Harbinger Vol. XXX [i.e.Vol. 32] August 25, 1997 Through May 4, 1998 President Thompson discusses past and future Music, comedy " ity there lor 7 year* a good time for the college to have a featured in Fall •CTMGEnTORm CHIEF Why did you ccMoe to Haipcf? new leader" Deciding to move un K) other 'I had been in Illinois as a ptesi- Did the opportunity at McHenty A&E line-up opportunities. Harper Pivsudenl Paul tlenl, vice fnesident and a faculty CoBuniinity College have anything JayMMtotM Thi>inpson ha* aak«d the Boaid of member and kiww the Ulinou sys- to do with your decision? *41 fDf' OR Trustees not to renew hi» current len wcU..." "No, the Board of TruKtees at Harper College looks ahead to the contract, whK-h expires June 30. 1"**, McHenry were looking for someone fail semester with many exciting Thompson has served m else - events including free concerts in the ' jrper's prendent ior 10 yens and %»wmvttmaafia Why did you drop out of the run- Quad. ci>medians |ohn Stewart aiKl >tiU. some studeMs don't realize how niiwr I>an Zevin and the showing of sever- important it n to know who rht>ir 'It teemed to me that the dirvt- al movies Here is the ivst of the havcaaew I pre«iden( i» tion il was going, the fit for me and planned A4E events; In i reci-nt inlcrv mti uw HaipcrCaik^ the M-tting was not quite what I • August 28: The Chicago blues Thompson, ht- sht-d light on his past, Plaui thought It should be Iwasmrfwhat " baivl Miuissippi Heat will l>e giving present and future o( himM<lf atvl they were looking for a free concert al noon in the Quad Harper Cotle^. What made you decide not to How does your family feel about • September 3-4: The controversial reitew your contract here? your decision? him, Tlie Proffir vs. Larry Flint, star- Harhimger: ' What were you doing \t the end of my current con- 1 think they have mivi-d ff«'iing> ring Woody llarrleson and Courtney before you came to Harper? tract I II have been here for 10 years*, Ms children are all over the country. Une, will be shown for free m A336 Thompson "I was Iht- pn-Mili-nt of wluch i» a long tenure for a commu- Ml thi» won't be a stnmg impact in at 1 p m on Sept. 3 and 12:15 p.m. on Belvue Community College m ruty college president I think it's terms o( a move fur them I think Sept. 4 The movM- is t>ased on the life Belvue. Wash. I served in that capac- probably time for me to move on and of Rmt, founder of the racy Huitirr magazine. This him is rated K for lanfpiaije aitd nudity. • September S: Former US Scfutor Freshmen support each other Paul Simon, now a political scierKe Former senator Paul and (oumalism professor, will speak Simon to speak to m tlw Black B<» Thea'i-r in Building campus. L Vot more liilnnmatiun read Tormer US Senatiw to speak to cam- Page 2 pus ivn S'ptfmlHT ">" iin (Mgc 2 • September 10: Ihe music gn)up Fruteland |acks<m will give a frvt> WHCM is in need of DJ> concert al ruxHt in tiie Quad and accepting • September 23: Comedian Dan applications. levin will give a humorous lecture on studc-nts' futures beyond college Page 3 entitled, "1 ife After College " Zevin will offer advK-e on how to find a )ob n*al world after Calendar girls .ire h.ii k on and survive in the college The lecture begins at 7;30 The Harhinb^er - p.iy^v- toi p m in |IW Admission is %'< with a the 3()th iinnivi-rvir\ Harper student .i. tu t $7 Page 4 for non-students • October 1-31 Artists tmm The Christ College of Canterbury, tngland. will give a Int- art exhibit m ArtsAI Huildings C ami P LiKal blues band A« Melt«4 gnm •* Mmi|rt«y ai • October 8: Pink Flamingoes, the Mississippi Heat to plav giM* of tiMt mt tlw cult conu-dy directed by )ohn Waters, free concert in Quad AHgMllt. will be shown at 7:30 p m in J143 Pages This film received an X rating in 1972. Admission ls S2 with an activity pa», $3 lor non-students •^•rtsi • October 14: The Scholars of Future of football "Triangle" construction to cause London, a character vocal ensemble, deliver a concert including music resolved temporarily. will heavy traffic for Harper students from English, Scottish, Pages Stiakespearean, French atwl American iT.Offf Physical Plant Directtw Bob Getz Indian cultures. The performance SMfi WWTER handles the traffic is.«ues for the begins at 12 15 p.m in P205> Women have a soccer 15°.. Harper students from the school He estimates that of • October 17: ActcK Edward James team despite last year's students will drive thniugh Schauntburg and Hoffman Estates Harper OliiMM Will give a lecture m Building the road work at 7:30 p.m. AdmLSSion is $6-11 lack of participation. area are runrung into some heavy M The construction begins the first with activity pass discounts, dmos Pages traffic now that the construction sea- week of clas-ses and will ctmlinue for starred in the hit television series son has started The Higgms. Golf an estimated two years. "Miami Vice" and appeared in and Roselle roads triangle is bemg The workers will be adding movies such as Selena, Sttttd and widened, causing an enormous bypass pavement on the west side of Drliiyr and Wr'rr All m the Same Cang. anuiunt of blockage for the students Roselle Road • October 23 The a cappella group who use fwrth-bound Roselle Road Beginnmg m October 1W7 until Blind Man's Bluff will give a free as a primary vein into Harper SM eamtncnan on pais 3 • onpagsS Ucatotffeil iMT/Mi um iMT/ . The Harbinger 1997 Page 2 H«rD*g!>l»w August 25, Former US Senator Paul Simon to Harper Festival Chorus to speak to campus on September 5 hold rehearsals for singers Jay ,\i. jM-a singers an.- in\ r ed to (O'" ^ Harpt > FonnCT I F^val Chorus, a m>nli wcM suburban community llic t.horu.'s will bv -1. 1 i i> will adctmv Iht' organization of over 14(1 n'h»Mr.inj; Mendelssiohn's ) 1 mk) HtNmcUticm • voices. I i . n 111 I'raiMf," and t: , , .ng. The chorus will hold ii> K!i>,;s(jJ'» "The King of him»n retinxi lri>m tU- !:i«iulv m i<ir rvhearf>als on Mondays Li>ve." for its Decembt" (It ItvB year *nd wci\ became a pnHir^ from 7 30-10 p.m. in 1*202 concert Si>utht;m Iltimits I. ni\ rrsirv m t beginning August 25 lor more informali.in polii wht-n? •*• currentlv Itjcht". Space permitting, new reyjarding membership and toumleil diul rt>urTulis>m iinj members will also be musK fees, students may university' InKtituIr at tht> accepted at the group's sec- call the Harper Music Sinmn dt^oifami hi» In a Rccnt mMmiew. ond mertmg on September Department at (M7) 925- Irachrr and his nwn id*-** h>r goals » a 8 6S68 Hf improMn^ (•ducation in America Although no auditions Non-«tudents may oon- that thenr wa» a nevd to imptuvr exprrMmJ are necessary to join the tact chorus pnmident Marcy quality oi leMning in Die daNfooom ta the group, space in limited and Heston (630) 289-6748. Atnmc». and he bettevm the school year should be lengthened 'Can we teach as much in 180 day* «» countries Uke lapan and Gcnnany (leach) in mOTO COURTESY OF MMW9 CaUGE Harper sponsors Volunteer Fair 200, 220 or 240 days? The anawer is obvious- UmmmmmnMf " IMvaralty ! ly, 'no.' he said faculty Community Healthcare, in KMnc areas of ttie US, studanki aMnd Harper College Suburban PADS, sch(»l year-round. now the Uraversity of DUiwjis at Springfield members are increasingly Northwest Clearbrook Center, "1 don't believe in that," said Simon. "1 He also lectured at the )ohn F Kermedy incorporating volunteerism the curriculum; and Spectrum Youth /Family don't think that'» necesury (but) 1 MO is loo School of Government at Harvard University into Northwest Action short- during the 1972-73 adtool ywu. In 1974 he many faculty and staff mem- Services, Against Rape, Horizons Simon twtd office as US Senator tram 1984 resumed his politicat caicar as a member of bers are mvolved in volun- Center, Talkline. until his retirement this year Befoie becom- the US House of ReprvsenuHves. teer activities m the commu- Children Coalition, American mg a US Senator, he spent two yean in the US The issues m which he was most active nity. In order to provide HIV volunteer Cancer Society, Lexington Army as a special agent in the Counter- include: educatioa disability policy aitd for- educahon about Center, Buheler IntettigHKC Corps akw^ the Iron Curtain a\ eign affairs organizations. Harper is Healthcare United Way Europe, and he entered politics aAer Ins dis- Simon became a member of the US Senate sponsoring a Volunteer Fair YMCA, Invemess/Rollinp eharge after defeating ttiree-term incumbent Charles on Wednesday, Sept 17, 9 Palatine/ -1 and nuwe. SitTu>n stTvtHi in Iht- lihn.n-. Moiis** *>f Petry in the 1>W4 ejection In I^S" he sought am p m in the Building I Meadows K«|irr»ml4liv«» MiU tUuwts :)enale lor 14 Democratic noaunalion K>r iIh- oituv of ttie lobby The fair is open lo the conunui'uty lluk is a yaars.
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