Home Economics Maths

Technological Studies Geography

Physical Education

The Real

To Art Guide


Religious Studies



S c i e c e Information Technology n English

1 History

Note from the Editors

Hello! We have really enjoyed putting the magazine together and hope you find it useful.

We have tried to include lots of information that will help you settle in during your first few weeks.

Good luck! We know you will enjoy Trinity as much as we do!



It is the intention of Trinity High School to offer to all students education of the highest quality by:

 fostering a community of faith, whereby all students are informed of the teachings of the Christian Catholic Tradition, and are encouraged to celebrate their faith through prayer and the sacraments of the Church ;

 encouraging and enabling each student to achieve his/her full potential;

 promoting the intellectual, physical and emotional development of the individual by encouraging responsible and co operative attitudes;

 providing a secure, stable, disciplined environment in which effective learning and teaching can take place;

 providing a range of courses/experiences which satisfy the individual needs of students regardless of age or aptitude;

 ensuring equality of opportunity;

 providing coherence, progression and continuity in the curriculum to meet national and local authority policies.

Mr Peter Bollen Headteacher


Champions for Change

Pupils and staff at Trinity High School are fully committed to addressing the issue of sectarianism. Our Pupil Council has drawn up an Anti-sectarianism Charter and has been engaged in a number of workshops and activities to implement its aims.

Anti-Sectarianism Charter


1. No Sectarian songs or sectarian language in our school 2. Negative behaviour towards peoples‟ beliefs isn‟t tolerated 3. Football Supporting = YES! Football Sectarianism = NO! 4. No Football Colours


Being sectarian in Trinity is the same as being racist or discriminatory in our eyes. If you break our rules you will be sent to a Senior Member of Staff. Continue to do this and you will be sent to the Head Teacher, receive a visit from the Campus Police Officer and, in some cases, possibly be excluded.

What You Should Do?

If you see or hear sectarian incidents in the school, report it to a member of staff and don‟t get involved.


Why We Created this Charter?

Trinity Pupils created this charter to encourage the School and the Community to be less sectarian, more open minded about peoples‟ beliefs and to learn the consequences of sectarian actions in our School.


There are many clubs in Trinity. Below are just a few of the various clubs that you can join in Trinity.

Lunchtime Girls Group-S1- Lunchtime Arts/Crafts S3 Group

Friday. Room- C204 Monday Lunchtime Games Club- 1.10-1.50PM Room C204 1.10-1.50 PM (S1-S3) Wedensday C204

Wednesday. Room C204 Netball- Monday after Dance- Monday after Trampolining- school 1.10-1.50pm school Day and staff member to All age groups S1-S3 be confirmed Mrs Smith or Mrs Craig Mss Reyce

Book Club Thursday lunchtime Girls Fitness- Friday lunchtimes Homework club Day to be confirmed Library Support for learning Base Mrs Maclachlan S1 / 2

Chess club

Wednesday at 3.10-4.15 pm Maths Lunchtime club Boys Football and Basketball Cost £1.50 p/week John Muir Club Various days for training and games. Monday Lunch Contact Mr Colgan( football) and Information still to be Mr Webster(6 Basketball)regarding confirmed attendance.

 At Trinity High we are a health promoting school who has been awarded a Gold Award for our achievements in this area. There is a group of pupils and staff who work towards creating an environment which promotes the health and wellbeing of all pupils.

 At the canteen you will find a range of healthy and balanced meals to choose from such as our healthy baguettes, pastas and salads. As well as a range of fruit juices.

 We deliver S3 Health Days. Many of our staff, S5 and S6 pupils delivered the workshops: „Heart start‟; „Zumba Dancing‟ and „Baby Think It Over‟ and „Food Shock‟. The school had a team of medical staff from „Medics against Violence‟ who with Stewart McDonald (our campus police officer) delivered a hard hitting and powerful presentation on violence reduction.


Dorothea McInnes, James McKay-Pearson and Samanthat Feeney in S5 answered our question on what life is like at Trinity.

What was your first day at Trinity like?

SF: Don’t be nervous. Just be yourself and you will meet friends.

DM: Enjoy your first day and just start conversations WITH PEOPLE. This a chance to meet new friends.

JM: It is strange being the youngest again but don’t worry the time passes really quickly so enjoy.

What has been your best time at Trinity so far?

SF: The best years are S1 and S2. Enjoy learning new subjects, meeting new friends before the stress of exams.

DM: The best things about Trinity are the trips. I went on the theatre trip to London with the music department. We went to see ‘Billy Elliot’ and it was amazing.

JM: The teachers are really supportive and there are many great subjects to learn.

What one piece of advice would you give a new S1?

SF: Take class tests and Prelims seriously as they really do matter.

DM: Don’t be in a hurry to grow up. Enjoy your childhood and the early years of school.

JM: Choose friends who support you.


Q What expectations do you have for the new first years?

A Every year I hope that the new first year is as good or even better than the previous one. I hope they are all happy and that they achieve as many qualifications as they can.

Q What do you think are the main factors in the school?

A For me it is all about the relationships. It is about getting on with people in a way that respects them. It is about being welcoming and helpful to others. This school has a strong tradition of fundraising for others. Above all it is about demonstrating the Catholic teaching traditions and giving to others at the heart of the school.

Q What advice would you give to the new S1?

A Be happy, enjoy the school, take every opportunity which comes your way, work hard and always remember you are part of Team Trinity.


If you are in that situation always try and be the bigger person. ‘I’m scared of Remember and always being bullied’ tell an adult, they can help. Your Guidance Teachers and The Pupil Support are there to help you! ‘Try your best to fit in ‘I’m the only one with the crowd. Most moving to this people will be in the school how will I same boat. Try and make friends?’ engage in conversation and join clubs.

‘Everyone will be the same at first but there will be signs and there are ‘What if I always plenty forget my way teachers to ask and around the older pupils to school?’ ask.


School Starts - 8.45am

Interval - 11.15 - 11.30am

Lunch - 1.10 - 1.50pm

Monday Finish - 3.05pm

Tuesday Finish - 3.30pm

Wednesday Finish - 3.05pm

Thursday Finish - 3.30pm

Friday Finish - 2.40pm



This is what your timetable will look like.





Our Faith  At Trinity High School we believe Church, Home and School are stronger together.

 Our school prayer

Jesus lead me in the right way and direction to show love to others around me, especially the people who care for me, and care for the world and people who live in it. Help me to do the right thing and help me to learn.

 Every year the R.E. department take pupils to the Carfin Grotto.

 Our school chaplain is Father Dougan who leads Mass at lunchtimes on Tuesdays in the Oratory.


My name is Kieran Fallon and I am 12 Years old and my old Primary School was St. Joachim’s Primary. The biggest change of going to Trinity was the size of the school. On the first day I felt excited. Some teachers can be strict but most are really good. My advice for the new S1s coming up would be to stay calm because after the first week you will get used to it. My homework hint would be to do it as soon as you get it! My name is David Ford and I am 12 years old. My old primary was St Bride’s. My favourite subject is Science because of all the experiments. My rating of Trinity is 9.5 out of 10. My advice would be to stay with a group of friends. My homework hint is to make sure that you complete homework as soon as you get it and note deadlines in the diary planner.


Information on Subjects:

Languages: In English you will get to do a variety of things such as read novels, short stories, poems, films and plays. You will work in partnerships and teams as well as individuals. So far we have read the novel ‘Skellig’ and the play ‘Frankenstein’. In Spanish you have a chance to learn a new language. You will learn greetings, school subjects, animals, family and how to speak about, and describe yourself. You will also do a Spanish project and take a speaking test.

Social Subjects: In Modern Studies you will learn about human rights in China and also about Crime and Punishment. You will also be asked to complete a ‘Human Rights in China’ project in S1. In history you will learn how to work out centuries, time in BC and AD and about bias. In History you will also be asked to carry out an immigration project. In geography you will learn about 4 figure grid references, contour lines, spot heights and trig points. You will also be asked to write about crowded and empty lands.

P.E: In P.E. you will have a choice period where you will pick what you would like to do that day. You will pick from a list that will have 3 sports and you will rotate and have turns at each sport. You will also16 go swimming in P.e. You will cover sports like gymnastics, basketball, football, cross – country and lots more.

turns at each sport. You will also go swimming in P.E. You will cover sports like gymnastics, basketball, football, Cross – country and lots more.

Sciences- There are three sciences which you will get to learn about. In Chemistry you will learn about scientific reactions, in Physics you will learn about electric circuits and in Biology you will learn about the human body. You will have fun learning new things and doing experiments.

Maths- You will cover lots of topics such as equations, multiplications, division, rounding and much more. You will sometimes get the chance to work in groups as well as on your own.

Home Economics- You will get the chance to learn how to eat in a healthy way and will get to make delicious dishes such as apple crumble. Later in the course you will get to sew and make things.

Technical and Art- You will get the chance to do many practical tasks from portraits to making noughts and crosses and key rings. You will also get to learn about famous artists.



Sonny Coll I like many sports including football and running. I like playing with my friends and I look forward to learning new things at Trinity. I enjoy participating in clubs so I will be keen to join clubs at secondary. I am Edinburgh House captain this year. I play the piano and flute. I am in the school Burns group. Martin Murray I am a very sporty kid I especially like long distance running and football and also arts and drama. I can‟t wait for Trinity high because I will have interesting subjects and new teachers. I am Bothwell House Captain this year. I enjoy Burns poetry and am in the Burns group. Aidan Tierney I am a very sporty person but I mainly play football. I like music as well. I‟m looking forward to high school. I enjoy playing on the Xbox when I have free-time. Sophie Watson I enjoy sports very much especially gymnastics and running .I also play the piano. The thing I‟m most looking forward to at high school is making new friends and using a timetable. I am also looking forward to Home Economics at secondary. I am Culzean House Captain this year. I enjoy singing and reciting Burns poetry and songs. Ellie Hughes I like watching football, running and being with my friends. I am looking forward to meeting new friends in Trinity. I am really looking forward to learning Spanish at high school. Max McWilliams I am a very sporty person and my hobbies include football, running and loads more sports. I look forward to meeting new friends at Trinity and teachers for all the different subjects. I have really enjoyed being part of the Burns group in P7. Brandon Lukin I like playing my PS3 at home. I like computer games and look forward to Trinity. Nicola Warrington I like sports such as football and javelin. I also like to spend time with my friends and I hope to meet new friends at secondary. I like to do is dance for people and I have a couple of medals for dancing. I enjoy reciting Burns poetry and am in the Burns club in school. Kerri Smith I like to play sports like running and football and to learn new things. I like to spend time with my friends and I am looking forward to meeting new ones too. Luke McInally I enjoy many sports but probably football is my favourite sport. I like to spend time with my friends and hopefully I can make many more in high school. I have enjoyed being part of the Burns group in P7. 18

John Adams I like sports and art I hope I meet more friends at high school. I like playing games on the computer especially football games. I am looking forward to all the new subjects at Trinity. I like hip- hop music and I like watching CBeebies with my wee baby brother who is two. Declan Govan I like to play sport and I like art and science and I hope to meet lots more friends when I go to Trinity High School. I like hanging around with my friends at the weekend.

Kyle Curran I like sports and my favourite sports are football and running. I like art and English I look forward to making new friends. I like playing with my friends at the weekend. Ethan McGuire I like many sports and also like drawing and spending time with my friends and I like to meet new friends. I am a member of the cross-country club and Burns Club in school. Joshua Mitchell The sports that I like mostly are badminton and hockey and in my spare time at home I play my computer. Ronan Shiels I like to play football and running and I like to play with my friends and I would like to make new ones at Trinity. I like hip- hop music and my favourite film is ‟UP‟. Hannah Lynch I like to spend time with my family and I like to play football and listen to pop songs. My favourite film is „Johnny English‟. Kieran Haig l like football and playing ps3 and my favourite subject at Trinity will be art. I am a member of the cross-country team in school. Mikey Hislop I like Thai boxing football playing Xbox and my favourite subject will be wood work when I go to Trinity in August. Tiegan Ross I like spending time with my friends I like going to ice skating. I‟m looking forward to making new friends when I start Trinity this year. My favourite singer is Rhianna. Jay Sheerin I like football and running and I look forward to woodwork and meeting new friends whenever I go to Trinity. I like „Scary Movie 2‟ and my favourite TV programme is Burnistoun. I like watching CBeebies with my little sister who is 7 months. Erin Monaghan In P7 I have enjoyed athletics and I am in the Girl Guides. I am looking forward to meeting new friends and teachers at secondary school. Orla McBride I enjoy gymnastics and athletics. I also take part in cross- country running. I enjoy meeting up with my friends at the weekend to go shopping and we enjoy going to the cinema together. I am the Eco representative for P7 this year. Liam O‟Donnell I like football and many other sports, I also like pop music. The thing I am most looking forward to at secondary is meeting new friends. I like Rhianna and „Jaws‟ the movie.



Hi my name is Charlotte Moss. I live in with my mum, dad and my sister Katie and my dog Ruby. I enjoy going to Ron Hill Harriers in Cambuslang with my friends. I also like going to netball in the school with my friends.

Hi my name is Erin McGuire I am 11 years old and I live in Cambuslang with my mum Anne and dad Brian. We have a rabbit called Molly that is 2 years old. In my spare time I like to go swimming with friends and I love to be around little children.

Hi, my name is Kieran Friel and I am 11 years old. I live at East Greenlees Drive with my Mum my Dad and my little brother Conor who is in P6 and he will also go to Trinity. In my spare time I like to play football with my team and play my PS3. I also like to play with my friends.

Hi my name is Conor O‟Donnell. I‟m 11 years old I live in Cambuslang with my mum, dad and little sister Millie .In my spare time I play football for Celtic boys club. I also do lots more sports. I enjoy going out to play with my friends and playing on my IPAD.

Hi, my name is Junaid Hussain and I live in Westburn, Cambuslang. I am 11 years old. I have 5 friends Zain, Awais, Rohan, Harris and Yaseen. I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers. I also like to play my PS3 and iPod.

Hi my name is Lucy Davies I am 11 years old. I live in Cambuslang with my mum, dad and my big sister Amy who is a 5th year pupil at Trinity High School. In my spare time I like to sing, act, dance and spend time with family and friends. During the school week I like to go to clubs, sing in the choir, work hard and have fun with all my friends. I especially like making them laugh. During the weekend I go to drama clubs and go to the U.C in Cambuslang Main Street with my best friend is Kiera Watson. We have lots of fun together and are both very alike that‟s why we are friends. Friends, family, acting and school all mean a lot to me.

Hi, my name is Amy Masterson, I am 11 years old. I live in with my mum, dad and sister Karen. In my spare time I enjoy going to dancing and going to the pictures with my friends and lastly enjoy going to with my cousin.

Hi, my name is Louise Hurley. I am 11 years old I live in Cambuslang with my mum, dad, big brothers Joe and David, big sisters Claire, Mary, Rachel and wee sister Anna. My big sister Rachel is in 5th year at Trinity and I have a dog called Peeta. I go to chanter and I like to go swimming and ice skating with my friends.



Hi, my name is Kiera Watson. I am 11 years old and I live in Blantyre with my mum and her partner Craig. My best friend in school is Lucy Davies we have lots of fun together. I really enjoy school during the week but I especially love the weekend because I get to relax. In my spare time I like to enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I go ice skating, to the cinema and to the local Cambuslang U.C. on a Saturday with my friends too. I love to spend time with my gran and papa and read to them, they really enjoy it. I see my Dad every weekend and we do all sorts of activities together like swimming, going to the park and going to the shops. I am very athletic and love to do lots of sports as I am currently in the Ronhill Harriers Cambuslang.

Hi, my name is Kayleigh Curley and I am 11 years old. I live in Eastfield with my nan and papa. My big cousin Megan is currently in 4th year in Trinity. In my spare time I go to a local cheerleading club with my best friend Amber. I also like to read books on my kindle.

Hi, my names Albert Antony I am 11 years old I live in Cambuslang with my mum dad and little sister. In my spare time I like playing football, basketball and reading. I also like playing on my ps3. I also like playing with my friends. I have two pet hamsters.

Hi, my name is Caitlin Kennedy, I am 11 years old and I live in Cambuslang with my mum and my pet cat Lyla. In my spare time I like singing, swimming and I like to go to U.C in Cambuslang on a Saturday. I also go to guides on a Wednesday and I enjoy earning badges there.

Hi my name is Oliver Bowden and I am 11 years old. I live in Whitlawburn with my mum, Lynn. I like to do maths and language. My hobbies are golf and scootering. In my spare time I like to play with my friend at the park and on play station 3 plus I have other friends that I go to the skate park with. I also enjoy going to U.C in the Main Street. I also like to cook and another hobby of mine is baking and cooking with my mum.

Hi my name is Daniel Niewczas and I am 11 years old and I live with my mum, dad, my two sisters and brother in Cambuslang. I enjoy playing football outside with my friends, reading and playing on my computer.

Hi my name is Emma Rodger and I‟m 11 years old. I live in Cambuslang with my mum, dad and two sisters, Jane and Kimberley. Jane and Kimberley used to go to Trinity. We have a dog called Bonnie. In my spare time I like to go to the pictures with my friends, play on my iPod and go to the U.C in Cambuslang.



Hi my name is Awele Nwachukwu and I live with my mum and dad in Cambuslang. I have three sisters, Chioma,Oluchi and Amarachi . I have no big brothers or sisters at Trinity, and I have just moved to St. Brides. I like to sing, skip and run!

Hi my name is Kel Allan. I live in Drumsargard with my mum and dad and my little brother Cain. In my spare time I like to play minecraft and sometimes I like to go to U.C in Cambuslang.

Hi my name is Katie Moss. I am 11 years old and I live in Cambuslang with my Mum Emily, Dad Garry and my twin sister Charlotte who is also going to Trinity. In my spare time I like to go running, sing and go to U.C club on Saturday to see all my friends. I also have a dog called Ruby who is very playful.

Hi, my name is Jodie Russell and I‟m 11 years old. I live at home in Cambuslang with my dad, and big sister, Hayley. Hayley is in 5th year at Trinity just now. In my spare time, I go to Guides and I enjoy singing and going out with my friends.

Hi my name is Amber Bradley and I am 11 years old. I live with my mum, dad and little brother Darren in Cambuslang, I also have a dog his name is Bailey. In my spare time I go to cheerleading, I go to SlS Allstars. I also like to go to the cinema and U.C. with my friends

Hi, my name is Ben Sutherland and I am 11 years old. I live with my mum, Geraldine, my dad, Grant, and my little brothers, Cameron and Ciaran. I have a pet dog, 2 lizards and a pet fish. In my spare time, I go to a running club, lifeguard lessons and scouts. I enjoy going to UC in Cambuslang and playing mine craft on my laptop.

Hi my name is Amy Molloy, I am 11 years old and I live in Halfway with my mum and dad. I like to play the piano so I go to piano lessons every Wednesday. Also I like to swim. My big cousin Scott has just left school early to go and get a job he wanted. Every Saturday I go to U.C with my some of my friends. My best friends are Rosie and Megan. They are going to Trinity the same time as me.

Hi, my name is Dane Black and I am 11 years old, I live in Eastfield with my Mum and Dad. My hobbies are football. I play with Drumsagard. I like to go to the U.C on a Saturday morning.

Hi my name is Megan Hampson. I am 11 years old and I live in Cambuslang with my mum and dad. I have a cat called Roxy. My big cousin Chloe goes to trinity and her big brother Darren used to go to Trinity too. In my spare time I like to play with my friends at my street and I like going to my youth club on a Saturday



Hi my name is Sean Mckeown. I live with my big sister Dionne, my mum Yvonne and also my step dad Alex. I love to play darts and have a good time with my friends and family. I really want to be a professional darts player.

Hi, my name is Abbie Campbell and I am 11 years old, I live with my big brother Sam, little brother Louis , little sister Chloe , my dad Gary and my mum Tracey. I have 2 other sisters that don‟t live with me, their names are Ashley and Erin. I also have a little dog called Poppy. Sam, my big brother is in 5th year at Trinity. In my spare time I like to have some of my friends down to my house and we will play the play station.

Hi, my name is Kayleigh Moroney. I am 11 years old and I live in Cambuslang. I live with my mum, dad and little sister Shannon. I have two kittens Trixie and Dixie, none of my family are at Trinity. In my spare time I go to UC in Cambuslang. I also go to an acting school because I‟m really into acting and singing.

My name is Kyle Doherty and I live in East Greenless Drive. I have a wee brother Callum, a mum Diane and a dad Robert. My hobbies is football. I play for Queen‟s Park pro youth. I train 3 days a week and play a game on a Saturday.

My name is Kara Burns. I live in Cambuslang with my mum. I have one big brother who used to go to Trinity High School. I really like to go outside in the summer and hang out with my best friend Maria .I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I love chess because it stimulates the brain but I also like to swim, climb and do gymnastics.

Hi my name is Kiera O‟Rourke I live in Cambuslang with my mum my dad and my brother Conor. I have four brothers and one sister and I‟m the youngest. I have lots of pets too. At the weekend I go to U.C with my friends or I go swimming. In my spare time I like to draw or go on my trampoline.

Hi my name is Mark Smith and I live in Cambuslang with my mum, my older sister and my little sister. In my spare time, I enjoy playing Minecraft on my iPod and computer, and I enjoy playing my PS3.

Hi, my name is Peter Kennedy and I‟m 11 years old. I‟m a pupil at St Bride‟s Primary School. My hobbies are football, Drawing, Swimming, Athletics and other sports. I live with my Mum, Dad and my two little sisters. I live in Cambuslang and my favourite goalkeepers are Joe Hart and Fraser Foster. My best friends are, Kyle, Barrie and Alen. I am really looking forward to Trinity.



Hello, my name is Alen Saju and I am a pupil of St Bride‟s Primary School. I am 12 years old. My hobbies are basketball, drawing, athletics, badminton and other sports. I live in Cambuslang with my dad, mum, sister and brother. My friends are Peter and Barrie. I am looking forward to coming to Trinity.

Hi my name is Barrie Donaghue. I am 11 years old and I go to St Bride‟s Primary School. I like to play football and I love to run. My favourite subject is P.E. My friends at school are Kyle, Albert and Peter. I live with my mum, my dad and my two brothers. My big brother goes to Trinity just now and he is in third year. His name is David Donaghue.

My Name is Emma McCluskey, I am eleven years old and I got to St.Bride‟s Primary School. I like P.E and I love running. My favourite subjects are P.E and language. My friends at school are Kiera, Katie and Amber. My favourite band is McFly. I live with my mum half the week and my dad the other half.

My name is Rosie Mclean and I am ten years old. I live in Halfway in Cambuslang. I have got one brother called Alistair who already goes to Trinity High School. I like the subject Language though we don‟t do that too much in class. I love to read Jacqueline Wilson books and sometimes Jeff Kinney stuff like “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” All my friends from school are going to Trinity and are all exited to go to High school. I‟m a bit nervous but I‟m sure I‟ll be fine when we start High school.

My name is Caitlin Phillips and I‟m eleven years old. My hobbies are playing chess, basketball and I love playing with my friends at school and home. I live with my mum, dad and big brother and I live in Cambuslang near Trinity so it will be easy getting up. My feelings about going to Trinity are excitement and nervousness because there are a lot more people there and a lot more classes but I‟ll get some help along the way. I‟ve got an older brother at Trinity right now and he says it‟s a lot of fun.

Hi,my name is Maria Trainer and I am 11 years old. I live in Cambuslang in . I‟ve got three little sisters and a brother. My brother is at Trinity High in second year called Jordan Trainer. My best friends are Caitlin Phillips and Louise Hurley, two pupils who will be going to Trinity. I‟m a very sporty person and I like to play Netball, Tennis, Running and P.E. My favourite subjects are P.E, mathematics and I.C.T. When I go to Trinity I am most excited for Home Economics.



Hi, my name is Sana Ali and I am 11 years old. My favourite hobby is going on my bike. I have a big sister in Trinity in first year. My friends are Amy, Rosie and Awele.

My name is Iona Donald and I am 11 years old. I am looking forward to going to Trinity. My big sister Ellen goes to Trinity. My best friends are Caitlin Phillips and Jodie Russell.

St Mark’s

My Name is Jack Williamson; my hobbies are Football, Xbox, Playstation 3 and my Computer. My favourite subject in school is Maths.

My name is Erin Rooney. I am 11 years old. I Like Drama and running.

My name is Darren I am 11 years old I have a big brother and a little sister I like to play football and playing computer games my favourite subject is maths. When I grow up I want to be an animator or a game designer.

My name is Darby Loughran and I am 11 years old. In school I enjoy doing P.E. Out of school I like to do gymnastics but I also go to dancing twice a week and I enjoy it, my best friend is Sophie Allan she‟s like a sister to me.


St Mark’s

My name is Conner I am 11 years old and I like to play football

When I grow up I want to be a football player.

My name is Ammie Clark and I am 10 years old. In school I like to do imaginative story writing. I like to sing. My best friends are Neve Timoney, Melanie McLaren and Leigh Harris. They always help me.

Hello my name is Lamisa Kindred I am 11 years of age. I have three big brothers and 2 big sisters. My best friends are Shannon and Beth. My hobbies are singing, dancing and swimming. My favourite singer is Justin Bieber.

Hello my name is Kayleigh McElhinney I am 11 years old I like singing and swimming. I have 1 big sister and 1 big brother my best friends are Caitlin Erin and Grace. My favourite subject in school is topic and going on trips. My favourite singer is Nicki Minaj.

My name Is Fraser Welsh, I am 11 years old and I have two sisters and a brother. I love new challenges in school and I love to do quizzes in class. My hobbies include, playing football and cooking. When I grow up, I would like to become an animator at PIXAR.


St Mark’s

My name is Darren Mccaig I am 11 years old I had two brothers at Trinity Andrew Mccaig and James Mccaig. My favourite thing is P.E in school. I like to play football out of school with my football team.

Hi my name is Toni-jean stalker and I‟m 11 years old. I like dancing and singing. My favourite singer is Nicki Minaj. I have 1 brother, my best friends are Melanie and Leigh and I have a springier spaniel dog called Leo.

My name is Stephen and I am 11 years old, in school I enjoy P.E and History. Out of school my hobbies are football and visiting my local park. When I am older I would like to have a good job.

Hi my name is Rita Ghanime and I am 11 years old. When I am older I want to be a surgical doctor. I like dance and do gymnastics .My favourite singer is Emily Sande.

My name is Reiss I am 11 years old. I like pizza and Xbox.

Hi my name is Reece O‟Neill. I like to play football. I have a little brother and I‟m 11 years old. I like to listen to music and go out on my bike.


St Mark’s

My name is Rachel and I am 11 years old.

I like maths and swimming, I like going on my 3-wheeled scooter.

My name is Neve Timoney, I am 10 years old. In school I like to do P.E. I like to dance. My best friends are Ammie Clark, Leigh Harris and Melanie McLaren.

My name is Lucy Ronald I am 10 years old. In school I like story writing and I also like to play football and I love Olly Murs . I love music and would like to be a song writer when I am older or a singer.

My name is Leigh Harris and I‟m 11, I like gymnastics and dance, and at school I like gym. I like swimming and art too, my best friend is Melanie McLaren.


St Joachim‟s

I am Katie Woods. I will be 12 on the 12th July. I like to dance and play with my friends. I am looking forward to meeting new friends and having all different teachers and subjects. My favourite food is chicken pasta. I like listening to everything in the charts.

I am Kyle Clinton. I will be 12 on February 2nd and I like playing my PS3 and football. I really like playing with my friends. I am really looking forward to meeting new friends at Trinity. My favourite food is Yorkshire pudding with roast beef and gravy. I enjoy the music that‟s in the charts.

My name is Connor James Cochrane and my age is 12 this year. I like to play football and I‟m looking forward to High school gym. My favourite music is Florida and my favourite food is chicken curry.

My name is Christie O‟Donnell. I will be 12 on the 1st May. I like to spend time with my family and go out with my friends. I am looking forward to meeting new people. My favourite food is pepperoni pizza. My favourite music is new music that‟s in the charts.

My name is Callum Lewis Grant. I will be 12 on the 29th April. I like playing football with my friends and I like playing my Xbox at Fifa. I am looking forward to making new friends. My favourite food is a bacon sandwich and my favourite music is modern music.

I am Ava Mitchell. I will be 13 on the 22nd April. I like to dance and run and play with my friends. I am looking forward to meeting new people and doing different subjects. My favourite food is chicken pasta and my favourite music is everything in the charts.


St. Anthony’s

Wiktoria Orlicka My name is Wiktoria Orlicka, I have sister Daria and I am 11 years old. I like drawing and doing origami. I come from Poland and I have lots of friends. I like drawing and can do lots of things like origami tulip. Michael Lochran I am 11 years old and I live in Cathkin with my mum, dad, brother, sister, my dog and 2 hamsters. I am good with computers and my friends say I’m a good Goalie. I am also a fan of Badminton and Rugby. I am a big fan of video games and I love riding my bike. Megan Devine My name is Megan Devine and I am 12 years old. I have a sister that goes to Trinity already and her name is Chloe. I have a pet cat called Mifassa. My best friends are Kirsty, Kimberley and Kayleigh. I like playing with my friends and I like skipping and swimming even though I can’t swim! I also like running and dancing and singing. Mark Kirk My name is Mark Kirk. I am eleven years old and I have a twin brother called Jason. My best friends are Michael, Jude and Ryan. I am good at Karate, Football (Goalkeeper), Rugby, Reading and Video games. I am also good at making new friends. I have entered the Glasgow University Mathematical Challenge; I played pro youth for Queens Park, Star writer once this year and many more through my years at St Anthony’s. I have won the League once with my School Football Team. I hope to get even more achievement and awards during my time at Trinity. Lauren Carr Hi, my name is Lauren and I have 2 siblings, a sister Leah and a brother Ryan. I have three best friends, Carly Brown, Hope Corbett and Taylor Finnie. My hobbies include dancing, swimming, gymnastics, computer and skipping. I have had awards and a certificate for dancing outside of school. Kirsty McCrear I live with my mum and dad and brother. I have a dog called Troy and a guinea pig called Nibbles. My best friend’s are Kimberley and Clare. I like singing, dancing, football, swimming, adventures and art. I can also do a crab and can put my foot around my head. I like hanging out with my friends and cycling. My ambition is to become an artist or a designer. Kimberley McGowan I am 11 years old. I live with my mum, two sisters and one brother. I have six pets: a dog, a hamster, two budgies and two rabbits. My best friend in school is Kirsty. I went on Britain’s got talent auditions, with Natasha and Chloe. It was a good experience. I can do tricks on my skateboard and I am good on my bike. I like writing stories. I also like art and I hope to become a singer when I am older or an author. Kieran Evans I live with my mum and dad. My friends are Connor, Jude, Kyle, Mark and Michael. I play for Queen’s Park FC and the school football team. My hobbies are football and watching TV. My interests are everything about football. I’m also the captain of the school football team. I have been the top goal scorer in the last 2 years and I’m in the lead again this year.


Kayleigh Islip I am 11 years old. My favourite colour is purple. I have a little sister named Abi. My friends are Shannon, Cara and Beth. I live with my mum, her boyfriend and my little sister. I can’t wait to be going to Trinity High school. I like gymnastics, dancing and reading. I hope to be a nursery teacher like my mum or a teacher like my auntie. I am school Vice Captain. I got 12 medals and 4 trophies when I was at dancing and I’ve got 3 medals at gymnastics. Jude Thornton I live in Whitlawburn with my family. My Best Friends are Ryan, Michael, Jason, Mark, Connor and Kieran. I like art, badminton, tennis, football and photography and PARTICK THISTLE! I am also interested in Taylor Swift! I would love to be a Photographer. Jay Mollins I am 12 and I stay with my mum, sister and two brothers. I have a dog and I’m good at football, basketball, karate and tennis. I stay in a flat and a have a lot of friends and I am kind. My friends are Connor, Michael, Ryan, Andrew, Mark, Kieran and Jason. I am also good at maths, spelling, reading, comprehension questions and history. In want to be a vet or a footballer or a pharmacist or a lawyer. Jason Kirk I am Jason Kirk. I was born on 1st February 2002 and am 11 now. I enjoy all the activities I do and always try my hardest to improve. I hope I can be the best I enjoy music and drama the most as I hope to be an actor or singer one day. I have blonde hair, blue eyes and am quite tall. My friends are Jude, Mark, Michael Connor, Kieran, Jay, Andrew and many more from outside! I can play the piano and sing a wee bit and can do a bit of acting. I can play football and I’m a brown belt in karate. Erin Allen I live with my mum, dad, dog (Darcy) and little baby sister, Freya. My friends are Cara, Beth, Wiktoria, Kayleigh, Beth and Shannon. They’re all a lot of fun! I would love to make more friends in Trinity! My favourite subject in school is Writing. I love to write and fill a lot of notebooks with imaginative stuff. I would love to be an author. It’s my dream to publish at least one book. I love the colour purple. I love wolves too- they’re beautiful and graceful! I have quite a lot of writing awards I have many chess trophies, awards, certificates and medals. I am school captain now.

Emma Lynne Stern I am Emma Stern and I am 12 years old. I stay with my mum, dad, little sister and big sister. I can ride a bike and a scooter. I can bake cakes. I like baking, horse riding, shopping, trampoline and gymnastics. I have got a medal for Irish dancing. I hope to be a teacher.


Connor Dunlop My name is Connor and I am 12 years old. I stay with my Mum and Dad and I live in Cathkin. My favourite things are Football and Xbox 360. I am Player of the Year for the school team and I am school captain. I would like to be a football player.

Cara Dixon My full name is Cara Margret Bridget Boyce Dixon and I am 11. My birthday is the 29 of October 2001. I live with my mum. My friends are: Kayleigh, Shannon, Rachel, Erin, Wictoria, Beth, Kristy, Kimberley, Eve, Kirsten and Megan. My hobbies are pottery, drama, gymnastics, swimming, dancing, singing, badminton and music - and I can play the guitar. My hopes are to become a famous actress or singer. I would love to be a famous computer engineer.

Andrew Carvill I am athletic and I like football. I have two brothers and they are called Connor and Stephen. My mum is called Sonya and dad is called Colin. I like football, basketball, goal keeping, and I like racing. When I’m older I want to be a lawyer or a policeman. My star achievement is getting a maths certificate.

St Cadoc’s

My name is Craig Sinclair and I like P.E. I am looking forward to meeting new people.

My name is Dylan Forrest and I like P.E. I am looking forward to meeting new people and new teachers.

My name is Leon Smith and I like P.E. I am looking forward to making new friends.

My name is Rebekka Smith and I like drama. I am looking forward to Home Economics and Drama!

My name Olivia Trainor and I like Art. I am looking forward to seeing my cousins that are already there!

My name is James Hannaway and I like P.E . I am looking forward to making new friends.


St Cadoc’s

My name is Bailey Reilly and I like P.E. I am looking forward to meeting new friends.

My name is Aimee Duffy and I like P.E. I am looking forward to Home Economics classes.

My name is Aidan Feeney and I like P.E. I am looking forward to going to new after school clubs.

My name is Erin Hickey and I like P.E. I am looking forward to meeting new people.

My name is Rebecca Fleming and I like Art. I am looking forward to P.E classes.

My name is Calum Kelly and I like Topic work. I am looking forward to Chemistry classes.

St Charles’ Primary

My name is Amy Davis and I am 12 years old. I have 6 sisters, one older and five younger. One of my sisters is at Trinity already and she said it is good. I stay with my gran and granda and 4 of my sisters and 2 of my cousins. I have quite a big house. People say I am a good singer, but I am not quite sure. I am alright at football and I am looking for a good girls’ team to play for.

My name is Awais Akhtar. I am 12 years old and I live with my mum, dad, four brothers and three sisters. I’m good at cricket, swimming and cycling. My hobbies are being a car mechanic and I would like to open up a garage. I hope I don’t get bullied by anyone on the bus to Trinity and I hope I don’t loose my old friends. I would like to make new friends.

My name is Caitlin Cryans I am 12 years old and I live in Drumsagard with my mum, dad and my big brother Dominic. My whole name is Caitlin Gemma Poliri Cryans. I’m good at trampolining. I also really like swimming. I like playing football even though I’m not that good at it. Sometimes I enjoy going Ice-skating with my friends at the weekend. When I grow up I want to be a baker and do something to make a difference.


St Charles’ Primary

My name is Christopher McQueen I live with my mum and dad in Drumsagard. I play for Celtic pro-youth. I am a centre back. My friends in school are Lewis Jones, Scott Kelly, Lewis Murphy and Zain Ul Abedin. I am a black belt in karate. I am 5ft 3inch tall. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I like football, karate, 100m running, swimming, basketball, and Art I would like to be a professional Football player and to get good grades in School.

My name is Hannah and I am 12 years old. I stay in Cambuslang with my mum, dad, my brother Kris, my sister Chloe and my dog Marley. I have brown hair, blue eyes and freckles. My skills are playing football and singing. I like football and I play for a team called Glasgow girls. I like to read books and I love to sing and work with different types of music. When I‟m older I want to go to New York and perform on Broadway in the musical „Wicked‟. Last year I won confident individual award at the schools award ceremony.

My name is Jamie Ballantyne. I live with my mum and two sisters Nicole and Natalie. I have a dog called Kayla. I like swimming and ice skating. When I leave Trinity I would like to go to college and train to be a vet. I like taking part in all the activities at Dalhousie. I was Pupil of the Week for working hard in maths, making excellent effort in language work and for being a consistently good worker in all areas of school. I am an Eco Committee member.

My name is Lewis Jones and I am 11 years old but when I start Trinity I will be 12. I enjoy football but I am not the best at it. My skill is singing. My hobby is walking and an interest of mine is watching T.V. My hopes are to have a job related to business and computing. A star achievement of mine is when I won Responsible Citizen at St.Charles‟ award ceremony 2012.

Hello, I‟m Lewis John Murphy. I‟m 11 and will be going to Trinity soon. I play rugby for Cambuslang Rugby Club and have done so since I was 6 years old. I also play in goals for Jimmy Johnston Academy and I go to boxing at Duries Boxing Gym. I am also a keen skate boarder and have skated since I was 8 years old. My Biggest dream is to one day play for the Glasgow warriors and .


St. Charles Primary

My name is Rohin O‟Neill. I am a curious boy. I like to know things. I am also an active person who likes to have fun and run about. My skills are with computers and technology and I like music. My hopes are to become a game developer for DICE. I have achieved a sportsmanship award and I was in the Pupil Council for six years in a row.

My full name is Scott Joseph Patrick Kelly. I have blue eyes and blonde hair. I am 5 ft 2 inches tall. I am Roman-Catholic and I take pride in my religion and I attend mass regularly. I have a little sister, a mother and father and a Jack Russell who is appropriately named „Jack‟. I play for Celtic Boys Club and I go to Durie‟s Boxing gym in Rutherglen. I have been skateboarding since I was 5 years old and I am very good at it. I am currently trying to get a skateboard sponsorship at EK Skate Park. I like Music and my favourite singers are Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jnr, Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop and Kay Kyser. I am very excited about coming to Trinity and I will do my best. When I am older I hope to immigrate over to the USA and start a family.

My name is Zain Ul Abedin. I am 11 years old but when I come to Trinity I will be 12. I like playing the Xbox and cycling but most of all I like cars. My favourite food is chicken burger and chips and a chilled can of coke. My religious beliefs are Islam. I only eat Halal. I like football but I‟m not that good. I am really looking forward to Trinity because of the new challenges. I can swim and cycle and play the Xbox. I like music especially Pop, R&B and DUBSTEP. When I leave Trinity I want to go to university and become a business entrepreneur.

My name is Kaci-lee Beckett and I‟m 11 and I still will be in first year. My birthday is on the 15/03/2002.I love to dance too! I love to dance it‟s so good. I go 4 times a week every week. I have lots of friends at dancing like Megan, Chelsea, Chantelle, Kaitlyn and Amy. When I‟m older I want to be a professional dancer in the West End also in music videos and movies on Broadway. A couple of weeks ago it was my dance show and I got a trophy. My exams were 2 months ago .I got highly commended for Tap, Modern and Disco. This month I‟m going to sit my ballet exam. Me and my friend Megan will take that together.


My name is Stacey Davis, I love to read and I live in a house which including me has 9 people in it. I love to hang about with my friends but I still like time to watch TV and read historical books. If I am not busy I sometimes practise my tables. I am good at music. I play piano at home and I like learning new bits of music. I enjoy cooking so I am looking forward to Home Economics. I like to read books, play piano, cook, sew, and exploring new places and things. I hope to achieve something big in my life something that will help the world a bit, if not I want to work with little kids . On my holiday I won 20 certificates and I have won football medals. I have won star of the week quite a few times and I have had the opportunity of being a JRSO ( junior road safety officer) for my school.