No 51, 27 August 1970, 1501
No. 5il 1501 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 27 AUGUST 1970 Portion of a Public Reserve Set Apart for a Limit,ed Access 1920, Volume II, at page 2191, and registered as No. 548, Road in Block Ill, Rangirirl Survey District, Waikato County Taranaki Land Registry and by a Proclamation dated the 23rd day of June 1965, published in the Gazette, 22 July 1965, Volume II, at page 1163, and registered as No. 142984, ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General Taranaki Land Registry: A PROCLAMATION Now, therefore, pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works PURSUANT to section 4 of the Public Works Amendment Act Amendment Act 1952, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, 1963, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and General of New Zealand, hereby declare the land described declare that the said land is hereby set apart for waterworks as in the Schedule hereto to be set apart for a limited access road; from the 31s1t day of August 1970. and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 3lsit day of August 1970. SCHEDULE TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT SCHEDULE ALL that piece of land containing 20 acres situa:ted in Block Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT X, Paritutu Survey District, Taranaki R.D., being Lot 1, D.P. ALL that piece of land containing 2.7 perdhes, situated in Block 10097. Part certificates of title, Volume 108, folio 170, and No. III, Rangiriri Survey District, being part Section 818, Town of A.
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