,- ' in sight TncMMKIIer I- M.I tt M..W, ' '" Burk.^ HI irri,„, i,,r ^,^. ihirj .M>-.||,T> ivlli ,„,, receives $100. r.iui (. ttlTH' this st'.iMin 111 I,. I' .>( tlll-ll ^:,!" and it Call (847) 925- '••)'f'"i>; .'lit 6242 for details.

    So you like Choose from our wide selection of electronic sports? components, production Offuipment Have you ever V and more! thought about wriUng or tak- ing for the sports secUon of 15% OFF OH ALL IH STORE The Harbinger? ELECTROHIC COMPOHEHTS The Harhinger is Joo Items not alreadv reduced] looking for wrHera and photographeiv for the FaU 1998 semes- DISCOUNT! ter.

    visrr OUR active store at o lo games. Meet tin pK ACTIVE CHICAGO H» i tv Get the Inside story to strategies 5.^ 1776 West Go« Road and more. Mt Prospect. lU 60056 Til: (M7)S4»-7713 The Far (I47| 840-7613 possibilities are endless v^en you work for The Harbinger. • MULTIMETERS • TOOLS • LOGIC • BOOKS


    United Parcel Service has part-time Soor val fir- yon AsvToate > /» ihc «wy r flu JO rxm'> One loader and unfoader positions available. muea-jjiuifii. O/aUBtstwe m (usBndn) km cf mtifim ^ *8*VHou *>- No Weekend Work ^guSuaavftv la ^fMKuai Of dtBsa ar Sid! Ou tft «r tsaded tMffi eqtuncni An] Of pnAs- •> Conriprehensive Medical Package *«*«() on yt* nnJ KJWufe )Gul Rm (Of ife^K n no Biv f Stock Participation > Employee Owned Company Onw Ism SKMors itgnts r SanesAiliikuut fibum ConipuB I'Ai'nwn ^sm AoutQ TcmntJ Call toll free 1-SSS.4UM-JOB I7 7i« M*agmoTt or l&cmruK»m' 24 hours a day - 7 days a week ftWy rs me My 10 go forno*. MODMnireiaia Locationa: fofin^*gwofsuraiaai HodgkinsAA/illow Spring (1-56 & i-294) Addison. Palatine. Northbrook & Westmont oiAttcraniuxlUlfSJaDO

    tJbJ WHniCPMSTUPBITSIIWWOIKraRlfi m iMiHuvminiBmi [3d^. ^—^ Equ* Ot«po»tuni»y Errxjioyw At^tor^ywyi LJ - .

    sends ten wrestlers to Women victorious heading into playoffs Harper ^ Li 1 , \l..l,i..r , ,vnlnhiil.-.l with for ..hill- l.-iiin \!.>lit> national tournament surriNnrtBi !» n-t>.>un.is ,ls W,-Il consecutive season kusvb ,ils.> >,.il,vtrvi second DispttrlcMinK •> ^•'- •'-' '^i' iHhcr k-jd.ns M,..r.- • ' - > boiUtball liani ai.t nieive one ol the the Harpt-r WbuK-n ^"'- S«anMclta

  • H mtfall four w lid tanls given "i ' ' ' '''*''' .•.nni-ain>; on h' off Mirt ^-*^ *™1 • *'''*°" ^ '^ the n-gional tournament. s,. fi.ul.r tim-ht-xl wilh all *eonfr* «gaiiv>t Hawk wrestlers HMlhrr Kuich W - :;...,vr Hawks Seven t. ; ,r. II.-. M ^ h»-t 1^ ••h"!'- >IIHi i tr«ni i>n nt title 27 pt>ints shix'tinR 12 14 \ tor the first place Oattian with r^-(H^ wrestling team will l-'e led Kri>len Wilson Ad^.tt 11 riUmntt- 3 of 3 trtim irw-throw stnpt- lour coming awav vit- iKt flnw and striding all h> wrestlers to vMth lorious ,ri,nlfromth<- the ruilional tournament in rVu.t.KK H.iu. Athlete of the Week :•' ih.-it h: sh..ts. hut Bismank \ D tl; .huI in%ia<- (uMiit- fn>.' rei.ird with Allan in the n-gion.il louma tor tho l.uti.-. ontl the Wi-v of Triton to 2-2 with '*7 s points t artw right nn-l.uh H.uvk-sh..l It !.. tromthffiw- .men! the season defeating outM..nn>; Iriton tiHik the team title tor line tor H« jx-fK-nl while Ihmw ^-2 for the first but with lOti piwnts I artwnght 4K-2h in ih.. l.im- Not i.i\K thai hnishmg Ctaktim ISO H.iklon ti>aih Norm loselaee place title at RJ H.iwks .,K.> out reKumJea tht- l^> (167) detealed one olten-ue was not disappointed with Cohen Wt-2.:' d.~*pile onU >;.tliiii; Spacek t>f Tnton in his team s effort but would C>eorge n^xjund m th»- N»xonii h.iit of the utost exciting title -aid head have iH-en much happier one "Wp're >;lad to hjv.- the win matches of the day it team title a«ch lenniler lenM-n But untortun.itelv » ith tin- have "1 was expecting to ii- plav ihiv The Hawks would tK- he^t ginie 1 ^e s,vn wasn't finals," Cohen and onl\ accumplisihed their goal of make the sear We had a rute 12-i-Kiint k-ad said "1 was famuliar with thnv points We had a winning the rvgional team i-nded up wmmng bv on the hole left mv oppoiH-nt. He was th.' i-r^ aivl we have title It not tor l.rl tunHner> toward i>» defensive, he was UvauM- regu>n bv Kdgdt Uipe/ at the 142 the io'rH that out ol our -vstem siarcd to lose." plas like thi- pound class iK vfart m tw w.-^-ks and it wr an exiellenl Cohen s confidence is n i;.'in»; t.. lo-<- 1 dgar IS t-s tie has said "It obvious He b»-liev (•i,i\..|t~ 1 h. I a.l\ wrestler." Uivelace the talent to the a fluke that he tJve ability and Hawks Iwne Ihi luirnlvi two >.til in was |ust be an all-american. To do so n-gHinal tounviment and have home-iourt lost" need ti- place mghth WOTO BY DISWK CORCORAN lope/ was tortunate he will ,\d\ antage throughout tat «tth rf KiMdi fM« 9 l^»«P h..m.- k;aim' is to be I he I adv Haw k» n.M wMtora tratltag „.j Reck Valtoy tfaf regional on r«*. announnvl at the N-jiinning ot th.- hw In Mm L«^ H«wh»- victory tournamenl IT.

    Men end conference season with 5-5 record

    RyMirrwMtf I's Ml.

    till) III a tht 1 '''' «.is the first tir our li

    • von- Ther>- I- MiiTM" h Home wi' shiuiid be J rnaior and there some ^ tendi-r in our lonference. ha-kelball .ouii IMm.I Huk~ tn>m th«- \liki- Mai.'n. s.oriil H- ~.iid 1-irsl the bail news I he points sbootinv; f' ol \: troin tinished the regular oil Hawbi Ih.- held and dishing with a 8-18 rettird reason a.ssists giHKl nnw* tor th»- oni The "tHir team is M-rs . IS dtt« defeating Hawks jH-ttti\e and when \ou watth College ot IXd'age arni K.h k HOBBtT V»l>0€2 us we 11 s,rap and its tun PHOTO BY ..-.^-.w.t 'heir to Valle>' the-. said iiweh Mike *omm u>n«iwt m Ms w«» to watih" I V«ha t»fc«« m u hi fMali at Um ragloMl t« confcfrenn- lllls^h Mcwid ptoc* ihe> j^iai-i..vi the mipmt am VatoatlM* 0«y. addition Atter deteatini; C i! D the t H playott-.. fourth st a plavott David Hicks paced the against Illinois Valle> Hawks scoring 1^ points •The men's tennis team is seeking additional the After losing to Tnliwi 10 of !s tn-m the leave your shix'tinp players. If you ai^ at all interested Hawk» plaveil Kankakee tield name and phone number wi* the Athletic With kankaki-e b.in>; sj-a- rh. tinal came ot the " King Secivtary in "M building of see coach ranked 2^rd in the nation. th«- Hawks u i^ - s4in i.'i the or Thursday from 1:30 faced with a big on Monday, Tuesday Hawks wen- against Riik \alli-v KisK field house in "M" building. challenge Thfy unfortunate nation 3:30 in the Vallev rankid s in the Athlete of the Week deteat«>d 'M-72 • Mike Kelly was named ly wen- and tirst in the >onterein.e is scorvrs of Feb. 4 - 11 Mark Stahl k-d all task tor anv team to for the week a lough Athlete of the Week *»tth 1" points and David handk-d the • Bill Krutsch was named hanvlle Harper enabled in !(> points Feb. 18 - 24. Krutsch Hicltschipp.-d nri"..siirt- .m.i won in o\er- for the week of HarjHt was Valley with a regu- Next iir '"r lo: \ »;ame in the Hawks to defeat Rock tini. li: l>H0T0BtOM»nJMP -..-ar the ganw I iriv .n lh> sending ttie C OV whuh Hill the tlutih lahon ending three-pointer

    ' • '-d h^ pnevailed Hawks -A. kriitsihs ihnv-(-H'inter tusJ into overtime which the Hawks Uh- ' led to them the game at the i-nd ot r.v,u to to M** winning 112- lOZ little revenge and get a lation MarpT hail a total ot TTi^^arbin^er

    NPdtS EDIICW I havf di>m> pnibaHv 10 hl>ur^ Dr RiibtTt Bn-utfer ste^Mnl inl«>

    ^ stTal wtvk.*. .ii;ii .In ll.irp.r I. 'ny, y^ ,

    it. ,'n?«Klsnl

    \s J new advlititm !. H.irp« r ^ What du vnu think Harper s ...iiiK, people mav r ' " "tren^th* are?

    \\ ant about Breudi-t It 1 h.ui t>. (.1, i.

    -. . . - ' !r ^ w iu> ; v It t the pi'opii- v\ II. ...fi. ".. twd i liUl.

    llghl .in I ..I nut o< ll.irp

    with since your arrival? ,.iu.i 111 llurpt [ in purlKuUi

    I BreudiT hdvf m<:t with f\.t ! > th»' p«S'plf who work htr. efnpk>ye«- sroup. 1 mvt w ilh eroployves a.>. <> volUitivr wh. 1. f^ .iik! t!ii I. 'ii- i! M,(\ ^ in f opptMed (o (uM griiiip> this I tin\iiuuMU

    I met with the tacultv •<«'n,>l»- tht- iH^v K»aslv, thi-r* tri titilt'i-. *»!

    unkm Ifjdfiship tot (jtcxtity, tot th*- prognun excelU-n<.>- th ii M.irpfr han pio-tech, and tor th«' cfnt-ral mti ice*. becoitw known t«r have mt'l mlh th< . m-^i Where do you think Harper needs and with each iruiivul.... •he HMMt improverrtc"'' dent CW1 a wp^ate baiiiM We shiHjId bt-Rj: .xik jt

    I've nwrt with ttjlf pei>f .. -.u. . .- Mir imj){e. and imt u.^nn. im-nes*. larvvr planning arul marw I'lhcr j>m «r« Or. ftnutm on page 2

    Ward quite possibly longest enrolled student

    ttmttt M.hi»*

    Trusliv elections are int

    \ it>lin in ttiivign lan^^uage trtim Itahan In mmin); up With hi^ ! tin- ' ..•• ••^ •".< i^.^ h*'t ^n-Hiuhi I'i.i. trench, thi- phwical ^ Page 3 \\ t'a^ilv tH' mi-.l.it "When some students pasMon musi, l.a. ri.r Clime into the class, they \Njr.1 h;.'.\i\t'r njIn m min v hinn«-n

    " :>. 1 M.uN -«'>ifii; him tH'hunl Iht- ur not fh»' ordinary stu- uani to };et up and leave, i ii-nt ana lan iM(4i'lraditH>nal

    your shtvs and read this miptf^Ni.-ii ll>.i( ii» i-.i libianan can learn" S>mftimi-> student?, will ct>me

    H. nvi-MT >\,' IS n.'t ,il! (hit ditltT up to nu' anil ask me it I'm a teacher," Pageb -Jiv Waid savs r«~>pint like you

    : irmally 1 Ward AU t.H 'Air -.tinlcnt out-spoken, H.iUTt iiT .: UN K"i;inm' . i-s himst'lf in das* as to better Scott Ainshe returns ti> in l'<"i whi-n hf NtiulicJ ari hito. tufi- Wan), whii i.>niinuiHl t\tr\tsi!\ take th4- atlenlKin awav from thi- age this 1'^""'-' Harper month. ani) tj-x hrH>li>n\ until vhiijui liMm I.. rl.K .111 mNtrvimtTII ditti-renlial tvtween himself and the Page? VVarii drDppivl 'Hit ot -»hi>i>l in trunuTil studentb around him. jiCh rctumtil in l'*si> .imt h.iN -Uid "- W«d on paec 5 Harper assistant Fnghsh pn>fessi>r releases new Brooke likes doing it with lights off novel. Pages a.1 llu sh.'w h.'»;.in vMth Ih. lights ,in It lilt niiTi' liki- a singri lonatha junior hi,;h .isHi.mbU than an inli-

    111 ndixl a hill house mal> onv •partat

    national tournament in i>n I ridav. I «+ 27 m th«' r»ew K oil to );ivc a K'tter perlonTiinu Bismark, North Dakota iin.H it.-.t HuiUiinj4 A Student ainhtancr

    Wt BR o;7 I \1 l)| lomm\ Page 12 '\ .(uu't auM wmt I <•> Si[T,.r.i i;,ni- Unn'kr an intn»- • • 'I'r^fr.itro tiviMsfi iiuction that s»>( ,1 hi(;h e»p<\ta

    lolftvh - ith tion shr didn't let an', uni' taWfs iii.iirs ami rncsi inipcr tlow n

    tantiv 1 1 ittee arul pa.s.lru-s (iriHikc and her kt\ In an interx icw b

    in>; K's ' "as rij;ht Mw boat* on pag« r I fHll I M7. (MT) (M7) t2f-«000 JI2M1 ^ %

    The Harbinger P^2 Harpo •ws M«rch 4, 1998 President: Dr. Breuder answers most asked questions coraimed rrom iMgel Jttiiit n>n--iiliT.ibi\ li-s-, th.in mt'rKt'd u itti I'lnn "-.LiU' .iiul V\v ".houKI mirk within the mrrvnt ? ^ rnilhun thu- U p«Tmillfi!

    .»n>) n ).- v^i-ir ,v,)lK What kind

    n . iicn- ^OiiN h.i

    .IK- kl-iiii-i ~ . and bnnn td ihe tt(I« I'tlrttlM- Ju vnu Ifi-i

    the lommufiil* colU-m- j-.. to tirut-M'jr 1 1,111 cDmpjrrii i ' \\, SI hn«l or uni\ iTsilv Wh.i( IS > our npininn on the

    ,-: .'.el deficit?

    V\hjt I iitiit t-ni;i*s i)ii >uii

    feel you are facing here? 1 till'

    Thv* bingi^.! or . propr. on thf hon/(>n i-

    irm> jinmrul. anu : taiiiiv iviVL i.\ju.itK What is vtiui overa.l

    Iv f»»«kd);*ij til' '>! prutt-ssioiLils in impression ol Harper from ( v\t- h.u I' ,K vH Jir An<\ wc h.w vour first two weeks' i-rt-iiiluir -,. !h,i' :iihuti' ol K'lnc. ViT\ Positn r I K-li.-\i- I

    ^n t>LiJ to i>t(U'rs to rrvjuosi sin. ill niadf til.

    Ihi- support ot .nir ^on What issues ate you look- whfti iiirii stitufiiix lor thi- rftiTi-n ing forward lo being 1 was loriun.iti' lo h.i

    ., ..I! ... ..r iluni th.il thi'v support It involved in? ,, J,i/('ii iollf>;v - cnthusuisfnalK I think th.i- l/.ltUlfW l|lti'TOstl\t

    \lso hredkinj; j;rimnd will bf in\oi\i o M> ' :>ro,i.

    .iHvi sx-^mnin^ lonstructnin di\ersit\ ot isstii"- tti.it mil i>n thi' pert.' • nn (lom tho tinanvial end o' ter and tht n-n hoiis*. to ttic . iirni iilar .

    tlT Ill V\hal liavi' >iiu been doing

    What kind ot thort term ri • with vour spare lime -tince goals have you vet for tlie e^iablishuH', .uui maintain- vour arrival here?

    \chiKiI'' iiii; viii.ilii\ It'.'Vifi: f.T ,1 htiiis,- How does Harper compare Ih.r

    1., ». s. K....1'"

    ' .- . K . + .iMt' t*tr:0«A*. Hmm H«rp«r PrasMant Dr. Mobart Bfudar tt«ii<«< tiM H«ip«r Weiitabto As»*MMy for c4MHp«a cMM !h Ml orgMiizatioMS to aMal tlia atutfant laadara aM4l

    the tiirrfo 'Klgfl inio .( .iH'm' lit i«ie tijf u li r\i'is-:i i.uv.tt. sarar aay ^aaattoNa tliay had alMiit Mm.

    CAREER PREPARAnON One, and Done... FOR...

    Give us one tmr of yoir time. Vilhenever you 11^ SociaiWor1( Hanfe your transcripts and your dreams reid)L ifc^ Teaching easy it is to transfer to /krora IMversHy and fnsh your di^

    Hie U edits yen tmsfer CD tetiier at Ml. . . mu may even be able to apph credit from a technical Business protjram to vour four ytvir deiireo

    ^ ta m cheese the mijer yen vant. . . no caps, no waiting lists, start r^t awa> and finish on time Communications ^ Wire cenvetMOt and we understaril yev lieedl. . . ymt ran finish at A(J white you work and do other things important in your hfe. . day and evening tksses meet once or twee a week

    We feOB en prepnn fer careers. . . over 80 percent of our faculty haw had careers outside ha^er Nursing education, they luiow the practice as well as the theory

    ^ m Cai imke it alferdaMe. . . scholarship and fuumdid aid options tf AU are mimerons ami competitive Criminal Justice

    lie Can IIM(e Iransfening as Hassle Free as PossMe

    To maite an <^)po«ntment, call the .Aurora 1 Recreation

    AURORA UNIVERSfTY. /vl INIVERSITY Coaching Real Education for the Real WbrU. ~^\J Computer Science The Harbinger Page 3 March 9, M iement aiTO

    After all your hard work, you can afford to be chooiQr.

    Think carefully about whcrf you are now, and where v«ni want

    ^ fw.i, .• i. to be. Then you'll know lli.ii the r\^'<' i-oscdt I liiwrsity.

    .^ Every year, more than IF.OH.uj ,, >.. , uisfcr t.i

    Roosevelt With comivrehfiiMM' i aiupusrs m t»

    Chicago and Srh;iuinlnir>;. Hooscvflr has iiime dasscts in more

    majors fl20 i: Itiatc iii.jj.irs in all, ranging from \( counting

    to Education to Theatre Arts) at tiiort' ((jrive nit-rit tiriu's and iora

    ttons than any other university in the Chii

    traiistiT .igrt'eiiii'iilN with Harprf '

    will I iiiiiit til'.' .;• '

    Ft 'II. li 'r.iiiscrii't 11 iiMTe infortnatinn about

    our financial aid raii--rrr stmitiits and

    . ( to lillTt witii , Vliiussitm Miinscloi at

    Ihiriii-r f'oilfi^f' (on ttu' 'li ;:i . i! M hauniburg

    . . ., ai (847) 619-8«00

    l^Msday, Marrh 3 Tu««da>, March 10 5:00 pm - 7:00 pn 8:30 aoi - 1 1:30 aa Building J Building J

    "nieMlay. March 17 TtaecMlay. March 25 5:00 pm - 7:00 pa 10:00 am - 1:00 pa BnUdingL BnUdingJ ROOSETEITUNIVERSITY 6 ,

    The H.irbinf;iT March 9, 1996 Page 4 Harper News Doesn't this weather suck? Senate trustee elections to take place Co awoy to tomewttere hot tor Hiring breaktH •CotKun 'ioinoica •Montlan ••ohcwnot The !>tutirnt Irustw M the mllene, but on tl line must be •Ooytono leech •Miami >Key Wetl 'ond more

    ot 4 I) Mjrper Collf^e pUys i pohiies ol the in- ,1 minimum 7 nigM* wMi qwoMy hotel accemmodaHora for only $3ff 3*8-3577 unique ralf d^ mnnbiT at Ihe The Student Trustiv will U vfcUil lu.ui- Jiirui); K>th ll«- to dak* and reMfvolom col tobert at (647) sprint s,n)c-!i>r- ol Bixird i>< Trusttvs BtMng im elected m a campus reteri-n- lall and the lUrfHfr Colli-gf Board dum Ktarxh 24-3 vient it H !rp );i\fN J student the opportu- Any siud«-nt interested in PHITHETA nity to pUv a iijpiihcant fmrt hecoannit a candiddie livr the Uistri Pi. ..li-nt Irusli<* m the j»in emaru i- i»t the msti rKwitkw Student tution (esenlatue to the Board nij\ n. 'I run I he term ot 'hi* KAPPA t..r IvPMMMu riuisi ..itK.- IS IS, I*«K- April Ih.- -talus otter-, i^ ^ ,: lru"»lts~ \pnl ppiirtunitv tor ^tn suhnnil Harper College Scholarship Stinfetil Trustee t* a ilmt \ iew» aivi twnieni"' to "Declaiatio.. .-i v .u.w.vi,., Ihe be heard and discusM-d at the iotm in the Student Achs ities member i>f th*- Harper iVurd ' ..I,..! t... (Wk-e bv 2 m on M - Board level. p •$500 scholarship Thb has impact not onK March 1 on the oper.iHonal a»pe<.t ot The >tiKieni Ill -^'j'l available for current, active members of Student Senate Campus Crime Phi Phi chapter. offers support r« Harper College. Six automaiic flush valvm «wr» vandakzMi m m* irwns wa^momon ttw nrsi and lacond iaora oTttw LMming •New members in BuMing F Tha coat o( iha dKnaga ia 'i- IS the or>;ani- Rmomtom Camar (1998) are also i}>uslhal repri'- I ax $2,500. scnts the student body eligible to apply. The Senate pr«>ftu>tes "ttu- 27 ki aapanMa incidants. unknotwn paraoor -,.,. tvtwet-" '*i' -todtTlt L203 Liberal Arts Office. man's waahroom m Building H. tvNch cauaM 9m next per KhIv, the ind son flushing the urinal to gat wet. application administratu •Return The SwMti to Liberal Arts Anyone Mrtth mtormeHon invoMng past mcMartts or have 1^03 suppt>rt* th*' rtgnts ami ine knowtadoa of Mura vandakam plane ahould report the mo- resptmsibilities Schaumburg Township voters I Inh .111,! ...,. elect a new republican

    iui* li '>, iiit li i mi ed »>n the studmi committeeman hivest Your Credits jp .in .ii'i'Ik.! PAUL FROEHLICH

    I, #149 \l.ir, PUNCH will N

    Don't stop now.


    iiMr fi" i/mt-

    »«•. !»« «»•- 11-/1-. '.r. i»-A. '"' " OBI AMUHKK LAMM'S

    ROBERT 4 1 OrtAnJ SmiMt \KTRRJS .x^)LLEGE '^WlWtOBD

    * < »0*ii ^ iiii'i nfi TriM SCHO OL OF BU SINESS

    A M 1 N 1 S T » A T 1 N mmjmHU^t AMkmunm j>% .

    • .Jllii.v

    The Harbinger Mafdif,t9« H«rB#t!>tow

    TfH) Harbinger \% looking forstaff" j Ward: Veteran student says, "Stay in school' members for the fall 1998 semester. contmuU (ran pa^t 1 does he intend to transfer, '1 don't want to If you are literate, apply in A367 "I don't want to stand "That's more for people who out." MVsWani "I stand out out I today. We're waiting... stand stand out an' concerned with making as it IS. lo 1 hav« to down- at it is, to I have to mviney, I just want enough to pliy" survive " VVanl believe!, his downplay.** that age This semester Ward is roi'wnin ll«i -loeWanJ doesn't separate him from iTinilled in 12 credit hours the other >.tiidenl>. within A47-y«ar-oid student who the arhi is auditing four hi>urs. has idea how coi- .-|,,Vv 1m, t r,.n..r th,. no many NoKmQNTiiu College njy \^ Me IS involved in the Student \ege credit houn he has ngsl the Senate and FierKh flub accumulated in his 20-vear Ward conlesses that he i'(>IJeji;e caretT •Stfmntf\i Oi0la has mi idi-j how many credit VV,ird ^tmleNses Itut an hours he has accumulated in A Rcprcsenutivc will W s

    0:30 a.m. • 1:30 p.m. V\h» -ludents.

    come ir> ,^s, thc-y Building J I

    !t I To mima t^miaom f«fiwHay fan k-irn Alw Ward m hi» seal itu- May other »tu Pwgnm denb d<> Nor

    teacher hjs tini-.hi-.l k\'

    like the other •.tudi-iits fn nut ntunaano, Auw matami le Along wiih hi^ l.l^^

    ttir .iAriff thii i ' .< Vx c 'AmM lUfm •tcheduk', VVaixJ work^ Iwo part-time fcim, a* a student

    isue-rn ml aide in the I Rt as well iis .it .i kical Ii'vmI

    fxtrj tint.

    1. mj; 4.-,

    >ionk (

    HEALTH WATCH • American Cancer Society Obvious Similanties. . Great American Low Fat Pig-Out Table Tuesday, March H 11 a ml pm Hiiildinn A SfuJent CeniiT Stop by and get a variety ot low-fat nxipes, snacks and nutrition pamphlets from

    l>iet»"tic Tech students and Wellness and Health Service • American Diabetes Aleit Week Monda> -Friday, March 23- iii« t EHfFerenceSo »-•

    Buildmg A. I & l.

    Learn it you arv at nsk for may t* MKntUVC MadUllI tupenence Sunr. Ihrre are rthet Association itlMBylDiiowtial vtvdn Butwione •Safe Spring Break aduUi M«wc 1 «• mctalg mi mdiinf Information Party ptrnweiwl mxekmti «»fci«.ji»in f.» iiMM 30 ycani^D NtU Wednesday. March 2.'> » adMllit Now yoa aw eiim » depw fcactehw or mmiw s in 10 ami pm Building A a «Mttiy of K mn j>m t>y )Mnin|[ itt fi« » htlk as aae f ft Student Center M||H «mli few 12 IH immittt (iive m ttK liiNc. ve'H gn* Theme Having fun at you Ihr AY •Ealing Weil with LiHle Fa*: M7.2d inex- pensive meals with a mini- mal amount of planning. The Harbinger March 9, 19W Page 6 Harifrf^oinmantarv

    Honk if you hate vohime and the Dear Editor. ability or tardiness of a life- Given the randiwn scfyeduling of sessions I just recently read the article guard possible ti> open the the campus geese (aKvut the Harper Fitness It IS our intentiiwi to provide it IS not for other uses Centerl in the February 'th, the high«-st quality ser\ ice and I rix>m ot the pop- Ihe largest percentARe Internet is an important IWS issue of Thr Harhn>it-r and a>gret tfyat this did not incur in The out ot the ulation here has got to he the ^eese must sav this article rvpa>sents this instance tool both in and lli.ink \oii tor hnn>;ing this library We m the library hav e Sure, we see student*, hert- .uui things the wav administratii>ii access to as wants you to N-iuvc \frsus tin matter to my attention. striven to pmv ide >ii% there, but most of the lawn i- as possible, as stark reality Sincerely. many students spots for these fairly as possible ered with meeting What 1 am relerring to in par- Robert I Bn-uder President With the arrival of new ugly animals--not to mention their ticular IS the constant lack ot I larper College to lifeguards showing up (opening workstations (and more dri>pping> to be able to tfw p«Hil) at the nixin hour in Dear Fditor, come), we hope student Ihf\ stand at thf i-d>;f ot the Building M Don lierger s article about accommodati- greater longtime resident ot Intrrnel use in the library demand Mdewalk to screech, hiss and honk I am a Palatine with a chronii knee ilobmary ^) raised stvme inter- Thomas < .. k i/ at people passing bv Sirvues IX'partment problem and swimming ts the esting and important issues library

    Their beads littlf ivc^- -t.ur vi>u «s corns, t when he (.hair onlv thing I can do for my gen- Mr Berger last states that e-mail and chat rixmt down js If \iui rr tnMdin>; ire lime at wtirk were w ho would like mail fnim any- intelligent the w .u thts t.Hu- on purpooelv in order to ti( IIh' om ven bv Ihe fait that there til write to hi>ur mx'n swun into n\\ s, hcd only eight (and later twelve) one who would like vnur t.uc vvhllr vv.uldling li>v\.ird ule Internet workslatKins in thi' me

    .1 in their \in> with >avage hunger nt library i am without lamily and I do nt>t hd\ e the llexibilits in this cell a dozen nuist studi'nts in regard to w hen It was tfit that these time- have been coasuming applicatums might years aln-ady 1 work init. The lifeguard prob- (riim these \ lie The cold -.(.irc^ correspondence lem mav be caused b\ man\ limit overall student access to I would like to send . almosl enough rciluri's arc problems, some being lack ot the Internet. In the last few from anyone who fias the time would en(ov \iiu running back to vour car ctrnipensation and others is tul wtvks. however, fourteen new to write and who erating people w ho an> tardy Internet workstatitms have betm receiving letters Irom me in Just as you think the animal is total n»turTt I must now consider other installed, bringing the your leg, it simph about to chew off to I his lite has K-en a hard and swimming alternatives sm^e I number of workstations

    loru'lv one and 1 would be grate- runs across the sidewalk to eat a cannot affitrd to wait a 1 /2 hour twenty-six wi>rkstations ful for any company anyoru" or more to do a 1 /2 hour swim Because thesi- .4... >r.l,..< K.i. ..1 ( h.-.-t.is,SO. No Coasidering a gtxxl chunk ot sfwHild allow tfu" library to more- would carv to give

    i will uii-swer all letters writ- in\ l\il.ilinc l.ivi's .III. going iiil>' lullv Jicomniojdte demand,

    i-- ten to Kumor tijs il -,>nii' ^nultnt-. laki M.irpir College. I Itvl |llar|H'rl restrictions on chat nxims and me have been lifted. It shiould To those who do write, please into consideration the heaping piles shctuld either fix this program or mail be straight with piMple and ter- also be mentioned that Internet feel fn>e to talk about or ask lit geese droppings on our campus are cunous about. mirute it content has never Kvn moni- whatever you

    when chousing a college to attend. Ttwn Bryant tored, nor w ill it K' Being a condemned prisoner,

    raisc-U bv Mr 1 kept strictly isolated and Even the president noted that he IBM Global Services The other issue am Berger is the |use i>l| liK'ked in my cell. \vj> unable to walk around i.impiis lastructiiw Kixim. I not allowed to work to I Var Mr Bryant: Bibliographic am without keeping his ^oiu cntratiun Thank vou tor sharing a copy Ihe Bibliographic Instruction get money for stamps, so, if you plea.se send it on the ground ot vour letter addr«>ssed to the Rfx>m fu>uses sevenli-en mm could me some tditor i>f The Harbiiijftr with m»' puter w orkstations w ould N- a big help to me. Students have actually been teaih interested please I have investigated Ihe lil.giiarJ Ihe nH»m is used to Anyone .ittacked on this campus bv the pniblem vou mentioned students in a classrcKtm setting write

    I tin imoinc how to use various library Michael Correll #51493 ! . : 'hirslv Hinged terrors dcvplv rvgret nience caused vou as a result ot resources irwludmg but not lim- Arizona State Prison We might 4» well dub them as our .T40() our staffing pn>blems. ited ti>, the Internet Thts nxim PO.Box school mascot I assure vou that the prob- IS used extensively, over the FloreiKe, A/ We can make up in geese what we lems fiaye been corrected and last two semesters, over 400 85232 you will not K' further iiuoiim- instrui-tion sest>ioru> were con- Sincerely, Uii. k in school spirit nieiiied Knaiis*- ot the unavail ducted Michael Conell

    ii''^~ unortal Beartf l?yan Freund. Steve Kelliher. Brad Michalak, Mary Kay Larson. Kevin Sfiepke, TM^Harbinger Robert Valade/

    Il Polletos Editor m Chief Lauren Schutjel

    IS stuMni putication (ot tr* Hwpar campus canv ^4ewsE(llt(y Amanda Offenbacher rrw MvMwer tt» CoMaa The ftarbtnget William Rainey ftarper CoWeee tcxool iJurng KoMatrs innly. piManail ttm««My ttwougriout the Y—t mcam 1200 West Algonqum Road »^ final «un«. Tia ptnw • dntriBulad Irae to an studams. faculty and Palatine. 1 60067-7098 admmstralKin. The Hartwwar* sole iwpow is to provida tta H«p*r camn>^ Editor JermferGob AAE nrty with mformation ocrtaiinin( to llw campus an) its auramWK comnnty Rione NtfTOerK LalMrsMtoy tiusmess office: (847)925-6460 Features tditof Don Berger lattacs ll« adttar ant rapSss to our aditoruM. ThgHmtrng" to news office; (847) 925-6000 )i2461 LcnartmuMta and nduda plww nuntwlo vwify authoranp. fax; (847) 925-6033 SignMum * ba wiittaw upon nKiuaat. M laitars and comam an sutiiact Sports Editor SeanMcrtjgh to adit ng

    copyrtgfit 1998. Tlw Hartiincar. Product* and lervicM aitMirtiMd n rrwHa>t)««erann>tneccuanly Photo Editor Oesiree Corcoran All rights merved. arelorsad tiy tha aditoft of tna 0apB>. norDy Hit coNafa admnstratWn or Board of Diraclank Imuinaa Hwid M forwardad (Vractly to ttw adMTtiMf. and ali|wcft«M« ai« a« Hw diaoation ot tne conaunar Faixilty Advisor Hcmaiti ScMossDerg ,

    The Harbin;^ Page? Maich 9, 1498 Jl Brooke: Elated audience demanded encore Little Shop of Horrors cast

    t N-liiNf it fXiUimed contnad from pag> t I louldn prepares for spring play fool armind to wanii up thetr audi- Neiman. "a performer has never " sarcastic excerpt imtn done that lor me before ence with d who pl-i.Ns Mr lovt-d After her encore, Brooke cheeretl "Stairway lo Heaven" AMtWTOR Mushnik arvd Wayne A "The idea i>f 'ensem- foe was back stage. "Oh my CaxI. my big The backdn>p the stage "Feed me SevTmnir*" Soil who plays ble'-lfve visual picture an enonnou» mural ot her tace ar»ijl night \\h; \udri\ II that many peopk- come cover painted by Harper nki' CD thnmghoul the hj|l> ot •\iidr<'\ II namfd together to create some- ' -Kiid Theater Ke\tn t*iR»T lonjfhj vsjs imniliblf, ' Mana)^ ILirp«"r, .is Mjinli lir.iw. thing far greater than sht- h.i- ''It's about out* *Wow. I've ne\er had to lOand in Harper student Rick lr»>st an individual coukJ cre- " ni-ar ihf .priiiK pla\ tronl ot myselt before." laughed such a giKJd girl quality cast dilim-nlK pr.KtKfv cacts, people ate on their own-is Brooke "Th» was my premwr showing, tui' to -i» timi"- J wts'k who don't fit in what I tr\ to get acrow * of the atidience com- and I kned it." said Niel Morris, a Member in pri'p.ii.ition lor lo mv students." say* and feel tliey menled on her tnitflt which consist- student from Rixrk Valk-y College 1 illlr "shop .'t Puho

    i wish that pei>ple tould h.m ed ot a , after Seymour's love, is Come see Pulio do ter, thev bwke mio a few son^s. ::i :" .md 2H,ii>tp m the actual plant used on BriMtke bn>ught her new Parker ^rni Sunil.n M.inh 2,!! HriMilway olectnc guitar with a "magic bo»" inJ ?" il r p m in tlif i.>rt openmg night i>f high tech features that had some llu' Little Shop of "I heard that loanie had one >a 1 iltl,' -shop ol Horrors" the cast will know. Mitchell," evplauvd Br«H)ke Horror- ili.' spring have ht'tn nhi-arsing "She hai> one, «o I have to hjve kth". isical, IS an ott-beaf consecutively lor eight too." of aspirahon and weeks in preparation Wid) Brooke on guitar and love gone wrong, J I aura Pulio, director on keyboard, the c.raudiru very strange plant that ol the play, "really digs mekxlies swept mer the audience " a young florist th«- music PHOTO COURTESY Of H»RPW .ind caused them to sway and stng ia verv rich and Pulio IS an instrui nima Skafi* a ikwig aMialcalfrnii irmus, but demands tor at Harpi-r in Iht Her voice was vibrant and songs " craativa acaaary. ,1. nfices in rrtum fipeech and Theattr '!<-d her broad rmge ot pilch. The spring plav is [X*partment. and is alM> her stuff' at "The Little " . ttmbn- iiiics and t>pen lo HarpiT stu- a graduate ot tlvf col- Shop of Horrors crowd Brooke performed a dents and iomniunit\ Tickets are now on favorite. the Still Point", after "At memK'fs .ilikt' i'ulio savs that she sale at the Harper mentioiving that a fn««nd thought C)ffice, t I ittlc always liHr » College Box ' "Stilt the song was called Boy ilii-mv that IS impv>rtanl (847) «»2'i-*l(10 She also f>erformed j niju«->l imluvl*- n ctM*»sin>; a play liiki-ts are $« for •rooka wowMl m from Coordinator ol >tudcni JoaaUia It s (the pl.iv> .ibcMit f-larper students and Mi««ac« at Hmtvt Muhail pmckm* wtio slatt, S'' (or olhiT stu- \iluHK- I \ nr, .'ul.jsis, p«-oplf aMI lM»«s to tfe Um M,i(j> iMt wMk dents, and SIO for gen- Moments later stie *ang James. whi plays lion t fit in and tivl they I at Om ^arti Waal a* bf ffai admission Birthday' a day late to hon 114. Audn-v, Bill i.lvnn don I disi-r\c to

    FROM Ainslie to perform at successful Coffeehouse Series HARPER COLLEGE AlfEDIIOR For the past H years. Scott TO DEPAUL Ainstie has been playing blues guitar louring exten sively and bringing his to Find Out Ml You f^eed Know knowledge of Mississippi about Transferring to DePaui blues legend Robert lohnson him Ainsh,' will bnng Paul Representative with Meet with a Df his talents So Harper's Right Here on Campus. Ci>ffeehi>us*' Series on Friday. Match 20, at 7;.K) p m m lh.> newly renovated student WHcript BvatutlM center in Building A

    1 AMtafenMttai Currently. Amslie is m iCouaaliag outhwest V'irgmia. partici-

    • Acadmlc Pra^un - Dajr, BimUag. aad pating in a \ isitmg artist pnv IVra City aatf T1tt«e sponsored by non- t At gram, PHOTO COURTESY Of HMW>E« COUEOE pnifit organi/ations such as „ mm.m^ •« ptov • Mlxtwa vt MMa, ragthM The tlks Club and The Lyons aaa Ian wllli Ma aeaaatic aad aHda gidtar at Ma Oub Caffaalioaaa appaaraaca aa March 20. Make aa appotetwMit to meet with DePaari songs, Billie Holiday performs m tront ot young age lf> Some of the lohnson yoar eoawaieacc. He traarfrr ca—w tor or Ntep by at will be apparent in his grades K-12 in a uiminunitv, influences that indirectly songs Mark yoor calendar for OM of Omap datea: performance where there are only 7S stu help-d Aircslie mold his style like Ainslie looks forward to dents currently enrolled in are » lassie |a/7 artists Blind Bov seeing the Chicago sky line Maick9 BoUdiBgJ 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM ttie school. \rthiir Blake, nsat- lo coming back to perform at Harper B<« TIA.V«FEBW>U Tt) DKPAlt. an- frw to Harper to a music profess*>r ol Harper this vear "This per- hiai), and SCMtIf) iv?*s CAU (Sit) students and staff, with a two his "Not a day goes bv that I formance will be a wider All tickets on the don't use some knoysUJui- \arietv of music, and I'll ticket limit traditional day ol tfH- show will be S5. that I gained from him stray Irom the coffee and deserts Ainslie has been perform- blues,' s.ns Ainslif As Specialty will served. ing in coffeehouses since the opposed to playing many be : , d

    u-sfj Th*- Harbinger Page* Harp«e^«E March 9, 1998 Harper English teacher Greg Herriges releases latest novel

    Rmk n mil ha> been a bi^ * Ir.ul vh.ir.K Wt markii nleasf Apnl I, !*«« thn>ugh

    part of Hemj^' life sinte ht- mi ft'!«- \ lrrru;f** Hirrigi-s attributes some WiHxlcraft of iliegon. the 132

    Coukl nxk li^tt-ndv s,)m was a ihild Hf said hf stli ^h h

    Cooke. Ediiir Civhran i,fiw learnovl the impurtann- t

    ViiKCTif. Ritihie Vjlen>, thr nll through hi-, twi' re. • •r.iU- ^uKJish I'avid Vlemmotl at Harp«"r s K>okslon' tor $1 3 "^^

    ' Big BtipptT Bridn |<>ivi'* all si!«ti"rs when 1 -..it i>n a pl- « ili.ilt'eti*- VSixidiiatt and thmugh special order at have been murdered' K it viipv I't Heartbri-ak Until and N h.iliilri) lor publication other biHikstoivs possible thJt BuJd\ Hi>IK broke it V1\ siMer wanted t.' survivrti thi- lal.il pljnr . ri-h brv-dk m\ n»vk, ami I realized " I,,, ,v fMirv.rtant »tviff

    Fnter n^k n rul' live KikIv ktvn "It's tricky tn gri an spcikinn, tine-hi- acrnt. hecausv to gt^l

    published, ytni nt-t

    »k-.lt!i Id Ki*! un aiienl, aiut

    %et an agrnt unless you're puNiilied." -Greg Hemgei AMWiam Enghab Protessor HtTrini-N Ku.t\ M riMniiiii; Herrit;'-

    .all.>d th,

    It's pretty mu.

    I , fiitiTtamment, thai- >v I lall It mII iin)iil^(«iit ' h.' s.ii.l tlrrno"- > ••ii-i

    M..- l\

    •tfHRia.S A»*t«tant Cngllsh pmr*»«or Or«£ H«rriC*a' tat«at nova*. TItm Wimtt Owte* Pmrty Mvrrfara, wtM b« availaM* at th« Narpar iMokator* on April 1 for eoly lloli tl3.tK. or Immersion Tag! Breath Taker to perform on campus German •Oftentalion Saturday. April 18, 1996 8 a.m.-€ p.m. •activities I'lrlir I ».n id ViiidWirn and Huftion Harper presents a one-day German •songs -. Ir jshl» •food immersion program for only $20. •presentations CarlivH I aniun h •games Calf FrauRenata von KMda«(M7)92S47ae •group WOrt( > making himselt \l,,r,. , 1,1 I

    ii'ntfmr>'r,m K.-lun I . c-l I. h;. aniuF'i. fuT- will him Itii' Hn-.ith

    ' over 1 i iker Cannon will (HTlivrni at Decide for viHirselt at his

    -- 'r.-. Harper > l ctlivhiuiv ' !>.TforTnance 2" on Frulay. Marih •••ts can Ix i;,. p m. in the Buildi, ,, .< . i.irprr Bi-s I . Student C enter li'^JJ-.14:l'llVJ

    * Canm>n is a naliie Then' i- i ' t limit

    ' Chicagoan, who won first p«'r student l lick If your answer is yes. United Parcel Service place m the Chicago ets on tfve das 't ttii' show linlandia Vodiu Jajtz Talent will be iS, students arid p«^ has part-time loader ar>d unloader positions Search in I** tic. while they last. available Check out these tienefits: SifKe th«T\, he has n'teuLsed hts debut c D. /" thf \ame , No Weekend Work Imv in Marih \^7 Cannon is earning a nppu- 3-5 Hours f^er Day (Mon-Fri) tation intematii>nallv in -* South Africa Namibia and Comprehensive Medical Package Grrmany *f Stock Participation > Employee Owned Company Cannon has atso per- formed at local Chu'dgo Call toll free l-888-4UPS-iOB favorites such as The Tasir (rf | 'SWV'^r iAm*jMtUii Chicago, Nav\ I'ler, The 24 hours - 7 lireen Dolphin Ihr i .>tton a day days a week Club, The Bulls, l armines Locations: HodgkinsA/Villow Spnngs (1-55 & 1-294) Addison, Clamhou»e and Tlie Palatine. Nortfibrook Clinic) ue & Westmont in mu\u Cannon man-nxt fittp //VNAVW UpS COi performarm at lllinxis state Universitv and RiHise\elt ..1J -.J W0IWNGFO8STU06WT5WHOW(»KFOBUS. Univ»T»itv J He credits l,erald wctoaMrrrsY or hww couia unnurammicimQi ifi im •Albright kenn\ l, Art >—>—«•< V^,^ Equal OpporkjnHy Emptoyw The Harbinger March 9, 1998 Harp«c;A&E March still has plenty of A A E events avamSTe on campus' play AM COlTOR A about the rape and sexual assault of black fc'v«i thinigh th«" iun i?. women in Amenca will be no longer nhtning, v,.u told in eight charaiter should check out the star-, »kfll.hl'S that will shine at Harper in Mt SimI 1-, an aiti\ March l^t m the anti-4n>lence muvement tor women •Coffeehouse Series pre- Coffeehouse Series pre- «enU: Carlos Cannon* sents: Scon Ainslie* Friday, March 13 7 Mt p m Friday, March 20, 7:M p m Building A Idling.' Building A Lounge Ctwne enioy the smix)th Sit hack and neUx vMih iounds of ci>ntemp«>rdr\ blui~. guitanst Scott Ainslit- |a« artist C arltjs Canmin •Harper College Theater •Harper Community/ presents: Little Shop of Palatine Concert Band Horrors Sunday. March 15, 7pm Friday & Satutday, March Cutting Hall, Pjlatine 20,21,27,A28,8p m. J143 »«TO COUtTESV Of HMtPB) COUEGE •Reamea McNeal "Donl Tke Jaaji% reaMHe Sunday, March Z2 A 29, 2 Speak My p •tofles wer* Mother's Name m 1143 feateretf la in Vain- tke aevie OMSrasA. Tickets are $K tor Harper craving for Monday March 16. ? M) human flesh of p students and staff, $<* for m. LI09 the unearthly plant which i^ctocoRf Esy Of other ' H*w>B» couea students, and $10 for seems CatiM — wM Mag Me Tickets are $5 tor Harper to grow before our •Ik M general admission, lux very eyes, rtWay, Merck 13 students and stalt, and while trying to tiMCeffi $6 Seymour desperately for general admission. win the love of Audrey tr.^ lo c,ti,fy the ravenous •Colonel Nancy and Colonel Jerry Jaax "Lethal Viruses, Ebola, and The Hot Zone" "niesday, March 24, 7 .10 p. m J143 Tickets are $5 for Harper students and staff, $6 other students, and $7 for general admissHin

    Ajdieniv, will Iv lamil- H w ith the laaxi-s due to the t M-llini; lT,K.k Th.- H,>t "'( ihi. hit movie

    ilii. Iui-h,inj .will Hid-

    • -im pl.ui-d rial iiti- hrroes in a IMH^ i>utbreak ot i:K>ld In their Icvlure/slide per- lormaiHi'. »ifniv mift- dur

    darkist lt,ir> yit the |,ia\i-s recount thur i^p.Tjiiucs with charm and humor •Coffeehouse Series pre- sents: Uncommon Ground Showcase* :" Friday, Mareh ni Building A Un.

    This final show m tbi- tot- lifhoust- sent~. will K- pre- sented bv I'ncomnion t.round, a i of jcthousc m VVriKlcvMlli-

    lop pertornuTs troni I puonimon I. round will gather ,it Harper to end this M-aMin with a bang •Small Works Show (art exhibill ^"'' •'- UK ' w March SO-April 24 Buildings C&P * The tolfeehous*' Sirus will fake place in the mwlv

    renovated Building ,\ I ounge There will Ih' deserts and sjwialty cottees a\ ailahle Tickets, which ^an *l tuM m*giht M youf ft/w. be picked up at the Harper Box Office, are free to Harper students with a tu.. tnket Northwestern limit University College All li>k,N ,>n the day of the -.luH\ siuJents and pub-

    lii .in- *«> uliilc ihev last. The Harbin>;fr Harper Sports March 9, \Vt»

    'IN«j BnfcAn Diiteiirie 2.i»9/miti 18yrs+ SPORTS NOTES Packages aMUabte!! iNOivicxi- Senr-U (619) 645-8434 PirttkTWMMonaihtlp. School ALS. Student ORGANIZATIONS, •Bill Knilach was named Athlete of photography ca Kx>king for help or sm^l GROUPS wanted!! Call PERSONAL' the YkA. tat the week of Feb. 11-18. INTER-CAMPUS PROGRAMS at at local dances /proms. Must KnilKli hit a Aiw point shot at the attend one traMng session and (800) 327-6013 or 34FF end of ngnbtion to send dw Hawks have transportation. SSO/rtight. http: / /www.icptxom Sorry about the Ho+tos. Good Into overtime against nationally Fri. and/or Sat. CaR Jacki {630) luck bettering the ratio. Ill buy 971-2610 ext. 10 you some mote batteries. ipanked Rock Valley. The Hawks pre- 368 llniled in overtime 112-102. Part tiiTW software instalter/ ELeCTTUC BASS^ hard caaa and •Eiffu lopa was named Athlete ol trainer. BooitKeepmg and com- ampL 5 string, black Ibanez Urn Week for the week of Feb. 25- puter exp. required. Up to Sotndgear 405 series t>ass Your beauty is astounding. I $25/hr. Mt. Prospect area with hard case, cord, strap and want you to make me t>lossom Mapch 4. Lopet finished fourth at the Servl resume to: 5261 amplifier. Ctaat condltloni Not Caaanova itttional wiesding tournament after a scratch on it! Must sell for Deepwood Rd, Bloomfleid Hills, rnoeivlng a wild-caid to the touma- 1800. Call Lauren (847) 991 Mr.Kottar kMchigan 4830Z attrv Shelby ment. 7808 for mfo or to h^gie. How% this for 50 percent? Tell Mature, resp. mdiv. to work with wifey we luv her writ's a meat a 7-yr.old child with autism. Loc BEST HOTaS, LOWEST PRICES, whistle? Does ii have anything Barrir\gtorv No exp. Int. in ALL SPRING BREAK locations. to do with that stretched-out psy/educA-f. FleiLhrs. Start Ftorida $99-f, Texas $199+. Speedo you wore in the hot tub Do you like sports? $8/hr. Ca(l Kathleen (847) 202- Cancua Jamaica $399^, mFla? Jee-zus! 0312 Mazatiaa Bahamas. Reserve The Swwathogs rooms or be Campus Rep. ICP Have you ever thought at)out 90 customer service positions!!! (800) 828-7015, «vwwxptxom PM WbodOate Earn $8.00 $10.50 WIe have your duck. Youll never writing or taking pictures for per hour. Answer m bound calls. ROOMMATES -et It back. Even the sports section of The Full and Part Time PositKXis. ^ Flexidte Hours. Start Seeking responsible, non-smok- Harbinger? Immediately. Must Have ing roommate. $250 /month* Kan TransportatKMV. CaN Connie utilities. 5 minutes from cam- Thanks for "beir^ there" for us. (847) 706-9180 pus in quiet setting. Contact Your mom Tifie Harbinger is looking for Robert at (847) 857-4335 writers and photographers Part-time secretary, 11-7 M-f, Pay detemilned by expL Mt. Hoffman Estates Female to To place a for the Fall 1998 semester. Prospect area Mall resume to: share w/Female Lg2br/2t)a 5261 Deepwood Rd, BloomfiM apt. Must like dogs $400/mo classified or NUs, Michigan 48302. attn: + 1/2 uti. $200 sec dep (847) Get a press pass, go to 884^346 Shelby personal ad in games, meet the players and SERVICES coaches, get the inside Employment opportunity for The Harbinger, story to delivery /store help at strategies and more! Schaurnburg area flower shop. CHECK TMSOUTB Try the NEW 11-4. 6days/weet«. Paynego REVOLUTION of Dating Browse call liaWt! No exp t>f«led Witt Tiwougri Messages From 100^ The possibilities are endless tram Cat (847) 884 8164 of COOL Singles. Call (900) (847) 925- 285 9287 Ext. 3643 MEET when you work for The Eam MONEY and FREE TRiPSn YOIA MATCH onthe«l 6460. Harbinger.

    mVE A SEAT Malce the Transfer M tlu- North Park University Transfer Student Open House

    Ihtnm lytorih 19, IMS, frm 7-9 p-nt XhntKt May n t9M. fnM 7-9 pm

    • to North Park to learn abuut ntajon. and programs, "" admisslaa requirenMnU^ and financial aid.

    • If y« apply on tht spot your appiiioiinn lir is waivid.

    ^ • Htyoi bftni! ir.msCTli)is. we vvtB.^begiii an cvalujikwi thai <;vening ailv ising • If VW at' ' team about acadt-niic

    jnd pi^' ' 'ti 1^" viasSCS. help you to have^ I . )fym hi iJiiirftranscripli, we will

    MmM MMr CIlKli^ •• MlnB «•» >««ll • P lt44-WnfoK5VftDdav:

    faimm.mt*itiaimm nmmm-matmSitaiAv jwH »« ton ol pmoMi «»Bfcm *« c-oi »w» hK nmaMp* B»mi»,»a««ll NORTH Park i£n)M;.:l«ninliti li(Mi»».iti™dil»iummi!i»r«»ii>«n«i UN^/ERSITy ^ VNisi I ovKT Avenue na^ Klinhiirst Mftrpun. r, ('>()lk'gc •iL^"*'/.

    The Harbinger 9f iMv Pagcii Wrestling: Team sends Lovelace out with third place finish

    R |. Cohen pUcvd se\-enth at lt>7 and Zach Drmco wa» AMi a< ]90 'Last VMT Todd WW gunning for pound* tfie all-anMTkan*." Ijoprieno aaid "Th.Te'» "This ye*r everv-body w«» (gunning) a loi o( emotion now that I'm Waving," Lovctaor jtahi rrtlivtins fiM hini When yim get lo this W\i'l on liw MNMon and his p>->i I you nt!«d tu br J little Harper CoBcge "Allthrk -•••• 'he cjilb TodJ wan juit

    .1 liti this v^^4r

    mvittii !i> n.it

    gram.- isn ri>urtii in in*" na'kin jt Placing fourth at natuwi

    mat doing tht> same Ihir >

    • •• lys do It s Danr- .1 tjtt Ihji • U

    I aiach He de*rT 1 .rtu it(«lj 4t r.

    !H)fiung jhtmt ."

    -<• inntiNl li'

    thjt pton. imiMuil ahead at Bdn . i-n get out of the hrst "You hiavr to be at the lop (rf your PHOTO e» R08O»T V«LADt7 '>»»« round Ldgai pnwed ht- dewrved lo game," LoprwiMi iuid ...in t " mmt VMM to MM of Mm t»twlwg wr*atl«r* Coadi L>)irt— I* behere Dm nuke nustdus* tmmU»g to f*r tk* l«atf«r«M» tkat Mm ilMrk* will MAad aaat

    Hawks: Finish season at 9-19

    Mark Stahl with .167 point> and Bill KnitM-h 282 poinN Andy Ch«>)niiwski aver- aged 52 reKmnd'' per game Nenl was M.irk Slahl with

    4 7 ivbtHiiwls fx-r game and r,trlo At!nett>> with ^'i

    -.h,'ui\.l- ,

    l.iriit ' i

    three pointer^ .luring; ii>;iil.ir •eaaon play, lulluwed by Andy Pronto with 50 and Biil Krut>iCh with 4** "naymg for Harper was a

    griMl expenenci- tor me I

    tan t wait till nevt year We should be a force." said Dav id HKks HIGH MARKS FROM Ihe Hawk> hnished the year with a mrtml of 'i-l<* MORNINGSTAR, S&P, MOODY'S, and a confcrrence record of 5- 5 MONEY MAGAZINE AND BILL. Spring: Athletes ready for games

    conlinuad tram page 12 nis will have to default two positions against regional and ixmleiemv opponents Track&Field. Men: Look nmnwrdl cnwmwmiitv- w iiaw»ftK«w>g

    sprint team is led by football

    standout John Rogers who is extremely explosive in the

    lilll and 200m The team is shinving signs ot greatr>e^

    liar tlioar wfio dufic H. Kdch athlete is working >\ard I"h«-ir w illingness to learn and prditice hard ha> created an atmosphere of competitive- ness and enthusiasm TrackAfwId, Women The

    team is not as large as it was

    last but the talent is otiVKMis. National Qualifier Heatfwr kusch will ttu' lead wonu-n's squad. ^ rr)* n '

    teams Women cruise to region iV finals this weeic Spring ready to get rf);ion tourtum.-nt in STAff WR"fs n.ilK>nj|s and thai - wi outside With the »ip illinoi- \i»r\Ki«iv i"vprettN ficitiJ. opt-vial- *^'*'''"'»' •*^*' *"" Vallev Ap-Kht's • HafjHi Iv the Mip*'*"""""* SoaaMclkiCh SKXtIS tWtOH Colle>;e WomiTi s bii.skett«.ill Irjm hdVf at loast thm

    in thrir imti < clinch*"'' ~i>miihiii^ th.il has xw\ir plav The same questions

    , itus IS the lirM I always >um>und the spnng

    •' ,• , national tourney schiKti. ji , sfwrts when will the snow

    . rt- hnng- Hawks Ibfv .nd; when will Ihe team.s K'

    '"^'^ > '( ' n, . A ilh ihini Irom >• • bid h>r thi- \ \ \.iii.-" able to practice ii.'f. '

    toum.tm«Tii I 1" I "m^ consisti-nt basis

    New Yori, M.iri So without tunnel .11. .. tournament Not iMily th ' ndtion.ll the spring pn-view

    • i.., t I! 'Aashin);ti'n Colle);i' in leani wh«> W tht- w j\ I. Baseball: Second It s a great evpenencv said with 2** |;>«nrit'- -irui •\1I-Ainerican Vine Rdwards tournament bn>kf PascaUf O tXuuinhui ~ • ' i |on>en ol a national heads up a young iiiexperi- that the girU will gtl for the mtisl points *cc>rfil tn an ana 1 m glad enced club. Co-captains Rob 1^" opp»>rlunit\ that I had." individujl liver tu.< \iMt>- wilh 1 the same I'oma/ak and Vince IJiVarto •*'' are now 23-7 point>. bfjting thf i>k1 s- r.n,.ij Ihe lady Hawks are also back Head coach national tournament by thiw point-. K«int; into the Norm liarrett is showing the\- have Wen- pUvins riMlK sihkI Has- This IS the hist time cautious optimism for the games kftball nght iii'u iJ ni.ich won 21) or mote season liarrett will have a iCTinitiT )en<#n 'SSseastm new outfield, a new third national tt.ini willi I heir stvdin^ in tlie anil "Wf IV pla>in>; as a t .isemen. a tH"W catcher on ililfns«' i<> tournament will Iv Jetcrnuned habrceti Mronns an»l our .1 new second basemen ,.( the Kesioii l\ iliam looking n«xjd. There > 7h dn i^ion 111 theoutctHne PMOTO B¥ DtSKtf COSCORAN I .arret! will be replacing

    '•' tii.trwhii^ V' mil K'.Mn^t I .>ilf);i' ot skot mmMm junior collejces and vl deien- sive team, hul our oltens«- will be improved We won't mediocre season, look forward to next year t>e team that will move from Men's basketball finish " slahon to station .^i Ihe Rya i pa. Softball; Six starters - jH'ints Haw - .Ting 14 return to Ihe LadyHawk^ shiH'ting 4 il "J liom the ionleri-nce championship - .Muled held an.: Irom team Vlike .(.-t. . ii.ifnpu»n behind .\ jennv

    1 in n iabian. All-region Anne Stcxidard and AU-Conlerence lull II. lids iHvn a great Melanie KwasnK*wski lead a iii\\n with' oaeh I love stn>ng offensive team Civach .rper aniJ all lim Ryan believi-s this year's

    (lect I II. me team ls |u.st a* giKxJ or better

    • next vear than last year's team Ryan's

    It over." all only concern is how well tlv

    : .,.aih Mike Hirsch sophomores blend with H" not , ;,r reiord mav freshmen plaMTs W-^l hall- lime lead and show It hut .ire t>ne thing IS tor certain never lookevi haik The h.oe the higgest hearts Ihe l.adv Hawks will N' Aiitfy ^iMrto lo*ti» to MMtrato Into tko aM«o of tho won 'K'~~ and .111.1 !hev all have a no is t« Hawks swinging the bats. Rym swh.it with thai win the Hawks quit attitude Ihal convince"!.! everyt>ne on the thes remember hid to face Rixk \.\\U-\ I hope team w ill make key contnbu- Bill Ihe >luuh miwt abiHJt this basketball lions throughout the seawwi *' Wrestlers finish tiiird in nation Knits,h led all s,,orers sea^m. VVe re going to go out \ndv Ihe Hawks' will losing and have tun and i-niov our Ihal Is n.-l 1. "seasim " . ; players this , in , U me success SWRISiWTOH n.ni 1 i.pneno .in,l \. rm pttints anil l>a\Kl lluks \dam Bruhn. Andv Tennis: The team will .ni n«.p thrix' [xisitions The top set hik;li eij-. ^l I 'rp«r H.n^ .I gra lift- Vailev (hi- Hawks had to I'al Higgins will he spot IS still up for grabs.

    tmiis I I'pneno said \nd wrestling team tra\el I.. K.sktord ti' yl.i\ dating Mik.- Ketihiim, Rommel traveled to w lun vou set high goals The Hawks i.' . I V il!e\ \ U>ugli We had a tough and Mangalindan and Joe 1» with high vou'n- );t>inK to experierKe Bismarck. \ tor anv team lo grueling s. hedule I think Romano will vie for the top ' li> the |disapp»>mtingl Uvsse* enpeitaliims sav rujiKin we made our opp<>nents spot did not lultill then t>ne ot Ihe unenpecti-d tor Hawks In the (m , work hard evrnthing The team was deumated expectatlon^ would K- a*ni |,,,N».s was at I7T pound earn, said Adam regular season r larper lhe\ bv transfers, iniunes and a Hawks ,lass I.Kld Miller, >hi. rak- but unfair The tk-leatts.1 Koik Vallev m Bruhn lack of freshman candidates. n ••••• finished third in the nation placed third at oM-rlimi With thai in lart-vl the gefu-ral" Coach Roger King will prob- .\I1-Amencan> previtHi". year, !• and had tour mmd Ihe Hawks had Sherman hnished the reg- ably play the schedule with a match in tl However when a team »et> time »..( !• their ular s«ason sionng a total five-man team Unless the lofty are set- America n>und ' points, by thn- , followed such Koabt .1, thev 420 team n>ster is filled out ten- hns themselves up for disap- the ev«*ntu.il national v 111 Sea Spfln( on pace 11 pinntment loRoatell one *» '

    Student senate, trastee candidates Reginato throws it big discuss essential campaign goals Voters roqulrad to bring student activity pass with

    nevessarv bv tin' tiia|ortt\ • ? Ihi- ..<*Ti. I'- NEVKSEDITOM The rtinninji candidatt ll T -tu.l.

    Ilt^ii.n^ tor »hf Hdrpvr College SHklent presidenl is Kathm ' '

    >> . ir. !i "^S) .is \ i an- K'lng h«*ld Mjrch 24-25 for experienci' the iruhment and

    • ttK' \'*^\^-^ school yrar (ikitni pmUOom *K Umt;uage Studies N-nalor t,r president, vice-presklenl, twjsunf afid »•«»- was th»' stvfetary- and editor ni

    .It-nt trasttt the Honor's Stxietv newsletter.

    The student i.-nair ^ purfMs*- is !' rt pn- C t>wlev has dotu- community sCTv <«nt dnd promtttt' the rights of thr »hid«nt imolvtHJ in her thunh and hasfotne nsiliMrv bodv .It Harper t ollene experuTVf Th«' senate re'new> and recommends "1 feel tfut this IS tfH' p<»sttnin m whiih nu changes in the a>lle);e p«>1k\ and rnvommend-. I'xperienie and abilitii-. will tx' utili/ev) to

    tht' budget for studenl dctiv itie» !«-. m.iko a ditten'iiie a dilterini i' in H( >is ami

    Thev are responsible tor r.ititsin>; uit 111 -tiidfiil lile ' C ow li-<. -Mtr\l .in hiT i .hhIiJ.i

    appri>vin>; .ill iliib .iiiJ ippluatvoii

    on campus The V Kt-presidt" rudini ^n it, The president ot the Hi hs tnuM preside would presidf ovi-r Hi s> nns'tings in the over all senate me%'tings Hr .! >h,i must rep abst-ntv ot the pr»'sidi-nt and imhiUI Ih- r>s(><>i'

    resent th»- HChS to the admi; uultv -iblc tor t.ikint; over Ihfii ilnlii-s in t.isi' ol n .«nd stalt ot Harper Collejje i>;n.ition or ri'mmal fn>m otlKi-

    Senate president is n-sjxmsihU' l>>r ri\ uw The » HI pfi-sivlinl IS responsible tor anv

    ing and evaluating the periomuiKe ot the s.mv duties 1^1. t .1 li . ... i.\ the prcsi.l.'i't .-• moTOBviicwscMaB. Me and muAl prepare 4§ifidla«, informatHtn majorilN

    and documentation for senate mFetinK.t loaruta V iur.,,..w . tandidait Ml The president must perform duties deemed

    Silent halls in Building A: WHCM gets broadcast yanked for contradicting reasons

    I. -,r, Ih.il Uir -l.ilu.l. - iii.m.i).-.. l~ "This is nut the appropriate

    .,t will \l r 111 ha\e ha.) tair u.irnin>; I't Ih.- ir..punl

    ' image for WHCM, a station Irom a in. ing lomplaints that cannot be turned off." ' i Trudeau sa^.. .Iitteienl .... >i ; . However -. .-. .- :.. st.i.;,..; ; , .» I 1 ^1 I- ... -hut areas that

    14. .th si t low .ire VM' supjH'-.*-.! ti' kn.>\\ -leanne Paniuinm ..lown I wi> th.'iii;ti U Hi M i» not plaints from listeners Activities s^-an .ind lean. a,. .ui i.lx i-or lorn Vhneikel isn I Diraclor at Student ttie tvpual IM radio station it onK manacers. Trudoaii I ' us off is like broadcasts within the n.ilN •< \.'\\.iV hai.- \el t.i he.ir or ms' pns't telluiv; lis .invlhin^ 'Tuminn IWHCM]

    .Ion I . opportunities for peo- Building A Its pn-sence, and now ha. kinn up the alU-gatKifB. ot sex eral It there is a problem, wh\ losinu many against n^ ' (le says D|. Jenny B

    .is.n , i.. \\ I It \s ytni can sav, the diHirs are slam- and the school itself .(ueslu.ns Mike l M nirnlnRlWHC\fl«fris ' Director ot !»tudent Aitnit: tu u -.(-KTson hli in minjj; in our facv'

    like ciminf; opportu- I plans have been made to leanne Pankanin. annourued lasi many l)a\. DUigei \%IK\t n^ineir. lentativ e )ukehox This will Wednesdav mommj; that V\ Ht \1 nities for people. A.s >ou s,ns students have .n'atne tns\loni, buy WHCM a CD to allow 2s- St) CDs to be loaded so songs I. however, are not allowe.l 1-, .. •:.'' . thev ni the doors are siam- can say, without .'. ot .>lhers can play randomly on tfu* air 1. • ':!. .IS sv\ear, commit defamation t.T irii' n V.I-)- . a ming in our face." two-day discipline or talk about sexual a«rtions th»' help of a P| " believes to be "I'm WHCM s bingeat supporter -tennv Bondi Two WHCM Dfs have alreadv Pankanin WHCM WHCMDi bei-n lerminalis.1, and orn- h.i- Ksn havmv; an "identify crisis." said Panianin. Hovv.mi I m .on is t.ir |ust that CCmed about the denit.in.T ,t tl;. A ni»n-stiHfent .iiifh.intv quick susf>endt\l seelMCManpi«ic4 Unconmion Ground brews talent at Harper Out of the Loop, a thow ing ott thi-ir talents. Cf Coimor Family documentan abnut the AMEEDItOR will headline this event. B«ith Polenzani and Tagli aiv beirtf; Ground's underground Chic.igo UiKoounon Ground started out considered for Uncommon compilation CD. ! artfrtai are very iai- second music scene ti) be shown seven years a^o as a drop in the buck- "These artists ace vwy talented sort of dive cafe. et I and tticy're all fan- on campus. and they're all fantastic singer/song SiiKe then, it has evolved into one taatic tkkgarhoug writers.** wnters," said Micheal Cameron, Page 4 ot WngWyvilWs Hippest coffcehous- owner/founder of Uncommon M. •metmmH Ounmon Ground. t^orta: Uncommon Ground will take Ground is open seven Ui Mnnwiori Ground teundf Uncommon Women's basketball place in Harper's C offeefiotjse series days a we»k at 8 a. m.. until 11 p. m., finishes forth in nation this Fnday, March 27. at 7 TO p m in CV Connor is featured on and midnight on Friday and tfie BuiUmg A Stud«-nt t i-nter Pages t,in<"*.»«'"'>" * .round s first compila- Saturday. Uncommon t. round will brinn tiiii . omnion (..round has l>n Wedra^sday, Friday, Saturdav thnv ot their top pc-rtorniiT^ to the t<4 al^. ,,... ,1 ti l .inn. 'I - .lehul ind Sunday evenings, live perform Harper campus Nora (> l oiinin relias.', l eriilean Blue ers (such as those who will be Rose Poleti/ani and I ouretlj la>;li However, O Connor has )oined Harper) take stage at I'ncommon Ilu-M" female singer s..rigvvriters. forces with a r»w l->and The Hl.kk Will (vrtorm stiU. a.oustK s.'ts see Qpoinl on page 4

    CMitact rk« HarMmgmn Locat«4 hi iMlMkii A, M7. (M7)MS-«4M Nwva (•47) taft-MOO xMU '

    The Harbinger March 23, 1998 Page 2

    Senate: Activity pass needed to vote

    .i.lrf iivf mem eoMmad fan) pafli 1 Student l>ni'nlJt!i'i i . 111 sdiiii-ii! !>, .ultT'.hip She i~ -..•ii.itur I pwaidcnt <>< the «enale jVo^rani id 'tii' currvntiv a sludent sen.r piiii-ni .iiij i~ I nwm member and wi»he« K> mnfi Doitt

    lie fo f«i>n-

    , 1. . slop est* I'l lh»' jtuUiMU now.

    . lull CrawforJ want* the lenate to Xmbj have — •^•" " " --* -*. '' 1*-*^ i axrro \ Jf w camt y --.1' J**. . v>,/ tfuJrm ntvf ir out

    making >tudenl v 9«u«Hr> »Ufcr »iuB w«y Our a': > larpt'r studenli.

    ieaaiT>-iiip jHr^iiHi- . i;i> j tvrtwds ot all fx^vn.: R»*«Tl \ m

    - dniTsitx 1 (i.ui n>ane> hit the IRSs .lidate ti>r <.tud>i tot about "ieen mu. sattil iirwy ir)a*i<#n»» a fOtl ?***»<» rhe tri-asurer must a.wi mnnmn because lu' !-. mtiT not -II -n»^«»w>t» .*T»»a pm »2'-*BD hi '^i lip J budget and r«fH^ri thr i-^tfvl m th»' policies whiih Voesvlli m vv 111 widti-d bud);et »fatu> at f ;

    I \iiiinn -itudents rnasH be back-up of all rtxi>rds tum!>. intludin: able to pn-sent a current stu- ramm Prin/nalli i"- the Amba»»adif», l.atiiH» runifing candidate tur tn-a- Lnido*. the IntematKmal dent activity paui siirvr. She was the w-nalor of C lub and the MKCer tonii. VVfllnes* and Human l'iTfi»rtnance in the pa»t. and

    Ls currently the student Irurtee. Prinzivalli designed the cuimit HCSS btxii keep- ing system. "Mv e^penencf a^ Tni«tee '1.1 has prosidtii ni>- iMtli 1

    Tru»tee* has a *tudfiii

    .'• ivviro iir i!u-ui- .1 -.r.',!'!"

    f piwitiiwi R4"vpninsibilitifs.' truM«' includf ni ••.• Ht:»at »-\iTv mii-!ir.i; "

    • il or written U*m\ Ihrv. run mm; • -i>H' ^ .i!U Jppll I .ill V'! tl-.' ,,vj^^5Vi.«

    • a"- . aoced to P^i*^**^ y PAIN IGLLER. hM IIHi*«rM>l OM«l«t •l««*l« • I •<> r nmii^ wk> al Unn. wi WliM '••W "humimn I Iwt f»M I sitA« sm> «* m- I TUM-caer •( TIAA-CltEr. ilv anU • W«m r a»ii i »wt a Nh> M«« W

    •»»• Tiid^y TIAA-Cillll' >-•» Wp jmi •«« "v*. i «. Sit*. »w..«J«i« >*«—< C«lilr i* iil..« M» » IRA. •mnuJ »«««. •nh liva y>ui nrfwy <> • pnnw laatk IV raalk' Mm MMlMn Wall iMtpjnuMlKilla •»!«><«» itwix ^KM mr t«ll u. a*

    I MlMMTt u h«« nan

    iMMi n«« In*** liBr ymt

    Vt* IH M dK !•»«« « luw-crataic


    ADVANCED ^ PERSONm j,.^ The Hait»tnj{eT Match 23, I9W Jlamsi^«wA P«8«3

    The Harbinger is looking for staff • American writers, photographers, artists and Dijb«tr» Alert Week editors for the Fall 1998 semester. \lond.iv-Friday, Marvh ZV Apply today In A367.

    Build iriK A, I 4 I.

    I i-.irn it vou are dl ri>k for di.iKli". Mntk dnr U hlfcM m atwn and iC- t>r,a>K)m iw* aM •< •*• with help fmm the

    '«W"««f li > iawi Mm*. ^««a M> M y«w mm- wMwtMy laom yw It m^mr \miii. an Diabetes . 40l(h1. PtNSIOM. ISOP Xs'MH i.itum • TUITION IIIMIURSIMINT •Sjle Spring Break • MT Oi^FItiNTUl ON SAT i. SUN. (I*r Ifi Star* l* .1 ml pm Building A t^« r* wtin^ a»Mf*n« 4 mM i«K>««vaA>d Wlt»* ^mjifi^ Student Center Theme: Having tun at home.

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    WHi Site- littpy/www.metrarall.com .

    The Harbinger P«gt4 Hafpsi^ews March 23, 1998 Out of the Loop documents Chicago music scene

    L ndi'r);nHind I ilm K-siujl Fairness questioned fcCjlIORINCMHI ( hil .if thf lAVfi IS not ratevi but in WHCM decision SInJs^lln^ Pumpkins I r^i' o'lUains ^ome pn>tar»' lan^ua^c tVerkill and l.i/ lli.iir \r,- i-nor KiKk cnlics. prixlucers and mtms natiiwui musu sfi saiions musicians are leatun-d in inter- The >tudent r.ulm nLiIidh, but faih i>( ttu-m tv^an Ihtir ilimb views, and foi>tage ol ttw bands' WHCM, was kiikcJ olf thf .ur up Itw proverbul Udder i'Iimhc live pertorrrunii's give an added ar»>unJ I. h explanation to the uncti-r^round waves. The reasons behind this sriiokv tluto nt-vt to iHtthing I Iiu .ii;o music sc«H' include offensive behavior anJ The barMl<> m the Sixalltst ' il of the Loop al.«o compares to language, a dirty office, failure 1<».; fHTulenl majiw recording w.)ve" of Chicago musu ..,.;. and

    secure the area and the growing RisJ Meat, The )esiis 1 i/.i-d. 'VuiTi labels in ri'gards lo ^\/c money complaints against the DJs Yum, Ihple Fast .Aclu-n .md and fxposuriv ottHTs .inti.i Nina t'lOrdon of \tru<,i Salt WHCM is only broadcast in Vpruca Salt, amimK tured in a diK-unH-nUirv Jiri\te Building A. Several people who bv Scott IVters»>n calM Out irf Ihr jusl js comipl as the major ocu?s. were studving in the cafeteria Iiu- yiOls and KRlX s t>f the sta- ufiit ii' lomplain about the An t'vilusiv«> showing ol I'ld .' world impetujte ttv salabilit\ of

    tion being too loud for them to Iht- Ithtp IS tn-ing ottiTisi at I l,irp»T this music I ptTsonally feel that It

    >< of concentrate. on Thursdav, April in thf IS the tH-ginning of the end cm- IHOTO COtRTKY OF HIRPER COUXQE HuildinK TheatiT at 7 TO tain things Kvausc I've always of Someone also complained th.it 1 p m L«ad nimft Th* i*MM Chii-an>i l^-"* *" ailive, iH'licved in promoting new Usartf, DavM Yew, is om of a ^^ the sound of D)s laugh was parfoniMr* f •atiMWd hi lhn\int; music sctrw. t-speciallv an music," said \oe Shanahan, theciv tb* annoying. Oft of tha Loop. underground music s«"i>nt' tor owner ot the IXiuble [XH>r in were the primary rea- called ever>thing ln>m original, These deiades." says nvording ingi- (. hu.ino charming to being sons given for the shut down. n»vr/musKian s.ti'M> Albini m the I h.ii s what The Metn> arvd unique and accused of ndicule and exploita- \1.inv of the D)s wtTi' not ropn lilni lloubli' IXHir aa- atniut Radio is tion of a man who doesn't know I nivfssarilv new music. manded for their actions, and K

    were not given warnings befuri' " aKmt a scene arvd a hy p«' on a par- kids will buy l">ther gn>ups diKumented m silent the shutdown. WHCM was ( 'i/( i>i thf Uvp are Seam, The ticular scene— I think it's |ust The dissolves.! iiisfmlin' I ho for two days. bullsh-t WissU'v Willis Fiasco is also (ea- Pulsars, Die Warsau aiul Sister Now, they are not .illowed to The divunu'iit.irv v\a> award- lurtsl in ttu' tilm Fhe group, lead Machme Gun. Harper Box C)ffice have DJs for the time remaining ed second plat.c tor best tfaturt- bv J diagnosed schizophn-nic and Call the 1W7 Chicago (-hiiago street artist, has been (847) 925-6 UK) for #S.VS tickets until spring break Thev may d(x:umentary m ttw play CDs continuoii-U, but thi'\ can't talk • National Collegiate Gay and Lesbian Pride GrOUnd: Talent COntinUCS Our i)Ui'>-tu'n in f- M. Month

    '. • Iiv stuJtUt bo^U li.i-. .. I l.ujs in K,.undt.ibl<-

    Is i ^ p»-! , ^-t .round Admission SI , Ninall voice as it is LXscussion » n y»iur own diMUMiian of Uncommon Cinnind is convenient I v locat- To cut a student organization brown bag lunch anal )uin in un a lh» year's hot tapics Mondays in A242b fcooi ed just two bUvks away from the Metro on with about a five-hour notuc noon-I p.m. Clark and Crace doesn't seem fair, evfn it it i^ 4/6 G*yi in thf military There is meter parking on the street and a considered a temporary shut 4/13 Same lex tnamagt couple of parking krts which are open on the down 4/30 CUy and tenbian poicnlinK weekends Student activities are pro\ uifd Bis<\>tti and scones were a favorite item vears ago (and ttiey still are ttxlayl, but rMw to us so students have the oppor- WHCiM: Off the air for now the tn>sh vindwiches ate taking mer tunities to learn in an educational I'.ink.injp v\.tn(^ tile st.i . ontmued Irom pa(e 1 Uncommon l^round specializes in turns managers to chti«>se environment 'TTietv IS a defmile la-k brunch-like items Although, they an now and train (our n»'w man- WHCM mj\ h.)\." ottindid ol pride m WFKM." said featunng items oft of their newlv expanded agers Kvr the fall irf l**^ Pankanm. "Th«s is not Itn- some people, but is it t.iir to cut dinner menu Haas have not yet twen t >r appropriate image It you're looking lor the colleehouse them because of that' hruili/ed aK'Ul what will WHCM, a sUtKin that i in ambiance check out Uncommon Cinitind at If all the radio st.ition is " happen to Ihe radio station nc>t be turned off Harper this Fnday. allowfil to vio is pl,i\ inusii According DIuger, he is Bet»»re thi- radio station Tickets are free to Harper students with a h«>ping to tv back on Ihe where is th»' U'.irniiig fvpiTu-iue' adviMirs will allow Ihe st i two ticket limit per student in advance at the wr:h air the Monday after sprini; What v%ill happen to The dents to continue on IVox Otfice (H47) 'iZS-^UW Fiowever, tickets v^ i ., ,^ the\ must prme break ]„y ^,,f,. WFKM, will S.'v tfie the students aitd Harbinger if someont' is oltendfd be day of show to will cerni '!i>i shut ttval ttw pniblems n,ente»toT."

    dnoHai ••ffd Itaffff lMrif#f»

    Ryan Freund. Brad MictulaK Mary Kay Larson. Adam Pactoa Linda Schubel The Harl)inger Kevm Shepke. Rotjert Valadez «'* • •f

    Editor m Chief LoxenSchutiel

    ftewsEditof Amanda Offenbactwr nw NwMvv « IM *lud*ni puticaiian tor tiK HirtMr CoMfi c The Hart)ir^er William Ramey Harper CoHege rmmt^.puDimnOtii iiiwM»throm)wuttti»icHpolii—r«w3a#dwnno*a»»* 1200 W&st Algonquin Road am rmai eumt Tiw p«p«r t% dtttrtwlad tim to Ml ttuMrtk. Iiciiiy and Palatme. IL 60067 7098 aanwrniiatian Ttm tMrtmggr's nit » iB ) ii tr Mii rm iMtart to tfta aditor anfl repiiw to at Mnonm% m w news Office: (847) 925-6000 «2461 Letters mu»t be Mflnid ant mciuda a tKom ntitttr to Mrify •untmfapL Signaturei mil Iw MINWM t«lM nqunt, M letter* nl cor««ni am utfac! fax; (847) 925^33 Features Editor OonBerger 10 editing.

    copyrt^ 19ea The HartNnger. noduct* and Mnnces aduartiMiJ n me MhrAntlir »• not neeaMarty Photo Editor . . Desiree Corcoran •ndvMd Cv »« ednora of HH pwar. nor by the BMfd of Olraclart. mqMriaa Mmad be tanaRlKl tot •Id al purotiaeM «• ai tlw dnovtion or tna Faculty Advisor Howard SchlossOerg A

    The Harbinger March 23, l<)48 P*ge5

    neeaedWiTtrSnTiSff " Inching people with Ois 706:§i80: Michigan. 48305. Attre (847)884 8164. abtlities and to recreation Shelby lEmployment opportunity for programs tn the North»»est MOOL {delivery /store help at Pvt-tifne ncntiOon staff SuburtM. Day. afternoon, Cashier and Friendly Serve FOR SALE Sdvuvtjuri ana Homer Noflhvwst Special evening and Sat. hours positions available. shop. 11 4 6days.we€l<. Recreation Assoc, is seek- available. Up to $7/hr. Competitive pay and bene ELECTRIC BASS, hard case iPay negotiable. No expi ing staff to assist «wth t»sed on experience, call fits included Once you and amp. 5 string, black AnnRoytehat(847)392 start here, then take your tbane/ Soundgear 405 2848 career as far as you want series with hard case, cord, I/ivesr with a great company. 359- strap and amp. Mint condi- Your Cmlits NEEDASlMMBtJOB? 0190 tion. $1.1(X» value Must Resporratble reliable hard sell for $800. Call Lauren workup honest people i^ ^"u kate mlltgfam.i »., „ Part-tkne seasonal haip (8471991 7808 needed to do household School photography co. I'rumftr your .ullfgt omnn. ink packing for tTX>vir« compa- looking for help at local VW-WOLFSaURG RABBIT 2 ny. No exp nee. Call tor dances /proms. Must and etmpktt door, hatch back light blue. gn mrtleruud lirgrtr appointment. (847) 428 attend one training session 4 speed stick. AC. AM/FM 2878. Ask for Susaa Fax and have transportation. cassette. 92K. Garage ff^m /i*» f-tvnmii or resume (847) 8361655. $50 per night. Fri. and/or Kept needs mirxK exhaust Ql>*'*!t«' Sat Call Jacki (630) 971 work $900 (630)837- Land surveyor's Office 2610ext.lO. 8760. MmmtUrwOMt Off. requires help part time for either mside or outside Telesales position Gemini Technomaster DJ work. No experience neces- Arranged appts for sales Mxar. 2 channels. LCD sary! No vehicle required. personnel. Local company, Beat indicator crossfader in pay vanes. Call: (847) 382 flexible hrs.. pleasant work decent shape. Bass /Treble 9572. ing conditions, compensa adjustment great Asking tion negotiable. Will tram, $70 ($140 retail) ICAR SEEKING but required pleasing tele MWT KarM847) 253-0271. Mature. Responsible tndiv. phone personality and the to work w/ 7yr old high potential for other duties Omm Audio Sound System funct child with Autism in as well as upward mobility. High grade speakers. Model Barrington. No exp. req Call Howard (773) 763 #SA12.3 Brand new-still tn interest m Educ/Psy a+. 9300 box. Retail $1195 asking Full training givea Start $600 for both o.b.o. Must $8/hr. Flex. Hrs-aftemoor>s. Part time software selL Call (847) 776-125L wkends Long Term installer /trainer. Commitment PT now & Bookkeeping and computer lrwmfrf\.».dm*ln»S4./l,\>t UmltNl fur jjmii^ir^ Xmlmn Sunmer FT days in Sept. exp. required. Up to $25 /hr. To place a Call Kathleen at (847) 202- Mt. Prospect area. Send cMCAOorAMnts „ ,^,, ,, ,, OKI AM) l'«IIK i 0312. resume to: 5261 Deepwood IIONL«iWirJM« I HiUBc classified Kr Rd„ Bloomfield Hills. or OMMrfPM. ILMM4; 90 Customer Service Michigan. 4830Z Attn: a^LLEGE Posit lonsffl WbodOale Earn Shelby personal ad $8.00 $10.50 per hour. Answer inbound calls. Full Part-time secretary, 11-7 SCHOOL OF Bl'SlNESS and p.if? liiTie positions. MF Pay OetenTitrvea by exp. call (847)

    ' Flexible Iwurs. Start imme Mt. area. ADMIN » A t I o \ Prospect Mail diately. must have trans- resume to: 5261 Deepw(X)d 925-6460. portatioa Call Connie (847) Rd.. BtoomfieM Hills.

    Join Obvious SiiiiilMritie&... The Harbinger to gain valuable journalism experience, hill Diffefeiice& or just for

    iray Iw llui Imunrai (he ga-jtrM f>mi irf diincry ii fun! i^n t itie $nme^ fucm itf niucjMKin Kipmetkr in Aim! jU N;ili>inal l,»ui« CnivrrMtv »e have ovct 110 \Km\ iM innoMiiivi' icji'hing cxpcncme Slurt. Ihfrt .ire tulwr Get a press cdutiiUixul in<4t(ulHin« (hal tr> ki dn «1mi wr do Bw mi aac pun mm cmpluM^ (m imt-hiny md teachim aihdlv Mor pass, duo 30 ycu\ ;ap> Nl l' pttmeeted atvelemed edmaHoB for aduiu Ni>« yiw can cam .i drgiw hachek*''. iir maMer't m interview a vwKlv III pnipjum >u<>i h> |iMiun|! \t\ IW j.% tHdr » oat

    mghl ii Vktvi (i« 12 IK niiinth% (jnc ai thr urn:, we'll fnt yiw die dream. (Her :?().tl(ll pr>jr»m paduawi will icit yuu interesting

    Ihiil'v e\jLl>> !«>« II happened

    rlirfbi people Fari tfo • adi:l-888-Nl.l-TOD.\Y Fn: SI7-254-M2» t.amU: pprtwrtMl.aUda and learn National-Louis University the secrets

    iXmrwtmnChkJiio E vAiiNhm Wheetm^ Ktjgjn of NWHWKOM* UraMMHIr • 1 f % fW MurfK CWMI Harper. " 1

    ^ 4f

    TheHarbii^er Pv* Harp»ig^

    After all your hard work, yon can afTord to be phoo^'.

    Thitik i;irctiilK .il'"al vvhrrcyuu .11'

    > 'It i iuv.T>ii\ lo l)f Ttifii yi'iill know thai the n)?l>t < Jidm

    ' '> f'v».n. vi-Mr, riMTf !li:ifi I'ldlli!:''! si U'l''ll! > i

    t . . I.' \rf< I

    Xnd (uir


    our fuia; '

    to nif'fl WItU 111' ! I MIU!sM\ km;

    HariitT ' ui ilif ii.itf's tisli :(!i '!U( M iriiiili!iurS

    cunipu-^ a! (H47) 619-8600

    WHlaesday, April 22 Iteaday, March 25 ir. April 8 10:00 (MB - 1:00 pB 8:30 aa- 11:30 aa S:00 piB - 7:00 pM BaUdiagJ BoikttngJ BaildiagJ

    UNIVERSITYROOSETELT 2000 CHICAGO CAMPUS - 430 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVtNUt. CHICAGO. IlLINOR 6060S (312) 341 ILLINOIS 60173 (847) 619-8600 ALKRT A. ROMN CAMfUS - 1651 MCCONNCW PARKWAY. SCHAUMBUKG. The Harbinger March 23, 1998 Harper l8|iortiL Page? Coaches Jensen, Jedd begin difficult preparation for next season K«v«a VVf h.ur J lot ut rebuild- injn, Ihank^s to ,.ii! -.uiii-sstul \\v got STAFF WATER M- sofTii' work to nu)re> who thought about ing; ii.vto said coa<-h feraen seavm this \ ,m h.is pu kiil do, m\s,'lt and It-nnifer playing this yvar, and will Now that the sea nu-n and tho playiTs that are asiiistant and loavh Kti ]i-M this stM-wiI\ »M' h.u) tUf plj\ ioiisuli'rin>; il no« K\jiisf havi- about IU.t U uirls m-vl tht>n- who have didn't get much sornt- work Joubli' ti^urts, and thin have an opp»irtunit\ to playing time this vear, hope- them as thev los. Kitt to till th«ir shi»~. CO lo ,1 mitionai tournament tulK we'll get a stan i>n it and >t'ven plaver* to gr.Kiii.iti.M- h>r ru-xl st.jMtii Hut ii'iruil an.) >;v'! NO!!\r " pl.uir'-,- lull. jH>ssii»ilitii's and M>nu' sopho- get the fob done

    Women: Bittersweet season ending

    was our goal from tne very ith the K-ginning and we were able :t cr ^ sr livrmaru s f to jocomplish that I also feel i >\as f\tri-mii\ lu-r- disappointed that it's oxer; I voii» ,.)k1 kus, h on her lirst mean it's bt-en a long season, riMidon -tepping onto the but we've just lieen playmg lourl in Ihi' national louriia ~o VM'II together amsidehnf^ ment United Parcel Service has part-time v\e only had seven people I couldn t IhIkm' It was loader and unloader positions avaMfyste. We showed everybody that happemng. but alter going we could do It. but I wish it through the warm-up. I ^ ^S'VNowr didn't have to end think all my nervousness *> "Being so clirae to mv No Weekend Work calmetj down and then it was teammates. I can not even tell just pun- *> exatement I mean 3-S Hours Rmr Day (Mon-Fri) vou how much it helped in It was all the pis>ple in the critical moments in the "T" slarkls, there was a radio sta- Comprehensive Medical Package game " Kusch said tion then' It was overwhelm- * Stock Participation "They (teammates) knew, ing It u as somi-thing that I'll that it you were having a bad aii\a\-. rememK-f *T" Empkjyee Owned Company game, they knew |ust what to 1 )usl wanted to go out sav to pick vou back up. and pla\ like l\i- Ns-n pla\ Call toll free 1-SS8-4UPS-JOB Wilson IS a prime example of 0»g all MMson s.iid Kusch that She always knew the 24 hours - "We realh starttii playing a day 7 days a week rii;hl words to say to you KRal basketball at the end vou were down or Locations: Hodgkina/WHtow Spiir>gs (1-55 Ihewason ainl im w anted & 1-294) Addison. ...>;ling in the game, she

    1 »rrv ih.i! Paiaitine. o\er l.> Ih.- natUHV- ' Northbrook & Westmont never made )ou quit l{ I. ••,,,; .rilelll l\e plaVl"d as n-ie I a.K lliwks finishe.1 W««N|G FOB STUDENTS W^^^ US ih a 2Vw >alislh'.l now tl. nish ever b\ );u M asiffi Is ov ei kusvf-. a llari-HT Women s basketball t aual Opportunity fcmjj(oy«w aui Rut lo going \.vv lorik te.im

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    ^g«a . WWtowRliwyHw-fCoHf 23,19M Lady Hawks finish fourth in nation K««ta . Sh.idcr .il^> helped • iti,) .r.. SSVF WMTER out m h ,.iirv .vishm); Ihf Monnj; lolurrm with i . om- Imagirit' trMiij; m> hard tho tirvt s-imi' .mil ]h \n th. .>!..: (''•' .'. I .( u'urni'\ y«ar afttr war in hij^h M.hi»>l third lh«-\ v\i-ri' the oni-s v\ ho h.ui to wm tht" state tourruimfnt It w.iv h.irt) sj]d hi-.id the matih up problems for bdskethjil and i'\tr\ -m io,uh N-nniti't |i-ns».n on onK t-H\ausf thev both i\eri ver\ ({Je hme coming up -hort h.i\ in»; s,-\,n pl.mr'" to loin sh.irt teams kuvh had .in Wait hi m-xt wjt v».in pi'ti- Kith in the l.'umamont eas\ time scoring, she |usl alw jvs muttPTvd until >;r.ulu- "l,N}>t\iallv the tirst i;.inii p.'si.^l up ,m their >maU i«n- itp. >n iamv In .ill luur \f.irs aj^UVit AniK.i Kjiusv Kam-\ ler .irid s<,,red NotxHly cuuld u/ hi^h sihin>l thr ti-.im never >*d n St kept contend w ilh her btvause she did it Yi>u nukf ttu Jccisitm had sui h .1 height .uU antj>;e toCDiTH' to Harptf t oil. sophomore your tirvl two vt-ars 'mhs 1 K ,rii,., .,,1; ,-,, leadership in tile r\ i^/e. and vnu i*.int , I. iigle dftense m boalu-tball Vour lirsi .. ,,. tournament was 1.111.1 lenM-n on 1 is ail ri|{ht but thtn v.n very good. Our 'ens»-. th.' other te.lli: sophomtin" >ea>on N-i;in^ iin,f I i-.ri^.r Ir siilll. 'It s tmty oni sophomores really U. Ml 111 I! M»d we're in th< stepped up. They •s then s, championship .nul on o.,

    1 K>v .inii way to the r>.ition.il lourii.i reaHied the oppor- '!.( in.n ihev vv.tuUt r merit, vou think to viHinipIt tunity they had I hall-Kuirt mall b up m.i: Well, ihdi drvam txvam*- n ^yinginanation- man and that s what kqjt us it«litv for the Lad V H.iw ks on our toes. Tht f{,irp»T * ,>tt.,^.^. Ttu" sophomcre leader-

    ' IP m the tournament was 4tliHuiwnieiUui (f March 12-14. up ilriv ii.iliyed tile opfH.f The ladin comprteiJ m putting five fplayefs) in, five tuniiv Uwee ihev had plaving in a games and pKned out, five in arHi the> wen- .ill n.itional tournament fourth in the nation Ihe\ verv talentevl players 1 I he last game there reallv lo»l to defending national iiHildn t tell even the s«tnpH>n i rg,.ruv to Anoca Ranisv lit tive from their first tive «e win s.iii) lensiii IV\.ius, 1 8ft The Hawks also defeated hung with them thnuighout think the supfv .mores k- Wfcrson CoUcf^ T?-"** ami the fir>t half tMie the ten th.il this was their last i Central Baptist 72 'i] minute mark |ot the si-iond that thev were going to tv Heather Kusth averaged hall] I anu' around we started plavmg I, .liege basketball 27.0 founts per game the m !. slow down .ind unlortu Ihos,- tlial aien t going ttHimament to be sconng Ih p.>ints natelv lost th»- game plavmg when thev transfer the first game, 28 th.- M-vond I thought th.il partiiipat tn>m Harper Ihev knew thev game and ^7 points m th, w.inled ti. g,. ,,iit ,.n .i u fitwl game, while mng ruite I knew we w.ii Kwasniewski contribuli .; .. to pl.iie in the lop li iir points in the first game ami Pl' i lensin .idded M«RBINC£RFIU("H0rO I was v.rv iv.iteii said Owing tk« IS in tfh' ihinl L'lm.. I. . . MtloMl ti Naattiar on ii. I I. Kaaaklad Ml Oil e\c>enenie in ,i JeiVien on tier first rt.iition to tiM Lady Hawk* la earii^ wHk a ZT aalata par national tournament Ihis the opening tip ,.t the first < avaraga. - a smaller town |( orning game I wish I muid ve put long run, because our plavers going to go out V VorkI than then- and the one I was on a uniform and plaved had to plav a little harder m play basketball to the best II! in my hrst cxperienie Ihe ol The knal taas Imed h.u ing the first half li. make up tor vour ability town laid down Ihe nxl lar the tt>unvament there It was the loss ol Schader, that's "Having sophomore pet It was quite an evperi lead- a packevl hous«' and were what led to our problems enie m ership really showed," said usuallv not used to having the a second half of the contest Jedd "Ijst "It was ver> year with the giKxi.' Jens4-n paik»\l houx' like that but it "Other than that, we usi-d offease »«kl on the performante primarily around the ot was fun the bench m our normal rota- freshmen, when it the p«»nt-gtMrd play got doum m all Head coach [enmfer hon Erin Brown played well to cruiKh time, they sort of three games, "Everyone did (CTtsen was not the only one when she got into tfie game, had a tendeiKy to back-off a their job, Kristen (Wilson) who thought the ladies and I think that Brrxike little bit last year a>mpared to and lennv (Molitor) had a steppetl up and played well, HiSano played the hard best bas- this year time again.st Anoca but assistant coach Jeff |edd ketball she has all vear "We lost about 10 ganves Ramsy but had a verv go«id had some thoughts ol his "Before the tournament ti'umament last year by about 6 points or overall I think own as well even started,' coach Jedd less and the record the plavcr who nMlly stepped showed at "The onlv bad eftiit we added "We had a very btisy 12-18, but if you tticse up and plav.^^ .veil Uke 10 for us had for onlv having siven VVevlnesdav, because most trf losses was BriH.k,. and turn them into I hS.in,. Shewis plavers on the te.im w ,is us "111 m wen- up bv -J a m and a wins, you're iixking at a 22-8 quiet pl.nei tli.tt dut .i crr.it the first game s,iid loaeh were doing things unhl recorvl which was verv |<>b for SIS ili.u n the stret. h simi- hxid Ir.uv (Sih.ideri puked almivst as late as midnight, l.o to what we were In the (ifsi garni Ihe this up thriH' fouls m Ihe tirsf but onve thev g

    XXX • 14 . OpHULttiW WHCM back on air with new DJ guideiines All DJs are to sifn and abiila to foimal contract bofore broadcasting

    fouf^ to come to an agrae- •MEOITOM mt-nt With Ilirciti>r of A* you m^v have airv/idy stuilrnt \ituitiis Ifanne k1 station i'ngi-

    tUtnu'vi i

    imv r«iio %(a(ion . has ht« of m<n mana);en, |«4nrtt4- xii.hn. \owak and Sean Trud«Mi. hunt.

    ,ind WMtM authoritM". Iiav, thi- •>«eined h> cotTif lo J rmitu.il '

    igreemenf I Si "«' will WHCM Ol-. wrn^ ttirms.) rddi s!,ilu>n

    'tt tor ont- week .»s ,»( il had

    VVfdnoday, Manh I>* i.

    I.i'wd axnmfntv im~-^ • twvo ittur sp-icf ,»nd M-i:iir> . ! tor

    M 1>N .irui sij.

    - 'h.i' .ill niu"-l

    111. ri-lln-Aint; \l PMOIO BY UHJKH SCHKl 1 ClK ramliimiv , U'ar fii all itiat injppropri •t Kris I WNCM OJ MMtMl ItoMarta to MifNtod I to trtmi > C II pl.nct. jtc LingUiiKc ""id innmn tmm m caNML lb i M bo bach on ttio air and ptona to atloh t mN Ml ttST. whili VMH \I ni,in,it;i-rs

    Election yields three senators and one trustee Stt when final exams are sixty-five voters decide next year's powerful student leaders on the Spring exam chart. vivlrs that hi- vmII be able to truK repr^-sfnt NEwsanTw (. .ils.i Page 2 i.u\toui Is lurn-MtK .1 slu- I l.irpiT s student population Wellness Week provides The Harper College Student ikii' s, nalt iiu'inhtr .inii vvould Iiki Si\t\ tour \oles were casi tor stu- S'TUli' (HCSS) ek-vtions iiH.k pi.m to .issi^t ihr Hess pri'sivli-nl in .i.nl siiiati- otticeis., and only four testing information and Marcli 24-2.'> Three oltuers and a stu- betominn a strong presence on cam wer»' invalid for all. dent representative lo the board i>l pus rhirtv-three were last in Building

    fru>>te»-> were ele< t«l Pamm Priruivalli was chl 51 voles. Imstiv and has Kvn the WellrM'ss dent trustee; 1'' in Building A. 7 in Cowlev' IS lurrentlN mviil\ed m and Hum.in IVrtnrm.irui Nn.ilor Building and 25 in Building L Page 4 I the student s«'nau- is »h<- Si.idemic and wants to prov ide a level Ked in many orga- Sharon Alter, the Student Seiute President aivd was elected in vs ith '^l ni/ations on lampus and is amfident AdviMir in 1110 or call (847) 925-6231. How was your Spring Break? Page 6 Grammy nominee to ptay on campus

    "a well read pi Hi However, MieDHOR late m his i\>l:ege career, tiling April showers bring TWo-tinvp Grammy nominee, was turiu-d onto the (ay.2 scene by oodles of A&E events. Kurt Elling is making a name for Iriend Page 9 himself in the jaz/ scene Elhng Uling diMi'vered )aiz singer will bnng "ranting" style to (he Mark Murph\ ard was instanth Sports: Harper campus on Friday. April hisikexl, copviin; his niixture ot 17, at 7 10 th«- Buildi.ig Softball ophmistic about pm m I singing and K'.it pi»'tr\ Theater Uling lontinufd lo do work in this season. Ellin>; s Jebut aibin lit. I -irounJ the I haagoland t.... Page 12 Y,,,,. --.ourKcd tb^ i.Mii..>, .itid doing .in»thin>; trom wtti .i| ind spirited |a// dings t4i appearing with (. hicago

    sin^f! I iri'u^h Stat sir\);iii^. leijt'nds, sax pLi\ff. \on I rrvman pn>sf poen-s and iinprovisational Marpar Co—rnitMy—Raga • and Id PfterMin orks I lling continues to create Two years 1 itrr I'l'ttTson Nwpw AM -___ ragai 7-t had i diverse and unprecedented given Filing a r'lt ot .idvice. thai PHOTO BY LAUREN SCHUBQ ClaaaiflMla Patfa 9 sound he still us»~. ti>da\ I mtn iniisi roHi rock giHtarlst iOMrtiM I " lU-U t>rtginjllv, filing wanted tube seC' EMng art i>a|t« waaaiariiod a full I

    nm iaiptai ! liiitilaj ft. M7. (M7)92f-«4M Mmn (M7) "

    The Hartnnger April b, 19W Page 2 Harpei>t#ws WHCM: Pankanin, WHCM's biggest supporter, allows students to broadcast again

    contimed fiwi pagt- BuiKhni; \ \1imii.i\ Inil.n incc l<8 \n.irding to Trudeau and IX , upants 111 the huildini; Jo Sihnecke, n, it h.m- thi- i>ptii>n nt turn Nnw.ik lorn > advisor, has • V\Hl M l.Kult\ an- n. "Hopefully we will to in nut hern armind Idli'lv to take a not ha\e • ilff hiN .id\ in- Uur.jginj; that we

    .l.iri t h.ui an adviM.ir that nisM'N tvN o 'hilt^ again. But. I would ,,,-,.^ 1 ,„> ihii.,' ^.tv. , I,,

    do it again in a heart- l!U.I.Mi:

    beat if the station Tank. null ii.'c<-> lii.ii ii liNti"mTs thai lomi- ii' were to get lax thf Building A en(o\ VVIKV1 •gain." she would also like oir\ -Ivanm- l'ank biggesi advocati- .inn' i;uiJtlini-- thai the K v eiv.ii iri^'. .itl thi- r.Klln NtJtlnn Yet, shi> intends to lld-S N.'! I..r ill. ,ith.-r AM .T ''i.itmn m.mat;crs .jh- tn the protessionalism of th>' PHOTO B* OESKE COCOWW IV.:: !i' WtU mon r.idio station WNCM stattM BMiMCMr* •••i Jmt»mt »•«) aM m.ikf M seems to think • )''. Irudeau tosMtt* Nmah work MUtfMtly at th« coai^Mtar to "It's diMtMiniKing I" irii'iiilK of fttMtfawt ActWHI** N.ivvjk Irudi'.iu plan that WHt. M as a »vhi>le may liM witli OifMtor that Me dun't have an and I a a«w atattaa eaatraat. pxtd lutuiv with the riiilranln a« ill . i!\ ulati- thnninh- have a adviMir Tom I •nlinued support of St-hnei-ke] thiit cares Fikjmn and Dlu^ Mo{H-tull\ we wil .....> tu do anything." .ihoul th. hus to i.iU" J measure like this

    •. im, Njid I'ankanm. "But. WHCM RHWC ttticctar Finals A iHild do il again in a heart- wen' to gel will Itu- «iil hi-lp to Miul I'lit tvat il the station MondM. TuMNlM. WMnMday. nu«d^>. " \i m- wh.> WMCM'. Urgrt audi- kk agam Miylf Mwld Mw30 M«21

    AHENGliU Ml MMfHOWX T« thf JMS l02ctMa«i «e«finr« 086.087. ftOa9-t5 ICOCMMCS

    9:^ 1 30 U_40 «t BoOOaSO 1215 a:25 10:40

    Ui50 M\*f Soet;!*''

    1 ?•

    1:4* M>W WW SfMMMHy 330 120&t250 1« liX>2rl5 Mnawml 140*56 Enams

    M-W SfMoaily MO- MW moi i.ii-.nliL!' t Sc25 3 4'. 5O0 141 23S-3:40 Anw«M) MaHl:20 Cnww slat! i.iiti I

    f • : Fhiliy.MW22 mOTD Br LMMEN 9i3«iaa

    < until Hat; 't>dV immt MmM, WHCM DJ, I Um fIrat Mum alat VklKN 'n.ast in Mm atatioii waat kack < iM air laat taaak. jM istuuny itohediiad otan iim

    iMatwil of May 23 di#vi( rHular dau penod*

    • dua no Mar IMn fio«n on TuMday. May M to «» Ratfatrara Omoai, A213.

    to now? 4^ ^S'VHour

    Voon yoil e*R jour »- No Weekend Wcm1< fit moi0nr oaaaHlieaaES OwBtfvsna* f 3-5 Hours Per Day (Mon-Fri) jn OHBUnani - Comprehensive Medical Package Cuctetn4Kima Ouimh jr tajMiWh «>»!'. AM(up«*s- •- Stock Partteipation lon MrvHOUlfium oamnw And van Of »n> '«u« urart* #ul rvM- you 'IRTm n no arc •> Employee Owned Company

    Call toll free 1 -8SS-4UM-JCMI nwaaw lap* Aaaaw» itanat * ttmmpwta TeanwKMiiaaant 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

    Locatioos: Modgkins/W»ow Springs (1-55 & t-2»4) Addteon. Paiattno. Northtxook & Westmont http://www.up8.com

    FIR womNGFORSTuoerrsiDNOwoiKroRus

    m Equal CSpporlunMy Employ*' % J J V ift.

    The Harbinj^ Page 3 April 6, 19W Harper'^ews Wellness Week includes Health Fair with free, low-cost testing

    \Vfllni-N-. i> .1 (vrsimdl liliMvU' thmci' IVtausc fvt'n thing you think, ftfl or do .iHt"cts yi>ur HH-nUl. spintudl and phvM- cil wellivss, Hjrpor Health Sen ice ha*, planned an exal-

    inR array i>< programs to help thi- ciMnmunits learn mone aKiut thl^ important topic and how to enhance one's health and well-being Irom luesday, April 14- Ihursdav, Apnl 16, a series ot preM'ntations will be

    >'ffered t4> e\er>one TTie week include* an oxiitmg array of kvtures and workshops dv healing, elder care, weight training, mentipause and much mi>n' All presentation^ jh' i>(>fn

    to th«' public and ar»' fnv of iliarge, except for the break- fast st-minar on luesdav. which has a SS fee In addition, the 24th annual Health Fair on

    Wedru-sdav, Apnl 1 S features m«ire than hO exhibits, many offering free educational OVER ONE MILLION OF malenal and fieallh screen- ings Some rxhibilors include THE BEST MINDS IN pn>tevsHmals Nuch as a chinv praLloi, di-rmaloli>gi!>t. audi-

    . ALREADY ; •,.1 1 (I.Tiu'lrisi and AMERICA HAVE tlu>ri \orthwest Community BEST Hi^spital will also provide a CHOSEN THE bliHvd chemistry screening lor $2? b\ appointment imly SYSTEM. Participants may call RETIREMENT (M7) '<25-62<>8 to schedule an j^ipointinent betwcwi 7-11 a.m on Wednesday, April 15. free or low

    rcnrem. 'vrrwHclm-


    and nrl.' Find Out tor Yuurolf

    P«|iTliiiir Yfw C«n Count Ot

    For RO v«" TI A A CKIK tw» m >.1ii. .-.(


    W f

    Kiuuring th« fulurc ^ ftn- thiMC whn «lupc n.

    ^- i The Harbinger Pas* 4 Harper News April 6, 1998 With registration approaching, easy classes are not a smart choice

    niiniilf I h.n c to teaching IntrixluclHwi to i jMidt m iiMrodiu ma\ Jo 1 nArucsEntON art and siiine thinking in hen». Film at Harper ht the tion to music, r Credit Touchtone A» re}5i

    that I don t like t>evausf in(5 students btT^m In many students partake m instructor that makes Moaday-Thursday hear, fhrouj^h word i>r his class, under the them work hanler. tfien*- they're not simple film* 8 ajn.-8 p.ni. mouth, which cUv«~. i jn assumpfu»n that it will bs elimmating tfie powu- with some guy trying to be considervd an ea^y A ni>t ns)uirv mmh otfi r1 bilitv of an effortless A' stop a bus going SS milegi Friday Mainly to serve as an himr with a b or wiMi't anv class beginning with. who take this class with the idea that t ome in .in\ more 9ajn.-nooa Ph.- l.iK th.il -III Introduiljon to", h<>v\ thb (Introduction to Film] is goin^ (847) 925-1515 ever, these claswes may vlt-nl ' » .in k;,(in more trom to he an easy dass. A lot of them not be as easy as they .in\ t\ p of i 1.1-'^ tlH'fi |ust Card Stcnmry mnmd (students) may think this, and then th«' credit It IIhv ^ an com No AppoUUment Scott Wiest a aecond mil themsel\i-N to the April 29 & 30 they ^et into it and realize. 'Wait a year student at Harper, required work Ihe Wednesday-Thursday tc^lered for an intn>- minute. I may have to do some whoie point to am liK-ral someitne 9 a.m.-3 p.m. duction to acting axirse thinking in here, and Vm going to arts cla^s as to (SPF 111) after hearing mon- rounded and give May II -June 3 acUially ha\e to read, and Tm not then a dei-per apprecia- that it did ni>t reijuirr Mooday-Thursday much effort going to watch some film that I tion ot the reality that 1-7 p.m. "I heard it wa.s a fun the\ livi in don't like because they're not simple class, but it was a little f! it w hi'th.-r the daM May IS, 22 & 29 more get away fnnn the films with some guy trying to stop a m question mtvi-s as an Friday -It dtjwn-book stuff like 55 miles an hour with a e^y 'A', or is n-quired for bus going 1 p.m.-4 p.m. that I thought it might particular ina)or or it'. . . lot of them will be a little easier on m«».' bomb tm A degrtre. thes«' classes -,i%s Wiest drop the class or won't come in any- shtniM he hamllisl with the -anie duotion by Howe\'er. the class dtd more." May Il-June3 not end up being as sim- each indu idujl student Price ple as he originally Lany "Ihey might take tK- Monday-Thursday Infrnduclion lo I ilm teacher thought, offenng him a class and not come to a 1-4 p.m.

    Jiltfrfnl hal- lot ( ( the classes, but Fiiwl RtaJstnition for Sumag lrn>ii' a-- in4»r\' With a lot ol humani- "I'm sure there are a they re putting their

    litumal -ivlt-" •>! i.!.!-- i>u always kit ot fs-t-ple who take mcMH-v down savs All .Students

    iiiTila' atti- thi-- ' l.i--- iMth the idiM I'no- Thursday. June 4

    >. r-i. -ib.»iil me lo II s a diftem-nt kinvi m.if •il It 5-8 p.m. • •I learning, but 1 would s,i\ H i'rKf VV«- rt- lis 1IU: Ills ol Saturday, nf say it's easier ^.u ^ Iti put the arts into « iiu' A I.. I nl ihcni ni.iv li«nk tfK» class iIhn II- hurting June 6

    Wiest kind of s«icial contc I thi> .iiul tht-n thfv grt themselvi-s in the long 9-11:30: " l,arrv Pncv fus been Vtwc .ivlniits ih.il with into il and rejli/> \N.iii ,i run

    CAREER PREPARAHON line, and Done... FOR... Give us one hoir of yoir time. WheneYer you want, y^ Social Wor1( Have your transcri|rts and your dreams ready. Vfe^ lieaching easy it is to transfer to him University and finish yow

    > Hk craAs pi transfer go farther at Ml. . . yu n.n ,,i Business proi?rdn) to your four yCiir deart'i"

    ^ Im CM dWOSe the major you WOll. . . do idps, no waitinci lists stiin r\^\\ away and finish on time Communications NB re CMMHMR aM M MROMmM yOV needs. . . yo.'i giii fini&li al All while you work aiul do other

    important thinijs in voiir life, .(lav and t^ening i ksse^ meet ome or twre a week

    w Mfe foOB M prepareig for careers. . . over 80 ptn cat i if i lur facult) have had careers outside hifiher Nursing educabun, they know the practice as well as the thn^rv

    ^ We can niake It affoniable. . . i hdldstiip and financial aid ut^ions at AU are numerous and conq>etitive Cnminal Justice

    We Can Make Inasfenioe as Hassle Free as Posabie

    To make an appointment, tall the AtiroM I'lmtTsiN ( iflii e of Ailmisswiis Reaeation

    Coaching AURORA UNIVERSITY. /UINIVERSITY Real Education for tiie Real VKirld. KJ Computer Science The HarbinRCT Pages April 6, 1

    Ihroughoul thi- evening Carevr F.xpo '"*, which i* Building A ^ji. ig Semester segment, featured career software programs, b«ng ht-ld April 21 and 22, fcs in each Malinchak. which expU»re how an imli- the resull o< a partnership «pcalier |ame<< vidual > abilitu'^ int«'r»—ts between Harper College, author of the nJtumally- Finals and values teiati- to caneer High Schwl Distru-ts 2H, acclaimrd book, trvm CoUrge will offer tipportunities, will be demon- WaitaadQ^ fUMmm. 214, 220 and the Niirthwesl K, tkf Rfl WorU. and strated MvTi mtvS MW21 Education to Career uttighl into the strategics needed to The second event of Partnership. technique> that are iWOClOl. M MMIHOaOL |ob '"' |ob his preM-nla C jn-«T 1 xpo NW o a oaaosT. aoMdS It preaMtits a bnud obtam a m at46 102cfi»a» teomrun to tht- whuh will be presented m resoufte larkd The first event (>f Career entitled SpMMy rwruiting ent'\ uao- Satan, targeted to guide adult area will bt- lOsOO-1050 luoo-uao AirwtBd t.xpo 'W is a career inhvrma- 12 Eonm explorer^ jlong the level and mid-can-er canJi 10S0-12)C» ttonal fair which will be pre- career |obs w iihin a variety 21 path to a new carver, will b»' dates f«>r SpsctaMy icnlcd on Tuesday, Apnl 1346- IM-W^F industries «> pru-M-nted m Building C of T-H U»215 fromS-^pm Thi» event 3tX> 12C0-1240 Eon* been suc- Hen- ate a few tips that 1:40-256 pUiwed to share inlonnatKW Adults who have Ivpo 'ob in tindmg m-w iarwr«. will help C.invr W ^bout a wide variety of caMcr cnwful MO- kMW M-W Fair partu tp.iriN v;.iin h<- Airan0id Mudenis choaaing will tell lh«ir storH-s 225-140 anas with Eiams will diMUss greatest advantage trom the 3ffl5-4a0 a eamr and adult» contem- tmployers characteristics opportunity plating a career change the sktlis and fM*«.klw23 • question* for that are needed to succeed m Prepare basK Spadaly Atranfid Earn* Between 530-7 p m . par- workplace recruiters regarding 'heir tKipants may atteiwJ three today s •l4o«BpmarMar fn>m area companv and the positi^ms "on the )fkr career sliill Rcpn-senlativi"- will which are available detnonstrationB: "Your First txlucaljonal institutwins aN^ut the • Bring copies of yjur as a U>gal Stcivtary How offer mformation |o)> or ttay 23 dirt« xagiiar daas penods mtiHirce of traditional resume • 'tcTview and What to broad • Be (><>-itiv»' and i-nthusias- fc \- "Cttale a Newsletter and fiontraditionji learning nan noon on TMiia^>. May 3^ tk- C .»m(X'ti' only with your- Offloa,A213. Using Deslilop Publishing oj>portunities that ate avail- SmUs' and "Careen, in able in the nt»rthwe»t sub- M-lt • Don't pWHjualifv at f>re- Hoteb. Restaurants and urbs .isxhi.i |ud|!^«ieinpl<>v''t I.ilk.t>ias Hoapitolity' PerM-njI cirivr many ntruiters .i- iimi- will clinches A serin of pmi picMnta- tiom artd catx-er proiession- Speech team beats CoD, tcpmenting traditional allow tiorw by career niofcMiimittli aia, ever careers will • Smif viHi most probablv Regional title for first time win offer information about a arid emerging ttn- sp»>t. eshihil 5 *» m will mt«** ofiportunilK silver for Speech li will shan-^ mil" H.irfs-r S|>sfh T*Mm Iv.ive ' lion» anJ i I MtJi hron/e U . h\ ntertain Duet Acting, Kan lone hs. " ;r4v for Reader •. ITieate: • t..>ii first lime we bnm/e 1*7 are cuo»«denHg- at 6:30, 7.30 and 8:30 \ bron/' pnxiucti .Mth h.ne K-ah-n tfw College of Michael Ckm/ale/., Persuasive Speakin>; -^-v.A ..i th -..lid Speivh team tor a revTinU'r I >i]r ij. and Informative Spt-aking, iHjto immtMiatflv Kh I. tt I'r/vbvio RegKm Your Cfrdits for Duet Invest '**^ lair (>/gur, gold Career I v(^i n>b \\ iiuludf". two-year col- River

    1^ aiMl Reader's ( .miT lene> in lllimMs. Indiana, Acting for l>ral r .m kKfcoi/tgrtmiii Bit a. tioth the Michigan, Minnesota, Theater, silver Inlerpn-tation, Mike Fgari I .iir and Dakota, Ohio and IraMsfrr yoMf mlkgf (mrummi Ni.rlh tor Reader s Theater th. and open Wisconsin. gold an mflmMi uet Acting- and .imfAir note mfor- Mt'mlx'r". ot tht' speech bronze for iH4; Ti>ny Mrotek, gold loi m.ilion .ill t. .ini aiul their awaftK Cimw .-ewtw Reader s Theater, bronze toi HiiJuLii/"!*' tm-.tr. Communication Analysi- o>*-i' •>/ «lt.»r>.- Chris Lopez, gold i>'i *^. Informative Speakiny; '" ind a iwmmfmtm / bron/e for Poetry Readini: MHTTHBrB Iruia \(H-ns, gold I. Reader - Iheater, silver !>: InlerpreUtum "*''( "^ Dramatii tr. O? bnr MATTHEWS Persuasiv.' Speaking, & Temporary Positions Permanent Poetry Reading and Counties In Uike and Northern Cook Dramatic Interpretation Specializing In: Frank Kmilek. gold lor Reader s Theater, silver t<'r III \i nil \Kt MwMfMr • Offic* •Sales Poetry Reading, bnwiz«' for •Clerical •Professional tVal Interpretation: Hans • Data Processing • Warehouse Fleisihmann, gold for • Accounting • Industrial Readers Theater, Poetry • Customer Service • Technical Reading, Duet Actmg and Reading's Theater; Ri>l' TODAY!! Vargas, gold for Reader > laD^ uuKMto ROBEPT 4 > UrlMl S4U>c CALL MORRIS WHEELING Theater and Dramaiu Interpretation, silver l>ir COLLEGE 847-215-0060 Duel Acting, bronze (or LIBERTYVILLE WAUKEGAN Pn-s.- Reading; Kelly Peairs, lor l>uet Acting, SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 1117 847-244-6500 silver *DMtNliri»TiOV 847-367- bronze for Dramatic' fW* an accuStafi* Company Interpretation. . ,

    I lie Harbinger April 1998 Page 6 HarD«f3eoiHmentarv 6,

    What did you do Dear Editor, t might K" advisable to help the cunently in place. to learn to walk Ix-fori' Finally, as the supposed On Tuesd.is. Mjrih 24 1 wenl students adults must remember over spring break? to the information desk in nsisting that they run mature we the students that It we have some sort of BuildinK A to vote f(>r stiiJcnt I don t think thai is b on Tuesday. allows us to The time p.m rrprx'sentdlive !v understand what there is to ABILITY' that

    is. it for KHSrX>N[)" maybe we then sum- I 1 lined Ithal "What's m March 31 A normal college student I was ti>ld that have my student .niiviis p.is- m beiiiming part ol the need to accvpt this RFSK)NSI- out with his or her trieiuls would be (voting the BIIITY' and help to teach with me 1 would not W -il^U- io Ji* dubs to work within ri^ht now hiil ,i t.u JiduMfd (and Sl> upcoming AIDS Walk Harper) younger students this is ruit to say ."t itu mtor- But before they can be shown the system and members ot The Ihe Muini; l.nli possibly insane) some matHin Ji'sk utnt nn to tell nie the advantages ot working with that the systems may need staff are spendinR their Harhinfrr that tlwie were quite a nuinK-r and within these various gnnips overtiauling itself ~prinK briMk in A "<"" (was this 10 or 110^, I'm not sun'i md strudures they must initialK in Koberl l«

    t ih.it number was, small or People usuiillv co sciniiulun As It turned out, by 2 p m uii »t students (count them, four) had large I to the information area

    ' v\ ,1 this rm K"en allowed to vote (There had wanting .inJ willing to vole but Dear Editor. they Can someoTK- please explain So h.n o we in a twisted lonely been more candidates than that!) because ol a system that significance ot Reading Day Now to the point ot my Mier either don't tul!\ understand or the in the office vvay--our thermometer win- (.\pnl ID)' While many in the It does not take a psych«>li>g\ possibly don't agnn- with Harper Community understand reads a muRRV 75 decrees. mafor to make the obs«Tvalion rH>t able or allowed to CkxxI Friday as a religicHiS that therx' is a high level ot stu- It would have f>een easy why V\i- ve h.ul to borrow neiKhborinR IS rKi longer celebrated at dent apathy here at Harper enough to che»:k stHial security holiday, olticrs' fans to circulate the air-to identifi- this public institution, there is still If the kids wen- interested numbers and additional confusion as to the meaning avoid fainting cT«»ugh to come out and try to cation and iIhti allow tin' willing real of Reading l>i\ vote, heavens to Betsy (whatever to vote "Why don't you ^o hoim''' asked s*>meone from the that means) Let them vole! We must ni.iki sun that our tan < Calendar Committee enlighten us several people at around this Why in the world would m' mli-s are tor maintaining order than excluding potential all' •'i-rnoon Good question VVh\ not allow tfuin to gel involved in rather the pnKess rather than keeping participants that may mereK i.iiin 1 we );o home'' For those ot \ou Sahar Mikhail them at bay due to a current rule need to be taught the imporlancx- LRC r'n>gram Assistant reading this right now, thank vou that lor practK'al purpose^ may of the "Rules and Regulations" need to be made a bit flexible You are the reason why wi Jon i i;o Now although I fullv under- Do you hove something to home slarKl the need to leach the stu- Not too many people on this cam dents that they have to begin tak- about, but you don't ing resfHmsibility tor their ,uii"ns write pu« r«alij!e whai ii i.il>4 - i.c 10 ..li as well .IS ififir lives il's rieces~>rv staff? -. join i the K c ,tuilenls Ik piil I li ('.ijni out to ^el them involved in mmtw- wont to fhing anything before you can tver\ other week (Ihe ki\ word in begin shaping them into what

    sentence was student ) that last resembles a higher level of matu- Write a letter to fhe editor. rity than the position we re cur- With most ot us having a full Respond to a story or editorial. rently at las* load and multiple |obs ii s not UnfortunaleK .-edto Does somettiing on ttiis campus upset,

    loo .1 sii mplish v.isy to balance this back up few | confuse or enlighten you? this Sure Us ijre.1t >'x piruiu e and \ou Mill lirst need |4> get their Tell us about it in 300 words or less. V'. . , . Ml' '-tiiii; tr U'nds. then try ki hang i.mlo it attention Be sure to Include your name and but It s lrus(rjtin>; to return to a long erHMjgh to begin helping them to develop pt^one number so we can verify auttior- h.iH tiill distribution bin when we I want to make clear I .im not ship. We will not print ttie number, and < po( in .1 ot*\\ is^ui* suggesting that we should smipli fv or lower sijndanls tn^cause signatures will be wittiheld upon request. VNeli \\ V h..('f 1 w r\ .'111 !\,i J .m students an- unwilling to per- itiost e^intlul All letters content are subject to eventful break Ihe form, achieve or adh»-n' to reasiMi- and thing that happened to us was able levels ot expiitation m a editing and must be in 14 days prior to numfH.T of various areas cie.ining the dust Irom under the publication. Kather what I am saying is that computers

    i9ktltf WMtMTS

    RyanFreijnd, Kevin Shepte. The Harbinger John Tillotson Pellctos EdrtormChier Lauren Schubel •mmtsI

    News Editor AtnarvlaOffenbacher rht HmMMt I* lt« Mudwii pUMuNnn «or llw Harpsr OWa* camiu* eenv The FtartNnger )Milliam Ramey flarper &>llege lil'WiHMy year twMoys nuwy. putwtfiM tlMu#iiMl tha KMol iKapi dw*i( 12(X> West Mgonqun Road tf nmlasns. ThtptpwadWMButM'rMttoallttudiniii.laaity are) Palatine. 1 60067 7098

    A&E Editor , . Jenntter Goli fW»iiMthn>Bmi«ti«y |itrtai«nttot»i»e»i<»i»«idit»»>«»oundiritc<)ntTMi»t> Phone NtfTtberv Lattanfticy tXJSiness ottice: 1847)925-6460 Features Editor OonBerger letttrs to ttiB odKor and npMni to our aitilanato. news office: 1847) 926-6000 x2461 Lettars mutt t» •« (icluda pmna iwrtwr to «erMy aultnnlaii. fax: (847) 925«)33 Signature* mH Iw iMn«iaUi«enfaiKmt. M lattars andcomanl •• nJliact Sports Editor ..SeanMcHu^ toaklmg.

    196&11«Hiitiii«er. Rwto Editor Desiree Corcoran Products an) tarvtcnaduannM (I ni»ilwWTiirar»namac«n iiniy "^r •TdorMd by tta odrtors ol t)M p9W.nar lir Ow callac> aAnniMnnion Of Boart ot Oractors. ImiMna* «auM «• •oraanMd (kractty to «« aOnarlMf M t« (ucMws •• at llw (MciMion ol It* c vaunar. Faculty Advisor . HoiMinlSchlosstKrg . )

    The Harbinger Page? April H. \vm H«rB«jH>wiase on the \i.i 1. 'k . t'rnp*'tiiion in lu-f n.itivf .jiiii-s, inciudin^ the loiuvrt will appear in * free concert Timfi' radio station VVQXK *.iMmtr\ lit Harper Harlan 1 llisi>n tiilurist at Marper CotleKe She has given ivntals in sfu' wjs .iJM* .trt.trvlcvl tft»- s.itolij will .ippt'ar Jt tni' and author ot mon' than 71 Satolia IH a student at Weill Camenie Hall. Alice Cold Metljl Irom the Vtlun- rut.>ritiint' n>ncert on bo>»ks and thousands ot sto-

    New York's fulliard VhiH>l Tully Hall at Limvin Center Conser\'atory when she wa> I hursday, \pnl *< at 12 1^ nes, essays and articles is '1^7 in and IS the winner ot thi- 1 and crther venues in New 17 p tn ran; coming to speak at Harper,

    Oracv Welsh I'n/e tor I'uno >ork and (.reece Satolia will pierfoffii ,>-• i The comiTl is open to th«' tllison s work crisscrosses

    She » the first Creek lo Satolia has Invn a siilinst soloist with the I Ifjm piiblii the political, the humorous, win the award, named lor j with the National Ofcheslra Symphonv Orih<— tr.i in i i>r more information, the domestic, the cosmic,

    102 year-old piarMi k-avher ..( Athens April (.ill the Harper C (»llege ancient histciry, mtxlem Satolia was featured on Satolia was the First Prize She will m.iki* si'\i'i.tl Mu-K Departmeiil .it isA't morality and the surreal. the "Younn Artist* winner in the Maria Callas other Chiiagol.md appear tllison IS the winner at two Mystery Writer of American Edgars, three

    EUing: "Ranting" artist to perform songs from Grammy-nominated CDs I lorror Writers of American Bram Stoker Awards, multi- cantiruM ftorr page 1 tsl tor .1 t.rammy in lanu.in Vpril 1**7 alter an extensive ple Nebula and Hugo clan can scat But when >i>u l**h It's always gn-Ji tu lour pnor to that Awards, the Work Fantasy make up your own lyrics have vour pcvrs recogiii/e The Chicago nahve is cur- lifetime Achievement when you're singing, that's vour work, especially it that rentlv performing to his .Award and the SilviT Pen for .s»l That's cool." vMtrk 1-^ .1 *v*-ltprtvdui ivi hearts content Is there a loumalism "Ranting," is EUing s dot- di'ino, s.U'- the sin>;er third album the works' HliM)n s most recxignized iiition tor this unique style In )un,- nl l^^Mh lllin^ (>nlv Filing knows this works include Deathhtrd 'Its band, which features p*-rtormed .it Carnegie Hall answer Check out his per- Stones, Strange Wine, ini-.!, 1 , Laurence Hobgood, .It the |\'C la// Festival in formance on Friday, April 7, Approaching Oblri'ion, I Hoot plavs songs that about love New \ork Filing played at 7:30 p. m. in the Building No Mouth and Must Siretm, to philosophy and |ust aN>ut i^posite ol Dianne Kivves Theater Tickets an- $10 for Web of the City. Unt Ain't everything else in between and Rachelle Ferrvll gctu'ral admission and $H for «CtOaiRTEStY»l Solhtng Hut Sex MisspelW COUIQE Clme Your fyes, Eiling's Filing's second album students and seniors, call and MiirK'-. From Purgatory. CMcagoaa Kurt fning debut releaw waii nominal- The Minm-mc'i''. came aK>ut in (H47) 'i25-bltlO. pimy* many Iwtnwtn t*. Some of his work has sold millions of copies and have Kvn translated into 2h dif- Music from all eras performed at Blast From the Past lerenl languages.

    I \lavv No Mouth and I Harper College is pre- be played, iniluding the plete with contests judges (.vninasium on Fnday, April .Must Scream has been senting Blast From the Past, disco 70». will search for an tlvis Unik 17 Irom nM)- 11:10 pm. n'leased as a CT>-R<»m game. billed as, "the party of the DarK-ert may |Oin in the alike and the person nios Admission will be $8 at Fllison provided the voice of year." pony, the stn>ll, the twist, the authentically dn-ssc-d lor thi' the diKir the ins.ine computer AM Travis iK'-^' Morris i» manhij'd potato and even era. Uif ct>st ot tickets pur- Fllison IS a conceptual ler cx>untrv tine dancing Contests will also be h .^ J in advance will be St) the featun who iKiisult.ini on the Babylon 5

    r.., .t,. h.i.l... I uti M...i.> .misK.il ,\ J.iiKC lustm- •" '• ' ,,i,t tl„- imri- inliirmjilon will pert*. (I.. scries, and also offers weekly 5«>s .md the .n tj> ki-I s.ilrs i.ill the I l.uphl(HI Mu«ic tn>m all era s will tllison names |orge tuis Borges was ,in mllueme on his wntings His mo^t recent works lean toward the fantastic realism style typical of the Obvious Similaritie&. . Argentinean writer he admires Fllison will speak al 7:30

    p m in Building ) Theatre on Wednesday, April 8 Tickets are $7 for general admission with discounts available tor studenN aivl senior citizens. Call (847)925- 6100 for more information, or check out the Harper web site at www harper.cx.il. us. Impoitant Piffeiwcii The Iinii«H«i nuv he the pcmat fmn ><< naii«> Bui u tnnn iif ntucauxi ktpcnencr i» And al tsn I the lEnrami Harbinger Naii«ul t>>ui% l'nivrrs *e have over III) >tars al inntnjior ieachin| etpenencc Sunt, there aw «>lh« n looliMii kw mK «ducaiKiniluxliMwa»ihatlrylDdDwhiil oeiki BiKimcinc piib nwR cmphHis on itadimg aid ttaclwii akthi. Mcwc tlMl 30 ytm% ^B NUO ptawani aocefcmal educatma fa •J cJihm iur llw dulH Noiiiry«ic«i«aniadefi«r- bachekv'oviiiinarr'Mn MllwMMr. a >anelv iMun|! us tiir as Imlc « iiic mghi a tceei fiic I!- It miMiH. Give in ihr innr. wr M ipte

    yew dw dream I Kn M.IHII) prx<|san fmhiMri mmtdlym operieacx «ia| dial's cc«tl> h»«k II lapfvniM

    lor ri»lbnn«l»«..dl 1-8H8-NI.I -TOD.\Y fUciahiili Offtmra ! a Fa*: M7-2M-ai.M K-mail: f>|ir(iAr»«il.id.rdii ftaJeat-nw mewifufu. :% ftlflifiMwi mxtfttA National-Louis University iaAStf weal mi)92MOOOat. tkmmmn Dnnfo fcvmwm >^hrrlin^ Opa # /^I Niff iMirs

    ! The Harbinger hfiS April b. 1996

    The Marriage ef Bette and Boo to be performed by campus theatre

    C hrtati>pheT Nli>r% Durani;, telU the gnm. th»- h,i~ inmy and instifuticn called marriage It l.irujerman will play the part Mory o( two dy»fuiW'tiondl humor »lo\erK mi«i-J inl<> IS a comical look at ronlempo of Malt, the son of Bette and Wilh divofce t>eronninf( a famibe« ioined by the mar- the plot rarv Catholic marriages. " said Boo Tickets are available at more prevalent steiM- m riage at the title characttn The Marri., and Ballantyne the Harper box office ainl are Amehcan M)ciet>, it's odd lu Bette and Boo. Boo IS beint( •.tii...vl bs Ballantyne also staled that S7 fcM- HarpcT students aiwl acr a (ong-term out- numafte The ilMy ipanft over inui«> Harper asiaustant spitxh Ibt hf did tH>t alter tf>e play's staff, $8 for other students lide ol ficbcm. than two decades and deal» ater pr«

    ' Tkr Mmrmge Brttr and with of marrui|;e iisues such as Balljntvtv The onK Kjv t.i du The curtam will nse at 8 Boo. Haxper Coile|;e'» tole»l alcoholism, madnem aiid He ha» also dirpcfed previ- I)urai>g justice is to do what p m. for the April 22-25 shows IhMtn venture, will be per- fatal illnesft. ous Harper plavs irK'luding he wrote." Ballantyne said. arul at 2 p.m for the April 26 formed on April 2y-lh. These topic* make Bette "The rVvimrs and rh«> part of Bette is played show including d student-only pre- and Bo«> que*lH>n their "Broadway fWMjiid bv Ri\ er O/gur Call the Ni» office at (847) mier on Apnl 22 C alholic uptrmging The Marna«;c oi Bette Hans rieisrhmann i>. y*it- "^25-6100 tor nidre inlorma The pUy, written bv Although It may souimI and Bix>' displays the scalped Iraying Boo and Matt iKm.

    FOV<«DtD 1161 Out of the Loop documents Chicago music scene

    Oul of the LMf IS not rated but about m» musK Its what tvmmtomr NokihCeniralCollbge coiiWw Hmr pnifanr lan- these pn>grams think the N«fi« villi. Ii 11*011 Smashing Pumpkins. guage kids will buy " The dis.solved

    Urge CXerkill anJ 1 i/ Phair ensfmble The Wesk'v Willis *1llaii0 BMcs- are unonnous ruttonal musui hBot Haaco is also featured in tfie MfHMions. but each of tfwni aartty about new A RcprcKiitative n-ill be on your campus their began climb up the The group, lead bv .i di.ii; mittic. It's what proverbial ladder playing nosed schuophrenu and clubs tlwae prot;ram think smoky an>und Chicago Chicago street artis-. has been Wednesday, April 22 for next to ih 'thing the kid» wiU bay." called everything fn>m ongi- The bands in the MxaUed -loeSlMraiian nal. uniijue arKl charming to 9:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. next "wave" of Chicago Co-owner of the DDoUe N'ln^ .itLUsed of ndicule and musK: fled Red Meat. Th«- Door exploitatinn of a man who Building L |e«us Lizard, >ium >um. iliiesn t know any better Triple Fait Action and Vrmca Rock critics, prixiun-rs iHher groups liocumt'nt- To nMwtr ^mtioM rtgwiiag: Salt, among others, aw fea- and musiciars are featured in fd in Out M the tiX'; are Seam.

    tured in .1 Jocumentarv mterviews. footage and of the Th«' Pulsars. IJie t^arsau and • 40 lUuUireiB • IminnilAid •--. .-ti P.'iiT^on h.,n.K directed b\ live performances '»isfer Macfune Cun Call tf«' fR19»H • ," JnmkrSdlKJkr*^ ilkslOuf idded explaruitii 'M i< H.irprr Box C)Hiu'

    1 ' ' tmciuiUci^ Spans

    oiti-rtvl .;! : , ThursiijN April y.irvs indepeidenl and ma|or kir (HR MumMiai. «a> molonif B> I ,11 •>. Building I Iht'dii ren>rding labels m regania to

    ITU!.-!. . . r., say> n I ,.r,;,!i>:. .'i« Oli' s.indKR(X - : engint-vr mu^ui.in tli> sun A.ikl iiiii>iujt«> th«- ^.' < in tfu' Albmi tilin bllltv I'l this music I ptTTsii.n NMliCa«nlC*«c

    Rock critic Inn lA'Ri. alK (en'l that it is the K-j^in .W \.*t'. Rrnnjrd Socn fw» • different opinion, lhi>. ning of the end of certam buiiineM about a scene an

    ^. hvpe on a partKuLir m. ! Ivlieved in pnnnoting n. think It'- iii^t bulKh't music " said !.»• '-h.iii.ll

    iinu-nt.irv. was tfie iXi'iHvnei .\i>nd pljif ti'i [Xxir in C hica^.. bf-l ti-ir liHiimfiU.irv in "That's what I! th, i hl...ik;i" .ind IXiublc !Xv>r ii' i .hi

    I iKlfri'Ti I liiii t(-.ti\al Kadu" I- not iH'i I'ss.iriK SiilfE 10«9^^ mmtim («i»mM Ht '»

    The HarhinstT A&E Pa^9 1<»8 Harp«r April 6, for everyone April showers bring plenty of A A E events to campus admission " ^i .inuiru) w ill l.-,u h you h»>w to gtTKTal pneral admissHxi. Kurt tiling Apnl 17 ( tmmMt9mU package, market and "sell Annual Harper Art StaMtcnt MC EDITOR ElliMWi IS ime at America s m INI Show April 27 May 8 rwohiiu' (..fjiTimx nonii \ oursell" to find a (i* April showers mift^t bring most celebrated authors Theater pre- Buildings C & r nee, Kurt lllmg, will bring Harper College May flowers, but Harpt-r ICnown to have a sarcastic Mnl»: Thr Mamitgr of Brttf Pn-senting artworks by about himsel', he has his unique )a// sounds to the brings a field t>< bUwistwninK style wfH> have attended Tickets .m- and Boo students pnuen hims»^lt as a writer Harper campus events 2=. s ni classes in tfu- art department -^ tor general admiss4»n and Apnl 22 21, 24, 4 ,, (art Theodora Satolia Apnl SIC Small Works Show dunng the year, this show tor Harper students and llOM :V)-Apnl 24 i: isp m r2os SK exhibit) March will include drawings, paint- April 2^ 2 p ni 1 li>^ IS a pian si who {•• ''tall Buildings CAP Satolia sculp- Tickets an- $7 lor Har^vr ings, printmakmg and n>n .urnnllv pertorming natum- Chicai^ laiz Ensemble A vanety erf inventivi- well as M)me com- 1141 students and staff. iS (or tures as ally and is the winner of April W, 7p m cepts will be presented imagery and design s'^ other students, and if* for puter many intematHmal fi>mpeti- Tickets .ir.- tor H.iriHT Harper Symphony projects students ami -Lill it> .or general .Kimtssion April 4, 7 10 m tMHIs Oirhcvtta p tollowsBi'tteand Vladislav BUha other ^tud>-iil> .in>l $7 lor ni.(i|.n Out of ffcr LiM/p (TH>t rated) 114.1 of Apnl X), 12:15 m 1*205 general .idmission BiH> through thnv dtx:ade» p Tickets arv S5 tor Harper Apnl >», 710 p m 1141 corrfront Free. Koatun lames Malinchak "From their life, as they students and sUft and *l() fiw Winner olf the Best alcoholtsm, madness Guitarist VladisUv Biaiis Dotumentarv 1**7 tTiitago College to the Real Worid* divorce general admiMian. however, has given concerts all 22, 710 m 114.1 and fatal illness, BliMMi "An UndergnHind Kilm Fe»ti\ al, it Apnl p Harlan that Ihniuglnnit f urope, tfie U. S., inv to Harper this pldv i-s not all grim Evening with the features Chicago Ircal bands Tickets are tnbndlcd pre- Asia and Ijtin America He and slaft. SI lor Harper Dance Company 7.10 such as Veruca Salt, The students Author Apnl 8, p m First winner of lor sents: "Rhythm in Motion" IS a Pn/e Li/aid, Sister Machinf other students, and iS 114'' lesus comfx>titions in 7Vlp 1 141 mtemational Pumpkins. general admisMon Apnl 24&2S, m lickrts are S5 for Harper CrtJn. Smashing trf'rmany dvnjma Tickets itv %S (or Harp«>r (.reece. Hungary, TripU- I i^i t)ne o< the most students and staW, i*> K»r Urge CKerkill, fi>r and tfu- Oech Republic motivatu>nal speakers students and sUff and $7 other ftudent*, and $7 tor Acton aiMl tu PKau -TanTackiT53i5rS7i^26iO~ 'Gan^lKept needs mmor managerslbr the aumiief "wbrking honest peopiir HELP WANTED ext. 10 exhaust work. $800 (630) needed t o do household 837 8760. Work m your hometown. packing for mov«ig corrxia- software QrMtJobofjportuniUM 1-888- ny. IVto exp. rwc. Call for Part time $6-$10 an hou. Call Technomester DJ iMfMngwIthchildrwv Full appomtment (847) 428 installer/ trainer. Gemini 277-0787 MUar 2 channels. LCD and part-tune Elk Grove 2878. Ask for Susaa Fax Bookkeeping and computer crossfader Day exp. required. Up to $25 /hr Beat indicator Township Community Part-time recrertkan tta« resume (8471 836 1655. in decent shape. Care Center is seeking car- Mt. Prospect area Send Northwest Special adjustment to work with resume to: 5261 Bass /Treble ing indh/tduals Recreation Assoc is seek Land •wveyor's office BloomfieW great. Asking fTO ($140 a wide variety of age with requires help part time (or Deepwood Rd, mg staff to assist Karl HghScTtooidipto- Hills. Michigan 4830Zattn: retail) NEARMMT groups. includtng people with dis either inside or outside (847) 253-0271. IS required. Day Care experience nee- Shelby ma abilities and to recreation work, isio experience is preferrad, tut essaryf No vehicle programs in the Itorthwest Sound System people. Part time secretary. 117 Omm Audio wM tram the rigm Suburbs. Day. aftdmoorv required, pay varies. Call: by exp High grade speakers Model Salary conmenHirate with (847) 382 S»72. M F. Pay determined evening and Sat. hours new-stiM in Mt. Prospect area. Mail »SA12.3 Brand Rpetience. Immediate awilable. upto$7/hr. resimeto: 5261 box. Retail $1195 asking openings available. fJAEYC on experience, call bcised Rd. Bkxmfieki $600 for both oiJ.o. Must accredited Call Gtetchen AnnRoytekatt8^7)392 SUMMB)X9eSjCN(»fO Deepwood Michigan 48302. attn: sell. Call (847) 776 1251. ,(847) 439-5577 2848 area Catering company hills. p»t time help (most Shelby seeks FORSALE'89Pontiac jcoAega ^o Palnlera IS rxm fy weekend) to staff com NEED A SUMMER Xie? Bonnaville Good Conditioa fifingingpamterspt and job site pany picnics and corporate FOR SALE Resoonsibtereliaaiehard- loaded with extras, new events. Supervisors, grill battery, hoses, belts. One cooks, game coordinators, owner $4500 obo. (847) concessions Call 1-800- ELECTRIC BASS, hard i^ase. MHnai Savkas MrtitMi 5'String, Mack 301-6954 562 5660 will e-mail or fax andampL application or write: Idane/ Soundgear 405 case, HUGE 1 bed condo mHoff. Schaul's Premium Foods series bass with hard amplifier. Est. Beautiful location. 7221 NHarlenv Miles. IL cord, strap and Newer eatm-kit w/disfv 60714. E^nail Great conftkml t^ta wash. ref w/icemaker. self- rschaul#»chauls£om scratch on it! Must sell for ceramic floor, $800 Call Lauren '847) clean ovea info or to counters etc. dming room Part time aeasonai help. 991 7808 tor has cell fan Lg. Liv m\ School photography co. haggle Spacious msfer w /newer looking for help at local berber Wash /dry incl. Low dances /proms Kfcist VW-WOLFSBURGRABBT light taxes & assoc tee. Pool, attend one tratrtmg session 2^1oo». hdtcti Dack, ter«s,ets. Monthly pay- and have transportatioft blue. 4 speed sttcK AC. 92K. ments as low as $593 iBO'mght. Frt. and/orSat. AM /FM cassette. TOTAL! $64,900. COLD- WELL BANKER >jne Brock pu,i».s< Make a (lilTcrcnce Fhrper Collej^ef V^Mvi (8471101 3141 ii 1 \\\v s\>ilfni. SERVICES

    Don't hdvc linie to type

    that big term paper'' I can help! $2.50 /page b/w2- day turnaround. Large vari- Cnmwmendy ety of typing fonts and heated in Buildmg V styles. (847) 215 9846 Harper Cotege ATTENTION...SPORTSUP • Op

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    Hn«i«y, May 7 lOKW an - 1:00 p« Building A ROOSETELT UNIVERSITY CHICAGO CAMWK^ :iJNOtS 606- man .

    The Harbinger Page" April 6, 1<>W SQFTBALl TRACK AND FIELD TIME WHEN WHERE TIME WHEN WHERE TIME WHEN WHERE 2:30 4/11 © Lewis TBA 4/6 McHwiry 3p.m 4/7 a DuPage pm 4/18 e Marquette TBA 4/7 DuPaga 2pm 4/9 O Elgin 230 pm o 30 pm 4/25 ® Loras TBA 4/9 « Prane State 2 30pm 4/10 Waubonaae 2 a. noon 4/30, 5/1 © Region IV TBA 4/11 O RocK Valley noon 4/11 Rock Valley 2 pm 5/1 & 2 • Region IV TBA 4/13 41 McHenry 3 p m 4/14 South Suburban 5/6 Lewis TBA 4/14 RotMrt Morrta 3pm 4/15 PrariaStata 2 30 p m • 5/8 O North Central TBA O 4/15 @ Wauttonsee 2p.m 4/16 a Oakton 2 30 p m 4 5/9 ® Marquette TBA 4/17 ^. Xavler 3 30pm '18 Triton noon noon 5/11 & 12 © Lewis TBA 4/18 & Triton noon 4 19 @ Morton 2:30 5/15 ©North Central TBA 4/21 ILVMtoy 2 pm 4/21 9 IL Vitfey pm 5/20-23 ©NJCAA Championship Q. 4/22 9 Lake County 3 pm. 4/24 HigMMKi 2 pm

    NIU alumnus Paul Sereno iscovered the world s ' Idest dinosaur, i

    The entire Sereno family discovered success at Martin S«r«M. 7ttA..mt wotkm* III) qiKsltDH afxml Nwtfwm Illinois Uravvnity "Dun Has PK D Uni»«rsi»y ol Ct^cago, P i oittOf of lar Mm S««ne family, ana it con Co»«itiv« Sci»>c«, Unrvw«tY of CoMomMj San Owgo f«jtur«i m Jun* % Daoavm worfc for yaw. Now is rh« p^rftct lim« lo inif chUdnn uimldgo •«plor» NIU and to docov#r wha» on NIU fm^ %tnm. T9 %S^ MM Hitrk. •ducettion con do lor you Com* to N!U$ far till ir undi nsradnaU PhD Columbia Univ»rsit¥ Prol^wor ol Umvwmty ol Chii¥«ciify Prol»»CK of Psycholoay. Univ»r*ty of Oregon

    Sorono, Ann* Smwim, U tS.. NW PhD Harvard Un.««rwt> Professor Center for loli-fr*« ot NLS. M.. NHfc Call us 74 Moleculor S BefwvionjI Neuro»ae«Ke Rutgers NIU graduates 1-888-CALL NIU tndAm d V* University ondaloocher 1 1 888 225 5648! '203 Sara Swww. 16 tX. NW into 'niu m Nap*r»rfl» scfwol district E mail ui at odmiisions «

    Discover NIU for yourself on April 10.

    NIU WORKS ! ' '

    ^ %

    Harper Sports

    LM^*_WW^ XMmjlHmpw ClMm m A»iW«.HW Softball hopes to repeat as conference champions Baseball

    "Wr plivfd >i dniMiMi I se,i spends break durm>; the basketball exactly I m K^""K '" S" y*

    lunmf n> ti'jm (miii Min. I that it i.irn tor legf h«>pe can basketball or si>ftbaU. but in Florida Kwest Park and we untortu- over into the Softball sea^>n I II pntbably have a decituon tutely kwt to them the hr>t and hopefully have th«* saiiM- made up by the einl at the SPORTS EXmOK time, but we defeated them resuhs" «e«!M>n of where it's going to .' fl-7 the second time "1 do hope to play msme- he but I'd really like to keep is there anything bet- "With tTe «ix starter* that where jtter the st'dson is piavmg ter than spending your

    we havf rvtummK from List u«r lof solthail." ^id The I .kU lljwk>. iHM spring bivak in Florida?

    year >i team. I thmk that we kwasiuewski on the future l«>me f,ame is Moiujav April And to txHit It IS all free! can reptvt a* timterente of her solthall car«>er as well ^ against McHenry C.C The The Harper Hawks champiims. Mid M her tNHikietball career. game will start at approxi baseball team will have KwaHnifw-ki "I don't know where mately 3 p.m. spent the break in the cit-

    It Mvm- th.Jt fveryiim' rus state t>n the to.lrii IN nri-tf\ iiinfi- This time anmiKl the

    dent th.i t Hawks will faa- teams " again from the North

    "Th«"rr iii'Ki<.lv m tin-. MilKiu\ C ommunit\

    ^nnip that I ihmk st-ind^ out l.illege, eolleRC of Lakr

    a« heinK a li-am teader. " s.)id V. ountv and I'rairie Stai. Kwa«niew<>ki on the ni\ will be hosted by hOTO starter* retumin); ti> ihi* \alencia College aatMiMtM Mm year's Imn to betngi a learn Playing teams from llMt leader. the North will give coach Weiv all t. \orm C.arrett a good

    because we all ' idea ol where the team ts

    >;tH*cl rtK Wf t.Wi .111.1 ivj.ir. heading and what needs

    The H,irp»T >c>llfs;< ni- v>,-p ., ,t ,.tii,. t!i. . : to be dotu- before the team heads into conler eme plav

    wlwn 11 «i>m. 11- I he Hawks already

    i . I l.i»vks limshwl time." have game experience. their tpring tnp wtjh 5-2 "What I hop*' to (set out of They played Moraine record m which Uwy OMn- lh» seasiln personally, is to Valley Feb 24 splitting pehKl with Chkagu Metghts, ke«'p playing; sjid the double-header. M.V. LuMTiilnland. fonrst P*rk. Flti kwasnu'wski on hi-r got by the Hawks 8-7 in

    V*lley, StCharlfs jnd Si lht>u>;hts It' tht' stMstin o\rr- the first game. Loui<> JJI Chris Carlson pre- trip] "Thtf trip |'; I hope thai i served a 13-10 lead to get WAS morr iw l«;s-> •! wh.it thf lonfi'nnci' iii- >. n uul the win. Coach Norm kind ot co»np»'tili>>i\ vm C»» Id nalhtn.iK thai s wh.it I Carrett was not "real wiiuld tht- be facing during rr.ilH wans out ol this sed- M»HBINMR fl£ l»iaid <>o

    •tt««pt !• •trite I ter vtctlM. Mel K«vd«niewski With all the '^uccvwi 1 had •at take It against a M.V. team that has already played 14 games Track and field optimistic in ail areas Coach Carrett is sick and tired of hearing • HMrihar Kusch iwm <-"»>,. about the cold weather nsnwd olhtoto of tfw There an- goals compete in the pole vault Srwf «MMt[|i and how much it affects that t hopt iplish and Nick Mirfcovick will be for perfor- week her tfie hitters. The entire track and fieUi this, season ..i-i i want throwing the discus mance in the National "Its [hitting) really a team is ready lor aclxm each athlete to rejth thnr lonathan Marple and loMnamenl leading alt mental thing," Carrett With eight jthUtes full p<>lential Next to bond Craig C>mn will be throwing said "You have to men- rloorM lor aN 3 games returning and a vtrori); .ind work as J team and the javelin and Dave tally tougher aitd mote Mtti 16 in the first. 28 in coaching staff, this team finally to plaiv in the top Andrews will a»nip«-te in the conhdent up at the plate. lie second and 37 shtiuld bt' ,1 tone four meets," said Zellner steeplechase. Hitting IS W percent points in the final The men's track and field The women's team may '^Oor team wiU be mental Everybody game. team has -.u n*tuming ath- have only five athletes, but wants to hit in warm letes and a good supportii\g canpcCitivr in all .ill * Jermiter ot them are skilled. Jensen was weather but up here cast anm. We may be Heather Kusch will han- named Ck>ach of (tie that's not possible." The woriH'n s track and dle the hammer and other Iter amongst Region a link weak in the .\nd what if El Nino lield team has only two ath- e^ent^ as well. brings in cold weather fV women^ tMultalbait letes returning m a team of triple, lonK and Molly Magarian and to Flonda? eoachea allar her suc- only five high Jump." Shann»>n McNamara are in "My hitters we'll be "t^Hir team will be t\>m- the heptathalon Hillary -Renee Zelliter and able to deal with it, their petitive m all areas We m.n * Jason BaaH. one of Men's and Women's Hollowly will handle the hands will |Ust hurt lit- be a little weak in the Inple a Schaumburg High headooadi triple lump tle more when they hit long and high lump. -uid "Heather Kusch is a School^ premier tMs- the ball." Garrett said head ctxch RerMX- Zellner The men s (tack .ind field dynamite thrower and a HMbail p%srs, will tie laughing The team will n'lv hejv h.ni- mjn\ new I.ite^ this harvl worker" said ZellrH-r —ending Harper next Carrett hopes to >n!v on Heather K.us>h .inJ \e.ir P.ui- Bv>iik.i*. uiH be Harper s next nuite will year and competing lor return to warm weather |<>hn KiXigers for support handling the •hot put and be .It the lewis Invite on when tlu' trip is over and fw 1998-99 bastwUMl B«>th athli'les have sh«)wn Randv Ro/nv «ill h.ive the .April II followed bv the get conference play •aeson for the Hawks. leadership in the past and h, Marquette Invite in underway both are expeneiHed lbi'rou>;h will Milwaukee i>n April IS !-•-. -^ % The Harbinger '' • |i r r < .. 1 I, , V»>^ . NMWfcirll » A»fMaO, tiimou votHin* XXX l— Second annual AIDS Walk Harper Track hurdles into record book Proceeds go to HIV Coalition for education

    Aw<« Off>wfc T li *r NIWS tmTW

    hiiUtinii; it • -«i AIDS Wjlk I i.irjHT w lil K- ond annujl w jlk on SuiuIjv \Ii\ ' Slud>T>t rV>vt'l>ipnH>nt MiuUnt \>iiMluv Hfalth StTMKv and the l'svihiiU>>;\ HMmii- Hepdiimt-nl will .ill pl.iv j pJrt in ihe ralkm of All)*> Walk CHf-i.impu«- Mmrviin.iti.-n and suppoil i- pnnidol In th, m\ i .'.ilituvii ,pi. ' partTcipjti' ' • "

    (Urpi"r'<< p«

    R»t;i!.tratii'" i'>i in> ^^ hk i, ^ I m nn Sunday. M.n

    Mulhn- anil l.u K the ni>rth inV All)^ • ! i'li! ""I' Ku-*>11 |ohnM.>n ,1 PMoio B> fwenit vn.totz mv.-K.- U

    ..., .,1 vmII .iho s|XMk. .ir IK- nT»'nu>n\ atHM WkMtMi

    Mr M06 Wail Hvpw «e .?

    Asran Pride '98, a time of cultural reflection, education Natws: ah then K>d\ pn-t/el

    Set' vvhi-n tin.il i\.ims i,-.e actiMti*'* an* in the

    tn>ni 11 4=^ i m 1 arc on tho Spring I'v.im Huildinc \ ..ili-leri.i Ssian I'ri.: attends will "Anyone who p m rtluv.itMni. ,• i. ...i.. - i^ chart turn and raki>tani learn a lot about the cul- The Indian and pndi* i-n campus wuti a thri-<- part Page 5 C elebralion ot Culturvs l>ay, April 2S, Apnt .'- ri^ . VVVdnt-.da\ tures that are fast-srowing jobs for will ifwludf a fashion show of tradi- The best :;s ,ind V\« Asian mill. from these areas, and a t.i>mmunify tion tnim U 4'i amlpm in the folk d.-nttns and have knowl- peitple don't Building At afetena •<«• >-*ui Page 5 ,.,1 Iv want til that, edge of the culture and the Mehndi is an ornate body painting \. .1 , 111 .^sMicutiim f'n-'iidt'nt .III usj-d to adiwn a bntle's hands and " origamt behind it." lohn I u Jh»iv will alM> N- beauty CoMMantary: left with intricate lace patterns. its time .ind am thing and «-\ en thiii); vou Sadal khJin Like It or not. Students will paint with non-perma- \sian lulture want t. kmw abinil PMidmi of taMten Md PakMani to hit the books nent materials ft t<".tivtlH-.. Apnl SliidHitAMOctolian "It lakes literally hours to get Page 6 ;.; I tum-^' ii'ik ii.mn-. >uch 4s ttw deM|9\i on a hand the day of ii* Mongolian txin«ortioni.«ifs «>fne Svn.rd P.m..- thi snake I>ance and A pair ((uaranlwd to wtound the I will bt' p«T- are also A*t the Kuin fu 1 .in >an.c S«cmcliantnc>3 April showers bring oodles of A&E events. typical love story Page 7 Bette and Boo is not a The part o( Bette is aiHl Bih> » hii has dlM> dins.-ted pn^ I TiNoatan ters BeMe includ- played by River Ozgur; SIAft AWKB The »tofy sfwn» nu.rr V lous Harper plays LVfifii-rs and Hans Fletsichjnann is por- Softball team suffers With divorce becoming than two decades and deals ing TV Sound traying Boo; and their son mem' pre>alanl scitw in »»-,th marruge issue* such Hruaduwy loss of first and third a Marriflyc of Bfltr Matt is played bv Matt Ameruan so(iet%. it s odd j^ alittholism. ma«biesi 'Tkt basemen. displays the Linderman to see i Uwg-lerm marnage ^^j |j,j| Ulness mtd ftiH> called Tickets are available at Page 12 outMdt i>f fictKin These topic* make Bette scapeled institution Mte and comical the Harper box office or l>y team prepares Thf MMrrmfie ct and BcH> question their mamage It is a Baseball 92S-6100 and fJrt) Harper C ollege s latest vontempund {. 'l tormeil on \pnl 2^ and Ktaff, $8 for other stu- Page 12 gnm. the sttwy has ironv Ballantvne including a student on Iv dents and $9 for general and humor cleverly |u»ta Ballantyne also stated premM*r on April 22 admission posed tful he did mit alter the The play, written b> on original form, "The The performances TTir Mtnmgf of Srtfr anJ plav's Chrtst >pher Durai^g, lells p.m. only way to do Durang |us- April 22-25 begin at 8 dysfunc B,i,i IS .lins'tnl bv Harp«'r the storv of two is at IS what he and the April 26 show .h ilu.ii.r li, , If di> iHinal families |«>inedb> the assi pnHi-ss,., „si.J H.ilUini\T>< wrcli- 2pm marnage i»f the title charac- mt. (MTI (MT) •aS-MOO ii24«l The Harbinger Harper News -•"^'^''^ AIDS Walk Harpen Estimated up to 250 walkers for community awareness

    \iidi H.'wi- J stiidt-nt will ,.iKi •It's lAIDS Walk iff J m Wu liiii' .Mill tlw iiu>--i t Dunx'l.T Mu>|. Walk H> I v. .'U'pnii'nl ».ilkiT- mil nmS" .md thr actually .t Harper] >,. 1 Ml» iin..K,tl I" in^v. .11

    ' ii'dct V tub v\ ilti : modeled after AIDS i\\ K-iMH imim-\ will ||1\ \lir- ,•. Ii Walk Chicago." ^tudrnU ..m call Mudifit fiumi-v thrv>ui;h lUxi.' Andy Howe , ,r,;l„-. ,,1 .^r^'^r-'CV.'f pledge* Jrvan w.ilk. ,md Stuilfnl IX-vi'Uipment U > *ctujllv mi>.

    -. \I1)S Mill! TUh l.'llll! /.llKin- »l :


    Unrted Parcel Service has part-time COMING SOON TO loader and unloader positions available. Work WOODFIELD MALL! 5 > No Weekend m The aoti excttiiif new Per Day {MorvFn) fcr 4-3-5 Hours tJte t«orM IS comtRg 10 aHa||o> We an knkai ontaMd penult wko m- Comprehensive Medical Package oyiy kmaf ftw nd are kmbni fcr ex(ik)si%c iniwth Employee Owned Company POiBBtHll > Stock Participation -f Apfltcalkm httrng acetpmdfar M» 1 -S8e-4UM-J01 sm^im Full/parl time positions Call toll free day - 7 days a week $6.00-$9.00/hour \ 24 hours a

    1 FhsiMe kwt'CiooJknt bcnelits 1-294) Locations: Hodgkins/Willow Springs (1-55 & Addison, Palatir-»e, NortnOfook 4 Westmont T« atl HP an nivn icw c«H *OBH»« «)« STUDENTS WHO WORK TORUS (847)517-4233 UPS oajvos BMicimoi Equal Opportunuy Ern(Jloy«r

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    • Special diKomnd • Cbomc frofB OMtr 100 c<>un«* ncnd TOOr • If «a» »»« l«tcre«l«l in Irimfcrrinp l» \«rth Pjrk, Hf U Hl( \R^ \|x\\».fMI.M tramcript* now. Wc will \\A\r \oiir i->jlujli,\ for yi>u i" Imvi- them 41 lh» Open Kchik! Or brinp thcw with WHi U)KK S\>nMS r%altuili.-tl <>n «ht vpt 41 ihc Ojhu Hplt4:n tvi.

    Attend an informative Open House on: Wednesday, April 29 frvm 7-9 p.m. & Thursday, May 7 at 6 p.m

    North I'AiiK :^CHO()! HK Bi si\r^s UNIXTIMW ' ;1'


    Xpril :ii Harper News

    Correction: The front-page photo of Kurt Elltng

    courtesy of Harper was tncorrectly captioned Pride: ^ miH CELLULAR last issue, identifying him as Jonatha Brooke Campus Transfem^ to the iHiversity of Illinois ? celebrates diversity

    contnuM from page 1 tfir weilding," Mid Bilingual Multicultural Affdirs A.'itiutant and ASA Advisor juanita Peicz HiMlrr. 'It will take a cou- ple of washes to get damn. The studerU» aren't doing the whole hand, juat a UMe deaign." An Aaian student dis- COMion panel will be avail- aMe for questions on May 6 fioin noon-l p.m. in A238. "A dii crse group of »tu- dents will be there to answer any queatians that

    I the audience mi^ht have about specific j uNire* or |traditH>n<> that Uk< jsaid Bdssler "Anyone wh«> dttends^ wit) I learn a lot about the!

    ^ ultufV!> that an> iaist-grow-

    in^ m America." -.lii) Saadal Khan, IVi

    jthe Indian .inJ I Studen •tlu-.,




    V\h> do the-

    . • chopsticks?".

    .'. . - 1 here so much

    > tiling III Karate""' and

    •VVhal IS a San»" .Asian Pride 'StH ls »pon- *»>red bv The Office ofj ",' ' iltural Affair>, Devekipmcnt and j rri>Hr.im Boani. F>>r more fnlomwrion caU (MT) 925 6M1. I

    Xvwww tChmmmoY Ill/Mil WW

    aliimlil'i. ih< j^- "»— -^


    Ml .«m « «nwm It luBl fflMtflt ha WMir taiavt hruir (PIT IMM mma

    ''^.m^^.m^m^,.^*^,.^^ Northwestern "mm^-r^"^ tanwMw mmm University College The Harbinger News April 20, IWe Page 4 Harper Building College Students MHTTHEnS L is for Easy $$$ loiter Full & part time work available IT ALL! MtaiNaMMta this Summer for any Good worker MATTHEWS DOES Permanent & Temporary Positions CKer winter break, th«? No exp. Nee. In Lake and Northern Cook Counties A S«ud»Tit L.iit.?r BuikimK We Provide Full Training. Spocializing In: Umni?*' WJ^ Rivi-n j U«i>; rweded nuktxner Scholarship Program is Top $$$. • Offlco •Sales was The jiectind fti»>r area Monthly Prizes •Cloricai •Professional a caJft^shop Daily, Wkly, & turrwd into • Data Processing • Warehouse with chairs performers. alimvsf>h«T»> awarded tor top • Accounting • industrial Uhlt^. coffee and snacWs Training • Customer Service • Technical wanted to take I name and Comp. it students Our a i luad oH between classes, provide Excellent Resume TODAY!! tele\iMim surround- CALL (lO-iiKh earn a ed by ci>rof\- couches was Experience. Have fun & WHEELING hooked up. aLun|!e«. convened in the area bt-tween classes That in A "1 out Proof love hangmR Herc's front of the radio sUtwn di»- UTR my free time." »ay» WHCM D) (enny Bondi "I Degree know why people College don't hanK out in BuiUinv; I iliivsever, nul e\cr\.i.iiie j - the same enthusiasm Off. out in Pay jbt.ut hangmg Can Really Building A. On most day*. Buildmg A Now Recent College Graduates Get 4UU Off b as quiet a» it can be Right tfwre are all of those Other Current Offers.' If Every Nen' Dodge. In Addition To Most tiwnpi tfu'Te, where is evefy- b»idy' Dodge Neon Coupe starts as tow as Well, they are in at»othef */> after '400 irrf/.-j-f f;rad buildmg Buildin); 1 g\^^ ^\M %J\ \ iuut '1.500 muiimtil **! tovr hanRtng out I a\h hiifk of the rMVe ha front U,rK,ll,n^ 1.9 WFR during my f>(^ "tf'K'' station f(tr up u ' "f

    free time. I don't know why people l.tMwnepowcr enpne Morr hor« luuig out in Buildiiig Qt^tonma^eupL dni w valw. Comlla. SMum Coafc mlerior mom thM HauU Civk. Toyota .» L." pomtx and .Jenny Bomtt Dakota Sport WHCMDI Dodge after '-UH) Building I seem-s to be the («//«>:» xrtuJ place to be The halls are cash hiu-k" thi- beginnu^ , r,.wded fn>m nm A4«mim*V-6 ,.t the scf«)»l day until after at extra duuye" tfw last niRht class U-ts out. m

    It almost seems like fugh schtH>l during the passing periods.' says one Building

    I haf^ out opponent "' Cumpiitl Pwkup people have di0er- jp hufi and 4iw>. uiu-f "MLrst Appealin,: Some neno, '^*'** *'* a'"^"""" *'»«''• AM/R* cmatac views on why tftey hwig Vim. Dakota Spi"' ent and more. *V2re it's tfw ctiilir >>i ^. h,«>l Kraduatc finame plans available I)iml forvrt tn a^k ahmt ^collfve pertii I s,Hial I mean the ihniu^li ChrwUr Credil.w u> iUmiHi' I us'iiimr\ place to meet .ill "I V'lr

    lri«-nd.s. and thev also have that great coffee plaoe." t«vw Dodge trecjuent loi- New 1^ K.'motos. a The Kr

    >l Building I t.nr See The Friendly Dodge Dealer Near You Itie answer was repi-ated akvMlioCaligaaiMuMCMnBH* by __ like a broken record EacWMMK tia^/M ma Immant - MZW pw me atoMMt everyone standing " »i JCO >ni>««a tw »JI— * - nr ff'*!' r^ . rTlI—_ im7»MM.mi»t.,man Mc^ ^.Ai lii«»»aMni««imm«rri''nKurii1iii ni mri .fmi)mniM MOIBld. tmo Sm an( '

    lh»- H.irbingfr prper News ri«e5 «ie community Best jobs for community college students are in fc - 1 I ,„ J .. , 1 11 -..II.. t onti-r •. Michael s and a> a 411 o'llu- r - I taming KfM>urn- can dnvi- .-mti ih.- VirtualK all .>! H.irr. amsteiS, Ur telephiWH* operator, both I'tnplin -tiKlini .ikI« - p.THidual'. dfpartnmit pprMin in n -i ••t.it'' iirtin-- ITH-Mt calm hali'd Kton- l.r. v.Mi .1^ VM-II .1- of which shf full and part tinii- -tii I.T ,•( pii^tal in-^initN tmw rhf Jlltli.ilt l.ivk f b.il diMdinj; on Ilarj-HT alti-r .•tlu'i -iLidint-- H.irpi'i -.TM-. .il'i'ul .in il.'nt"- is ho tstht-r t>«'l<>n', I hi- hring- anting ^vhnol wiih It - loni fnu-nt sav- as itu-ir imlv M'urn ol uu om. th.it K .ni- ,>r in h.-IVMi-n c]MM». assist -.tuilfnts trom all impi'itant i|in.-*lii'n primar\ n-a- plaKUt*"- thf >*h»K'l \l>-i ' di .in iniport.int ' wj|k> o( lihv M.n tor vsorkinj; a- a studi-nt \lr.i Vlan\ iumpanu- Imd N--I iiu' I B.»l.jmin>; vij^'- Im" What |.-t^> adiu-lini; lo a nilk-j;f -In .ikU- slud\in^ mi'-ii'llan«'"" lo^i-nidonl' lhiai-.»Mi II. HowtMT lonMHU-nt ..id di-nl- Mhcilulf an inionvt- ih nil l.irlhiT (hni th.- txHitKl ^,.t\.i.'l vM'fk .wul th.-t\ .iloiic dot-, not influence

    i • r Coll«>;»" nfit-s-.it\ li' -i!! Kifk hurruin I in 'th 1.1, \>n to lontiniH- on

    ,iu r vMiW hill rather the lob

    . - ,ind the pttiple -be

    ... : ^ .Mth

    t VNhen I work hero Ulon vsoik fivl like I m .It -u- WE DELIVER Finals lavven ''^ 'h'' ""'^ •''^^' nmment the pi-npU' hen an-

    t tor th. Monlay. TuMdw. mtrntA reallv nm II it «asn Miy21 ttmx I wurk Ntoyis mtii people. I woiildn OPPOimiMnY! " UMTHOeO. T-R herv SfiO- M ENGIOI. 086.087. SflO-ftlS But that div. not -wiv thai M6 103 < 103( clasMS the onK )ob-. at Marp»-r >on- K»«»B| ne uho Ecimnn 9:2510:40 the coura);e to naxiftate through Building I ina\ fWI-IIMI- lOflOlOSO t« 11001150 *n«HM notice Heavenly C appuccino S^ E**^ 10a& 12)06 otten tvhp^ed by the >;ath MWF MAM eri\i mob ot .oinersini; -tu - t46- n toam - 3p«i Mantfty 3aO 12«0 1250 loo-zas dent- Enams l:*>2Si Heaxenlv I appuccino. SpeoaHy although not atlilialed vvith 3MO- M'W 3:40 Arrangid student- Si25 3456O0 2J» ll.irixr employ"" 3^5420 s.indv Tang a fourth- -.emr-hr -liidi-nt devoti- IcwxMaM* iiinM FrtlM«.Mw22 •an ipni 1 Stm t SpdOWy Afrv^ed Eiams .iboiit i; hour- a wit-k to m.ikiiiii an a—i>rtmenl ot be\ lM0nilnt«4;48|Mn.orMar trte (vfiiisiiv srtwduwa class time iiPIMiVIMEBIMWniM Oaaawi aattwiay. Sunoay mi Wa1«nd Coima i.Hli\ - o« May 23 during regiiar dws perxjOS wMMm emplovitii •• Mftai aMduarwMarUian fv>onanTuaada|bi*irMln do not dun r «« OitfctiWs omc«. A2ia see WORK O" oage AFFORDABILITY HAVEASEAT

    the invide Get the strai>;bl story frinn someone on Park student.


    • 1 t~ ;.4aMiaqiiH

    .uut.-tk-MvtnJit md|(1r^


    NOKTHl^KK Mliv ! iikilli: .i:T.i |H>t>ll. UNIMIMIA "1

    Mn-linn tlw »« >"••«»' "" .)l (4 i-fwit l.>: I'.lniluiiM iTr.1 (xJlt'gf ' •

    ^ 4f

    rhf Harbinger Pageh HarB^g N^w April 20, I4W jobs: Students don't have to make commuting part of job

    Students still don't contnuBd *Tom oant 6 >:, (s I.n vi-n\ s.ll.ll . a stu.Jon! .jidc Mm do it the right way lU-^ul.s thi- ' us iTtlT ' iil\ I appiKunn. ^^^HI n ilh tht- lomp

    I'.fs Mr i-nifN U'\ It happi-ns .'\.r\ -. nil st, r sUi.l, Hi »\ Ih,-

    nil's! '<[ thf •.i-mt-^liT .irui Ihi-n - M \ \ 1

    I iki t I'f nut. tin.iU ,ir« lr-.s lii.m

    sluj.-ll' s| rtt.»il KHiks«-llers in II a month av,j\ It \ .u , i ^

    stop li' - : I .. .;; !«amplin)( the drink i>ho hd» in.4dr. tH

    .i'-- •""- - *-- i.iNt niiiuif*' It' vNTiii tt.:i!i p'p''^- And T.inf;'s piMtuMi t.i studv Ihi- d»TIV sludv tir m.)h>r t'x.ini- Ix-tuv lof lit Ihi- ditli-i. II! sui.i.-'ii - 1^

    \\h\ a., u, ,),' this' V\h\ a,.n ! .1 Idit sh«' finds huni.iri'Us, Thi' skills -..ns Kt'tsi'k

    niv;ht .rxwd i* Mt dtttonmt ihjn p.>rl ' w I' lU"-! wi'rk sii'.idiH .ill -fnifNlir

    lh» d,n .r,.vvd" I. '1 t.. iimu-s long' In .iddilion Jo Lms» ila«s and \ I'i. s hiht\ with htT

    sthtxJulf, sh«' jlso tutors I n^liidi school sihixUiU- riM-ixtil a pnv Thjt WDulil II HI. h Niii-.,- PHOTO BY OrSfCE CORCCMN t» 1 hours .1 > iirs iriMii motion to suj"K*r\ isor within thnv NMVMly CappMChM bwista p.iprfs i When (indU .ind ti-rni mm- watt* MiaMtiK I ,1} . months ol biinu htr»\l as a Kmk t4MMly TanC on a

    .ilon^;, V, o pu^h ttum utt until ihi' AnotlHT .itlt.i. iiM iiMlurr tor -*.||or a—toiar wMla wofliiMg oa

    List niiiiutt'-iJr m.i\h<',i .!> i-i .

    It v\iuiUlnt bf Mu h .1 ni.i, Laggards: Students explain the big attraction to Building L workfd on things .i littif Jl a

    tUlU' continwid *tam n

    "It's rtu- ; ;iiiTt VM,, • • ,,. ,1 trit>nds as well as niaki' nfw

    inis." s,j»d another laggard Mam o< th. propU- don't

    i-n come t' •• i • iiuvl

    londs. T'h' :lu'ir

    tm^'fi - V t.i i>r Ir.'i' - > tne to the loltis'

    iVi n-(\ hit'.ti.s U in


    : lain

    tl! 'ITU'-


    . ^., - ., • - .: ...;n- to

    > ilk all the « av to the cahie-

    ':• tollif snop i4t\t- ino v\j\ sets bus.) around there twauM'. "if keeps work inter- esting." said a Heavenly

    I .ippiminobarisi,! 'With the niimhi'r ot stu-

    dents in Building I., the halls ^lui .imn'-i '!.i\i po ihin.i' but 111 get rediiuloush mngested,"

    surtinii I kfi'p UC with tlu- I.l-t p.li >J complain a Building A pnip«>- s^ hfdulis nent "Tr\ing to battle yiHir way thri>ugh all of those pe«>- Fake our .uU u . II i. \\ hi ple IS a |oke It's nice out Cio "ti. CORCORAN 1>1>\1 I ii'n th.' bmm'vi sKi, kt-rs outside It you want to stand A graap af •tatfaata la It aff atouihi." in i,h.in>;o thi'ir v\.i\s Irusi us Mtaftag aad MacMag

    Milul Haidaria Ryan Freutxl. Kevin Shepte. John Tillotson The flarbinwr Rotjert Vaiadez

    »i Editor m Chief Lauren Schubet jgijS^ •>wr FolicI— 'Sli

    NewsEditor AmanOa Offenbacner nw tMrtvrgar n !*• Muient putttcatan tortha Hapw Ca*aa> canpi* conv The Haftinaer WiOtam Ramey Harper CoNaCa minty. pul>i«l«d bi-«aiMy ti«au0«u It* Khool «•« acaiM durni liotlilays 1200 West Algonquin Road •Id dna (Mnw. Tf« I* dMMbMd «iw to « ttUHMi. (KURy and pw Palatine. 60067 7098 ittnimitralian nwHattqfV'twIapvpoMktopnMMttiaHwpa'cannu L A&E Editor . Jennifer Gob nnv miWi mfommiofi Mwni«n w «m cawm» mt lt» mrwiunttng canttMWy. Phorte NtfTtbara: txJSKiess office: (8471925-6460 Features Editor OonBerger rtw MwturigKr Kwlcame* leitwt to tht Mitw aid rapliw to our adnonal*. news office: (847)925-6000x2461 L«>t«r« niu*l bt «i(tw] and aickid* Kiont nuntw to Mirify «jltnr«ii|ii. tax: (847) 925-6033 Sicnxuim DMll be wtniald upon raqunt. M )etiv» and ooniam arc Mtnact Sports Editor SeanMcH^h toedltin(.

    capyrl^ 190& Th* HHttngar. Aaduct* and servwa* ai»«rtttad m n»Nwl>«v>r*'*'Vnaca*santy Photo Editor Oestree Corcoran AMrl^its raaarvatL aniiaraad by tnc adRora of nw iMpar. norby me eoieaa adnatctraMn or Boaid of Ovaciora inqunea ainuld be ftaraNMad dMctty to o« attiartiaai. ati ak punMaaa arc at me MeraMKi or mt eanauRM'. Faculty Advisor Howan) Schlossberg .

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    l.il.,ll.„II.Ml.l,.ll,„l,l„M..II,„l„l.l,l.,l ,

    Thf Harbin>;tT Page? lyw ] April 20. April showers bring plenty of A & E events

    A \ ant-tv i>t in\ onin o c«ir»-

    , ptv will bi- prestTili-d • |im*s Malinchak "From College lo the Real Worid' April ::. 7 Ttl p m |U3 Iickt-N an- (iw li> Harpcf -.tiuU-nts .ind •iUtt, S.^ for ,.lh»T studt-nt"., and Sf> fur RllMTjl admissKWi (.\n' »* th»- imxl .Un..mK motivation.il spi>aWfr> anmnd will ti-ach you h«)w to p.Kka);!' market and •sell Miursj'lt" lo (ind a job • Harper College Theater presents: flir Mamasf of Brttr and Boo April 22 2^. 24. & 2^ Sp m

    I 111" April 26, 2 p m. LUW Tickets »tv $7 ft»r Harper student* and »taH. $H tor othi'r students, and $»* for (jmttal admi>>>uin Thf plav li>IU»ws Bette and B,Hi thnninh three dlvadt•^ o(

    tht-ir lift', as thev confront diNimrf, alcoholism, madness, and fatal illness. hov\f\er, this pl.n IS m>l all that Rrim • Harper Dance Company presents "Rhythm in Motion April 24 & : 114^

    iiui.ll Harper Art

    ?' ii shii« \pril Mav

    pilIlT im.i. r-,n;i\ pninx'ts • Vladislav Blahj April " rr-y m r2l«


    (,iiii,in-.i V i.iilisl.u Hl.ih.i has i;iM'n .onu-rls .ill

    throughout I uropi", thi- 1 S Asia and l,itin America He is J first I'ri/e winiH-r of international competitions in l.reece, Hun>;ar\, (.k-rmanv and the C/txh Republic PAIN laLLER. The Harbinger is looking for

    "• " writers, I k., ,L., ,t. SR.\, Mt ' A M r««Mr staff •" KuvmnKi Tl V\ I KFK SRAi SUA. ^ photcigraphers,

    editors and artists I it* Stl»*wnc9 !«*•'« 1.. \o»r l« f dMM *•« ••ll» Suw Vl.«» «»>• \U»« for the Fall 98 Im*( aiMl hw( "rf • ••«!•»"<

    C«MrihMMMtt «•» HKvU «r« < unvrnw ,.* '*-' more information. The Harbingi' HarpecAAE April 20, 1998 Get resume writing help from author

    |am»~ M.ilinihak. mnlivj- hondl spt'aker jnd aultuir,

    will s|>fiik .It MarfHT on VV«lm>Mld\. April 22

    Malimh.ik !•. thf .mthor i»f

    From I iViirU. and VM iibtvts OUT from the Knik -uv h .i- CHECK n

    "Seven Tip> l.ir .1 K.iIUt Rcsumr ONTHtVllffi- Malimhjk will b» );i\ inK tip» on |i;raphK'5. byimt ami www.fordxom .^.,..if« ,„ h...i.i,„., >p«s.ifit ,


    rlt* V* m .MM' V t'\ tT v^ .tv> Hi

    l<.H>lung ti>r |ob^ m nbscunt- pUcc^ jnil fiiutirii; iiittrn- ship". Malimhak bt'^jn hi* faiw?r as a stiKkhn>k

    I^but»r^ to thr ' for Ihr Soul 1 editor of i

    Cdlrgf StuJtiii^ Hith .1 !•»'« reteaM' date Malmchak will Uiliirc on ~ VVedni-sda\ April r^ .it W m in thf KuiUlini; p | $400 CASH BONUS TYueattv toward purchase or lease' Tickrt> .ir l.irper

    ••tudenlv ta«uii> .mti -.utf, S'l

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    The Harbinuer Page 9 April 20, 1998 Harper Advertisement


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    > '• >" • ; Nml tions than .iiiv "ihr! ,,.. .: . m iti.- I'lm our

    ' transfer a^rrftufiit, will- II. ir|,.cr ((till- nrwork

    will count toward yuoi Kni.scv.-lt ilcfri .

    For a personal tr:in>cn|ii r\ j nation, more inforr' '" iboul

    our financial .ml (lc,>i>iiiri| fs(i('< mIK lor transfrr .^luo- :!> uid

    to itirri With the Kiios('\c|| I niuTMfv .-Xdniissiori coun.sflor at

    Harper Col !<• h>'r.| lirl.iu i c all o.ir S< haiimburg

    campus at (847) 619-««00

    Wedacsday, April 22 Thnnday. April 30 S:00 1MB - 7:00 pm H:30ara- 11:30 an ftaUdiii«J BoUding J

    TbarsMiay, Mi^ 7 10:00 an- 1.00 pm BoildiaK A UNIVERSITYRooseTelt CHICAGO CAMPUS - 430 SOUTH MiCHKJAN AWENUC. CMCA60. MuUNOIS 6060S (312) 341 2000 Page lU Harper Classifides

    --j-^.- J ;,.....<- A, A at ill in tf iring employees? 1 900 884-6700 xl 2281 2878. Ask for Susan. Fax bon Retail $1195 asking $3.99 per minute Must be Sellinn something? resume 1847) 836 1655. $600 for ootn oijo. Must 0.i> C,»iip old Serv-U(619) SUMMER X3eS: sell Ca«(847) 776 1251. 18 yrs Offering a service? Gary. IL serves ..niKlferi SUMiiBtX»SjCNci«o 645 8434 tMHCd com- a personal? ifronn a SMw wnm Catering company FOR SALE '89 Pontiac PERSONAL! Placing Se«Mng Director. ipany seeks part Itme help tnwst Bonnavilte Good Condition Aquatics Director. Natwe loaded with extras, new The Bang ly weekend) to staff com Run a classified or Outdoor Ed Specialist. There once was a girl arK) pany ptcmcs and corporate battery, hoses, belts. One Counselors and Waterfront named Sandy. events. Supervisors, grill owner $4500 ot». (847) personal ad in The Competitive salary And everyone said she was Staff. cooks, g^me coordinators. 3016954 dandy. Call (847)65S-8212- cofKessions. Call 1 800 Harbinger Hoff So she hacked off her hair. 562 5660 will e-mail or tax HUGE 1 t)ed condo m job owortirttlM So people would stare. 925-6460. Great application or write: Est. Beautiful location. (847) worMngwIthcNIdran. Full w/dish- With a frother, she^ pretty Schauta Premium Foods Newer eat-in-kit There's only one issue jand part time. Elk Grove ref w/icemaker. self- damn handy! 7221 N. Harlem. Miles, tt. wash. Community Day floor, kwtsit Orang* Bevarat* semester! iTownship 60714. E-mail clean oven ceramic left this Care Center is seeMirtg car- counters etc dirwigroom Lowers rschauWschaulsirom Do it now. ling individuals to vwjrK with has cell fan Lg. Liv rm. a wide vanety of age FOR SALE Spacious mster w /newer groups. Hig^Scfiooldiplo- /dry mcl. Low ORDER FORW berber Wash I mna IS required. Day Care aECTRtCBASatMrd taxes & assoc fee. Pool experience is preferred, tut and amp. 5 string, black tenms. ets. Monthly pay- Iwill tram the ngjit people ; REPORT ments as tow as $593 FREE lt>anez Soutdgear 405 commensurate with jsalary series tjass with hard case, TOTAL! $64,900 CaO- I Report »R0597 hnnediate BANKER June Brock cord, strap and amplifier waL IN HALF' NAEYC I -HOW TO CUT YOUR GROCERY BILLS I available. Not a (847)301 3141 Qratcunatlonl includos 00 Savings Otfv Call Gretchen S200 scratch on it! Must sell for 439-5577 SERVICES 1(847) $800. Call Lauren (847) from Concise Advice Reports

    991 7808 for info or to tittp //www Kbshow com/ILX^ondMAdvc* j Pro PaWers IS now Don't have tsTie to type haggle. MfldRapoftWtOSa? and «w $200 Savings Oflar to site j PIMM hiring painters and joO that big term paper? I can summer jmartagers for the QemM Tec»ff»master DJ help! $2.50 /pagp b/w2- necMsary. No experience Mixer 2 channels. LCD day turnaround. Largp vwi tn your hometown Work Btat indicator crossfader eTv of T vDir^ fonts and an hov. Can 1-888- 9846 r^mmm $6410 in decent shaoe. 47)215 ^ 277-9787 Bass/Tret)le adjustment great. Asking $70 ($140 .ATIENTKM-SPORTSW NEED A SUMMON X3B? DATE & MUCH MORE!! retail) NEARMWT Karl TO HAM. COUPLBTeO ORDER FORH TO: |Responsit}le retiatile hard- Ca« now... 1900 407 (847) 253 02 n M N Phillips working honest people $2.99 per 7785 E»t 3457 Concaie Aavic* Repols ' to do household - • •. Serve- needed Omnt Audio Sound 8 yrs. 1566W Algonquin Rd #102 oacking 'or moving corr^ja- -1 34 rtgh grade speaki Hoffman Estates. IL 60105


    I>ie Harbinger April 20, : llawiafc»»#rt s 11

    • Frank Guzman was named Athlete of the SOFTBALL n Week for the week of March 25-April 1 to WHEN WHERE TIME O Competing for the first time in the javelin 4/21 IL Valley 2 p.m. 4/22 © Lake County 3 p.m. t event. Guzman won with a throw of 161 feet 3 4/24 WaubonM* 2 p.m. I e irKhes, defeating 32 other competitors. 4/25 Elgin 2 p m. Guzman also finished third in the shotput at 4/27 & St Xavier 3:30 p.m I s the Wheaton Open and qualified for Nationals 4/28 Pnirie State 3 p.m 4/29 Kishwaukee 3 p.m with a throw of 47 feet 1 inch. 4'30 O Moraine Valley 3 p.m.

    • IVIEIVIORY • CONNECTORS • FUSES o BASEBALL Q_ WHEN WHERE TIME 4/21 @ IL Valley 2;30 p m 4/24 Hii^iand 2 p.m. Choose from our wide 4/25 ewaukestia noon selection of eiectronic 4/26 •Benedictine JV 2:30 p.m 4/27 ©North Central JV 3:30 p.m components, production 4/30-&3 Re^on IV (TBA) TBA V equipment and more! 5/8-10 Dislrtct (TBA) TBA TRACK AND FIELD WHEN WHERE TIME 4/25 6 Loras TBA 4/30.5/1 9 Region IV TBA imm 5/1 & 2 9 Region IV TBA on 5/6 • Lewis TBA ^.MSCOUNT!J 5/8 9 North Central TBA DL 5/9 9 Marquette TBA T- VISIT OUR ACTIVE STORE AT 5/11 & 12 9 Lewis TBA 5/15 O North Central TBA ACTIVE CHICAGO 5/20-23 ONJCAA Championship 9^- ITTIWMtGoHRowl Mt. Pro«p<««t, ILL eonm

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    SodaiWori( Give us one hoit (rf yoir time. Vilhenever you want, yoir place w Have your transcnpts and your dreams read)|L Wei si^ leading easy it is to trader to hrora Unnrersity and finish your d^ee.

    ^ ThecndHiiMtnMivfifairifccritM)... veiibeaktetoapii Business (iroijrani tovotir four vrar 'Ipcrf

    ^ Wl Cin chotSC tht nufor you mnt. . . no caps, no wairina l-s?; vtart n'.''i? :'Mn\ afr.l finish on tim«' Communications - ^ We're comcnciit and we understand your needs. wiHtaiKiduothfr important things my. v-k

    we focus on prefirai for careers 'tad careers outside higtHT Nursing

    t'llui .ill'in, liii", k,,..iv \U'' :•-'' ' '

    1^ WecniMkeit JfordaUe... ,..,..,,;„ Cnminai Justice

    We Can Make InKfcning as Hassle Free as Posstfiie Recreation TIURORA AURORA UNIVERSITY. /|l INIVERSITY Coaching Real EducatJon for the Real World. U Science Computer Harper Sports

    Pag* 12 • William Rabwy Hai|Mr C«ll«f* • April 20. 1998 Hawks return with .500 record from Florida Softball teams run Finish 5-5 on trip, loolcing forward to conferonce piay to championship

    day and mine .'ii ti' the his detensiM' unit unlv ( .arrt'tt sjitl Lui^hm^ slowed by injuries SKWTSfcDIIW " next. (getting b«-ttt-r jn the s»'.i Ihf li.is/vnski hrolh

    Let thi' ^jiTH-s K-gin Cum-ntly the Hawk^ sttn pro>:ri*^M.'s IT- |V1ikf and Kichl Atv KavlN Sha^ha »VRITEH ' SI*M Now that fhf annudi tnp .ire ll>-14 ov«Tall and 'l i uirrc't! v\ ill thrtnv ihii .lr\ii;>;tini' with na);ginK

    1 he Harper L ollege soft- lo Flonda, v\hiih Ihf in . ontiTf Ihf well tH' fllU' i(!n>lr initirif*' and pitcher women's

    ball fvis it safe' sci team finishetl °>-^. i> imr (..irirti I- i: |Usi lo let voii krMHH he i^ UTcin\ Iiiuhl ha- a team bivn playing lar this season with a 2-2 nxrord, thf MdMk- can omkcti- cemed how well oi jHHir n.'t all th.i- I -tr.nni'd ri'lalor viitl on and trati- itn conftTpnoe pUv his team plav-. in conter .tKtut It hi- thii'u in^ arm Head Coach lim Rvan has mixes.!

    "Wr found Mime kii.{> ence, but how his team What t,jrn-t( With such a slvort sea thought' whti can plJy." head prepares tor the Region temeci about >n C>arrett understand- "Wei- ..leal tfjni, -aid o ctvaih Norm C'ljrri'tt •niid IV toumaiTtenI iniunes Ins leaiti tia*- •.ii> the importance of getting Rvan 'We rx- veiv talc-nted. but wev IxH-n tfu' Ihf "B«-^idi->. that it was a hn He corKvdes i| t\iiuld IJlIHxl hi- plaver- healthv in treated poorlv by gods- iniurv gods We've alreadv lost our hum trip N' "tiK«' tti win lh( . I'M V\f re iikf a v\aiking lirm- tor the Ki^ion l\ - tirst Ca-ttrng init .-nl.i thr (i-rencf but il ' t ,- \1 \ (I mill i.i.t h.Tii'" luurruinent baseman frin Mi-Swain and our fioki e\iT\.: (heir si)(ht» third ba-fman Xnne Volon-u to t.arrvft Plav i; the toumam>^.. injuries

    K'm-lits hi> Harp«'r s .'itcii-r i-. "Thev were just having lerrihc seasons and thx'V unfortunately goi multiplf Ma\^ •. Ik km^ as usual l<.Hl>n>;

    Thi' plavtT^ U'.irn tn the wav is Vmce l>iVarco injured lj.sa Wxtnberg, w fvvse oive . u>;l' ' 4S7 batting .m-r our fn-shman fmm Hoffman Fslatc-

    ** hi4;h si.hix>l hitting »>43 with an nes!> after playing - I runs. was m.inv tNKk-li'-h.i. k Ml American \im- oii-t>ase percentage of 750 and she in|un>d fuTself the spring trip games. 1 dwards IS oH to anoth«T during

    "You have to be men ^pci t.icular year with 42H in St Inuis but she's still playini: tallv f»KU!*eil to plav .iM i.i^;!' and dnving in Ih hurt S' as far as it's been now wv \ lot of in|uries -o tar ("..irr»-tt saiit i runs I reshman Brian been plagued bv a tur>;i"t th«~^- Wi.it.Mi.i.vski IS .mother this •^•ason. " Rvan continued athletes. Tht-y h.ivf hitter with a baiting a»eT- "Ixfll tlKHlgt> Wc'Cf ^Ot Ihfff 1.1 •Khooi and hoincwork to a)5e over 400 "Wo<" has our SIX players injured," said Ryan, wf re still as giKid as anybcxly the contend with You have been sidelined with .1 m to be mentally tou)(h It « wrist in)urv and is not league, and I think that we can com mit like a itMitch voti t.in known whiTi hi v^ill pete with anvbcxlv in tfie league even " turn iwi and ott return toactioi though we've been plagued with The Hawk> hit the l>utlielder Dav.- iniunes I mean if yini liH>k at our wait a);ainst Valencia WVwik and others have -pring tnp down there in MisM»uri, 5-2 Colle>;e tiarrett vva-> not K-en prtniding the- solid w f came out and we played some unhappy with the perlor- offensive effort mt'ded division I schix'Is. SCI tfu-n-'s some

    1 redibllity then' manre his team Rave. He tor the Hav* l> - ir -tji accepted his team'* ptx^r competitive Right now wf \e changed our play Ilftensiv eh the iiKUs rattver tfian what we fiad last "It's not a Mtuation flawks jLiv the \o 7 rated vear wht-n we won the N4t i^OTO BY ROeniT VM. ADtl Conference championship," said where I scn^m and yell," defensive team amonn he said "You |u»t accept the \4t and Skywav aiwa4. Uwarrfs Is Mtthig .4M tmmmmt Kv an on if he thought that the ladies your team having; a bi:id ci>nferences. Ganvtt set-s tiM tMi* la IIMit. would rv(ieat as champioas.

    "I think our main fcx'us right ru-iw

    at this point in the season is to stay a- healthy as we possibly can so we can Track teams prove they can run with top-notch competition get things done at the end of the sea-

    son wfien it comes down to tfiat MKond aiid broke a 13-y«ar-old n-all\ lts>king to get tim<*s and dis- because once regionals start, that's SWFf IWRITEf) Oh lor purpos«'s,' said neenrd by tance speed wfien vou want all your players to be in 'll The iwrobers ot the men's and Frank l.u/man c)ualified head coach Ri-nee /ellner at Ifieir best so you have a shot at turntsi I'Ul people women's track and fn-ld team are three thn>w ing ev i-nls we had some competing and getting five job done to f^t start, ivpen h 1 4) fourth in tlu> di»cuss After a strong show in>; at Wheaton on Man and "I think that the toughest team travel«-d to 2H, the mm finisihed sixth out of 22 (HI') Wfwaton Harper tfvat we're going to have to compete ille in the chools. I>ive .Aiiitri-w- tintsfved 10th in Naperc to participate with is College Of DuPage," said They wvnr only two pcnnts out the 15*10 (4 14 V<) to qualify. C hicagoland cf»ampK>nships Rvan, "because they are currently of fourth place bein(( tme of onlv Hillary Hc>lloway wa> tevcnth Harper once again had a stnmg ranked number one in the nation

    two conununity colfeip^ partici in the triple pimp (31-7). netting a showing amongst division 111 |unior college lor Itl schcHvlA participating pating sihool record and qualifying With teams, but if we come out ready to worrwn tmisfied 12th out I'l tvationals ifu' finished in Hth The men's team plav against them I think tfiat we'll 18 scfHMib at live sam>> meet The mens 4x100 relay team place and tfve women m 13th have a goixl chaiKe of giving them The Hawks qualified for »evtn abo quahhed |44>«2) and the 4ii4aO t.u/nian set another schcxvl some competition. Even though events in the national competitKVi with a time of (•< V 15) rfcoal in the shot put with (4*'4 they've got a gixxl team over tfveiv, I in Buffalo. NY M-heduksJ for May •.HfHT qualihers were Johnnv 1 4i Matt Pilburough also fin- wouldn't trade my players for their pole vault 20-23 Rogers m the UX) (112). Molly ished m hr*t plaa- in the team because we're just a good as 37") " Hurdler Chn» Cap«iti(ine qual- Maganan tn the W» iZM) mnd Ate with (1 they aie ified in the 4lliVmeteT intermediate high |ump (4' 10) and Shannon Stepfun Polus had a high |ump rhe ladv Hawks next home game IS) (5'0), a time hurdles (56 and 110 high hur- McNamara m the MX) meter and of and Magarian had IS April 21 against Illinois Valley king of(2^2^)mlheHOO Bothnrceived dles (15 4). the |ump( 15 Uf) It will start at approximately 2 In the 400, Gapavtiaiw fmiitwd 'For the fir»t tune out we w«c firM place p.m. XXX • mmkn r It . May 4, ItM Campus buildings to be renamed swrvNig up a smiie Some bring up otiwr it«iii» on list of prosidont's priorities HT"

    mai\; iOTKORMCHEF system

    A5i>f thi' NJ.ii. .nmmencenwiil "Thi- vi>mmunu Jlion-. that cervm. buikliim nn ilijl with thf Niudt-nls and low- Harp»T -.....,... rtiU K-ar j m-« nuinilv w 1" "• .1 '• i"' uixl.itrti "Hpnenc tume Huildin); A will ^iid ihr< iinini-tr.itivr

    ' '- now ho thi- ^* ' ••' •• ' ,,,,,, Inlorm.ilion - i;i'in« Admini>lr.i!n>n > i.Mij I'ckot It

    [^- ^I'liii' v\ likf Au\ other Building I will N' . n,iii);i\i i.< in.- I,' ork

    Liberjl Arts l cnttT (1 At) ami so vhangi' thai luiiK li> K' done ttu im. tht> f'ubli. -I |u"t liki- AccflrdinK to a mt-mDrandum anv othti » In •• 'In- fnwn PrpMdtnt K>>tvrt Bn'udor fo work ho^l^^. il - finibablv goinK

    tfw HarptT mmmunits II ne to tdki- jNiut UK > hours want U> b«' ilieni •^-rt-itivo and Slim* pt-opW havf exfiressed etttthvflv mark»'l our toHep-. the amccm that »tw ihange is cimlusmg we must m.ik.e it t-asM-r tur thiise inmecMsarv and !«• [i.ni(>li' n, ! .imili.ir with llarpCT "Il won 1 ht'lplul. said a

    • the n. h .iiiii Mm; i|uc-sl»ii aiioin mi -.ITOBV OtSIRR COfKORAN ~!ill I | H . , won know l>nJTO 8t OtamOt CCINCWAN A«y ««ffflM tmktm kiMW* Mm •mMimt M uhrri- an\ thing is II Ihov n ". ' a¥>iiiy Cappwccinecappacciwo ubarista . ,, f—fSM of MMVMtyHa y,om«>.;oin); to ri-nam.-tlH'N'ri'nam«- ttH'N"'-*'"-''>"-'^ 'h'h' ««B . SaiMty«ail#y Tans.Tan*. »»e ptwoplwlo essay on p»ge e J •ftac tMa MiM«t«r. mdps ikMiie«»iMHg»onp«(B2UHkigt an pate 2

    top 10 Harper stories of the vear N«ws: In case you missed them: The

    itfuttiij r.fooki

    in thf nation vMtti 'dfbut ( otl.rhi one national champion Page 4

    i.-d to plas i-ndurin

    "- • ' ol i;„ * Discover diverse places .nrou«h f, ' on 42 I i.iMi atU-mtKHi out near a )a\ to hang ' iinii-nwiini.TWUardsrush-

    community college ihi' si«aM>n, vaullinK past Uulli-i " campus. . luo ord set in I' Page? program estab- Paul Sipicra runs aruund the Dual admission • • lished with Roosevelt FearthI Ine timi Campus events warm up Students hav e addetl incentive to to summer tun. transfer to RiK»se\elt L niversity alter degrt-e at . ,unpli-lin^ their asstxiate's Page 11 program 1 l.irp.-r A dual admissitms

    \\ 1- .'siablished lor studt-nts in ler Tlw Htir/'i«y Im-t, -^avs goodbye Hard attir two vi-ars with The ttymmrtmmt i-ki-d Koa. h| Ken«s »\h>-M-t th. Htirbniyi. IU.il.-,<.i\ Page 6 Spwrts: Athlete> ot the Year chosen Page 16


    Prank •NMNan •port* a •mil* aa ha pfnataa to hurl th* disk.

    (•47) tas-totto xa4«i -flPB^sWR^^HHlE^^^^wF*''*E™rS^R '

    TheHartnnger Page 2

    Building: Change attempt to better image to appear more "client-sensitive, user-friendly' continued from page 1 .ind Ltinf( »o he ctmfusin); C New Student Service* & Art CwMar Iftter. few rrwinths." >aid was dcs^pwd as buildings cost over $7,000 to n' for Ihc hr»» D Science, Math A Health Cereere Center Mac-Ub assisUnl Ken were being imovated The r. ' repaint thi>si- E Inetructional OeUvery Center IOC engraved can J. ud >i>ung tJillanl, bul they II jk1|uM new led, »igr» Ih. i^Il^ nutside ot the r Academic Reeource Center ARC S€»m« people have alM) be s«xfi m BuildirK'- 1 •'"d I m.uji i-nlrjiKC^ will ha\e th*' OIH Engineering ft AppMad Itetmology ETC commented with subtitles Canter somethins that is vbi- (or what is in thai particular Social Scianoe Center 8SSC president's list kM pnontie* M Buatnata A huii.liPi-, -.lid IV liicuderlo "While we hjve a k* i^ bk. attractive and i liberal Arte Canlar LAC ul.irit\ M'-\ ii'ntuMon as to phoribe* at Harper Cottvge ciMt-«rrcctive.** M WaHneae A SpoilB Canttar WSC thcaltr i- in the nght now. that ccmMy Iw'l v\h\ llu- O Obeervatory O •Dr Rtibert Bnmder Busini-Ni Jnd Smial Nunn' one that Mime may Me » the P IIimIc Inelriirtlnn Canlar MC I laiper CaUtft Pnwidenl C enter most important thing to i.ik • itenluallv. the whole VVe had tlv sign* made on." said Dt Breuder. "nei- V Ptont Sctonos Csfitw PAC will K' c^uippetl n«-vible Ks:.iUM- in our histiv ther was It very difficult to campus with the signn thai meet ADA r>. weM' moved departments deal with to >implv say. Hey, n staruJards with the correct around trom building to "HOW TO ACCOMPLISH let'* tust name these tniild- building Now iv< ...m mi>v<- ings. give them a generu height tor Braille Ut exteruw ANYTHING YOU WANT IN LIFE" -Lit with tlv n.inu' with mane arnl get on with if So signs were planned at th«' tlv that's what we did People same time to be planted in the the building.' said Young lawn outside of the main A subtle transition is in are »ayiftg this worlu. It's FREE REPORT buildings publica- intended to make it easier (or entrances to the place now on some YOU PA Y ONL Y$1 00 TO COV&t POSTAGC AND HAMOLIMO people and maybe change "We ha\en t put up jnv ot tions. 12 pes* Anporr «n09W - fncfudes S200 00 Savingg Otfw VVe first time OUT image a liMe bit to sug- those, bul they aiv siheduUsl need to give " gest to peopfe that we really to be done, said Young VVe stiid<-nt«. enough informatH»n from Concise Advice Reports

    ri- not - aiv cKent-»efi»iti\ e arnl user- had them desigru-d m a flexi- so Ihev wandering EndOMKi <• $1 00 Mr poMsga and handkng plssss " w«d Report Moaeo and the $200 SMinos Ollar to friendty ble way so we ctHild change around losi, s.iid Young Vice President Bonnie pieces as needed Now, we "We need to be able to let Henry came up with the simpiv > hange the original them know. The diredones ^1 iieric rumes of the build order li< read the new name •JMiuld them that." ing>. aiKl Dr. Breuder made of each building. This ti> not THe faculty and slaff are tinal decision aHer communi- an additional expense.' ofilimistK about the change ••""• to ty input However. Young notes "It wiU take s<«^»' lUAtL COmPLBTBD ORDER FORM ALONG WITH "We ari' l<»>l^in>; hir -..>n>f sin i-ral signs already in place get used to th«' SI 00 IN CASH. CHFCK OR MONEY ORDER TO: thin>; Ih.il i- visit-l, ,'Tr.i 'w M N Phillips and cwrt-effecttve." »>»id |ir live l.irxi' isti ' 1566 W Algonquin Rd «102 Biruder tHMlds will nts-vl 11,1 nil >M ORDER Hoffman Etttalae. IL 60195 Director of PiMkatiap locations and map replaced can to make t)w transitii>n FORM

    Make the Transfer ComieetiOH HAVEASEAT ai ihe North Park University Transfer Stude»it Open House

    Thursday, March 19. IMS. from 7-9 put Thwsday, May t\. 1991. from 7-9 pw. majors and programs, : Come to North Park to learn about adnnii«sion requirements, and financial aid.

    is ) • If you .ipply on the spot, your appliuitk»ii loc waived. you bring transcnpu,, we will begin ai» cvakuititMi ilwi evening yew

    and r (.-s.

    If ytw .....V i.«. vw, 1. ... .'.ripts, we will help you to have iMMil iD^MWl *» mum mmmrt iinitHfe' tei ihem sent to us! riMMIitiiHtiMignirMslnldaHRm ~—'-^--

    P Jol inn ** mmi UiK.>^ MUM ouanu- Linn « IMamI ColMir CaH mt\ UA'9m *> R5VF today.

    iHfsirt*,^ jm1 stx- m KiK f^ ) t' i/tDll i'i.1 n,id]i»,i1 ^ NORTH Park •.m~")l« *>«--mihW "" FJmlmiM ! «

    The Harbinger ''»'' May 4, 1998 Harper0!llews Top 10: The Harbinger counts down the storios that afffoctod campus

    ll.irfvi ..inipu> m lX\fmKT Howard tnvame Mce-chair

    to R«»i-.lMlt I . I'fti ri'vi ti) stu- ..( l'«7 Su-wart kept his and ludith Hess to s«\Tetary-

    dt-nth in Iha.' pri*);r.ini wh«' .Hiiliiiuf enthu-ia-lu'lv « NCA gives highest po»-

    iiimpleli" ciHirsenvurk .ii i hifnx) throughout hi> f>er- sible accreditation Harper tormarKe Some ot Slew art's The evaluation team of ^ WHCM back on the air routine was pn-parvd maten- representatives from the with nrnr D| guidelines .il however, he left plenty of Commi-ssitm on institutions VVHCVI>|;vnt unv nook opportunity to show otf his of Higher f-ducation i>f the

    lift the air hecatiw »t j >u!< quuk wil h\ talking lo mitn- North t entral AsMViation of

    pettsKxi. The «.tat»<»n man txTs ol (ht' audienii- Cvilleges and Sihtxils granted

    afneis «nd ^^ •• v>oti.i\i wiih . Board of Tru»tee« elec- Haqx-r a Ul-vear accredita-

    learme Pankjiiip ')•->. ,.t tion acquires three seats tion, the highe*if possible Student Activil in Tht- H,irp«"r Coilejti- Board accmiitation, in CVtober of the stjtitio an*) fi'-K >ih a of Trustees st-kvlixl two fn-sh l*»7 A now person accredi-

    new a>ntr.Kl tor .iir i;uiile- tace^ and nvlected artother tation team, ciwnposed of col- linos member m \o\emher of k-ge persi-inell fnnn conunu- m Ion Stewart d»cus»e» «eii |.*y- s.ira Born (VRilcy nity colleges acn>s» tf>e anjn- to audience vvn as chair, and trv. visited campus Sept 22-

    t. omfdun jnd Uirmtr Richard KnI/e 2i to evaluate the effiiiency motocouRTtSf or HMnatcoucof \n\ si.ir Ion Ste«arl sUppni up as piwiition of the educational paKess

    I StMMfft ffilMs BMMnf K l^nrnj-hl d ii«ilrnvt>rM4l act to changes were made Kris and cimfirm that Harper met test the gerteral requirements to be reacrvdilrtl ^ Lady Hawks finish

    : fourth in nation The Harper Civllege Women's basketball team Think: annpeted m thier first tuhon- al toumatnent in school histiv ry Maivh 12 14, 1998 The ladies competed in thive games and placed fourth in the nation They li>»t to defending national champitm Anoca Ramsy lll-«0 The Hawks also defeated Thii^k: lefferson C oUlege 77-S9 and Cc-ntral Bahtist 72-Sl lUkFmirth president in hi»- ^Ptory selected bv board t>n |.inuar\ S I'^^N, Chairman Richard KoUe announced Or Robert Brueder as the next president of Harper ColWge Breuder Sessions was elected as the fourth 1998 Summer president m Harper's V) year history. Breuder stepped into office in mid-February, Nl.u 7, I'.nm Advance Rcgifliratlon: I inou^li although Paul Thompson's -contract did not expire until liikc six iiiicti-r^i.ulti.di- < i(-(lii..IX ll'l llVt".

    Defci n-<1 tmtH'ii p.iMH4 111 pro|;i.ni s .«io .i\.iil.if>l«- NO WEEKENDS Choose from Seven Sc«iS*ions: NO HOLIDAYS

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    Campus: t Reliable, Chici«f(o MMportMioii a UMLO. I". :ilL' :t II v. No a^Hk no holidays aid bo weekends' Call now to w« up •I'M! S. Hill) Mil lnn.iii \\«iiui' IT ai iaaerview time Schaumhurg Campus: l-«00-228-2903.\444 PRISM PARTNERS 1 )•, -I. I ^.,1 M ERSIT\ S I EOE M/F/DA^ KkM Miiaiiiii.M I'.iikcs.iv C:hICAC;« SCilACMBURG ' .

    The Harbinger May 4, 1998 Page 4 Harp^C^ows Speech team talks its way into 12tli place witli one national champion

    ini.ii;<' aiu) hins imprm e I not going to tell ti>rs they Ijecome, the better ready to go I hen we throw it alive bodv m

    II b>' competitivelv \^• EDITOR mCHKr nut there and s«v wh>> votes that affivis Kill livi"- ,inJ our them the\ rux\l Ix- national the\ put the competitHM • ' " p,Ts.m.iliti.-. 'she brought it ihanipions If I see impnne- don't l'i'i>ple are mon- .itr ! ' - - Prjrybylo said th«ff if w ' it vMiuld make nieiit .md leammg, that's suc- first, we learn hrst; and •tpealung in puhlu th.r If penttn who makr- .1 in

    ,- I- .-'W. it.iin i ess II tfH'V win trophies or learn well, then competitiM of snakes, falling or tb«- u.u -[xn le.im siuci-ssftil \,i .

    ' -1 It ihi top ten. then that s great imr spetvhfs can K' K'tter Ht»we\'er. ttv Hji^xt C i>lli>;. l\.'r\bis!s 1-. iHil-l.mil Jnjii ;i,. 1^....., ih,. ...mmunica- than others." ifieech lejm thrives im puHu irtg, ttie team works together W. «fWdlung. pbiinK l-th ihiI oI We all put in the same ' . nv.ira v\ iiiing 85 h-.im» in thi> I'^H I'hi Kio .imiMin! COLLEGESy ini.ide the DONrjVST TRANSFER Pl N,1flon.ll '»p^.^ li .\".i l>,-,.f

    '. . -.,ii; ,tv,\: i-u! i Jiir. : ~f"t jki IndiTldual award wiimers: Ifam menit Name Medal DrcBt Transfer .>n lor hi't SUcey Haberkorn Gold Eateitata -. v^ .;-:.- '\t'vMtt\ I- Ktrer Osgur Gold Oral interpretation ikxi\ ljn> WORLDS! top r.inkin>, Michael Gonsalex Sliver IParauaalve rtiuntJ on ix>mp Chris Lopes BroiuM Pooiiy "I've always iii.-...i.ivi . hdvin); a lutitnul chjmpwtn Rick Vkigaa Bronac tejm oiMih |fH said sp«!«:h Tricia Noena Bronse At Nortti Contra! CoHogo wo offor: rrzvbvUi "i didnl rvali/f it Toay Miotek Bronae Oral IntcrptataUoa \v ,iiiiii hu'i' 'i m m\ • Omt SO AcatfOMc arcMnwkkSar K'ia*$f dm mt of 17 'I , .in Bma Hotochmami Bionae Dnet Actiiig BuiiacM. i'Jtiuiaiu, ( oifMK1 RiMT tVgur jl>o plateii Rival Os(iw BroBxe Duet Aetlag well, finishing >fvi-nth out oi 14:1 Muikai m faoikjr ratio Prc'l,M and TK-Uei 147 competitors in oral mt«T ihink jnvunc p it in nuire It » like am ,Ktin>; tlie\ • Traafcr S(MMtu|H Flu It itacKaOt^MOfoni prvtation and reieiving a vsork do ^Jid Pr/\b\U! Ihev »d character think TlKta bfifa S«*i.lan*ijii- li« gold medal for her speech CHit ol the II events in a develop ttie . ^^ ^ " y^ ^ viiKkno called "Working Women". »peech competitKm. five con- about the emotions m* J .? 3 t expect- on J 4 H.ik finish ndio fUUM WONC ranked speech is rnit an »ms\ the speaker and . vntributors ing the outstanding

    si. v per- thev recent\l 1 ".is hoping |ob said Prtybylo. 1 ' l>ie other

    2ii • a« 1^100 411 1861 i j>ri>se Ml thi' lop which takes an entire vear In l.n.t. tormances , to W Cmcr Hiaaint we've started on ni'\t M-ar ar>d drama s4>me people thought was / '•• or(630)A.rStOO already Wehavenuw rvlum- I .w^.i":' up wnh topics tur imhitii.us faking 12lh was ing members .ind h,i ivinine speechi- FOVWUIID I HA I

    ;l', '-. ^,--^V' pulllOi: il.. . T... - . ., .iiiv*' m.it;in.»lt»>i

    les-. I r 'He sf>eivh . .,r speevh topics , iheK are >u^e origuul team ha. - „ '.ils si-l l,.r (KIHCENm^LCOLLEGE 12 it'i^iil.ii sojson tinirna can come fn:>m anywfK-n- go.il to N' use the same "Most ot the stuff tfH-v've rtt-xt vear, "W^ ve set a pieces, revising them, nuking louitd thems»-lves," said be in the f)»p 10 I exp^vt the them better and better When IV/vbylo |Hab«Tkomlcame returning members to take we get to nationals in April, up with hers, reading C i>smo the knowl.Hlge ihiv \« g.unisJ arui build upon it .iiui everyone is all p»>lish4-d an<.l She saw an articlt about neg- . .\o#|t^>HB,r-a tal»kS. Vipcr««)r. li«M«Oi«« 1«Aa * - ' » " — ' i ...i-*-*' - — I liii M ' ...^ j^x. jaAirrr fa ^

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    DBIVINO IS BELIEVING www.hyundaiUSA.com t-800-826-CARS The HarfeingCT Page 6 HarpeC^Dommentary May 4, 1998

    Our view nil IDS Vint: SIKHKl IJ S\VS4;-itVI The Harbinger wins

    VMl I f(uev» tius is it. During first place in state \he past two years I've ticen a part of intt 30 Harbmgm. and new The Illinois Communify I'm saying fpiod-bye. College lournalidin Association -Ml i>f ttH- kmg days and late

    I can t has bestowed ils greatest hoinT- nii;tits really added up, and ..in estimate how many tvHirs on The Harbinger Last vmk /

    I V e spent in the Harbinger office Harhinger received tirsi plact- tor Havinf; a indge. a comty first place overdll merit and m ciHH'h and, nH«st importantly, a the annual competition cuttee maker, made it easy to

    The Harbinner also rfci-ivnl practically live hen> (in fact I did

    ^. .vind place fi>r lavoui Flevi-n «lc«p here a tew nigh^l members of the staff were also I've gained hurHlred> ol mem- ories while betnf" a part of the awarded for their outstanJin); staff Irtiing on road tnps to |our- SHOtBua-s picnK contributions to [ournalism. nalism nmfen-nces. putim); all- Cm I iMv* a lleck oairT TM* I* kew rn protaMy Editor-in-chief, Lauren in tbo offlco. nighters with last year's stall going to bo rtfiwtaro^, boing • spu Schubel, won third place m niu> i>nf •'! m\ lal>s, n'lievin^ hersell but we did it ( lucWily tJwre weren't any t>f thoM- the We had a lot of problems with writing for "Campus recycling this year) and workmg with this down thi- hall alter viiasing geese with her sister, Jake, and the the computers, sources not program lacks crucial participa- years staff will be remembered returning calls in time, advertis for ever. view fnwn 2208 tion, " second place in news writ- memories woukl mean inR not being on our side and me hangout St>me that stand out are: Thesi- ing for "Better student having any patience, but watching tXive Pump s imitation nolhinR it It wtien't for tfu* great not L" in Building A offers more than 1 did okay. I with everyday; despite that, think we of JtK- Cixker at 4 a m Re«tin>t people work feature writing Hell, two first place and first place in bounced' by Tigger and wanting Mandy. Sean. |enni. Des, Ryan, we won awards and 12 individuals—we for "Get Bally results at a Harper to nde Space Mount. 'nd IXm, Kevin and the rubber duck " c-ven though 1 was diffi- did better tlwin okay. To»j l>ad price at campus fitness center over, and mer at a . m Guys,

    -!• I for more pei>ple didn't read our Sports Editor, Sean McHugh. Orlando: spendinj; sir.iight cult to work with, k»ve you sticking with TV Harhnger for the hours of hard work won second place in sports fea- htmrs in this offne i>nly to k>N«' m\ mind and buy a dress. Etwood. whole year. It wa.s rough at bmes. see StoetMR on page 8 ture writing for "Goal-orientated Kusch ready to take skills to next level," first place in sport- fea- LETTER TO THE EDITOR i'^ ^.tli (inU ture writing for "Lopneno excit- intorriM i-mplovi-es who ihre comtortable on tfiem'' It's like putting a buUs-eye Politics of Truth wrote, "A cam- Kail Features Editor, kclli Harper's campus. M^eral hard- on your diest as sonHsme ctvarged paign has tieen created that makes third for photo Hader, won place working and compassionate witfi mioleranoe, namnv-minded- It impolite to say anything tfial spread with "Students perma muns»'lors mtrodut»"d the ""Safe ness aiHi—you giMMcd it—bomo- even smacks of cnticism of homo- nently (and painfully) express Space f^igram " ttus M-mester Its pluibia Isn't this setting up a sexuality." a no point to dei>atiitg themselves" and third place in A staled intention is to improve ttie we/thev mentality, and creating There's hostile climate in the workplace? morality in public But I think the & E writing tor '|on Stewart dis- cluTute for gay. kfsbian, and bisex ual students, faculty and staff, As professionals and employ- stickers are a bad idea, potentially cusses sen. masturbation to audi- it is crucial causing further separation and and I think this ilulogxie i* impor- ees of Harper College, ence " tant that we treat All, students and misunderstaiviing Fditor, Don Spring Features All Harper rnipl.i\.i-s vmh si.iil tmniNTS with respect, and As for me perstmally, though I fi>r Berger, won third place opin- mxited tiv partKipjIi- in tfie Sale we must denwmstrate empathy did complete flie training. I'm ion writing with ' Hi-rv;iT Iiim- ''panram's training relating and sensitivity toward those in cboosmg to post a sign in my (.! culture, ttie lifi-.t\ !<• office that is a "safe space" for \997 Fditor-in (. hiel, David to B p>s>ple and and nay s even lh»»e with Pump, won sectind place for a after p.irtKipaling, emjrfoyees But there a difference .All people, disagree. . .illi'wtxi to hanK a "Safe between tfut, and approval of the whom I might single photo "'Soccer tmi-hes sea- II, k.t-r I'n their office gav lifestvle/'behavior Some son at CoD." empli>vei"s tn-lieic homosexual learuH- Pankanin Hard work really does pay >'ti employee 1 h.. jr.>til.iii I- lor 'p»>litKalU N'h.ts ii>r Is wriin^, and s

    Editorial Board Staff Writers and Assistants f^an Freund. Alyce Halperta Kevtn Snepke. Sandy Tar\g, The flarbinger Rotjert Valade/ General Policies lataen Schubel MMf^Addran: TTw H«rt»^|»f « tre itudinl cultteMNn tor it« HiriMr Coi«at carnpus oili» The Haitwver Wi»iam Ramey l«rper Codege News Edit Of . Amanda Oftenbacher muraty. puDKtnM ntmeiMf Ifwougfaui tlw kAom yam mew dumgnoMHys 1200 West Algonquin Road and and nnoi Mam. The papcf « igi(rt«il«lt Ace to al ftuttanlv tanillT Palatne.1 60067 7098 adminai ration. Thg n»t» w"i unit purpose m to piwida tm Wrpw coimiu- A&E Eoiso' JenrtiferGoli vp nty w(fi ntonnalMn portanw^ lo Ow campus and nt wvimnknt convruoty Rtone Nutibers: LaltsraMBy txRMiess office (847) 925-6460 Features Editor DonBer^r (Wihet to «K« MRonaw. rnv »«M»t«ir««ie«nn Wtars to «» MKiir and news office: 1847) 925«X)0 x2461 Lvttorm nuM si#iM and mckM* elwiB run«*rio MTi^ au<»nrintin(

    copyrt^ 1996, The Hartilngar. Pniducis mi mtvics adMHtwad m Tt» Hnrtwigv are not nacts&Hy Ptwto Editor . Desuee Corcoran AH rights reearved. cndoiMd Dy tna aditorx o( tl«s papw. nx by vw cotMft attnrastrainn or lle«d of Dlr«cta>». InguiriM ItauM W lonrtntK) dinctly lo t*» advOTtqwr. an pwcnaam art at mt dMEfpton tf tt* ooraianr Faculty Advisor Ho«rardScMo»st»rg ml " <

    The Harbinger Page? May 4, 19% HarperF^atiire community college students' free time The commuiilty has much to offer for

    DMiMrgM 'ki-r- 11 .-.. t, FtATURtS eWOR -• Huvl When •

    ,1 I i>;ht PaLitirif li 1«) list .'t n..,, ......

    places lit the I niled Statt-s nii> mav ir mav n. ' iwniis, which a* a -h' ^ k to Harper ^

    >i •(. hampp-- \mi ricana

    t»' upt>n myM^ll t*« lour *onw oJ the jriM

    lishiTK'nts .iiul imd ciii w i «W» CallT to H.lr|HT ^ >! dent*.

    •Stadium Club Livalni +111 ; Al^oiu|uin K.vul .tfit:_ PMOIOev *lYC€M«tPtRlN nduMit llul MtMdows. two milf^ K-lp. < food. RoUtng Ti^ «*>.itum ciMh sarvas MB a v«ri«ty of b«v*rag«» •• wall as •• ea»t of HarpiT. the st.uiii m«.t on tho.. day. glSTt fiSnJrSld^no^W. pHc. It', a ' Sr* i has manv fralur*-- for the gamo. Club whoa y«i mHUtt »ot mako It all tho way homo find iHi su-am, and >tudcni's might LI>1 blovv-ott some ."i . Iiiriunn .1 !i a- l>ara»>ke ev hve, the most cib\HHi>. b' tvU\ vsith friends. The ar»>a iu>;ht which 1^ oflers I' Ktv nu-nts, each with its distinct 111- m.n K' in the miK>d tor music, kIikI vl NTN Ir ; to »atisf\ any n,.- „ I'.ii J,, not ttvl like enMnmim-nt. v.in . irt tti In H.irpiT «tuik:nl> iitnI born students MKial needs, re^ard- i.th. tlOt I .»n-I•^t ' '! .m ..ttfii be ti-utui amimg the lis> of fx-rsonal prefen-nce t.^ 1 coffee Ihjus- ,1, ,1 I ri>m bars, to ,-ihII.-^.K until liiri r If- not lik.1' othir Kir^ "11 <~ to movie theaters, many of ; i people '^y> Ihrvaten to quit, but rather j Ah U\A t sympathise to with older i 'iinl. lhi-s4- places A»si-t.o >tate of the .irt stereo system Harper student Alen 111.' Iin.imial shortcomings isic trom jH I'oluihiwvic/ "It's not tix. th.ii (h.il main students evpen-

    ' t fiHis fn>m eat,- . . ,. ...iK..r >,iu can reb« up,- H... niakmi; a ni>;ht out "i' f r.iiik sii reducing v-hl o< Sl.idmm I fo toltill, Ihereb) 11,- ih.il ni,io\ -tUilcnts \.lut' ">"»• luve to >" NI\ Interactive Iriv:

    n. HarpiT KkV. ui nii>sl impor- amitn«T i^ ^'

    1 lok and on a natii>n.il U- With

    rrm Week IVIEIVIORY HSEA celebrates Earth Day in Earth

    shaq-H-r Harper A, vt>lunteers S'*f> WKiIi, s^p.-rvis.tl by HSJ piiketi up many cans and ciKarette students. butts The dub n<:ruileii our wide staff to hi-'- '• th.' Choose from , uttv and „l selection of electronic (.reen .Xcri-s proniN -ioie in Sun production AfiinRton Heights and the components, ll.irM-st Warkei in Mount IVispect used a.flwied apples to us. which "ve and more! ho h.-lped us ^ equipment to Ivlp n-ward people w Heath.-, out, said HSIA pn-sidi-nt •smith icas about •Itie stud«iil turnout year,' said Kami COMPONENTS d i»h.it It was last IliCTRONIC g club's advisor "It was a I 1 ustig. the sch«xil V (on items not a/ready reduced) "« lur jm

    siionu N s\vs<;

    for both Tkto U tli« l«»t l»M« •» '*• Hsrbtngmr Sf»erts •«tor S*a« McNugh and Edltor-li»-CM«f UMifW SdMib*!.

    continued from page 6

    I Ihmk inv bittt

    bi.>:s.-vl t.m ,•! !!: bt'iMU-.) the f»tr.j enJfd up im ttw Ix't!. !l,>-.t el II'


    .Ml! •

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    The HarbinptT Page 9 May 4. 19W Harper^hotos

    been doing it a photo essay by and where we've Desiree Corcoran

    liming along in th«

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    The Harbinger Page 10 Advertisement May 4. 1998 College Students Easy $$$ Full & Part time work avail- able this summer for any Good worker No exp. Nee. We Provide Full Training. Scholarship Program is Top $$$. Daily, Wkly, & Monthly Prizes awarded for top performers. Our name and Comp. Training provide Excellent Resume Experience. Have fun & earn a ton. Call now, start immediately. (847) 364-6852 All calls considered E. O. E. W ,

    The Harbinger 1998 May 4, Page 11 "—" r"'-ri ji'mW'"""! "''•''''"TTiiitimTnriiiiiii Bitri^ inraiggsa i r Summer sun heats up several A A E events on campus for everyone

    ••Is m the BuiUling ( Th«-ater ja// ( nsemble Office tor ticket*. AJmission I ni

    be out for Mime, iherv r> tN- Ih.' OffHI' t .1 Harper fkn n\os (ni- oiitdiKir lOn- and MTiiors 111 move the Building I others who to sum Jare take •Ihe Wings of Ih, l},ii, It! in i.iM' lit unl.norjbif •Wisconsin Tour Theali-r mer school Your tinn- mi ihlm) v% tMth»'t thf ll'HklTt Will rui-sd.iv lunr V, « J ni -6 •Harper Symphony "" c«inpu<> may be short one. but Wednesdav. luno 1" .it ni.>M- 111 lh<' liny; Hull. I pm Orchestra step and have a kKik at what in thi- i Iheatcf p m Building Iheater l:nn>y a day of sightseeing Wednesday, |uly 8 at M Harper ha.s planrtt-d tor the AdmivsKin i>» inv puk up •nnWkrrifilml m Wisciirtsin Take a nde on p m in the Building J Theater summer month> vour tiikols ahead ..• •• ^'l.il 7 pm I akf (.erwva Boat Tours, Contact the Harper Box •L. .4. Confidential itilml the Harp«'r Box (Xti. I Ih.'.iliT visit ThompMins Stravvberrv iMitci- for tickets. Admission Tuesiday. June << al 7 p.m. •Sunset ! Sounds: i Harper Adiiu-tMiin i> tree, pick up fn)uv lunih ,il IS SIO. witfi discount for vour tiiki'ts ot timi' .ihiMd at i HarfXT studmts and staff and

    Vu.'\ I 'id. the H-irpT I hf iiist IS S4~ iont,i>l si-niors S^ •Chamber Blues with t orky Mudfiii \.!i.iii.'s tro moll' •Sunset Sounds: Harper MRTTHBfIS Seigel mfori ^Z'>-h2Al Steel Drum Band " Ituirsd.u |un« .i!^ .it My •SuHM't .>uui..i>. "Teresa" Thursday, Julv ** M 7 p m Iho Hiiil.tiii^; Ih.'.iliT p m m I Tuesday lune W at 7 p ni 111 the Quad Area

    ' •' ' 1 ihc HarfHT do» m the Quad .Area Kfw outdixv concert, that will make you feel like you're MATTHEWS DOES IT ALL! on the islands •Chicago Tour Permanent & Temporary Positions f-ndav, lulv U). 11 am. to In Lake and Northern Cook Counties Finals II p.m Specializing In: Discover Chicago, while you see •Office ^,„ MondM. TuMdM. Dmdm. an outdoor coiKert at MW20 MiyZl the Picasso Center, visit the *^'*''*^"' •Profeeaiofwl Herald Washington Library, • Data Procesaing . ftOO- MENQlOt M iUMTHOea T-R warehouae slop for lutKh at Szeschwan •Accountinfl aM6 103 c Accontinc oaaoe?, &00-91S .Induatrlal t03ciasMS tast, nde the Weiulella • Cuatomer Service . Technical Bcvat Tour and dine at the SBBS- T-R Roadhouse while w.itching ttOO«SO T-H ftOO&SO 121JH30 CALL TODAY!! 93&m.AO Second City Tickets ,ire S4H lontdct WHEELING SlwciaNy Student \.li\iiii-s li>r more xoso-vxeo ll30ail*0 ArranaM 847-215-0060 10SOIZ05 Ejums inti»rmatu»n LIBERTYVILLE •OaiHl Will Hunting (film) WAUKEGAN Specialty Mondav, fulv 1"*, at 7 pin. 847-367- 3B30 1;K»1250 ixoz-is Airanged 1117 847-244-6500 in th<- l;4a2S5 Eaams Building | Theater •a accuStaff Company Pick up V our fnx> tickets at 3«>- IMI M-W SpacMy the Harper Box Office 3:45-9(00 T« 225^3:40 305-420 • Sally Edwards. "Big People, LiHie People"

    Wednesday, Julv 1 "i and 22 Invest Your Credits SpaoaRy Airanaad Eiarm at 7 p.m in the Building J •l4p4Bam'Wt Theater

    Ifjtm kwt ntitge tmhi mt it. Pick up your tickets for thts one woman show at the Transfrrmr m%r cotnmori waaMm of May 23 during regular daaa iwrtods Harper Box Office, OMJfmpbit 0» mrknmHtffm Admissitm is $7 and $5 for MftMlplriMMadMnoMarthan noon on Tuaad^. May 2ftln Harper students ai>d staff and 9m Wijatf Otllo» A213L Okmu • tnm ttm kttmmf m see SuTtnar on page 12 Wt.f,kL\0 Cimn. mdttn t $aitd$T V a««im mowim Ihffw. ZtmjSiNG

    wys tktrtS •• gettingckseK HKb Half « • l(W iMKtl!

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    MwW la HVlan an CMIIM- jiiMijL^ iJiMitftMi Smdmb iMi* tatviat, ttatm ttmHiv liKki4iat mad anmnca 4 pad ntallM. cawal nn a amwai u thKT pkn adi—nwaM «|nit ii«i lav wa4 nauaia M CMMiwa

    Ik., aaat 444C «• li4* url/?K tW mHI4h, SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 4 Ma*fr 4rtnr ufimtrwm!

    * b M : S I , ! I 4 t : U S •wr.JBWliiai fhf Harbingi-r Page 12 Harper A & E Mav 4, IW» Have a great summer! Poet's Summer: events for allto enjoy continued from (Mg*-- Congrats to all grads! ''magic SUMMER JOBS. happens COOL $109Boni» under-

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    Aflcr ftll yfomr hard worli, jroa can afford to ht dKNWjr.

    Think carefully aluiiit where yxM are novk-, an

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    Every year, raor** than 150 Harper students traiisrpr to

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    transfer aRreetn«^n{.s with Harper Colle(?e assure liiai vmir work

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    For a personal transcript evaluation, more information alxMU

    our nriantifil aid designed ftsi>enii]ly for transfer students and

    to twe! wtt.h the Roosevelt I iii\frsii\ A.jfiMssion counselor at

    MariHi c;<.ltfge! (on the date listed below), call rxir Schaumburg

    campus at (847) 619-«600

    Thamday, May 7 10:00 am - 1:00 pm BidldlngA ROOSETELTUNIVERSITY J4i-20oo CHiOGO cjmrm - <» south mkhigan tn^nnut. c»km,o. «xjmois mms <3i2i The Harbinger M»y 4. 1W8 ^ Page 14 Classifieds

    . ^:, „; ;,^.:-.g fonts axl 60714. t-nwil '.' HELP WANTED rschaulrtschaulsxom styles. (847) 215-9846 Trunsferinfi to the Imversit}' ojUl'moh

    Customer Service- Itasca FOR SALE ATTENTION-SPORTS UP compariy has 100 openings TO DATE & MUCH MORE!' TratifrrChtcUctt: 407 for part time days or ELECTRIC BASS, bard case, CaMnow... 1900 $2.99 per \pplvioiktL'iiri eventoigs. Great for stu- andanip^ 5-string. black 7785 Ext. 3457 yrs. Serve dents! 18 35hoorsper Ibanez Soundgpar 405 rma Must be 18 week. Two Saturdays a series t)ass with hard case, U (619) 645 8434 to on one call now Fndan«(loLiv( morth required. Temp cord, strap ara amplifier. Live one xt 2281 hire possible. $8 /hour Greet condWonB Not a 1 900 884-6700 commumcatioo per minute Must be ExceWent scratch on it! Must sell for $3.99 Serv-U(619) i skMs a nnust. Bilingual a $800. Call Lauren (847) ISyrsoW BnMlNm '> phiS. For immed. irrterview 991 7808 for mfo or to 645-8434 lliMnMrMllclia«A»ililik ca« (847) 843-2222 haggle Mr. Diamond v MmM Ima Schaumburg.(630)971 PERSONALS V BtAroam for 'tmr Bcdnxm lb4HMMIIy 1BMW6I IPC«l

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    «k %

    The Harbinger Page 15 May 4. 19W mirp*f^port«

    Softball has strong hopo for national toumamont Track and Field continues ti-.im 1 ;i l.iki- lhi> 111 .1 h'v* (;.ini< ' - anybiKJv <'l-<' - ST/tff KVWTCT U.H 12 on hitting %h»' raised against to break school records from «aid Ryan. "W»- ri- \.t\ l.tl Focused' is the vnxd that her batting aterage ented have excellent hitters in theltiliOm relay, .juality- the HaqHT Collejte Wlto 622 and ihi-'s pn'ha- and when the pitching i'- ing Ihem tor nationals Wiwnens sottball team has blv pretlv clo«' to K-ing one to "l.'ur mile n^lay team was hitter. good, we re a ttnigh team I rack and T'leld contmui-d been coiwentratinR on i>l Ihf top di% i>iion 111 " beat It's all about the en«'r- to break mIhioI recorils and incredible," said head coach thriHighinil the seastm .)n<.) in (hi- nalH>n also and the t.vii-. th.it th.' >;(t niorr n.itional qualitiers Renee Zellner into the Region IV fcHima The Lady Hawkit gy th«- rru-ns team finished hitter* in the plavers bnn>; to K->n'' It ihr North t cntral The mt-nt h^r .1 -ihot at the natiixi- have wen - wh.it 1^ >;oin>; sixth out of 10 teams hitting KH) or better that dav, that Inv itatumal April 1 in place il titlf lineup in ti> determine how vscll wf shot put rr. ord-- and the women hnished rhe Lady Hawks are n«>w N«>t only that, but Harp«-r Both l"<-g.imr dii lhrou>;hout dropjH\l se\'enth iHit of 10. n-4> overall and 7-3 in the lust completed a AN. t.' ti.t ius< plaving to Krank C.u/man snapped After another strong \'4C confefence, iiieco«>d winning itreak that uniirtu traveled 11-H l»>>s iin.iK in his own mark with 4'*-2 and showing the Hawks ..nly h< CoUefQF Of DuP»gfi nalely endeii m an m-t a Minii.^..i., .>, ,•>• pl.nmK to lkMth.T Kusch threw 4t>IO to Mllwauki-e to participate in the iiinterence and head to WmaKmse, but included win nation.iU .ind that s Mark BurMi fmi<>hed in m the Marquette Invite. coach |im Rvan i> lmpr^~•'«^l victory over number one what has t>een the major II SS the steeplechas*' (>ice again the Hawks with hi» baliclub r.inl.i>l Collene Of DuPage 10 m fiKus during this *eastin the pi'le vault wi'r.' competitive "We're playinu rt-.ilU and launched his cdd overall \XH til qualiK m both tor Lapastione broke :i|^ht now." said Ryan (.Kiing into the Regnmal [he Iddv Hawks will record in the MlOm interme- . coach Rvan has nationals t > rylxKly'* hitting the tournament in of advaru- plav joliet in lohct on AIm) qualifying for diate hurdles finLshing ball really well especially (ttung tfKHights first tourrva- Tuesday, May f in the n.Jttonals were Shannon >t.57, en&uring am>ther our first baseman l.iM mg to the NatKHuil tournament th.' plaiv hni!«h Wnnberg. Over the anirse ment. Ktxion l\ MiXamara, sixth m 4()»im (632). MoMv C.inn also had a strong Magarian. l.SllOm, (S IH.2K) showing finishing second in and Craig Clinn, fourth in the javelin v> ith a throw of l.ivelm(l!W»-2) 157-3 Not qualifMng were HiUarv Hollow ay tin- johnnv Rogers, who tcnik ished in sixth place in the tilth placi- in th.' IdOm triple |ump 30-7 locked 111 Ihl Frank Guzman up BOW Harold (..oldsmith tin hfth place in the shot put 47- ^ NEW AND USED ished in eighth place in thf 1 CO«< TAPES -LP* 400m (SI 68). Kusch finished in fifth Heather Kusch finished in place in the shot put 40-L iixth plait' in the hammer "We really showed (124'H) .ilrcjdv, signs of a really Zellner said, I si'aMKi," ' .Id (., oldsmith, |ar.il slnmg then- .ire s«>me mon- to 1 Chris t'.,ipstioni> ".ind ,inJ K.himv KopTs tiniV, titlh K' broken

    /' BHnginYour ' c(KCASsemsALP« ' to S«M or Trad* GREAT PLACT FOR WE rar TSP MUMin/ A ! TRANSFERS TO PUT DOWN ROOTS.

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    ' ftlT^^WI or « miil u»*I .^(iMiiib»mr4iifoi mort fr€ 3l-888-4UP$-JOB Can toll MHT loEfanlnirM. ^^ ^ 24 hours a day - 7 days a week * jtt+> vrrorsrtt |tn»» Addtson. U)cations: HodgkinaAVlllov^ Springs (1-55 & 1-294) Palatine. IMorthbrooK & We-jtmon* Elnihurst http //\v"/i/w.iiDS com Cx)llege ^ » uPsMJVBmraucxniM NOIS »<1U» ^ eouM Oai>orkJn«v enw^w ^ *

    arper Sports Athletes of the Year John Rogers Heather Kusch

    also qujiitv

    1 pvrli'rm In Ihf liir lh«' sMinvi vpar

    K>t i>i mv .ibilitN anil I m d ri'w twosfiort ath-

    Jn li> t-xiol in f\ir\ li-tc lliMlht-r KuMii was

    ,. ..,,. A thine I ti'<- '^"t Ki>);tT>- th.- Marbtngvr

    \nvthinn l> ^K>^^l \lhl«^ of the

    h' pul \4.>i,ir r

    turn \M>rk i» »h<>l i»n till- t\is».fif«.iu uMiii,


    i J a>bound!>

    111 lul itio , xiuiK th*

    . .1 I M tiHirth

    >h,it r- m Ihf

    H^l-lWIlH 1 nal tour

    av%.ird will !

    to the I II.

    J 111 I wdutt tu wine\i" iially time.' SMFfWWTEB n^irrowt-d ^,^1 ; hi^h Ifvrl kuM.h suys Kusch has The H.irhini;ices ot i.'IU>;iv. ludsKin College AthJrtci I ~ta\ ing in ^tnng to finish 'hrel in between

    RimircN. K '...-k.ib.ill tht- hamincT and shot" and Dominican N'lh Ux'i' jikI .iHer thf waMm Ufiiver«.it\. She is also

    -i.. ^ h.i.l to graduate I tn ihu". far on schedule thi» hon<< •!i a :«0(..PA

    Records: Four members of team break records in one season Baseball Streaking

    lo atleml continued tion. p. ••an McHhCIi swings tD(",«

    .1 ' I (iawks baseball team are going

    -.1 .

    I li. i lawks 122-16, ^i^l have won 11 out of

    1 1 iird-s arvtl b- "o'lT last 14 j^ames, almoM identical to the the sh thev had the pfeviou* year winning 12 of briK>k the' that . ^ames to clone out the iea«on heading into !tt*T Ami • ' CapasitiMi. [!.'».» .1 1 \i ihr Region IV tournament in Ihv +>*,» motn int. ok) iword Dunng the streak the Hawks have commit-

    ' 'r< rinished in a mediate ted i>nly four cmofs. Tlteir offensive output has time (>f II remained above average Hnoughout the season He brok. Vine Edwards Is teading the way with a AV* >t put at 41 lilt -aid tmishms in s-J batting average and 1^ KBI Third baaemen Brian Wo)tanowski is leading Ihi- ti-am with 28 RBI and has be«-n solid d.l.-nsn Hv .ill season.

    i, Evervbodv hasdofu- It .

    . am-tt sjid VV»- Added assistant coai t ..I- " h.nr thf desire to win np the desiif lo win has Uiii stning Rich (,.»s/\nski. who missed his last

    1 basi+iall dm- lo mononu- thnt- complttr )(aint?> en


    tinuf at I

    .i^e oppor-

    i-t-r has also liosro the »uip' between

    i-s ,tnil ptiwerhi'UjI^Tpton r«»lle)5e, Hillary Halloway waniift i 1 m the la-' for li«r n«*t •v««t. 11.1 ,-i