Non-User Impacts of Different Highway Designs As Measured by Land Use and Land Value Changes

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Non-User Impacts of Different Highway Designs As Measured by Land Use and Land Value Changes TTl-2-8-77-225-2 TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC. TRANSPORTATION COOPERATIVE RESEARCH . NON-USER IMPACTS OF DIFFERENT HIGHWAY DESIGNS AS MEASURED BY LAND USE AND LAND VALUE CHANGES in cooperation with the Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration RESEARCH REPORT 225-2 STUDY 2-8-77-225 ECONOMICS OF HIGHWAY DESIGN ALTERNATIVES Ii TE(n1'1(Al RE?ORT STANDAR:> TITLE :>A;:.~ I. Rrp<>rl No. FHWATX77-225-2 4. T.rle and Subrorle 5. Repo" Do'• Non-User Impacts of Different Highway Designs as _____ Mar..c.h. l 97a ____ _ Measured by Land Use and Land Value Changes 6. Perfo1m1n9 Orgon1 zotion Code- -- - -"-- -·- .. - 7 Av1hor1 1) Jesse L. Buffington, Cary W. Herndon, Michael E. B. P,.rfoun•ng Or9on1zot1or1 Repart No. Weiss Research Report 225-2 - -- - ---------·-------------------·----- ----------·---------------- 9. Performing 01gan1zot1on Nome ond Address 10. Work Unit No. Texas Transportation Institute Texas A&M University I l. ControcT or Grant No. I College Station, Texas 77843 13. Type of Re-port and Po-riod Co~e1ed l -···---·------ ---- -------- ---·---------------------- 12. Sponsoring AgenC')' Nome ond Addr•SS. Interim - September 1976 State Department of Highways and Public Transportation I August 1977 I llth and Brazos .~---·----! Austin, Texas 78701 14. Sponsonng Agency Code ------------------------------------------ 15. Supplementary Note5 Research performed in cooperation with DOT, FHWA, and SDHPT. Research Study Title: Economics of Highway Design Alt,ernatives 16. Abst•oct Many studies are found in the literature pertaining to highway impacts on non­ users. This report contains a review of the types of highway impacts, highway impact assessment elements, techniques available to measure land use and land value impacts, and findings of previous studies which indicate the magnitude of land use and land value changes resulting from various types of highway improvement. The land use and/or land value impact measurement techniques are of three major types: (l) land use - land value measurement models, (2) land use - traffic models, and (3) land us~ - urban development models. Those of the first group have been used much more frequently than those of the other two groups. The finding of land use and land value studies are briefly described in ~arrative, tabular, or graphic form, according to the following 11 key" characteristics of highway improvements and affected areas: (1) location of impact area, (2) type of highway improvement, (3) stage of development of impact area, and (4) dominant land use of impact area. The bulk of highway impact research has been directed toward measuring land use and land value impacts of new limited access highways located in suburban and rural areas. The literature contains no procedure that is designed for the highway analyst to use impact data from previous studies in predicting land use and land value im­ pacts of proposed highway improvements. Therefore, the report suggests two proce­ dures which can be used for this purpose. Both procedures fit the prescribed cri­ teria for selecting an impact prediction procedure. The comparability of data from previous studies is the deciding factor as to which prediction technique should be used. 0 18 i ~e~w: ;~, impacts, measurement techniques , N;·~~~~·;~ ~·~~"~~:. This document is rediction procedures, land use, land available to the public through the alue National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 t·:::;~:~~:·~ ,~; ;,;~~;;;rtr··----,. ·:~~;·.::~·;; ~~ ,,,. ,.,., _L~';s···· "· '= Form DOT F 1700.7 cs-6 91 NON-USER IMPACTS OF DIFFERENT HIGHWAY DESIGNS AS MEASURED BY LAND USE AND LAND VALUE CHANGES by Jesse L. Buffington Associate Research Economist Cary W. Herndon, Jr. Research Associate Michael E. Weiss Assistant Research Planner Research Report 225-2 Research Study Number 2-8-77-225 Economics of Highway Design Alternatives Sponsored by State Department of Highways and Public Transportation in Cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration U.S. Department of Transportation March, 1978 Texas Transportation Institute Texas A&M University College Station, Texas ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the assistance that others have given in con­ ducting this study. Special thanks are due to Mr. Robert L. Lewis, Mr. James W. Barr, and Mr. James R. Farrar, Jr. of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation for the support and guidance they have giver the study. Mr. Gary Ritter and Mr. Richard Sowa of the Federal Highway Administration have rendered assistance to the study. Members of the Texas Transportation Institute staff have been very helpful. Dr. William F. McFarland, Program Manager of Transportation Econo­ mics and Sociology, provided valuable assistance in the formative stages of the study. Special assistance was given by Miss Jane Morris and Mrs. Margaret Parker in typing this manuscript. The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. i ABSTRACT Many studies are found in the literature pertaining to highway impacts on non-users. This report contains a review of the types of highway impact, highway impact assessment elements, techniques available to measure land use and land value impacts, and findings of previous studies which indicate the magnitude of land use and land value changes resulting from various types of highway improvement. The land use and/or land value impact measurement techniques are of three major types: (1) land use - land value measurement models, (2) land use - traffic models, and (3) land use - urban development models. Those of the first group have been used much more frequently than those of the other two groups. The findings of land use and land value studies are briefly described in narrative, tabular, or graphic form, ac­ cording to the following characteristics of highway improvements and affected areas: (1) location of impact area, (2) type of highway improvement, (3) stage of development of impact area, and (4) dominant land use of impact area. The bulk of highway impact research has been directed toward measuring land use and land value impacts of new, limited access highways located in suburban and rural areas. The literature contains no procedure that is designed for the highway analyst to use impact data from previous studies in predicting land use and land value impacts of proposed highway improvements. Therefore, the report suggests two procedures which can be used for this purpose. Both procedures fit the prescribed criteria for selecting an impact prediction pro­ cedure. The comparability of data from previous studies is the deciding factor as to which prediction technique should be used. ii SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The findings of the study of non-user impacts of different highway de­ signs are based on an extensive review of the literature and are summarized below under the appropriate section headings of the report. Assessment of Highways Impacts The second section of this report describes how highways influence the environment and affect land development and land use, and reviews the essen­ tial elements required to assess these impacts. As man-made elements, highways become a part of the man-made environment and impact other elements of the environment. Environmental impacts that im­ pose physical changes in an area cause adjustments in the quality and kind of human activity that occurs on the affected properties. In assessing highway impacts on the environment, critical elements -- such as type, location, timing, cause, magnitude, incidence, and significance of impact must be consid­ ered. Highway impacts are one of three types: (1) social, (2) economic, or (3) environmental. These impacts can affect people and properties in four locations: (1) right of way, (2) corridor, (3) community, and (4) region. Also, these impacts can be in urban, suburban, or rural locations. Such impacts are expected to occur before, during, and after construction of the facility. The "after" period impacts should be classified into short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term types. Highway impacts can be caused by various highway design, maintenance, traffic volume and demand, and accessibility characteristics. The magnitude, incidence, and significance of the impacts attributed to many of these characteristics have not been determined. This report does present data from previous studies to assist the analyst in making such determinations. ii i Besides the above highway characteristics, other major determinants of the extent of land development and land use in a particular area are as fol­ lows: (1) accessibility to other areas, (2) growth potential of area, (3) stage of development, (4) dominant land use, (5) type of land use controls, and (6) level of land values. Impact Measurement Techniques The literature contains several reports which summarize techniques for measuring specific social, economic, and environmental impacts of highway im­ provements. A review of such techniques is not repeated in this report. The literature reports several techniques used for estimating highway impacts on land use and land value. These techniques can be classified into three basic groups: (1) land use-land value measurement models, (2) land use­ traffic analysis models,
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