Lescaut by

Cast (soprano) LESCAUT, her brother, Sergeant of the Royal Guards (baritone) IL CAVALIERE DES GRIEUX, a student (tenor) GERONTE DI RAVOIR, Treasurer-General (bass) EDMONDO, a student (tenor) INNKEEPER (bass) SINGER (mezzo-soprano) DANCING-MASTER (tenor) LAMPLIGHTER (tenor) SERGEANT OF THE ROYAL ARCHERS (bass) NAVAL CAPTAIN (bass) HAIRDRESSER (silent) Singers, old beaux and abbés, girls, townsfolk, students, courtesans, archers, sailors

ACT ONE STUDENTS Now the avenue is brightening up. AT AMIENS A large square near the Paris Gate. EDMONDO I’ll devise a madrigal, (On the right, an avenue. On the left, an inn with artful, bold and merry. a portico under which tables are laid out. A small They come flocking, outside staircase leads to the first floor of the inn. our young working girls — Students, townspeople and soldiers stroll about STUDENTS the square or stand talking in groups. Others sit Fresh, laughing and pretty. at the tables drinking or playing cards.) EDMONDO EDMONDO I’ll devise a madrigal, artful and merry, (in a knot of fellow students) and may my Muse excel in gallantry! Hail, gentle evening descending (to some of the girls) with your train of zephyrs and stars; Youth is our name, hail, so dear to poets and lovers — Hope is our goddess; STUDENTS indomitable courage Ha ha ha! drags us by the hair. And to thieves and drunks! STUDENTS We have cut short your madrigal! Youth is our name! EDMONDO Hope is our goddess; And I thank you. indomitable courage Here gaily flocking up the avenue drags us by the hair. come our fresh, laughing and pretty Divine ecstasy! working-girls. Now, you laughing girls made for love, surrender your hearts. 2

GIRLS is there hiding a pretty, charming girl A wave of perfume drifts through the air, with rosy lips who waits for me? the swallows fly away Is it you, fair star? Tell me! and the sunlight dies. Show me my destiny and the divine, ardent face STUDENTS, then TOWNSPEOPLE which shall capture my love, Give your lips, give your hearts which I shall gaze upon and adore eternally! to valiant youth. (Edmondo and the other students laugh.) Among you, dark and fair beauties, etc. GIRLS Is it you, slender brunette? Tell me! This is the hour of day-dreams when hope struggles with sadness. EDMONDO and STUDENTS (Des Grieux enters, dressed as a student.) Bravo! Bravo!

STUDENTS EDMONDO Here is Des Grieux! Take note, companions, let no-one complain about him anymore! EDMONDO (to Des Grieux) Come and join us, friend, and laugh STUDENTS, GIRLS, TOWNSPEOPLE and yield to the urge of strange adventure. Bravo! What? No reply? Why? Let’s celebrate the evening Perhaps for some unattainable lady as is our custom. a sharp pang of love pierces you? Let the glasses ring with merry music in the toasts DES GRIEUX and let the ardent enchantment Love? Love? of pleasure sweep us away! Of that tragedy, or rather farce, Ah! Let’s celebrate! I know nothing! Dances, toasts, mad caprices, (Edmondo and some of the students talk to Des the procession of pleasure Grieux. Others court the girls at the entrance to now advances along the streets, the avenue.) and night will reign; shining and impetuous, STUDENTS it is a poem of splendor: Rubbish! Cautiously, blithely, you are let its light and passion concealing conquer all. mysterious conquests. Shining and impetuous, etc. (A postilions horn is heard.) DES GRIEUX Here comes the coach from Arras! Friends, you do me too much honor. (The coach stops outside the inn and the crowd EDMONDO and STUDENTS watches the passengers alight. First Lescaut, By jove, we’ve guessed it, friend. then Geronte who helps Manon to the ground.) You’re worried over a snub. Let’s see them getting out! Elegant travelers — dandies! DES GRIEUX No, not yet, STUDENTS (admiring Manon) but if it pleases you I’ll humor you — Who wouldn’t give that lovely girl and at once! a tender salute of welcome? (He approaches a group of girls.) LESCAUT Among you, dark and fair beauties, Ho there! Innkeeper! 3

(to Geronte) DES GRIEUX Sir, you are a model of courtesy. And in your face Ho, there! Innkeeper! the springtime blooms forth! O fair one, what harsh fate dogs you? INNKEEPER (rushing up, followed by servants) MANON Here I am! My fate is this: my father’s firm wish. DES GRIEUX (gazing at Manon) DES GRIEUX Heavens, how beautiful she is! Oh, how lovely you are! Ah, no! It is not a sterile GERONTE convent that shall covet you! No! (to the landlord) On your destiny another star is shining. Tonight, friend, I shall stay here. (to Lescaut) MANON Your pardon! My star is sinking! (to the innkeeper) Landlord, see to my luggage. DES GRIEUX We cannot talk now. INNKEEPER Come back soon, Very well, sir. and conspiring against fate (He instructs the servants to unload the we shall triumph. baggage, then turns to Geronte and Lescaut.) Pray follow me. MANON (He goes up the steps followed by Geronte and So much pity lies in your words! Lescaut, who motions to Manon to wait for I want to remember you! him.) What is your name?

DES GRIEUX DES GRIEUX (to Manon) I am René des Grieux. Gentle lady accept my plea: let those sweet lips tell me your name. LESCAUT (from the inn) MANON Manon! My name is Manon Lescaut. MANON DES GRIEUX I must leave you. Pardon my words, (turning towards the inn) but I am drawn to you I’m coming! by some mysterious fascination. (to Des Grieux) I even seem to have seen you before, My brother is calling me. and my heart throbs with strange emotions. Pardon my words! DES GRIEUX When do you leave? You’ll return?

MANON MANON I leave at dawn tomorrow. No, I cannot! Leave me, please! A convent awaits me. 4

DES GRIEUX LESCAUT O sweet one, I beg. Exactly, exactly. I have more sense than might appear, MANON though an unsavory reputation surrounds my You have won me over. exploits. When darkness falls! But I know life, maybe too well. (She stops speaking as she sees Lescaut on the Paris is a very great school. balcony of the inn and hurries to join him.) Complainingly, I perform my duty as my sister’s mentor, DES GRIEUX like a true soldier. Never have I seen such a woman! To tell her: I love you, GIRLS awakens my heart to new life. Your friends faithful for the moment, “My name is Manon Lescaut.” do you want a kiss, a sigh, from us? How those fragrant words Ah, we’ll crown the victor — linger in my spirit just ask for a kiss, a sigh! and caress hidden chords. O gentle murmur, pray never cease! etc. STUDENTS Whoever loses, whoever wins, “My name is Manon Lescaut.” we all long for you, sweet maids. O gentle murmur, pray never cease! (Edmondo and the students who have been LESCAUT watching Des Grieux crowd around him.) I simply say that in this world no misfortune befalls us EDMONDO and STUDENTS without some compensation. Your luck reassures us. And what may your name be, sir? O worthy devotee of Cupid, the fair and divine angel GERONTE has come from heaven for your delight, etc. Geronte di Ravoir. (Des Grieux leaves in a huff.) He’s off. Then he must be in love! STUDENTS (Edmondo and the students cross to the inn and Both he who weeps and he who laughs, join a group of girls.) mischance casts us down and mocks us; but the mad eternal song STUDENTS of love joyfully bursts forth, etc. Come, sweet maids! Bring us good fortune. GIRLS We’ll crown the victor, GIRLS and the heart of the vanquished Is she fair or is she dark, shrouded in gloom the goddess who guides your game? shall rest in the warm aura of soft caresses, forgetting shame and pain. etc. GERONTE So your sister is taking the veil? EDMONDO (to one of the girls) Farewell, my star, farewell, my blossom, LESCAUT pretty sister of the god of love. On the bad advice of my family. My sighs enfold you and for a day do not deceive me. GERONTE (The girl leaves him. Seeing Geronte and I take it that you have different ideas? Lescaut talking, he decides to eavesdrop.) 5

LESCAUT LESCAUT Are you travelling for pleasure? (standing behind one of the players and studying his hand) GERONTE An ace? My good sir, a jack! No, duty: You’re wrong, you’re wrong! the collection of taxes for my purse, by the King’s grace. ALL That’s right! A jack! You’re a master! LESCAU (to himself) LESCAUT What a crock of gold! You’re joking! An amateur. (He sits down and takes a hand of cards. GERONTE Geronte reappears and seeing Lescaut Your sister does not seem happy either. engrossed in the game calls the innkeeper.)

LESCAUT GERONTE Imagine! Eighteen years old! Friend, I pay in advance and dispense So many dreams and hopes! with the talk! A coach and horses to drive GERONTE like the wind — in an hour! I understand. Poor child! We must console her. INNKEEPER Will you join me tonight for supper? Yes, sir!

LESCAUT GERONTE Honored! Honored! Behind the inn, in an hour — understand? (He points to the inn, offering a drink.) A man and a young girl will be there — Meanwhile, allow me — and away like the wind, away to Paris. And remember that silence is golden. GERONTE Excuse me, wait for a moment INNKEEPER I must give some instructions to the landlord. I worship gold. (Lescaut bows and Geronte goes off. It begins to get dark. Servants bring lamps and candles from GERONTE the inn for the gamblers’ tables.) Good, good. Worship it and obey. (giving him a purse) TOWNSPEOPLE Now tell me: An ace — a jack. is this the only way out of the inn?

STUDENTS GERONTE A three! There is another.

ALL GERONTE What a cursed game! Show me where it is. (They leave.) LESCAUT (watching the players) They’re gambling! Oh, if only I too GIRLS (from the inn) could be lucky enough to win! Ask for a kiss, a sigh! ALL Stakes! Cards! An ace! 6

CARD-PLAYERS Let’s try! Listen. Maybe I can help you. (to Lescaut) The soldier over there is hooked by the game. We invite you to hold the bank! DES GRIEUX LESCAUT And the old man? Cards! EDMONDO EDMONDO The old man? Oh, he’ll have to reckon with me! (after overhearing the exchange between (He goes over to the card-players, whispers to Geronte and the landlord) several of them, and then departs. The game You old lady-killer, finishes and Lescaut drinks with the students. what a powdered Pluto you are! Manon appears at the top of the stairs, looks But maybe your Proserpina around, and comes down to rejoin Des Grieux.) will have the strength to resist you? (Des Grieux enters.) MANON (To Des Grieux) You see? I am true to my word. Chevalier, you are foiled! You asked me to return so fervently that I have come. DES GRIEUX (in surprise) But I think it would be better What do you mean? not to see you again, and I should have politely EDMONDO refused your entreaty. That flower which smelt so sweetly just now, DES GRIEUX torn from its stem, poor flower, Oh, how grave your words are! will shortly fade away! The youth radiant in your face Your damsel, your dove is flying. does not usually reason thus; The postilion will sound his horn. this melancholy disdain Come take heart; ill matches the smile an old man is abducting her! that shines from your eyes!

DES GRIEUX MANON Truly? Yet happy, so happy I once was! Our quiet little home rang EDMONDO with carefree laughter You turn pale? and with my merry friends By God, you’re serious! I often went dancing! But the heyday of gaiety has fled! DES GRIEUX I’m waiting for her here, do you understand? DES GRIEUX In the brilliant depths of your eyes EDMONDO the desire for love sparkles — We are well placed, then! love now speaks to you! Ah, give your sweet lips and your heart DES GRIEUX to the waves of a new enchantment. Help me! I love you! I love you! Make this moment EDMONDO eternal and infinite! Help you? Prevent them leaving? 7

MANON MANON I am but a poor girl, Ah! No! You’re taking me away? no glow of beauty shines upon my face, my destiny is ruled by sorrow. DES GRIEUX No, no! Love is taking you away! DES GRIEUX Love will conquer sorrow! MANON Your beauty will grant you Ah, no! a prosperous future. O sweet creature, ah, my infinite desire! DES GRIEUX I implore you! MANON It’s not true, it’s not true! EDMONDO Ah, tender dream, my infinite desire! Hurry, be off, children!

LESCAUT DES GRIEUX (rising tipsily and banging on the table) Ah, let us fly, let us fly! Is there no more wine? Manon, I implore you — let us escape! What? Is the cask empty? (The students make him sit down, and fill his MANON glass. At the sound of Lescaut’s voice Manon No! No! No! No! turns to re-enter the inn but Des Grieux EDMONDO restrains her.) Hurry! Hurry! DES GRIEUX DES GRIEUX I beg you, listen to me! Ah, Manon, I implore you, A vile outrage threatens you, ah, let us fly, I implore you! an abduction! Ah! Let us flee! A bold rake, the old man who arrived with you, MANON has laid a plot against you. I’ll go with you!

MANON EDMONDO What are you saying? Oh, what a crazy pair! (He give Des Grieux his cloak to cover his face, DES GRIEUX then all three run off behind the inn. Geronte The truth! enters and notices with satisfaction that Lescaut EDMONDO is still occupied at cards.) (coming up to the pair) GERONTE The deed is done, the carriage is ready. Now’s the time to seduce the sister! What a colossal joke! Come, courage now! Quick! Off with you — The sergeant is intent on the game. MANON Let him stay there! What? Elope? (to the innkeeper) Hey, I say, supper is ready? DES GRIEUX Let’s elope! Let’s elope! INNKEEPER Let your abductor be another. Yes, Excellency! 8

GERONTE and I, sir, will complete the family. Then tell the young lady that — What the deuce! One must be calm — philosophical. EDMONDO (to Geronte) EDMONDO and STUDENTS Excellency, look there! Fluttering breezes She has slipped away with a student. breathing among scarlet flowers and lilies, oh tell I faith of strange GERONTE and harsh adventure! (deeply agitated, hurrying over to Lescaut) Parched lips and a full cup — They have kidnapped her! wanted to drink and greedily sucked.

LESCAUT (still playing) LESCAUT Who? Here is your hat! And tomorrow we’ll be on our way! GERONTE As I was saying: Your sister! To supper — give me your arm! We must be equal to the occasion... LESCAUT because... A thousand bombs! (They disappear into the inn.)

GERONTE STUDENTS Let’s follow them! It’s a student! Fluttering breezes, etc. Let’s go after them! To the aged fox the fresh and velvety grape LESCAUT will always taste sour. That’s useless. Let’s ponder. (They laugh derisively and when Lescaut Do you have horses ready? returns to threaten them, they scatter, highly (Geronte shakes his head.) amused by the situation.) The deed’s done. To despair is stupid. I see Manon with her charming graces has roused in you a father’s affection. ACT TWO In Paris GERONTE Quite so. An elegant room in Geronte’s house. At the back two glass doors. On the right rich curtains LESCAUT conceal an alcove. On the left by the window, a I know what you mean — luxuriously appointed dressing-table at which As a dutiful son Manon is sitting wrapped in a white dressing- I’ll give you some excellent advice: gown, while a hairdresser and two assistants are Paris! Manon is there. busy putting the finishing touches to her coiffure. Manon is not really lost. But a student’s purse MANON will soon be empty. (looking at herself in the mirror) Manon does not want poverty, This curl is rather willful! Manon will gratefully accept (to the hairdresser) a palace and quit her student. The curlin-tongs, quickly. You will be as a father (The hairdresser hurries to get the iron and sets to a perfect daughter, to work on the rebellious curl.) 9

Now the powder! you from the love of a student. Make the eyebrows a little severe! When you fled, there at Amiens, The ceruse! I never abandoned hope! (pleased with the effect) There I saw your destiny! Let my eyes flash like darts! There the magic splendor Bring the jonquil! of these rooms flashed in my mind. I have found you again! LESCAUT (entering) A mean little house Good morning, little sister! was your dwelling; you had kisses and no money! MANON (to the hairdresser) He’s a fine young man, that Des Grieux, The rouge and the pomade! but, alas, he’s not a Treasurer-General so it was natural that you should LESCAUT abandon that humble abode for a golden palace. This morning you seem a trifle sulky. MANON MANON But tell me — Sulky? Why? LESCAUT LESCAUT What do you wish to say? No? So much the better! Where’s Geronte? MANON Has he left your boudoir already? Nothing!

MANON LESCAUT (to the hairdresser) Nothing? Really? And now a beauty-spot! (The hairdresser fetches the box containing the MANON patches. Manon is undecided which to choose.) I wanted to ask —

LESCAUT LESCAUT The saucy one! The roguish one! I’ll answer you! No? The flirtatious one? MANON MANON You’ll answer? I don’t know. Oh well, two beauty-spots! LESCAUT “The Assassin” to set off the eye I understand! and “the Voluptuary” near the lips. In your eyes I detect a desire. (The hairdresser carries out her orders and then If Geronte should suspect it! removes the dressing-gown. Manon appears richly and elegantly dressed. The coiffeur bows MANON and leaves with his assistants.) It’s true! You’ve guessed it.

LESCAUT LESCAUT (scrutinizing Manon) Do you long for news of him? Ah, what a delightful ensemble! You’re gorgeous and radiant! MANON I’m elated! And with good reason! It’s true, it’s true! I left him Mine is the glory for saving without a word of farewell, without a kiss! 10

(She looks around and her gaze falls upon the LESCAUT alcove.) The old card-table, for us, is just like In those soft lace hangings, a universal coffer! in that gilt alcove there is a silence, a mortal chill — Launched and trained by me, there is a silence, he’ll fleece everyone to the buff! a coldness that turns me to ice! But meanwhile in the torment of long struggles And I who was accustomed day and night to a voluptuous caress he lives unconscious of his madness, of ardent lips and passionate arms and at the gaming table asks where you are! now have something quite different. He’ll win! He’ll win! Oh, my humble dwelling, (Manon reflects, then studies herself in the you again appear before me — mirror.) cheerful, secluded, white-walled, like a sweet dream of peace and love! MANON Really now, doesn’t this gown LESCAUT suit me marvelously? Since you wish to know, Des Grieux, (as Geronte once was), LESCAUT is a great friend of mine. Like a glove! He keeps on pestering me: “Where’s Manon? MANON Where has she gone? With whom? And my wig? To the north? The east? The south?” LESCAUT I reply: “I don’t know!” Wonderful! At last I’ve convinced him! MANON MANON And my corsage? He has forgotten me? LESCAUT LESCAUT Beautiful! No, no! But by winning money (A group of singers carrying sheets of music he may discover the way that leads to you! enters. They bow to Manon and stand to one Now he is mending his fortunes! side.) I’ve introduced him to gambling! He’ll win! (softly, to Manon) MANON Who are these ugly mugs? (to herself) Quacks or apothecaries? (For me you are striving, MANON for me, the wretch who deserted you, They’re musicians! who cost you so much grief! Geronte writes madrigals! Ah, come, give me back the past, the fleeting hours, your passionate caresses! SINGER Ah, give me back the kisses, On the mountain-top you roam, your burning kisses, O Chloris; that rapture which once gladdened me! your lips are two blossoms, Ah, come! Am I beautiful? Come! and your eyes are a fountain. Ah, come, I can bear it no longer!) 11

SINGERS (He leaves unobserved, as Geronte’s guests pay Alas! Alas! Philenus expires at your feet! their respects to Manon.)

SINGER DANCING MASTER You loosen the wonder (advancing, and offering Manon his hand) of your hair to the wind, I beg you, mademoiselle, and your little bare hold yourself erect — so — white breast is a lily. excellent, that’s the style! Now bring the whole body forward! SINGERS So! You are Chloris, Manon I entreat you — in time! and Geronte is transformed into Philenus! Philenus is playing; GERONTE his pipes are murmuring: “Have pity!” Oh, charming dancer! The echo sighs: “Have pity!” Philenus is weeping: MANON “Chloris have you no heart? A little awkward. See, Philenus already swoons!” No! To that sweet, plaintive piping DANCING MASTER Chloris has never said No! I beseech you, do not heed whispered praise. MANON Dancing is a serious matter! (bored, giving Lescaut a purse) Pay those people! GENTLEMEN and ABBÉS (softly, to Geronte) LESCAUT Hush! Control yourself like us; (pocketing the purse) admire in silence, What! And insult art? in silence adore — (to the musicians) it’s a serious matter. I bid you adieu, in the name of Glory! (As the musicians bow and leave, in an DANCING MASTER anteroom seen through the glass doors at the (to Manon) back Geronte is receiving his guests.) To the left! To the right! A curtsy! Careful! MANON The lorgnette! (to Lescaut) Madrigals! Dancing! And then music! GERONTE They are all lovely things! But I am so bored! A perfect minuet. (A string quartet enter, take up their position at the rear, and begin to tune their instruments. GENTLEMEN and ABBÉS Manon rises and goes to meet Geronte, ushering What languor in her glance! in his friends and the dancing master.) What sweetness, what tenderness! She is too lovely — like a star! LESCAUT What innocence! What a treasure! (to himself) That mouth — ripe for kisses! A little lady who is bored If she smiles she seems like a star! is a frightening thing! I’m away to Des Grieux! GERONTE In masterly fashion I’ll arrange events! She is too lovely! 12

I cannot find the words — the day smiles, smiles about the words to sing her praises! your faithful little shepherdess. She sighs for you, dies for you. MANON But you appear and in a trice Murmured golden praises she becomes joyful and alive! now throb around me; Ah, see the sky! come, curb your chorus of adulation! Ah! How serene it is over the miracle of love! Murmured golden praises now throb around me! GENTLEMEN and ABBÉS You are the miracle! GERONTE You are love! Ah! Love, etc. You make me lovesick! GERONTE MANON (interrupting) Come, curb your chorus of adulation! Gallantry is all very well, but you forget that it is late. GERONTE A merry throng is surging along the esplanade. You make me lovesick, you make me delirious! GENTLEMEN and ABBÉS How time flies here! GENTLEMEN and ABBÉS You are the goddess of the day! GERONTE She is queen of the night! I know from experience. (The dancing master shows signs of impatience.) (to Manon) You, my shining joy, MANON promised to accompany us; The good dancing master deplores this chatter. we will go ahead. If you flatter me I shall not become the divine dancer MANON that your optimistic fancy Only a brief moment I ask you; imagines me already to be. waiting for me will be easy in the gilded beau-monde. DANCING MASTER A partner — GENTLEMEN and ABBÉS Waiting is always tedious. GERONTE (rising hastily) GERONTE Here I am! Do not prolong the suffering of us poor souls in suspense. GENTLEMEN and ABBÉS (Kissing Manon’s hand, the guests, bowing, Excellent! What a fine couple! retire. The dancing master and the musicians Hurrah for the fortunate lovers! also leave.) Just like Mercury and Venus! I’ll order the sedan-chair. Oh, here happiness, Farewell, my fair goddess. with love and wealth, (He departs.) charmingly prospers! MANON MANON (admiring herself in the mirror) The hour, O Thyrsis, is attractive and lovely, Oh, I shall be the most beautiful! 13

(She picks up her cloak. Hearing someone of gold and color? approaching, she expects it to be a servant.) It’s all for you! Is the sedan-chair here? (Instead Des Grieux appears at the door. DES GRIEUX Manon runs to him.) For pity’s sake, be quiet! You, you, my love! You? Ah, my supreme love! Oh, heaven! MANON I imagined a radiant future; DES GRIEUX (reproachfully) love brings you here. Ah, Manon! I betrayed you, that’s true! (She kneels.) MANON I am at your feet! Then you no longer love me? I betrayed you — call me wicked — You used to love me so much! I kneel at your feet. Oh, those long kisses! Oh, I want your forgiveness, Oh, the lingering enchantment! oh, do not deny it to me! Your erstwhile sweetheart Am I perhaps less charming awaits your revenge. and beautiful than Manon of other days? Oh, don’t look at me like that; you never looked so stern before! DES GRIEUX O temptress! DES GRIEUX This is the old spell that blinds me! Yes, wicked girl, my revenge — MANON MANON It’s love’s magic; yield to it, I am yours! Oh, it’s my fault! It’s true! DES GRIEUX DES GRIEUX I can struggle no longer! I am defeated! Ah, wicked girl, my revenge — MANON MANON Surrender, I am yours! Oh, it’s true! You no longer love me — Ah come, come! Ah, it’s true! So you no longer love me? In your arms clasp Manon who loves you... You used to love me so much — you no longer love me! DES GRIEUX I cannot struggle, o temptress! DES GRIEUX Be silent, you are breaking my heart! MANON You do not know of Hold me tight to your breast! the dark, desolate days that descended upon me! Manon longs for you alone, for you alone!

MANON DES GRIEUX I want your forgiveness. I can no longer struggle! See? I’m rich — MANON DES GRIEUX Surrender, I am yours! Be quiet! DES GRIEUX MANON I am defeated: I love you! — Doesn’t this seem a feast 14

MANON MANON Ah, come! Lips sweet to kiss!

DES GRIEUX BOTH — I love you! Such sweet suffering! (Geronte suddenly appears at the door and MANON stands dumbfounded.) Ah, come! Manon longs for you alone, for you alone! MANON Oh! DES GRIEUX I can no longer struggle! GERONTE I am defeated: I love you! I’ faith, Mademoiselle, now I understand why we had to wait! MANON I have arrived at an awkward moment. Come! An unintentional mistake! In your arms clasp Manon who loves you! Who in this world does not make mistakes? (to Des Grieux) DES GRIEUX Even you, I believe, for instance, In the depths of your eyes have forgotten that you are in my house — I read my destiny; all the treasures of the world DES GRIEUX are in your divine lips! Sir!

MANON MANON (to Des Grieux) Ah! Manon longs for you alone — Be silent! hold me close to your breast. Return to my desires, I beg you, GERONTE return to the ecstasy, Gratitude — for you this is a red-letter day! to the lingering kisses of love! (to Manon) Live in rapture close to my heart — This is the way you remember oh, come back to me! etc. whence I took you, My mouth is an altar the proof I have given you of true love! where your kiss is God! MANON DES GRIEUX (looking at Geronte capriciously, then picking These are your kisses! up a hand mirror from the table) This is your love! Love? Love? Your kiss, sweet treasure, sets me afire! My good sir, here! In you I am drunk again with passion! etc. Look at yourself — look! In your dear arms If I am wrong, be fair and tell me so! there is rapture, oblivion! And then look at us!

MANON GERONTE Lips adored and tender! I am fair, my pretty little doxy. I know my duty — DES GRIEUX I must leave here! Manon, you bring me nigh to death! O gallant chevalier, o charming young lady, au revoir — 15

and soon! DES GRIEUX, then MANON (He leaves.) What’s happened? Speak! (Lescaut indicates by his look and gestures that MANON (laughing) something awful happened.) Free! Free as air! What joy, chevalier, my handsome lover! MANON and DES GRIEUX Oh, heavens! What has happened? DES GRIEUX You make us shudder! Listen, we must leave at once. You shall not stay a moment longer LESCAUT under this cursed old man’s roof! Let me get my breath...

MANON MANON and DES GRIEUX What a pity! You make us shudder! All this splendor! All these treasures! LESCAUT Alas, we must go! ... to speak.

DES GRIEUX MANON and DES GRIEUX Ah, Manon, Oh, heavens. What has happened? Say! your foolish thoughts betray me; always the same, always the same! LESCAUT Trembling divinely, He has denounced you! in ardent abandon sweet and tender like the MANON charm of your caress; Who? always some new ecstasy; DES GRIEUX then, suddenly, overcome, dazzled The old man? by the glitter of the gilded life! I? Your slave and victim, I descend LESCAUT the ladder of shame. Yes! Slime in slime I am and a depraved hero of the gambling den, MANON I have defiled myself, sold myself. Alas! The vilest disgrace brings me nearer to you! In the murky future, tell me, LESCAUT what will you do with me? Guards and archers are on their way here!

MANON MANON Once again, pray forgive me! Alas! I will be faithful and good, I swear it! (Lescaut enters, breathless. Des Grieux and DES GRIEUX Manon hurry to him in surprise.) Oh, God!

DES GRIEUX LESCAUT Lescaut! Come, chevalier, be off down the stairs!

MANON MANON You here? Alas! (Lescaut collapses into a chair.) 16

LESCAUT MANON I heard what had happened To wrap up — from a grenadier at the barracks. Down the stairs, chevalier, and away! LESCAUT The guards and archers are already Go quickly, they’re already on their way! on their way! Go, like the wind! DES GRIEUX Let’s go! DES GRIEUX Curse that crafty old man! MANON But yes! You help me... MANON Alas! Alas! DES GRIEUX I’m hurrying, alas! Let’s go!

DES GRIEUX MANON Yes! Watch out! ...to wrap up this jewelry! Empty the drawers! LESCAUT And this enchantment that I so adore, Ah, you don’t know you are losing her, must I leave, abandon it? ah, you don’t know the cruel inhuman fate that awaits her: Exile! DES GRIEUX Come, let’s hurry! Let’s go, Manon! MANON Come, let’s away! Alas, death, death! O my beloved Manon, hurry! We must fly at once! LESCAUT You are torturing me again! Now hurry! Don’t hesitate! In a few moments you’ll be lost! LESCAUT The archers have already left the barracks! etc. Oh, that fine coffer — a pity indeed! The vile old man will die of rage Our route will be through the garden, if he finds the cage empty in a moment we shall be on the road and does not know where you’ve gone! in the shadow of the tall trees. They’ll have to be clever to catch us! MANON Alas; I’m hurrying! MANON (to Lescaut) (collecting more jewels and hiding them under Just a moment! This sparkling emerald — her cloak) (to Des Grieux) It would be foolish to leave these gold trinkets, But yes! My God! O my treasures, o my treasures! I’m hurrying! You help me! DES GRIEUX DES GRIEUX Just bring your heart with you. Yes, beware, vile old man! I only want to save your love. (to Manon) Let’s go, Let’s go! Hurry! Come on! LESCAUT Help you do what? (from the window) Curses! LESCAUT Here they are, surrounding the house! Manon! 17

DES GRIEUX SERGEANT Manon! Nobody move! (Geronte bursts into sarcastic laughter at MANON Manon who, panic-stricken, drops her cloak, Des Grieux spilling the stolen jewels on the floor. Des This way! Through there! Let’s fly! Grieux draws his sword.) Well then, out that way! LESCAUT DES GRIEUX (disarming him) Let’s fly! No, no! If they arrest you, chevalier, That way, quickly, hurry! who can save Manon? (At a sign from Geronte, Manon is dragged LESCAUT away by the soldiers.) The old man is bawling orders, the guards are filing in... DES GRIEUX (desperately trying to follow Manon, but held MANON back by Lescaut) Alas! Oh, Manon! Oh, my Manon!

DES GRIEUX INTERMEZZO Let’s run! THE IMPRISONMENT — THE JOURNEY TO LE HAVRE LESCAUT Des Grieux: “...How I love her! ... the archers are standing at the ready! My passion is so strong (Manon and Des Grieux are undecided which that I feel I am the most unhappy creature alive. way to escape. Lescaut runs to the door and The attempts I made in Paris locks it.) to obtain her release! They’re coming in, climbing the stairs! I have implored the powerful, I have knocked Here they are! and petitioned at every door! I have even resorted to violence. DES GRIEUX All was in vain. Tell me, is there another way out? Only one way remains for me — to follow her! MANON And I will follow her! Wherever she may Yes, over there in the alcove! go!... Even to the ends of the earth!” (The story of Manon Lescaut and of the LESCAUT Chevalier des Grieux by Abbé Prévost) (hustling Manon and Des Grieux into the alcove and following them) Here they come up the stairs! ACT THREE Le Havre MANON (in the alcove) A square near the harbor. Oh! Oh! (The harbor is in the background. Part of the (She rushes out of the alcove followed by Des stern of a warship is visible. To the left, the Grieux and Lescaut. A sergeant and two archers corner of a barracks with a barred window on the appear from the alcove while Geronte and a front. The main entrance facing the square is squad of soldiers enter through the door.) guarded by a sentry. On the right is a house and a narrow street with an oil lamp burning 18

dimly at the corner. It is just before dawn. Des Le Havre is asleep! Grieux and Lescaut are standing opposite the The hour has come! barracks where Manon is imprisoned.) (Lescaut signals to the sentry, who moves away. He then goes to the barred window and taps DES GRIEUX cautiously on the bars. Des Grieux watches, Eternal, cruel anxiety. motionless. The window opens and Manon appears and Des Grieux speeds toward her.) LESCAUT Be patient still. DES GRIEUX Soon the archer I have bribed Manon! will mount guard over there. Be patient yet. MANON Des Grieux! DES GRIEUX (She stretches out of her hands and Des Grieux The waiting tortures me! kisses them feverishly.) (indicating the barred window) My life, my soul — it is all there! LESCAUT (to himself) LESCAUT To the devil with America! Manon already knows Manon shall not go! and awaits my signal to come to us. Meanwhile I with my friends MANON will try to rescue her! You, my love? At dawn I will make her free! In my shame you have not deserted me? (He hides his face with his cloak and retires cautiously to the back to watch the prison DES GRIEUX window.) Desert you? Never!

DES GRIEUX MANON Ashen-pale I trudge in search of my destiny, My beloved! and walk on night and day. And an illusion torments me, excites me! DES GRIEUX Though it seems near, it disappears If I have followed you this long way... when I grasp at it! Paris and Le Havre — fierce sad agony! MANON Oh, the lingering torture of my life! Love!

LESCAUT DES GRIEUX (approaching Des Grieux) ...it was because in my heart I remained ever They’re coming! faithful. (A picket of soldiers, led by a sergeant, marches MANON out of the prison for the changing of the guard.) Beloved! DES GRIEUX DES GRIEUX At last! Soon you will be mine! LESCAUT MANON (pointing out one of the soldiers) Yours soon! Soon, yours! There’s my man — that one! (The relieved picket enters the barracks.) 19

DES GRIEUX Manon throws him a kiss and withdraws from (interrupting her as a lamplighter enters the the window. Suddenly a shot is heard; Des square) Grieux, startled, runs towards the street.) Hush! Hush! VOICES (in the distance) LAMPLIGHTER To arms! To arms! (taking down the lamp) And Kate replied to the King: LESCAUT “Why tempt a poor maid’s heart? (running in from the street, sword drawn) The Lord made me beautiful for husband!” The game’s up! (extinguishing the light) Chevalier, Let’s run for our lives! The King laughed, then gave her jewels and gold DES GRIEUX and a husband who won her heart. What happened? (The lamplighter goes on his way. Dawn begins to break.) VOICES (as before) To arms! DES GRIEUX ‘Tis dawn! O my Manon, LESCAUT be ready at the entrance to the courtyard. Hear how they’re shouting! Lescaut is there with loyal men. Our plan has failed! Go there and you will be saved! WOMEN’S VOICES LAMPLIGHTER (as before) (in the distance) Ah! And Kate replied to the King — DES GRIEUX The King laughed, then gave her jewels and (drawing his sword) gold. Let death come! MANON Ah, fly? Never! I tremble, I am afraid for you! LESCAUT (restraining him) I tremble. I am anxious but know not why! Ah, you must be mad! Oh, I feel a baleful threat! I tremble at a peril I do not know. MANON (reappearing at the window, distraught) DES GRIEUX If you love me, in the name of God Manon, my plea is desperate! escape, my love! Anguish chokes my words. (She leaves the window abruptly.) Do you want me to kill myself here? I entreat you, Manon, ah, come! DES GRIEUX Let us save ourselves! Ah, Manon! (pointing to the street) Come, I beseech you! LESCAUT Ah, come! Let us fly! (dragging Des Grieux away) A bad business! MANON (Attracted by the shot and the alarm, So be it! I’ll do all you ask! townspeople rush into the square in utter I’m yours, wait for me, my love! confusion.) (Des Grieux clasps Manon’s hands and, reassuring her, points again to the street. 20

TOWNSPEOPLE SERGEANT (to each other) Manon! Ah! (Manon walks slowly past, her eyes downcast.) Did you hear? What’s happened? What was it? An abduction? A revolt? TOWNSPEOPLE A woman escaping? Who can she be? — A seduced girl! Did you hear? What happened? What was it? She’s really lovely! A woman was escaping. The dense gloom over there LESCAUT hid the kidnappers. etc. That one? There lies a mystery! More than one woman — (A roll of drums; the barracks gate opens. A MEN sergeant and escort come out with a dozen Seduced? Betrayed? women in chains. Manon is among them.) TOWNSPEOPLE SERGEANT My lady is sad! Ha, Ha! (to the crowd) I’ faith, what sorrow! Make way there! LESCAUT (The commander of the warship comes ashore The girl was torn with a squad of marines.) from the love of a handsome youth! COMMANDER (to the sergeant) SERGEANT The ship is ready. Ninetta! Speed the roll-call! (Ninetta crosses the square.) TOWNSPEOPLE TOWNSPEOPLE Silence! What bearing! They’re beginning the roll-call now! (Des Grieux approaches Manon and tries to get (The sergeant calls the names from a list, the behind her.) women, in turn, cross to where the marines stand while the Commander enters the names in MANON a register) Des Grieux, soon I shall be far away.

SERGEANT MEN (to Lescaut) Rosetta! What infamy! What horror! (Rosetta passes defiantly) SERGEANT TOWNSPEOPLE Caton! Oh, what an air! (Caton stalks majestically by.) She’s a poppet! TOWNSPEOPLE SERGEANT She’s a goddess! Madelon! (Madelon crosses, nonchalant and laughing) MANON This is my destiny. TOWNSPEOPLE And I shall have lost you forever! Ah, you’ve come to a bad end! Ha, ha! — My supreme love! Farewell! What a saucy laugh! 21

LESCAUT MANON Snatched from her wedding Maybe I did not love you enough; and cast to foul caresses! this is my remorse! But forgive me, my beloved, MEN ah, my dearest love, farewell! She rouses compassion! It’s always the way! LESCAUT The bridegroom is that poor fellow SERGEANT standing near her! Do you see? Regina! (Regina struts coquettishly across, some laugh.) MEN Indeed, she awakens pity! The horror of it! TOWNSPEOPLE You’ve come to this! TOWNSPEOPLE I’d like this one! What a fine collection! What an insolent laugh! SERGEANT MANON Violetta! Return home! (A brunette with a brazen air crosses.) Farewell! Farewell! TOWNSPEOPLE LESCAUT What a dark beauty! For the pleasure of a day of an old gentleman MANON who, once satisfied, turned her out! Now you must return to your father, you must forget Manon! MEN What infamy! Horrible! Pitiful! DES GRIEUX Ah, she rouses compassion, pity! Ah, in my soul I have only hatred for mankind and God! LESCAUT (pointing to Des Grieux) LESCAUT See that pale young man Thus, he returns and sees his bride in chains, standing near her? trampled in the mire, torn from him!

SERGEANT MEN Claretta! What infamy! Oh, horror! (A blond passes briskly.) Indeed, she rouses pity! Infamy and horror! TOWNSPEOPLE She awakens compassion, pity! Ha, ha! What a blonde! SERGEANT MANON Nerina!... You must forget Manon! Elisa! (They cross the square.) DES GRIEUX Ah, look at me and see TOWNSPEOPLE how I sink under this bitter anguish! What splendid beauty-spots! Ah, each thought dissolves in tears! Not a beauty among them! What a fine collection! 22

SERGEANT (Seeing the captain, he is overcome with Ninon! emotion and relaxes his grip on Manon.) (She hides her face in her hands as she passes.) No! I am crazy! Look at Me! (to the captain) MANON How I weep and implore you, My love, farewell! how I weep, look at me, how I plead for pity! SERGEANT Hear me! Take me on as a cabin boy Giorgetta! or in some even meaner duty (Giorgetta crosses.) and I shall come gladly! Please take me! TOWNSPEOPLE Ah, see how I weep and implore you! (severally) Take my blood — my life! Shame! Horror! ha, ha, ha! I implore you, I beg for compassion! I shall not be ungrateful! SERGEANT (He falls to his knees.) (to the women prisoners) Quickly! In line! March! COMMANDER (seeing Manon motionless near Des Grieux) (smiling kindly at Des Grieux kneeling before You still here? him) We’ll put an end to that! Ah! So you want to populate America (He grasps Manon roughly by the arm and do you, young man? pushes her into line.) Well then — so be it! Come on, cabin boy, look lively! DES GRIEUX (wrenching Manon free) (Des Grieux cries out with joy and kisses the Stand back! Commander’s hand. Manon turns, sees and understands. She stretches out her arms to Des SERGEANT Grieux who runs to her. Lescaut, watching, (to Des Grieux) shakes his head and walks away.) Be off with you!

MEN (egged on by Lescaut) ACT FOUR Courage! In America DES GRIEUX A desert plain on the borders of New Orleans Ah, woe to anyone who touches her! Manon, hold tight to me! (The ground is bare and undulating, the horizon boundless, the sky cloudy, It is early evening. MEN Manon and Des Grieux come into sight. They are That’s the way! Bravo! ragged and destitute. Manon, pale and exhausted, leans on Des Grieux, who seems COMMANDER scarcely able to support her.) What’s going on? DES GRIEUX DES GRIEUX Put all your weight on me, Ah, don’t come any nearer! O my weary beloved. For, while I live, The dusty road, the cursed road no one shall snatch her away from me! will soon end. 23

MANON MANON Onward, ever onward! (reviving gradually as Des Grieux raises her) The air around us is getting darker. Is it you weeping? Is it you imploring? DES GRIEUX I hear your sobs, Lean on me! and your burning tears bathe my face. MANON Ah, is it you weeping and imploring? The breeze roams over the great plain My love, help me! and day is dying! Onward, onward! No — DES GRIEUX (She falls.) Oh beloved! Oh, Manon! Ah, Manon my love! DES GRIEUX Manon! MANON Love! Love, help me! MANON I am finished! Forgive me! DES GRIEUX You are strong, I envy you; Oh, my Manon! a woman, weak, I give up. MANON DES GRIEUX Thirst is destroying me — darling, help me! Are you in pain? DES GRIEUX MANON All my blood I would give for your life! Horribly! (He runs off to scan the horizon.) (Manon tries to reassure him.) Nothing to be seen! Nothing! No! What am I saying? Barren land, and not a trace of water — Vain, foolish words. O motionless sky! Oh, take comfort! O God, to whom as a child I also raised I ask but a brief rest — only a moment. my prayer, give us your help! My sweet lover, come closer to me! MANON DES GRIEUX Yes, help! You can save me! Manon, listen, my love! Listen, I will rest here! You don’t answer, dearest? You scan the hazy horizon Look, it is I who weep, and look for hill or cabin. I who implore you, I who caress and kiss Push forward and then return your golden hair! with joyful words and glad tidings! Oh, Manon! Manon, answer me! (Des Grieux, doubtful whether to leave her, Silence! Curses! walks slowly away, looks back once, then with (touching her brow; to himself) sudden decision, hurries off.) A cruel fever grips her. Alone, lost, abandoned Desperate, I am haunted in this desolate land! Oh, horror! by a sense of misfortune, The sky is darkening around me. a sense of darkness and fear! Alas, I am alone! (to Manon) And in the depths of the desert I meet my end, Answer me, my love!... cruel torment, ah, Still silent...Manon, won’t you answer me? alone, forsaken, I am a deserted woman! Oh, I do not want to die! 24

So all is over. DES GRIEUX This seemed a peaceful land to me! Oh, my greatest joy, Oh, my fatal beauty flame of love eternal. kindles a new anger — they wanted to tear me from him; MANON now all my horrible past rises again The flame is dying — and comes to life before my eyes. speak, oh speak — alas! Ah, it is stained with blood! Ah, all is ended! DES GRIEUX Now I invoke the tomb as a haven of peace. Manon! No, I do not want to die! My love, help me! No! MANON (Des Grieux returns.) I can no longer hear you — alas! In your arms, beloved, for the last time! I want your face here, close to me, Do you bring good news! so, so, kiss me — close to me, once more I can feel you — DES GRIEUX Alas! I found nothing, the horizon revealed nothing to me, DES GRIEUX in vain I gazed into the distance. Without you...I am lost — I will follow you. MANON I am dying: the shadows are closing in; MANON night is descending upon me. (with a last dying effort) I forbid it! Farewell — DES GRIEUX dark is the night — (passionately trying to comfort her) I’m cold. A fatal delirium assails you. Was your Manon loving? Do you remember? Rest here on my throbbing heart Tell me — the splendor of my youth? and regain your strength! And I shall never see the sun again!

MANON DES GRIEUX I love you so much — and I am dying! My God! Already I can hardly speak, but I can tell you about how much I love you! MANON Oh, my love, heavenly delight, My faults will be — forgotten, ineffable rapture! but my love — will never die. Oh, my supreme desire, (Manon dies and Des Grieux, crazed with grief, I love you, love you so much! falls senseless over her body.)

DES GRIEUX Curtain (touching her cheek — to himself) The chill of death! God, my last hope is shattered.

MANON My sweet love, you weep. This is the hour for kisses, not for tears; time is flying — kiss me!