No 13, 18 February 1971
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No. 1'3 241 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 1971 Land Taken for Electri'city Supply Purposes in the City of of Te Awamutu as from the date hereinafter-mentioned; and I Wellington also deel'are that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after t'he 22nd day of February 1971. ARTHUR PORRITI, Governor-General SCHEDULE A PROCLAMATION Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Ba11onet, the Govemoo--General of New Zealand, ALL those pieces of land situated in Block II, Puniu Survey hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in District, described as follows: the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for electricity supply A. R. P. Being purposes and shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors,, and 0 0 15 Parts Mangapiko Stream bed; coloured blue on Citizens ,of the City of Wellington as from the date hereinafter 0 0 3.3 plan. mentioned; and I also declare 'that this Proclamaition shall take l 0 0 21 Parts Mangapiko Stream bed; coloured yellow on effect on and after the 22nd day ;of February 1971. O 1 13 plan. g grn Parts Mangapiko Stream bed; co~oured sepia on SCHEDULE 0 0 23 plan. WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT 0 1 15 Part Allotment 329, Mangapiko Parish; co,Joured ALL those pieces of land situated in the City oif Wellington, yellow on plan. Wellington R.D. described as follows: 0 0 3 Part Loit 29, D.P. 1S196; coloured sepia on plan. A. R. P. Being As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 24780 (S.O. 45177) deposited in the office of 0 3 37.12 Part Sections 65 and 66, Town of Wellington, the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as balance certificate of ti!tle, V1olume 231, folio above-mentioned. 243, Wellington Land Registry. 0 0 9.6 Lot 40, D.P. 149. All certificate of tiltle, volume Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor 256, folio 237, Wellington Land Registry. General, 'and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 9th dray of January 1971. Given under the hand of Hiis Excellency the Governor General, 1and issued under the Seal of New Zealand this [L.s.] D.S. THOMSON, for Minister of Works. 9th day of February 1971. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minislter of Works. (P.W. 96/434222; Hn. D.O. 43/21/0/3) Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 53/362/1; Wn. D.O. 19/2/2/0/3) Allocating Land Taken for Railway Purposes at Puketa to the Purposes of a Road Land Taken for Drainage Works in Block II, Puniu Survey ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General District, in the Borough of Te Awamutu A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to section 226 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Ba:tionet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and dec!iare that the land A PROCLAMATION described in the Schedule hereto shall, upon the publication PURSUANT to the Public Works Adt 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie hereof in the Gazette, become a road and that the said road Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, shall be under the control of the Nati1onal Roads Board and hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the shall be maintained by the sa:id Board in l~ke manner as other Schedule hereto is hereby taken fOT drainage works and shall public highways are controlled and maintained by the said vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Borough Boa:rd. 24r2 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No; 13·· · SCHEDULE Consenting to Land Being Taken for a Service Lane and in CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT-KAIKOURA CoUNTY Connection with a Service Lane in the City of Lower Hutt ALL that piece of land described as follows: A. R. P. Being ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General 0 1 7.5 Part Railway land in New Zealand Gazette, 1953, ORDER IN COUNCIL p. 189. Alt the Government Buildings at Werlington this 8th day Olf Situated in Block IX, Mount Fyffe Survey District (S.O. February 1971 4943). Present: As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan THE RIGHT HON. J. R. MARSHALL PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL marked L.0. 25094, deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at Wellington, and thereon coloured sepia. PURSUANT to the Public Works Aot 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent Given under the hood of His Excellency the Governo~ of the Execuitive Council, hereby consents fo the land described General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, th1s in the First Schedule hereto being taken for a service lane and 9th day of February 1971. to the land described in the Second Schedule hereto being [L.s.] J. B. GORDON, Minister of Railways. taken in connection with a service lane. Goo SAVE nm QUEEN! (N.Z.R. LO. 18626/3127) FIRST SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT ALL those pieces of land situated in Block VITI, Belmont Survey District, City of Lower Hutt, Wellington R.D., described Allocating Land Acquired for the Wellington-Napier Railway as follows: at Hastings to the Purposes of Street A. R. P. Being 0 0 5.7 Part Lot 2, D.P. 21911, being part Section 21, Hutt ARTHUR PORRITI, Governor-General District; coloured orange, edged orange on plan. A PROCLAMATION 0 0 3.5 Part Lot 4, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt District; coloured sepia, edged sepia on plan. PURSUANT to section 226 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, 0 0 3.2 Part Lot 5, D.P. 2191, beng part Section 21, Hutt Sir Artihur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of District; coloured orange, edged orange on plan. New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that th~ l~d 0 0 3,.2 PaI1t Lot 6, D.P. 2191, being part Secltion 21, Huitt described in the Schedule hereto, shall, upon the publication District; coloured blue, edged blue on plan. hereof in the Gazette become street; and that the said street 0 0 3.2 Part !Jot 7, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt shall be under the control of the Hastings City Council and District; coloured sepia, edged sepia on olan. shall be maintained by the said Council in like manner as 0 0 3.2 Part Lot 9, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Huitt other public highways are controlled and maintained by the District; coloured blue, edged blue on. plan. said Council. SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDUT.;E HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT-HASTINGS CITY WeLLINGTON LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land described as follows: ALL those pieces of land situated in Block VIII, Belmont Survey District, City of Lower Hutt, Wellington R.D., A. R. P. Railway land being shown as described as follows : 0 0 4.1 Lot 2, L.T. 12387, being part of the land comprised A. R. P. Being and described in Gazette 1883, p. 1569. 0 0 0.1 Part Lot 7, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt Situated in Block XV, Heretaunga Survey District. District; coloured sepia on plan. As the same is more particularly delinealted on the plan 0 0 0.1 Part Lot 9, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt marked L.O. 24940 deposited in the office of the Minister of District; coloured blue on plan. Railways at Wellington, and thereon coloured red, edged green. 0 0 0.1 Part Lot 2, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor District; coloured orange on plan. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 0 0 0.1 Part Loil: 4, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt 9th day of February 1971. District; coloured sepia on plan. O O 0.1 Part Lot 5, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt [L.S.] J. B. GORDON, Minister of Railways. District; coloured orange on plan. Goo SAVE TIIB QUEEN! 0 0 0.1 Part Lot 6, D.P. 2191, being part Section 21, Hutt (N.Z.R. L.O. 17348/678) District; coloured blue on plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 24710 (S.O. 27927) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned. Authorising the Construction of the Whangarei Motorway P. J. BROOKS, Clerk of the Executive Council. (P.W. 54/778/4; Wn. D.O. 9/599/0) ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At 'the Government Builldings ·at Wellingt!on this 8th day of February 1971 Cancelling a Condition as to Setting Back the Building Line of Present: the Western Side of Lees Road, in the City of Napier, THE RIGHT HON. J. R. MARSHALL PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL Imposed by Order in Council Under Section 128 of the Public W arks Act 1928 PURSUANT to Section 3 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1947, His Excellency the Governor-General, at the request of the Naitional Roads Boavd and acting by and with !the advice ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General and consent of the Executive . Council, hereby authorises the ORDER IN COUNCIL construction of a motorway to be known ,as the Whangarei At the Government House at Wellington this 15th day of Motorway commencing at the exisltm:g No. 1 Awanui-Bluff State February 1971 Highway near Kauri Saleyards Road and proceeding generally in a southerly direction to cross Statlion Road, Kamo, and to Present: follow the Otangarei Stream generally iand then the Hatea HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL River VaHey to Hatea Drive and from there following PuRSUANT 1lo section 131 of 'the Public Works Act 1928, His approximately the weSltem bank Olf the Hatea River to cross Excellency t!he Governor-General, acting by and with the the North Auckland Main Trunk Railway adjacent to Lime advice and consent of the ExeCUltive Council, hereby amends Burners Creek then up Lime Burners Creek Valley to join the Order in Council dated the 22nd day of July 1936, and the said .No.